English Shepherd: photo and description of the breed. English Shepherd - breed, its features and care.

Aviary 04.07.2019
  • Other names:  English Shepherd, Bossy, Englishman.
  • Height:  female from 46.0 cm, males from 58 to 61 cm.
  • Weight:  from 18.0 to 32.0 kg, respectively.
  • Color:  four types of suit - red, white-black, tricolor - black or chocolate with white chest and red tan on the limbs and tail, as well as various combinations with acceptable white spots on the limbs.
  • Wool:  medium length, two-layer with a dense dense undercoat, soft on the back and stiff on the abdominal part of the body.
  • Life span:  up to 15 years.
  • Advantages of the breed:  Elegant, proportionately folded dog. Very obedient, has no difficulties in education. The sensitive and friendly disposition of the perfect herd driver allows the breed to be used as a nanny even for young children.
  • The complexity of the breed:  Virtually nonexistent.
  • Price:  symbolic.

Breed history

The legionnaires of the Roman Empire owned amazing dogs accompanying them on long hikes. Hardy and loyal  the creatures also carried a security service. Later they began to be used as shepherd dogs for the protection of sheep flocks. But the dogs have proven themselves well in grazing cattle.

At the next trip to the islanders, some of the dogs remained in Britain. They are considered to be the founders of the English Shepherd breed, whose appearance has not changed much over time.

For several centuries spent on the British Isles, among dogs there was a natural selection with the participation of collies and some other representatives of varieties of English cattle breeds.

So the birth of an absolutely new breed for England was going on, the improvement of which was taken up only on the eve of the upcoming XX century.

A little more than a hundred years ago, an English shepherd was introduced to the world cynological community, the characteristics of the working qualities of which in many respects suited not only farmers of the United Kingdom, but also farmers from the United States.

So, at the beginning of the last century, representatives of this little-known breed came to the North American continent. Having crossed the imported breed with the old-type and border collie, the breeders got the most hardworking and very hardy dogguarding huge herds and not in need of human control over their work. And in 1934 the first official standard of the English Shepherd breed, which is still valid today, was approved.


The English Shepherd in terms of working qualities are considered one of the most versatile working dogs on the planet. Dogs are fluent in the art of grazing sheep and cattle, guarding pigs and poultry.

In addition to this, English Shepherds guard with dignity  private possessions and the house of its owner, in the process, exterminating rodents. They accompany hunters, performing the functions of hunting dogs, and can also be excellent companions.

English Shepherd dogs are successfully used as service dogs:

  • in police stations;
  • in emergency rescue units;
  • as a guide for the visually impaired;
  • in psychotherapeutic canistherapy programs.

In our latitudes, dogs are little known and not popular. But if the question arises about the acquisition of this breed, you should know that people who do not have experience in dealing with dogs, this breed is contraindicated.  Also, it is not recommended to purchase an English Shepherd for those who buy a puppy for the first time in their lives.


Unusual and rare dogs of the English Shepherd breed have a calm balanced character. They are quite   agile and agile.  Moreover, having a brave heart, dogs are always ready to protect their owner. Any other breed can envy their cleverness and sharpness of mind.

Representatives of this breed are completely not aggressive. They only respond to the danger posed by the enemy. They love people very much. Children are treated with a great sense of tenderness, not allowing themselves to even growl at the child.

Dogs get along well with all the inhabitants of the house, even with cats and rodents, held in the care of the owner. With regard to barn mice, dogs have their own idea. They do not touch the voles if they do not annoy the owner, but at the slightest opportunity they begin to frantically destroy them.

With strangers, the dog behaves strenuously, not losing sight of a new person, constantly monitoring him. In case of danger, it simply neutralizes, and with aggressive resistance, the offender can use his teeth. He treats the owner with an expression of infinite devotion and readiness to accompany in any direction.

Video review of the breed

There are very few educational videos about the breed of English shepherd dogs - the most hardworking dogs, tirelessly working on sheep farms. But there is an amazing talk show by Anderson Cooper, in which representatives of this beautiful and little-known breed took a direct part. Programs with dogs can be watched without translation!

Puppy selection

You can buy a dog of a little-known breed both in the kennel and in the pet market. Puppies of practically non-popularized breed can be found even in the bird market. Moreover, both in the market and in the kennel for puppies of the English Shepherd breed, the price can be purely symbolic or literally conditional. Only if there is a pedigree, the cost of the dog is negotiated within the kennel.

Litters are usually numerous, numbering up to 16 puppies. Kids can wear different colors. The dominant color is the white-black combination and the red color of the dogs.

Dogs, not carrying hereditary diseases,  give strong healthy litters. Puppies are playful, active, curious and very curious.

If there are no documents accompanying the puppies, you should inquire about the time of the worms running in both children and the mother. Pay attention to the mother and take an interest in the exterior of the father, because the appearance of the growing dog largely depends on the parameters of the parents.

Nicknames and names

If the dog was purchased in a kennel, then it is accompanied by a package of documents including a puppy - birth certificate. The registration document must bear the nickname of the puppy, the data of the parents with the numbers of their pedigrees. The veterinary passport contains vaccination data for the puppy.

But in addition to the official nickname, the dog can be given a home name. It will not appear either at the exhibition or in other documents in the name of the dog, but no one disputes the right to give a home name.

You can use the Internet, or the history of Britain with many sonorous, world famous names. This may be the name of a fantastic or historical hero, a television idol. The main thing is that it be in tune, comfortable in pronunciation and like the dog.

Keep a representative of the English Shepherd breed in a city apartment   undesirable.  The countryside is more suitable for dogs, a private house  or a farm where the pet will have free access to a large area. The breed just needs a lot of physical activity.

English shepherd most unpretentious in leaving  dogs. But they need to be combed regularly, especially during molting. Twice a year, the dog's hair is combed daily. It is better to have a tool of two types - a pooderka with frequent teeth, which removes the changing undercoat, and a comb with a long tooth for combing the outer coat.

Dog hair is prone to self-cleaning. The dog does not need frequent bathing, as the British are excellent swimmers and they themselves find ponds. But there must be standard care, with the eyes and teeth of a pet.

Health and Heredity

Obtained by natural selection of the dog breed English Shepherd almost doesn't have  no hereditary diseases and is not burdened by a pedigree predisposition to any disease. The body of dogs is practically not susceptible to hip dysplasia.

Dogs of the English Shepherd breed are fed according to the general nutritional scheme, choosing a diet according to age qualification. Owners who prefer dry food choose a super premium or premium diet for active breeds. The amount of feed is given in accordance with the age table recommended by the feed developers and located on the back of each bag.

For those who prefer to feed their pet with natural food, it should be remembered that the diet should not only be qualitatively balanced, but also intended for the predator. Therefore, the diet of the English shepherd should include meat and offal - the liver, heart, stomach, lung.

Meat trimmings of beef, veal, lamb origin, but in no way pork meat. Multivitamins, useful elements and complex Omega-3, 6, 9, fish and cottage cheese in nutrition must be present  without fail.


A complete orientation on the owner and a desire to help the owner make it easy to work and train the dog. Possessing natural judgment, the English literally grab on the fly  the essence of the team that serves them. And the diligence with which they perform it leads to success on the training site.

English shepherd dogs are extremely obedient creatures. You can have an animal, and then take a course of general obedience with a specialist dog handler. You can immediately work with professionals and work out teams on your own during the walk.

Advantages and disadvantages

Possessing fearless character, dogs are considered the best watchmen. They tirelessly carry out guard service, being affectionate and faithful dogs. Great attitude even to young children makes them unsurpassed nannies.

An English shepherd dog with the same tenderness and tenacity can raise both its own puppies and kittens, hamsters or other animals living with it under one roof.

If the owners are interested in sports, then the dog can act as their partner, taking part in competitions in fly-ball, agility or frisbee. In addition, it was noticed that the breed tends to climb trees, like large cats. This dog is quick-witted, responsive to commands and has a good and flexible disposition.

As for the flaws, there are no references. Dogs react even to sweets or special goodies with the permission of the owner.

The English Shepherd belongs to the service breeds. It was bred by US farmers who tried to improve the basic characteristics of existing sheepdog breeds. To do this, farmers crossed breeds imported from the islands of Britain with the shepherd Roman dogs that appeared in America during the time of the invader Cesar. These dogs were used by Catholics for grazing livestock, which the troops needed as food. The exhausted Roman dogs were driven out of the pack, and the locals gave them shelter. As a result of crossing these dogs with old English dog breeds, an English shepherd appeared. Later, the old English shepherd with the first settlers ended up in America. The multipurpose breed was highly regarded, and in 1934 it was recognized by the UKC.

  Breed description

The English Shepherd is a medium-sized dog with a strong and harmonious physique. Individuals participating in the exhibitions are evaluated both on the exterior, on physical form, and on working qualities. The height of this English purebred breed at the withers reaches 46-59 centimeters. It has a somewhat stocky appearance. Her face is not very long, tapering to the nose. The ears hanging on the cartilage are set high, and the dark-colored eyes give the dog a worried, smart look. The hind legs are slightly curved, the front legs are straight. In a dog, the hair on the body has different lengths: on the tail and body it is long, and on the front legs is short. Color varies from black and tan to tricolor, black and white or sable with white. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 18 to 27 kilograms. A great companion for all family members.


This breed of dog is characterized by fearlessness in achieving goals and immense kindness. English Shepherds are very brave, agile and active. It is unacceptable to keep such freedom-loving pets in a house or apartment - they need room for a splash of energy. In addition, English shepherds require constant physical activity. The owner of the shepherd will always serve faithfully, as she is obedient and faithful. He performs all commands accurately, without delay and with undisguised pleasure, has a pronounced security instinct. These reliable defenders will never hesitate for a long time in the event of a threat to the owner or his home - the teeth will be launched immediately. But, despite this, the breed does not belong to the class of dangerous dogs. This is a pleasant and sweet friend in the family who is distinguished by sociability and kindness. Such dogs should not be nervous and aggressive.

Daily care of the English Shepherd includes, first of all, the presence of physical training. Almost the whole day the dog should be on the street, and making active movements. Dog food should be balanced and complete. To make the coat look beautiful and shiny, once a month the pet should be bathed with a special shampoo. Since the wool is not very long, one combing per week will be quite enough.

Health features

The English Shepherd Dog has inherited a defective gene from shepherd dogs that makes them vulnerable to certain drugs, so never treat a dog yourself. It may end in her death. Be sure to consult your veterinarian! There are also cases when the English shepherd dogs acquired dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints.

If you comply with all conditions of detention, then your pet will live about 12-13 years, delighting you every minute.

Federation classification

FCI (International Kennel Federation)Group 1.  Cattle dogs and cattle dogs Section 1. Shepherd DogsSection 2. Cattle DogsGroup 2  Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs Section 1. Pinschers and SchnauzersSection 2. MolossesSection 3. Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs (Mountain Dogs)Group 3.  Terriers Section 1. Large and medium terriersSection 2. Small TerriersSection 3. Bull TypeSection 4. Toy TerriersGroup 4.  DachshundsGroup 5.  Spitz and primitive Section 1. Northern sled dogsSection 2. Northern Hunting DogsSection 3. Northern guard and herding dogsSection 4. European SpitzSection 5. Asian Spitz and related breedsSection 6. PrimitiveSection 7. Primitive - for hunting useGroup 6.  Hounds and related breeds Section 1. Hounds 1.1 Large hounds1.2 Medium Hounds1.3 Small houndsSection 2. CourtSection 3. Related breedsGroup 7.  Pointing dogs Section 1. Continental Pointing Dogs 1.1 Type of Continental Pointing Dog1.2 Type of spaniels 1.3 Type of griffinsSection 2. British and Irish Pointers and Setters 2.1 Pointers 2.2 SettersGroup 8.  Retrievers, Spaniels, Water Dogs Section 1. RetrieversSection 2. SpanielsSection 3. Water dogsGroup 9.  Decorative dogs and companion dogs Section 1. Bichon and related breedsSection 2. Poodles Section 3. Small Belgian DogsSection 4. Hairless DogsSection 5. Tibetan breedsSection 6. ChihuahuenoSection 7. English Toy SpanielsSection 8. Japanese Chin and PekingeseSection 9. Continental Toy SpanielsSection 10. CromforlenderSection 11. Small Molossian type dogsGroup 10.  Greyhounds Section 1. Long-haired GreyhoundsSection 2. Wire-haired GreyhoundsSection 3. Shorthair greyhoundsSpecies out of classification AKC (American Kennel Club)Group 1.  SportsGroup 2  HuntingGroup 3.  WorkersGroup 4.  TerrierGroup 5.  Companion dogGroup 6.  ShepherdsGroup 7.  Not sportsOther Conditionally recognized breeds Species out of classification CKC (Canadian Kennel Club)Group 1.  SportsGroup 2  HuntingGroup 3.  WorkersGroup 4.  TerrierGroup 5.  Companion dogGroup 6.  Not sportsGroup 7.  ShepherdsSpecies out of classification KC (UK) (British Cynological Club)Group 1.  GirlfriendsGroup 2  HuntingGroup 3.  ShepherdsGroup 4.  TerrierGroup 5.  Companion dogGroup 6.  AuxiliaryGroup 7.  WorkersSpecies out of classification UKC (Joint Dog Training Club)Group 1.  Companion dogGroup 2  OfficeGroup 3.  GirlfriendsGroup 4.  ShepherdsGroup 5.  NorthernGroup 6.  HuntingGroup 7.  ExoticGroup 8.  TerrierSpecies out of classification ANKC (National Kennel Club of Australia)Group 1.  Companion dogGroup 2  TerrierGroup 3.  GirlfriendsGroup 4.  HuntingGroup 5.  WorkersGroup 6.  AuxiliaryGroup 7.  Not sportsSpecies out of classification NZKC (Kennel Club of New Zealand)Group 1.  Companion dogGroup 2  TerrierGroup 3.  GirlfriendsGroup 4.  HuntingGroup 5.  WorkersGroup 6.  AuxiliaryGroup 7.  Not sportsSpecies out of classification

History of occurrence

It is believed that the first dogs, which later became the progenitors of English shepherds, got to the British Isles with Roman legionnaires. These dogs can be called the first English shepherd, although they are absolutely not similar to modern. These dogs were kept in the troops of Rome so that they would guard the cattle that traveled with the troops and provided them with food. When the cattle ended, the dogs were driven away and settled in new territories, metinizing with local dogs, as a result, the ancestors of this breed of dogs were formed. They were brought to the American continent during the resettlement, where they were selected for breeding exclusively by working qualities, adding collie and sheltie blood to them. The resulting breed was called an English shepherd. The popularity of these dogs grew, and as a result, in the 30s of the last century, the breed was recognized by the international dog breeders association. Dogs of this breed first came to Russia in the late 90s, they did not become particularly popular with us, but English shepherd kennels and private breeders appeared. Even in 2003, a club of dog lovers of this breed was opened.

General form

This is a medium-sized dog, a stocky dog \u200b\u200bwith a muzzle tapering towards the nose. Thanks to its muscular and strong legs, the English Shepherd overcomes considerable distances, can work in areas with difficult conditions. Easily and abruptly changes the direction of movement.

Muzzle  not long, tapering to the nose.

The ears  set high, hanging on cartilage.

Eyesdark, give the muzzle an attentive, preoccupied look.

Bite  scissor-shaped.


Housingpowerful, but massive at the same time.

Chest  lowered and not wide, like all hardy animals.

Stomach  harmoniously continues the line of the chest, does not sag, but is also not lean.

Withers  clearly expressed.

Forelimbswell developed, with oblique shoulder blades, long and muscular forearms, strong wrists, rounded paws, pads are firm and firmly pressed to each other, claws are large.

Hind limbs powerful, but not heavy, moving in a plane with the front, lower legs long, but with almost no pronounced hock joint, legs just like the front. This structure of the limbs helps the dog move quickly, overcoming obstacles, in difficult terrain conditions.

English Shepherd - a great guard and defender - she does not attack the offender, but vigilantly warns the owner and the penetration of strangers.

Being in a family, shows good nature, sociability to all people around.

An English shepherd can live both in a city and in a country house, in any case it is important to provide it with work and physical activity. Ideal maintenance on the farm, where she will have enough space for work and free walks. Dogs of this breed require a large amount of physical exertion and, very importantly, mental exertion, without this, dogs begin to get bored and can lead to destructive activities. To make the coat look beautiful and shiny, the dog needs to be fed with high-quality feed and combed regularly. Since the coat is not very long, combing once a week will be enough. The dog should be washed as necessary, but not often.

The English Shepherd is very human oriented and seeks to win its location. It is necessary to conduct early socialization and take a training course in obedience, a course of OKD or obedience is well suited for this.

These dogs need a knowledgeable and consistent owner, but harsh or tyrannical methods of training are completely ineffective. Training should be based on firmness, fairness, patience and consistency.

Well suited for practicing various types of cynological sports - obedience, OKD, agility, freestyle, frisbee.

Life span  - 12-13 years old.


Purposeful, hardy, quick-witted, self-confident, determined dogs.

Very balanced.

Not aggressive to other animals and dogs.

Very efficient.

Complexity of content

The dog sheds a lot and profusely.

Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints is the scourge of the English Shepherd.

Some of the dogs carry a defective gene, making them susceptible to drugs that are completely safe for other dogs. But for English Shepherds, these medicines can be fatal. Particularly dangerous are some tick medicines. This gene is listed in the collie breed.

They require great physical and mental stress.

English Shepherd dogs are quite healthy, problems with which are extremely rare.

Nevertheless, there are known cases of the development in dogs of this breed of a disease such as hip dysplasia expressed in lameness of varying severity. It occurs due to improper joint development. The reason is usually genetic (therefore, it is advisable to do dysplasia tests for manufacturers) or improper growth (inappropriate physical activity and overfeeding. Mild degrees of dysplasia can be treated promptly. Continuous medical support is also possible.

Improper nutrition can cause another extremely dangerous disease - stomach twisting, it occurs due to weak mesentery, this is a hereditary problem. As a result, with very plentiful food and high physical activity immediately after eating, a torsion of the stomach occurs, blood rushes to it and the dog dies.

In addition, many shepherd dogs are subject to another problem associated with intolerance to a certain number of drugs. Often drugs that pose no threat to other animals prove fatal to English Shepherds.

According to our good tradition, our talk about english shepherd dogwe will begin with a short trip to history. And the history of this breed of dogs is not only ancient, but also amazing. It is believed that the first dogs, which later became the progenitors of the English shepherd dogs, came to the British Isles along with the Roman legions. It is these dogs that can be called the first English shepherd dogs, and if you could see a photo of an ancient English shepherd, you would be surprised, because these dogs are completely different from modern ones.

These dogs were kept in the troops of Rome so that they would guard the cattle that traveled with the troops and provided them with food. As you know, during the campaign, the cattle became smaller and the dogs remained, and they remained without work. As a result, the soldiers simply drove them out and the dogs remained on the islands to interbreed with the local shepherd dogs, from these crosses the working qualities of these Roman dogs became better and better. In the United States, these new dogs got together with English immigrants, where they began to use them for their intended purpose, and at the same time developed their working qualities, because at that time they were valued above all. In order to make the dogs even better, they began to cross them with such wonderful dogs as they did, and as a result they got what they wanted.

The popularity of these dogs grew, and as a result, in the 30s of the last century, the breed was recognized by the international dog breeders association. It is strange, however, on the one hand there are dogs whose history dates back thousands of years and they are not recognized as an independent breed, and the American dog is only 200 years old and has already been recognized. Yes, you read it right, the English Shepherd is actually an American dog, because in the form in which we know it, it appeared in America. Dogs of this breed first came to us in the late 90s, they did not become particularly popular with us, but English shepherd kennels and private breeders appeared. Even in 2003, a club of dog lovers of this breed was opened. Now let's digress a bit from history and talk more about this dog.

English shepherd character

First of all, let's talk about the nature of the English Shepherd. And you can talk about him for a long time, these are very balanced and calm dogs that do not show aggression unnecessarily, they love children and people in general. The fact that these dogs have a very mild character is evidenced by the fact that they can be not only a pet, they still successfully serve in the police, in rescue units and even participate in a program for the treatment of various mental illnesses and can be guide dogs for the blind people. In terms of versatility, the English Shepherd can be compared with.

You can even say that this dog is an English German shepherd, outwardly they are completely different and this can be seen in the photo of the English shepherd and German, but by the nature and versatility of use they are absolutely identical. The English Shepherd Dog gets along well with all the animals in the house. It can be a nanny for your child and will never allow himself to bite or even growl at a human baby.

On walks, these dogs also behave very restrained and do not allow themselves to attack passers-by or other dogs, so you can take your dog for a walk without a muzzle, but on a leash. The dog is suspicious of strangers, and if an unfamiliar or unfamiliar guest comes to your house, the dog will try not to lose sight of him, and in case of danger he will take measures to neutralize the offender. Dogs of the English Shepherd breed simply love to be near their owner and his family, they will gladly support your proposal to go to nature, the beach and generally anywhere, it doesn’t matter if you are going to make a walk or by car, the dog will happily follow you .

Where to buy an English shepherd and how much?

As we have already said, dogs of this breed are not very common in our area, but there are English shepherd kennels in our land, they are in Moscow, Kiev, Minsk so that if you are a resident of one of these cities, then you are lucky if no, then you have to go on an exciting journey through the hero cities. You can look for ads for the sale of English Shepherd puppies and on the Internet from private breeders, these also come across. The puppy will cost less than in the kennel, but whether it will meet all standards is a big question. The price of an English shepherd bites and can reach 50,000 rubles per puppy, of course, that the more famous the parents of the puppies, the more expensive they will cost. With your hands you can buy such a dog for 30-35000 rubles.

In care and maintenance these dogs are unpretentious. An English shepherd can live in the courtyard in an aviary; she is not afraid of severe frosts or heat due to her dense coat. She sheds twice a year, so with combing out the trouble, too, will not be. With the health of these dogs, everything is fine and, with proper care and maintenance, dogs of the English Shepherd breed can easily live more than 13 years. If you decide to get this dog in the apartment, you must remember that physical activity is very important for dogs of this breed. Exactly physical activities and sports can replace a dog’s craving for pastoral service, so do not be lazy to walk your pet several times a day and engage in active games with him on walks. You can throw a stick or a ball to a dog, throw a flying saucer, just run around, play hide and seek. All these games will help your pet get the physical activity necessary for its normal state.

Smart and cheerful, English shepherds for many centuries captivate the hearts of people, falling in love with themselves at first sight.

These amazing dogs have an outstanding appearance and extremely kind disposition, while being excellent watchmen and shepherds.


According to legend, the ancestors of the English shepherds were brought to Europe by themselves Julius Caesar.

They guarded the numerous herds of the emperor, thereby providing food for his large army.

Over time, when Julius returned to Rome, in dogs stopped needing: they literally found themselves on the sidelines, where they were picked up by good people.

   In 1934, the English Shepherd received the official breed standard.

Later, these "touring" began to cross with local shepherds  breeds, which had a positive effect on their qualities.

So there was a wonderful multi-purpose breed - the English Shepherd.

With the first settlers, these dogs were taken to America, where they were immediately appreciated.

English standard

This breed effortlessly combines sophistication, harmony and mysterious elegance.

The English Shepherd is a medium-sized dog proportionately folded.

Thanks to a head fit, these beauties give the impression of a proud elite of the canine world, looking at everyone with excellence.

    • Eyes  medium-sized, almond-shaped, dark or dark brown, set not too far or close, the look is lively and smart.
    • The head is dry, turned, the length of the skull and muzzle is equal, the cheeks are muscular and stiff, the lips are snug against each other, the eyebrows are of medium size, they do not protrude much.
    • The ears are straight, triangular in shape, bend, set high. Jaws well developedhave a scissor or tick-shaped bite, teeth are strong and white, as in the advertising of toothpaste.

   Height at the withers - from 47-57 cm, weight - from 18 to 28 kg, bitches and dogs of the English Shepherd almost the same size and weight.

  • The body is powerful, but at the same time massive, the chest is lowered and not wide, like all hardy animals, the stomach harmoniously extends the line of the chest, does not sag, but is not lean, the withers are clearly expressed.
  • Forelimbs well developed, with sloping shoulder blades, long and muscular forearms, strong wrists, rounded paws, pads are firm and firmly pressed to each other, claws are large.
  • The hind limbs are powerful, but not heavy, move in a plane with the front legs, the legs are long, but with almost no pronounced hock joint, the legs are exactly like the front legs.
  • The tail of the English Shepherd Dog is set firmly, medium length, kept hangingwhile the tip is bent near the hock.

In other words, a “collie-like shepherd” is about her.


In total, four color options are allowed:


English shepherds are owners of a truly golden character among dogs.

Indeed, they are very friendly, never bite a manwho will reach out for affection, even let this man be a stranger.

English Shepherds with great pleasure follow the owner even into the water, even into the mountains: any movement is perceived by them as a great joy.

   A fun feature of English shepherd dogs is the ability to climb trees to catch a bird or even a squirrel.

But, despite his kindness and meekness, - born guardwho is ready to stubbornly defend the territory entrusted.

A stranger who set foot on protected land will be warned by a loud bark; if that doesn't help, the Englishwoman will no doubt rush to the intruder.

Read about another good-natured, but formidable guard - the Moscow guard breed.

With all this, the English Shepherd Dog love children very much: ready to mess with the kids all day, allowing the child to do anything with himself. An adequate shepherd never even growls at the baby.

Shepherd dogs of this species boast unpretentiousness and the ability to quickly adapt, in addition, they are incredibly hardy.

In fact, English shepherds do not need special care.

  • Enough comb out  their wool several times a week, in order to avoid the appearance of fallen wool.
  • Bathe  English shepherds love, but they should not be washed more than once a month, otherwise you can disrupt the structure of the coat.
  • Feed  You need an English Shepherd dog just like any other dog - according to a properly balanced diet.
  • These dogs calmly tolerate street life, therefore, the ideal for them is life in or, which is much better, without a leash in the yard, so that the dog can run and play as much as she wants.


This breed is not touched by breeders and its development took place in vivo. Therefore, Mother Nature took care of everything: she rewarded English Shepherds good health.

   There are no chronic diseases to which these dogs would be exposed.

However, you should be aware that they have extremely difficult relationships with medications, taking some, it would seem, completely harmless, can lead to fatal.


English Shepherds are easy to train thanks to intelligence and quick wits - qualities without which their ancestors would not have survived in harsh conditions.

In addition, the English shepherd dog perfectly understands the mood of the owner, and tries to do everything so that his beloved two-legged "carrier of delicious" was always happy and cheerful.

In exercises  sensitively react to the actions of the English shepherd - and she will quickly understand everything.

Of course, it will not do without reinforcing the teams with a treat, but it is so nice to delight your beloved four-legged friend!


A video with infinitely cute English puppies:

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