"The third is not superfluous" () - download the book for free without registration. "The third is not superfluous" () - download the book for free without registration Malinovskaya the third is not superfluous download epub

Blocks 21.12.2020

Elena Malinovskaya


It was dark and very cold in the huge hall. Only a couple of tall black candles burning on a long table tried to cope with the curtain of darkness that splashed in the room. But the usually bright orange fire was now sparkling with icy lilac flashes, and each such reflection captured from the darkness the focused faces of two men sitting opposite each other.

However, could the interlocutors be called people? .. At least one of them clearly did not belong to the human tribe. Darkness filled his eyes. Pulsating gloom leaving no room for iris or squirrel. And the head was decorated with two sharp demonic horns. And second…

But the second looked just like a man, if you do not pay attention to the too green eyes, which seemed to glow in the twilight, and narrow vertical pupils, involuntarily evoking associations with a snake.

Congratulations that your daughter now lives with you, ”he said and slowly sipped a tall crystal glass filled with a viscous red liquid.

I lost one daughter and acquired the second. Ardgal Bile chuckled weakly. He leaned back on the back of a high oak chair and sadly held out: - Daughters! I would give half my life for the opportunity to have a son, to whom I would transfer all my power and knowledge. Women are too unpredictable. And then, the magic of death is contrary to female nature. You cannot combine incongruous. Ilsa tried - and she went mad with a lust to kill. She began to attract too much attention to herself.

As far as I understand, she died in the fire? - the interlocutor of the sorcerer was curious. - My condolences.

Leave it, Christian! Ardgal winced in annoyance. - If Ilsa really died, then I will only be happy. This will solve a lot of my problems, since I myself cannot kill her. I want but I can not. She is my daughter after all.

But you doubt her death. - This time the phrase sounded without the slightest hint of a question.

Yes, - the sorcerer confirmed dully and nervously drummed his fingers on the table. - I doubt it.

And this, in turn, means that your second daughter will never be able to feel safe, - continued to reason out loud Christian. “Ilsa will do anything to become your heir again. And she reasonably believes that with the death of Beata you will have no other choice.

Women! Ardgal grimaced in annoyance. - How hard it is with them! From these intrigues, my horns begin to ache and itch. Oh, how I miss my son! But I made a pact with a demon god. And I can't ... I won't risk it ...

As far as I understand, Beata does not have the capacity for deadly magic, ”Christian interrupted him gently, without letting him finish.

There are abilities, but she does not want to develop them, - muttered Ardgal. He shrugged his shoulders: - I, of course, do not give up trying to teach her anything. In extreme cases, so to speak, I'm not always there. But I don't really insist. Ilsa's example is all too clear in memory. I would not want Beata to turn into an equally vicious, vengeful creature. I like her. Reminds me of his mother, whom, oddly enough, I sincerely loved. Even if not for a very long time.

Beata, as far as I know, had a very stormy personal life before moving to your castle, ”Christian remarked quietly, and laughs danced in his green eyes.

Oh yeah. Ardgal smiled too. - All in mother. But Beate managed to pick up a really big fish.

Laurence Vigard, ”Christian drawled thoughtfully and again moistened his lips with wine. - Nicholas Brian. Very worthy personalities and good magicians.

And the first, moreover, may well claim the throne of Scaligor, - added Ardgal, staring at his interlocutor. “His father, Prince Vincent, has no more children. And the only son of Gregor II, the current ruler of the country, is feeble-minded, even if they try to hide it in every conceivable way. He can, of course, be put on the throne. But he will wet it at the same moment. Therefore, everyone understands perfectly well that Lawrence Vigard in such a situation can play the role of a trump ace, who is kept up his sleeve for the time being.

More like a joker, ”Christian corrected him with a grin. - However, I am not good at card terms. But I have no doubt that Lawrence himself is also probably aware of today's court realities.

There was a long pause at the table. Christian put his finished glass in front of him, and an invisible, helpful servant immediately refilled it. But Ardgal never touched his glass. He still did not take his eyes off his interlocutor, as if tensely awaiting some kind of decision from him.

Do you think Lawrence has come to terms with the loss of Beata? Christian asked unexpectedly. - She was literally snatched from his hands.

I don’t think so. A grim grin twisted the half-demon's lips. - First of all, he is a very stubborn and proud person. Like all Vigords, in fact. I have no doubt that he took everything that happened as a personal challenge.

What about the second one? - asked Christian.

Baron Nicholas. Ardgal shook his head. - Small fry. It is hardly worth wasting time talking about him.

And it seems like your daughter's legal spouse, ”Christian reminded ironically. - Even though the marriage was concluded under duress, the public is unlikely to consider this fact as a mitigating circumstance. As you well know, there are no divorces in Scaligor.

The monk who performed the ceremony is dead. Ardgal clenched his fists tightly. “They sent him to a mountain monastery, but he never got there. I got caught in a rockfall. Failed along with his ugly pony. Therefore, he is unlikely to be able to tell the public about such a sad circumstance. Beata herself will probably deny everything. It turns out that her word is against the word of Baron Nicholas.

Are you sure about the death of the monk? - asked Christian. - These are amazingly tenacious creatures ...

Even if the lustful short man survived, it doesn't change anything, ”Ardgal interrupted him slightly raising his voice. - There are no divorces in Scaligor. But people are mortal. And they are suddenly dead. The widow's black outfit will suit my daughter's face.

Well, I heard you. Christian nodded and stretched contentedly. - An extremely curious layout turns out.

The throne of Scaligor is at stake, ”Ardgal said smoothly. - And we have every chance ...

As you say, my lord, ”Ardgal's voice rustled with unexpected deference, and the half-demon bowed his head.

Part one


You must kill her!

I swallowed hard saliva, viscous with excitement. She tightened her grip on the handle of the knife, which was constantly trying to slip out in her sweaty palms. She looked at her victim.

On a wide table stood a cage in which a pretty gray mouse was busily eating breakfast. Unlike me, she felt great and grunted with appetite.

Kill her! - again, annoyingly howled the unexpectedly found father, who remained out of sight, but, alas, inaudible.

I sighed heavily. I’ve become attached! She looked at the knife, the tip of which trembled treacherously. She looked at the mouse. How small and cute! Well, how do you order her to be slaughtered? She's alive! Fluffy and soft.

And I resolutely put the knife on the edge of the table, realizing that I still could not obey my father's order.

Eh, Beata, Beata, - complained the still invisible father.

The darkness in the far corner of the hall was habitually woven into a dense cocoon, which after a moment transformed into a familiar tall and thin figure with two demonic horns on its head.

Father, ”I whispered, dropping my head hastily.

As usual, his throat tightened with a spasm of terror. No, during the two months that I spent in my father's castle, he never offended me. He didn’t scream, let alone beat his unreasonable daughter, who didn’t want to become a dark witch. But I still felt uneasy at his appearance. And all because I could not figure out the secret of its origin. Is he a demon? Eh, and you won't ask directly, otherwise you will suddenly make me angry.

And why can't you cope with such an elementary task? - Father asked dryly, stepping closer. - Note, I am not asking the impossible from you. For example, I didn't slip you a child. And he didn't even slip the kitten. Although, I remember, your sister ...


I was born on February 4, 1983 in the city of Bulgan, which is located in Mongolia. My father was thrown there by the fate of a military man, and the rest of the family had to obey. We returned to Russia when I was 2.5 years old, so I don't remember anything about my historical homeland.

She spent almost her entire adult life in Moscow. In the summer she left the dusty and stuffy city for the Tomsk region to feed the taiga mosquitoes to her grandmother.

I grew up as an uncommunicative child, despite the fact that I went through the entire hierarchy of educational institutions from and to. It all started in kindergarten, where a bad aunt-teacher locked me up for the whole day in a dark toilet, not wanting to listen to my screams and roars. Unsurprisingly, I sobbed for a year after I was brought to this eerie establishment. She sobbed, but did not complain to her mother, maintaining a proud silence about the reasons for her antipathy to the kindergarten. It was discovered by chance when my mother came to visit me one afternoon and did not find me among the children playing. The logical question is - where is my daughter? - was given no less logical answer - as usual crying in the toilet. Naturally, this was followed by a tough conversation between the teacher and my mother, after which they stopped locking me in the toilet.

Then I moved to a regular district school number 516, where I studied safely for 8 years. Before the 9th grade, I was overtaken by a difficult age, and I realized that I could no longer be in it. I wanted to change. So I ended up in Biological School No. 175, despite all the teachers' persuasions to go there after receiving a certificate of incomplete secondary education. The parents did not protest. They are already accustomed to contradicting me - just wasting time. In the end, such an unexpected decision was only for the good. For the first time in my life, I finished the school year with only A's - just in a new school, although the load there was much more serious. I also started writing there. I think, thanks first of all to her amazing teacher of Russian language and literature - Albina Afanasyevna. What struck me most about her was that she never insisted on her point of view and always listened with pleasure to the student, especially if he knew how to argue his point of view. But I always warned that too radical views could prevent us from passing the final and entrance exams. But what can I say, I owe my gold medal to her. She was the only teacher who decided to take a chance and send me to this particular medal. The rest, even the class teacher, preferred to play it safe and give me a silver one, since these works were checked less meticulously. And I did not disappoint her, having passed the first final exam - an essay - with excellent marks.

Yes, back to my first literary experiments. Naturally, I wrote about love. Oddly enough - great and undivided. The main character was a young maiden with blue-black hair and green eyes, with whom everyone fell in love. That is, even bystanders. The main villain, by the way, also did not escape this sad fate. This epoch-making work in the fantasy genre I worked from 9th to 11th grade. I even got the nerve and sent him to the long-suffering Armada. To my present great happiness, my novel was ignored. And they didn't even send a devastating review, which, I'm sure, would have killed the slightest graphomaniac attempts in me.

For better or worse, I finished the 11th grade and successfully entered the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at the Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University. Studying in it turned out to be surprisingly serious business. All literary experiments had to be stopped for a while, especially since from the second year I went to teach at school. Just to taste all the delights of the future profession. Oddly enough, for some reason I taught English, although I was a teacher of biology and chemistry by profession. Looking ahead, I will say that 2.5 years as such a powerless being as a teacher clearly showed me that teaching is not mine. After the 4th year, I quit my job and took a terrible oath to myself that I would never again torture innocent children with my presence within the walls of the school as a teacher of anything.

The time of studying at the university was slowly coming to an end, and it was time to think about a diploma. Therefore, immediately after leaving school, I got a job as a research laboratory assistant at the Medical Genetic Center. Where I work to this day, however, already as a research assistant.

I graduated from the university with honors. She got married imperceptibly. After that, it suddenly turned out that I had unexpectedly a lot of free time. It's just obscene enough. Even studying as an applicant and passing the candidate minimums could not stifle all the growing urge to create. I re-read my first novel, laughed and sympathized with the people around me, who had to be forced to read my creations. And I realized that I couldn't write more about beauties. I had to come up with a heroine. And - with a capital G! So that the reader will remember it from the very first lines. And even better - in which everyone would recognize, if not himself, then certainly his neighbor or friend. My husband jokingly said - write about a tradeswoman from the market. I have not read this yet. At first I smiled, and then I thought - why not?

This is how Tatiana was born - a fat, but extremely charming and cheerful middle-aged woman who will never give herself offense. I confess right away that the first chapters were written at random. That is, they looked for a fantasy cliché, which was already nauseous, and the opposite was done. Thus was born a virgin mage and a cowardly orc, a powerful artifact in the form of worn socks of a sorcerer and ugly dark elves, more like moles. To my great surprise, the people liked the idea. As it turned out, I was not the only one who was terribly tired of slender beauties who always turned out to be the smartest and defeated all enemies with one left. No, Tatyana, of course, did not give herself offense either. But at the same time she did not hesitate to sweat hard, swear from the heart or take advantage of meanness. She was with the usual female suspicion of any proposal of a hand and heart, knowing full well that she could hardly cause unprecedented love in a man's heart. And in the end, she preferred an ordinary person to all princes and emperors, who was always there and helped her. Well, almost human.

Of course, to go completely against the canons of fantasy, I needed to kill the heroine at the end of the book. And I was ready to commit this terrible atrocity. But Tatiana by that time had become so dear and alive that my hand did not rise to finish her off. And my readers, I'm afraid, would not appreciate this unexpected move. Still, when a funny book suddenly ends so gloomily, you get the feeling that you have been maliciously deceived.

Probably, it helped me write this book and the fact that I did not read anything from humorous fiction. Therefore, when they praised me and said that Tatyana had nothing in common with Volkha, I was very surprised, because I did not even know who she was and why she should be like Tatyana. Then, of course, the gap in education had to be closed. It is sometimes useful for the Chukchi to be not only a writer, but also a reader.

I wrote quickly, adventures in a fictional world went on as usual. And suddenly a moment came when it turned out that here it is - the end. And before me was a terrible question: what to do with this outrage? Sometimes it seemed to me that the worst delirium has not yet been seen by the world. Sometimes I thought - but there is something in it. One way or another, but I decided to take a chance and send everything to the publishing house, deep down in my heart I was afraid that they would send me in return. She even wrote a synopsis, which turned out to be an extremely difficult matter, since the book, in summary, resembled the delirium of a deeply sick person.

I even tried to read the synopsis to my husband, who begged for mercy in the second paragraph and admitted that he had never heard more nonsense in his life. Gloomy forebodings immediately filled my mind. But it was too late to retreat. And my wonderful creation went to the publishing house. And I prepared to wait two months and began to bite my nails with impatience.

They answered me surprisingly quickly - within a week. So the nails were hardly damaged. This time Armada turned out to be more supportive of the unfortunate graphomaniac and gave her a chance to publish. This is, in principle, the end of this story.

New adventures of Beata, the former owner of the magic shop!

They say that if you can't choose between two men, you have to look for a third. But what if this third person can hardly be called a man? No, when Christian Trial is not angry, he is a very nice man. But in anger he turns into a real demon! And then, how can demons have good feelings for someone? Beata strongly suspected that Christian simply wanted to involve her in some kind of game of his own, where the winner would receive the crown and throne, and the loser would die. But she so wanted to believe in a miracle ...

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The third is not superfluous Elena Malinovskaya

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Title: The third is not superfluous

About the book "The third is not superfluous" Elena Malinovskaya

Elena Malinovskaya is the author of several dozen novels in the genre of romantic and heroic "fantasy". Her works are quite popular among readers. The writer went through a difficult path from the first failed attempts - the publishing house did not even respond to the letter with her manuscript, to the successful publication. The writer is very self-critical of herself and her work, and in some interviews she admits that she doubts the artistic value of her works.

In the center of the narrative of the novel "The third is not superfluous" lies the story of Beata's further adventures. Once she was the owner of a magic shop, and now she is torn between two men who have the most tender feelings for her. The main character meets another contender for her heart and body, whom it is very difficult to call even a man, because in certain situations he is able to turn into a real demon. His name is Christian and, if desired, he is able to easily seduce the main character, who suddenly falls in love with him for herself.

Elena Malinovskaya does not change her style. She creates a narrative that is based on the actions of the main characters that are quite usual for the magical world, while experiencing the most violent emotions.

Beata suspects that Christian is trying to involve her in some kind of intrigue of his own, which may lead to completely unexpected consequences for her. But in spite of everything, she tries to maintain faith in the bright feelings and sincerity of his love. The game that Christian started will be a real test and test for the main character.

Elena Malinovskaya managed to write another interesting novel for fans of her work. In her book "The third is not superfluous" there are quite a few secrets and riddles, solving which can bring true pleasure to all fans of the writer. It is quite interesting to follow the adventures of the main character, given the fact that now she has one more fan.

Beata relies on her beloved men for almost everything, and in those rare cases when a girl tries to express her own opinion, they suppress this desire with the help of passionate kisses and physical intimacy. Reading the book "The third is not superfluous" is, first of all, for those who want to experience with the main character many passionate and stormy moments.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read the online book "The Third is Not Superfluous" Elena Malinovskaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Elena Malinovskaya with the novel The Third is not superfluous to download in fb2 format.

New adventures of Beata, the former owner of the magic shop! They say that if you can't choose between two men, you have to look for a third. But what if this third person can hardly be called? No, when Christian Trial is not angry, he is a very nice man. But in anger he turns into a real demon! And then, how can demons have good feelings for anyone? Beata strongly suspected that Christian just wanted to involve her in some kind of game of his own, where the winner would receive the crown and throne, and the loser would die. But she so wanted to believe in a miracle ...

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature is posted on the Internet. The third edition is dated 2016, belongs to the genre "Fantasy" in the series "Love and Magic" and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to an e-book. Remember, if you like the novel a lot - save it to your wall on a social network, let your friends see it too!

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