A magician in a relationship. Arkan Magician: Meaning and Description. Magician in Relationships

Ceilings 29.11.2020

The Magician Tarot card is the personification of spiritual warmth, spiritual strength, flexible nature and quick wits. Other names for the card are Magician, Wizard. Let's talk about the meaning of this card in more detail - it may differ in different layouts.

The value of the Tarot Magician in relationships

A magician in a tarot relationship has the following meanings:

  • Positive relationship development. Anyone - both loving and friendly, business. You are able to solve emerging difficulties and always move on, without getting hung up on current problems.
  • It is necessary to understand that you cannot use people for your own selfish purposes. This can bring a short-term result, but in the future you will have to reap the fruits of unseemly actions.
  • In a love relationship, the Wizard's card indicates the initiative of one of the partners. How it is expressed will depend on the stage of the relationship. It can be the desire to conquer, seduce, achieve consent to marry. It is important that such an initiative comes from a man, and at the same time a woman devotes more time to developing and maintaining relationships, doing what she loves.
  • In the scenario for determining the relationship of a woman to a man, the Magician's card indicates that the girl has more fans, besides him

If there are no other cards with negative values \u200b\u200bsurrounded by the Mage card, the relationship promises to be strong and durable, filled with love and mutual understanding.

Combination with other cards

It is important to take into account the surroundings of which lasso cards the Magician falls out - this matters when interpreting the alignment.

Major arcana

Here is a transcript of the cards that are paired with the Wizard card:

  1. Jester. There is an ill-wisher in your environment who is intriguing. Be alert
  2. High Priestess - serious obstacles await on the way to the goal
  3. Empress - if you work hard, the result will not disappoint you
  4. Emperor - it's time to "reboot" and start life from scratch
  5. Hierophant - you have authority in the eyes of others
  6. Lovers - a very important deal to be made for you
  7. Chariot - the time of progress, constant development and movement forward is coming
  8. Strength - you need to be able to take control of emotions, otherwise the consequences will be sad
  9. Hermit - your brain is ready to accept new information, the right time for self-discovery and comprehension of new knowledge
  10. Wheel of Fortune - Destiny will provide a chance to radically change life for the better
  11. Justice - you will have to very persistently defend your interests
  12. Hanged man - serious obstacles will arise on the way to the intended goal
  13. Death is the right time to expand your business or find a better job
  14. Moderation - you need to focus on business, they do not tolerate delay and require your constant presence
  15. Devil - refrain from manipulating people, this is dangerous for you and can bring extremely negative results
  16. Tower - something destructive will happen
  17. Star - you have excellent health
  18. Moon - you are surrounded by enemies and detractors, be vigilant and careful
  19. Sun - you have a great talent that will eventually be appreciated
  20. Court - promises a promotion
  21. Peace - everything that you have in mind will come true

Watch a video about the meaning of the Mago card in the Tarot:


In combination with wands, the meaning is as follows:

  • Ace - you are filled with creative energy, start realizing your ideas
  • 2 - a good time to start a new business
  • 3 - a good period for business expansion
  • 4 - you can start building a house
  • 5 - you will have to take control of events
  • 6 - dizzying career growth awaits
  • 7 - find yourself involved in financial fraud
  • 8 - the secret will be revealed
  • 9 - you have to test your abilities for strength
  • 10 - a lack of life experience will affect solving current problems
  • Page is a good time to do scientific research
  • A knight is a harbinger of something new, unknown
  • Queen - you need to improve and develop
  • King of Wands - a large, serious project to be taken on in the near future

Interpretation in the layout of health

In the hands of health, the Magician card almost always promises problems. Moreover, more often than not, it indicates a disease not of the physical, but of the spiritual shell of a person - it portends mental disorders, depression, melancholy. The card acquires a negative meaning in an inverted position.

If the card fell out in a straight position, then it can promise an early recovery, the achievement of physical and spiritual harmony.

If the Wizard points out health problems, their cause most often lies in the head. A person has not found his place in life, is not confident in himself, is full of negativity or experiences other unpleasant emotions - all this provokes the appearance of diseases.

In most cases, the Magician card has a favorable meaning, it portends something new. indicates the speedy fulfillment of desires, the realization of goals, the solution of problems, promises incredible prospects in the future.

The value of the card in different layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ Layout "One card"

Common values

He talks about magic or professionalism. Such a card in the layout indicates that it is time to start active actions. There comes a period when you can achieve any goal. In addition, the fortuneteller can do what he loves, from which he enjoys.


The card says that the fortuneteller should not be allowed to dominate himself. This will lead to a loss of control over the situation. A person will become completely dependent on his soul mate, which will completely destroy him as a person. It is best to try to achieve equality or domination over the beloved (beloved).


The card portends good health. No diseases will bother you. Arkan can also talk about the imminent birth of a child. Most likely it will be a boy. For a sick person, recovery promises a card.


Everything will work out for you in the business area. A favorable period is coming for starting your own business. The card can also portend a job change, improved financial situation and profitable deals.

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✚ For the future

This card always means that the time has come to take active actions, and not wait for it, that fate itself will determine for us the decision that will be correct. If you want to achieve success, then start working, do not sit still and fortune will smile at you with a wide smile. If you like someone, try to get their attention and get a return. Some health problems may occur, so the examination will not be superfluous in your situation. At work, everything will be the same, unless you yourself want to change something.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On relationships

This card promises some pleasant changes in the relationship - perhaps we are talking about some experiments that were not previously decided, or maybe soon the girl will receive offers from her lover. The one who is symbolized by the card is likely to be carried away not only by romantic relationships, but also by his own development, but this will bear fruit for both in the future. If they are guessing at a lonely person, then the Magician can mean the opportunity to meet someone interesting, with whom the relationship will be long and serious.

A full description of the map is available by

✚ For today

Soon you will be able to start life from scratch with the highest degree of self-control. You are a person with incredible willpower, striving to be perfect in all aspects, undoubtedly standing out from the crowd of other people. The near future is favorable for creating something new. Wanting to achieve success in life, constantly strive not to lose the positions won. When guessing for a career: professionalism and the ability to correctly apply knowledge. Also, this is an indication of people whose work is related to the table (writing, teaching, surgery, etc.). In finance: the ability to earn money through your work. The card is an indication of a strong and self-confident partner. Disease or, conversely, excellent physical shape may be expected in health (researchers disagreed, so choose the interpretation that is close to you).

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ For tomorrow

The first major lasso is the embodiment of the will to live. The magician is powerful, he can literally everything. In the scenario, the next day, he may say that the questioner will have to take some active actions related to the structure of his life. In the results of actions taken under the sign of the Magician, fate interferes little, they completely depend on the abilities and forces of the questioner.

In the layouts associated with the business sphere of life, the Magician says that the time has come to act, there is no point in postponing further. In work, the Magician personifies authority and social recognition. In the sphere of love, the Magician also works on his power - this is the force of attraction between people, fascination with a person.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ What does he think of me

The card shows that your potential partner is a very active and confident person. Sometimes he will put too much pressure on you with his authority, but he will never be bored with him. He is able to turn the life of his partner into an endless holiday and surprise with rich bright colors. Try to give a full charge of energy next to him so that he feels passion and a desire to get to know you again and again. This is the only way you can maintain such a relationship for a long period of time.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On desire

Imagine that your wish has already been fulfilled. Do not doubt your success, because higher powers are on your side. Try to convince others of this, then with a great probability you will quickly approach your goal, overcoming all obstacles and solving problems without much effort. Do not stand still, use any new ways to achieve your goal, do not be afraid to experiment. Such qualities as indecision and cowardice should be left "overboard". If the path to the fulfillment of desire has just begun, then now is the time to do it.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the situation

You have received the result of your own actions in the past. Everything is done by hand.

A period of difficulties and changes is coming, but you have enough intelligence, resources and energy to overcome obstacles. Self-confidence, a clear mind, spiritual and physical strength will help you. Beware of possible manipulation for selfish purposes. Do not seek to benefit at the expense of others.

Take action now, but consider solutions!

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the betrothed

Under the Magician card, there is a person with extraordinary attractiveness who attracts you (or just will be) like a magnet. If you were guessing for yourself, then tarot shows the need for decisive action. It is they who will become a kind of birth of family relations. But if the goal of fortune-telling is a partner, then expect actions from him. Most likely, they will leave no doubt in your soul that this is a future spouse. In general, the map shows the successful completion of old conflicts and the formation of a new type of relationship.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

Human and Guardian Angel go hand in hand. Angel's intercession. An indissoluble connection of a person with higher powers, leading to victories.

At every step you feel the support of the Guardian Angel, everything works out. This is the beginning of a new stage in life, the Universe is with you and for you. Feel free to move on - your ambitions are justified, there are many interesting things ahead.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the King

The relationship is entering the stage of maturity, and the companion is a reliable and courageous person. Perhaps you will learn to see greater depth and identity in each other. The basis of the relationship is quite strong, it remains to use the achieved trust and respect for each other. If you had plans to start a project or make your first joint financial investment, success awaits you.

A full description of the map is available by

The deck of divination tarot cards has long been famous for the accuracy of predictions and sensitivity to understanding human nature. Every experienced magician, having mastered the magical symbols of the Tarot, builds pictures of events that have not yet occurred. The interpretation of the deck card individually and in the aggregate ensures the accuracy and truthfulness of the forecast.

The Major Arcana, which sets the general mood for the whole alignment, is the Mage card

The magician in the Tarot is the Major Arcana, which sets the general mood for the whole alignment. The combination of this symbol with other Arcana allows you to compose a branch of upcoming fateful events. What you need to know about such a powerful representative of the Major Arcana of the classical Tarot? Warmth, flexibility in beliefs, gentleness in relation to others - the prototype of the ancient symbol, which came in a modified form to modern man through the centuries.

The nature of the Major Arcana Mage and the direct purpose of a strong card

In the classic tarot deck, there are only a few cards that are responsible for a person's personal qualities. Strong reference points against the background of the general alignment reveal the secret thoughts and hidden desires of the questioner. A strong-willed, unshakable person, resistant to difficulties, personifies Arkan the Magician (at number 1 in the deck). For a person who is a person who called for the help of ancient magic, heightened physical indicators of the body and courage are characteristic, which affects even fierce enemies.

Persistent character does not always go hand in hand with luck or socially recognized success. Often for people with the protection of the Magician card, fortitude and stubbornness are not a gift, but a real punishment. It is easier to dispose of your own abilities if they are recognized and accepted in time. Such a senior lasso promises such help - wisdom and timely insight. From a person endowed with strong-willed qualities, a leader or a real tyrant can turn out. The extremes inherent in each person, in this case, are especially pronounced.

The most evil card among the Major Arcana

The messenger of an aggressive attitude towards one's own life and the people around it, warns of the abuse of internal forces. In the case of professional success, the Magician portends voluntary blindness, a stubborn disposition and a lack of the necessary flexibility. Old partners should be wary of the person with the personality traits of the typical Mage card.

Common meanings and important interpretations of the Major Arcana in ready-made Tarot layouts:

  • a messenger of positive change;
  • a sign of resuming control over your own life;
  • accumulation of knowledge;
  • the beginning of a new phase in work or personal life;
  • desired independence.

Magician - a card symbolizing the beginning of a new stage in his personal life

The Magician Tarot card is a universal symbol, depending on external conditions, capable of acquiring both positive and negative meanings. The insidiousness of the Tarot deck lies in its duality, in impermanence. This is also her incredible natural strength.

Literally every new symbol that appears in the layout takes on unexpected outlines and sacred forms. Interpretation of neighboring cards, symbols separately and in integral interaction, only experienced magicians can do. Complex maps do not create the future, they only predict those moments in which awareness will benefit a person.

The meaning of the Tarot card with the image of a warrior, with a golden sword in his hands and a cup on the table, in a personal scenario, does not always have a positive message. Seeing such a senior lasso, do not despair. Negative character traits can still be beneficial in work or personal affairs.

Tarot card meanings Magician in an upright position

The Mage card in an upright position promises only good events. The protracted crisis that reigned in all spheres of the questioner's life will go away as quickly as it burst into his life. The granted power in the near future will open up new perspectives and incredible opportunities.

If leadership does not bring the proper satisfaction, this lasso in the layout symbolizes the search for new ways in work or a meeting with a new influential person. The control to which the questioner is so eager will return to him, one has only to wait a little. The main meanings of the card in the layout:

  1. Arkan Tarot also points to exhausting mental work that will bear the desired results. Intelligence combined with cold calculation will allow you to complete the work you have begun with the greatest benefit for the questioner. A symbol that promises an increase in income or an increase in prosperity is interpreted first, and then neighboring, no less important Tarot cards lend themselves to careful analysis. An integrated approach to forecasting will provide an accurate result. The opposite meaning of the senior lasso indicates a strong-willed personality or a love victory.
  2. The direct position of the card speaks of conquering the heart of a beloved person thanks to the shown patience and perseverance. Feelings that lacked realization will find a way out - this is the forecast of the Magician symbol in the layout of the questioner's state of mind.
  3. An ambiguous symbol can predict new beginnings or fresh projects. The people say “to start from scratch”, which means the destruction of everything old, long outdated. According to the laws of the Universe, the place for something new is where the old dies. Isn't it time to throw garbage and trash from the house? With thoughts and hearts?
  4. The senior lasso assures that voluntary getting rid of past mistakes promises only positive changes in life. The safe environment in which the questioner resides is only a transitional period. Hiding in feigned stability is unwise and dangerous. Sooner or later, a person who has lost his thirst for new achievements is obliged to leave the comfort zone and achieve the desired goals. A similar need is indicated by the Magician card in an upright position.
  5. In the Tarot layout, the Magician card is a recommendation for action. It is a dynamic symbol that eliminates delays or the loss of precious time. The waiting time has come to an end, and the questioner - the prototype of the Arcana of the Magician, is not obliged to sit idly by. The characteristically masculine energy of the card personifies a breakthrough in business, in relationships, in friendship and the departure of significant obstacles that hinder development.
  6. A feminine symbol that is softened by adjacent cards indicates excessive independence. Self-reliance, which is actually a banal fear of dependence, gets in the way in the personal sphere. To be afraid to open up to another person is a normal phenomenon, it becomes abnormal when fear merges with character. The risk is not always justified, but maybe you should try? The senior lasso with the image of a man in an upright position promises career advancement or superiority over competitors.

The senior lasso with the image of a man in a straight position speaks of career advancement

It does not take much time to interpret a straight card, the main thing is to correlate the senior lasso of a similar suit with the personality of the questioner.

If the person asking questions of the magic deck does not possess strong-willed character traits, then the Magician indicates the closest environment of the questioner. A friend or foe will be able to solve a significant problem that has arisen in the recent past.

Inverted Magician card in layout

The Inverted Magician symbolizes lingering problems. Trouble does not go alone, and a similar senior lasso convinces of this. The totality of troubles brings constant stress and a decline in all vitality. Individually, the existing problems are insignificant, but their combinations are destructive for the questioner. An inverted magician is an alarm signaling a blockage of the most important energy flow. Wrong waste of energy leads to apathy and prolonged depression. Ultimately, there is simply no energy for new fateful achievements.

The melancholic mood of the inverted Magician darkens the whole alignment, even if there are strong auspicious symbols in it. Troubles lower the self-esteem of the questioner and, over time, he loses faith in himself. Isn't it time to change the dangerous way of your own life? Self-love, if you follow the advice of the Tarot card in the form of a strong-willed warrior with a sword in his hand, begins with respect for the soul and body.

Tarot magician Thoth has no negative meanings. This symbol, which appeared in the layout for the future, promises the reunion of spirit and body. Soon, a person who turns to a magic deck for help will gain confidence and the stability of beliefs that have recently been lacking. The card with the image of the Magician predicts a choice that will radically change your life. Excessive childishness and weakness should remain in the past. Magician card recommendation - it is better to do and regret than suffer from doubts for the rest of your life.

1 Major lasso - The magician warns against greed and seeking profit. In pursuit of additional income, you can lose something important. Selfishness is beneficial for personality development, but only in limited, well-dosed amounts. The first lasso indicates the weakness that comes from imaginary strength and ostentatious superiority over other people. There is little happiness in a superficial image, and such a path promises only loneliness and suffering.

Tarot layout for work and money

Special simple layouts for answering a single question are created at the request of the questioner. In such cases, the 1st major lasso promises good prospects. A person who has mastered skills in the professional sphere deserves the future success.

A magician in the layout of a job guarantees promotion and rapid career growth. For people engaged in personal business, a favorable successful phase will come very soon. Business will go uphill, and profits will increase significantly. A radically different sphere of human life is creativity, prophesies the 1st Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. Creative work, which in the past was neglected by society, will gain clear, tangible successes.

A favorable symbol should please the questioner, because in the near future a series of positive changes will sweep away all old mistakes and problems. Along with positive signs, the card with the image of the Magician speaks of caution and hard work. Nothing comes out of nowhere, for everything there is a price and future expenditure of energy.

Interpretation of personal relationships using the Magician card

The 1st Major lasso of a powerful deck is a symbol of immediate action. The favorable value of the card is possible only by means of the efforts made by the person, otherwise the stagnation in his personal life cannot be overcome. The obstacles standing in the way of happiness will fall as soon as a person with strong-willed inclinations realizes the hidden strength. Uniting with the sensual side of life will present the world in a completely different light. The magician advises to take the initiative, to take a decisive step towards love.

If love is not given the proper amount of time, it withers and soon dies. The senior lasso warns that it is not enough to conquer, it is also necessary to preserve. Positive changes will come if you go towards your own happiness.

The combination of cards of the Tarot deck and the Major Arcana Mage

The magician, in combination with other Tarot cards, creates the most unexpected tandems. The correct reading of the conjunctions of the cards will decide the veracity of the forecast. So, the Jester and the Magician warn of the impending danger, of the intrigues that enemies are building behind their backs.

A good deal is foreshadowed by a combination of cards of lovers and the first arcana

The combination of the first arcana and the Lovers' cards portends the conclusion of a profitable, good deal. Changes are promised by the neighboring cards of the Mage and the Wheel of Fortune. Particular attention should be paid to work matters, if the alignment is respected by two strong cards at once - Temperance and the Arcana of the Magician. The terrible symbol of Death in the layout indicates the expansion of personal possessions, which is enhanced by the first lasso.

The Tarot deck is a traditional collection of symbols that reveal the secret of the future. The layout of uncomplicated signs, printed on the cards in the form of colorful, bright drawings, allows you to see what is beyond the control of an ordinary person. Fateful events to come, turning points of the past, important moments of the present. Nothing is hidden from the sensitive Tarot deck, neither secret motives nor evil thoughts.

The card called "The Magician" is ambiguous, mysterious and complex.

It is not easy to interpret such a card, but incredible knowledge is prepared for the one who reveals its true meaning. Key abilities and strong-willed character are a gift that goes to a few, and the correct handling of such power without a magical assistant is unlikely.

Mage + Jester (I + 0)
Plans can go downhill.
Stupidity. Substitute.
The connection with the fool. The risk of insanity.
He sees neither himself nor the future.
Hazard from water or water.
Maybe a small person.
The man to meet.
Ignorant magician.

Mage + Priestess (I + II)
Discovery of the secret. Desire to penetrate the secret. Trade secret.
The project is hanging in the air. Idea.
Acquaintance with a woman.
A man manipulates a woman. The woman does not trust him.
A secret woman meets a man.
The beginning of esoteric studies.
Witchcraft, magic.
Secret health process.

Mage + Empress (I + III)
The desire to start and create something. Passion for a new idea.
Well-being in entrepreneurship.
Encouraging results.
Fulfillment of desires.
A very strong creative aspect.
Relationship with a mature woman.
A young lover for a woman.

Mage + Emperor (I + IV)
Reorganization. Interaction with a certain organization.
Self-control, self-discipline.
Organizational activity.
Rigid manipulator.
You can talk about work. They will listen and take. Design support.
Acquisition of material goods.

Mage + Hierophant (I + V)
Trust growth.
Communication with the authorities.
Get support either in love or in union. Keep your mind calm. Don't be annoyed!
There may be two men: young and older.
Relationship: student-teacher.
Knowledge transfer.
Study, teacher, education.
Self-education, self-education.
Research, science.

Magician + Lovers (I + VI)
Acquaintance. Young lover.
The beginning of a love relationship.
Maybe a love triangle.
Perhaps the onset of sexually transmitted diseases.
A clear, deliberate choice appeared in life.
He chooses the case to his liking.
Contact, partnership.
Trade, negotiations.
Signing a contract.

Mage + Chariot (I + VII)
The beginning of the way. Motion. Trip. Journey.
Buying a car.
Change of activity. Doesn't stay in one place for a long time.
Project promotion.
Business. Risk. Management.
Mental programming.
Youthful maximalism.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Mage + Strength (I + VIII)
Mastery of oneself.
A person's strength to solve problems.
The obstacles will be overcome and the strength will not diminish. Successful outcome of the upcoming battle.
Strong patron.
The presence of a competitor, rival or rival.
There is the power to conquer someone. Meeting lovers with some kind of manipulation.
Violence against the person.
Knowledge of your passions, sexual experience.
Take a vacation. Have a rest. Better health.

Mage + Hermit (I + IX)
Time for reflection and loneliness. You have to be careful and wise to do what you want.
A wise magician.
Spiritual quest.
Concentration on ego problems.
Inward-directed activity.
Have an opinion on everything.
Health problems.

Mage + Wheel of Fortune (I + X)
Go for a change.
Seizing the moment, luck.
Make money.
Money game.
The player of destiny.
A meeting. Acquaintance.
A short trip with a young man.
Buying a car.
The beginning of a new cycle.
Transfer to a new job.
Karma manipulation.
Cognition of cause and effect relationships.

Magician + Justice (I + XI)
The beginning of the legal process.
Take on the role of protector.
Legal agreement, contract.
The desire to marry or divorce.
Fair solution to the issue.
Use the law for your own purposes.
The beginning of a difficult stage.
Criticism, condemnation, punishment.
To tell the truth.

Mage + Hanged Man (I + XII)
Obstacles to business.
Hang in the situation.
Paralysis in action.
Desire, but inability to do or change anything.
Lack of initiative.
The error is related to the man.
You are being manipulated. Maybe a crook.
You have to sacrifice your own interests.
The beginning of pregnancy.
Poor health.

Mage + Death (I + XIII)
The end of the old relationship.
Suspense. It is necessary to undergo transformation.
Conquest of new territories.
Loss of legal capacity.
"To kill with a word."
Loss of a man.
Having a serious illness.
Death of a brother.

Mage + Temperance (I + XIV)
Taking care of the project.
Don't miss the moment.
Short fast ride.
The presence of a guardian angel.
Attracting connections from space.
Experimenter, researcher, alchemist.
Doctor, assistant.
Combining two points of view or two professions, positions.

Mage + Devil (I + XV)
Dangerous manipulation.
Magic effect. Black magic.
Love spell.
Manipulator, manipulation.
Thirst for quick profit.
Everything can collapse.
Connection with alcoholism.
Think about where you are getting yourself.
The obstacles are within us.
Criminal business, mafia, drug dealing.

Mage + Tower (I + XVI)
Initiation of a destructive process.
Suddenly, chaos ensued.
I failed to enter the institute.
It is better not to go to work.
The desire to destroy everything in your life.
Personal destruction, self-destruction.
Thinking problems.
To hurt with a word.
Collapse of affairs. Unexpected accidents.
Suddenness. Quarrel. Conflict with a man.
Admitting mistakes. Findings.

Mage + Star (I + XVII)
Rising star.
A good time to start.
Having creativity.
Hope for a new acquaintance.
A dream to go abroad.
Predicting the future. Astrology.
Abstract thinking, mathematical and engineering skills.
The healing process has started.

Mage + Moon (I + XVIII)
Craving to make a lot of money.
Start creating something new. Work ideas.
Dreamer, storyteller, illusionist.
Psychologist. Esoteric. Doctor.
Fear of self-expression.
Masculine fear.
Fear to act, to be active.
Be wary of your opponent.
The relationship is illusory.
Water imbalance in the body
Alcoholism in the male line.
Violation of the psyche.

Mage + Sun (I + IX)
Recognition of your skill or your idea.
The beginning of a new life.
Admission to college, to work.
There can be a victory over a man. Marriage.
Birth of a child.

Magician + Judgment (I + XX)
Get ready for a change in life. Slow process. Man himself wants them.
To retire from work.
If you didn't work, then go to work.
Change in relationship.
Disclosure of creativity.

Mage + World (I + XXI)
An idea that has received a worthy embodiment.
Do what you want.
Obtaining titles and honors.
Or you complete the process and die.
The path is complete.
Social relationships.
Ego problems.
Knowledge of languages.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - movement for imagination.
With the card "Two of Wands" - make large-scale plans.
With the card "Three of Wands" - the conquest of new markets.
With the card "Four of Wands" - lay the foundation.
With the "Five of Wands" card - to stage the situation.
With the card "Six of Wands" - movement towards the goal.
With the "Seven of Wands" card, use any means to stay at the top.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a looming situation.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - pass the test.
With the "Ten of Wands" card - lack of abilities.
With the "Page of Wands" card - marketing research.
With the "Knight of Wands" card - speed up the deployment.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - increased professionalism.
With the "King of Wands" card - a major project; business expansion.

With the card "Ace of Cups" - conception.
With the card "Two of Cups" - efforts to conclude a contract or agreements.
With the card "Three of Cups" - create a team.
With the card "Four of Cups" - you can't see the main thing in the routine; miss opportunities to promote the project.
With the "Five of Cups" card - unrealized expectations; customers can fail.
With the "Six of Cups" card, you can start to implement long-forgotten plans or a childhood dream.
With the "Seven of Cups" card - untenable plans, unprofitable business.
With the card "Eight of Cups" - movement past the target; creative stagnation; bad idea.
Open a restaurant with the Nine of Cups card.
With the "Ten of Cups" card - competent business management; movement towards prosperity.
With the card "Page of Cups" - consideration of the proposal.
With the card "Knight of Cups" - to offer clients a contract.
With the card "Queen of Cups" - get engaged.
With the "King of Cups" card - ask for advice from a major specialist.

With the card "Ace of Swords" - business on the Internet; achieve clarity; grab a brilliant idea.
With the "Two of Swords" card - misunderstanding with partners, failure to fulfill conditions.
With the card "Three of Swords" - a cruel miscalculation.
With the card "Four of Swords" - take a break.
With the "Five of Swords" card - an attempt to build happiness on someone else's misfortune; Hit below the belt; dishonest business practices.
With the "Six of Swords" card - business moves to a new office; start building a network business.
With the card "Seven of Swords" - political games; neglect your responsibilities.
With the "Eight of Swords" card - interference in your affairs; limiting your influence.
With the Nine of Swords card - on the verge of bankruptcy; business falls into decay.
With the "Ten of Swords" card - there is no turning back; loss of what was dear.
With the "Page of Swords" card - grab onto the original idea, but there is a danger of making a hasty decision.
With the card "Knight of Swords" - the case is in crisis.
With the "Queen of Swords" card - parting with a business partner; business fragmentation.
With the "King of Swords" card - show independence.

With the card "Ace of Denarius" - measures for making a profit.
With the card "Deuce Denarii" - the pursuit of "two hares".
With the card "Troika Denarii" - getting a profitable order.
With the card "Four of Denarii" - control over expenses; tightening of financial expenses.
With the card "Five of Denarii" - a loss-making business; lack of clientele.
With the "Six of Denarii" card - obtaining a loan for a business plan.
With the "Seven Denarii" card - long money; financial speculation.
With the "Eight of Denarii" card - a well-oiled business that brings income.
With the "Nine Denarii" card - expanding the clientele.
With the "Ten Denarii" card - continue the family business.
With the card "Page of Denariev" - learning the basics of doing business; introduction to the course.
With the "Knight of Denarius" card - set the direction for business.
With the "Queen of Denarii" card - masterfully distribute financial expenses.
With the "King of Denarii" card - distribute financial flows.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Mage in an upright position with the Major Arcana
Priestess - Incredible success in occultism, mysticism
Priestess Per - Advances in Demonology
Empress - Karmic dependence on the female line of the clan
Empress lane - Situation control
Emperor - A morbid lust for power.
Emperor per - Defeat enemies. The ability of the strategist. Consciously avoiding responsibilities
Priest - Divine seal, stigmata
Priest lane - Excessive freedom of morals
Lovers - the lot of fate, predestination from above
Lovers lane - Conscious departure from the scene of life
Chariot - Unprecedented Military Advances
Chariot (lane) - The vicissitudes of luck or happiness built on the misfortune of another person
Justice - Justice for the sake of justice
Justice lane - Unstable position in society
The Hermit - Loneliness at the top of what has been achieved
Hermit lane - Obtaining citizenship, residence rights
The Wheel of Fortune is Divine Luck. Good.
Wheel of Fortune lane - Approaching the desired results through your own efforts
Strength - Abilities for extrasensory perception, alternative medicine
Strength (lane) - A call for mercy. Victory over yourself
The Hanged Man - A Sacrifice in the Name of Ideals
The Hanged Pen - Crane chase in the sky
Death - Karmic changes in life, supreme level
Death lane - Approaching the ideal
Moderation - Disease of the digestive system
Moderation lane - Failure to comply with the norms adopted by people
Devil - Curse / Karmic dependence on the male line of the clan
Devil Feather - Disgrace
Tower - Overthrow from the top. Cruel lot
Tower lane - Devastation. Revolutions, riots, uprisings
Star - Crushed hopes
Star lane - Success in any work
Moon - Death of illusion, witchcraft, magic
Moon (lane) - Death of the ship, death of illusions
Sun - Supernatural abilities
Sun (lane) - Imaginary values
Court - Change of Fate, "From lackeys to gentlemen"
Court lane - "The delay of death is like
Peace - Peace on the slope of a sleeping volcano
Jester - Mental illness, sometimes oligophrenic, idiot
Jester (lane) - Wounded pride

Mage in an upright position with the Minor arcana

The magician in the upright and inverted positions is identical in combination with the minor arcana.

2 of Wands - Passing the Disease Crisis
2 of Wands lane - Chagrin. Quarrel with the bosses. Death of a loved one
2 Cups - Passionate desire for love
2 Cups of lane - Suffering. Love agony
2 of Swords - Giving up something in favor of someone
2 of Swords lane - Deception. Robbery. It will not be possible to reveal the culprit
2 of Pentacles - Return of the Lost. Sewing business. Modeling clothes, womens
2 Pentacles lane - Impotence. Stagnation

3 of Wands - Using opportunities as intended
3 of Wands Lane - Break of Misfortune
3 Cups - Recovery
3 Cups of lane - Lust. Voluptuousness. Perverted sex
3 of Swords - Desertion
3 of Swords lane - Hallucinations. Dangerous nervous disorder
3 of Pentacles - Personal Insult
3 Pentaclei lane - Non-professionalism. Betrayal of a friend

4 of Wands - High honors. Prosperity
4 of Wands lane - Caution. Balancing on the edge
4 Cups - Lies in relationships. Loss of old affection
4 Cups lane - New happy acquaintance. The ability to prophesy
4 of Swords - Insulation
4 of Swords lane - Untimely actions. The collapse of beginnings
4 of Pentacles - Gifts from heaven, fate
4 Pentacles lane - Disorder in the world around. Unforeseen expenses

5 of Wands - Feud Disguised as Courtesy
5 Zhezlov lane - Litigation, fight against illusions, maximalism
5 Cups - Orphanhood. Receiving an inheritance. Relative abroad
5 Cups lane - Surprises of fate. Unexpected news
5 of Swords - Natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, explosions)
5 of Swords lane - Abuse of power. Cruelty
5 of Pentacles - Unsuccessful marriage. Skew
5 Pentakley lane - Tax inspection. All kinds of checks

6 of Wands - Good luck in achieving the desired
6 of Wands Lane - Fair Fears
6 Cups - Past Achievements
6 Cups lane - Unexpected recovery of a loved one
6 of Swords - Business trips, trips that will mean a lot
6 Swords lane - Excessive "ranting"
6 Pentacles - Present. Problems in everything
6 Pentacles Lane - Misplaced Lust

7 of Wands - Unnecessary Controversy, Unnecessary Controversy
7 of Wands lane - Failures. Doubt
7 Cups - Misconception. Lost success
7 Cups lane - Failure of plans, but will helps to achieve the desired in the future
7 of Swords - Diseases are passing, fears are in vain, attempts are unsuccessful
7 of Swords lane - Profit will not be received. Criticism. Vain expectations
7 of Pentacles - Loss
7 Pentacles Lane - Lack of attention. Great concerns

8 of Wands - Agriculture, Farming
8 of Wands lane - Quarrel. Bad relationship with management
8 Cups - Belated Good News
8 Lane Cups - Abundance. Delight
8 of Swords - Accident (and if the client drives the car himself, then he will become the culprit of the accident)
8 of Swords lane - Accident on the road
8 of Pentacles - Success in business. Hairdressing
8 Pentacles Lane - The Destructive Effect of Intellect on the Body

9 of Wands - Firm Bankruptcy
9 of Wands per - Force majeure. Delays. Unforeseen difficulties
9 Cups - Moderate achievement
9 Cups lane - Imperfection Failed premiere. Perjury. Resourcefulness
9 of Swords - Bachelor. Spiritual person. "Married" bachelor
9 of Swords lane - Funeral ceremony. Death of an older relative
9 of Pentacles - Last Minute Avoiding Trouble
9 Pentacle Lane - Security Threat

10 of Wands - Intrigue. Cheating. Malicious intent. Losses
10 of Wands lane - Ardent zeal. Disasters. Disappointment
10 Cups - Home Improvement Efforts
10 Cups lane - Quarrels of a global scale. Scandal with the leadership. Lack of diploma
10 of Swords - Irresistible Grief
10 of Swords lane - An unexpected success. Honoring. The proximity of anniversary celebrations
10 of Pentacles - Luck in the lotteries
10 Pentacles Lane - Waste

Ace of Wands - Ascension / Major Mission
Ace of Wands lane - Humiliation, descent through the career ladder. Unreasonable use of opportunities, ideas
Ace of Cups - Hard-won happiness, miracle
Ace of Cups Lane - Change of Fate
Ace of Swords - Triumph
Ace of Swords lane - Test of strength. Catastrophic situation
Ace of Pentacles - Finding deposits and treasures. Advances in Alternative Medicine. Miracle, natural phenomena, ufo
Ace of Pentacles Lane - Wealth Beyond Expectations

King of Wands - Gifts from above. Location of Jupiter
King of Wands lane - Ambition. Take a break. Constrained behavior
King of Cups - Advances in the Humanities
King of Cups (lane) - Losses. Stagnation. Conservatism
King of Swords - Danger from those in power
King of Swords lane - Intricate Crime
The King of Pentacles is the Embezzler. False values. Russian roulette
King of Pentacles - Ugliness. Ignorance

Queen of Wands - Formation of the environment with the participation of higher powers
Queen of Wands Lane - Temporary Troubles
Queen of Cups - Woman in leadership position. Emotions
Queen of Cups lane - Forbidden tricks by leaders. Happy acquaintance
Queen of Swords - Widowhood. Husband dies before wife
Queen of Swords lane - Malevolence from a black-haired elderly lady
Queen of Pentacles - Abundance, Prosperity Requires Care
Queen of Pentacles Lane - Prolonged Illness

Knight of Wands - Receiving an invitation from a foreign partner
Knight of Wands lane - Difficulties with the implementation of large-scale plans
Knight of Cups - Unexpected wealth. High dividends. A premonition of even greater success
Knight of Cups Lane - Arrival of the Supreme Leadership. Profitable business
Knight of Swords - Achievements in Art
Knight of Swords lane - Aggravation of relations. Problems of parents and children
Knight of Pentacles - Success combined with a disservice. Success in international affairs
Knight of Pentacles Lane - Ending the Conflict Backfire!

Page of Wands - Messenger from afar
Page of Wands lane - Bad news. Severing relations with a foreign partner
Page of Cups - Management's favor. Excellent education
Page of Cups lane - Fanaticism. Deviation in behavior. Psychoses
The Page of Swords - Parasitism. Supreme dependence on someone
Page of Swords per - "Was there a boy?" Actions that have not brought results. Empty
Page of Pentacles - The Apprentice Who Surpasses the Master
Page of Pentacles lane - Loss of investments. Risks

Mage upside down with Major Arcana

Priestess - Advances in Black Magic
Priestess lane - Foresight neglect, contempt, conceit
Empress - Flaunting feminine charms
Empress lane - Poverty. Material difficulties, infertility
Emperor - Pimping, Alphonsism
Emperor per - Depravity, lack of demand
Priest - Fatal Marriage
Priest lane - Lack of inspiration, disfavor of God, Fatal marriage
Lovers - Fatal Choice
Lovers (per) - Split personality, throwing, psychophysical discomfort
Chariot - Failure of a responsible mission
Chariot (lane) - Violence, killing tendency. Maniacs
Justice - Contempt for the goddess of justice Themis
Justice of the lane - Disgrace of Fortune and Themis
Hermit - Madness
Hermit Lane - Loneliness as a given from above. Espionage. Sometimes - enlightenment, spirituality
Wheel of Fortune - Bad Luck
Wheel of Fortune lane - Suddenly strong, unpredictable changes
Strength - Misuse of strength
Strength (per) - Loss of authority, fear of difficulties, lack of mercy
The Hanged Man - False Sermons
Hanged Lane - Unattainable Dreams, Spiritual. exhaustion. Possibly epidemics with countless victims
Death - Fatal Change
Death of lane - Painful changes, sad events, unsuccessful undertakings
Moderation - Self-torture
Moderation lane - Unpredictability, inadequacy of behavior
Devil - Exorcism, casting out demons
Devil lane - Participation in a bloody mafia showdown
Tower - Captivity, Hostage-taking
Tower (lane) - Bondage, often - life imprisonment, the relentlessness of fate
Star - Return of the Lost, Hope Found
Zvezda per - Natural force majeure (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.)
Moon - Witchcraft. Halloween
Moon (lane) - Floods, Flood. Kidney disease.
Sun - Twilight of desires (for men impotence is possible)
Sun (lane) - Thunder from a clear sky ", surprises of Fortune
Judgment - Overflow of the vessel of karma, the need for a good deed
Court lane - The verdict of fate. Separation for many years
Peace - Violation of settlement agreements, non-aggression pacts
Mir lane - Fracture, deterioration of the situation in all aspects of life and destiny
Jester - Manic Depressive Syndrome
Jester (lane) - Danger from frivolity; brain diseases

"Desire and Strive"

The appearance of this card means that the ways of overcoming life's adversities, previously hidden from your sight, become visible. The Elder Arcanum Tarot Card Magician says that forces appear to achieve the fulfillment of plans and desires. And, as a rule, the results are not long in coming. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

Having secured the patronage of the Magician card, drive away all doubts and act!

The general value of the Mage card

The Tarot Magician is a card charged for action, enterprise and success. It is important to read it correctly and act in unison with its energy: create, hear your desires and, without hesitation, strive with all your might to make them come true.

The magician whispers: “You have everything to achieve what you want. Take action! " He kind of hints at the fact that right now it is necessary to grab the steering wheel of your life with both hands and listen only to your own voice, which will tell you how everything should look.

Hear yourself, concentrate, turn on your head and believe in yourself and everything that surrounds you will start working to achieve your goals: other people, the energies of this world and the sources of your strength. Is this not what you have dreamed of for so long. Seize the moment!

This is a unique chance to change something in your life, improve its quality, become better, make your every day more interesting and richer, and achieve even better results in different areas of your life. Tarot Card Magician promises the start of something fundamentally new and previously untested. In the center of the issue under consideration is the questioner himself, and only he is able to change something and influence something, therefore any initiative should come only from him.

It is generally accepted that if you have a Magician, fortune is on your side. A relatively stable and favorable stage for important achievements has come. This card prophesies good luck. It's time to stop being afraid and move towards a better future. The magician will give you the energy you need for this and will quietly lead you to the right thoughts and ideas that can result in the desired result.

There will be a feeling that someone is leading you with an invisible strong hand. Neighboring maps can give you a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you will encounter along the way and what you will gain in the end.

The key task of the Magician is to initiate changes that can lead to the achievement of long-awaited goals. The form of performance can vary dramatically. This is an ambitious figure, aimed at self-realization and seizing his place under the sun in this world. And it is to this that the Magician inclines the questioner.

Often, a person can name the area of \u200b\u200bhis life that he once deprived of his attention a long time ago. Maybe, at any thought about the need to put things in order in this area, a person feels instant helplessness, hopelessness of any actions and tries to stop thinking about it as soon as possible.

And here the Magician appears with an encouraging admonition not to be cowardly, but rather to take a closer look at the fact that a person has everything to try and, finally, to do as he needs. The only thing missing is the proper faith in oneself. Faith will appear with the first results. Just start moving towards achieving your goal!

The magician is a bit mystical card. It is generally accepted that any initiative at the behest of the Magician always results in some kind of change in life. It seems to have undertaken something that would seem to be completely insignificant, and after a while you do not believe your eyes, how life begins to change (though the changes do not always coincide with the desires of a person).

Therefore, the Magician seems to be hinting that from this moment on, any of your desires, ideas and actions will carry the most powerful creative energy. It is important to control your desires to learn to want something right, because thoughts have such a power to influence the material component of life that we do not even know about.

Personality description

Unlike many other Arcana that speak to our unconscious, the Magician acts on behalf of consciousness.

Positive features

He is characterized by an extraordinary, creative approach to life, constant mental activity, resourcefulness, high speed of decision-making, ingenuity, initiative, interest in life, craving for freedom of thought and action, unshakable faith in oneself, a high degree of self-discipline, the ability to achieve what people want , perseverance, incredible courage and courage. He does not know procrastination in any of its manifestations.

A person will not be cowardly and shirk. People like him for his vitality. People talk about him, he reminds them of the opportunity to change everything for the better. A sharp mind, rare skills, dexterity are the true components of his personality. If a smart thought comes to him, he, as a true leader, will quickly put together a team of the same inspired people and under his banner they will move mountains on the way to translating this idea into reality. He is fire. There are no obstacles in his imagination that are insurmountable enough to make him give up.

The magician is an excellent negotiator. Much more cunning, accommodating and willing to compromise than the Emperor, he often so deftly builds his strategy that until the last moment no one knows what he really wants. Its impact on people can be not only formal, but also informal, based on friendly advice and recommendations.

Negative traits

However, if the Magician has acquired claims to power, he will make every effort to become its owner. He does not make spontaneous, unverified decisions and does not act at random. All his actions are his will, but it happens that he does not fully realize what result they can lead to and whether he will be satisfied with it.

There are interpreters who associate the Magician with a rogue who is able to twist a person around his finger, taking away all his benefits. Perhaps these interpreters are based on their own life experience, so it would be wrong to take this judgment on faith without critical assessment.

The magician is endowed with great transformative power to change the world to achieve his goals - this is what is known for certain. It is possible that he can pursue good goals, and at the same time use the most environmentally friendly methods. However, in life this does not occur as often as we would like. Such power may well demoralize its owner.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The magician is an exceptional card, it hints that every journey is preceded by a search for answers, not questions about who we are and why we live and do what we do. Yes, the Magician is not given unlimited opportunities to make choices regardless of the circumstances, as is typical of the Jester. However, he has a great power to create and create new things.

It's no coincidence that the Mage is at the beginning of the deck. This discrepancy clearly testifies to the ephemerality of everything that a person is used to considering real. Life is perceived as an endless, very exciting game. The realities of life that arise in our imagination are simply the result of the work of the Almighty. If you think about it, then by his functions the Magician resembles God.

The Magician is endowed with a strong sense of self, however, it would be wrong to completely ignore the opposite side of consciousness, which harbors no less important energies, in relation to the Magician. After all, his inherent passion for active deeds, achieving goals and other things grows precisely thanks to the union of consciousness and subconsciousness. The belief in oneself born in this union prompts one to get up from the sofa and stubbornly go towards what is desired.

It is customary to perceive the magician in the role of a young, free demiurge. All his ideas eventually become real, the universe in his imagination takes on flesh. Everything that he wants and wishes, sooner or later becomes a reality. The important thing is: what did he want this time.

The great power lurking in him is not always adequately controlled. Moral growth through the realization of the creative talents inherent in nature, an indomitable willful desire to take control of all spheres of life one after another, the possession of the rare gift of being at the helm of the whole world.

However, in life, the Magician is usually overconfident, young and inexperienced. Passion and ambition burn in him. However, he lacks seriousness, experience and endurance. Of course, he is incredibly gifted, but his excessive ardor and inability to wisely manage these great resources of nature makes you think about developing a plan to prevent a possible disaster.

The Magician's gift to exert real influence on the inner and outer world inflates his Ego and intoxicates him with the pleasant thought of his own omnipotence. He seriously thinks that he has completed the main task. However, he is only a Disciple, and the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of his power and talents is located only at the very beginning of a serious spiritual path.

But he sees himself as no less than the Creator of this world. He sincerely believes in his greatness and incredible power to decide the fate of everything and everyone in this world. Unbending will, courage and readiness to bend the whole world for themselves are the attributes of teenagers who were finally given a chance to show their character. However, going too far, they, as they say, get a hat out of life and pacify their ardor a little.

Sometimes the Magician can hint at the ritual of a person's transition to the next stage of development within the framework of any social group or mystical society.

The meaning of the Magician in different ways

For a career and work

It is generally accepted that the Magician promises professional growth in something that a person is sincerely passionate about. The magician never creates the appearance of work: he truly loves what he does, which is why, as a rule, he is considered the best in his field. Sometimes, when the questioner does not see a single resemblance to the Magician in himself, the card may hint at impending difficulties associated with the appearance of a rival claiming his power.

The magician's card says that any goal is achievable if a person has enough Will.

He is a storehouse of valuable information, embodies high competence, professionalism and uniqueness of the approach, like a rare master. The desire to change the world through the use of their abilities. The gift of persuading people to do what suits him. In the business world, he often hints at protecting his interests, increasing business pressure, pulling power into his own hands.

Magician of the Tarot, the meaning of the card is ingenuity, dexterity, professionalism, enterprise. The card represents creative professions associated with thinking and creating something new. Among people of this type, the most common are teachers, poets and writers, fashion designers and designers, artists, builders and architects, PR specialists and marketers, managers, etc.

Very often, the Magician card refers to a person who has devoted himself to caring for the health of other people: a doctor, psychologist, etc. In addition, he has a huge talent for effective communications, as a result of which he, as a rule, always achieves what he wants.

Tarot card Magician, the meaning may correlate with the craft of today's popular business and life coaches. The magician is ready to sell his knowledge and secrets. TV and radio hosts, journalists, bloggers. The magician embodies a special concentration, subtlety of perception, instant decision-making, an inquiring mind. He looks at the root and is endowed with great power to carry out his plans.

For finance and property

The magician promises a monetary reward. This is facilitated by his initiative and resourcefulness. No one will give anything just like that, but his inquisitive mind and valuable skills will make the right impression and contribute to profit. He has a commercial streak, he knows where it is better to save money for business, and where it is not worth it. The magician hints at a chance to make the world more convenient and pleasant right now due to rare circumstances.

For love and relationships

The Tarot magician has a multifaceted meaning in relationships. The card personifies a real man, whom the entire beautiful half of humanity dreams of:

  • Incredibly sexy, exudes rare self-confidence;
  • Strong not only in words, but also in deeds;
  • Has real power;
  • Clever, well developed physically and spiritually;

Among other men, the Magician, on an intuitive level, with all his behavior and appearance, declares that he belongs to the category of alpha males, and the weaker ones agree with him. She is often a skilled manipulator. Sometimes he seems to bewitch his victim and lead her along the path he needs. He easily manages to attract someone's attention and provoke a person to the actions he needs.

If not quite positive cards are adjacent in the layout (the culmination, of course, will be the Devil's card), the card draws attention to someone's battle for power. The magician is associated with great inner strength and impudence on the way to achieving their goals. However, if the Magician points to a woman, this tenacity can be very difficult to discern. However, it has not gone anywhere.

The magician is able to independently kindle a fire in himself, when, it would seem, there are no chances anymore and the goal is unattainable or does not want to be attainable. He will achieve what he wants, no matter what the cost. The magician sincerely believes that any work should be done only with one hundred percent dedication.

On the other hand, there is no man more loving loneliness than the Magician. Sometimes he feels himself such a whole person that someone nearby can be perceived as a hindrance. He is incredibly self-centered, very smart and educated, does not differ in sensitivity and, without hesitation, without much thought and subsequent regrets, will end the relationship that he does not like.

As a rule, he does not care about how his interlocutor feels in a certain situation, with rare exceptions: he will sincerely ask if he can get something out of it. As in other areas, in relationships, the Magician advocates actions that can make his life more pleasant. If in a relationship he is worse off than outside of them, he will not shake with fear of the unknown, but one day he will stop everything and go to build new happiness with another person, or he will be carried away by something else.

For health

On the one hand, the Magician Tarot card can indicate good health and strong immunity. On the other hand, the Magician is interpreted as a doctor, and his appearance in the scenario may hint at serious health problems. Therefore, it is more common to explain the appearance of the Magician as a healing from an existing disease.

Reverse card meaning

If the Magic Tarot is turned upside down in the layout, this indicates either a blocked flow of energy, or that the energy is being used for other purposes. If this is an overlap of energy, we can talk about a decline in self-confidence, inability to make decisions and take initiative.

In this position, the card can be interpreted as excessive shyness, unauthorized and unjustified infringement of one's own dignity and one's chances for a better life and success. Well, whether it is the use of energy for other purposes, the card indicates that the tremendous power that nature endowed a person with is used by him to harm other people.

However, some even interpret the inverted Magician in a positive way, explaining this as an insufficiently serious assessment of the responsibility that is assigned to a person in some project, and his excessive self-confidence. In addition, an inverted card is able to indicate that there is no longer a chance to make your choice, and the mechanism started by itself. It remains only to wait for the result.

Disregard for moral norms, a tendency to evil intentions and actions, covered by external benevolence, resourcefulness, manipulation of people through their emotions and feelings.

Sometimes a person used all his talents and still achieved his goal, but he actually did not need the goal, and he remains unhappy. And sometimes the goal is correct, but a person is wrong with the approach to achieving it.

Combined with other cards:

How the Magician Tarot is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Court - promises good luck and changes for the better;
  • With the Eight of Pentacles - the growth of professionalism;
  • With the Eight of Wands - clarification of something incomprehensible;
  • With the Two of Wands - coming to power;
  • With the Star and the Moon - the need to listen to the whispers of your soul and intuition;
  • With the Six of Wands, the Three of Pentacles, the Empress and the Sun, an increase in the Magician's power should be expected;
  • With the Priestess - you need to freeze and wait;
  • With the Eight of Swords - to evaluate your strengths and, most likely, not to take an active position;
  • With the Devil - be very careful with your desires.


The general meaning of the 1st lasso.

Astrological meaning of the arcana: Divine World (or mental). The 1st lasso has no astrological reference, its energy is "tied" to the mental world as a whole and always exists. This energy corresponds to the initial impulse of creation ("In the beginning was the word ..." - it is contained in the 1st lasso).

The superpower of the lasso: the ability to create matter and situations, omnipotence. The energies of this arcana are used to materialize objects and give contact with the Absolute. A magician possessing this siddha is able to create Worlds and objects by himself.

The energy of this arcana is associated with the Word of the Primary Creation. This energy is capable of upsetting the equilibrium of the primary vacuum and creating matter, this energy contains the materialization code. Magicians who conduct this energy are able to create matter from space.

Under the influence of this energy, the body itself becomes a high-frequency wave. The magician who conducts this energy can manage situations of a planetary scale. This energy existed before time began, so it is not related to the time of day or the season.

Description of the lasso.

The 1st lasso card depicts the Magician, Creator, Demiurge in the process of creation. The angel of this arcana is the Demiurge himself, the Creator. He stands in the center of the Universe, at his feet 3 magical instruments rest: the sword of Fire, the denarius of the Earth and the cup of Water. In his hand he holds the instrument of the 4th element, the Element - the rod of Air. Which symbolizes that all 4 Elements of Planet Earth are equally subject to him.

Above his head is the Consciousness of the Infinity of the Universe (the symbol of infinity). With his rod, he points to heaven, and with his index finger to the earth, symbolizing the principle written in the Emerald Tablet: “That which is above, so is below”, ie. the lower is like a reflection, a semblance of the upper, the Magician conducts energy from top to bottom, realizes the will of heaven. He has a hoop on his forehead that shows control over his vision.

Magical use of the arcana.

The energy of this arcana is used to materialize objects.

The amulet charged to this lasso has the shape of a gold hand with the index finger pointing up. This amulet gives access to the energy of Creation.

Divine meaning.

  • A person acting, doing something.
  • Creative person.
  • The need to start doing, it is necessary to actively act, actively create.
  • If the alignment of a person's attitude is an extremely positive attitude, the person wants to be with you, and will actively act in this direction.

The answer to the question is "yes" and "You yourself, with your active actions can carry out your plan"

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