It is better to disperse the CEC right away. Information support for elections is disgusting. Women are better than men to solve several problems at the same time It is better if they immediately organize and

Country house 16.10.2020
Country house

Time loves tight frames, so organizing and planning your daily and work activities is an essential step on the road to success. Effective time management will help you keep up with everything, always and everywhere, not leave unfulfilled tasks for tomorrow, and will also give you a few hours for a well-deserved rest. 15 simple and effective tips will solve the main problem - lack of time.

1. Planning is the main step in organizing time

Without clear planning, the efficiency of cases will be very low, and the clock will run through your fingers like sand. And planning in your mind is also not an option, because it is very easy to forget about business - this is a human factor. Therefore, first of all, the usual one will come to help you. notebook ... The main thing is that your plans and goals are written down on paper. Consider that they simply do not exist without writing. Plan your day ahead of time. In a notepad, jot down a list of all things to do for the day, including waking up, washing time, and getting ready to leave the house. Watch your notebook notes at breakfast and throughout the day. Do not forget to write down new cases and cross out those already done. Such notes will show what you have done during the day and whether you have not wasted your time, and will also increase your work efficiency by 30%. At the end of the day, you will be able to smile at the big to-do list and be proud of yourself.

Planning will also help calendars, desktop entries on a laptop or tablet, notes and reminders on a mobile phone ... A good way to remind you of important things will be colored stickers in prominent places, special boards for notes, and the like. Modern technologies allow you to quickly and easily plan your time and organize yourself using various online services and programs. Such assistants are online organizers Evernote, Google Calendar, Todoist, Wunderlist and others . These programs allow you to keep notebooks and calendars, place notes on the desktop of a PC or mobile device. With the programs listed above, you can schedule things, get reminders of tasks you have set, and even allow access for multiple users so you can assign tasks to others.

For collaboration and joint time planning, they will come to the rescue task managers ... These online services will help you set, discuss and plan tasks. Task managers are services Wrike, Teambox, Teamer, Podio , Trello and others. These services are free and easy to use.

2. Learn to prioritize

Divide your cases into categories. These categories can be urgent cases, important cases, cases that cannot be rescheduled, cases that can wait, and the like. If you grab onto everything at once, you won't be able to do anything. Don't waste precious time on petty and unnecessary things. Mark the categories of tasks with different colors, notes, so that you can always see what needs to be done and what can be postponed for another day. This is the second step in time planning and organizing yourself, which, when combined with the first, increases work efficiency by up to 40%.

An original way to avoid the chaos of thoughts and prioritize business is mental maps , or as they are also called "mind maps". With the help of such maps, you can graphically display your plans and tasks, arrange them in the form of a diagram, tree or branches, placing tasks from major to minor. You can create your own time management card, print it and attach it in a prominent place. You can create a mind map on services Mindomo, Mind42,

Note! Make a list of things you can do. Don't rubber up your time and set yourself sky-high goals. Otherwise, your plan will drive you into depression, and it should motivate!

3. Set specific goals

The completion of each task has a purpose at completion. It needs to be specifically formulated. The criteria for setting the goal of the system will help in this. SMART ... This system is a specific methodology that teaches you to set goals and achieve them correctly. Each letter of the name of the system is deciphered as a characteristic of the goal and tells about what the goal should be in order for it to be realized. So, your goal should be:

Specific (aimed at one aspect from one area),

Measurable (to measure progress)

Assignable (should indicate who is responsible for the result of the goal),

Real (accounting for resources and the possibility of achieving the goal)

Time-related (the deadline for achieving the goal is clearly defined).

4. Consider the needs of the body

Listen to the needs of your body, calculate your own biorhythms. Find out when your efficiency peak, and when the decline and in relation to these biorhythms, complete the tasks. Do complex tasks at peak efficiency, and when energy and efficiency decline, you will be able to do easier. To calculate the biorhythms of your own body, you do not need special research and complex techniques. Just keep track of when it is difficult for you to do things, and when you feel a surge of energy and it is easy for you to do them, at what time of day it is easier for you to do it. After calculating, you will be able to draw up a mode of operation that is convenient for your body.

And at the end of the week, do not forget to take a day off to gain creative inspiration and strength to complete the tasks at the beginning of the work week. Don't sit around the clock trying to do more than you need to do, and more than you can. It will only consume your energy and reduce your efficiency.

11. Don't give up on helpers

Not a single successful businessman does all the work on his own; there are secretaries and assistants for this. If you can find a specialist who will make your business better and faster, do not think, but give him your task. This will save you time and effort.

12. Don't forget about work automation

Nowadays, a lot of tasks and tasks can be automated using technology. Let's start with a very simple one - checking your email. If you have to check your email every day, automate the task - install a notification program for new messages on your mobile phone. So you will always be aware of new messages, you will always read important letters on time, and unread letters will not accumulate on your e-mail.

13. Develop your algorithm of actions

Each person performs tasks according to his own method, as it is more convenient and efficient for him. Develop your own methodology for completing tasks, taking into account all of the above tips, practice it and use it in your daily tasks.

14. Organize a storage system

If the information you need for your work is on paper, sort it by folder, alphabetically, or by industry. If you usually work with electronic media, organize their work. Calculate how long it takes you to find a particular file necessary for work, delete unnecessary information, sort folders with information, complete all folders. This will save time searching for information and make your job easier.

15. Conquer your laziness

Laziness is the main enemy at work. Through it, many tasks remain unfulfilled. Learn to deal with this "black hole". Get out of bed earlier, take on assignments in the morning, do more difficult tasks first and then you will reach your goal faster.

The monstrous pace of modern life requires maximum commitment from you, which is impossible if you do not know how to control your time, structure the week, plan your days and build the correct sequence of things - from important to less important. Brilliant people knew how to spend time to get the most out of life. This skill is especially important if you are working on several projects at once, because with intensive work it is very easy to drive yourself into a dead end, or even be left with nothing at all.

What is the conclusion from this? Very clumsy, but loyal - you need to make a schedule of your life so that this very life is fulfilling, balanced and successful. To do this, you need to take into account your own psychological and physiological parameters, as well as your interest in work, which will be a lot, but it will not let you get bored.

In this sense, we have always been amazed by Leonardo da Vinci - a man who, it seems, could do anything. He was a scientist, inventor, engineer, artist, anatomist, sculptor, musician - he was everything and achieved success in everything. Leonardo died at the age of 67 in the arms of his friend, the French king Francis I, leaving behind a huge legacy that still excites the minds of modern inventors, scientists and artists. We think that it is from him that one should take an example as a person who knew how to properly allocate time.

Like a good day brings a blissful dream
so a good life brings blissful death.
- Leonardo da Vinci -

The basic idea behind Da Vinci's Schedule is to instill in yourself the flexibility to handle many things in a more creative, purposeful, and, oddly enough, joyful way. Yes, we believe that work can be enjoyable when approached correctly.

Many people think that planning should start on the first day of the week - Monday. But this is wrong. Planning should start on Sunday night to help ease your hardest day of the week.

If you want to achieve good results, then you have to be honest with yourself, which means - carefully classify tasks according to how difficult and important they are to you. Never put off complicated things until the end of the day or the end of the week.

How to organize your day and week

So, your day should have the following structure:

Deep work

This is your main job, which involves a routine. If you are a programmer, then this is, accordingly, programming. If you are a journalist, then this is writing the main block of articles. Do the most difficult and boring things at the start of your day without being distracted by secondary tasks. Deep work, as a rule, should take up the bulk of the working hours.

Administrator work

Then comes the time of "administration" - even salespeople have it, not just businessmen. This time should be spent checking email, organizing documents, ordering supplies, scheduling appointments. All of these tasks are very important and can take longer than it seems at first. But if you systematically carry out this work, then it will be easier for you to work in general. Less stress on your main working hours - less distraction.

When you work for a modern company, meetings become an important part of your schedule. Yes, they are important, but in our experience, they are completely pointless - a waste of time that distracts from work. Therefore, for ourselves, we decided that any business meeting or meeting should be scheduled either early in the morning (before 10 am) or late in the evening (after 17:00). Thus, you will not be distracted from your main work, you will save a lot of time, and you will not have to experience emotional shocks in the middle of the working day, which often happens at various meetings.

You must exercise regularly to keep in good shape not only the body, but also the psyche. Jog, swing, go to the gym 3-4 times a week. It is best to study in the morning before work, especially if you are late at work. But if you leave the office at 17-18 pm, then you can immediately go to the gym. From the point of view of proper organization, it is best to train on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and once on weekends.

Communication, lectures, meetings

At least once or twice a week, you should attend some outreach activities that don't always have to be related to your immediate work. We simply believe that developing ourselves, studying different worldviews, soaking in knowledge - all this is important for life and mind.

We're talking about lectures, trainings, literary meetings. All of these activities will help satisfy your need for tribal feeling. Besides, you don't want to be stuck in one place in development, do you?

Da Vinci was a noble party-goer in his day. For example, when he was invited to the court of the French king and was given the honorary title of "royal engineer", he, instead of building a great one, decided to organize big masquerades, balls and drunks. Leonardo was not a boring guy - he knew how to relax.

In the case of drawing up a schedule for the day, you must take into account that it must include rest. Let it be 2-3 hours, but devote them to your favorite activities: reading, playing video games, chatting with friends, watching videos on YouTube. Your brain deserves some rest and relaxation, so remember this.

Important conditions

In order for the "da Vinci schedule" to work as it should, you need to pay attention to a number of important conditions that will help you stay on track.

Task list
The task list is the most powerful productivity tool. It reflects the essence of your work, your goals and your capabilities. Helps clear the clutter out of your head. Each morning, write down the 5 most important tasks for the day on this list and rank them according to difficulty: from the most difficult task to the easiest.

The flow arises at the moment when you plunge into deep and uninterrupted work. Rhythmic music can help you with this, which will coordinate your actions and focus your attention. Be sure to turn off external stimuli so that you can enter the flow. External irritants can be: email, phone, browser tabs.

You need about 15 minutes to enter this stream and work for four hours in this state. Therefore, we suggest doing the main work from 10 am to 2 pm so that you have enough time for everything else.

Morning weekdays
Waiting for your perfect morning schedule? Get:

Wake up at 6.30.
- Run 3 kilometers.
- Take it.
- Make a good breakfast and eat it.
- Read a book for 30 minutes (you can during breakfast).
- Give 20 minutes to news or business that interests you.
- devote 10 minutes to gathering, clothes and your own thoughts.
- Go to work.

We think it's okay to work on weekends. But only if you like the job, and you get pleasure and benefit from it. But this does not mean that you have to burn out at work. Once a week, you can go to a bar or club to send your brain into free swimming and just relax.

You should sleep no more than 8 hours, otherwise you lose precious time, and unnecessarily long sleep harms brain activity. The essence of the weekend is to restore the psyche, to motivate yourself for new achievements. The weekend is your time when you can do whatever you want. Rest, but do not get dumb from this rest. Do something useful. For example, you can learn to knit sea knots. When you become a pirate, this knowledge will be useful to you.

It doesn't matter if you're learning a new language, learning to cook, mastering a musical instrument, or just training your memory - in any case, it will be useful for you to know how the brain absorbs new information.

Each person is unique, but in the learning process we all exhibit similar psycho-physiological tendencies. Understanding these patterns will help you develop the most effective strategy for acquiring new knowledge.

Let's look at 6 basic learning principles that everyone should know.

1. Visual information is best absorbed

50% of the brain's resources are spent on visual perception. Think for a minute: exactly half of your brain activity is occupied by vision and understanding of what you see, and only the rest goes to other receptors and internal processes of the body.

However, vision is not only the most energy-consuming channel of perception. Its influence on other senses is so great that it can sometimes significantly distort the meaning of the information received.

50% of brain activity is used to process visual information.
70% of the incoming information passes through the visual receptors.
It takes 100 ms (0.1 seconds) to decipher the visual scene.

An example of such influence can serve as an experiment in which more than fifty passionate wine admirers were unable to establish which drink was in front of him - red or white wine. Before the start of the tasting, the experimenters mixed a red pigment without taste and smell into the white wine. As a result, without exception, all the subjects claimed that they drink red wine - the influence of the appearance of the drink on the taste buds was so strong.

Another surprising finding was that the brain perceives text as a set of images, so reading this paragraph now, in fact, you are doing a lot of work on deciphering many "hieroglyphs", which are letters, into units of meaning.

In this regard, it becomes clear why reading takes so much effort compared to viewing illustrations.

In addition to static visual objects, we also pay special attention to everything that moves. That is, drawings and animation are the best companions in learning something, and all kinds of cards, images and diagrams can serve as a good help for the successful assimilation of new information.

2. First - the essence, then the details

In an effort to master at once a large amount of new information, you risk creating a terrible mess in your head. To avoid this, stay in touch with the big picture: after learning something new, go back and see how it can relate to what you already know - it will help you not to get lost.

In fact, the human brain tends to first grasp the general meaning of what is happening, and only then - the details, so why not use this natural feature to your advantage?

Having received a portion of knowledge, find a place for it in the general system - this will significantly increase your chances of memorizing. Also, before studying something, it can be useful to understand the general essence to begin with: knowing what will be discussed as a whole serves as a support for the nervous system for the perception of smaller details.

Imagine that your memory is a closet with a bunch of shelves: each time you add a new thing to it, you think about which category it belongs to. For example, you bought a black sweater and you can put it on the black shelf, sweater shelf, or winter shelf. Obviously, in reality, you cannot place one thing in several places at once, but hypothetically, these categories exist, and your neurons regularly do this work to correlate new incoming information with the existing one.

By making graphs and notes about the place of the studied subject in the general picture of knowledge, you will achieve a better assimilation of information.

3. Sleep significantly affects memory and learning ability

Studies have shown that learning new information is followed by a healthy night's sleep, it has a positive effect on the consolidation of knowledge. In an experiment on the formation of motor skills, participants who had 12 hours before the test and the opportunity to sleep showed 20.5% of the progress, while the other group, who learned a new skill and tested it on the same day with a difference of 4 hours, improved everything. by 3.9%.

However, a modern person does not always have the opportunity to fully sleep, and in such cases, a short nap helps out. University of California experiment ( The University of California) found that students who were asked to sleep a little after completing a challenging task performed much better on a similar exercise after sleeping than those who remained awake between two tests.

Sleeping before learning new material can also be very helpful. Dr. Matthew Walker ( Dr. Matthew walker), who led the study, claims that "sleep prepares the brain for new knowledge and makes it look like a dry sponge, ready to absorb as much moisture as possible."

Learn a new skill or read something before going to bed: when you get up and try to remember what you learned before bed, you'll be surprised how much you remember.

4. Lack of sleep affects cognitive performance

Not having a complete understanding of the nature of sleep and its purpose, sometimes we neglect this natural need, causing ourselves to lack it, or.

But despite the fact that the process of sleep itself is not fully understood, scientists have long known what its absence leads to: high nervous tension, increased caution, risk avoidance, reliance on old habits, as well as susceptibility to various diseases and physical injuries, so how tired organs lose their usual tone.

Lack of sleep also affects cognitive activity: the ability to absorb new information is reduced by 40%. From this point of view, getting a good sleep and a fresh head in the morning can do much more good than a night vigil over work or textbooks.

  • irritability
  • cognitive impairment
  • blackouts, forgetfulness
  • amoral behavior
  • non-stop yawning
  • hallucinations
  • symptoms similar to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • slow motion
  • trembling limbs
  • muscle pain
  • lack of coordination
  • heart rhythm disorder
  • risk of heart disease
  • risk of diabetes
  • growth suppression
  • obesity
  • elevated temperature

Harvard Medical School ( Harvard Medical School) conducted a study in which it was found that the 30 hours following training are the most critical for consolidating new knowledge, and a lack of sleep during this period can negate all your efforts, even if you get a good night's sleep after those 30 hours.

Therefore, leave the night gatherings in the past: the most productive time for learning new things is the daytime, when you are cheerful and full of energy, and for the best memorization of information, do not forget to get a good sleep right away.

5. We remember information best when we teach others.

When we have to explain to others what we ourselves have just learned, our brain assimilates the information much better: we organize it more clearly in our minds, and memory retains the main points in more detail.

A group of participants in one experiment were told that they would take a test to test their newly acquired knowledge, while a second group had to prepare to explain this information to others. As a result, all the subjects passed the test, but those who thought they would have to teach someone remembered the material much better than the rest.

Study author Dr. John Nestozhko ( Dr. John Nestojko), says that the psychological attitude of students before and during training can have a great impact on the cognitive process. " To tune students in the right way, sometimes it is enough to give them a couple of simple instructions", He says.

Despite the fact that we are not always aware of this, the need to transfer our knowledge to others forces us to use more effective methods: we better highlight the main thing, it is easier to establish connections between various facts and we organize the information received more carefully.

6. Information is remembered better when it alternates with another

"Block practice" ( block practice) Is a fairly common approach to teaching, so named by the scientist of the University of California, Dick Schmidt ( Dick schmidt). This approach involves learning the same things in blocks, that is, through repeated repetition of information or skill over a long period of time, such as reading a history book continuously or honing one pitch in tennis.

Schmidt himself advocates a fundamentally different method based on the alternation of information in the learning process. A colleague of his, Bob Bjork, is researching this approach in his psychology lab, presenting the participants with paintings of two different artistic styles, with some subjects studying the work in blocks of 6 paintings each style, while others look through the paintings in turn.

As a result, the subjects to whom the pictures were shown in blocks were much worse able to distinguish one style from another (30% of correct answers) compared to those who looked at pictures of different styles mixed (60%).

Surprisingly, before starting the experiment, about 70% of the participants said that they find the block approach more effective and that it helps them in learning. As you can see, our everyday ideas about the cognitive process are often far from reality and need to be clarified.

Bjork believes that the principle of alternation works better because it is based on the brain's natural ability to recognize patterns and the differences between them. When it comes to learning new information, the same principle helps to notice new and correlate it with existing data.

This approach can be used in preparation for exams, when you do not improve each skill separately, but in turn: speaking, writing and listening comprehension when studying a foreign language, right and left serve in tennis, etc.

As Bjork says, we all need to learn to learn. " Almost all work involves continuous learning, and understanding how you can influence the effectiveness of this process will greatly increase your chances of success.».

Need to figure out the best time to conceive, prevent unwanted pregnancies, or find out when sex with your partner will be the best? Before, women had to go to their doctor for a consultation, but now they have a new best friend - a smartphone.

In recent years, there have been many apps for women that make it easy to track your fertile days and when you ovulate, and take personal notes. In addition, they have many other functions. One such application is Glow, which is already used by 47 million women. Glow lets you track things like women's moods and the quality and frequency of sex. Thanks to this application, it became possible to get these interesting facts about the intimate life of women from all over the world.

Best countries for women

1. Do you miss intimacy? Go to Canada. It turns out that Canadians have sex 45% more often than average app users.

2. But be careful: Canada is a great place to get pregnant. Canadian women can get pregnant 21% easier than others.

3. Australian women also have sex frequently - 37% more than the average app users.

4. Needless to say, women in Australia also have a good chance of getting pregnant? They have them 14% higher than other users.

5. The USA is a good place to be happy. American women are 16% more likely to have sex than other women.

6. Worst place to be happy? Latin America. Here, women have sex 4% less often than the average app user.

Sexual appetites

1. A woman's sexual appetite corresponds to her monthly cycle. The first day of your cycle is the first day of your period, which lasts approximately five days. Thus, women are least interested in sex from one to five days a month.

2. Many women report changes in energy or mood levels during this time, and this is usually due to a decrease in sex drive. Also, women are less interested in sex for a whole week after menstruation.

3. Most women start having sex again on the 12th day of their cycle.

4. Many women have regular sex between 12 and 14 days of their cycle. The Glow app calls these days "the peak of sexuality."

5. In fact, women feel most sexy on the 13th and 14th day of their cycle. But here's the interesting thing: they don't necessarily get the best and most satisfying sex at this time.

6. Most women enjoy sex on the last, 30th day of their cycle. This day in the Glow is marked as "peak orgasms".

Are the women satisfied

1. Women feel happiest on the 15th and 16th days of their cycle, as well as when they have had a lot of sex in the previous days.

2. Glow users have registered 7.6 million sexual contacts in two years.

3. This means that every minute at least seven women who use the Glow app are having sex.

4. By the way, users have also reported falling in love 2 million times. The app also tracks sex cycles and fertility of 88,000 couples.

5. Unfortunately, despite the existing sexual contacts, not all women are satisfied with them. Almost a third of women are ready to give up sex rather than a smartphone.

6. But this still means that two-thirds would rather give up phones than sex.

It's good to be an organized person. Achieve your goals, enjoy the fruits of your success.

And this success is made up of many techniques, including - many little good habits:how you think, what you believe, how you act, and even how you answer calls.

If you believe that you are successful, you make successful decisions. It's a subtle but powerful mechanism - organized people know how to focus and take the right steps to achieve their goal.

It all starts with an inner conviction - who you think you are.

You repeat these beliefs over and over based on the kind of person you want to be. And you turn these statements into small daily actions that help you become that person.

Here 21 habits to help you get organized - and therefore more successful, and quite possibly even happier. And an example of good persuasion for every habit.

Start with this: I am an organized person.The following are the steps you are taking to support this statement.

Habit # 1: Write everything down

There is such a thing as "free space". When you are busy with something, and suddenly an idea of \u200b\u200ban idea, or a marketing ploy, or a list of tasks, purchases, etc. comes to your mind. - write them down.

It literally clears your mind so you can stay creative and not be distracted by something else. Do all this later, along with other routine tasks.

Conviction:i write down every idea or thought to keep my mind clear.

Habit # 2: Financial Awareness

Organized people know exactly what they are spending their money on. Develop a convenient system to track your profit, loss, and return on investment.

If you don't know where to start, start with a regular Excel spreadsheet. You can develop this habit at the same time as habit # 1 by writing down what you need. Knowing where your money is going not only shows your gains and losses, but also allows you to determine what you can reduce in the event of an emergency or unexpected expenses.

Conviction: I keep track of my money. I know exactly what I spent and how.

Habit # 3: Get organized at work and at home

The less clutter and clutter in your work and home, the clearer your mind.

For example, how many times has this happened - you write an article, see an empty cup of coffee and suddenly remember that you need to buy coffee? You start mentally making a shopping list in your head, and off you go. You are distracted, out of rhythm. Instead of completing the first draft of this article or chapter.

Clean up your workplace and at home - to clean up your head.

Conviction: orderly space helps to order the mind.

Habit # 4: Everything in its Place

Finding lost items takes time, nerves and energy. Create a clear space for everything so that you can quickly and easily find what you need.

Conviction: a place for everything and everything in its place.

Habit # 5: 15 minutes to pack

This is a fallback plan for Habit # 4.

If the day has been tough and you haven't been able to get things in order, schedule a time to put everything in its place. This is especially important for children. You can even turn it into a game by noting who can clean things up in the right time.

Conviction: I take a few minutes to tidy up and can find everything when I need it.

Habit # 6: Doing More Things at Once

When you need to go somewhere, or just leave the room for some reason, do several things at once. If you need to pay the bill, buy some milk and cheese on your way back. Need to throw out the trash? Take it with you.

Beliefs: If necessary, I can do several things at the same time.

Habit # 7: Waiting space

There are things that need to be done, but you don't have the time or opportunity to do it right away. Find a specific location for them.

Use a file, box, shelf, or whatever, but keep them in one place. This will help you not be distracted from what you are doing now, and quickly find them when the time comes. It will come in handy both at work and at home.

Conviction: I have a special place for things that I will do later.

Habit # 8: Two Extra Things

To keep things from piling up, choose two things every day to get rid of them.

Is there an empty box in the corner? Throw it away. Are there magazines you read? Give it to someone. Unnecessary things? Give it to someone. Take it out, give it away, throw it away ... 2 things a day.

Conviction: I always look out for things to get rid of on a daily basis so that clutter doesn't build up.

Habit # 9: Action Plans, Checklists

Action plans, manuals, checklists for all possible processes. You need a plan or system for everything. As in Habit # 1 - write everything down.

Create guidelines, action plans and checklists for any job where possible. Then you can easily repeat routine processes. It frees the brain, reduces stress, and encourages creativity.

Conviction: I have a system for everything I do.

Habit # 10: Share - and Act

Choose the main thing. Know what can wait and what needs to be done right now.

Put everything away (in the box, drawer, out of sight) to keep your mind as focused and productive as possible.

Conviction: I turn off all the unimportant in my head to focus as much as possible.

Habit # 11: The grass is NOT greener

Use what works for you, not others. Repeat this.

ConvictionA: If it works for me, I don't need to copy what others are doing.

Habit # 12: Know When To Call Cavalry

Pride is not an obstacle for an organized person. Performance is more important than ego. Know when to ask for help and accept it.

Conviction: When I need it, I'm not afraid to ask for help.

Habit # 13: Your Demon's Face

Don't avoid complications or challenges. Be careful and tackle them early on, before they grow to gigantic proportions.

Conviction: I face my problems.

Habit # 14: Know Who's Who and What's What

Everyone can use the sources. But they are useless if you cannot get information quickly when you need it.

Keep everything you need in one place. The ability to open documents from different gadgets makes them more accessible.

Conviction: I can easily access the resources I need.

Habit # 15: Delegate - or Die

Don't let stress or excessive emotion take over the tasks yourself. Know when to outsource work and to whom.

Conviction: To be more productive, I delegate work to those who can do it.

Habit # 16: Work Hard - Don't Stop

Too many accomplishments are thrown on the brink of greatness. Never give up or give in. When you encounter an obstacle, work to overcome it. Get some rest to rejuvenate. Concessions and procrastination do not lead to success.

Conviction: When things get tough, I work harder.

Habit # 17: Connect a Team

Sometimes Strength can be in numbers. More brains, creativity, hands, etc. Know how to build a cohesive team that will lead you to success.

Conviction: There is no “me” in the team. I create a team that makes me stronger.

Habit # 18: Healthy Diet List

If you travel frequently, create a list of places where you can eat as you see fit.

Conviction: I can eat well even when I'm on the road.

Habit # 19: Psycho Triggers Detected!

Organized people know how to use different psychological triggers. For instance:

  • different colors for coding the schedule
  • special music for creativity
  • alarms and timers
  • reward for achievement
  • the power of words: special phrases and formulas
  • distribution of time, etc.

Conviction: I use triggers that improve my performance.

Habit # 20: Distinguish and Multiply

Examine your past failures and mistakes, and learn from them. Organized, successful people know how to use failure to grow and learn. They discriminate and multiply.

Conviction: Ok, it happened. What can I learn? How can I use this? What can be improved?

Habit # 21: Avoid Negative Thoughts

For organized, successful people, it all starts with inner convictions - who they are.

It doesn't matter what they face. They believe they are successful and can handle any challenge. Their inner language is tuned to positive thoughts. This is how their habits are born.

Conviction : Whatever happens, I can handle it. Yes, I Can.

You wouldn't finish reading this text if you didn't want to be organized and successful.

You have what it takes to become who you want to be. Keep these beliefs in your head every day. Believe it - and confirm your faith with daily actions.

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