What does it mean if a toad dreamed. Toad: what is the dream about. Eastern female dream book

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Tailless amphibians in folklore are considered a symbolic display of meanness, money-grubbing, and other vices. On the other hand, toads are credited with attracting money. Therefore, when interpreting what the toad dreams of, you can read opposite meanings.

Dream interpretation: to see a toad in a dream

By interpretation dream book by Gustav Miller a toad in a muddy swamp foreshadows a plight. It will be possible to get out of it only with the support of loved ones. To kill a toad - to complicate relationships with friends and relatives. Cover with a palm - to contribute to someone's death. Women, dreamed of an amphibian, warns of the exposure of an old misconduct, which will be accompanied by a scandal. The snake and the toad serve as a warning of treachery. Probably, the rival will not disdain dirty methods in order to discourage the dreamer from a loved one.

According to the Bulgarian prophetess Vangi, if a toad dreams, this is how destructive feelings of a person are expressed. It is advisable to reconsider priorities and outlook on life. Toads jumping right on the sleeping means that soon you will have to go through the temptation. The dream book advises to keep cool, and not to succumb to temptation. Toad rain is a difficult period in life. To kill an amphibian is a hint in reality to control jealousy.

According to the dream book of Simon Kananit toads mean obstacles in achieving a goal. Fierce rivalry in love and business. However, toads and frogs dreamed together are interpreted positively. This is a sign of making a profit.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book the toad personifies meanness and greed. Catching her is a good sign. It will be possible to free yourself from a significant part of the hassle. Many toads are a danger of getting sick. Throwing out of the house is bad. Trouble threatens. It is even worse if in a dream you happened to kill a toad. This is a harbinger of misfortune.

Women's dream book interprets the toad as the onset of pregnancy. The source clarifies that this will be a very unexpected event. To an empty concern - to catch a toad. But if they managed to catch it, the birth of a girl is likely.

Dream interpretation of Yuri Longo warns that after sleeping with an amphibian, annoying chores are coming. However, the white magician does not advise to evade duties - work will turn into a guarantee of future success. Feeling disgust and running away from a toad is an increased conceit. It gets in the way of success. The source interprets the killing of a toad positively. It will turn out to overcome complexes and fears.

Esoteric dream book claims that a toad in a dream portends a dry period.

Who dreamed of a toad in a dream

Dreamed toad unmarried girl promises an early marriage. The larger the amphibian was, the more favorable it would be. However, holding a toad in your hands is a warning about the need to take care of maintaining your reputation. Kissing is an exaggerated requirement for a candidate's hand and heart. For the bride, the dreaming toad is a clue that she hastened with the choice. Behind the sweet face of the groom is a cruel and calculating character, and there is still an opportunity to avoid making a mistake.

Prediction about the field of the future baby - this is what the toad dreams of pregnant... A beautiful and healthy daughter is likely to be born.

Toad married woman serves as a symbolic clue about the presence of a rival. It is also likely that the secrets told to the girlfriend will be known to a large number of people. Therefore, it is advisable to open less details of your own private life.

Toad man marital portends troubles in the relationship with his wife. It will take patience and time to bring the warmth back to the hearth.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of a toad

Most often, the toad is alive. For interpretation it is important to consider its size and color.

Big the toad symbolizes an attempt at seduction, which it is desirable to resist. Also, an amphibian is the personification of an ill-wisher, and it is important to take a closer look at who from the environment is capable of a sneaky act.

Huge a toad, and even more so a large number, also serves as a warning about a possible disease of the upper respiratory tract. It is important to protect your health.

Small the toad personifies empty conversations. Perhaps he will be drawn to participate in adventures, but without much risk.

Bold a toad in a dream portends sudden changes. The color will tell you what they will be.

Green the toad warns of a scandal that will arise after the discovery of the secret of the sleeper. For families and those in love, this color signals the fading of feelings, but they can still be saved.

There comes a period when it is realistic to correct the mistakes made in the past, if you dreamed white toad. The right time for repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Strong worry symbolizes black toad. Most often, she appears before fateful events. When negotiating and traveling, it is advisable not to react to provocations.

Brown predicts routine affairs. Troubles will swirl, leaving almost no time for rest.

The unusual color of an amphibian signals health problems that have probably not yet manifested themselves. Yellow toad - an instruction to check liver parameters.

The poisonous toad is a serious warning. In reality, the dreamer is in danger, and in the coming days, one must behave especially carefully.

Do not visit crowded places or large companies if you have a dream dead toad. The likelihood of being in an unfavorable situation is too high.

Where did the toad dream in a dream

When the toad dreams in water, the interpretation differs depending on its purity. Dirty promises problems. If it was a swamp, they will be protracted, but thanks to the intervention of friends, they will be successfully resolved. An amphibian in clear water symbolizes profit.

Toad in the pond well-groomed and beautiful also predicts significant financial receipts. A dirty or dry body of water indicates impartial gossip.

If you dreamed of a toad on the shore, this is a rumor warning. Envious people dissolve them, so you don't have to brag about your achievements too much, and especially your profit.

A toad appears to misunderstandings with loved ones in home during sleep. Unreasonable jealousy will become the cause of quarrels. A lot of amphibians that flooded the apartment symbolize insincere friends.

Seeing a toad in your own refrigerator is a sign of a possible illness. It is advisable to take preventive measures.

Problems with intimate relationships are symbolized by a toad in bed... A frank conversation is required.

Unkind thoughts are reflected in the dream world like a toad in hair... Probably, a feeling of black envy took possession of the sleeper, and does not allow him to feel the joy of life.

If the toad in a dream was on the lush green grass - this is a magnificent dream. The new person will prove to be a reliable friend.

The fact that ill-wishers are preparing to strike a sneaky blow in the near future is signaled by a dreaming toad in hand... Most likely, it will be possible to guess about the insidious plans if you carefully look at the environment.

Toad in the mouth reflects the dreamer's tendency to use foul language. Such an unpleasant dream reminds us that swearing and spreading rumors are unseemly pursuits.

The interpretations of what the toad dreams of are not entirely unambiguous. Therefore, with alternative options, it is worth considering the experienced emotions. If there was no feeling of disgust, even a not very good prognosis is significantly softened.

As a rule, toads cause only a feeling of disgust in most people. But some have the exact opposite opinion and even keep them as pets. What if we saw a toad while sleeping? Should we expect the onset of troubles and problems, or, on the contrary, will luck and success await you? Today we will try to find out about how such dreams are interpreted by both old dream books and more modern sources.

What did Gustav Miller dream about?

According to the information in this dream book, if a toad dreamed of a female person, then she can become a victim of gossip, which will seriously harm her good name. Killing a toad is seen as the likelihood that your views and judgments will be publicly condemned.

Why is the toad dreaming: Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about a toad, for which you feel strong disgust or even fear it, then in real life you tend to have a negative attitude towards the intimate sphere of relationships with a partner. In other words, you regard sex as some kind of obscenity. Such a worldview can significantly harm your personal life, therefore, if you yourself cannot cope with your emotions, then it would be useful to seek advice from a professional psychologist.

Why is the toad dreaming: dream book for lovers

If a toad is dreamed of by a young girl, then in the near future she may be slandered, which will become the cause of a person. It is considered a very bad sign to cover a toad with your hand in a dream: such a dream is regarded as the likelihood that the dreamer will cause the death of a loved one.

Why is the toad dreaming: Eastern dream book

The dreaming toads are regarded by this dream book as secret ill-wishers: perhaps someone is secretly trying to harm you or compromise you. If you kill toads, then your enemies will not be able to defeat you: you will be able to reveal all their plans in time.

Why is the toad dreaming: dream book from A to Z

Seen in symbolizes gossip, rivalry and the emergence of various obstacles on your way. Attempts to catch this animal promise the dreamer satiety in something. If you manage to catch the fleeing toad, then you will receive an unexpected bonus or win. To crush an animal - to bad events. If in a dream you saw that your own house is full of these unpleasant creatures, then in the near future among your new friends you will be able to recognize the cunning, selfish and Fright at the sight of a toad warns of the danger of being in an unpleasant situation in which your good name may suffer. A toad, taken in your arms, is regarded by the dream book as a possible categorical rejection by those around you of your opinions and judgments.

Why is the toad dreaming: an old English dream book

A dreaming toad is seen as a warning about the appearance in your life of very persistent and stubborn enemies who will try with all their might to harm you. A very beautiful toad seen in a dream that evokes only positive emotions means that your loved one will in fact turn out to be dishonest, indecisive and fickle.

The toad is a symbol of great change.

If a toad appeared in a dream, then the sleeping person is on the verge of amazing and new events that can greatly affect the life of both himself and those around him.

Our dream book tells about why the big toad is dreaming. The dreamer not only needs to be prepared for the fact that new grandiose events will occur in his life, but also for the fact that all these changes one way or another will have to be accepted.

It makes no sense to turn away from them, no matter what they are - positive or negative.

Most likely, these events have already begun to take place in the life of the sleeping person, he simply did not begin to pay attention to them, or the events began with a completely imperceptible step or deed that was not taken into account in any way or which was not at all paid attention to.

However, in the future it will become known about this event or deed what this "new" is and what it is.

If you dreamed about a big toad, you should pay attention to the date when the dream was dreamed. Perhaps the dream is trying to draw attention to the exact date when it was seen.

Often a picture of this animal appears in a sleeping person's dream, which brings pleasant communication with loved ones, joy and fun.

All troubles and efforts will certainly be appreciated by others.

And be that as it may, the dreamer needs to reconsider and carefully consider his plans for the near future. If a person dreamed of a big toad in a dream, it means that recently he lacks a good mood, it is worth fearing a breakdown, a depressive mood.

Here it is necessary to carefully weigh all the circumstances that bother the sleeper. It may well be that a person has achieved the implementation of all his plans or desires, as a result of which he has a fear of the unknown. He lacks another goal that he could set for himself.

Dream Interpretation Toad, why does Toad dream in a dream

Women's dream book Why does the Toad dream about the dream book:

Toad - Toads can dream of dubious adventures and troubles. If a woman dreams of a toad, she should beware of scandalous exposure. To kill a toad is a severe condemnation. If in a dream you covered a toad with your hand - beware of becoming the culprit in the death of your friend, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does Toad dream in a dream:

Toad - You will get pregnant, guests, girl (for a guy - a girl, for a girl - a friend) // trouble, obstacle, you will see drunk people, trouble, misfortune, deal with a sly man, deception, a thief, trouble because of evil tongues, gossip in the water - success; a lot is a disease; to hear croaking - will be praised; catching is empty chores; catch - the girl will be born, win; kill - harm yourself; sweep out of the hut - the death of a loved one; to eat is a disease, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family Why is Toad dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: Seeing a Toad in a dream - Oddly enough, a dreaming toad portends a life in abundance, without need, but also without frills. If the toad jumped at you and frightened you - you have someone, as they say, "on the side". The affair will end in failure, you should not continue such a relationship. If the toad tries to gallop away, an interesting acquaintance may not happen, if you stay at home, you will not go anywhere. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, the dream predicts an imminent wedding, whose - you know better.

Erotic dream book Why is Toad dreaming in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Toad - If you dreamed of a toad, it means that soon you will experience unexpected rejection and even disgust for a person with whom you were previously close. Do not be too impulsive and give in to this feeling - soon everything will change. A croaking toad in a dream portends disappointment in a loved one, with whom you have a long intimate relationship.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream interpretation: Toad what does it mean

Toad - Angry person; many toads are a disease.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why does Toad dream:

Toad - A sign of unlucky adventures. If a woman dreams of a toad, her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure. To kill a toad in a dream means that your views will be severely condemned. If you cover a toad with your hand, it means that you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation of psychologist Z. Freud Why does the Toad dream:

Toad - If you dreamed of a toad, seeing which you experience negative feelings (fear or disgust), this indicates that in real life you tend to have negative feelings towards the carnal side of sexual relations. To be more precise, you do not see the positive principle that sex carries, and you consider these ridiculous body movements obscene and devoid of any meaning.

Autumn dream book Why does the Toad dream about the dream book:

Toad - Touching a toad with your hands in a dream - to sores on your hands.

Spring dream book Why does the Toad dream about the dream book:

Toad - To a fat, evil woman and to talk with her in high tones.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Toad - Bad woman; internal, chronic diseases of the sleeper; abortion; crushing is a bad sign.

Summer dream book Why does the Toad dream about the dream book:

Toad - Seeing a toad in a dream and touching it is an allergy.

Dream interpretation of the white magician Y. Longo Dream interpretation: Toad

Toad - To see a toad in a dream - you will have troubles associated with a rather unpleasant business. Much depends on you in this situation. If you can overpower yourself and devote time and attention to this matter, in the future Fortune will turn to face you. Simply put, you have to set the stage for the future. Failure to do so can lead to unforeseen complications. To be scared in a toad's dream - get ready for the fact that in real life you will fail in a love affair. Don't underestimate your opponents. Their chances are not as slim as you think. And your unshakable self-confidence is to blame. Killing a toad - you can get rid of the fears that haunt you for a long time. The complexes that prevent you from feeling confident will finally be defeated. The changes that have taken place in your personal and professional life will play an important role in this.

Esoteric dream book If the Toad dreams:

Toad - Drought.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Toad in a dream

In a dream, what is the Toad dreaming of - Gossip, rivalry, obstacle

Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does Toad dream:

To dream of a toad, frog - Successful move, profit.

Lunar dream book Why is Toad dreaming?

How the dream book interprets: Toad, frog - Deception.

To see a Toad in a dream - Or to see another reptile in a dream means to enter into a relationship with insidious, cunning and gullible people.


Miller's dream book

Toad - a sign of unlucky adventures.

If a toad dreams of a woman - her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure.

Kill a toad in a dream - means that your views will be severely condemned.

If you cover a toad with your hand

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a toad, seeing which you experience negative feelings (fear or disgust) - this indicates that in real life you tend to experience negative feelings towards the carnal side of sexual relations. More precisely, you do not see the positive principle that sex carries, and you consider these "ridiculous body movements" obscene and devoid of any meaning.

Toad - is a symbol of female genital organs and rough sex.

Toad in a vegetable garden or greenhouse - symbolizes the desire for same-sex love.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If a girl dreams of a toad - this means that she will be slandered and this will contribute to a break with her beloved.

Cover the toad with your hand in a dream - this suggests that you will become the cause of the death of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a black earthen toad in a dream - is a reflection of your premonitions that a conversation may be extremely unpleasant or even painful for you.

Green frog - indicates the possibility of cooling relations with someone. Perhaps the reason for this will be someone's idle chatter or gossip.

Crush a toad or frog - a sign that some kind of conflict can have very unpleasant consequences.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you saw a toad - be prepared for the most incredible and terrible gossip to wrap you up like a veil. And all of them will concern exclusively your person.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Oddly enough, the dreamed toad - portends a life in abundance, without need, but also without frills.

If a toad jumped at you and scared you - you have someone, as they say, "on the side". The affair will end in failure, you should not continue such a relationship.

If the toad tries to gallop away - an interesting acquaintance may not happen if you stay at home, do not go anywhere.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday - a dream predicts an imminent wedding, whose, you know best.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Toad - a bad trip instead of the expected pleasure and entertainment will bring grief and frustration.

New family dream book

Toad - dreaming about adventure.

If a toad dreams of a woman - so her good name is threatened by a scandalous exposure.

Kill a toad in a dream - in reality, be condemned by others.

Modern combined dream book

Toads in a dream - a sign of not too lucky adventures.

If a toad dreams of a woman - so someone is trying to defame her good name.

If you killed a toad in a dream - this means that someone around you will condemn your outlook on life.

If you cover the toad with your hand - it means that you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

Eastern female dream book

Toad - symbolize secret ill-wishers.

If they sit in your road or climb into your room - it means that someone is trying to compromise you or even harm you, be careful.

You throw or crush toads - the enemies will not overcome you.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Toad - throat or heart disease. To a scandal with neighbors.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Toad - reflection of the energy of fertility.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a toad in a dream and touching it - to allergies.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Toad - to a fat, evil woman and to a conversation with her in high tones.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a toad in a dream - to gossip, rivalry and all kinds of obstacles. Catching a toad in a dream means getting fed up with something in life, catching it - a big win awaits you. If in a dream you crushed a toad is a bad omen. Throwing out of the house like a toad that got there - to the deceased.

If in a dream your house is full of toads - it means that among your new friends you will soon recognize cunning, insidious and self-serving people. Scared of toads - to get into an unpleasant alteration, the consequence of which may be your scandalous exposure.

Take a toad in hand - means that your views will meet rejection and condemnation. Cover the toad with your hand - to the fact that you will be accused of the misfortune that happened to your friend.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Toad - gossip, rivalry, obstacle

Women's dream book

Toad - can dream of dubious adventures and troubles.

If a toad dreams of a woman - she should beware of scandalous exposure.

Kill the toad - to severe condemnation.

If in a dream you covered a toad with your hand - beware of becoming the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Toad Symbol - is close to the symbol of the frog, although the frog is more associated with feelings and emotions due to its affinity for water.

The toad - to a greater extent reflects the earthly energy of fertility.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Seeing a toad in a dream - you are faced with troubles associated with a rather unpleasant business. Much depends on you in this situation. If you can overpower yourself and devote time and attention to this matter, in the future Fortune will turn to face you. Simply put, you have to set the stage for the future. Failure to do so can lead to unforeseen complications.

To be scared in a toad's dream - get ready for the fact that in real life you will fail in a love affair. Don't underestimate your opponents. Their chances are not as slim as you think. And your unshakable self-confidence is to blame.

Kill the toad - you can get rid of the fears that have followed you for a long time. The complexes that prevent you from feeling confident will finally be defeated. The changes that have taken place in your personal and professional life will play an important role in this.

English dream book

Toad - this dream warns everyone, especially merchants, about malicious rivals, their persistent hostility.

For lovers to see a toad in a dream - a harbinger that the chosen one (the chosen one) will behave low and dishonestly, show indecision and inconstancy.

Kill a toad in a dream - this is future success and triumph in all your affairs.

Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

See a toad - this portends a woman's hostility.

Dream interpretation of lovers

A dream in which you are disgusted by looking at a toad - indicates that you are strict about sex. For you, this is something dirty and obscene, so you avoid even talking about this topic.

Lunar dream book

Toad - seduction.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Toad - an ugly creature and, therefore, an individual with ugly behavior. Also abortion, since the toad has something in common with the embryo.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

To see a toad in a dream - means to enter into a relationship with people insidious, cunning and gullible.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Toad - a bad woman; internal, chronic diseases of the sleeper; crush - bad sign.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Toad - portends an accident.

Pick up a toad A minor nuisance, such as a cut on a toe or a bruise on a leg.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Toad - dispute and enmity in the house; the larger the toad, the stronger.

See giant toads, wear them on your head or on your hands - temptation, seduction.

Kill the toad - unfavorably; be prepared to overcome obstacles.

Drive from home - obstacles and obstacles on the way / danger to life.

Eat her - Lying.

See in the carriage - a high honor awaits you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Toad - you get pregnant, guests, a girl (for a guy - a girl, a girl - a friend) / trouble, obstacle, you will see drunk people, trouble, misfortune, deal with a cunning man, deceit, thief, trouble due to evil tongues, gossip; in water - success; lot - illness; hear croak - will be praised; catch - empty chores; to catch - a girl is born, a win; kill - harm yourself; sweep out of the hut - death of a loved one; eat - disease.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a toad - it means that soon you will experience unexpected rejection and even disgust for the person with whom you were previously close. Do not be too impulsive and give in to this feeling - soon everything will change.

Croaking toad in a dream - portends disappointment in a loved one with whom you have a long intimate relationship.

Esoteric dream book

Toad - to drought.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Toad - evil person; many toads - disease.

Collection of dream books

Toad - a sign of dubious unsuccessful adventures or obstacles in business, obstacles; if a woman dreams of a toad - she is threatened by scandalous exposure.

See a toad - to illness; throat problems (severe tonsillitis or diphtheria) or heart disease (angina pectoris) are likely; the evil eye or damage is possible.

Touch a toad in a dream with your hands - to sores on your hands.

Toad - a good move, profit.

Toad - gossip, rivalry, barriers and obstacles.

Dream interpretation big toad

Why does the Big Toad dream in a dream book?

A big toad dreamed in a dream - to great luck in business. Perhaps the dreamer will be able to make the desired purchase, which he has been planning for a long time, or make profitable financial investments, with the prospect of large incomes.

In another interpretation, a huge frog with ugly blisters dreams of a serious illness that may arise at the most inopportune moment. At the slightest discomfort, see a doctor immediately. This will save you money and time.

Who dreamed of the toad?

Why does a big toad dream about a woman

A dream in which a woman sees a big toad may portend a new fan who will not make a pleasant impression. In addition, it will soon become clear that he started this relationship for selfish motives. The woman is frightened by a toad - she is in for trouble.

Big toad frog

Dream interpretation Big toad frog dreamed why the Big Toad frog dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Big Toad Frog in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Toad, frogs

Dream interpretation - Toad, frog


Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - frog

There are many different folk signs associated with the frog. Perhaps it was they who could be deposited in your subconscious and serve as the reason for the appearance of this amphibian in a dream. For example, in the afternoon you heard the loud croaking of frogs and thought it was for the rain, or stepped on the frog and decided that there was a problem, or dipped the toad into milk so that it would not turn sour. They also say that if you take a frog in your hands, then a wart will jump on your hand.

Or maybe you dreamed about the frog because in real life you met a pompous person full of a sense of self-importance and, looking at him, remembered the well-known folk wisdom: "Like a frog, but it's far from the ox." When decoding your dream, one must not forget about the folk tale that has come down to our times about the frog princess. It is quite possible that you dreamed about the frog because in reality you dream of something unrealizable and unreal.

Holding a frog in your arms in a dream is a sign that your health is in serious danger. Perhaps, among your close circle there is a person with a contagious disease who poses a real threat to you.

Listening to the croaking of a frog in a dream - to tears. Such a dream indicates that in real life a serious loss or bitter disappointment awaits you, because of which you will be very worried.

If in a dream a frog jumps along the road along which you are walking, then soon on your life path you will meet a person with whom you want to connect your life. For young people, such a dream prophesies a quick wedding with a loved one.

If you dreamed that you stepped on a frog, then this dream is a prophecy that your serene happiness will be broken by unexpected grief.

Putting a frog in a jar of milk in a dream means that in real life you are a person you can rely on and entrust all your secrets to. Thanks to your prudence, you do not commit rash and rash acts.

If in a dream you saw a large number of frogs, then in the near future you will expect ridiculous quarrels with people close to you.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - frog

May be a symbol of immobility, patience and the ability to focus accurately.

The frog can sit for a long time completely motionless, waiting for a fly to appear nearby.

When the future victim falls within the reach, the frog catches it with one infallible movement.

In many ancient rituals, the frog: was associated with the moon and with rain.

In Egypt, frogs lining up in rows along the banks of the Nile a few days before the sky began to frown were considered a symbol of fertility.

The image of the frog gods was placed on the mummies.

Madame Blavatsky, a mystic and philosopher, argued that the frog is a symbol of creation and resurrection, since it lives both in water and on earth and, disappearing in the fall, reappears in the spring.

It can be: a sign of inconsistency, leaps from one subject to another.

In some cultures, the frog is: considered a symbol of purification.

The shamans of the Aztec and Mayan states, taking water into their mouths, sprinkled it on sick people, concentrating on the energy of the frog.

Frog Symbol: May indicate a desire to find your prince, as the frog turned into a prince after kissing the princess.

It can be a symbol of transformation and beauty behind the seeming ugliness.

Dream interpretation - frog

A frog caught in a dream indicates that you are careless with your own health. A frog jumping in the grass means that you will have a faithful friend to whom you can entrust any secret.

A frog in a swamp dreams of misfortune, which you will overcome with the help of your friends.

A huge frog foreshadows a woman's marriage with a wealthy widower with children.

If in a dream you ate frogs - expect a little joy and very little benefit from communicating with some people.

The croaking of frogs promises a trip to friends, which, however, will not bring you joy.

In addition, the croaking of frogs is a dream of unexpected sex. Just remember to take precautions.

If you pick up a frog, then in real life you will have to do something that you disgust.

If you don't like some of your partner's wishes, try to discuss the problem with him. Maybe you will find something that suits both of you, and you won't have to make any sacrifices.

Stepped on a frog in a dream - your health will be at risk. And this is due to your carelessness in relationships with the opposite sex.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - frog

Frog - as a frog in a dream, then this, they say, is a bad omen: deception, enemy. Troubles from evil tongues. Frogs in water - success, hear - praise, drive in a frog - harm yourself. If you dream that you sweep a frog out of the house - the death of your beloved friend.

Big toads

Dream interpretation Big toads dreamed why Big Toads dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Big Toads in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Toad

The toad jumps on you - love adventures can end in failure. To kill a toad - your behavior will cause a break in love relationships. A toad sits on the road - someone is trying to discredit you in the eyes of a loved one. Toad in your room - there is an ill-wisher among your close circle who envies your success with the opposite sex. Hearing the croaking of a toad - you will be drawn into a love affair that will ruin your reputation. Catching a toad - a fleeting hobby will lead to large financial losses. Many toads - promiscuous sexual intercourse is fraught with serious diseases. There is a toad - your other half started an affair on the side. A toad in a vegetable garden - the object of your desire prefers same-sex love.

Imagine that, out of fright, you mistook a frog for a toad. It's just a frog, not a toad! (See Frog.)

Dream interpretation - Toad, frogs

Seeing a toad or frog in a dream means that you should take a closer look at your surroundings and not trust strangers in order to avoid deception, scandal, humiliation and loss. A toad in a dream can mean a bad person or illness. For a person invested with power, such a dream predicts obedient subordinates. Catching or killing toads or frogs with your bare hands is a sign of an imminent promotion in office, although your neighbors will condemn you. Holding a toad in your hand in a dream means that you can timely figure out the insidious plans of your ill-wishers. Catching a toad in a dream is a sign of exposing enemies. If the toad is not caught, wait for deception and do not hope for the fulfillment of the desire, because envious people will interfere with its fulfillment. Toads driven out of the house in a dream is a sign of receiving unpleasant news from the house and domestic squabbles. A big frog in a dream (for women) means a middle-aged, respectable person who will make you an offer for selfish reasons. If in a dream a woman is afraid of her, then trouble should be expected. Seeing toads or frogs in a swamp in a dream is usually a harbinger of bad news or trouble.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Seeing a toad in a dream - to gossip, rivalry and all kinds of obstacles. Catching a toad in a dream means getting fed up with something in life, catching it - a big win awaits you. If in a dream you crushed a toad - this is a bad omen. Throwing out of the house like a toad that got there - to the deceased.

If in a dream your house is full of toads, it means that among your new friends you will soon recognize cunning, insidious and self-serving people. To be scared of toads is to get into an unpleasant alteration, the consequence of which may be your scandalous exposure.

Taking a toad in your hands means that your views will meet with rejection and condemnation. Covering the toad with your hand means that you will be blamed for the misfortune that happened to your friend.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dreams, in which the toad appears, have many meanings: rivalry, gossip, intrigue, all kinds of obstacles, the appearance of an evil person, the cunning and stupidity of “new acquaintances, satiety, dubious adventures and quarrels, an unpleasant conversation.

However, a dream in which you crushed a toad or drove it out of the house is a sign of impending misfortune, and if you covered the toad with your hand in a dream, you will be the voluntary or involuntary culprit in the death of your friend.

Just catching a toad is a win, seeing a lot of toads is a disease.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toads in a dream are a sign of unlucky adventures. If a woman dreams of a toad, her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure.

To kill a toad in a dream means that your views will be severely condemned.

If you cover the toad with your hand, it means that you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - Toad

The toad dreams of adventure.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Catching is a lucky break.

There is a lie.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dream interpretation - Toad

Two big jumping toads

Dream interpretation Two big jumping toads dreamed why in a dream two large jumping toads were dreaming? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see two big toads jumping in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Toad

The toad jumps on you - love adventures can end in failure. To kill a toad - your behavior will cause a break in love relationships. A toad sits on the road - someone is trying to discredit you in the eyes of a loved one. Toad in your room - there is an ill-wisher among your close circle who envies your success with the opposite sex. Hearing the croaking of a toad - you will be drawn into a love affair that will ruin your reputation. Catching a toad - a fleeting hobby will lead to large financial losses. Many toads - promiscuous sexual intercourse is fraught with serious diseases. There is a toad - your other half started an affair on the side. A toad in a vegetable garden - the object of your desire prefers same-sex love.

Imagine that, out of fright, you mistook a frog for a toad. It's just a frog, not a toad! (See Frog.)

Dream interpretation - Toad, frogs

Seeing a toad or frog in a dream means that you should take a closer look at your surroundings and not trust strangers in order to avoid deception, scandal, humiliation and loss. A toad in a dream can mean a bad person or illness. For a person invested with power, such a dream predicts obedient subordinates. Catching or killing toads or frogs with your bare hands is a sign of an imminent promotion in office, although your neighbors will condemn you. Holding a toad in your hand in a dream means that you can timely figure out the insidious plans of your ill-wishers. Catching a toad in a dream is a sign of exposing enemies. If the toad is not caught, wait for deception and do not hope for the fulfillment of the desire, because envious people will interfere with its fulfillment. Toads driven out of the house in a dream is a sign of receiving unpleasant news from the house and domestic squabbles. A big frog in a dream (for women) means a middle-aged, respectable person who will make you an offer for selfish reasons. If in a dream a woman is afraid of her, then trouble should be expected. Seeing toads or frogs in a swamp in a dream is usually a harbinger of bad news or trouble.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Seeing a toad in a dream - to gossip, rivalry and all kinds of obstacles. Catching a toad in a dream means getting fed up with something in life, catching it - a big win awaits you. If in a dream you crushed a toad - this is a bad omen. Throwing out of the house like a toad that got there - to the deceased.

If in a dream your house is full of toads, it means that among your new friends you will soon recognize cunning, insidious and self-serving people. To be scared of toads is to get into an unpleasant alteration, the consequence of which may be your scandalous exposure.

Taking a toad in your hands means that your views will meet with rejection and condemnation. Covering the toad with your hand means that you will be blamed for the misfortune that happened to your friend.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Dreams, in which the toad appears, have many meanings: rivalry, gossip, intrigue, all kinds of obstacles, the appearance of an evil person, the cunning and stupidity of “new acquaintances, satiety, dubious adventures and quarrels, an unpleasant conversation.

However, a dream in which you crushed a toad or drove it out of the house is a sign of impending misfortune, and if you covered the toad with your hand in a dream, you will be the voluntary or involuntary culprit in the death of your friend.

Just catching a toad is a win, seeing a lot of toads is a disease.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toads in a dream are a sign of unlucky adventures. If a woman dreams of a toad, her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure.

To kill a toad in a dream means that your views will be severely condemned.

If you cover the toad with your hand, it means that you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toads can dream of dubious adventures and troubles. If a woman dreams of a toad, she should beware of scandalous exposure. To kill a toad is a severe condemnation. If in a dream you covered a toad with your hand - beware of becoming the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation - Toad

The toad dreams of adventure.

If a woman dreams of a toad, her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure.

To kill a toad in a dream is in reality to be condemned by others.

If at the sight of a toad you experience negative emotions (fear or disgust), then in real life you tend to experience negative feelings towards the carnal side of sexual relations. You consider sex to be an obscene and ridiculous pastime.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toad - dispute and enmity in the house; the larger the toad, the stronger.

To see giant toads, to wear them on their heads or on their hands is a temptation, a seduction.

To kill a toad is unfavorable; be prepared to overcome obstacles.

Drive from home - obstacles and obstacles on the way / danger to life.

Catching is a lucky break.

There is a lie.

To see in the carriage - a high honor awaits you

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toad - portends an accident.

Picking up a toad is a minor nuisance, like a cut on your toe or a bruise on your leg.

Toad - means an accident, if you take a toad in your hands, then everything will cost a small abrasion.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Oddly enough, a dreaming toad foreshadows a life in abundance, without need, but also without frills. If the toad jumped on you and frightened you - you have someone, as they say, “on the side”. The affair will end in failure, you should not continue such a relationship. If the toad tries to gallop away - an interesting acquaintance may not happen, if you stay at home, you will not go anywhere. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, the dream predicts an imminent wedding, whose - you know best.

Big toad frog

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toads can dream of dubious adventures and troubles. If a woman dreams of a toad, she should beware of scandalous exposure. To kill a toad is a severe condemnation. If in a dream you covered a toad with your hand - beware of becoming the culprit in the death of your friend.

Dream interpretation - frogs

Seeing frogs in a dream portends a random, but very profitable acquisition. If the frog is green, this is a sign of fleeting joy, if it is brown, your love will be rejected. Seeing a huge exotic frog in a zoo terrarium means marrying a wealthy widower who has children who will need to be looked after as both a mother and a nanny.

Seeing a jumping frog in your room promises a joyful event in the family. A frog sitting in the grass means that you will make acquaintance with a pleasant young man who will willingly take on the role of your faithful page.

A dream where you imagine a frog princess sitting on a bog bump near an arrow that has fallen nearby is a harbinger of misfortune that you will be able to survive thanks to the support and attention of friends and close relatives.

Hearing the loud croaking of frogs in a dream portends that you will soon go to friends living in another city, but you will not find them at the old address.

Catching frogs in a dream means that you will soon feel unwell and see a doctor. In a dream, there are frogs served in an exquisite restaurant - in reality you will feel uncomfortable being invited to an unfamiliar company.

Dream interpretation - Toad

The toad dreams of adventure.

If a woman dreams of a toad, her good name is threatened by scandalous exposure.

To kill a toad in a dream is in reality to be condemned by others.

If at the sight of a toad you experience negative emotions (fear or disgust), then in real life you tend to experience negative feelings towards the carnal side of sexual relations. You consider sex to be an obscene and ridiculous pastime.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toad - dispute and enmity in the house; the larger the toad, the stronger.

To see giant toads, to wear them on their heads or on their hands is a temptation, a seduction.

To kill a toad is unfavorable; be prepared to overcome obstacles.

Drive from home - obstacles and obstacles on the way / danger to life.

Catching is a lucky break.

There is a lie.

To see in the carriage - a high honor awaits you

Dream interpretation - Toad

Toad - portends an accident.

Picking up a toad is a minor nuisance, like a cut on your toe or a bruise on your leg.

Toad - means an accident, if you take a toad in your hands, then everything will cost a small abrasion.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Oddly enough, a dreaming toad foreshadows a life in abundance, without need, but also without frills. If the toad jumped on you and frightened you - you have someone, as they say, “on the side”. The affair will end in failure, you should not continue such a relationship. If the toad tries to gallop away - an interesting acquaintance may not happen, if you stay at home, you will not go anywhere. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, the dream predicts an imminent wedding, whose - you know best.

Dream interpretation - Toad

A toad in a dream is a sign of unpleasant adventures. Covering a toad with your hand means killing your friend in reality. If a woman dreams of a toad, a scandalous exposure awaits her.

Dream interpretation - frog

if you see one or two frogs in a dream, then this is a repentant person serving Allah. If there are many of them, then these are troops on the path of Allah and His servants. If many frogs have accumulated in one house or in a quarter, then the punishment of Allah will descend on this place. As for the croaking of a frog, for a person who heard it in a dream, it will mean entering the service of the boss, the ruler of power. Catching a frog in a dream means diligently following the instructions of Allah. A frog talking in a dream portends a new thing for property.

Dream interpretation - Toad

Seeing a toad: you are faced with chores associated with a rather unpleasant business.

Much depends on you in this situation.

If you can overpower yourself and devote time and attention to this matter, in the future, fortune will turn to face you.

Simply put, you have to set the stage for the future.

Failure to do so can lead to unforeseen complications.

Fear the toad: Prepare yourself to fail in a love affair in real life.

Don't underestimate your opponents.

Their chances are not as slim as you think.

And your unshakable self-confidence is to blame.

Kill the toad: you can get rid of the fears that haunt you for a long time.

The complexes that prevent you from feeling confident will finally be defeated.

The changes that have taken place in your personal and professional life will play an important role in this.

To be greedy if you dreamed that you were greedy: it is possible that in real life this feeling does not visit you so rarely.

For some reason you are afraid of being left out, so you prefer not to share anything with anyone.

In principle, you also do not expect this from others and do not take offense when they treat you adequately.

If someone was greedy towards you: it means that in reality you are acutely lacking in something.

It depresses you, and you are looking for how to fill the resulting vacuum.

Perhaps this can be done with the help of a loved one.

Dream interpretation - frog

According to the beliefs of the Luzhican people, a frog living under the threshold of a house protects the house from misfortunes.

A brownie can appear in the form of a Frog.

The "snake" turns into the Frog, strangling the sleeping.

In the form of a huge Frog, a water and a bathhouse can appear.



my boyfriend, with whom we live together, brought a toad into the house for my daughter to play like with a pet


you will meet a person who will not be very pleasant to you, and the acquaintance will most likely happen through your boyfriend.


Hello, today from Sunday to Monday I dreamed that I was picking up a bucket in which my mother usually collects food for lunch with me, and there sits a medium-sized green frog (or toad) and next to it a small dead fish and a little water the bottom of the can. I was surprised that my mother brought me such a dinner with her.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Lina, most likely this dream suggests that you will receive unpleasant news from your mother.


Hello, today I dreamed of a toad with the head of a gray cat, it pounced on me and got tangled in my skirt. I tried for a long time to unhook and throw it out, it was prickly and resisted, in the end I tore it off and threw it away. When I looked into her eyes, then transported through them to some Egyptian pyramid and there were seven old witches and on the floor lay a huge stone clock whose hands were going, and the old women removed some kind of spell from me. It was scary, although I realized that I had got rid of something, I forced myself wake up, now all day the dream is in front of my eyes I can not explain it.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alena, the toad in your dream, most likely, symbolizes the ill-wisher, whom you will be able to expose.


Hello, today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was relaxing with friends, there was a large plate of chicken on the table, I took a piece on a fork, but then I realized that instead of chicken on the fork, instead of chicken, a huge, dead, black toad ... at first I looked at it later scared and tossed aside .... what could that mean? help me please..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Anastasia, the fact that the toad was on the fork probably means that what seems beneficial to you in the end will not meet your expectations.


Today I dreamed about how I and my ENEMY were catching toads….
What is it for ????

Julia Dream Interpretation:

BusteD, the toad, usually symbolizes a stealthy enemy.


I dreamed a little toad popped into my house. She jumped back and forth, I tried to "kick" her out of the house. It didn't work for me. At first it was small, nasty ... But I noticed that it was constantly increasing. When I finally kicked her out, she was already very big. Tell me what this can mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Julia, the fact that in your dream there was such a toad that grew, probably means that if things are left to chance, minor problems can bring big troubles.


Hello :)
I plan to visit my ex-boyfriend, but now we are very good friends, and today from Sunday to Monday I had a dream that I was swimming in a lake, and it boils with toads, big ... small - they are everywhere, and someone gives me this toad in my hands, and I cover it with my hands - I hide it. What does this mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Julia, the fact that there were a lot of toads in your dream most likely means that you can get into a situation in which you will feel uncomfortable.


Good day!
Today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I had killed a big toad (stabbed with a sharpened stick), but I knew for sure that I did not want to do this - there was just some other pet at home and it was necessary to choose whom to leave. I had to get rid of the toad. All this happened in my village, in the yard.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Lyudmila, the fact that the toad was killed in your dream probably means that you will be able to avoid communicating with an unpleasant person.


I dreamed today from Thursday to Friday. What was on the street, and there was grass, like a country house. it began to rain and small toads appeared, then one earthworm, well, as it crawls out after the rain. then bam already a pond and there are many toads and small and very large, like land turtles are (50 cm diameter). and then one middle toad bit me, but I killed it with my foot.

then I also dreamed of an aquarium, that I took out my old aquarium and turned on oxygen there and started the fish, they really were small, but they were happy there, there were small and large fish

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there were many toads, most likely, promises you small things and chores that will take you a lot of time.


I had an unpleasant dream. It’s like I’m taking a big toad, twisting my insides .. but at the same time I laugh and show everyone.
then borax is all in my hands and throw it to the chickens .. what does it mean


Hello! I dreamed that I was asleep and heard croaking in the room, I open my eyes in a dream, I turn on the light, and there was a toad sitting there! I grabbed her, she was rockin 'in my hands, trying to bite me !!! She was very angry! I tried to crush her hand! what would it be for ???


I dreamed that in a large basin of water sits a large, brown toad, about the size of a cat. I take her in my arms like a cat, I stroke her, I walk with her


Hello! My husband had the following dream - in the yard of his parents' house he saw many big toads, to which he was disgusted, and our daughter (5 years old) collected them in a bag, gave them to him, saying that they should be thrown away ... Please tell me why such a dream dreamed ... thank you in advance ...


I dreamed that I was walking through the mud on a rope, in front of me, leading a tied big toad that was dragging me, then stopped near a ditch with dirty water and saw another toad there.
What is it for?

Slavik 40:

I saw in a dream a large, even huge toad, it was not of a natural color, and spotted, the spots were light, milky, the toad itself was the color of clay or something close to orange.
She sat peacefully on a stone and looked at me.
I, too, just sat and looked at her.
There was no aggression on either her or my side.


i dreamed that a yellow toad was jumping around my room, and my sister took it and threw it out the window. what does it mean


Hello. I dreamed that I came to visit my friend. I began to look at the repairs in her apartment. She looked everywhere, here she says you haven't looked at how I finished everything on the balcony. She opened the door for me and I froze right on the threshold of the balcony. There were so many toads and frogs! Some of the toads were just huge, and the frogs croaked loudly. They were busy in some kind of mud. I also said: what are the big toads. A friend said with pride: I am the only one of them in the city.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a toad, most likely suggests that you can understand that many of your fears were in vain.


Today from Thursday to Friday I dreamed of a big toad or a frog of light brown color and a speck. I stood on the shore with my friends, and she looked at me out of the water, then jumped unexpectedly, a friend on the back ... ..


Hello! Help me please. Today, from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that I was swimming in a river, and when I was already sailing from the shore I realized that the water in the river was very dirty and there were a lot of dead toads around me all over the surface. And they are so disgusting to me that I can't even move to swim to the shore. What does this mean? Thanks in advance!


Hello, I had a dream in which a woman was killing a toad on a special table with a stone, and then she made decorations in the form of bows from its skin. The toad was black with some kind of multi-colored peas on its back. Her skin was iridescent. Then she put something on the pig in the form of an elegant robe, and on the back, closer to the head, put a bow of the skin of this toad on the pig. In a dream I watched all this. The dream did not leave any special feelings, but this moment was imprinted in mind.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was a toad, most likely suggests that you can not be afraid of trouble, everything that scares you is not really dangerous for you.


And from Saturday to Sunday I had a terrible dream. in a dream I walked past a very huge densely woven web. it was all strewn with spiders large and small, and toads, too, of various sizes. I was very disgusted. I still remember this unpleasant feeling. brrrrrrrrr.


in a dream I was standing in the ruins on the top floor, caught a toad by the paw and killed it, throwing it down I saw a large bunch of live toads, they started jumping in different directions. And then a lot of cats appeared and they jumped on the toads and began to tear them apart and eat


Hello, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was learning to show a trick with a toad in my mouth, and in the end I swallowed it, what is it for?


I dreamed of toads, but they were in some kind of tub and there was water, and under the slope of this basin, the water washed away these toads under pressure. there were a lot of them, there were both the living, who scrambled up, and the dead.


Tonight I had a dream, as if I was going to swim in the river towards evening with a small company! when we approached the water, I saw an unrealistically huge toad! almost human growth! she scared me very much! all my sleep she tried to jump on me! she couldn't do it! but touched me a couple of times! it was insanely practical! please tell me why my dream!


From Friday to Saturday, I dreamed of three toads. I saw them in my bathroom. And the bathroom was somehow broken up that I couldn't see and find them right away. I was very scared, I am not that afraid of them, they cause a certain disgust and disgust in me. I also experienced all these feelings in a dream. I tried to cover them with some kind of rag, but I didn't succeed and I was alone in the apartment. Then a friend came to visit me with her husband. (I'm currently in a quarrel with a friend.) I called her into the bathroom and told her that I had toads from somewhere and I was afraid of them. She took them, all three, but took them in some strange way: having thrust one finger of each into her mouth and carried them out through the balcony, I asked her to do this - throw them out of the balcony. But then my husband appeared from somewhere. And it seemed like he took these toads and carried them to the balcony himself. On the balcony, I saw another toad, but in appearance it was different from those three. She was also not small, but how to put it: more beautiful, or something. In my opinion, in the end, my husband threw out these three toads and I woke up.


And I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, as if a toad was sitting in a plastic bag. Moreover, the toad is large with a large rat, probably, and with very bulging unnaturally eyes. For some reason, the transparent skin slipped from the toad. My brother and I stood next to it, and he told me not to touch this skin, because it is poisonous. Then he carefully put this skin in another bag and told me to throw it away, but for some reason, instead of this skin, I had two large fish in the bag eating other small fish. How! So what could that mean?


I dreamed that a toad had bitten me on my left hand several times, it was very painful, then I tore it away from me and killed it, saw several bites from it on my hand and in a dream I pasted them with a plaster. What is it for?


I dreamed from Monday to Tuesday that a toad bit my finger, I tore it off and killed it with a stick, saw 2 bites and went to the hospital for help.


A small shallow transparent pond, a lot of different small fish swim in schools in it, and I walk along the bottom with my feet, the fish bite my legs, but it doesn't hurt, then I reach some place where there is shallow and sand above the water level and on this island lie heaps of toads of different colors, they are large, there are a lot of them, they all lie belly up, as if they are sunbathing in the sun, they are alive. The dream was from October 26 to 27 from Friday to Saturday. And before that, a week earlier, I also dreamed of white toads, I was in the water with them, there were many of them, they swam, one stuck to my leg and could not tear it off from me. And before, I never dreamed of toads, so it's very strange to me that now I see them so often.


Hello, help me deal with my dream. I dreamed that I and my beloved man found a key in a stream. And someone told me that it was supposedly his key (the key supposedly symbolizes that he is a toad). I told him that. And he did not deny it


Hello everybody. Today I dreamed that there was a frog on the threshold in the room, it was white with black specks. And a little frog. I saw them and was surprised after I showed them to my brother and mother, they took them in their arms. Why is this dream please tell me?


hello, I dreamed that I was approaching some kind of private house, just a huge toad, the size of a large dog, was sitting on the doorstep of the house, when I approached the steps of the threshold, the toad rushed at me and bit my leg, so that my knee-deep leg was in her mouth , I started to pull away, fell on my back and I managed to throw it off my leg, when I broke free, I saw that the toad flew off to the side, where there was a small puddle, and it went down an iron rod (holding its mouth to it) into the water, at the same time, it decreased in size to an ordinary frog, after which it disappeared into the water, I woke up, tell me what this could mean, the dream worries me very much


Near the flower bed, they made an artificial pond and launched one toad or frog. I stand in a dream near this flower bed and suddenly she comes out and begins to approach me so purposefully. I'm already looking back and I'm getting scared. But the frog was so huge. Everything comes up and suddenly jumps and bites on the hand, so that my whole hand was in her mouth. I am in great pain and fear. What does this mean?

Happy woman:

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday. I dreamed that I was sleeping in someone else's room on someone else's bed. In the middle of the night, a light yellow toad crawls up to me from somewhere above. I am disgusted, and I throw it back. As if the next night the same thing is repeated, and the next night again ... So 3-4 times. But all this happens in one dream.


If you dreamed that the toad climbed onto your hand and tasted it twice, and then I heard the signal, did it climb before the start? Does a dream mean?


my sister and I were walking along the road and saw a black toad she did not move sister took a stick and began to turn it over I tell her not to touch her but she became interested we have never seen such a large toad I tell her maybe she is poisonous and here the toad starts throwing himself at my sister and then I woke up.


They showed me the toad, but the one who showed it is afraid of it, I took the Toad in my hand, I want to throw it out, but it stuck to my palm, and I can't shake it off.


I dig the earth with a shovel and throw it off the cliff, and together with the earth mixed large and small toads and lizards, alive but do not move


i dreamed about a big toad that is kind of cute, which is like finding it with us, it jumps around the apartment, I take it in my arms, then it sits on the floor near the window, the sun shines and it sunbathes with its belly upwards, and I tell my husband that I need to buy an aquarium for her so that she is float.


i dreamed that a huge toad jumped onto my hand and clung to it. And I couldn't frighten her. What is it for?


i had a dream today, I saw a huge toad and a lot of frogs in the river, I overcame the river, but did not jump and fell into this river, did not completely plunge into the water, but the river was deep, I tried to get out, it turned out but with difficulty, the river is muddy. I'm a guy, 25 years old, not married, no girl


I swam in the bathroom. a toad sat on the side of the bathroom with his back to me. at one point it seemed to me that her husband took her. but in the end it turned out that he took it and she remained sitting in her place.


I dreamed of a toad in the bathroom (green with a yellow belly), I tried to wash it off with a shower, and she jumped in my direction, and I got scared and woke up.


A large green frog or toad jumped on me and my husband right in the house, probably wanted to bite, and there were also small frogs that all jumped in my direction too.


I dreamed that a woman told me that I needed to put three candles to the icon of the mother of God and ask about the children for health and something else, but I don't remember and I saw myself from the side through the fog as I stood with candles in my hand near the icon but there were no candles fried


I was lying on the bed and a chandelier hung over the bed like a ball in the interior of the chandelier was a toad. When the chandelier shattered the fragments of my parents on the bed and the frog jumped on my bed. I shouted out of fright to my former friend, he was sitting with his back and his face was not visible.


i was standing in the kitchen, and I see the toad galloped down the corridor to the children's room on her head it was white like a crown, it was dark green itself and the toad was not small


Good day. I dreamed that I was asleep, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a huge toad on the ceiling, a little to the left above the bed. She closed her eyes again, as if she didn’t believe it, opened it and she was still on the ceiling.

[email protected]:

i dreamed that there were three puddles near my house and in each puddle there was one toad, but I was afraid to go to them. They were so big and green.


In the field (in the garden), they gathered a crop with the family (something small). The sun was shining brightly, spreading over the pale green field. But, suddenly, a huge black cloud began to swallow him, plunging everything into darkness for a moment. Something jumped around my leg. It was a rather large toad. The cloud disappeared. The sun came out again. Here we go home through the vegetable gardens through a small, slightly blooming garden covered with young greenery.


i was given the task to put the hotter in different bowls and answer in which bowl it will cool down faster. bowls were different: high-narrow, and wide low. in one of them there were small frogs, which later turned out to be big toads, and as soon as I took this bowl, the toads fled, and I caught them and collected them back. one of the toads jumped into my hand, grabbed it, and itself, as it were, sucked to my palm, as it were, bitten.


i dreamed about a cook a huge toad jumped on my mother and I, we cut her belly, she fought for her life, but died I felt sorry for her and I buried her


i dreamed that I was at work and send my subordinates on a business trip and one employee appeared in the form of a toad, but did not cause negativity. no fear or dislike ... And at the same moment my director (and my director is a young woman) returns from vacation and introduces his companion to the whole team. that is, it presents a woman as if it were her love of life. and it shocks me in a dream. because in real life she is a girl with no hint of a different orientation.


Hello, I dreamed about a huge toad and I make wishes with her, will I be healed of my illness, looking into her mouth, I understand in a dream that she gives good.


The weather was warm, the time of day was evening. I go to the greenhouse next to it there is a bucket, I look into it, and there the water is green, ooze is already covered, I took the bucket and let's pour it on the grass and frogs probably poured out of it 5-7 pieces


Hello! I had a dream from which I remember only a fragment ... I stood in a white T-shirt, seeing that something was moving under my chest, I lifted the T-shirt, not even suspecting that it was a toad. I chickened out on aswalt, she fell to the floor and looked at me with terrible and large, blue eyes and immediately tried to jump back on me.


Good afternoon) I dreamed of 2 toads tonight, one who seems to have thrown out of the house, and the other smiled and bit, I caught her and strangled her ... then bubbles went in the air, very beautiful.


It turned out that the toad was in the car, I did not see it. When the car was opened, she jumped out, and the girl who was in the car told me: I told you that it smells like something here. The girl is not familiar to me. The toad was green. She I didn’t gallop away. I went up to her, she jumped away. I thought: she’s not afraid. And it seemed like they had some fun with her, I didn’t touch her with my hands, she croaked a couple of times and rode away. There was no sediment left from sleep. And before these end of sleep , saw me walking on water.


i dreamed of some kind of war, it was as if I was running in the forest and I met some body of water, I don't remember exactly, and the toad jumped at me, so dark and disgusting, I threw it away from me, but on the other side another toad jumped at me - then nasty yellow in large warts


my friends and I somehow ended up near some abandoned building where there was a pool with a very dark one, some of the friends began to talk about the existence of some mystical creatures there, then a huge toad suddenly floats out of the pool, first runs towards my friends, then turns sharply and runs at me, I was scared screaming, trying to escape, she catches up with me and bites on the shoulder after I wake up


There was a large pond of color, there were stones like in a fairy tale, Everything is so colorful, beautiful, many big toads of a carriage and frogs everywhere brought some small sounds. Toads all by carriage one such Dark color sat on a stone and one under water I looked at it was shimmering with flowers well, I think because of the water because it was crumpled!


I dreamed that I caught a toad, and it seemed to bite in the middle of the palm and inject poison. There was a wound that hurt a lot and they treated it with something. I don't remember the consequences, but it seemed like I was waiting, whether it was fatal or not ...


i dreamed that my apartment was flooded with cold-blooded people, there was a big toad in the room, a bat and a large spider were hanging on the door, and a lizard was running in the kitchen. all this was accompanied by a feeling of horror and disgust


the toad fought with a lizard (or monitor lizard). They attacked each other. I do not know who won. But I was very scared in a dream.


I come to the dacha, there is snow everywhere, one tree stands in front of the house, everything is icy, covered with a thick layer of ice. I touch it, and it breaks at the root, and a fat big toad or frog jumps out from under the root and jumps at me, and then disappears. And many more small frogs and lizards are crawling everywhere. Yes, but at the beginning I came with another tree, I wanted to plant it, but left it at home, deciding to plant in the spring.


I dreamed that I was a toad, and there were two more toads on both sides. And we were of different colors and communicated in an unfamiliar language ... why would it be?


there are a lot of toads in the room, in some house, but I have more surprise than disgust, I walked by and went out into the street, in front of him I dreamed 3 snakes in the apartment (it's all one dream, but the actions in it take place in different places)


She carried a huge toad out of the house. In a rag. Slime flowed from her. The back was pricked like a hedgehog. I stepped on her to kill her, she dug in and released toxins into my leg, my legs were swollen and swollen. I was afraid of her. She came twice. The second time I cut it with a long rake, ace cards came out of it into several parts. I washed my hands from her stench and ac brown. I was with a friend, an acquaintance father and my husband.


i was looking for an astrologer to ask questions. I went into the courtyard (I know this courtyard), went to the entrance. on the first floor, in the office where she (the astrologer) should be, the light was off - as I understood, so that it would not be visible from the street. I stood for a little while for determination, and then a big toad, similar to something like a French bulldog, began to attack me and tried to bite me with its toothless mouth. I defended myself, looked for help with my eyes, but it was not there. then I woke up


i am with my friends and my aunt, the red-black toad is jumping around, I'm afraid my friends are laughing. My aunt asks not to be afraid that the toad will jump on her and not on me. Suddenly the toad jumps on me and I woke up.


Hello! Today I dreamed of many frogs and among them was a big toad. In a dream, I tried to catch all of them, but the big toad constantly slipped out of my hands, and was so big that it couldn't even fit in one hand. All the frogs were of a dark marsh color, the toad was the same color only with pimples, a light belly, and a few round spots slightly lighter than its color, it was also slippery. I don't remember whether I caught her or not, because at that moment I woke up.


Hello, my name is Olya. Today I had a dream in which a toad was sitting and there were a lot of frogs around it, some she ate, a cockroach, and a puddle and there are many newly born frogs in it. I was very afraid of these frogs, a toad, they disturbed me very much. Thank you


It was twilight, late evening. I was sort of in a room, empty, and at the same time the wind was blowing freely there. Suddenly, a girl appeared in front of my eyes (it feels like she’s familiar to me, but in my life I’ve never seen her) in a white dress that looked somewhat like a wedding dress, with long blond flowing hair. Instead of eyes, she had medium-sized toads. I was very surprised by what I saw, it was a surprise, and I froze as if in a stupor. Then the picture changed, abruptly, as if you blinked and everything changed. Everything was the same, only now the girl had one toad on her face. Then I remember very vaguely: I seem to have done something and removed the toads somehow, but the face of this girl in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes seemed to be fogged and indistinct. I don't remember anything further, in my opinion the dream ended soon.


Hello! In my dream, I saw many large, green frogs. Some of them were dead and some were alive. I was holding several live large frogs in my hands. It was very unpleasant and I was afraid to take them in my hands. But it had something to do with making money, something like selling it on frog legs. In general, the mood and sensations were quite pleasant in a dream and even positive, only it was disgusting to take them in hand. Thank you for your help!


My house is enchanted. Front door locks open themselves without keys. Everyone in my house is in a trance, and I scream and try to revive them. Does not work. They can't hear or see me. Renovation work is underway outside my apartment. My parents pass by. Parents don't like everything. I find myself at a friend's house, trying to find out information. Apparently I recognize her and head for something like a carnival but indoors. Everyone is dancing. And I see a light in one of the dancers. There is something going on with the girls. I go up and see fire of different colors, blue and red, and a killed, namely a lizard pierced by a needle, and next to it a toad is devouring something. The toad does not see me, I take a lizard with a needle and pierce the toad with this needle, it writhes and says something in a human voice.


there were a lot of cats in my yard, it was just darkness and I tried to drive them away ... I especially remember in my memory two cats, they were some kind of pedigree (leopard print), there was also a cat (not big) in my dream, maybe a kitten and it had a toad ...


it was a concert hall. the seats were arranged in the form of an amphitheater, they were wooden benches. they were attended by people I know, former classmates, guys from the university, etc.
there was no performance, whether we were expecting it, or whether it was already over, I don't know. we had glasses in our hands and we drank from them something alcoholic. in a dream I had a terribly headache, and I wanted to go home to rest, but did not leave, although it seems to me I had already got up to leave. and then they brought out a large sack with something. when they put it in front of us, the bag opened and it seemed to me that there was a huge head of a reptile, probably the size of 2 horse heads, its eyes were open. I walked her aside and sat back on the bench. the head began to move and it turned out that it was a giant toad with small legs. I will not say that we were scared, there were no such emotions, we were simply surprised by what was happening. At that time, a woman was keeping order in the hall, she began to walk and take our glasses from us, we tried to hide them, but to no avail, the toad was still sat in front of us making several small jumps.
and then I woke up, my head was splitting just like in a dream.


i ran away from the girl who had a big frog in her hand .. but then she caught up with me and the frog ended up in my mouth I could not spit it out and I started vomiting but there was another frog in my hand I held it and cried


It was like I was in my aunt's apartment. And at first I saw toads in the kitchen, and then went out onto the balcony and they climbed from under the wall and jumped into the room from the balcony.


I had a dream in what a boy, what kind of me should be like me, what I want to do, and I am happy with the weather, and then I am in a dream, and I stand in the room because I am worthless for the child's support. I don’t know, I didn’t care for anyone in my room, but a toad was lying on the same slope. The toads are bright green, look like they are not alive ...


I dreamed of a big toad in my house, next to a small one, my cat turned into a tiger, I went up and down the stairs.


A room, a bed, white linen, and suddenly out of nowhere a big pimply toad jumped on the bed and froze, I was not scared, but at the same time to someone in the room with a laugh I say - well, how big a doge! And I know that the one to whom I say this, someone close and dear.


I dreamed of a black toad, I was giving food to someone and there was a boiled toad in it that pulled out a black tongue, tried to jump, then disappeared somewhere


Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed of a large aquarium with muddy water, huge fish and several huge toads were swimming in it, it felt as if they did not have enough air and they were trying to jump out of the aquarium, one toad succeeded, I tried to catch it around the room and put it back into the aquarium, but she jumped out again


i dreamed of toads, many toads and there were both ordinary and small and large and even 2-3 toads were red. What does this mean


i lived with my boyfriend in some village, we had a whole refrigerator of food, we took a walk and then only once and a toad or frog grabbed my hand deeply, but then someone pulled it away and I woke up


a huge, colored toad, but for some reason there was a lot of red on it. It jumped at me, but my husband threw it off. I was very scared in a dream.


a barrel of water drove up and began to pour water into my bucket, the water is medicinal and I need to drink it. they poured clean water, and when she began to drink, the water turned out to be green (blooming like in a river) and two huge green toads sat in a bucket


my husband threw a huge toad at me, but the toad beat such a shtobi of a child's drawing, large circles were beaten on it like a butto with a large pea, even how strange it was, it was kinda nice, but I was very afraid and cried and screamed at my husband terribly, he removed the shtobi but he didn’t I listened to everything, evenly threw it at me I was very beaten cheerfully, but I don't really care for toads


there was a table covered with a lot of dishes, guests were sitting, mostly some women, and at one point a shellfish with the mother-in-law's head crawled on my legs, I start to shove her with my feet, and she keeps climbing smoothly, I open the door of the house and push her out into the street with my feet and wake up abruptly ...


i dreamed that I swam in a small swamp with friends and there were no toads, and later I climbed in and there were a lot of them and of different sizes, I was very scared, screamed, and in my life I am very afraid of toads.


The toad was on the floor, I sat down on a squatting position and wanted to cover it with a cup, moving it to the newspaper to take it out of the house. I covered it, and it crawled out with force from under the cup, it turned out that I passed it with the side of the cup, and it galloped off behind the chiffoner, after it there were a couple of worms. so I did not get it.


Hello! i dreamed that in our house in the kitchen I found a slippery toad, and there were still her little children, they scattered around the apartment, while the toad itself was hiding, well, I tried to catch them and had to kill them, crush them with my feet, I was scared / unpleasant and really wanted to get rid of them, and then my brother came and together we tried to get rid of the big toad by throwing it out the window.


I dreamed of three or four large green toads, as if I had collected them in one aquarium, then they somehow got out and began to eat a friend, the apartment was a complete mess from them


I dreamed of a black toad near my house, I wanted to burn it, but it turned into a snake and started to run away. Then she got wings and flew away.


dreamed of 4 running toads, ran one after another, while leaving behind a wet green trail, looking like a long path


Hello! I had a sooooo unpleasant dream. I don't remember the whole dream, but I know for sure that I really felt toads under the skin, in the legs, buttocks, i.e. in the lower body. I wanted to rip them out of myself, but it didn't work out, while I felt their movement. I suffered terribly, it was very disgusting. What is it for? I have little children, I'm afraid that no matter what happens. I dreamed from Sunday to Monday. Why did this nightmare dream ??? Thank you.


I was with my grandmother, there was also my grandfather (who had died a long time ago), my grandmother was drunk and cursed, they tried to calm her down, suddenly in the other room the guests began to scream with fear (there were many toads), I took my daughter out of bed , and there a huge toad jumped out from under the blanket. I woke up. I also dreamed earlier that I hit a car and another tooth fell out (no blood)


i dreamed that in one of the rooms of my house I saw a huge toad on the floor and did not know what to do with it, I called my relatives and we thought together. and then I saw another big and one small one and the phone woke up everything)


I was in another city, with my relatives. In the yard I saw a large toad and tried to crush it down. She turned out to be tenacious and began to pursue me. I ran away for a long time. Two cats and a cat came to my aid, they moved between us, and the toad stopped.


Duzhe great toads, yak crocodiles. Stink bully in ricci, yaku small to cross. One drive to land for me for a start. I wanted to turn around and do not go over the river, but a friend took my hand and overturned. The water, the toads poked around me, the stench boiled unreasonably cold.


i dreamed that I sat in a bathroom with water and realized that something was moving under me, jumped up and saw two toads and an incomprehensible worm in the middle, or something ... and when I looked at them, they burst and they were gone


a toad wanted to bite me, but I pressed it down with my cheek and held it like that, somewhere even a little bitter. and I wanted not to forget to remember the dream in a dream to see the meaning when I wake up


the toad pursued me, did not let me out of sight. I had to tidy up, looked for a rag and a seamstress in auxiliary rooms, and a toad with long fingers was chasing me. then it was as if I was inseminated by this toad and I may have toadlings. I asked someone to nail this toad. and someone did it, then I apparently took some means and got rid of the burden


a big toad was sitting in a basin of water and I wanted to feed her, but she got out and jumped under the bath and I was afraid that the cat would eat her


I dreamed that I was walking through a beautiful grove, in a beautiful dress and in a good mood ... and then a toad jumps on me and kisses me on the cheek, well, I was scared and surprised ... in reality, I have a toad ...


Hello, Tatyana!
I have a dream, as if I was washing a window at home and suddenly three large toads appear in a basin from where I take water for washing windows. They just sat in a basin in the water and looked at me. Of course, when I saw them I was scared, but they did nothing to me, they were not aggressive. What does my dream mean?


i dreamed that I was bathing in the bathroom, someone opened the door and a frog jumped into the water to me, I was so scared that I jumped out of the bathroom myself, and then my brother wanted to catch the toad to throw it away, but he could not


a big toad sat on a small turtle, as if in the colors of a greenhouse or something, and as if it were mine at home or at work


hello. there were a lot of toads in a dream. they swarmed just on the floor of the apartment. then disappeared
Thank you


I dream about a small toad in a box, and I opened a box of chobes, wait a bit, and only a toad shouted a little, but the toad didn’t resist coming ... but I didn’t feel like a toad in me, I’m afraid of a toad


in a dream I saw many multi-colored beautiful toads. I didn't take it into my hands, they crawled over some people I knew, they offered me to buy them, they praised me. people were sitting in the car. I don’t remember who exactly. a lover stood next to me and also looked.


i dreamed about how I wanted to integrate into the robot and I came before the bathhouse on the road I bought a pig of an average size and then agreed for the robot in that bathhouse, too, two pigs, such a good one, turned around. the toad became bigger and I wanted to see the legs on it, but in winter I thought I saw it because I was old, I really wanted to know the little scraper and I interrupted my sleep


Twilight, I am in a hurry with my friend, we are walking along a wide asphalt road, I am a little behind, my friend is in front. I lower my eyes, I see a lot of toads under my feet, my friend hurries me, I catch up with her, I run jumping over the toads that are extremely disgusting to me!



Good afternoon, I dreamed of a room, looking up I saw a large black web in the corner, sat on the sofa, then lay down. I look into this corner - and there something is moving black, I see a black toad climbed out and jumped into my hand, I was very scared and woke up. before going to bed, in the evening - my husband told me that their house was robbed.


beloved man turned into a toad


The dream that it had snowed, it was cold at first, then the snow sharply warmed up and mixed with the mud, and my mother and sister and I went to collect frogs and toads, we collected them in buckets, and then poured them into a large red barrel. I just couldn't understand why the mud poured out along with the frogs, one toad tried to jump out and I tried to catch it with the barrel lid, in the end I caught it and closed the barrel! At the same time, everyone had an unpleasant feeling both in a dream and when I woke up!


I cross the bridge and bend over to look at the water, but there are only toads in the water, large so that the water is practically invisible, but they are delicately light green in color.

Anna Yakubovskaya:

in a dream I saw 2 lakes in them there was clear water and at the bottom there was a huge number of toads or frogs, because they were not scary, they sat in heaps, circles, and one was in my pants poop, then I threw it away

Anna Yakubovskaya:

I dreamed of 2 reservoirs next to each other, the water in them is clear, but at the bottom there are a lot of toads or frogs, because they were not scary, they sat in heaps, circles, another was in my pocket, after a while I threw it out, shook out she was, like, alive


i dreamed that I burned them there were three of them, and then they turned into a spider web and big toads with big eyes turned from it again


A big toad jumped from the bed onto me and onto my body. I wanted to throw it off myself and woke up with this feeling. Woke up and immediately wanted to take it off with my hand


I dreamed that my family and I went to my mother. When we were descending into the beam, I heard a hiss, a toad leaped over and bit it on the finger. I threw it back and killed it with a stick. I saw 2 bites and went to the hospital, they said that this was not the first case. I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday to check this dream


huge aquarium. in which a lot of fat fat toads swim. at some point they begin to crawl out, rolling over the edge. I shove them back.


the toads were rich and great, and they rode a horse along the water, and they nailed them, and their trochies poured and even more meat from them.


i dreamed of a green toad, I had a taste of my fingers, I saw my hands out of my hands .. I also dreamed of 3 rusts of Trojands, which were chipped in my hands, and I thrashed my fingers, and then ...


met a friend and she seemed to be pregnant. talked and it turned out that her two sisters were also pregnant .. a girl was walking by a pregnant friend said and her sister was pregnant .. and I look at my belly and think all pregnant women except me .. went to the parental house and on the way I stepped on a toad. There were a lot of small ones on their feet. One more sits, I look, it starts to inflate and it doesn’t work. And one big, like a turtle, is upside down and lies as if dead


At first I stood on the balcony, but the wall by the balcony collapsed and I almost fell down, barely resisted, and then I found myself on the street, there were many huge toads around, the size of a cat, and they were everywhere and when I looked back at the house, in which I was before, toads crawled along the walls and windows. I woke up with a terrible feeling.


my husband and I go down the steps. A large hairy toad with a tail sits on one of the steps. she wants to jump on me, and I run away


everything was black and I saw a black-green toad sitting on my husband's head, and the toad was very fat and nasty


i walked along a path with bumps on the left side there was a roofing felts lake roofing felts a transparent swamp and there sat one or two toads, and on the right side a toad sat on a hummock ... I walked and it was so bright and bright ... I just walked straight and then I don't remember


Hello! I dreamed that I was not me, but an animal that eats frogs. And I am on the shore of a large lake, where there are the same animals. It is already late evening and dark (of course there are no lanterns), but I want to have dinner, and other animals like me say that it's too late and it's better to eat tomorrow with everyone, but I'm very hungry and still try to fumble around and catch a frog and a couple once I cover them with my palm, but I am still pondering whether to eat or not. And yet I thought about it and put it in my mouth, but I didn't feel the taste (how to chew a cotton ball), I immediately woke up.
Thanks a lot in advance for the interpretation!




Good day! Today I dreamed about how my relatives and I were going to the river. I lagged behind them a little and wanted to catch up. Well, I came, I see my sister is standing by the water and next to her is a huge green frog ... We wanted to chase her away, but she sat like a stone!
What is it for?


I allegedly bought a perfume for myself. Suddenly I look at a bottle of perfume that is like an aquarium with one big fish and one big dark toad and I try to pour the contents of the aquarium into the toilet, the feeling is terrible. and I say at the same time, Christmas tree sticks had to buy perfume with a dispenser, that's all they say would not be


Hello, I had a dream that I was sleeping and a big toad was crawling on my bed, I start screaming, close my eyes to take it away, and my brother takes it and throws it off.


Hello, I dream that a colleague gives me a big toad with long legs at my work so that I can take it somewhere (I don't remember where and to whom). I never took a toad in my hands - disgust. She gives it to me in a transparent bag , but the second colleague gives a non-transparent bag (I am still mentally worried so that the toad does not suffocate). And she tries to climb out of the colored bag, but remains in the transparent one, and I clearly feel in my hands that I hold her tightly so that she does not I slipped out, but my colleagues leave and don't want to help me. Thank you!


Two huge black toads were sitting in my lower abdomen. One was holding on to its claws. I kicked it off. She fell. And the second I grabbed it with a broom. with health for women ...


I dreamed of three toads, one bit my finger, I began to fight off it, barely drove it away. Then a cat came and they ran away.


Hello! I dreamed of a horned toad. I got rid of it (threw it out). And a small butterfly constantly sat on my right shoulder.




Good day. In a dream, I saw open-air agriculture on an area with almost no grass, cows grazed there and they did not have enough of this food. My grandmother walked around the site and collected the remnants of the grass and brought them to them. There was also a huge trough with water and dead pigs. The cow drank the dirty water from the trough. There were also other cows, but they could not get up to get drunk and splashes of water flew on them, which they caught with their mouths. I felt a terrible disgust at the same time. One of these cows lay on the dirty floor on dead frogs without skin.


Hello! In a dream, I dreamed how, whether it was in May, my mother was cooking fish, I looked, and this was not a fish, but a toad. But strange, their heads are more like lizards, They are bright green, turning into emerald. Mom cooks them, and they are alive, move. I suggest that she cover the bowl with a lid so that they do not pop out. The lid is under her nose, but she does not see it, then I take the lid myself and cover them. The toads start jumping and hit the lid. One jumps out ... I got scared and woke up.


My cat brought a toad in its teeth. I was sitting on an armchair, watching TV, I feel that something nasty has touched my hand, I look - a cat with a huge toad. The cat released the toad from its teeth and began to play with it (for some reason the toad was green, like a frog), when I saw that it was green, I felt relief and began to catch it, but it didn’t give up and kept jumping out of my hands. In the end, the cat itself grabbed it


i dreamed that I was bitten by a toad, but I was in rubber gloves and did not feel the bite, then I threw this toad out, but after a while it appeared again and already bit my father for real, to the point of blood.


a large pool, but already almost empty, a big toad was sitting in the corner, and further ahead, an open place the water went there on the water like beautiful flowers, I stepped on but my foot was a little sucked in and I removed it


I dreamed about a vile toad, it was of an incomprehensible shape. She was sitting in a saucepan with borscht. Mom poured me a plate of borscht, but I could not eat it. I am very afraid of toads.


Hello, the dream is like this - I am with my ex-girlfriend (we haven’t talked for 8 years) again as friends, discussing something, preparing for some event (she lives in another city), suddenly I just see a sea of \u200b\u200btoads, they are in the water, but not in a swamp, but as if on the smooth asphalt of a motorway in a shallow but wide puddle without end and without edge - there are many of them, they are silent, located at the same distance from each other and of different colors - brown, green, brown, green - we are not we are afraid, they were simply surprised, even laughed ... but these toads are right there, like soldiers on the battlefield ...


With a wondrous rank, it was found in a glib hole. Up to my feet in the hole a hefty toad was incised (in real life I am terribly afraid of toads). I threw off my legs with great efforts and vibrated with ease on the surface of de bouly people and in the middle of them my girlfriend stood on the knees wondering in the hole.


hello! I dreamed that there were 2 large spiders, a frog and a turtle on the ceiling, and when they jumped onto my bed, I got scared and immediately woke up.


Dreamed of multi-colored frogs and one large toad of dark green color. They sat in an aquarium with clear water and beautifully decorated. Then I broke the roofing felts and dropped the roofing felts. All the frogs and toad ended up on the bedroom floor, it was disgusting and I could not collect them. In a dream, my classmate took them into the hands and kind of put them back into the aquarium


in a large terrarium, the upper part consists of an aquarium, fish swim in it, I fed them. And the lower part is also transparent, flowers grow beautifully in tubs. children play, there are slides for them, sandboxes and a big toad-pipa. Someone is standing nearby and says that she lives here, and soon she will have tadpoles


I bathed the child in the bathroom and found that a half-dead toad was swimming with the toys I pulled the child out of the water and began to drain the water, then called my daughter's dad and told him to take this half-dead toad and he took it


i go up to the lake and accidentally fall into it, then I pour out and frogs got under my jacket and the toad I found at home, I shake them out and everything is empty.


i wanted to kill a toad, I stepped naked in a sock, but the toad bitten my leg, and I failed to kill. then I went to wash my leg, and there are many small worms on my foot.


I dreamed of a huge ugly scary toad, as if I caught it in the city, frozen (like a chicken leg), brought it home, began to peel it to cook, it came to life and started jumping, so that I was from it
hiding. The toad was nasty, bald, and about the size of a good cat.


i was digging potatoes with my mother in the garden, and pulled out a bush there a big brown toad, and my mother asked for a pitchfork to throw it away, and immediately woke up ...


The pond and I am not far from it and I see many toads alone in the water. and it seems to me that in them the mating season. I don’t remember, but someone was with me and raised one out of the water, it was very big, very big. but I was not afraid, and I did not have disgust, I just looked and was not afraid. the time was such as early dawn, as if the sun was just about to appear. It’s not yet light, but it’s not dark anymore, and I seemed to understand that this was a dream and wondered why and why?


I dreamed that my mother was lying in bed, I went into a strange house and a frog was sitting on her face, I was disgusted and disgusting, then the toad jumped to the window, and I was so disgusting why my mother did not drive her away. The dream was from Friday to Saturday. .What does it mean?


Mom and I are in the garden, between us a toad or a frog. Our plays ran up to her and poked her nose. It began to be called and burst. Another piece fell on me.


Hello! I dreamed that toads they stick to my body, and I pull them off my body and throw them away, and they turn into some kind of small insects.


i dreamed of toads loudly croaking one after the other jumping near a small pond like butoh I dropped my shoes there and I can't get it like butoh it's all inside an old dark house and the black earth is outlined with small crosses


i used a shovel to catch fish from some dish into another (I think they were aquarium fish, the last beautiful fish blinked in all sorts of different colors and as if diamonds were on it.) when I pulled out the last fish, I saw a huge frog, it hung with two legs on the dish and looked at me ... I didn't pull her out, I needed to feed her and I woke up.


I dreamed that I met an ugly kitten and with me he ate first a tadpole and then a toad and turned into a beautiful kitten of the British breed, and I think in a dream whether to take him with me and wake up


I dreamed that I was bitten by a large dark earthen toad. After which strong gimotomes remained on the body.


I dreamed of toads that I collected them in a bucket, they were some kind of black, I sprinkled them with salt to kill, but one jumped out on me and bit me and rode away. I didn't catch her. But they were kind of huge, like kind of like turtles in shells.


near the slope to the river, I seemed to be standing with my grandfather and someone else. and at the bottom near the shore, toads were still quite large, and one jumped on me. that I got scared and even jerked on my bed.


i dreamed that a small frog, saturated green from nowhere, jumped onto a chair with my mother's things and climbed over them, literally a couple of seconds and my cat jumped on it and strangled it, I was not afraid of the toad, I even became interested in watching her ... I dreamed it when I just started to fall asleep and after the cat strangled, I woke up with the thought "why did the cat do this?"


At night from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that I had 3 big, medium and very small toads in my underpants. but (maybe frogs, I don't remember), being on the street, I felt something stirring under the linen, and in front of several people I threw them out of my panties, but then, they were in my underwear again


walked with a child along a shallow river ... the sun was shining brightly, the water shone ... it was beautiful despite the reeds sticking out of the water .. When we walked out of the water, they jumped out of the water, running away from us, there were a lot of small toads, very small as bugs ..


I had a dream in which I went into the summer kitchen and there the camphors on the stoves began to light up on their own, I extinguish them, but they all the same, I somehow fettered me, I could not start to pray and read our Father, then 2 toads came out of the stove


I was walking on the grass and saw a lot of large strawberries. I began to push the grass apart to look at the strawberries and saw that a huge toad or a frog, like a toad, was looking at me. She was very big. I scared and left ...


I’m standing on an asphalt road and three toads or frogs are looking at me (I don’t understand them, they are rather large)


I walk around a pond with clear water, I have already walked around it, looked closely, and huge toads, the size of a medium-sized dog, are looking at me from the pond, and their eyes are smart, smart. But I'm not afraid of them. I pass by. The dream continues.


Hello. In a dream, I watched a horror movie, I turned my back on the TV and saw a decomposed dead man who was swallowed by a huge toad. It was in my room. Then I woke up.


Hello. I dreamed of a huge, horrible green toad, covered in wrinkles ... It was disgusting! She was sitting on my dresser, next to my bed, where I was lying at that moment. She sat motionless. And then she disappeared somewhere, I thought that she was somewhere in the room and that she (oh, God!) She could crawl into my bed! Or it can climb at any time! The thoughts then were: “How will I sleep, how will I ever be able to sleep? She's disgusting! " Plus, I've always been afraid of toads and frogs. And then there's such a huge, awful!
And then my mother says, don't worry ... and ... brings me a new frog, or rather a toad! The same as the previous one! And I think, stop, well, this toad is in my mother's arms, you can control it, and the other ran away and can climb into my bed! ((((And then I realize: stop, I'm in bed now and I fear and lie? But at that moment my eyes opened ... And I thought: "Fuh, it was a dream, no toad, thank God, threatens me)))".

What does it mean? Tell me please.
Although I am afraid and disgusted of frogs and toads, both in life and in my dreams, I know that a toad in Feng Shui is associated with wealth, it essentially brings money, so I am not afraid of such figurines, on the contrary.
Does this mean that success and wealth awaits me? Or what does all this dream mean?;)) Please tell me;))


Hello. I dreamed of a huge green terrible toad. She was sitting on my dresser near my bed, where at that moment I was lying. I had disgusting feelings for her! But she sat motionless. But then I suddenly looked - and she was not on the dresser. I felt that she was somewhere in the room. And I was seized with shock and horror from the realization that she could crawl into my bed at any moment!
And then my mother says, they say, do not worry ... and ... she is carrying a new toad in my hands! The same as the previous one! Well, if this toad could somehow be controlled (it was in my mother's arms and could not go anywhere, jump out, etc.), then the first toad was still, as I thought, in the room. And I was again seized by the horror that I still needed to sleep. And how can I fall asleep, knowing that at any moment this toad can crawl into my bed ?! Then I realize that I am lying in my bed, again horror from the thought of a toad ... but then my eyes open and I sigh with great relief that no toad threatens me))

What does it mean? In my life I am afraid of frogs and toads, and I treat them with disgust. But at the same time for me they symbolize wealth (in Feng Shui) and attract money, so I am not afraid of their figurines, but quite the opposite).

So what would this all of mine mean? Tell me please. Wealth and success or, on the contrary, trouble? (Interpretations in different dream books, unfortunately, are completely diametrically opposite (().


i dreamed of a small toad on my hand the size of a fingernail and it was in the form of a tick sucked to my hand, and my husband tore it off and I saw that the head of this tick (toad) remained, and then disappeared


i dreamed of a big green toad with black pimples, and she grabbed my thumb, and I could not unhook it in any way, and as if I started chopping it with something, and then I just unhooked it.


I dreamed about a big black toad. I tried to crush her, but it didn't work. She jumped, then turned into a woman and spat something white in my face.


good time of the day, I had a dream that I was swimming, I notice that two toads are watching me, one huge other for less, I will quickly lay it out of the water and the one that is larger will jump out of the water and the room, the distance between me and her is 3 meters 4, she (the toad) will throw out her tongue, I cover myself with my hand and the dream ends. (I wake up)


I had a dream like this - on nosi bulo pochervoninnya. Therefore, my deceased mother wanted me to see them, but there was only one trisla sphatku - the whiskokla is a green toad - and we will drink inshoi guli insha. On the remnants of the zhervoninnya, I felt a lull and everything was beaten by the stench of whiskey on the green grass!


Hello! Initially, I dreamed of a spider sitting on the wall, I wanted to catch him. I went to the kitchen for a tray or jar to cover it and not pick it up. I return and he is already on the sofa, approaching I understand that this is not a spider at all, but a toad, large, of different bright colors. Why would this dream?


Hello Tatyana, I am very scared of my sleep. Since the dream was from Tuesday to Wednesday.
Sleep: I am in a large country house, I had the feeling that the house is very familiar to me and in this dream I lived there. I went down from the big twisted staircase from the second to the first floor and when I went down I felt that, I apologize, on my buttocks that something sits, it was a toad, she somehow stuck (sorry for such a description), I started screaming in horror because I’m very afraid of them with my hand I threw it out. I ran to the first floor and fell on a large white carpet in the middle of the room, raised my head and saw just a huge the number of toads, but they did not croak, they just sat in places, did not jump, did not move, they simply breathed. I started screaming from horror, and then I don't remember the dream, but as I remember, I seemed to run to the pond, and that's all, I woke up in horror.


Good day! I had a dream that I was sitting alone in my room and some 2 beetles, a moth flew through the window, and then a frog jumped with a dead snake in its mouth (the snake is thin and long), and then I also saw a living snake like that. they didn't bite me, I was just scared, because I don't like such evil spirits. not even that scary, just disgusting. I sat on the couch and called my beloved guy to help. he answered me from the kitchen, but never came to help.


the big green frog in a saucepan was writing on the night from Thursday to Friday very strange and just looked at me for what this dream


I dreamed of a toad from Thursday to Friday (if it's important). The toad was sitting on an old glass-fronted door right at the top of the open door. and in her hand she held the key to something. the key was old. and then she crawled slowly down the door, and I kept wondering aloud, they say, "Wow, look, she's holding the key!" the toad seemed harmless and very calm. I admired her


I saw a small frog in front of me, I drove it in front of me and then a very huge toad closed it and looked ahead and there another toad is not very big and looks at me and I woke up.


hello! I don’t remember exactly the dream, but I remember exactly how the toad threw a jet at me and my mouth and hand hit my face, and after that I wanted to catch and kill her, but she couldn’t pour it on me anymore! after that, my whole face swelled up and when my beloved was near, he asked what was wrong with me! after this I dreamed about my deceased friend, the sweetest and most beloved, it seems like she came to life and we walked as always, but everything was different, she was like a cold room! and I loved her with all my heart and she loved me! but I didn’t notice it and today it’s already chitverg!


i dreamed of a toad that wanted to bite me, and I understand that it is poisonous. she attacks and bites me, I feel pain, but at some point I manage to grab her so that she cannot dodge, and I pierce her from head to the end of her body and throw her off the balcony.


I went into my house, my big dog was nearby, but suddenly I saw that in front of us a big toad jumped into the house. I had a piece of cardboard in my hands and threw the toad out of the house.


I dreamed of a huge toad on the seashore. She was pretty sweet, light yellow. I wanted to take a picture with her, but I woke up. All around people, vanity. Near the ex-husband and his mother. the weather is cool and the sea is very warm.


Hello. I saw in a dream a huge unreal-sized black toad that was jumping, and I ran after it with a shovel and tried to hit, but it seemed it didn’t work, she managed to jump. it happened somewhere in the field or on the road in the forest, but it seemed to me a familiar place.


Hello! I dreamed that I was standing on the street late in the evening and a lot of toads were jumping around me and on me ...


I was walking along the road with a young man, there was a tree next to the road, and a lot of big toads walked to this tree, then they climbed up this tree, in general there were a lot of them. After a while, when I came home, the toads were already in my room and jumping up the wall.


i dreamed of a wedding with a stranger and near the entrance to the wedding hall (like a basement) there are two small windows on the opposite wall at the top, a cobweb hung on both and a toad sat in one web, and huge spiders ran out the other window ... five pieces ... More in this dream, I walked all the time by the hand with the current young man.


Hello. I do not fully remember the dream, I remember a herd of bison rushing at me, I ran to meet them with a stake, but I ran around them, nothing happened. And the toad also dreamed about how it appeared, I don't remember. But I remember her clearly.


I dreamed of two toads, one small, the second larger. They met me in the bathroom, tried to drive them out, they were reluctant to leave. They were bright green. We jumped into the bathtub itself, where water was collected. Upon contact with water, they became covered with transparent bubbles, and then completely became invisible. The younger son wanted to bathe in the bathroom, I did not let him in.


i walked and toads burst under my feet


In the dream, the toads sat in the form of a pyramid of 5 pieces, and there were also tarantulas. Why is Tatyan's dream


I had a dream that I came home at night, went into the kitchen. There was a jar on the table, it was a cherry kampot, a spin for the winter. I poured the kampot into a mug and drank it, I wanted more, but when I took the can I saw that it had a huge toad in it, it was alive and very nasty. I was still surprised how I did not see her right away, and I felt bad. Then I woke up.


i dreamed of a snake crawling away and making strange sounds, and then this snake turned into a big toad. I tried to kill her, but she sprinkled a terrible liquid in my face, and then I woke up


I dreamed of a toad, I myself did not touch it, there was an unfamiliar woman standing nearby, she caught her, I stood on the bridge and watched everything from the side.


Dreamed of a mother who died in a dream, she brought a whole basin of frogs. Like let the children play


Hello, I dreamed that a very huge toad first jumped around the room, then rushed at me and bit my finger, and I could not tear it off my hand, I even felt the pain, and immediately woke up.


they threw a toad at me and hit me with it, I was very scared and I was disgusted


I dreamed of a toad that was sitting in a three-liter jar and could not get out of there


i close the old house with a key and leave, after a while I return and see the light on, although I remember that when I left the light in the house was turned off, a very large red toad sits on the doorstep into the house, not scary but not pleasant. And I see my son who is sitting at this moment in prison, nothing has been heard about him for a long time, no letters, no phone calls


Today I had a dream ... I remember the moment very vividly. I go to the shower, and there is a toad. Jumps straight at me - I run away. She grabbed the body - yell. Mom comes in and asks "Why are you shouting?" I say look toad. Mom looks at me and just gives me away (you’re kind of surprised) they jump at all the people who will soon die. I was in tears, threw off the toad. Mom observes the picture (as I throw off a toad) and says, “You still can't run away from them. Look how many of them are around "! I look ... and they are teeming with everything and a rat among them ... I was in shock ..



I dreamed of how I kicked toads like rubber balls, trying to fly over the fence. The toads were sitting in a large, shallow puddle of mud. I looked for them and kicked them out, the way a football goalkeeper does by knocking the ball out of the goal into the center of the field.


I dreamed of a huge yellow toad, which I was catching, running after it between areas of garden towns. I wanted to lick her, either as a joke or seriously, because I knew that they emit a hallucinogen. An old friend of mine was with me, and she laughed at me. Perhaps I wanted to play a trick on her when I said I would lick, but I tried to catch this giant toad for a long time.


She dreams that I am at sea, it was evening, it was getting dark. The sea is bright blue, transparent, you can see a shark. And a toad jumped onto my hand, I tried to throw it off, but it seemed to stick, but then I managed to throw it off.


i dreamed from Wednesday to Friday that a toad somehow got into the bathroom, a rather large green with brown and yellow, in general, it is better not to take such a thing in real life), so in my dream there was a man with me, I do not remember who it is at all was, but he apparently was familiar, he said that she should be killed or kicked out. I didn't want to kick her out because it was winter outside and she could die. I remember that I walked in the bathtub, and she jumped near my feet and tried not to step on her, then she hid in a corner and I covered her with something to keep her warm.


i'm on the bus and there is a box with 4 toads in the back seat and one suddenly jumps on my leg, I scream her someone removes it, but she still jumps again.


Hello, today I had a strange dream: I dreamed of a toad or a yellow frog, large. It was lying in a box in a big one and was covered with a dark green blanket and tried to jump out and I was scared, but my daughter was not at all afraid of her. What does this dream mean?


In a transparent bag with my clothes sat a huge gray toad and two gray, speckled snakes. The toad pissed on my clothes, and the snakes hissed at me


the toad was small, then it became huge like a monster and ran and everyone was afraid of her


I dreamed of poisonous animals in an aquarium, someone made me look at it, someone from people close to me. And then a black frog jumped on my leg, and a dog came up, they looked at each other, but then the dog abruptly tore off its head, and I woke up


2 big toads attacked me, I was very scared and felt fear, one I threw off myself, and the other rode away




I dreamed of huge toads that I stepped over


Hello, I dreamed that I was in the forest in a clearing with friends, and suddenly we saw a small toad, she first jumped on my young man, and he somehow did not pay attention to her, and then she jumped at me and I very much her scared, tried to throw her off, run away from her, and she was so small and nasty. And everyone tried to jump on me.


I'm going to the coast of the sea, yellow sand with garbage, there is not a lot of garbage. The sea is bright blue, even my eyes were somehow uncomfortable to look. I look at the driftwood lying next to them, a small sluggish frog, you can say at death I take it in my palm and want to save it, throw it into the water ( I think the sea is salty


I dreamed of a green toad with yellow-brown scabs and one eye in its mouth. my mother held it, then squeezed it and the toad made a strange sound, opened its mouth and I saw there a yellow eye


The dream of my friend, according to her words.
“In a dream, the late husband of my grandfather's sister came to visit me
I began to tell him that he was dead and that he would leave
Then I realized that it was a dream. I started trying to wake up, I woke up, I was still in the room, a little scared, glad that I woke up
I turn my head again he stands. I realized again that I was dreaming
And so on in a circle 5 times.
Then he told me something about the white toad and after that that I could wake up. And I really woke up already. "
[email protected]


i dreamed about three rosebone toads. one green of a friend's zhovta and the third I don't remember
two toads jumped to the hut and the third I wanted to crush and hit a couple of times and won


I bachelor three or three great green toads.


I dreamed that I was on a river and was in the water and there was a toad sitting in lumps, and then it jumped out and I started screaming strongly


the toad came to me before I applied gold embellishments and the stench came out


I dreamed that I was my graduation, but then for some reason I left there and went to the circus, in my city there is a pond on its territory, and that's where I found a huge toad, the size of a cat, I don't remember why, but I really wanted it protect and I picked it up and carried it at my chest, putting it on my shoulder, pressed it to me, somehow protected it from prying eyes. Then, walking with her in the same place, I saw another toad, more like a toad, but a frog, but the same size as my toad, she, seeing a toad in my arms, was surprised, bulged her eyes and became tried to attack me, tried to jump and croaked indignantly, but I managed to escape and somehow defend myself from her. Then I put her somewhere to sit next to her and take a break with her, and found that this toad was no longer a toad, but a sleeping cat, light, dirty, somehow exhausted and weak, I felt even more sorry for her and I became stroking her and cried, that was the end of the dream and I woke up.
Thank you so much!


hello! I see a cat like my home sitting over something like something black and I can't understand what it does to him. But the cat had movements to this black something. I go see I can’t understand what is it? it's dark but not very night. I push it with my foot and see a medium-sized toad, not thick. Immediately become prativno. I leave and again I look at the cat again near the toad and it begins to look like it is. and seems to have started with the front legs.


I dreamed of a big toad in my left hand, covering with my right, I picked it up and as if I was saving her from something


In my dream, I saw three huge toads, two of them were dark, and the third was light. They tried to attack me, as it were, but I fought them off. But one of them, the dark one, jumped up and bit me. I was scared. It hurt, but the pain passed quickly. There was no blood, and the bite mark was as if a person had bitten me.


It was night, I stood in my yard, turned my head sharply and saw a large toad, which was jumping back, then I woke up


With friends we sit and guess with two either frogs or toads (something in between a frog and a medium-sized toad). And then a third comes from somewhere and sits next to two others. Differs from them in a heterogeneous color. Looks at me intently. I bring my finger to her and she opens her mouth and gently bites it. I feel how warm and wet her tongue is. Friends say that this is my totem animal. Then the frog / toad becomes small and jumps into my left nostril. I can directly see my nostril and how it gets in there like a tunnel. I'm confused and don't know what to do, and when I decide to pull it out, it's too late, she went completely inside.


i dreamed they brought a white toad in a jar of water

Why dream of a big potato

Miller's dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "The Monk and the Toad"

One moonlit night, a monk prayed to God in a picturesque meadow.

Grasshoppers chirped around, nocturnal birds chirped, but the loudest croaked was a huge toad in a swamp that was nearby.
This loud and annoying croak constantly confused the monk, and he began to pray anew.

After another exclamation of a toad, the monk could not resist and yelled:
- Well, everything is quiet! Don't stop me from praying!

And everyone was quiet around. Everyone except the toad! The toad seemed not to hear and continued.
“How can you silence this toad? After all, while she croaks, I will never be able to finish the prayer? " - thought the monk.

- Yes, because I turn to God, and this amphibian only bothers me!
- Why do you think that this toad does not turn to God, just like you?

- Well, how can you turn to God through such a disgusting and loud croaking?
- Or maybe everyone does it the way they can?

The monk thought hard and after a while continued his prayer.
And again the grasshoppers chirped, the night birds chirped, and the huge toad croaked again.
But she no longer annoyed the monk, and he felt harmony with all living things around

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing a toad or frog in a dream means that you should take a closer look at your surroundings and not trust strangers in order to avoid deception, scandal, humiliation and loss. A toad in a dream can mean a bad person or illness. For a person invested with power, such a dream predicts obedient subordinates. Catching or killing toads or frogs with your bare hands is a sign of an imminent promotion in office, although your neighbors will condemn you. Holding a toad in your hand in a dream means that you can timely figure out the insidious plans of your ill-wishers. Catching a toad in a dream is a sign of exposing enemies. If the toad is not caught, wait for deception and do not hope for the fulfillment of the desire, because envious people will interfere with its fulfillment. Toads driven out of the house in a dream is a sign of receiving unpleasant news from the house and domestic squabbles. A big frog in a dream (for women) means a middle-aged, respectable person who will make you an offer for selfish reasons. If in a dream a woman is afraid of her, then trouble should be expected. Seeing toads or frogs in a swamp in a dream is usually a harbinger of bad news or trouble.

Why does a toad dream about a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

The appearance of a toad in a dream is a sign of decay, disobedience, envy and jealousy.

A toad jumps at you in a dream:
If in a dream a huge disgusting toad jumped on you, then in real LIFE you should pay more attention to your morality, you should not indulge your weaknesses and vices.

Hold a toad in your hands in a dream:
The dream in which you are holding a toad in your hands means that in reality you will suffer from the intrigues of envious people.

To kill a toad in a dream:
If in a dream you kill a toad, this symbolizes your unbridled jealousy. Learn to control your emotions.

Croaking toad in a dream:
To see a croaking toad in a dream - to troubles and misadventures, of which you yourself are guilty.

Toad in the house in a dream:
In a dream, you found a toad in your house - this dream portends a bad relationship with family due to the fault of an envious and jealous person

Why does a toad dream about a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a decorative toad - to a little success; buy, receive a toad as a gift - to family joy; kill, crush a toad in a dream - beware of deception from a person close to you.

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