The very first, the earliest - all about the signs of pregnancy before and after the delay. The very first signs of pregnancy How to find out that a woman is pregnant external signs

Hand tools 12.09.2020
Hand tools

What are the early signs of pregnancy. When is the best time to get tested or do an ultrasound after a possible conception.

Pregnancy is a happiness that only women can experience. Its onset is a long-awaited event, accompanied by certain signs. This article will tell you about each of them, and tell you how to correctly identify the "interesting" position without a test.

How long does it take to accurately determine pregnancy?

The appearance of nausea, fatigue and drowsiness are the first signs of pregnancy, but they do not appear in every woman.

There are several ways to help confirm or deny the birth of a new life in the tummy. Each of them requires the passage of a certain time after the estimated date of conception. Among them are:

  • Doctors recommend taking a blood test to determine pregnancy 1-2 weeks after the expected date of conception. The duration of the laboratory test is 1 day. A positive result can be expected 8-10 days after ovulation or fertilization of the egg.
  • Another way to determine pregnancy is urine testing. It is best done in the first days of the delay, since a positive result is not always manifested even before its onset.
  • A pregnancy test is a popular method among women. It is recommended to do it in the first days of the delay, in order to obtain a more accurate result.

To get accurate information about pregnancy, it is best to do two tests, but using test strips from different manufacturers.

  • Measuring basal temperature is another way to determine pregnancy. It is produced from the first days of the delay, for several days. In case of a positive result, BT will be higher than standard indicators.
  • An ultrasound will show the presence of pregnancy within 2 - 2.5 weeks after conceiving a child. The embryo will be best seen with transvaginal examination.

Echography will help determine pregnancy 10-15 days after fertilization of the egg.

The main symptoms of pregnant women: what to expect? Video

The first signs of pregnancy appear only on the 20-22 day of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg has already securely attached to the wall of the uterus and began to develop. A girl assuming about her pregnancy should monitor her condition, notice all the changes that are taking place in her body.

Among the symptoms that occur in pregnant women are:

  • increased basal body temperature
  • delay of "critical" days
  • pain in the lumbar region
  • bouts of nausea
  • rapid fatigue
  • loss of consciousness
  • breast enlargement, increased nipple sensitivity
  • intolerance to odors
  • bloody issues
  • increased salivation, which was not previously observed
  • desire to eat sour, sweet or salty

Video: The first signs of pregnancy

Elevated basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy

An increase in basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy. It varies around 37-37.2 degrees in the first 2-4 weeks after conception.

Doctors associate its appearance with the active production of a hormone - progesterone, this occurs during the development of the embryo. At this time, you need to walk more in the fresh air, eat fruits and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Lack of menstruation is the second sign of pregnancy

Delayed menstruation is one of the main indicators of pregnancy in women. If it is accompanied by other symptoms (nausea, intolerance to odors, drowsiness, constant desire to lie down, etc.), then the likelihood of an "interesting" situation is very high.

To check your expectations, you need to contact a gynecologist or take a test.

Breast enlargement and change is the third sign of pregnancy

The breast reacts quickly enough to the origin of life in the uterus. From the very first days, swelling and swelling of the nipples begins to be traced. They become more sensitive, which was not noticed before.

If all this happens along with other signs, then you should think about going to the hospital to the local gynecologist. The doctor will examine, confirm or deny the alleged pregnancy.

Changing taste preferences is the fourth sign of pregnancy

A drastic change in taste preferences is a common situation in pregnant women. Experts associate it with hormonal changes in the body and iron deficiency, which increases more and more as the fetus grows and develops.

In order to replenish the body with useful substances vital for the expectant mother and fetus, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies (they contain the whole range of substances that are necessary for the growth and development of the child).

In no case should you limit yourself in your desires. If the body requires, eat even something that you would never try in everyday life (eg pickles and candy, herring and cookies, cake and tomato juice, etc.).

The only things to avoid are foods that can be harmful (eg sushi due to raw fish content).

Frequent urination is the fifth sign of pregnancy

The main reasons for frequent trips to small needs are a change in the hormonal background in a woman's body (active production of hCG) and an increase in the size of the uterus, which presses on the bladder.

To reduce the frequency of going to the toilet (especially at night), it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fluids, as well as products that may contain it.

The body of a pregnant woman, from the early stages, functions for two. The kidneys work more actively to cleanse the amniotic fluid and blood from the waste products of the fetus. The filtration process occurs due to frequent urination, which worries a woman.

No signs of pregnancy in a pregnant woman. Is it possible?

The absence of signs of pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the organism. In some cases, even with a regular cycle and excellent health, girls determine their pregnancy only by the first movement of the baby in the tummy. In order not to torment yourself with guesses and hopes, you should go to a specialist, he will conduct an examination, and everything will become clear.

What signs can indicate pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy? Emergency assistance

Among the main indicators that indicate the pathology of fetal development and pregnancy, one can single out:

  • bleeding
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region
  • severe nausea and vomiting
  • fainting

If one of these symptoms appears, you must immediately contact a medical institution!

Definition of pregnancy without tests and doctors: advice and reviews

There are several popular ways to determine pregnancy without using a test and without going to the doctor.

  1. Pour 1 tsp into a container with urine. soda. If it sinks to the bottom - there is a pregnancy, if the mixture is in bubbles - then the result is negative.
  2. A drop of iodine is dropped into a container with urine, if it dissolves, then the result is negative, if not, positive.

Although these methods have found their supporters, they do not always have a 100% correct result. It is best to go to the doctor, then everything will fall into place.

Video: How to determine pregnancy using improvised means?

Change in breast size... Under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the size of the breasts will change in just a few days after conception. You will feel tingling, soreness and heaviness in your chest. You may notice darkening of the nipples and halos.

Spasms... You can feel them as the uterus grows and stretches. This is normal: Stretching muscles react by contracting. (Tip: Try to bend over and touch your toes. This is about what you feel in the ligaments and muscles of the legs, you feel in the muscles of the uterus and the ligaments that support it.) However, if the pain is very severe or you are worried about constant bleeding and spasms, immediately go to the doctor!

Fatigue... During the first trimester, you will feel very tired. This is not surprising: your body is busy building the basic systems and organs of your baby. Rest calmly, by the end of the first 13 weeks, the fatigue will pass.

Morning sickness and sensitivity to odors... Pregnancy toxicosis usually begins in the 5th week, although it may appear earlier.

Frequent urination. The culprit for this inconvenience is the hormone progesterone and the pressure of the ever-enlarging uterus on the bladder. The muscles in the bladder are stressed even if there is little urine in the bladder.

Lack of menstruation or minor bleeding. Light and short-lived bleeding can occur when a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

Hair and nail growth... They may start to grow "like crazy". These are all hormones! It's okay - pluck and wax. Nobody wants to look like a Bigfoot during pregnancy.

Only for dad... All these signs of pregnancy - changes in the mood of the expectant mother, changes in the body and growing fatigue - are a signal that dad needs to be patient. Get ready for anything.

  • We present how excited you are about the enlargement of your beloved's bust. But just try to touch it! Soreness in the chest is a common manifestation of pregnancy. It hurts some expectant mothers even sleeping on their stomachs.
  • Your partner can be exhausted, especially if you are used to having sex often. Assembling a toddler is not an easy task, and the release of hormones can drive her crazy. Hold your horses! Watch sports programs or action films so far.
  • If your loved one vomits, calm her down, walk to the toilet, hold her hair and never, never show her your displeased grimace. This creature, bent over the toilet, is the future mother of your child!

A modern woman, most likely, will not notice the onset of conception immediately after sexual intercourse, although, provided a developed sense of the body and a sense of the soul, as well as good intuition, this is quite possible. This omission of knowledge about the state of one's own body is due, in particular, to the fact that for centuries pregnancy was so devalued that it was kept secret for as long as possible. Is it any wonder that over time, this repression manifested itself in the way a woman feels her own body.

The most characteristic signs of pregnancy can be divided into 3 groups: presumptive, probable and reliable.

Presumptive (doubtful) signs include mainly subjective sensations - sensitivity to odors, changes in appetite, nausea and vomiting in the morning. And on the part of the neuropsychic sphere - nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, drowsiness. On the part of the urinary system - frequent urination.

When examining the mammary glands, their tension and nipple sensitivity are determined. When pressed, colostrum is released from the nipples. During a gynecological examination, the cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix is \u200b\u200bdetermined. The study of the uterus determines the softening of the isthmus and some asymmetry of the uterus.

Signs are called reliable signs that reveal the presence of an embryo or fetus in the uterus. This includes pregnancy tests that cannot be falsely positive, cannot show pregnancy if not. This also includes a laboratory blood test for chorionic hormone or its beta subunit. The most reliable of the signs is the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus, on ultrasound, starting from one week of delay in menstruation. In the second half of pregnancy - determination of the height of the uterine fundus, during obstetric examination - determination of the position and presentation of the fetus, its small parts, listening with an obstetric stethoscope to the fetal heartbeat from 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. On ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is determined from 4-5 weeks.

Often, the first sign of pregnancy is no menstrual bleeding... In this case, the hormonal test will help to understand whether the woman made the correct assumptions. At the same time, even the onset of bleeding does not give reason to confidently assert that pregnancy has not occurred. It happens that even during pregnancy, bleeding can begin on time, however, it will be much less profuse than usual.

The action of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) revealed by modern tests soon after fertilization is also not surprising, and many women soon experience changes in the sphere of sensory sensations, for example, increased sex drive... From a biological point of view, this makes sense, since now a woman needs to especially reliably "tie" a man to her. However, interest in sexual relations may decrease as soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, for example, if she came against her desire, or if the woman still has not been able to work through her thoughts and feelings about a miscarriage that has already happened.

Extremely frequent are mood swings... For no apparent reason, a woman has a desire to cry. This tearfulness corresponds to the water-salt aspect at the level of the body and the archetype of the Moon at the level of the system of first principles.

Another early sign of pregnancy is swelling and tension of the breasts, which, in particular, is due to an increase in the amount of water retained in the body. The body may begin to take on unusual rounded shapes, which is also associated with weight gain. The body tries to become round and healthy in order to grow to the state in which it can best fulfill its important task. This phenomenon can be observed at such a level of manifestation as an undoubted improvement in the quality of the skin. It so happens that the first hint of new life circumstances is a ring, which suddenly becomes difficult to remove from your finger. In the morning hours, a feeling of puffiness may occur, which is explained by the accumulation of more water at night. As a pregnant woman moves more and more into the sphere of influence of the principle of the moon every day, the night in her life becomes more and more important, in addition, the element of the soul comes to the fore. Where, in a figurative sense, he does not receive enough space, the body comes to the rescue, as evidenced by the tendency for the body to retain water in large quantities.

At the level of the soul, the swelling of the mammary glands corresponds to an intense "ingrowth" into the sphere of the feminine archetype, which finds its expression through the principles of the Moon and Venus. The desire to feed and the desire to please the partner (and thereby bind him to himself even more tightly), due to the influence of the Moon and Venus, respectively, can manifest itself at various levels of life.

Increased and unfamiliar fatigue may appear, but not necessarily. However, if the body requires a lot of energy to rebuild, the woman will notice it this way. It would be ideal if she could adequately satisfy the increased need for sleep, because in this way she would help the body in the best way to gain the energy it needs to re-tune all body systems. In addition, when the mother rests, the child is able to develop in the most optimal way. Subsequently, by the way, he also grows much better at rest than in the activity phase.

Often associated with restructuring and occurring most often in the morning nausea is a reaction to the increased production of hormones; at a time when the feminine life pole is so little honor, it may well be considered a normal phenomenon. However, nausea will bother a pregnant woman only until the restructuring of the body is complete. The restructuring phase can take quite a long time (for recommendations on taking homeopathic remedies and other measures, see the section "Nausea and Vomiting" "Symptoms during pregnancy").

Nausea during pregnancy occurs in much the same way as dizziness and motion sickness. There is a collision of two different internal information structures. The balance organ signals to the "central control room" that the body is on the rocking ship, while the eyes look below the deck and see that everything is calm. Something doesn't add up. The brain realizes that it is being deceived, and as a result, the head begins to spin, followed by nausea and vomiting. For the state to normalize, it is necessary to get rid of one of these conflicting information structures.

Much the same thing happens in the body of a pregnant woman experiencing nausea. This sensation manifests an archaic feminine principle, a typical basal need for motherhood. The woman is like the female animal. If earlier this woman put herself on the same level with a man, emphasized isolation and thereby more and more moved away from the primordial ocean of the collective unconscious, now she suddenly finds herself under the crossfire of two archetypes. She has conflicting impulses, she tries to get out of the influence of one of the poles: she feels sick and vomits. This symptom takes root the more intensely, the stronger the opposite poles in the psyche or the individual, masculine pole are expressed.

So, nausea indicates that a woman wants to get rid of something. Most often, it is not the child and pregnancy that she opposes, but that courageous part of herself, which at this stage should recede into the background. On the other hand, it is difficult to survive without this part in the modern world (think about what man today would like to see next to him an extremely soft, labile woman living exclusively by feelings, near whom he should be much more time and whom he should continuously protect?) ... Thus, pregnancy poses a task for a woman to plunge into the realm of the archetypal feminine principle, to be soft and emotional and at the same time remain fully armed so as not to endanger her child and herself, not to give up her own independence.

Strengthening of mucous secretionsassociated with an increase in the intensity of blood circulation, sometimes it can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. All tissues of a woman gradually become more slimy, "juicy" and friable. A woman's psyche can also become more precarious, but at the same time strong, which gives her the opportunity to calm her man, who so often experiences fear of her half's pregnancy.

Hormonal changes also affect the vaginal environment, making it more alkaline. The vagina becomes less acidic, which can lead to a tendency to discharge, which is usually not a problem. At the same time, the threat of vaginal infections is increasing. A pregnant woman should be especially careful and often think about who and under what conditions she allows her to be near her. If swimming in a public pool is a threat to her, and using a public toilet is a provocation, then she also needs to be very careful when making direct contacts. A light pale blue (livid) skin tone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance to the vagina is due to the natural activation of venous circulation and should not cause any concern.

In rare cases, pregnancy can be indicated by changes in pigmentation... Darkening of the halos around the nipples is completely normal. Later, these halos will indicate to the newborn his first goal and, at the level of archetypes, indicate a connection with the theme of feeding, which has already begun to gain strength in the life of a pregnant woman, but, nevertheless, will really come into its own only after 10 lunar months. Less commonly, there are cases when a dark stripe appears along the midline of the body, extending from the hypogastric region to the upper abdomen. She, as it were, demonstrates to the woman where her center is and where she should direct her main attention during the following months; in addition, such a strip means the need to share, to give.

Sometimes, dark pigmentation can appear around the lips (note that this phenomenon is often underestimated), giving the skin an unkempt appearance. This can be interpreted as a hint that a woman should pay special attention to moving to “cleaner” forms of interaction and communication.

There may be bleeding gums... She points out that a pregnant woman is in danger of losing vital energy along with blood. The gums symbolize basal trust, which is more important than ever in the early weeks of pregnancy. Through the bleeding, the theme of primordial trust manifests itself, in which the above-mentioned exercises and meditation techniques can help.

The need for iron for hematopoiesis of the fetus is satisfied by the iron stores in the mother's body. From a spiritual point of view, we proceed from the fact that an increased need for iron is characteristic of a child because he is preparing to enter the world of opposites. Let's just say he needs to adapt to life between the north and south poles. And iron is the element that "feels" best in the earth's magnetic field.

The growth of tooth decay indicates that a pregnant woman should take more active care of her “weapon in the mouth” - her teeth, and, first of all, more courageously and even aggressively strengthen her position. It is also necessary to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, since in emergency situations the reserves of the mother's body will be donated for the formation of the child's body, which can take the form of real "poaching". Popular wisdom that every pregnancy is worth one tooth illustrates this relationship. However, today, a healthy and nutritious diet can make this sacrifice unnecessary.

Stomach and intestinal problems can also occur at the stage of body restructuring; they tell the pregnant woman that the new situation is not as easy to "digest" as her intellect imagines. Bloating may indicate aggression that needs to be freed from and which until this time has not been able to find a way out. If a woman begins to emit an unpleasant smell and thereby causes a partner not to the most blissful sensations, this can be regarded as a hint to both of them that something remains unsaid in their relationship - something that did not get a chance to declare itself before. In addition, the obvious lack of integrative mental strength of partners becomes obvious.

The solution may be to release yourself from excess pressure in a timely and appropriate manner, find a source of courage and a willingness to interact directly, and learn to speak openly. It is about learning how to eat and digest this world - an exercise that in Hinduism and Buddhism is called "bhoga."

Pregnant stretch marks (striae) as a whole are rather rare today. Thanks to full body care and the current trend to maintain a relatively low weight during pregnancy, fewer women suffer from this kind of stretch marks.

Relaxation of the uterine muscles in the old days it was an important sign of pregnancy. The muscles become softer so that they can stretch better. The increase is preceded by relaxation caused by water deposition and the growth of muscle cells. The masculine aspect of the musculature recedes, allowing the feminine aspect to expand and increase the willingness to accept.

If only she hadn't come!

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period - this is when menstruation was regular in the past.

Some women continue to menstruate in the first three months of pregnancy, but the amount of blood produced and the duration of bleeding decreases compared to normal periods. So if this happens to you, consult your doctor.

Most women also experience other pregnancy symptoms about a week after the first missed period or five weeks after PM:

  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling exhausted and tired;
  • severe dizziness;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • change in taste, strong addiction and aversion to certain foods;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • increased emotional vulnerability. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and other hormones such as progesterone are responsible for suppressing menstruation and these changes. Hormones are produced in a woman's body in order to maintain pregnancy and take care of the growing embryo. A urine pregnancy test is based on the presence of HCG in the blood and urine to confirm pregnancy.

Urine pregnancy test

Don't just rely on delayed periods. A positive test and examination by a doctor are required to confirm pregnancy. Ten days after a missed period, a urine pregnancy test can detect the presence of human serum β-gamma globulin in the urine. This test can be ordered by your doctor, or you can use do-it-yourself tests sold in pharmacies, for example, PFegcolour (pregkala), TestPack (testpack), Gravindex (gravindex).

For self-testing, carefully follow the attached instructions. To perform the test, the first morning urine must be collected in a clean, wide-mouth container. A positive test result is almost always correct. A negative result may be due to the fact that the test is performed too early or is more than three months late after PM. Some modern tests can detect pregnancy even before menstruation is delayed. But such complex tests are usually not required to confirm pregnancy.

Once you get a positive urine pregnancy test result, schedule a visit to your doctor.

The very first weeks are a truly memorable and very exciting period in life for every woman. However, in most cases, it is during this period that she is in the dark, trying to find in herself the very first signs of pregnancy.

The obvious signs of the onset of pregnancy are the absence menses and the appearance of two clear lines on the test.

But a woman still tries to determine conception earlier, to find out what sensations at the beginning of pregnancy are her evidence. After all, a woman's body "signals" about conception much earlier than it can be accurately determined. That is why women who believe that they have become pregnant often ask friends: “ What were the first signs of pregnancy you had?", And also try to" listen "to their own body and notice a variety of signs: heaviness in the uterus, tingling in the nipple, hunger and other harbingers. But nevertheless, it should be remembered that secondary signs are not an absolute guarantee of the onset of pregnancy.

In addition, such symptoms of pregnant women do not always bother everyone. But these manifestations take place in most expectant mothers. You can find out below how to get confirmation of an "interesting" situation in a short period of time, after what time the first signs of pregnancy appear.

Signs of pregnancy: subjective feelings

Ovulation - This is the process when an egg ready for fertilization comes out of the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation occurs around day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that conception is most likely. However, there are certain reasons for delayed ovulation, they can be associated with stress, diseases of the genital area, imbalance and others. But even in this case, fertilization can occur. In some cases, it is necessary to accurately set the time of ovulation in order to increase the likelihood of conception.

Sometimes, during ovulation, a woman shows certain signs. In frequency, some women have lower back pain at this time, tingling in the ovary, increased mucous secretions, bloating, etc. There are also minor secretions - blood during ovulation can be released only in small amounts. Some women claim to have felt lower back pain after ovulation when conception occurred. But a week after ovulation is too short a time to conduct a test. Moreover, on day 4 or day 5, pregnancy cannot be determined by a gynecologist.

At this time and, and reasons nausea are most likely not related to pregnancy. But about the 7th day, sensations that are not typical for a woman are already gradually beginning to appear. It is advisable to conduct the test no earlier than 10 days after ovulation. During this period, the cervix, if conception has occurred, gradually becomes looser. More abundant discharge also appears if conception has occurred.

For those who are interested in how many days after conception pregnancy occurs, it should be borne in mind that the day on which pregnancy occurs after conception depends on the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus. This period is 7 to 10 days. Accordingly, after the implantation of the egg in the uterus, changes begin in the body, when a number of new symptoms for the expectant mother appear.

After how many days other unpleasant phenomena begin, depends, first of all, on the characteristics of the female body. For example, women who track basal body temperature note unusual basal body temperature graphs.

Most expectant mothers are interested in what the first signs of pregnancy before a delay can appear in a woman. But it must be borne in mind that early symptoms, when there is still a week before menstruation or 4 days before menstruation, are subjective. Since after conception, even in the period when up to menstruation for 2 days or more, grandiose changes are already taking place in the body, special sensations in a woman can be noted, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Often, the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation can in fact be symptoms of pronounced. But the same primary signs are possible immediately after conception. If PMS is not a typical condition for a woman, then she perceives the initial signs as an unusual phenomenon, and when such symptoms appear, she thinks about whether it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

Early signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation may be as follows:

  • Feeling unwell... Even a week before menstruation, there is a feeling that it is developing cold , while there are no respiratory phenomena. A feeling of weakness appears, in the early stages the woman gets very tired.
  • Emotional destabilization... Constant changes in mood, change of joy with tears are also subjective signs of conception before delay. Similar signs are often noted in women who are prone to emotionality.
  • Manifestation of drowsiness, poor sleep... Those who are interested in how to determine pregnancy before a delay should pay attention to the manifestation of drowsiness, a constant feeling of lack of sleep. There are clear signs of sleep deprivation, even if the woman slept for 12 hours or more. It can also be overwhelming: the expectant mother suddenly wakes up very early and cannot fall asleep again.
  • Change in sex drive... Libido throughout the entire period of pregnancy can change in one direction or the other. In this case, the earliest changes in libido are noted as early as 2-3 weeks after conception.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area... This feeling arises as a result of a more active influx to the pelvic organs. Therefore, a woman who is interested in how to understand that pregnancy has occurred perceives this phenomenon as a heaviness in the uterus. Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen may also disturb. At the same time, the feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen does not disappear even after using the toilet.
  • Tingling in the uterus... Periodically, tingling is felt in the uterus or in its area.
  • Pain in the lower back... Such precursors are also possible: tingling in the back, lumbago in the lower back, radiating to the legs. A tingling sensation in the uterus can be noted already in the first weeks of pregnancy, before the delay, and can be felt as a slight tingling sensation before menstruation or after ovulation. The causes of tingling in the uterus are associated with hormonal changes, embryo attachment. You need to understand: if it tingles in the uterus, then this is a physiological phenomenon. As the fetus develops, lower back pain often bothers, as the growing uterus presses on the internal organs. Sometimes the lower back hurts after conception, on the days when the delay has just begun. Heat may also be felt in the lower back.
  • Migraine headache... The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are also manifested by a headache, which can bother you throughout the day and subside only at night. The headache begins to bother in the first weeks, so the answer to the question of whether a headache can be one of the signs is in the affirmative.
  • Increased breast sensitivity... The sensitivity may increase to the point that even the slightest touch causes chest pain. Most expectant mothers have chest pains. Moreover, a woman sometimes cannot even touch her chest, since she can feel pain after the lightest touch. How the chest hurts depends on the individual, although this symptom is taken into account when an early pregnancy determination is made before the delay. In some cases, on the contrary, there is a loss of sensitivity of the mammary glands. This is typical for those who always have an increase in breast sensitivity before menstruation.
  • Fever and chills. A feeling of heat, which is replaced by chills, manifests itself several times a day. In this case, an increase in body temperature may not occur. This is an inner feeling that does not depend on the influence of external factors.
  • Increased appetite or craving for a certain food. Often, almost in the second week of pregnancy, women notice a significant increase in appetite (very often pregnant women write about this on each thematic forum, answering the question “ How did you feel at the beginning of your pregnancy?"). In the process of eating, they do not feel full. It also happens that you are drawn to a specific food item. It is also characteristic that pregnant women, as a rule, have a craving for that product or products that were previously absent on the menu.
  • Nausea. Many women are interested in whether it can start and whether it can get sick at the earliest possible date. The onset of such sensations in pregnant women is individual. Nausea bothers more often in the morning, sometimes there is vomiting. There is a sharp rejection of certain foods, even the thought of which provokes nausea. Often develops in the early stages. Pain in the intestines and stomach is also likely. How the stomach hurts, the woman herself determines with difficulty, because it is, rather, a pulling sensation, heaviness. Whether the stomach hurts in the first days after conception depends on individual characteristics - this does not always happen.
  • High sensitivity to odors... Many women who write on the forum and share their experience, answering the question: “ How did you feel you were pregnant?”, Talk about drastic changes in the sense of smell. There is an aversion to those smells that previously seemed pleasant, for example, to the aroma of food, perfumery, etc. At the same time, some chemical smells may seem attractive. It happens that a woman feels an uncharacteristic aroma when smelling food - for example, it may seem to her that the food has the aroma of acetone. Whether such changes can be felt immediately after conception depends on individual characteristics. As a rule, an increased sensitivity to odors is observed within a few days after conception.
  • Feeling uncomfortable while sitting... Already in the first days after conception, the expectant mother can hardly find a comfortable position in a sitting position.
  • Allergy... Allergy as a symptom manifests itself in the early stages. As a rule, this is an allergic reaction, which has not been previously noted in a woman.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy allows you to know if conception has occurred, even if there are no signs described above. But defining such subjective feelings in oneself helps those women who ask if it is possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay. Although the most accurate data on pregnancy can only be given later - hypersensitive test ... But even the most sensitive specimens can end up being interpreted as a weakly positive test if a pregnancy test was done too early. The earliest term for determining conception is 20-21 days from the date of the last menstruation. That is why most women are trying to figure out how to find out if there is a positive result, how to find out if conception has occurred.

If a woman kept a BT schedule, then is it possible to understand that she is pregnant, the basal temperature will help, which does not decrease during pregnancy as it does before menstruation.

There is a number of other signs that a woman is interested in, in order to find out that she is pregnant, “seeks out” in herself already in the first days after the probable conception. Reading articles that there are 33 signs of pregnancy or another number of them, she notes as such discharge , thrush , acne ... But all these manifestations may also indicate the development of the disease, and not pregnancy. For example, the discharge during conception of a child may be the same as with thrush. What kind of discharge after conception appears, as well as what are the most accurate signs of pregnancy, the doctor can tell, who should be asked how to identify the exact signs, and how to understand that you are pregnant.

External changes during the first days of pregnancy

Even before the delay, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are manifested almost by day by external changes. Despite the fact that only a few women claim that they have certain strange sensations after ovulation, if conception has occurred, external changes occur in almost everyone.

Talking about what sensations they experienced when conceiving a child and after that, many women note that they developed thrush , and after thrush - cystitis ... As a result, the question arose whether there could be a number of symptoms similar to those of pregnancy due to thrush.

And if, before the delay of menstruation, the woman herself can rather feel certain internal sensations after conception, then those around them note external changes.

Even before nausea appears after conception, the following external signs of pregnancy may be noted:

Laboratory and physiological changes in the early days of pregnancy

Trying to determine what signs of pregnancy in the early days indicate conception, a woman pays attention to the physiological state. How to determine pregnancy, while the test still does not show it, "prompt" some physiological manifestations, as well as laboratory parameters. Trying to understand everything about pregnancy from the first days of conception, expectant mothers, preoccupied with certain manifestations, turn to doctors.

Almost in the very first days of pregnancy, the following signs may indicate:

  • Early pregnancy factor... A special substance is found in the blood or in the mucus of the cervix of pregnant women - it is determined 28-48 hours after conception has occurred. Studies show that this factor can be found in 67% of cases after pregnancy. Its growth is noted during the first months. But at present, this diagnostic method is used very rarely.
  • Increased hCG hormone... The onset of pregnancy allows you to determine ... HCG is determined by tests or analyzes, and its level indicates that conception has occurred, and that bearing the fetus is proceeding normally. The growth of this indicator also occurs before the delay in menstruation, when a very short period is noted.
  • Discharge with blood from the vagina... Sometimes women are worried about what to do if pinkish or yellow discharge of a smeared character appears from the genitals. As a rule, such discharge and discomfort in the uterus appear 7-12 days after conception, and indicate that the embryo is fixed in the uterus. Also, the uterus can bleed if a woman once had erosion. Due to the increased blood flow, bleeding increases.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids... Since after conception, the blood flow in the pelvic organs increases, and constipation is also worried, hemorrhoids can worsen in the first weeks after conception.
  • Basal temperature rises... After conception, the basal temperature always rises. In the first weeks after conception, until the placenta begins to function, the basal temperature rises to levels above 37 C. If during the period of menstruation the basal temperature is more than 37 degrees, then this indicates either pregnancy or a delay due to late ovulation. Also, after conception, body temperature may rise. It should be noted that basal temperature is not the temperature of the vagina, but measured in the rectum.
  • Elevated temperature... Sometimes a constant temperature of 37 is noted as a sign of pregnancy. Whether the temperature can be lowered depends on the physiology of the organism.
  • Leg cramps (calf muscles)... Leg cramps and pains disturb at night, disturbing sleep.
  • Pressure drop... The most pronounced decrease in blood pressure in people who previously had hypotension. Often in such women, the pressure drops to 90/60 mm Hg. As a result, weakness is noted, , sometimes - fainting ... Even if the period is very short, such manifestations arise as a result of being in a stuffy room, transport, or a long standing position. Low blood pressure is also noted in those who previously had these indicators in the norm. Whether it is possible to feel such signs in the early days depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Decreased immunity... Primary symptoms may appear in the form of a cold - as a result of a decrease in immunity. In particular, it is possible runny nose , complaints of a sore throat. A pregnant woman thinks she is developing a common cold. Reviews of pregnant women indicate that a cold as an initial symptom manifests itself quite often.
  • Strong salivation... What a woman feels in the first days after conception is individual. But increased salivation is usually accompanied by nausea. The active separation of saliva worsens the sensation of toxicosis. The condition of a woman also depends on what sensations in the abdomen appear in the first days after conception. Sometimes nausea, bloating, or abdominal discomfort is also accompanied by severe salivation.
  • Vaginal discharge... The discharge before the delay becomes more abundant, as there is an increased production of vaginal secretion. Whether there can be white discharge after ovulation depends on the physiology of the woman. But white discharge as a sign of fertilization is a fairly common phenomenon.
  • Thrush... Since the secret of the vagina is rich in hydrogen ions, it actively reproduces Candida mushrooms ... If itching, cheesy discharge is noted, then thrush develops, which needs to be treated. Thrush as a sign of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. But if a thrush develops, whether it can be evidence of conception is impossible to immediately find out. Regardless of whether thrush is a sign of pregnancy, it needs to be treated.
  • Increased frequency of urination... Since hormonal changes in the body take place, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and active functioning of the kidneys, urination becomes more frequent both day and night. Frequent urination is noted during the entire period of gestation. Also, women during this period may be disturbed by cystitis. Whether the stomach can hurt, whether discomfort is felt, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Regardless of how the girl feels, if there are signs of cystitis, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Delay of menstruation... Despite other harbingers, it is the delay that is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. Nevertheless, the development of events is also possible, which can be characterized: "Delayed menstruation, but not pregnancy." Depending on how many days the delay already lasts, you can take measures to confirm or deny conception. Sometimes after conception, a delay in menstruation and a temperature of 37 are combined.

Even if there is a delay of 1 day, a woman may already suspect that she is pregnant, focusing on other signs. For example, she has white discharge, unusual sensations. But with a delay of one day, the test may not show conception.

If there is a delay of 2 days, and white discharge appears, as well as other signs, conception can be suspected. But two days' delay is a period when it is too early to see a doctor to confirm pregnancy.

Women who have a 3-day delay in their period often do the test. But even if after three days of delay the test turns out to be positive, this is not a guarantee of pregnancy, since the test may turn out to be false positive.

What happens after 4 days of delay depends not only on objective factors, but also on the woman's degree of emotionality. More emotional individuals believe that a 4-day delay in menstruation accurately indicates pregnancy, and they find a number of signs of conception in them.

Since the signs are brighter during the first pregnancy, after 5 days of delay, a woman can already be almost sure that she will have a child, since she determines in herself obvious symptoms of conception, regardless of what happens on day 5. If the delay is already 5 days, and white discharge continues to bother, ladies often turn to doctors to determine conception. But even on day 6, the doctor cannot say with certainty that the patient is pregnant, regardless of what happens on day 6 and what signs she has.

If your period is 7 days late, then it makes sense to do a test or see a doctor. A delay of 1 week, which is combined with other signs (white discharge, sleep and appetite disturbances, a cold as a sign of pregnancy, etc.) is already a reason to suspect that conception has occurred. But during this period it is still impossible to determine exactly what stage of pregnancy takes place. On the seventh day after conception, information can only be obtained by determining hCG.

Since on day 8, white discharge and other signs can be pronounced, at this time many women are already taking a test. And about 12 days after conception, there may be slight bleeding, as the embryo attaches to the uterus. How to determine if this is really the so-called implantation bleeding , the doctor will tell you.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor too long if you suspect that you are pregnant, or the test has already shown two strips. If there is a 2-week delay in menstruation, you can visit a doctor to confirm the pregnancy, and also, after a two-week delay, find out approximately how long after conception, how the pregnancy proceeds.

In the event that there is a 3 week delay, it is important to obtain confirmation that uterine pregnancy ... Indeed, with the same signs are noted as with its normal course. But this condition is very dangerous for a woman's health.

During this period, the doctor can already roughly determine how long after conception takes place. However, three weeks of delay is not yet the time when you can get a lot of accurate information about fetal development.

Often women ask a gynecologist about how to feel that conception has occurred. But in fact, an early visit to a gynecologist is important from the point of view of excluding diseases of the genital area, as well as determining the general health of the expectant mother. After all, all diseases of the mother can subsequently negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Thus, it is best to visit your doctor in the first month of pregnancy after your period has stopped and the first symptoms after conception appear. After all, 1 month is in many ways the most dangerous period, while the woman is not yet completely sure which pregnancy symptoms in the first days of the delay should be considered accurate.

When you visit a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to tell him in detail about what symptoms of pregnancy were noted in the first weeks, what sensations bothered you in the first weeks. It is important to report exactly when your last period was. Also, the doctor can examine the chest, inquire about what sensations you are currently experiencing, whether you are concerned about certain symptoms (cold, unusual discharge, chills at the beginning of the delay, etc.).

In the first two weeks, the doctor will not only conduct an examination, but will ask you in detail about what sensations you experienced at 1 and 2 weeks.

You should go to the first appointment with a gynecologist before the time when the first signs may appear toxicosis ... That is, it is best to plan the first visit to the doctor for 2 months, when the discomfort is not yet so strong. The fifth week is an appropriate period for such a visit. The doctor may ask a number of questions about how a woman feels. It should be borne in mind that at week 5, the basal temperature remains steadily elevated, and if a woman measures it, you can tell the doctor about it.

Less often, women postpone a visit to a gynecologist for 3 months, when the exact symptoms are already pronounced, there come times when the tummy gradually increases. Nevertheless, it is categorically impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor for 3, and even more so for 4 months.

The gynecologist always conducts an examination. It is important for him to assess the condition of the uterus, because the uterus before menstruation is firm to the touch and dry. The position of the cervix before menstruation is always low. The indicators of how much the uterus increases before menstruation and how much it becomes larger during pregnancy differ significantly. That is why, according to the state of the uterus, a specialist can judge the pregnancy that has come.

The doctor assesses how the uterus looks, and, depending on how many days after the delay, the woman came to the appointment, he can determine conception or ask the patient to come later, if signs of pregnancy and enlargement are not yet noticeable. How many days it is necessary to visit the doctor again, he must inform.

It is important to know for sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally. After a woman is registered, she visits a gynecologist every month.

First week of pregnancy: signs and sensations

Since 1 week is, in fact, not a pregnancy, at this time a woman, as a rule, does not yet determine those syndromes and symptoms that are evidence of a successful conception. On rare occasions, some expectant mothers say that already on the first day of conception, long before the test was carried out, they felt certain strange sensations. But nevertheless, the sensations during fertilization, in the first days after it, when a woman determines something unusual in the body, is rather. an exception. Also, in rare cases, the corresponding symptoms appear on day 2 or day 3. That is why it is difficult for a woman in the first days (on the 4th day, on the 5th day) to understand what is happening.

Many women are not aware of the earliest signs of pregnancy in the first week. But already during this period, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first week: the stomach pulls, discharge appears, etc.

Whether there are certain symptoms at 1 week after conception, and when more pronounced symptoms occur, depends on the woman's body. If the delay is 6 days, it is still difficult for the doctor to determine how long. Thus, the first week against the background of a developing pregnancy, signs appear rarely, and a woman, as a rule, does not know about her condition.

Symptoms in the second week after conception and later

2nd week of pregnancy is a period when new sensations can be manifested more clearly. Often for a period of 10 days or 12 days, that is, at 2 weeks, women already carry out the test, relying on the fact that they have new sensations. The second week of delay is the period that may already be accompanied by nausea, appetite disorders, drowsiness. However, only the doctor, and not the expectant mother, can determine how long a 12-day delay is based on her feelings.

At 2 and 3 weeks after conception, many pregnant women lose weight, as they have a certain picky eating and other unpleasant sensations. The second and third weeks are the period when pregnancy after conception is also manifested by changes in the mammary glands - the beginning of pregnancy is marked by the fact that the breast becomes very sensitive. Later, when the fourth week comes, the breasts will become heavier, also 4 weeks is the period when you can feel the first signs toxicosis .

What other signs are, and on what day they appear, you can find out from the relevant literature. And about how the fetus develops, it is worth watching a video that will help a woman to understand how all the processes occur after conception.

It should be noted that early signs of a second pregnancy may be atypical and appear differently from the first time. In the early stages, their absence is possible - everything happens without signs of pregnancy. It should be noted that the so-called hidden pregnancy is asymptomatic, so a woman may not suspect that she is expecting a baby for a long time.

Signs of pregnancy after delay

If there is a delay in menstruation, the woman is actively interested in what the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages may be, and in what week these signs appear. During this period, expectant mothers often turn to any thematic forum, where various features of the first weeks are discussed - there are signs or no signs, what are the earliest symptoms that develop, etc., how a number of signs appear in multiple pregnancies, etc. ...

Most often, women note that already in the first days they either have an increased appetite or no appetite at all. Other signs are also noted - a low temperature and chills, strange sensations in the abdomen and itching of the navel, a constant change of mood. Some women describe only the main symptoms, some find 25 signs each.

But even if a woman notes a number of signs that may indicate conception - lack of appetite, mild colds, tearfulness, chills without fever, etc., there is no need to run to the doctor on the second day after the delay.

But later, during a visit to the doctor, it is important to tell him about the symptoms. After all, the first weeks of pregnancy, and the first, and second, and subsequent, are a period when the risk of termination is very high. It is important to inform the doctor that there are tingling sensations in the uterus, pain as before menstruation, other discomfort in the uterus, tingling in the ovaries, etc.

In addition, the doctor can be asked questions that are important for a woman: can there be a temperature in the period after conception, can there be periods during pregnancy in the early stages, the signs of which are already taking place, how many days after conception begins to vomit, etc.

However, there are initial symptoms after a missed period, which can be considered accurate indications of a conception that has occurred. The most accurate signs are as follows:

  • Positive test, which was done at least three times, and, between the earliest test and the last one, several days should go. After how many days pregnancy appears on the test, depends on its type. But it is better to do it at least a week after the delay begins.
  • Gynecological examination on a chair... Doctors clearly know how long it takes to show the exact signs of pregnancy. When the gestation period is 6 weeks, the cervix becomes soft, its shade is cyanotic, since blood flow is activated in it, and during this period a woman may complain that she has a stabbing in the uterus. There is also a softening of the isthmus between the uterus and the body, an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Increased levels of hCG in urine and blood... Even if there are no external signs, this indicator not only indicates conception, but is also perceived by a specialist as an indicator of the course of pregnancy. In the first month, hCG doubles every two days, later - every 4 days.
  • Results of ultrasound of the uterus... After an ultrasound examination, an implanted ovum can be detected at a period of 5 weeks.

Women who have had a delay, and who are actively interested in what day the symptoms appear, what are the signs and when the more pronounced manifestations begin, should be aware that for a period of 4-6 weeks there is a high probability of spontaneous ... Therefore, it is important to "listen" to the body and be careful.

Signs of conceiving a boy and a girl

Most future parents would very much like to know from the very first days whether the birth of a girl or a boy awaits them. That is why expectant mothers are looking for a variety of signs that could indicate the birth of a baby of a certain gender. For example, the difference in the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy or a girl is discussed, the condition of the skin - whether acne appears or not, etc.

But after the test showed two stripes, all signs that indicate the conception of a boy or girl cannot be considered accurate, and parents should remember this. But still, many mothers talk about the fact that they had certain symptoms, indicating the birth of a baby of a certain gender, and ask their friends: “Is there a certain sign“ in girls ”, are there“ in boys ”? Your period stops, and gradually certain signs appear that indicate the birth of a boy or girl.

Signs of conception by a boy

You can notice the proven signs of pregnancy in a boy already in the first weeks after conception. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, these features can be determined by carefully listening and looking at her body. But what symptoms "on a boy" a woman would not find in herself, one must remember that they do not guarantee one hundred percent the birth of a male baby. What are the signs of mothers carrying boys?

External signs The appearance improves - the skin becomes dull and clear, the condition of nails and hair improves.
Feet temperature Feet may be cold, and there is heat inside the legs and arms. A pregnant woman may be worried about why she gets hot, but there is no temperature.
Appetite We are waiting for the boy - we eat a lot: from the first days the appetite increases. At the same time, the woman prefers all possible meat dishes. The "boys" also have other taste preferences.
Nausea Pregnancy passes without nausea or only mild nausea is noted.
Features of mood There are no mood swings, activity and efficiency increase, there is no feeling of depression, weakness.
Stomach Its lower part is rounded in the form of a bulge, after what time such signs appear depends on individual characteristics, but, as a rule, this feature is noticeable in later periods.

Signs of conception by a girl

The proven features of pregnancy "for a girl" are described by almost every thematic forum. But what signs of pregnancy for a girl are accurate is also controversial. Some women note what signs during pregnancy a girl manifest in the first weeks. But sometimes the signs during pregnancy and, a boy, and a girl are almost the same. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that not always what kind of belly a pregnant girl has is information that will help determine who will be born.

What are the symptoms if the expectant mother is pregnant with a girl?

Appearance Already in the third week after conception, the appearance changes for the worse. Lips may swell, skin swells, face turns pale.
Feet temperature May feel chills in the legs, but the temperature of the skin of the legs and hands will be elevated.
Appetite Appetite decreases or is absent from the first weeks. There is a desire to eat sweets, citrus fruits.
Nausea The day from which one begins to vomit can also be a sign of the sex of the fetus. If this is a girl, the nausea appears several weeks after conception, and most of all the nausea in the morning.
Features of mood The characters are mood swings. Strange thoughts disturb, the woman commits confused acts.
Stomach It does not increase for a long time, sometimes it even sinks, which is associated with manifestations of nausea and lack of appetite.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

Sometimes, during ovulation and conception, several fruits begin to develop in the body at once. There are some characteristic symptoms of conception when two or more fetuses develop. It is hardly possible to feel any signs of this phenomenon immediately after conception, but after a few weeks, if conception has occurred, such symptoms appear.

If the symptoms of pregnancy after conception indicate multiple pregnancies, the woman should tell her doctor the first time she visits her. The following signs are likely:

Appearance It is getting worse, since a very serious hormonal change occurs in the body, and nausea is also constantly worried. Acne appears on the face.
Frequent urination Describing what the signs of multiple pregnancy may be, frequent urination should be noted, since the uterus is enlarged already in the third week.
Appetite As a rule, you want to eat in this state all the time, although nausea worries. Weight gains quickly.
Nausea It is important to note how many days after conception begins to vomit. With multiple pregnancies, nausea is strong and very painful almost from the first week, this condition worries throughout the day.
Features of mood Due to constant drowsiness and weakness, the mood is often depressed, and performance deteriorates.
Stomach Since the uterus grows rapidly, the abdomen is already rounded in the first months, the rounding is noted evenly.

Is conception possible before menstruation?

Is it possible to conceive a child the day before menstruation - the answer to this question depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the female body. After all, the menstrual cycle is often not regular, not only in girls. Those women who have irregular menstrual periods cannot predict when ovulation occurs. Therefore, it is difficult for them to predict the date of the approaching period. Consequently, conception can occur at almost any time. And if a woman is expecting menstruation, but they are not, this may indicate that conception occurred, despite the fact that she did not have sexual intercourse on the days of the alleged ovulation. The days of ovulation sometimes shift and when hormonal imbalance .

If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, how to find out that she is pregnant, external signs can "prompt". In this situation, it is important, first of all, to listen to your body.

Sometimes after a delay of 5 days, the expectant mother is a little nauseous, white discharge appears, as an exacerbation of thrush occurs or yellow discharge appears before menstruation. The fact that the conception of a child has occurred is also evidenced by an increased basal temperature of 37 in a week or in 5 days, in 6 days. In addition, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • an increase in the abdomen, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • strong appetite, but nauseous;
  • intermittent high temperature (there may be a temperature, but sometimes it gets hot, but there is no temperature);
  • breast changes (high sensitivity, darkened nipples);
  • discharge (if you are pregnant, thrush often worsens or begins), etc.

However, almost all of these signs are not manifested in everyone. And if a woman is interested in when to do the test, in doubt, will show the test a week before menstruation or 2 days before pregnancy, it is better for her to wait a little with such a check.

When advising how to determine pregnancy, experts say that the test must be performed at least 3 times. For example, 4 days after the delay, 7 days or 8 days, and 3 more days after the second positive test. If two stripes appeared three times, it can be assumed that conception took place.

If a woman assumes that she will soon become a mother, she has a lot of questions about why she gets hot during her period, whether there can be nausea in the early days, why the body swells, how many days the weight increases and much more. All of them can be asked to a specialist.

Is menstruation possible after conception?

Many women also ask if menstruation is possible after fertilization, for example, if menstruation is possible a week after conception.

As a rule, conception occurs after menstruation on the 12-15th day, during the period of ovulation. Those who are interested in whether menstruation can go on after conception should take into account that the onset of pregnancy can lead to the so-called ovulatory bleeding when a vessel is damaged during ovulation. When the embryo is fixed in the uterus, the so-called implantation bleeding ... During this period, a woman is already interested in whether nausea can be a sign of pregnancy, whether thrush passes - that is, she gradually feels the signs of conception.

However, sometimes menstruation-like sensations and blooming discharge indicate a threat. It is especially dangerous if the bleeding is profuse, chills and other unpleasant sensations disturb. Premature periods during pregnancy may indicate miscarriage.

Pregnancy with menstruation is also possible with injuries, hormonal disruption. Sometimes there are scanty periods - 2 days. Whether there can be pregnancy in this case can only be determined by analysis. If menstruation is noted after a delay and in subsequent months, it means that the so-called color pregnancy ... By noticing certain signs, a woman may think she has a cold or other illness.

Ectopic pregnancy and menstruation at the same time is also a possible phenomenon. In any case, if a woman suspects pregnancy during her period, she will be helped not by a thematic forum, but by consulting a specialist.

Sometimes bloody discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: a woman is shivering, her temperature rises, and low blood pressure is noted even if low blood pressure is uncharacteristic for her. In such a situation, it is important not to hesitate to visit the doctor, who needs to be informed what signs during menstruation were observed in pregnant women.

However, some of the manifestations may be signs of a normal pregnancy. For example, sometimes it gets hot at night, and a woman is also interested in why she shivers, why her face swells, etc.


Thus, there are many signs - external, physiological, laboratory, with the help of which one can initially suspect and later confirm fertilization. How and when such symptoms appear, how many days they appear after conception, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

You should wait a bit with the test: on the 7th day immediately after conception, even a hypersensitive test will not determine anything.

When the first signs appear, you should "listen" to the body and know what symptoms may indicate conception. When these symptoms begin to appear, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor. It should be clearly understood whether there is a delay, that is, wait out "through menstruation."

If you suspect that conception has occurred, many questions arise. So, some women are interested in why the chills before menstruation, are not fever in the abdomen, pain in the back, colic in the uterus signs that fertilization has occurred. Some ladies are also interested in how to feel that conception has occurred.

But even if there have been no menstruation for 37 days, before talking about pregnancy, you need to accurately confirm fertilization. And if so far the lady is not sure of conception, and questions arise, whether there may be a delay in menstruation with a cold or a fever due to a cold, and the test showed fuzzy stripes after the first time, it is important to be conscious of your own health. For now, there shouldn't be questions about whether you can drink beer or other types of alcohol.

How else to call the state of bearing a baby? This is the period when a woman is responsible not only for her health and life. The health of the unborn baby needs to be taken care of even before conception, and in the first weeks of his intrauterine life, this should be done especially carefully.

The onset of pregnancy for women who want to replenish their family is a joyful event and a real miracle. Each representative of the fair sex at least once in her life should experience the extraordinary feeling of the birth of a new being in her. At the first conception, many girls do not know at all how the early signs of pregnancy manifest themselves, they naively believe that the embryo will immediately move in the womb, will give a sign of its presence. In fact, the process that has begun and the signs of pregnancy themselves in the early stages do not externally give themselves out for a long time. The test will show the presence of a fertilized egg only 8-10 days after conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear only after a month or two.

Signs of early pregnancy

A woman who has not given birth before cannot understand when the first signs of early pregnancy appear and how to distinguish them from the onset of the menstrual cycle, and often strange changes in the body are attributed to malaise or illness. Moreover, some of the symptoms of pregnancy are really similar to the disruption of the body's systems as a result of stress, hormonal disorders, heavy physical exertion, and the use of potent pharmaceuticals. And menstrual irregularities occur even in healthy women. Therefore, every potential mother needs to learn how to identify the very first signs of early pregnancy, and at the slightest suspicion, go to the gynecologist's office.

The first sign of early pregnancy is mood swings

When a woman begins hormonal changes in her body, preparing for a long period of bearing a baby, close people simply cannot recognize her. The expectant mother is ready to explode at any moment, to unleash streams of rage on her husband and relatives, even for no apparent reason. She feels misunderstood, offended, deprived, surrounded by callous and stupid people. The woman is not able to control outbursts of aggression, although she understands that she is causing pain and resentment to her family. Sudden and unreasonable irritability appears earlier than other signs of early pregnancy. It is she who can suggest a conception that has taken place.

The second sign of early pregnancy is a change in taste.

The body of a pregnant woman, preparing for bearing a baby, tries to accumulate as many nutrients and useful substances as possible. Therefore, the expectant mother develops unexpected taste preferences. She begins with pleasure to eat food that she did not like before, combines foods on a plate that are in no way compatible. All dishes seem bland to a pregnant woman, so she salt and season them abundantly. Eating a large can of pickled cucumbers at a time will not be difficult for her. And some mothers suddenly have an irresistible desire to “feast on” chalk or sand. Changes in taste and increased appetite are the first and most obvious symptoms of pregnancy, which immediately attract attention.

The third sign of early pregnancy is delayed menstruation.

Failure of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of pregnancy. If, after the usual period of time, a woman does not start her period, she suspects a successful conception.

Menstrual bleeding will not bother the mother not only for all nine months of carrying the baby, but also for about six months, and sometimes even a year after childbirth. Menstruation will resume only when the mother's body is fully restored. But the absence of menstruation in due time, in addition to pregnancy, can also signal pathological changes in the body, about the wrong lifestyle of a woman. The menstrual cycle is disturbed by:

  1. stress, depression and anxiety;
  2. strong physical activity;
  3. change of climate or regime of the day;
  4. colds and viral diseases;
  5. the use of contraceptive drugs and potent drugs;
  6. obesity or starvation;
  7. the onset of menopause.

The fourth sign of early pregnancy is breast swelling.

Swollen breasts and swollen veins in the chest are signs of early pregnancy, which appear mainly in the later stages. When pressing on the nipples, a yellowish colostrum is released. And the first months of pregnancy, a woman can only feel some discomfort in the chest area. Also, noticeable signs of early pregnancy are Montgomery tubercles. These are small outgrowths that form in a circle around the nipple immediately after successful conception. Outwardly, they look like warts filled with a sebaceous substance, but they do not disrupt the functioning of the mammary glands in any way, do not affect the health of the mother.

The fifth sign of early pregnancy is toxicosis

Usually, a woman's toxicosis manifests itself in the middle stages of pregnancy, when the baby in the womb is already sufficiently developed. The expectant mother is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, she can no longer stand the usual dishes, after each meal she is overtaken by the urge to vomit. But sometimes these pregnancy symptoms occur in the initial stages. In this case, doctors diagnose the so-called early toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting are not the most obvious signs of early pregnancy; food poisoning can be the cause of these unpleasant phenomena. Also, many diseases of the digestive tract cannot do without these symptoms: gastritis, enteritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

The sixth sign of early pregnancy is frequent urge to urinate

Frequent trips to the toilet are usually suffered by women in late pregnancy, when a baby that has grown in the womb begins to press on the bladder and ureter. However, malfunctions in the urinary system can occur in the early stages of gestation. They are caused by chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is abundantly secreted in a pregnant woman and provokes an acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Mom thinks that her bladder is full, although there is actually little urine in it. This sensation is especially strong in a supine position, so pregnant women do not sleep well at night, suffer from incontinence.

An increased urge to urinate is not only the first signs of early pregnancy, but also symptoms of complex diseases of the genitourinary system. Urinary incontinence is accompanied by diabetes mellitus, in which the patient drinks a lot of fluids, as well as cystitis or urethritis. If, when urinating in the lower abdomen, a strong painful burning sensation is felt, it is not a matter of pregnancy, but of an illness.

The seventh sign of early pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature

By measuring the basal temperature, women are usually established. When the temperature inside the genitals rises slightly above normal, the egg is ready for fertilization. But with the help of basal temperature, you can also determine the onset of conception. To do this, during a delay in menstruation, a thermometer is placed in the anus, since the temperature is the same in the rectum and genital tract. It is better to carry out the procedure after a night's sleep, without getting out of bed.

If a woman keeps a chart of basal temperature for 3-4 months, then in case of pregnancy, she will notice that a week before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature, instead of decreasing, continues to remain at 37 degrees. In this case, you can most likely assume that you are pregnant.

The eighth sign of early pregnancy is bloody discharge from the genitals

A week after conception, some women notice minor bleeding from the genital tract. They can be confused with scanty menstrual bleeding, but they differ from menstruation in a lighter shade. They appear just at the moment when the fertilized egg clings to the wall of the uterus, but they do not last long. Sometimes women observe a rather thick yellowish discharge. So at the beginning of pregnancy, cervical erosion is manifested. Allocation may be completely absent, and this is also normal in the early stages of gestation.

The ninth sign of early pregnancy is a painful condition, malaise

Important signs of early pregnancy are a sharp decrease in immunity and an acceleration of metabolism. The body of a pregnant woman suppresses its own immune cells so that they do not perceive the embryo as a foreign body, do not try to destroy it. And the metabolism is activated as a result of hormonal changes. In the early stages of bearing a child, a future mother often catches a cold, suffers from a runny nose and hoarseness, and her temperature may rise. In order not to harm the embryo, it is advisable to treat ailments not with pharmaceuticals, but with folk methods.

Pregnant women often complain of weakness and drowsiness, want to sleep at night and during the day. This is how the hormone progesterone, produced by the ovaries after conception, which is responsible for preserving the fetus, manifests itself.

The tenth sign of early pregnancy is skin changes

Pigmented and inflammatory changes in the skin are noticeable symptoms of pregnancy. The hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body after conception have a great effect on the condition of the skin. Due to the sharp fluctuations in sex hormones, the face, neck and chest of a pregnant woman are dotted with age spots, spider veins, similar in color to hematomas, appear on the legs and arms. With the birth of a baby, all pigmentation will disappear, mom should not worry about it. The sebaceous and sweat glands work hard during gestation, so many women have acne on their face. Around the twelfth week of pregnancy, a longitudinal pigment strip appears on the mother's belly, which will remain until the very birth. And already from the twentieth week of bearing the baby, stretch marks begin to form on the sides and lower abdomen. The more fat the pregnant woman is, the more noticeable they are.

The eleventh sign of early pregnancy is bowel dysfunction

Sex hormones, being actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, suppress the work of the intestines, contribute to its relaxation. Therefore, constipation and diarrhea are common symptoms during pregnancy. Usually, these unpleasant signs of pregnancy haunt the expectant mother in the late stages of bearing the baby, when the uterus expands, squeezing the intestines. But sometimes women who are not wearing their first baby notice constipation, excessive gas formation, and loose stools already in the early stages. Many mothers suffer from hemorrhoids. To remove these symptoms of pregnancy, which cause a lot of trouble, it is advisable to use not medications, but folk remedies that are safe for the developing embryo.

Conception of a child can be planned and desired, or vice versa. Therefore, it is so important to understand and study the first signs of pregnancy in time. If we talk about fertilization, you can identify this in the early stages, even before the delay in menstruation. Let's start.

Subjective first signs of early pregnancy

Subjective symptomatology refers to the girl's condition, in which pregnancy can be confused with other changes in health. For example, with premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, mild colds, etc. However, the same symptomatology indicates a possible conception, so it needs to be studied in more detail.

So, the symptoms of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are as follows:

# 1. Sleep problems

To detect conception before menstruation begins, attention must be paid to sleep. Pregnant women suffer from apathy and drowsiness, wake up at night, feel tired even after a long rest. Since we are considering the subjective first signs of early pregnancy, it is quite possible that this is simply chronic fatigue.

# 2. Change in psycho-emotional background

After fertilization, the girl suffers from sudden outbursts of mood, nervousness, a feeling of causeless anxiety, bad sleep, and apathy. If you recently burst into tears, and after 2 minutes laugh, as if nothing had happened, you should think about it. This is pregnancy or overly emotional.

Number 3. General malaise

Not necessarily feeling unwell should be included in the first signs of pregnancy, but early fertilization is thus obtained before menstruation is delayed. If you are constantly depressed, get tired quickly, it could be a cold or fertilization. It is better to further support your theory by the presence of other symptoms.

No. 4. Frequent headaches and migraines

An increase in intracranial pressure and the development of headaches against this background should be attributed to subjective symptoms. If you notice that you suffer from severe migraines every day, which only disappear in the evening, it is quite possible that you are pregnant.

No. 5. Unstable libido

Signs of pregnancy appear in the early stages in different ways, before the delay in menstruation is determined by libido. Half a month after fertilization, you can notice a change in sexual desire. First, I really want sex, then on the contrary, there is no attraction to a partner.

No. 6. Back pain

Tingling in the back and soreness (feeling of heaviness) in the lower back are more likely to be symptoms of PMS. But the symptoms of conception in the first couple of weeks also characterize a possible pregnancy. If the lower back literally "shoots", plus there is pain in the uterus, then the answer is most likely in the affirmative. Some pregnant girls complained of a burning sensation in the back and heaviness in the legs.

No. 7. Food cravings

The first signs of pregnancy are such that literally in the fourth week after fertilization, you can feel an increased craving for food or a desire to eat a product that is unusual for you (for example, a banana with pickled cucumber). Also in the early stages, the brutal appetite is accompanied by complete desaturation, the girl does not get satisfaction from the meal. If this is not typical for you, then the answer is positive and is determined before the delay in menstruation.

No. 8. Vomiting and nausea

Many ladies are interested in whether toxicosis can begin immediately after fertilization. In this case, everything is individual, usually heartburn and digestive problems usually develop first. Food is poorly absorbed, there is a sensitivity to smells, tastes in food change. On this basis, the girl may vomit, but not always.

No. 9. Increased basal temperature

If it is not typical for you that the temperature can jump, then this sign is considered a clear consequence of pregnancy, which is determined before the onset of menstruation. When conception has occurred, the temperature is constantly kept at around 37 degrees. It does not go down, but it can go up. Even if your period has already begun, and the indicators are still not falling, the answer is probably positive. Basal temperature is measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum and not into the vagina.

No. 10. Decreased immune system

After fertilization, the embryo tries to gain a foothold in the mother's body, for this reason, the girl's immunity drops sharply. Many complain of pain and sore throat, mild colds, runny nose. The first signs of pregnancy are usually all of these and are characterized in the early stages, but before the delay in menstruation, these are only subjective symptoms.

No. 11. Severity in the pelvic area

When fertilization occurs, the pelvic organs feel the flow of blood, so this place usually "pulls", appears heaviness. Usually, girls do not pay much attention to such symptoms, but in vain. Sometimes, along with heaviness and tingling in the uterus, a feeling of fullness appears in the lower abdomen. It doesn't go anywhere even after going to the restroom.

No. 12. Painful chest

Before menstruation, the breast swells and becomes tender, but after fertilization, it hurts unbearably at the slightest touch. Almost all expectant mothers claim that the mammary glands have become larger and began to tingle. This symptom is not always a consequence of pregnancy, it all depends on the sensitivity of the breast that is usual for a woman. For some, on the contrary, it stops hurting.

No. 13. Chills, fever

A couple of times a day, the girl first complains of severe chills, then she gets hot, and vice versa. With all this, the temperature does not rise. The alternation of cold with heat does not depend on this; it manifests itself as an independent symptom of conception. However, the sign may also indicate that you are eating poorly, waking up early, or not dressed for the weather.

No. 14. Low blood pressure

The first signs of pregnancy in hypotonic women appear in the early stages in the form of an even greater decrease in pressure. Before the delay of menstruation, the result can be determined. If the pressure dropped to 90 to 60, plus to this - there was weakness, apathy, dizziness and fainting, you may be pregnant. But do not exclude a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, the lack of walks in the fresh air, or poor sleep. In the first weeks of conception, pressure decreases in everyone, without exception, but hypotensive people will notice this most of all.

No. 15. Sensitivity to odors

You can often hear from pregnant girls that the room smells bad. In fact, this may not be so, simply due to fertilization, the sense of smell increases. It is noted that even pleasant aromas (perfume, food smell, etc.) can cause disgust. Some girls say the apple smells like nail polish remover, and the garnish smells like shaving cream. Observe yourself and conclude that such symptoms appear in the early stages after conception.

No. 16. Increased salivation

Symptoms in the form of increased salivation are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and heartburn. But for each woman it manifests itself individually. Due to the production of saliva, toxicosis becomes more pronounced. In some cases, there is gas formation and discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

No. 17. Discomfort while sitting

The first signs of pregnancy can manifest as discomfort when a woman is in a sitting position. But in the early stages it will not be possible to identify this, especially before the delay in menstruation. This discomfort usually appears after the sixth week or later.

No. 18. Vaginal discharge

By increasing the secretory functions, secretions can become more abundant. They appear before the onset of menstruation in more than usual. But this is only a subjective symptomatology that does not give a 100% answer to the question.

No. 19. Allergic reaction

Due to the restructuring of the hormonal background and some disorders in the body, a woman may develop an allergic reaction that was not previously noticed. If you feel like you started sneezing when going out into the sun or near flowers, you may still be pregnant.

No. 20. Convulsions

This symptomatology cannot be attributed to clear signs of conception, but it is worth knowing about it. After fertilization, a woman may wake up at night from the fact that she has cramps in the calf muscles. Usually, such symptoms are accompanied by heaviness, swelling of the limbs.

No. 21. Thrush

The vagina has a special environment that contains a large amount of hydrogen ions. Because of this feature, fungi of the Candida family can actively multiply. Itching occurs, and a cheesy white discharge appears. This means that thrush develops. Often it is this disease that indicates pregnancy. Don't panic ahead of time.

No. 22. Frequent urination

The first signs of pregnancy may appear in the form of frequent trips to the toilet. This feature is typical in the early stages. It is also worth understanding that you cannot be completely sure of pregnancy until your period is delayed. Frequent urination occurs due to a change in hormonal levels or a common cold. During pregnancy, this phenomenon persists throughout the period. See your doctor to rule out the development of cystitis.


Pass diagnostics without fail, so you will be sure of the result. All the symptoms described may not appear during pregnancy. Still, if you are faced with certain health problems, going to the doctor will not be superfluous. Be sure to donate blood for hCG. There is no more accurate analysis.

External signs of pregnancy

To determine the first signs of pregnancy, you should carefully examine your appearance. Some symptoms may indicate conception.

# 1. Swelling of the hands and face

A slight swelling of the face is often the first sign of pregnancy. In addition, you may feel a slight swelling of the limbs. This feature becomes especially noticeable when you clench your hands into a fist. Also pay attention to the swelling of the feet, towards the evening you will no longer be able to fit into your usual shoes.

# 2. Acne breakouts

The first signs of pregnancy are characterized by the formation of pimples. In the early stages, this is a common occurrence. The body is exposed to a dramatic hormonal imbalance. The face becomes covered with acne even before the delay of menstruation. This feature can manifest itself, even if you have not previously suffered from rashes.

Number 3. Strong gassing

Soon after fertilization, the intestines begin to work differently. Because of this, women often face a problem in the form of constipation. You may also experience increased gas production. The belly swells up a lot from time to time. The appetite will change dramatically. Focus on your general condition.

No. 4. "Printing" veins on the chest

Most women assure that after fertilization, you can soon notice a change in breast volume and the formation of a venous network on it. Such patterns appear depending on the characteristics of the organism.

No. 5. Breast enlargement

It's no secret that during pregnancy, the mammary glands noticeably enlarge. The chest becomes more magnificent, it seems to be poured. Even if you lose your appetite and start losing weight, such a "bonus" can be seen with the naked eye. It feels like there is a ball in the chest.

No. 6. Darkening of the areolas

Darkening of the areoles may be the first sign of pregnancy. This phenomenon often occurs in the early stages. Do not lose sight of the fact that the feature can be individual before the delay in menstruation. The skin may not darken.

No. 7. Redness of the face

After conception, a slight blush appears on the face. During pregnancy, blood circulation in the female body is significantly increased. The face turns red. As evening falls, you start to feel hot.

No. 8. The appearance of a line on the stomach

After fertilization, the girl's body is rebuilt. Over time, a brown line appears on the belly. It stretches from the navel downward and becomes more pronounced.

To understand whether you are pregnant or not, it is worth reading some facts. Examine your own body and try to find out what has changed. Take a pregnancy test if needed. If in doubt, visit a specialist and donate blood.

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