E 234 food additive is dangerous or not. E234 - food additive nisin, preservative. Effect on the body: harm and benefit

Anti-corrosion 23.07.2020


The company "Kirsch" LLC begins supplying preservatives to Russia produced by the Turkish company Maysa Gida San. These effective antibacterial agents of natural origin can be successfully used to replace chemical preservatives in the production of a wide range of products in the meat, dairy, confectionery, bakery industry, and especially in cheese making.

MAYNISIN® NISIN is a polypeptide produced by the bacteria Lactococcus lactic. Possesses powerful antibacterial activity against a wide range of pathogens. Has no effect on the taste and aroma of the final product.


M A Y N I S I N®

MAYNISIN® Nizin , food additive E234 Lowland, is a polypeptide, a waste product of bacteriaLactococcus lactis. MAYNISIN® Nizin is a natural effective food preservative. Industrial production of nisin is based on the fermentation process of lactic bacteria. The antibacterial effect of nisin is based on the destruction of the cytoplasmic membranes of gram-positive bacteria and their spores, which survived during heat treatment.


MAYNISIN® Nizin exhibits antibacterial activity against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria. It suppresses certain strains of the pathogen, such asClostridium botulinum, S. aureus, S. hemolyticus, L. monocytogenes., B. stearothermophilus, IN.subtilis and some others, it is also effective against spores. However, it is not active against gram-negative bacteria, yeast and mold.

MAYNISIN Application ® Nizin

MAYNISIN® Nizin As an effective natural food preservative, it can be used in a number of products with local approval. Some applicationsMAYNISIN® Nizin are given below:

1) Dairy products

Adding 0.05 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin into pasteurized milk, can increase the shelf life by more than 2 times.

MAYNISIN® Nizin in twice disinfected

milk sterilized at 115 ° C for 15 minutes can render the product insensitive to bacteria.

Usage 0.05g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin in sour milk or fruit milk (about pH4) sterilized at 90 ° C for 20 minutes can extend the shelf life from 6 days to over 1 month at room temperature.

Usage 0.05g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin in pasteurized milk in bacteriafree packages can reduce the rate of rotting from 0.04% to 0%.

Addition from 0.08 g / kg to 0.1 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin canned condensed milk without sugar can inhibit the growth of heat-resistant spores in it and reduce the heating time by 10 minutes.

Adding 0.08 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin and processing at 121 ° C for 3 minutes canincrease the shelf life of skim milk, unsalted cream or flavored milk to 6 weeks at 40 ° C.

Addition from 0.05 g / kg to 0.1 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin when processing cheese will prevent

rotting caused by gram-positive bacteria (such asClostridium

botulinum, Anaerobic Clostridium, Lactobacillus bulgaricus etc. etc.)

2) Meat products

Adding from 0.05 g / kg to 0.15 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin combined with several otherspreservatives in chilled meat product will increase its shelf life up to 3 months at ambient temperature. Surface treatment (spraying) before packaging extends the shelf life of meat products by 2-3 times.

3) Fruit juice

Rotting fruit juice is mainly caused byBacillus alcalophilus, which is an acidic and heat-resistant bacterium and can grow and multiply at temperatures of 25 ° C-60 ° C and a pH of 2.5 to 6.0.B. alcalophiluscan contaminate the product during the juice production process when using water. Adding from 0.05g / kg-0.1g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin can prevent the growth and reproduction of sporesB. alcalophilusand guarantee product quality.

4) Alcoholic drinks

-MAYNISIN® Nizin does not inhibit yeast and is approved for use in fermentation alcoholic beveragessuch as beer, fruit wines and other wine products. When pretreating yeast,MAYNISIN® Nizin can replace the traditional acid wash method to eliminate bacterial contaminationLactolactis, which will increase the fermentation time and yeast aggregation. 1.0g / kg-1.5g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin add to yeast with syrup and stir well, then store it for 4-6 hours.

Reduction of pasteurization time: add 0.01 g / kg - 0.05 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin into the product at the end of pasteurization.

Bacteria Blocking: Add 0.025g / kg-0.1g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin before fermentation, residualMAYNISIN® Nizin in finished wine it can reach 0.01 g / kg-0.05 g / kg. Adding 0.1 g / kg MAYNISIN Nizin during the fermentation of grape wine can prevent pollution caused byLactobacillus Brevis, L. Caseiand Leuconostoc spp... and others

5) Salad sauces and condiments

Adding 0.05g / kg-0.2g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin in these types of products will prevent lactic acid bacteria and spores, reduce rotting of low-fat foods and products with low salt content, extend their shelf life by more than 3 times.

6) Canned foods

Canned food is often contaminated with some extremely heat-resistant spores and bacteria. These spores will cause food to not be kept in proper condition. Adding 0.1 g / kgMAYNISIN® Nizin , will allow canned food to extend the shelf life up to 2 years at high temperatures. In addition, its use in canned food can reduce heat treatment by 50%, which not only saves energy, but also improves nutritional value, appearance and quality of the product.

Name: Nizin, E234
Other names: E234, E-234, Ang: E234, E-234 (Nisin)
Group: food additive
Type: preservative
Effect on the body: neutral
Allowed in: RF (Russia), Ukraine, in the EU countries

Description E234 (Nizin)

Food supplement E234 belongs to substances of natural origin - it is produced by the bacteria Lactococcus Lactis in the process of milk oxidation. The fact that these bacteria have a neutral effect on the human body, without causing any particular harm to health, allows the use of a water-soluble preservative E234 as a weak antibiotic in the manufacture of various products. In the human body, nizim is completely broken down and absorbed. Industrial production of nizim began in the mid-50s of the last century, when they began to receive E234 with the help of the bacteria Lactococcus Lactis - as a result, getting a fine crystalline powder. Nisin is synthesized by these lactic acid bacteria and is not an individual substance, but a family of polypeptides similar in structure and physicochemical properties. The ideal breeding ground for the vital activity of the above bacteria is milk or glucose. While in this environment, the bacteria Lactococcus Lactis begin to ferment lactose with the formation of lactic acid and produce low. Due to its low toxicity, the additive E234 it is advisable to use it to inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria - staphylococcus or streptococcus. Lowland is unusual to restrain the growth of mold and yeasts, as well as gram-negative bacteria.

Application of E234 (lowland)

Preservative E234 used in the production of a wide variety of food products, such as: dairy and sour milk products (hard cheese, butter); meat products (the outer shell is processed); confectionery baked goods, canned fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, legumes. Additive in medicinal products E234 used as weak antibiotic... Also, this preservative is added to young ripening wine. Nizin gives manufacturers the opportunity to spend significantly less time on heat treatment of products, thereby saving vitamins in it.

Effect of E234 on the human body

Low levels of low levels are considered safe for the human body, but frequent consumption of foods containing the additive E234 can harm the internal microflora of the stomach and intestines. Nisin acts as an antibiotic and not only inhibits the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria, it can also destroy most of the bacteria that are necessary for normal digestion and general functioning of the whole body. But this does not prevent the use of a preservative. E234 in most countries of the world.


Natural preservative Nizin

Nizin (Е 234) Is a natural preservative, the active substance of which is a natural agent, a waste product of lactic bacteria of the Streptococcus lactis species. It is a white water-soluble powder. The lowland is resistant to high temperatures and acidic environments. Nisin actively inhibits the growth of heat-resistant gram-positive spore-forming bacteria of the genera Clostridium and Bacillus, inhibits the formation of botulinum toxins, but is ineffective against yeasts and molds. Therefore, it is advisable to use Nisin together with sorbic acid (potassium sorbate). In this case, the dosage of the acid (salt) remains unchanged (up to 0.2%).

Applying Nizin allows:

  • increase the shelf life and storage temperature of dairy products;
  • reduce the level of bacterial contamination of the product during storage.

In sterilized milk, Nizin at a dosage of 20 g / t completely inhibits the growth of thermophilic bacteria and their spores, which withstand heat treatment at a temperature of 115 ° C for 15 minutes.

In the production of pasteurized milk, the dosage of Nizin is 10-20 g / t. In this case, the shelf life increased to 6 days compared to 2-day storage without Nizin. Due to the high thermal stability of Nizin, it is advisable to add the preparation before pasteurization. Moreover, it will be better hydrolyzed (i.e., more complete dissolution will occur).

In the production of canned milk (for example, condensed milk), Nisin in an amount of 80 g / t (final product) effectively suppresses the vital activity of spores of thermophilic bacteria and reduces the processing time by 10 minutes, which makes it possible to increase the volume of production.

In the production of processed cheese, Nizin in a concentration of 50 g / t is used to suppress the growth of heat-resistant microorganisms and increase the shelf life while shortening the technological cycle.

For fermented milk products (for example, yoghurts) Nisin in a concentration of 20 ... 100 g / t is introduced at the final stages of production, at the end of the enzymatic oxidation process.

In the production of mayonnaise, Nisin is introduced at a concentration of 10 g / t of the finished product. The shelf life is increased by an average of three times.

With increased initial contamination of raw materials and at elevated storage temperatures, a higher concentration of preservative is required.

Mode of application: Nisin can be added to the product both before and after heat treatment. To do this, it is pre-mixed with a small amount of water and milk, then thoroughly mixed in the entire volume of the product.

Release form: gray or white powder in bottles of 500 g or 1000 g.

Storage conditions: in a dry, protected from air and light room at a temperature from 0 to 15 ° С. Stable (less than 10% activity loss) for 1 year in a closed container at 5 ° C.

The dosage for hard cheeses is 1-2 g per ton of milk!

Packaging: polyethylene bottle 500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg.

Storage conditions: in a cool, dark place.

Shelf life: 36 months at a temperature of 4-250 ° C.

E234 is a food additive approved by the European Union (EU) and used as an antifungal preservative in food. Nisin was first used in 1988 as a natural preservative.

E234 is a 34 chain polypeptide antibiotic. This chemical is the main metabolite as it is produced during fermentation during the growth of the bacterium Lactococcus lactis. E234 can be obtained naturally (for example, from) as well as by chemical synthesis.

The additive is decomposed in the small intestine, after which it is absorbed into the body in the form. The recommended daily intake of nisin is up to about 80 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.


Nisin is most often a natural food supplement. Has a powdery form of yellow-white or white. The additive dissolves completely and effortlessly in. It has the following chemical formula: C143H230N42O37S7.

Effect on the body: harm and benefit

Today the additive is considered completely safe and non-toxic, and is allowed for use in the food industry in at least 50 countries around the world. Scientists have proven that the supplement is completely degraded and maximally absorbed.

But, despite the relative safety of the supplement, it has both beneficial and harmful properties.

Nisin perfectly suppresses microbial activity, destroying pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, etc. But it is worth noting its low level of influence on gram-negative bacteria.

Due to the properties of the food additive, it is possible to significantly reduce the period of time for heat treatment, which allows you to save a number of useful and nutritious substances in products.

The harm of the supplement is that nisin, like all antibiotics, destroys not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. Not dosed consumption of products containing E234 is not recommended, especially for young children and adolescents.

Application in the food industry

With this additive, the growth of any bacteria on the surface of the products is completely suppressed. E234 has excellent preservative properties, its use significantly increases the shelf life and storage of food.

Most often it is used as a preservative for stewed meat, in the process of rolling dairy products (, etc.), mushrooms, legumes, etc. Also, this food additive can often be found in hard cheeses, confectionery and bakery products.

Often, E234 is found in the composition, since the lowland helps to speed up the process of their maturation, preventing fermentation. And for medical purposes, it can be found in the shells of various food products - it plays the role of a safe antibiotic.


Nizin is recommended for use in the following dosages. For cheeses add 50-60 grams per 1 ton finished products... For the preparation of canned fruit or vegetables, the norm is 100-150 grams of additive per ton of product. To preserve dairy products, 10 to 15 grams of additive are added per ton of raw materials. For sauces, the norm is from 50 to 200 grams of lowland per 1 ton of product. For the production of bakery products, the additive is mixed with flour: for 100 kilograms of flour, the norm is from 25 to 40 grams of E234. For 1 liter, the norm is from 10 to 40 grams of additive. E234 is added per ton of canned fish and meat in an amount of 50 to 100 grams.

Regardless of the fact that E234 is considered a relatively safe supplement, it should be used in moderation. A large amount of lowland can cause a number of side effects... That is why, when choosing products, try to give preference to natural ones, without any additives, including chemical ones.

Diet restrictions

There are no dietary restrictions. Products containing this additive can be consumed by vegetarians and all members of religious groups.

Terms of sale

Lowlands can be found both in small packages and in large ones. The powder is first packed in dense polyethylene, hermetically sealed. Then placed in a bag of thick paper. The packaging must indicate the manufacturer, batch number, weight and instructions for use.

Storage conditions

It is imperative to store the additive in sealed packaging, without direct access sun rays and moisture. The storage temperature should be between 4 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Index: Е234

Appearance: white to yellowish powder.
Raw materials: natural source - lactic acid products (produced by cultures of the species Streptococcus lactis).
The company "Avers Plus" offers you nisin, which is a polypeptide synthesized by strains of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus Laktis. It is mainly used to prevent bacterial spoilage of cooked foods.

Basic antimicrobial properties of lowland.
Lowland has an inhibitory effect on certain types and genera of gram-positive bacteria. In particular, nisin inhibits the development of such microorganisms: pneumococci, a group of streptococci, different kinds Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycobacterum tuberculosis, Laktobacillus, Corynebakterium, not many Streptomyces species, Micrococcus pyogenes It does not affect true gram-negative bacteria and does not affect yeast cells and molds. Vegetative cells of some gram-positive bacteria are known to have variable sensitivity to nisin. These include Bacilli, Clostridia, Propionibakteria, Micrococci, Streptococci. Some types of bacteria have a pronounced sensitivity to low-lying. These include Laktobacilli, Streptococci, Micrococci. This also includes the spore-forming Bacilli and Clostridia species, which play a crucial role in determining the shelf life of cooked foods.

The preservative properties of lowland
Nisin can inhibit the overgrowth of all bacterial spores that cause spoilage in cooked foods. This is especially true for the most heat-resistant types of bacterial spores, which can cause spoilage of food subjected to heat treatment at high temperatures and subsequently stored in rooms with elevated temperatures... Bacterial spores exposed to heat are more sensitive to low-lying, so the effectiveness of the preservative is increased in combination with moderate heat pasteurization.
The use of nisin for canning makes it possible to reduce the temperature and / or time of heat treatment, thereby preserving vitamins, biologically active substances and nutritional value of the product, namely, it reduces the loss of vitamin C by 30-35% and completely preserves beta-carotene. The stability of nisin in an acidic environment allows heat treatment of products without significant loss of preservative activity.
Moreover, from the point of view of consumer qualities, the preservation of the natural appearance and taste of the product makes the use of nisin indispensable for canning.

Nizin is effective: in cheese making; in canning (meat, fish, vegetables); in the production of butter, condensed and dry dairy products; transportation of milk and meat; introduction into casings of cheeses and sausages.

  • Canning industry;
  • Brewing;
  • Dairy products manufacturing;
  • Cheese production;
  • Bakery production;
  • Manufacture of sauces, creams, etc.

The use of nisin is effective in preserving the following products:

  • processed cheese and processed cheese products... Adding the preparation in the amount of 100-250 g / t increases the shelf life of the cheese up to 6 months;
  • milk, flavored milk drinks... Adding the preparation in the amount of 50-150 g / t before pasteurization increases the shelf life at room temperature from 2 to 6 days;
  • condensed milk (sugarless). The addition of the preparation in the amount of 80-100 g / t of condensed milk completely prevents the growth of typical spore-forming bacteria and reduces the processing time by about 10 minutes;
  • dairy dessertsincluding cereals, sugar, cream, or whole milk. Adding Nisin in an amount of 50-100 g / t allows to reduce the level of heat treatment and improve the quality of the finished product;
  • canned vegetables and fruit... The addition of nisin in an amount of 100-150 g / t increases the shelf life to at least two years in hot climates and allows for mild heat treatment, while maintaining the taste and integrity of the product;
  • canned mushrooms... The addition of 100 to 200 mg of Nisin per 1 kg of product prevents the germination of spores after heat treatment during long-term storage in countries with hot climates;
  • fish products... The addition of low-oil in the amount of 0.2 g / kg in the production of sturgeon caviar allows to shorten the duration of the pasteurization process by 2 times.
  • in bakery - 25 ... 40 g per 100 kg of flour;
  • in brewing - 10 ... 40 mg per liter of finished product.
  • canned meat and fish- 50-200 g per ton of finished products

Preservative stagein the product is determined by the technology of its production. The time of application is considered optimal immediately after pasteurization or sterilization, when, as a result of heat treatment, the level of contamination by microorganisms decreases, and the addition of a preservative allows it to be preserved for a long time.

Nisin retains its activity for 2 years when stored in a dry room, at temperatures from 4 ° C to 25 ° C, in conditions excluding direct rays.

Nisin Uses in Tomato Products

Tomato products are an important application for lowland. Nisin can be successfully used as an aid in thermal sterilization of tomato products, since it suppresses both aerobic and anaerobic microflora. It is also possible to use nisin for canned food such as lecho, that is, consisting of tomato puree and paprika.
There are even more grounds, according to the researchers, for the industrial use of lowland in canned foods such as whole canned tomatoes and tomato paste, as well as canned pears and pineapples (to combat the common type of spoilage under the influence of butyric microflora).
Research work was carried out on the combined use of antibiotics and chemical preservatives for the preservation of vegetable semi-finished products. For the study, we took tomato pulp, which is usually obtained at the points of primary processing of tomatoes at canneries. The basis for such works is that, as already noted, in this case, it is possible to obtain a jointly mutually complementary effect of an antibiotic on the bacterial microflora, and sorbic acid on yeast and mold. The most effective was the addition of 200 mg / L of sorbic acid and 20 mg / L of tetracycline. At this dosage, unheated tomato pulp withstood storage at 21-24 degrees without signs of deterioration for 5-6 days. If the pulp is first heated to 55 degrees, and then an antibiotic and sorbic acid are added, then spoilage under the same storage conditions occurs only on the 9th day (the pulp without adding preservatives began to ferment after 2 days).

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