If protein intake benefits. What harm can protein cause to the body? Build muscle mass

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This useful protein makes it possible to achieve all the set results and, in principle, is very useful for any person, since it contains valuable amino acids that have a positive effect on cell renewal and growth. But despite the obvious benefits, there are some negative consequences of taking protein supplements, which usually arise due to the use of poor quality sports food or due to neglect of the rules for taking protein. Let's consider them in more detail.

Protein types

Of course, natural sources can be used to obtain protein, for example, chicken or lean fish, beef, eggs, cottage cheese. However, for those who are actively involved in sports, the amount of protein consumed should be much higher, which is why specialized sports mixtures come to the rescue.

However, in order for the protein blend to work for you and help you in your training process, you must choose the right type of protein for you. Depending on the raw material from which the protein is made, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Whey Protein: The benefits and harms of this type of protein depend entirely on how well it is purified, but overall, it is a highly absorbable supplement and is great to take immediately after exercise.
  2. Casein protein (casein): made from milk by curdling. It is divided into micellar (purer) and calcium casein.
  3. Milk protein: is a combination of whey and casein protein. It has an average digestibility, within 2 hours after ingestion.
  4. Meat protein: the basis is animal protein. Due to the specific taste of beef and the high price, it is not in great demand.
  5. Soy protein: This vegetable protein is the most affordable. It is absorbed in a couple of hours, but it does not contain some important amino acids. It grows in size with stirring, which makes it convenient to take. The benefits of protein for men are questionable, since it contains female sex hormones.
  6. Egg protein: made exclusively from egg whites, considered ideal in terms of amino acid composition.
  7. Complex protein: is a combination of protein supplements of varying degrees of digestibility (casein, egg white, whey isolate), in view of which it is suitable both for gaining muscle mass and losing extra pounds.

In order for the protein blend to work for you and help you in the training process, you should choose the right type of protein for you, based on your goals and your individual characteristics.

The table below clearly demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of proteins.

Protein Benefits Negative sides Digestibility (g / hour) Value,%
Whey - can be mixed with various components;
- low cost;
- rich composition;
- quickly absorbed;
- will be effective only before and after training;
- during the day, it is better to take in combination with other proteins;
10-12 100
Egg - good composition;
- great for losing weight;
- expensive; 9 100
Complex - consists of proteins of different absorption rates;
- can be taken for both weight loss and weight gain;
- not always a high-quality composition;
5-8 95
Lactic - affordable price;
- balanced amino acid composition;
- the composition contains components that can impair the functioning of the digestive tract; 4-5 90
Casein - low rate of assimilation;
- good amino acid composition;
- not very soluble in water;
- some manufacturers have a not very pleasant taste;
4-6 80
Soy - lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood;
- great for women;
- low efficiency;
- contains phytoestrogens and GMOs;
4 74

Protein: benefits and harms for women and men

Taking protein supplements in reasonable amounts according to a specially designed scheme will have an extremely positive effect on any organism. It is necessary to calculate the daily dose of a substance taking into account the person's lifestyle, his complexion, the percentage of protein loss per day.

An athlete with a lot of muscle mass will need much more protein supplements than a fragile girl. Let's look at it in more detail.

1. The use of protein for women

The benefits of protein for girls and women are effective weight loss and the gradual strengthening of muscles. Necessary for the body amino acids will have a beneficial effect on skin, hair, nails.

Protein powder is produced only from natural raw materials. The high-quality concentrate obtained by synthesis is free of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

Working on getting rid of extra pounds in the gym in combination with the use of protein supplements gives excellent results. In shakes that contain protein, the benefits of protein are due to its high digestibility. Despite the low calorie content of drinks, they are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities. Without systematic exercise, they can contribute to weight gain.

2. The use of protein for men

The benefits of protein for men are unconditional: the amino acids that are part of protein powders have the most positive effect on the male body. Representatives of the stronger sex take such supplements to quickly increase muscle volume and keep the body in good shape. In addition, a rational intake of protein allows you to normalize the body's metabolic processes, improve endurance and increase strength indicators during workouts.

We must not forget about the benefits of protein after physical exertion - the body's recovery is faster, the feeling of hunger dulls.

What harm can protein intake cause for both men and women? If we are talking about the use of high-quality mixtures made from natural raw materials, then the risk of negative impact is reduced to zero. Manufacturers who care about the composition of their protein mixtures choose only safe products as a basis, which is why it is so important to purchase only certified sports supplements.

Is protein harmful: doctors' opinion

Anyone who plans to introduce protein supplements into their diet thinks about whether protein is harmful, and what opinion doctors have on this issue. Today, most experts agree that protein cannot harm the body. However, this statement is only true if we are talking about certified sports nutrition, as there are more and more fake protein mixtures on the market, which should be avoided. This protein can cause the body to malfunction.

In addition, the use of protein in amounts exceeding the recommended norm will also not have the best effect: not only will you not improve the result of your workouts, but on the contrary, you will fully experience the side effects of the supplement, including:

  • various allergic reactions;
  • nausea, bloating, vomiting and other interruptions in digestive system;
  • the appearance of rashes and acne;
  • weight gain.

The use of high-quality protein shakes in a metered dose brings the body only benefits:

  • the blood is purified;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • the hormonal background is restored;
  • improves brain function.

Therefore, it is so important to consult with specialists who will select the most suitable type of protein mixture in accordance with your individual characteristics and tasks. You should also definitely identify possible contraindications, because the intake of protein is prohibited in chronic diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, as well as intolerance to any component of such a sports mixture.

Experts of the PRIME KRAFT company, specializing in the production of sports nutrition, especially note that complex protein mixtures will be your excellent assistant only if you combine their intake with regular physical activity and a proper diet.

The increase in muscle mass is influenced by the amino acids essential for the body, which are contained in protein. Also, these organic compounds contribute to the formation of certain hormones, accelerate the proper growth of bone tissue, and are a source of energy.

The protein mixtures offered in our catalog undergo strict quality control at all stages of production and are created in accordance with all approved standards. Of course, in addition to the quality side, attention should be paid to the amount of protein consumed. In one of our previous articles, we talked in detail about how to drink protein correctly and what time it is best to do it in order to achieve the desired result.

Do not forget about safety rules in order to eliminate the development of negative consequences and harm from taking protein mixtures - follow the instructions on the label, as well as the recommendations of sports nutrition specialists.

Protein is essential for muscle growth and lean muscle gain. This guide will tell you about different types protein powder and other supplements, what they are for, and how to take them correctly.


  • The benefits of protein supplements and the importance of scheduling them;
  • Different sources of protein in supplements;
  • Why Adequate Protein Intake Is Critical to Muscle Building
  • The thermogenic properties of protein and how it affects fat burning and metabolism;
  • The best natural sources of protein;
  • How much protein should be consumed per day;
  • The advantages of natural products and what protein gives;
  • What is protein made of;
  • When to use different types of cocktails;
  • How to combine protein with carbohydrates for weight gain;
  • How to Choose the Right Protein Powder, Gainer, Meal Replacement, and Recovery Drink
  • What nutritional supplements work well with protein intake.

Welcome to the complete guide to what protein is and what it's for. This digest summarizes all the nuances of taking these supplements, including the benefits of using them, the schedule for taking them, and a description of the protein types they contain.

If after reading the article you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments, we will answer each one.

I must say right away that protein is a protein that is found in chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and even plant products. Protein is often understood as a powder supplement that is used to make shakes for a lighter and more tasty protein intake. This is not chemistry, it is the same product as baby food, which is also made from raw protein, which can be bought at the factory in large bags. And it's much more convenient than chewing on chicken breast, especially after training.

What is protein (protein) and why take it?

Protein is one of three macronutrients that organisms convert to energy. Macronutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Scientifically, protein is made up of a chain of amino acids. The bonds that prevent these chains from breaking down are called peptide bonds. Amino acids are the main source of nitrogen in the body. Thanks to a positive nitrogen balance, proper growth and repair of muscles, bones, nails, hair, skin and internal organ renewal is possible.

In addition to building muscle tissue, protein functions include:

  • maintaining blood PH levels;
  • preserving muscle mass while dieting or reducing calorie intake;
  • energy production with a lack of carbohydrates;
  • restoration and maintenance of appropriate hormonal levels;
  • carrying out vital chemical reactions;
  • ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system;
  • regulation of water balance.

Protein for muscle growth

Combining increased daily protein intake with strength training helps build lean muscle mass. The human body is in a continuous "protein cycle". Muscle fibers are continuously regenerated and renewed. To make this process as intense as possible, you need to maintain a positive protein-nitrogen balance.

The body will suffer from a lack of protein. He needs to process so many raw materials that he is unable to provide the proper level of tissue repair. As a result, this leads to a loss of muscle mass. Other vital functions are also at risk, such as regulating hormones and maintaining the PH balance of the blood.

When you do an intense strength training regimen, recovery requires more muscle tissue than normal. This is why bodybuilders and weightlifters need more protein. Nitrogen balance is more important for muscle growth than muscle maintenance.

Regular protein intake is accompanied by a stable supply of amino acids, and helps maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

The importance of proteins for fat loss

Protein foods are thermogenic. In simple words, it takes more energy to digest, which is very good for losing weight. The human body has to work 30% more actively to digest protein products than to process and assimilate carbohydrate and fat components. Thus, protein diets slow down the metabolism, and accelerate the loss of excess fat.

Adequate protein intake also helps convert body fat into energy. With a lack of protein, it is more difficult for the body to reach fat stores. This entails "eating" muscle tissue for energy. Therefore, low-protein diets make you lethargic and exhausted.

Recovery protein

Without protein, muscle recovery and training progress are impossible. Two phenomena occur in the training process:

  1. Loss of muscle glycogen.
  2. Muscle trauma, after which they need to be restored.

Consistent protein intake provides a positive nitrogen balance that puts the body in a “muscle repair mode”. The faster the muscle tissue is "patched up", the faster you will recover. Conversely, protein deficiency results in a negative nitrogen balance. In such conditions, the recovery process slows down.

Increased protein intake is of paramount importance, especially for those athletes who exercise frequently or cut back on their fat intake.

Protein source foods

Protein foods include eggs, cheese, milk, seafood, fish, poultry, beef, pork, lamb, veal, soy, nuts and legumes. Fatty and starchy foods have a small amount of protein. The minimum protein content explains the fact that bodybuilders and athletes often neglect these foods when formulating protein diets.

By the quality of protein, foods are divided into complete and defective.

A complete protein food contains the entire set of essential amino acids. This includes animal protein (meat). Inadequate protein foods like vegetables are deficient in several essential amino acids. Moreover, this shortage is different for all products.

The popularity of dietary protein supplements has grown significantly over the past 30 years due to several factors. They are convenient, because you do not need to spend time cooking them. They are also more cost effective as they are on average cheaper than beef, seafood, or even chicken.

Protein Benefits (Protein Protects Health)

Adequate protein intake has a positive effect on health. This is primarily reflected in:

Anabolism... Thanks to dietary protein, the body goes into a state of anabolism. When it comes to muscle growth, "anabolism" is about building muscle, not breaking it down. The opposite concept is catabolism. Low protein intake leads to catabolization (breakdown) of muscle tissue.

Growth hormone regulation... Good health cannot be maintained without an adequate balance of growth hormones. This hormone contains 190 amino acids. A normal intake of protein provides the body with the necessary material for its synthesis. Growth homone greatly affects metabolism. It is the culprit behind decreased bone density, muscle loss, and other health problems, including many physiological disorders.

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF1). It makes muscle cells respond appropriately to growth hormone. Consists of 70 amino acids. A lack of protein leads to a decrease in its level, as a result of which the body is not able to utilize the existing mountain growth.

Metabolism... As noted earlier, protein digestion requires more energy, i.e. in fact, it stimulates the metabolism. With a protein deficiency, the body is unlikely to be able to use fat deposits.

Insulin... Protein helps to lower the level of insulin in the blood, which affects energy regulation.

What is my protein norm?

The Recommended Intake Allowance (RDA) requires adults in the United States to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Those weighing 90 kg require a minimum of 72 g of protein per day. With a body weight of 70 kg, the lowest recommended dose is 54 g daily.

Anyone who is actively involved in sports and looking to gain muscle mass should consume twice as much protein as indicated in the RDA guidelines. On average, bodybuilders are advised to consume about 2-3 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Another helpful tip is to make sure that 20-40% of your daily calories come from protein.

2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight

  • 56 kg - 125-188 g
  • 70 kg - 150-225 g
  • 80 kg - 175-263 g
  • 90 kg - 200-300 g
  • 102 kg - 225-338 g
  • 113 kg - 250 - 375 g

20-40% of daily calories as protein

Calories - the amount of protein needed

  • 1500 Kcal - 75-150 g
  • 2000 Kcal - 100-200 g
  • 2500 Kcal - 125-250 g
  • 3000 Kcal - 150-300 g
  • 3500 Kcal - 175-350 g
  • 4000 Kcal - 200-400 g
  • 5000 Kcal - 250-500 g

Protein Supplements & Sports Nutrition

We examined the role of adequate protein intake in maintaining good health. We've found that athletes and bodybuilders need more protein to support faster muscle recovery and growth. With that in mind, let's take a closer look at protein supplements.

What is the essence of protein supplementation?

You already understand what protein is and why it is needed not only for those involved in sports, but also for ordinary people. Sports supplements are rich in protein and nutrients designed to help bodybuilders and athletes reach their recommended protein intake. The range of supplements includes protein powders, bars, geyenrs and meal replacements.

Often, one serving of protein supplements contains 20-30 grams of protein, fortified with vitamins and minerals. These supplements are renowned for an abundance of flavors from fruit protein powders, cookie and cream flavor gainers to peanut butter flavored protein bars.

Introduction to general terminology

(isolate, multicomponent proteins, amino acids, etc.)

Below is a list of commonly known terms associated with protein supplementation:

Isolate.An isolated protein source is a chemically refined product that contains virtually no impurities other than a real protein source. Most often, the isolate contains purified protein of 90% or more.

Concentrate.The concentrated protein source contains more impurities than the isolate. It mainly accounts for 70-85% of proteins. Concentrates are richer in fats, carbohydrates and, when it comes to whey protein, lactose.

Multi-component proteins.It is a combination of several different concentration of protein sources. These proteins can be cheaper than isolates. Another advantage is the presence of sources of both slow and fast digesting protein.

Amino acids.They are the constituent parts of proteins. Despite the presence of more than 100 amino acids, only 20 of them are considered standard. In turn, they are replaceable and irreplaceable. Irreplaceable ones are not produced by the body; their reserves must be replenished with food. The replaceable ones can be synthesized by the body.

BCAA.Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) refer to the chains inherent in three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The combination of these three essential amino acids makes up more than a third of the skeletal muscles of the human body, and provokes protein synthesis.

Gainer.Gainers are high-calorie protein powders taken by athletes and bodybuilders to speed dial masses. They are used as a snack or between meals to increase your daily calorie intake.

Food substitutes... Protein meal replacements are considered complete meal replacement foods. They contain a balanced nutritional and macronutrient mixture that provides not only the optimal dose of protein, but also the required amount of carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Recovery drink.This supplement includes varying amounts of complementary, non-protein foods, with the primary purpose of promoting post-workout recovery. These drinks can be formulated with creatine, multivitamins and minerals, and also contain high doses of glutamine and taurine.

Slow digesting protein.This slow-digesting protein source contributes to a constant supply of protein and amino acids, and maintains a positive nitrogen balance over time. Ideal for taking in between meals.

Fast digesting protein.Fast-digesting protein sources like whey protein act instantly to regulate nitrogen levels, especially after a long break from eating. Suitable as a post-workout protein supplement.

Energy bar. These bars serve as a quick, healthy and stable source of energy when you need a snack between meals. Although they contain some amount of protein, this dose is still much less than in protein bars.

What are protein supplements for?

Most athletes consume protein foods in small portions at least 5-8 times a day. It can take a very long time to prepare this amount of food. The key benefit of protein supplements is their quick preparation.

They are often completely ready-to-use. How often did life interfere with your plans for the day, and completely destroy them? This happens a lot to most people. Protein supplements do not need to be refrigerated and are easy to carry. They can accompany you discreetly everywhere.

You will also appreciate their budget. Beef, salmon, and other popular protein foods are quite expensive. On the other hand, the cost of a 30 gram serving of protein powders is much less. You can use the money saved in this way to buy higher quality and more expensive protein food. And if you're looking to gain weight, then weight gainers are even more economical.

Getting the right protein supplement regimen will help you maximize muscle gain. Protein supplements give you the ability to take in fast or slow digesting proteins whenever you need them.

Who Should Take Protein Supplements?

Bodybuilders... For anyone looking to build muscle, protein supplementation is not an option ... it's a must. Whether you're a whey protein aficionado or just love to keep a protein bar in reserve, protein supplements always keep you safe.

Athletes... Bodybuilders aren't the only ones who need protein supplements. Hard training athletes need extra protein for energy production, muscle recovery, and proper body function.

Dieters... Protein food speeds up metabolism, and allows you to actively burn body fat. After eating a protein meal, you feel fuller and more satisfied. Dieters use protein supplements and meal replacements to stimulate fat loss and fight hunger.

Hardgainers... People who are underweight or have a fast metabolism have difficulty eating enough food to normalize their weight. Protein foods, especially weight gainers, will help fill the lack of calories at a time of day when you don't want to eat, but you need to.

Protein Supplements vs. Natural Products: Which Is Better?

Protein Supplement Benefits:

  • Fast-Digesting Proteins are more suitable for taking sutras or after exercise. The energy value of whey protein makes it the optimal source of protein during these hours.
  • Protein supplements can help you save money. A portion of 30 g of certain categories of protein products (beef, fish) will cost a lot.
  • Protein supplements are generally more complete and balanced sources of protein.
  • Protein supplements often include vitamins and minerals, making them a versatile protein meal.
  • Weight gainers are easily digestible, high-calorie foods that don't feel heavy.
  • Protein supplements are available in a wide variety of flavors to combat the many “temptations” that often plague high protein diets.
  • Many protein supplements can serve as low-calorie desserts for the sweet tooth.
  • Protein supplements are easy to consume and little to no hassle.
  • Protein supplements are less sensitive to temperature and generally do not need refrigeration or heating.
  • Some protein supplements have greater bioavailability than natural products.
  • A protein shake does not stress the stomach as much at night.

Benefits of natural food:

  • You know exactly what you eat and what its origin is.
  • Protein foods like eggs, braid cheese, milk, and tuna can be cheaper than some protein supplements.
  • Natural food is diverse. It can be combined with other food when you want something special.
  • Some protein supplements may not be as indicated on the packaging.
  • The cervix can cause bloating in some people.
  • A rich selection of natural foods provides nutritional variety that is difficult to achieve with protein supplements.
  • Milk and eggs have record nutritional value.
  • Research shows that beef can help you gain more muscle mass compared to other protein sources.

Protein types

There are different types of protein, which are all equally rich in protein and amino acids, but may differ in the rate of absorption, amino acid composition and content of fat, carbohydrates, and other supplements.

Whey Protein

Whey proteins contain 20% of milk proteins. It is a by-product of cheese production. Originally a waste product, whey is now the most popular protein supplement in the world. It has a high nutritional value and is rich in amino acids important for muscle growth: leucine, isoleucine, valine. It is a source of fast-digesting protein that does not cause heaviness in the stomach. It is also low in glutamine and arginine.

Whey isolate

This is the more expensive type of whey protein. It is a high quality protein source with a high biological value (BC). One serving contains less lactose than whey concentrate. Whey isolate contains 90-98% protein, compared to 70-85% protein in whey concentrate.

Whey concentrate

The most economical member of the whey family. It is quickly digestible, but rich in fats and lactose. Protein concentration reaches 70-85%.

Multi-component whey proteins

Made according to a special formula, a combination of whey isolates and concentrates. They are cheaper than whey isolates, but have a higher percentage of protein than whey concentrates.

Casein protein

80% of the proteins in this type of protein are milk protein. Casein protein is a slow digesting protein extracted from milk. Overall, it contains 92% protein and has a rich flavor. Thanks to this, he is especially fond of those who want to gain weight. Despite its lower biological value compared to whey protein, casein protein is more effective in building muscle mass. Most of the casein protein consumed is spent on muscle growth rather than energy production, which forces the body to use fat and carbohydrates for these needs. Casein also contains more of the glutamine popular among bodybuilders.

Egg albumin

This is nothing more than egg white. Its popularity among bodybuilders is due to its higher concentration of essential amino acids compared to non-essential amino acids. It is also important that the egg white contains less cholesterol than the yolk. Eggs are often considered the king of natural protein foods due to their high dose of essential amino acids. Lactose intolerant sufferers can't find a better option than egg protein.

Soy protein

High quality protein, but less potent than whey and casein. It is a fast-digesting protein source with a very mediocre amino acid composition. Therefore, it is less valuable for muscle building.

Soy Protein Isolate

It has a higher biological value than soy protein, therefore, it is better absorbed by the body. However, its quality is significantly lower than that of soy protein.

Goat milk protein

The biological value of this type of protein surpasses all existing ones. Moreover, in goat milk, the dose of BCAAs is record high, and there is no lactose at all. Its biological value reaches 104, which exceeds that of all other products, including eggs with a BC of 100.

Wheat protein

It is a healthy and natural alternative to dairy and egg based proteins. Contains no lactose or cholesterol and is great for vegetarian bodybuilders and athletes. Wheat protein contains a lot of glutamic acid.

Pea protein

100% free of glutamine and suitable for vegetarians. Like wheat, it does not include lactose and cholesterol. It is easily digested, being a storehouse of amino acids.

Whole milk protein

Made from dry milk protein with the removal of fats and carbohydrates. A nutritious product supplied with calcium and other vitamins and minerals. It contains both whey and casein proteins.

How to take protein for maximum results

Dosing regimen: how to drink protein correctly

Timing and how to take protein is a science to achieve the best results. It is not enough to buy the protein you like, mix and drink it. There are other factors to consider.

Reception on an empty stomach... Immediately upon awakening, the body is hungry. You haven't taken protein for some time, and your body requires fast-digesting protein to maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

A protein powder made from a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins works best in this situation. This can be a whey protein drink followed by a solid protein product (egg or cheese), or a combination of whey and casein protein powders.

Fast-digesting proteins will instantly provide a positive nitrogen balance, allowing you to start your day by fueling your muscles with everything they need to grow. Thanks to a slow-digesting protein such as casein, amino acids will continue to flow into the bloodstream, helping to hold out until your next protein meal.

Before training... Your pre-workout meal should be composed of slow-digesting protein powders to prevent nitrogen depletion during exercise.

After training... The principle is similar to fasting protein intake. Eat a mixture of fast and slow-digesting proteins to help you recuperate after a workout and maintain optimal nitrogen balance while waiting for your next meal.

Between meals... Periodic protein supplements as snacks throughout the day should contain slow-digesting proteins such as casein or egg. Eating slow-digesting proteins between meals helps maintain optimal nitrogen balance around the clock.

Night time... By consuming slow-digesting proteins at night, you will maintain a positive nitrogen balance while you sleep. Going to bed, it is better to take casein protein.

Food substitutes

This is the most underrated type of protein supplement available. It is not just a source of protein, but a complete and nutritious food.

A meal replacement bar or shake can include slow and fast digesting proteins or multicomponent proteins. When shopping for a meal replacement, take the trouble to figure out the source of its protein ingredient. Like protein powders, this product can be taken at any time of the day. It should be noted that among meal replacements there are both dietary varieties and, conversely, promoting weight gain.

Meal replacements containing whey protein (or multi-component whey protein) are good for eating in the morning instead of breakfast. Fast-Digesting Whey Protein will help restore positive nitrogen balance and kick-start muscle building and repair.

Meal substitutes marked "diet" are intended for weight loss and are suitable as alternatives to main meals such as breakfast or lunch.

Slow-digesting non-whey protein shake or bar food replacements are great for lunch or dinner. Slowly digested proteins will maintain a positive nitrogen balance for a long time.

Weight gain with protein and carbohydrates

For skinny "hardgainers" or athletes looking to gain weight, taking in quality carbs is also important, kick and eating protein regularly. Weight gainers are great sources of simple and complex carbohydrates that can be digested faster than whole foods.

For maximum effect, gainers should be taken at least 2-3 times a day. The surest way is to consume two gainer shakes between meals, additionally drinking another one before bed.

Beneficial combination of protein with fast carbohydrates

Each protein meal should be accompanied by the use of quality carbohydrates, which provide better transport and absorption of proteins. A number of fast-digesting carbohydrate products have been developed to complement protein supplements.

Added to weight gainers, maltodextrin is a comprehensive source of complex carbohydrates ideal for pre, during or post workout intake. This product is able to replenish glycogen stores faster than whole food sources of complex carbohydrates, while being the champion of all carbohydrate supplements.

Carbohydrate powders are rich in quality complex carbohydrates. They mix easily with protein powders and can be consumed throughout the day for maximum weight gain.

Sample Regimen for Taking Protein Supplements

Schedule protein supplementation for muscle building.

The following are the approximate times for taking various protein supplements. However, it is not recommended to limit yourself to food supplements alone. A variety of protein sources will support health and help build muscle mass.

  • Morning - Protein shake, whey / casein protein powder blend.
  • Late Morning - Protein Bar
  • Lunch - Protein shake, a slow-digesting protein like casein or egg proteins.
  • Afternoon - Protein Bar
  • Pre-Workout - Whey Protein Shake, Fast-Digesting Protein
  • Workout - Whey Protein in combination with carbohydrates
  • Post Workout - Protein Shake, Whey / Casein Protein Powder Blend, or Gainer
  • Before Bed - A protein shake, a slow-digesting protein like casein or egg proteins.

Schedule Protein Supplementation for Weight Gain

Here's an overview of your optimal protein supplement schedule. You should not be limited to one view. A wide range of protein foods can help you stay healthy and grow muscle faster.

  • Morning - High-calorie meal replacement bar or shake with a whey protein based gainer.
  • Late Morning - Gainer serving as a source of slow digesting protein (casein or egg protein).
  • Lunch - High-calorie meal replacement bar
  • Afternoon - Gainer serving as a source of slow-digesting protein (casein or egg protein).
  • Pre-Workout - Carbohydrate Whey Protein
  • Workout - gainer
  • Post Workout - Whey / Casein Protein Powder Shake
  • Before bed - casein or egg protein.

Secrets to Choosing the Right Protein Powder

Choosing the right protein powder can be difficult. There are literally hundreds of brands, varieties and flavors of these products. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below in order to know which protein to choose for beginners and to achieve certain goals, so as not to make a mistake with the purchase.

Value for money

Protein is not a protein. You can't buy protein powder based solely on price. There are many factors involved in making protein powders. The low cost is often due to poor quality raw materials as well as inappropriate quality control of the product. Violation of production technology can negatively affect quality finished products, leading to a decrease in the bioavailability of the protein. Simply put ... you are flushing money down the drain, because low-quality protein is less digestible.

Here, as is the case with most products, price determines quality. Take your time, study everything thoroughly. According to general rule, the more expensive you buy, the more benefits you get.

Whey Protein Isolate, Multiple Protein or Concentrate?

Whey Isolates are the purest group of whey proteins. They boast 90-98% pure protein with negligible amounts of fat and lactose. Consequently, whey isolate is a decent, low-calorie protein source for athletes who are controlling weight or wanting to cut calories. The high concentration of protein in whey isolate makes it expensive.

Whey concentrate with about 70-85% pure protein has a higher level of fat and lactose compared to whey isolate. Differs in high calorie content and low cost. Considering these aspects, whey concentrate will become the best choice for gaining weight and building muscle.

The middle ground belongs to multi-component whey protein. This is the optimal source of protein for anyone interested in high-quality and budget protein, and not seeking to build muscle or cut calories in the diet.

In search of the optimal amino acid composition

The amino acid composition reflects the amount of amino acids, BCAAs and essential amino acids contained in a protein powder. When studying these indicators, pay attention first of all to the volume of essential acids and BCAA in one serving of the product.

BCAAs are 3 amino acids:

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valin

Essential amino acids are presented:

  • Phenylalanine
  • Valin
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Isoleucine
  • Methionine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine

There are 12 essential amino acids. Replaceable ones are easily reproduced by the body. It is more important for a protein powder to have a balanced composition of essential amino acids, therefore, when choosing a product, pay less attention to non-essential amino acids.


When choosing a gainer, consider these seven aspects:

  1. Value for money... Weight gainers follow the same principle as protein powders. Cheapness often means poor quality of product ingredients, low manufacturing standards, poorly digestible protein and possible mismatch between stated and actual formulations. Instead, go for well-known reputable brands.
  2. Taste... What good is a quality gainer if it tastes bad? If possible, read product reviews before purchasing. The last thing you want to do is spend money on an astringent, lumpy, grainy, tasteless gainer.
  3. Protein... Look for a gainer with a high concentration of protein in one serving, at least 40 g per shake. Protein should be consumed first of all after waking up, and also immediately after the end of the workout. For these purposes, a gainer with 50-60 g of protein in one serving will also do.
  4. Protein and carbohydrate ratio... The gainer must ensure that you have enough calories in the form of carbohydrates. A protein to carbohydrate ratio of 2: 1 per serving is best.
  5. Sugar... Pay attention to the amount of sugar in one serving. Some gainers are nothing more than a mixture of sugar, flavor, and protein powder. You need a gainer that contains no more than 30 grams of sugar per serving. For some quality gainers, this figure barely reaches 10 g.
  6. Cholesterol... It is recommended to give preference to weight gainers containing less than 100 mg of cholesterol per serving.
  7. Saturated fat... These are unhealthy fats. Most quality weight gainers range in saturated fat between 5-10 grams per serving. And in some, this figure rises to 20 g.

Recovery drinks

Muscles don't grow in the gym. They begin to form from the moment you leave there, during the recovery period. These drinks are most commonly consumed after exercise. When comparing different recovery drinks, pay attention to:

  1. Maltodextrin... The product is composed of fast-digesting complex carbohydrates that will immediately saturate wasted muscles with glycogen.
  2. Amino acids... Your recovery drink should be loaded with essential amino acids and BCAAs.
  3. Creatine... Some recovery drinks are made with creatine to help you grow your muscles faster. A very profitable investment.
  4. Protein... While protein isn't the most important characteristic of a recovery drink, some foods contain slightly higher amounts.
  5. Sugar... Some recovery drinks contain quite a lot of sugar. It is necessary to control this moment when choosing a product.
  6. Other ingredients... Many restorative drinks add herbal extracts and additional ingredients such as beta-alanine and glutamine.

The restorative beverage market today offers many different combinations of product ingredients. We advise you not to be lazy, and thoroughly understand the issue so as not to throw money on an unsuitable product.

Food substitutes

Meal substitutes are available in a wide variety of foods and forms. You can see meal replacements in the form of breakfast cereals or bars. There are female shakes and powder meal replacements for lean muscle gain. When buying a meal replacement, carefully study not only its composition, but also its purpose.

Regardless of the type of food, consider the following factors when choosing a meal replacement:

  1. Protein... Pay attention to the amount of protein per serving. If it's a multicomponent mix, keep an eye on the ratio of fast to slow digesting proteins. Breakfast substitutes should include some form of fast-digesting whey protein. Meal replacements in the form of shakes and lunch bars should contain sources of slow-digesting proteins, such as casein protein. You will also find less than 30 grams of protein per serving in some foods. Of course, this may be enough for athletes and women bodybuilders. However, for men who want to gain muscle mass, this figure is too low.
  2. Nutritional value... Look not only at the overall nutritional value of the product. Consider the total nutritional value one serving.
  3. Calorie content... Despite their satiety, many meal replacements are fairly low in calories. In fact, the energy value of most of these products rarely exceeds the 200 Kcal mark.
  4. Vitamins and minerals... The job of meal replacements is to serve as a complete meal, so they must be rich in vitamins and minerals. Always compare the vitamin and mineral composition of the product or the MRP standards before purchasing.
  5. Additional components... Some meal replacement products contain additional nutritional supplements, or are fortified with amino acids and BCAA. These minor benefits will save you money.

Taste, solubility, aftertaste

Even high quality protein powders made from premium raw materials by a reputable company can leave a lot to be desired. After all, quality ingredients are not a guarantee of good taste. A good protein supplement is determined not by quantitative indicators at all: excellent taste, fast solubility, no aftertaste.

One of better ways Find out about these properties of protein powders - either see product reviews or browse the Muscle and Strength forum. Gather information and do not hesitate to ask questions.

Some low-quality protein powders dissolve well. And some high-quality counterparts have an astringent taste, dissolve poorly and leave a bad aftertaste. In support of the theme, it must be said that the taste and texture of protein bars can also differ.

Combining other protein supplements


Creatine will help you build an extra 5 kg of muscle mass and increase strength by 10%. A more powerful effect of creatine supplementation can be obtained when combined with a 1: 1 ratio of protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, the duo of creatine and protein is extremely beneficial.

Before training

Nitric Oxide, Creatine, and Beta-Alanine are among the top pre-workout supplements. Many types of pre-workout foods are based on these valuable ingredients, but not every one contains protein. Research shows that eating protein before exercise is much more important than after exercise. The ideal pre-workout drink would be a combination of protein, maltodextrin, and nitric oxide (or a pre-workout blend). This way you will not have a lack of energy during the session, and also maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Nitric oxide and creatine will help you push your hardest for maximum results.

During training

Consuming whey protein and maltodextrin before exercise can help you recharge and restore nitrogen balance. However, there are ways to make your workouts more effective. Supplements taken during training are gaining in popularity. They often include vitamins C and E, an optimal complex of amino acids and BCAAs, beta-alanine, B vitamins, creatine, glutamine, arginine, and others. Such an abundance of substances that make up their composition provides a high nutritional value of such supplements.


The combination of whey protein and maltodextrin is a staple workout supplement. Maltodextrin not only promotes protein transport and utilization, boosting the potential of whey protein, but it is also a source of rapidly digesting complex carbohydrates, saturating the muscles with the much-desired glycogen.


Multivitamin supplements are rarely overlooked. The body needs optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals to function optimally. Needless to say, athletes and muscle gainers require more vitamins and minerals than average men and women. Make sure you are purchasing a quality and approved vitamin and mineral complex.

Fat burners

In an effort to burn excess fat and lose a few pounds, you can't go wrong with combining a protein supplement with a fat burner. Protein is naturally fat burning, requiring more energy for digestion and absorption than carbohydrates and fats. By supplementing the mixture with a fat burner, you will increase the effectiveness of the fight against excess fat.

Human growth and maintenance of the body are impossible without protein. People who are actively involved in sports, in particular bodybuilding, often additionally enrich their diet with an appropriate nutritional supplement. This protein is obtained from the processing of animal products (whey, eggs) or vegetable (soybeans) origin. How safe is this sports nutrition?

How much protein does a person need

How much protein is sufficient for normal growth and development of the body, maintaining hormonal levels, healthy skin, hair, nails?

Daily norms for the adult population:

  • for men - 65-117 g,
  • women - 58–87 g per day.

Daily norms for children:

  • up to 1 year - 2-2.9 g per 1 kg of body weight,
  • over 1 year old - 36–87 g per day.

When and why protein can be harmful

Among athletes and bodybuilders, it is believed that a protein-rich diet contributes to accelerated fat burning and active muscle growth. Therefore, nutritional supplements containing high concentration of protein are used. However, low-quality products, non-compliance with the drinking regime and excess of an adequate protein norm can be harmful.

Protein and kidney

  • In well-trained people, the kidneys are able to adapt to new conditions. The maximum possible dose of protein is 2.3–3.1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The presence of kidney disease requires strict admission control food additive.
  • Exercise helps your kidneys process more protein more easily. In people who are physically inactive, protein supplementation can impair kidney function.
  • A side effect of taking too much protein for a long time can increase your risk of kidney stones by up to 250%. Animal protein is much more dangerous in this regard.

Protein and liver

  • The danger to the liver lies in the sharp increase in protein in the diet after the so-called protein starvation, which happens with some strict weight loss diets.
  • There is no evidence of direct harm to a healthy liver with increased doses of protein in the diet.

Protein and bones

One of the consequences of an excess of protein in the diet can be an increase in the acidity of the body and leaching of calcium from the bones, which reduces their strength. However, a lack of protein also negatively affects bone health. A great danger to their condition is the use of animal protein. At the same time, an increase in the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the menu helps to reduce the acidity level in the body.

Protein and potency

Doctors have not found any obvious harm to male health from taking animal protein. However, plant protein supplements are rich in phytoestrogens similar to female sex hormones. And they can cause hormonal disruption in men.

Protein overdose

Excessively high doses of protein can provoke toxic effects. Protein toxicity effects: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, headache... This is due to the inability of the body to form a sufficient amount of urine to remove protein breakdown products. This is why it is important to increase the amount of water you drink in parallel with the introduction of protein supplements.

Contraindications to protein supplementation

When deciding whether to include additional protein nutrition in your diet or not, it is important to remember the direct contraindications to the use of such food supplements. This is an individual intolerance to the components of the product, chronic renal failure, as well as a deficiency in the body of enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of protein (determined by laboratory tests). In any case, it is important to consult with your doctor and talk to a trainer before using protein.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers to our blog dedicated to a healthy lifestyle!

Recently we conducted our own research on the topic “Is it harmful to use sports nutrition? ", Arguing his opinion with scientific facts and considering with the readers of Start-health various options for solving the problem.

In the comments to the article, there were "polar" points of view. Some subscribers are negative about any nutritional supplement, while other blog visitors are positive about high protein blends.

Are polypeptide-based sports nutrition really that good? What are the contraindications for taking protein powder? Is protein harmful to the body?

Today we will find out how safe the most popular type of sports nutrition is for human health. So, I propose to start. ?

Protein classification by raw material

Guys, protein is a nutritional supplement that is in demand by both men and women, regardless of age and training experience. This nutrition came about by dividing milk protein into casein and whey.

However, if the first version of the sports nutrition is absorbed for a long time and not completely, then the gastrointestinal tract does not have problems with the second complex of polypeptides.

Modern powders are used mainly for making cocktails, adding yogurt or milk to the consistency. Convenience and simplicity are two main reasons for the popularity of protein in the international arena.

You can take the high-protein drink with you on your trip and drink it throughout the day by sticking to correct diet... According to the raw materials used for the manufacture of such sports nutrition, supplements are traditionally classified into 2 groups:

  • Soy proteina complex of plant polypeptides.

Harm: The food supplement is made from genetically modified raw materials, so such a mixture has not earned trust in the international market. The presence of inhibitors in soybeans - substances that slow down the functioning of internal enzymes that process proteins.

The presence of plant elements in the protein - phytoestrogens, structurally similar to female hormones, causes a decrease in testosterone in a man's body. This effect is fraught with a lack of potency and sexual dysfunction in a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Benefit: The affordable cost of sports nutrition leads to a high demand for the product among novice athletes. The lecithin in soy supplements slows down the aging process of cells and muscle tissue.

The structure of the substance allows people with pathologies of the urinary system to take such a mixture, because the powder has less effect on the functioning of the kidneys. In the body, the level of thyroid hormones increases, contributing to weight loss.

  • Whey Protein is a natural food supplement.

Harm: With excessive intake of a high-protein mixture, an athlete may experience dizziness and migraines, vomiting and nausea. Some athletes are distinguished by individual intolerance to serum polypeptides, therefore, the intake of such a consistency is invariably accompanied by stomach pain, diarrhea and bloating.

Benefit: The composition of the powder contains a high content of BCAA amino acids, which contribute to gaining muscle mass and reducing body fat. The increase in glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) in the body is responsible for accelerating the post-workout recovery process by rapidly regenerating cells and tissue fibers. Blood cholesterol levels are significantly reduced and the immune system is strengthened.

Friends, the properties of protein directly depend on the components present in the structural composition of the substance. A nutritional supplement can be indispensable on the way to a desired goal (for example, a relief body) or become a prerequisite for the occurrence of chronic diseases. Which powder base is preferable to choose in accordance with the above characteristics?

Personally, I decided to try whey protein. Of course, while I only train at home, but still I wanted to experience it myself. Moreover, I use it quite a bit. Only after training. ? Let's see the result later. ?

There are also other types of protein that are less in demand among professional athletes and are suitable for solving certain anatomical problems:

  • Casein - is made by curdling milk; it contains a large amount of animal protein; slowly absorbed by the body (3-5 hours).
  • Lactic - a complex food supplement, which combines whey with casein; part of the mass is absorbed quickly, and the other half slowly.
  • Meat - is made on the basis of animal protein and has a distinct taste of meat, so cocktails made from such protein are not in great demand.
  • Egg - isolated and dried egg white; has a specific taste (not everyone likes it) and a rather high cost.
  • Wheat - made from the germ of a grain crop; in composition it is close to a soy food supplement, therefore it is not widely used.

Friends, the properties of protein directly depend on the components present in the structural composition of the substance. A nutritional supplement can be indispensable on the way to a desired goal (for example, a relief body) or become a prerequisite for the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Which powder base is preferable to choose in accordance with the above characteristics?

Start-health advice: “Protein, like any nutritional supplement, is important to take in combination with healthy food, while spending enough time to exercise in gym... Only in this case can you achieve the desired result. "

Contraindications to the use of a protein mixture

Guys, I will note that regardless of the raw materials used in the production of protein, there are contraindications for the use of high-protein powder. Before starting the course, it is recommended to contact a medical center to be examined. Although I will immediately make a reservation that I myself certainly did not do this, but in general it is necessary. You will have to refuse such a mixture if you have the following diseases:

  • Renal failure
  • Individual intolerance to certain components of the protein mixture (at the genetic level).
  • Bladder problems.
  • Disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Predisposition to liver disease.

It is simply inappropriate to neglect contraindications, because the course of taking a protein mixture is designed for a long time. Over the allotted period of time, you can significantly worsen your health.

Memoirs of bodybuilders: “In the 20th century, high-protein mixtures were not yet so much in demand by professional athletes, so athletes independently improved their daily diet. Powdered infant formula has become a natural alternative to protein. ”

The harm and benefits of protein supplementation

To make a constructive conclusion and answer the pressing question about the dangers of protein, I propose to systematize our knowledge gained while reading the article. Benefits that come with regular high-protein supplements:

  • Maintaining physical fitness.
  • Regeneration of cells, fibers and muscle tissue after training.
  • The ability to adhere to diets that match the rhythm of modern megacities (a container with a protein shake can easily fit in a bag, glove compartment or bag).
  • Recovery of work and acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • The increase in the athlete's endurance indicators.
  • Improving the quality of muscle tissues that are resistant to increased stress.

The negative effects of the protein mixture on the body are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Allergic reactions caused by intolerance to certain ingredients of the "storehouse" of polypeptides.
  • Bloating, flatulence, nausea, or vomiting.
  • The appearance on the skin of the face of acne, irritation and blackheads.
  • Increased body fat.
  • The possibility of developing diabetes mellitus.
  • For men, the danger of protein intake lies in sexual dysfunction.
  • Removal of calcium from the body (weakening of the bone skeleton).

It should be noted that all negative consequences become relevant only in in case of incorrect course... If the athlete uses too much powder consistency or uses a poor-quality mixture for making cocktails, deciding to save money.

Statistics: "If a professional athlete refuses to use whey protein, replacing the protein from the mixture with natural products, then he will have to eat about 30 chicken eggs per day."

Summing up, I note that the choice of a protein mixture must be approached with all responsibility.

The raw materials used for processing, the shelf life of the goods and the reputation of the manufacturer, reviews of professional athletes and the structural composition of the food additive - take into account all factors, because sports nutrition is designed to help, not harm.

If you adhere to the correct intake of whey protein, then such a powder becomes completely harmless.

The situation with a soy supplement is much more complicated - it should be recommended exclusively to female representatives, for whom the hormonal composition of the product is optimal. Men, in order to eliminate the risk of problems with potency, should opt for whey powder without worrying about the consequences.

And here is what Dr. Agapkin says about protein.

If you have had a negative experience of taking a high protein blend, be sure to share your knowledge with us. Guys, are you sure about the benefits of protein? Argument your opinion in the comments to this article.

We value useful informationbased on personal experience - this is a particularly rare "artifact", appropriate for both novice athletes and professional athletes.

Goodbye everyone, friends! See you soon on the Start-health web pages!

Protein is one of the most common types of sports nutrition. Many have heard about it, but do not fully understand what it is and what properties the product has.

The sports supplement, often referred to as "chemistry" by completely uninformed people, has nothing to do with anabolic steroids. It is a food supplement that complements the amount of protein in the diet. Proteins are proteins, there are several types, each athlete is suitable for one or another, for this you need to select a product depending on the goals. It is important to consider the properties of the protein and the rules for its intake.

Many people are frightened by the name "protein", although it is only a simple protein, an organic substance consisting of amino acids that take part in the formation of new cells and participate in the metabolic process. It is also a building material for muscles, which is why the product is widespread in bodybuilding. The source of protein is the products we eat every day - eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts. Protein powder is a manufactured product that has gone through several stages of purification, after which the final product is obtained - protein.

What is protein for?

Protein powder is essential for replenishing the required amount of protein in the body. The product is taken to increase muscle mass, since protein is a building material for new cells and tissues. A lack of a nutrient will not lead to muscle gain, and even destroy existing ones, since the body will eat its own muscle protein. Therefore, protein shakes made with water, juice or milk have become an integral part of the sports diet.

For muscle gain

On average, a person needs 1.2-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, and for those who want to increase muscle volume, the daily rate reaches 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight. Considering that 100 g of chicken fillet contains only 24-25 g of protein, then a person weighing 70 kg needs to eat 800 g of meat daily to replenish the norm.

Of course, for an active bodybuilder, this may be feasible, but to facilitate and diversify the diet, they resort to sports supplements. Moreover, some types of protein have a much faster absorption rate than meat. Rapid protein absorption is needed to accelerate nutrient replenishment after exercise and sleep to prevent catabolism - muscle breakdown. After strength training and waking up in the morning, the hormone cortisol, which destroys muscles, has a high concentration, so the body must replenish nutrients from quickly absorbed foods.


Protein is taken not only to gain muscle, but also to reduce adipose tissue, giving muscle definition. Contrary to stereotypes, losing weight is not fasting and refusing to eat. Correct reduction is to create a calorie deficit and switch to a different diet, in which protein will predominate. It will keep the muscles from being destroyed by catabolic processes. And also it turns into fat as easily as carbohydrates and more energy is needed for its absorption, which will also have a positive effect on weight loss.

The low content of fats and carbohydrates in the cocktail, with a high-protein diet, reduces the calorie content of the diet, replenishing the energy deficit from adipose tissue. For this, a sports supplement is used as a supplementary meal. Whey isolate is acceptable in this case. A higher degree of purification, a high protein content with a minimum of fat and milk sugar, promotes faster weight loss and better shape. The more milk sugar (lactose) there is, the looser and fuller muscles remain. Therefore, for weight loss, especially for girls and dry athletes, cleaner foods are recommended.

Protein composition

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are categorized as nonessential and essential. Those amino acids that are not produced in the body on their own, and require external receipt, are called essential. These include:

  • leucine;
  • isoleucine;
  • valine;
  • histidine;
  • lycin;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • tryptophan.

The nonessential amino acids found in protein include: cystine, serine, tyrosine, glutamine, glutamic acid, proline, lanine, argenine, glycine, asparagine, and aspartic acid. Also, additional minerals and vitamins are added to the protein.

Protein is obtained from whey, meat, eggs, soybeans, so there is nothing wrong with it - it is pure protein obtained from the products we are used to. For example, whey protein is obtained by curdling milk and obtaining whey, which is pasteurized, filtered, then the resulting whey protein is dried and the finished protein is obtained.

Protein Shelf Life

Each company has a product with an individual shelf life, usually it is 2-3 years when closed. But the product cannot be stored for a long time in the open form, manufacturers recommend using the powder within 2 weeks, but rather it is a marketing ploy. In fact, the powder will last longer when opened. Diluted powder should be consumed immediately, but no later than 3 hours after preparation.

Why do girls need protein?

Regardless of gender, everyone needs protein. For men and women, the norm is the same, the difference will depend on the goals. More often, women want to dry out adipose tissue, achieving an easy drawing of muscles, but a set of muscles is also not excluded. Therefore, taking protein in both cases will be quite appropriate as an additional source of protein, both with a low-carb diet for weight loss and for gaining muscle mass. A visible and pleasant side effect for women will be the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails due to the amino acid composition and vitamins.

The benefits and harms of protein

The low fat and sugar content makes the product not only dietary, but also beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The composition of the protein helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and also helps to maintain normal sugar levels. Undoubtedly, the product helps to reduce fat mass, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and increases the overall endurance of the body. Immunity rises, appetite decreases.

Despite the findings of studies that have not confirmed the negative effect of protein on the human body, it is worth remembering the individual tolerance of various components. In the absence of enzymes that break down proteins or lactose intolerance, allergic reactions occur. Protein has not been proven to harm the kidneys, but in case of kidney failure, it is better not to consume protein, as in the presence of gastritis.

Side effects

The product is fully adapted for human body, so side effects in good health it was not noticed. The only thing is that the protein is capable of causing allergic reactions in the presence of one of the components intolerable by the body. Of course, the product coming to the end of the shelf life also deteriorates and can cause digestive disorders - diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, so keep track of the composition and timing.

Protein contraindications

Contraindications for use are any violations of the functions of the kidneys and liver, chronic diseases, inflammatory processes. Also lactose intolerance and allergy to one of the components.

Protein types

Proteins are classified according to the degree of assimilation into slow and fast. The components are obtained from various raw materials - dairy and meat products, soybeans, eggs. Each of the proteins has different propertiesthat are suitable for specific purposes - gaining mass or losing weight.

Whey Protein

The final product comes from processing, purification of whey. This type belongs to the quickly digestible proteins, which are very important for high-quality weight gain, due to the amino acid composition. This form must be taken immediately after waking up, since the body wasted protein and glycogen overnight. The use of the powder in this case will prevent muscle catabolism - decay. Also, protein is ideal for consumption immediately after training. Protein is rapidly absorbed and replenishes muscles with the nutrients they need to build new muscle tissue. According to the degree of purification, whey protein is divided into several types:

  • concentrate - undergoes a small degree of purification, contains 29-89% protein, 4-52% lactose, up to 9% fat. Typically, this type of protein is common in bodybuilding for gaining muscle mass, due to its high content of nutrients in addition to protein, which play a huge role in building new cells;
  • isolate - undergoes the highest degree of purification, contains up to 95% pure protein with minimum amount fat and milk sugar - no more than 1%. This type of protein is great during the drying period and as a protein supplement to dietary nutrition;
  • hydrolyzate- highly hydrolyzed whey, which has a high degree of absorption and anabolic effect, that is, muscle growth. Contains up to 90% protein, up to 8% fat and no more than 10% lactose.

Casein protein

Casein - a complex protein obtained by the enzymatic curdling of milk, belongs to the slow proteins. Thanks to the amino acid chains, it takes longer to digest and constantly supplies the body with amino acids, and this slows down the catabolic process. Slow protein breakdown is especially beneficial at night, so consuming casein at night can help prevent muscle protein breakdown. At the same time, casein slows down the process of breaking down other proteins, but it will not be enough for gaining mass, therefore it is recommended to add a fast protein to it separately, for example, whey. Casein can also be consumed pre-workout to slow nutrient intake and muscle retention, and to suppress appetite.

Soy protein

This type of protein has not been proven to be beneficial in bodybuilding and has no advantage over other types. Soy protein of plant origin, therefore it is absorbed worse, has a poor and defective amino acid composition. This type of product is the cheapest, it is also added to complex formulations of protein powder, but rather, this is done to reduce the cost of the product. It also does not affect weight loss, the rise in insulin levels is no less than from other types of protein. It can be said that soy protein is useless for men and women, no matter what the purpose.

Complex protein

In such complexes, several types of proteins are mixed, for example - whey, casein, egg and soy. The essence of the complexes is in the enrichment of the amino acid composition, which at one time saturates with proteins for a long time, for example casein, and at another time, is rapidly absorbed - whey protein. Although proven to be a contradiction - casein is able to slow down the breakdown of other types of protein, and worsen the anabolic quality of whey. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the advantages of complex protein over whey, it is better to take fast proteins separately from slow ones. Slow proteins - at night and before training, fast - in the morning and after exercise.

Protein in food

It is known that protein powders are a product of processing common food products - meat, eggs, milk, soy. Therefore, you can fill the need for protein from the following animal products:

  • meat (poultry, beef, pork);
  • fish and seafood
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • eggs.

The protein of such products is better absorbed, especially the ready-made egg white. Proteins are high in 100 g of meat and seafood (23 to 30 g). Slightly less in cottage cheese and low-fat cheese (16-20 g). Thus, a hundred gram piece of meat can fill up an average portion of powder, usually 25-30 g of a measuring spoon. As for the protein of plant origin (legumes, nuts, seeds), it has the worst amino acid composition and is not fully absorbed, which has no value in bodybuilding for gaining muscle.

Which protein is better

Studies have shown that whey is the best protein for building muscle or working for muscle building. The rich complex of amino acids is absorbed faster and better.

Whey isolate is most preferred. Its advantage over others in the purity of the composition - 90% protein, 0.5-1% fat and lactose.

Fat can inhibit protein breakdown, so the less fat the better. A low milk sugar content is less likely to trigger the release of insulin, less than others affect the concentration of sugar in the blood. Accordingly, the protein is suitable for working on relief, that is, burning fatty tissue.

How to replace protein

Protein can be replaced with natural foods, but the rate of protein absorption will be much slower. Egg whites are well absorbed, but pure protein, separated from the yolk, which contains fats, is more suitable for weight loss.

Beef protein powder is also common, so it can be replaced with real meat. For this type of protein, not such a pleasant taste was observed as for whey. Moreover, it more than others affects the pancreas, as it is more difficult to digest.

It is also useful to replace protein with meat products, due to lactose intolerance, or diabetes, since meat does not contain carbohydrates, namely sugar, so insulin is not produced. Meat does not have a glycemic index, which is why it is most preferable for losing weight.

With normal assimilation of lactose, you can replace the protein with cottage cheese, even prepare a cocktail yourself by mixing milk and cottage cheese in a blender. Such a protein composition will not be inferior to a powder.

How to take protein correctly

It is generally accepted that to get anabolic effect from protein, you need to take 25 to 40 g of protein per serving. This does not mean that more will not be absorbed, just an increase in the norm will not affect the construction of new muscles. When strength split-training for individual muscle groups, about 25-30 g of protein is enough, and when training for all muscle groups, you can take up to 40 g per serving, for complete recovery and replenishment of the nutrient.

To prevent muscle breakdown at night and during workouts, it is recommended to take slow - casein protein. One serving of the measuring cup is taken at bedtime, the second serving, if necessary, two hours before training, since the time for casein breakdown takes 6-8 hours.

For a set, as well as drying muscles, fast protein - whey is recommended. A portion of the powder should be consumed in the morning immediately after waking up, half an hour before the main meal, the second within 30-40 minutes after strength training. It is also allowed to substitute a cocktail for one of the meals during the day, especially if there is a lack of time for cooking and a long fast. It is important not to exceed the interval between doses of more than 3 hours.

If you want to consume complex protein, it is recommended to take it in the same way as casein protein.

How to make a protein shake

There are two ways to prepare protein. The easiest and most accessible method anywhere is to shake the powder in a special shaker. A portion of one measuring cup should be filled with 200 ml of milk, sometimes juice or water. The liquid should be at room temperature, not hot, as protein folding is possible. You can increase the amount of liquid for flavoring, but not increase the protein serving. The shaker is tightly closed with a lid and shaken.

The cocktail should be consumed within three hours, but better immediately. The second way is cooking in a blender. The same amount of ingredients is mixed with a blender. This method eliminates possible lumps, as opposed to manual mixing.

Important! Despite the benefits and importance of protein in sports, it is necessary to remember about a precautionary measure - an overdose of proteins can lead to dysfunctions of the digestive system, increase the concentration of ammonia, a protein breakdown product. Know when to stop in everything!

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