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Stephenie Meyer

Dusk. Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking (collection)

© Stephenie Meyer, 2005

© Translation. W.V. Saptsina, 2016

The exclusive rights to publish the book in Russian belong to AST Publishers.

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.


Reprinted by permission of Little, Brown and Company, New York, USA and Andrew Nurnberg Literature Agency.

© Stephenie Meyer, 2015

© Translation. W.V. Saptsina, 2016

© Edition in Russian by AST Publishers, 2017

Dedicated to my older sister Emily: if it weren't for her enthusiasm, this story would have remained unfinished.

“But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it;

for on the day you eat of it, you will die a death. "

To all my wonderful friends and readers.

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! It’s hard to believe that it all started so long ago. However, my little ones have already grown into big teenagers, so I cannot hide from the truth.

Thank you for ten years of adventures that have surpassed my wildest expectations. I am a very boring person, but the experience I have gained through the community of readers convinced me to believe in magic (just a little).

To commemorate this milestone, I've prepared new material as a bonus to make the world of Twilight more enjoyable. (In the best tradition of Stephenie Meyer, the bonus is longer than Twilight.) You'll find it under the title Life and Death by turning this book over and reading it from the back. I was delighted to visit Forks again, and I hope you enjoy this visit as much as I do.

You are amazing, I love you.


I never thought about how I would die, although in recent months there have been plenty of reasons, and if I did, I could hardly imagine that it would happen that way.

Holding my breath, I stared at the opposite end of the long hall, straight into the hunter's impenetrable eyes, and he kindly glanced back at me.

Of course, this is the right choice - to die like this, for a person dear to you. A dignified death. It means something.

I knew that if I had not come to Forks then, I would not have faced my death now. But even now, despite the horror that announced me, I felt no regrets. It is foolish to grieve that life is coming to an end when, in return, fate offers to fulfill a dream that exceeds your wildest expectations.

The hunter smiled affably and went slowly to kill me.

1. First glance

Mom drove me to the airport with the windows down in the car. It was plus twenty-four in Phoenix, not a cloud in the sky - flawless blue. As a sign of goodbye to the city, I put on my favorite sleeveless top with white stitching. There was a parka in my hand luggage.

On the Olympic Peninsula in northwestern Washington state, there is a small town called Forks, which is almost permanently covered by a curtain of clouds. It rains more often in this unremarkable town than anywhere else in the United States. From there, from this gloomy and ubiquitous gloom, my mother fled with me when I was only a few months old. There I then toiled every summer for a whole month, until at the age of fourteen I finally announced that I had had enough, thanks to which my father Charlie took me with him on vacation to California for two whole weeks for the last three years.

And I loved Phoenix - I loved the sun and the scorching heat, I loved this ebullient, freely spread out city.

“Bella,” my mother said for the thousandth and last time before boarding the plane, “you don’t have to leave.

Mom and I are alike, only she has short hair and wrinkles from frequent laughter. I looked into her childishly wide eyes, and a panic attack swept over me. How can I leave my tender, flighty, frivolous mother to the mercy of fate? True, now Phil is taking care of her, so the bills will be paid, there will be food in the refrigerator, there will be gas in my mother's car, and if she gets lost, she will know who to call, and yet ...

“I want to leave,” I lied. I never knew how to lie, but lately I have repeated this lie so often that now it sounded almost believable.

- Say hello to Charlie.

- I will.

“We'll see you again soon,” she said. “Come home when you want and I'll be right back as soon as you need me.

However, in her eyes it was clearly read that for her it would be an unbearable sacrifice.

“Don’t worry so much,” I asked. - Everything will be great. I love you, Mom.

She hugged me tightly for a minute, then I went to board, and my mother left.

Four hours flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour by small plane to Port Angeles, then an hour by car to Forks. I had nothing against flying, but the prospect of spending an hour in the car with Charlie worried me a little.

In this whole situation, Charlie showed exceptional nobility. He seemed to be really happy that I would come to him for such a long time. And he had already enrolled me in a local school and was even going to help me get a car.

Still, the awkwardness in Charlie's presence was inevitable. We are both not particularly talkative, and I had no idea what to talk to him about. I knew that my decision puzzled him a lot: like my mother in her time, I did not hide that I hated Forks.

It was raining when the plane landed in Port Angeles. I didn't see a bad omen in this, but took it for granted. I have already said goodbye to the sun.

Charlie met me in a police car. As expected. For law-abiding residents of Forks, he is Swan's Chief of Police. I immediately decided not to delay the purchase of my own transport, even despite the lack of money, so as not to drive around the city with a red and blue "flashing light" on the roof. Police cars impede traffic tremendously.

I clumsily climbed out of the plane, and Charlie awkwardly hugged me with one arm.

“Nice to see you Bells.” He smiled and gave me an automatic support as I stumbled and nearly fell. “You haven't changed much. And how is Rene?

- Mom is doing well. I'm glad to see you too, Dad - I was not allowed to call him by his name.

I had only a few bags from my luggage. Most of the clothes I wore in Arizona would not have been able to protect me from the Washington rains. Together with my mother, we tried to replenish my winter wardrobe, but it still turned out to be modest and easily fit into the trunk of a patrol car.

“I found a nice car, just right for you, and not expensive at all,” Charlie announced as we fastened our seat belts.

- Which one? - I was alarmed by the tone with which he clarified that this "good car" would be "just right" for me.

“Well, actually, it's a Chevy pickup.

- Where did you get it?

- Do you remember Billy Black from La Push?

La Push was a tiny Indian coastal reservation.

“He used to fish with us in the summer,” Charlie said.

It is understandable why I forgot him: I tried to force painful and worthless memories out of my head.

“He’s in a wheelchair now,” Charlie continued, without waiting for an answer from me. “He no longer drives a car, so he offered me his pickup.

- Which year?

I could tell from Charlie's face that he hoped I wouldn't guess to ask.

- Billy did so much work on the engine, and the car is not old at all ...

Does Charlie think I'll give up so easily? Who does he take me for?

- When did he buy it?

- I think in one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four.

- It seems not. It was new in the early sixties. Or, at the earliest, in the late fifties, he confessed embarrassedly.

- Char ... dad, I don't know anything about cars. If it breaks, I can't fix it myself, and I can't afford a car repair shop ...

- You'll see, Bella, this thing runs great. Now they don't do that.

I mentally noted the "thing": it sounds promising - almost like the name.

- How much is “cheap”?

There could be no compromises on this issue.

- You know, honey, I kind of already bought it for you. As a gift for my arrival, - Charlie threw a cursory glance in my direction, his face lit up with hope.

Wow, for nothing.

- Well, why are you, dad! I was going to buy a car with mine.

Stephenie Meyer

Life and death

The translation was prepared by the team of translators of the website www.twilightrussia.ru

The text is provided for informational purposes only and does not pursue commercial benefits.


To all my wonderful friends and readers:

Happy decade! It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since it all started. And yet my little ones have turned into huge teenagers, so I can't escape the truth.

Thank you for a ten year adventure that has surpassed my wildest dreams. I'm a very realistic person, but my experience with readers has made me believe - well, just a little - in magic.

To celebrate this milestone along the way, I've written new bonus material to bring you pleasure in the world of Twilight. (In typical Stephenie Meyer fashion, the bonus material is actually longer than Twilight.) You can reread Twilight or start reading Life and Death. I enjoyed coming back to Forks immensely and I hope you will have the same experience and enjoyment as I did.

You are fantastic and I love you.

To my boys - Gabe, Seth and Eli - for letting me feel what it's like to be a teenage boy. I couldn't have written this book without you.


Hello dear reader!

Happy Anniversary again and welcome to the new 10th Anniversary Bonus Material!

First and foremost:


I know that this material will have to hear a lot of sobbing and gnashing teeth, because it is: a) more, but not entirely new; b) not "Midnight Sun". (If you think that I do not fully feel your pain, then you can be sure that my mother brought this to me more than clearly.) I will explain how it all happened, and I hope that a lot will become, if not better, then at least clearer ...

Just recently, my agent contacted me and asked if I had anything in mind to do something for the tenth anniversary of the release of Twilight? The publisher was counting on a parting word like an "anniversary letter". It seemed to me ... well, to be honest, very boring. What could you say that is so funny and exciting? Nothing. So I thought about what else I could do, and if it makes you feel better, the "Midnight Sun" immediately came to mind. The problem was time - as usual, there was none at all. Certainly not enough to write a novel or even half of it.

Reflecting on "Twilight" after a long hiatus and discussing the anniversary with friends, I mentally returned to what I had said before in autograph sessions and in interviews. You know, Bella was often criticized for constantly having to rescue her from numerous troubles, and people complained that she was a typical "maiden in trouble". To this I always replied that Bella is a person in trouble, a normal person, surrounded on all sides by superhero people and supervillains. She was also criticized for being too absorbed in her love, as if this quality was inherent exclusively to girls. But I have always insisted that it makes no difference whether a guy is a human, and a girl is a vampire, it will be exactly the same story. Gender and biology aside, Twilight has always been a story of magic, obsession, and the frenzy of first love.

So I got the idea: what if I experiment with this theory? Should be funny. As usual, I decided that it would be one or two chapters. (Both fun and sad, but it seems that I still don't know myself well.) Remember what I said about the lack of time? Fortunately, this project is not only fun, but also easy and fast. In the end, it turned out that the difference between a girl in love with a vampire and a guy in love with a vampire is not great. So Bo and Edith were born.

A couple of notes on the changes:

1. I have changed the gender of all Twilight characters, but there are two exceptions.

The biggest exception is Charlie and Rene, the remaining Charlie and Rene. There is an explanation for this: Bo was born in 1987. In those days, fathers rarely got the main guardianship - even more so if the child was young. Most likely, the mother should have been recognized as incapable of fulfilling maternal responsibilities for some reason. And I really find it hard to believe that any judge in those days (or even now) could give a child to an impulsive, unemployed father, preferring him to a mother with a stable job and strong social connections. Of course, if Charlie was fighting for Bella now, he would probably be able to take her away from Renee. Thus, the least likely scenario plays out in Twilight. Only the fact that several decades ago maternal rights were considered more important than paternal rights, as well as the fact that Charlie is devoid of rancor, allowed Renee to raise Bella - and, in our case, now Bo.

The second exception is very small - only a few background characters, mentioned only twice. The reason for this is my misplaced sense of fairness to fictional people. In the expanded Twilight universe, there were two really recurring characters. And instead of replacing them, I gave them freedom. This does not change anything in the plot. Consider it just my weirdness and indulgence in my neurosis.

2. Much more changes in this bonus were due to Bo's human status, so I decided to group them for you. Of course, this is a rough estimate. I didn’t count all the changed words, nor did I perform any other mathematical operations.

5% of the change is due to Bo being a guy.

5% of the changes are due to Bo's personality evolving slightly differently from Bella's. The biggest difference is that he suffers more from obsessive-compulsive disorder, his thoughts and words are not so florid, and he is not so angry - he completely lacks the burden of flaws that Bella always carried around her shoulders.

70% of the changes saw the light, because I got the opportunity to edit the text after ten years. I've corrected almost every word that has bothered me since the book went to press, and it was great.

10% is something that I regret that I did not do it initially, but which I had not thought about before. It may seem that this paragraph is equivalent to the previous one, but still it is slightly different. This is not about words that sounded awkward and awkward, but about ideas that, to my regret, were not born earlier, or about dialogues that should have taken place, but never took place.

5% refers to questions - more precisely, errors - of mythology, as a rule, regarding visions. As I continued to work on the Twilight sequels - and even in Midnight Sun, where I had to look inside Alice's head with Edward's help - the way Alice's visions worked was refined. In Twilight, they are more mystical, and looking back now, I see situations in which she should have been involved, but never was. Oops!

The remaining 5% refers to changes made for a variety of undoubtedly selfish reasons.

I hope you find the story of Beau and Edith funny too, even if it's not at all what you expected. I had a really great time creating the new version. I suddenly fell in love with Beau and Edith, and their story once again made the fictional world of Forks fresh and happy for me. I hope it becomes the same for you. If you get even a tenth of the pleasure that I experienced, then it was worth it.

Thanks for reading. Thank you for belonging to this world, and thank you for being an amazing and unexpected source of joy in my life over the past decade.

Love, Stephanie

Chapter one

If his fate is bizarre, then it is sublime.

Jules Verne, 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


I have never seriously considered death - although in the past few months I have had a good reason for it - but, if I had to, I would hardly imagine anything like that.

I watched

across the long room into the dark eyes of the bloodhound, and she looked at me affably.

At least this is a good way to end your life: to die instead of the one you love. Probably even noble. Worth it.

I knew that if I had not gone to Forks, I would not have been on the verge of death now. But also gripped by fear, I could not bring myself to regret this decision. If life gives you a dream that surpasses anything you could have hoped for, it is unwise to grieve when the time comes to die.

A unique "double" edition in which the same story is told in different ways.

The first part - the famous "Twilight" in a new translation. And here is the second - a new project by Stephenie Meyer, a complete "reboot" of the cult novel!

Do you want to know what it would be like if Bella were a boy and Edward a girl?

So, young Beaufort Swan moves to the boring town of Forks, who will meet the mysterious beauty Edith Cullen, and this meeting will change his life forever ...

The work belongs to the genre of Horror and Mysticism. It was published in 2005 by the publishing house AST. The book is part of the "The Twilight Saga" series. On our site you can download the book "Twilight / Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.43 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

Twilight / Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking Stephenie Meyer

(No ratings yet)

Title: Twilight / Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking
Year: 2005, 2015
Genre: Foreign fantasy, Books about vampires, Love fantasy, Horror and Mystic

About the book “Twilight / Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking "Stephenie Meyer

A unique "double" edition in which the same story is told in different ways.

The first part - the famous "Twilight" in a new translation. And here is the second - a new project by Stephenie Meyer, a complete "reboot" of the cult novel!

Do you want to know what it would be like if Bella were a boy and Edward a girl?

So, young Beaufort Swan moves to the boring town of Forks, who will meet the mysterious beauty Edith Cullen, and this meeting will change his life forever ...

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read the online book “Twilight / Life and Death: Twilight. Rethinking ”Stephenie Meyer in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

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