From how old they give cocoa. At what age should cocoa be introduced into the child's diet. About the harmful properties of the drink

Tile 12.09.2020

Cocoa is a delicious drink loved by many children and adults. It contains many useful substances, has a positive effect on the child's body, improves mood and the functioning of the nervous system. Helps improve attention and memory. But all this is only if it is used correctly. Today, many caring parents ask: at what age is cocoa allowed for children? Let's figure it out.

What is cocoa?

According to Wikipedia and various explanatory dictionaries, the same word means several objects / things at once. It:

  • an evergreen tree native to the tropics;
  • the seeds of this plant and the powder that is produced from it;
  • delicious drink rich in vitamins and minerals.

Interestingly, the Aztecs revered cocoa as a "gift from God." They gladly prepared "bitter water" from the fruits of the tree of the same name and used it. After 1519, when Europeans became acquainted with "brown gold", the drink began to be served on royal tables. Ordinary people learned its taste only at the beginning of the 18th century.

The benefits of cocoa for the child's body

Cocoa is actually very beneficial for children, as it contains calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for strengthening the skeletal system. In addition, it contributes to:

  • improving mood and general well-being;
  • reduction of "harmful" cholesterol in the child's body;
  • fast satisfying hunger;
  • improving cerebral circulation;
  • improving the performance of schoolchildren;
  • getting rid of stress and depression.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of cocoa for heavy physical exertion. It allows you to quickly replenish the supply of valuable substances and restore strength. Therefore, many doctors recommend using it for children who are actively involved in sports.

Harm of cocoa to the child's body

While cocoa is healthy, it should be given in limited quantities to young children. Since it can also cause considerable harm to the health of the child. So, this drink is strictly forbidden to drink for kidney disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout. And also with an imbalance of purines - natural substances contained in the cells of the body and forming uric acid during decay.

It is worth remembering that cocoa contains caffeine, even if it is a little. This substance excites the child's nervous system, makes him become more active. Therefore, it is forbidden to give the drink to hyperactive children and choleric people. The finished product also contains milk and sugar, so it is quite high in calories. This means that it is better not to give it before eating. Otherwise, the baby may refuse to eat.

Doctors also do not recommend that parents drink cocoa for children if they have a tendency to constipation, frequent depression, migraines. For these kids it is better to choose unsweetened drinks. You should also refuse the drink if the child has signs of food allergies: itching, reddish spots on the skin, and so on. In this case, you should talk to your pediatrician about the continued use of cocoa.

At what age can you give?

Parents sometimes ask if they can give their baby cocoa at 1 year old. In fact, you shouldn't do this. The optimal age to start drinking this drink with or without milk is 2-2.5 years. And if the baby often has various allergies, then drinking cocoa should be postponed to a later date or completely abandoned. Fortunately, this drink can always be replaced with another, safer one. Morse or natural juice, for example. As for the age at which you can give Nesquik cocoa to children, the answer is: from 3 years old. But it's better to start with a Russian-made product.

Why not earlier?

Because early exposure to cocoa can only harm the child. The baby may experience allergic reactions, including urticaria and diathesis. And also problems with stomach and falling asleep at night appear. It is worth remembering that children under 2 years of age have a very fragile nervous system. And even a small portion of the drink can damage it. So it's better not to rush!

Consumption rules

Pediatricians believe that cocoa should be taught very carefully, starting with just a couple of small spoons a day. And only on condition that the child is healthy, already drinks milk and does not need to be vaccinated in the near future. If, after the introduction of cocoa into the children's diet, the baby is cheerful and cheerful, and he does not have allergy symptoms (for example, a rash on the skin), the amount of drink can be doubled. Repeat this until the daily rate is reached.

How much cocoa can a child drink?

If the baby is 2-3 years old, the optimal dose for him will be 50 ml per day with a frequency of use 4 times a week. When he turns 6-7 years old, the amount can be increased to 100 ml per day. At the same time, a child is allowed to drink a drink every other day, unless, of course, there are any contraindications. A student over 10 years old can already consume cocoa in an amount of 150-250 ml at a time. But it is important to remember that although cocoa is satisfying, it cannot replace a full breakfast or replenish the fluid balance in the body.

What time of day is it best to drink?

Best in the morning. The drink will surely give the child a charge of cheerfulness, positiveness and positive energy for the whole day. This is due to the fact that it contains: phenylephylamine, which promotes the production of endorphins (hormones of joy), and caffeine. For the same reason, it is not recommended for young children to drink cocoa at night. Otherwise, they will be agitated and will not be able to sleep peacefully.

How to choose and store correctly?

For children, it is better to buy cocoa that needs to be cooked. Dry mixtures, which are enough to drink with hot water / milk, are harmful to them. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • expiration date - before its expiration must be at least 3 months;
  • composition - no flavors, amplifiers and other harmful additives;
  • color - high-quality brown cocoa without whiteness;
  • aroma - simply must be chocolate;
  • fat content - preferable is the product in which it is more than 15%;
  • view - you can buy "powder" or whole beans.

After opening the pack, it is worth making sure that the cocoa is homogeneous, does not have lumps and other impurities, when touched it remains on the finger, and does not turn into dust. And after brewing, it does not fall to the bottom of the glass as a sediment. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the product, as it has deteriorated. And one more thing: you need to store cocoa in a tightly closed metal container, somewhere in a dry and cool place. No more than 2 years.

Cooking secrets

Now that you know when you can give cocoa to a child with or without milk, it's worth talking about how to cook it correctly. Do this first exclusively on the water. Milk should be added only a month after the introduction of the product into the diet. And only on condition that the baby reacts normally to the drink. Here is the prescription:

  1. If only cocoa beans are available, grind them.
  2. Take a saucepan, rinse with hot water.
  3. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of the finished "powder" into it.
  4. Add the same amount of sugar.
  5. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  6. Pour in 100 ml of boiling water, put the saucepan on the fire.
  7. Wait until it boils (stir the drink all this time).
  8. Pour in 150 ml of slightly hot milk.
  9. Wait for boiling again, remove the drink from the heat.

At the end, you need to beat the cocoa with a whisk until a lush foam appears, remove it. Cool to room temperature and give the child along with cookies or, for example, with a bun, so that he is better satisfied. The drink prepared according to this recipe is suitable for very young children, aged 2-3 years. If the child is 6-7 years old or more, it can be cooked exclusively in milk or water. To improve the taste, you can add: honey, cinnamon, cream or vanillin.

Here, for example, is another recipe:

  1. Mix 3 tsp. cocoa and the same amount of sugar.
  2. Add 50 ml hot water.
  3. Put a cinnamon stick in 250 ml of milk, bring to a boil.
  4. Remove cinnamon, mix milk with cocoa mass with sugar.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.
  7. Remove, pour into glasses, add crumbled cookies directly into the glass.
  8. Serve to the child.

The resulting drink will perfectly satisfy hunger, invigorate, and help the child feel more cheerful and healthy.

So, the benefits of cocoa for children are revealed in this article. It also provides tips on when to give a drink to your child and how to prepare it properly. In conclusion, I would like to recommend choosing only high-quality products for children. For example, in our country cocoa of the following brands is highly valued: "Rossiyskiy", "Generous soul" and "Golden label". It's great for kids. And one more thing: do not forget to ask the pediatrician before introducing the product into the child's diet: is it possible? Remember that the health of young children is entirely in your hands. Good luck!

Cocoa is a drink with a unique taste and reminiscent of childhood. Its excellent aroma allows you to plunge into memories and feel your mother's warm hug and smile. As you know, kids are not indifferent to chocolate drinks, but parents often think about the age at which children can take cocoa. After all, such drinks are recommended to be introduced into the diet with extreme caution, since in the presence of contraindications, a chocolate drink contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. But following the basic recommendations for drinking the drink will help dispel all doubts.

in the baby's diet

According to experts, one should carefully consider the dosage of cocoa for children. At what age you can give it is a very individual question. For children who are not prone to allergic reactions, the drink is indicated from the age of two, but as a rare delicacy. And it is best to introduce a chocolate drink into the diet no earlier than three years of age.

It is worthwhile to think carefully about whether it is worth experimenting and offering the child a drink ahead of time. It is necessary to worry because of the presence of a huge amount of sugar and aromatic substances in its composition, which obviously will not benefit children.

Parents should carefully consider the choice of the product on which the baby's health will depend. After all, the solution to the problem associated with the age at which a child can be given cocoa requires special care. The thing is that, as already mentioned, this product contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important to determine that the child's body has correctly perceived it.

It is advisable not to overdo it and give the baby no more than two cups of drink per week. It is recommended to increase the amount of consumed product only after 6 years. However, you should not drink more than 2 small cups of it at a time. And after the age of ten, you can drink the drink daily. At this age, the maximum amount of cocoa is calculated based on the proportion of 0.5 grams per day per kilogram of weight.

Try to give the drink to your baby in the morning, so that the invigorating effect of it does not prevent the baby from falling asleep in a quiet hour or in the evening.

Features of the drink

During the preparation of the diet, it is important to determine at what age a child can drink cocoa. It is an invigorating drink that works alongside an antidepressant and helps fight anemia, thanks to the presence of iron, zinc and folic acid in the composition.

Despite the advantages, the chocolate drink has some disadvantages. As you know, the composition of cocoa beans contains a small amount of purine, which helps the body to process proteins, and is also actively involved in the regulation of metabolic activity. But with an excess of this substance, uric acid accumulates, which can lead to the development of diseases of the urinary system.

Of course, it is possible and necessary to give cocoa to children, but you should definitely use common sense. Do not forget that your child's nutrition must be balanced.

Child health benefits

At what age children can cocoa is a rather urgent problem, its solution requires a special approach. This drink in the diet is not healthier than fruit drinks, natural juices or compotes, due to the lack of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the child's body. But it also has undoubted advantages with strict adherence to the dosage:

  • If children do not want to eat in the morning, then a glass of the drink will perfectly satisfy hunger for a while.
  • The presence of theobromine in the composition helps to suppress the cough reflex. During illness, the child can be given warm cocoa to soothe an excruciating dry cough.
  • Thanks to the tonic effect, the child's body can endure physical activity and endurance increases.
  • The unique aroma and rather pleasant taste help to improve the baby's mood.

If no contraindications have been identified by the doctor, then the prescribed dose of cocoa per day will not be superfluous.

We take precautions

We repeat that, despite the addiction of children to cocoa, you should be careful with this drink. The presence of caffeine in it often causes allergies in children. And this is the main drawback, because of which most parents think about how old children can get cocoa. Such a fragrant drink is sometimes contraindicated even for children at school age. As doctors advise, it is necessary to refrain from preparing it in the following situations:

  • with obesity;
  • in case of impaired renal function.

This drink is contraindicated for hyperactive children.

If, after consuming cocoa, a rash or itching appears on the child's skin, then it is recommended to immediately consult a pediatrician who will tell you whether to use the treat in the future.

Constipation in a child associated with the inclusion of cocoa in the diet is not excluded, therefore, when introducing a new food product, it is advisable to monitor the baby's stool. Occasionally, you may encounter headaches caused by consuming a chocolate drink.

If parents have certain doubts about the age at which children can cocoa, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Taking into account the peculiarities of the child's development, the specialist will give all the necessary recommendations.

Best time for cocoa

According to experts, it is advisable to give cocoa to a child in the morning. As you know, such a fragrant drink contains a large percentage of caffeine, which gives a boost of vigor for the whole day. Therefore, in order not to disturb the child's sleep, drinking cocoa before bedtime is highly discouraged.

Cocoa is a very high-calorie product that is cooked in whole milk with added sugar. So, its excessive use can lead to fatness. However, if the child is active, then the drink clearly will not harm him.

It should be noted that the composition of cocoa contains phenylephylamine, which promotes the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy. As a result, one cup of a tasty and aromatic drink will noticeably cheer you up.

Recipe for making a delicious drink

To prepare cocoa for a child, you must use an exclusively natural product. Real cocoa powder should be free of additives, rich brown tint and light chocolate flavor. Be sure to pay attention to its fat content, which should not exceed 15%.

You should not think about the age at which children can be given cocoa with milk, as it is a valuable product enriched with vitamins and useful microelements. Although some children do not digest lactose well, so sometimes young mothers cook cocoa in water.

The recipe for making cocoa for children will not cause any special problems. Use the following set of foods per serving of chocolate treat:

  • milk - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar is added to taste or not added at all.

It is advisable to mix the sugar with the cocoa powder in advance to avoid the formation of lumps. Heat milk in a metal ladle and bring it to a boil. Then pour a mixture of cocoa and sugar into it, stirring everything thoroughly. The drink should be boiled for 5 minutes, then be sure to let it brew for 10 minutes.

Classic recipe

Cocoa in a child's diet is an excellent option to diversify the menu. Therefore, having found out at what age children can use cocoa "Nesquik" or any other, and having found out the absence of contraindications to this, include it in the baby's diet.

To prepare a classic drink, you must observe the proportions: 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder per 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. In addition, the proportions can be changed according to the individual preferences of the child.


According to Komarovsky, at what age children can get cocoa, it is impossible to say unequivocally. Of course, despite a number of contraindications, the drink is useful and in certain quantities will not harm the child. If you do not abuse it, then your baby will enjoy a fragrant and very tasty delicacy without risk to health.

Both children and adults adore chocolate drinks. They remind of childhood and magical days when it was allowed to be naughty and spend time without worries with your favorite toys. Parents know that babies love a sweet drink, but often they have a question: is it possible to give cocoa to children?

When a baby is several months or a year old, he feeds on breast milk or special formulas. But when the child is about 1.5-2 years old, parents teach him with might and main to new products and tastes. Is the sweet drink on the recommended list? Maybe acquaintance with him should be postponed until better times?

In addition to sugar, cocoa contains tannins, theobromine and 40 essential aromatic compounds, the latter being considered to be strong allergens. If you nevertheless decide to accustom your baby to a chocolate drink, then it is better to stay on a natural product.

The emergence of cocoa

The evergreen "chocolate" cocoa tree grows in areas with a subequatorial climate and belongs to the mallow family. The ancient Aztecs, who once inhabited the territory of modern Mexico, were the first to prepare a drink from the beans. Over time, the fashion for a tonic drink spread to Europe, where people of the upper classes became its connoisseurs.

In the middle of the 18th century, cocoa became available to everyone and became a favorite drink of children and adults. Today "chocolate" trees grow in African countries, there are plantations in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana.

Useful and harmful properties

What kind beneficial features do you have cocoa?

  • the drink is rich in trace elements, vitamins and minerals;
  • its formula contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid and fiber;
  • has a pronounced tonic effect;
  • due to the high calorie content, it is able to satisfy the child's hunger for a while;
  • useful for skinny children prone to anemia and thinness;
  • contains theobromine, a substance that suppresses the cough reflex for colds;
  • stimulates the protective functions of the body;
  • contains biologically active components and has beneficial properties;
  • helps to quickly recover from physical and mental stress.

But don't idealize cocoa contraindications he has enough:

  • If you abuse the chocolate drink, you will experience migraine attacks, constipation or heaviness in the stomach.
  • It is contraindicated for those who are allergic to cocoa, it should not be drunk often with increased excitability and sleep disorders.
  • Theobromine, which is part of the drink, is similar in properties to caffeine, which, to put it mildly, is not very useful for children.
  • In addition, cocoa with milk is contraindicated for children with impaired metabolism, as well as for kidney and liver diseases, gout and other ailments associated with the synthesis of purines.

How old can you teach your child to drink?

At what age can you safely give your child cocoa? Dr. Komarovsky advises offering chocolate drinks to children who do not have any allergic reactions. They can be drunk no more than twice a week, and not earlier than the baby is at least one and a half to two years old. It must be remembered that cocoa is considered a high-calorie product, so it is contraindicated in overweight and obesity.

If we consider the question of how many years old children should be given a “chocolate” drink from the point of view of physiology, then the optimal age is 2 years. One-year-old baby does not tolerate innovations in the diet. Its digestive and excretory systems are imperfect and unstable. Pediatricians believe that his body does not contain enough enzymes to digest milk, and even more so with sugar. The transition to dairy products should be gradual:

  • First, the child is taught to milk, he is introduced to the menu about a year. First, it is diluted 1: 1 with water, then any milk porridge is prepared: semolina, buckwheat or oatmeal.
  • If after a couple of hours nothing has changed, the child feels well and there is no allergy, which means he tolerates milk well.
  • The same procedure is with cocoa. How often is it given? At first, children are offered only 1-2 teaspoons, then ¼ of a small cup.
  • The dosage is gradually increased, but it should not exceed one cup per day for a 5 year old child.

If you ignore the advice of doctors, the baby may have sleep disturbances, the tummy will swell and there will be all the signs of discomfort and malaise.

In the morning or evening?

Drinking cocoa at night is not recommended, because the milk drink contains caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system. If you drink a cup of invigorating drink in the morning, it will give you a boost of energy and positiveness for the whole day. Before going to bed, he will cheer up the baby too much and prevent him from sleeping calmly and serenely.

Do not forget that the chocolate drink is quite high in calories, because it contains whole milk and a significant dose of sugar. If the baby drinking cocoa is active and mobile, a sweet drink will not harm him 100%. But in this case, you do not need to give cocoa to the child before bedtime, so as not to prevent him from sleeping peacefully and getting a good night's sleep.

When deciding whether young children can drink cocoa, remember that it contains phenylethylamine. This amazing ingredient stimulates the synthesis of the hormone of joy endorphin, which improves mood and gives a feeling of happiness.

Choosing a quality drink

Having decided when it is possible, and at what age cocoa is recommended for children, it is time to learn how to choose a quality product. When choosing, we pay close attention to the manufacturer and carefully study the label. The drink should not contain:

  • synthetic flavors;
  • preservatives;
  • artificial colors.

Moreover, its consistency should be uniform, without lumps and unnecessary impurities. High-quality cocoa is a finely ground powder, with fine, like dust, particles of a rich chocolate brown color. The product has a characteristic aroma and should not be whitish or gray in color. Store it away from sunlight in a sealed container and a cool dry place. Drink cocoa with milk, adding sugar to taste.

How to check the quality: video

Allowing a child to cocoa or not is a voluntary choice of each of the parents. Its benefits are proven and beyond doubt, but you shouldn't forget about harm either. Giving a chocolate treat to children under one and a half to two years old is strongly discouraged. But even if the child is two or three years old and has an allergy, it is worth refraining from cocoa and other foods and drinks where there are allergens.

This drink has been known since ancient times: the Aztecs made the discovery that powdered cocoa beans have a pleasant taste and healing effect, so they were given to warriors for endurance and wound healing. Subsequently, cocoa became known in Europe, and then throughout the world. Now it is one of the most common and favorite products, because cocoa for children is allowed already from the age of 3.

Cocoa butter and cocoa powder are processed products of cocoa beans. The beans are extracted from the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree, which reaches a height of over 10 meters. Cocoa beans contain many useful substances, varied in composition and effect on the human body.

These are trace elements and minerals: dietary fiber, vegetable protein, organic acids and oils, sugar, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and a vitamin complex of groups A, E, B, PP.

A drink made from cocoa powder is very nutritious, and the fat and carbohydrate content is lower than that of chocolate. Bioflavonoids have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system - they reduce the risk of thrombosis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, theobromine substance increases efficiency.

Cocoa promotes the production of serotonin, a substance responsible for the production of the hormone of pleasure, so if you are stressed or in a bad mood, it is helpful to eat a few slices of chocolate or drink a cup of delicious chocolate drink.

Products made from cocoa beans have beneficial properties:

  1. They have an antioxidant effect. Laboratory studies have shown that the substances contained in them are capable of removing free radicals and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. They help to lower blood pressure and generally improve blood circulation in the brain, which has a positive effect on human intellectual abilities.
  3. They stimulate metabolic processes in the body, lower the level of harmful cholesterol.
  4. Thanks to its nutritional value, it helps to restore strength after intense physical exertion and illness, relieve muscle spasms.
  5. They have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  6. Saponified cocoa butter is used in a medical preparation for the treatment of joints (prevents the destruction of the cartilage layer).
  7. In cosmetology, they are used as rejuvenating procedures (chocolate wraps), added to creams, lotions, masks, etc.
  8. In cooking, they are used by confectioners for making biscuits, creams, sweets.
  9. Due to its high zinc content, it has a beneficial effect on men's health.

Despite all the benefits, a controversial issue arises when this product is included in. Some of them claim that when combined with cocoa milk, it increases lactation. But you should not abuse such a drink, because it is capable of having an exciting effect on the nervous system of the mother and baby.

At what age can children be given

Many parents are interested in - at what age can cocoa be given to children and in what quantity? Children's doctors and nutritionists consider the optimal age to consume this drink - three years, not a year or two.

Why is cocoa for children under 3 years old not allowed?

Excessive sugar, theobromine, which has a tonic effect, and other substances can cause an allergic reaction and nervous irritability. But if in the morning a one-year-old child eats badly or refuses to eat at all, then it is allowed to give a small cup for breakfast, thanks to its nutritional value, cocoa will give energy and vigor to the baby.

Attention! You should start with small portions - 1-2 cups of 100-150 ml per week, preferably in the morning. The volume of the drink should be increased starting from the age of 6, but no more than 300-400 ml per week. For older children from 10 years old and more, the drink can be consumed daily in a cup of 200-250 ml.

Who shouldn't eat cocoa?

Despite the undeniable usefulness of the drink, the use of cocoa is limited or contraindicated for the following category of children:

  1. Babies are strictly prohibited from feeding cocoa as their digestive system is immature and cannot process it.
  2. Children prone to allergic reactions associated with food intolerance are not recommended to drink cocoa at an early age, optimally after 5-6 years, and in some cases it is completely banned.
  3. Babies with metabolic diseases (gout), renal failure - the drink is categorically contraindicated.
  4. The amount and frequency of drinking should be limited to overweight children with attention deficit disorder.

When is it better to drink cocoa

The best time to drink cocoa is in the morning. When else can you give your child cocoa? You can cook it for an afternoon snack or at any time not too late when you want to be in a good mood. The substances contained in cocoa contribute to the production of hormones of joy.

The drink can be used to restore strength after illness and intense physical activity (included in the diet of athletes). The recipe is as follows: egg yolks are mixed with sugar, warm cocoa is added, heated, but not brought to a boil and shaken well.

Cocoa cooking secrets

To make the drink tasty, healthy and nutritious, you need to know some tricks when preparing:

  1. The powder often sinks to the bottom of a ladle or saucepan, so stir before pouring into the cup to get a uniform drink.
  2. To prevent the formation of "foam" after cooling, the drink must be stirred during the preparation process, preventing the formation of a film.
  3. Before serving cocoa, you can decorate it beautifully - sprinkle or add ice cream pieces.

Cocoa brewed with milk is tastier and therefore the most popular drink.

For cooking you will need (for 1 serving):

  • powder (no additives) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • milk or cream - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 2-3 tsp.

Prepare as follows:

  • milk is brought to a boil;
  • in a container, thoroughly mix cocoa powder and sugar until smooth;
  • add 2-3 tbsp to the mixture. l. heated milk, stir;
  • add the remaining milk;
  • then boil over low heat and, after complete dissolution of sugar, remove from heat and cool.

You can add vanillin, cinnamon, and other ingredients to your preference to cooked cocoa. So that it is not too high in calories, you can serve it with dry cookies (biscuits or crackers).

Instant cocoa

In stores you can buy ready-made mixes of various brands, many of which are positioned as children's. The most popular among kids is Nesquik. The recipe for making instant drink is simple:

  1. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of powder into a cup.
  2. Add hot water or milk and sugar (if it is not included in the instant mixture).
  3. Stir well and serve.

Cocoa or hot chocolate - which is healthier?

There is another delicious drink - hot chocolate. It can be soluble, but it contains additives - emulsifiers, stabilizers, which significantly reduces the benefits. Natural boiled chocolate drink is made from chocolate and cream, the fat content of such a drink is 40% or more, which significantly exceeds the calorie content of the cocoa drink. Therefore, it is better to refrain from frequent consumption of hot chocolate.

Both cocoa and hot chocolate are nutritious and delicious drinks with many health benefits. But you need to remember about the limitations and a sense of proportion when using cocoa, including knowing how old you can give it to a child.

Cocoa is a drink from childhood. Its delightful scent brings back sweet memories of a mother's smile and a warm grandmother's hug. Toddlers love chocolate drinks, but parents wonder if cocoa can already be given? So at what age is a child ready to receive his first cherished cup?

When is the baby ready for the "chocolate drink"?

It is believed that cocoa can be given to children from the age of two. If the baby is not prone to allergies, then even earlier. But in the first year of life it is still not worth it. After all, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for milk feeding. Pediatricians recommend cow's milk to be given to a child from the age of three, but they are allowed when he is one year old. It is believed that earlier the baby did not have enough enzymes to process it. And the child does not need an excess of sugar at all.

First, you still need to introduce milk into the children's diet. This is done gradually. When a child turns one year old, he is offered milk, diluted in half with water. It is usually added to porridge. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, anxiety or bloating does not appear, then he can drink milk.

Cocoa is also introduced into the baby's diet gradually. First, a few spoons, then a quarter of a cup, etc. But still, up to five years, no more than one cup a day. In a year, a child needs 100 g of a drink or even less.

When is it better to drink cocoa - in the morning or in the evening?

It is more correct to give your child cocoa in the morning. After all, this wonderful drink contains caffeine, which gives children a boost of vigor for the whole day. In the evening, before going to bed, you should not give it, so that nothing prevents the child from sleeping peacefully.

In addition, the chocolate drink is very high in calories, as it is prepared in whole milk with added sugar. Therefore, children who are prone to overweight do not need to give it every day. If the baby is very active, the drink will definitely not hurt. But again, at night, it is better for children not to overload the digestive tract with extra calories.

In its composition, cocoa contains phenylephylamine, which promotes the production of endorphins - the magical hormone of joy. Therefore, the coveted cup of drink perfectly cheers up the child.

Cocoa cooking secrets

It would seem that this wonderful drink cannot be spoiled. And the variety of instant cocoa simplifies the cooking process. After all, the method is not at all complicated: pour in the powder and fill it with hot water or milk. The main thing is not to read the composition. Because, unfortunately, such drinks contain not only ground beans, but also various stabilizers, leavening agents and preservatives.

For maximum benefit, it is preferable to take cocoa powder without additives, made according to GOST. Especially if you are going to cook it for children. There are no impurities in its composition. But you have to tinker with him a little.

  1. A tasty and healthy chocolate drink is prepared only with milk. On water, the taste is not at all the same - not so rich and delicate. The volume of milk depends on the amount of drink you want to get as a result - 1 liter of milk is equal to 1 liter of the finished product. But if you are cooking for a child who has just turned one year old, it is still better to dilute the milk with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. The milk must be brought to a boil.
  3. To prevent the powder from being taken in lumps, you must first combine it with sugar and add a small amount of cold milk to the bowl. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  4. The prepared suspension must be added to the milk brought to a boil. While stirring, bring the drink to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  5. The hot drink is poured into cups. It can be drunk both hot and cold. Children are given warm cocoa, of course.

Classic recipe

For the preparation of classic cocoa, strictly verified proportions are used: 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar are taken for 1 liter of milk. Of course, you can change the proportions depending on your baby's preferences. But first try the time-tested recipe.

The benefits and harms of cocoa

Of course, cocoa is very healthy. It invigorates, works as an antidepressant and helps in the fight against anemia, because it contains iron, zinc and folic acid. Supplemented with milk, it is a storehouse of valuable substances - proteins.

But in any barrel of honey (or a cup of cocoa) you can find a fly in the ointment. The chocolate drink should not be overused. Everything needs a measure. Cocoa beans contain purine, which is harmless and useful in small quantities. It helps the body to process proteins, and also takes part in the regulation of metabolic activity. But with an excess of purine, uric acid accumulates, as a result of which diseases of the urinary system can develop.

It is possible and necessary to give cocoa to children, but the common sense of the parents must be present. Remember that the nutrition of the crumbs should be balanced, without bias in one direction or another. And then your baby will delight you with excellent health and good appetite.

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