What does the synthetic zodiac sign stand for? Synthetic Sign, Synthesis Sign, Planetary Signature, Planetary Signature, End Seal, Planetary Seal

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Leo - Leo. July 23 - August 22. Fifth ... Its symbol is the phallus, the sperm. This is a symbol of the Solar Fire, life-giving energy; strength and luck, hot temper and rudeness. Fire sign, fixed, hot, dry, daytime.

A typical representative of the sign of Leo

Leo always strives to be in the center of attention, an imperious and strong-willed personality, generosity and generosity, healthy ambition and life optimism, oratorical and political abilities. Noble and confident, heartfelt and sincere, love for sports, stage and art, social life.

Character advantage the ability to attract to oneself with warmth and love. Fascinates and loves to command.

Are characteristicseeking constancy and stability, passionate and strong character. Sometimes he takes on supporting roles.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun: demonstrativeness, irascibility and disposition (quickly lights up and quickly departs), arrogance, miscalculations due to self-will, arrogance - everything that is connected with the "ego". Vanity and window dressing, arrogance, treachery and betrayal, imperiousness and despotism, adventurism or ridiculous conceit, arrogance, diktat.

Weak side- vulnerability - love of flattery and praise.

At the heart of behavior - passion and strong character. A lion cannot compromise his views - he incinerates those who disagree with him. He loves fame and it is very difficult to come to terms with a secondary role or position. Therefore, he always strives to get out of them in the first rows.

Planets in the zodiac sign Leo

In your the following planets may be:

Ascendant in Leo (rising sign)

From an early age you have a sense of your own importance. You want everyone to like you, and your pride suffers if this fails. Speak loudly, easily take the initiative in a conversation, become the center of attention, the heart of any company, be frank and honest, say what you think. Strong sense of dignity, self-respect, pride, and deeply offended if someone does not notice you. Rarely enter into confrontation with the offender, but you lose respect for him. Your self-expression, self-fulfillment and self-realization are more important than anything else. You have a very strong need for love, to be admired, appreciated, praised, love flattery.

Patron planet Sun

In the physical world, the Sun corresponds- light energy, photons, prominence. Center of vitality.

  • Day of the week ruler - Sunday
  • Numbers 9 and giving a total of 9. For example 9, 18, 27, 900, 45.
  • Substances - pure gold (leaf, ingots, ornaments);


The center of the psyche and waking consciousness, bringing health and the power of love, awareness of oneself and the basis of wholeness, the inner "I", that which does not change under the influence of stress, character education. The individuality and naturalness of man, the spiritual core, the unshakable essence of man.

Excellent managers and administrators, a representative person, heads of enterprises and network companies, organizational talent, actors and fashion designers, representatives of the arts. Fashion showrooms.

Business related to stock exchange and stock speculation, show industry, casinos and sports entertainment. Income from real estate, silver and stocks, lotteries. Investment in jewelry and gold bars.

Politics and management, pedagogical sciences, technical sciences, physiology.

The manifestation of the Sun in the horoscope

The personal planet is the Sun, the center of human consciousness.

Sun function - this is self-awareness, worldview, worldview, the basis of integrity, our inner "I". The function of the Sun is associated with those character traits in a person that do not change under the influence of education, training, stress.

Finding the sun in the zodiac sign - this is the energy inherent in a person, shows how a person feels inside. In relation to the outside world, this is an internal position that cannot be seen from the outside.

Sun in the houses of the horoscope: indicates the area of \u200b\u200blife in which the potential and strength of a person will be most pronounced.

Fifth - V house

Descendants. Bona's fortune

Planets in the Fifth House

Any planet in the fifth house marks a certain ability or talent acquired as a result of work during the previous incarnations of a person. If a planet in the 5th house is affected or in the fall, it means that the person has abused these abilities and now has problems in this area.

Synthetic sign lion

You like to impress, want to be perceived as someone special. You are not timid, not meek, not modest, rarely satisfied with subordinates, not high enough position. You are a born leader yourself, and you don't really like to hear orders from others. You should have something of your own, something creative - some kind of project, business, something in household chores, etc. - what you could develop and implement in accordance with your own desire and your point of view. Whatever you do, you do it in a peculiar and dramatic way. You like the results of your work to bear your "personal stamp". You also have a very strong sense of dignity, self-respect, pride, and deeply offended if someone humiliates or shames you. Don't like pettiness and hate being rebuffed and ignored. You have a very strong need for love, to be admired, appreciated, praised, although at the same time you do not want others to understand how important all this is for you.
Your disadvantages: You are often arrogant and harsh. Speak when you want, intervene when you are not asked. It is possible for you to get into trouble at work with people who are as strong as you are, as it is difficult for you to interact and share power. If you do not occupy a leading position, then you strive to take it and compete with the one who occupies it.

Allegory for Leo

"To you, Leo, I give the job of demonstrating My Creation in all its splendor to the world. But you must be careful about pride and must always remember that this is My Creation, not yours. For if you forget this, people will despise you. There is a lot of joy in the work I give you, if only you will do it well. For this you must have the gift of Honor. "

And Leo stepped back into place.

Martin Schulman from the book "Karmic Astrology".

Key words in the horoscope for Leo - Sun - Fifth house:

Development, thirst for sparkling, love from the heart, dating, sex, creativity, arts, stage, role-playing actions, artistry, creative elite, love of games, demonstration of self. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Astrology, Sun in Leo, zodiac sign, Leo stone patron, Leo talisman, keywords, Sun planets, Fifth house, Allegory for Leo, function and quality of the Sun

There is such a thing as a synthetic sign. This value is very conditional, but, nevertheless, it is not devoid of indicativeness from the point of view of the fundamental algorithms for drawing up a horoscope. In short, a synthetic sign is a kind of "summing unit" of the cosmic position of the determinant planets in the natal chart of a particular individual. The real sign of the horoscope does not always coincide with the one that is obtained by astrological synthesis.

The dominant planets in human destiny have a unique energy, each with its own. The presence of such a planet in one or another zodiacal constellation at the moment of birth automatically affects the "power" of the sign. First, it (power) increases many times over. And, secondly, a significant sign, in fact, becomes a "corrector of fate and character."

Each horoscope symbol has a dual nature - it reflects a "spontaneous" belonging (to earth, air, fire or water) and indicates compliance with the cross (crosses are cardinal, fixed and mutable).

The combination of the cross and the elements is, in fact, the “foundation of the uniqueness” of the sign. You need to understand that an individual horoscope is built based on the number of planets in the elements and crosses. At the same time, in any one element and in some one cross, there are almost always more “determinants” than in the others, and this “pair” just allows you to “synthesize” the desired sign. Below are astrological interpretations for some of the likely results of the "summation" of the elements and crosses.

Cardinal Earth (synthetic sign Capricorn). The behavioral model sets a benchmark for ambition and excessive dependence on society. Leadership talents are well developed, so the responsibility of the representatives of the sign does not frighten.

Fixed Earth (Taurus). There is a pronounced emphasis on conservatism and self-confidence.

Mutable Earth (synthesized Virgo). "Priority traits" of character include professionalism and consistency.

The sign of synthesis is determined by the predominance of the planets in the elements and crosses. It describes the general style of human behavior in most situations.

This method consists in the fact that we count how many planets are in each element.

For example, if the element of water is most pronounced, we are dealing with a subtle, sensitive, emotional person. Internal states are given priority over external events. He has a strong emotional memory, developed intuition. Water is a passive, inert element, which means that the external forms of human manifestation will adapt to the environment.

The predominance of the planets in the element of fire will give a person active, quick-tempered, overwhelmed by various ideas that inspire him to take action. He is active, can be the initiator of any action, passionately surrender to him.

The predominance of the planets in the element of air makes a person sociable, contact. He easily finds a common language with anyone, quickly processes information, always finds new sources of information, has a wide circle of contacts. He is known as a smart guy.

The predominance of the planets in the element of the earth makes a person practical, solid, stable in his views and positions, and disciplined. He has everything planned, he is focused on achieving a specific result, he is focused on one thing, he is not sprayed.

If in the cosmogram there are no planets in any element, this will be an indication that a person lacks the qualities corresponding to this element.

Having received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe distribution of the planets by the elements, we need to correlate them with the data obtained from the study of the position of the planets in the crosses.

The maximum number of planets in the cardinal cross gives a decisive person, actively influencing the environment, striving to impose his attitudes on the world. He easily starts a new business, but has difficulty imagining the end result.

The predominance of the planets in the Fixed Cross gives a person who does not like new beginnings, who prefers to support what is already available, bringing it to perfection. A person has a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe result he wants to achieve, and is ready to work long and hard for this.

The predominance of planets in a mutable cross gives a person looking for workarounds, taking into account environmental conditions and adapting to them. Such a person does not like new beginnings and long work. But he feels great when it is necessary to bring the work begun and done by someone to the end. He loves to criticize, draw conclusions, generalize. It is better for him to entrust the finest work - the finishing touch, grinding, finishing with decorative details.

Here we come to the definition of the sign of synthesis. For example, in the cosmogram we have two planets in a cardinal cross, five in a fixed one, three in a mutable one. Two in the element of fire, two in the ground, three in the air and three in the water. Most of the planets in the fixed cross, the largest number of planets in the elements of water and air. Therefore, there are two signs of synthesis in this cosmogram: Aquarius and Scorpio.

Two signs of synthesis indicate that a person has two types of behavior. This means that there are situations in which a person behaves like Aquarius - in an original, freedom-loving, friendly, sociable manner, proactively showing love for science, people and everything advanced. And there are situations in which he behaves like a Scorpio - he does not show initiative, but only reacts to outside influence; and reacts at the level at which the partner shows initiative. He can be both extremely rude and elegantly refined in his behavior - depending on what kind of reaction to external influences he considers adequate. This style of behavior can be compared to aikido wrestling - working on the opponent's energy. In this case, the cosmogram is interesting because the elements in it are practically balanced. A person is able to express himself in both intellectual (air) and emotional (water) space. It carries the qualities of a leader (fire) and a practical performer (earth).

The sign of synthesis describes a very deep layer of the psyche, those character traits that remain with a person throughout his life as basic. When determining the sign of synthesis, only the positions of the planets in the elements and crosses are taken into account. The positions of fictitious points (nodes of the Moon, MC, Asc, Arab points) are not taken into account. Ten planets are enough to describe a person's temperament in general.

Also, the characteristics of the image indicated for the sign will also be valid when the Sun or Moon is located in the sign. The sign of synthesis remains the dominant background of the image, but the sign of the Sun and Moon should be considered as important components of the characteristics of the image. The sign of the Moon will indicate what in the image a person will strive for at a deep level, how he will want to look in the eyes of others. The sign of the Sun will indicate what quality of his nature he will use in order to satisfy his desire to feel the way the sign of the Moon describes.

If the sign of synthesis is empty, its qualities will be realized easily and naturally, but not to a strongly pronounced degree, as if blurred.

The planets, located in the sign of synthesis, will make the qualities of the sign stand out in the image and give the sign additional accents in accordance with the principles of these planets. If the planet in the sign of synthesis has tense aspects or it is in a fall or exile in it, then a person will have a very conflict-prone image, and he will have to make remarkable conscious efforts to make his image harmonious, to learn to behave so as not to provoke conflicts. Such a person will display the worst qualities of the sign in the image in accordance with the principle of the affected planet.

For example, the sign of the synthesis of Aries with retrograde Venus at the top of the taukvadrat will create a woman's image of a brawler. She may not be a beauty in the generally accepted sense of the word, but undoubtedly she will be bright and attractive, frankly sexy, with wild taste, with outrageous behavior in society, harsh manners, tactless, aggressive. When working out the aspect of takuvadrat, Venus and the sign of Aries, we will get a practical magician and social wizard, who knows how to advantageously present herself as a woman with polite demeanors, developed taste and sense of style, very attractive.

5 breast 2009

What is your second zodiac sign, or why "this is not about me!"

Everyone knows their zodiac sign. This is the sign in which the Sun was at the time of birth. Everything that we read on the Internet under the loud name "horoscope" is written only and exclusively for this solar sign. Yes, undoubtedly, the Sun is the core of a person, and whatever happens in life, the qualities of the sun sign will outweigh, other things being equal. But very often this sun sign is so disguised that it is difficult to dig it out in oneself, and even more difficult for those around it to correctly identify it.

Why does this happen?

In addition to the Sun, 9 more important elements are involved in the horoscope, which also take their places in the signs of the zodiac. In different signs of the zodiac. And these are 4 elements and 3 crosses. And if it so happened that at the time of birth, most of the elements are concentrated in a sign other than the sun, then the qualities of this other sign become strongly pronounced. When calculating the active (there are planets) elements and crosses, the most a pronounced element and a cross that corresponds to one of the signs. For example, the element of fire and the mutable cross \u003d Sagittarius have won. This sign is called synthetic and determines the temperament of a person.

For example, a person can be a solar Cancer, who, in theory, give comfort with his family, a TV show in an armchair under the seeds and a dozen trusted friends in the phone book, but in real life he often does not sit at home, he loves to talk and the phone book is torn from contacts ... Because his synthetic sign Gemini ... Yes, no one canceled the crustacean qualities, but they have to coexist with the twins. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes they conflict.

There are several synthesis scenarios:

  1. The sun sign coincides with the synthetic one \u003d such a person, having read any general horoscope, will say "yes, this is about me!" And the forecasts will be read with curiosity, because they will often come true. Often he hears - "typical ....".
  2. Solar and synthetic sign of one element (Cancer according to the Sun and Pisces according to synthesis - the element of water) \u003d "Well, yes, very similar, but here I would argue (a)." Forecasts will be read from different sources in the hope of finding the same one, because "there is something missing everywhere." The behavior and character of such a person will be colored with the nuances of a synthetic sign, but this is a harmonious combination. From others he hears - "you happen to be ....?"
  3. Solar and synthetic signs of different elements (Pisces according to the Sun and Aries according to synthesis - water and fire) \u003d "Something fits of course, but this is not about me at all!" Forecasts will be read from nothing to do or will not read at all. This is a skeptic man until they explain to him what's what. Behavior and lifestyle can be so contrary to the inner nature of a person that he himself will often not understand why he behaves this way. Periodically, a conflict may arise at the level of "the soul requires one thing, but I do another." Or "I wanted the best, it turned out as always." There is no need to explain to such people what rake dancing is. He hears from others - "I would never have thought that you ....".
  4. There is no synthetic sign when there are more than three of them, i.e. all elements are evenly distributed according to signs and elements. The behavior of such a person is not dictated by temperament, but depends on the current situation. When studying a person's character, a synthetic sign is not taken into account.
What will the knowledge of a synthetic sign give?

To whom what. Scenario 1 will make sure he is a vivid representative of his sign. Scenario 2 reads the description of his synthetic sign, finds there what he was going to argue with and relax at last. Scenario 3 will find the answer to the question "why is this all not about me", read the description of the synthesis-sign and recognize himself there, stop nagging himself for "flogged against nature" and drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bexcuses for himself, like "well, I'm not quite Taurus ! I am still Aries, so I flared up in a fit of emotions! " Seriously though, it is scenario 3 that will be useful to know, and some just need to explain what seemed strange before. Or maybe you have a loved one and you do not understand his behavior - perhaps something will become clear. It will not be superfluous to get to know your own children better! Well, scenario 4 ..... depending on what mood he will read it in))

A synthetic sign, a sign of synthesis, a planetary signature, a planetary signature, a final seal, a planetary seal - this is a zodiac sign corresponding to the cross of qualities and the trigone of the elements, in which most of the planets of the horoscope are located. So, if the 10 main planets are distributed according to the elements and crosses as follows: Fire - 3 planets, Earth - 4, Air - 1, Water - 2; cardinal - 5, fixed - 2, mutable - 3 - then the sign of synthesis will be Aries (cardinal Fire). The definition of the sign of synthesis gives especially valuable information in cases when the planets are distributed mainly according to other signs of the zodiac. In some cases, the sign of synthesis cannot be distinguished.
M. Levin notes that if the sign of the Sun determines each element of the mosaic - behavior in a particular situation, then the sign of synthesis determines the overall picture - life as a whole.
As M. March and J. McEvers note, if the sign of synthesis is a sign in which the Sun, Moon or Ascendant is located, then a person will more easily express this particular sign. These authors offer the following interpretation of the synthesis sign:
Cardinal Fire (Aries) - this is the warmest and most active combination, which usually indicates that you are a kind person who most often wins. You have a quick mind, a penchant for independent thinking, a tough temperament. Learn to forgive, if the water element is especially pronounced, you do it with difficulty. You are discerning, you have lofty ideals and high hopes.
Cardinal Earth (Capricorn) - you are ambitious and love society, it is important for you to feel that you are achieving something on the material level, you are a person capable of taking responsibility for yourself. You are talented and reliable, and, from a moral point of view, you certainly belong to the chosen part of humanity.
Cardinal Air (Libra) - you have a developed intuition, and your mind always controls your actions. You are smart and because of this you succeed professionally. You are very eloquent and can be a good public speaker. You are an honest, refined person striving for perfection. Love manual and mental work.
Cardinal Water (Cancer) - you are romantic and sensitive, you change your mood depending on the weather, personal contacts and the momentary situation. You can easily get angry and angry, you do not know how to hide your feelings. Often, you are influenced by the mood of other people, you fall in love, become attached and are sentimental. Any sensation or life experience leaves a mark on your soul for a long time.
Fixed Fire (Lion) - this zodiacal combination forms the strongest will. You are ambitious and temperamental, strength and energy allow you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. You are quite reserved and proud. Usually, do not waste your efforts, whether it is about love or a career.
Fixed Earth (Taurus) - you have a hard time adapting to new trends. True, this feature can be mitigated by the presence of another element, especially Air. Often you are overconfident and overly narcissistic. Try to be more restrained about your accomplishments, otherwise it can divert your attention from the things that are essential for success. Sometimes you are quiet, reserved and even sad, and your true nature only manifests itself in close relationships.
Fixed Air (Aquarius) - you are a noble, sophisticated and peaceful person, a true aristocrat of the spirit who brings elegance to any society. Such people are often patient in any work that involves the opportunity to be in nature. They can be painters, sculptors, etc. You are thin, mostly conservative, but determined person. If there are planets associated with the element of Earth, your success can turn into real glory.
Fixed Water (Scorpio) - you are very susceptible and somehow always feel exactly what is happening.In the negative version, this combination can lead to jealousy, suspicion and even the possibility of betrayal. On the other hand, you can become a real saint, and your talents can manifest themselves in many areas. You have a changeable and depressive temperament, ups and downs often replace each other. You are prone to dramatization, have a little interest in mystical things and are difficult to understand. This combination is often expressed in a tendency to delay and procrastinate.
Mutable Fire (Sagittarius) - you are expressive, full of enthusiasm and inspire others to action. But you yourself rarely achieve great results. If there are enough planets in the element of the Earth, then you can show ingenuity and extraordinary enterprise to establish balance. You are independent, but you constantly need others to cheer you up, and you need people you can rely on.
Mutable Earth (Virgo) - you are conservative, nervous and worried, prone to some formalism in everyday life, which can lead to monotony and lead to stagnation. If the Earth is stronger than mutability, you can do well professionally, be a stable and consistent person. If this is not the case, forces that can lead to worries and difficulties in making decisions can win.
Mutable Air (Gemini) - you are a real dreamer, learn something all your life, and you never get bored. You are inquisitive and self-sufficient. Strive for scientific or literary activity, but you need some planet in the element of Fire or Earth in order to gain fame and reach a high level of achievement. Try to always remain awake and aware of everything that is happening around, because you are largely subject to other people's influence and this can distract and stop you.
Mutable Water (Pisces) - and unwillingly, you always run into trouble, and this leads to numerous problems. From early childhood, under the influence of your parents, you adhere to strict discipline. On the one hand, you may be prone to whining and complaining, but on the other hand, when things are going well, you become enthusiastic, show affability, and radiate love for others. In this combination, more than in others, the remaining elements and qualities, as well as planetary aspects, should be taken into account.
In addition to highlighting the sign of synthesis, a number of astrologers similarly take into account the "synthetic house", or "under-seal".

March M., McEvers J. The best way to learn astrology
Levin M. Lectures on astrology. Initial course

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