Which room to start the repair in the apartment. Where to start apartment renovation

Where to begin? 03.07.2019
                  Where to begin?

Each apartment, like every family, has its own characteristics, so it is difficult to derive any unchanging rigid rules that cannot be changed or missed. In this article we tried to choose the most universal.

The main stages of repair

Repair is usually carried out in several stages:

  • Training. Design is being developed, the amount of materials and the cost of repair are calculated.
  • Dismantling work. The old finish, interior partitions, plumbing elements are removed.
  • Rough finish. It includes the alignment of the floor of the walls and ceiling, the device for waterproofing the floors of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Engineering communications, wiring cables are laid.
  • Preparation for finishing. Walls and ceilings are putty, primed and sanded.
  • Fine finish. The walls are papered, covered with paint or tile. The ceiling is painted or mounted on it by suspended structures. The flooring spreads on the floors, skirting boards are mounted.
  • The final stage includes garbage removal, installation of electrical appliances, furniture placement and general cleaning.

The first stage is one of the most important. All the main work is carried out in the following stages, but it is hardly possible to make its implementation the most effective, cost-effective and rational without preliminary preparation.

Preparatory phase: what to look for first

To proceed with the repair fully armed, you must perform the following steps:

  • to develop a design;
  • measure the apartment and draw its plan;
  • make a list of works;
  • calculate the amount of materials needed;
  • calculate the repair budget.

Let us consider in detail each item in this sequence.

Think over the design

Design is developed in three stages.

Search for functional solutions

The main thing in design is not even its beauty as much as convenience, so the layout is carried out taking into account many factors:

  • Who will live in the apartment? Are there any children? Perhaps there are older people in the family?
  • What do family members do, what are their hobbies and do they need specially designated places for these hobbies?
  • Do I need a library, gym, office, bar?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • How much space should be allocated for storing things?
Allocation of the general concept

A concept is a kind of idea that reflects the interior. This feeling is conveyed by the environment with the help of colors, textures, textures. The main idea is to pass the red line through the design of the apartment.

Tip: if you are not a professional designer, do not mix styles, since it is very easy to turn an apartment into a tasteless pile if you combine, for example, high-tech and empire.

Work with colors and light

Many ideas can be found on the Internet or feature magazines.

There is a useful trick: creating a collage. Fragments with pieces of furniture and wallpaper are cut from magazines and catalogs. You can use colored paper to get a visual representation of how certain elements will look against a specific background.

Apartment Measurement and Planning

Roulette measures the height and width of walls, the sides of ceilings and floors in all rooms. The received data is transferred to paper.

When measuring walls, the upcoming layout changes must be considered. For example, if any partition is removed, it should not be taken into account, and if an arch is made in the wall, the area of \u200b\u200bthe future opening should be subtracted when calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe surface to be trimmed.

Making a list of work

Repair can be major or cosmetic, and the budget depends on this criterion. What exactly do you plan to do - replace the tiles or parquet, align the floors and ceilings, or just refresh the plaster and wallpaper? It is important to streamline this list, systematize it.

The chronological order of actions will help to ignore nothing. For example, first dismantling partitions and old claddings, then preparing surfaces, etc.

How to calculate the amount of materials needed

Consider the calculation of materials on the example of screed for the floor.

First, the average thickness of the required screed layer is calculated taking into account surface irregularities. Filaments are pulled parallel to each other in the same horizontal plane, the distance to the floor is measured from each of them in several places. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare added up and divided by the number of measurements taken.

Suppose that the obtained value is 2.5 cm, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 15 m. Therefore, we multiply 0.025 m by 15, and we get 0.375 cc. m

Next, you need to find out the rate of consumption of the mixture for screed on the manufacturer's website. For example, cement grade M400 per 1 cubic meter. m. consumed 310 kg. To find out how much such cement is needed in our case, 310 should be multiplied by 0.375. It turns out 116.25. And since cement is sold in bags of 50 or 25 kg, you need to purchase 2 bags of 50 kg and 1 for 25.

Approximately the same simple mathematical calculations are used to calculate all building materials.

How to calculate the repair budget

To calculate the total cost of repair, you need to calculate the amount of the following items of expenses:

  • The purchase price of materials.
  • The cost of tools.
  • Cost of delivery.
  • The cost of the work (depends on whether you will hire workers, or do the work yourself).
  • The cost of removal of construction waste.

Useful life hacks

  • Many people prefer to make repairs in summer or spring, so in the autumn-winter period, many construction crews offer discounts of up to 20%. The same applies to the cost of building materials. Therefore, to make repairs in the winter is very profitable.
  • If you buy all building materials and tools in one place, you can take advantage of significant discounts.
  • If the repair involves replacing the windows, you should start with it, because this event is not complete without dust and dirt, which can spoil the fresh finish of walls and ceilings.
  • You can save money on the appearance of all the elements that will be hidden. For example, fasteners can be used not shiny (cadmium plated), but ordinary black (phosphated), thereby saving about a thousand rubles.
  • If you make wiring for outlets and lighting on different machines, then, repairing outlets, you can not turn off the light, and vice versa.
  • Light wallpaper in the hallway pretty quickly lose their presentable appearance.

Use digital technology

There are many options for the effective use of modern technology in the repair. All of them are represented by three technical areas:

  1. Applications for smartphones.
  2. Computer programs.
  3. Online services.

There are quite a few useful applications for smartphones. For example, you can recommend these:

The application uses the camera of the mobile device and the accelerometer to draw up an approximate map of the room and calculate the amount of building materials. You just need to point the camera at all the walls of the room, and place the corner markers on the screen. The application will make a drawing of the room with dimensions.

It allows you to create a 3D plan of the room with furniture and makes it possible to apply different colors and textures. Any user without the skills to work with complex 3D editors can cope with the interface.

The application from the paint manufacturer Dulux allows you to see how your apartment will look with a different wall color using augmented reality. To do this, just point the camera at the wall and select the paint of the desired color. Shades can be combined.

  • Sweet Home 3D. The program for interior design, contains elements of furniture and other interior items.
  • IKEA Home Planner. In this 3D editor you can not only arrange furniture, but also calculate the value of the situation.
  • FloorPlan 3D. You can create three-dimensional scenes of interiors and virtually navigate them. The program is supplemented by a library of furniture, gates, walkways, borders and so on.

Repair and neighbors

In order for repairs not to cause war with neighbors, it is important to adhere to the time frame established by law and generally accepted rules for human relations.

  1. Get a brochure with laws and do not break the rules indicated in it. When the neighbors come, show them the appropriate item.
  2. Before starting a set of work, visit your neighbors, apologize in advance for the inconvenience and explain that repairs are needed.
  3. Place an announcement on the upcoming repair on your and neighboring entrances, indicate the time frame for the work.
  4. In the afternoon, take a two-hour break in performing noisy activities. Neighbors may have small children who need to sleep at this time.
  5. Do not leave debris or dust in the stairwell.

Repair Psychology

Unlike Western countries, our psychologists are far from always the desired assistants. But we must admit that in anticipation of such a difficult task as repair, even a cursory study of some tips often avoids the need for the intervention of other assistants representing government agencies who are required to take care of the rule of law or the health of citizens.

There are two principles, following which will allow, if not to avoid conflict situations in the family during the repair, then at least reduce their number as much as possible:

  1. Before each key step, negotiate to pinpoint actions and assign responsibilities.
  2. When deciding what the transformed dwelling should look like, distribute the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment into separate zones and decide who will be responsible for each of them.


Repair is not an easy task, requiring many skills and knowledge. But the gods did not burn the pots, everything happens for the first time. The above tips and tricks will help to systematize the process, decide where to start.

Choose those that suit your situation, replace others or remove them from your list altogether. The main thing is to approach the lesson with optimism and patience, and the repair will become a really interesting and bright stage in your life.

Own housing is the dream of every person. Our own roof over our heads, personal space and our own way of life, that’s what we strive for when childhood passes. However, housing in our country today is not at all cheap, and trying to save money, many of us buy apartments in rough finish. Where to start repairs in the apartment, if there is no decoration and how to quickly establish life in order to enter the coveted house.

What cosiness begins with

Repair in the apartment with a rough finish is the full scope of cosmetic work. An occupation is quite expensive, but if you know a few tricks and rules, you can make a decent repair of a new apartment with little cost. In this case, the money saved on the purchase of housing in rough finish is enough to buy the necessary furniture and household items.

Rule 1: The cheapest option is DIY repair. If you do all the work yourself, you don’t have to think about where to get the money for the construction team, but spend this amount on furniture or plumbing. Yes, of course, independent work will take a lot of time, but it will pay off with decent savings.

Rule 2: You need to start patching an apartment with a rough finish! Overhaul can be done only two years after the construction of the house. During this time, you can just save up some amount of money to create an individual interior and buy high-quality accessories and furniture.

If you decide to start finishing earlier than this, then during the shrinkage of the house cracks will appear on your ceilings and walls and expensive repairs will have to be done again.

During the wait, you can buy building materials, make a design project and get ready for repairs. Well, here is the expected time, and you can start work, where to start repairing an apartment in a new building?

Main steps

Where to start the overhaul of the apartment? In order for the work to go faster and you do not do the same work several times, it is important to determine the order of the necessary work. The beginning of the repair is the layout of the apartment. At this stage, you need to draw up a drawing where you need to install and where to demolish the partitions, how the doors will be located and how many rooms you will end up with. Demolition of partitions or their construction should be authorized by the relevant authorities. The planning stage is best entrusted to a professional.

  • Surface alignment
  • Installation of plumbing, radiators, sockets.
  • Installation of double-glazed windows and interior doors.
  • The ceilings.
  • Walls.
  • Flooring.
  • Finishing

Ceilings and walls

Where to start repairing an apartment with your own hands? Usually buying an apartment in rough finish, you can see that the walls and ceilings are not even. In order for the repair to look good in the future, all surfaces must be leveled. At this stage, you can make the laying of electrical wires. To do this, according to the plan, you need to grind the walls and lay the cable in the grooves. Next, we proceed to the rough finish of the surfaces. Cement mortarwhich are used for this must be of good quality. You do not need to save on these materials, because the final result of the repair depends on them. Leveling surfaces is necessary using a level. Also, it is at this stage that it is necessary to lay warm floors and make a screed on the lighthouses.

Plumbing and electrical

Plumbing and electrical work is a very important stage of repair. You should not save on materials for this stage, moreover, if you are not sure that you can do all the work yourself, it is better to hire professionals. All sockets, radiators, pipes, wires and plumbing fixtures are best bought in company stores. You buy these materials for many years, because changing them is very expensive. It is better to start repairing an apartment with a rough finish in the bathrooms from the bathroom, because the riser, as a rule, is located in the toilet.

Double-glazed windows and interior doors

Most often, in the apartment without decoration, the most base windows and doors are installed. If you do not want your windows to be blown out of your windows, and the doors become part of an exquisite interior, you will have to replace them. Many people ask which room to start repairing in an apartment, it depends on your layout. It is best to start repairs from the farthest room from front door  and gradually move forward so that the dirt does not drift into the already repaired premises.

So, replacing windows and doors begins with dismantling. Remove old windows and doors along with jambs. If you are not sure that you can install new windows in a quality manner, let professionals do this. Today, plastic bags can be bought with the installation. The same story with doors.

Any large company that offers quality doors also provides services for their installation.

In the event that you decide to repair the apartment only on your own, read the installation instructions, because not only the aesthetic appearance, but also the functionality of the doors and windows will depend on the quality of the installation. After installing the windows, it is better to cover the window sills with a film so as not to spoil or stain them during subsequent work.

Ceiling finish

Where to start repairs in a new apartment when all the draft work is completed? Of course with wall and ceiling decoration. First of all, you need to finish the work on the ceiling. It can be rolled up with emulsion paint, made curly or multi-tier from drywall, or glued with modern materials. It should be remembered that it is too early to glue the cornices to the ceiling at this stage.

Stretch ceilings are also popular today. This material is durable, aesthetic, and it can always be replaced or even moved to another room. A special advantage of suspended ceilings is their ability to retain water, if suddenly the neighbors from above accidentally flood you. Installation of suspended ceilings, as a rule, is included in the range of services when they are purchased.

For owners of new apartments, this option of ceiling decoration is the most preferable. The fact is that drywall constructions are quite expensive, and a new building can still shrink. In this case, the drywall will deteriorate, and the false ceilings will remain unharmed.

Wall finish

When the ceiling is finished, we will begin wall decoration. Any surface before the finish must be primed. This will reduce the consumption of glue or paint, and increase the adhesion between the wall and the material. When choosing a wallpaper, pay attention to the composition of the material and its functionality. If the repair is done for 1-2 years, you can take inexpensive wallpapers, but if you create an interior for several years, it is better to take high-quality washable materials. Today's Choice decoration materials  very large and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Floor finish

Where to start flooring? After we finished with the walls, it was the turn to tackle the floor. The choice of flooring today is as great as wall. However, you need to remember that if you have the idea to make a good repair, which lasts for 5-10 years, you need to choose the appropriate materials. Linoleum remains the most popular flooring material for many years. But you need to remember that this coating is not environmentally friendly, durable and modern. It is better to turn your choice in favor of a laminate, parquet or porcelain stoneware. Flooring begins at the far left corner of the room.

If you have not laid underfloor heating, it is necessary to put a substrate-heater under the coating. She will also play the role of soundproofing. Flooring is a laborious and responsible phase of work. Before starting installation, be sure to read the instructions for working with the material you have chosen.


In the bathroom and toilet, the order of work is practically no different from other rooms. Plumbing needs to be installed after aligning the walls, then proceed to the decoration. However, it must be remembered that it is better to place the water pipes in a box to which there will be access, in case of repair. The box is most often mounted from drywall. Between the wall and the shower (bath), you need to continue the special baseboard, which will protect the walls from moisture. Also in the bathroom, it is better to treat the walls with an antiseptic before finishing, so that later a fungus does not start.

Finishing touches

Now almost all the repair steps in the apartment are finished, there are only the finishing touches that will give your home an aesthetic and neat look. Installation of cornices, skirting boards, overlays for sockets and switches, as well as the installation of interior doors will not take much time. Let's start with the ceiling cornices. This work is not complicated, but requires attention. Particular attention should be paid to the correct cutting of cornices. Corner sections must be exactly 45, otherwise the corner will be crooked. It is possible to fix eaves on liquid nails or special glue.

Next, proceed to the baseboards. Work must be carried out clearly according to the instructions, also pay attention to the corners. Today on the market there are lots of options for skirting boards, from inexpensive plastic to wooden. The choice of skirting board depends on the flooring. Next in line is the lining of switches and sockets.

Well, the time has come to install the interior doors. You have already installed the jambs, you just have to attach the casters and hang the doors.

When hitching the canvas, it must be adjusted using a level so that there is no skew.

Now you can remove the film from the windowsill and arrange furniture. This is probably the most enjoyable stage. overhaul. The purchase of furniture, textiles and various accessories is a fascinating activity, during which you can realize all your dreams and create a truly unique interior.

Overhaul takes on average from 3 months to six months. If you decide to hire a construction team, you do not need to hire dubious people. Contact reliable companies that provide guarantees for their work. Be sure to sign the contract, which indicates the full scope of work, price, terms and responsibilities of the parties. And remember, if you are not sure that you can perform some stage of the construction work yourself, turn to the professionals!

Repair, which is so necessary for us and for which we have been preparing for so long, still turns into a force majeure circumstance. Why can't it go easily, quickly and according to the planned amount of funds? Probably because we do not always understand where to start apartment renovation, even if we present the final result. However, it is also difficult to determine the final result, and if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it will be, this is the first step towards the interior of your dreams.

  It all starts with a project

This seems the easiest, and its spelling is usually ignored. Why make a plan, if you can remember everything that needs to be done: change windows, wallpaper, lay the floor ... However, each stage of repair requires the purchase of many auxiliary materials and tools. Ultimately, the acquisition of new wallpaper takes less time and finances than other little things, without which it is impossible to do the job.

So, it is necessary to think over and paint in detail the project design and outline a list of necessary works for the transformation of the home. After that, you can understand where to start the repair in your apartment and calculate what materials should be purchased in the first place. But in order to determine the scale of future work, we begin to inspect the apartment from top to bottom.

The design project determines not only the options for the repair itself and how to carry it out. It shows what furniture will be selected, where it will be installed, where other interior details will be placed. Thus, a visual representation of the final result will help to calculate the amount of materials and the approximate cost.

  Start of repair in a new building: some nuances

Repair in a new building requires a different approach to the arrangement of the interior.  As a rule, an apartment in a new building is a box with. This means that at best, the walls will be plastered and there will be concrete screed on the floor. Sometimes these repair steps have to be done after purchasing an apartment. In this case, work begins with the bathrooms, as first of all it is necessary to ensure the supply of water and equip the toilet and wash basin. Experts advise to install cheap plumbing when hiring a construction team, and after repair, change it to a more expensive one - for yourself.

In addition, you should think about electricity. If the builders ran the cable only to the junction box, in the new apartment the start of repair is delayed by the time required for the communications device. However, it is better to immediately mount them according to the project, so that later you do not have to redo them after completing the decorative finish. After these works, installation of a concrete screed begins, if its device is necessary.

So, the general opinion is that repair in an apartment starts from above (from the ceiling) is correct only if it is not necessary to carry out concrete and plastering work. If necessary, everything changes exactly the opposite:

  • arrange a rough floor and wait for him to "grab"; for this, it is enough to wait 3 days, and it will already be possible to walk on concrete;
  • while the concrete continues to harden, plastering, for example, ceilings, can be performed.

In a new building, providing the apartment with water and plumbing leads to the forced laying of tiles on the walls. This is due to the fact that the installation of equipment is best done on walls with finishing material. Otherwise, pieces of tile will have to be glued around the toilet and other objects, and this will create an unpresentable appearance. However, it is up to the landlord to decide this question, since the opinions of experts are divided here.

  How do designers begin to repair?

A professional approach to repair is different from an amateur one. Even designing a project by a designer is different. Harmonious, beautiful, comfortable appearance of the apartment is what the repair is starting for. That is why designers start it with a definition of style. For example, it will be a modern hi-tech apartment, in which the emphasis is on new technological achievements, or modern, classic, minimalism.

Next, the colors, designs and styles of furniture, as well as the decoration of the space, are determined. After that, the layout and division of premises into zones is stipulated. The issue of demolition of excess walls (except for supporting) or their partial dismantling, as well as the installation of additional partitions is being addressed. At the next stage, wiring is mounted, which is located taking into account the above factors.

Only after this, the designers determine the methods of preparing walls and ceilings, since their basis is different for each finishing material. For example, for decorative plaster it is necessary to smooth the surfaces with ordinary plaster, and putty with water-based emulsion paint they putty with start, then finish putty and grind with sandpaper. It is also necessary to take into account the vapor permeability of walls and new finishing materials. The thickness of the finishing layer depends on the calculation of this characteristic, and the ability of the walls to "breathe" depends on it. Repair ends with laying a decorative flooring, then furniture is installed, rooms are decorated with textiles.

  Tools, inventory

They do not start repairs, but the quality and speed of work depends on the availability of the necessary tools. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on the necessary equipment in advance, especially if the repair is overhaul.

  1. For the device of the floor you will need: a shovel, a trough for mortar, a rave, a hammer, nails, screws, a screwdriver, level.
  2. To repair walls and ceilings, it is necessary to stock up with spatulas of different widths, for example, 20 cm and 40 cm, as well as brushes, roller, bathtubs and containers for plaster, putty, glue, paints.
  3. Of electrical appliances, it is desirable to have at hand: drill, hammer drill, screwdriver, jigsaw. Also, to work with them you will need an extension cord, spare drills, files and other removable and washable parts.

Of course, not the entire tool is necessary to start any repair, much will not be needed, something has not been said. But when everything is prepared, the materials are purchased - the repair no longer seems a natural disaster, and its implementation becomes a matter of time. It should be noted that compliance with the repair technology allows you to get quality walls, ceilings, floors that will last for many years without losing their original characteristics.

Exactly! Regardless of how and who will carry out repairs in the apartment: a team of builders or you will do the repair of the apartment yourself, you need:

  • purchase building materials about 10% more from the apartment renovation plan. Believe me, they will not be superfluous: improper calculation, careless use, everything can be;
  • we begin the overhaul of the apartment with the replacement of windows and doors, both entrance and interior. Rather, with the order of new doors and windows. And their replacement will occur according to plan;
  • think over a place for your sleep, no matter what room you start repairing, so as not to pave on piles of construction waste;
  • think over the place for cooking and eating, and not be limited to the use of Mivina. Otherwise, having received, as a result, an excellent apartment overhaul, you will get a stomach ulcer;
  • to consider options for the systematic removal of construction waste, which will occur in incredible sizes and ... out of nowhere.

Your choice of options from which room to start apartment renovation

Based on the national construction experience of apartment renovation, we have chosen and offer you two options for repair for consideration: start repairing an apartment from one room (you decide for yourself) or start simultaneously from all rooms (this option is more suitable for apartment renovation in a new building ) Let's start with the second option.

Start of repair at the same time in all rooms and premises.  This option of major overhaul of the apartment is more suitable for apartments in new buildings. There is no furniture and all the property that has accumulated over the years. No need to think about where you will relax and cook your own food during repairs.

With this option, there’s absolutely no question about which room to start the repair. Repair principle: top to bottom. That is, they started with stripping and filling the ceiling and passed the ceiling throughout the apartment and so on.

Having chosen the second repair option, you will be able to cope with it yourself, especially since the main electrical and water communications are new and do not require special intervention.

Start of repair from one room (room).This repair option is more suitable for a residential apartment. Which room to start the repair  you choose it yourself, but people who have passed the repair shop with their own hands recommend starting repairs from the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. In any order, but with them.

Why? The fact is that in these rooms, in addition to being household, there is a very large amount of work: laying tiles, replacing water supply units, elements and fixtures, etc. After the most difficult, even according to the reviews of construction specialists, repairs in domestic premises, you can proceed to the repair of rooms.

It is advisable to start the repair of rooms from the farthest (it all depends on the layout), moving towards the corridor. Repair of the corridor is the last, so to speak, final brushstroke of the master. Yes masters! Because by the time the repair is completed in the apartment, you will become a professional.

How to start a room repair and where to start

Do not forget that we have chosen the option of repairing a residential apartment with furniture. Naturally, the answer to the question - where to start repairing a roombegs automatically. But let's get it in order. So, let's get started and take the first step in the repair throw march:

  • free the room from everything! furniture and property. The best option is to move the furniture to the room whose last repair is planned;
  • clean the ceiling, walls, floor of everything that was clogged and twisted into them during the stay. Those. we bring the room (ceiling, walls) to its original form;
  • preparatory stage: we peel off the wallpaper, remove the tiles, remove flooring. If you did not plan to change the flooring, then cover the floor with a thick plastic film. Feel free to remove the doors, and hang the doorways with a damp cloth (especially for the period of cleaning the floor and walls);
  • proceed to wiring (after disconnecting the power supply). We annul the old one, we gut the channels for the new wiring. After laying the cable in them, we cover with plaster;
  • accordingly, the next step, if you conceived it, is the replacement of heating radiators.

Actually, this is where you need to start repairing the room. At some point in the repair and construction epic, you might think why I started all this. Minute weakness, overcome it and continue to repair. You did the important thing - you started it.

Next, we act in accordance with our design - project, i.e. We are implementing a housing transformation plan. But, we always start from the ceiling. Then the walls. We putty, grind, level the surfaces, either for painting or for wallpaper.

If you conceived the plasterboard wall covering, and the ceiling will be stretch, then you still have to process the walls. Especially the exterior walls. They must be treated with an antifungal coating, because you will not see them anymore, and mold (fungus) is a merciless substance.

New windows and doors already ordered are waiting in the wings. Door installation time begins after the walls and ceiling are aligned.

Try to take out construction waste daily. This will save you from mastering the profession of a climber, overcoming Mont Blanc debris by the end of the repair of the entire apartment.

As a result, we already know where to start and how to repair the room. Feel free to move to the next room, and, with knowledge of the matter, we proceed to its repair.

So, the main question that you have to answer, if you are planning to repair an apartment - where to start? This article is devoted to this issue and reveals it in full. We will help you build a plan for your repair, calculate all the costs and find out in what order you should perform major or minor repairs.

To begin with, repairs are best started at the end of spring. Outside the window is already warm enough, masters, if you want to call them, are not so busy yet. Unlike the end of summer, after all, it was then that many “repairmen” began the “emergency”. Let's take a closer look at the issue of apartment renovation together.

Getting ready for repair

Imagine your apartment after repair

If you got to our site, then you thought of a repair, the beginning will not be easy: you need to make sketches of exactly how your house will look at the end of the repair, where the furniture will be, what kind of chandelier in the hall or bedroom, where you will be or the tile, where they will not be at all, etc.

One of the ways that will help you determine the location of the furniture is as follows: take a centimeter, measure all the corners of your apartment thoroughly and draw on a sheet of paper whatman in a reduced size (do not forget about doors and windows). And then - on a separate sheet of their furniture, observing its approximate sizes and shapes, applying the same scale as in the case of an apartment. Then cut out your “paper” furniture and move it on a sheet of whatman paper, thereby determining its location.

What do you plan to remake in your apartment

Continuing the topic of where to start the repair, I would like to advise you to clearly determine what exactly you would like to remodel in your apartment:, doors, papered wallpaper, carpet or linoleum, replaced skirtings, glued or toilet, etc. Do not forget to determine the location of future outlets.

Preparation of estimates for repairs

In order to avoid unexpected costs, you should clearly make an estimate of the cost of repairing your apartment.

And for this you need, as described above, to decide what exactly you will repair. So, let's say you want to glue the wallpaper in the hall, lay the bathroom, as well as glue the tiles on the ceiling in the bedroom.

We pick up such a useful object as roulette, and begin to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls in the hall, the floor in the bathroom and the ceiling of the bedroom. Knowing the area and approximate prices for 1 square meter of the necessary material, you can calculate how much money will need to be invested in apartment renovation. Do not forget that in order to glue the tiles you will need to use special glue. And if there is an uneven wall under your wallpaper, then a putty (“primary”, “secondary”, etc.) will also be required.

Do not forget that far from all types of repair work you can. Some of these works should be entrusted to professionals in their field. For example, it is unlikely that everyone knows how to evenly fill the wall or lay parquet on the floor. What can we say about replacing windows and doors? Thus, find yourself people who will be engaged in this or that work, find out the price for it and add it to your budget. Remember that the repair is done for a long time, so you need to save on it, but do not overdo it very much so that you do not regret it later.

Preparation of all tools

This is also an important part of the preparation for apartment renovation.

Depending on what you plan to do, prepare a toolkit. If you are going to glue the wallpaper, and before that level the walls, then do not forget to get some even rail (there are, of course, more professional devices based on lasers), spatulas, and, in the end, a broom. I think you understand the meaning.

Repair Time

As already mentioned above, it is important not only the time spent on the repair, but also the time of the year in which it is planned. The ideal option is spring, when the street is warm enough so that the rooms can be ventilated, and repair crews are not so overloaded. At the end of the summer, the repairmen were in trouble: they are very difficult to call home, you have to wait for weeks, and the prices for work are overpriced.

Priority Repair

Having started repairing the entire apartment, it is worth carefully considering which room it will be started in, where it will continue and where it will be completed.

We begin apartment renovation

Room preparation

Of course, having decided to start repairing one room, all issues related to moving will be immediately discarded. If you need to repair the entire apartment, then decide - either you live in this apartment, where you are going to make repairs all the time and move from room to room, or move to your mother (sister, brother, etc.) and make repairs in all rooms in parallel, which, firstly, will save your time, and secondly, you do not have to rest "in the mud."

Let's decide why. Everything is very simple, if you went through the first stage of preparation (you know what exactly you will do in the room, calculated your future expenses, prepared the tools, bought materials), then you will need to clear the room from everything that is in it. Take the furniture to the next room, remove all the paintings, chandeliers, etc. Despite the fact that it is very dirty in this room, it should be vacuumed (sweep) before repair and cleaned from dust.

First of all - the most "dirty" work

As the name of the item suggests, you must first do the dirtiest work. First of all, if you are going to change windows and doors, deal with them including window slopes. The door and the windows themselves can not be installed, just put the frames and door frame. Leave all other actions at the end of the repair.

In the case of a major overhaul, you should proceed to peeling off the wallpaper, old parquet or linoleum, etc. When all this is done, then start puttying and other work from the ceiling, then proceed to puttying the walls, and if no dirty work is planned on the floor ( let's say you just have to lay linoleum), then you can also paste the wallpaper on the walls. At the very end you should hammer in the baseboard. Before filling the walls, we advise you to once again remember exactly where you will have the sockets, whether there is a socket for the Internet. You may need to run wiring through the room that you can hide in your walls. Of course, if the wire goes down, then it can be removed in the baseboard.

Wall Repair

All walls, no matter how even they are, should be slightly leveled. Measure them using a corner (rail). If the irregularities are small, they are detected only with the help of a special device, then they are catastrophic. Then just get the plaster or putty. In the case when the walls have strong bumps, indentations, then use a cement mixture.

Floor repair

Everything, the size of your budget - to make or not a new screed, or to do without it, immediately laying a new coating in the form of linoleum, carpet or parquet. Here you make a decision, or resort to the service of masters.

Ceiling repair

The best thing we can advise you is the installation of suspended ceilings. They have built-in lighting, no chandeliers to hang!

Window and door repair

The windows of the apartment should be plastic, with improved thermal insulation. All old windows should be replaced with new ones!

Repair of the kitchen or toilet

Repair of these rooms is best to start with the replacement of plumbing! Old rusty pipes, although not from the outside, must be replaced by new plastic pipes from the inside. The riser pipe should also be replaced. To do this, however, you have to negotiate with your neighbors from below and above. Why should pipes be changed? Imagine that you have invested a lot of time and energy for repairs, spent a considerable amount of money, and the pipe took and burst, flooding half of the kitchen. It's a shame. But also the neighbors from below will suffer and you will also have to pay for repairs from them.

Video about where to start repairs in the apartment


We hope that we were able to reveal the essence of the topic of the beginning of repairs in the apartment. Now you should easily cope with all the difficulties that await you in the process of repairing an apartment. In case of additional questions, before proceeding with the repair of the apartment, ask them below!

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