Clay treatment. Unique folk methods of clay treatment at home Valentina blade of grass clay treatment

For fitting and assembly work 21.12.2020
For fitting and assembly work

I dedicate to my readers, those who love me, who remember who is next to me when I am betrayed ...

Excerpts from letters I wrote from spain to my readers (instead of a preface)

... Then all the other parts of the body began to tell me what exactly had gotten into them. Wow! That I can’t move my toes freely, as not long ago? And why did they become fat, like sausages, for no reason at all, in some five or six days ?! And about standing on tiptoe is out of the question !!

Lord, my long-suffering spine began to grow heavier by leaps and bounds, as if they began to impose bricks on it ... "Reinforced concrete" folds have grown near, you can't pinch, and so painful ...

The impression was that just there, in these rather ugly wineskins hanging on the sides, those pieces of meat that I ate, enjoying the world-famous buffet, were sent. They weren’t there before leaving for Spain, I remember very well, because I tried on a swimsuit and once looked at myself in the mirror, checking if it wasn’t too naked. Could the lean, super-skinny Swedes have come up with such a thing?

Just death has come! I must say, I always hated my temporary weight gain, I immediately feel the heaviness in the stomach, and in other places there is discomfort ...

I will keep silent about the complexion, I will not talk about the wrinkles, which, contrary to the laws of physics, began to cut through my fairly replenished face in such a way. In a word, no stretching of the skin has happened at all, because gluttony has not yet brought beauty and freshness to anyone.

Towards the end, I’ll tell you something that some will shudder, those who suffer for years from one fairly common sore. So, my dear ladies and gentlemen, in the morning I could not stand on my heels, such a sharp pain pierced them at my very first step.

I began to rub them on my own to overcome the pain and get to the institution that people visit, as soon as they wake up. Yes, yes, the spurs grew like leaps and bounds, as if by a pike's command, on both my heels and began to torment me every day. But, as you remember, I removed them a long time ago with the help of clay, additionally made lotions from old urine.

Moreover, I can barely walk to my third floor now. This is already a disaster, because you have to go up to your room ten times, then from the beach, then from breakfast, then from a walk, then dry your swimsuit, then something else. So, it’s difficult for me now. But you know very well my attitude to lifting mechanisms such as an elevator. I believe that they were invented to our detriment, because stairs and marches are the best sports equipment for us, we don't need to build gyms for them and find time among our global employment.

Never before have I been discouraged by a malfunctioning elevator, and now I no-no, and I stand in line to ride in the booth.

What a shame!

How quickly our body responds to everything, good and bad, I think in anguish. I barely move my legs, because my knees are completely numb and do not want to heed the command coming from my head to bend and unbend as expected! In a word, the knees responded to the aforementioned table, which came to the land of Andalusia from a Scandinavian country.

Based on the foregoing, if you offer him (the body, therefore) something completely opposite to overeating, then he will accept this with no less readiness and immediately take action, that is, to purify. Take note, dear ones, of this information and do not forget about our greatest opportunities to restore balance in the body.

Of course, the reverse is always more difficult and sometimes dangerous. You saw how the car goes backwards, right? Very carefully and slowly, otherwise you can stumble upon something. Therefore, be more attentive when correcting mistakes, okay ?!

It seems to me that the diseases themselves begin because and for the reason that sometimes we are not able to catch the extreme moment, we do not hear the voice of the subcortex, which shouts to us "guard!" ...

In a word, I will try to endure, to withstand the test to the end, so that the results of it (test, experiment) are the best. As you know, everything is relative in our world, and here the word "worst" is more appropriate, critical, that is ...

Of course, I listen in the morning so as not to miss the word that has arisen inside ("guard", that means), because I am sure: you will not hear it once or twice or three, and basta, diabetes will grab you by the white hands, as they say.

I don’t know, I don’t know what medicine has to say about this, but my observations of the public, which is lying and sunbathing here on the double beds due to the lack of space for the body, which lies on them, on the mats and just on the sand belly up , indicate that I am close to the truth in my assumptions about the occurrence of this ailment, and the mentioned public - to the appearance of this particular ailment in a certain part of it ...

I am a meticulous grandmother, as you know, and often take my helper piece of iron (the one that is on a string, it means) to check my suspicions and once again make sure of their reliability, that is, which organ of the resting person is in a deep blues, not he coped, therefore, with the task assigned to him - to digest the abundance of food eaten and lay out everything in places that rely on physiology, and not in the sides, for example, which are visibly sagging because of this.

And what? My visual (by eye, then) observations are fully confirmed by the pendulum. Exactly, exactly, the pancreas is puffing, exhausted. She has already managed to put a lot in the hams, in the waist, in the ass (forgive me for the not particularly cultured expression), which barely fits on a light plastic chair where the subject sits in the evening - well, the one who could not fit on a single lounger.

Yes, yes, the iron is very tired, she does not want to throw undigested food at her heart at all, but there is no way out. Of course, she tries to help a person, begins to whine and hurt, but, alas, she does not hear a reasonable creature ... It counts and counts money and, having found out that there is enough of it, again seeks to acquire and absorb something tasty. Just think, corns interfere with walking, homo sapiens reflects, but what baked goods in these parts! Get out!

What Spanish chefs do not come up with!

They do not spare oils, spices too, they have forests and copses of almonds, they cannot see the land because of the trees on which nuts ripen. Delight!

Whom does the one who barely fit in the chair remind me so coolly? .. Especially powerful, or rather, unprecedented volume of the neck, and the chin is not even double, but almost triple ...

Bah! Of course, this is exactly how the Roman patricians who were overweight were overweight, therefore, the cream was the very ones who seriously believed (about this there are historical records!) That massage, say, is the privilege of the rich, and despicable slaves have no right to do so. ... Strange, strange, but was such a right even necessary for skinny, work-worn slaves? Why, one wonders, do they need a massage when they have skin and bones from overwork? Just the rich with abundant bodies, he only needed, was simply necessary ...

And why did they get so carried away-do food-food immensely? Why did they settle on wide couches-ottomans and lay down on them so much that they became unable to meet the physiological needs of beautiful naked slaves, whom they were offered for delight in the morning and in the evening ?! Here are weirdos ...

However, something I strongly nodded at Ivan and Peter, and the log, after all, wound up in my own eye. I paint colorfully hams on the sides of the ancient Romans, although I urgently need to rub my own!

If you have not forgotten, reading my complaints about overweight patricians, then I am still in the experiment, and since I touch on quite funny topics, you guess: so far I have not become a victim of it (experiment). Of course, there are no Romans nearby, but, as I have already mentioned, there are many very overweight gentlemen of both sexes, so that in all ages, and to the same extent, a person succumbs to the temptation to eat something fatter, more satisfying. I'm especially sorry for the kids. I must confess that I did not think that in these places people are so reckless about their child, about his health, that is.

Now let's take a little excursion into medical science. Although our poet-democrat Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, in his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", has established better than any scientific luminaries why there is gout, the one that, as I already feel, is beginning to shackle my bones and muscles. So, he identified and poetically reflected the origins of this ailment. His main merit was the establishment of the fact which part of the world's population is inclined to suffer from this very ailment. Remember the poem? Let me remind you. It turns out that gout is a disease of the rich. Can you imagine?

True, according to the latest scientific research on this topic, it was concluded that this gout is a disease of creative people. How does it feel? Moreover, stunning examples are given, it makes no sense to list them, because almost all the great people of our and other continents had this malicious sore. And we can agree with this conclusion. Creative people run a little, sit more in place ... And yet it's time to return to my own organs and body parts, wasted by this very disease, since its manifestation on the hands and feet can be considered the main damage that the famous buffet did to me. Again, I invite the reader to be with me for several hours, so to speak, in my skin, at the very moment that we will call critical. As you know, I wanted to bring the experiment to its logical conclusion. Let's describe the results of the first week, since they were already available.

On the last night of the first week, a severe attack of colitis began. I woke up in a cold, sticky sweat and realized that a decisive turn in my biographies, that is, to put it simply, there will be nothing to draw and write about, since the first part of the word, "bio", is close to disappearing from everyday life. Then he began to cramp his legs, which in this case confirmed the usual food poisoning on the basis of overeating.

Yes, the blow to the stomach, liver and the entire tract was extremely strong, and therefore, in the second week, consequences began to appear one after another, now in one part of the body, now in another. For a hundred years my stomach did not hurt, and now he was moping too. I had already forgotten how the liver aches, but she began to remind me of herself every night (at three o'clock!). About ten years since the constipation ended, now they again began to spoil the complexion. In a word, everything that could be unbalanced and excited.

Well, my dears, together we have found the cause and effect. I'll come home, - I vowed to myself, - I sit down on a hungry ration. Diet crackers and seagulls in the morning, evening and afternoon, and nothing more. Thus, I will remove the cause, and as for the consequences that were stuck in all organs and appeared, as I already wrote above, on many parts of the body outwardly, they had to be urgently eliminated. And here my hopes were only for the healer of magic power - clay.

That is why I put aside the book about children, and started writing this one, since a lot of factual material for creating a manuscript (ailments, therefore) nested inside my own body. And in general, I usually talk about what I myself have experienced or what I myself have achieved by helping others.

Please don't think that my suffering has nothing to do with you. Far from it! It was just the involuntary entry into an unsafe experiment, as it turned out, that the experiment had an underlying purpose (by inspiration, it means) to prove how harmful food intake is to health in excess of what our body requires. Yes, I ended up with a process that was accelerated in time, but also slowed down, every day for several years, or even decades, exceeding the norm of food in the end leads to the same result, my friends, to illness.

So, so, I feel from afar how passions are heating up in someone's chest. What does she come up with, our Gravinka hangs noodles on our ears, eh ?! Yes, now many have no money for this very food at all, but it is about overeating.

Moderate your fervor, however, my dear opponents. During the blockade, my mother had super-serious diseases, and they never returned! I am sure that not only with her, but with many other mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles something similar happened ...

Somehow, in the midst of perestroika, I asked a certain doctor in St. Petersburg to borrow a certain amount, saying that I, you see, below the poverty line at the moment. And you know what he answered (by lending me a loan): “You are beyond the line of stupidity, Valentina Mikhailovna. Sorry, but this is a fact! "

Yes, he was right, and I completely agree with him, and if we return to our reasoning that there is an excess, then we can say: the body needs micro doses for life and for cheerfulness, and we use not only macro doses, but kilograms, this is and is an excess of a thousand or more times!

Now we will begin to restore what we ourselves, with our own hands, due to our unreasonableness and destroy in the body (read the previous pages about the Spanish experiment). Naturally, not only the excess of food norms leads to illness, but also any other excess. As soon as we noticeably move away from the golden mean, measures are in everything: in food, in entertainment, in pleasure, in running or in rest, so immediately, in other cases, however, gradually, and the balance is disturbed, the very one that keeps us afloat in the river of life.

So, on the road, my dears, leading us to get rid of ailments, because, as Paul Bragg wrote, to be sick is not to live. Beautiful words! One thing can be added to them, or rather, to continue the thought: to live is to rejoice!

Chapter 1
Healer Russian clay

Well, we visited a country in distant Spain, got acquainted with the aborigines, as well as with those who came there on vacation, summed up the results, found out that they also have problems and worries, that they, many of them, are not particularly then they take care of their health, because the rooster has not yet pecked them (you know where, right?).

In a word, you learned a lot from my letters, and some people from my acquaintances can simply write off their own portrait, this applies to fat men, for example. For some readers, my fables about other aunts and uncles brought anxiety to their hearts: they’re right, they say, our grandmother is Travinka 100 percent. And, of course, we are acting unwisely, because she, by her own experience, having entered the experiment, showed how a person ruins himself when his appetites flare up under favorable conditions ...

However, what is there to be sad or grieve if I now begin to tell you how to get out of a crisis situation, if one of you crossed the line of reason, in relation to food, say. Of course, when you just got acquainted with the table of contents, it seemed strange to you, really this blue clay again, could it really fix something in the human body. Yes, yes, my dears, all of her, the same blue sorceress, began to treat and cure such ailments that I myself get goosebumps when I see the results and results from her influence. It is definitely noticed: everything ingenious is simple. What's so simpler: we take from the ground a certain part called clay, and for no reason at all it becomes a panacea for diseases over which they puzzle - and spears too - numerous detachments of domestic and foreign aesculapians, but, alas ... Of course ... , I can add here, before I begin to describe her struggle with sores of all kinds and types, that I myself have become quite creative and, I would say, with the utmost respect for her capabilities, which is why I have achieved some success in clay therapy, I I think.

Indeed, every time there were some visible success in treatment, I began to wonder why I succeeded. And I came to a conclusion that amazed me a lot.

The clay that has lain in the ground for thousands, or even more years, unclaimed, not noticed by those who walk and wander around it or next to it, apparently, was flattered by such attention on my part, and therefore began to reveal to me one secret after another ...

Of course, this conclusion seemed a little absurd to you, right? But I cannot explain in any other way the indisputable fact that riddles began to be guessed right away, in any case, I began to operate with the properties of clay somehow easily, as if I knew in advance what exactly she wanted to tell me.

Well, everyone, my dears, I completely intrigued you, and therefore from the next page I will begin to inform you about accidents that have begun to turn into cases, that is, into factual statistical material on the topic "The use of domestic clays in the struggle for human health" - Let us express ourselves scientifically and solidly, because the properties of the clay healer deserve it.

And now I would like to give you some practical advice so that later you don’t complain: oh, we didn’t know, oh we didn’t have time, alas, everything was frozen, you won’t break off a piece, but you need a lot of clay ... Our editor-in-chief was overjoyed when I I promised that I would strain myself, but I would hand over the manuscript long before the frost, so that people could read, take note, and most importantly, stock up on source material for clay therapy at home.

So let's say thank you very much for the fact that he immediately saw in his grandmother a useful author for the people and undertook to print and publish her books well, just lightning fast. He, of course, has already understood your aspirations, since many people call the publishing house, want to meet me, and are interested in when my next book will be published. So, advice is the first and most necessary. Look for blue layers, stock up on the aforementioned material for future use, for the whole winter, in order to get rid of many sores in advance so that they do not turn into a dangerous form, so that you yourself take away what you do not need at all, that is, all sorts of tumors, inflammations, cysts, etc. like that.

Take a closer look at how to strengthen clay with the help of the sun, make it even more effective and powerful, so that when you start looking for your own symptoms in my descriptions, you would already be fully armed, you would immediately begin to eliminate the "minuses", then they you will turn into their complete opposite, that is, into plus signs, at first most likely uncertain, and then into real, clear ones, into the very ones that will tell you: everything is all right, the dirt is gone, that is, the disease (remember that the disease is is nothing more than dirt in the body, right?).

Do not forget to check the clays that you decide to collect so as not to waste energy on transporting them. Again with a nut. They guided you to the layer, she began to merrily approach you along with the thread, and the further you move away from the layer, the steeper it gets. They counted eight or nine meters, and that's it. Good! They found a wonderful healing material. Only then take her on a cart or in a car to your home.

The last tip is this. He is also from practice. A good friend of mine shared her experience. Her room is small ("Khrushchev"), where to put the clay is a problem. And then she examined her basement, where the entrance is from the stairs, and found that there was enough space for more than one truck. I cleared the corner that next to the stairs that leads to that basement, laid the boards, and that's it - the storage is ready.

It would be nice if the neighbors are not interested in your actions, there are a lot of evil people, as you know. And so, one evening and add the first portion to your reserves, then the next day ... She called friends one day, including me, we sat up late, sang, talked, and when the people calmed down, lay down to rest, we began to work. Of course, it would be nice to reveal the secret of your thoughts to the lowest rank of the bosses, that is, the janitor. Present my little book, tell us about the wonderful helper that you want to hide in the premises under her jurisdiction. I think this is not a bad option. However, show maximum resourcefulness in the name of your own health and well-being of the household. You already know that you need to stock up on gauze or wide bandages, a lot of simple and woolen rags so that they are always at hand if you decide to make an application on some day.

All these auxiliary materials should always be washed after use, dried and kept in a bag so as not to fuss, not to get nervous, so as not to waste time, which is already constantly lacking.

Why am I explaining all this to you in such detail? Don't you guess? I have studied your psychology very well, my friends. Didn't find the rag right away, did it take time? Better tomorrow ... right, better tomorrow than today. Here our old friend sneaks up on you, a slovenly middle-aged lady named

Laziness, which immediately begins to whisper to you: "Go to bed, my dear, and your hubby is waiting for you!"

You immediately became overwhelmed, and it immediately jumped out of your head that something in your lower abdomen was aching for a long time, and something like a ball began to roll in your chest. The next day there is a lot to do, and now you have already started your ailment, which has told you more than once: "I am sick, sick, treat me, my dear, help me and yourself at the same time! .."

Yes, my dear people, all our troubles, or even ailments, begin precisely for the very reason that we do not know how to listen to ourselves. Uncle, aunt, girlfriend, witch - please, as much as you like. Milk should be drunk a day and a half liters - with pleasure, the bay leaf should be brewed and taken - frowning, but we drink, plantain three times before dinner - let's not forget.

Blue Healer Clay

Valentina Travinka

Path to health

Thousands of readers of Valentina Travinka's books, using her recommendations, were able to improve their health, even recover from those ailments, before which doctors have long given up. There are especially many amazing results of clay treatment: “Imagine, my spurs have gone away! ..”, “I put applications on your advice, and the rashes on my skin disappeared!”, “Just one session, and my tooth stopped hurting !. . "

Having accumulated vast experience in clay therapy, Valentina Mikhailovna devoted a separate book to clay therapy. Uncover it, and the good knowledge of "Granny Travinka" will help you:

- get rid of gout and joint pain;

- heal psoriasis and skin rashes;

- smooth out wrinkles and make the skin soft and smooth;

- cleanse the body of the muck that has accumulated in it;

- to cure many ailments that bother you.

Valentina Mikhailovna Travinka

Blue Healer Clay

I dedicate to my readers, those who love me, who remember who is next to me when I am betrayed ...

Excerpts from letters I wrote from spain to my readers (instead of a preface)

... Then all the other parts of the body began to tell me what exactly had gotten into them. Wow! That I can’t move my toes freely, as not long ago? And why did they become fat, like sausages, for no reason at all, in some five or six days ?! And about standing on tiptoe is out of the question !!

Lord, my long-suffering spine began to grow heavier by leaps and bounds, as if they began to impose bricks on it ... "Reinforced concrete" folds have grown near, you can't pinch, and so painful ...

The impression was that just there, in these rather ugly wineskins hanging on the sides, those pieces of meat that I ate, enjoying the world-famous buffet, were sent. They weren’t there before leaving for Spain, I remember very well, because I tried on a swimsuit and once looked at myself in the mirror, checking if it wasn’t too naked. Could the lean, super-skinny Swedes have come up with such a thing?

Just death has come! I must say, I always hated my temporary weight gain, I immediately feel the heaviness in the stomach, and in other places there is discomfort ...

I will keep silent about the complexion, I will not talk about the wrinkles, which, contrary to the laws of physics, began to cut through my fairly replenished face in such a way. In a word, no stretching of the skin has happened at all, because gluttony has not yet brought beauty and freshness to anyone.

Towards the end, I’ll tell you something that some will shudder, those who suffer for years from one fairly common sore. So, my dear ladies and gentlemen, in the morning I could not stand on my heels, such a sharp pain pierced them at my very first step.

I began to rub them on my own to overcome the pain and get to the institution that people visit, as soon as they wake up. Yes, yes, the spurs grew like leaps and bounds, as if by a pike's command, on both my heels and began to torment me every day. But, as you remember, I removed them a long time ago with the help of clay, additionally made lotions from old urine.

Moreover, I can barely walk to my third floor now. This is already a disaster, because you have to go up to your room ten times, then from the beach, then from breakfast, then from a walk, then dry your swimsuit, then something else. So, it’s difficult for me now. But you know very well my attitude to lifting mechanisms such as an elevator. I believe that they were invented to our detriment, because stairs and marches are the best sports equipment for us, we don't need to build gyms for them and find time among our global employment.

Never before have I been discouraged by a malfunctioning elevator, and now I no-no, and I stand in line to ride in the booth. What a shame!

How quickly our body responds to everything, good and bad, I think in anguish. I barely move my legs, because my knees are completely numb and do not want to heed the command coming from my head to bend and unbend as expected! In a word, the knees responded to the aforementioned table, which came to the land of Andalusia from a Scandinavian country.

Based on the foregoing, if you offer him (the body, therefore) something completely opposite to overeating, then he will accept this with no less readiness and immediately take action, that is, to purify. Take note, dear ones, of this information and do not forget about our greatest opportunities to restore balance in the body.

Of course, the reverse is always more difficult and sometimes dangerous. You saw how the car goes backwards, right? Very carefully and slowly, otherwise you can stumble upon something. Therefore, be more attentive when correcting mistakes, okay ?!

It seems to me that the diseases themselves begin because and for the reason that sometimes we are not able to catch the extreme moment, we do not hear the voice of the subcortex, which shouts to us "guard!" ...

In a word, I will try to endure, to withstand the test to the end, so that the results of it (test, experiment) are the best. As you know, everything is relative in our world, and here the word "worst" is more appropriate, critical, that is ...

Of course, I listen in the morning so as not to miss the word that has arisen inside ("guard", that means), because I am sure: you will not hear it once or twice or three, and basta, diabetes will grab you by the white hands, as they say.

I don’t know, I don’t know what medicine has to say about this, but my observations of the public, which is lying and sunbathing here on the double beds due to the lack of space for the body, which lies on them, on the mats and just on the sand belly up , indicate that I am close to the truth in my assumptions about the occurrence of this ailment, and the mentioned public - to the appearance of this particular ailment in a certain part of it ...

I am a meticulous grandmother, as you know, and often take my helper piece of iron (the one that is on a string, it means) to check my suspicions and once again make sure of their reliability, that is, which organ of the resting person is in a deep blues, not he coped, therefore, with the task assigned to him - to digest the abundance of food eaten and lay out everything in places that rely on physiology, and not in the sides, for example, which are visibly sagging because of this.

And what? My visual (by eye, then) observations are fully confirmed by the pendulum. Exactly, exactly, the pancreas is puffing, exhausted. She has already managed to put a lot in the hams, in the waist, in the ass (forgive me for the not particularly cultured expression), which barely fits on a light plastic chair where the subject sits in the evening - well, the one who could not fit on a single lounger.

Yes, yes, the iron is very tired, she does not want to throw undigested food at her heart at all, but there is no way out. Of course, she tries to help a person, begins to whine and hurt, but, alas, she does not hear a reasonable creature ... It counts and counts money and, having found out that there is enough of it, again seeks to acquire and absorb something tasty. Just think, corns interfere with walking, homo sapiens reflects, but what baked goods in these parts!

Page 2 of 10

Get out!

What Spanish chefs do not come up with!

They do not spare oils, spices too, they have forests and copses of almonds, they cannot see the land because of the trees on which nuts ripen. Delight!

Whom does the one who barely fit in the chair remind me so coolly? .. Especially powerful, or rather, unprecedented volume of the neck, and the chin is not even double, but almost triple ...

Bah! Of course, this is exactly how the Roman patricians who were overweight were overweight, therefore, the cream was the very ones who seriously believed (about this there are historical records!) That massage, say, is the privilege of the rich, and despicable slaves have no right to do so. ... Strange, strange, but was such a right even necessary for skinny, work-worn slaves? Why, one wonders, do they need a massage when they have skin and bones from overwork? Just the rich with abundant bodies, he only needed, was simply necessary ...

And why did they get so carried away-do food-food immensely? Why did they settle on wide couches-ottomans and lay down on them so much that they became unable to meet the physiological needs of beautiful naked slaves, whom they were offered for delight in the morning and in the evening ?! Here are weirdos ...

However, something I strongly nodded at Ivan and Peter, and the log, after all, wound up in my own eye. I paint colorfully hams on the sides of the ancient Romans, although I urgently need to rub my own!

If you have not forgotten, reading my complaints about overweight patricians, then I am still in the experiment, and since I touch on quite funny topics, you guess: so far I have not become a victim of it (experiment). Of course, there are no Romans nearby, but, as I have already mentioned, there are many very overweight gentlemen of both sexes, so that in all ages, and to the same extent, a person succumbs to the temptation to eat something fatter, more satisfying. I'm especially sorry for the kids. I must confess that I did not think that in these places people are so reckless about their child, about his health, that is.

Now let's take a little excursion into medical science. Although our poet-democrat Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, in his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", has established better than any scientific luminaries why there is gout, the one that, as I already feel, is beginning to shackle my bones and muscles. So, he identified and poetically reflected the origins of this ailment. His main merit was the establishment of the fact which part of the world's population is inclined to suffer from this very ailment. Remember the poem? Let me remind you. It turns out that gout is a disease of the rich. Can you imagine?

True, according to the latest scientific research on this topic, it was concluded that this gout is a disease of creative people. How does it feel? Moreover, stunning examples are given, it makes no sense to list them, because almost all the great people of our and other continents had this malicious sore. And we can agree with this conclusion. Creative people run a little, sit more in place ... And yet it's time to return to my own organs and body parts, wasted by this very disease, since its manifestation on the hands and feet can be considered the main damage that the famous buffet did to me. Again, I invite the reader to be with me for several hours, so to speak, in my skin, at the very moment that we will call critical. As you know, I wanted to bring the experiment to its logical conclusion. Let's describe the results of the first week, since they were already available.

On the last night of the first week, a severe attack of colitis began. I woke up in a cold, sticky sweat and realized that a decisive turn in my biography was about to come, that is, to put it simply, there would be nothing to draw and write about, since the first part of the word, "bio", is close to disappearing from everyday life ... Then he began to cramp his legs, which in this case confirmed the usual food poisoning on the basis of overeating.

Yes, the blow to the stomach, liver and the entire tract was extremely strong, and therefore, in the second week, consequences began to appear one after another, now in one part of the body, now in another. For a hundred years my stomach did not hurt, and now he was moping too. I had already forgotten how the liver aches, but she began to remind me of herself every night (at three o'clock!). About ten years since the constipation ended, now they again began to spoil the complexion. In a word, everything that could be unbalanced and excited.

Well, my dears, together we have found the cause and effect. I'll come home, - I vowed to myself, - I sit down on a hungry ration. Diet crackers and seagulls in the morning, evening and afternoon, and nothing more. Thus, I will remove the cause, and as for the consequences that were stuck in all organs and appeared, as I already wrote above, on many parts of the body outwardly, they had to be urgently eliminated. And here my hopes were only for the healer of magic power - clay.

That is why I put aside the book about children, and started writing this one, since a lot of factual material for creating a manuscript (ailments, therefore) nested inside my own body. And in general, I usually talk about what I myself have experienced or what I myself have achieved by helping others.

Please don't think that my suffering has nothing to do with you. Far from it! It was just the involuntary entry into an unsafe experiment, as it turned out, that the experiment had an underlying purpose (by inspiration, it means) to prove how harmful food intake is to health in excess of what our body requires. Yes, I ended up with a process that was accelerated in time, but also slowed down, every day for several years, or even decades, exceeding the norm of food in the end leads to the same result, my friends, to illness.

So, so, I feel from afar how passions are heating up in someone's chest. What does she come up with, our Gravinka hangs noodles on our ears, eh ?! Yes, now many have no money for this very food at all, but it is about overeating.

Moderate your fervor, however, my dear opponents. During the blockade, my mother had super-serious diseases, and they never returned! I am sure that not only with her, but with many other mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles something similar happened ...

Somehow, in the midst of perestroika, I asked a certain doctor in St. Petersburg to borrow a certain amount, saying that I, you see, below the poverty line at the moment. And you know what he answered (by lending me a loan): “You are beyond the line of stupidity, Valentina Mikhailovna. Sorry, but this is a fact! "

Yes, he was right, and I completely agree with him, and if we return to our reasoning that there is an excess, then we can say: the body needs micro doses for life and for cheerfulness, and we use not only macro doses, but kilograms, this is and is an excess of a thousand or more times!

Now we will begin to restore what we ourselves, with our own hands, due to our unreasonableness and destroy in the body (read the previous pages about the Spanish experiment). Naturally, not only the excess of food norms leads to illness, but also any other excess. As soon as we noticeably move away from the golden mean, measures are in everything: in food, in entertainment, in pleasure, in running or in rest, so immediately, in other cases, however, gradually, and the balance is disturbed, the very one that keeps us afloat in the river of life.

So, on the way, my dear ones, leading us to

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getting rid of ailments, because, as Paul Bragg wrote, being sick does not mean living. Beautiful words! One thing can be added to them, or rather, to continue the thought: to live is to rejoice!

Healer Russian clay

Well, we visited a country in distant Spain, got acquainted with the aborigines, as well as with those who came there on vacation, summed up the results, found out that they also have problems and worries, that they, many of them, are not particularly then they take care of their health, because the rooster has not yet pecked them (you know where, right?).

In a word, you learned a lot from my letters, and some people from my acquaintances can simply write off their own portrait, this applies to fat men, for example. For some readers, my fables about other aunts and uncles brought anxiety to their hearts: they’re right, they say, our grandmother is Travinka 100 percent. And, of course, we are acting unwisely, because she, by her own experience, having entered the experiment, showed how a person ruins himself when his appetites flare up under favorable conditions ...

However, what is there to be sad or grieve if I now begin to tell you how to get out of a crisis situation, if one of you crossed the line of reason, in relation to food, say. Of course, when you just got acquainted with the table of contents, it seemed strange to you, really this blue clay again, could it really fix something in the human body. Yes, yes, my dears, all of her, the same blue sorceress, began to treat and cure such ailments that I myself get goosebumps when I see the results and results from her influence. It is definitely noticed: everything ingenious is simple. What's so simpler: we take from the ground a certain part called clay, and for no reason at all it becomes a panacea for diseases over which they puzzle - and spears too - numerous detachments of domestic and foreign aesculapians, but, alas ... Of course ... , I can add here, before I begin to describe her struggle with sores of all kinds and types, that I myself have become quite creative and, I would say, with the utmost respect for her capabilities, which is why I have achieved some success in clay therapy, I I think.

Indeed, every time there were some visible success in treatment, I began to wonder why I succeeded. And I came to a conclusion that amazed me a lot.

The clay that has lain in the ground for thousands, or even more years, unclaimed, not noticed by those who walk and wander around it or next to it, apparently, was flattered by such attention on my part, and therefore began to reveal to me one secret after another ...

Of course, this conclusion seemed a little absurd to you, right? But I cannot explain in any other way the indisputable fact that riddles began to be guessed right away, in any case, I began to operate with the properties of clay somehow easily, as if I knew in advance what exactly she wanted to tell me.

Well, everyone, my dears, I completely intrigued you, and therefore from the next page I will begin to inform you about accidents that have begun to turn into cases, that is, into factual statistical material on the topic "The use of domestic clays in the struggle for human health" - Let us express ourselves scientifically and solidly, because the properties of the clay healer deserve it.

And now I would like to give you some practical advice so that later you don’t complain: oh, we didn’t know, oh we didn’t have time, alas, everything was frozen, you won’t break off a piece, but you need a lot of clay ... Our editor-in-chief was overjoyed when I I promised that I would strain myself, but I would hand over the manuscript long before the frost, so that people could read, take note, and most importantly, stock up on source material for clay therapy at home.

So let's say thank you very much for the fact that he immediately saw in his grandmother a useful author for the people and undertook to print and publish her books well, just lightning fast. He, of course, has already understood your aspirations, since many people call the publishing house, want to meet me, and are interested in when my next book will be published. So, advice is the first and most necessary. Look for blue layers, stock up on the aforementioned material for future use, for the whole winter, in order to get rid of many sores in advance so that they do not turn into a dangerous form, so that you yourself take away what you do not need at all, that is, all sorts of tumors, inflammations, cysts, etc. like that.

Take a closer look at how to strengthen clay with the help of the sun, make it even more effective and powerful, so that when you start looking for your own symptoms in my descriptions, you would already be fully armed, you would immediately begin to eliminate the "minuses", then they you will turn into their complete opposite, that is, into plus signs, at first most likely uncertain, and then into real, clear ones, into the very ones that will tell you: everything is all right, the dirt is gone, that is, the disease (remember that the disease is is nothing more than dirt in the body, right?).

Do not forget to check the clays that you decide to collect so as not to waste energy on transporting them. Again with a nut. They guided you to the layer, she began to merrily approach you along with the thread, and the further you move away from the layer, the steeper it gets. They counted eight or nine meters, and that's it. Good! They found a wonderful healing material. Only then take her on a cart or in a car to your home.

The last tip is this. He is also from practice. A good friend of mine shared her experience. Her room is small ("Khrushchev"), where to put the clay is a problem. And then she examined her basement, where the entrance is from the stairs, and found that there was enough space for more than one truck. I cleared the corner that next to the stairs that leads to that basement, laid the boards, and that's it - the storage is ready.

It would be nice if the neighbors are not interested in your actions, there are a lot of evil people, as you know. And so, one evening and add the first portion to your reserves, then the next day ... She called friends one day, including me, we sat up late, sang, talked, and when the people calmed down, lay down to rest, we began to work. Of course, it would be nice to reveal the secret of your thoughts to the lowest rank of the bosses, that is, the janitor. Present my little book, tell us about the wonderful helper that you want to hide in the premises under her jurisdiction. I think this is not a bad option. However, show maximum resourcefulness in the name of your own health and well-being of the household. You already know that you need to stock up on gauze or wide bandages, a lot of simple and woolen rags so that they are always at hand if you decide to make an application on some day.

All these auxiliary materials should always be washed after use, dried and kept in a bag so as not to fuss, not to get nervous, so as not to waste time, which is already constantly lacking.

Why am I explaining all this to you in such detail? Don't you guess? I have studied your psychology very well, my friends. Didn't find the rag right away, did it take time? Better tomorrow ... right, better tomorrow than today. Here our old friend sneaks up on you, a slovenly middle-aged lady named

Laziness, which immediately begins to whisper to you: “Lie down,

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my dear, go to bed, and your hubby is waiting for you! "

You immediately became overwhelmed, and it immediately jumped out of your head that something in your lower abdomen was aching for a long time, and something like a ball began to roll in your chest. The next day there is a lot to do, and now you have already started your ailment, which has told you more than once: "I am sick, sick, treat me, my dear, help me and yourself at the same time! .."

Yes, my dear people, all our troubles, or even ailments, begin precisely for the very reason that we do not know how to listen to ourselves. Uncle, aunt, girlfriend, witch - please, as much as you like. Milk should be drunk a day and a half liters - with pleasure, the bay leaf should be brewed and taken - frowning, but we drink, plantain three times before dinner - let's not forget.

In a word, the advice that "knowledgeable" people give us is countless, and we strive to fulfill them at a run; no matter that from the first spoonful of any supposedly super-useful infusion, our liver simply knocks its fists on the right hypochondrium, since it is not able to say otherwise to express its indignation.

But we steadfastly continue to do everything according to the indicated scheme, to execute, not retreating a single step. And no signals from our organs from within are often able to stop us. For example, we all know that overeating is harmful, that any extra piece will turn into a real poison, but, alas, “burst belly, but don’t waste the good”. We will return to this topic in connection with the Spanish experiment (you have already read about my introduction to the buffet and what came of it).

Don’t think that my first efforts to cure my own ailment are unrelated to what I just wrote about. Not at all. This, one might say, is entering the topic. Of course, in this particular case, I reproach myself, I call it different uncultured words, since there is a hole in the old woman. So, let's start right away with that sore of mine, which, as I arrived from Spain, literally on the third day, and began to destroy, because I got very sick. So…

How I dealt with pneumonia

I see, I see, grinning and thinking something like this, after reading the title: how did grandmother Travinka manage to catch pneumonia, and even in Spain, which she is talking about, there, after all, people faint from the heat; just recently it was reported that very bad things happen to them in that sun ... You are reasoning correctly and very competently, my dear fellow citizens. But as soon as you were surprised (how I managed to grab ...), then I will describe everything in more detail. Read and read, it is very useful to know how I “came to such a life”: in that sunny land, where even at night people in hotels turn on air conditioners, they cannot drink water without pieces of ice.

On the very first day, as I went to the beach, I immediately rushed into the sea, because I love water and depth, of course. I am swimming, my head under the water, my legs flickering ... And suddenly I piercingly feel: the current is cold! A minute or two later (I took out my head and immersed it in the water again) a reasonable thought came to me: I need to row to the shore, otherwise in such cold weather and meningitis you can earn ... then one, two and miscalculated.

It’s strange ... The mother’s children are immediately hidden in terry towels as soon as they splash near the shore. Their lips are blue, however ...

It would seem that the picture is clear, one could make a definite unambiguous conclusion, right? But alas. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and in the following days, I again dive into the cold, without exaggeration, the depth of the sea, and again with a head, because this is how I like to swim anywhere.

I bathe and I don’t draw reasonable conclusions, I don’t draw conclusions and I bathe ... I often get chills, and not only when I leave the sea. But again, brain cells, as they say, are out of place: apparently, they froze from such coolness, they lost the ability to think sensibly.

Now, before diving, I walk on wet sand for a long time, which is not easy. I do about five kilometers, from breakwater to breakwater and back, but, surprisingly, having reached the edge of the sea strip at the breakwater to the left of our hotel, I am not eager to freshen up. Although tired, warmed up from fast walking, and the luminary rose high.

I stand and look into the distance, towards Gibraltar, as I later established, beyond which Africa begins, and a little to the right - the Atlantic Ocean. Yes, so I stand and stand, ostensibly admiring the sea distance, but in fact I am preparing myself psychologically for the next ablution.

I absolutely do not want to get into the water, I feel with every fiber of my soul, as they say. But I stubbornly await the moment when a stupid mind will give the command: buy yourself! Are you really going to leave? Further thoughts work in this direction. Your native publishing house gave you a ticket to such a truly exotic country, to such a (Mediterranean, by the way) sea, and you are drifting. Yes, this is healing water, in it for every cubic meter there is a pound of all kinds of salts ... Climb immediately, coward! And the coward cuts the wave with her stupid head and floats. Floats until not only the above-mentioned part of the body, but all of it as a whole begins to noticeably grow colder. Again, somewhere in the depths of the subconscious, someone is barely audible - right, hoarse oravshi - whispers about the possibility of inflammation of the most important organs. But, alas, the stubborn thought that settled over the subcortex, apparently, interrupts a weak voice: nothing, you will endure, you must use the gift to the fullest (like that buffet, from which my stomach almost completely gave up, if you recall).

Thus, for all ten days (four, thank God, I did not swim, since I went on excursions), he won, stubborn, the one from whom one grief, in any case, you won’t get out of trouble, if you’re only him, mind, therefore , obey.

Finally she arrived at her native place, and then a friend in Voeikovo called: the lake is warm, brown, the water is gentle, the bottom cannot be reached. As I glanced at my lovely birch trees, which were turning away a forest pond, which I had not seen a single whole two weeks, I immediately began to take off my clothes.

I swam to the middle and back for almost an hour. At this time, the sun disappeared, the wind rose, so on the shore I was greeted by a completely different atmosphere than in Spain, as you understand. As soon as I stuck trembling legs into my trousers, I began to dream of a fire, which there was nothing to light with ...

Now you understand why I started having pneumonia, and, moreover, bilateral, right? We can say that in one lung the cold of the Atlantic wave was reflected, and in the other - the north wind. Nice story! And after all, if you understand properly in this situation, then otherwise how stupidity and you will not name the cause of the disease, do you think?

And it was worth at least once to heed the signal of inspiration, when all my limbs were shaking on that hot as fire sand, and I would turn my feet to the blue pool that was located in the courtyard of our hotel under the name "Amaragua", and not one, but three whole seconds sufficient depth - from two to three meters! And I would have received no less pleasure from water procedures, and the disease certainly would not have worked.

The rest ended not quite merrily: on the third day upon arrival, I shook my "Khrushchev" with coughing fits, and my nose flowed God knows what, thickening as the struggle, all fourteen days. Where it is thin, there and

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torn. The last portion of clay I gave for the treatment of the eye of one baby, who came with her mother on the second day after my arrival from distant countries, so I was left alone with the ailment, since I do not recognize pills and injections.

A doctor I know listened to exactly where the inflammation developed, made me a mustard pad on my back, but, alas ... I wander like a shadow, and more I lie there, wipe myself with a towel every minute. The temperature, which I have once every ten years, began to jump every day, and in the evenings it appeared constantly, like a bayonet. In general, the symptoms are very, very sad ...

And then one afternoon the bell rang: Valentina Mikhailovna, we will now bring you a whole bag of clay. Blue, just like butter. And they brought it in! They poured it with water, and the next morning I invited a friend: help, they say, put a cake on my back, since I myself have no strength - the old woman has arrived.

And imagine, after two hours exactly the weight from the back seemed to have subsided, it became easier to breathe. Here is the assistant arrived at the house! Without any pills, without a single syringe, I went into battle against my ailment and ... In any case, the next morning I had the strength to check what was there on the blue layer, on which I lay for a couple of hours the day before.

The diagnosis of my friend was fully confirmed: yes, in the lower part of one and the other lungs there was less clay. They put it on again, and that's it! The minus disappeared, the nut ran towards me, telling me that the blue sorceress had done an excellent job with the task entrusted to her.

Now it was necessary to take up the nose, which by that time was pretty swollen. Not only he, but his entire face was noticeably rounded. Of course, the nasopharynx also got a lot, because the throat refused to accept even any drink, be it hot or cold, there was no need to talk about food. True, all two weeks I ate extremely little. It always saved me, lack of appetite. In addition, there was also a great helper - sleep, she slept for 15-16 hours. So, now I put the applications on my forehead, because the sinuses hurt - I couldn't touch it, and I used the gundos so that no one recognized my voice.

Here I had to tinker. Four, five, six times I close up these sinuses with a thick layer, but it was difficult even for a wonderful healer-clay of great strength to pump out what had accumulated there. Again the thought of meningitis flashed through my mind, from which this time it somehow got cold not only in my head, but also in my heart. And what will I think in the rest of the days, if ... Oh, oh!

What can I say, you will howl from such a prospect, especially since I feel that something is wrong with the bad little head of the garden. And again she helped me out, my blue dear. The guys brought me an enormous bag of clay, I made myself something like a helmet, tied it up, one nose and nose is visible, and I lie there.

And my whole head began to ache, it hurt incredibly! Of course, I endure, I persuade myself: keep quiet, they say, it's your own fault, and don't bother the sorceress to work, she looks through every centimeter there, looking for inflammation in the very depths. And I must say a big thank you to her, the sorceress, because the clay helmet corrected everything quite quickly, removed all the evil spirits from my stupid little head, and she soon stopped hurting.

The snot, which flowed in an endless river, as if from a water tap, also subsided, and quite noticeably, after using the helmet that I just talked about.

In a word, gradually, gradually, all the symptoms disappeared, even the weakness was frightened by the glinka, and I began to recover, to get out of the crisis, as they say. However, ten days later I made a control application again. Everything was settled with the lungs, but I had to tinker with the sinuses.

At this point I must emphasize to you, remind you of what the Americans say about this: even cancer can be caused by snot ... So, my dears, be sure to repeat the procedures with the nasopharynx so that everything is purely pure there, even if the blue healer is like a broom from there will sweep it away so that later no complications will happen with a slight weakening of the body, as is often the case.

Just think of how many vain hassle-worries a person, this clever, intelligent homo sapiens, brings to himself. And why did the Lord only give him reason ?! He absolutely does not know how to use it reasonably if he does extremely illogical actions. And he tries to do everything to his own detriment, have you noticed? I am sure that the story I have described in detail about how I chilled my lungs and a stupid old little head in the waters of the world-famous sea, will remind many of some situations that took place, as they say, in their lives. Dear ones, I beg you, listen to your inner voice. He is like a guardian angel given to you from birth for joy, for help in business, for good luck, in the end, and you often do not pay any attention to his warnings. You think that Travinka poses an unbearable task for you, right?

Not at all! Let's go over this topic one more time, okay? Please don’t mind. I’ve written so much about clay, I gave so many details, and my readers call and say: I beg you, come to me (I’ll pay for the way!), Put it yourself once, otherwise I didn’t understand how to put this application on sore spot.

It would seem that she explained everything, chewed it up, swallowed it, my dear reader ... But, alas, it turns out that it is also necessary to show it.

Another person went much further in her wishes: when you (I, that means) put it on my back with your own hands, then it will pass ... My dear reader, if I start putting clay cakes on my tummy on my own, say, then I no longer have there will be time to write the next book, for you too.

As for my pens, supposedly special, in your opinion, here you underestimate, first of all, yourself. How many times have I told you that you yourself are wizards and fairies, because "your shirt is closer to your body." It was later that people gave this proverb a slightly different meaning, and the initial one was just about that and said that people had noticed a long time ago: only a person can help himself, not an uncle. It is not for nothing that now a whole series of books is being published under this very stamp: "Heal yourself", because this saying contains the deepest wisdom.

Returning to what was said above, I will continue. In the morning, as you wake up, throw a thought into your head. It is simple, primitive, one might say, it may seem absurd to you, because you do not believe in yourself, you are not used to doing this (yes, you were not allowed to do this for many years, because others thought for you, and you blindly obeyed it what they come up with). So you say to yourself: I can do anything. Everything will work out for me today. I will succeed in everything! You throw such words into your subcortex for two or three and again fall asleep for ten minutes.

I assure you, one fine morning you will wake up without the alarm clock ringing, and it is not you yourself, but someone inside you who will repeat those cherished, truly magical phrases. And get down to business that will go and run with you now slightly, but not slowly, but quickly. You can do a lot of them. For the first time, write down what exactly you managed to do on such a day, and by the evening you will certainly be surprised: did I really manage it all ?! So lucky for you

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put a day and a piece of clay in the place that has become soaked, and she will cope with the thinness, and your own hands will be her helpers!

It is important that you quickly hear what you have thrown into your subconscious, so that it responds, as they say, and begins to work-work for you. Unfortunately, a long time ago you and I went a little deaf, we live as our wonderful Masha Rasputina sings:

And in the usual hustle and bustle we float ...

Who is tired and who is lazy

Who lives with a single glance ...

We obey what Aunt Klava reported on the radio or what Uncle Fedya, a newly-made sorcerer, announced on TV. By the way, you could tell in your advertisement about the best resorts in Spain that the water there is hefty cold, but, alas ... And if you return once more to that coast, which I told you about on several pages in a row, then we will take into account this fact. I am swimming for myself, freezing, my mind says, be patient, they say, it’s in vain that you arrived so far, it took five hours to get to warm regions on the Tu-154.

And the subconscious ran forward, absorbing the time kilometers at lightning speed. For example, back in July, I hobbled along the shore, and the inspiration ran forward for three weeks, saw a disorder in my head, something like meningitis, and screams in my ear: get out, they say, out of the water, otherwise you will get sick, meningitis , that is. Yes, amazing properties are given to our subcortex - to look much ahead of the days gone by, and use, as it were, a gift from God. But we give our stupid (you can't say otherwise) arguments.

No wonder I started talking about the subcortex again. When I was ill, she advised me, she reminded me of the aspen. At my request, a friend brought me a few thin poles of this mysterious tree with iron leaves, and I put them on the floor just under the area of \u200b\u200bmy respiratory organs. And I left one, I think, over the threshold, on the cornice, because the previous ones are old, dried up; surely they have lost their strength.

Several days pass, I took the aspen out from under the bed, began to check it with a nut. Here's your time! Such a minus went out of the blue. And over what lay on the cornice, no, no! The nut is swinging so cheerfully from me and back, indicating that this wood is full of biosil.

So keep in mind: the aspen also knows how to remove the bad, although its role is to destroy the evil. In general, she works part-time, it turns out: he takes ailment, and removes anger. Probably, you could put it on the nasal sinuses for an hour or two. True, she gave a good die to a friend (she has a serious sore, God forbid!), Let, I think, help her.

Everything, I will make a request to bring aspen trees, especially since I feel that something very disgusting is accumulating again in the sinuses. I’ll begin to remove it in a joint way: with clay, and aspen, and coins. I must say that one does not interfere with the other, everyone has enough work to do if the sore is serious and drags on.

We will return to the combined effect later, and now we will begin the next stage on the amendment of the health of grandmother Travinka, who acted very, very unreasonably there, in Spain. True, after reading the title, you will immediately understand that this is not only about her, but also other people, of whom there are very many in the CIS and other countries.

Watch out, gout!

We will no longer talk about the historical roots of this ailment. Now we will begin to align our fairly crooked fingers on our hands, to restore poorly functioning joints (elbows, knees, etc.). Of course, if I had not overeat at this ill-fated buffet, invented for our destruction, especially for those who love to eat, then my bones-joints, framed with salts like walls in stalactite caves, would still live and live and would not bother my grandmother for five years , and even more, especially since she is not engaged in a barbell, she cannot get a job playing ping-pong, that is, she moves the handles extremely rarely and a little. But it is not for nothing that they say: there is a silver lining! That's for sure! For a long time I felt stiffness in the shoulder joint, especially in the left one. Sometimes at night it will whine so much that you cannot sleep. Due to the fact, however, that the thunder did not strike, then I, like many of you, did not blow my mustache, that it was time, they say, to take up the very gouty thickenings hidden inside that others, for example, appeared on hands, and in a fairly significant size. And, as you read at the very beginning of the book, thunder struck, everything became aggravated, and even my relatively flat fingers (fingers, it means) looked rather "young", so visually and painfully it was time to get down to business ... But how Is it accepted if doctors, known to everyone, and not only to the medical world, have repeatedly tried to cope with this terrible arthrosis, arthritis and similar painful sores that spoil not only the mood, but also the life of a fairly significant part of humanity ?!

Professor Zalmanov, for example, promises to ease the pain with hot water, Mr. Kneip also claims that suffering can be significantly alleviated, but with the help of cold. We will not talk about other aesculapius, because our domestic ones simply offer disability and send back people who came with complaints of intolerable pain in the area of \u200b\u200ball available joints so that they do not interfere with their work. Can you imagine what a difficult task I faced? Considering that my disease is one of the worst forms (ossification of all the cartilage known to anatomists, a process that continuously leads the body to death), then at first I freaked out. And later, since the whining, which continued during the day, and not only at night, so tired me that I agreed to everything, I turned to my old savior, with whom you are already well acquainted.

- My dear clay, - I prayed one morning, - help me, sorceress, and then I'll tell others about everything!

At this point I began to listen to my inner voice more attentively, ears on top of my head. And what? It was he who suggested where exactly to put, apply, because it hurt everywhere.

I put a healing potion three centimeters thick in a gauze and threw it over my shoulder, like a towel, secured it properly, wrapped it in a sweater and climbed under a cotton blanket in order to warm up quickly. I will sleep, I think, for two hours, as expected, and then I will check if the healer has taken up my illness.

However, it was not so, I could not sleep, because after about ten minutes such pains appeared in the shoulder joint that I wanted to immediately drop the application. I lie down and endure, endure and lie down, and I want to howl myself from the fact that clay has begun to be made there.

The feeling was such that she began, as if with a sharp knife, to cut off all these layers of a hundred years ago from the bones.

You understand, once they cut it off, so everything goes, and blood vessels, and nerves, and muscle tissue, oh, how it gets! "How long will the execution continue?" - I cry mentally and just lose my patience, as the pain becomes unbearable. Then a phone call saved me.

My reader-admirer is calling, as they say. At first she began to sing praises to my little book, and then I moved on to a specific question: paint

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the miraculous abilities of the very clay that gnaws at my shoulder unbelievably, tells how she managed to straighten her fingers. Clay, urine and massage helped together.

Of course, many thanks to her for completely distracting me from her own suffering, listening and listening. I think, as I get up, I will write everything down in detail, especially since it's time for me to start working on my own fingers. And they (fingers) seemed to have guessed about my intentions, but they ached so much that I barely quieted down, ready to break free. It is inconvenient to moan and moan what my interlocutor says. That it is, they say, our grandmother, she herself got sick, if she publishes such exclamations ...

And suddenly ... My torment ended, as if on command. Send the pain away! Of course, not at all suddenly! I looked at the watch and understood everything: two hours had passed. So, so, it turns out, the healer has taken in herself full of dirt and calmed down, enough, they say, to keep me near her body, let's throw it out, my strength has dried up by this time.

Miracles and that's it! She got up, threw off the applique, carried it to the threshold. And she herself lay still for half an hour, and immediately fell asleep, having worn out, so. I want to note from my own experience that it is simply imperative to stay warm after such a procedure. Yes, yes, the clay heated not only the shoulder, but also the shoulder blade and the whole arm. We need to cool down a bit. In the evening I went and buried the dirty clay, having previously checked it with a nut, of course. As you may have guessed, the minus was such that the nut literally began to break out of my hands. Still would! So much has accumulated there, and even got a fresh layer in Spain. And the next day she again decided on flour. Since Glinka, that way bravely and fearlessly set to work, then you need to trust her. “Christ endured and told us,” I said, in order to mentally prepare myself for the execution, and got down to business.

And things went like this. But what can I say, on the first application there was a sharp minus, and on the second, the nut did not break out of my hands, as if reassuring me: try, try, endure, I will be able to help.

Of course, again the pain was unbearable, she took off the application ahead of time. What two hours there, one and a half has not passed, as I pulled off the bandage. The feeling that a beast is gnawing something from my bones departed, and then Madame Laziness crept up, whispering insistently: "Enough, do not suffer in vain, rest." Obviously, there was no "in vain", since the hedgehog understands: any cure comes through an aggravation. I pushed this citizen aside and gave my word of honor to myself that I would certainly do one more procedure, and maybe two or three more, until the pain subsided.

The third attack on salt turned out to be less painful, but most importantly, it brought the long-awaited results: nothing bad was left in the joint that evening. My dear little nut was calmly walking over the used clay, and I heard that she even sang: no, no, yes, yes! A plus sign appeared! Of course, I knew that I still needed to make control in a week, and then in a month, but as soon as the sorceress herself decided to rest, then I could also temporarily stop the destruction of deposits on my bones in the shoulder and shoulder blade area. And then, analyzing previous events, I ask

a question to myself: why did the hand hurt all over, to the fingertips ?! The application lies on the shoulder, and pains penetrate absolutely the entire arm. Why did it happen?

Let's align our fingers!

I looked more closely at my palm. On the one hand, where else are all sorts of lines located, along which you can determine your fate (remember, huh?), I see some hard strands glowing under the skin. Pressed - painful. Of course, everything is completely clear: these lines represent a disease. And why did they come and live here?

She turned her hand over, began to examine her fingers. And what do you think I saw on them? The same thing that you noticed on your fingers long ago. Yes, yes, thickening, which I did not have until recently. Wow the consequences of the buffet! It's not easier yet!

You can't even touch the little finger, and the index finger is already slightly deformed. I feel that my recent walk in Spain is costing me more and more for my health every day. There were one or two joints that were not thickened, so I started working on all five at once.

I’ll take and put my whole palm in a kind of clay pad, let it get to know the clay better, and clay, of course, with it. No sooner said than done. She wrapped her palm well with a large scarf over the clay and with the thought of taking a nap for an hour or two she lay down. But alas! I was very surprised when, almost from the first minute, terrible pains began to torment my hand! Wow! It turns out that in all the joints, which are a lot on our hand, and not just in the fingers, there are still a lot of these bad salts-deposits, since my strict sorceress, who, as you already know, simply hates them so violently can be of all kinds of dirt, inflammation, suppuration, in general, of all that a person does not need at all for a normal life. If you remember how Ivan Yotov told me, it easily penetrates into the holy of holies, into the vessels of the heart, and destroys cholesterol in them. As you can imagine, the joints on the fingers are not the vessels that we mentioned above, and therefore, obviously, she did not particularly stand on ceremony with my fingers, and with the palm in general. It’s me now for you so much fun and jokingly paint, and when I lay for an hour with my hand corked up without a single gap, believe me, I had no time for humor. We can say that on the contrary, I wanted to cry because of the cleansing-gnawing that my clay assistant arranged in a living body. Sometimes it seemed that she was cutting off piece by piece from the bone with a rather sharp file.

In a word, I barely slept for the prescribed two hours, although due to the proximity of the location of the mentioned salts-deposits, it would be possible to lie down for only an hour, and our dear toiler would be quite tired during that hour. Well, I think, apparently, something has gone wrong with the arrow, it crawls like a turtle, but my grandmother's, that is to say, mine, patience has run out completely. Her courage and fortitude began to recede.

At the moment, when my hand is resting from the accepted suffering, and grace has come to my heart, I’ll think a little with you, I’ll talk. No, do not be alarmed and do not turn over the page, for at first we will talk about earthly affairs, everyday, very close to you.

Recently, a reader called me, who believed in clay, stocked up several buckets of them, uses them (this is how she began her conversation), but, alas ...

- Ah, Valentina Mikhailovna, my right side became so ill after three applications that I got scared and stopped putting them on. What will you advise me?

And what will we, my friends, answer her? Right! Let her turn a page or two back and read there on her own, with her eyes wide open with fear. Yes, our dear friend in misfortune, we must endure, due to the fact that for a hundred years it has been established by the practice of folk and science: healing-healing always goes through aggravation.

It would seem that more than once we talked on this topic, but things are still there, as they say. What was this strong aggravation for? But for what. Our body gets used to the sore, puts up with it, and it kind of smolders and smolders, wears away and wears away a person like that drop,

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which may well make a hole in the strongest stone (remember the expression: water and stone wears away?).

So the question is, why do we need to go to extremes, that is, to the hole? Of course, there is no need! That is why doctors sometimes cause and provoke a disease in order, therefore, to cure it from the stove. Have you forgotten how rudely the surgeon rips off the bandage that is stuck to the wound? You also reprimand him, you give him a horse handler, or even out loud, you call him, accuse him of cruelty. I myself have heard such speeches more than once, especially our peasants who are simply not able to endure the slightest pain, such gentle creatures, they are not ashamed of expressions directed at the doctor!

You have come across a good follower of Hippocrates, my dears, if he took off your bandage with such a sharp movement that scarlet blood spurted out of an almost healed wound. It's great that the blood came to the rescue, it will clean the edges of the wound with caked pus better than any ointment.

But the main point is not that. A sharp pain will send a signal to your subcortex, and the latter will instantly transmit it to its destination. In science, the signal address is your immune system, your body will defend itself. And if it's simpler, then your energy will wake up from such a blow to the nervous system and will begin to heal you, expel germs from a wound or from some other place.

So, my dear follower, whose right side ached unbearably, do not put a spoke in your own wheels, prepare fresh clay and go! Until the full cheerful plus over her (clay, therefore)! Beat off the bread, as they say, with your own hands of Mrs. Chronicle, who, as you know, is the half-sister of an old woman with a scythe, the very one, bony and without expression on her face, if you remember. Do not give her the opportunity to destroy your body slowly and surely!

After all, clay, if you think about it, brings your sore to an extreme state, so that it becomes easier to grasp and destroy it. One should grieve and grieve only if the clay is silent for the third time, even the smallest minus does not appear on it.

It means that you do not need clay. Remember this expression: how is a dead poultice? That's right, you have chosen the wrong drug to treat your disease, if it could not pull out by the ear and into the sun, not a fraction of your ailment. It turns out that clay is not able to help you, your weakness is beyond its power.

Understood, my dears, right? Well, who does not know from you that pain is a blessing, pain is a signal for taking action. So take action, because our healer can do a lot!

And we advise an unlucky patient: do not drift in front of pain, put clay plates on your completely leaky liver three to four times a day and expect results. They will be positive, I assure you! Grab also the pancreas area, which, as I identified with a nut by your voice, also needs treatment. Yes, without any notions, our discomfort is always heard in our voice! Be patient and hum a song like this:

“Thank you, my fairy Glinochka, thank you for your attention and affection, for rescuing me from a terrible ailment. Lord, how by the way did you give us such an assistant! "

And add: I believe, I believe that it will be so, the pains will go away, and with them the disease! Maybe someone comes up with other words, a hundred times better than these, so please, there would be a desire to turn to the Almighty, to the Reason of the Universe, as they say now.

… Many of you are grinning, smiling, reading these lines, and who began to blame me. Take your time, however ... I hear-hear from afar how angry you are with me.

The grandmother started talking and chatted, she couldn't stop, but it would be time to tell us about something sensible! He persuades us that the children are small, unreasonable, and we have lived through the ages, have seen everything, and we have experienced so much that you cannot take them out on a cart if you have to.

And yet I ask again: do not rush, do not turn the page. We decided to talk, and our further reasoning only at first glance will seem to some people far from their body and health, completely spoiled. What if…

And if you ponder and think, you will immediately understand that it is not at all in vain that I write and spend so many words. My dear ones, remember how much our amazing compatriot Doctor Professor Georgy Nikolayevich Sytin says and talks about health.

Some, and there are many of them, bought his works (in four volumes) and put them on the shelf, completely forgetting that there is a miracle-miracle in the house, a kind and warm word, addressed to your subcortex directly. We got used to pills: put it in your mouth and drink it with water ...

So, my dear fellow citizens, for this reason I fill my little books like a nightingale, that I dream of only one thing: as if my words and gentle words would reach your heart, as if your ears would hear their ears, sometimes plugged-corked with cotton wool ...

Yes, I do. About the fact that my words are transformed in your soul at first into confidence, and a little later - into faith. Into my own strength. And a lovely woman named Vera will take up your illnesses and defeat them.

And do not think that these romantic reflections have no foundation at all. Far from it! There is no need to remind that, they say, dreaming is not harmful. To this expression, I can safely add: it is very useful to dream!

As for the "soil" that we have just mentioned, please read the letter over which I recently shed tears. It came from Moscow from Galina Vasilyeva.

Dear, kind Valentina Mikhailovna! Thank you for your wonderful books. They have everything: warmth of the soul, dreams, sadness and joy, wise advice. You tell us how to act in different situations of life, give us the youth of your soul, open your eyes to kindness and compassion ...

Reading your books, I am charged with energy, my mood improves, I want to do good, sing, dance, run, as if wings grow and facilitate my movements. And your poems ... It's a miracle how they are in tune with our life, the most modern. Your books are my consolation! Where can you buy them? Oh, how I need them! I would buy many, many of them and give them to my relatives and friends. Low bow to you for the work and joy that you give to ordinary people.

Yes, here it is - feedback. It hatched, got it, believed, and everything in the person began to play and sing, and from such a spiritual mood all the infirmities will run away, because their task is one - to throw longing-sadness into our body so that it aches and hurts, and they, ailments, are ill would multiply hourly.

However, isn't it time for us to return to my apartment and see what happened to my pretty swollen fingers? If you have not forgotten, I wrapped my entire palm again, dipping it into a clay pillow.

And miracles began to happen in the sieve. A sharp pain, like a mad dog, rushed from the joints, of which there are three on each finger, to the wrist, cut the small pad on the thumb with a saw (as you understand, I put applications on one hand so far), and then rushed into the ulna.

Along its routes, I, with an accuracy of one centimeter, as they say, caught where exactly he was working at a given period of time

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my strict wonderful clay. I soon realized that it was quite possible to start drawing up a cartogram showing where the salt deposits nest in my hand.

Wow! On such a small area, and so much of all "good" has accumulated, but then how much is it in the whole body ?! It turns out that it is necessary to row and rake with shovels! And when I took my thought a little away from today's events, I understood with complete evidence what awaited me in the near foreseeable future. From such a picture that appeared before my inner gaze, I felt unwell. Wow! So, it was not at all beyond the horizon that day on which my palm, completely ossified, soaked through with poorly soluble salts, would have ceased to function, and, to put it even more scientifically, it would have lost its freedom of movement ?!

And as always happens, fear pulls out the saddest details from memory. Once, a hundred years ago, as I like to say, I sat in the dining room, and next to me the old woman was eating. She stretched out her hand to a plate of bread, but she could not take a piece, because huge swollen joints prevented her from doing it.

I remember, she knocked this piece off the plate and began to ram it to her. I have already stopped eating, I look and think how she will take it in her hands to bring it to her mouth. It turned out that the other hand, the right one, which held the spoon, was not so badly deformed, so the old woman soon managed to grab the bread with it. The sight, I can tell you, is terrible. Lord, I am writing these lines and again everything is before my eyes, the cold on my back comes from those memories ... Doubts began to sort out me. Is it possible that our kind fairy will take up such a thing, will be able to help those who have already lost their movements to one degree or another, therefore, freedom of movement? .. Then it is not in vain that I write these lines, then my advice will come in handy, will become useful information calling for action, and it (action) will lead to getting rid of trouble, from ailments that torment people ...

As for me personally, my personal, as they say, bones-joints, I have already developed an offensive plan in order to defeat the enemy who has sat down inside me and does not allow me to live peacefully and joyfully. I managed, I think, I managed to win - overcome the salts in the left shoulder, then I will move on to the other and begin to destroy the accumulations - garbage in the right.

In parallel with these actions, no, no, yes, and I lie down on a clay pad two or three centimeters thick, so that the segments of my skeleton are also released from captivity. As you know, our skeletal system is one, so I decided to start the occupation, the capture of the enemy from two sides, which should

lead to complete and speedy victory. I'm sure. And you, my dears, do not forget to tell yourself more often: I will be able, I will achieve, I will overcome!

Again and again (which already!) I want to remind you: in any illness and in any recovery, the main factor is psychological! Fall in love with a blue healer, believe in her strength, then she will certainly, certainly help. And, please, not a shadow of a doubt!

Recently, a friend told me that she had just begun to treat her sister, but she felt worse, her clay applications were supposedly chilled. This cannot be, my dears. All the influences of our assistant are aimed at withdrawal, and only at him, she draws out the bad, cleanses - this is her main function. Of course, you cannot bring it in from the cold and immediately start treatment. If you store it at room temperature, it will never cool you down, much less chill you. Quite the opposite happens: clay heats up your body. And you will soon see for yourself.

Naturally, if you put the applique on, say, your chest and went to the store, as one of my listeners told me over the phone, then your actions can be qualified as unreasonable (put it mildly).

Finishing the conversation about swollen fingers, I want to tell you something else. Don't settle for the first plus. Be sure to get back to work in a week. Put? And what's there? Again "plus", is your pendulum quite fun moving from the used clay towards you? Perfectly!

Do not throw it away, bury it, put it right there in another place, it is good for use. Yes, you yourself will feel, with the appearance of sharp pains, that the assistant works and heals. Look how she began to pull-pull!

The second addition is as follows. It is no longer about clay therapy itself. Someone has known about him for a long time, but it’s very useful to repeat it, if it’s right, by the way, right? I also remembered this remedy when I began to fight my ill-fated gout. There was not a day that I did not brew tea directly into milk. I drank two or three cups of this drink instead of plain tea.

Well, so far everything about the joints, in which pains have appeared, since other sores await us so that we can deal with them too ...

Mr. Cancer passes

Of course, you didn't believe what the title says, right? And nevertheless ... "Emboldened, emboldened grandmother," - thought some of you after reading the title. And someone quite sharply said: "However, Grass became impudent, and we considered her a kind old woman and modest ..." Dear ones, exactly the same feelings over the past six months overcame me. And what is interesting, it is precisely such definitions of the suddenly appeared character traits that I addressed to myself: I became brave, emboldened, became utterly impudent. Yes, my dear friends, doubts overcame me, prompting me to go to the library, read and study the literature about the disease we talked about. We won't mention him often, let alone call him by his name, okay? Why then? First, it's scary. Secondly, it is a sin to mention the devil, and it was he, I am sure of that, who sent such a disease. Thirdly, you know, you don't need to talk about sores often, because bad words-thoughts run at a run to our ailment and, like the wind, intensify the fire, that is, our ailment. As you understand, we are talking about the same psychological factor. Let's come to an agreement right away, we will become our chapter, since we are talking about it and even have already gone and poured, call it, say, "G". There are many words for a given letter of the alphabet in the Russian language, and, I must say, others define the very essence of this type of disease in the best possible way and more accurately. I will not enumerate, you yourself remember, guess and you will keep in mind the most suitable, okay?

So, let's start talking about him, about this very "G". One day, three months ago, a phone call is heard. At that time, I had not yet started statistics about this Mr. Black, so I cannot say for sure on what date, day and month the conversation took place, which then turned out to be so significant that I had to start a whole chapter on this topic.

- I have it in my chest, and in one and the other, and also with branches (!) In the lymph nodes. I read your book and ...

Further, rather at length, a young voice on the other end of the line sings praises to me about my book "Find Joy in Yourself", then about "Path to Health", then "songs" about me went on ... I, of course, interrupt it here, for how- I'm tired of praise and outpouring of this kind, and besides, I just get lost from the large number of epithets addressed to me ...

- But I am not a doctor and I am no less afraid of you even the mention of the world famous ailment, -

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i answer her, but ... - And I'm not afraid, I know what I have. I just do not want to go to the operation, although the doctor scolds me in every possible way for the delay. I believe you, do you understand ?!

I will not hide the fact that her last words: “I believe you” as if my heart responded with a wave of warmth. No, I was not proud. Not at all. Somewhere in the innermost depths, I suddenly had hope from her words. After all, you can help a young life not to perish, if faith has not died out in her soul ...

As you read earlier, and more than once, it is quite possible that the aforementioned fairy is able to fix absolutely everything in a person!

Even in the most ancient folios, it was mentioned about her wonderful, miraculous abilities. She, they say, will turn everything in the body, she will get to the very last cell, she will get to the bottom, she will persuade this tiny, invisible part of our body, that cell, to become more conscious and not spoil the already short human path with flaws.

You are probably aware that in the latest research (and the new is the well-forgotten old, right?) Scientists all over the world now appeal to her, to our cell, and therefore ask for protection against ulcers in our body. Next, we turn to information that is closer and more accessible.

Who, if not her, lovely lady Vera, worked hard and - please - fixed the broken spine of Valentin Dikul. After all, if she had not settled in his drooping soul, then his energy consciousness (put it scientifically) would not have been able to cope, would not have overcome such a malicious sore, from which the light on the control panel of our main dispatcher, the skeleton, was almost extinguished.

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Valentina Mikhailovna Travinka

Blue Healer Clay

I dedicate to my readers, those who love me, who remember who is next to me when I am betrayed ...

Excerpts from letters I wrote from spain to my readers (instead of a preface)

... Then all the other parts of the body began to tell me what exactly had gotten into them. Wow! That I can’t move my toes freely, as not long ago? And why did they become fat, like sausages, for no reason at all, in some five or six days ?! And about standing on tiptoe is out of the question !!

Lord, my long-suffering spine began to grow heavier by leaps and bounds, as if they began to impose bricks on it ... "Reinforced concrete" folds have grown near, you can't pinch, and so painful ...

The impression was that just there, in these rather ugly wineskins hanging on the sides, those pieces of meat that I ate, enjoying the world-famous buffet, were sent. They weren’t there before leaving for Spain, I remember very well, because I tried on a swimsuit and once looked at myself in the mirror, checking if it wasn’t too naked. Could the lean, super-skinny Swedes have come up with such a thing?

Just death has come! I must say, I always hated my temporary weight gain, I immediately feel the heaviness in the stomach, and in other places there is discomfort ...

I will keep silent about the complexion, I will not talk about the wrinkles, which, contrary to the laws of physics, began to cut through my fairly replenished face in such a way. In a word, no stretching of the skin has happened at all, because gluttony has not yet brought beauty and freshness to anyone.

Towards the end, I’ll tell you something that some will shudder, those who suffer for years from one fairly common sore. So, my dear ladies and gentlemen, in the morning I could not stand on my heels, such a sharp pain pierced them at my very first step.

I began to rub them on my own to overcome the pain and get to the institution that people visit, as soon as they wake up. Yes, yes, the spurs grew like leaps and bounds, as if by a pike's command, on both my heels and began to torment me every day. But, as you remember, I removed them a long time ago with the help of clay, additionally made lotions from old urine.

Moreover, I can barely walk to my third floor now. This is already a disaster, because you have to go up to your room ten times, then from the beach, then from breakfast, then from a walk, then dry your swimsuit, then something else. So, it’s difficult for me now. But you know very well my attitude to lifting mechanisms such as an elevator. I believe that they were invented to our detriment, because stairs and marches are the best sports equipment for us, we don't need to build gyms for them and find time among our global employment.

Never before have I been discouraged by a malfunctioning elevator, and now I no-no, and I stand in line to ride in the booth. What a shame!

How quickly our body responds to everything, good and bad, I think in anguish. I barely move my legs, because my knees are completely numb and do not want to heed the command coming from my head to bend and unbend as expected! In a word, the knees responded to the aforementioned table, which came to the land of Andalusia from a Scandinavian country.

Based on the foregoing, if you offer him (the body, therefore) something completely opposite to overeating, then he will accept this with no less readiness and immediately take action, that is, to purify. Take note, dear ones, of this information and do not forget about our greatest opportunities to restore balance in the body.

Of course, the reverse is always more difficult and sometimes dangerous. You saw how the car goes backwards, right? Very carefully and slowly, otherwise you can stumble upon something. Therefore, be more attentive when correcting mistakes, okay ?!

It seems to me that the diseases themselves begin because and for the reason that sometimes we are not able to catch the extreme moment, we do not hear the voice of the subcortex, which shouts to us "guard!" ...

In a word, I will try to endure, to withstand the test to the end, so that the results of it (test, experiment) are the best. As you know, everything is relative in our world, and here the word "worst" is more appropriate, critical, that is ...

Of course, I listen in the morning so as not to miss the word that has arisen inside ("guard", that means), because I am sure: you will not hear it once or twice or three, and basta, diabetes will grab you by the white hands, as they say.

I don’t know, I don’t know what medicine has to say about this, but my observations of the public, which is lying and sunbathing here on the double beds due to the lack of space for the body, which lies on them, on the mats and just on the sand belly up , indicate that I am close to the truth in my assumptions about the occurrence of this ailment, and the mentioned public - to the appearance of this particular ailment in a certain part of it ...

I am a meticulous grandmother, as you know, and often take my helper piece of iron (the one that is on a string, it means) to check my suspicions and once again make sure of their reliability, that is, which organ of the resting person is in a deep blues, not he coped, therefore, with the task assigned to him - to digest the abundance of food eaten and lay out everything in places that rely on physiology, and not in the sides, for example, which are visibly sagging because of this.

And what? My visual (by eye, then) observations are fully confirmed by the pendulum. Exactly, exactly, the pancreas is puffing, exhausted. She has already managed to put a lot in the hams, in the waist, in the ass (forgive me for the not particularly cultured expression), which barely fits on a light plastic chair where the subject sits in the evening - well, the one who could not fit on a single lounger.

Yes, yes, the iron is very tired, she does not want to throw undigested food at her heart at all, but there is no way out. Of course, she tries to help a person, begins to whine and hurt, but, alas, she does not hear a reasonable creature ... It counts and counts money and, having found out that there is enough of it, again seeks to acquire and absorb something tasty. Just think, corns interfere with walking, homo sapiens reflects, but what baked goods in these parts! Get out!

What Spanish chefs do not come up with!

They do not spare oils, spices too, they have forests and copses of almonds, they cannot see the land because of the trees on which nuts ripen. Delight!

Whom does the one who barely fit in the chair remind me so coolly? .. Especially powerful, or rather, unprecedented volume of the neck, and the chin is not even double, but almost triple ...

Bah! Of course, this is exactly how the Roman patricians who were overweight were overweight, therefore, the cream was the very ones who seriously believed (about this there are historical records!) That massage, say, is the privilege of the rich, and despicable slaves have no right to do so. ... Strange, strange, but was such a right even necessary for skinny, work-worn slaves? Why, one wonders, do they need a massage when they have skin and bones from overwork? Just the rich with abundant bodies, he only needed, was simply necessary ...

And why did they get so carried away-do food-food immensely? Why did they settle on wide couches-ottomans and lay down on them so much that they became unable to meet the physiological needs of beautiful naked slaves, whom they were offered for delight in the morning and in the evening ?! Here are weirdos ...

However, something I strongly nodded at Ivan and Peter, and the log, after all, wound up in my own eye. I paint colorfully hams on the sides of the ancient Romans, although I urgently need to rub my own!

If you have not forgotten, reading my complaints about overweight patricians, then I am still in the experiment, and since I touch on quite funny topics, you guess: so far I have not become a victim of it (experiment). Of course, there are no Romans nearby, but, as I have already mentioned, there are many very overweight gentlemen of both sexes, so that in all ages, and to the same extent, a person succumbs to the temptation to eat something fatter, more satisfying. I'm especially sorry for the kids. I must confess that I did not think that in these places people are so reckless about their child, about his health, that is.

Now let's take a little excursion into medical science. Although our poet-democrat Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, in his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", has established better than any scientific luminaries why there is gout, the one that, as I already feel, is beginning to shackle my bones and muscles. So, he identified and poetically reflected the origins of this ailment. His main merit was the establishment of the fact which part of the world's population is inclined to suffer from this very ailment. Remember the poem? Let me remind you. It turns out that gout is a disease of the rich. Can you imagine?

There are several types of clay that differ in composition. The most ancient is blue clay, which is very popular in all countries, it is the most plastic, heat-intensive. Other types of clay are considered secondary, because it is the result of erosion of sedimentary rocks, followed by subsidence along river beds, lake shores.

All types of clay retain heat well and are effective for heat treatment. The most studied is white clay or kaolin, produced as a powder, kept tightly closed. It has an enveloping, absorbent property, which makes it used as an external agent in the treatment of burns, ulcers, diaper rash, and other skin problems. As an internal remedy, treats stomach ailments, food poisoning and other ailments.

Traditional medicine uses pottery clay. Dry clay is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and is used as baby powder. Cold clay is used to cover joints in the treatment of dislocations and bruises. In Russia, clay compresses with herbs are often used. Red clay is most useful for joints.

Where to get clay for treatment

The best place to buy is a pharmacy. At least there is confidence in its purity. You can find yourself for this, quarries, gardens outside the city limits. Or purchase in specialized stores, but remember the clay should not be processed, fired. Clay can be stored for a long time even in the sun. On the contrary, with such storage, the beneficial properties of clay increase.

How to prepare clay for healing

  • use only a wooden spoon;
  • preliminary large parts are crushed, sorted out, foreign impurities are removed;
  • sieved through a sieve;
  • put in the sun, near the battery, stove;
  • when it has dried well, diluted with plain or salted water;
  • for greater effect, clay for baths is diluted with sodium chloride mineral water.

The benefits of clay for the body

  • clay is used to treat - destruction of joints, chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints, spine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus;
  • used to treat neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • clay helps in the treatment of colds, coughs, sore throats;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, after surgery;
  • use inflammatory, chronic female diseases
  • treats osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers, gout, skin diseases including psoriasis
  • clay is an adsorbent, absorbs well, neutralizes toxins, poisons, excess acid, putrefactive gases

Clay lotions

Used to treat bruises, pain in sciatica, peptic ulcer, lung problems, liver and kidneys. Applied to the sore spot relieve fever, relieve pain, and disinfect wounds. Clay removes toxins, toxins, tones, enriches the body with silicon. Lotions on the forehead are effective for headaches, some eye diseases, for the treatment of ear diseases.

Treatment with clay lotions

A natural canvas is laid out on a flat surface, the clay is laid out with a layer of about 3 cm. The surface is leveled to fit more tightly to the body. The hairy part of the scalp is covered with a napkin. After application, the treatment sites are thoroughly washed with heated water. Do not be afraid of infections when treating open wounds - clay is an excellent antiseptic. The bandage with clay is not overtightened; the top is insulated with a woolen cloth.

The usual time is three hours. If the lotion is used to remove toxins, an hour and a half is enough, if the goal is to strengthen the body, the clay mass is not used thick, it is left for three hours.

There was a burning sensation, the lotion has dried out, you need to remove it. The bandage is loosened, removed in one motion, so that no pieces of clay remain. If the specified time has not passed, and the clay has dried up, apply a fresh lotion. Two or three lotions per day are enough, it all depends on the disease, sometimes it takes months to heal with clay.

Important in clay treatments

  • do not use clay multiple times. She has absorbed all the harmful substances from the body and will not bring anything but harmful effects;
  • you can not do lotions immediately after eating; at least 1.5 hours after ingestion must pass;
  • you cannot heat the clay, it will lose its medicinal properties. Even if a person is frozen, the clay should still be cool. Better to just wrap the patient warmly. When a person quickly catches a cold, use clay baths.

Clay baths

Good soothing, cleansing action, beneficial effect on the skin. Temperature up to 37 degrees, time - 30 minutes. Then you need a good rest, an infusion of herbs with a diaphoretic effect.

Taking clay inside

You can use it in different ways. Take dry, just take a bite, chew a little and swallow. Rub with water, use with juices, herbal infusions. Drinking water with clay in a week helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. A daily intake of only ten grams heals the skin, improves hair growth, and eliminates brittle nails. Do not take other medications at the same time. The first days may worsen, then the healing process will go.

Clay treatment recipes

Gastritis, stomach pains: take clay diluted with water three times a day. Start with 1/2 tsp, gradually reach 4 tsp. Consumed between meals. Particular attention is paid to the proper functioning of the intestines.

Poisoning, intoxication: every hour they drink a few teaspoons of water with clay. At the same time, they follow a liquid diet. If you are worried about an excess of gases, first make a compress with hot salted water, then with a clay cake.

Clay for sore throat:bred 1 tsp. clay powder with a glass of boiled water. Gargle 4 times a day from Also consume the powder on the tip of a knife three times a day. Wash down with water and lemon juice.

Bronchitis treatment: 2 tsp clay daily inside, clay lotions on the chest

Atherosclerosis, arthritis: 1 tsp clay powder, a glass of water. Consume a month 2 times 15 minutes before meals. Moisten a napkin, rub the sore spot. To enhance the healing effect, add three crushed cloves of garlic.

Clay treatment for joints: a teaspoon of clay each time before meals.

Severe toxicosis: helps well 2 tsp. clay diluted with 200 ml of water.

Insomnia:a lotion of clay on the forehead with diluted sour milk will help with insomnia. At the same time it is useful to wrap the ankles with gauze soaked in vinegar solution.

Varicose veins: take clay water, add pounded garlic. Lubricate problem areas. Evening salt baths are helpful, followed by clay cakes.

Gangrene: washed with salted water, put clay cakes for half an hour.

Clay for headache: clay cakes on the back of the head, forehead twice a day. A bath with an evening ointment for the soles is useful. Preparation - water, clay, a little vinegar until the consistency of an ointment. After applying the ointment, they wrap the legs with cellophane, put on socks.

Diabetes: fill a container of transparent glass with water, add 5 tbsp. clay powder. Leave in the sun for 6 hours. Drink for three days every half hour slowly, holding in the mouth. The composition is useful if you are concerned about constipation, effective for gout, gastric catarrh.

Cones, seals: a tablespoon of celandine is steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, they chill to a comfortable temperature, apply to the tumor, hold for 2 hours. Then a clay cake for 2 hours. After resting for two hours, the procedure is repeated.

Clay for heartburn:2 tbsp. water with the addition of clay. If there is no clay, you can use chalk. Chalk is calcined in a dry frying pan before use.

Cough treatment:you can relieve a dry cough if you suck a little clay in your mouth or apply a clay cake on your chest. To increase the therapeutic effect, add radish juice.

Overwork:use clay water 2 tablespoons for a week.

Clay treatment contraindications

  • severe depletion of the body;
  • feverish conditions;
  • sharp exacerbations of inflammatory processes;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • tumors or suspicion of their presence;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • blood diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

I dedicate to my readers, those who love me, who remember who is next to me when I am betrayed ...

Excerpts from letters that I wrote from spain to my readers (instead of a preface)

... Then all the other parts of the body began to tell me what exactly had gotten into them. Wow! That I can’t move my toes freely, as not long ago? And why did they become fat, like sausages, for no reason at all, in some five or six days ?! And about standing on tiptoe is out of the question !!
Lord, my long-suffering spine began to grow heavier by leaps and bounds, as if they began to impose bricks on it ... "Reinforced concrete" folds have grown near, you can't pinch, and so painful ...
The impression was that just there, in these rather ugly wineskins hanging on the sides, those pieces of meat that I ate, enjoying the world-famous buffet, were sent. They weren’t there before leaving for Spain, I remember very well, because I tried on a swimsuit and once looked at myself in the mirror, checking if it wasn’t too naked. Could the lean, super-skinny Swedes have come up with such a thing?
Just death has come! I must say, I always hated my temporary weight gain, I immediately feel the heaviness in the stomach, and discomfort in other places ...
I will not talk about the complexion, I will not talk about the wrinkles, which, contrary to the laws of physics, began to cut through my fairly replenished face in such a way. In a word, no stretching of the skin at all happened, because gluttony has not yet brought beauty and freshness to anyone.

Towards the end, I’ll tell you something that some will shudder, those who suffer for years from one fairly common sore. So, my dear ladies and gentlemen, in the morning I could not stand on my heels, such a sharp pain pierced them at my very first step.
I began to rub them on my own to overcome the pain and get to the institution that people visit, as soon as they wake up. Yes, yes, the spurs grew like leaps and bounds of dough, as if by a pike, on both my heels and began to torment me every day. But, as you remember, I removed them a long time ago with the help of clay, additionally made lotions from old urine.
Moreover, I can barely walk to my third floor now. This is already a disaster, because you have to go up to your room ten times, then from the beach, then from breakfast, then from a walk, then dry your swimsuit, then something else. So, it’s difficult for me now. But you know very well my attitude to lifting mechanisms such as an elevator. I believe that they were invented to our detriment, because stairs and marches are the best sports equipment for us, we don't need to build gyms for them and find time among our global employment.
Never before have I been discouraged by a malfunctioning elevator, and now I no-no, and I stand in line to ride in the booth. What a shame!
How quickly our body responds to everything, good and bad, I think in anguish. I barely move my legs, because my knees are completely numb and do not want to heed the command coming from my head to bend and unbend as expected! In a word, the knees responded to the aforementioned table, which came to the land of Andalusia from a Scandinavian country.
Based on the foregoing, if you offer him (the body, therefore) something completely opposite to overeating, then he will accept this with no less readiness and immediately begin to act, that is, to purification. Take note, dear ones, this information and do not forget about our greatest opportunities to restore balance in the body.
Of course, the reverse is always more difficult and sometimes dangerous. You saw how the car goes backwards, right? Very carefully and slowly, otherwise you can stumble upon something. Therefore, be more attentive when correcting mistakes, okay ?!
It seems to me that the diseases themselves begin because and for the reason that sometimes we are not able to catch the extreme moment, we do not hear the voice of the subcortex, which shouts to us "guard!" ...
In a word, I will try to endure, to withstand the test to the end, so that the results of it (test, experiment) are the best. As you know, everything is relative in our world, and here the word "worst" is more appropriate, critical, that is ...
Of course, I listen in the morning so as not to miss the word that has arisen inside ("guard", that means), because I am sure: you will not hear it once or twice or three, and basta, diabetes will grab you by the white hands, as they say.
I don’t know, I don’t know what medicine has to say about this, but my observations of the public, which is lying and sunbathing here on double beds due to the lack of space for the body, which lies on them, on mats and just on the sand, belly up , indicate that I am close to the truth in my assumptions about the occurrence of this ailment, and the mentioned public - to the appearance of this particular ailment in a certain part of it ...
I am a meticulous grandmother, as you know, and often take my helper piece of iron (the one on a string, that means) to check my suspicions and once again make sure of their reliability, that is, which organ of the resting person is in a deep blues, not he coped, therefore, with the task assigned to him - to digest the abundance of food eaten and lay out everything in places that rely on physiology, and not in the sides, for example, which because of this visibly sagged.
And what? My visual (by eye, then) observations are fully confirmed by the pendulum. Precisely, precisely, the pancreas is puffing, exhausted. She has already managed to put a lot in the hams, in the waist, in the ass (forgive me for the not particularly cultured expression), which barely fits on a light plastic chair where the subject sits in the evening - well, the one who could not fit on a single lounger.
Yes, yes, the iron is very tired, she does not want to throw undigested food at her heart at all, but there is no way out. Of course, she tries to help a person, begins to whine and hurt, but, alas, she does not hear a reasonable creature ... It counts and counts money and, having found out that there is enough of it, again seeks to acquire and absorb something tasty. Just think, corns interfere with walking, homo sapiens reflects, but what baked goods in these parts! Get out!

What Spanish chefs do not come up with!
They do not spare oils, spices, too, they have forests and copses of almonds, the land cannot be seen because of the trees on which nuts ripen. Delight!
Whom does the one who barely fit in the chair remind me so coolly? .. Especially powerful, or rather, unprecedented volume of the neck, and the chin is not even double, but almost triple ...
Bah! Of course, this was exactly how the Roman patricians who were overweight were overweight, therefore, the cream was the very ones who seriously believed (about this there are historical records!) That massage, say, is the privilege of the rich, and despicable slaves have no right ... Strange, strange, but was such a right really necessary for the skinny, work-worn slaves? Why, one wonders, do they need a massage when they have skin and bones from overwork? Just the rich with abundant bodies, he only needed, was simply necessary ...
And why did they get so carried away-do food-food immensely? Why did they settle on wide couches-ottomans and lay down on them so much that they became unable to provide the physiological needs of beautiful naked slaves, whom they were offered for delight in the morning and in the evening ?! Here are weirdos ...
However, something I strongly nodded at Ivan and Peter, and the log, after all, wound up in my own eye. I paint colorfully hams on the sides of the ancient Romans, although I urgently need to rub my own!
If you have not forgotten, reading my complaints about overweight patricians, then I am still in the experiment, and since I touch on rather funny topics, you guess: so far I have not become a victim of it (experiment). Of course, there are no Romans nearby, but, as I have already mentioned, there are many very obese gentlemen of both sexes, so that in all ages, and to the same extent, a person succumbs to the temptation to eat something fatter and more satisfying. I'm especially sorry for the kids. I must confess that I did not think that in these places people are so reckless about their child, about his health, that is.
Now let's take a little excursion into medical science. Although our poet-democrat Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, in his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", has established better than any scientific luminaries why there is gout, the one that, as I already feel, is beginning to shackle my bones and muscles. So, he identified and poetically reflected the origins of this ailment. His main merit was the establishment of the fact which part of the world's population is inclined to suffer from this very ailment. Remember the poem? Let me remind you. It turns out that gout is a disease of the rich. Can you imagine?
True, according to the latest scientific research on this topic, it was concluded that this gout is a disease of creative people. How does it feel? Moreover, stunning examples are given, it makes no sense to list them, because almost all the great people of our and other continents had this malicious sore. And we can agree with this conclusion. Creative people run a little, sit more in place ... And yet it's time to return to my own organs and body parts, wasted by this very disease, since its manifestation on the hands and feet can be considered the main damage that the famous buffet did to me. Again, I invite the reader to be with me for a few hours, so to speak, in my own skin, at the very moment that we will call critical. As you know, I wanted to bring the experiment to its logical conclusion. Let's describe the results of the first week, since they were already available.
On the last night of the first week, a severe attack of colitis began. I woke up in a cold, sticky sweat and realized that a decisive turn in my biographies, that is, to put it simply, there will be nothing to draw and write about, since the first part of the word, "bio", is close to disappearing from everyday life. Then he began to cramp his legs, which in this case confirmed the usual food poisoning on the basis of overeating.
Yes, the blow to the stomach, liver and the entire tract was extremely strong, and therefore, in the second week, consequences began to appear one after another, now in one part of the body, then in another. For a hundred years my stomach did not hurt, and now he was moping too. I had already forgotten how the liver aches, but she began to remind me of herself every night (at three o'clock!). About ten years since the constipation ended, now they again began to spoil the complexion. In a word, everything that could be unbalanced and excited.
Well, my dears, together we have found the cause and effect. I'll come home, - I vowed to myself, - I sit down on a hungry ration. Diet crackers and seagulls in the morning, evening and afternoon, and nothing more. Thus, I will remove the cause, and as for the consequences that were stuck in all organs and appeared, as I already wrote above, on many parts of the body outwardly, they had to be urgently eliminated. And here my hopes were only for the healer of magical power - clay.
That is why I put aside the book about children, and started writing this one, since a lot of factual material for creating a manuscript (ailments, therefore) nested inside my own body. And in general, I usually talk about what I myself have experienced or what I myself have achieved by helping others.
Please don't think that my suffering has nothing to do with you. Far from it! It was just the involuntary entry into an unsafe experiment, as it turned out, that the experiment had an underlying purpose (by inspiration, it means) to prove how harmful food intake is to health in excess of what our body requires. Yes, I ended up with an accelerated process in time, but also a slow one, every day for several years, or even decades, exceeding the norm of food in the end leads to the same result, my friends, to illness.
So, so, I feel from afar how passions are heating up in someone's chest. What does she come up with, our Grass is hanging noodles on our ears, eh ?! Yes, now many have no money for this very food at all, but it is about overeating.
Moderate your fervor, however, my dear opponents. During the blockade, my mother had super-serious illnesses, and they never returned! I am sure that not only her, but also many other mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles happened like this ...
Once, in the midst of perestroika, I asked a certain doctor in St. Petersburg to borrow a certain amount, saying that I, you see, below the poverty line at the moment. And you know what he answered (by lending me a loan): “You are beyond the line of stupidity, Valentina Mikhailovna. Sorry, but this is a fact! "
Yes, he was right, and I completely agree with him, and if we go back to our reasoning that there is an excess, then we can say: the body needs micro doses for life and for cheerfulness, and we use not only macro doses, but kilograms, this is and is an excess of a thousand or more times!
Now we will begin to restore what we ourselves, by our own unreasonableness and destroy in the body (read the previous pages about the Spanish experiment). Naturally, not only exceeding food norms leads to ailments, but also any other excess. As soon as we noticeably move away from the golden mean, measures are in everything: in food, in entertainment, in pleasure, in running or in rest, so immediately, in other cases, however, gradually, and the balance is disturbed, the one that keeps us afloat in the river of life.
So, on the road, my dears, leading us to get rid of ailments, because, as Paul Bragg wrote, to be sick is not to live. Beautiful words! One thing can be added to them, or rather, to continue the thought: to live is to rejoice!

Chapter 1
Healer Russian clay

Well, we visited a country in distant Spain, got acquainted with the aborigines, as well as with those who came there on vacation, summed up the results, found out that they also have problems and worries, that they, many of them, are not particularly then they take care of their health, because the rooster has not yet pecked them (you know where, right?).
In a word, you learned a lot from my letters, and some people from my acquaintances can simply write off their own portrait, this applies to fat men, for example. For some readers, my fables about other aunts and uncles brought anxiety to their hearts: they are right, they say, our grandmother is Travinka 100 percent. And, of course, we are acting unwisely, because she, through her own experience, having entered the experiment, showed how a person ruins himself when his appetites flare up under favorable conditions ...
However, what is there to be sad or grieve if I now begin to tell you how to get out of a crisis situation, if one of you crossed the line of reason, in relation to food, say. Of course, when you just got acquainted with the table of contents, it seemed strange to you, really, this blue clay again, could it really fix something in the human body. Yes, yes, my dears, all of her, the same blue sorceress, began to heal and cure such ailments that I myself get goosebumps when I see the results and results from her influence. It was definitely noticed: everything ingenious is simple. What is so simpler: we take from the ground a certain part called clay, and for no reason at all it becomes a panacea for diseases over which they puzzle over - and spears too - numerous detachments of domestic and foreign aesculapians, but, alas ... Of course ... , I can add here, before I begin to describe her struggle with sores of all kinds and types, that I myself have become quite creative and, I would say, with the utmost respect for her capabilities, which is why I achieved some success in clay therapy, I I think.
Indeed, every time there were some visible success in treatment, I began to wonder why I succeeded. And I came to a conclusion that amazed me a lot.
The clay that lay in the ground for thousands, or even more years, unclaimed, not noticed by those who walk and wander around it or next to it, apparently, was flattered by such attention on my part, and therefore began to reveal to me one secret after another ...
Of course, this conclusion seemed a little absurd to you, right? But I cannot explain in any other way the indisputable fact that riddles began to be guessed right away, in any case, I began to operate with the properties of clay somehow easily, as if I knew in advance what exactly she still wants to tell me.
Well, everyone, my dears, I completely intrigued you, and therefore from the next page I will begin to inform you about accidents that have begun to turn into cases, that is, into factual statistical material on the topic "The use of domestic clays in the struggle for human health" - Let us express ourselves scientifically and solidly, because the properties of the clay healer deserve it.
And now I would like to give you some practical advice so that later you don’t complain: oh, we didn’t know, oh, we didn’t have time, alas, everything was frozen, you won’t break off a piece, but you need a lot of clay ... I promised that I would strain myself, but I would hand over the manuscript long before the frost, so that people could read, take note, and most importantly, stock up on source material for clay therapy at home.

So let's say thank you very much for the fact that he immediately saw in his grandmother a useful author for the people and undertook to print and publish her books well, just lightning fast. He, of course, has already understood your aspirations, since many people call the publishing house, want to meet me, and are interested in when my next book will be published. So, advice is the first and most necessary. Look for blue layers, stock up on the aforementioned material for future use, for the whole winter, in order to get rid of many sores in advance so that they do not turn into a dangerous form, so that you yourself take away what you do not need at all, that is, all sorts of tumors, inflammations, cysts, etc. like that.
Take a closer look at how to strengthen clay with the help of the sun, make it even more effective and powerful, so that when you start looking for your own symptoms in my descriptions, you would already be fully armed, and immediately begin to eliminate the "minuses", then they you will turn into their complete opposite, that is, into plus signs, at first most likely uncertain, and then into real, clear ones, into the very ones that will tell you: everything is all right, the dirt is gone, that is, the disease (remember that the disease is is nothing more than dirt that has entered the body, right?).
Do not forget to check the clays that you decide to collect so as not to waste energy on transporting them. Again with a nut. They guided you to the layer, she began to cheerfully approach you along with the thread, and the further you move away from the layer, the steeper it gets. They counted eight or nine meters, and that's it. Good! They found a wonderful healing material. Only then take her on a cart or by car to your home.
The last tip is this. He is also from practice. A good friend of mine shared her experience. Her room is small ("Khrushchev"), where to put the clay is a problem. And then she examined her basement, where the entrance is from the stairs, and found that there was enough space for more than one truck. I cleared the corner that next to the stairs that leads to that basement, laid the boards, and that's all - the storage is ready.

It would be nice if the neighbors are not interested in your actions, there are a lot of evil people, as you know. And so, one evening and add the first portion to your reserves, then the next day ... She called friends one day, including me, we sat up late, sang, talked, and when the people calmed down, lay down to rest, we began to work. Of course, it would be nice to reveal the secret of your thoughts to the lowest rank of the bosses, that is, the janitor. Present my little book, tell us about the wonderful helper that you want to hide in the premises under her jurisdiction. I think this is not a bad option. However, show maximum resourcefulness in the name of your own health and well-being of the household. You already know that you need to stock up on gauze or wide bandages, a lot of simple and woolen rags so that they are always at hand if you decide to make an application on some day.
All these auxiliary materials should always be washed after use, dried and kept in a bag so as not to fuss, not to get nervous, so as not to waste time, which is already constantly lacking.
Why am I explaining all this to you in such detail? Don't you guess? I have studied your psychology very well, my friends. Didn't find the rag right away, did it take time? Better tomorrow ... right, better tomorrow than today. Here our old friend sneaks up on you, a slovenly middle-aged lady named
Laziness, which immediately begins to whisper to you: "Go to bed, my dear, and your hubby is waiting for you!"
You immediately became overwhelmed, and it immediately jumped out of your head that something in your lower abdomen was aching for a long time, and something like a ball began to roll in your chest. The next day there is a lot to do, and now you have already started your ailment, which has told you more than once: "I am sick, sick, treat me, my dear, help me and yourself at the same time! .."
Yes, my dear people, all our troubles, or even ailments, begin precisely for the very reason that we do not know how to listen to ourselves. Uncle, aunt, girlfriend, witch - please, as much as you like. Milk should be drunk a day and a half liters - with pleasure, the bay leaf should be brewed and taken - frowning, but we drink, plantain three times before dinner - let's not forget.

In a word, the advice that "knowledgeable" people give us is countless, and we strive to fulfill them at a run; no matter that from the first spoonful of any supposedly super-useful infusion, our liver simply knocks its fists on the right hypochondrium, since it is not able to say otherwise to express its indignation.
But we steadfastly continue to do everything according to the indicated scheme, to execute, not retreating a single step. And no signals from our organs from within are often able to stop us. For example, we all know that overeating is harmful, that any extra piece will turn into a real poison, but, alas, “burst belly, but don’t waste the good”. We will return to this topic in connection with the Spanish experiment (you have already read about my introduction to the buffet and what came of it).
Don’t think that my first efforts to cure my own ailment are unrelated to what I just wrote about. Not at all. This, one might say, is entering the topic. Of course, in this particular case, I reproach myself, I call it different uncultured words, since there is a hole in the old woman. So, let's start right away with that sore of mine, which, as I arrived from Spain, literally on the third day, and began to destroy, because I got very sick. So…

Chapter 2
How I dealt with pneumonia

I see, I see, grinning and thinking something like this, after reading the title: how did grandmother Travinka manage to catch pneumonia, and even in Spain, which she is talking about, there, after all, people faint from the heat; just recently it was reported that very bad things happen to them in that sun ... You are reasoning correctly and very competently, my dear fellow citizens. But as soon as you were surprised (how I managed to grab ...), then I will describe everything in more detail. Read and read, it is very useful to know how I “came to such a life”: in that sunny land, where even at night people in hotels turn on air conditioners, they cannot drink water without pieces of ice.
On the very first day, as I went to the beach, I immediately rushed into the sea, because I love water and depth, of course. I am swimming, my head under the water, my legs flickering ... And suddenly I piercingly feel: the current is cold! A minute or two later (I took out my head and immersed it in the water again) a reasonable thought came to me: I need to row to the shore, otherwise in such cold weather and meningitis you can earn ... then one, two and miscalculated.
It’s strange ... The mother’s children are immediately hidden in terry towels as soon as they splash near the shore. Their lips are blue, however ...
It would seem that the picture is clear, one could make a definite unambiguous conclusion, right? But alas. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and in the following days, I again dive into the cold, without exaggeration, the depth of the sea, and again with a head, because this is how I like to swim anywhere.
I bathe and I don’t draw reasonable conclusions, I don’t draw conclusions and I bathe ... I often get chills, and not only when I leave the sea. But again, brain cells, as they say, are out of place: apparently, they froze from such coolness, they lost the ability to think sensibly.
Now, before diving, I walk on wet sand for a long time, which is not easy. I do about five kilometers, from breakwater to breakwater and back, but, surprisingly, having reached the edge of the sea strip at the breakwater to the left of our hotel, I am not eager to freshen up. Although tired, warmed up from fast walking, and the luminary rose high.
I stand and look into the distance, towards Gibraltar, as I later established, beyond which Africa begins, and a little to the right - the Atlantic Ocean. Yes, so I stand and stand, ostensibly admiring the sea distance, but in fact I am preparing myself psychologically for the next ablution.

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