After IVF I got pregnant myself. Is pregnancy possible after failed IVF? What to do after an unsuccessful eco

Gutters 12.09.2020

After being diagnosed with infertility, many married couples decide on in vitro fertilization, as a result of which a long-awaited baby is born. After the birth of a child conceived with the help of IVF, in some such families, a natural pregnancy occurs later.

According to statistics, about 15% of women after a successful IVF procedure, 6-14 months after the birth of their first child, were able to become pregnant again in a natural way, without any medication stimulation.

Reasons for natural conception

Many may have doubts about the correctness of the previously diagnosed infertility. But the fact is that artificial insemination helps restore female reproductive function. As a result, it becomes possible to conceive a child independently.

Natural pregnancy can occur as a result of prolonged hormonal stimulation of the ovaries before IVF. This stimulation significantly increases the ability of the egg to fertilize naturally.

Also, in the process of preparing for IVF, the ovulation process normalizes, the cycle becomes regular, which means that the opportunity to become pregnant increases.

But there are other factors that contribute to natural conception:

  1. The physiological readiness of the body for pregnancy and bearing a child increases - after the birth of a baby, many cells in the body are actively renewed. The work of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system as a whole is stimulated (in the absence of any pathologies).
  2. Ignoring any contraceptives - experts recommend completely abandoning them.
  3. Lack of emotional stress - many women cannot get pregnant for this very reason. But after the appearance of the first baby, the work of their reproductive system is getting better, due to the fact that the stress and pressure factor disappears ().
  4. Changing the lifestyle after the birth of the first child is nutrition, daily routine, physical activity;
  5. Overall health improvement.

Natural pregnancy after IVF

Many clients of IVF clinics ask whether it is possible to get pregnant after the procedure on their own (after a successful and unsuccessful procedure)? Yes, you can with a 5% probability.The chances increase due to successful treatment in preparation for IVF.

Spontaneous conception can occur if a woman, before IVF, was diagnosed with the following diseases and disorders:

  • with poor patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • there is a psychological factor;
  • with a decrease in the viability of the egg.

Medical stimulation before the IVF procedure can help overcome these problems, and a successful pregnancy after IVF can activate many body functions and increase the overall tone for the next, natural pregnancy.

Factors that will not allow you to conceive a child on your own after IVF:

  1. Absence of fallopian tubes or ovaries - with a similar pathology, the embryo is implanted directly into the uterus.
  2. When the reason for childlessness lies in a partner - if a man was diagnosed with azoospermia, then in this case, specialists use a biopsy to isolate sperm from the seminal fluid, then fertilize the egg and then implant it in the woman.
  3. Uterine hypoplasia - it is divided into 3 degrees, depending on the degree of planned pregnancy and the IVF procedure itself.
  4. Complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes - in vitro fertilization is the only way to have a baby, the embryo is implanted directly into the uterus.
  5. Underdevelopment of the reproductive system as a whole - requires careful diagnosis, identification of the reasons. Then drug treatment is carried out and only then an algorithm for the IVF procedure is developed.

Failed IVF

The IVF procedure does not bring the desired result in 70% of cases, despite the individual approach to the patient and the high supervision of doctors at each stage of child bearing.

The embryo may die a few days after transplantation, and frozen pregnancy syndrome (when the body stops the development of the fetus at any time) may also appear.

If this happens, then analyzes are taken to determine the cause of the failure, negative factors are excluded and a treatment algorithm is developed in parallel. The next IVF attempt is postponed for 2-4 months.

It happens that at this very moment, about 5% of women became pregnant naturally.

This is due to physiological reasons, as well as the positive effect after drug therapy (hormonal stimulation, treatment of chronic diseases, maintaining a healthy lifestyle).

Scheme of preparing a woman for IVF

In addition, the psychological attitude plays an important role, after a failure with IVF, it is recommended not to dwell on the problem, but rather relax and let it go.

You should change your lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, but before that, consult a doctor in order to choose the best option based on the individual characteristics of your body.

Thus, the chances of a natural pregnancy increase significantly, even after failed IVF.

How to recover from a failed IVF attempt?

If the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur after IVF, then there is a fear of a second procedure (the possibility of failure). In this case, you should start rehabilitating your physical and mental health.

About 70% of success depends on the correct preparation for the next attempt.

  • kidneys;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Against the background of stress, their work deteriorates significantly, which negatively affects future pregnancy.

Psychological factor:

  • conduct a course of relaxing gymnastics;
  • it is recommended to visit a psychologist;
  • do something that brings pleasure (reading, handicraft, singing, flower cultivation, etc.)

Only after full recovery do the chances of success increase many times over.

Natural pregnancy after IVF is not uncommon. The most favorable are considered from 2 to 10 months after an unsuccessful attempt at artificial insemination, in the absence of serious pathologies. To do this, you just need to relax, actively take care of yourself, your family and not get depressed.

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Married couples who have long-term problems with the natural conception of a child often resort to in vitro fertilization as the last chance to become pregnant.

Therefore, an unsuccessful attempt at artificial insemination is experienced by them very sharply and painfully. But, based on medical experience, you cannot give up, since not only a repeated procedure of artificial conception is possible, but also a natural pregnancy after IVF.

Chances of getting pregnant on your own

Many women who have undergone the in vitro conception procedure are interested in the question, is it possible to get pregnant after IVF on their own? The answer to this question was found by French scientists during numerous studies.

It has been found that the chances of infertile couples of conceiving a child are naturally very high. In addition, those couples who have had a bad experience of artificial conception and those who become pregnant after IVF become happy parents.

Note! As reproductive practice shows, spontaneous conception after ineffective in vitro fertilization is quite common.

In the study, conducted by the French Research Institute "INSERM", about 2 thousand families with a diagnosis of "infertility" took part. Of these, 24% became parents after ineffective artificial insemination.

In 18% of couples diagnosed with infertility, the first pregnancy occurred with the help of in vitro fertilization, while the second and subsequent ones occurred without outside interference in natural processes.

This phenomenon is most often observed in families where both partners have excellent reproductive health, but nevertheless cannot become parents. The reason for this infertility is a psychological factor that disappears after the birth of the first child conceived in a test tube. That is why the next natural pregnancy comes easily and without problems.

As a result, the experiment showed that even after the in vitro conception procedure, both effective and ineffective, infertile couples have a chance to become pregnant naturally.

Why is spontaneous pregnancy likely after unsuccessful IVF?

There are many reasons that affect a successful conception naturally after a failed reproductive procedure.

Most often, independent pregnancy after IVF can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. The protocol of preparatory procedures for in vitro fertilization provides for a powerful hormonal effect, equivalent to a natural surge during ovulation;
  2. The woman's body after in vitro fertilization, both successful and ineffective, is fully prepared for natural conception;
  3. Preparation for artificial conception includes a comprehensive examination of a woman, which helps to identify and eliminate possible health problems that negatively affect the process of conception. Gynecological diseases are cured, chronic foci of inflammation are stopped.

Change of habitual lifestyle

Women preparing for IVF often get rid of bad habits, monitor the diet, trying to make it as useful and balanced as possible, regulate work, rest and sleep patterns.

All this greatly increases fertility, especially in cases where hormonal imbalance is the cause of infertility.

Psychological and emotional mood

If both spouses do not have serious health problems, and in particular malfunctions of the reproductive system, then in medical practice this condition is called psychological infertility.

A long preparatory period for artificial insemination provides not only physical, but also psychological preparation. A woman is morally tuned in to conception, which significantly increases her chances of getting pregnant on her own.

From a physiological point of view, all these factors have a positive effect on a woman's reproductive health and, in general, can contribute to natural conception already in the next menstrual cycle after ineffective in vitro fertilization.


Cases of independent pregnancy occur both after an unsuccessful in vitro fertilization, and after a successful one, when the first children conceived in a test tube were born in the family.

The human body is designed in such a way that sometimes it lacks a certain trigger, which is sometimes IVF for couples diagnosed with infertility. One has only to help the body a little, and it is quite capable of continuing to cope on its own.

In the case when a child is born to an infertile couple after many years of marriage, conceived with the help of IVF, hormonal changes can occur in the female body, as a result of which reproductive functions are normalized. The natural conception that followed after this, most likely, will be provoked not by in vitro fertilization, but by the immediately preceding pregnancy and childbirth.

Uterine hypoplasia is one of the diagnoses for which natural pregnancy cannot be

All described cases of natural conception after in vitro fertilization are possible only if infertility is not the result of irreversible consequences in the body of a woman or man. Unfortunately, such a miracle cannot be hoped for with such diagnoses:

  • complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes or their complete absence;
  • hypoplasia of the uterus (infantilism) - an underdeveloped female reproductive organ;
  • azoospermia, a condition in which the male body does not produce sperm.

In any case, an infertile couple should never give up, but it is necessary to once again undergo an in-depth diagnosis of reproductive health in order to find out the reasons why it is not possible to conceive a child either with the help of IVF or in a natural way.

Video: Infertility without IVF

The fact that conception can occur not only in a natural way is no longer surprising today. A pregnancy planning method, like IVF, is considered effective and safe at the same time. This is really a huge chance for those who have gone through a difficult path and a difficult test in the fight against infertility.

However, it should be understood that the IVF procedure itself is not a guarantee of one hundred percent confidence in a favorable pregnancy outcome. Something may not work out, and panic in this matter can only harm.

An IVF-minded woman needs to be prepared for many difficulties, but a positive attitude on her part is a prerequisite.

Briefly about the IVF method

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a proven reproductive method by which a woman has a high chance of conceiving and bearing a child due to the fertilization of her own egg outside her body and its further transplantation into the uterine cavity. This method requires regular monitoring and attention from the woman and the doctor, since bearing a fetus after IVF is a vulnerable process, complicated by the constant research of the woman's hormonal background.

The fact of conception after the IVF method at an early stage can be determined by a laboratory method, namely by an analysis for chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The indicators of this hormone should change 14 days after the embryo transfer. After 48 hours, the analysis is repeated to study the level of hCG. The jump in hCG upwards suggests that everything is normal so far. However, it happens that the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin decrease, which is a signal of an abnormal course of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy

Two calendar seven days after fertilization by the in vitro method, a woman can check the results of embryo engraftment. This process allows you to assess the result of pregnancy by testing. In view of the fact that a woman is forced to take hormonal replacement, conventional tests in an informative sense do not always 100% allow to certify the fact of conception and do not give a guarantee of the onset of pregnancy, therefore, testing is carried out several times.

Determination of the level of the hormone beta-hCG is a reliable method, which is carried out 12 days after IVF intervention. By the end of the tenth week, hCG levels should reach their highest mark.

Additional pregnancy symptoms

Symptoms are not distinctive and difficult to identify from those in a natural pregnancy. These include conditions such as:

  • dizziness and pain in the head;
  • urge to nausea and indigestion;
  • decrease in systolic blood pressure;
  • sensitivity in the lumbar region.

If a woman has minor bleeding from the vaginal tract, then do not panic. This is only a sign of implantation - an embryo and about the processes taking place in the woman's body. There is no threat to the fetus and the expectant mother.

The first days of pregnancy after IVF

The first months after IVF are critical and especially stressful. This is an important period in terms of a long-term and favorable course of pregnancy. It is at this time that the foundation is laid for the successful bearing of the fetus.

In this time interval, a woman should show maximum discretion, caution and attention to herself and her health. The same applies to all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, which must be followed without delay or excuse.

Doctors say that a woman's psycho-emotional background can most directly affect the course and outcome of pregnancy, so it is very important for a pregnant woman to stay calm and not get nervous over trifles.

Hormonal stimulation (or hormone therapy) during the IVF protocol somewhat disrupts the very hormonal background in a woman's body, therefore, maintenance therapy with progesterone and estrogen is more likely necessary than desirable. The balance of these hormones will help a woman to quickly switch to a "pregnant mode".

A woman should not be afraid of such moments as constant monitoring of hormone levels and it is important to calm down and understand that this is necessary for a possible dose adjustment of drugs.

Also, a pregnant woman should be prepared for the fact that the doctor will strongly require bed rest and rest in the first 12 weeks. Successfully ending the first trimester will allow the woman to breathe deeply and calm down a little.

Pregnancy by trimester

After IVF, the stages of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters, just like a normal pregnancy. Each trimester is a kind of step towards achieving the long-awaited birth.

First trimester

The initial or first trimester is characterized by the transformation of a fertilized cell into an embryo, and an embryo into a fetus, and it lasts from the moment of conception to the 12th week. During this period, the laying of all organs in the child takes place.

The second stage is the second trimester of pregnancy, which is characterized by intensive development of the fetus and placenta. The second trimester covers the time frame from weeks 14 to 28.

This is how pregnancy develops from the 19th day of conception

Finally, the final or final stage of pregnancy is the period between the 25th and 40th weeks of gestation until the birth itself.

Why is the first trimester difficult after IVF?

First, at this time, the risk of pregnancy complications is highest and most likely, so it is extremely important for a woman to stay in a balanced state. The slightest emotional outbursts can negatively affect the course of pregnancy after IVF.

Secondly, the IVF procedure changes the hormonal stability of a woman by means of medications that can provoke hormonal imbalance, while during normal pregnancy and conception, a natural self-restructuring in the woman's body takes place for bearing a fetus.

From the beginning of the fourth week, the embryo begins to form intensively. During this period, the discharge from the female genital tract should be colorless, therefore, if any alarming changes are found, it is important to report the problem to the doctor as soon as possible.

Another risk in IVF planning can be such a common occurrence as an ectopic pregnancy. To exclude this pathology, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound scan without fail.

Be sure to watch this video:

Also, in vitro fertilization increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. However, it is possible that one of the embryos stops its development and dissolves. This phenomenon is safe for the remaining embryo and does not have a negative impact.

It happens that in women who have undergone IVF, the formation of the fetus can threaten with congenital malformations. Usually, for the complacency of a woman and doctors, an ultrasound examination is carried out at the 10th week of pregnancy in order to identify or absence, as well as the likelihood of a defect in the child.

How to keep pregnancy in the first trimester and reduce the risk?

Here are some simple rules:

  1. It is very important for the expectant mother to be observed in the very center where she underwent the IVF protocol.
  2. The patient needs to monitor her diet and intake of a number of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Mountain therapy at this stage is a must.
  4. A woman's attentive attitude to physical and emotional stress should protect her from all kinds of risks. You can not lift weights and engage in vigorous aerobic training.
  5. Adequate rest and sleep is another important condition for a favorable bearing of a child after IVF.
  6. It is highly recommended and to a greater extent shown to a woman for the period of the first trimester, walking in a forest park.
  7. Often, in order to reduce all kinds of risks, specialists offer a pregnant woman to be registered in a hospital.

The course of pregnancy without complications allows the patient to be observed on an outpatient basis - in the antenatal clinic. An immunogram can inform you about how pregnancy is going in the early stages after IVF.

Second trimester

The fourth month of pregnancy opens the second trimester, in which there are also some risks for the future woman in labor. A syndrome such as true-cervical insufficiency (ICI) is manifested by softening of the cervical canal of the uterus (cervix), entailing the risk of unexpected birth. In order to prevent and prevent this pathology, transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs and cervix is \u200b\u200bperformed, which allows you to more accurately determine the threat of ICI. Stitches may be placed on the cervix to avoid premature birth. A congenital feature and structure of the cervix, as well as multiple pregnancy, can become the predisposing causes of this phenomenon.

Particular importance, after IVF, should be given to such a possible risk as pathology of the placenta - a serious disorder that appears against the background of existing disorders of the reproductive system. To monitor the blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound scan and a Doppler method (Doppler) every month.


This complication during pregnancy is not fully understood, but this pathology proceeds in the form of a disorder in the functioning of the main organs, in particular the vascular and excretory system. One of the earliest signs of gestosis is swelling in the extremities.

In another way, gestosis is called dropsy of pregnant women. Of the most dangerous symptoms of gestosis, the presence of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure can be distinguished. Gestosis is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for her unborn child. Perhaps the development of fetal hypoxia and the risk of early birth. The woman needs urgent hospitalization.

For early detection of gestosis, it is important to constantly monitor body weight, blood pressure indicators, take a urine test and monitor daily urine output - this is the ratio of the fluid drunk and secreted by the body. Gestosis is treated in a stationary regime.

Third trimester

After 32 weeks, it is important to increase monitoring of placental maturity. The fact is that IVF adversely affects the placenta, and its premature aging after in vitro fertilization increases, which entails a disorder in the functioning of the organ.

In this video, a woman shares her experience of maintaining pregnancy after IVF:

Miscarriage and the threat of miscarriage

Probably the worst thing that a woman fears after many months since the beginning of the IVF procedure is a frozen pregnancy, that is, intrauterine fetal death. This dramatic phenomenon occurs more often in the first trimester of pregnancy, but late miscarriage is also a documented fact.

Symptoms of fetal development disorders

A woman complains of thick discharge from the genital tract. There are pulling pains in the pelvic region. Body temperature may also rise. Cessation of signs of toxicosis is characteristic of late miscarriage. Of course, premature fetal death can be caused by various reasons, the main of which are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Late age of a woman.
  3. The presence of chronic pathologies.
  4. Frequent stress.
  5. Failure to comply with the elementary assigned regime and much more.

As a prevention of hormonal deficiency, a woman can be prescribed hormonal drugs to correct the balance of estradiol and progesterone.

IVF ineffectiveness or why it did not work?

After the failed first IVF, it is extremely important to establish the root cause. Both partners may need to be tested again. Sometimes the solution to the problem is to change your hormonal treatment. Do not rush to carry out repeated IVF in the next, next cycles, as the probability of miscarriage is still high.

Harmonizing the woman's emotional and physical background will help her next IVF attempt. The broken hopes that a woman has after an unsuccessful attempt at this reproductive method may well be justified. But in this situation, there is a real chance of becoming pregnant as a result of the natural method. Indeed, according to statistical studies, many women became pregnant themselves, without assisted IVF. There is evidence that IVF helps a woman get pregnant naturally.

The dependence of self-conception on the age of the expectant mother

The following factors can facilitate self-conception after IVF:

  • intensive hormone therapy, which the woman received before the IVF method;
  • complete therapy and prevention of sluggish chronic ailments;
  • stabilization of the emotional state of a woman.

All this increases the chances of conceiving a child naturally.

Problems that interfere with natural conception are more extensive, and most often, conditions such as:

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  2. Inadequate development of the uterus (endometrial hypoplasia).
  3. Weak sperm activity.

Finally, a positive video about IVF:

Those who have encountered the difficulties of conceiving by the IVF method should not despair and it is important to realize that there are always chances. Write your stories in the comments. Share your IVF experience, help others. Thanks for visiting.

Not all women manage to conceive and bear a baby easily. Sometimes pregnancy does not occur for various, often incomprehensible reasons, and doctors, sadly throwing up their hands, diagnose “infertility”. However, for desperate women, there is always an opportunity to decide on an IVF pregnancy, having received the desired child.

But what if a family wants to have two children? Is a natural pregnancy possible after IVF or do you need to decide on repeated in vitro fertilization? Are there government quotas for a second child conceived with IVF? All these questions arise immediately, as soon as parents who have undergone a successful first IVF start planning a second pregnancy. Let's try to highlight the main points of the birth of a second baby after the first successful artificial insemination and answer popular questions.

What is IVF pregnancy and how is it different from usual?

Of course, the first IVF is already behind you, and your beloved child is already, most likely, attending, and possibly to a kindergarten or school. But let's remember what in vitro fertilization is.

IVF pregnancy is the only chance for couples who cannot have joint children. An unpleasant diagnosis of "infertility" is made by doctors in the event that a woman cannot become pregnant for two years, despite having a regular sex life without using any contraceptives. In this case, after passing all the tests, a decision is made on the need for medical intervention. In artificially created conditions, the fertilization of an egg (or maybe several) occurs with the partner's sperm. The resulting embryo is planted in the woman's uterus, where it develops in the most usual way.

That is why the first signs of pregnancy that appear after IVF are no different from the most standard signs that arise during the natural course of the process. But the course of pregnancy can be complicated by the characteristics of the female body, and therefore, the first trimester is usually accompanied by additional hormonal therapy.

IVF is offered to couples with different causes of infertility problems. This is the male factor, when there is too little sperm, and the absence of tubes in a woman, as well as their poor permeability, and the psychological factor, and much, much more. Nevertheless, over time for couples after the birth of their first child, a lot can change in life, in the body, and in the head. And at the moment when there is a desire to have a second child, it is worth analyzing the current situation.

Is a natural pregnancy possible after the first successful IVF?

As a rule, after suffering the first baby, parents are so confident in the acceptability of unprotected sex that they completely forget about protection. What are the contraceptives if the doctors said "infertility" ?! But the situation from the moment of the first conception and the birth of the first child can completely change. And the woman hypnotizes the test with two cheerful stripes in amazement ...

Indeed, studies conducted at different times and in different countries confirm the fact that a second natural pregnancy after IVF is quite likely. According to the findings of experts, as many as 17% of married couples are able to conceive a second or even a third child without outside interference.

Often, of all couples who applied for help, 12% have an unclear etiology of infertility that is not associated with obvious causes of hormonal or physiological disorders in a woman or with a low quality of sperm from a partner. But it is these couples who have the greatest chance of a spontaneous second pregnancy after IVF. Let's try to understand in what cases a turning point in the situation is possible.

Treatment of specific female diseases

One of the reasons pushing a woman to IVF pregnancy is obstruction of the fallopian tubes after any inflammatory diseases or hormonal imbalance in the body. A scenario is quite common when, after childbirth, the reproductive function in a woman's body is completely normalized. Often, a woman finds out this suddenly, being pregnant with her second baby.

Psychological factor

If the cause of infertility was unclear, given the full reproductive health of both partners, it may have been a psychological state of mind. Never underestimate a person's subconscious mind. Often, spontaneous conception is possible in such couples after childbirth, to which IVF pregnancy has led, and after - a natural pregnancy occurs against the background of a lack of haste and hidden fears very easily. The parents already have a baby, he was born, everything is in order with him, and I want a second baby, but this is not necessary. Confidence and relaxation allows you to simply enjoy life. Again, couples diagnosed with "infertility" rarely bother with contraception, so you can learn about the fall in moral attitudes that prevent pregnancy.

Partner problems

Children born after IVF, the first signs of pregnancy - all this is achievable if a woman has at least a uterus. And now the first-born is growing up. Is it possible to count on a second child conceived naturally if the matter is in a man? Or a combination of female and male factors?

Yes, this scenario is not ruled out. First, during this time a woman can change a lot, including ... her husband. In this case, there are no obstacles for repeated pregnancy. But if a couple loves each other and seeks to have another child, then a small miracle can happen even without IVF, a series of accidents is enough, in which the sperm still gets to the egg, giving a new little life.

If, after all, the second is also IVF

Depending on the age of the spouses, a natural pregnancy after IVF can be expected for several years. And if conception does not happen, and they really want a second baby, the couple begins to think again about IVF. This procedure is quite expensive, and success is achieved only in 30% of cases. Of course, a couple who are already raising a child think about whether the game is worth the candle.

Do not forget that sometimes IVF pregnancy is necessary after a natural pregnancy, when infertility manifested itself after a successful first birth. If you are wondering why the second pregnancy does not occur, you should familiarize yourself with the possible factors affecting this process in this article.

Many future parents received their first IVF pregnancy under the state quota, which significantly saved the family budget. But can you count on a free procedure a second time?

The order of the Ministry of Health regarding the city of Moscow specifies that a free quota is provided for couples who are diagnosed with infertility and do not have children in common. Nevertheless, there are regional programs, and there are federal ones. In regional programs, you can often find restrictions on the presence of children and the age of a woman.

But the federal program provides for the opportunity to receive a free quota even for couples who have a common child, regardless of the age of the partners. As a rule, this concerns only one attempt and is performed only in Moscow clinics that have won an annual tender.

There is only one criterion for obtaining a federal quota - the presence of indications for IVF, however, the commission takes into account the forecast for a favorable outcome of the procedure and the state of health of the applied woman.

Go for it, and you will definitely succeed. Forward, for the second baby!

A number of couples are diagnosed with infertility. This diagnosis is not a sentence, since many methods have been developed by which this condition can be overcome, for example, IVF.

The procedure is popular and helps many couples find desired babies. Let's consider in the article whether natural pregnancy is possible after the IVF procedure and the reasons due to which it is quite possible.

Can I get pregnant on my own after the procedure?

Many couples dream of children, but this is not always possible. The IVF procedure is popular, but it does not always turn out to be effective. Many resort to this procedure, but the question remains "is it possible to become pregnant on your own after in vitro fertilization?"

In case of unsuccessful attempts

It's hard to realize that what you've been striving for has gone to waste. But do not be upset, because, according to statistics, there are chances of conceiving a baby naturally after an unsuccessful attempt to carry out the protocol. And scientists say they are even going up. The couple does not need to lose hope and should try again and again. Pregnancy is possible in the next cycle after an unsuccessful attempt.

It should be remembered that after IVF, the body needs to recover and gain strength.

After successful in vitro fertilization

Having received the desired child, parents often stop using contraceptives. The diagnosis is "infertility", the possibility of natural conception tends to zero. But one day a woman, after negative, receives a test with two strips, which amazes her a lot.

The fact is that often infertility is of unclear etiology, which has nothing to do with hormonal changes or with the physiological characteristics of the body. These conditions can go away on their own, which leads to the possibility of re-pregnancy in a natural way.

Is it possible in case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes?

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a condition in which there is a violation of the movement of the egg from the ovary through the fallopian tubes for the purpose of fertilization. For the treatment of this pathology, doctors offer many methods, but one of the most effective is laparoscopy.

After carrying out this manipulation, time is given to carry out a natural pregnancy. If this event did not occur, then IVF is considered the last exit. But the situation can change after pregnancy and childbirth, and the couple has an increased chance of conceiving a baby naturally.

Reasons why conception is likely

There are a huge number of causal factors due to which pregnancy can occur naturally. The main factors in natural pregnancy are:

  • hormonal support over a long period of time;
  • cure for a specific female pathology;
  • the state of readiness of the body for pregnancy;
  • psychological attitude;
  • improving the health of partners;
  • lifestyle change.

Long-term hormonal support

The protocol for the in vitro fertilization procedure implies long-term therapy with a number of hormonal drugs that enhance the course of various processes in the woman's body.

In hormonal terms, the period is similar to the time before ovulation, when the maximum concentration of hormonal substances in the blood is observed.

Treatment of specific female pathology

One of the most common indications for IVF is obstruction of the fallopian tubes., which occurs most often after infectious and inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs. Various methods of treatment are used to treat it.

Often in practice, there are cases when pregnancy does not occur after therapy, but can occur after IVF pregnancy.

The state of readiness of the body for conception

Hormone therapy for IVF is a preparation for future conception and a successful pregnancy. Even if IVF is unsuccessful, the body remains in a prepared state, which is the basis for a possible future pregnancy.

Psychological attitude

Quite often, the cause of infertility remains unknown, and a psychological attitude can be a factor in this condition. Spontaneous conception is very common after successful IVF and subsequent successful pregnancy. This is due to the lack of oppression, unnecessary fears and haste. A kind of emotional barrier is removed, without which the chances of conception increase dramatically.

Improving the health of partners

In preparation for the IVF procedure, each of the partners undergoes training... It consists in correcting the identified deviations from the norm by appropriate treatment. Even minor pathological processes in the body of a man or woman can serve as the basis for achieving the desired result, and when these are eliminated, everything becomes possible.

Lifestyle change

Preparation for IVF is not only a protocol, but also adherence to the daily regimen, as well as a rational and balanced diet.

Often, stress, lack of any nutrients in the body are the cause of a violation of the hormonal status of a woman. Elimination of these factors leads to the normalization of the state of the body and the conception of a child.


It is customary to refer to the features of natural pregnancy:

  • tendency to miscarriage;
  • high risk of developing placental insufficiency and gestosis with subsequent delay in fetal development.

In order to prevent these conditions, constant monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist is required with the passage of all the necessary diagnostic measures:

  • ultrasound procedure;
  • biochemical tests.

Throughout pregnancy, hormonal support is needed in order to avoid disturbances in placentation and further development of the fetus.


Delivery can proceed:

  • physiological way;
  • by Caesarean section.

Conducting labor through the natural birth canal in this case has no peculiarities. A caesarean section may be indicated if:

  • the duration of infertility was about 5 years;
  • the woman is over 35 years old;
  • there are chronic diseases for which this method of delivery is indicated;
  • gestosis.

Natural pregnancy after in vitro fertilization - is it possible? Yes, it is possible. The main thing is not to give up, constantly be monitored by a specialist, comply with all prescribed appointments and believe in the best.

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