Electric shovel: what is it. Electric snow blowers - electro shovels

For earthworks 03.07.2019
                  For earthworks

With the onset of winter, the owner of a private house comes in a difficult time. The fact is that he has to regularly remove snow, and this can create a lot of problems, especially if you need to clear a lot of snow from a rather large area.

Naturally, few people will enjoy such an activity. However, today there is a solution that simplifies the implementation of this work. This is an electric snow shovel.

For most of us, winter is a welcome time. She pleases many with the fact that she can enjoy a mug of hot tea next to a well-heated fireplace. Also, winter is attractive because it allows you to ride from the snow slides.

There are enough among us and those people who are looking forward to this time of year to go skiing in the freshly fallen snow.

However, not all people are looking forward to the pleasure of winter. First of all, this applies to the owners of cottages and summer cottages with a house that they use to relax on the weekend.

This time of year they associate primarily with snow, which covers a thick layer of paths and approaches to the house. And in order to remove it, you have to spend a lot of time and effort.

Naturally, if you use an ordinary shovel for this work, then this really will not bring any joy. However, if the farm has an electro-shovel, then a person is able to take a fresh look at winter. In fact, it represents small snowplow, which perfectly copes with loose snow, which attacked overnight the territory adjacent to the house.

With the help of this device, it is possible to put order on the porch, as well as on the tracks that we use every day, with minimal expenditure of time and effort. As a result, a person can use the time saved for snow removal for more enjoyable activities.

All this makes an electric snow shovel a more preferable solution compared to a conventional hand shovel. This tool copes with snow  and at the same time it is not a problem for him to remove wet snow.

The main unit of this unit is a housing with a motor. At the moment of interaction of this unit with snow, the absorption of snow masses occurs, which scattered on the sides  cleaned track.

There are on sale such models of electric shovels that equipped with removable brushes, due to which this tool can be used for cleaning courtyard surfaces in the warmer times of the year.

For the most part, electric shovels have similar technical characteristics:

  • absorbed snow flies out at a distance of about ten m;
  • cleaning of the snow-covered area is carried out at a speed of 100 to 140 kg / min;
  • in one pass, this tool can clear a track with a width of 30 to 45 cm;
  • the cleaning depth is about 40 cm.

Types of electropathic

To date, two types of such tools are on sale: aluminum and wooden.

Aluminum Electric Shovel. Seeing for the first time an electric shovel made of aluminum, most consumers perceive it as something completely fantastic. And in some ways they are really right.

Accomplished based on aircraft metal  This tool not only demonstrates a long service life, but also has a low weight, which makes it more convenient to use.

The main advantages of such electroscopes are the following:

  1. High level of performance.
  2. Resistance to breakage.
  3. Increased corrosion protection.

Given the positive qualities this tool has, it is logical that its value will be noticeably higher compared to the wooden counterpart. The fact that this tool is made of non-ferrous metal is sufficient reason for manufacturers to set such a price on their products.

An additional advantage of such electroscopic shovels is that wet snow masses stick well to aluminum. Having such a device in the household, any owner will appreciate it when it comes time to clean the area from snow.

Wooden shovel

Although this tool is made of material traditional for our country, however, it is still impossible to treat it as a normal tool for removing snow.

First of all, differences are manifested when becoming acquainted with its wooden base, in which various metal plates. Moreover, they are not present here to give the instrument decorative look, and to improve the mechanical and operational parameters.

First of all, the cutting edge needs such pads, because thanks to them the tool is securely protected  from splitting and cracking.

With such an electric tool it is very convenient to clean surfaces of fragile materials, such as tiles. This shovel not only effectively removes snow from the surface, but also does not damage it.

Therefore, before deciding which of these options to choose for snow removal, you should answer the question of which surfaces you plan to use this tool for cleaning.

What to consider when buying electro shovels

If you look at shops specializing in the sale of appliances and tools for cleaning the house, then you can find many different electrical devices designed for snow removal and you need to take into account a number of points at the selection stage:

An electric shovel equipped with an iron screw is less preferable for the reason that during surface cleaning there is a danger of damage to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric snow shovel

Knowing what this electric assistant is, it is easy to understand what advantages it has:

Typically, an electroshovel is not heavier than 8 kg. At the same time, in stores you can find such self-propelled devices, the weight of which can reach up to 17 kg.

Of the disadvantages that an electric shovel has, the following points should be highlighted:

  • small thickness of snow, which they can remove in one pass;
  • if the tool is powered by a network in which voltage fluctuations are observed, this can greatly affect its reliability;
  • the presence of a cord, due to which it is connected to a power source, limits the area of \u200b\u200buse of this shovel;
  • noise is one of the significant drawbacks of this tool, which can cause some discomfort during use, and often the shovel buzzes so much that headphones need to be used for long-term cleaning.

Should I buy a snow shovel

Thus, the advantages and disadvantages that a modern electric shovel possesses do not allow us to consider it an ideal choice for the owner of a private house. Therefore, he must decide on the feasibility of such a purchase.

Naturally, if a person is not afraid of physical activity, then the usual snow removal tool, which is available on the farm of each owner of a private house, will be enough for him. However, not everyone wants to spend time and energy cleaningsnow covered territory. In this case, it would be better to spend money on a more modern version of the snow removal tool.

Living in a private house, the owner has to deal with many tasks that are unfamiliar to the ordinary city dweller. One of them is cleaning the territory and tracks from snow. Considering that in our country, precipitation can exceed forecasts in terms of volume, it might become a serious problem for someone to clear the area of \u200b\u200bsnow.

However, they can also save themselves from such a time-consuming work if they purchase a more modern version of the snow removal tool - an electric shovel for snow removal. Thanks to her, a person can in less time and with less effort clear snow from any surface.

Also on sale are such models that are able to restore order on surfaces made made of fragile materialswithout damaging them. But at the same time, the electropathic does not apply to those devices that do not have disadvantages.

Loud noise and low maneuverability  due to the presence of the cord, it can create certain difficulties in maintaining the cleanliness of the house territory and paths. Therefore, so that you are not disappointed in your choice, you must first answer the question whether you really need this tool for snow removal.

When winter comes, the first thing we start to think about is how much snow there will be. Manually clearing the yard or parking is unrealistic. For this, many types of snow removal equipment have been created today. Unfortunately, domestic analogues are not worthy options. One has to pay attention to such foreign samples of snow-removing electric shovels, such as the Swedish "Stig", the Korean Hyundai, the Danish "Texas", the Dutch "Iron Angel". The mass of all these shovels is not more than six kilograms.

Where bulky professional ones will not drive up, maneuverable electric shovels are used. There are such samples where the width of the screw is not more than 30 centimeters. There are fewer.

All electric snow shovels have a characteristic single-stage mechanism - auger. It is rotated by an electric motor. A man moves a shovel to a mass of snow, which is removed to the side.

Very often in our yards as flooring  there may be paving slabs, as well as rubberized paths. Remember that a snow shovel with an auger will not harm them. On the screws there are rubber tips that will reliably protect the coating.

You do not have to put a lot of effort. You only need to move the shovel, and the snow will be discarded at a distance of 2 to 9 meters - depending on the type of model chosen.

All modern electric shovels have motors that are reliably protected from moisture inside. This is necessary so that work is safe. There is a temperature indicator on the motor. When overheating, this is automatically turned off.

All electro shovels are quite economical. Maximum power - two kilowatts. The engine runs silently. And the price of the device is relatively low.

But there are also disadvantages. You may notice that the shovel is constantly tied to a power source. And the power is not as great as we would like to have. Ice and packed snow is an overwhelming job for an electric shovel. However, if you need to clean only the porch or the exit in front of the garage, then it is better than finding snow shovels to find a device, as it is maneuverable and economical.

When choosing manual snow shovels with a screw, we recommend that you pay attention to the reviews. Often, owners of certain models are willing to share information on forums and thematic sites, while on the forums you can find additional information about European models of electric shovels.

For the climatic conditions of our country, stable snow cover up to 50 ... 60 cm high is not uncommon. Therefore, the owners of suburban cottages with large household territories, leaving for a winter weekend after a good snowfall the day before can turn into a time-consuming, but extremely necessary work to clean up the territory. A fundamental solution to the issue is the acquisition of a driven electric snow cleaner. But such units of the road, they have mainly gas engines, take up a lot of space. An alternative would be a cheaper snow shovel.

Design and principle of operation

Outwardly, such devices really resemble a shovel: a long rubberized handle on the surface of which a compact control panel is mounted, as well as a body with an electric motor and a screw device for snow removal. Electric shovels from a stationary power source work, for which they are equipped with a PVC cord about 5 meters long.

When the engine is turned on, the unit with its receiving part is directed to the end face of the layer of freshly fallen dry snow, and when in contact with the end part of the cover, it goes down without bringing the receiver to the main surface by about 15 ... 25 mm. The screw drive for turning the screw engages automatically after a backing force occurs. Snow mass moves to the left and right, to the side stops available in the device case. After that, the air is blown out under pressure, the snow is thrown several meters forward and to the sides. Some models are equipped with an additional handle, which does not hurt: after all, the mass of the prevailing majority of electroshops for snow removal is from 6 kg and even more. Therefore, the unit has to either keep the canopy all the time (with a complex configuration of the surface covered with snow), or carefully push forward. Some persistent planes (such as ski runners) are not provided for by the design.

In order to simplify the design, the snow shovel does not have the ability to regulate its operation. The suppliers of the equipment in question achieve weight reduction due to the maximum use of lightweight materials for the manufacture of the case. The market also presents the design of aluminum cases, cases made of moisture-resistant wood, lined with impact-resistant plastic, and even purely plastic structures.

Most manufacturers of hand-held snow blowers (trademarks Alpina, LuxTools, Texac, etc.) offer such products at a price of 5300 ... 6500 rubles, which, of course, is much lower than the cost of the simplest snow blowers on a wheeled chassis (prices are much higher there, moreover, they depend on manufacturer).

Technological characteristics possessed by an electric shovel for snow removal are in the following limits:

  1. Coverage when moving the device, mm - 210 ... 400 mm.
  2. Depth of capture, mm - 250 ... 400 mm.
  3. Drive power, W - 1000 ... 1800.
  4. Snow casting length, m - 4 ... 10.
  5. The mass of the product, kg (without the mass of the cord) - 6 ... 8.
  6. Estimated cleaning performance, kg / min - 80 ... 140.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrosurgery

Snow shovel is not a permanent tool. Indeed, in some regions of the country intense snowfalls occur infrequently, and the tool "does not know how" to work with packed snow cover. As a result, if there is too much load on the receiving bell, the unit may turn off at best, and in the worst case, the snow collector may break at all. By the way, most of the designs of manual snow blowers are not equipped with an overload sensor, so everything is determined by the subjective feelings of the user.

If we systematize all the reviews about snow shovels from different manufacturers, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The device is not intended for continuous and long-term use, since the noticeable mass of the unit still forces it to be lowered to the ground from time to time and pushed manually (it should be noted that not only the unit itself has to be moved, but also the mass of snow in front of it). It is necessary to be completely sure that in this place there is no ledge of frozen ground, the end of the garden path with tile, or the corner of the concrete foundation of the mansion. When in contact with solid objects, the body of the snow receiver is deformed, or even burst.
  2. Manufacturers indicate that the snow flow removed by the shovel is directed away from the user. In fact, it all depends on the weather. Most designs are not equipped with snow plows. With a significant wind, the snow ejected at high speed will fly right into the operator’s face, and it is necessary to use safety glasses, because the smallest particles of soil, wood chips, etc. can be in the snow.

  1. A manual snow blower cannot clear the area of \u200b\u200bpacked or wet snow. In the first case, the unit quickly overheats, and the case may result in damage to the electric motor (especially if its power does not exceed 1000 W). In the second case, snow sticks to the inner surfaces of the guide channels. Since the snow adheres especially tightly to aluminum, the dynamics of snow throwing will deteriorate sharply, and the trough itself will soon begin to deform.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride cord is tightened in frosts over -20 ° С, which leads to a sharp decrease in its flexibility. The insulating layer, by the way, quickly collapses under such conditions. As a result, working with an electric shovel becomes dangerous from the point of view of electric shock or short circuit in the connecting fittings. And to deal with such a cord is not easy, given that both hands of the user are constantly busy. In addition, the very presence of a cord, even of considerable length, limits the mobility of this technique. A rubberized cord could fix the situation, but an ordinary electro-shovel for snow removal is not supplied with it (obviously, due to an increase in the mass of equipment).
  3. With long-term operation of the unit, quite a lot of noise is produced by the electric motor.

Given the nature of the reviews reviewed, the optimal use of hand-held snow blowers should be limited to the following situations:

  • Improved surface quality after cleaning is not required (the remainder of the snow cover up to 20 ... 30 mm high can subsequently be removed manually);
  • Complex small areas with an uneven and heterogeneous surface are generally better to clear of snow using an ordinary wooden shovel;
  • Cleaning only freshly fallen snow with a cover height of not more than 400 mm, and at external temperatures from -2 0 C to -25 0 C;
  • Cleaning only within the range of the main power cord, without the use of extension cords;
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe area cleared of snow at the same time should not exceed 4 ... 6 m 2.

Electric shovel or self-propelled snow blower?

When removing large areas from snow, snowplows with gasoline engines benefit. Such units are not tied to a power source, and are safer during operation. They are available both in wheeled and tracked versions.

Classification of such snow removal equipment can be made according to the following parameters:

  1. By weight. There are lightweight structures, the mass of which does not exceed 50 ... 60 kg, and more massive.
  2. By the method of starting a drive that can use an electric starter (in such devices, a battery is provided for this purpose), or by starting manually.
  3. By drive power. More compact snow blowers are equipped with a drive with a power of 5 ... 6 liters. from. At the same time, more powerful versions have an increased range of movement speeds - up to 8, including 2 rear ones.
  4. According to the provided additional options - adjustable length of snow throwing, cleaning performance, including with packed snow.

The obvious disadvantages of such units are their price (it starts from 40,000 rubles for the most portable models), as well as the increased noise level produced during operation. The rational area of \u200b\u200bapplication of self-propelled gasoline snow blowers is a one-time cleaned area of \u200b\u200b40 m 2.

Electric shovel  - This is an indispensable thing for owners of their own homes. During periods of winter blizzard, the yard adjacent to the dwelling often overlooks. It is difficult to remove snow drifts without a special device. Many people use ordinary shovels, but this is too expensive. In this case, electrical devices that speed up cleaning the yard come to the rescue.

Pros and Cons of Electric Shovels

An electric shovel is a good and necessary device. Like any device, it has a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages. Ideal devices do not exist, any criterion in any case will cause some inconvenience. The main advantages of the shovel:

  • compact dimensions;
  • easy operation;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • silent work;
  • simplicity in operation;
  • optimal price.

Compact dimensions make it easy to control the device. Simplified design makes the tool simple and convenient.  Some models have a minimum weight of 6 kg, which is almost imperceptible.

Reliability and a long service life are another indisputable advantages. The electric shovel has a built-in program that protects the engine from overheating. This allows you to maintain the performance of the device for a long time.

Silent work is peace and comfort for others. Many devices of this type are characterized by increased volume during use. This device is silent, it will not cause discomfort to either its owner or neighbors.

Easy operation is associated with the lack of the need to use oil or gasoline. Just connect the device to electric network. However, low temperatures are not a hindrance. The price of the device is acceptable.

Despite the mass of advantages, there are also disadvantages. The main disadvantages include:

  • power;
  • immobility;
  • low snow emission range;
  • inability to cope with frozen boulders.

The power of the shovel is high, for domestic purposes this is quite enough. However, if you have to do a professional job, the electrocope cannot handle it.

Immobility is tied to a network. You can work with the device exactly at such a distance that the cord length and the location of the outlet will “let go”.

Weak ejection range is a minus for professional use. 5 meters dump in a private house, this is quite normal. Finally, it will cope with large blocks of snow, the electro-shovel will not be able to.

The principle of the shovel

The snow shovel is connected to the mains through a safety switch. This will allow you to control the voltage and avoid failure. During operation, the main criterion is the discharge chute. He must always be free. Keep extension cords at a decent distance from the knives. This will prevent damage and electric shock.

It is necessary to work carefully, while always monitoring the wire. It is advisable to know the type of territory in order to avoid stones and other solid elements getting into the snowplow. It is necessary to carry out work in the daytime.

If there are slopes along the way, care must be taken. Snow must be removed with care, across the slope.

If the snow shovel hits a solid object during operation, turn it off and inspect for damage.

Do not use the device near water; this may result in electric shock. The movements should be smooth, without sharp jerks. Always keep the device a short distance. Keep the shovel out of the reach of children. This is a hazardous device that could injure or electric shock.

How to do it yourself

You can make a device yourself. First you need to make a rotor on a lathe. The shovel will be based on an electric motor. Therefore, all blanks must comply with its dimensions.

Externally, the rotor is similar to a steel disk, its thickness does not exceed 2 mm and a length of 29 cm. The resulting part must be connected to the hub using bolts. This design underlies the future apparatus. By welding, 5 blades must be attached to it. To increase productivity, additional stiffeners can be installed on the reverse side.

The cooling system works on the principle of a fan. To do this, blades are made of aluminum and are fixed on a pulley to start the motor. It is necessary to close the fan with the help of a soldered casing, which is previously placed on the crankcase cover.

A shaft is mounted on the resulting housing, which is fixed with bolts. The resulting structure is pressed against the frame by means of brackets that partially cover the ring.

Do-it-yourself shoveling is not at all a complicated process. The resulting apparatus is characterized by high power and performance.

If we talk about the appearance, then there is almost nothing in common between a regular snow shovel and an electric unit, except for a long telescopic handle (this option is also found in a hand scoop), which allows you to work without leaning too much. Otherwise ...

It is quite difficult to find a shovel shovel, the working part of which is not a plane, but a screw, which can be replaced with a brush for cleaning tile tracks from dirt and dust in the summer. The screw, to some extent, can be considered a derivative of the working plane of the shovel, in any case, its function is the same - to throw the snow to the side, but the performance of the automation is incomparable with muscular strength.

A shovel with an electric motor is capable of throwing snow from your road to a distance of 10 meters, and the cleaning speed is 136 kg / min. You must admit that even the most powerful and dexterous person is not able to give such a result.

What are the characteristics of electropaths?

Electric snow blower, it’s almost a walk-behind tractor, only highly specialized. If you have a small area, it is better to take a fully functional unit with various additional devices, or choose a simpler and cheaper option. So, if a snow blower weighs from 11 to 16 kilograms on its own and is able to remove snow up to 350 kg / min, a shovel with an electric motor has a mass of only 6-7 kilograms. In other words, pay attention to the weight, since the shovel is a non-self-propelled type of snow blower.

The maximum thickness of snow cover with which a shovel on an electric motor can handle is rarely more than 10 centimeters.

An important factor in the choice is the power of the unit, both productivity and energy consumption depend on it. The range is different, from 800 to 1800 watts. Try to choose a middle ground, because too small a tool can not cope with the task, and you do not need extra horsepower if, of course, you do not have free electricity from your own windmill.

And be sure to pay attention to how far the snow is thrown, the more it is, the better. Also, when choosing, find the tool with the optimal working width, it can be between 30-35 centimeters.

How to use an electric shovel?

As weekdays begin with breakfast (in any case, with the majority), so the operation of the electro shovel is based on food, the source of which is a regular 220-volt electrical outlet, which is available both in the house and in the garage. The main thing is that the voltage is constant, otherwise, with frequent drops from 170 to 250 volts, the equipment quickly fails. If you have a stabilizer or transformer, use these devices to protect your electrical assistant from damage.

An electric shovel is connected to a socket by a wire, which usually has a rather large length. But if it is still not enough, use an extension cord, only be sure to isolate the sockets from the ingress of snow or moisture in any other condition. The sound threshold of the electric motor is usually 85 dB, so it’s better to work with headphones, it will also be useful to put on glasses or a transparent shield, especially when cleaning tracks from sand and dust. And, most importantly, try to stay away from moving parts of the machine.

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