6 pentacles in a relationship. Combined with the suit of Swords. Classic combination with cards of your suit

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Jupiter in Pisces as willingness to help, Jupiter in Leo as generosity, Jupiter in Aquarius as tolerance

Direct position:

The Six of Pentacles means prosperity that you have achieved through your work, health, deserved financial well-being, recognition of merit. It can also mean mercy.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: possible diseases, disharmony between the physical and the spiritual, at a low level it can mean greed, selfishness, envy, debt.

Six of Pentacles

Card Title: Master of Material Success.

Correspondences - the water of the earth, the letter He, the Sephira Beauty.

Explanation (general meaning): Rewarding merit (only the bare necessities), fair distribution, getting help, practical advice.

Event: deserved (won) success; reward.

1. Improving business, increasing income, the emergence of successful partners, timely investment of money in business (often portends investors in seemingly hopeless situations). Protection. Good income, promising business. Unlike the ace, all these benefits are more mundane, more expected and deserved, less large. They do not fall “from the sky”, but reward for what they have done.

2. A measured life is required; you need to invest in health. Treatment needs good and expensive. There may be financial assistance for treatment, or the need to look for it.

3. Measured, calm, beautifully organized. Money, interest, energy, etc. are invested in relationships.

One partner patronizes the other (contains or strongly supports). Or one partner is in some way superior to the other, condescending to him. Marriage can be unequal (in any sense).

4. Generous, noble, loving to show patronage.

5. Advice: Accept / provide assistance (according to the situation)

Caution: do not make expensive gifts, do not accept gifts from strangers, do not take / do not give bribes.

6. Receiving thanks for past achievements. Answer "Yes"


Explanation (general meaning): window dressing, bluff, exaggeration of one's capabilities, accentuated behavior.

Event: Throwing dust in the eyes; actions disproportionate to the case.

1. Large hospitality costs, overpayments, bad investments, misdirected efforts. Too kind attitude towards partners (subordinates)

2. Too expensive treatment or money wasted at all.

3. Emphasizing my merits: I do so much for you; I made you such an expensive gift

4. Boastful, swaggering, public player, likes to show off.

5. Advice: do not regret what you spent, it is better to embellish what you have acquired.

A word of caution: don't let your money go down the drain.

6. You have chosen too expensive a solution to the problem.

Overall value:

Six Denarii denotes such qualities as willingness to help, generosity and tolerance. She may indicate that we ourselves have such qualities, or that someone will manifest them in relation to us. And we are not talking about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about immanent character traits, natural and permanent. On a practical level, this card can mean an award, success, a promising project.


Six of Denarii says that we have taken on a worthwhile cause, in which others are interested, and we will receive help and support from them. Our desires, ideas and plans meet the aspirations of others, and therefore give us the opportunity to realize our creative potential. In addition, this card indicates that we ourselves must be ready to generously give others both support and help.


Here, this map shows that we can find a worthy use of our knowledge and abilities, without hiding or holding them "in reserve" for fear that others may be smarter than us or steal our ideas. This card says that we are not only ready, but also happy to help people who turn to us - or, on the contrary, that we will not be denied help and support.

Personal relationships:

In terms of personal relationships, the Six Denarius also indicates mutual help and support. It means that we recognize the partner's right to live by his truth, that we are always ready to show understanding and tolerance. Partners support each other in everything, sincerely sharing both joys and sorrows, "lending a shoulder" in difficult situations and not envious, but rejoicing in the partner's success and luck.

Six of Pentacles in combination with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - help the orphanage.

With the "Magician" card - to invest in business.

With the card "High Priestess" - help science.

With the Empress card - help with landscaping.

With the card "Emperor" - mortgage.

With the Hierophant card - charity; help from the church.

With the card "Lovers" - solving problems in relationships.

With the "Chariot" card - help in buying a car; money for travel.

With the card "Strength" - to replenish strength, energy.

With the "Hermit" card - gaining wisdom and experience; fenced off from someone's help.

With the card "Wheel of Fortune" - an unstable financial situation.

With the "Justice" card - return of debt; reward according to merit.

With the Hanged Man card, no help.

With the card "Death" - to promote change.

With the card "Temperance" - recovery and healing.

With the "Devil" card - indulge your base feelings.

With the "Tower" card - add fuel to the fire.

With the "Star" card - to give hope.

With the Moon card - to cheat; create an appearance.

With the "Sun" card - get a reward.

With the "Judgment" card - help for past deeds.

With the World card - get on your feet.

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In tarot divination, each card has a special esoteric and philosophical meaning. And it helps to understand a variety of problems and get answers to your questions.

One of these cards is the 6 Tarot Pentacles, the meaning of which boils down to success and prosperity. Having pulled out such a card, one can safely hope for serious financial profit and achievement of the set goals.

Image Description

Looking at the 6 pentacle tarot card, you can see a richly dressed man giving alms to two poor people who are kneeling. The balance is held in the man's left hand, and with his right he gives money to a beggar.

It is very likely that this is a wealthy merchant who gives money to the poor, having previously weighed it on a scale so that everyone will get it equally. Also in the general image, as many as 6 denarii are clearly visible, creating a kind of pattern on the card.

The main semantic load of this card is reduced to a symbolic image of a proud person who has taken upon himself the right to decide who to give and how much. Moreover, the alms that he gives may not only be material.

Although in fact he just gratifies his own pride. And in order to fully experience his own strength, he needs weak people. But also no one claims that the beggars of the tarot cards are weak, weak-willed beggars.

It is highly likely that they are ordinary crooks, as the meaning of the Tarot card says, who flatter their patron in order to get more gifts from him.

Basic card designation

Describing the map of the six pentacles, we can safely talk about the dynamics, development and rise. The general meaning of this lasso in an upright position is reduced to significant success and well-being.

And first of all, you should think about the material side of the issue, since the image includes several coins at once. But often we are talking about the emotional component, the willingness to come to the rescue and show a certain generosity.

But at the same time, one important fact should be understood - the coins on the card do not portend undeserved gifts or gifts that will just fall right on the fortuneteller's head.

It is necessary to emphasize that the reward received is truly deserved. Falling out with a World card, this lasso portends an incredibly high profit margin. And if the Jester's card falls out in fortune-telling, you should expect help from charitable organizations.

The inverted card changes a lot. In the opposite position, the pentacles completely lose their moral and ethical aspects, symbolizing absolutely naked materialism. In fact, this is usually expressed in success achieved by deceiving other people, excessive greed and excessive abuse of one's own position.

Often, the appearance of coins portends financial failures directly to the fortuneteller himself, who risks suffering from his own short-sightedness or other people's machinations.

If an inverted card of six coins falls out next to the Emperor's lasso, you should think about a recently taken loan, which will take a long time and very difficult to repay.

The meaning of the 6 Pentacles of the Tarot is our topic today. Like other Arcana of the Denarius suit, this card is associated, of course, primarily with material success. This is evidenced by the second name of the Arcana - the Lord of Material Prosperity. The zodiac correspondences of the card, reflecting its essence, are Jupiter in Pisces (willingness to provide help), Jupiter in Leo (manifestation of generosity) and Jupiter in Aquarius (tolerance). But let's take a closer look at how we did it with the other Arcana.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

The illustration of the card in Waite's deck speaks for itself. It depicts the following story: a respectable man stands about two people kneeling in front of him. Apparently, these people ask him for help. In one hand of the benefactor there are scales that speak of justice, while in the other he pours coins. There are six pentacles in the background. It immediately becomes clear that we are talking here about donations, material assistance, charity.

Key words and ideas of the 6 Coins card in the layout

  • A gift of fate
  • Charity, donation
  • Receiving a well-deserved award
  • Providing timely assistance
  • Thanks
  • Tidying up, aligning the balance

Card interpretation in an upright position

Basically, the basic meaning of the Tarot Six of Pentacles is already described in keywords. But there are three points worth adding. Firstly, when fortune-telling, it is important to figure out which of the heroes of the card the questioner is - the one who bestows or those who need help and receive it. Second, it is important to understand that the action of the card is not tied to the past or the future - it occurs exclusively in the present, here and now, that is, we are talking about the timeliness of the event. And the third nuance - Arkan speaks of a sincere desire to help. This is not ostentatious generosity and magnanimity for the sake of raising one's own authority - this is a sincere desire to help or thank someone. In general, in addition to the interpretations listed above, the card may indicate the possibility of restoring what went wrong, overcoming some internal contradictions, improving the financial situation, and putting things in order in work affairs.

The interpretation of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Six of Pentacles of the Tarot usually shows us misappropriation of income, abuse of one's social or material position, unwise investments and other unpleasant things related to finances. Also, imaginary charity, internal disharmony, the feeling that we "owe something to someone", lack of money runs along the map. Sometimes Arcanum can manifest itself as selfishness, greed and unwillingness to help others.

The meaning of the 6 Pentacles card - video

The value of the card in divination for love and relationships

Now let's deal with the meaning of the 6 Pentacles of Tarot in a relationship. Although, you probably already guessed what Arkan can report when falling out in a love situation.

Direct position

The most common meaning of the Six of Pentacles of the Tarot in love is mutual help, mutual understanding, tolerance, dedication, the ability to respect the opinion of your other half. Most often, people in such a union are very different, but they learn to accept with gratitude everything that a partner can give, and sincerely give something in return. Sometimes a relationship runs along the map in which one of the partners contains the other, but does this not for show, but quite sincerely. Another question is whether this position does not constrain the second - this can be judged by the neighboring cards.

Inverted position

The typical meaning of the Six of Pentacles of the Tarot in a relationship, if the card comes upside down, is a situation where one partner gives all the time, and the other only accepts, giving nothing in return. This is the Arkan of the wives of oligarchs who do not know how to maintain the warmth of the hearth, and gigolos who sit on a woman's neck and do not want to work. In such a relationship, there may be jealousy, resentment, whims, sometimes - a struggle for power within the family.

The value of the card in divination for health issues

Now let's consider the significance of the Six of Pentacles of the Tarot for the situation when we consider the health and well-being of a person.

Direct position

Excellent health, well-coordinated and harmonious work of all processes in the body. For sick people - a successful recovery, which has already begun and is in full swing, thanks to the timely treatment provided.

Inverted position

Undermined health, associated with the fact that a person gives more than he receives (for example, injects without sleep and rest at hard work), or, on the contrary, does not show any activity, because of which the body simply does not burn unnecessary things. In the second case, this can be expressed in excess weight, joint problems. Also, incorrect dosages of drugs may pass under the reverse card.

The value of the card in fortune telling on a psychological state and personality analysis

Let's see what 6 Coins can tell us if we ask the deck about the character of a person and the state of his soul at the present moment.

Direct position

A person with a wide soul who is always ready to help those in need. He is generous, balanced, responsive, full of sympathy and nobility. Such an individual will never be in debt if someone helps him. The state of mind is contentment with one's position, the absence of internal contradictions, a sense of harmony.

Inverted position

The opposite meaning of 6 Tarot Coins is a greedy person who does not want to share with anyone, an egoist. You can't expect sympathy, understanding, support from such a person. He indifferently passes by those who ask for help, and does not feel any remorse at the same time. State of mind - internal contradictions, bias towards sensual pleasures, stinginess on emotions.

The value of 6 Denarii in work and finance

It's time to talk about professional activities. Let's see how you can read the card in the layouts for money and work.

Direct position

Successful employment, fruitful team work, good working conditions, financial profit, bonuses, gifts, timely assistance on work issues. Activities - charity, patronage, philanthropy, as well as the organization of social events.

Inverted position

The value of the Tarot Six in inverted work is a bad team, where everyone pulls the blanket over himself and does not want to help colleagues, bad experience, work without return, delayed wages, or low wages.

Interpretation of 6 Coins in combination with the Major Arcana

In order to better understand the manifestations of the card, it is worth considering the combination of the Six of Pentacles of the Tarot with other Arcana. First, let's deal with the Trumps.

  • Jester: Help the orphanage
  • Mage: Magic Services
  • High Priestess: Supporting Science
  • Empress Household Help
  • Emperor: Mortgage
  • The Hierophant: An Act of Mercy
  • Lovers: Ability to give in to each other
  • Chariot: Get a loan to buy a car
  • Strength: Replenish Stamina
  • The Hermit: Refuse Help
  • Wheel of Fortune: Unstable Financial Situation
  • Fairness: Alimony, fair division of property in case of divorce, payment of taxes
  • The Hanged Man: No Help
  • Death: Help was no longer needed
  • Moderation: Recovery, recovery
  • Devil: Black ingratitude, imaginary benefactor
  • Tower: "Add Fuel to the Fire"
  • Star: To give someone hope
  • Moon: Aid Visibility
  • Sun: Reward
  • Court: Disbursements ordered by the court
  • Peace: Get stronger, become independent

The value of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

We examined the Major Arcana, now we will analyze the proximity of the card with the Minors.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Material support of a business, project, idea
  • Deuce: Budget planning
  • Troika: Fruitful financial cooperation
  • Four: The Significance of 6 Denarii Tarot with 4 of Wands - Receiving a valuable gift
  • Five: Tender, bidding, auction
  • Six: Good money prospects
  • Seven: Filing Financial Claims
  • Eight: Quick cash aid, microloan
  • Nine: Financial Deception
  • Ten: Yield to Financial Difficulty
  • Page: Good news about making money
  • Knight: Inability to manage money
  • Queen: Get what you wanted
  • King: Show material generosity

With suit of Cups

  • Ace: High nobility
  • Deuce: Mutual assistance
  • Three: A party arranged for someone at their own expense
  • Four: Tired of good deeds
  • Five: To regret the money given
  • Six: Charitable act in the past
  • Seven: Invest in your dreams
  • Eight: Voluntarily give someone everything you have
  • Nine: Become a sponsor
  • Ten: Be generous to your loved ones
  • Page: Desire to take part in a charity event
  • Knight: Spiritual Bounty
  • Queen: Deal with others as you want to be treated with you
  • King: Stable investment in a good cause

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Collect the required amount
  • Deuce: Fight for high ideals
  • Three: The Meaning of Six Pentacles with Three of Swords - Someone took advantage of your generosity for selfish purposes
  • Four: Well-Deserved Rest
  • Five: Your generosity has turned sideways to you
  • Six: Go in search of finance
  • Seven: Imaginary sincerity, hypocrisy
  • Eight: Being Committed
  • Nine: Worry about the money given
  • Ten: Vain Sacrifices
  • Page: A Doubtful Way to Invest
  • Knight: Give money to someone without hesitation
  • Queen: Financial protection, sponsorship
  • King: A just man in power

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Earn a reputation for being honest, fair
  • Two: Good news about money received or given
  • Three: Helping others with your talent
  • Four: Greedy
  • Five: Give the last penny, help the homeless
  • Seven: Wait until the given capital returns
  • Eight: Working in the field of charity
  • Nine: A wealthy person doing charity work
  • Ten: Tarot combination Ten of Pentacles - Six of Pentacles - Willingness to share everything that is with loved ones
  • Page: Learning to work for a charitable foundation or non-profit organization
  • Knight: Generously share everything you earn yourself
  • Queen: A generous, wealthy woman
  • King: The person on whom the receipt of funds depends

Be generous and considerate to others. Don't pass by those who are in trouble. Remember that any good deed will definitely return to you in full.

What does the card warn about?

The hardness of the soul is one of the most terrible human vices. If you do not know how to thank someone from the bottom of your heart or help, although you have the opportunity, at the most difficult moment in life, no one will come to your aid. Think of Scrooge's instructive example from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol!

Questions answered by 6 Coins

  • Do you know how to sincerely thank others?
  • Are they able to indifferently pass by someone who needs help, be it a person or an animal?
  • Do you often remind people of their duty to you?
  • How do you feel about the activities of charitable organizations?

Here is such an interesting map - Six of Denarii. This Arcanum refers to very important human qualities, such as generosity, kindness, compassion, the ability to provide support.

Tarot cards are a special, difficult teaching for many. Knowledgeable people argue that you can't get around without talent. And we all know that almost all 80–90% of it consists of efforts. In order to reveal the meaning of the arcana correctly, you need to study them all in detail. Six of Pentacles is considered by many to be a useless card. But they are deeply mistaken. After all, being a minor arcana, it is often capable of even influencing the major arcana. The 6 Pentacles Tarot card depicts a person who gives alms. On the left side, he holds a scale in his hand. From the outside, it looks like he gives as much as he weighs. But really, the point is that everyone gets what they deserve. Arkan says about mental balance, which makes it possible for a person to show kindness and help those who need it.

Tarot cards are a special, difficult teaching for many

Detailed description and meaning of the Six Coins card

The Six of Pentacles Tarot is most often associated with the financial moments of life. To be precise, it broadcasts about new profits or losses, depending on which scenario. This is the default value. The picture can be called positive. Such a card, in its meaning, is very positive and open:

  • gives faith in the day to come;
  • shows generosity;
  • brings generosity.

6 Pentacles is a prize after a long disadvantage (five). The person correctly passed the lesson that life has prepared for him. But this is a temporary condition. After a while, the success will end, it will be necessary to work again, to feel inconvenience, being in awkward situations (the same seven suit). Definitely, 6 Pentacles of Tarot have a variable meaning... Often this lasso broadcasts about "relaxation". The difficulties have passed, you can rest, leave the case for a while. This is a period of preparation for a new stage of changes in the financial world. But it will not last long, and before that you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your work.

The card denotes the acquisition of material and financial values.

This is a salary or a gift, but not a surprise. Arkan does not send hints of unexpected gifts or treasures that fall from heaven. This is a symbol of planned, earned cash.

What the inverted Six of Pentacles will tell you about

This lasso can be not only optimistic. If the card is turned upside down, you can expect a difficult time. The fortuneteller failed to correctly pass the lesson of the Five of Pentacles. It may be that the lack of financial well-being drove him into apathy, despair. There is no reward to be seen. An inverted card predicts loss and damage. The fortuneteller will regret some of his decisions and actions. Once there was a mistake for which you need to answer now. This is a time for reducing the level of strength, obstacles and difficulties. The world of the material is ahead, and the fortuneteller will again experience an unlearned lesson. During this period of time, there will definitely not be any achievements. You need to change your position towards material and other benefits.

The inverted lasso broadcasts about the wrong position in life, which leads to devastation, damage, trouble.

But this time can be easily overcome if you treat it correctly. This is not total ruin, but rather the need to return what was illegally obtained (according to our universe). Tarot cards are subject not just to rules, but to the laws of the Universe. A person often loses something not because of his erroneous actions. This is a kind of punishment for claims to life or pride. This is what the deck is talking about. Tarot cards Six of Pentacles in an inverted form inspire to work in the field of "soul", to think over life credos and plans.

The Six of Pentacles Tarot is most often associated with the financial moments of life.

Impact of the card in an upright position on the business sphere

As experienced fortune-tellers say, the 6 Pentacles card opens the way precisely to the world of material values. If you saw her in a financial situation - triumph. Arkan predicts:

  • earnings of a certain amount;
  • income growth;
  • random enrichment;
  • getting the long-awaited profit.

You need to be aware that finances will not appear instantly. Often a fortuneteller knows in advance that there will be money.

The card indicates funds that were already in the plans.

And it is also important that the Six shows the absence of material difficulties, receiving an award for successfully completed work. But don't expect millions of dollars.

If you have business negotiations planned, they will be successful. Your mutual work with partners will bring good results. Sometimes the meaning of the card can change, but not in a negative direction. New information may also come in. It is worth comprehending and using it in practice, soon you will see the result, and your pocket will be filled with coins.

The influence of the inverted Six on the business layout

If you come across such a card - do not expect any luck. Under any circumstances, there will be losses. Arkan broadcasts about:

  • lack of strength to correct the situation;
  • monetary losses;
  • accidental losses;
  • unforeseen and difficult problems.

If you have competitors, then consider that now they have won. Overpowering the influence of the card will not work right away. It will take a lot of work to fix what has been done before. To the worker, the card indicates the payment of a fine or a decrease in wages. Or, that the money will be, but with a delay. If you were interested in a question about the started business, then you should not continue it. Since the result will not please you. Inverted 6 indicates blunders that are made in calculations or negative facts that the fortuneteller does not yet know about. But don't be alarmed, this is temporary. If you work hard on yourself and your projects, then everything will work out for you.

For a businessman, the card in a duet with the Tower is especially unpleasant.

This can mean failure over time. And if the moon is next to 6 - a thief is next to you. Someone leads you by the nose in the money sphere.

The value of the Six in a relationship

Many people think that the Six in the hands of love does not matter. But she still predicts something. Do not forget that 6 Pentacles are responsible for the material sphere. In a relationship, she talks about an acquisition or gift from a companion. If you were worried about the side of your partner's feelings, then you can see evidence of a loving mood. The card can also mean that material good will come along with love. This happens in a situation where a young man is trying to win you over with gifts or surprises. If the relationship is long-term, then events will develop without anomalies. No threats are outlined, except for the "gray" monotony.

In a duet with 8 Wands - a trip or vacation abroad awaits you.

Also, the lasso can talk about an imminent call that the customer is waiting for. Always 6 says the relationship will improve over time.

6 of Pentacles is responsible for the material sphere

Inverted card and love

Relationships are often not what you want. This is exactly what the card wants to say. If you wanted to know about your future partner, then know that he will not be generous. You don't even need to start a relationship with him. You will not be happy with the alignment if you are a family man. Even divorce cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the spouse plans to take a considerable share of the property. The card broadcasts about a dishonest section of the acquired property. If the card fell out with 3 Swords (also inverted), then this may mean illness or even the loss of a spouse. The partner may suffer an accident and die. This will be a difficult test for the fortuneteller. The straight position of the Troika changes the situation. Worse outcomes can be avoided by preventing them. Try to find balance in your soul, and your relationship will find harmony.

Influence on other cards (upright position)

There are a large number of possible combinations. Know everything, there is no particular need. But there are important ones worth paying attention to. The direct position of the card can strengthen the major arcana. If there is Peace, Empress, Sun or Hierophant nearby, there will be good luck. This alignment broadcasts about payment for efforts, positive moments, victory. If these cards are next to them upside down, then 6 Pentacles will reduce their negative influence. Anything unpleasant will be easier to perceive. A scandal at work will end with a bonus, a quarrel with a partner - a surprise. If combined with negative lasso, then expect to be disappointed, upset and shed tears.

If a Tower drops out next to the Six of Coins, you will lose control over what is happening.

What used to be profitable will no longer be profitable. Death in a duet with our card means positive changes in life, if it is in its direct form. This may indicate a new source of finance. Inverted - you can get rich through heredity.

Impact on other cards (inverted position)

There are disturbing and not very pleasant combinations in a duet with the "Dark" Arcana:

  • in combination with the Moon - a lie, theft;
  • with the Tower - bankruptcy of the company;
  • with the Hanged Man - rejection of help;
  • with the Magician - a destructive mistake;
  • with the Court - lack of luck;
  • with the Fool - losses through the fault of oneself;
  • with the Devil - reckless avarice;
  • with the Hermit, powerlessness in situations, which leads to large losses.

It is important to note that if these cards are also turned upside down, then things get more complicated. Losses will affect the fortuneteller's state in a negative way. If you met the combinations in fortune telling "for the past", then the bad is over. When “in the council”, it is still possible to change the situation.

Six of Coins as Arcana of the Day

There are times when they are guessing for a short period of time. When the Six of Pentacles appears in a straight position, you need to be ready for material receipts. It can also indicate surprise or support at the right time. 6 Pentacles meaning for a student or schoolchild portends a carefree day. Questions and assignments from teachers will be easy, the marks are positive. Auspicious day awaits beloved ones. The satellite will delight you in every possible way when you don't expect it. There will be no health problems either.

When the Six of Pentacles appears in a straight position, you need to be ready for material receipts

The same cannot be said about an inverted card. She points out problems with money, violation of contracts, unwillingness of partners to fulfill their obligations. The car can suddenly break down, the facts become false, and so on. Don't make big decisions. If you have a court scheduled for the day of fortune-telling, there will be no win. Better under any pretext, transfer it.

Magic in Tarot cards and the Six of Coins itself

The Tarot deck is used not only in fortune telling, but also in magical rites. This usually occurs with the participation of the major arcana. But the Six of Pentacles is also useful. In the case when a certain amount of "zloty" is urgently needed, magic words are spoken over the card and placed under the pillow. The next morning, they again read the spell over the card and carry it around with them all the time. Within 24 hours the money will appear. You can also use a card to influence a person. He is forced to call, write letters to the customer. Only experienced magicians are capable of this, so this ritual is rare.

There is not a single card in the whole deck that would be unimportant. Each of the 78 carries an incredible amount of information. Various combinations only increase this volume and the possible outcomes of situations. In order to master the skill of reading these layouts, to be fully convinced of the predictions, incredible efforts are needed. It is not enough just to know the cards, you need to practice whenever possible. Only in this case can you achieve positive results and acquire the skills of a master, reveal your talent. Maybe you should try it too?

The value of the six of pentacles in the upright position

Generosity, benevolence, support, generosity. You will receive more money than you deserve. Serious financial success, achievement of the set goals. Also, the card advises you to help other people. It can be money, advice, or some other action. This will serve you well in the future.

In a relationship, the card speaks of strong love and devotion. The feelings of a person are not subject to any doubt, you can completely trust your soul mate.

  • material stability, the success of financial enterprises
  • solvency, charity

The six of tarot pentacles in the correct position speaks of success and prosperity, going hand in hand with generosity and philanthropy. The client will be rewarded in commerce, and this will bring him satisfaction and a secure position. The six pentacle tarot card also indicates generosity and responsiveness, resulting in charity and guardianship. On the other hand, the Client can also be an object of charity.

The six pentacle tarot card means the time is right to take commendable action. Fulfilled hopes. Kindness of the heart. Gifts, gratitude, abundance, prosperity. Material wealth and donations.

The value of the six of pentacles in an inverted position

Deception, financial loss, conflict, jealousy. Someone may lead you astray from the path that leads to your higher status. It's better not to trust your feelings about the events taking place now, everything is worse than you think. Events should not develop according to the worst-case scenario, you will most likely avoid acute losses. But you will have to go through some very unpleasant moments. You need to really look at things, not cling to the unattainable and stop temptating fate with your reckless actions.

In personal relationships, the card means deception and serious enmity.

  • financial fraud
  • financial recklessness, loss, feud

The Reversed Six of Pentacles Tarot shows that the positive aspects of generosity turn into financial folly and a waste of resources. The client is expected to lose not only material, but also of an emotional nature as a result of theft or his own carelessness, as well as because of jealousy or someone's secret machinations.

The inverted tarot card six pentacles means lust, jealousy, envy, illusion, loss. Misfortune, whims.

Inner meaning. Given for understanding the direct position of the card

The six pentacle tarot card indicates that the former problems of the Questioner are solved. There are indications that he is about to start a new commendable venture (for example, doing charity work); but the same card suggests that he has the opportunities and means for this noble cause.

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