Can children drink mineral water? The benefits and harms of mineral water for children. And there are contraindications

Hand tools 12.09.2020
Hand tools

Many people know firsthand about the health benefits of mineral water. It is not surprising, because the composition of mineral water contains useful components that cannot be, by definition, in tap water. And if the doctor ascribes to drink "Narzan" or "Essentuki" for prevention, then this does not cause any concern. Another thing is when it comes to mineral water for children, especially newborns. A lot of questions immediately arise: is it possible to drink mineral water for a child, which brand to choose, how much can be given per day, etc. Let's try to find out what kind of baby water is safe and healthy.

Mineral water for baby food

First of all, it should be understood that mineral water is produced in several types: table water (mineralization less than 2 grams per liter), medical-table water (organic content does not exceed 8 grams per liter), medicinal (mineralization reaches 12 grams per liter). Of all types, only table water can be used as baby water for babies. With such a composition, you can drink the baby as safely as possible and prepare nutritional mixtures.

Children from 1 year old can be given medicinal table water if they have health problems. It is important to consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions. Healing water with a degree of mineralization of up to 12 grams per liter is not suitable for baby food.

How to choose baby water?

Before buying water for a child, you need to understand that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, packaged water is of two types: water of the first and highest quality categories. The first is safe for health, but the source of its receipt is not indicated. That is, it can be water from the tap, purified according to the established rules. Water of the highest quality category is extracted only from underground sources (artesian wells, springs).

Therefore, when choosing a drink for a child, pay attention to the quality category. Also, read the label carefully, especially the mineral composition of the water. Here is an approximate composition of mineral water that doctors recommend:

  • magnesium - 45-50 mg / l;
  • calcium - 20-70 mg / l;
  • potassium - 2-18 mg / l;
  • fluoride (ions) - 0.5-0.6 mg / l;
  • iodide (ions) - 0.03-0.05 mg / l;
  • bicarbonates - 30-380 mg / l.

It is also important to observe the storage regime for bottled mineral water. An open bottle can be stored for up to 48 hours, and a closed bottle up to one year.

Where to buy high quality and safe baby food water?

If you need high quality mineral water for children, please contact our company "Health Water". We offer the most popular and safe waters for children of all ages. On sale:

  • Children's water Sulinka BABY WATER (Slovakia).
  • Children's water BEBI (Russia).
  • Baby water Malyshka (Russia).

You can order baby water from us at a bargain price and with delivery across St. Petersburg, Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation.

What kind of water can you drink - filtered, bottled, tap, mineral?

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of life on earth. It is a universal solvent, the basis for the course of biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances. Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school we were taught that the human body consists of water by about 70%. Accordingly, without this natural resource, human life is impossible.

What kind of water should you drink?

The water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • be of natural origin from an underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • do not undergo deep cleaning by osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g / l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body that determines health!

How useful and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern purification and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe values \u200b\u200bin terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, the deterioration of the water supply leads to the fact that in the water there can be an excess of iron, chlorine and even organic matter and bacteria. If water enters the water supply system from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large metropolitan areas receive water from above-ground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it gets into our taps after multi-stage cleaning, but its quality indicators are far from the characteristics of artesian water.

Boiled or Raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of the arrangement of water molecules. It is often called living, and for good reason - only such water helps cells to regenerate, prevents the formation of free radicals. Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. Dead water - experts call it such a frightening phrase:

  • when boiling, useful salts fall out into an insoluble precipitate;
  • the oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • the chlorine contained in tap water, when boiled, turns into toxic compounds, leading to urolithiasis and oncopathology;
  • the structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that within a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not go away - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms. If you still prefer boiled water for safety reasons, let the raw water stand for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling : such water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will remain in a state accessible for assimilation. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not allow long-term storage and use.

What kind of raw water should and can I drink?

Tap water

This is raw water, purified at a water utility and brought to the requirements of regulatory documents. Not the best health option. If there is no other option, then you can drink it after pretreatment:

  • boiling with the obligatory observance of the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we'll talk about below;
  • settling for 2 hours and then using only the upper half of the liquid.

But this method will not insure against germs and toxic substances.

Bottled water

This is raw water, purified industrially, but meets all safety requirements. It is packaged both in large bottles and in plastic bottles that are sold in stores. It happens in the first and highest category. The first is artificially purified water (tap water, from a surface reservoir) by the method of deep purification

The highest is water from an artesian well, purified by gentle methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it?

When properly cleaned, this water is really healthy and safe, it does not need to be boiled before drinking. However, manufacturers often save on the stages of water purification, as a result of which the sold product is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a bona fide manufacturer:

  • The longer a company has been on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on packaging;
  • There will always be popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding buyers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

This is natural water that has undergone natural purification through soil layers. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched in the process of its passage through the soil with useful minerals. Of course, there is little benefit from springs located near cities or their borders. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These bodies of water have official passports and access to them is limited. Spring water can also be seen in retail - the manufacturer packs it in the same way as bottled water. However, some of them sell ordinary artesian water, or even tap water, under the guise of spring water for the purpose of profit. In order not to be deceived, you should adhere to the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the bottle must indicate the specific place of water intake, i.e. spring. If you independently take water from a spring, do not forget to do it in a clean container and periodically check the quality of the water in the laboratory. Mineral water This is natural water with a high content of trace elements and salts from deep soil layers. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through the soil.

  • therapeutic (mineralization\u003e 8 g \u200b\u200b/ l);
  • medical dining room (mineralization 1-8 g / l);
  • dining room (mineralization less than 1 g / l).

What mineral water is better to drink?

Table mineral water.

You can drink table water without risk to health. Such water is especially good after prolonged exertion, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, and acute intestinal infection. Still, you shouldn't drink it all the time. Healing mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. She (like medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use, it cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. Medical-table mineral water is also prescribed by the doctor, but later the patient himself can conduct a course intake of this water. By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia.Well, healthy children under 12 shouldn't even be given table mineral water..

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household water filter can be found in every home. It is an economical way to obtain purified water from regular tap water. Filters are flow-through, which are built into the water supply system, and jug type, i.e. mobile. Since each filter has its own purification base, you should first analyze the water from your tap to know what exactly to purify the water from (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.).

Filtered water is useful if the following points are observed:

  • the correct filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to cut this time in half;
  • periodic examination of the water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water - They completely purify tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the reverse osmosis mechanism, as a result of purification, only water molecules remain. Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very useful for the body, therefore this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities.With the regular use of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - the water devoid of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens with diseases of the bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.Fancy filters are supplied with a system of artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added to water artificially leaves much to be desired. The best water is invented by nature, andartificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And thisthe risk of developing cancer .

Pitcher filters generally only remove specific contaminants from the water. The widespread fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water is fundamentally wrong. Without a preliminary analysis of the water, the filter may be useless in your particular case.Microorganisms caught from water can multiply in filter cartridges, enriching drinking water with sources of infectious diseases.

Is it good to drink melt water?

Not so long ago, there was a real boom among the population about the benefits of melt water. It is impossible to get true melt water at home. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting, only the upper part of the melt water is used, and the harmful sediment is discharged into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will be in this sediment.

Well water myths

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives in the villages. It is supposedly tastier and healthier. In fact, well water most often does not meet sanitary requirements. In the best case, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale, in the worst case, pathogenic microorganisms will be found. Well water is extracted from surface aquifers that are most prone to wastewater pollution. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still have doubts, we note that when cleaning wells at the bottom, the remains of animal corpses, empty bottles and other garbage are often found - clearly not useful additives for health.

What kind of water to give to children?

Children under 3 years old should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, having previously boiled it in compliance with the boiling rules. Children after 3 years of age can already drink bottled water of the highest category and without boiling, but having reduced the shelf life of an open bottle by half. But many doctors consider these restrictions to be somewhat overestimated and advise parents to give their children tested, clean water without boiling after a year. As for the special baby water - as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g / l), which means it will flush out salts from the body.

Supermarket shelves are littered with water bottles and sugary drinks. On a hot day, you just want to choose the most delicious water for yourself, quench your thirst, feel the bursting of bubbles in your mouth. Carbonated drinks are cheap, have a long shelf life, and have a long shelf life. Children just love colorful drinks, why not spoil your child sometimes?

Types of "soda"

First, let's figure out what is hidden behind the word "soda". Soda is water rich in carbon dioxide. Water can be mineral, table water, from a natural source, or it can be a sweet drink with different tastes.

Unsweetened soda is ordinary water that is enriched with gas to decontaminate and improve the taste. Also, water can be medicinal, for example, if it is collected from natural sources. Such water can increase or decrease the acidity of the stomach, have various effects on the internal organs. You can't just drink such water.

"Mineralka" is ordinary water, with or without gas, which in composition is not much different from ordinary boiled water. It is more refined, sometimes artificially enriched with minerals. Everyone can drink such water, observing some rules.

As for sugary carbonated drinks, their composition is an explosive mixture of a huge amount of sugar, preservatives, stabilizers and colorants.

What is the threat of sugary carbonated drinks?

Just imagine: one glass of sweet soda contains 4 tablespoons of sugar! How much of this water can a child drink on a hot day? Half a liter, that's for sure. Such a huge amount of sugar can cause a lot of problems with the endocrine system, bad for the pancreas. There is nothing to even talk about the benefits of preservatives and stabilizers - they do not have it! But there is plenty of harm. website

Citric and orthophosphoric acids, which are contained in any sweet soda, strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, destroy tooth enamel, and remove calcium from the body.

Manufacturers of sugary drinks went for tricks, and began to replace regular sugar with sweeteners, enrich drinks with vitamin C. It would seem that this is for the best, but in fact it is not. Sugar substitutes in combination with acids and carbon dioxide can cause allergic reactions even in adults, and even more so in children. Any soda contains a preservative, sodium benzoate. When this substance interacts with vitamin C, the toxic substance benzene is formed, which is a carcinogen. When consumed regularly, benzene can build up in the body, causing heart disease.

With frequent use of sugary carbonated drinks, even an adult can develop such diseases as:

  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atherosclerosis.

Based on this, the diet of children should not contain sugary carbonated drinks. They are absolutely useless, harmful to teeth and digestion, and most importantly, they do not quench your thirst. After drinking such a drink, the brain receives a deceptive signal that liquid has arrived, but due to sugar, the taste buds ask for a new dose of the drink, since it is impossible to get drunk with sugar and gas.

Mineral water without sugar

The range of ordinary mineral waters is very large. Mineral water is good for the body and is easy to drink. With the intake of pure water, the body receives useful minerals that a person needs every day.

There are medicinal mineral waters with different alkali content, which are useful to drink for certain diseases. Children should not buy such water. ... Pay attention to the label: it should be labeled "Table water". In terms of composition, such water is perfect for both adults and children.

Gas or not?

Choose water without gas for your child. Initially, gas was added to mineral water to improve its taste. Real water from a mineral spring may contain impurities of methane, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine. Such water is artificially degassed, purified, and then carbon dioxide is added. The gas irritates the walls of the larynx and esophagus, causes indigestion, so children should not drink carbonated mineral water.

For babies up to a year, special children's water without gas is produced, which is cleaned of unnecessary elements, and is ideal in composition for the child's body. For older children, mineral table water without gas is perfect, which will quench thirst and saturate the body with minerals.

Water is life

It is necessary to drink clean water daily at the rate of 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. For example, a five-year-old child weighs an average of 20 kg. 30 ml of liquid * 20 kg \u003d 600 ml of liquid per day. This does not include soups, juices, compotes.

Water is the key to maintaining the health of absolutely all body systems. Water helps the brain to cope with stress, gives strength to muscles, saturates cells with useful substances. Train your children to drink clean water throughout the day, and drink it yourself.

Important!!! You need to drink clean water, not boiled water (boiled water is considered dead water).

Looking for an alternative

Remember that sugary drinks are among the ten most harmful foods that are contraindicated for children. No matter how much your child asks to buy him lemonade, do not agree. Explain from an early age that you cannot drink this. Well, let the neighbor's boy be allowed. And we don't drink that. Be firm in your words. If you do not allow your child, do not drink the sugary soda yourself. Look for an alternative. You can replace lemonade with baby juice, or buy pure water and a delicious apple.

Children lead an active lifestyle. They run a lot, jump, shout, gesticulate. Naturally, you want to drink much more with this lifestyle. Take a bottle of still water with you for a walk. This will save you the trouble of going to the store where, among a million bottles, a child will ask for that green one with bubbles. Leave the sippy pot in a prominent place for toddlers. The child will see him, and will learn to drink clean water during the day.

Do not replace water with fruit drinks, compotes, tea. Water by itself is much healthier than any drink. The main thing is that it is clean and without gas.

Forming taste buds

Many mothers complain that their children do not want to drink water. This is usually due to the fact that initially the child was used to receiving sweet compote, fruit drink, or juice. After delicious drinks, plain water seems tasteless to him, hence the rejection of it.

Any pediatric gastroenterologist will confirm that taste buds need to be formed during infancy. As soon as the baby began to receive complementary foods, he should feel the natural taste of the food, without salt and sugar. The same goes for water. Do not rush to knock down the receptors "tasty". The grown up kid will still have time to choose a taste for himself. We will hope that we have answered the question of whether children can drink carbonated water.

However, when it comes to newborn children, a reasonable question arises - can the child be given mineral water? Let's try to figure it out.

Mineral water composition

Mineral water is rich in mineral salts and trace elements, the most important of which are calcium, sodium, potassium, as well as fluorine and iodine. All these elements are absent in tap water. In addition, mineral water is not treated like tap water, which means it retains its original natural benefits.

Mineral water can be used for medicinal, medicinal and dining rooms. The difference between these species is the degree of mineralization.

Mineral water is carbonated to disinfect and increase shelf life.

Table mineral water has a mineralization of no more than 2 grams per liter. Moreover, the highest category has a mineralization of no more than 500 mg per liter.

Medicinal table water has a mineralization of no more than 8 grams per liter. Such mineral water should be drunk as directed by a doctor, since a high concentration of salts makes the urinary system work with greater efficiency.

Healing mineral water is mineralized up to 12 grams per liter. It is drunk only for the treatment of certain diseases and only as directed by a doctor.

Mineral water for children

Of the above types for babies under one year old, only table water of the highest category (no more than 500 mg per liter) is suitable. With such water, you can dilute the mixture or add water to the baby.

Medicinal table water can be given to children over one year old only as directed by a pediatrician.

Healing water is not suitable for small children.

Which mineral water to choose?

When buying mineral water for babies, be sure to study the composition. The label of any high-quality mineral water must indicate - the degree of carbonation, chemical composition, number and location of the well, shelf life, date of spill, ion concentration.

Here is the approximate composition of mineral water that can be given to children:

Calcium - 25-80 mg / l;

Iodide ions - 0.04-0.06 mg / l;

Magnesium - 50-55 mg / l;

Fluoride ions - 0.6-0.7 mg / l;

Potassium - 2-20 mg / l;

Bicarbonates - 30-400 mg / l.

An opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. A closed bottle can be stored for up to a year at room temperature.

Something is wrong with the teenager.

Signs of internal readiness for suicide can be changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic performance, loss of interest in their appearance, increased aggressiveness. Teens may start giving friends things that are dear to them. Without parental support, a teenager often gives up.

Often mothers treat mineral water as normal. Although in reality these are different things. How to figure out when and what kind of mineral water can children drink?

Mineral water (without gas) can be offered to children after three years. When choosing on the label, look what is written - "table water", "medicinal table water" or "medicinal water". This gradation depends on the amount of minerals per liter of water.

If the minerals are less than 2 g / l, the water is considered table water.

If the water contains from 2 to 10 g / l, then this is medicinal table water.

There are more minerals in medicinal table waters - from 20 to 50 g / l.

For a regular baby drink, choose table water and drink it before meals, at least half an hour. Medicinal table water can be drunk without a doctor's recommendation, but also without fanaticism. It is better to take medicinal water only as directed. Remember that it makes no sense to cook soups for a baby in mineral water; when boiling, useful salts precipitate.

When people talk about minerals in water, they usually mean six elements - sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfate and bicarbonate.

At home, the course of treatment with mineral waters does not exceed 5-6 weeks, usually 2-3 courses are carried out with an interval of six months, since prolonged drinking of mineral waters can lead to a violation of water-salt metabolism.

Usually, small children are prescribed mineral water at the rate of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The treatment time at the resort is even shorter - a few weeks. A wide variety of mineral waters are used for treatment at Russian resorts.

Hydrogen sulfide

Help with circulatory disorders, heart and skin diseases and nervous disorders. Cannot be used for kidney, liver and ulcer diseases.

Where to go

Krasnousolsk in Bashkiria, Bakirovo in Tatarstan, Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory, Goryachy Klyuch in Sochi, Ust-Kachka in the Perm Territory, Nukutskaya Matsesta in the Irkutsk Region, Khilovo in the Pskov Region.


Needed for heart or endocrine diseases. Carbonic baths can be air, water, drinking cure is also used. Contraindications will be neuroses and nephrosis.

Where to go

Narzan of Kislovodsk and carbonic-hydrogen sulfide waters of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory. Carbon dioxide waters are popular at the resorts of Darasun in the Chita region, Arshan in Transbaikalia, Shumak in Buryatia.


Effective in diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, urinary tract, kidney, skin, respiratory system, diseases of the circulatory system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders. You can not drink with hypothyroidism and radiation sickness.

Where to go

Kuldur in the Far East, Belokurikha in the Altai Territory, Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory, Lipovka in the Sverdlovsk Region, Uvildy in the Chelyabinsk Region, Krasnousolsk in Bashkiria.


Essential for diseases of the circulatory system, digestion, respiration, musculoskeletal system, skin and kidneys. Contraindications: urticaria, iodine intolerance, hyperthyroidism,

Where to go

Moscow, Ivanovskaya, Vladimirskaya, Penza, Kursk, Tambov, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda, Kaliningrad regions, Kuban (Apsheronsk, Anapa, Sochi, Goryachy Klyuch, Maikop, Khadyzhensk), Ural (Tavda, Ust-Kachka, Turinsk) and Siberia ( Cherkashinskoye and Tobolskoye fields, Omsk, Novosibirsk region).


Sodium chloride waters are effective for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the digestive system. Contraindications: diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, inflammatory diseases.

Where to go

A green town in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Angara in the Irkutsk region, Elton in the Volgograd region, Tinaki in the Astrakhan region, Yarovoye in the Altai region, Medvezhye, Gorkoye in the Kurgan region, Shira in Khakassia.

Useful Tips

Often others may be associated with the underlying disease. Therefore, when choosing a resort for a child, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who will be able to take into account the "aggravating" factors.

There are some general contraindications to balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters): cardiac asthma, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, skin diseases, malignant neoplasms.

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