Casein or whey protein. Which is better: casein or whey protein? Influence on potency

Country house 27.09.2020
Country house

Casein is a complex protein found naturally in cow's milk and, in fact, serves as the main material for the production of cottage cheese and various types of cheese. Even the very name of casein is derived from the Latin word caseus - cheese. Casein protein accounts for about 70-90% of the protein profile of regular milk, while whey protein accounts for no more than 2-5%.

Casein protein is available as a weight gain supplement. Unlike being “fast”, casein is believed to have a long absorption rate and is called “slow”. Most recommendations suggest that casein supplements should be taken before bed and during periods of prolonged lack of food.

However, the evidence base for casein is controversial. Scientific research suggests that even the very division of proteins into "fast" and "slow" is very arbitrary. In addition, as a result of experiments, no fundamental advantages of casein protein have been found in comparison with other types of sports nutrition. Despite this, the cost of casein is usually substantially higher than that of the isolate.

Casein & Gluten: Twin Brothers

The behavior of casein in the stomach is similar to that, which is also a complex protein (the fundamental difference is that gluten is a vegetable protein and casein is an animal protein). Both form clots, sticking together the contents of the stomach and slowing down the digestion of food. Traditionally, both casein and gluten have served as materials for making technical glue.

Many nutritionists consider gluten to be the main enemy of health, linking obesity, weakening of the immune system and the development of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to it. Natural casein (cottage cheese, cheese) rarely causes food allergies, but processed casein protein used in sports nutrition is increasingly seen as a potential health hazard.

Is casein a slow protein?

The popular belief about the slow absorption rate of casein protein is based on scientific research conducted over 25 years ago. In this study, sixteen people were divided into two groups, taking a different type of milk protein on an empty stomach. The main indicator was the level of the amino acid leucine in the blood, measured twice an hour¹.

The graph on the left is the final results of the aforementioned casein study, on the right is their interpretation in promotional materials. For "clarity" advertising casein uses not average values, but the maximum, forming an inaccurate impression of a huge difference. Interestingly, the study didn't look at the effects of casein on weight loss or muscle gain.

Would you like to know which of these two proteins is best for your tasks? This comparative overview has the answers to all your questions.

Whey and casein proteins are among the most popular protein supplements on the market, and for good reason. They are both high quality, highly bioavailable complete proteins that are extremely rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), making them great for muscle growth and recovery.

However, despite the fact that both proteins come from milk, there are certain differences between these colleagues in muscle growth.

Both whey and casein are dairy-based proteins obtained from the cheese making process. In fact, all dairy products contain a blend of both whey and casein. Milk contains approximately 80% casein and 20% whey.

Whey protein is known as the "fast brother" because it is digested quickly. Casein, in turn, is a "slow brother" as it is digested gradually.

Although both of the pair are high in amino acids, whey protein is considered the more anabolic (muscle-building) milk protein due to its ability to rapidly increase blood amino acids, which is necessary to trigger muscle protein synthesis.

At the same time, casein is considered an anti-catabolic, or muscle-repairing protein, as it provides a steady stream of amino acids over a long period of time, inhibiting muscle breakdown.

For muscle tissue to grow, protein synthesis must outpace muscle breakdown. Because whey protein increases protein synthesis and casein inhibits muscle breakdown, both proteins can help build muscle mass when properly used.

Whey Protein

It takes only 20 minutes for this protein to be digested, absorbed into the bloodstream, and absorbed into the tissues of the body. Within an hour, it will be spent on the synthesis of each protein or oxidation. This is incredibly fast compared to casein or even dietary protein from foods.

It is this sudden increase in amino acids that stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Whey protein quickly shifts the balance from muscle breakdown to synthesis in order to lift you out of a catabolic state, like the one you get when lifting weights.


When using casein, the maximum level of amino acids in the blood and protein synthesis is reached after 3-4 hours. However, this peak is not even close to the indicators of whey protein.

But that's good too. Although casein does not increase amino acid levels that much, it significantly slows down the rate of protein breakdown, protecting pre-existing muscles.

When to take which protein

The fast-absorbing nature of whey protein makes it a great pre, during, or post-workout option as it will nourish your muscles quickly with minimal GI stress (assuming there is no problem with milk digestion, otherwise dairy proteins should definitely be avoided).

In turn, casein is best used before fasting, such as going to bed or a long day filled with many appointments, as the slow release of amino acids promotes feelings of fullness. You can also add it to meals.

Slow digestion may not be desirable before or after exercise when you are trying to get amino acids quickly, but when it comes to preventing hunger and catabolism when the goal is to lose fat, then it becomes an advantage.

Mixing whey protein and casein

Some people also like to mix both proteins after training. The idea is that you get both fast and long lasting amino acids this way.

However, others are convinced that mixing powders of the two proteins blunts the amino acid spike from whey and slows down its absorption. Try both approaches to find out which works best for you. Most importantly, make sure you're getting plenty of amino acids.

Amino Acids in Protein Powders

When protein products start to advertise how high in a particular amino acid they contain, or that they have a better amino acid profile, ignore the hype. It does not matter. The amino acid profile becomes important only when comparing proteins from different sources of origin. And since both casein and whey protein are derived from milk, their amino acid profile will be essentially the same.

How to use casein and whey protein powders

Whey protein is incredibly versatile: it mixes well with water or milk, and also goes well with oatmeal, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or your favorite protein shake. If you love baking, try one of the many recipes using whey protein powder.

Casein protein is great for a bedtime snack. Simply mix it with a little water or milk to create a casein pudding, add it to Greek yogurt (which itself is a great source of casein), or make a fancier snack using recipes based on a casein and whey protein blend.

Casein and Whey Protein Research

The study involved healthy subjects with a normal protein intake. After a 10 hour fast, they were given either 30 g of whey protein or 30 g of casein protein.

Blood leucine levels peaked one hour after consuming both proteins. However, the whey protein group peaked at a higher level and returned to baseline after four hours. The group that received the casein protein had a lower maximum, but the initial readings did not return until seven hours later.

Whey protein improved protein synthesis by 68%, but did not affect protein breakdown. Casein reduced protein breakdown by 34%, but did not affect protein synthesis.

Research points to the benefits of both proteins, as discussed earlier. Keep in mind that a mixture of protein powders (as opposed to single protein supplements) will have different absorption rates, which can affect protein synthesis and breakdown.

Based on the information from the above study, one might question the common recommendation to eat every three hours to avoid muscle wasting. Taking protein supplements, especially casein, can help maintain elevated amino acid levels between meals for longer.

Interestingly, another study concluded that taking any kind of milk protein after exercise results in a similar increase (no significant difference) in net muscle protein balance, resulting in pure muscle protein synthesis despite differences in regular amino acid responses. in blood.

This means that while it is preferable to take whey protein during workouts and casein during periods of fasting, the most important thing is to get enough protein in general, whether from whey protein, casein, plant protein powder or any other protein source.

Casein protein is the most popular type of protein for mass gain. This is due to the fact that the supplement has been widely advertised as a slow protein source or "night protein". Nevertheless, casein has become popular even among those who are losing weight, as it saturates the body for a long time, preventing overeating, has a high biological value and is quite affordable in price. But is it worth taking it when losing weight? For this, it is important to evaluate its composition.

What is casein and how is it obtained

Casein is a complex protein found in milk as calcium caseinate. Casein is obtained by curdling milk with special enzymes. It has a complex structure and, when it enters the stomach, precipitates, which is digested on average for 5-6 hours. This makes casein an irreplaceable source of amino acids that are gradually released over a long period of time.

Features of casein protein and differences from whey

Given that casein can be digested for up to a maximum of 8 hours, it is called slow protein. While, with a simpler molecular structure, it is absorbed in 1-1.5 hours. Thus, after ingestion of whey protein, the body receives amino acids for a shorter period of time, so whey is valuable as a fast protein to close. And the long digestion of casein in the stomach provides nonessential and essential amino acids, and most importantly, prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers at night.

The benefits and harms of casein protein

Benefits of casein for athletes:

  • It is absorbed for a long time, on average from 5-6 hours, up to a maximum of 8. This makes casein valuable for preventing catabolism at night, avoiding protein breakdown during overnight fasting.
  • Allows, providing the body with amino acids for a long time.
  • Allows you to lose weight with the right intake and a low-carb diet, saturating the body for a long time, preventing overeating.
  • Suitable for snacking between meals and before training.
  • Casein is well tolerated, except for persons who are contraindicated in milk sugar (lactose).
  • Dissolves well in water, milk and juice.

Disadvantages of casein:

  • It is not suitable for taking in the morning upon waking, as it acts slowly, without having time to prevent the production of cortisol, unlike whey proteins.
  • Contraindicated in people who are lactose intolerant.
  • May cause digestive upset. Possible side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and bloating.
  • Contains milk sugar, carbohydrates and fats, therefore it is not suitable for athletes on a strict diet.

How to take casein for weight loss

Before taking casein, you should carefully read the composition. This type of protein is not purified from fats, carbohydrates, including milk sugar, for example. Accordingly, the indications of casein for use when losing weight, since it dulls the feeling of hunger, is more like a publicity stunt. Indeed, when working on the relief, you should completely remove simple carbohydrates, which are contained in casein.

If the conditions of the diet are not so harsh and there is a need to get the body in shape, without setting narrow limits in the diet, casein can be consumed 1 serving in the morning, before or after training, diluted with water or low-fat milk. If you consume casein prior to training, then the body will receive amino acids throughout the session. After training, casein is completely absorbed, as are carbohydrates, by continuing.

How to take casein for weight gain

In addition to proteins, carbohydrates and fats are needed to gain weight. Only with the correct ratio of BJU will the result be seen, and casein is a small fraction of success in building new muscle fibers. For these purposes, casein acts as an anti-catabolic and is necessary, first of all, for taking before bedtime.

Casein can also be taken throughout the day as a meal replacement. But in this case, casein cannot be the only supplement, since fast proteins are also needed.

A portion of casein diluted in milk should be consumed daily at bedtime.

Portions and measuring spoons differ from manufacturer, so you must adhere to the instructions for use on the packaging and do not exceed dosage.

Another portion can be consumed on training and rest days as needed, if there is no opportunity to eat when hunger strikes. Additionally, you can add banana or juice to casein.

Rating of the best manufacturers of casein protein

  1. Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard... American casein is a top seller and a favorite of athletes around the world. Has a high biological value. Has a wide variety of flavors. The approximate cost for 1820 grams is from 2000 rubles.
  2. Weider Day & Night Casein. The German manufacturer has taken care of creating a high-quality casein protein with good solubility and yoghurt consistency. The approximate cost for half a kilogram is from 1150 rubles.
  3. Dymatize Elite Casein. The product contains the most complete and most digestible amino acid composition. A serving contains 24 grams of casein protein, including a whopping 10 grams of calcium (half the daily value). The cost for 920 grams is about 1890 rubles.
  4. QNT Casein Protein. Belgian casein is the lowest calorie and economical casein among the favorites. The approximate cost for 908 grams is from 2050 rubles.


No matter how they say, casein is still more suitable for athletes who want to increase muscle mass. In addition, new forms of casein, like micellar, can be digested for up to 12 hours, this is necessary to prevent catabolism at any time of the day. When it comes to weight loss, casein is not free of sugar and other carbohydrates compared to whey protein. Therefore, it is more advisable to take whey protein isolate for these purposes.

About casein in video format

We've already talked about soy protein and egg albumin. And now, finally, we have come to the one that can be called the best in terms of price-quality ratio, optimal, oddly enough, both for weight loss and weight gain. This is exactly what whey protein and casein are.

In fact, they are two different proteins, obtained in different ways. What unites them is that both of them are produced on the basis of milk (usually cow, rarely - goat). In fact, both are excellent in terms of amino acid content, both for weight loss and weight gain, but some properties differ, and this should be taken into account when choosing based on your goals.

Let me remind you that when losing weight against the background of any diet, we have a protein deficiency, and this is fraught not only with the loss of muscle mass (and hence a very ugly appearance, flabbiness and lethargy), but also with a variety of various diseases. Plus, more energy is used to process proteins than fats and carbohydrates. It is in such conditions that the body begins to actively spend the "strategic reserve" - \u200b\u200bthe very hated body fat. And on top of that, protein reduces excess appetite.

Well, now let's figure out which protein is better for what purposes.

What is Whey Protein

Whey protein, as its name suggests, is derived from whey. More specifically, it is a highly concentrated blend of whey proteins. This is the so-called fast protein - that is, the protein absorbed by the body as quickly as possible. It quickly creates the ideal concentration of important amino acids in the blood, making it ideal for muscle-building workouts. In addition, it stimulates the production of insulin, which has an anabolic effect.

Whey protein types

Whey protein comes in many forms - concentrate, isolate, or hydrolyzate.

The concentrate is the cheapest. Within three to four hours, it is absorbed by approximately 90%.

The isolate is distinguished by a higher degree of purification, as well as a higher biological value. It contains up to 97% pure protein, and 90% is absorbed in about three hours.

Hydrolyzate is the most expensive form of whey protein. It is a protein that is partially fermented for the fastest possible absorption. It is in this form that protein is most likely to increase insulin secretion. That is, when gaining muscle mass, it makes sense to choose it, but when losing weight - no.

Whey protein examples. Best Whey Proteins

Ideally, men prefer to choose non-soy foods as soy contains phytoestrogens. But in practice, most manufacturers purify the product, in addition to whey protein, the soy content is usually extremely low.

The table includes goat whey protein in addition to cow's milk based whey protein. This is a great option for those who are allergic to cow's milk.

Product View Other ingredients Available flavors
Concentrate + isolate Digestive enzymes (protease, bromelain), soy lecithin salted caramel, cookies and cream, chocolate, peanut butter with chocolate, strawberries, French vanilla, cake, French toast
Concentrate sunflower lecithin No flavors
Isolate + concentrate soy lecithin Vanilla, chocolate milk, cappuccino, strawberry
Isolate sunflower lecithin Dark chocolate, vanilla, unflavored
Concentrate No flavors
Concentrate sunflower lecithin No flavors
Isolate sunflower lecithin, MCT oil Strawberry, French Vanilla, Unflavored
Concentrate + isolate sunflower lecithin, enzyme blend (probiotics) Vanilla, Dutch chocolate
Concentrate + isolate + hydrolyzate Soy lecithin Chocolate, vanilla
Hydrolyzate soy lecithin Strawberry, Chocolate Vanilla, Cream Cookies, Pie, Chocolate Peanut Butter

What is casein

Calcium caseinate, or casein, is obtained by enzymatic curdling of milk. And that's slow protein. In the stomach, it forms a kind of clot, which is digested slowly and provides the body with the amino acids it needs for the whole day. Its anabolic effect is less pronounced than that of whey protein, so it is less suitable for men, but ideal for girls. As a bonus, casein suppresses excess appetite.

This protein is literally made for us girls. On top of that, there are usually a lot of different flavors in the lines - and often it's really delicious! If you find it difficult to live without sweets while dieting, just read the protein flavors. Lose weight deliciously and with pleasure!

Micellar casein is best absorbed. By the way, it is usually tastier. True, it also costs a little more.

Examples of casein protein. Best casein proteins

Product View Other ingredients Available flavors
Micellar casein Soy Lecithin Strawberry cream, creamy vanilla, cream cookies, chocolate peanut butter, banana cream, chocolate, chocolate cream, French vanilla
Micellar casein No flavoring or any other additives
Micellar casein Lecithin (from sunflower and soy) Triple chocolate
Micellar casein + calcium caseinate soy lecithin Vanilla
Micellar casein Digestive enzymes Vanilla, chocolate milk
Micellar casein sunflower lecithin No flavors

Complex proteins

As we've already found out, both whey protein and casein have their pros and cons, but both can be taken as part of a weight loss program or for gaining muscle mass. For the first it is better to choose casein, for the second - whey protein. For women, casein is most often preferred.

But there is one more option - these are complex proteins. They contain a combination of fast and slow proteins - that is, most often casein and whey proteins, to which plant proteins can be added. Such products have the best qualities of all types of protein - that is, they act simultaneously quickly and for a long time. A complex protein is especially recommended for girls with weight loss. For men, when gaining mass after training, it is still more useful to have fast protein.

Goat's milk protein for allergy sufferers is also shown in the table here.

Product Contains Other ingredients Available flavors
BSN, Syntha-6, Whey Protein Concentrate & Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein & Egg Protein Isolate Soy lecithin, sunflower oil, tocopherols (vitamin E), papain and bromelain (digestive enzymes) Chocolate cake, strawberry milkshake, chocolate milkshake, cream biscuits, vanilla ice cream, chocolate peanut butter, banana, unflavored
whey and casein protein Probiotics Vanilla
Whey Protein Concentrate, Isolate & Hydrolyzate, Micellar Casein, Egg Albumin soy lecithin Vanilla, chocolate milk, cream cookies
milk protein isolate, rice protein, whey protein isolate and concentrate, micellar casein, calcium caseinate Medium Chain Triglycerides, Soy Lecithin Protein in capsule form

Harm and side effects

As for the possible harm from the use of casein, whey or any protein in general - in the vast majority of cases, we are talking about popular myths. Proteins are made from food raw materials, they do not contain hormones or steroids.

In some cases, individual and allergic reactions are possible. Despite the fact that whey and casein proteins contain a minimum of lactose, people with an intolerance to this enzyme are better off choosing other types of protein.

In rare cases, digestive disorders, constipation are possible.

With the correct use of whey protein and casein, customer reviews are always the most positive.

When and How to Take Whey Protein and Casein. Dosage

It is worth remembering that in any case, it is advisable to get about half of the protein from food (meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, etc.). That is, it is undesirable to neglect protein food neither when gaining mass, nor when losing weight, even if you drink protein.

The easiest way to drink protein is to add it to water or milk (milk tastes better). Shake in a shaker, get a cocktail. Although protein can be mixed with almost anything, it is added to ice cream, and even to baked goods (but when losing weight, you should not do this, of course). You can experiment - mix in a blender, for example, vanilla protein and milk with fresh strawberries or raspberries, with other fruits. This will make a wonderful protein dessert.

Do not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Do not poison yourself, of course, but too much protein at one time will still not be absorbed. You can get a digestive upset, but you need it? Usually 30-35 g servings are recommended per dose.

Protein can be drunk several times a day - in the morning, an hour before training, and as a snack between meals. Meals should remain fractional!

Pre-workout fast protein or combination protein is preferred, especially when gaining mass. When losing weight, you can limit yourself to slow.

If you can't resist night visits to the refrigerator, you can substitute a protein shake for a late dinner (two hours before bed). Just for this, be sure to use slow or combination protein - it will eliminate the feeling of hunger all night long.

Bodybuilders looking to gain muscle mass use sports nutrition, including protein. Novice athletes often buy the first product they come across without understanding the types of protein shakes and their features. Let's try to understand the difference between casein and isolate - two popular types of proteins.

Casein protein

Casein protein contains up to 80 percent milk protein. It has a good amino acid composition, long absorption and a good anti-catabolic effect. Important benefits include the fact that this sports nutrition forms clots in the stomach and is slowly absorbed, saturating the body for a long time. It contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for maintaining healthy bones.


Protein isolate is almost the purest protein (over 90 percent). This feature is due to the unique production technology of the substance, during which all carbohydrates and fats are carefully removed. The production process involves multi-stage filtration and microfiltration, as well as the use of ion exchange technology.


Should you choose casein or isolate?

Many bodybuilders argue which sports nutrition is better - casein protein or isolate, what's the difference? It is not easy to give an unequivocal answer, since each product has its own pros and cons, so you should focus on your goals.

Research by Yves Bouri

A professor named Yves Bouri conducted a special study in healthy people with a normal protein intake. They refused food for ten hours, after which they received 30 g of isolate or 30 g of casein.

According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that the concentration of leucine in the blood reached the maximum limit within an hour after taking both types of sports food. The isolate provided a higher peak leucine concentration, but after 4 hours, the value dropped to the baseline value. In the case of casein, the concentration was slightly lower at the peak, but the leucine level did not fall to the lower limit even after 7 hours.

The isolate stimulates pure muscle gain (muscle protein synthesis increases by 68%), but cannot maintain it. As for casein, it reduces the breakdown of muscle tissue (catabolism drops 34% after taking it), but it practically does not affect muscle growth. This experiment proved the strengths of casein and isolate, and you can choose what is more important to you.

Research by Kevin Tipton

Kevin Tipton, Ph.D., conducted a study on casein and isolate that showed that post-workout supplementation with these sports nutritional supplements caused approximately the same increase in total muscle protein synthesis. This process is independent of differences in amino acid composition between casein protein and isolate.

The researcher also noted that isolate is better for older people to slow down catabolism than casein protein. Research aimed at confirming or refuting this fact has not yet been carried out, therefore there is no exact information.

Let's sum up

In terms of isolate, it promotes rapid muscle building and provides healthy tissue nutrition immediately after exercise. In addition, protein isolate strengthens the heart, normalizes bowel function and normalizes the functioning of the uterus, as they are all partially composed of muscle tissue.

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