Three of cups inverted love relationship. Three tarot cups, description and characteristics of the card. Work and personal affairs

Entrance doors 29.11.2020
Entrance doors

The three Tarot Cups is a positive card, and this is especially noted by the picture depicted on it: three girls enjoy life and do not know sorrow, with cups ascended to heaven they seem to try to saturate each other. On their faces, contentment, delight with the process of life. The girls' hands support the hem of the dresses, so that nothing distracts from the delight of existence. Blooming fruit fruits are depicted underfoot and above their heads, and bright and juicy greenery, together with a blue sky, emphasize that light spring mood radiating from their joyful faces.

Description and characteristics of the card

The girls depicted on the map are very reminiscent of the Roman plot “Three Graces”, known from antiquity (in ancient Greece, girls were called “charites”). Graces are goddesses of fun and joy, symbolizing the euphoria of life. According to Greek sources, the first of them symbolizes beauty, the second - joy, and the third - abundance. In art, they are traditionally depicted as follows: the girls at the edges look towards the viewer, and the one in the center is depicted from the back and half-turned. On tarot cards, they are depicted in exactly the same way.

The meaning and inner meaning of the card

Traditionally, female deities in antiquity were reduced to the general archetype of a great maiden or a great mother, personifying a fertile land, with the onset of a harvest season, giving food to people, giving life and joy of existence. The great goddess was called Venus, Aphrodite, Persephone; in the east they called her Isis and Astarte. Whatever her name was, she always personified the great mother, which means femininity and the principle of motherhood, the principle of nutrition and satiety, the joy of giving and continuing life. The earth, which grows from its depths, is the fruit of life, and this fruit itself, rejoicing in the grandiose success of its existence - all these are three cups.

But joy should follow a sober thought, and rapture, coupled with euphoria, should not grow into wild orgy. It is rather a calm and confident enjoyment of life, intense emotions, at the same time, supported by the borders of cups, rather than a bubbling stream pouring through all possible edges.

Upright value

The three of cups in a straight position during the alignment carries the following meanings: the success of the previously started business, bringing the plan to the end, the joy of victory, happiness and contentment, consolation and recovery, as well as reaching a compromise in any business; an undertaking that does not require particularly intense efforts from a person ends in success. The journey has come to an end, the man has arrived at his destination.

Inverted value

The inverted troika of cups expresses an excessive love of sensual pleasures (which is generally symbolized by the female water element). This is an excessive passion for emotions, tending to hedonism and even voluptuousness; the lust of Venus, which develops into a waste of vitality. A kind of infection with lust, leading to a misunderstanding of the situation and a delay in completing the work begun.

Three of cups in different layouts

The 3 Tarot bowls correspond to the element of water, which traditionally means the inner world. It is a collection of feelings and emotions, something gentle and plastic. Water is pliable and pleasant, soft and changeable, while, despite its external fluidity, it is internally constant. These are sensations and intuition, this, along with the earth, is the feminine, passive aspect of the universe as opposed to fire and air, which are masculine, active elements. In its positive meanings, water expresses sensitivity, tenderness, gentleness and politeness. In negative meanings, water, on the contrary, closes in on itself and reveals resentment, moodiness and suspiciousness, excessive emotional sensitivity, which develops into soreness and distrust of the world.


The card symbolizes the process of spiritual work, which has come to a positive conclusion. The victory achieved by internal struggle ends with joy from the realization of success in one's own endeavors and gratitude to fate for the result obtained. These are mental processes hidden in the subconscious, superimposed on one another and leading to sudden and therefore most pleasant discoveries. The path has been traversed, conclusions have been drawn, treasures have been obtained, and a person with a clear conscience tastes the fruits of his activity.

Work and personal affairs.

In the upright position, the three of bowls means the successful completion of the case. It can be a good deal, a profitably completed project, the signing of a lucrative contract and the general joy of what has been achieved, like the girls depicted on the map, enjoying life together and in a loving circle. This is not a lonely and selfish pleasure - it is happiness that is shared with friends and colleagues.

Also, this card can personify a hobby that suddenly became profitable. Successfully defended dissertation, received a certificate, passing an exam and subsequent consolidation of success by an evening meeting with loved ones; also recovery from illness, recovery, and the associated joy.

In the inverted position, the card, on the contrary, denotes an unsuccessful completion of work, which brings, if not failure, then damage to relations in the team. Internal emotionality here rather obscures the eyes and provokes egoism, resentment and hidden negativity.

Love and relationships.

In an upright position, it personifies the symbiosis of two creatures and the joy of being with each other. Love, equality, common goals and paths, the union of bodies and souls - this is Venus in its best aspect, attracting two people and completing their meeting with mutual ecstasy. The community of two souls, the collective enjoyment of life, mutual understanding and the desire to share the joy with the beloved, solidarity, turning into complete mutual understanding - all this is symbolized by the troika of cups.

In an inverted position, the card expresses voluptuousness, sex without love, lust, gratification of base feelings without caring for another. It is the exploitation and exploitation of others for our own needs, eroding relationships like a worm.

Personality types corresponding to the Troika of Cups.

First of all, the person to whom this card corresponds is characterized by distinct emotionality and sensuality. He is focused on his experiences and probably knows how to use them, achieving noticeable success. In life and career, he can be an actor, comedian, generally an artist, delighting others and enjoying it himself. It is the emphasis on his inner world that brings him the greatest benefit.

At the same time, in certain circumstances, these can be people subject to their passions and the most base instincts: voluptuous people, alcoholics and drug addicts, fornicators, spoiled people who are dependent on the environment, unfaithful to themselves and to others, capricious and vulnerable - in other words , the element of water in its negative aspects.

Celebrate your holidays, not your calendar ones.

Three of Cups combined with other Tarot cards.

In each particular scenario, the interpretation strongly depends on the card of the three of cups in combination with which other card is in this scenario. So, for example, a direct interpretation has a combination of a triple of cubes with:

  • Card "Magician": success coupled with disappointment
  • Card "Priestess": removing obstacles in business
  • The Empress card: stable business success
  • The Emperor card: achieving a high goal
  • The Hierophant card: meeting an influential person
  • With the "Lovers" card: a good choice, good luck in your endeavors
  • With the "Chariot" card: win, victory, lottery of life
  • With the "Justice" card: a morally won case, but in general - a loss. Fair business win.
  • The Hermit Card: Suddenly Fallen Legacy
  • The Wheel of Fortune card: luck is in money
  • Card "Strength": recovery
  • The Hanged Man card: losses in business and personal affairs
  • Card "Death": good luck in business, multiplied by success in love: pleasant changes
  • Moderation card: safety
  • Devil card: small losses, deception
  • With the "Tower" card: decrease in income and minor troubles
  • Star card: healing
  • With the Moon card: engagement
  • The Sun card: triumph, honors
  • Card "Court": cases of inheritance division
  • By card "Mir": moving.

The Tarot card Three of Cups refers to the minor arcana. In most cases, it depicts funny girls who are very beautiful. They do not know what sadness and despair are, they have no problems, they live their lives in fun and celebration, they feel lightness and carelessness. Above the head of the girls are holding cups with some kind of liquid. The card is a symbol of love and friendship, a time when others are able to rejoice for a person's successes, so they can be told about all the good things that happen in the life of a fortuneteller.

The total value of the Troika of Cups in the layout

The direct position of the card predicts that a bright streak has begun in fate. Perhaps the fortuneteller can receive a valuable surprise or inheritance, there have been changes in fate that bring beauty, the fortuneteller found a lover or received a marriage proposal from him. Soul and heart are filled with happiness and joy. Also, the card can show that a person is quite happy with what he has. He is optimistic and confident that he will succeed.

Also, the card can mark the approach of a holiday or a fun feast, a pleasant time. The lasso can be interpreted as the fact that the difficult situation will very soon be resolved for the better, all things will go like clockwork, an unexpected journey is expected, and in general, the bright streak will not take long.

In an inverted position, the Troika of Cups shows that there are still some problems that will not lead to large-scale troubles, but will contribute to the fortuneteller's fate and make him work hard to get out of the vicious circle. Also, the card often shows that a person dreams of an idle and prosperous lifestyle, does not want to do anything, but wants everything to fall from heaven to him. He indulges in dreams of an endless holiday, wants to taste what is currently inaccessible to him and wants to become the chosen one in this world, to gain power and submission to others. That is why you should carefully observe yourself and try to draw the right conclusions.

Three of Cups in work and business

In the upright position, this map shows that the most important stages of work have finally ended, the results were quite satisfactory, a lot has been done, so the person is extremely pleased with himself. Perhaps the fortuneteller passed the exam, for which he had been preparing for a long time or received a diploma, found a new promising job, was promoted, increased his salary, made a profitable deal with partners.

Also, the loss of a card in the layout may mean that the fortuneteller feels comfortable in the workplace, communicates well with the team and does not experience psychological discomfort. He can go to a party or picnic with his coworkers. The card is a symbol of development, improvement of material condition and stability in professional activity.

In the inverted position, the Three of Cups in Tarot may mean small opportunities, receiving less income than originally planned. Also, the lasso can mean that colleagues and management do not show due respect to the fortuneteller.

Troika of Cups and its impact on health

An upright position predicts excellent health and quick recovery, but an inverted card can symbolize getting into trouble and increasing injuries.

Three of Cups in personal relationships and love

The direct position of the Troika of Cups predicts strong and passionate feelings, complete harmony and stability in established relationships, kindness, care and trust. Also, the card symbolizes that soon the fortuneteller will have a replenishment in the family or will receive a proposal of a hand and heart, entering into a legal marriage.

Three of cups always means love, friendship. Most often, its meaning is aimed at the state of affairs in the relationship of a family or any group of people. If the alignment concerns two people, this card predicts marriage, love or a good, strong relationship. The troika of cups carries harmony and joy.

In an inverted form, this card predicts a weakening of feelings for a partner, hopes will not come true, relations become colder, there will be a feeling that it is not worth continuing them, but it is better to simply leave and look for new love. However, in most cases, all this turns out to be temporary and soon the relationship will improve, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Three of Cups and the assessment of the fortuneteller's personality

The direct position of this Tarot card shows a cheerful and benevolent person who is adored by others, he has many friends. The inverted position of the card describes such a person who is selfish, he is used to indulging only his desires and can calmly walk over the heads of others, this person is angry and callous, he is not worried about the experiences of others.

Three of Cups as card of the day

Today only good things should be expected. You should enjoy life and thank fate for what the fortuneteller already has. Then he can get even more. You can chat with friends and family people, have a party or a feast. All this will surely bring positive emotions to the fortuneteller.

It is necessary to accept all the mercies of fate easily, it is also recommended to pay attention to others and try to get in touch with them. However, do not forget that tomorrow will come soon and behave too frivolously.

Tarot card Three of Cups in combination with other arcana

With "Jester" - courtship, coquetry;

With the "Magician" - someone will interfere in the relationship;

With the "High Priestess" - the emergence of a strong rival;

With the "Empress" - motherhood;

With the "Emperor" - there will be an addition in the family;

With "Pope" - legal formalization of relations;

With "Lovers" - the birth of a child;

With the "Chariot" - confusion in relationships;

With "Force" - possessive feelings;

With the "Hermit" - solitude;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - conception;

With "Justice" - business problems will be settled;

With the "Hanged Man" - stagnation in relations, tension;

With "Death" - circumstances will change the relationship;

With "Moderation" - caring relationship;

With "The Devil" - excesses, dubious friends;

With the "Tower" - the agreements will be destroyed;

With "Zvezda" - a chance to solve problems in your personal life;

With the "Moon" - the basis of the relationship is deception;

With the "Sun" - warmth in the existing union;

With the "Court" - improving relations;

With Mir, a child will be born.

With the "Ace of Wands" - a new case;

With the "Two of Wands" - rest;

With the "Three of Wands" - the appearance of the first positive fruits of actions;

With the "Four of Wands" - a holiday, possibly a wedding celebration;

With the "Five of Wands" - contradictions, disagreement;

With the "Seven of Wands" - the obsessive opinion of the allies;

With the Eight of Wands - fruitful activity;

With the "Nine of Wands" - putting things in order in relations;

With the "Ten of Wands" - to solve problems for someone;

With the "Page of Wands" - pleasant news, friendly help, understanding;

With the "Queen of Wands" - to attract the attention of others;

With the "King of Wands" - foresight.

With "Ace of Cups" - a love triangle;

With the "Two of Cups" - good relations with colleagues;

With the Troika of Cups - a holiday without fun;

With the "Five of Cups" - discord, with the participation of several people;

With "Ten Cups" - a friendly company;

With "Page of Cups" - engagement;

With the "Queen of Cups" - to be in search of pleasure;

With the "King of Cups" - a person influencing other people's emotions.

With "Ace of Swords" - a case that unites several people;

With the "Three of Swords" - tense relations in the company;

With the "Four of Swords" - the desire to be alone, take a break from communication;

With the Nine of Swords - a feeling of shame in front of someone;

With the "Ten of Swords" - to be rejected;

With the "Page of Swords" - to show cruelty;

With "Knight of Swords" - shameless interference in other people's affairs;

With the "Queen of Swords" - categorical, intolerance;

With the "King of Swords" - to interfere in someone else's life.

With the "Ace of Pentacles" - receiving a gift;

With "Two of Pentacles" - mood swings;

With the "Five of Pentacles" - a problem period in the relationship;

With the "Seven of Pentacles" - melancholy;

With the "Nine of Pentacles" - solid chances for financial success;

With the Ten of Pentacles - family celebrations;

With the "Knight of Pentacles" - joint work will lead to the development of the situation;

With "Queen of Pentacles" - a welcoming woman;

With "King of Pentacles" - joy in connection with the influx of finance.

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Three of Cups is a card of profit, satisfaction and luck, promising a favorable way out of any situation. When success comes without much effort or difficulty. It refers to marriage, childbirth, love affair, keeping a promise, or getting well.

Very often means strong emotions. In principle, it can strengthen intuition, as is generally typical of Cups. Metaphysically, this suit can be represented as the evolutionary path of any feeling. From a vague aspiration (Ace) to a clearly perceived emotion (Ten). At the level of the Three of Cups, emotion begins to take shape. The real form will be acquired at the level of the Four, and now the fitting is taking place. Emotion becomes more defined, more energetically filled

In general, it is also a card of feast, hospitality, entertainment, dancing, joy and sensual pleasures. Can predict the appearance of new items in the wardrobe. At Etteila, it portends success in business, especially to creative people: for example, the publication of a book, a successful premiere of a play. Next to unfavorable cards, it reduces their bad meaning, and even when upside down means only the imminent end of misfortunes.

The two was balanced because it meant love between two people who were equal and helped each other's feelings to find a foundation in physical reality. Three refers more to inner reality, to the realm of pure emotions.

In an inverted position - speed, transfer of something, movement related to business, the end of an event or process, promiscuity in feelings. The inverted Three of Cups is an excessive love of pleasure, lasciviousness, voluptuousness, a tendency to exaggeration, waste of one's vitality on pleasures, excesses, lack of prestige, delays, misunderstanding of the situation, ending, completing a business, most likely with more than modest results.

In an upright position, this card means happiness. It portends a period of joy, fun. Any business will end well and successfully. Basically, she talks about an easy and fun period of life, when you can have a good rest at holidays, parties, attend celebrations, celebrate anniversaries. Overall, it characterizes abundance and well-being. Peace and happiness reign in the family. Relationships can reach their logical end - engagement or wedding, if there are supporting cards. May mean the beginning of a new, more successful period in life. Birth of a child. If a divorce is behind, then her loss can mean the beginning of a new and happy relationship. The appearance of a lover or a good friend. Prompt and positive problem solving. Cost effective results. A compromise that suits everyone.

Three of Cups is a card of community, companionship, emotional support and comfort. It signifies strong emotions, enhances intuition, shows celebration and shared joy. We can repay with feelings of love and friendship for each other. Everything is fine, you feel and give love, accept invitations and participate in various special events.
Traditional meaning is happiness, fun, partying, wedding, engagement, new relationship, new good friend.

When asked about health, this card informs you that nothing threatens you. Means a speedy recovery.

Three of Cups speaks of a good and happy relationship, the emergence of new acquaintances, a lover or a good friend. Engagement. Wedding.

When asked about business, heralds the beginning of a new, successful and happy stage. The problems will pass, and everything will be solved in a successful way. Nice benefit. Achievement of the goal. Strengthening partnerships.
When describing a personality, the Three of Chalices characterizes light and cheerful people. People who like to participate in various fun activities. Those who serve in places of amusement.

The first meaning is deep feelings. The person the card is pointing to has a very intense emotional experience and reacts strongly to any situation. Usually these emotions are positive, but sometimes they can turn into streams of tears. It may be desirable to learn how to express these emotions in everyday life.

Also, the card can speak of a deep emotional connection between people, especially friendship.

Good relationships with friends and colleagues stimulate your creativity and lead to a fruitful, successful period. Do not show your shyness, get closer to others, or vice versa, move away from them, even if it seems unusual.

Three of cups as the card of the day.
Greet the day that has come, for it is full of gifts. Enjoy life and the fullness of being, and do not forget to thank fate for all that it has given you. It is best to share this joy with your loved ones and friends. Invite them to your place, arrange a family holiday or a friendly party. After all, this does not happen every day.

Three of Cups means connection with others. In particular, she notes our connection with family members and our best friends. Threes are cards of creation and synthesis, they advise bringing different people together. Introduce your friends to each other and ask your friends to introduce you to new people. Expand your social circle and you will achieve remarkable results.

Three of Cups in an upright position:
Doing what you like with pleasure. Enjoy your time with friends. Emotional lift. Planning celebrations including: marriage, meeting, birth or travel. A period of sexual activity, pregnancy or creative realization through art, music or literature. Joy and pleasure. A new creative stage in the life of a fortuneteller promises emotional happiness when all difficulties are resolved. Recovery and return of faith in life. Victory in business. Improvement. Expansion of space. Talking about business and getting help. Safe environment. Inspiration and luck in controversial matters.

An inverted Three of Cups can mean that feelings are bursting with a person from the inside. Very emotional in nature, he may try to act calmly and with restraint. This can destabilize the situation, especially if the card is combined with an explosive lasso such as the Tower. But if the rest of the cards speak of a favorable outcome of the situation, then restraining and behaving more calmly may be right. As with many other cards, the treatment of an inverted Three of Cups is highly dependent on the remaining positions in the layout. If we are talking about friendship, then it can indicate difficulties in the relationship of two good friends.

3 cups inverted:
A person is unhappy without love. Problems in love relationships. Emotional recession, depression, loss. Making a mistake. Excessive love of pleasure. Disappointment. Abortion. Excessive indulgence. The friendship is coming to an end. Problems due to alcohol use. Loneliness. Voluptuousness. Waste of vitality on pleasure. Obstacles. Nothing makes a person happy. There is no sincerity in a relationship. Falseness, frustration, depression.

Inverted, this card speaks of an unhappy period in life. New events will fail. New acquaintances will not bring joy. Excessive wastefulness can lead to financial difficulties. This is not the time to attend entertainment events. No love, sex without love. Divorce, separation. It may indicate that some kind of celebration is postponed indefinitely.

Next to negative cards - an engagement, a wedding is either postponed or will not happen at all. Self-indulgence can lead to lack of money and health problems. Infertility or pregnancy problems. Problems with loved ones. Perhaps this is just a loss of interest in a partner and love leaving the relationship. And maybe someone is unfaithful to their partner. May indicate the development of defects. Things will end with minimal results. Extravagance, self-indulgence. Financial difficulties. Sometimes it means that the costs will not be justified.

The traditional meaning of the inverted Three of Cups is lack of love, loss of love, no time for fun, waste of money, rewarding one's desires, divorce, separation, poor endings, poor health, sterility.

When asked about health, this card indicates a health problem. Self-indulgence can affect your health. Gluttony, weight gain and problems with being overweight. Infertility, pregnancy problems. With cards of swords - injuries and accidents.

Three of Cups speaks of a bad relationship. The loss of love is possible, one of the partners changes or uses the relationship to satisfy their sexual desires.

When asked about cases, the card speaks of a bad ending to the case. Some of the partners cheat or use only in their own interests.

Instructive card advice:
Create a holiday for any occasion. Meet new people, expand your social circle.

According to interpreters, in the Tarot, the meaning of 3 Cups has a positive meaning. This is a map of success and implementation. Regardless of whether the alignment of personal relationships or the business sphere concerns, Arkan promises joy, fulfillment of desires, abundance. All people involved in the situation will be satisfied. If the fortuneteller has already entered into a romantic relationship, the Three of Cups speaks of mutual love.

Description and meaning of the card

On the Arcana, one can see the image of three virgins raising their cups. This tarot card bears a clear resemblance to the famous mythological plot "three graces", which is immortalized by many artists and sculptors. The keywords of the Troika of Cups:

  • joy;
  • merger;
  • close proximity;
  • compromise;
  • successful outcome.

The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe card is to find people who are close in spirit, next to whom the fortuneteller will finally be happy. Three of Cups indicates a positive state of affairs and the right direction for the fortuneteller. A feeling of celebration and complete safety awaits him with relatives or close friends. The meaning of the Three of Cups in the Tarot indicates that a person is in the circle of the elite, access to which is limited to unauthorized persons.

In an upright position

The direct position of this Arcanum indicates that the time has come for the fulfillment of desires. For the fortuneteller, a period favorable in all respects comes, no matter what area of \u200b\u200blife we \u200b\u200bare talking about:

If the fortuneteller is in crisis, the Troika of Cups will play the role of a harbinger of the end of a difficult period. There is a way out and will not require compromises from a person, which he would later be dissatisfied with. Everything will be decided with the benefit of the fortuneteller, thanks to the help and support from the outside. The card says that you will have to remember about simple human joys in order to feel the fullness of life and satisfaction with what is happening.

In an inverted position

Even the inverted Three of Cups are not considered by tarot readers to be a harbinger of something catastrophic. The card says that possible difficulties and failures will be of a short-term nature and will serve only as a small test, or a warning:

The lasso often falls out at a moment of misunderstanding by a person of the situation. Perhaps he is mistaken, he does not see everything exactly as it is. The three of Cups in an inverted position can also indicate a loss of authority.

In the field of profession and training

The direct position of the card promises success for new projects. Cooperation will prove to be mutually beneficial for all parties. Arkan points to a favorable microclimate in the team and well-coordinated work of all employees, aimed at a common result. Everyone is ready to help each other in the name of a common cause.

Three of Cups rather speaks of an intermediate result of a large project than of the final success. For example, during the session the next exam will be successfully passed, but on the whole it can be “failed”. The card is favorable for those who are aimed at creative development. These can be people working in the field of art who have connected their lives with music.

If the fortuneteller asked a question about career advancement, the answer will be yes. Perhaps a transfer to a higher position is coming soon - third parties will help with this. When it comes to joint business, the card indicates trust and mutual assistance. The questioner can fully rely on his partner. The profit will also please.

In an inverted position, Arkan speaks of a slight tension between people who are doing the same thing. Some people fail to cope with their emotions and this affects the atmosphere within the work collective. It may be that everyone exists in this common environment as if by himself, and this interferes with the coherence of the work process. You can not count on serious successes in this position of the card.

In the layout of personal relationships

The three of cups are often interpreted as a card responsible for interaction between members of a large family, rather than between two partners. If it falls out in a love situation, then it can portend major joyful events, such as an engagement or a wedding, perhaps even the birth of a child. But it happens that the fortuneteller is just waiting for a cute family holiday or a small party.

When cards ask about the feelings of a partner, this Arkan shows that the union is quite successful and the relationship is developing well. Lovers experience mutual affection, are fascinated with each other and are serious. Some Tarot researchers argue that the appearance of 3 Cups in the layout for love speaks of a karmic connection between two people.

The value in the relationship of the 3 Tarot cups suggests that they have moved to a qualitatively new level. Mutual understanding, emotional intimacy and sexual compatibility are at their peak. People trust each other as much as possible and are not shy about their feelings. Such a couple has every chance to live in grief and joy until gray hair.

The inverted meaning of the Arcana indicates the distance of one of the beloved. The fortuneteller needs to conduct an analysis, he himself is moving away, or are being removed from him. It is possible that this state of affairs arose because of his own actions. In this case, the appearance of the map will be a warning sign. The desire for the sensual pleasures of one of the partners can be the cause of betrayal. If the alignment was made for an upcoming engagement or wedding, they can be canceled.

Combination with other arcana

It is important for the interpretation of the alignment and how the Troika of Cups is combined with other cards. If a Jester falls out next to this card, then the relationship with the person you like will soon move to the stage of flirting. The presence of the Chariot reveals a complex relationship that is not easy to grasp. The combination of these cards often indicates the presence of a "superfluous third" and possible showdowns with an opponent. The simultaneous loss of Arcanum Strength speaks of the experienced jealousy.

The coming into life of something new, for example, the birth of a child, the start of a new business, just a sharp change in conditions predicts the combination of 3 Cups with cards: Empress, Emperor, Lovers, Peace, Wheel of Fortune, sometimes Ace of Wands. But not always, the location next to other Arcana carries a positive meaning. If the Devil falls out nearby, you should prepare for a deception or temptation, which will entail negative consequences.

In the center of the map, there are three graceful girls in dresses of different tonality and splendor. The girls are in the center of a blooming garden, they dance or dance. They are happy and light. In her right hand raised up, the girls are holding a golden cup, the atmosphere of a holiday reigns. Each color of the garment represents the elements: air, water, fire.

Three of Cups is a symbol of idealized female friendship. They are equal and each is beautiful in itself.

The symbol of the troika of cups is a narrow circle of like-minded people, most often closed, which is not very easy to get into.

Interpretation of the direct position


  • jubilation,
  • success in business,
  • joy,
  • perfection,
  • successful outcome of the case.
  • embodiment of the desired
  • getting consolation,
  • recovery,
  • gaiety and lightheadedness,
  • entertainment, holiday, feast, feast,
  • ease of problem solving,
  • dating, flirting, falling in love,
  • goal achievement,
  • reciprocity in relationships,
  • abundance, harvest, fertility,
  • optimistic attitude,
  • search for a compromise,
  • entering into close and trusting relationships.

Three of cups are positive emotions, a symbol of joy, success, a person is happy with what he has, gets joy from life, a feeling of victory and confidence in himself and in the future.

A positive and prosperous period begins in life, all difficulties are resolved safely. No matter how difficult the situation is, it will be resolved easily and naturally.

Three of cups is a harbinger of your victories, a reason for the holiday. Ahead of you is financial stability, the embodiment of what you want, the achievement of harmony in all areas of your life.

But do not forget about your family and friends. Why do you need success if there is no one to tell about it, and if there is no one to share it with. Your relationship with friends and family is strong and strong. Together with your family, you will share the joy and enjoy what has been achieved, as they once shared the bitterness of loss and failure with you. Your family is a protective fortress and reliable support in any life situations.

Inverted position interpretation

  • completion of the business started,
  • study,
  • achievements,
  • sending,
  • excess of physical and sensual pleasures,
  • frivolity and carelessness,
  • extravagance,
  • love triangle,
  • treason,
  • lying,
  • unreliable acquaintances
  • disappointment, discontent, mental confusion,
  • the complexity of the relationship,
  • inability to communicate
  • voluptuousness,
  • surplus,
  • excess of something
  • modest results,
  • meanness, betrayal, indulgences,
  • manipulation of people.

The card means the violent concealment of talent, ruined potential, unwillingness to develop their talents, use knowledge and skills. Restraint shown out of place.

You should be more careful in communication and relationships with your loved ones and your significant other. A turning point comes, discord or conflict is possible. The grounds for the conflict can be different, and it can also be as one reason or several.

Pay attention to your behavior, whether you devote enough time to your loved ones. Selfishness and ignorance of the feelings of others play a significant role.

Perhaps, such aspects as jealousy, betrayal of one of the partners, lies, deception, understatement, fading of feelings, quarrels and conflicts entered into your relationship, and did someone else appear?

Also, you will experience a breakdown, discord, minor troubles, difficulties and problems. Look for the reasons for your failures in your behavior, namely in communication and the manner of presenting yourself.

Do not give up, be more attentive to loved ones and try to change yourself a little.

A favorable meaning penetrates into an inverted position and tells the person that the difficulties are temporary, now is not the time to strive for success, perhaps someone is holding back your energy, and the influence of external factors is manifested. Also, quite often it may turn out that a person limits himself and hinders his development.

Most likely, you may be uncomfortable with what used to be comfortable.

Three of Cups is a relationship map and any position or issue is considered in terms of relationships. If health, then the attitude to health. Relationships are not only love relationships, but also contact with friends and family. Work - communication with colleagues, the ability to work in pairs or in a team, the ability to communicate and negotiate.

Three cups in health

Conception and pregnancy. Alcoholism, overeating, poisoning, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Direct position. Balanced psychological state, emotions under control, good immunity. In case of illness, recovery. Return to the usual way of life. Favorable moments for conception. Time for medical examinations.

Inverted position... Injury warning: fracture, dislocation, sprain. Care must be taken when driving a car. Don't go to the pool or gym. Classes are only under the supervision of a coach.

The card can indicate problems with genetics, diseases that are inherited. You can also learn about ancestral curses or unresolved karmic problems.

Three of cups in a relationship

Direct position. Engagement, wedding. Strong female friendship. Renewal of relationships. Harmonious family relationships. Team cohesion. For a woman, the troika of cups advises to seize the moment and improve the situation in her family or in relationships with a partner. Openness to your partner, openness to life, the desire to live and enjoy, to enjoy what is happening.

People have found each other and do not see the point in parting. As for female friendship, here we met representatives of the fair sex who do not compete with each other, they are friendly, since their spheres of action and interests are different and do not intersect at any point.

A comfortable environment has developed between women, they feel great in each other's company, because each is individual and unique in itself, each of them is a goddess.

Inverted position. Fading love, love triangle, lies, treason. Partner abuse. Your trust and kindness can be used against you.

Three cups at work

Professions: performer of any roles, dancer, organizer, manager, presenter, football player, singer.

Direct position. Completion of started cases. Satisfactory result. Getting praise from your boss. Increase of funds, promotion of the career ladder. But remember, your condition will only improve if you deserve it. Initiative and striving forward will help you achieve what you want, do not be afraid of responsibility.

You get results in activities that do not require a special investment of strength and energy. A person likes his job - this is a favorite thing, he enjoys what he does. Harmony inside and out.

You can develop creativity, look for a hobby to your liking.

Remember not to overuse gambling.

Inverted position. You can expect success in small undertakings and deeds, but do not take on larger projects, you are not ready for them now. Big things will cause negative emotions, delays in implementation, difficulties and problems.

You exaggerate your capabilities, do not correctly calculate your strength. The incompetence of a specialist, misunderstanding of the situation is possible.

Three cups about the current situation

Direct position. Fate is ready to present you with a gift in the form of favorable opportunities, chances and the realization of your plans. Good mood, positive attitude, peace and harmony in the soul are your main friends for this period. But remember that it is still worth staying on the alert, not abusing the position and not chasing everything at once. Don't forget about your loved ones.

The situation is developing in a favorable way, a calm and measured period returns to your life. Everything returns to balance.

Inverted position. A person abuses his position, shows selfishness, neglects the interests of others, and does his job in bad faith. Be more attentive to yourself and your behavior, your carelessness will not lead to good.

Advice: know how to rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of others. Share your joy with others. Learn to accept everything that is given to you from fate, treat it with gratitude. Also perceive people as they are, do not try to alter or adapt anyone to yourself.

One card divination tip: your loved ones need you. Pay attention to everyone who demands it from you.

Questions to ask yourself when the troika of cups appears in the layout:

  • Who are your real friends? Do the people you consider to be your friends have the same opinion of you?
  • Are your friends reliable?
  • Why do you communicate or are friends with certain people? Do your friendship motives match? Is the relationship reciprocal?
  • Who is close to you? Who are you close to? What unites you?
  • Which company is more comfortable for you? Who do you want to spend more time with? Is there an explanation for this?

The likelihood of achieving the desired: everything is going according to plan, do not rush things. New opportunities await you to realize your plans.

Tempting troika of cups ideas:

  1. Open communication and interaction with others.
  2. A clear separation of friends from others, the main from the secondary. Correct setting of priorities, both in tasks and in communication with people.
  3. Safety is where reliability is. The reliability of friendship and family.
  4. To be in your company, to feel freedom and lightness means to rest with your soul, now you can relax.

A combination of three of cups combined with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Flirting.

With a magician. Interference in relationships, outside influence.

With the high priestess. Rivalry on all fronts of life.

With the Empress. Childbirth.

With the emperor. The emergence of a new man.

With the hierophant. The introduction of religion into the relationship.

With the lovers. The origin of something.

With a chariot. The confusion of the relationship, in the couple there is someone third.

With strength. The manifestation of zealous feelings of ownership.

With a hermit. Conscious solitude, separation, farewell.

With a wheel of fortune. Fertilization.

With justice. Registration of documents.

With the hanged man. Relationships that don't bring joy.

With death. The volatility of relationships, fate makes its own routines.

With moderation. Harmonious couple. Equivalent relationship.

With the devil. Impermanence. Revelry and questionable companies.

With a tower of lightning. The agreements have been violated.

With a star. Neutralization of problems in relationships.

With the moon. There is lies in relationships. Entanglement.

With the sun. Warmth and hope in a relationship.

With the court. Relationships are developing. Entering into your destiny of something new.

With the world. The appearance of a child.

Combination of troika of cups in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Beginning is the source of something.

With a deuce. Calming down, shortness of breath.

With a three. You start to get good at what you do.

With a four. Fun, solemn motives.

With a five. Inconsistency of actions, conflict state.

With a six. Praise, praise.

With a seven. Allies, colleagues, friends put pressure on you.

With an eight. A fruitful gap in all areas of life.

With a nine. Rest is needed. It is worth making a decision in your choice.

With a ten. Burdening with loved ones.

With a page. Emotionality, the appearance of inspiration, joy.

With a knight. Celebration.

With the queen. You get attention.

With the king. Perspectives, viewing the future.

Interpretation of three of cups in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. A third intervenes in your union.

With a deuce. The team has a good relationship.

With a four. Unreasonable expectations of fun.

With a five. Colleagues are disunited.

With a six. Something came from the old days.

With a seven. Gaiety.

With an eight. Voluntarily giving up fun.

With a nine. Important meeting.

With a ten. You are in a good team.

With a page. Engagement, holiday.

With a knight. Suggestion to go somewhere.

With the queen. You are looking for satisfaction.

With the king. You know how to influence the emotional background of other people.

The combination of three of cups in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Concept requires teamwork.

With a deuce. Reconciliation, but the situation is unstable.

With a three. Team failures will hit the bottom line.

With a four. Rest, isolation, voluntary decision of refusal.

With a five. Failure, failure.

With a six. Resolution of a difficult situation. Rest in a team.

With a seven. Pretense. Separation from the team and friends, isolation.

With an eight. Etiquette and good manners.

With a nine. You are ashamed of yourself.

With a ten. Exile.

With a page. Search for vulnerabilities of others.

With a knight. Disruption of plans, harm to others.

With the queen. Inability to put up with the outside world.

With the king. Other people's affairs do not concern you.

Interpretation of three of cups in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Team victory, a gift from colleagues.

With a deuce. Variability of moods and emotions.

With a three. Collectivism.

With a four. Structuring something.

With a five. The turning point in relationships.

With a six. Good intentions.

With a seven. Pessimistic attitude.

With an eight. Partners, colleagues, team.

With a nine. Income of a material nature.

With a ten. Your loved ones support you.

With a page. News in the financial sector.

With a knight. Promotion, shared merit.

With the queen. Good hostess.

With the king. Fertility, stability.

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