Ten staffs. The meaning of the Tarot card is the Ten of Staves (Wands). The value of the card in the layout for health

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Description: a person carries a bundle of wands, and it is clear that it is difficult for him. This person does not see the road because of his burden. Against the background of the village and fields. The main meanings of the card in an upright position:
1. a strong person, but who has taken on too much;
2. a case that is not yet lifted;
3. decisiveness will pay off;
4. the beginning or end of a cycle;
5. the need for help from friends (you should contact them for advice);
6. gloomy mood;
7. overload, great responsibility, fatigue;
8. unnecessary cargo;
9.Darkness in personal life, loneliness, problems with a partner (take a break);
10. romantic growing up;
11. problems with the muscular or musculoskeletal system;
12. heart problems;
13. treason, secrecy, treachery, deceit;
14. unwillingness to accept help from someone. I'll do everything myself! The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:
1. not lifting business has already brought misfortune and damage to health;
2. talents and skills are misused;
3. selfish goals, dishonesty;
4. relieving stress, pressure;
5. reasonable distribution of responsibilities;
6. distrust;
7. congestion;
8. work is not rewarded;
9. problems with the heart, back, muscular and musculoskeletal system;
10. desire to control others;
11. the busy period is over;
12. unwillingness to accept help from someone. I'll do everything myself! A strong man drags a whole bunch of Wands, holding them straight in front of him: because of them, he does not see the way. This card means a person who has taken on too much - a responsibility that he cannot afford, or obligations that he cannot fulfill. Instead of walking further with this burden, he needs to stop, throw off at least part of it and look around: where has he gone and is it worth dragging all this load further? This card is often given to businessmen or "workaholics" who work 25 hours a day. Then she warns that a person must immediately give himself a rest, otherwise he will face a health disorder or failure in all matters. As a forecast, it means that it is better not to take on the planned business, because now it is “too heavy”. In the inverted form, it indicates that the failure has already occurred, the person “overstrained” and paid for it with health or luck. (E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot") Other names for the arcana: a dozen staves,ten sceptres. DESCRIPTION: The young man clutches a heavy bundle of ten blooming wands. Leaning forward, he strides stubbornly towards his house located in the distance. The number Ten symbolizes perfection through completion. Element: Fire. EXPLANATION: Your determination and determination will pay off as you have laid the foundation (foundation) for the next step in your life journey, but you feel that your current burden is heavy on you - physically or emotionally. You are under a lot of pressure and you are experiencing many changes that have reached a critical stage. The number Ten symbolizes the end and the beginning, so this can be the final phase of your past cycle and the likelihood of new, fresh opportunities. You should probably ask yourself if you enjoy carrying a heavy responsibility or an unshakable belief. This may be the perfect time to accept the help and advice of others whose opinions you value. THE VALUE OF THE INVERTED CARD: Your talents and skills are misused. You use your strength and creative energy for selfish purposes and you tend to unfairly shift the burden of responsibility onto other people. LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: Regardless of the burden you carry in life alone, there come times when it is helpful to seek advice and help from other people you trust. When your personal difficulties seem overwhelming to you, reevaluate your life to ensure that you are still on the right track. (N. Drury "The Tarot. A Step-by-Step Study Guide") The Ten of Wands is a dark mood card showing that we expected too much, and now all our bright prospects have vanished like smoke. Maybe we ourselves have worked badly somewhere and are now disentangling ourselves. Sometimes this card also means that on the path of our development we skipped several steps at once and now we feel like first-graders who got right into the fifth grade; new incomprehensible tasks hang like a heavy millstone around the neck. So it is quite possible that now we will embarrass ourselves with them. It takes time to get used to it, time and patience, and then the tasks will cease to seem incomprehensible, and the gloomy mood will pass, and we will finally take our rightful place. JOB: Stress, overload, or too much responsibility at work. Often this is the result of a rapid ascension that forced us to take on responsibilities that we still had no idea about. It is important here to concentrate (maybe with the help of meditation), gather strength so that the necessary time passes, and we enter the right track without much loss. This card can also mean "corvee", that is, an unloved job that we have to do for a while, or a long job search through a job office, or difficult ordeals that make us feel terrified. Here it is important to get rid of the unnecessary cargo that has been accumulated over the previous years in time. CONSCIOUSNESS: The Ten of Wands shows that we are tormented by doubts and thoughts about difficult problems, and we see no way out of them. We are ruled by fatigue, overwork, gloomy mood. The best way to overcome this black streak is to abstract from it, take a break, go on a long-desired vacation, be it a vacation in the country, an expensive trip to the sea, or a pilgrimage to some famous monastery. PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: Darkness, continuous darkness. Most likely, this card shows that you have been suffering from loneliness for a long time and do not see a way out of this situation. Or that you have a partner, but there are such problems with him that you again do not see a way out. During such a period, it is better to give yourself a break, take a vacation, leave - or, if this is not possible, watch yourself carefully so as not to let yourself break down and destroy what is still good in your relationship.

Dozens in Tarot

The number ten is associated with the Wheel of Fortune, the planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio and the eighth house. Pluto is the planet of death, birth and transformation; in the cycle, a period of growth and decline is replaced by a new period of growth. Like the Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana, Pluto speaks of great changes that fate is preparing.

Ten of Wands in an upright position

Key words and phrases: A heavy burden. A heavy burden. Stress at work. A huge responsibility. Determination. Taking on too much. Inability to shift some of your responsibilities to others. Congestion. Full responsibility. Immersion in work. Pressure. The stretching of events. Loneliness at the top. Hard work. Responsible project. Heavy responsibilities. Raising status as a result of hard work. Overtime work. Desire to succeed. Extra work. Anxiety. Overvoltage. Overwork. Oppression. Unsuccessful attempts to get what you want. Obsessive behavior. The temptations of power. Work without rest, Bite off more than you can chew. Romantic growing up. Tight back. Problems with the muscular system and the musculoskeletal system. Displacement of the vertebral discs. Problems with heart. If I want to get things done right, I'll do it myself. He is not heavy because he is my brother. As you go to bed - so you sleep. The eyes are larger than the stomach. Stop here. Situation and advice: You are now struggling to shoulder a heavy burden, take responsibility, and take on your responsibilities. Perhaps this responsibility is too great, and the burden is too heavy. Your strength is about to run out, and you are already starting to wonder if it will be enough to cross the finish line. Despite the weight of your burden, you still have a margin of safety to complete the task. You are driven by the desire to succeed and achieve your goals at any cost. However, you should understand that you cannot do everything yourself. Learn to assign responsibilities and don't take on more than you should. You must clearly know your limits. Now you are so absorbed in work that you do not yet realize the full weight of the burden on yourself. Over-focusing on your career can negatively affect other aspects of your life. The earth will spin without you, but overwork can lead to serious health problems, and it can be especially dangerous for your back, heart, muscular system and musculoskeletal system. ... People:Very ambitious people. Workaholics. People who are absorbed in work. Production union.

Ten of Wands in an inverted position

Key words and phrases:(Positive Values) Relief from stress or pressure. The burden has been dropped. Reasonable division of responsibilities. (Negative values) Unwise use of one's talents. Excessive ambition. Congestion. Delay in action. Failure. Unwillingness to share responsibility. The work is not rewarded. Catch on hot. Mistrust. Dishonest duties. Envy. Cheating. A scam. Letting off steam. Voluntary responsibilities. Go astray. Pass your stop. The desire to control the lives of others. Step on your favorite calluses. The pursuit. Back problems, heart problems, muscular system and musculoskeletal system. Much ado about nothing. Situation and advice: Positive aspect of the Ten of Wands: in an inverted position, the card indicates getting rid of an unbearable burden. You will feel less stress and pressure, you will be able to divide your responsibilities wisely, and the job will be successfully completed. Your health is improving and you will be more efficient at your job. Eventually, the fun will return to you. Negative aspect: A dozen of Wands in an inverted position warns that your hard work will not be rewarded properly. Someone is using you, shifting most of their responsibilities onto your shoulders, and they have become a heavy burden on you. Perhaps you are afraid to entrust others with some part of the work, because they will not do it properly. Perhaps now you are clearing out the consequences of your excessive ambition. As a result of physical and emotional stress, health problems can arise. People: Those who create problems or pass them on to other people.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Ten of Wands lasso

Meaning of tens of wands in an upright position:

  • Treason, Treachery, Deceit, Deception, Cunning.
  • Surprise, Disguise, Stealth.
  • Hypocrisy, Crimes in office, Duplicity, dishonesty, baseness, dishonesty.
  • Intention, Conspiracy, Slander, Deception.

Other meanings of dozens of tarot wands in an upright position:

  • oppression, heavy burden (wealth, luck, etc.), deceit
  • overwhelming commitment, depression

The ten wands tarot card speaks of the severity of overwork. A dozen of wands may simply indicate that the Client is taking on too much to achieve the goal. But, on the other hand, excessive workload can be the result of goals already achieved, for example, a promotion or an outrageous expansion of the business. This burden can become overwhelming when business and community needs collide. A dozen tarot wands can mean good luck, benefit, success, but also possible misfortune from all this. Uncertainty about your enterprise is likely, but if you defend yourself and your honor, opposition will be swept away. The meaning of the tens of wands in an inverted position:

  • Obstacle, Zeal.
  • Obstacle, Bond, Resistance, Difficulty, Burden, Labor,
  • Inconvenience, Vileness, Nagging, Requirements, Pitfall, Fence.

Other meanings of the inverted dozen tarot wands:

  • contradictions, difficulties, intrigues
  • trying to achieve a goal in unrighteous ways
  • excessive burden, distrust, abuse of power

The Inverted Ten of Tarot Wands shows that the Client bends under the weight of the excessive work with which he has loaded himself. Mistrust in colleagues and a reluctance to delegate tasks and responsibilities to them are probably at the root of most of the Client's problems. In addition, the ten wands tarot card speaks of the Client's abuse of his official position or power, of the oppression of other people. An inverted tarot card ten wands signifies intrigue and perplexity. Possible litigation or complication of relations between people. Huge probability of loss; if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, you may lose everything you acquired. Betrayal. Comment. If a dozen of wands are reversed, but the surrounding cards are favorable, the negative influence remains, but you are able to resist it. In this case, the card warns against trouble and fake friends. Inner meaning The feeling that you are able to do anything, to win under any circumstances. This can push you to play at high stakes, and such a game can lead to huge winnings. Comment. If the other cards are unfavorable, the win is still possible, but it will bring misfortune and trouble. The ten of wands tarot card also contains a warning that success is not guaranteed; you have succeeded in your first venture, but now you have bigger goals and will be difficult to achieve. Sources:

  1. N. Dryury “Tarot. A step-by-step guide to learning "
  2. E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot"
  3. Unknown Author "Getting Started for Reading Tarot Cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Self-study guide on tarot"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

Minor Arcanum Tarot card TEN OF WANDS (STAFF, SCEPTERS)

Description of the TEN OF WANDS Tarot card The Minor Arcanum Tarot card Ten of Wands depicts a strong man carrying a heavy armful of staffs. This load is quite heavy and you need to make a lot of effort in order to simply lift it. In addition, a person who has taken on such a heavy burden does not see because of it the road along which he is walking. The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card TEN OF WANDS in fortune-telling and layouts Direct position of the card TEN OF WANDS A dozen of Wands in an upright position is a heavy burden, burden, overloading with tasks and responsibilities, which makes it difficult to see distant prospects. This card can symbolize what seems to be false, disguise, treachery. If there is a case being discussed in court - a lawsuit or a claim - then there will be a sure loss. The Ten of Wands is a dark mood map showing that you expected too much, and now all the bright prospects have dispersed like smoke. Such moods and circumstances arise with unreasonably high expectations, with a careless attitude to work or study. It takes time and patience, and then the tasks will no longer seem incomprehensible, the gloomy mood will pass, and you will finally take your rightful place. Inverted position of the TEN OF WANDS In an inverted form, the Ten of Staves indicates that a person has shouldered an exorbitant burden, or that he is trying to achieve what he wants in dishonest ways. Sometimes it is a warning about intrigue or abuse of power. The meaning and interpretation of the TEN OF WANDS card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career Direct card position Junior Arcana of the Ten of Wands is stress, overload or too much responsibility that you inherited at work. This is often the result of being appointed to a new position, forcing you to take on responsibilities that you still had no idea about. Conflict at work with elements of suppression from colleagues or bosses, failure, failure to complete any project or task. Inverted card position A dozen of Wands in an inverted form are unfulfilled expectations, fear of a difficult task. For a leader, Arkan indicates an inability to organize the work of subordinates, and for a person who got a new job, it is likely that he will face unfamiliar responsibilities that he has no idea about. The meaning and interpretation of the TEN OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune-telling on health Direct card position Spine diseases, high blood pressure, diseases associated with high stress. Depression. Inverted card position Relief, tension drop, pressure drop. The meaning and interpretation of the TEN OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships Direct card position Here the Ten of Staves is a strong suppression of one partner by another, possibly with the use of physical violence, absolutely unequal relations, aggression. The card may show that you have been suffering from loneliness for a very long time and do not see a way out of this situation. Inverted card position A dozen of Wands in an inverted form speaks of complications in relationships, a difficult period of grinding, about the consumer attitude of a fortuneteller to a partner or a partner to a fortuneteller, in which all responsibilities are dumped on one person. Sometimes this Arkan is interpreted as a betrayal. The meaning and interpretation of the TEN OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment Direct card position Careerist, workaholic, ready to sacrifice a lot, for the sake of a career or his own business. Inverted card position The card describes a person who shifts responsibility to others. The meaning and interpretation of the TEN OF WANDS card as a card of the day Today will require discipline and endurance. You will either take on a task that will require all your strength, or you will be entrusted with a task that, at first glance, will seem impossible to you. But, if it's worth it, brace yourself and take the risk. Board card TEN OF WANDS in fortune telling and spreads Be prepared for challenges. Pull yourself together, remember discipline. Don't be too convinced of your own righteousness and infallibility, but also don't let others control your emotions and opinions. Minor Arcana Tarot. Wands Online tarot divination

In a deck of ten tarot wands, it is the Minor Arcana. The card depicts a man with a large armful of staffs on his shoulders. Even an uninitiated person can see that it is hard for him. The man's back is bent under the weight of the load, which pulls to the ground. He has to make a lot of effort in order to move on.

Ten of Tarot Wands - Junior Arcana The staves close the view, and the person moves almost blindly. He does not see obstacles in his path, which makes it even more difficult for him to cope with his task. A gloomy card that indicates high hopes and a reassessment of one's capabilities. But this can lead to the fact that a person will acquire many problems.

General interpretation of the card ten of Wands

Ten Staves indicate that it will take a lot of time and effort to adapt to new conditions. Only with time will a person be able to overcome his depressed state, and difficult tasks will no longer seem so incomprehensible. In the layouts for new projects, the card tells that a person is not able to cope with them. Despite the fact that the foundation for its implementation has already been laid, the implementation of the project will take a lot of effort and will be a difficult test both physically and emotionally. And also irreparable harm to health can be caused. The end result will not be as expected. Poles warn workaholics to take a break and take a break. It is important to learn how to distribute responsibilities and not take on more than you should. During this period, it is impossible to do without the help of friends and colleagues.

If the Ten of Wands fell out with the Empress card, then this means that love adventures will soon befall you

It is necessary to take into account which card it dropped out with. For example, a dozen of Wands in combination with the Jester foreshadows the beginning of new affairs, and with the Empress - love adventures.

The value of the card in the layouts

In order to understand the meaning of the 10 Tarot Wands, you need to pay attention to their position in the layout:

Inverted position

In the layout, a dozen of Wands are inverted. The man has taken on an overwhelming task that he cannot cope with. In order to achieve this goal, dishonest methods can be used. And also wands can warn of upcoming disputes and weaving intrigues. Younger Arkan can talk about the abuse of power, the inability to distinguish more important things from those of little importance.

Direct position

In this position, the Tarot card of a dozen of Wands indicates that a man has taken an unbearable burden. His excessive responsibility prevents him from seeing reality. Because of this, he cannot make long-term plans. The person experiences feelings of fear, frustration, and depression. And also the Younger Arkan has a different meaning: lies, treachery and betrayal. Therefore, if the case concerns any disputes in court, you should not even try to defend your innocence, because such cases are obviously losing. Regarding a career, then a dozen speaks of a lack of prospects and a complete failure of all the things that have been started, and regarding health and mood, it does not bode well. A similar situation develops with high expectations and a negligent attitude towards work and one's health. Poles can indicate problems with the law and conflict with power. The person who is doing the alignment needs to be patient and wait until everything stabilizes.

The value of the card in the career

A dozen scepters indicates an unloved job, and a person in search of a job will have to look for a suitable option for a long time.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the card says that all hopes and dreams were in vain. And he can also talk about a great fear of a difficult task. For an ordinary employee, he informs him that difficult tasks await him at a new workplace, but he will be able to cope with them.

Ten of Wands in an inverted position - inability to organize the workflow

For a leader, this Tarot portends a lack of opportunity to organize a work process due to a lack of managerial skills. The upside-down ten represents fear and futile career expectations. The staffs tell us that a person strictly adheres to his principles and the sense of flexibility is alien to him. Direct position

In work, the ten Wands card tells about problems, difficult situations and regular stressful situations. This situation may be related to a new job. Poles can portend conflicts in the team, dissatisfaction with top management and unsuccessful completion of the work begun. The staves talk about the pointless treading on the spot, or the negative consequences of great success.

The value of the card in the layout for health

Inverted position. Regarding health, 10 Staves portends a favorable solution to all problems: health will improve, blood pressure will normalize.

A person can temporarily forget about the presence of chronic diseases and feel healthy. A huge surge of strength will give an impetus for new achievements.

In an upright position, the card does not promise anything good. Excessive stress on the back can lead to back problems. Unreasonable depression can also develop. Therefore, during this period, a person must take care of himself and take care of his health.

The value of the card in the layout for love

In a relationship, this Arkan does not bode well:

  1. The inverted ten speaks of understatement and difficulties in relationships and a difficult period of grinding. The partner will feel dissatisfied. This is due to the fact that he has no feeling of love. He does not feel tender feelings for a partner and only allows himself to be loved. As a result, the couple cannot develop harmonious relationships. In a pair, one person loves, and the other allows him to. And you also need to be prepared for betrayal by a loved one.
  2. Direct position. In matters of the heart, Sceptres in a direct position speak of insensitivity, heartlessness, physical violence and suppression of a partner. In this case, the relationship is built on powerlessness, aggression and fear, so they have no perspective. The main thing in these relationships is the powerful and rich partner, and this is not always a man. And also we can talk about a clash of characters and the fight against taboos and prohibitions. A person has a difficult relationship with a partner: they cannot find a common language, they unsuccessfully try to build a harmonious relationship.

A dozen of Wands in a straight position in a relationship means a bad outcome

The value of the card in the layout for personality assessment

This Minor Arcana can point to an enemy or suggest a person who can be asked for help:

  1. Inverted position. In this case, the Poles characterize a person as a cowardly person - he is not responsible for his actions and shifts responsibility to other people. He leads a meaningless lifestyle and is not of interest to the people around him.
  2. Direct position. Ten Staves in this position characterizes a person as a workaholic and a responsible person. He is ready to obey, sacrifice himself and take on overwhelming tasks. Ten of Wands speaks of being ready for difficulties. Therefore, a person must get together and remember about discipline. Don't be overconfident, as this can lead to many problems. But letting someone control your opinions and emotions is also not worth it. The meaning of the card is not always negative. In some situations, she foreshadows that all difficulties will benefit, and a person will be able to benefit from the current situation and find the meaning of his life.

Regardless of the situation in which this card fell out, it is recommended to take a vacation and postpone the decision of any business until better times. It is important to take care of yourself and not let all the good that is left to be destroyed. In the event that it is not possible to completely retire from business, it is recommended to enlist the support of loved ones and not be scattered over many things at once, but to choose one and concentrate your efforts on it.

The tenth card of the suit of Wands depicts a man who is dragging ten wands. Because of his burden, he does not see the road and does not understand where to go. The load he has put on himself is so heavy that the person is unable to move on. it workaholic map, overly responsible and arrogant people, as well as those who do not care about the matter.

Glyph of 10 of Wands

A dozen of wands fall out in cases where it is necessary to stop and analyze the situation. The image of the card itself speaks of its meaning - man takes on a lotwithout even realizing what difficulties lie ahead. As a result, presumptuousness can lead to the fact that he will not achieve his goal, waste his energy on unnecessary things, and will not keep promises. 10 wands symbolizes an overwhelming burden, from which you need to get rid of, or at least throw off some of the obligations. Falling out in fortune-telling, this card asks you: is it worth it to continue pulling everything on yourself? Isn't it time to get rid of what weighs you down? Sometimes a dozen of wands fall out as a warning that a person need rest and rethinking your own life. If everything continues as before, a malfunction may occur in the body, which will lead to the onset of illness and a nervous breakdown. The card suggests that it is time for you to change your worldview and come to inner harmony.


Falling out in the layout, 10 wands describes, first of all, the emotional state of a person. She says about depression, apathy and emotional exhaustion... The reason for all this is your conscious choice. By nature, you are used to taking on a lot of responsibility. The current burden is very heavy for you, you are tired of pressing problems and want relaxation and rest. However, feeling the pressure of external factors and following internal beliefs, you are in no hurry to get rid of your burden. Let's consider the main values \u200b\u200bof the card in an upright position:

  • overwhelming business;
  • need for help;
  • apathy, fatigue, exhaustion;
  • big burden of responsibility;
  • a lot of work, workaholic;
  • loneliness, problems in personal life;
  • arrogance, unwillingness to accept help.

Inverted position 10 wands indicates that you are using your energy incorrectly. You are driven by selfishness, vanity and pride. You are unfair to other people. This is expressed in shifting responsibility and problems onto the shoulders of others. You go to your goal in dishonest ways, which ultimately will not bring you any benefit and moral satisfaction. Also, this card may indicate that you are hostage to the situation - someone uses you for their own selfish purposes, loading you with responsibility and overwhelming tasks. What else does the 10 wands upside down mean?

  • health problems;
  • dishonesty, deception;
  • pressure from outside, stress and nervous breakdowns;
  • lack of remuneration for the work done;
  • the ingratitude of loved ones you help;
  • the desire to control the actions of other people.

Meaning in relationships

In a relationship, the 10 wands indicate difficulties in communication and lack of mutual understanding... Most likely, relationships with people around you at the moment weigh you down and do not allow you to develop. This card falls out when you need to break unnecessary ties that drag you down. If you want to maintain relationships with loved ones and improve them, then you should stop communicating for a while, give yourself a break, analyze all the pros and cons of your relationship. Upside down the card of 10 wands indicates that someone is using and manipulating you. Don't let anyone sit on your neck. Be tough in dealing with people, learn to say "no". Your kindness, naivety and dependability can play a cruel joke with you. Card calls think about yourself first and your comfort, and only then think about the problems of other people. If there are cards with a positive value nearby in the layout, then you will be able to free yourself from unnecessary connections and throw off the burden of useless affairs and tasks.

In love

Fortune-telling for the personal life of 10 wands talks about a difficult relationship with a partner... You are probably in a situation where your partner is using you, and you are allowing him to do so. You are burdened by this relationship, however, due to your character or circumstances, you cannot decide to change. In family life, this card may indicate restrictions and lack of personal freedom... This could mean living with a tyrant or despot who forbids you from living a happy life. Also, this card can symbolize loneliness, and the inability to find your soul mate... This is probably due to you yourself. The card says that you consciously do not allow yourself to build your personal life. It's time to forgive yourself for all your past mistakes and stop thinking about the bad. In an inverted position10 wands speaks of the consumer attitude in a pair. Most likely, your loved one has shouldered all their problems and responsibilities. For a new couple, an inverted 10 of wands may indicate a period of grinding in and difficulty communicating during the initial phase of the relationship.

In work

If 10 wands fall out in the layout for a career, then you urgently need to reconsider your behavior, solutions and attitude to work. This card may indicate that you are taking on too much responsibility and trying to grasp the immensity. You are unlikely to be able to jump your own head, since the range of tasks that you have taken upon yourself is not yet within your power. Also, this card may indicate negative consequences of recent success... There are probably many negative aspects to all of your career achievements. You achieved your goals, but in other areas of your life you had to lose something. Another 10 wands indicate that your work is a mess and fuss. It's time for you to put all your thoughts on the shelves and reconsider your attitude to work. Inverted 10 of wands talks about stress and emotional stress. Everything that happens at work throws you off balance. The card promises unfulfilled expectations, collapsed hopes and fears of the responsibility assumed. For people in leadership positions, the card means the inability to organize the work of employees.


In terms of health, the 10 wands indicate deterioration of health... This is a sign of the onset of diseases, which will be caused by constant stress and heavy workload. In this context, the card should be interpreted as chronic fatigue, exhaustion, apathy, emotional burnout. The load, which has become an unbearable burden for you, negatively affects the body. Just a little more and you will finally break. Don't lose control of yourself. It's time to reconsider your priorities and take care of yourself. Otherwise, the body will fail. This card appears as a warning that it's time to relax and devote time to yourself and your health... Also, the card may indicate an already undermined health due to work and everyday duties and stress. Reversed Card 10 of Wands speaks of the occurrence of diseases that you once did not heal. You will have to face those "sores" again. However, now you need to fully engage in treatment, otherwise the disease will become a major problem in your life.

Well no

In divination "yes or no", a straight line of 10 wands gives a negative answer... Your plans cannot be realized due to the large amount of effort put into it. The map shows that you are too persistent and blindly going to achieve the set task, completely oblivious to what is happening around you. Efforts will be in vain. Also, the reason for the unrealizable desire in this case may be your workload. A large number of tasks and responsibilities that you have taken on yourself do not allow you to achieve what you want. The card advises that it is easier to relate to what is happening and get rid of what prevents you from going forward. To resolve the situation in your favor ask for help loved ones. You are unlikely to be able to cope alone. If the card is down upside down, then it, as in the first case, gives a negative answer. Nothing will work, since you yourself will refuse to implement your plan. That burden of responsibility and overwhelming tasks will break you. Most likely, you will shift some of the responsibilities to another person, or take an easier but dishonest path. As a result, you will fail.

For money

In the financial scenario, 10 wands describes the worries about the material side of life. In divination, she talks about anxiety and fears associated with a lack of funds. Map indicates financial problems and debts... This state of affairs is strongly postponed on the emotional and physical state. Money problems are weighing on you and you don't know how to deal with the situation. Your overconfidence and past rash decisions are likely to be the cause of your money problems. You rely too much on yourself and your abilities.

Identity card

If the alignment is made for a specific person, then 10 wands characterize a bold and determined personalityable to cope with any difficulties. This is a human defender who can solve the problems of people close to him. Difficulties and obstacles do not stop him, he always achieves what he wants. Inverted 10 of wands indicates a weak-minded person who is afraid of responsibility and runs away from obligations. This person is unable to stand up for himself or for his loved ones. A sense of duty and responsibility is alien to him. He is indecisive, cowardly and deceitful.

Card of the day

In the layout for the coming day, this card promises very difficult and hectic day... You should not take on difficult tasks today, unless of course the circumstances allow it. Try to abstract yourself from current problems - this will help to assess the situation as a whole and find ways to solve the troubles. In work try not to show much initiative, as your desire to prove yourself can ultimately lead to unnecessary trouble and useless deeds. Try to be careful in dealing with people - do not get involved in conflicts and disputes. With money be careful - a waste of money is very likely.

Dozens in tarot are described as the peak of something, in which case the wands refer to the element of fire. Therefore, when this minor lasso falls out, major problems may arise that must be resolved thanks to the ability to correctly direct energy, because it is associated with this element. The value of 10 wands in the tarot is important, so its loss in the layout should not be underestimated. In general, a person will have to apply patience and prepare for difficulties.

The value of 10 wands in the tarot

This minor lasso corresponds to the 3rd decade of the last fire sign - Sagittarius. Therefore, it is comparable to the fact that a person will have situations in which it will be necessary to use courage, confidence and activity in full force. The other two fire signs only comprehend the power of energy, and Sagittarius must be able to master it. And also this card can be combined with the conjunction of Saturn and the Sun, when any enterprise and action is required to be restrained and do it accurately.

This minor lasso depicts a man carrying 10 staffs after a battle. Therefore, the value of 10 staves in tarot speaks also of a long journey, which in any case is required to pass, because going back is meaningless. The questioner will have the last correct option after the defeat, which cannot be missed. In this case, the path will not be easy, because he will carry a load with him, that is, the staves depicted on the map.

If this minor lasso was in combination with negative cards, then a person may find himself in a really difficult situation, when prospects after overcoming difficulties are not expected, but it makes no sense to go back either. This is especially true of the Tower card, because it speaks of major destruction.

And in combination with a dozen of wands, this means that at least the current situation will have to be restored, that is, all plans will collapse, and with them stability and measured life will go away. For example, a person may risk investing in a business by mortgaging his own apartment. The case will not give the expected exhaust, and at the same time, the person will also lose his own home. And now to man to recover from heavy losses.

But in combination with favorable cards, or lasso that speak of the beginning, you can radically change your life. This is especially true for the Fool card. In this combination, a person will have

the opportunity to escape from the piled-up difficulties, and he will forget about the qualities that he showed earlier. Patience and the ability to direct all energy into one thing will be alien to him, now he will live for one day, and he will not be bothered by problems.

For example, a person could work for a long time in one place, and this has always been associated with difficult conditions, where patience and discipline were always required... But now he will have the opportunity to go far from his current place of residence and start a new life.

In general, we can say that a dozen staffs in the layout indicate a tense situation, from

which cannot be run. You will have to look difficulties in the eyes and be able to overcome them, otherwise difficulties will occur, in the solution of which a person will already be powerless. And this applies to layouts for any areas of life. Each of them will have some kind of peak situation. For example, in love, a major conflict can occur, after which you still have to put up, despite its complexity.

Inverted value description

The meaning of the inverted 10 wands can be interpreted from different angles. She also speaks of facing difficulties and losses, because Saturn requires sacrifices. But in this position, a person will not be able to solve problems, or rather, he will not want to. Because of this, his reputation and life in general may suffer greatly, and it will no longer be possible to live measuredly.

In ancient interpretations, an inverted dozen of wands are associated with deception and betrayal, that is, the questioner can deceive and betray himself.

He will show weakness in a peak situation and, of course, his reputation will suffer greatly. It will be easier for him to lie to himself that the piled up obstacles cannot be overcome. Also, as an option, he may be betrayed by a person whom he considered a friend. She could seek the trust of a person, and then use it for selfish purposes.

This position of dozens of wands has a more negative effect on the hands of creative people. They will have to stop in their development, because there will come a moment when thoughts simply cannot go in their heads. And without this, naturally, creative people cannot create something new. However, they will not be able to do anything about it.

In particular, an inverted 10 staff is of poor value when combined with a card of the Hanged Man type. In this case, a person can become a hermit due to situations in life, and it will be difficult for him to adapt to society again. He will have too crazy ideas that will completely destroy life. For example, he can sell his own home, donate the proceeds to an orphanage and start life on the street. That is, everything will go so far that a person will make the stupidest decision due to overexertion and fatigue.

Characteristics of the card

Having a heavy meaning, a dozen of wands bring certain difficulties to the layouts for different life situations. Whether it's a relationship or a job, you have to work hard to come out victorious. But in terms of health, she speaks specifically about diseases that are associated with the psyche... And all experiences will affect the health of the questioner. Most often this is due to the fact that a person is ineptly spending his own energy. Because of this, he can become very tired, and as a result, a breakdown and apathy occurs.

Also, as an option, a person will internally adjust himself to the fact that there is no further way. That is, he could achieve a goal in a relationship or career and cannot figure out what to do next. For example, he wanted to achieve the location of one person of the opposite sex and marry her.

He succeeded, and now he simply does not understand what to do next, he feels the burden of responsibility on himself, for which he was not ready. He can also get very tired of everyday problems and regular conflicts. That is, the person saw the goal, but did not think over all the details, he is not going to throw anything, but he also does not know what to do next.

Impact on relationships

In general, the junior lasso carries the following meanings in the layout of personal life:

  • Getting married by violence.
  • Fear of the partner of losing their current position in the relationship.
  • The beginning of a relationship because of the fear of being alone.

In the layout for relationships, the value of 10 tarot wands is rather negative, because the card is subject to Saturn, which holds everything back.

That is, in a relationship there can be restraint in the manifestation of feelings and the fear of losing a loved one. All this can only develop into affection, and then the person will only want to possess his partner, but there can be no talk of love.

Such a map can be described by the example of a relationship that has been going on for a long time. In them, the spouses could reach a certain level to which they have always strived. Between them there could be mutual understanding, sincere love, the birth of children and a minimum of conflicts. And, realizing this, one of the spouses may begin to try to keep everything on the same level, because he does not see where else to strive.

He may begin to control his partner and try to put pressure on him. He will have a fear of losing his current position in the relationship, and he will resort to methods of limitation that are subject to Saturn.

And if the questioner is not in a relationship in reality, then in really he could get tired of being alone... Because of this, he can start a serious relationship with the first person he comes across and quickly bring everything to marriage. But with a partner, he will behave too strictly, because he could already forget what it is to love. With a high probability, he will only be afraid of losing a partner, because he has been alone for too long. He will be guided by reason, and only the status of the relationship will be important for him, not love and mutual understanding.

A dozen more staffs can talk about a situation where the questioner may have an acquaintance, which will quickly reach the wedding.

But this will more likely be associated with violence, because no one will ask the questioner whether he wants to ring himself or not. For example, a girl can meet a Caucasian guy who decided to take her to an aul and quickly marry her. She may not agree to enter into official relations with him, but he has already told his family and friends that he has found a bride for himself, so the only correct choice in his case is to forcibly take away the object of sympathy. And will be accepted last resort that will involve violence and restraint.

Work, finance and business

The card carries the following meanings in the case of professional activities and finances:

  • Diffusion of forces in different matters, but none of them is brought to an end.
  • Getting a fair pay for the work done.
  • Getting a coveted position, but not ready for new complex tasks.
  • Verification by the superiors for strength and career prospects.

In the layout of the career and professional activity of a dozen of wands, it has rather a positive impact, because its planet Saturn is responsible for this area. But in case of its loss, it is worth getting ready for tasks that will be too difficult. A person can show excellent efficiency and execution of major matters, and now the authorities could entrust more complex tasks.

After completing them, the questioner can be promoted, and therefore every effort must be made if he wants to succeed. And he needs to give 120% if he wants to get a more prestigious position.

And for those who currently do not work anywhere, such a map indicates that a job can be found. He will be accepted for a prestigious position, but this is only the beginning of the path. The questioner simply will not be ready for the volume of work and the complex tasks that lie ahead. He just wanted to get a job, but the lack of the necessary experience will force him to make every effort if he wants to continue to stay in a new place. This means that in this case, you will have to apply 120% of knowledge and activity.

Particularly favorable is the loss of this card in the layout of a person who has been working for a long time and always makes maximum efforts. His income will increase several times, and his works will be fairly appreciated, but he will not be able to enjoy them properly. He simply will not have enough time for rest, that is, he will not be able to use the money for its intended purpose.

Sometimes this card also indicates that a person is overworked and uses energy in the wrong way. He needs to use time and activity more evenly if he wants to finish something and sometimes rest. That is, he is involved in many projects, but in none of them can he achieve the desired success.

Health status

In general, several situations can be distinguished that will occur to a person's health when 10 wands fall out:

  • Internal fatigue due to inappropriate energy distribution.
  • Depression and apathy from a lot of work.
  • Insecurity due to lack of rest.
  • The manifestation of aggression and inadequacy.
  • Suicidal thoughts due to piled up problems.

Usually, this junior lasso in the layout speaks precisely of the problems associated with the psyche. Therefore, you should try to rest a little if you do not want to get internal problems due to congestion. And those who are currently ill should not hope for a quick recovery. It is necessary to endure the last tests before recovery.

Attention, only TODAY!

Excessive pressure. Overwhelming obligations. A voluntarily accepted burden. A heavy burden to bear. Work without rest. Slave addiction. Stress. Fatigue. You take too much on yourself. Throw away the excess.

Move on to a new case, even if the load seems overwhelming at first.

You should not take on too much or try to do everything yourself, this can lead to a loss of perspective.

Card of the day
It is desirable to meet today with a good dose of discipline and endurance. It is possible that you will need both. Either you yourself will take on a task that will require all your strength and even more, or you will be entrusted with a task that will seem impossible to you, at least at first. But, if it's worth it, brace yourself and take the risk. And before starting, check if you really have to do everything alone, or will there be helpers?

Inverted card
Shirking your responsibilities. Intrigue. Betrayal.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners".

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On this card, a man carries a whole pile of heavy wands.
He bends under a weight that is almost unbearable for him.
The wands here are a symbol of taking responsibility and continuing on the path towards new challenges.

Sometimes we take on too much, and thus exhaust our own strength.
There are people who feel responsible for the problems of everyone around them - are you, by any chance, one of those?
Do you do your homework for your friends?

Do you belong to many sections, circles and clubs?
Do you work on Saturdays?
Do you look after your little brother or sister at home?
Do you feel that you are running with all your strength, and nevertheless remain in place?

Questions to Ask Yourself by Drawing the Ten of Wands
  • What burden is weighing on you?
  • What did you decide to do, no matter what?
  • Why don't you ask for help?
  • Is your burden light or heavy?
  • Are you taking on too much?
Key ideas
Perhaps you feel that you are already at the breaking point under pressure, which fell on your shoulders: you need to be "cool", study well, go to college, find a job, please your parents, please the teachers, and so on, and so on .. ...

Or you may want to show the world that you are not worried at all, when in fact you are, and how!
Both of these reactions grow out of fear.
Fear can hold you back, stop you, make you make many commitments.

And fear grows out of a lack of confidence in one's own capabilities.
What a shame!
If you only knew what you are capable of!
Maybe it's worth checking out?

Direct Map: Now you are helping your friends in many ways.

It makes them and you happy.
Reversed card: Remember that you actually need attention too.

Direct Map: You need to prioritize.
Even you cannot be good at everything at once.

Your energy is commendable, but there are only 24 hours in a day.
Reversed card: You are drowning.
Call for help.

Direct Map: It's time to decide who you really care about.
One novel, one fan; and you somehow imagined it differently?

Reversed card: A romance or hobby can suddenly end.
This will give you the opportunity to move forward.

A family
Direct Map: Consider the idea of \u200b\u200blessening the burden of responsibility the family puts on you.

Reversed card: Family tensions are dangerously close to breaking your life.
Seek help and advice outside the family.

Direct Map: What are you determined to do at any cost?

Card Reversed: Don't you think that you are overly ambitious and too selfish in your aspirations?

Health / Appearance
Direct Map: You try very hard to improve your appearance.

Don't give up, you are almost there!
Reversed card: You are tempted to stop exercising and start eating just about anything.
Do not give in to this temptation, otherwise you will greatly regret it later.

Direct Map: Losses are inevitable, but they can be minimized if you are careful.

Reversed card: The situation at work or debt seems like a trap to you.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Dustin wanted to throw a surprise party on his friend's birthday.
He worried that he would not have enough imagination for this venture.

The map warned Dustin that he was so caught up in organizing the party, so preoccupied with finding good ideas and detailed planning, that he might not enjoy the holiday itself.
You need to focus on what really matters: a fun holiday for everyone, including Dustin.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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The bundle of wands is too large for the person carrying it.
The burden taken on can ultimately prove overwhelming.
Excess responsibility.
The Ten of Wands means the importance of defining your limits.

This card points out the hidden pitfalls inherent in the suit of Wands and what can happen if you ignore the laws of the real world.
In many decks, this card depicts a man carrying ten heavy wands - often also climbing a difficult climb.

He has clearly overburdened himself and is now suffering the consequences of his own rashness.
He needs to stop and find out what he can and cannot cope with, and why he even took on such a heavy burden.

The suit of Wands, like the accompanying element of fire, is full of enthusiasm.
Therefore, it is not surprising that we feel deeply disappointed at the slightest restriction on our freedom of action.

This card emphasizes the danger of biting off too large a piece of cake that we cannot swallow.
We may feel overwhelmed, but the Ten of Wands tell us that this is usually the result of self-deception.

It depends on us whether we can find a way to get rid of the overwhelming burden.
In our ignorance of what we can do and what we cannot, we can take on too much responsibility, and the pressure of this burden begins to adversely affect our condition.

We must carefully weigh the possibilities of lightening our burden by transferring part of it to others or even abandoning some plans altogether.
A new creative Cycle can begin for us only when we manage to loosen the fetters that hold us down.

When the Ten of Wands appear in the layout, it means that your energy supply is depleted and you are no longer able to go forward.
You may feel like you are under a burden of exorbitant obligations.

It is important to understand the reason for your feeling of hopelessness in order to realize your responsibility for the current situation.
The Ten of Wands reflects the fact that you need to realize the limits of your capabilities, otherwise sooner or later you will take on more responsibility than you can handle.

This card emphasizes the importance of knowing what things we can do on our own and which ones we should give up.
You will need to develop a strategy for dealing with the situation, such as sharing your burden with others.

It is vital for you to stop and re-evaluate your position in order to make the necessary changes and continue your journey with renewed vigor.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Divination value
Bearing an excessive burden.
Excessive pressure.
Problem solving soon.
Striving to achieve a goal or stay at a certain level or position.
Perhaps the desire to use power for personal gain.
Inverted value
The probability of some losses.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Ten of Wands represent the feeling that you can do anything, but also a warning that success is not guaranteed.

Inner meaning
The feeling that you are able to do anything, to win under any circumstances.

This can push you to play at high stakes, and such a game can lead to huge winnings.
If the other cards are unfavorable, the win is still possible, but it will bring misfortune and trouble.

This card also contains a warning that success is not guaranteed; you have succeeded in your first venture, but now you have bigger goals and will be difficult to achieve.

Value in the layout
Direct, or positive: luck, benefit, success, but also possible misfortune from all this.

Uncertainty about your enterprise is likely, but if you defend yourself and your honor, opposition will be swept away.
Inverted or negative: intrigue and embarrassment.
Possible litigation or complication of relations between people.

Huge probability of loss; if the surrounding cards are unfavorable, you may lose everything you acquired.
If this card is turned upside down, but the surrounding cards are favorable, the negative influence remains, but you are able to withstand it.

In this case, the card warns against trouble and fake friends.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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What once started out as a bright idea in the Ace of Wands has sprouted and has confidently grown into too many different projects.
It becomes difficult to lead them at the same time.
As a result, it can give information overload or nervous "burnout".

This card speaks of burdens, responsibilities, obligations, and the need to do what is expected of you.
You may feel that your own ambition has taken you too far and resent the ones you serve.

When you are pressured from above - whether family, government, or work - you feel that a burden that has recently been tolerated becomes unfair and painful.
Life is too complicated and too much to do.

You are trapped.
The pressure of circumstances is becoming more difficult to bear.
Perhaps the situation does not allow delegating responsibility, or you yourself are selfishly rowing everything for yourself.
Projects turn into a real punishment that does not allow you to really see what is happening.

Enthusiasm dies under the yoke of debt, and a total crisis of the genre begins.
On the other hand, you can take pride in your professional skills and ability to help others.
Perseverance gives you the ability to handle tasks easily.

Also, this card can mean the home stretch in some debt, but successful venture.
Traditional meanings: suppression.
Betrayal, treason.
Forgery, treachery, deception, disguise.

Injustice, cruelty.
Stubbornness, persistence.
Confidence, security, faith, honor.
High stakes game.
Success at any cost.
Great awards.

Inverted Ten of Wands
The Inverted Ten of Wands can talk about the dropped burden, about getting out of a depressing situation and transferring responsibility to other people.

You can get away from difficulties, feel relief, clear the space for a new start.
On the other hand, you can deny the value of labor.
When you find yourself in a hopeless situation, you may feel desperate.

It is possible to try to "stick your head in the sand" so as not to see the problem.
In parallel to traditional direct meanings, the inverted Ten of Wands can also mean forgeries, deceptions and mistakes, pretense and something rotten from the inside.

You can put on a mask for some of your own purposes, like Sherlock Holmes, who skillfully used disguise and the gift of reincarnation.
It is very important to find out if there is any lie or betrayal in the situation.
Check if you are honest enough to delegate authority to others or if you are just getting off your sore head.

If you project this card onto other people, they seem contradictory and deceitful to you, or irresponsible and unworthy of trust.
Perhaps you trusted someone and were left with nothing.
You may not be able to finish the job.

You feel that you are surrounded from all sides and you cannot move on.
All your efforts do not yield any positive results.
This card can mean the final collapse of long cherished ambitions or dreams.

Look at the rest of the cards for clarification of circumstances and other ways to deal with them.
In terms of health, the card traditionally represents a disease for which you have not been vaccinated - perhaps the flu, measles, or tuberculosis.

If you've managed to get rid of a burden, it can feel like starting a new life.
This card can also mean indoor or outdoor cleaning and clearing debris - in the house or in the shower.
Perhaps you are moving to a new home or emigrating.

In shamanic and magical terms, this can be working with ancestors to remove genetic and family blocks that prevent you from moving towards a higher goal.
Traditional inverted meanings: efforts produce little results.

Something is rotten from the inside.
Conscious action against faith.
Calculated breach of trust, betrayal.
Not what you think.
Deceit, worry, conspiracy.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
"What you will experience now will, like a catapult, alternately plunge you into states of joy and sadness, so do not evoke any feelings of passion and anger in yourself."
(Tibetan Book of the Dead)
Description of the card and its inner meaning
The Ten of Wands depicts a man carrying staffs.

It is very clear that this load is quite heavy and it is necessary to exert a lot of effort in order to simply lift it.
The Ten of Staves epitomizes the feeling that you can do anything on the way to your goal.

This can push the Questioner to take risks.
However, one should be very careful, correctly distribute forces and opportunities.
Often, the world is ruthless to someone who has not fully appreciated the number of difficulties and obstacles, therefore, along with success, disappointments can also appear.

And some winners will have to face such phenomena as envy, hypocrisy, betrayal.
But no one denies that the Inquirer is waiting for colossal success and he will achieve his goal.
Thus, it turns out that the Ten of Staves is a card that has two equal but opposite meanings in meaning.

On the one hand, it promises victory, and on the other, defeat.
Much depends on the actions of the Questioner himself.
In turn, the master, reading the alignment, must carefully study the cards lying next to the Ten of Wands.

In any case, this Arkan contains a warning about difficult trials, says that the Questioner succeeded in his initial enterprise, but other goals await him ahead, which are associated with even greater difficulties.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - K, number - 10, Ruled by the planet - Saturn, zodiacal sign - Sagittarius, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 47th hexagram ("Exhaustion"), Weather conditions - snow, Corresponding color - red, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to Sephirah Malkuth.
Card value
Direct position
Most interpretations of this card boil down to one thing - the Questioner has a long road to success.
It will seem to him that he has tremendous strength and courage.

If there are favorable Arcana next to this card, then you can expect big positive changes, the implementation of plans, huge wins.
If the cards surrounding the Ten of Staves are unfavorable, then success is also possible, but it will bring misfortune and trouble.

Inverted position
In this case, the Ten of Wands foreshadows intrigue, obstacles, litigation, complication of relations between people.
The probability of large losses is high.
If the neighboring cards are favorable, then the negative influence of the Ten of Staves remains, but the Questioner will be able to cope with the impending problems.

In this situation, he needs to be careful in relations with others: betrayal by the so-called friends is possible.
If the rest of the cards in the layout have a negative value, then the Questioner may lose everything he has.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Ten of Wands - now you are worried about property and financial problems, you are oppressed by an unbearable burden, the burden of work and responsibility.
The intentions are not realized due to excessive zeal, you have bitten off more than you can swallow.

This is a card of failure - someone else's will will prevail over you.
Advice: do not give in to your own pessimistic sentiments and forecasts: look at the situation with optimism!
Reversed is also a defeat card.

You may be the victim of someone's ill will, or, conversely, you yourself are now rushing towards the goal, stepping over your heads.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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X. Ten - a person crushed by the weight of ten sticks that he carries.

Direct position: this card has many meanings and some of its readings do not agree with each other.

Separately, we will note what is associated with honor and conscientiousness.
this card can also mean oppression (oppression), but also luck, profit, various kinds of success in your business (game).
This card can symbolize what seems to be false, disguise, treachery.

A place (dwelling), the outlines of which are approaching, may suffer from rods carried by a person.
Success is nullified if this card is pursued by the Nine of Spades.
If there is a case discussed in court (litigation, lawsuit), then there will be a sure loss.

Reverse position: obstacles, difficulties, intrigue, etc.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Saturn | Sun as a symbol of heaviness in the soul and gloomy mood or Saturn in the 11th house as an image of hopelessness.
TEN OF WANDS The Ten of Wands is a dark mood map, showing that we expected too much, and now all our bright prospects have dispersed like smoke.

Maybe we ourselves have worked badly somewhere and are now clearing up.
Sometimes this card also means that on the path of our development we have skipped several steps at once and now we feel like first-graders who went straight to the fifth grade; new incomprehensible tasks hang like a heavy millstone around the neck.

So it is quite possible that now we will embarrass ourselves with them.
It takes time to get used to, time and patience, and then the tasks will cease to seem incomprehensible, and the gloomy mood will pass, and we will finally take our rightful place.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Oppression The third decade of Sagittarius from December 11 to 21.
Astrological equivalents: Houses Tenth and First and associated planets.
The third decade of Sagittarius, ruled by the planet of completeness, Saturn, lays the foundation for the transformation of energy into material results and describes its manifestations on the earthly plane.

The abstract worldview and the sublime spirituality of the previous decade here become ideology and ritual that create support for the idea.
For the representatives of this decade, more than for the previous ones, it is important to translate the idea into reality, and therefore, the social position and authority that can protect the idea in the world are also important.

an idea at this level can turn into a dogma.
This decade is interpreted as a stopped development: further movement is suppressed, and a person takes a conservative position until he receives material satisfaction from the implementation of what was planned.

This is a desire to complete and eliminate everything.
The task of this decade is to use what has been achieved for a new movement.
The desired goal obscures the surrounding world from a person.
therefore, the materialistic position stops the expansion of thought and authority affirms the attained truths in life.

The fiery stage of the affirmation of his material-social "I" ends with the Ten Pentacles, and a person turns to his inner world, passing to the stage of soul development - comprehending the sensory sphere of the element of water.

If you have risen to the top step of the Staves suit (Ten), a test of strength awaits you.
Every test, after all, comes from God: is your position really in harmony with "your heaven"?

Prove it!
Direct position: In the upright position, the card means: the last ordeal, represented by the insidious and outwardly successful Nine of Sceptres, has been passed.
An idea, a thought leading to awareness, was finally formed and is now recognized as something separate from the Creator.

Man separates himself from his idea, from his creation.
This is the stage about which one can say: "Inspiration is not for sale, but the manuscript can be sold!" The action of the card can be correlated with the sudden disappearance of extreme pressure, with problems on the eve of their resolution, a passionate desire to find meaning, purpose, orientation, to establish themselves in life, to determine, to realize their level, position, place; the possible use of the acquired strength, power for personal selfish purposes and motives.

Inverted position: In the inverted position, the card symbolizes difficulties, intrigue, duplicity, betrayal.
A dozen Sceptres in an inverted position can indicate a meeting with a traitor to your interests, their destroyer.

It can symbolize destruction in all its diversity.
In metaphysical terms, the card means the inability of thoughts, ideas to express themselves.
At its most extreme, it is a situation of a misunderstood genius; it is an untimely thought, either too early or too late.

The almost inverted Ten Sceptres always carry some kind of loss: what to do - Saturn requires sacrifices.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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A strong man drags a whole bunch of Wands, holding them straight in front of him: because of them, he does not see the way.
This card means a person who has taken on too much - a responsibility that he cannot afford, or obligations that he cannot fulfill.

Instead of walking further with this burden, he needs to stop, throw off at least part of it and look around: where has he gone and is it worth dragging all this load further?
This card is often given to businessmen or “workaholics” who work 25 hours a day.

Then she warns that a person must immediately give himself a rest, otherwise he will face a health disorder or failure in all matters.
As a forecast, it means that it is better not to take on the planned business, because now it is “too heavy”.

Inverted: Indicates that the failure has already occurred, the person “strained” and paid for it with health or luck.


Saturn | Sun as a symbol of heaviness in the soul and gloomy mood or Saturn in the 11th house as an image of hopelessness.

Direct position:

The Ten Staves symbolizes the problems on the eve of their resolution, the rise after a difficult period, the desire to find meaning in life, to establish itself on a new level.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: intrigue, duplicity, difficulty in implementing an idea.

Ten of wands.

Card Title: Lord of Oppression (Oppression)

Matching - fire (no additions from the letters of the name); Sephirah - Kingdom (Malkuth)

Explanation (general meaning): carry your cross, perseverance no matter what. Overwork, going through a hard karmic lesson .. (very heavy burden)

Event: too much physical and other stress. Take on too many things at once. Circumstances that force you to take on unbearable obligations. (taking on an unbearable load, circumstances.)

1. Take a piece larger than you can swallow (take on an attractive idea that clearly exceeds your capabilities). Excessive responsibility. Hard worker. Perfectionist (striving for excellence). focusing on details and missing the main thing (not to see the forest for the trees) (The need to get rid of unnecessary things, loss of purpose. Difficult tasks)

2. Diseases of the spine, high blood pressure, diseases associated with heavy load. (overload, fatigue)

3. Fatigue from relationships and the inability to end them (suitcase without a handle). (difficult relationship; one partner pulls the other like a suitcase without a handle)

4. A workaholic who puts everyone on his neck. (busy, tired man)

5. Advice: You can't do a good job with someone else's hands (Although it's hard, you can do it)

Caution: the road is lost, the main direction (for which everything is) (business is beyond our powers: refuse or ask for help)

6. The answer is no. The intentions are not realized due to excessive efforts. (period of heavy loads)

Optional: Ten ends the entire row and is the first 2-digit number. It has some redundancy in the series and the ability to return to unity, to start all over again. (This card is a symbol of the path traveled, the end of the cycle)


Explanation (generic): Liberation, an attempt to throw off a heavy burden. Refusal to test (did not get involved, refused responsibility). (dropping the load, the burden has fallen)

Event: Avoiding Difficulties (Relief from Responsibility)

1. Separation of duties and responsibilities for all. In an appropriate context, it can mean collective irresponsibility. (reduced workload, lighter schedule. Less workload and responsibility for the same money. Sometimes getting rid of an unloved business)

2. Relief, stress withdrawal, lowering of pressure, vegetative-vascular distortion. (the disease either knocked down, or let go: you need to check with additional cards)

3. Parting with relief, release from a burdensome relationship. (getting rid of the annoying partner. With the Tower - widowhood)

4. Shifting responsibility on other people's shoulders. Disclaimer. (the person has thrown off the load, but is still exhausted)

5. Advice: Give up everything, take up new things. Part with what is in the way, take only the main thing. (throw everything. Free yourself from the load)

A word of caution: if you opt out of the challenge now, you will receive it later in an enhanced form. (you may not be able to handle it)

6. Refusal of the set goal, search for a new business. (the task will have to be made easier.)

Overall value:

The Ten of Wands is a dark mood map, showing that we expected too much, and now all our bright prospects have dispersed like smoke. Maybe we ourselves have worked badly somewhere and are now clearing up. Sometimes this card also means that on the path of our development we have skipped several steps at once and now we feel like first-graders who went straight to the fifth grade; new incomprehensible tasks hang like a heavy millstone around the neck. So it is quite possible that now we will embarrass ourselves with them. It takes time to get used to, time and patience, and then the tasks will cease to seem incomprehensible, and the gloomy mood will pass, and we will finally take our rightful place.


Stress, overload, or too much responsibility at work. Often this is the result of a rapid ascension that forced us to take on responsibilities that we still had no idea about. It is important here to concentrate (maybe with the help of meditation), to gather strength so that the necessary time passes, and we enter the right track without much loss. This card can also mean "corvee", that is, an unloved job that we have to do for a while, or a long job search through a job office, or difficult ordeals that make us feel terrified. Here it is important to get rid of the unnecessary load that has been accumulated over previous years in time.


The Ten of Wands shows that we are tormented by doubts and thoughts about difficult problems, and we see no way out of them. We are ruled by fatigue, overwork, gloomy mood. The best way to overcome this black streak is to abstract from it, take a break, go on a long-desired vacation, be it a vacation in the country, an expensive trip to the sea, or a pilgrimage to some famous monastery.

Personal relationships:

Darkness, continuous darkness. Most likely, this card shows that you have been suffering from loneliness for a long time and do not see a way out of this situation. Or that you have a partner, but there are such problems with him that you again do not see a way out. During such a period, it is better to give yourself a break, take a vacation, leave - or, if this is impossible, watch yourself carefully so as not to let yourself break down and destroy what is still good in your relationship.

Ten of Wands combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - a frivolous attitude to the obligations assumed.

With the card "Magician" - cheat.

With the card "High Priestess" - to despair to understand the meaning.

With the Empress card, you get the result at the cost of your own health.

With the Emperor card - a family or business is on the verge of collapse.

With the card "Lovers" - get tired of relationships.

Chariot is a complete mess.

With the card "Strength" - to hold back with the last bit of strength.

With the "Hermit" card - one can no longer cope.

With the card "Wheel of Fortune" - a limitation that imposes time.

With the "Justice" card - clear the wheat from the chaff.

With the Hanged Man card - radiculitis.

With the card "Death" - clear the rubble.

With the "Moderation" card - get rid of unnecessary things.

With the "Devil" card - please your ego.

With the "Tower" card - heart attack due to overload; paralysis.

With the "Star" card - not to see perspectives; through the thorns to the stars.

With the "Moon" card - an overvoltage disease.

With the "Sun" card - get creative with your routine.

With the "Judgment" card - get rid of karma.

With the World card - splitting.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - branch; start over.

With the card "Two of Wands" - no perspective.

With the Three of Wands card - modest success after defeat.

With the card "Four of Wands" - not hold out until victory.

With the "Five of Wands" card, a carefully contained conflict got out of control.

With the card "Six of Wands" - outdated ideas.

There are serious financial problems with the "Seven of Wands" card.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - an unpredictable situation.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - wasted efforts.

With the card "Page of Wands" - demotion.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - a ray of light in the dark kingdom.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - loss of confidence and optimism.

With the "King of Wands" card - lack of creativity; loss of credibility.

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In the deck is the ruler of oppression. The card depicts a man in poor clothes, who carries a huge armful of wands in his hands. He is hunched over under this burden, his shoulders are lowered, he is completely focused on his occupation. In the astrological house of this lasso, there is the Sun, as a sign of heaviness on the heart of a person, and Saturn in the eleventh house of the horoscope, as a symbol of hopelessness and oppression.


In an upright position

The direct position of the Tens of Wands when divining the Tarot indicates the presence of a heavy burden on the soul of a person. He may feel fear and frustration, become suspicious and closed from contact with others. This lasso indicates the obstacles that are on the way of a person and prevent him not only from self-development and self-realization, but also put an end to his relationship with other people.

In Tarot Tota, this characterizes the fear of life, suppression of oneself and one's development.

Such problems and sensations can appear in a person if he had unreasonably high expectations and, as a result, nothing came of it. Often the root cause of the current situation is a careless attitude to business management, lack of assembly and unexpressed emotions that infuriate the soul from the inside.

In inverted

Being overloaded with various tasks, both workers and households, will play a cruel joke on you. You will find yourself at the limit of your emotional balance, which can make you overly harsh and unwelcoming. From this it follows that your relations with the people around you will worsen. It will be difficult for you to find a common language due to mutual unwillingness to compromise each other.

The inverted Ten of Wands indicates an excessive amount of work that a person has burdened himself with due to distrust of colleagues and loved ones. His unwillingness to share his responsibilities is the most basic problem. Sometimes this lasso can indicate abuse of his position, the use of the capabilities of the enterprise for the satisfaction of personal needs.

Value in layouts


The main ailment symbolized by the Ten of Wands is chronic fatigue. That feeling when a person wakes up in the morning already tired and in a completely broken state goes to meet a new day. The next problem is the unbearable load on the already weakened one and the syndrome of "professional burnout".

Try not to overwork your body and give him more time to rest and the opportunity to recover.

In the inverted position, the lasso indicates a serious illness, from which at one time a person was not vaccinated.

Love and relationships

In a love relationship, the Ten of Wands indicates the unprincipled and insensitive partners. It means a constant internal struggle that everyone wages within himself against the generally accepted conventions and taboos. Sometimes this card expresses a constant clash of characters, a difficult period of getting the partners to get used to each other.

In combination with the Ten of Pentacles, the card means problems within, hardships and omissions.

In an inverted position, this lasso denotes the consumer attitude of one of the partners... In such a relationship, one person in a pair is entrusted with all the responsibilities, and the other only rests in the shadow of his hard work, only reaping its fruits.


A dozen of wands indicates that a person is going to experience a difficult period of loneliness and disappointment in people. Take this moment to completely redesign your life. Set new goals for yourself, raise your chin higher and with your head held high, walk towards your success. Do not try to drive your mentality and worldview into a conventional framework. Be open to everything new.

In an inverted position, the lasso is a betrayal... You should not trust even the closest people with personal information. You will never guess who wants to set you up, and therefore observe reasonable precaution, be restrained and competent.


In an upright position, the Ten of Wands tells a person that at the moment the situation in his life has stalled and cannot get off the ground in any way. In fact, everything is much simpler. You just need to take a broader view of the current state of affairs. This card can be explained as excessive fuss in business and unsuccessful attempts to do everything right and on time.

An inverted position indicates a person's fear of making an important decision... For those in leadership positions, the Ten of Wands is a sign of his inability to properly organize his subordinates so that the enterprise generates a stable income.

Combination with other tarot

On this day, you will need all your discipline and courage, and therefore be ready for any turn of events. It is highly likely that at work you will be entrusted with a task that will be simply impossible, especially in such a tight time frame. Take matters into your own hands and be patient. If the case requires quick decisions and risk, then take action. But it is better not to turn to outside help.

In an inverted position, the Ten of Wands is a complete lack of prospects and opportunities... All your channels are blocked and in the depths you suspect who could annoy you so. But, perhaps, it is you and your failure to blame.

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