Muffins for children recipes. We cook aromatic and delicious muffins and cupcakes at home. For children and with them! What kind of cupcakes can children

Mechanized tools 12.09.2020
Mechanized tools

Cottage cheese muffins for children turn out to be very aromatic and appetizing, the delicate taste goes well with tea for breakfast. This is a great option for a child - after all, they need to cook not only healthy, but also tasty.

The main ingredient in children's cake is thermally processed cottage cheese. It contains a lot of protein, which is well absorbed in the child's body and is indispensable during active growth. Protein takes part in the construction of cell and tissue structures. He is also responsible for the transport of vitamins and minerals to the organs, supports the proper functioning of the immune system. Protein during heat treatment is completely absorbed by the body. Also, in the composition of cottage cheese there are many trace elements necessary for a growing body, such as phosphorus and calcium. They help maintain the health and strength of bones, participate in the process of hematopoiesis, prevent rickets, heart and kidney pathologies.

The cottage cheese contains B vitamins, which take an active part in metabolic processes, normalize the work of the children's nervous system, and help to saturate the body with energy. Dishes with it do not burden the digestive system and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Cupcakes are good for the brain, as they also contain carbohydrates that are absorbed at high speed and feed the brain.

You can add walnuts to the recipe to feed the growing brain with polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can safely give your child a homemade cupcake. This way you can be sure that the product does not contain colorants, flavor enhancers and preservatives. Children love muffins and enjoy eating them with juices or compotes.

But you do not need to overuse baked goods, since, despite their harmlessness, they are high-calorie foods. They should be given to the child within reasonable limits.

Cottage cheese is one of the first products that is introduced into complementary foods for an infant. By 1 year, the daily rate can reach 50 g. At 1.5 - 2 years, the diet can include not only one cottage cheese, but also a variety of dishes based on it: lazy dumplings, pudding, muffins, etc. And at 2 - 3 years - casseroles and cheese cakes.

To feed the child, cottage cheese can be prepared at home from sourdough and milk. Recommended. But it is also allowed to buy in the store. This is a perishable product, so you should always carefully look at the storage time and production date.

But it is not necessary for the child to take too fatty cottage cheese for cooking - it is recommended up to 9%. The composition can include butter and eggs. The main thing is that these products are also fresh and well tolerated by the baby's body. For a child, the baking time should be halved, candied fruits, raisins and dried apricots should be added.

Classic kids cupcake

To prepare delicious classic cottage cheese muffins for a child, you will need:

Cooking process:

With raisins

To make delicious and nutritious baby raisin cupcakes, you need:

  • 180 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • seedless raisins;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 120 g flour;
  • soda.

Cooking process:

Vanilla muffins

Vanilla cake will be loved by every child in taste and aroma. For cooking you will need:

  • 270 g flour;
  • 220 g of cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a spoonful of vanilla sugar;
  • 270 g sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • 220 g butter.

Cooking process:

Christmas cupcakes for children

This recipe is suitable for children from 3 years old. For cooking you need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 220 g sour cream;
  • 320 g of cottage cheese;
  • 270 g sugar;
  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 150 g of any crushed nuts;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • just a little cinnamon for a tart holiday flavor.

Cooking process:

With banana

Cottage cheese muffins with banana will become the child's favorite delicacy. For the recipe you need:

  • 2 large ripe bananas;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 170 g sugar;
  • 170 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 2 large spoons of sour cream, can be replaced with kefir or yogurt;
  • soda;
  • 220 g wheat flour.

Cooking process:

Kefir muffins

Kefir muffins are not as high in calories, but they are just as tasty as in the classic recipe. To make dessert you will need:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • 180 g of cottage cheese;
  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • soda;
  • 200 g of sugar.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Beat eggs and sugar, pour in kefir, add soda, mix well.
  2. Add soft grated cottage cheese and mix until smooth.
  3. Add flour and knead the dough.
  4. Spread the molds with butter, put the dough.
  5. The oven is best in a double boiler, if available, for 40 minutes. Willingness to check with a wooden toothpick.

I am writing for myself so as not to forget. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Milk noodle soup can be prepared for children over 1 year old.

Products for two portions of children: Milk - 0.5 liters Spider web vermicelli - 3 tbsp. (better than hard varieties) Butter - 1 tsp. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons (adjust sweetness to taste)

Cottage cheese casserole

Ingredients for making casserole: cottage cheese 200 gr. granulated sugar 3-4 tbsp semolina 3 tbsp egg 1 pc. butter (for greasing the mold) sour cream 1 tbsp. vanillin raisins (or other dried fruits)
First of all, steam the raisins with boiling water.
Next, grind the cottage cheese with a fork, drive in the egg and grind it well with the cottage cheese.
Add granulated sugar, semolina and vanillin to the resulting mass. Mix everything well.
We wash the raisins under cold water, remove unnecessary tails from it and add to the curd mass.
Grease the form thoroughly with butter.
We spread the mass for the casserole in a mold, level and grease the top with sour cream.
We send to the hot oven. We cook at 180 degrees for half an hour. Remove the curd casserole from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can decorate the cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child with fresh berries.

Apple pancakes with cinnamon

Required products: Soft apples - 3 pcs. Sour cream (15-20%) - 50 gr. Wheat flour (premium grade) - 3 tbsp. l. Cinnamon (ground) - ¼ tsp Chicken egg - 1 pc. Powdered sugar (sugar) - optional. For frying, olive or sunflower oil.
1. We need to select apples suitable for this recipe, preferably juicy and soft varieties, since hard apples do not have such a rich aroma. Let's start making apple pancakes with cinnamon. First, you need to thoroughly rinse the selected apples under running water.
2. Using a special apple cutter, core each apple. Such cutting will greatly facilitate the preparation of this dish, because by removing the core, it also cuts the apples into several parts.
3. Grate the apples with the skin on a coarse grater. If desired, the apples can be cut into small pieces, so the pancakes will crunch a little on the teeth.
4. Separately in a clean and dry bowl put grated apples, put the required amount of sour cream of any fat content, add an egg, ground cinnamon, flour.
5. Stir all ingredients. You should get a dough similar in consistency to mashed potatoes. If you have a desire or you are very fond of sweets, then you can add a little powdered sugar or regular sugar to the dough.
6. Heat a little sunflower or olive oil in a frying pan, then fry the apple pancakes over low heat until cooked on both sides. Add sunflower or olive oil if necessary. If apple pancakes are fried with the lid closed, they will turn out to be fluffy and soft. Put the finished dish on a plate with a paper towel. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess oil that was absorbed into the pancakes during frying. 7. Also, according to the described recipe, you can cook apple pancakes in the oven. In this case, it is necessary to spread the dough on a baking sheet with a tablespoon and bake in the oven at a temperature of about 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Put the finished apple pancakes on a dish, on one side, beautifully lay out thinly sliced \u200b\u200bapple slices and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

Semolina balls

For cooking, we need: 3 cups of milk 5 tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon of butter (20 grams) 1 cup of semolina 1 large egg (or 2 small) sunflower oil for frying flour or breadcrumbs

Bring milk to a boil, add butter and sugar. If you eat them with sour cream, you can put 6 tablespoons of sugar, and if with condensed milk, then 5 tablespoons without a slide will be enough.
Pour 1 glass of semolina and stir constantly over low heat. It thickens instantly, so if you don't want your meatballs to be lumpy, do not be too lazy to stir continuously for 2-3 minutes. And it is very important that the fire is small.
Cook until thick, remove from heat and literally 5 minutes later add the egg and mix well. Do not wait for it to cool completely, because the mass will thicken even more and it will be difficult to mix it with the egg. And after mixing with the egg, you can leave it until it cools completely. I usually do all this in the evening, and in the morning I just fry it.
Heat the pan well, pour in a little sunflower oil.
We take an incomplete tablespoon of dough, form a ball, add it a little and bread in flour on both sides. Experience has shown that balls are easier to form if hands are slightly moistened with water.
We prepare the number of balls to fit in the pan. I got 7 things. By the way, the fewer there are in the pan, the faster and more evenly they will be fried.
Put the meatballs in a preheated pan, fry over medium heat until golden brown, 3-5 minutes.
Put the meatballs fried on both sides on a paper towel so that the excess oil is absorbed.

Sweet pasta with cottage cheese and cream

Ingredients: pasta farfalle / bows / butterflies - 100 g fresh cottage cheese 5-9% fat - 50 g drinking cream 10-20% fat - 50 ml walnuts - 3-4 kernels white or brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without top butter - ½ teaspoon salt on the tip of a spoon.
1. Grind the kernels of walnuts in a coffee grinder or mortar into small, but tangible pieces. Mix with sugar.
2. Cook pasta / pasta farfalle until "al dente" (taking into account the recommendations on the package, but 5 minutes less). Salt water is mandatory.
3. In a deep skillet / saucepan, bring the cream and unsalted butter to a boil.
4. Add bows and mix thoroughly.
5. Sprinkle the pasta with cottage cheese on top. Fry all the ingredients together for just a few minutes, and be sure to stir constantly. The hot curd will begin to melt slightly and "pull" for the spoon / fork.
6. Put hot sweet pasta with cottage cheese and cream on a portioned plate, generously sprinkle with a mixture of walnuts and granulated sugar.

Curd pudding

Products: Cottage cheese - 200 gr. Eggs - 1 pc. Sour cream - 2 tbsp. for gravy Sugar - 2 tsp. Butter - 1 tsp Bread crumbs - 1 tbsp. l. for sprinkling the mold.

1. Dairy products for pudding must be fresh. For children, it is better to buy cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and eggs of home origin from a trusted person. If the cottage cheese is store-bought, give preference to medium-fat varieties (optimally 9% fat). 2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it fine and porous.

3. Mix the yolk with sugar and grind.
4. Pour the grated yolk into the curd.
5. Beat the whites into a thick foam. You can add a little salt for quick whipping.
6. Add the protein foam to the curd mass and mix gently.

7. Put the curd mass into a mold previously greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. If a silicone mold is used for baking, greasing and sprinkling is not necessary.
8. Bake the curd pudding in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Carrot cutlets - recipe in the oven

Products: Carrots - 250 gr. (or 1 large piece) Apple - 150 gr. (or 1 medium apple) Dried apricots - 6 or 7 pcs. Milk - 150 ml. Oil drain. - 20 gr. Semolina or coconut flour - 3 tbsp. Egg - 1pc.
1. Grate the apple and carrots on a medium-fine grater.
2. Chop dried apricots in advance. I just put it through a garlic press.
2. Put a saucepan with milk (150 ml.) On the stove.
3. Add prepared carrots and apples to milk. Mix.
5. Add the crushed dried apricots to a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. Until soft.
6. When the vegetable mass becomes soft, add three tbsp. tablespoons of semolina. But I still have some funky coconut flour in my bins, so I added it. And add a piece of butter (you can do without it). Since I have coconut flour, I also put coconut oil.
7. Cool the carrot mass a little, and add one egg. Mix.
8. Form cutlets from the carrot mass and place either on a baking sheet covered with baking paper or in a silicone mold. Bake at 180g. 20 minutes.

Zucchini muffins with carrots

Ingredients: marrow - 500 gr., Chicken egg - 2 pcs., Onion - 1 head, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Salt, vegetable oil, flour - 0.7-1 tbsp., Baking powder - 1/2 tsp .l.
1. The basis of the muffin dough is directly the zucchini itself, onions and eggs.
2. Cut the onion into small cubes together with the zucchini peeled from the skin and seeds.
3. Add two eggs, salt and grind with a hand blender.
4. Add wheat flour and baking powder to make the dough fluffy.
5. Stir. The muffin dough should be thicker than sour cream.
6. Add boiled carrots, cut into small cubes. Leave a few carrot rings intact for garnish.
7. Lubricate small baking tins (like for muffins) with butter or vegetable oil.
8. Fill them with dough just below the edges.
9. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes until tender.

Cooking lazy curds

Ingredients: 1 pack of cottage cheese - 250 gr., 2 chicken eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tbsp. liquid sour cream or kefir, 1 tbsp. semolina, a pinch of salt, a pinch of soda, about 1 tbsp. flour, vegetable oil.
1. Mash cottage cheese with a fork, grind with salt, sugar and sour cream. Add beaten eggs and flour mixed with baking soda. The dough should not be very thick (thicker than sour cream).
2. Put the dough for lazy curds into a frying pan with vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon each so that the curds do not stick together.
3. When the curds "grow up" a little and holes appear in them (as in ordinary fluffy pancakes on kefir), they need to be turned over and fried on the other side.

Milk soup with buckwheat

To cook milk soup with buckwheat, you must have: 0.5 liters of milk, a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat, a tablespoon of butter and salt.
First, you need to boil buckwheat in water. For my children, I take a cut. The soup from it turns out to be very soft and tender.
Pour the milk into another saucepan, boil and add a little salt. Add boiled milk to buckwheat, mix and let it boil for 5 minutes. The amount of buckwheat is determined by the child's preferences. If the baby loves thick soup, then you can add more of it, but do not forget that the soup is being cooked, not porridge.
Then add a piece of butter. To add color during cooking, you can add a little carrots or corn to milk soup with buckwheat.
If the baby is still very small and does not know how to chew well, then the soup can be grinded on a blender, although the consistency is rather soft and creamy.

Minced pasta casserole

Ingredients: minced meat - 200 gr., Onions - 1 pc., Dried bell pepper - 1 tsp, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. asterisk pasta, salt to taste, 1 tbsp. water.
Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onions and dried bell peppers.
Add the beaten egg and season with salt.
Pour in pasta - no need to boil it, just add it raw. To stir thoroughly.
Then add sour cream mayonnaise. Pour in water and let stand for a while (about 10 minutes).
After that, put everything in a greased form with vegetable oil.
Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.
The most important thing is not to dry it out, as the stars can dry out and become ordinary dried pasta, which is completely unpleasant to eat. Therefore, keep an eye on the required amount of water. You can cover the dish with foil for 30 minutes, and bake without foil for the last 10 minutes.

Omelet with vegetables

Ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 150 grams of baby milk, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, salt, ½ teaspoon butter, red bell pepper, green onions and dill.
1. First, prepare the omelet in the usual way: beat eggs with salt and milk. Then add a tablespoon of oatmeal - this can be crushed oatmeal. Put a piece of butter in a preheated pan and pour out the omelet. Cut the sweet bell pepper into pieces, chop the greens. While the omelet has not yet grabbed, pour pepper and herbs on top, spreading evenly.
2. Fry a little omelet over low heat so that the bottom is almost ready. Then, using a wooden spatula, fold the omelet in half.
3. In this case, all the filling is hidden inside the omelet. Cover tightly with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.
4. Now the lid can be removed - the omelet with the secret inside is ready. This is how magnificent it will be if you cook it correctly.

Omelet with cottage cheese

Products: Eggs - 2 pcs. Cottage cheese - 100 gr. Baby milk - half a glass Salt to taste
For a hearty omelet with cottage cheese, take two chicken eggs,
whisk them with salt.
Take 100 grams of fresh cottage cheese.
Add cottage cheese to the egg mixture and mash with a fork.
beat well again.
Pour in half a glass of baby milk,
stir until smooth.
Put a teaspoon of butter in a preheated skillet and pour the omelette. When it starts to boil, stir with a wooden spatula.
After 3 minutes, cover and reduce heat. After 5 minutes, a very hearty breakfast dish is ready.

Zucchini pancakes for children - Sweet with apples

You will need: an apple and an egg - 1 pc each; a quarter of a medium-sized zucchini; sour cream - 1 tbsp. the spoon; sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons; flour - 2.5 tbsp. spoons. For children from 1 year old. But if you cook them in a double boiler or oven, then you can give this dish to babies up to 1 year old.
1. Peel the zucchini and apple from seeds and skin
2. Grate on a coarse grater. Berner's slicing makes it easier for me to do this. Stir and leave for five to ten minutes to let the apple juice.
3. Add sugar, flour, egg and sour cream.
4. Stir.
5. Spread one tablespoon of dough on the heated vegetable oil, forming thin pancakes.
6. Fry on both sides over medium heat. 7. Serve with sour cream or take a bite with tea.

Cupcakes for kids you can bake both for every day and prepare them for a festive table.

Raisin cupcake (for children from 1.5 years old)


* sugar - 100 g
* vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
* millet flour. - 300 g
* chicken egg - 3 pcs.
* soda - 1/3 tsp
* sour cream - 120 g
* raisins - 100 g

Preparation: To make a cupcake, first beat the sugar and eggs. Then add sour cream and vegetable oil there and mix everything. Put flour and soda in the dough. Mix the cake dough well.

We wash the raisins and dry them on a towel, roll them in flour. Add it to the dough and mix.
Lubricate the cake pan with vegetable oil and put the dough into it 2/3 of the volume.

We cook the cake with raisins in a double boiler (45 minutes) or bake it in the oven for 30-35 minutes (we check the readiness with a wooden stick - if there is no dough left on it, then the cake is ready).

Curd muffins (for children from 2 years old)


* sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
* soda - 0.5 tsp
* chicken egg - 1 pc.
* cottage cheese - 200 g
* millet flour. - 2 tbsp. spoons
* semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons

Preparation: Beat egg with sugar. After that add the curd and stir. Then add soda, slaked vinegar, semolina and flour, mix.

Lubricate the baking tins with oil and fill them with curd mass. We bake the cottage cheese muffins in the oven for 30 minutes (you can also cook them in a double boiler for 40 minutes). Delicious and light muffins are obtained, to which you can serve your baby cherry compote or fruit cocktail.

Christmas cupcakes for children (from 3 years old)


* chicken egg - 6 pcs.
* margarine (or better butter) - 250 g
* sour cream - 500 g
* sugar - 1 glass
* millet flour. - 600 g
* nuts - 100 g
* salt - a pinch
* honey - 1 tsp
* soda - 1 tsp
* cinnamon - 1 tsp

Preparation: To make Christmas muffins, grind the margarine (butter) with sugar, add the yolks and mix. Add sour cream and soda, mix. Beat the whites and add them to the dough, mix. Drown honey, add cinnamon there and mix, add to the dough. Grind the nuts with a blender or grind them through a meat grinder.

Add flour, nuts and salt to the dough. Knead the dough well, it should be similar to thick sour cream.

Lubricate the curly forms with vegetable oil and put the dough in them. We bake in the oven until tender (the cooking time will depend on the size of the muffins, for not very large cakes, 30 minutes will be enough, for medium ones - about 45 minutes, and for large ones - about an hour).

Kefir cupcakes (for children from 1.5 years old)


* kefir - 1 glass
* millet flour. - 400 g
* chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.
* soda - 0.5 tsp
* sugar - 1 glass

Preparation: Beat eggs and add soda, kefir, sugar, mix. Add flour and knead the dough well. Lubricate the tins with butter and put the muffin dough there.

We bake or cook the muffins in a double boiler for 30-45 minutes. We check the readiness with a wooden stick.

Kefir cupcakes are very tasty, they will appeal to both adults and children.

In section "Cupcake for children»Presents recipes for children's cupcakes and muffins. For children, small portioned cupcakes are better than a large piece of cupcake. These small muffins are easy to hold and eat. You can bake banana or curd muffins, add raisins or pieces of other dried fruits to them, corn muffins for children are delicious.

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: banana (large, ripe) - 2 pcs.; butter - 100 g; sugar - 130 g; sour cream (yogurt, kefir) - 2 tbsp. spoons; soda - 1 tsp; wheat flour - 200 g

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: kefir - 1 glass; chicken egg - 1 pc .; banana - 1 pc.; sugar - 1/3 cup; soda - 1/2 tsp; vegetable oil (refined) - 2 tbsp. spoons; buckwheat flour - 1/2 cup; buckwheat flakes - 1 glass

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: milk - 200 ml; vegetable oil - 50 ml; sugar - 100-150 g; soda - 1/2 tsp; lemon juice (extinguish soda); potato starch - 50 g; whole wheat flour - 200 g; dried fruits (raisins and dried apricots) - 200 g

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: chicken egg - 4 pcs .; sour cream - 120 g; butter - 4 tbsp. spoons; sugar - 120 g; wheat flour - 350 g; soda - 1/3 tsp; raisins - 100g

AGE: 3 years

COMPOSITION: chicken egg (large) - 2 pcs.; butter (margarine) - 100 g; sugar - 1/3 cup; soda - 1/2 tsp (slaked with lemon juice or vinegar); rice flour - 1 cup (incomplete, 200 g); black currant (fresh or frozen) - 150 g

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: kefir - 1 glass; chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.; sugar - 1 glass; wheat flour - 400 g; soda - 1/2 tsp

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: warm water - 150 g; sugar - 70 g; yogurt - 3 tbsp. spoons; soda - 1/3 tsp; corn flour - 100 g; millet flour - 50 g; buckwheat flour - 50 g

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: kefir - 200 ml; chicken egg - 2 pcs.; butter - 125 g; soda - 1/2 tsp; sugar - 200 g; vanilla sugar - 1 sachet; flour (wheat flour, I have oat flour) - 200 g; black currant - 100-200 g

AGE: 2 years

COMPOSITION: chicken egg - 1 pc. or egg yolk - 2 pcs.; vegetable oil - 50 ml; milk (I have goat) - 100 ml; sugar - 60-100 g; vanilla sugar - 1 tsp; soda - 1/2 tsp (slaked with lemon juice or vinegar); salt - a pinch; corn flour - 100 g; rice flour - 100 g; candied fruits (berries can be used)

AGE: 1.5 years

COMPOSITION: cottage cheese - 200 g; kefir - 200 ml; sugar - 100 g; soda - 1/2 tsp; salt - a pinch; corn flour - 100 g; semolina - 100 g

Recipe for "Children's" cake for 100 grams:

Cooking technology for the "Children's" cake.

I'll tell you what changes I made to the recipe for the "Children's" cake, I will adapt it for myself. First, I eliminated raisins. My children don't like him, so I just ignored him. And secondly, if you see such a word as melange in the table, and you just can't figure out where I have it in the photo of the ingredients, then I will tell you that melange are ordinary eggs, only without shells, and already with mixed yolk- protein. That is, 122 grams of melange is 2 eggs, each weighing 67-69 grams. And I took a little less sugar, about 20 grams.

The butter for the muffins needs to be softened in order to beat well. Please note: not melted, but soft!

Beat butter in a bowl with a blender, after adding all the sugar to it. This will take about ten minutes. Sugar is better to take small.

Peel the carrots and grate the smallest hedgehog.
Add a pinch of salt, a pinch of baking soda, a couple of drops of vanilla essence, carrots and 2 eggs to the beaten butter.
Don't be afraid in sweet baked goods of carrots! It gives not only a beautiful shade, but also lightness and usefulness.

Beat everything for another minute, and then add flour (and, if using, raisins). Stir well.
Stir briefly, until the moment when pure flour is not visible.

I have classic round muffin bakeware.

Fill the tins with dough, keeping the muffins slightly raised.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Bake the muffins for about 25 minutes. Then check for a dry stick: if the stick came out without stuck dough specks, then everything is ready.

Let the cupcakes stand for 10 minutes and choose from the molds.
Cool and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Enjoy your tea drinking with the "Children's" cupcake like in kindergarten!

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