The child kicked in the chest. What if a girl hits her chest hard? What symptoms indicate the development of mastopathy

Marble 12.09.2020

Women should take care of their breasts as well as the rest of the body. There are various reasons for chest pain. Often, the cause of the development of pathology is the consequences of a blow, which are obvious to a woman, since the pain arose immediately after injury. The symptom can manifest itself not only in the form of painful sensations, but also in other signs.

Site site convinces readers to be attentive. It is better to avoid various blows to the chest, as hematomas can lead to unpleasant consequences. Like any blow to the body, after it there is damage to soft tissues, violation of the integrity of the skin, internal bleeding, deformation. If the blow hits the chest, then a rupture of the breast tissue may occur, the nipple may be deformed, and swelling may appear. All this is accompanied by pain and visible signs of damage.

It is good if after the blow all tissues heal and the body recovers. However, damaged cells can lead to the development of various nodes and neoplasms. Numerous diseases of the mammary gland have the ability to calmly develop in the damaged organ. In addition to painful discomfort, a woman can learn about the unpleasant consequences of a bruise.

Where can you get a blow to the mammary gland?

A blow to can occur in any life situation. It is most often affected by women practicing martial arts or performing work related to the possibility of assault (for example, police officers). Women engaged in physical work or sports are also susceptible to various blows.

Household chores can also lead to accidental blows: falls, bruises, sprains, and carrying heavy objects. We also note that it is the woman who is engaged in raising young children. These cute creatures quickly grow strong. Since they are constantly in the arms of their mothers, they inflict numerous blows on the chest with their legs and arms.

Impact symptoms

A blow to the mammary gland is accompanied by the same symptoms as to any other area of \u200b\u200bthe body:

  1. Pain appears first, which may be mild.
  2. It is possible that the soft tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bimpact turn red due to damage.
  3. When palpating, you can feel a seal, which consists of blood, affected muscles and glandular tissue.
  4. A hematoma appears, which may not appear on the skin as a bluish spot.
  5. When probing a hematoma, you can feel pain of a mild nature, but quite unpleasant.

The breasts may swell slightly after a blow, indicating swelling. After a couple of days, the pain should subside. This can happen earlier, depending on the force of the blow and the number of damaged cells. If after 6-7 days the pain does not go away, moreover, it intensifies, then you should consult a doctor for an examination. Complications after injury are possible.

Of course, doctors recommend in any case to contact them after bruises of the breast in order to prevent the development of mastopathy and other diseases. However, many women will neglect this advice. In their case, we advise you to contact a mammologist if the painful sensations persist for a long time or intensify even more. In this case, we can definitely talk about the development of some kind of disease.

Mastopathy as a result

What is it that can result from a bruised breast? This is a formation in the mammary gland, which consists of the tissues of the organ itself. As a result of a bruise, an overgrowth of the tissues of the gland can occur, which will have the character of a seal.

A woman with mastopathy will feel pain and discomfort in the chest throughout the day. Some believe that mastopathy can lead to cancer if the woman is not treated. That is why it is recommended not to delay a visit to a mammologist, who will conduct all the research and prescribe a treatment that will help in recovery.

With nodular mastopathy, a surgical operation will be performed to remove the neoplasm. However, a woman should know that a new nodular seal may appear at the site of the removed injury, therefore, the mammologist should be visited at regular intervals in order to undergo a preventive examination and start treatment in a timely manner.

Symptoms indicating mastopathy

If, after a blow to the mammary gland, mastopathy develops inside, a woman can recognize it by the following symptoms:

  1. A slight swelling appears in the area where the swelling occurs in the gland.
  2. Pain appears immediately after the impact, does not go away for a long time and only intensifies.
  3. Concerned about pains, cracks, changes in the appearance of the nipple, seals.
  4. The breasts will become slightly heavy due to the enlargement of the breast.
  5. Discharge begins to appear from the breast according to the type of blood or colostrum.
  6. Lymph nodes swollen under the armpits.

Pain in mastopathy can be independent or occur with pressure, palpation of the breast. It can be aching or stabbing. It is also capable of radiating to the neck. Can disturb a woman even when she is dressing, which creates significant discomfort. If you have these symptoms, then see your doctor immediately.

Dangers of hematoma on the chest

After a blow, a hematoma or bruise may appear on the chest. The danger is precisely the hematoma. Why? When it occurs, a blood clot forms under the skin, which was released when small vessels and capillaries were damaged. This clot is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that can enter the breast through small cracks or lesions. After a blow to the chest, you should carefully monitor your own condition and prevent the ingress of bacteria, as they will provoke inflammation or decay, which will lead to the development of disease.

After a blow, a small lump may appear on the chest, which is rather negligent. However, often cancer diseases are the result of such strokes, which are noted in the history of patients.

We avoid possible troubles

Chest pain is not only the result of bruises and bumps. Many women lead such a lifestyle, which is also accompanied by chest discomfort:

  • Improper diet, which can lead to obesity and, as a result, pain.
  • Wearing tight or small underwear that squeezes and presses on the mammary gland, causing the surrounding tissue to ache.
  • Emotional and physical condition. Various diseases can give chest pain. Stress can cause chest pain.
  • Wrong daily routine when a woman does not rest.
  • Incorrect posture during sleep, when a woman squeezes her chest while lying on her stomach.
  • Feeling unwell.


In order for predictions for various pathologies and diseases of the breast to be made favorable, a woman should pay attention to her own health, sensations in the glands, and also feel them to identify seals, pain. Doctors note that it is quite easy to eliminate diseases at the stage when they still do not bother women with their symptoms. In this case, it is enough to carry out drug treatment, which will avoid surgical intervention.

In medical practice, chest contusion is a very rare occurrence, and accounts for only 2% of 100 mechanical injuries, with which patients turn to traumatologists. Such an injury can lead to serious consequences in the form of complications of damage to this area of \u200b\u200bthe female body.

This injury, received by a woman for any reason, can be characterized as follows: damage to the mammary gland is a closed injury to the cavity tissues, the danger of which lies in the possible complications after receiving it.

ICD injury code 10

The international classification of diseases according to the ICD 10 list implies the finding of this injury under the S20.0 code and is placed in the subsections of diseases according to the ICD 10 code, starting with S20.0 - breast contusion of the ICD, and ending with S20.28 - and unaccounted for.

The reasons

The causes of breast damage in women can be divided into two groups:


Severe contusion of the mammary glands is characterized by the occurrence of a pronounced hematoma that occurs at the site of injury. Hematoma bruising can be visualized both by external manifestations and by subcutaneous processes.

In most cases, bruises go away without the use of any drugs to stop them, after some time has elapsed, which is required for the restoration of epithelial tissue. Minor bruises usually go away without any visible complications. Cell death in such situations is extremely rare.

If a foreign body gets inside the bruised place in the form of a certain amount of dirt, the bruise can be very painful and suppuration and abscess may appear in its place. If, in this case, with a bruised breast in a woman, no efforts are made to provide assistance, the situation may end in adverse consequences.

Quite frequent symptoms with this injury are complaints of the formation of a compacted area at the site of the injury. According to statistics, the manifestations of oncology characteristic of this symptom are rare, but they cannot be excluded. Until now, no connection has been identified between mechanical damage to the breast and the occurrence of cancer.

In some cases, hemorrhages in the mammary gland form scars that can condense into adipose tissue and become visible to the naked eye. In this case, the chest is deformed, and the site of the injury becomes similar to a retracted section of the epithelium.

In some cases, with a pinpoint injury, for example, during breastfeeding, there may be a modification of the nipple caused by a baby bite. A characteristic symptom of such damage is the discharge of fluid from the nipples.

A characteristic sign of a woman receiving a breast injury is also a change in the skin color of the damaged area. Bursting vessels located in the surface layers of the lymph provoke small hemorrhages that stain the upper layers of the skin, so that the site of the injury can be seen.

First aid

In order to minimize the severe consequences of a woman's chest trauma, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner.

Many people who have witnessed an injury to the female breast fall into a stupor and do not know what to do with a bruised chest? How to help an unhappy woman in the first minutes before an ambulance arrives?

First you need to inspect the damaged area for hematomas and other injuries caused by bruising. If the bruise manifests itself as a closed wound, immobilize the damaged area by applying a compression bandage on it.

If possible, something cold should be applied to the bandage to both stop or prevent internal bleeding in the breast. Then call an ambulance, while the victim should be at rest until the ambulance team arrives.

Diagnostics and treatment

Treatment of a bruised breast requires accurate diagnosis. Initially, when such an injury occurs, if a woman is capable, she should examine her mammary gland for hematomas or other visible lesions.

In case of severe bruises, self-diagnosis should be carried out in front of a mirror, not excluding the armpits from attention. If you find any visible changes in the area of \u200b\u200binjury, it is necessary to consult a mammologist as soon as possible, because a breast neoplasm itself or any pathologies caused by domestic injuries can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In order to identify the consequences of the damage received, the most common method used in medical practice is ultrasound of the mammary glands. With this procedure, the level of echogenic tissue of the internal cells of the organ is revealed. Thanks to the diagnosis of a woman's chest by the method of ultrasound, it is possible to identify areas of hemorrhage that can come into contact with infectious microorganisms and lead the process of injury to a purulent neoplasm.

In addition to mammography, diagnostics of the causes of damage to the mammary glands includes other research methods, for example, radiometry. The use of this method involves identifying possible pathologies at the early stages of the process.

At the first stages of treatment of bruises of the mammary gland, in addition to immobilizing the organ, it is necessary to take analgesics, this will reduce pain and make it possible to perform further medical procedures.

If the examination method chosen by the doctor showed the presence of a boil, it must either be removed surgically or treated with medication.

Elimination of neoplasms in the mammary gland includes the following measures:

  • immobilization of the chest area;
  • to the chest;
  • taking analgesic and antiviral drugs.

Serious damage to the female breast requires long-term treatment, since the subcutaneous lymphoid tissue is necrotic when damaged.

How to treat a bruised breast

There are alternative ways to treat a bruised breast - folk remedies:

  1. A leaf of white cabbage should be applied to the bruised area, this will help to quickly eliminate the hematoma and stabilize the work of the circulatory system;
  2. Calendula (10 g), pork fat or butter should be mixed and thoroughly grind, pour boiling water, after mixing with St. John's wort flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. You need to insist the remedy for 1 hour. Next, lotions should be done on the sites of chest bruises. In parallel with this remedy, you need to do therapeutic massages and lotions.
  3. Honey is great for relieving bruises in the chest area. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. product and spread on the damaged area.


In order to speed up the healing process after a woman receives a breast injury, doctors recommend using Troxevasin and Hepatrin. These drugs are produced in ointments and relieve pain syndrome, respectively, accelerate the healing process. Together with these drugs, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises should be used.

Complications and consequences

Even after treatment of breast bruises, there may be consequences that will become a problem for a normal existence:

  • as a result of a baby's bite of the mammary gland during feeding, deformation of the nipples or the nipple area may occur;
  • as a result of damage to the mammary gland at the site of the injury, a seal may occur, the consequences of which only a doctor can determine;
  • with severe damage and open areas of injury, infection is possible.

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A slight bruise on the chest leaves only a painful bruise. I would like to quickly get rid of pain and swelling. But you need to know the signs of more serious consequences of injury.

Because of the abundant innervation, any blow to the chest causes severe pain. Sometimes a minor pain is more painful than a broken rib. In severe injuries, even if the bones remain intact, there is a risk of damage to internal organs. Therefore, the treatment of hematomas and associated edema in the chest area is not always possible without a medical examination.

Causes and manifestations

All possible causes of breast bruises can be summarized as follows:

  • household injury;
  • hit with a blunt object (most often in a fight);
  • collision with a solid obstacle (usually in an accident and other accidents);
  • fall (even from a small height).

Depending on the force of the blow, a small bruise may remain on the chest, a spreading black bruise, and other intermediate stages. The absence of swelling and bruising is not a sign of mild injury. Sometimes it happens that there are no external changes, but after a few days a dark spot of an internal hematoma appears, cartilage or ribs are bruised.

However, if the following symptoms are present, damage to the soft tissue of the breast is considered contusion.

  1. Pain. Sharp at the moment of impact, it can be aggravated by breathing and tension of the chest muscles. Painful sensations persist from several days to one and a half weeks.
  2. Redness occurs in most cases.
  3. Subcutaneous hemorrhage. In place of damaged capillaries and small vessels, a bruise, bruise or hematoma grows. It quickly becomes burgundy, and soon "blooms" in dark blue and even black. While the treatment is underway, the hematoma brightens, turns yellow and gradually disappears.
  4. Edema. Due to bursting blood vessels, water exchange in muscle and connective tissues is disturbed. The area of \u200b\u200bthe edema formed in the first hours is much larger than the impact zone, and a painful compaction is noticeable at the site of the injury. These symptoms persist for 1-2 days.

Symptoms of complications

A fracture or crack of a rib that occurs after an impact is not as bad as damage to internal organs. This threatens with hemorrhage into the lung tissue or under the pleura. Expanding breast edema can transmit a large vessel. With an undetected aneurysm, an accidental push into the chest is enough to cause aortic dissection. Therefore, the following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

  • piercing pain in the chest on inspiration and on palpation;
  • breathing disorder, shortness of breath;
  • coughing up blood, throat bleeding;
  • cyanosis (pale or blue skin) of the lips, face, then the upper body;
  • tachycardia, drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • confusion due to traumatic shock.

Even in the absence of anatomical changes, a bruised chest can cause severe shock from a concussion. It is unacceptable to try to treat such injuries on your own - without timely hospitalization, they can lead to death.

Breast contusion

For women, a bruised chest is especially dangerous. Painful swelling at the site of the impact is difficult to dissolve. If they are not treated, there is a risk of fat necrosis in the mammary gland at the site of the hematoma. Its subsequent replacement with scar tissue leads to deformation of the breast.

The lactiferous ducts may be injured, as indicated by nipple discharge (clear or bloody). The rest of the symptoms of the consequences of the injury are not noticeable immediately. They are detected by mammography, ultrasound or MRI of the mammary glands. Prolonged treatment of hematomas can provoke the development of breast tumors.

First aid

In case of severe injuries, when chest contusion is accompanied by complications, even cardiac arrest, only a health worker should do heart massage. Otherwise, attempts at resuscitation can only aggravate the victim's condition. Therefore, the main pre-medical intervention is reduced to the following actions.

  1. Provide the victim with rest in a half-sitting position.
  2. Apply an immobilizing bandage to the chest. It is pulled moderately tightly over the bruised area and tied on the side opposite to the blow.
  3. To make the swelling after the injury develop more slowly, an ice pack is applied to the affected area. The cold will further slow down bleeding, including internal bleeding.
  4. It is permissible to take pain relievers if the pain is too severe.

A serious chest injury will require hospitalization. Oxygen therapy or even artificial ventilation is performed. The pain is relieved by novocaine vagosympathetic blockades.

But usually, being in a clinic or an emergency room is required only for diagnostic procedures and consultations with a doctor. Further treatment takes place at home.

Breast bruising treatment

If damage to internal organs is excluded, then breast injury should be treated like any bruise or hematoma.

On the first day, cold compresses are applied to the bruised area several times. They prevent swelling and relieve pain somewhat. Hold the ice for no longer than 15 minutes so as not to chill the muscles. From external agents, Troxevasin, Heparin ointment or Lyoton, Trombless gels are used to prevent the spread of bruising.

At the end of the second day, treatment is started with heat: warming compresses and ointments (Finalgon, Efkamon). For grinding, you can use an alcoholic tincture of arnica. According to the condition of the victim, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy.

Severe pain from bruising is relieved with analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ortofen, Piroxicam) in the form of tablets or ointments. Combined drugs (for example, Dolobene), along with the anesthetic effect, accelerate recovery, strengthen blood vessels.

Normally, all symptoms disappear, and bruises on the chest dissolve in 7-10 days. If the site of the injury remains dark, then the accumulated blood is removed surgically.

For several days after the injury, the chest should not be disturbed with unnecessary loads. In case of severe injury, the mobility of the trunk is limited by bed rest or a bandage. But long immobility is fraught with congestion in the lungs and muscle weakening. Therefore, the treatment is completed with a course of physical exercises necessary to restore the functions of all muscles.

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Breast contusion is a closed lesion. It is painful, dangerous with the prospect of complications, and requires increased attention. You can get injured everywhere: at home, in transport, while playing sports, as a result of an accident. The only correct tactic is to see a doctor immediately. Initially, the woman needs to call an ambulance - specialists will transport the patient to the emergency room. The doctor will prescribe an examination, based on its results, it will become clear how much intervention is required to normalize the condition.

Causes and types of breast injuries in women

The reasons for the development of chest injuries in women are a fall, a blow, an accident, compression of the chest with a heavy load. Other injuries are of gunshot, cut and stab origin.

There are such types of breast bruises in women: light, moderate, severe. They are divided into external and hidden forms, complicated and uncomplicated, isolated and combined (combined).

Minor and moderate bruises are able to resolve on their own over time, with the help of conservative therapy. Latent inflammation is more dangerous. They potentially provoke irreversible pathological processes, especially after severe injuries. The preferred method of relief is resection.

For the purpose of confidentiality of information about patients, medicine provides for encryption of diseases according to the ICD-10 system. The classification of pathology according to the code includes a wide range. It starts from a superficial bruise of the chest S 20.0, ends with a crush S 20.28. Depending on the type, degree of the injury received, appropriate marks are put on the medical record.

How do bruises appear?

Breast bruises are manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome. The bruises are not painless. This is due to the high degree of innervation of the chest, which indicates a fast and intense conduction of impulses at the slightest impact on the gland. Painful shock is a reaction to a strong blow to the chest. Requires immediate removal of the woman from the state of fainting and the introduction of analgesics.
  2. Hematoma. It is manifested by a characteristic clinical picture - a blue discoloration of the skin, the spectrum of which depends on the severity of the injury received. Consolidation, slight pain on palpation are signs accompanying the formation of a hematoma. The localization of the bruise on the nipple is characterized by an increase in discomfort to a high level - it is problematic for a woman to wear a bra.
  3. An increase in body temperature. It develops as a result of significant damage to the glandular tissue. Also, hyperthermia is the body's response to stress (trauma).
  4. Discharge from the nipple. More often occurs as the inflammation progresses, somewhat less often immediately after injury. Purulent or serous secretion from the nipples is a sign of the development of massive tissue necrosis. The death of a section of the gland occurs after its improper drainage or due to a long absence of treatment. The appearance of a clear or bloody fluid is the result of damage to the breast ducts.
  5. Deterioration of the general condition. Severe bruises in the chest are accompanied by dizziness and weakness. The level of blood pressure decreases, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting) occur.

The degree of manifestation of these symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. Injuries resulting from an accident, falling from a height, are accompanied by a fracture of the vertebrae, a bruise of the chest. Then the contusion of the glands is characterized by violent symptoms. Minor household injuries are manifested by soreness, sometimes with the subsequent development of edema, hematoma. Neurological disorders: loss of consciousness, dizziness, hypotension - may not be.

Since even after mild bruises there is a likelihood of developing interstitial changes, one should not neglect going to the hospital.


To find out the nature of the consequences of the trauma suffered and to determine how much the glandular tissue is affected by the pathological process, the woman is sent for tests.

Informative diagnostic methods:

  • Laboratory research of blood, urine. Allows you to identify the level of leukocytes and ESR (with active inflammatory processes, these indicators are increased). With a tumor, these criteria may remain unchanged, despite severe pain and breast edema.
  • Ultrasound of the breast. Basic research method. After laboratory views, they immediately proceed to this type of study, since from the entire diagnostic program, it provides a significant amount of information. Allows you to preliminary understand the cause of the change in the shape of the breast. If breast swelling is associated with its post-traumatic edema, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor will determine the reduced echogenicity of the tissues. As the hematoma resolves, this indicator decreases. With a tumor process, this does not happen.
  • Radiothermometry. Temperature is measured inside the glandular tissue and on the breast surface. They record electromagnetic radiation in the microwave and infrared range. Receive information about the thermal activity of the breast tissue from the outside and from the inside. Radiothermometry is an effective type of screening to exclude the development of a malignant neoplasm. The procedure also helps to monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapeutic program.
  • Mammography. Through research, it is possible to confirm or deny the formation of a tumor. Typical post-traumatic changes are not characterized by the same features as a neoplasm.

Sophisticated radiation imaging techniques are rarely used. Basically - when for a long time they cannot establish the cause of the change in breast parameters, if it is not possible to find out the nature of the tumor formed. Also, CT, MRI can determine the degree of blood supply to the chest, which is especially valuable - on the eve of surgical interventions.

Treating bruises

The therapeutic program is drawn up based on the results of the examination of the patient. Before visiting a doctor it is not recommended to use antibiotics, apply heat. It is permissible to take 1-2 tablets of anesthetic.

The therapeutic program includes:

  1. Antibiotics. Used only in the most severe clinical cases, complicated by the formation of purulent foci. Also, drugs in this group are prescribed in the postoperative period - for accelerated wound healing. Until antibiotics are prescribed, the mammologist prescribes a culture from the wound. Laboratory research allows you to understand which pathogen caused her suppuration. Then the drug is prescribed taking into account the identified microorganism. It is permissible to use a broad-spectrum antibiotic until analysis answers are received.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Non-steroidal group drugs (NSAIDs) have two useful properties at the same time - they reduce the spectrum of the inflammatory process and relieve pain. Prescribed simultaneously with drugs that protect the stomach lining from negative effects. The reason is that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.
  3. Preparations for normalizing blood supply to the breast. They contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes, which has a beneficial effect on the structure of the glandular tissue. Trental, Pentoxifylline - drugs that prevent the onset of insufficient blood supply to the breast.
  4. Diuretics Applied for severe edema of the mammary gland. Diuretics are prescribed taking into account the age and weight of the patient. To eliminate the likelihood of loss of potassium along with the fluid excreted from the body, Asparkam is prescribed.
  5. Preparations for the prevention of blood clots. Flenox, Clexane are effective medicines aimed at thinning blood clots accumulated inside damaged breast tissue.
  6. Vitamin therapy. It is prescribed to strengthen the body's immune abilities in the fight against the disease, in order to accelerate the healing of the cover.
  7. Heparin ointment, "Rescuer" - aimed at eliminating subcutaneous hemorrhages. The listed drugs have absorbing properties, and they must be applied at least twice a day. Indication - mild breast contusion.
  8. Massage. Rubbing and massaging is aimed at improving blood circulation in the damaged gland. You need to perform the actions first in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction. It is permissible to combine massage with the application of ointments for resorption of hematomas.

To improve the resorption of bruises, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed. The number of sessions depends on the age of the injury, the spectrum of the lesion and the involvement of other structures.

Only a doctor can prescribe the listed drugs and procedures. The specialist focuses on the results of the study, takes into account many factors:

  • the patient's body tolerance of certain substances present in the composition of the prescribed drugs;
  • the degree of predisposition to the degeneration of a mammary neoplasm into a cancerous tumor;
  • weight, age of a woman;
  • the state of her hormonal background;
  • a family history of breast cancer;
  • the nature of the associated pathologies.

Additionally, the mammary gland is fixed with a bandage to prevent its mobility and faster recovery. In the case of an operation, a woman is regularly bandaged with antibacterial ointments. Additionally, active infusion therapy is carried out, antibiotics, analgesics are administered.

What can be dangerous bruises

If you do not seek medical help on time, the risk of complications increases. They suggest a change in the shape and appearance of the mammary gland due to the formation of scars, a predisposition to a tumor process, and an expansion of the spectrum of inflammation.

Complications appear:

  1. Suppuration. If the violation of the integrity of the skin is complicated by the ingress of pathogenic microflora into the wound, pus is formed. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature - first at the local level, then in general. The site of injury becomes red, swollen, painful to the touch. The optimal treatment is antibiotic therapy, the use of analgesics, diuretics (to relieve swelling). In 9 out of 10 cases, the problem area is drained - for better discharge of purulent masses. In general, the therapeutic program corresponds to the treatment regimen for purulent mastitis.
  2. The transition of inflammation to other structures of the chest.
  3. Malignancy of mastopathy into a cancerous tumor is a condition in which nodular elements of a benign nature become malignant. The process takes a different amount of time, but is always accompanied by clinical manifestations. Symptoms include nipple retraction, breast tenderness on palpation; blue discoloration or blackening of the areola, nipple.

Without diagnostic measures and bypassing a visit to a doctor, the risk of developing the listed complications increases.

A chest contusion is a closed injury that develops in response to a blow, collision, fall, pressure. The areas within which this can happen are diverse: from an accident to a domestic fall from a height (for example, from a staircase during repairs). The damaged area turns red, becomes hard, compacted, which indicates the development of a pathological process and its main manifestation - hematoma. The optimal tactic to prevent the occurrence of complications is a mandatory visit to a doctor.

The mammary gland in the human body has always been the most sensitive organ. It is for this reason that any injury and shock can cause serious damage to health. Not many people know that after a blow to the chest, there is an active production of special substances, which in turn can affect the growth and reproduction of cells.

After a stroke, especially for women, the risk of developing a wide variety of diseases increases. When injured, you can not only damage soft tissues, but also cause profuse bleeding in the pectoral muscles. Also, very often during a blow, the nipples are damaged, which in turn creates a lot of discomfort. Such bruises most often cause the development of cancerous neoplasms and severe diseases of the mammary glands.

Women who are involved in professional boxing risk their own health the most. It is very easy to get injured in the chest in this sport. However, many injuries are easy enough to sustain in everyday life. Therefore, you need to be careful at every step!

Where can you get a breast stroke?

Undoubtedly, if a woman is fond of physical training, this is very good. But those injuries that she can receive during training may not always have a beneficial effect on the state of her body. Breast injury can be earned not only in the gym, but also at home or in the workplace. Dragging heavy objects, falling or crouching without noticing it, we can harm the mammary gland. Usually, the chest injury is closed.

Symptoms of the received blow

After the blow, chest pain is not pronounced. It can increase only in case of strong tension of the chest muscles or when feeling the bruised area. At the site of the impact, the soft tissues of the breast may slightly change their color to redder. After a certain period of time, a hematoma may appear on the mammary gland. If you feel the impact site well, you can find a small seal, which in turn will consist of blood from the affected muscles or jelly-like tissue.

Usually, after being hit, the chest hurts for about a few hours to a couple of days. If the pain does not decrease, and the pain becomes more intense and does not subside for 3-6 days, then urgently you need to seek medical help.

Even if the patient does not have any alarming symptoms after a blow, and the pain is insignificant, then going to a doctor is considered necessary in any case. First of all, consultation will be needed in order to protect yourself from possible complications and consequences of the received breast blow.

Whatever the situation with a breast injury, it is important first of all to visit a qualified mammologist. Otherwise, the risk of developing a disease such as mastopathy increases!

Mastopathy as a result of damage to the mammary gland

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, in which its tissues grow, as a result of which small seals form inside. At the same time, a woman may feel severe pain and discomfort throughout the day.

There is an opinion that the advanced stage of mastopathy can provoke the development of breast cancer!

Therefore, when a woman is diagnosed with mastopathy, she must regularly visit specialists and adhere to all the recommendations and advice of a doctor. It is very important to undergo medical examinations, which will allow you to observe how the disease is progressing. In the case of a nodular type of mastopathy, treatment will be carried out only by surgical intervention. But even in this case, you need to be careful, because the remote nodes after a while can be formed again.

What symptoms indicate the development of mastopathy

This disease can be easily identified by the following symptoms:

During the course of such symptoms, pain can occur, both independently and after a little pressure or squeezing of the chest. It can have a stabbing or aching character that can also spread to the neck. Sometimes pain occurs even when trying to get dressed, which in turn causes a huge feeling of discomfort.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms that appear, then urgently you need to seek the advice of a specialist. If any deviations are found, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment!

Why is a hematoma on the chest dangerous?

After an injury or blow, bruises or even a hematoma may remain in the breast area. So, it is the hematoma that poses a great danger to human health.

After damage to the chest, blood accumulates inside. These blood clots are a breeding ground for disease-causing microbes. For this reason, first of all, after an injury, it is necessary to prevent infection of the gland, because otherwise a strong process of decay and inflammation may begin, which in turn will cause severe pain.

After a bruise, a seal forms on the chest, which very often no one pays attention to, since it is not painful and does not cause discomfort. But as statistics show, women with a diagnosis of a malignant breast tumor were previously hit. It is he who can cause the development of so many dangerous diseases.

How to avoid possible troubles

Not only a stroke can cause the development of a serious illness. In addition, great attention will need to be paid to your well-being, daily routine, nutrition, physical activity and emotional state. A healthy diet is essential in order to avoid excess weight, which can also cause pain in the gland. Pay attention to the underwear you wear daily. For breast health, it is best to use cotton bras that will not squeeze or squeeze.

Regular palpation of the mammary glands is also important. It can be done independently while standing in front of a mirror. In a similar way, it is possible to detect in advance various seals or nodes that may indicate the course of an illness.

According to scientists, breast pain is the least worrisome for those women who are in a good mood and feel loved and desired. Therefore, smile more often and be careful, because danger can exist even in the most harmless places!

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