How to choose tiles in the bathroom. Personal experience. How to choose the tiles for the bathroom and toilet

Bathroom 30.06.2019

When decorating the bathroom, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality of the sanitary equipment, but also to the level of the facing materials. This room should be impeccable in terms of functionality, aesthetic and practical. The most common way to finish is ceramic tile. It allows you to make the interior of the bathroom beautiful and modern. So that the bathroom really can meet the above requirements, you need to know how to choose tiles for the bathroom and toilet.

First of all, pay attention to the manufacturer. Perhaps you do not understand brands, and this is not surprising, since there are a huge number of them. Therefore, ask in which country this material was produced. You will be able to choose quality products if you give preference to Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German and French companies. As you can see, Russian manufacturers are not on this list, since it is rather difficult to vouch for the quality of domestic products. Fragments from the same collection should have the same color and size, the geometry of the elements must comply with the standards. Our manufacturers often neglect these rules.

Extraordinary options

The thirst for exclusivity often brings not very pleasant results. For example, the desire for originality may lead to the decision to buy the wrong tile for the bathroom and toilet. For example, seamless.

excessively large size, while for the most part the bathrooms have a small area;

  • in the corners there are still seams that will have to be wiped, as a result of which the key advantage of this tile will be discredited;
  • do not use inspection hatches.

To solve special problems, there is a special type of cladding - mosaic tiles. They allow you to bypass the semicircular shape and trim the columns. However, there are even more arguments against it than against the previous version.

  • many small parts, resulting in a mass of seams that require special care;
  • it is impossible to cut the mosaic through the elements, only at the seams;
  • high cost of material;
  • high consumption of two-component epoxy grout;
  • electric points cannot be set correctly due to the bulge of the elements.

Mosaic and seamless tiles are a special coating that is not suitable for the use of bathrooms with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 15 m².

Price decoration materials  is for the buyer one of the key issues. That is why discounts on goods cause positive emotions among visitors to the store. Here, however, there are pitfalls. If you are offered to buy tiles at a promotion, then this is most likely the remains of a collection discontinued. So in the future you are unlikely to find the necessary elements if you need such a need. In this case, you will either have to change the layout, or even tear off the material when a flaw is found at the end of the installation.

To choose a quality tile for a bathroom and a toilet, you need to focus on a reasonable combination of price and quality. Do not be tempted by too cheap options and the remains of collections.

The selection of a suitable tile size for the bathroom and toilet is an important condition for the beautiful appearance of the premises and their functionality. Experts agree that it is more convenient to work with large tiles, however, the main criterion for choosing is not your emotions when viewing collections, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which you have to work. Before buying, you need to calculate how many tiles you can put in one row. Two whole tiles and a couple of pieces on the sides will spoil the appearance of the wall, so you need to choose the size that will correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom.

Remember also revision hatches, the hinges of which will not hold too heavy tiles, the width of which is 90 cm. It is recommended that most bathrooms be lined with tiles 60x20 cm, 50x20 cm, 50x25 cm, 60x30 cm, 45x20 cm.

One of the main qualities of a good bathroom is its ease of cleaning. That is, the bathroom should be difficult to contaminate and easy to wash. No matter how expensive and presentable the facing material looks, all the beauty instantly evaporates when untidy stains and dirty drops form on the surface.

This problem can be solved using tiles with a textured surface, consisting of many small squares located at an angle. Its advantage is the glossy top layer, which is perfectly washable, so you do not have to wash the tiles after each trip to the bathroom, since small dirt on it is practically invisible. A similar effect can be achieved by tiles with a very large texture, but experts do not recommend buying it for two reasons: untidy joints in the corners, fine plumbing will not fit completely. Therefore, if you want to choose a tile in the toilet or bathroom, and at the same time are concerned about hygiene, get a glossy material, the surface of which is finely structured.

A tile released in a set that combines form and color is called a collection. As a rule, collections are effectively presented in specialized stores. They usually include a base in the form of a light and dark background, as well as borders, decor and floor slabs. Typically, the decor and background are identical in size and shape. The length of the border corresponds to the background tile, and the width is much smaller. Floor tiles are square in shape, only its diagonal exceeds the length of the main components.

As part of the collection, usually there are several variations of each element, as a result of which the choice is more diverse, but at the same time complicated. A separate word must be said about the curb. This tile is used as a visual border for a variety of backgrounds. The choice of border should be treated very carefully, since even professional designers are not always able to place it in such a way that the so-called visual noise and conflicts with other elements of the situation are not created.

This rule does not apply to large bathtubs that are tiled from expensive collections. They differ in a very harmonious background, but are very similar to each other, so for them it is simply necessary to choose bright delimiters.

  • the expensive border is decorated with a moderate amount of decorative elements, such as a pattern, bulges, rhinestones, etc., and therefore sawing the joint at 45 ° will be neat and smooth.
  • a large space allows you to fantasize, creating incredibly interesting and complex designs;
  • expensive borders have special connectors that make technological joints at the corners from the inside and outside.

If we talk about installing plastic layouts on the outer corners in ordinary bathrooms, then in this case it is rather difficult to advise something specific. Such a solution does not look quite presentable, but it allows you to take care of security issues, since it eliminates the risk of accidentally falling into a sharp corner joint. You should not strive to use the entire collection for one room. To make a beautiful repair of the bathroom, you need to use one type of tile, background and decor.

Using a dark background tile

An interesting fact: a person on a subconscious level perceives a horizontal strip rather than a vertical one.

Therefore, the background slabs must be placed in a ring: dark sections below and above, the middle part should be light. Experts recommend forgetting about a light floor plate. Firstly, such a floor quickly gets dirty, even a small layer of dust is noticeable on it. Tiles with a dull surface will very soon be wiped off and dirt will be eaten.

Light tiles require light grouting, which is not a practical flooring solution. In general, grouting is no less important, the tile itself, so its choice must be treated carefully. To achieve a harmonious combination of color, it is necessary to observe the correct layout of the tiles. Sharp contrasts, such as dark grout for white tiles, negate the perception of even the most interesting layout.

The grouting composition for the floor must be chosen so that it matches the color of the floor tiles, with a deviation of only 1-2 tones. For walls, you can even a couple of tones lighter. In the selection of the composition should focus on the lightest of the used backgrounds. The floor should be dark, as well as the adjacent wall, but not at full height. The optimal height of the dark background should protrude slightly above the side of the bathtub by more than half the tile. When the fragment is smaller, the installation of a ceramic baseboard gives an untidy section of the wall with a narrow dark strip above the bath.

When deciding to choose a dark tile as the background, remember that it should be placed at the top, but the outline of the ceiling should be narrow, not more than one and a half row of tiles. The dark wide stroke will create an oppressive impression and will rest against a door platband. Refusing such a stroke is also not recommended, which is associated with the color reflex, when the shade of one object is reflected in another. But this applies only to those cases when a stretch glossy ceiling is used in the repair, where a dark floor is reflected. In this case, the dark border will create a soft color transition.

So, a successful horizontal layout is a dark shade of the floor, upper and lower strokes, light background material, decor. Decorative tiles should be positioned so that it recedes in a row from the stroke, avoiding decorating the wall opening.

Greetings to readers of the site!

I want to tell you my story about how I chose tiles in the bath and toilet.

I live in the standard socket of a sleeping area, for 9 years now. My apartment has not undergone any repairs during this time. After construction, the apartment was handed over with a save finish - and I live. But, unfortunately, the places for burial of wastes and ablutions came into complete disrepair: the plaster is crumbling, the paint is peeling, the fungus begins to appear on the walls. To keep it all in a more or less decent form, you have to clean it every day, which, of course, is not high. As a result, a strong and independent, almost blonde of this world, a practical decision was made - to choose and lay the tile. So that everything would be comme il faut, the same in the bathtub and toilet.

A small visual diagram of my bathroom with dimensions.

What is the first thing a girl does? Of course, inspired by beautiful pictures and examples.

My bath is standardly small, so I immediately wanted to lay the tiles white and small. Thanks to the use of light colors, the choice of a small tile and the method of laying it on the wall - the room visually becomes more uniform.

Here are some interesting styling methods.

My examples are for inspiration.

You can not cover the entire wall with tiles, for example, only part of the wall from the floor (somewhere 1.6 meters), or only those places in the bath where there will be the most active contact with water. The rest can be painted with special moisture-resistant paint for bathrooms.

Here is another example of an interesting way of laying tiles. True, then you will come across the question of where to find an intelligent tiler? But, this is a completely different story.

Well, of course, the female soul could not have been without a “bright accent.” Therefore, it was decided to choose similar motifs and lay panels.

As a result of this preparatory phase, I can advise this:

  1. Measure the room! It’s not enough if you just measure height-width-depth. Do not be lazy, measure each wall, think right away where you can not lay the tiles, for example, behind the bathroom or behind the cabinet under the washbasin, all this will save you money on building and finishing materials.

Now, the most anxious moment is the choice! Frankly, even having for myself a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat my bath should look like, once in the store I was confused. I began to consider each color scheme, each collection, the more I looked, the more the intended goal moved away from me. But, a Russian person will always find something to reassure himself: “Well, it’s been done for a long time, we must consider all the options so as not to lose !!!” I thought.

For two weeks, after work, I went shopping, chose everything and chose tiles, and then in the evenings I considered how much the new option cost me.

So, now more about shopping:

  1. A visit to the first construction store along the way and what I liked there, namely the most inexpensive ceramic tile for bathrooms from Birch Ceramics. In this collection there are 4 types of tiles: white, but rather with a grayish concrete tone, black, and two types of decorative: with continuous application of decorative elements, and with на decoration.
      It seems to me that this tile from the category “came, saw and bought” - in general, it looks better than “poor, but clean”, and for 220 cu You can buy tiles for bath and toilet, and 10 years of worries do not know. Objectively, it is possible to find fault with one thing - decorative elements are applied not to the glossy surface of the tile, but to some kind of rough coating, when cleaning the rag will cling to it.

And here is the evening calculation of this option.

I calculated tile consumption in a special program: this can be downloaded on the manufacturers' official websites. The program immediately added all the collections, and you can not restrain your imagination - choose, create, twist, count and think about your ideal bathroom design. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen something like that among the venerable overseas tile manufacturers of such a program, they have all the consultants individually calculating in their salons.

By the way, you can use and estimate the purchase price directly in the store! It is here that you will need a homemade blank with the dimensions of your bathtub and walls, which I advised to have with me :)

2. Company store “Keramin”

Who has not heard of the “Keramin”? The flagship of Belarusian production. In this store I was expected the most severe confusion due to the riot of colors and shapes.

Here is such a beautiful red matte tile with a corrugated pattern. For small rooms it is very difficult to come up with an unobtrusive combination of such contrasting bright colors, often you still can not do without additional spot lighting.

In my opinion, it is more difficult to care for a matte corrugated surface, stains and drops from water will be visible on a dark tile, and traces of cleaning, or lack thereof, will certainly accumulate in surface irregularities.

Here is another similar combination.

This tile hooked me with its texture. It is glossy and comes in 2 types: white with some stains “a la natural stone” and white with bubbles.

It’s very easy to look after such a glossy light tile: you will not notice any streaks or drops of water on it.

I stood near her for a long time, but left. Do not dilute this white.

I hovered near this gray tile. The texture of her real stone is pleasantly rough. It looks really very worthy and my imagination already painted it in huge baths with essential oils ...

in time, I recalled that my couple of meters of bathroom and toilet would look like tiles like a basement, and went on to choose the tile further.
  And then there was almost love at first sight.
  -Oh, it's colorful! Yes, and so many drawings .... And you can make a panel, as I chose on Pinterest!

Already at home I figured the layout of the tiles on the walls and the cost. Such a tile for my bath and toilet cost almost 500 cu I also chose a tile on the floor in the bathtub and toilet with a pattern, which is very similar to the tiles on the walls.

This collection of tiles seemed very successful to me: you can choose blue, pink, mustard or white for the main color. This tile looks very modern and neat. The tiles themselves are small square, a large selection of decorative elements, and, importantly, all this at a very nice price! Minus one - matte tiles. In my personal sense, the matte finish is “matte” and “not glossy”. On the tile of my choice, it’s just 100% matte, but for these marvelous patterns, I’m ready to forgive her for that :)

As a result of this stage, I can advise this:

  Once again I will repeat the main conclusions that I made for myself when I chose the tiles in the bath and toilet:

  1. Get inspired and visualize! Be sure to look first at the Internet or in magazines for examples of how your premises should look like, how tiles should look, what color it should be and textures. Think immediately about the entire room concept, then it will be easier for you not to get lost in a large selection of products.
  2. Measure the room! It’s not enough if you just measure height-width-depth. Do not be lazy, measure each wall, think right away where you can not lay the tiles, for example, behind the bathroom or behind the cabinet under the washbasin, all this will save you money on building and finishing materials.
  3. Do not complicate your life! Do not forget that materials for finishing the bath and toilet should be practical and not easily soiled. Otherwise, you risk securing yourself daily cleaning.
  4. Count! On the official websites of manufacturers ceramic tiles, download the program for calculating the consumption of material, or use the online calculator and calculate your expenses directly without leaving the store.
  5. The more expensive the tiles, the more expensive the plumbing! If you decide not to skimp on the tiles, do not forget to think about changing the plumbing, which could correspond and look decent on its background.
  6. Fugue color! Well, or rather grout, which covers the space between the tiles. Think about how this grout will look in a few years and a thousand cleanings, and if you do not have a stylistic need to use a color composition - take white. After a couple of years, you can easily update it.

Well, that’s probably all. I hope that my experience of choice will be useful to someone.

Before repairing the bathroom, one of the most important issues is the choice of tiles. How to choose a tile? Which tile to choose? How not to make a mistake in price, quality and not spend money down the drain?

In this article we will tell you how to choose the right tile for your bathroom. So, let's begin.

Room size

Before buying tile, you need to make the most accurate measurements of the room.

It is also necessary to set the main goals that you want to get from the repair of the bathroom. For example: expand the room, visually increase the height of the ceiling, make the bathroom practical and easy to care for, make a stylish or unusual interior or your other requirements. Take into account not only your personal desires, but also the opinions and wishes of the rest of the inhabitants of your house so that all members of your family are comfortable in the bathroom. After arranging the main priorities and wishes, the purchase process will become easy and enjoyable.

Manufacturer and invoice.

Now there are a large number of stores and manufacturers with a wide range of ceramic tiles. Therefore, the choice of the manufacturer will depend on material capabilities and personal preferences. Those who have the opportunity for exquisite things can choose manufacturers such as Alcor, Zirconio, Azuvi or opoczno tile

For those who prefer a good interior, without spending too much large amounts, we advise you to look at domestic manufacturers of tiles.

For the decoration of the bathroom, you need to choose the right wall and floor tiles. Walls have such requirements as ease of care, elegance and beauty, and safety is also added to the floor. Therefore, when choosing a ceramic tile, pay particular attention to the structure of the material.

When choosing a tile, many have a dilemma - what kind of tile to buy matte or glossy? Both species have pros and cons.

The main advantages of matte ceramic tiles

Excellent dirt repellent effect

No signs of moisture and cleaning.

Pleasant surface roughness

Noble look

The disadvantages of matte tiles are that they are more susceptible to the growth of molds, which are very difficult to remove.

The main advantages of glossy ceramic tiles

- Helps visually expand the room

- Appreciated by beautiful transfusion

No signs of moisture and cleaning.

- Easy care

Repels dirt, water and grease.

The disadvantages of glossy tiles are that even the smallest drops that hit the wall during operation of the room are very noticeable on the bright gloss, so you will have to wash such tiles often. Also, another drawback, wetting the glossy floor, becomes incredibly slippery, which is very dangerous and uncomfortable for the bathroom.

Therefore, a glossy ceramic tile, for semi-matte, will be a good compromise for the walls.

The size

A very important point before buying ceramic tiles is the sizing of ceramic tiles. If you have a large room, you are lucky, your fantasies have no limits!

If you have a small room, then you need to think carefully about which tile size to choose so that it favorably emphasizes the room.

Basically, ceramic tiles have a square and rectangular shape. There is a shaped tile, it is used mainly for decoration and has non-standard shapes.

Square tile, the most common sizes:

It is desirable to decorate the walls of large rooms with square ceramic tiles; such tiles are not suitable for small rooms. Symmetry narrows the room and lowers the ceiling. Therefore, for small rooms, the ideal solution is a rectangular tile. When working with this tile, there are small nuances that are important to observe.

- If the tile is 15 * 30 in size, then it is better not to use it for bathtubs in Khrushchev because of the rather large number of seams, the walls will visually cut together, here it is better to use a large tile.

- In a square room, tiles are laid in vertical rows

- In a narrow or long bathroom, in order for space to appear, ceramic tiles are laid horizontally or in a diagonal pattern. The vertical will create a pencil case effect in such a room.


When choosing ceramic tiles, the color scheme often becomes the "bone of contention" between households. Therefore, it is important to make the right choice. We list several factors with which you can successfully design your bathroom.

- White colors as the main one are undesirable to use in bathrooms of any size. It does not increase the space, it looks boring, it is very difficult to take care of a light surface.

- The frequently used combination “light top-dark bottom, and between them a decorative border” should in no case be done in a narrow space. For small bathrooms, dark colors are not suitable, here it is necessary to use bright and rich colors.

- Pastel, neutral shades give a feeling of a huge amount of air, brilliantly dark emphasize elegance and nobility, bright colors will give the effect of spaciousness, life, joy and dynamism.

Try to use tiles from the same collection for walls and ceilings - this emphasizes the space and gives the target unity.

Remember that any color should not only harmoniously emphasize space, but the most important thing is that it matches your inner mood, therefore, when choosing a color, drawing a tile, we focus on our preferences for the color scheme.

The bathroom must be functionally perfect, practical and beautiful. In this regard, serious responsibility lies not only with the quality of plumbing, but also with the quality of finishing materials. You will learn how to choose ceramic tiles for the bathroom and toilet so that the bathroom meets all of the listed requirements, from this article.

Where to start tile selection?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the manufacturer, or rather, not even the brand itself, but the country in which the tile was produced. Excellent products from France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy are widely represented on the modern market. Don't be surprised at the absence of Russia on this list. Of course, you saw tiles in Russian stores and made in Russia, but very often the quality of such material leaves much to be desired. It is unacceptable that the color and size of the tiles from the same collection noticeably do not coincide or the geometry of the elements does not meet the standards, which most domestic manufacturers, apparently, do not even guess.

Rule number 1: When choosing ceramic tiles, give preference to manufacturers from Italy, Spain, Portugal or Germany. The trademark does not have much significance, because each company has more or less successful collections.

Seamless Tile and Mosaic

The attraction to experiments often leads to unexpected and not very pleasant results. The desire to distinguish oneself leads a person to the idea of \u200b\u200busing a tile for the walls of the bathroom that is completely unsuitable for this.

For example, seamless tile:

  • it is too large for most modern bathrooms;
  • seams in the corners will still have to be overwritten, which visually discredits the main advantage of this type of tile;
  • it is absolutely not compatible with revision hatches.

Mosaic tiles are a special coating for solving specific tasks, such as circumventing semicircular shapes and decorating columns. There are even more arguments against using it on bathroom walls:

  • together with the small elements of the mosaic you will receive a lot of seams that require special care;
  • the mosaic cannot be cut through the elements, only at the seams, which greatly complicates the installation;
  • high cost of material, taking into account two-component epoxy grout;
  • due to the convex structure of the tile, it is practically impossible to correctly install electrical points on it.

Rule number 2: and seamless tiles are specific coatings that are not suitable for lining bathrooms with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 15 m².

Optimal cost of tiles

The issue of payment always causes certain concerns for the buyer. These emotions are always positive when one manages to acquire a good product at a reasonable price. However, discounts on ceramic tiles should be skeptical. If you are offered material at half price, most likely these are the remains of a collection that has already been taken out of production, which means that if necessary you are unlikely to be able to get the missing elements. It’s not difficult to guess what this might turn out to be. In the best case, you will have to change the layout, in the worst case, a shortage will be discovered when 80% of the lining in the bathroom is ready, and there is nothing left to do but break the tiles and buy a new kit. Miser pays twice.

Turning to specific figures, it should be noted that prices are sufficient good tile  for a bathroom up to 15 m² in the spring of 2014, ranged from 900 to 1700 rubles / m².

Rule number 3: Focus on a reasonable ratio of quality and cost of tiles, based on the area of \u200b\u200byour bathroom and your financial capabilities, while never buying tiles from residual collections.

Size really matters when choosing a tile. Most home masters will agree, the more tiles, the more convenient it is to work with. However, the main criterion in choosing should be not so much your personal emotions in front of the presentation counter in the hardware store, but the area that you plan to revet. Imagine or calculate how many tiles you can put in one row. It is unlikely that you will like the look of a room in which only one whole tile and two pieces on the sides fit from wall to wall. In addition, do not forget about the inspection hatches, the hinges of which cannot hold the heavy tile with a width of 90 cm for a long time.

Rule No. 4: It is recommended to use tiles of the following sizes for wall cladding in most modern bathrooms: 600x200 mm, 500x200 mm, 500x250 mm, 600x300 mm, 450x200 mm.

Ask any housewife what she considers the main quality of a good bathroom. The answer will be predictable: to make the bathroom difficult to stain and easy to clean.

No matter how representative and expensive the tile is, the whole charm disappears instantly when dirty drops appear after washing hands and light spots from detergents and toothpaste. This problem can be solved by means of a tile with a pronounced textured surface, which consists of many small inclined squares. Besides the fact that it is glossy and perfectly washable, you don’t have to do it after each visit to the bathroom, since there are almost no visible dirt on it. It is worth noting that a tile with very large textures gives a similar effect, but it is not recommended to buy it.

There are two reasons:

  • ugly joints in the corners;
  • the inability to ensure a tight fit of fine plumbing.

Rule number 5: In the matter of bathroom hygiene, tiles with a finely textured surface have proven themselves best.

What does a standard collection consist of?

A set of ceramic tiles combining in color, shape and size is called a collection. You can always see presentations on stands in any hardware store. It consists of a collection of five basic elements: glossy background tiles of light and dark colors, decor, border and matte floor tiles.

Most often, backgrounds and decors have the same size and shape. The length of the border corresponds to the length of the background tile, but its height is much smaller. The floor tiles are made in the form of a square with a diagonal larger than the length of the main element.

Within the same collection, manufacturers often offer several options for each element, which makes the choice more diverse, and therefore difficult.

Separately, we should dwell on the question of using a border. This tile is used as a visual separator for various backgrounds. It is necessary to treat the border with extreme caution, since not all designers manage to arrange it so as not to create the so-called visual noise and conflicts with other interior elements.

This limitation does not apply to large bathtubs, which are tiled from luxurious and very expensive collections. The backgrounds in them are harmonious, but slightly differ from each other, so bright separators are simply necessary there.


  1. Expensive borders do not decorate with a large number of decorative elements, rhinestones and protrusions, therefore, when sawing at 45 °, the joint always turns out to be smooth and neat.
  2. The large area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows the master to show his imagination: to build walls, build columns and change the size of the surface to be coated so that there are no undercuts at all, and lay out the entire tile.
  3. A set of expensive borders is equipped with special connectors, thanks to which the joints are technologically advanced not only at internal but also at external corners.

As for the installation of a plastic layout on the outer corners in ordinary bathtubs, it is difficult to give some advice. On the one hand, this does not look very presentable, but on the other hand, no one has canceled the safety issues, so in a small bathroom where there is a risk of slipping and injuring yourself on a sharp corner junction, it is better not to neglect this element.

Rule number 6: Do not try to use the entire collection in one room. For effective repair of the bathroom, one type of floor tile, decor, light and dark background is enough. The border has recently been used only in the premium class with an area of \u200b\u200b15 m².

When facing the bathroom, first of all, one should be guided by the fact that the human subconscious mind perceives horizontal stripes much more adequately than vertical ones. This means that we will arrange the background tiles on the walls with rings: a dark bottom and top and a bright middle part.

There are several good reasons to abandon light floor tiles:

  1. the floor will quickly get dirty and even a small layer of dust will be visible on it;
  2. the matte floor tile will be rubbed during operation, which means that the ingrained dirt in a year will make you think about a new lining;
  3. light grout goes to the light tile, which is also not practical for the floor.

By the way, the choice of grout is no less important than the choice of the tile itself. A harmonious combination of colors will complement the perception of the overall pattern, which you will achieve by the correct layout of the tiles. Conversely, sharp contrasts, such as dark grout to white tiles, can negate the effect of even the most successful layout.

Rule number 7: For the floor, the grout is selected in the color of the floor tiles, while a deviation of 1-2 tones is allowed; for walls - also in the color of the background tile or a couple of tones lighter. Select grout according to the lightest of the backgrounds used in your room.

So, the floor in the bathroom should be dark. Partly for the same reasons, the adjacent wall tiles should also be dark. The height of the dark background is considered optimal if the rows of tiles are laid out so that the extreme row protrudes above the side of the bath more than half the height of one tile. If the protruding fragment is smaller, then installing a ceramic baseboard, you will get an unsightly section of the wall with a narrow dark strip above the bath.

Rule number 8: A number of dark background tiles should be at least 7 cm above the bathroom. In the toilet, the dark background should end between the toilet and the installation button, or slightly above it.

Dark background tiles must be placed at the top. The stroke height under the ceiling should naturally be lower. 1-1.5 rows of tiles look best. A wider dark stroke will create an unpleasant pressing sensation and, most likely, will rest against the door trim.

It is impossible to do without a dark stroke, and this is due to the effect of the so-called color reflex, when the color of one object is reflected in another. The fact is that white stretch ceilings, which have priority in the decoration of modern bathrooms, have a glossy or semi-gloss surface, which will be painted with the color of the reflected floor tiles. The upper stroke will only emphasize the harmony of color.

Rule number 9: White stretch ceiling is the best finish for the bathroom, especially if the shades reflected in it are emphasized under the ceiling with the help of one and a half rows of dark background tiles.

If you fill the areas between the dark floor and the upper stroke with just a light background tile, you get a rather boring and monotonous picture. Neither bright surroundings nor beautiful plumbing will fix the situation. In order to color the bathroom and toilet, each collection has decors.

A few words about the installation of ceramic tiles, which, unfortunately, rarely does without the use of a roller tile cutter or grinder.


  • floor and background tiles can be cut both along and across;
  • borders are cut only in length;
  • decorative tiles cannot be cut at all.

The decor is a holistic picture. Any cropping will definitely violate the harmony of the picture, in addition, no tool can give an even cut. No matter how you try, the sawn edge will be torn due to the fallen off decorative elements. This defect will be especially noticeable at the joints even after grouting.

The use of decorative tiles on a light background between dark strokes has several advantages:

  • such an arrangement of tiles eliminates low-tech junction nodes and ugly joints;
  • the interior does not create visual conflicts, since there is no heap of colors;
  • there are no boring monotonous sections;
  • this layout is the most optimal today, which allows you to safely refuse the services of designers, because any attempts to unconventionally “beat” the location of the tile can level all of the above benefits.

Rule number 10: The ideal horizontal layout of ceramic tiles implies a dark floor, a dark lower stroke, a light background with decor, a dark upper stroke. Decorative tiles are indented one row from the stroke, while the wall with the opening is not decorated.

A good tile should meet all the technological requirements of your bathroom, as well as be pleasant to households in color and texture.

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