Rice for weight loss how to cook. How to cook rice for effective weight loss. The benefits of brown rice for weight loss

Bathroom 16.10.2020

An excellent folk recipe that includes raw rice on an empty stomach is especially popular with those citizens who for some reason did not like calorie counting and an active lifestyle. And the "dish principle" is bad for them, and the nutrition pyramid. But the old recipe is very beautiful. In fact, you can chew rice on an empty stomach for weight loss for a long time, and with completely different results. Which, as you understand, does not depend on the quality of the rice, and not even on its quantity, and even more so, not on which particular recipe is used.

Fasting Raw Rice Weight Loss Recipes

Authors of articles with a bias in traditional medicine and alternative nutrition argue that it is enough to eat either as much raw rice as you are, or as much as you weigh, or 4 tablespoons. Then you need to abstain from food for 4 hours, and then "eat as usual."

The following miraculous properties are prescribed for the recipe:

  • burning fat throughout the body, especially that fat that we do not see, visceral;
  • cleansing the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines;
  • and, attention, blocking the absorption of conventional fats and oils from our usual food.
  • It would seem that there is no better way, all diets should be canceled, the gyms should be closed, and let the people chew Krasnodar rice. The invention of the technique is appropriated by Chinese scholars, Tibetan monks, and even martial arts students from Shao Lin.

    Allegedly, rice on an empty stomach balances your yin and yang, and you begin to gorge on scanty portions, just like a bird.

    How fasting rice actually works for weight loss

    Many people who have introduced a healthy breakfast into their daily routine notice that they do not feel like eating after it until the middle of the day. And in the middle of the day, the appetite is quite amenable to control. And in the evening there is no longer any desire to take out half of the refrigerator. The reason is simple - even distribution of calories throughout the day can reduce the likelihood of overeating.

    And now about rice - it's easier to chew dry grains than to cook porridge from them, or, for example, make an omelet. So it turns out that there is breakfast, but there is no stress from cooking it.

    Rice grains contain starch and fiber, and when eaten raw, they digest rather slowly. If you manage to chew 50 g of cereal without cooking, you will be "personally free" for another five hours.

    But losing weight may not grow together. Of course, even starchy rice on an empty stomach cannot solve one simple problem. If the rest of the food is unbalanced, and even contains too many calories, the body will store energy in the form of fatty deposits, or it will simply not use them up.

    Legends about the fact that cleansing from toxins and "balancing energies" cause fat burning without any stress on your part is nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale, like a Chinese opera. In general, you can chew, of course, but the results can vary greatly.

    Why people love fasting raw rice for weight loss

    It would seem that the era of scarcity, fortunately, is over. You can prepare yourself a delicious and healthy breakfast from the available products. Why chew on something? The biggest reason for the popularity of rice is not the belief in the wisdom of Tibetan monks or Chinese scholars. And the fact that "you can eat everything that you are used to." For obvious reasons, such recipes are used by people with a fair amount of passion for esotericism, purification of everything that is possible and other thematic entertainment. It’s just rice that helps them because of the rather meager usual diet, which is based, as a rule, on vegetables, cereals and fruits. It is trite, a calorie deficit is created, a person loses weight.

    But for “just citizens” with quite ordinary eating habits, without experience of starvation, purification, refusal, eating fresh food in the name of some great idea, rice may not help. It turns out that after having tasted not the most pleasant breakfast in the world, and even without coffee, a person simply begins to yearn for the usual taste sensations. The result is quite disappointing - dessert for dinner eliminates all attempts in the field of losing weight.

    By the way, sometimes the advice to eat raw rice is also supplied with recommendations for "follow-up" nutrition. And there are stewed vegetables, porridge on the water and sometimes even kefir. And the topic of human consumption of protein is somehow usually hushed up.

    Judging by the reviews, you can get used to eating raw rice. As well as tolerating 4 hours before the next meal. By the way, most people with the usual "office" schedule have to eat candy at the beginning of the working day at this time, that is, "tea", as they call it in most offices. Perhaps then the rice lover will work and eat less candy.

    For a really effective method of losing weight, this has too many "maybe". Does it make sense to eat raw rice for breakfast, and then also control the diet? Basically, yes, if you don't see a problem in power control. But if you don't see, why then, excuse me, rice?

    In addition, “nutrition” in this style has purely medical contraindications:

    • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. No matter how the rice "cleans", but the use of raw cereals overloads the digestive system pretty well;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system. A breakfast of this kind can cause bloating and gas formation, which is very undesirable, as it creates additional pressure and can affect the heart;
    • taking medications that need to be drunk in the morning with breakfast, the digestion of raw grains can disrupt the absorption of certain drugs.
    • The technique looks dubious from the point of view of its portability, as well as long-term use. There are hardly any people who can eat this way long enough to solve the problem of weight and consolidate the new weight. And how is it proposed to regulate weight in the future? Do not get off the scales and just a miracle risk? It is more rational to master the simple rules of a healthy diet, learn how to cook acceptable meals, and control your diet more gently.

      Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova.

Rice groats so familiar to us, it turns out, have many useful and unique qualities. It has been proven that rice can cleanse our body, and this allows you to use it for the purpose of losing weight. You just need to study how it works.

One of the ways to lose weight on rice

Lose weight on rice in this way. Rinse a volume of rice equal to three tablespoons and fill it with cold water, you can do this in a jar for convenience. On the second day, rinse this rice and fill with new water, also prepare a similar portion of rice in the second jar. On the third day, rinse the first two portions of rice again, add water and prepare the third jar. We do this for five days. On the sixth day, rinse the rice cooked on the very first day, boil it and eat it. And fill the empty jar with fresh rice. For greater usability jars can be assigned serial numbersso you don't get confused about which portion of rice you should eat today. Rice you need to eat the number of spoons corresponding to the number of your years.

Eat rice on an empty stomach for weight loss, every day in the morning, beforehand after drinking a glass of cold water in half an hour... We do not season any additives like sugar, salt, oil and the like. Rice must be chewed thoroughly, and after that for four hours do not eat or drink anything at all. It should be noted that when you eat rice, you will not feel hunger, as it is nutritious. Another plus of rice is low calorie - in one hundred grams of cooked rice there are about 109 kilocalories; as well as it is practical and low in salt.

Body cleaning mechanism

What is the use of rice in the morning for weight loss? It turns out that all this water, when carrying out all the above described manipulations, washes out starch from rice, as well as some soluble compounds. The grains become porous and, when it gets into the intestinal tract, like a sponge, it can suck on itself toxins, toxins, not useful salts and unnecessary cholesterol.

Features of use and contraindications

Since such a cleansing with rice leads to the excretion, along with harmful substances, also salts necessary for the body, it contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding and pregnant... If you decide to resort to such a diet, then you should make up for the loss of useful salts with foods with a high potassium content: dried apricots, raisins, baked potatoes, and possibly supplements... Experts recommend cleaning the body in this way not more often, once a year... When cleansing the body with rice, the correct metabolism is resumed, the accumulation of excess fat and various harmful substances, salts, metabolic products decreases.

Diet results:

  • improvement of well-being
  • body rejuvenation
  • reduction of edema
  • Reducing joint pain
  • improving liver and kidney function
  • losing weight if you are overweight.

The above results allow the use of rice to fight excess weight... There are many variations of the rice diet, including the raw rice diet, which uses raw rice for weight loss.

The beneficial substances in rice

It should be emphasized that rice, in general, is quite healthy. It contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron and many vitamins, such as B vitamins - B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails, as well as are able to strengthen the nervous system and play an important role in the conversion of certain nutrients in the human body into energy. All these properties are manifested by raw, unrefined rice, since the content of nutrients in its shell is greater than that of the grains themselves. To cleanse the body, you should use unpeeled rice.

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Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

14 Mar Feb 2016


Supplementing your diet with rice, it is possible to cleanse the body of toxins and lose weight. Grain contains many vitamins and valuable microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium. The main quality due to which rice is used for weight loss is its ability to remove excess fluid and salt from the body. In addition, the product contains proteins that ensure long-term satiety with a minimum of calories.

Useful properties of rice

Porridge queens - this is the name of rice due to its beneficial properties. Grain grown on Chinese and Indian plantations contains a huge amount of complex carbohydrates and fiber (92% of the total product weight). However, it does not contain gluten, which can provoke allergies. The remaining 8% are vitamins of group B and PP, as well as protein, thanks to which nutrients are converted into energy.

The substances that are in the porridge help to effectively cleanse the toxins and decay products accumulated in the body. So the rice diet provides quick weight loss. The most effective is the use of raw grain soaked in water on an empty stomach. It is believed that such cleaning helps to cope with chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Cleansing the body leads to the strengthening of the human nervous system, the skin is cleansed, and the condition of hair and nails improves. The lecithin contained in the grain helps to improve brain activity and has a beneficial effect on the liver, and the oligosaccharide restores the intestinal microflora. Thanks to the special substances contained in the grains, the walls of the stomach are enveloped and become protected from various irritants such as hot seasonings, sour or salty foods.

Which rice is best for losing weight and cleansing the body

A salt-free diet with rice is the main supportive measure in the presence of microliths (stones) in the kidneys. Although this will not replace traditional treatment, it can be an effective method to relieve the patient's condition. With the help of a rice diet (even a sparing one), you can get rid of the consequences of eating harmful fatty foods, remove toxins accumulated by the body, and lose weight.

It is better to choose unpeeled from the shell - brown. Unpolished grain retains the maximum amount of lecithin, potassium, phytin and folate. Many people appreciate this species for its pleasant nutty flavor. It takes a little longer to cook porridge from a brown variety, since it has a coarser structure, which is due to the content of natural fiber in the shell of unprocessed grain.

Varieties of rice diet and their menu

Upon entering the digestive system, rice grains swell and, passing through the intestine, like a sponge, cleanse its walls from decay products. Cleansing properties are not the only advantage of porridge, in addition, it maintains the phosphorus-magnesium balance in the body and prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases. So, fasting days on rice are useful not only for losing weight, but are also needed for the overall health of the body.

Fasting day from Elena Malysheva

It is necessary to cook 1 cup of rice almost until cooked so that the grains remain a little hard. An ideal option for a fasting day would be a brown variety, which contains a minimum amount of starch. The finished porridge should be divided into five servings and eaten throughout the day, at regular intervals. In between meals, you need to drink plenty of fluids, while the daily volume should be at least 2 liters.

Malysheva's dietary food for weight loss is of great benefit. During the fasting day, the body is saturated with the necessary useful microelements and vitamins, removing the substances spent by the body. In addition, potassium, which is abundant in grains, effectively removes accumulated salts and fluid from the body, so rice relief will be beneficial for people prone to puffiness. Diet food helps to lose up to 1 kg of excess weight.

Tough mono diet for 3 days

A three-day rice diet is effective for weight loss, but should not be overused. Like any mono diet, eating rice can lead to exhaustion. When the body is deficient in certain substances, it uses up valuable muscle tissue, rather than excess fat deposits. The author of the mono-diet is Margarita Koroleva, a famous nutritionist. The essence of the nutritional system for weight loss:

  • For 3 days, you should cook about 0.4 kg of brown rice porridge.
  • The resulting dish is divided into 15 servings (with the calculation of 5 meals per day).
  • You cannot salt or season porridge for weight loss with spices.
  • Diet rice will not be digested without enough water, so drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day.

Gentle for 7 days minus 10 kg

For a week of the rice diet, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, but it can be repeated no more than once every 3-4 months. Such a diet will not only contribute to rapid weight loss, but also fill you with energy, cleanse the body, and improve the condition of the skin. In addition to rice, the diet implies the use of other products: apples, pumpkin, dried fruits, lean meat and fish, etc. Thanks to this, the process of losing weight will be more easily tolerated by the body.

Cleansing the body with rice on an empty stomach is one of the basic rules of the seven-day weight loss system. Before breakfast, you should eat a couple of tablespoons of grains soaked in water overnight. During the diet, it is allowed to eat vegetables without starch content (maximum 200g), chicken or lean meat, river fish. In between meals, you can eat any fruit of your choice, drink natural unsweetened juices or still water. An approximate menu for the day looks like this:

  1. 8 am: a couple of spoons of soaked or boiled rice.
  2. 10 am: a glass of fresh apple juice or water.
  3. Lunch: a piece of boiled meat, vegetables.
  4. Dinner: 2-3 tbsp. l. rice.
  5. Before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Easy option for 9-14 days

This power supply system is used by Sofia Rotaru. For weight loss, it is allowed to eat no longer than 14 days, but the optimal duration of the diet is 9 days. During this time, you should drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to use buckwheat porridge and lean meat or fish. A sparing diet helps to lose 5-10 kilograms of excess weight and cleanse the intestinal walls from toxins. The essence of the nutritional system for weight loss:

  1. For three days, you should eat exclusively boiled rice.
  2. From 4 to 6 days, they eat fresh or steamed vegetables (no salt). An exception would be potatoes, corn, cauliflower.
  3. From 6 to 9 days, you should eat any fruit, except bananas.
  4. From 9 to 14 days, low-fat protein foods, cereals are gradually introduced.

How to cook and eat rice for weight loss

If you follow the rules of the rice diet, it will help you lose extra pounds and gain health. However, as with any dietary restriction, it is worth consulting your doctor first, as certain foods can stimulate side effects. Mono-diets turn out to be a great risk for the body, so you cannot ignore the appeal to a specialist. How to use:

  • Raw rice on an empty stomach... Pour 2 tbsp into 200 ml of water. l. grains and leave to infuse overnight. This cooking method is good in that it does not subject the grains to heat treatment, as a result of which many useful components are lost. Sutra cooked porridge should be eaten instead of breakfast, without adding salt or sugar. So, you will gradually cleanse the body of excess (toxins, toxins, salts) and improve the intestinal microflora. For effective weight loss, you need to adhere to a diet for 14 days.
  • Brown (brown)... Due to its low carbohydrate content, the product is slowly digested without stimulating a spike in blood sugar and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. The brown variety is often mixed with the wild one in order to achieve maximum effect and saturate the body with a large number of useful elements. It takes 30-35 minutes to cook porridge in a ratio of 60 g of cereal to 120 ml of water. The result is 1 serving of a dietary product. On the day of these, you should eat 3-4, supplementing the main course with vegetables, fruits, lean chicken or fish.
  • The black... For weight loss, you can use black boiled rice. It is considered one of the most effective in the fight against extra pounds. Rice broth for weight loss should be eaten daily for 3 days. Cooking is simple, but long - the porridge is cooked for about 1-1.5 hours. To speed up the process, soak the beans in cold water overnight. It is worth boiling cereals with the calculation of 100 g per 300 ml of water. You need to eat about 5 servings per day and drink at least 2 liters of still water.
  • Marine (Indian)... To lose weight, a person should drink sea rice infusion up to 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The product contains lipase, an enzyme responsible for burning fats entering the body. To prepare an infusion for weight loss, place 4 tablespoons in a liter container. l. grains and up to 15 raisins. Prepare sugar water in a separate jar: 3 tbsp. l. Stir sugar until completely dissolved in a liter of clean still water. Pour sea rice with the resulting sweet liquid and leave for 3 days in a bright place, but without direct rays. After that, drain the liquid into a clean decanter and start taking.

How to get out of the diet correctly

If you have been on a mono diet for weight loss, the exit from it should be especially careful. The body should be given time to get used to other foods again, so introduce them one at a time and in small quantities. You cannot immediately add meat products and milk to the menu. If the rice diet was sparing and assumed the presence of vegetables, fruits, lean meat, then the exit would not become a big stress for the body. However, it is still not worth dramatically increasing the amount of protein and carbohydrate foods in the menu, otherwise the dropped kilograms will return to their place.

Find out other ways to secure yourself.

Rice diet menu for weight loss is a popular way to cleanse the body of toxins and salts. By getting rid of decay products, the process of losing excess weight is faster and easier. However, won't a rice diet harm the body and how best to make a menu to start losing weight? By watching the video below, you will find out what the nutritionist thinks about this method of losing weight.

Before starting the process of active weight loss, it would be nice to cleanse the body of toxins. The fact is that it is they who often interfere with the restoration of the correct metabolism, because when something poisons from the inside, there is no strength left for active work. Where do slags and toxins come from? Overcooked food, chemical colors, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives and our bad ecology. Surprisingly, such a simple recipe as a spoonful of rice on an empty stomach helps eliminate toxins.

Rice on an empty stomach for weight loss: benefits

Many people believe that eating unsalted rice on an empty stomach alone will help you lose weight. Be realistic: where will the fat go? Taking from toxins and thereby speeding up the metabolism somewhat, but this alone is clearly not enough to fight the fat deposits that you have accumulated for several months, or even years.

However, there will still be a certain fasting in the morning, and during the cleaning you will lose a few extra pounds. However, this is not fat loss, which is real weight loss. That is why rice in the morning on an empty stomach should be used as the first step for losing weight. By applying any low-calorie diet or nutritional system immediately afterwards, you will lose weight much faster and more efficiently.

If you still don't know what rice is good for in the morning on an empty stomach, you will probably be surprised. The fact is that rice is a natural natural absorbent that absorbs salts, toxins and toxins. Many hostesses know: if the soup is salty, you need to boil a bag of rice (packed in a special cooking container) in it, and the rice will take away the excess salt, thereby saving the taste of the soup. Similarly, rice acts inside the body, absorbing everything harmful and removing it.

At the same time, raw rice on an empty stomach cleanses the intestines of all polluting elements, which allows the internal organs to work more easily by getting rid of such extra burden. If you have skin problems like acne, this can make getting rid of acne a lot easier. As a result, you will not only lose weight and gain beautiful skin, but also feel happier and more energetic.

Rice on an empty stomach for weight loss: application

This method is very simple to use. Take rice at the rate of 1 tablespoon for each year of your life (if you are 25 years old, then 25 spoons). Soak this rice in clean water, rinse and change the water every day. On the sixth day in the morning, the rice is ready, it needs to be washed one last time.

When you wake up, eat a tablespoon of this rice without drinking it. Further 4 hours you can not eat or drink anything: rice at this time cleanses your body. After that, you can eat as usual. Repeat the process, taking the product in the morning, until all the rice is gone.

The fact is that as a result of long soaking, the rice has lost mucus and starch and turned into a kind of sponge, ready to absorb all the toxins in its path.

Rice on an empty stomach for weight loss: subtleties

While you are consuming rice, it makes sense not to complicate its work and not to clog the body with new toxins. Give up flour dishes, fatty meats, fried foods, sweets. Eat fresh and cooked vegetables, fruits, lean poultry, fish and meat, various soups, salads and stews. Avoid canned food and products containing dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, modified starch and other "chemistry". Then the weight loss will be much more intense, and, perhaps, the subsequent diet will not be needed or will be very mild.

Rice flushes potassium out of the body, so eat bananas and beets daily, as well as other foods that contain this element.


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Why is it important to steam?

Doctors loudly trumpet about the dangers of rice for the figure - the high sugar content, exorbitant glycmic index and high calorie content made it the main enemy of all slender girls. In addition, it is a pure source of rapidly digestible carbohydrates, which tend to actively "plump" even the thinnest. Not the best option for losing weight! But do not rush to draw conclusions and put an end to this product: there is a way to neutralize harmful components and reduce its calorie content.

If you are in doubt about whether to soak your grains, here are some facts for you. The most harmful and high-calorie in this dish is starch. Under the influence of high temperatures, it is digested into a thick, sticky mass (which is why cooking a crumbly porridge is a real art). If you use soaking instead of cooking, the starch is removed from the grains into a liquid, and all you need to do is drain this water, and with it everything harmful.

As a result, you not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of your body. Judge for yourself - after a week you will notice such changes in your body:

  • Losing weight by 3-5 kilograms;
  • Getting rid of salts, liquids, slags and toxins;
  • Digestion normalization;
  • A surge of strength and vitality;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Reducing cravings for junk food;
  • Clean and radiant skin.

Cooking the perfect porridge

First you need to choose the right variety. Buy brown or unpolished, as they are much healthier for the body. Parboiled or round varieties will not work.

Since such cereals cannot be steamed overnight, we will cook it for several days. To make this process more convenient, and you always have a ready portion at hand, use the special Malakhov cooking system:

  • Take glass jars of the same size marked 1, 2, 3 and 4;
  • On the first day, pour four tablespoons of grains into jar No. 1 and fill it with water;
  • On the second day, we change the liquid in the first jar and pour the portion into the second;
  • On the third day, we change it in two banks and in the same way we make a blank in the third;
  • We fill the last jar with cereals and again change the water in the first three;
  • On the fifth day, you can start using the first portion. As soon as you empty it, fill it up again and set it to infuse until tender, remembering to change the water every day.

This way, you will have ready-made porridge at hand for consumption on an empty stomach, and you will not have to cook it until cooked. 3-4 tablespoons of grains is a conditional value, and you have the right to change this amount depending on your appetites and needs.

It doesn't matter what kind of water you steam - both cold and hot will do.

Video: Cleansing the body with rice

To cleanse the body, use the product in the morning in this order:

  • After waking up early in the morning, have a glass of herbal or green tea. It will start metabolic processes and "awaken" the stomach from sleep;
  • After half an hour, you can move on to your meal. It is forbidden to add butter, sugar or salt to the dish;
  • Then, you cannot eat or drink anything for 3-4 hours.

For lunch and dinner, you can afford whatever you want. An exception is fried and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and milk.

Choosing the right diet

Steamed rice is a kind of brush for our intestines, sweeping out all deposits, toxins, and other harmful substances from it.

Cleaning is best done within two weeks, twice a year. The regime is most easily tolerated in autumn and spring, in addition, it is a great way to tighten the body before summer or strengthen immunity on the eve of winter.

It is worth mentioning that this cleansing option, although it has a beneficial effect on the body, is more suitable for maintaining weight than for actively dumping it. To speed up this process significantly, we recommend resorting to a more restrictive diet.

It represents three fasting days. All you can afford these days is one glass of beans a day. Do not be afraid - we are talking about dry cereals, when cooked, it increases in size several times, and you get a decent portion (700-800 grams). It is necessary to cook in the way suggested above, and use it in small portions during the day, washed down with herbal tea.

Admission rules for weight loss

To bring the body back to normal, you must adhere to the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle and remember the features of eating rice, given below:

  • Combination with fat, meat, sweet and spicy is prohibited. It is not forbidden to eat it during other meals - most importantly, in moderation;
  • Stock up for these days with apple juice, green tea and clean water - you will have to drink often and abundantly;
  • Eat potassium-rich foods regularly. You can find it in fruits, nuts, dried apricots, raisins and vegetables. By the way, the combination of cereals with dried fruits and nuts is very tasty! Just don't forget about the high calorie content;
  • You can not gorge yourself at night - the last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime;
  • The product does not tolerate harmful additives: salt, sugar, cream, butter and milk. Nobody forces you to eat dry-boiled cereals: if you want to dilute the taste, use spices and seasonings without artificial flavors and emulsifiers (lemon juice, curry, ginger, pepper, cinnamon or hops-suneli).

Such a diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases may be at risk (porridge washes away potassium, which can provoke malaise and heart pain).

You should also consider the following points:

  • Causes constipation and bloating. In order not to be disturbed by such "surprises", use flaxseed oil or bran, which have a mild laxative effect;
  • With a high degree of obesity, it is better to refuse this dish;
  • Heavy physical activity is contraindicated - they simply do not have enough energy, and you will feel tired.

There is no need to worry about contraindications - if the recommendations are followed correctly, you will not have any health and well-being problems. A medical examination the day before and during the cleansing will insure you against feeling unwell and exacerbating chronic diseases.

The best confirmation of our words is the reviews from readers who, using this method, managed to achieve amazing results:

Oksana, 23 years old

Hello! Despite my dislike of fast diets, losing weight on rice turned out to be easy and enjoyable for me. I spend my fasting days several times a month. Then I gradually leave their regime: I eat in small portions no more than 1200 kcal per day. As a result, the lost pounds do not come back, and I continue to lose weight without strict diets and constant restrictions.

Valentina, 38 years old

Hello! I decided to resort to cleansing with rice not to lose weight, but to cleanse the intestines and liver from toxins. In addition to the healing effect, after a few weeks of eating for breakfast, I noticed that I managed to lose decent weight. Old things sat on me more freely, and I felt younger and lighter.

That's all for us! If you are looking for an easy and safe way to lose weight, rice cleansing is perfect for you. You will lose weight, improve your body and go through a real shake-up, which will make it easy to lose weight in the future.

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