How to determine the type of woman's figure online calculator. Online calculator: the ideal figure of a woman in numbers. The main types of female figure

Colorful compositions 11.08.2020
Colorful compositions


To calculate the Pignet index, fill out the form below:

Since ancient times, people have tried to link the proportions of a person's body with his health. There are many mathematical models that can be used to classify a person's physique into different types. People with different body types react differently to the same disease-causing factors. This knowledge can be used to prevent certain diseases. One of these indicators is called the Pignet index.

The Pignet index is an indicator that characterizes the body type of a person. It is important for the treating doctor to know this indicator in order to determine what diseases can threaten the patient. Nowadays, people who care about their health try to know their body type and prevent possible deviations in health.

How to determine the Pignet index yourself

The calculator will give you your Pignet index. When using the calculator, you will always be sure that you have not made a mistake in the calculation. Consider different types human physique.

Asthenic (lean body type)

The obtained values \u200b\u200bof the Pignet index are more than thirty. Such people have an underestimated position of the diaphragm, the chest has an elongated shape. The person has a long neck, arms and legs, narrow shoulders, poorly developed muscles. People of this type are usually tall.

The heart is small in size, the lungs are elongated. The skin is thin and dry, the layer of subcutaneous fat is very thin. Such people have reduced blood pressure, the function of the adrenal glands and gonads is insufficient, but the function of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland is enhanced.

They have a high risk of developing VSD and respiratory diseases. There is low cholesterol in the blood, not enough trace elements and glucose. The metabolism is overestimated.

Normostenic (average body type)

The obtained values \u200b\u200bof the Pignet index are in the range from ten to thirty. These people have a proportional physique. They have well-developed bones and muscles, broad shoulders, and an athletic build. They often suffer from rheumatism, hypertension and stomach diseases.

Hypersthenic (stocky body type)

The obtained values \u200b\u200bof the Pignet index are less than ten. Such people have an overestimated diaphragm, an enlarged stomach. The heart is enlarged and horizontal. These people are usually short, stocky, and the chest is shortened. The neck, legs and arms are short, the face is round. They have a strengthened function of the gonads and adrenal glands, the thyroid gland does not work enough. They are prone to being overweight and accumulating subcutaneous fat.

They have a high risk of metabolic diseases ( diabetes), atherosclerosis and hypertension. The blood has a high content of cholesterol, hemoglobin and erythrocytes. They suffer from infectious diseases less often.

The importance of determining the Pigne index in childhood

The body type of a person is more of a hereditary factor. But in childhood and adolescence, it is possible to adjust the body type. This is facilitated by proper upbringing. good habits, playing sports, healthy eating.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the type of physique in childhood in order to skillfully and professionally correct behavioral habits. This will be the guarantee of human health for many years.

A stylish woman who reverently takes care of herself certainly needs to know her body type. After all, this is elementary knowledge for any beauty, especially if you want to radically change your image. Appearance decides a lot in a person's life, therefore, the desire to be perfect is not some reckless whim, but a completely serious, deliberate choice.

Each representative of the fair sex is individual. Let's try to understand how to determine body types in women in order to please your body and think about winning adjustments to the features of your figure. Exercise in the gym, an elegant choice of clothes that skillfully mask imbalances, as well as proper healthy nutrition, which directly depends on the level of metabolism and metabolic rate, can help this body.

Types of female figures

Any lady has her own constitution - anthropometric physical data inherited from parents in the form of body size and shape.

There are three body types:

  • ectomorph / asthenic;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

Ectomorphic body structure stands out for its thinness and deficiency muscle mass... Mesomorphs with a good physique, moderate muscles and quite hardy in contrast to endomorphs, which are secreted by excess bodies, slowed metabolism and rapid accumulation of fat.

In life, most often there are combined constitutions that combine the properties of several representatives. If the task is to work on your body with the help of sports training, then this body type should be just remembered. After all, different types are characterized by a certain level of metabolism, which is taken into account when choosing a healthy diet.

Women are led to the fitness room by the desire to get an ideal figure, attractive and graceful forms, and most often - to save themselves from the hated excess fat. Men are not very worried about their proportions, but, nevertheless, they strive to be the owners of athletic figures with pumped up muscles.

Before determining which clothes are suitable for each type, you need to understand how to correctly measure the parameters of the figure in women. It doesn't matter what size to wear and how much to weigh, the main thing is the proportionality of the physique.

You can find out everything about your build:

  • independently, having analyzed individual parameters;
  • using a calculator;
  • using the easy test steps online.

Having resorted to the shape type calculator for help, after entering your own values \u200b\u200b(shoulder width, chest, hips, waist), you can find out to which category to relate your figure, outline realistic goals for weight loss, taking into account your body size. Moreover, the calculator measures the dimensions of the upper body only, without noticing its lower component. For example, a pear-shaped top may be small (arms) and a massive bottom (ankles).

The algorithm of actions includes measuring the width of the shoulder and hips, evaluating the roundness or straightness of the hips,
comparison of the sizes of underwear and outerwear.

Without complicated calculations, an online test will help you find out everything about your own type of figure quickly and easily.

Styling secrets will help you correct the shapes and find out that:

  • not all types are of the same design and look the same;
  • you need to set practical goals;
  • don't get hung up on measurements, but strive for healthy body proportions.

Having dealt with the types of female figures, we will be able to understand their individual characteristics, what needs to be worked on in order to look beautiful and unique. It is more difficult for people of the asthenic and hypersthenic type: the former cannot gain the necessary kilograms and build muscle, the latter - lose weight due to an improper diet with a predominance of flour, sweet, fatty and simple carbohydrates.

Several useful tips for representatives of each somatotype:

  1. Asthenics better eat a little, choose natural products, move a lot. If you exclude high-calorie foods with a predominance of sweets, you can not only fail to gain the desired muscle mass, but also harm your health.
  2. It is useful for hypersthenics to monitor the calorie content and balance of dishes. Give preference to vegetables / fruits, lean protein foods - rabbit, chicken, fish and seafood.
  3. Normostenics are not recommended to violate food norms, to refuse fast foods and high-calorie foods. You need to keep weight under control, choose healthy foods, sign up for yoga or stretching.

Several main types of female figure are classified, resembling an hourglass, pear, triangle, apple, rectangle, triangle / inverted triangle, circle, rhombus, straight, skinny, athletic, lollipop. It is important to know your body type in order to give the visual impression of graceful forms with perfectly fitting clothes.

What clothes to wear and what does it not prevent women with a certain figure from remembering:

Shape type Recommendations Exceptions

You need to focus on the figure by emphasizing the middle of the body and its curves. Bell skirts, sheath dresses with a wrap, with a belt, tapered options, tight-fitting trousers are ideal. Opt for flowy fabrics with an emphasis on the waist.

Low-rise and baggy dresses, A-line T-shirts, pleated skirts. If you have large breasts, do not wear loose, gathered blouses. Mini clothes will not emphasize sexuality if they are taller than 175 cm.

Pear Flirty models: high waist in dresses, trapezoidal shape, attention to the neck, neckline - wide neckline. A good option - bow on the neck. Formal straight trousers will do. Low waist, sleeve " bat», Fluffy, pleated skirts, cropped trousers, light bottom, shoes with belts and thin stilettos (add weight).
Triangle Emphasis on the lower extremities, a skirt with a low waist, vertical pleats, loose fit of strapless dresses and collars, a winning option - bat sleeves or raglan sleeves. Dresses with sleeves, sweaters with a weighted top, pencil skirts. Soft fabrics, flounces and laces, almost sleeveless T-shirts, tops and dresses with thin straps are not suitable.
Rectangle They will adorn draped blouses, off-shoulder tops, tulip dresses, wavy prints, flowing models. Baggy cuts, square tunics, shapeless skirts.
Apple Emphasis on the shoulders and chest: dresses with vertical elements, with a belt above the waist and a plunging neckline, bermuda skirts. Bomber jackets and anything that demonstrates slim legs will do. Straight dresses, tight tops, tapered trousers, highlighting the waist, tucking the top into trousers or a skirt, high waist.

In order not to waste efforts on grueling diets and strict complexes to combat overweight, a decrease in muscle mass and a slowed down metabolism, it is worthwhile to work closely with the body, or rather, strive to give the body a healthy shape and harmony. And the sooner, the more effective.

The following ways of working on the body are encouraged:

  • regular yoga with meditation, proper breathing and relaxation;
  • modern dance classes and concentration training exercises;
  • stretching and posture improvement according to the Pilate method;
  • correct distribution of body weight and harmony in posture using the Alexander technique;
  • relieving stress, tension, changing habitual motor functions using the Feldenkrais method;
  • a burst of physical energy with a regular simple set of exercises of your choice;
  • proper healthy eating in small portions, mainly vegetables, fruits, grains and protein foods, a minimum of fat and sugar.

For example, women with a skinny fat figure (thin women with problematic thick parts of the body) have to build up muscles and make them as elastic as possible, enhance metabolic processes in the body and eliminate excess fat. On a par with proper nutrition effective fitness training can help in this: alternation of cardio and strength loading (interval training), performance of strength elements, exercises with dumbbells and a barbell, special simulators.

An amazingly beautiful body, perfectly fitting clothes, light gait and health will magically raise the mood and self-esteem of any lady, give a feeling of youth and attractive sexuality. Therefore, you need to treat your body like an old friend, and remember that health is the most important wealth.


This type of figure is characterized by a narrow waist, the same proportions of the waist and chest, classic 90/60/90, unchanged even with excess weight.

The main features of this species:

  • proportionality of the bottom and top of the body;
  • narrow "wasp" waist;
  • fatty deposits can be visible in the chest and thighs;
  • X-shaped silhouette.

The ideal solution for this version of the figure can be almost anything that emphasizes the figure.

What exactly will fit:

  • fitted style;
  • trapezoidal pencil skirts;
  • high waist in trousers and jeans;
  • belts at the waist;
  • outerwear with a wrap and belts.

Features of the physique should be taken into account in the specific choice of toilet details. Remember simplicity - a philosophy over which time has no power, especially since this simple style is always elegant.

No need to choose:

  • bag-like outfits, under which the perfect physique is hidden;
  • straight cut of clothes for wearing in the winter season;
  • a waist outlined above or below the lumbar line in outerwear;
  • any low-rise trousers.


This type is distinguished by the same size of the chest and hips, not a clearly defined waistline or lack thereof. The physique is more athletic and athletic than the previous category, and the waistline can be accentuated with some clothing options. Focus on slender legs and waist, balance the bottom and top of the body.

Several wardrobe items that do not contradict the specific features of the body design:

  • fitted outerwear, winter trench coat with a belt;
  • top with thin spaghetti straps and sweaters with "flashlight" sleeves;
  • a-line or sun-flared skirts, wrap-around or with a hint of a slit;
  • trousers with a classic and bottom fit;
  • classic-cut capri pants and trousers;
  • straight cut of jackets and trench coats.

Now let's move on to what the owners of the "rectangle" shape should remember.

To remove "Rectangles" from the wardrobe:

  • baggy clothes;
  • elements that show too much of the abdomen;
  • straight cut dresses and raincoats;
  • t-shirts, turtlenecks and sleeveless crop tops with a deep neckline;
  • leggings, tight classic skirts.


The hostess of such a figure is distinguished by broad shoulders, slender legs and flat buttocks like men. First of all, the shoulders, arms and cheeks are gaining weight.

To others characteristic features include:

  • highlighted side parts;
  • the upper body is longer and wider-boned than the lower;
  • more fat is deposited in the thighs, gluteal muscles and abdomen;
  • large weight emphasizes the triangularity of the figure.

When choosing clothes, try to visually narrow the width of the shoulders, but not as much as in the "hourglass". The lower part should not be enlarged.

Look the most advantageous:

  • choice of light colors for the bottom, a slightly fitting silhouette and print;
  • tough fabrics and youth sports style;
  • cut things like a man;
  • vests, long jewelry;
  • models with raglan sleeves, T-shirts with three-quarter sleeves;
  • hairstyles with long hair.

No need to choose a bob hairstyle and focus on the upper body.

Tips that ladies with A-texture should not wear:

  • large earrings, scarves and hats;
  • soft fabrics, flounces and lace;
  • any contrasts (small with large, tops with thin straps);
  • sleeveless t-shirts.

Inverted triangle (T-shaped)

The figure is characterized by broad shoulders and a less pronounced thigh. The advantages include the length of the legs and, accordingly, the harmony of the woman herself. Stylists' tricks help to add harmony to the look by reducing the shoulder line, emphasizing the hips and highlighting the waist.

Upper and Lower Body Balancing Tasks:

  • large belts at the waist;
  • trapezoidal trench coat;
  • trousers with a waist below the waist;
  • frill on dresses below the belt line;
  • pleated skirts and large patch pockets;
  • square-shaped armholes on tops and blouses.

The ideal will be a minimum of details in the chest area, a straight cut of clothing, the maximum number of items in the hips.

  • an elongated straight coat, shapeless jackets;
  • boat neckline on sweaters and overhead shoulders;
  • oversized sweaters;
  • straight leggings and dark slacks;
  • a narrow, even skirt (length - to the ankle).

A circle

Distinctive features of the figure of such a plan are the same transitional parameters of the chest, hips, waist with a rounded character from the shoulders to the waist, a predisposition to overweight, thin legs. The upper part of the body of the woman - "apple" stands out with outstanding breasts.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the calorie content of foods and not gain excess weight. Remember that most often fatty deposits accumulate on the stomach. With a rounded shape, you need to dress in such a way as to visually lengthen the proportions of the body, highlight the waist line, emphasize the slimness of the legs and the shoulder area.

What clothes are preferable to wear:

  • coats, dresses, raincoats, tapered at the top and widened at the bottom;
  • blouses and T-shirts with a triangular roll-out of the neck;
  • supplement flared trousers with volumetric pockets;
  • vertical grooves on clothes of a discreet color;
  • with huge designs, flounces and drapery on the hips.

To solve all the problems of disproportion and compensate for the shortcomings, you need to know the main points and correct visual defects with the help of some recommendations.

Will not decorate the "circle" shape at all:

  • clothes that are sticky or tight to the body;
  • short sleeveless tops and sweaters tied at the neck;
  • golf badlon;
  • ruffles, embellished details on the shoulder;
  • overly slimming slacks, jeans without pockets and low rise;
  • tight-fitting, tight pencil skirts.


The type differs in fullness at the waist line (sometimes it is veiled), the shoulders and hips are narrower in comparison with the central region of the body, the arms seem thin - all this is shaped like a diamond. Fat deposits are visible mainly in the abdomen.

How to show yourself advantageously:

  • highlight the upper body (shoulders, arms) with different items of clothing;
  • choose tapered or very narrow trousers;
  • wear shocking shoes with 7-8 cm heels or stiletto heels;
  • focus on the waist, use wide belt models.

It is not recommended to wear colored things, narrowed at the waist, so that the “service” does not turn out to be “bearish”.


The even silhouette of the build is distinguished by the slenderness of the legs, narrowly directed hips and more sweeping shoulder lines, with a weakly defined waist or completely inconspicuous against the background of the hips, which, even after the lady recovers, remain slender. The weight gain is immediately noticeable at the top of the figure. The outfit for this part of the body is selected a couple of sizes larger than for the bottom.

Many complain about the angular shape and masculine parameters. We observe such direct proportions of the body in famous personalities - Anna Kournikova, Demi Moore, Anastasia Volochkova. A common mistake of straight complexion is highlighting the waist with belts and fitted clothing. We focus on the legs and correctly mask the broad shoulders.

If the main characteristic feature is straight lines, then the cut of clothes must be chosen, of course, straight.

What we wear:

  • cardigans, jackets, tops, blouses of exclusively straight sewing, in the style of Coco Chanel;
  • shoulders and sleeves, respectively, straight;
  • you can dilute the wardrobe with short tops (if the body shapes are ideal);
  • designers do not recommend tucking blouses and blouses, as an exception, you can slightly lower the volume on top to align the silhouette;
  • cutout shape - square, trapezoid and triangle;
  • a-line skirt made of stiff fabric;
  • trousers narrowed down, pipe trousers and banana trousers, straight trousers are better to choose with arrows, not very flared from the knees;
  • skirts and trousers with a low waist.

Decorating the waistline with belts and darts is not worth it.

What doesn't fit at all:

  • sleeves that add volume (raglan and flashlight sleeve);
  • heavily flared trousers;
  • chunky knitting and massive structures;
  • striped lines, two-color broken cell pattern.


The Russian version of the name is thick thin women, and their weight is normal, but the appearance is rather ridiculous due to sagging muscles, cellulite, folds of sagging skin and protruding bones. Of course, you can hide such defects with the magic of clothes, but undressing on the beach will be quite problematic.

Skinny Fat is often the go-to style, although even baggy shapes will make it look pretty. There is a suspicion of bloggers that fashion clothes sewn, just for this kind of shape. Not everyone will allow themselves to wear short shorts or tight leggings, for many such clothes will add volume and emphasize figure defects. Here, the calculation is also on the proportions of skinny, which they can afford to flaunt in fashionable new clothes, their narrow hips and slender legs look attractive.

Additional tips:

  • choose a plain straight cut;
  • wear tight-fitting clothes, a more massive top;
  • dress up without fear in crazy culottes, fashionable plastic raincoats;
  • perfect everyday combination - jeans and sweaters;
  • minimalism style is suitable for a party;
  • asymmetrical hairstyles and long straight hair will look good.

Floral colors and a pea “field”, fluffy skirts and bourgeois style of decoration for a jam session are not suitable for thin fatties.


The most athletic body shape, differs in athletic characteristics: wide shoulder girdle, large chest volume, narrow waist and hips, there is almost no difference between their volumes. Often such forms belong to athletes with physically developed shoulders. The main advantages of athletic proportions are a thin waist and large chest size. Correct adjustment will narrow the shoulders and visually expand the hips, while emphasizing the waistline.

To visually create the perfect hourglass figure, you need to follow simple tips:

  • choose a simple and tight top, bottom - voluminous and luxurious;
  • flared skirts with tucks, maxi skirts with pockets, pleats and many details will look good;
  • there are banana trousers with darts and patch pockets;
  • sleeveless tops with American armhole;
  • wide trousers that look like pajamas;
  • a good choice - a low-cut top.

The shoulders do not need to be highlighted with any elements of clothing; wear scarves sparingly, without rewinding them repeatedly around the neck.

Not suitable for an athletic physique:

  • batwing sleeves;
  • overhead large shoulder pads;
  • pleats on sleeves and puff sleeves;
  • neck "boat", horizontal stripes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder girdle and chest;
  • large volume scarves.

The color palette is two-layer: the top is one-color, neutral-calm, the bottom is colored, attracting attention. Difficulties in choosing a set of clothes, for example, a jacket plus a skirt, can be solved by individual tailoring or by purchasing unassembled clothes.


Lollipops are considered many Hollywood stars, who find it easier to choose an evening outfit than to create a casual image. A feature of this shape is broad shoulders and long graceful legs, not clearly defined or very thin waist, large chest.

What suits the lollipops:

  • high heels;
  • folds and frills on the chest;
  • straight silhouette trousers;
  • wrap-around sweaters;
  • v-neck blouses, boat neck pattern.

Lollipops should not wear baggy clothes, elongated skirts, large beads, high-waisted trousers, bell-bottomed trousers, large hanging sweaters, boleros and a high stand-up collar.

How to determine your body type

The ability to dress properly begins with knowing the characteristics of your figure. Many, due to the schematic, combined classification, cannot identify the main features of their physique, which makes it difficult to choose the right clothes.

To find out what type of female physique you belong to, you need to conduct an introspection of the body right in front of the mirror dressing table. To do this, by the method of comparative analysis, calculate the proportions of the shoulders, hips and waist. Simple calculations will allow you to find the obtained dimensions in the description of the properties of the figure and lean towards a certain type of physique.

How to carry out calculations and decide on belonging to a certain complexion:

  1. Measure the parameters of the constituent parts of the body - shoulders / waist / hips. We measure volumes using a centimeter tape.
  2. If the waist and hips are the same, and the waist is 20 cm or more less, then the figure can be attributed to an hourglass.
  3. Equal values \u200b\u200bof all parameters indicate that the owner belongs to the rectangle shape.
  4. Pears have hips 10-15 cm larger than the shoulder girdle, and 20 cm wider than the waist.
  5. The triangle includes persons with a breast volume 5 cm larger than the hips.
  6. The same top belongs to the hostess with the shape of an apple. The thighs, most often, are less than 10 cm, and the midline of the body has the greatest volume.

It is quite clear that there are practically no ideal body proportions; there are disadvantages and individual advantages inherent in each textured type. It's all about correctly masking unwanted details and skillfully highlighting the winning sides. It is important to know which type to relate to, and what is inherent in it, in order to perfectly choose the outfit and correctly complete your wardrobe.

The video will tell you how to choose an individual style according to the type of figure.

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Spring is already on the doorstep, you have to throw off your extra clothes and change into something lighter and more elegant, so a woman faces another question - how to find perfect body parameters. And enjoy not only the spring sun, but also your own appearance.

What is the ideal figure?

One thing can be said, the concepts of beauty, and there are a great many of them, are very different from each other. Different cultures have their own preferences - the perfect figure among the Europeans will not be considered that among the Asians. The ideals of the early 20th century look somewhat massive and short today, when tall and thin models are in favor. What can we say about women models who posed for the great Rubens. To our contemporary, they will seem just thick.

The Ancient Greeks' Concept of Perfection

If we take antique statues, their dimensions are closer to natural parameters, which is explained by the rule of the “Golden Section”, deduced by the ancient scientist Pythagoras. And, based on it, perfection should be determined by the following proportions for both sexes:

  • waist size should be twice the circumference of the neck;
  • in turn, the neck is twice the circumference of the wrist;
  • shoulder width should not exceed 1/4 of a person's height;
  • the size of the forearm and foot (their length) should ideally be equal.

If something does not fit, then the figure is not perfect. But seriously, since every person is unique, you shouldn't be too strict about perfection.

Today, beauty is determined, first of all, by health - if a person is healthy, he will always have excellent skin condition, a blooming appearance and the absence of excess fat.

The concept of the ideal today

Important indicators of a perfect body today are: age, height and wrist circumference. In fact, this is the measurement of the bone, which determines the light, heavy and medium type of build.

  • Thin-boned type - 14.5 cm in women, 18 cm in men;
  • Average constitution - 15-18 cm for women, 18-20 cm for men;
  • Severe type - 18.5-20.5 cm in women, more than 20 cm in men.

How to calculate your ideal weight?

Women also need to subtract 100 from their height, and then multiply the resulting figure by 0.9.

Do not forget that a good figure is not only a lack of fat and toned muscles, but also correct posture.

Ideal proportions of the female body through the eyes of men

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That there are different types of figure knows, perhaps, every representative of the fair sex. But few people know how to correctly define their own structure, based on generally accepted standards. We determine the type of figure correctly.

Until the so-called calculator for body measurement was invented, many girls were guided by the cherished 90-60-90, trying to get as close to this "norm" as possible. It turned out that everyone has their own norm and it depends on many factors. Determining the type of figure is quite simple.


In order to know your figure, you must measure it. You don't just need to guess, ask a friend to help you with the measurement and start from the numbers obtained. Before measuring, we advise you to put on the underwear that you prefer to wear most often for more accurate measurements.


The most difficult measurement relates to the shoulders, so you definitely cannot do without help. The measuring tape should make a circle from one shoulder to the other, around your back and collarbones tightly enough.


Pull the measuring tape straight over the prominent points of your chest and back without pulling it tight. Make sure the tape is on your back at the bottom of your shoulder blades.


To measure your waist, the tape should fit snugly around the thinnest part of your belly. This line is just above the navel, 1-2 centimeters.


The thighs are measured at the most prominent points of the buttocks. If there is a "breeches" effect, we recommend duplicating the measurement by measuring the volume below the buttocks along the protruding "breeches" lines. If the result is much less than the previous one, use the second measurements.

Now that you know the basic parameters of your body, you can use these numbers to further define your body type.

Inverted triangle

Your body type is an inverted triangle if your shoulders or chest are 5% larger than your hips. For example, the shoulders are 72 cm, and the pelvic line is 68 cm or less.


Keep following the numbers. "Rectangular" is a figure in which the waist is 25% less than the shoulders and bust, or all components have a difference of 5%. For example, your shoulders are 72 cm, and your waist is 64 or more.

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