Book "From the Darkness of Ages". Idris Bazorkin. Idris bazorkin - from the dark of the centuries From the dark of the centuries download epub

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There are stories that no one knows. There are nations that not many people know about. But this does not mean that these peoples have nothing to tell - more often than not, the opposite is true. What a miracle - a book. A book is not only a friend and a storehouse of knowledge; a book is also a guide, mediator, companion. There are good books and not so good books, and there are also books that open up a new world for you. Because of this discovery, the book will remain in memory for a long time - after all, there are few such books. And the book of the Ingush writer Idris Bazorkina From the darkness of the ages - just one of these books.

"He who does not know how to look into his future will find nothing in his past."

From the darkness of the ages Is an epic novel about the life of the Galgais from the sixties of the nineteenth century to the formation of the Soviet Union. The author himself says this about the book:

"This book is not an encyclopedia of the life of the Ingush people over the past century. It will talk about the formation of personality, about the struggle of characters in the conditions of significant historical events, about the people who created this history.

Idris Bazorkin.

What can I say about the book ... I read it for three days (and three nights) - I didn't feel sleepy at all. For several nights, I began to dream about the plot of the novel. From this you can guess how impressed I was with the book. Idris Bazorkin wrote his main work in Russian, so I was lucky to read the original. The language of the novel is very beautiful, bright, lively, emotional - what is the value of the poem at the beginning of the book ... The same can be said about the plot of the book and about its heroes. I was especially impressed by the protagonist of the novel - Kaloy. I will say more: this is one of the best heroes in fiction that I happened to "know". Strong, kind, generous, brave, fair, handsome ... the author did not regret good qualities for his main character. And although he seemed too strong and sometimes his exploits resembled a fairy tale - such a hero is needed for a novel that tells about a whole people. It seems to me that Kaloy is all the best that is in the Ingush people - he has absorbed all their best qualities. Describing several Ingush families, their friendship (and enmity), their way of life and traditions, the writer was able to convey the character of an entire people. Most importantly, tell their story. And although this is a historical novel (which are very difficult for me), this book was easy to read from the very beginning. Very, well, very interesting and unusual plot! I seem to have lived by this book for several days. And what epic, but at the same time, simple characters in this book! .. The fate of each of them is unusual and difficult.

The people about which you did not know before, practically nothing becomes so close ... so understandable. And you understand for the umpteenth time that there is so much wonderful in the World! So many interesting and not like you people, peoples! People who are unlike you, who have experienced and are experiencing the same things as you. I consider the author's love for his people, which was felt in his words and his knowledge of history, of course, to be an unconditional advantage of the book.

- Yes, - said Inaluk, sighing, - Allah gave all the mind on earth to Christians!

- But in the next world we will forever be in paradise, and they are in hell! .. - answered Kaloy.

“We do not know anything about this…” Inaluk said in thought.

- Don't you know? What about the Koran?

“Very simple,” Inaluk replied. - I just saw and touched this car. And what in the next world, we will know when we die. But it seems to me that the one who on earth thinks up such things as this cart, on which a whole village with things and cattle can leave at once, will think of something good for himself in the next world!

“In my presence, I beg you, don’t say that,” Kaloy said seriously. - This is the beginning of unbelief. And all our troubles are only because of him.

Inaluk did not argue with him.

(excerpt from the book)

Now I doubt the objectivity of my assessment of the novel, and it even seems to me that I would write even more enthusiastic words (although this seems impossible to you, I know) about this book, if not for her ending. But I understand the author - he released the book during a time of strict censorship. But, nevertheless, I believe that the book could have been finished in a completely different way ... that is, from a different angle. What a pity ... yesterday it seemed to me that this is one of the best books that I have read, but today, having read the book to the end, I no longer think so. The book is amazing, colorful, yes - but the ending of the book is sacred to me. And a bad ending can diminish even those impressions; that great sympathy that I felt for the main character. ... Well, this is just the ending - and these are just a few pages at the end. All other pages of the book are worthy of your attention. I would even say that this book should be read by everyone who is interested in the World and people.

An amazing book ... 10 out of 10.

PS. ... And the life of the people is immortal, Whatever happens to him.

(c) Nikolay Tikhonov.

PS2.Thank you, Alikhan.

Idris Bazorkin collected material for the book for many years, after which he began writing the novel. The process took 152 days. During the day Bazorkin wrote a novel, and in the evening he read it to his family and they discussed it. If they didn’t like something, then Bazorkin rewrote such episodes.

After the novel was published, it became very popular. The novel was hard to come by and some even stole each other's books.

the action of the novel begins in the 60s of the XIX century, and in the first five chapters does not go beyond the borders of mountainous Ingushetia. In chapters 6-9, the actions go beyond Ingushetia and unfold on a wide field: Vladikavkaz, Petrograd, Prussia, etc. Although there are few historical figures in the novel (Abrek Zelimkhan, Mussa Kundukhov, Georgy Tsagolov, Sergei Kirov, and a few more), “ From the Darkness of Ages ”is perceived as a historical novel. Bazorkin, in his characteristic style, describes in detail the life, disposition, customs, rituals of the period when the Ingush people for the most part still adhered to paganism. Characteristic in this context are the images of the priest Elmurza and the mullah Hasan-Khadzhi. Many critics in the description of pagan rites saw the author's admiration for them, almost their idealization. Others explained this by the author's desire for authenticity in the depiction of these events. The central figure of the novel is Kaloy. Through the attitude towards him and his attitude towards others, the significance of most of the characters in the novel is revealed, their character is shown.

The writer planned to write a sequel to the novel. According to his plan, the epic novel was to consist of three books: the first - "From the Darkness of Ages" - ends in 1918; the second, tentatively titled "Tower Inhabitants", was supposed to end with the events of 1941, and the third - "The Secret of Olgetta's Castle" - until 1958, when the Ingush returned from exile.

For the second and third books, the blanks were already ready, the main storylines were outlined, the characteristics and some dialogues were written. The writer published two chapters of the second book of the novel in 1982 in the newspaper Groznensky Rabochy under the title The Great Burning. One of the plots of these chapters is the dialogue between Vladimir Lenin and Magomed Yandarov, who was sent to the North Caucasus as the Extraordinary Commissioner of the South of Russia (later replaced by G.K. Ordzhonikidze). To portray the image of the leader of the revolution, it was necessary to obtain special permission from the party leadership. Lenin's meeting with Yandarov was not documented, although Bazorkin logically assumed that it took place. Thus, the party propaganda check hampered the work on the continuation of the novel. The story with the first chapters from the continuation of the novel made it clear to the writer that further work on it would be associated with even greater censorship: after all, he was to cover the forbidden pages of the history of the Civil War, collectivization, and deportation of peoples during the Second World War. Therefore, the author decided not to write a sequel to the novel until better times.

During the Ossetian-Ingush ethnic conflict in the Prigorodny region of North Ossetia and in Vladikavkaz in October-November 1992, the writer was taken hostage by representatives of the North Ossetian gangs, and his personal property, including the manuscript of the continuation of the epic novel, was taken out by unidentified persons ... According to neighbors, it is known that four people in civilian clothes, accompanied by a platoon (12 people) of fully equipped armed fighters, who arrived at the house where Idris Bazorkin lived, in a car and a military UAZ minibus, boxes filled with papers. The fate of the manuscripts is still unknown.

Dec 22, 2016

From the Dark Ages Idris Bazorkin

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Title: From the Dark Ages

About the book "From the Dark Ages" Idris Bazorkin

Idris Bazorkin is a famous Ingush writer, playwright and public figure. His book "From the Darkness of Ages" is considered the most significant work of Ingush literature and has long become a classic. For many years the master nurtured the idea of \u200b\u200bhis future novel. He constantly collected material, sometimes without even having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat his idea would result in. And finally, in 1968, the first publication of the author's epic novel took place. This work is very useful to read as an encyclopedia of the life of the Ingush people from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Idris Bazorkin's book "From the Darkness of Ages" is a work written on a historical basis, depicting the many hardships and trials that befell the Ingush people in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The author describes the history of his homeland using the example of the main characters who are forced to fight against poverty and all kinds of disasters - the horrific consequences of the tyranny of the tsarist authorities.

The novel "From the Darkness of Ages" is a story about ordinary people living in difficult times. The main value for them is their native land, on which they live and work, receiving food and shelter from it in return. And this most precious property of the Ingush is being cruelly assassinated by the tsar's entourage, ruthlessly driving the peasants from the land of their fathers and taking away all their few property. Against the background of all these unthinkable calamities and flagrant injustice, popular discontent is beginning to grow.

Personally, being an eyewitness and participant in most of the events of that era, Idris Bazorkin with great skill describes the features of the life, way of life, traditions and customs of the Ingush people, which gives the story an unforgettable national flavor. The pagan priests and various religious rituals common in Ingushetia at that time are very authentically and picturesquely depicted in the novel. However, the most attention in the book is paid by the author to the documentary background of the work and to those personalities and events that directly laid its foundations. Against the background of historical vicissitudes, the life of ordinary people is shown, ready to fight and resist all troubles and misfortunes in the name of preserving their kind and protecting their native land. Thus, the novel "From the Darkness of Ages" will be interesting to read both for those interested in the history of the XIX - XX centuries, and for lovers of poignant and exciting stories.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book "From the Darkness of Ages" by Idris Bazorkin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Quotes from the book "From the Dark Ages" Idris Bazorkin

Do you want revenge with your tongue? Language is a woman's weapon. Go put on your skirt.

Idris Bazorkin

From the darkness of the ages

“This book is not an encyclopedia of the life of the Ingush people over the past century. It will talk about the formation of personality, about the struggle of characters in the conditions of significant historical events, about the people who created this history.

Idris Bazorkin. 1968 year

... And the life of the people is immortal, Whatever happens to him.

Nikolay Tikhonov.

CHORUS Snowy peaks,
huge rocks,
from the creation of the world
in chaos ascended to the sky,
dense forests,
boiling streams of noisy rivers,
meadows covered with a rainbow of blooms
and the scent of herbs
and a proud man,
ready to die for friendship
honor, freedom, -
all this from time immemorial
named in the poetry of the people
land of epics
and the name - Caucasus!
In many languages
human speech sounds here.
The brotherhood of many nations lives here.
When did they come, where and why? ..
Nobody will answer people for this.
Or maybe they have been here forever?
Among the spurs of the mountains there is the Blue Lake in Chechnya.
The stars and the moon bathe there,
and dawns - at dawn.
The reflection of the ancients drowned in him ...
On its hidden shores
scientists found
the site of the primitive settlers.
At hearths lit by lightning
silhouettes froze in the darkness of centuries ...
What did they see?
What did they see
the fate of future generations?
They are silent. No answer.
Only speculation about the past tells ...
That was twenty thousand years ago!
Or maybe they were our ancestors?
Strabo and Pliny; Moses Korean
left names for the world
people who once were in the Caucasus.
And through the mists of three millennia
the names of our peoples arose.
For centuries we have inherited the rocks
on these rocks are stone towers,
burial grounds of the silent dead ...
Where is the handprint of a person
where the sun sign is the movement of the world symbol,
where is the turium horn on faded walls
they told us sparingly about our ancestors.
But there was another keeper of secrets - language!
Always alive and strong
not subject to decay or battles
the tongue of the sage of my people.
In it is the memory of days gone by
and the song of the nightingale.
It preserved the myth of Teishabain,
tale about Batu - the grandson of Genghis Khan -
and about the battles with Timur the Khromy,
the world that conquered, but not these mountains!
Language told me how difficult it was for grandfathers,
how their courage and love for freedom
we have continued life until these days ...
And yet the unwritten people are almost dumb.
This is how he was from the creation of the world
before this century on earth.
And now our century has come -
the age of the triumph of progress,
the suit of thoughts of bright, joyful hopes!
From now on
our people will have no secrets.
Legends won't die for the future
tragedies, victories and love.
The sign of the times is different. A different life flows.
He who gazes intently sees a lot.
Whoever listens speaks at the same time.
My years have been lengthened - old people.
They took me to the day yesterday.
By tomorrow
we leave together
leaving this tale
how the people came out of the darkness.

Chapter one

The setting sun highlighted the rocks of Tsey-Loma, which are surrounded by a wall with tiny terraces of arable land. In the midst of these lands, a stone block rises. Hundreds, and maybe thousands of years ago, it broke away from the mountain and froze here, halfway to the abyss, crushing the whole mountain field under itself. In the old days, songs were composed about her. But time left people only the legend that the great sled Sesca-Solsa brought down this rock in anger on his enemies. This is what it is called - the rock of Cesca-Solsa.

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