How to find out the future on the cards. Fortune-telling: find out what really awaits you. Fortune telling "five piles"

Sealing 29.11.2020

Each of us at least once dreamed of knowing our future destiny. One of the most accurate fortune-telling methods for the near future is a regular playing card deck. With the help of a simple layout, you can find out your destiny and attract good luck to yourself.

Fortune telling on an ordinary playing deck is primarily used by gypsy fortune-tellers. Gypsy fortune telling spread over time and became available to everyone.

Simple card layouts will allow you to know your future one day or a week ahead. For a successful and truthful fortune-telling, you must follow several immutable rules:

  • the deck must be purchased specifically for fortune telling;
  • you cannot let another person use your deck;
  • it is necessary to guess alone;
  • it is better to keep the deck in a certain place, and also have a special tablecloth for it.

The value of playing cards for fortune telling

6 peak: long road, moving or travel; unjustified hopes, boredom and discontent. Tip: it all depends on your efforts.

7 peak: discovery of the secret and the hidden, an unexpected find. Tip: don't trust strangers.

8 peak: new connections and acquaintances, going on a visit, emotional communication. Tip: listen to the guidance of loved ones.

9 peak: obstacles and troubles, difficulties and obstacles; severe physical and emotional condition, which will have to be dealt with alone. Tip: fight for yourself.

10 peak: restrictions, asceticism, misunderstanding of others, violation of plans. Tip: Let yourself be alone.

Jack of spades: uselessness, laziness, idleness, longing; depression; rumors and gossip. Tip: get over yourself.

Queen of Spades: angry, malevolent woman; hidden threat. Tip: be vigilant!

King of spades: registration of official papers; training. Tip: fate is on your side.

Ace of spades: bitter truth, bad news; unnecessary meeting; fears, tension. Tip: Be careful.

6 clubs: stable situation; things left to chance. Tip: This is not the time to change circumstances.

7 clubs: new information and conditions; changes in lifestyle. Tip: take this opportunity.

8 clubs: a meeting predetermined by fate; unexpected success. Tip: seize your chance.

9 clubs: big money; acquisition. Tip: money will help solve the problem.

10 clubs:unexpected pleasant changes; gifts, new meeting; beauty. Tip: have fun.

Jack of Clubs: many worries; helping other people; everything will depend on your decision. Tip: believe in yourself.

Queen of Clubs: success and humor; planned festival. Tip: take matters into your own hands.

King of Clubs: timely assistance; meeting with old friends. Tip: you are responsible for your actions.

Ace of Clubs: a new meeting that will benefit. Tip: take a closer look at your friends.

6 tambourines: road; a pleasant surprise. Advice: follow your heart.

7 of tambourines: celebration, joyful meeting; dream come true. Tip: keep yourself in a good mood.

8 of tambourines: a successful solution to everyday difficulties; home purchase; repairs. Tip: go for a change.

9 of tambourines: egocentrism; new circumstances; hard choice. Tip: get yours at any cost.

10 tambourines: justice; improving health; quiet time; no problem. Tip: don't be alone.

Jack of Diamonds: sadness left behind; help from old friends; reconciliation. Advice: consult with loved ones.

Queen of tambourine: important decision; possible pregnancy. Tip: be on your guard.

King of Diamonds:a dream come true; your plans are close to being fulfilled. Tip: don't give up.

Ace of Diamonds: favorable material spending; entertainment, party, celebration. Tip: get as many pleasant emotions as possible.

6 worms: return of health; pleasant road. Tip: don't be afraid to insist on your own.

7 worms:intuitive knowledge, spiritual experience, mysticism. Advice: they hide a secret from you - wait for the moment and reveal it.

8 worms:surprise; drastic changes; pleasant acquaintance. Tip: Connect with new people more.

9 worms:wedding; wedding; pleasant trip. Tip: expect happiness.

10 worms: romantic relationship; new romance, love. Tip: rely on your emotions.

Jack of Hearts: secret romance; guests and unexpected news. Tip: be vigilant, notice what is happening around you.

Lady of Hearts: healthy pregnancy; children; change for the better. Tip: Seek support from your family.

King of Hearts:safe way home; work that brings joy, creativity. Advice: bring light and happiness to other people.

Ace of Hearts:communication with young children; long awaited trip. Tip: be able to yield.

Fortune telling for tomorrow

This layout allows you to get a description of tomorrow, or any day that interests you. The layout shows what to expect from morning to evening, what course of events to prepare for and how to behave in order to spend the chosen day as well as possible.

Left alone, prepare a place for fortune telling and shuffle the deck. Then draw out three cards with your left hand and place them in a row from left to right, face down. Then pull out the second three and put it in the second row under the first. Then repeat the action again, laying out the third row under the first two.

This alignment completely characterizes your day: the top row tells how the morning starts, the second tells how the day will go, and the third tells you what to expect from the evening. After you have laid out all the cards, draw another one and put it aside: it is interpreted as advice.

Fortune telling for a week

A card spread for a week can help you to roughly interpret each day and see the expected development of events. Having prepared the place for fortune telling, shuffle the deck, shuffling the cards with your left hand.

Then draw seven cards from the deck and put them in a vertical row from bottom to top. Then draw seven more cards and place them in the second row, copying the first. Then turn over the cards in both rows at once from bottom to top: the first two cards tell you about Monday, the second about Tuesday, and so on.

If you love playing solitaire, then a fortune-telling solitaire is a good way to find out your future. With it, you can paint the big picture of what awaits you and get comprehensive advice. We wish you a happy fate and fortune-telling. Smile more often and do not forget to press the buttons and

Simple fortune-telling on playing cards will help prepare for any twists of fate.

How to get a truthful answer when fortune-telling?

Fortune-telling for the future is carried out on playing cards in compliance with several simple rules.

  • On the eve of the New Year, Christmas, Epiphany and your own birthday, the veil of the future becomes thin - these are the best days for fortune-telling.
  • They do not guess on the days of church holidays and on Sundays.
  • A deck for fortune-telling is stored in special conditions: they are not played on and are not given to prying hands.
  • You need to mentally prepare for fortune-telling: be calm and collected; prepare a question to be answered.
  • For 1 question, cards are scattered only 1 time.

How to charm the future on cards

Layout "Black Rose"

An ancient fortune-telling that will help to look into the future.

Shuffle the deck, thinking about exciting issues.

Step 1. Draw 1 card at random - it symbolizes the person who is being guessed at at the moment: his thoughts and state of mind.

The values \u200b\u200bof the 1st card.


  • High cards (pictures): jealousy, anger, aggression;
  • minor cards (numbers): sadness, tears.


  • High cards: melancholy, heavy thoughts, hopelessness;
  • minor cards: indifference, humility.


  • High cards: striving for justice;
  • minor cards: revenge.


  • High cards: love, hopes, confidence;
  • minor cards: purposefulness, expectation.

Step 2. Take 3 cards from the top of the deck and put them to the left of the 1st card - these are signs of the future.

The values \u200b\u200bof the top cards are determined by their value, the suit does not matter.

  • "6" - disappointment;
  • "7" - events will turn out to your advantage;
  • "8" - help;
  • "9" - a joyful event;
  • "10" - difficulties;
  • Jack - tears and difficulties associated with loved ones;
  • The lady is a deception;
  • King - reaching the goal after many obstacles;
  • Ace is a disease, an unpleasant conversation or an event.

Step 3. 3 cards from the bottom of the pack are laid out on the right - this is how the upcoming events will end.

The values \u200b\u200bof the lower cards are interpreted only by suit.

  • Clubs - gossip, painful conversations;
  • Peaks - illness, tears, difficulties;
  • Tambourines - profit, joyful events, love;
  • Hearts are changes for the better.

Gypsy fortune telling

Experience gypsy fortune telling on cards playing for the future.

The cards are not shuffled, but are shuffled face down on the table and assembled into a deck. With their left hand, they remove the cards to themselves.

Take 9 cards from above in order and lay them on the table in 3 rows, each with 3 cards:

  • the row on top is the past;
  • the middle is what is;
  • the bottom one is the future.

See below for card meanings.


They shuffle the deck, thinking about their future plans. Then 3 cards are taken at random from the deck - they are used to interpret the future. If there is little information, take one more "three" cards - 1 time.

See below for card meanings.


The Vorozheya makes a card for herself or for the one for whom she is guessing:

Men (Kings):

  • single guy - Tambourines;
  • married guy - Hearts;
  • a man in years - Clubs;
  • a brunette at any age or a man in an official position - Piki.

Women (Ladies):

  • unmarried girl up to 30 years old - Tambourines;
  • a woman over 30 - Hearts;
  • widow, woman over 50 - Clubs.

The deck is shuffled, thinking about the future, and 3 cards are laid out on the table in a fan under each other until the hidden card falls out. After the "three" with the hidden card, lay out one more "three" fan.

  • Two cards that fell out along with the hidden card are the near future;
  • the row above - distant events;
  • the row below is the past.

If there is no upper or lower row, you should not lay the cards a second time. Enjoy what you have.

"Yes or no"

A simple fortune-telling on playing cards for the future will help find answers to specific questions. For example, you might ask, "Will I be able to get a job?", "Will I get married this year?", "Will the trip work out?" etc.

They hold the cards in their hands, thinking about their question. Then they are shuffled and removed with the left hand towards themselves.

3 cards take part in divination: from the top of the deck, from the bottom and one from the middle - whichever comes across.

The answer is interpreted according to the suits of the drawn 3 cards:

  • tambourine and clubs suit means "Negative, no";
  • hearts and spades suit - "Positively, yes".

If the cards contradict each other, then the path to achieving the goal will be difficult and thorny.

Divination on 16 cards

Carefully shuffle the deck and remove it towards you with your left hand. Now 5 cards are laid out in a horizontal row from the top of the deck in order. Then they again remove the cards with their left hand to themselves and lay out 5 more cards on top of the first ones. The same actions are repeated for the third time. 5 piles of 3 cards will appear on the table. Then remove the deck and take 1 card from above - it is laid separately.

Values \u200b\u200bof card piles:

  • 1st pile - for yourself;
  • 2nd pile - what's on your mind;
  • 3rd pile - what's in the family;
  • 4th pile - past;
  • The 5th pile is the future.

They interpret the meanings of the cards in each pile and try to intuitively comprehend the meaning of the message.

The last card means how the heart will calm down if unpleasant events occur.

See below for card interpretation.

What the cards mean

Each card predicts a certain event, and their combination is a kind of message. To understand it, you need to connect your intuition, listen to your feelings and sensations. You can write down the resulting alignment so that you can slowly think it over.

Special attention should be paid to "accidentally" dropped cards - they must be interpreted and connected with the result obtained during fortune-telling.

"6" - long-distance expedition;
"7" - appointment;
"8" - a stranger;
"9" - tarnished reputation;
"10" is an incredible event;
Jack - difficulties;
The lady is a friend;
The king is feeling;
Ace is your own home.

"6" - time spent with friends;
"7" - an unexpected joyful event;
"8" - meaningful conversation;
"9" - flirting;
"10" - success;
Jack is bad news;
The lady is blood relatives;
The king is the enemy;
Ace is a written document.

"6" - false hopes;
"7" - profit;
"8" - joyful dates;
"9" - shared love;
"10" - interest;
Jack - happy worries;
The lady is an unexpected event;
The king is a family man;
Ace is an official institution.

"6" - a fruitless journey;
"7" - you will cry;
"8" - an unpleasant interlocutor;
"9" - unrequited love;
“10” is a hopeless business;
Jack - fruitless hopes;
The lady is a two-faced person in the immediate environment;
King - a dangerous person will meet;
Ace - illness, depression, bad news.

When fortune-telling on cards, intuition is very important - you should not try to comprehend the future in a rational way.

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You can find out about your future using a regular deck of 36 cards. Many people believe that playing cards cannot be used in fortune telling. This is not entirely true. A playing deck can only be used to guess if it has never been used for a game.

Fortune telling on playing cards for the future

If you want to look into your future, we recommend that you use the old card fortune telling "Black Rose". It will answer all your questions and help clarify the future.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it, and guess what you want to know. Then draw any card and place it in front of you. This card in fortune telling will mean your state of mind and your thoughts in the present tense. Then place three cards at the top and three cards at the bottom of the deck and lay them to the left and right of the first card. Put the ones that were removed on top on the left, and put the bottom cards on the right.

Left punishments in this For the future "\u003e fortune-telling for the future will mean what awaits you. The right cards are what it will end with. It is necessary to interpret the result of fortune-telling only by suits and by low and high cards.

The value of cards in divination

First, you need to determine the value of the first card. She will tell you what is in your soul.

Peaks senior cards - hatred, jealousy, anger, discontent, envy. Spades are the lowest cards - sadness, tears, anxiety.

Clubs senior cards - helplessness, melancholy, gloomy thoughts. Clubs are the lowest cards - indifference, humility.

Diamonds high cards - the desire to achieve justice. Diamonds lower cards - a desire for revenge and harm.

Worms the highest cards are hope, faith, love. Hearts are the lowest cards - expectation, desire to achieve your goal.

After that, you need to go to the interpretation of the cards on the left. In this fortune-telling, they will tell you about what awaits you in the future. These cards are treated according to their value, not their suit.

  • Six - disappointment, vain hopes;
  • Seven - resolution of the situation in favor of the fortuneteller;
  • Eight - help of a like-minded person;
  • Nine - joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires;
  • Ten - obstacles and problems;
  • Jack - tears and troubles due to the fault of loved ones;
  • Lady - you are used for personal gain or deceived;
  • King - implementation of the plan after solving all the problems;
  • Ace - illness, shock, unpleasant conversation.

The cards on the right will tell you how everything will end in the end. They must be interpreted only by the value of the suit.

  • Peaks - disappointment, trouble, tears, illness;
  • Clubs - rumors, gossip, unpleasant conversations;
  • Diamonds - joy, love, money and success;
  • Worms - change for the better.

With the help of this fortune telling on playing cards, you can find answers to all your questions about the future. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.04.2014 10:48

It's no secret that now card fortune-telling is very popular and one of the ...

Fortune telling is an effective way to predict the future, to answer some important question. For...

Many people, healers, magicians use ordinary cards for fortune telling. Tarot is a good system for knowing your personality and higher self, the world order in the kabbalistic tradition. But for divination, playing decks of 36 cards are better suited. There are many options to find out the future, the present of a person in different areas of his life. Consider in this article ways the most accurate fortune-telling on the cards.

If you are just starting to engage in fortune-telling and want to achieve serious success in this matter, first of all you need a clear, firm intention, faith in success and diligence. No matter what business a person does, it always takes time, patience and work to achieve good results in him. In the case of fortune telling on cards, this work becomes an exciting game that is interesting to many people, regardless of gender, age and other factors.

For effective fortune-telling, accurate results, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Play cards only in good mood and health. You can not guess in a state of alcoholic intoxication or under the influence of drugs. For women during menstruation, these practices are contraindicated.
  • Fortune-telling is best done on holidays such as Christmas, Ivan Kupala and Christmastide.
  • Favorable days for fortune-telling - Monday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday are not suitable. Thursday is suitable for predictions for the distant future, for fortune-telling for relationships and health - Friday.
  • Use a new deck.
  • It is better to find a kind of "home" for the cards - store them in a beautiful box, box or case.
  • Lay out the cards on dark, heavy fabric and use candles.

Nine layout for the near future

If you want to know the forecast of the future for the next month, guess in the last days of the month - 28-31 days... For a Nine layout, mix the deck well and remove any 9 cards from it. Then spread them out from left to right.

Card interpretation

There are several interpretations, depending on the prevailing suit, matching values \u200b\u200band combinations of high cards:

  1. By the largest number of suit that came across, we can talk about the following:
  • peaks - failures, disappointments;
  • baptize - problems, unexpected obstacles;
  • hearts - establishing relationships with loved ones, people around, with relatives;
  • tambourines - most often mean monetary success.

The more coincidences, the greater the degree of a certain prediction. For example, if all 9 cards are diamonds, you will have a lot of money luck.

  1. If you have 4 cards matched on value, wait for the following events:
  • 4 sixes - difficulties at work: a decrease in wages, a quarrel with the boss, etc.;
  • 4 sevens - bad relationships with loved ones;
  • 4 eights - stagnation, there will be no special changes and events;
  • 4 nines - positive events: gifts, salary increases, meeting a good person, etc.;
  • 4 dozen - great success in what is important to you;
  • 4 jacks - troubles in the financial sector;
  • 4 ladies - for men - success with women in different types of relationships, for women - vice versa;
  • 4 kings - this combination is similar to 4 tens, but even better;
  • 4 aces - you have to make a difficult decision.
  1. According to the combination of the highest denominations, the following forecasts are distinguished:
  • lady + king of the same suit - promise a meeting with a special person who will greatly affect your future destiny;
  • queen + ace of the same suit - good news awaits you;
  • king + jack - a warning about possible financial problems;
  • if a lady fell out and not a single big suit, do not expect strong changes in life;
  • if only small cards fell out, the universe does not tell you anything at this time.

A spread of 16 cards for past and future events

This alignment on ordinary cards is carried out in this way:

  1. Shuffle the deck thoroughly, remove the top 5 cards and place them in one row.
  2. Shuffle again and remove 5 more, place them also - from left to right under the first row.
  3. Do the same 3 more times until you have 5 columns of 3 cards.
  4. Shuffle the deck for the last time and take out one card at random - it will symbolize the most important thing in your life. Even if this is not a very favorable suit at first glance, it means something that develops you and ultimately leads to harmony with life in general. Place it face down under the laid out 15 cards and do not look at it until you know the values \u200b\u200bof the 5 column spread.

Each of these columns tells you the following:

  • the first column of the alignment will talk about the main events of the future;
  • the second will highlight the issues of your personality;
  • the third will talk about family relationships;
  • the fourth shows the past from which the present comes;
  • the fifth will put together a common mosaic of the future.

The meaning of the cards

  • 6 - separation;
  • 7 - troubles;
  • 8 - disorders;
  • 9 - diseases;
  • 10 - censure;
  • jack - problems in the monetary sphere;
  • lady - anger;
  • the king is wealth;
  • an ace is a bad surprise.
  • 6 - long trip;
  • 7 - help;
  • 8 - change;
  • 9 - craving for something, for someone;
  • 10 - trouble with money;
  • jack - small problems;
  • lady - taking care of the mother;
  • the king is a powerful man;
  • ace - good luck in finances.
  • 6 - special assignment at work;
  • 7 - troubles;
  • 8 - news;
  • 9 - meeting a good business partner;
  • 10 - luck in the financial sector;
  • jack - favorable changes;
  • lady - the birth of a girl;
  • king - the birth of a boy;
  • ace - a big win, inheritance, etc.
  • 6 - surprise;
  • 7 - favorable changes;
  • 8 - joy;
  • 9 - connections;
  • 10 - profit;
  • jack - friend;
  • lady is a friend;
  • the king is a man influencing fate;
  • ace - good luck in all areas of life.

The most accurate divination on cards using the number 13

This method is associated with the magic number 13. It is used to make an important decision.

Fortune-telling is done in the following sequence:

  1. Refer to the universe with a specific question, visualizing your problem and how to solve it.
  2. Shuffle the deck well and draw 13 cards out of it at random.

Only odd cards will give you the answer. They will show you the following:

  • the first is the cause of your worries;
  • the third means something that makes it difficult for you to make a choice;
  • the fifth shows what awaits you in the near future;
  • seventh - the potential of a person that needs to be developed;

Humanity has always strived to look behind the curtain of the future, to open the door to the unknown and try to unravel its fate. Therefore, it is not surprising that at all times - from pharaohs to presidents, from the slave system to modern democratic regimes - there were people who devoted their lives to one and only business - fortune-telling. They invented crystal balls and runes, came up with fortune-telling cards and various signs by which one can determine what awaits a person tomorrow. And with all this, they seemed to be leading an enlightened society by the hand into that mysterious twilight in which its future lies.

However, it cannot be said that their existence was simple, because sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers were always treated with caution, no matter whether the latter were black magicians and necromancers or simple fortune-tellers and sorcerers. Of course, such a position is quite understandable, because if an ordinary person cannot know his future, then the one who succeeds can hardly be considered ordinary, which means that it raises suspicion and a reasonable question why he can do something that others cannot. Nevertheless, despite the distrust of the common people, despite the persecution from the authorities and the church, fortune-tellers, sorcerers and other specialists in predicting the future perfectly survived until the XXI century and continue their triumphant march across the planet.

There are many charlatans among them, who have mastered simple techniques of unfolding cards, learned the basic techniques of reading the psychological state of a person and learned to speak confused and abstruse “about everything and nothing”.

However, good specialists are sometimes found among advertisements in newspapers or on poles. Most of them are hereditary wizards who have inherited their and accompanying skills and abilities by inheritance from their parents, which means that they not only know their craft thoroughly, but also have a talent for it, as a result of which they make mistakes less often and give a clearer picture and close to reality.

But not only fortune-tellers keep the industry of knowledge about the future, because in fact anyone who has a special deck of cards and who knows what to do with it can afford the luxury of spying on what happened, what will be and how his heart will calm down. Fortunately, today there are many manuals and guides on fortune-telling cards, which are dedicated to their various hypostases: from ordinary decks on which our grandmothers played solitaire, and ending with Tarot cards that are difficult to handle and interpret. Moreover, in our enlightened era, fortune-telling for the near future is possible on maps online via a computer and the Internet. This method is especially good in that the fortuneteller does not need to stock up on special cards, manuals for their use and interpretation, and learn the basics of fortune telling. It is enough just to find the site you need, make a couple of right clicks, and the answer to the heart-beating question will appear on the monitor in the blink of an eye.

There are many ways to make excursions into the future today, but maps, as before, remain one of the most ubiquitous in our country. Perhaps the reason for this is their significance. Perhaps the fact that they warn a person, activate his analytical abilities, make him reflect on his past actions, carefully plan future ones. And perhaps everything is even simpler, because the cards give hope, and it is, as you know, the pivot on which each individual person and humanity as a whole rests.

How to guess to find out everything about your future?

So, as the personal experience of many modern Russians shows, it is not at all necessary to “go to the grandmother” for the latest news “from the fortune-telling fields,” you can completely carry out all the procedures necessary for this on your own. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to be seven inches in the forehead for this. You need at least:

  • buy a fresh deck of cards (better than non-playable ones, but how it goes);
  • stock up on an approximate plan of layouts that will be used in fortune-telling, and an interpretation of their possible results (you will find them in this article).

4 proven ways to tell fortunes for the future

1. Fortune telling for the next month

The simplest divination for the nearest future is called “Fortune-telling for the coming month”. It is best done at the end of the current month to find out what awaits in the new one. The essence of fortune telling is to get nine cards from a shuffled deck and study by. These cards predict the near future, however, their interpretation is not trivial, since not only the cards themselves and their sequence, but also the number of cards of the same suit or of the same value, matter. According to experts, only the whole complex of matches in the suit and values \u200b\u200bof the cards significantly affects the events of the next 30 days.

2. The past, the future and how the heart will calm down

This is a popular fortune telling, which is known to many from mothers and grandmothers. It is very simple to do, it is easy to remember both in the layout and in the interpretation. Moreover, it can be practiced often (it focuses on the nearest future):

  • For fortune-telling, you will need a deck of 36 cards.
  • Having shuffled it, you will need to take five cards to yourself (without removing them from the deck, but from above) and put them separately, in a row, on the table, while saying: “For yourself, for the heart, for the house, what was, what will be ”.
  • You need to do this with your left hand (it is closer to the heart, less rational).
  • Then you should repeat the procedure again, but with the last display of cards, get another, sixth, with the words: "How will the heart calm down."
  • Now you can interpret the meanings of the cards according to traditional schemes. Given the enormous popularity of this particular alignment in our country, you can always find this fortune-telling for the future on the cards online and for free.

3.13 cards speak of things to come

This fortune-telling is widely known under the name “13 cards”, it is recommended to use it not constantly, but only when it is necessary to make some responsible decision (or in a critical situation). For the layout you need a classic deck of 36 cards.

  • The deck is shuffled, at this time it is advisable to think about the situation or the person being guessed at, after which thirteen cards are removed (you can choose any cards from the deck)
  • The peculiarity of the interpretation lies in the fact that only those cards are important that are taken out of the total mass by odd ones:
    • The first card in order symbolizes the most important phenomenon that worries the object of fortune-telling
    • The third is the cause of anxiety
    • Fifth - events to be experienced in the near future
    • Seventh - potential talents of the individual
    • Ninth - people and phenomena that will soon surprise you
    • Eleventh is what will carry the negative.

Based on the analysis of the results of this alignment, it is possible to draw an approximate picture of not only the upcoming events, but also the moods and experiences that will soon fall on the lot of a person, use it for this.

4. Fortune-telling for the far and near future

As you know, the concept of "future" is quite extensible, because it includes everything: from tomorrow to the last second of our planet's existence. It is for those who want to know about the near and far future that this alignment was invented. It is made using a deck of 36 cards, which, after shuffling, is removed 3 times to itself, after which sixteen cards are randomly selected from it. The resulting cards must be placed in four rows above the one that symbolizes the person who is fortune-telling ( this card is chosen depending on the gender (king or queen) and eye / hair color (suit) of the object of divination).

The first sixteen cards will be those that are responsible for the near future. In addition to them, you need to separately select one more. It will lie on top of the resulting rows and will indicate the event that will become key in a person's life in the near future. The next stage of fortune telling is the choice of 16 cards for the distant future of the personality. They will be located under the card symbolizing the person who is being used to guess. They should be laid out from left to right, and then do not forget to get two more separate cards from the deck. One is for a defining event in the distant future, the second is for a phenomenon or a person who will leave the fate of the one they are guessing at.

As you can see, almost all popular types of fortune-telling for determining the near or far future are quite simple, the main thing is to have a good interpreter of the meanings of the cards at hand and to understand a little the principles of implementing the correct card layout.

Fortune telling online: can you trust?

Of course, from the point of view of hereditary fortune tellers, soothsayers and others like them, fortune-telling "via the Internet" is completely different from fortune-telling on cards. And, of course, there is some truth in this. The principle of information processing in online fortune telling is based on the generation of random numbers (in our case, cards), as well as on the issuance of an interpretation “from the textbook” (that is, a dry text that does not take into account a lot of purely personal factors). But this is understandable, technical limitations are technical limitations. A computer cannot look into a person's eyes and ask him to think about his problems in order to give the most reliable and believable result.

On the other hand, how is shuffling a deck and choosing cards from it different from generating random numbers? After all, the main thing in this process is the direction of the mind of the fortuneteller who wants to know his fate. The problem of liquidity of such fortune-telling procedures is rather controversial. Nevertheless, fortune telling on the cards for the future online for free is very popular now and seems to be successfully replacing the classic cardboard cards and fortune-tellers grandmothers. Although, perhaps, online fortune-telling is just a qualitatively new level of development of the most insightful technologies, which in itself is not a negative moment, but on the contrary - testifies to the rigorous movement of this art forward.

The views (from both 36 and 52 cards) are of two types:

  1. Elementary
  2. Complicated.

The former presuppose a maximum of simple actions and the unambiguity of the answers received, while the latter are guided by complex compositions from maps and, as a consequence, by meaningful pictures obtained as a result. So, if, using an elementary alignment, you can find out, for example, how the business you started will end or what to expect from your new love, then as a result of the use of more complex solitaire games, you will get a detailed answer to the question about the past, present, future of a person, as well as about his house, family and personal experiences.

You will find one of the fortune-telling options in this video:

As a rule, for most layouts designed to determine the future as a whole or its individual fragments, there is a single interpretation of the cards, having learned it once it will be easy to navigate in the interpretation of the results of fortune telling in the future. Within the framework of this interpretation, for example, a jack of diamonds means gossip, a nine of clubs - love and marriage, an ace of spades - bad news, etc. Of course, remembering the meanings of all the cards will not be easy at first, but if you stock up on special memory tables or diagrams, then this process will not take much time, especially since the future is at stake. In this article, several popular options for fortune telling on cards for the future are given as examples.

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