The meaning of the knight of swords. Card knight of swords in tarot layout. Interpretation of the direct position

Doors 19.11.2020


Or Mars, in our opinion, in Brazilian. We look at the map. A brutal man rushes in a chariot chasing with a sword the men harnessed to it, like him. Instead of horses or bulls. Or swan eagles at worst. And each has two shield-wings. Or instead of wings. Not very clear. But the fact that this is the God of War is obvious. Who else drives people to fight, saber rattling. See what Crowley has to say.

“He is dressed in a very finely woven chain mail, with decorations, and in his chariot, various geometric shapes are easily distinguishable. The chariot is being pulled by winged children, jumping randomly in all directions wherever their eyes fall; they do not know the reins and are extremely capricious. Therefore, the chariot is mobile enough, but unable to move in any particular direction, except for a random one. This is a perfect picture of the Mind.

On the Prince's head, however, a child's head shines, for the secret crown is inherent in the nature of this card; in concentration, it is just Tiphareth.

The execution of this logical mental process reduced Air, the element of this card, to many different geometric patterns, but in this

There is no intention; they simply demonstrate the powers of the Mind without any specific purpose. In the right hand of the Prince is a raised sword with which he creates, in his left is a sickle with which he immediately destroys everything created.

The person to whom this symbol belongs is purely intellectual. He is full of ideas and plans that collide with each other. He has many subtle ideals that find no practical way out. His apparatus of Thinking works flawlessly, he is very intelligent, remarkably rational, but his goals are unstable; in fact, he is indifferent even to his own ideas, knowing that any of them is no better and no worse than any other Any thing he will bring to unreality, removing its substance and methodically transforming it into an ideal - purely formal and not even connected with those facts on which it is based on.
This is one of the most difficult figures in the entire book because it is ambivalent: it means both flexibility and penetration. "

It seems that the words describing this card refer to another. Or that Crowley wrote them while drunk. Where did he see Intellect here? The fact that the Sword is a symbol of intelligence cannot be argued. But mulberries? Pointless swinging and using a whip sword ?! To drive? No, they are not timid, everything is not so, everyone is not so timid. Something darkens our Beast 666. This he loves. To darken and mislead. Like any esoteric who despises mere mortals, that is, you and me. Like, if you see the inscription "buffalo" on the cage with an elephant, then don't believe your eyes. Here I am, just like the unforgettable Stanislavsky, I say “I don’t believe”.
I do not believe that our dear Alistair spoke seriously. I suppose he was kidding how he loves. "Every man and woman is a star." Directly each?

Doubtful. So let's stop at the cage with the elephant. Personally, I see Ares. Furious and reckless in the heat of battle. Which only Venus can calm. I mean Aphrodite. Have you realized what I mean? Some on the move. Those who are strong in astrology.

Naturally, after all, Aphrodite is Ares' mistress. They even somehow her husband Hephaestus caught. And put it to public shame. More precisely, I wanted to expose. But it didn't work out. The gods, seeing how the lovers, caught unawares, covered by the golden net that Hephaestus had forged, were tossing and turning in bed, laughed long and loudly. They laughed at him. Much to the chagrin of the latter, that again became a general laughing stock.

So, the green color of the clothes of the Prince of Swords indicates that he is a lover of Venus. For that is how the Beautiful Lady was worshiped - dressing in her colors. And green is the color of Venus.

Now let's read Jean Bohlen.

“Ares as the embodiment of aggression has always been one of the most significant forces in human history. An Olympic "man of action," the god of war and strife, a tireless and stormy lover, he thrives in conflict and revels in the joy of battle. In Ares, we see our own aggression, crude and bloody, as it was before it was tamed and suppressed by civilization.

Arianna Stasinopoulos, "The Gods of Greece"

In literature and art, Ares is known to us in two roles: a warrior and a lover (this is how Homer described him). His Latin name Mars is, in fact, synonymous with the word "war" "this name is also called a person who enjoys the ardor of a bloody battle.

Philip Myerson,
"Classical mythology in literature, art and music"

The archetype of Ares, like this god himself, manifests itself through passionate violent reactions. Under the influence of the Ares archetype, an outburst of emotion directly entails physical action. This is a reactive archetype, completely immersed in the moment "here and now." The Ares archetype undoubtedly predisposes a person to constantly live with bodily sensations, which can have a very positive effect on sexuality. However, when rage boils in him, Ares acts under the influence of instincts and often finds himself in situations that are unfavorable for himself and dangerous for others. Ares does not take into account who he is dealing with and what consequences to expect, and because of this, he may have problems.

According to myths, Ares's beloved was Aphrodite, and it is with women of this type that the Ares man has the best compatibility. They have similar temperaments with the goddess of love and beauty, they are united by eccentricity and sensuality. Both live here and now. In their lives, "fireworks" occur every now and then - a bright flame of eroticism and sparkling outbursts of anger. Quarrels break out between them every now and then, followed by reconciliation.

A woman-Athena with a sharpened mind of a strategist will treat the man-Ares just like the goddess Athena, who constantly strove to teach the god of war for emotionality and impulsiveness. Women who value in a man, above all, status and the ability to make money, and also expect him to provide them with confidence in the future, do not consider Ares as a potential spouse.

The Ares man is often associated with friendships with many women, with whom he can be very affectionate and courteous regardless of their age, but women, as a rule, do not fall into the number of his best friends. Usually he is not associated with women either by general hobbies or work.

Ares is attracted to women with whom he can act sincerely and spontaneously, showing his sympathy physically. Sex, dancing, eating together, playing - he completely immerses himself in all these activities and prefers that the woman also surrender herself completely to them.

The Ares man loves to spend time in the company of other men - to do a common cause, play various games, arrange rallies, watch sports or play sports. Such a man is not attracted to deep conversations or philosophical reasoning, his topics of conversation are limited to women, sports, their own affairs and the affairs of friends. He is attached to friends and is always ready to defend them. In this environment, he may cry, and he will not be called a weakling, or hug a friend tightly, without awakening homophobic feelings in anyone.

Whether an Ares man loves or pounds women depends on the circumstances of his childhood. This is a man who prefers mature, sexually uninhibited women who love sex as much as he does. Ares does not look like a mystically-minded, ecstatic-seeking lover-Dionysus.

The man-Ares is uncomfortable living in a patriarchal hypocritical society. Ares may regard his passion as a vice, believing that this part of his nature is subject to condemnation and suppression - especially if he is married to a sexually inhibited Puritan and is constantly haunted by thoughts of "going left." If Ares implements these ideas, then he usually fails to hide his adventures - for this he is not a good enough strategist. Therefore, he is caught hot and subjected to public condemnation, as was the case with the god Ares.

The Ares man does not seek marriage, but does not avoid it either. He is completely absorbed in the present moment and does not make far-reaching plans. This person does not ask questions: "Will this woman be a good wife?", "What kind of mother will she make?", "How will our union affect my career?", "Will I marry her?" If others - a woman, her parents, his parents - want this wedding, then it will take place. "

Prince of Swords

Main meaning:

The son of the problem is a chivalrous approach. An intelligent, eloquent conversationalist. Technocrat. Chameleon. Independence. Aimlessness. Ease. Insidiousness. Cunning. Cynicism.


Impermanence. Lack of concept. Cool business relationship. An instant decision. Unrealistic ideas. Innovation. Resourcefulness. Savvy.


Play of the mind instead of deep knowledge and perception. Construction of castles in the air.

Personal relationships:

Cooling. The need for independence. Desire for a break. Free or rationally oriented relationship. Sharp tongue.


Consider. Ask or clarify interesting questions.


Flights of fantasy, the danger of falling from heaven to earth.

Overall value:

The son of "jumping into the air" is an ordinary young man in our unusual time, when paranoia is no longer a disease, but rather a normal state of insanity. The story of his life is “written” by aggressive, exploitative, technocratic thinking dressed as a clown. And while the technical progress he symbolizes brings with it more clarity and sober calculation, the Prince still represents the negative aspect of the mind. Whether it's a dry technocrat, a cynic, a brawler, or a sassy know-it-all, he is always a victim of his shattered emotional world. Despite this, his goal is positive, because, by giving up emotional ties, he "drives" people from their homes, preventing ossification and stagnation. He leads them into new emotional spaces. Its characteristic movement is necessary for spiritual growth and entry into new emotional worlds.

Aleister Crowley "TOTA BOOK"


This card represents the airy part of Air, interpreted as intelligence, mind as such. The Prince of Swords rules from the 21st degree of Capricorn to the 20th degree of Aquarius.

He is dressed in very finely woven chain mail, with decorations, and in his chariot, various geometric shapes are easily distinguishable. The chariot is being pulled by winged children, jumping randomly in all directions wherever their eyes fall; they do not know the reins and are extremely capricious. Therefore, the chariot is mobile enough, but unable to move in any particular direction, except for a random one. This is a perfect picture of the Mind.

On the Prince's head, however, a child's head shines, for the secret crown is inherent in the nature of this card; in concentration, it is just Tiphareth.

The execution of this logical mental process reduced Air, the element of this card, to many different geometric patterns, but in this

there is no intention; they simply demonstrate the powers of the Mind without any specific purpose. In the right hand of the Prince is a raised sword with which he creates, in his left is a sickle with which he immediately destroys everything created.

The person to whom this symbol belongs is purely intellectual. He is full of ideas and plans that collide with each other. He has many subtle ideals that find no practical way out. His apparatus of Thinking works flawlessly, he is very intelligent, remarkably rational, but his goals are unstable; in fact, he is indifferent even to his own ideas, knowing that any of them is no better and no worse than any other Any thing he will bring to unreality, removing its substance and methodically transforming it into an ideal - purely formal and not even connected with those facts on which it is based on.

In the I Ching, the airy part of Air is represented by hexagram 57, Xun.

This is one of the most difficult figures in the entire book, because it is ambivalent: it means both flexibility and penetration.

Extremely strong due to complete freedom from established principles, always ready to resort to any conceivable argument, not subject to regret and repentance, smartly and deftly "citing Scripture" in support of any thesis, indifferent to the fate of the opposite argument put forward by them two minutes earlier, invincible, because any situation for them is no worse and no better than others, capable of entering into an alliance with anyone who is at hand, these slippery and flexible people can be useful only if they are firmly subdued by a creative will, supported by a stronger one, than theirs, reason. In practice, this is rarely possible: there is nothing to do with them, even by indulging their appetites. But they can also be stormy, even uncontrollable. Freaks, drinkers, drugs, humanism, music, or religion often belong to this class; but even in this case there is no stability. They roam from one cult or vice to another, always fanatically and brilliantly supporting what is, in fact, just a passing fashion.

It is easy to be deceived by such people, because the external manifestation has tremendous power: it is as if a feeble-minded person read Plato's dialogues to you. In this way, they can acquire a reputation as people of deep and broad mind.

The Knight of Swords, the meaning of which we will discuss today, is a very unusual card. Its interpretation very often depends on other Arcana that fell out in the layout. We can say that this is a kind of impulse that changes the interpretation of neighboring cards in a certain direction. But, nevertheless, this impetuous and spontaneous Horseman may well indicate a specific person. But let's talk about everything in order.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In the illustration in the deck, which is by far the most popular - in, the Knight of Swords is a horseman, rapidly rushing towards some target known to him alone. He drew his sword, and his whole pose shows the onslaught, speed, aggression, readiness to attack the enemy. The horse rushes him at full speed - on the Arcana, drawn by Pamela Coleman-Smith, this swiftness is clearly felt. This is not freezing in place, like the Horseman of Pentacles, and not readiness to jump like on the figured Arcana of the suit of Wands, and certainly there is no question of any sensuality of the Knave of Pentacles. Only movement, only readiness to rush into battle this very second. It is not surprising that the main meaning of the Rider of Swords of Tarot will be active offensive, headlong movement, a tendency to conflict. In the old days, the interpretation of the card was associated with the presence of a dangerous enemy, which nothing can stop.

Key words and ideas of the map in the layout

So, what will our windy Knight, son of air and wind, report? What life circumstances will he describe?

  • Tense situation, desperate situation requiring immediate action
  • Active development of stressful situations, confrontations, conflicts
  • Unshakable self-righteousness
  • Headlong offensive
  • Furious controversy, sudden quarrel
  • Urgent Stress Trip
  • Fast-paced, spontaneous, unexpected events

The meaning of the Horseman of Swords in an upright position

Everything that could be said about the interpretation of this figured Arcana, we have already expressed with key expressions. It remains only to bring them together - then we will get some kind of acute, rapidly developing situation that requires an immediate response. The very same reaction can usually be expressed by the phrase "jumped on a horse and galloped." The person to whom the Knight of Swords came will not carefully weigh the pros and cons, will not hesitate for a long time and decide how best to act - he just takes and rushes at full steam ahead towards conflicts, enemies, showdowns. It should be noted that, like all Arcana of the suit of Swords, this Horseman has a fairly high level of intelligence, so the outcome of the situation will not always be negative: very often the Knight symbolizes fantastically correct immediate decisions taken at a completely inappropriate moment for this. However, the outcome of his jump should still be judged by the surrounding cards.

The value of the card is upside down

The Reverse Knight of Swords is one who is eager to mount a horse and gallop, but stops at the last moment, suddenly thinking about the possible consequences. This is the man who yells louder than anyone that you need to enter the burning hut, and he freezes in indecision on its threshold, letting everyone else go ahead. Another manifestation of the Air Knight is a complete loss of sanity, which forces a person to single-handedly engage in combat against five or play foul play. Sometimes people, characterized by an inverted Sword Rider, are indecisive - they cannot understand in any way on which side it is better to fight. We can say that this person is "neither fish, nor meat", "neither yours, nor ours." And under this card, unequal rivalry often takes place, when a person encroaches on something that in fact does not belong to him at all. This situation is perfectly described by the story of a young man in love with a girl whose heart belongs to another. As a result, this young man challenges his opponent to battle and dies in the same battle. There remains one logical question: why did he do it and who got better from it, because on the part of the girl there was no interest in him at all.

The value of the Rider of Air in terms of love and relationships

Let's see how the ardent and fearless spirit of our Horseman manifests itself in matters of personal life.

Direct position

The value of the Knight of Swords Tarot in a relationship will almost always be unfavorable. The swift and fast Horseman symbolizes open, rapidly developing conflicts, hostility to each other, vicious skirmishes, confrontations and a general atmosphere of hostility, heated to the limit. We can say that this is a rather difficult moment for a couple, and most often the influence of the Knight leads to a complete breakdown in relations. The meaning of the Knight of Swords Tarot in love, if we are talking about the significator of one of the partners, is a sharp-tongued, conflicted, intolerant person who always says what he thinks. He has at least a dozen complaints about his other half - and he will gladly list them out loud at the first meaningless quarrel. It is very unpleasant to live and build relationships with such a type, because he is very cruel and ruthless.

Inverted position

The reverse meaning of the Knight of Swords Tarot in love is not particularly better than the direct one. The only difference here is that he still knows how to stop, but he does this when the other half has already received a mortal offense or has decided to leave him. Often the inverted Arkan reports about the stupidest antics that lead to the inevitable collapse of the relationship, about situations of meaningless struggle, essentially not needed by any of the partners, or about "waving fists after a fight", when, for example, a husband forgave his wife for treason, and later half a year of a quiet life suddenly begins to raise a hand on her and blame her for all mortal sins.

The value of the Horseman of Swords in fortune telling on health

Consider the traditional meaning of the Knight of Swords Tarot in health.

Direct position

Direct Knight Air symbolizes various mental abnormalities, for example, schizophrenia, obsessions, delirium, insanity, as well as addiction to the Internet and computer games, when a person is completely immersed in a fictional reality that takes him far from real life. Often on the map there are also accidents and injuries received due to haste or negligence - as a result of falling, speeding. Rarely, in combination with other confirming Arcana, it can speak of physical death.

Inverted position

Most often describes psychogenic impotence - the inability to have a full sex life due to purely psychological problems.

The value of the Knight of Swords in divination for personality analysis and psychological state

Now let's analyze the meaning of the Knight of Swords Tarot for a situation when we need to describe with this card the personality of a person, his behavior, as well as what is going on in his soul.

Direct position

A hasty, harsh, impetuous person, always ready to jump off the bat. He always speaks first, and only then thinks how he can cause the strongest emotional pain to others. His motto is “What is there to think about - we must act!”. In general, the life of such a person is full of extreme and dangerous situations. The psychological state described by the card is insanity, mental disorders.

Inverted position

The Reverse Knight of Swords falls slightly short of direct in its impetuosity. This is, let's say, a "couch hero" who speaks a lot, but acts little. It is quite possible that deep down in his heart he is quite brave and courageous, but sometimes it is simply scary to show these qualities in practice. The second version of the Inverted Horseman is a person who is always chatting from side to side in all areas of life: he often changes his views on life and his opinion on a particular issue. A state of mind is a conflict between desires and real actions.

The value of the card in layouts for work and finance

Now let's talk about career and material issues.

Direct position

The desire to show one's abilities and skills, being ahead of the situation, too intrusive and inappropriate activity, bold, ambitious plans that are not always realized, open rivalry, acute conflict situations, spasmodic income (“sometimes empty, sometimes thick”). Professions - analysts, information processing specialists, stuntmen, extreme sportsmen, activities related to frequent business trips.

Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Knight of Swords Tarot in the professional sphere is indecision, which manifests itself at the last moment, when a person, for example, was burning with some idea, and as soon as it came to its embodiment, he gave up. Often there is also activity on the map, but at the wrong time, when the "train has already left." On the financial plan - monetary losses due to their own stupidity and the wrongly chosen strategy of behavior.

The value of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Among the curly cards, the Rider of Water is perhaps the most influenced by the neighboring Arcana. The interpretations that we give in the framework of this article are just one of dozens of possible ones. It's best if you just take them into account, but learn to deduce your own.

  • : Foolish, reckless act
  • : To declare a war
  • : Secret Intrigues
  • : Rapid labor, miscarriage
  • : Conflict with superiors
  • : Quarrel with a teacher or father
  • : Love relationship crisis
  • : Achieve your aggression, recklessly drive
  • : Uncontrollable irascibility
  • : Staying alone because of your conflicting nature
  • : Crisis in life
  • : Combining the Knight of Swords Tarot with Justice - Get Punished
  • : Drive yourself to a dead end
  • : Drastic, abrupt changes
  • : Accelerate adaptation
  • : Go downhill, indulge in vices, become addicted quickly
  • : Trauma sustained in DPT
  • Star: Moving fast towards the dream
  • Moon: Complication of the disease
  • Sun: To achieve clarity
  • Court: Fast Rehabilitation
  • World: World Crisis

The meaning of the Horseman of Swords in the neighborhood of the Minor Arcana

Now let's look at the interaction of the energy of the air Knight with figure and number cards.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Tired of trying in vain
  • : Receive a call
  • : Exert pressure
  • : Divorce
  • : Team riot
  • : To fail
  • : Heroically resist
  • : Violence
  • : Life Trials
  • : Feeling overwhelmed
  • : Bad news
  • : Aggressive competition, rivalry
  • : Unsuitability
  • King: Conflict with a man

With suit of Cups

  • : Outburst of feelings
  • : Rapidly developing love or business relationships
  • : An early wedding or a sudden celebration
  • : Get tired
  • : Regret your recklessness
  • : Relationships destroyed in the past
  • : Running along the path of illusion
  • : Secretly escape from home, family, work
  • : The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Swords with Nine of Cups - Fast achievement of the desired
  • : Finding a family quickly
  • : Many words - little action
  • : Sudden outbursts or sudden mood swings
  • : Haste in a relationship with a woman
  • : Haste in a relationship with a man

With the suit of Swords

The knight of swords in tarot has a varied meaning, it can be studied in the description of the card, or you can simply take the lasso in your hands and look at its image, which at first glance will show the meaning of the prediction.

When the Knight of Swords appears in divination, it may mean that you will be involved in some kind of lawsuit, which is often unfair and usually associated with some kind of negative karma.

general description

The card depicts a knight in heavy armor, with a helmet on his head, the visor is open, he is shrouded in a red banner, symbolizing aggression. The knight's white horse carries him forward. In his right hand, the knight holds a sword, raised up and ready for battle. The map shows busy traffic, the height of the battle. The environment is stormy, emotional - this can be seen in the scraps of clouds, bending pines.

Interpretation of the direct position

Keys: courage, professional, perseverance. High potential for development. Protection. Anger. Discussion, dispute, conflict. Cold. Leader. Haste. Unbridled pursuit of goals. Ambitiousness. Destructive forces. Gallantry. A good friend or a dangerous enemy. Leadership makings. Cruelty. Zeal forward. Victory. Completion of what was started at any cost. Heartlessness. Perseverance. Stubbornness.

A young man who defends someone's interests, this mainly refers to the questioner. It can be a friend, patron, acquaintance, colleague, partner. This person supports you and you can rely on him. Rest assured, help will be provided. You will be helped to defend your interests.

The character of a person is sincere intentions, responsibility, seriousness, determination, tireless energy, knowledge of one's business. You need to find a common language with this person. You will succeed and you will be able to emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

Main characteristics of the upright position:

  • Severity, cynicism, well-developed intellect, resourcefulness, struggle.
  • Perseverance, impulsive impulses. Any dangers and obstacles are simply swept away. You need to be able to manage your impulses and put them on the right track.
  • Conflicts. Disputes, outbursts of anger. The complexity of self-control.
  • Chaos, destruction, unbridledness.

Council. Only decisive and purposeful actions. Do not succumb to the surrounding pressure, boldly go forward to your goal. The risk will be justified.

Not all rush actions are good for your reputation. Sometimes it is necessary to consider both the situation itself and the decision to be made.

Inverted position interpretation

Keys: impulsivity, secrecy, selfishness, quirks, misunderstandings. Competition. Danger from ill-wishers. Confrontation. Dangerous situation. Conflict. Aggression, inability to endure and wait. Heartlessness. Selfishness. Don't follow the advice. Absent-mindedness. Out of control. Misunderstanding. Stealth. Impulsiveness. The desire to show your team spirit. Desire to be a leader. What you did not expect.

A dangerous opponent has appeared in your environment, it may be like your opponent or an ardent opponent. Remember, this person can bring a lot of trouble into your life and really harm both your career and your reputation.

The knight of swords points to a specific person with the makings of a leader, purposeful, he is confident in himself, moderately cruel and will not stop at anything. The knight of swords warns you, look around, look around, and perhaps you are already in a confrontation or are just getting ready to join it.

You need to make every effort to resolve the situation in your direction, since the confrontation is conducted openly, and attacks are expressed directly in your direction.

The best way out of the situation is not to bring the situation to a critical moment by going to peace, or to find the best compromise that will suit both sides.

Sometimes you can be a rebel or troublemaker. You behave quite covertly, do not divulge your plans. Don't panic.

The main characteristics of the inverted position:

  • Dynamism, which will not lead to good.
  • Aggression, imbalance.
  • The bad news.

Warning. Work on your ability to negotiate and resolve issues through diplomacy. Know how to see compromises and offer them to your opponent. Do not pursue only your own interests, so as not to ignite a war with renewed vigor. Do not seek to destroy everything. Be attentive and careful. Danger may lie on the side from which you do not expect it.

Knight of swords in health

Direct position. Psychological disorders, trauma, fractures. Physical injuries. Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. The condition can reach an emergency. It's time to think about your health.

Inverted position. Serious deviations in various areas are possible. Abnormalities affect brain activity and body development. Imbalance, aggressiveness, groundless outbursts of anger, sexual disorders. Impotence is not physical, but psychological. Work through your fears and don't take out your anger at others. Take care of your health while doing extreme sports.

If a knight of swords comes in the alignment of relationships and love, this indicates quick movements. Romantic whirlwinds will move rapidly. The lasso can also indicate a person who will have a desire to save his friend, to protect from something. These intentions come from a pure heart.

Direct position. Coldness, selfishness. Feelings have a changeable character, then flash, then cool down. This cannot go on for long. One of the partners thinks only about himself and his plans, completely disregarding the opinion of the partner. Termination of the relationship, or a thorough review of the situation.

Inverted position... The relationship in a pair suits both partners. Extravagance, eccentricity - this is the highlight in a relationship. Each partner in this relationship finds something of his own. Interfering with this relationship or discussing and condemning such behavior is not worth it.

Inability to adapt to the situation, tough confrontation, exacerbation of the situation.

Knight of swords at work

Professions knight of swords: the sphere of technology, work with equipment, an employee, a soldier, a cavalry, an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies, a bailiff.

Direct position. Decreased efficiency, disinterest as a result. Indifference to their job responsibilities. Delay in delivery of the project. Quarrels and conflicts in the team, uncoordinated work. Everyone wants to excel, so it hurts the opponent.

Inverted position. Your actions are unreasonable. You have too few useful skills for the job. Little work experience. Unwillingness to develop and gain new knowledge. You don't want to be trained.

Pay attention to your financial situation, most likely it's time to adjust your expenses and start saving. Learn to treat money correctly.

Knight of swords on the current situation

Direct position. The situation can get its logical development. New acquaintances may appear in your life and events may occur that will serve as a lesson for you and add to your life experience.

If there is an option that you need to fight for what you want, then you need to fight to the last.

You have cooled off to your hobbies, the reason for this could be unhealthy criticism. Try to look at what is happening from the other side. Drop your doubts.

New acquaintances enter your life. The situation is developing rapidly and it seems to you that you are unable to control what is happening, but this is not so. Pull yourself together and keep going forward.

If you want, then your desire will be quickly fulfilled, but this requires an effort. The most important thing is to correctly distribute your energy, set real tasks and go without fear of mistakes.

Council. Try to correctly distribute your strengths and impulses, then it will be easier for you to join the team and make your plans a reality.

What the card can tell you:

  1. Pointing to a specific person from your environment.
  2. It will help to reveal your character traits, to reveal your personality.
  3. How deeply you know yourself.
  4. The roles you play in different situations and how you can change depending on the environment.
  5. What may happen in the near future.
  6. What you are missing. Qualities for development and education that you need to pay attention to.
  7. A characterization of your opponent.
  8. Upside down is the dark side of your personality.

The likelihood of the fulfillment of the plan - everything will come true, only it is worth controlling your impulses and not running into trouble and conflicts with others. Moderate your ardor.

Inverted position. Lack of development prospects. You took on a job or a commitment that was beyond your strength and ability. The knight of swords can indicate a specific person who is bothering you: a bully, a pest.

The person who got in your way: cold, sharp and cunning, he brings you destruction, conflicts and will stubbornly stand his ground, will not want to agree with your opinion. Such a person can sneak into your innermost areas of life, which you considered protected and where you took refuge from all storms. Try to keep the situation under your control, do not specifically look for a quarrel with your enemy or opponent. Better think about how to achieve a compromise or lure this person to your side in order to join forces. But don't reveal your plans. Stay with your opinion, focus this cooperation on your result.

Ideas for Understanding Knight of Swords:

  • Courage, courage, dedication.
  • Wit and mastery of eloquence.
  • It is not the words that matter, but the actions.
  • Madcap.

Questions for analysis after the appearance of the knight of swords in the layout

  1. Are you ready to act?
  2. What goals are you pursuing and what are you trying to achieve?
  3. What are you ready for to achieve what you want?
  4. What are you ready to destroy and throw at the feet of your victory?
  5. Who are you fighting with?
  6. What are the battles for?

Interpretation of the knight of swords in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. You are to blame for your misfortunes.

With a magician. Complaints, violation of peace and tranquility.

With the high priestess. Concealment of intentions.

With the empress. Premature birth. Danger during pregnancy.

With the emperor. Conflict situation with a superior.

With the lovers. Stormy, scandalous end of the relationship.

With a chariot. Foul play, danger on the road.

With strength. Incontinence. Aggressive mood.

With a hermit. Loneliness, the result of your resistance.

With a wheel of fortune. Luck is not on your side.

With justice. You deserve to be punished.

With the hanged man. Dead end, you brought yourself there.

With death. Change of position. Rapid development of the situation.

With moderation. Adaptation to what is happening.

With the devil. Depravity.

With a tower of lightning. Gap, loss, accident.

With a star. There was a chance to improve your position and implement your plans.

With the moon. Aggravations in all areas of life.

With the sun. You are trying to clarify the situation and get more information.

With the court. There is an opportunity for a quick recovery.

With the world. Crisis situation.

Interpretation of the knight of swords in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Overload, fatigue.

With a deuce. A quick break in relationships.

With a three. The use of brute force to achieve a desired or to resolve a situation.

With a four. The gap.

With a five. Conflicts. Disobedience.

With a six. You give up your position, submission to someone.

With a seven. Battle.

With an eight. Violent actions.

With a nine. Fate is testing you.

With a ten. Loss of willpower.

With a page. Negative news.

With a knight. Aggressiveness, confrontation.

With the queen. Quarrel with a powerful woman.

With the king. Crisis situation. Conflict with a man who has power.

Interpretation of the knight of swords in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Change of life under the influence of love.

With a deuce. Imposed good intentions will not bring a favorable outcome.

With a three. The onset of peace, humility.

With a four. Transfiguration.

With a five. You will be disappointed in something.

With a six. Now there is an opportunity to improve their position.

With a seven. Jealousy.

With an eight. Disappointments.

With a nine. Successful completion of the case. Victory.

With a ten. Everything will be fine.

With a page. A person treats you with all passion and love.

With a knight. Falling in love, outbursts of passion, madness.

With the queen. Male persistence.

With the king. Deserved trust.

Interpretation of the knight of swords in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Positive response.

With a deuce. Be careful with your surroundings.

With a three. Betrayal or unfaithfulness of one of the partners burst into the relationship.

With a four. Get ready to travel.

With a five. Don't trust a specific person.

With a six. You need to think about the current situation and change something in it.

With a seven. Stakeholder disclosure of fraud.

With an eight. Collapse in love, this union will not last long.

With a nine. You should reconsider your social circle.

With a ten. You made a mistake, it can cause failure.

With a page. Something for the long term.

With the queen. You can fix the situation and take control of everything.

With the king. The arrival of new love.

Interpretation of the knight of swords in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Opportunities.

With a deuce. Do not hurry.

With a three. Be proactive in your relationships.

With a four. Achieving balance and harmony in a couple.

With a five. The complexity of the situation.

With a six. Show your feelings.

With a seven. A difficult situation, but everything will be resolved.

With an eight. Be true to your significant other and to your principles. This will bring you a reward.

With a nine. Passion, love, success, popularity.

With a ten. You may be reciprocated.

With a page. Your doubts will be dispelled.

With a knight. Rapid development of relationships.

With the queen. Courtship of the queen, persistent and passionate.

With the king. Expression of feelings and declaration of love.

Direct position

The Knight of Swords is intellectualism, eloquence, independence, cunning. A person who has such an Arcanum in the scenario is almost certainly a bit of a technocrat, a bit cynic; he can be insidious, or, on the contrary, frivolous.

This is not the easiest map to interpret, because it has many aspects. It manifests a great potential, which, depending on the context of the alignment, will be interpreted as rebellion, disagreement, opposition to something, or as a desire to express oneself, recommend oneself, create an image. The only trouble with this is that the processes or situations described by the Knight of Swords are often selfish in nature. Although, however, the direct position still generally implies the use of energy for peaceful purposes.

As a court card, the Knight of Swords symbolizes a middle-aged man (but not older than 45); although it may be a young man, however, in this case we will be dealing with a mature, mature character. At the same time, the suit of Swords endows him with good mental abilities, a penchant for analysis, and also the desire to defend his own point of view even through conflicts.

Neighboring cards sometimes clarify the meaning of the Arcana very well. For example, together with the Force, the Knight of Swords symbolizes hot temper, with the Chariot - recklessness (including driving), with the Three of Wands - assertiveness.

Inverted position

The Inverted Knight of Swords describes primarily situations associated with the manifestation (and even a deliberate demonstration) of aggression. That is, if we are talking about a quarrel, then there is a risk that it will end up in a fight; if a person begins to dislike someone, then this will be expressed not just in gossip and dismissive glances, but in the fact that he will try to bring his foe to a state of panic or depression.

When the inverted Knight of Swords falls out paired with the Ace of Wands, he speaks of the failure of attempts to achieve the desired by pressure and aggression, and in combination with the World, such an Arcanum indicates the likelihood of a big crisis in life.

Love and relationships

Direct position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Knight of Swords should be interpreted as a cooling of love, and sometimes even to the point of a desire to break an existing union, as well as a relationship built on agreement, rationalism. Thus, this Arkan perfectly reflects a fictitious marriage, marriage with the conclusion of a marriage contract. But besides this, the Knight of Swords can indicate the need for personal living space, the desire for some independence in marriage or in love relationships.

If such an Arcana has fallen out in the scenario, then this may mean that one of the partners is manifestly malignant and disregard for the other, has a sharp tongue, and all this in combination leads to the fact that the relationship loses warmth, cordiality, or even completely “No” (for example, the combination of the Knight of Swords and the Tower is treated as a divorce). And the combination of this Arcana with Death portends changes in relations in a very short time, and, moreover, the changes will turn out to be very dramatic.

Inverted position

Inverted Knight of Swords means a strange relationship in which selfishness dominates, and partners do not restrain themselves in manifestations of destructive emotions (especially with the Four of Wands). Paired with Lovers, the card describes a crisis situation when the need has ripened to discuss a problem and start changing something in a relationship. In addition, such an Arcanum can symbolize an extravagant couple that looks completely different from the others; no one around her understands, but in her both partners are quite satisfied with each other.

Another version of the interpretation of the inverted Knight of Swords is a situation when one of the partners suddenly disappears, leaves without explanation, etc.


Direct position

For the layouts of the profession and business, the Knight of Swords is interpreted as ill-considered decisions, short-term conclusions, lack of a clear vision of the situation, inconstancy. This Arcanum indicates problems that a person is most likely creating for himself, for example, due to shortcomings in his own character or experience.

But on the other hand, the Knight of Swords is also quick-witted, the ability to grasp information on the fly, quickness. That is, the map seems to suggest two different consequences of the same property - intellectualism and a sharp mind. Such a mind can guess the right decision, but it can also be wrong; as a result, what is called “either pan or disappeared” arises. How exactly to interpret the Knight of Swords is often suggested by the Arcana that fell with him in the layout. For example, together with the Jester, he will reveal his negative side, predicting financial difficulties. But with the Star, the Knight of Swords denotes an unexpectedly successful decision that will significantly bring a person closer to his goal.

Inverted position

The Inverted Knight of Swords characterizes an outright indiscretion, which, perhaps, could even be called stupidity. Here we also have to talk about the struggle for the sake of the struggle itself, when a person will try to survive a colleague from the team or annoy the boss, not even trying to get some material benefit from this, but simply from the desire to cause trouble. Other interpretations of such an Arcana are carelessness, incompetence with great zeal, etc. So, there is a situation when you want to exclaim: "Oh, his energy - yes to a peaceful channel! .." In addition, in combination with the Wheel of Fortune, the inverted Knight of Swords indicates that luck is lost through his own fault, and with Justice - that punishment is inevitable, but it is well deserved.

You do not always know how to correctly distribute your energy and time. And this creates a feeling of discomfort. Even worse, it often puts you in confrontation with other people. It seems to you that they are trying to educate and teach you ... However, it would be nice to think about the fact that claims against you in many cases are fair.

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