The value of the card of the five of tarot wands in an upright and inverted position. General interpretation of the straight card. Combination with the suit of Staves

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Five of Wands

Direct position:
VALUES FOR WITCHING: imitation, such as a show fight, intense competition, or a fight that leads to wealth and luck. This card is interpreted as a sign of gold, profit, abundance.

Reverse position:
REVERSE VALUES: litigation, disputes, swindle, rebuttal.

Arcana description:
V. Five - a group of young men waving sticks as if in a wrestling match.

© Original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Values \u200b\u200baccording to Ryder White:

ASTROLOGICAL VALUE: Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games.

The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown down to us, an invitation to measure our strength, to compete, a test: will we have enough strength? This has nothing to do with enmity or a life-and-death battle. We are offered to try our hand - maybe really in some kind of competition, dispute, and maybe in some new business for us. We have the strength to do this, and we just have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, unless there are a number of adverse circumstances. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities, to realize them.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. SELF-TEACHER ON TAROT.
Translated from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

The first decade of Leo is from July 23 to August 2. Astrological equivalents - Saturn in air signs.
If Aries includes energy sources, then Leo carries them outside. The first decade of Leo shows an individual self-disclosure of personality.
A person, realizing his originality, learns to manage himself, saving efforts and developing a strategy of behavior so as not to be led by circumstances. He takes fate into his own hands - and this decade, according to European tradition, is ruled by Saturn. But the life goals and inner truth of one person may not coincide with the intentions and outlook on the life of other people: excessive individualism and the pursuit of only one's own goals limit the possibilities of realization and lead to obstacles and conflicts.
The FIVE breaks through the stability of the FOUR. This is a struggle: external, internal, impulse, striving. The collision reveals the main factors fighting in you for supremacy, both external and internal. There is no compromise and there cannot be; only the struggle will decide the outcome of the matter.
"Best the enemy of the good". Fight, competition (rivalry), conflict of principle, struggle of different aspirations.
The trap is dodging a fight, giving up your position before the fight begins.

In the upright position, the card means: in terms of getting everyday experience - living lessons, situations, thanks to which you get this experience. FIVE SCEPTERS will require from you willpower, certainty of thought. The map can also serve as an indicator that you pay too much attention to a particular area of \u200b\u200byour activity.
In social terms, through this card, liberation from everything unnecessary, excessive, unnecessary can go. The FIVE STAFF symbolizes a way out of the usual social context and an attempt to find oneself in a different context. The card can mean breaking ties, leaving home, family breakdown. At the same time, the FIVE SCEPTERS can open up new horizons or, at least, provide new opportunities in one or another particular field of activity.
Struggle (Strite) is an unsatisfied desire, a struggle with illusions, sometimes exhausting work, and conflicts, and overcoming obstacles.

In an inverted position, the card can mean injustice, a cold and hard mind, inability and unwillingness to benefit from life lessons; maximalism, dividing everything into black and white, regardless of the logic of events; considering events outside the context that contains them.
In terms of social activity, this can also sound like fraud, contradiction, opposition, confusion of relations, ambiguity of social status, involvement in certain processes against your will, excessive caution.
FIVE SCEPTERS can also indicate a hidden enmity, which can sometimes be disguised under a mask of increased courtesy.
Sometimes it also indicates that in the near future you risk becoming a victim of intrigue. Saturn draws attention to career matters, gives them meaning. Therefore, it is possible that the action of the FIVE will mainly unfold in your work.
As a symbol of the destruction of the comfort of the fourfold scheme, FIVE can mean the beginning of an unstable, asocial period, the loss of a job, certain social guarantees, etc. This card can signal certain difficulties associated with your housing. The FIVE OF WANDS is one of the cards that represent additional factors to look out for when it comes to a possible divorce. Another interpretation of the card is like a loner riot.

From the book: Tarot Ryder White.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

Competition. Rivalry. Quarrel. Test of strength. Fight for your place. Exam. The need for self-affirmation. Dependence on men. Chatting with people of the same sex. External conflict of interest. Healthy competition. Showdown. Release from unnecessary connections

Don't be afraid to face off against others, even in an area new to you.

Ambition should not turn into shamelessness, and skill into boastfulness.

Card of the day
Today you have to be in shape because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. And here it does not matter whether we are talking about competition with competitors, about a confrontation of two opinions or about a psychological competition (conflict) with a loved one: you must immediately take the bull by the horns and prove that you are still at your best. If you lead the battle honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then you are guaranteed victory. However, even if you get the second place, you will still be satisfied that you took part in this fight.

Inverted card
Internal conflict. Lack of faith in your competitiveness. Dishonest tactics. Uncertainty of social status. Injustice. Legal battles. Major quarrels. Stress. Unhealthy competition. Suppressed rage.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners".

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On the map of the Five of Wands, we see five people who are fighting with each other, but there is no intense conflict between them. They hit each other lightly, as if it were a theatrical battle scene. It reminds us that life is a game and that we need a bit of combat to feel alive. Sometimes this card speaks more of an internal contradiction, and not of conflicts in the outside world. You can see that all the people in the picture are facing different directions, which means different opinions or conflicting interests and the need to put it all in order.

Questions to ask yourself by pulling out the Five of Wands
  • Are you involved in an argument?
  • Is there something you are not sure about?
  • What needs to be organized?
  • Do you like healthy competition?
  • Why can't you reach a compromise?
Key ideas
Compete - it will delight all participants in the competition. Share the joy of the competition. There are no victories or defeats in life, there is only life itself.
Direct Map: There are many serious and important conversations going on. You have a lot to think about.

Reversed Card: There are many disagreements among friends at the moment. A compromise must be found before too much collapses and anyone really suffers.

Direct Map: An excellent moment to join a discussion club or to get your ideas across to influential people.

Reverse Card: Minor conflicts and tensions among your fellow students keep you from focusing. Find a way not to participate in this, otherwise your studies will suffer.

Direct Map: Differences of opinion are good for relationship health. In the long term, it will strengthen relations, increase their vitality.

Reverse Card: If you are intimate with someone, you argue too much and hurt each other in the process. Find a basis for agreement - you think the same about something!

A family
Direct Map: Listening to the different opinions and perspectives of family members will help you make decisions about what is important to you.

Reversed Card: Anyone's family conflicts are bent to the ground. Take time out, relax somewhere with friends.

Direct Map: Are you channeling your aggression into wrestling sports? If not, buy a punching bag.

Reversed Card: Turn off the TV when the talk show starts. Find another way to fill the time.

Health / Appearance
Direct card: You are lucky - you have a healthy, athletic physique.

Reverse Card: If you want to look and dress a certain way, and your parents or teachers are against it, learn to find compromises. Fight in battles that are worth it, and don't waste your nerves. Parental relationships and academic success are more important than a nose earring or pink hair.

Straight Card: It's not easy to make ends meet right now, but you love this fight.

Reverse Card: Sometimes you need to forget about personal gain for the sake of a common cause.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Jocelyn argued and quarreled with her parents all the time. The Five of Wands indicated that the stress in the family was exhausting both Joe herself and her parents. She must find another way to defend her point of view. In addition, she will have to realize that her parents also have a certain opinion - no less certain than her own. When she begins to see and understand the parents' point of view as well as her own, then it will already be possible to work with her parents to reach a compromise.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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The fact that rivals do not harm each other indicates a healthy competitive spirit.

Fighting with wands suggests a close conflict.

Fight. Excitement. Rivalry.

The Five of Wands means a period of uncertainty. Everything is not going according to plan, and there is a feeling of endless ascent up the hill. Certain obstacles must be overcome to achieve the goal that is within sight. This will take courage and patience. In many decks, this card depicts five men engaged in some sort of battle and brandishing wands. There is a conflict of interest here, and each of the combatants is forced to compete with the others in order to test their skills and test their competence in comparison with their rivals.

This card symbolizes the difficulties we face when trying to preach our ideas in the material world. Inspirational foresight, characteristic of the suit of Wands, hits the stone wall of reality. Our ability to cope with a difficult situation is tested when we are forced to compete with others, relying only on our mind. We may have to mobilize all our forces to cope with our problems or competitors. We have a strong desire to resolve the situation through open combat and stand firm. While this card indicates that we will not be able to avoid certain troubles, it also suggests that we have enough energy to cope successfully with them. This energy will help us to adequately overcome the confrontation predicted by this card.
The Five of Wands in your alignment indicates that yours is waiting for a period of time during which you will experience a lot of excitement. You may be involved in struggles or hold conflicting opinions, leading to many disputes and frustrations. This card portends the tests of your resilience and determination. Delays and misunderstandings will impede your progress, and you will feel like things are going awry. The problems you face can be time-consuming and even have to be compromised. It is important, however, not to lose sight of the intended goals and not allow yourself to lose your head. And while the difficulties that await you will not be particularly serious or long-term, you still need to make some effort to find a way to overcome them.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Divination value
Unsatisfied desires. Fight. Work. Attempts. Fierce rivalry. Conflict. Obstacles.
Inverted value
Fraud. Contradictions. Difficulties. Difficult situation. A warning against indecision.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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Five of Wands - a symbol of greed, competition for financial gain, ordeal.

Inner meaning
Following a period of insane waste and less sensible financial management, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to win, make or get more money and wealth. These are not just attempts to grow your business; it is a greedy pursuit of financial gain.

For a while, you will face difficult trials, even hardships due to this struggle. If you started this struggle yourself, you may be able to alleviate the situation with patience and tolerance. If other people drag you into the fight, you will need to fight to keep what you have.

Comment... According to some interpretations, the Five of Wands is called the card of gold, profit and wealth. You can get rich if you strive for it and if the other signs are favorable.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: greed, pursuit of financial gain and material values. Striving to "live like people"; the struggle for wealth and luck. An ordeal. Immature decisions, unattainable goals.

Reversed, or negative: unfair and unfair competition. Intrigues, disputes, even legal problems and litigation await you.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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The Five of Wands destroys the harmony of the Four. She talks about strife, competition, strife, rivalry, ambition and pride. On the other hand, the Waite-Smith deck is great for team sports, brainstorming, and problem solving, in which all participants show healthy aggression and struggle to succeed. I call this card a "committee" where you can test your ideas through conflicts and disagreements with others. However, sometimes the struggle is between five different parts of the querent's psyche. What started out as a playful tournament or play-based battle can end up turning into violent combat and devastating criticism. If you fear that your ideas will not be recognized and your desires will be satisfied, the result can be outright anger. On the other hand, the card speaks of the presence of several points of view on the current situation and the need to express them freely and in a playful manner. Various cheerful activities are possible, a struggle for position with the help of cunning and manipulation, or a fiery surge of libido. It is possible that you are fighting for success or the opportunity to be heard. On the Waite-Smith deck card, five men seem to be trying to build a pentagram from sticks - a symbol of strength and protection. This involves considering different points of view. Moving forward is possible, but it will require hard work and many obstacles to overcome.

Traditional meanings: gold, wealth. Abundance, luxury, brilliance. Profit, benefit. Discreet marriage. Great moral responsibility. Pride, arrogance, or anger can ruin success.

Inverted Five of Wands
The Inverted Five of Wands can mean overcoming all obstacles or ending a period of conflict and stress. This, however, may require judicial or professional intervention. You can refuse the game imposed on you or fix a slippery situation by not participating in it. But it is also possible that you will not be able to remain innocent. As with President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, people can actively defame and harass you to the point of organizing a trial. Someone can sabotage negotiations in order to leave the situation in an unstable and suspended state.

You may be deliberately trying to narrow your options instead of opening up to discussion. You are afraid to speak publicly or do not want to contribute to confrontation and conflicts. However, with an inverted position of the card, confusion can be internal in nature - these will be psychological conflicts and difficulties in making decisions. Your priorities are not entirely clear right now. The hostility can escalate into serious arguments and disputes, or turn inward and give extreme fatigue as a reaction. If on a straight card of the Waite-Smith deck, attention is drawn primarily to sticks pointing at each other, then on an inverted one, uniform, as if in a dance, positions of the legs are striking. Therefore, at the other end of the spectrum of manifestations of this card, you may suddenly find yourself working together with others as a team, which will help to reach agreement and end hostility. This will give you a chance to relax and be the beginning of a period of calm and release. A game or other sporting event may be canceled or postponed.

In terms of health, this may be the activity of antibodies that are currently fighting infection.

When projecting onto others, you will think that they are the source of conflict and destructive behavior, while you remain completely calm and impartial. You may also suspect them of deception and fraud.

On the shamanic and magical level, this card can mean psychic and astral self-defense. Or, you may exhibit trickster qualities and, for example, treacherously inflate quarrels between people. You may be doing this in order to divert their attention from their true goals, and slowly slip away in the heat of the battle.

Traditional inverted meanings: trials. Court, tribunal. Disputes, disputes. Deception, fraud. Persecution, persecution. Irritation, quarrels. Contradictions. Delays and unpleasant circumstances, but generally favorable outcome.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
It becomes clear that in this operation we will have to deal with a great and powerful enemy who takes advantage of our weaknesses. (First Book of the Arabs)
Description of the card and its inner meaning
The Five of Wands symbolizes the struggle for financial gain, competition. Therefore, the illustration on it is the image of fighting people. Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here everyone is for himself.

The Five of Staves describes a period of life when dissatisfaction wakes up in every person, a desire for something more, a desire to destroy that which fetters - such a desire often leads to the most unpredictable consequences. Perhaps you are not yet ready for extreme measures, for changes, for the emergence of a new one on the ashes of an old life, your time has not come yet.

In the mundane life of the Questioner, problems of the material order await. If he began the monetary struggle himself, then it is likely that it will end happily, especially if the Questioner is armed with patience and determination. If others started a financial struggle and dragged him into it, then the latter will have a very difficult time, it will be necessary to fight for the sake of preserving what he has.

The Five of Staves warns of one more unpleasant event: the situation in which the Questioner got into is practically out of his control. It should be borne in mind that forces more powerful than the Questioner are involved in the case.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - D, number - 5,
Ruled by the planet - Mercury,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 21 hexagrams ("Gritted teeth"),
Weather conditions - thunderstorm
Corresponding color is orange,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the Sephirah Geburah.
Card value
Direct position
In this case, the card warns about trials, difficult times, about a situation that may get out of the control of the Questioner, about too much wastefulness and the pursuit of money, about greed, immature decisions, about goals that will never be achieved. A calm life literally explodes before our eyes.
Inverted position
In an inverted position, this Arkan foretells ordeals, speaks of dangerous competition, warns of litigation, deception and disputes.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Five of Wands - merciless rivalry, strife, enmity. Conflicts with others due to differences of opinion. You will have to stand up for yourself. Often signifies internal struggles and upcoming changes. You have to experience many bitter minutes and disappointments before you manage to create something new in place of the destroyed old one. And the more serious the changes are, the more patience and endurance you will need.

Inverted - the kingdom of peace and harmony. Everything will change for the better, but for this you will have to give up some of the old habits. The card indicates excellent physical fitness and sports.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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V. Five - a group of young men waving sticks as if in a wrestling match.

Direct position:
imitation, such as a show fight, intense competition, or a fight that leads to wealth and luck. This card is interpreted as a sign of gold, profit, abundance.

Reverse position:
litigation, disputes, swindle, denial.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games.
The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown down to us, an invitation to measure our strength, to compete, a test: will we have enough strength? This has nothing to do with enmity or a life-and-death battle. We are offered to try our hand - maybe really in some kind of competition, dispute, and maybe in some new business for us. We have the strength to do this, and we just have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, unless there are a number of adverse circumstances. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities, to realize them.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The first decade of Leo is from July 23 to August 2. Astrological equivalents: Saturn in air signs.
If Aries includes energy sources, then Leo carries them outside. The first decade of Leo shows an individual self-disclosure of personality.
A person, realizing his originality, learns to manage himself, saving efforts and developing a strategy of behavior so as not to be led by circumstances. He takes fate into his own hands - and this decade, according to European tradition, is ruled by Saturn. But the life goals and inner truth of one person may not coincide with the intentions and outlook on the life of other people: excessive individualism and the pursuit of only one's own goals limit the possibilities of realization and lead to obstacles and conflicts.
The Five breaks through the stability of the Four. This is a struggle: external, internal, impulse, striving. The collision reveals the main factors fighting in you for supremacy, both external and internal. There is no compromise and there cannot be; only the struggle will decide the outcome of the matter.
"Best the enemy of the good". Fight, competition (rivalry), conflict of principle, struggle of different aspirations.
The trap is dodging a fight, giving up your position before the fight begins.

Direct position:
In the upright position, the card means: in terms of getting everyday experience - living the lessons, situations, thanks to which you get this experience. The Five Sceptres will require willpower, determination of thought. The map can also serve as an indicator that you pay too much attention to a particular area of \u200b\u200byour activity.
In social terms, through this card, liberation from everything unnecessary, excessive, unnecessary can go. The Five of Staves symbolizes a way out of the usual social context and an attempt to find oneself in a different context. A card can mean breaking ties, leaving home, breaking up a family. At the same time, the Five of Sceptres can open up new horizons, or at least provide new opportunities in a particular field of activity.
Struggle is both an unsatisfied desire, a struggle with illusions, sometimes exhausting work, and conflicts, and overcoming obstacles.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the card can mean injustice, a cold and tough mind, inability and unwillingness to benefit from life's lessons; maximalism, dividing everything into black and white, regardless of the logic of events; considering events outside the context that contains them.
In terms of social activity, this can also sound like fraud, contradiction, opposition, confusion of relations, ambiguity of social status, involvement in certain processes against your will, excessive caution.
The Five of Sceptres can also indicate a hidden enmity, which can sometimes be disguised as a mask of increased courtesy.
Sometimes it also indicates that in the near future you risk becoming a victim of intrigue. Saturn draws attention to career matters, gives them meaning. Therefore, it is possible that the action of the Five will mainly unfold in your work.
As a symbol of the destruction of the comfort of the fourfold scheme, the Five can mean the beginning of an unstable, asocial period, the loss of a job, certain social guarantees, etc. This card can signal certain difficulties associated with your housing. The Five of Wands is one of the cards that represent additional factors to look out for when it comes to a possible divorce. Another interpretation of the card is like a loner riot.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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Five young people with wands in their hands arrange a merry brawl. This is not a fight, they are simply overwhelmed with energy, and they find a way out. The spirit of competition and play reigns here. This card speaks of the lack of expression of desire, the absence of a specific goal. The efforts of the people involved in solving your question are directed in different directions, like the efforts of the people depicted on the map. So far, what you are doing does not lead to any result. You should be more specific about your goal and gain the support of others.
Thus, in practical life its meaning is “a lot of noise, but little sense”. If you want to start a business, then the Five of Wands promises only trouble and someone's promises, but by no means a result. If, on the contrary, you are afraid of something - for example, that you will be sued - then you can fear nothing, because empty chores will fall to the lot of your ill-wishers.

There will still be a lot of trouble and noise, and the result for the questioner is rather unfavorable (bruises and bumps).

Five of Staves - Lesser Arcanum

In the astrological field, the Five of Staves corresponds to the first decade of Leo, as well as Mars symbolizing sports competitions in V Home.

The previous Arcana, illuminated by Aries, triggered the internal energy that is present in the person himself, but now the time has come to take over for Leo, who replenishes this energy from the outside. Under the influence of Leo, a person will have to open up as a person, learn to take good care of the internal energy potential and manage their emotions so that circumstances do not dictate a line of behavior.

In fact, a person has to control his own destiny. At the same time, other people can serve as an obstacle, with their own opinions, views on life and intentions, which can lead to conflicts.

The direct influence on Leo is exerted by Saturn who controls him. He mutes creative energy, not allowing Leo to fully open up, but at the same time he allows Leo to remain himself and rebel against everyone, while not demanding recognition of his merits and not even tuning in to them.

Other names for the Five of Staves are: Five of Wands, Five of Sceptres, Five of Spears, Lord of Struggle.

Short description of the Arcana: Competition, Rivalry, Struggle, Competition.

Description of the Five of Staves

Arkan is a struggle of five daredevils with staffs, but they are clearly not belligerent. This is not a war in the full sense of the word, but only a competition where the strongest will be the winner.

This is a struggle between equals and equals. In the classical view, there are no defeated, everyone is fighting with equal forces. In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, although one of the fighters is defeated, he did not give up the fight, but continues to defend his right to victory.

The sacred meaning of the Five of Staves

To understand the sacred meaning of the Arcana, you need to look back a little - to the Four of Staves. What did we see there? Stability, a state of calm and harmony, inner satisfaction and relaxation. It is clear that this cannot last long, because life does not stand still. And now comes the phase of the Five of Staves - a revolutionary renewal.

From the previous Arcana, we see that a person, driven by the impulse given to him by the Ace, walked alone to his accomplishments. People joined him, but they were like-minded people who aimed at his success. When he achieved certain results, it turned out that he was far from alone, and it was time to face his rivals. Now the moment has come when he needs to prove that he is worthy to bear the title of the winner, and he will have to prove it in a dispute with the same as himself.

But this dispute is not only with external conflicting parties, but also with oneself: the dispute between the desire to continue to be in a state of rest and movement forward. But this dispute is unequal, because being in a state of rest can lead to the domination of laziness and stagnation in development. Hence the revolutionary spirit.

If everything goes smoothly for a person, then victory awaits him - the Six of Staves, but for now only actions are required of him to come to this victory. This is not a war as such, it is a challenge to oneself and the environment.

Mythological correspondence of the Five of Staves

In mythology, stories about the Olympic Games, about participation in them, about victories and conquests, very well reveal the map.

The meaning of the straight Five of Staves in the layout

The Five of Staves indicates the need to defend one's own interests among equal rivals. She says that a person has to compare his capabilities and abilities with the capabilities and abilities of other people. How much a fundamental conflict with others in a person will help to understand the nearby Arcana.

It should be understood that the Five of Staves indicates a rather unconstructive dispute: everyone does not agree with each other, competition develops, sometimes discussions can become aggressive, which requires self-defense, but this is far from a war, but only a small conflict that has to be resolved. This is not to say that this card has a negative connotation, because very often truth is born in disputes. It is from such a dispute that the only correct constructive decision can be born. A map can represent a kind of brainstorming session in which each of the equals tries to assert their point of view.

This is a map of quite healthy competition and constructive criticism, although not without the fact that it indicates the presence of a certain tension. A person will have to go through the test of his willpower, talent, experience, skills, ability to find a common language. You may even have to show courage and courage, to fight at the limit of your strength and capabilities.

The five of wands also fall out in situations where it is required to attract the attention of a large number of people, although it is very difficult with such a map: everyone bends his own line, not trying to listen to the leader, rivalry and conflict are in the air, the situation speaks of disagreement. If there are favorable Arcana nearby, then we can talk about the successful conduct of disputes and the ability to convince your opponents.

With unfavorable Arcana surrounded by the Five of Wands, it will indicate unattainable goals, not fully thought out decisions, unrealistic plans and perseverance in a business that is obviously losing.

However, do not paint this card negatively. The problems that have arisen at the moment will be settled very quickly, and without causing any serious damage.

The meaning of the inverted Five of Staves in the layout

If the straight Five of Staves speaks of a constructive competition as a result and a fair fight, then in an inverted form it indicates a game without rules, when an opponent can strike stealthily or stab in the back. This is unhealthy competition and unfair struggle.

The map shows intrigue, serious conflicts, disputes, litigation and problems with the law. Such a struggle cannot pass without consequences, then you will have to calculate the losses and lick the wounds.

The Five of Wands also falls out if a person has a chance to gain some benefit from someone else's conflict. Sometimes, when the stronger are fighting, the weak manages to snatch a piece for himself.

Arkan talks about fraud with the law, dishonest judging, bribery of a judge to resolve controversial issues. This is not a map of success.

With the Ace of Swords, Arkan will point out very serious conflicts that will bring negative consequences. With the Jester (I Arcanum), he will show a person who himself becomes an intriguer, carrying conflicts and disputes.


In layouts for a career, Arkan speaks of total competition, destructive conflicts and team disputes. An atmosphere of endless mutual disagreement reigns here, the work practically does not move, since it is impossible to reason with the disputants. Disagreements over production issues cause the business to freeze in place.

In addition, the Five of Wands indicates outside interference, competition, and lack of coordination between partners. Often it falls to a person who is experiencing some difficulties with integration into a new team or a businessman trying to occupy his own niche in the market.

If the alignment is done on the leader, then he will clearly have to hardly establish relations in the team, which will require a lot of trouble and time. In general, at work there is a whole heap of problems, where they come from, as well as how to solve them, the nearby Arcana will tell you.

The card acquires a positive meaning when it comes to special trainings in the company. Then she shows competitiveness, healthy competition, contributing to development, working out her own fears, acquiring skills to get out of conflict situations.

The card takes on another positive meaning in the layouts for athletes and people participating in some kind of competition, as well as for those who are going to defend a diploma or dissertation.

In addition, with a favorable environment, Arkan points to the achievement of new opportunities through competition. Here ambitions can be satisfied, through efforts one can rise up the career ladder.

The Inverted Five of Wands speaks of unhealthy and unfair competition, human haste, which can lead to negative and even fatal consequences for business. These are unsuccessful negotiations, the inability to come to a consensus, the lack of coordination between the partners. The map shows a lack of cooperation, completely unfounded criticism, unfair remarks, sabotage.

With such a card, there is practically no team: everyone tries to stipulate the other, substitute, make the extreme. Here, intrigues are destructive, and business practically cannot exist due to an unhealthy environment.

As for athletes and people who have to defend their interests in front of other people, the Five of Wands, in an inverted position, indicates dishonest refereeing, falsification of facts, fraud and lack of fair decisions.

Self-development direction

A rather difficult period begins in self-development: a person will have to go through both an internal struggle and a battle with external rivals. Internally, he will overcome his fears, blocks, developing tenacity and grasp in order to achieve victory over any life difficulties. In addition, in this struggle, they will have to pass a test for the truth of goals and desires.

An external struggle will face people who are trying to lead him astray, impose his point of view, press from the position of his own experience, belittle the merits received by a person earlier. This will require a serious concentration of strength and energy, the ability to defend your rights, perseverance and desire to achieve your goal at any cost.

Inverted Arcanum indicates the wrong path of self-development, which will take place in an unfair struggle. This is a dead-end path, since the victory that man ultimately wins will be Pyrrhic. It will not bring him any benefit or pleasure.

In this case, it is better to immediately leave this disastrous path, turning the Arcanum over and going through its difficult, but necessary lesson.

Personal relationships

Relationships influenced by the Five of Staves are definitely not boring. They are constantly accompanied by various disputes, and their depth varies from small and short-term disagreements to serious conflicts and scandals. As a rule, even some trifle can serve as a reason, but they always turn into a desire to prove something to each other.

This brings its own discomfort, but the card does not mean that scandals and quarrels lead to the destruction of the union. Rather, it is similar to a situation where people do not get along together, but cannot be apart. Oddly enough, all these swings still lead to the development of relations, of course, if there are no negative cards nearby in the alignment - they show that this struggle is just for the sake of struggle, and not a militant way of finding compromises.

Arkan points out that in the union there is a rivalry of equal partners who do not give up leadership to each other, there may be jealousy, as well as sexual dissatisfaction, although it may be the other way around - transferring the struggle from the category of "who to whom" to bed. We can definitely say that partners are driven by selfishness.

If the alignment is done for a couple facing the need for a divorce, then the Five of Wands will say that the process will not go smoothly. There will be a lot of noise around him, each side will pursue its own goals and achieve them by any means.

Sometimes this Arkan bears a conditionally positive character. This is in the event that the relationship has become a routine, partners have ceased to notice each other, and they need some kind of push. The main thing is that they get a shake-up, and then everything will be resolved and life will return to normal.

For a single person, the card promises an internal struggle that will be fought over a new relationship. On the one hand, the argument will be freedom, and on the other, the desire to find the other half. The Arcana next door will tell you what will win in this fight.

The inverted five of Staves also speaks of scandals and quarrels. But if in the case of a straight Arkan this is just temporary discomfort, then with an inverted one it is a real war that can bring destruction. As a rule, this is an alliance when one of the partners has a nasty quarrelsome character.

Quite often, quarrels arise not because of disagreements, but because of irritability with each other. In such circumstances, it is difficult to say that partners feel bad without each other, they just want to break free from the shackles.

In a union, there may be a thirst for revenge, a desire to humiliate a partner, suppress him.

Personality characteristic

The Five of Wands characterizes a person as ambitious, active, prone to internal contradictions, possessing a tenacious grip and aimed at success, for which he will always fight. In the soul of such a person, there may well be a fear that he will not achieve the desired result, will not be appreciated. But this fear serves as a flywheel for him, spinning the mechanism of the struggle. By its influence, a person finds the strength to conquer the set goals and frantically prove his worth.

Sometimes a person under the influence of the Five of Wands feels that he is opposed to the whole world, then he begins to actively fight with it. But often this is only the tip of the iceberg, and its basis is an internal struggle with one's own conflicting aspirations and illusions.

Among the people described by the Five of Staves, there are often athletes or simply those who like to participate in various competitions or contests, and no matter what talents push him there.

The qualities that cannot be overlooked in the person of the Five of Wands are courage, desperate actions. He will always ask for trouble, enter into various disputes about and without reason, actively prove his position, using all his eloquence, and if he is not enough - raising his voice. It is an adventurer and adventurer.

His credo is to revolve everything around him, to introduce disharmony not only into his own, but also someone else's life.

The inverted Arcanum shows, in fact, the same person as the direct one, but there are more negative manifestations here. Such a person can stoop to dishonest play and illegal methods of fighting for their interests. He is already reputed not as a disputant, but as a quarrel. Often, he chooses intrigues, surreptitious actions, stabs in the back as a weapon of struggle.

He easily disregards the law, and achieves victories by bribery, incapacitating rivals, and slandering. This person does not know how to lose and will certainly take revenge on the winner for his loss.


It cannot be said that with the Five of Wands a person is healthy. His immune system constantly has to prove its worth, since a person is plagued by various infectious diseases. It is the fight against infection by antibodies of the immune system.

In an inverted form, Arkan speaks of serious problems with the immune system, its weak ability to resist disease.


In layouts for various situations, the Five of Staves speaks of the difficulties in resolving it due to the impossibility of all participants to come to a common point of view. The situation can be resolved only when someone can balance the disputants and bring the conflict to nothing.

In order to achieve the desired result, a person will have to enter into a struggle with rivals and win in it. The nature of the struggle and its outcome will be prompted by the neighboring Arcana.

If the situation is a protracted conflict, then it is likely that it will have to be resolved with someone's help, calling on a kind of referee who will separate the conflicting parties.

In real estate matters, this Arkan suggests that there may be some problems with housing. In some cases, the map may indicate a crossing, especially if the Arcana, symbolizing the road, lay nearby.

In the inverted position, the meaning of the direct Arcana is enhanced with a negative connotation. The situation is accompanied by insoluble conflicts that are destructive in nature. The Five of Staves indicates that one of the participants in the situation is capable of committing unseemly acts in order to achieve a result that is beneficial only for him.

Disputes and conflicts can turn into open war and require judicial resolution. Moreover, with such a map, it is impossible to talk about an honest trial. Most likely, one of the rivals will simply resolve the situation in an illegal way.

Card of the day

This day cannot be called pleasant. Conflict on conflict, dispute on dispute. It is very difficult to find understanding with others, since no one wants to hear each other.

On this day, there may be not only disputes, but also competitions, contests, job interviews.

Inverted Arcana promises gross scandals and an outbreak of internal contradictions.

Card of the year

A year of conflict, demanding a fight for your place in the sun. This does not mean that there will be no victories, but they will not be easy to get. This is a year of change that requires patience and endurance.

The Inverted Arcanum promises a fierce struggle with ill-wishers throughout the year, who will constantly try to unsettle. The fight on their part will be dishonest, but the more valuable the victory will be.

Arcana Council

If someone imposes a struggle, then you should not shy away from it. She will help temper, organize and, in the end, test your strength. A weapon rusts without a fight. The main thing is not to allow an unfair fight, because your strength will be wasted.

If you wage a beautiful fight, you can easily turn the enemy into your ally, which will do a good job. The main thing is not to fight for the sake of struggle, but to fight for the sake of the goal.

Defending your interests, the clash of different points of view, the spirit of rivalry - what do you think, what number card are we talking about? Of course, this is the meaning of the 5 Wands of the Tarot - our today's conversation will be devoted to this Junior Arcana. Numerical cards often raise many questions, unlike the Major Arcana, so we will try to analyze the symbolic field of this card in as much detail as possible.

General description of the Five of Wands card, plot and meaning in the layout

Let's look at the classic image from the Ryder-Waite deck. On the map, we see five young people who started some kind of brawl. At first glance, it is difficult to understand that this is a real competition or some kind of educational game? But in any case, this is clearly not a battle on a real battlefield, which somewhat "softens" the meaning of the Five of Tarot Staves, turning it into competition, confrontation, and everyday conflict rather than into a real war.

Key words and ideas of the card 5 of Staves in the layout

Once we have decided that a scuffle on the card is not a carnage to the death, but just competition and rivalry, let's compile a list of keywords and ideas that will most accurately describe the meaning and interpretation of the Five of Tarot Wands:

  • Clash of interests
  • Criticism
  • Trying to defend your beliefs
  • Competition
  • Temporary obstacles
  • The need to prove something

Card value in an upright position

So, what can the Five Tarot Wands mean in an upright position? This is clearly a turbulent environment, but not belligerent, but rather defiant - these are circumstances that force us to leave all business for a while and take a defensive position, express our point of view, make reasonable arguments, try to prove our case.

Also, the value of 5 Tarot Wands can be competition in a work environment, participation in any competitions, living in a situation, the experience of which will be useful later. In general, this is not a negative card, as one might think, but rather the Arcanum of a successful confrontation, which promises to overcome temporary difficulties after a little "shake yourself", try your hand.

Meaning 5 Staves upside down

The meaning of the inverted Five of Tarot Wands is slightly more tragic. Here we are talking about unfair competition, intrigue, sticking in the wheels, injustice, deliberate displacement of a person. If the result of the competition of the straight Five was a positive experience, then the result of the opposite will be real bumps and bruises, most likely not entirely deserved. Also, an inverted Arcanum can report a lost bet, lack of success in a chosen case, unnecessary rivalry, and sometimes literally about the postponement of a competition or exam.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - 5 Staves

The meaning of the Five of Wands in relationships and love

The meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands in relationships is played in a very peculiar way. Let's figure out exactly how.

Direct position

We can say that this numerical Arkan will indicate a couple that cannot do without quarrels, clarification of relations, scandals. There is a type of people who are simply bored with living a quiet, calm life, so they constantly hurt each other, are jealous, and do not want to make concessions. If the surrounding cards are not negative, then these lapping may well do a good job - to push the couple towards joint development. The general meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands in love is the release of accumulated tension to get out of a situation of stagnation.

Inverted position

The reverse position of the card is more severe - in this situation, people risk senselessly "breaking spears", spending a lot of energy, saying a bunch of hurtful words, and as a result, nothing in these relations will change. Thus, the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot in a relationship, if it is inverted, can be described with one label phrase - "a lot of noise, little meaning."

The value of 5 Staves in health layouts

How can we interpret this numerical Arcanum when we ask cards about the state of human health. We'll figure out.

Direct position

The Five of Wands of Tarot takes on the following meaning in health: it is any ailment that tests the body for strength. This category includes diseases of the immune system, colds, infections.

Inverted position

Health risks, but not too serious. Also, the card can speak of a wrong diagnosis, when they were treated for one, but it turned out that the person had something completely different. But, as a rule, the card still does not threaten with global problems.

The value of the 5 Wands in the analysis of personality and psychological state

Now let's see what the symbolic field of the card will be if we try to use it to describe a person or his state of mind.

Direct position

If we describe a person, then the meaning of 5 Tarot Staves will be a person full of internal conflicts, which is inherent in pride and arrogance. It always seems to such a person that he is not noticed - and then he desperately enters the struggle, tries to prove that he is no worse than others. On the psychological plane, this is a feeling that the whole world is up in arms against us, although in fact there is only one reason for this feeling - internal illusions that do not allow us to correctly set goals, to distinguish true desires from unnecessary, illusory ones.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot, when it comes upside down when divining a person's description, is a kind of despair, the desire to always "get on the rampage", ambition. Such a person constantly brings chaos into his own and someone else's life, provokes some squabbles, strife just like that, out of nowhere, in order to once again prove to everyone his strength and fearlessness. On the psychological plane - the desire to overcome their fears through aggressive, conflicting behavior. We can say that this is a person who is afraid to death of an attack, therefore he always prefers to attack first.

The value of the card in the layouts for finance and work

How can this very "conflict" card manifest itself if we ask a question about work?

Direct position

This is, first of all, competition and disagreements in the team. The second meaning of the 5 Tarot Staves is education, training, professional training. Sometimes Arkan can be perceived as overcoming any obstacles, reorganization, exhausting work. However, sometimes, behind all this confusion, one can see quite favorable prospects. In monetary terms, it is the desire to keep what has already been earned.

Inverted position

In fact, the card will talk about the same thing as in the upright position, but at the same time there is zero sense in all this fuss. They argued, argued, but the solution was never found, they competed stubbornly, and someone else won, taught and taught, but the employees did not remember anything. Money matters - financial disputes, fraud, dubious benefits.

The meaning of the Five of Staves in combination with the Major Arcana

Now we turn to the consideration of changes in the symbolic field of the card under the influence of other Arcana on it. We start with the Elders.

  • Jester: Ignoring other people's opinions, getting involved in an argument out of stupidity
  • Magician: Manipulating someone in a team, company
  • : Intrigue, disorder in papers
  • Empress: A solution that suits everyone will be found
  • : Power Struggle
  • : The meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands next to the Hierophant - overcoming doubts
  • : Rivalry in personal relationships (love, friendship)
  • Chariot: Getting Mired in Arguments
  • : Do not violate the boundaries of what is permitted, restrain yourself
  • : Internal conflict, disagreement with oneself
  • Wheel of Fortune: Destiny challenges you
  • : Find a loophole in the legal system
  • The Hanged Man: Finding a Way Out
  • Death: Change of views, opinions
  • Moderation: Moderate point of view
  • The devil: a cruel joke of fate
  • Tower: Lose to opponent
  • Star: Hope for a better way out
  • Moon: Hidden, secret conflict
  • Sun: Overtake competitors, win
  • Judgment: Truth Born During Dispute
  • Peace: New, fresh look, victory

The meaning of the Five of Wands in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's analyze the "behavior" of the card, if it happened to be in the vicinity of the courtiers or numerical Arcana.

Combination with the suit of Staves

  • : Seize the initiative, grab luck by the tail
  • : Failure, missed opportunity
  • : Self-affirmation through overcoming difficulties
  • : The value of 5 Tarot Wands with a Four of the same suit means a compromise found
  • Six: Advance, subjugate someone, gain the upper hand
  • Seven: Continuous conflict, constant friction
  • Eight: Confusion, in the midst of a conflict, prompt and timely response
  • Nine: Be always on the alert, waiting for an "attack"
  • Ten: Violent bullying that literally knocks a person off the battlefield
  • : A compromise is planned, although not yet reached
  • : Adding fuel to the fire, provocation
  • : Putting things in order, becoming "above" the situation
  • King: Constructive conflict, acceptance of responsibility

Combination with suit of Cups

  • : Love rivalry
  • : Showdown
  • : Quarrel in the company
  • : Avoid conflict situations
  • Five: Vulnerability to rivals
  • Six: Conflict with roots in the past
  • Seven: Fight without result
  • Eight: Escape from the battle
  • Nine: The moral pleasure of a victory that a person literally "gouged out"
  • Ten: The Meaning of 5 Tarot Staves with Ten of Cups - family fights
  • Page: Struggle for attention
  • : Go to reconciliation to resolve differences
  • Queen: Quarrel with a woman
  • : Conflict with a man

Combination with suit of Swords

  • Ace: The Meaning of the Five Tarot Wands with the Ace of Pentacles - conflict over money
  • Deuce: Disagreement with a person who owes you something
  • Troika: Professional competition
  • Four: Struggle to restore order
  • : Survival Battle
  • Six: Participation in the competition
  • Seven: It is necessary to consider whether it is necessary to continue the struggle
  • Eight: Professional competition
  • Nine: Struggle for some benefit
  • Ten: Succession Disputes
  • Page: Conflicts over money supply
  • Knight: Business acumen
  • : Disagreement with a business woman
  • King: Struggle for Financial Control

Do not take the current situation solely as a "test for lice" - it is quite possible that it will be a very useful experience for you.

Card warning

Before provoking a conflict, think about its real reason: maybe you are trying to prove something to someone just because of your own fears and complexes? If this is really so, then it is better to deal with yourself first, otherwise, you will break the wood, and you will not get a visible result.

What questions does the Five of Wands card answer?

To immerse yourself in the symbolic field of the map, try, looking at this Arcanum, asking yourself these questions:

  • Who am I really fighting with?
  • What and to whom do I want to prove by entering into a conflict?
  • Is the only way out - is confrontation?
  • Can this experience be useful to me later?

So, we have completed the study of the meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands. We hope that it was interesting for you to get to know him, and now the interpretation of this numerical Arcana will no longer cause you any questions.

Card 5 of Wands is a representative of the Minor Arcana Tarot. This card can also be found under the name of the Lord of Struggle or the Five of Staves. You can learn about the sacred meaning of the lasso, as well as the interpretation of its various combinations, by reading this article.

  • There are many conflict situations with the "Chariot" lasso.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - do not go beyond certain limits.
  • With the lasso "Hermit" - the combination speaks of an internal struggle.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso, fate challenges.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - use the imperfection of the system to your advantage.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - the desire to find a way out.
  • With the lasso "Death" - changing your position.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - moderation of views.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - a bad joke of fate.
  • With the "Tower" lasso, you will lose the rivalry.
  • With the lasso "Star" - an incorrect natal chart.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - you will deceive a competitor.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - you will become the winner of the battle.
  • With the lasso "Judgment" - the truth will be born in disputes.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - win the battle.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - take advantage of your lucky chance.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - lost opportunities.
  • With the "Three of Wands" lasso - a person asserts himself, copes with difficulties.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - a compromise will be found.
  • With the "Six of Wands" lasso - victory over competitors.
  • With the "Seven of Wands" lasso - long conflict situations, the struggle for their interests.
  • With the "Eight of Wands" lasso, the conflict situation will be resolved very soon.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - remain vigilant, get the necessary experience.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - you are poisoned and it deprives you of your strength. The combination speaks of loss, loss of a good position.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - a compromise solution is brewing.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - passions are kindled even more.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - relations move to a more conscious stage, order in affairs.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - constructive conflict situations, the fight against disagreements. You take responsibility.
  • The Five of Wands of the Tarot is a very conflicting card. She advises you to defend your position and seek harmony in yourself (in the direct position), and also ignore conflicts (in the opposite).

Watch also the video on this topic

The value of the card in different hands

✚ Layout "One card"

Total value

Indicates that the fortuneteller will have to compete with someone, and also speaks of ambition. Conflicts are possible.


The lovers have to find out who is the leader in their pair. The card also predicts quarrels, conflicts and even parting or divorce.


Arkan portends health problems. An increase in body temperature, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and injury are possible.


Arkan talks about possible conflicts in the team or between partners. At the same time, none of the "belligerent" parties wants to concede.

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✚ For the future

The meaning of this Tarot card is not positive, so you need to treat it with the utmost seriousness and thoughtfulness. So you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and difficulties. The card denotes conflicts from which you will have to fight back as much as possible. At work, an unpleasant situation is possible that will expect decisive action from you. Personal relationships will not bring joy because of long and tedious fights. A quarrel is the release of negative feelings and emotions, therefore it causes unpleasant feelings that remain in the memory for many years.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On relationships

The five of wands are a symbol of struggle. The one to whom this tarot card fell will be forced to fight for his love. A person planning to meet fate will have to make some effort to achieve this goal. If the person is already in a relationship, then the card explains to this couple that quarrels and scandals are a necessary ingredient in a relationship, without them, most likely, partners will become bored with each other. It is in heated discussions that the truth is born, which is the basis for a relationship.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ For today

Going beyond what is permitted, conflict situations with others, a willingness to stand up for oneself are inherent. At work: a tense situation requiring immediate resolution; competition with colleagues and a desire to change the established rules. In health: diseases that test the body for strength (inflammation, fever, diseases of the immune system, infections, etc.). In the relationship, there is some rivalry for the role of leader, constant disputes and scandals. You are an arrogant and proud person who always comes to grips with the world.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ For tomorrow

A map of great trouble, conspiracies and rivalry, going beyond what is allowed by society. Physical force may be used.

Tomorrow brings rivalry on the brink of conflict, an ambitious desire to defend one's point of view by any means, an unwillingness to negotiate and compromise.

The card gives the following advice in love and the professional sphere - direct your burning energy, all excess strength to something productive, because tomorrow you will be determined to go to the end.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ What does he think of me

The card says that your relationship with your partner is very peculiar. Many consider such love a tyranny, which is rare today. You love to make scandals all the time and you love it. You constantly stir up experiments in your personal life, by quarrels you reinforce the emotional component of your love. It is for this reason that you never get bored around each other. If you are mutually satisfied with this format of relations, then nothing needs to be changed at the moment.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On desire

Your desire is to some extent caused by the desire to go against fate. This is a kind of challenge both to yourself and to those around you. And you can easily achieve what you want. But it should be understood that this path will not be easy. You will definitely have to sacrifice something and fight the circumstances. But passivity should not be shown either, otherwise it will kill all enthusiasm. Many problems will not be difficult to solve - try to take into account the opinions and advice of others. Don't try to tackle everything at once, prioritize correctly.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the situation

Lack of like-minded people and clear goals. Undirected application of effort. Everything is accompanied by a struggle with rivals, vanity. Possible misallocation of efforts and conflicts of interest.

However, there is a release from the unnecessary. Conflicts and problems cannot be avoided. You will have to fight for your goals, even if you don't want to. Try to channel energy in one direction and not waste it on unnecessary arguments and competitions.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the betrothed

The Five of Wands is interpreted as a card symbolizing a tense union of two people, which does not want to be dissolved. Such relationships, as a rule, are passive and unemotional, which shows stinginess in actions and feelings. As a rule, it is not worth waiting for an offer in such cases, but you can fix everything only by going through all the difficulties and correcting all the shortcomings in the relationship. Is the result worth it?

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

The ability to take care of one's own interests, to defend one's views, to have one's own judgment.

You find yourself in a situation where it would be most correct to protect your interests from any encroachment. Strife, disputes, struggle - that's what the card portends. Don't be discouraged, you have something to fight for, the main thing is to think over a strategy.

A full description of the map is available by link \u003e\u003e\u003e

✚ On the King

A difficult period comes in your relationship, accompanied by a showdown. You will need to include all available patience, you may have to fight with a rival for the heart of your chosen one. To avoid conflict, try splashing out negativity by distracting yourself from sports or work. It's a good idea to have a bachelorette party. Advice: try to control yourself, have a conversation with your loved one, do not get tired of proving your loyalty and love. This period is short and will end favorably.

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