Greek lake. Lakes of greece. Real estate in Greece

Frame houses 06.12.2020
Frame houses

The perfect weekend is not only about beaches and noisy parties, and we think many romantics will agree with us. The Greek Lakes, half of which are declared National Parks, are ideal weekend getaways. You can picnic on a boat, practice horseback riding or canoeing, or simply watch flocks of migratory birds at one of the lonely wooden jetties of Plastiras, Kerkini and other Greek lakes.

  1. Kerkini Lake National Parkhome to thousands of animal and plant species, it is one of the richest parks in all of Greece. There are all conditions for cycling and hiking, a hippodrome, marinas with the possibility of renting boats and catamarans. The park has a bike and canoe rental service, cozy coffee shops and recreation centers.

  2. Plastiras - one of the largest artificial lakes in Greece with a huge list of options for entertainment. You can take part in a boat trip down the river, visit a horse farm, sign up for a mountain walk, or compete against professional mountaineers and rock climbers. The mountain paths around Plastiras are ideal for trekking and cycling, the dense forests are ideal for archery and hiking, and the lake itself is ideal for kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Please note that the territory of the lake is protected, so it is better not to do it "spontaneously" - we recommend buying an excursion package, which will include several walks and sports activities of your choice. And don't forget to visit villages around Plastiras - Kalivya, Russo, Sekliz and Neraida.

  3. Prespes

    Prespes - an ideal place for those who are simply tired of the noise and hustle and bustle of the city. The lake is surrounded by a fragrant coniferous forest with a cobweb of walking paths, and during the winter months the Pisoderiu ski center is open nearby. There is a tourist support center "Συνοδοί Βουνού" ("satellites of the mountain") by the lake, which helps plan excursions and recruits groups for horse riding, swimming and canoeing.

  4. Trichonis

    Trichonis - the largest lake, surrounded by a number of picturesque villages and towns. So, for example, from the villages Fermos, Dogry and Varia scenic walking paths lead to the lake, and at the foot panetolico mountains the center of rock climbing and mountaineering is comfortably located. There is also a water sports center near the lake with a water skiing school, wakeboarding (this is such a scary combination of surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and water skiing) and boating. And in villages of Paravola and Paleokaria you can even sign up for an excursion over the lake on a helicopter or jump with a parachute!

  5. Cremaston

    Cremastonthe largest artificial lake in the countrylocated between picturesque villages and Agrinio... The main hobby of local tourists is canoeing and kayaking, other sports somehow did not take root here. All about Greece also recommends you to visit the nearby villages around Cremaston - the cradle of Greek culture, tradition, cuisine and ... wine art!

Has made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, the system of statehood, laws, art and myths of ancient Greece laid the foundation for modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greeceis little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the crossroads of East and West, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The length of the coastline is 15,000 km (including the islands)! Our map help you find an original corner or isle, which has never been. We offer a daily feed news... In addition, for many years we have been collecting photo and reviews.

Holidays in Greece

Distance acquaintance with the ancient Greeks will not only enrich you with the understanding that everything new is well forgotten old, but will also encourage you to go to the homeland of gods and heroes. Where, behind the ruins of temples and the rubble of history, our contemporaries live with the same joys and problems as their distant ancestors millennia ago. An unforgettable relaxation , thanks to the most modern infrastructure, surrounded by virgin nature. On the site you will find tours to Greece, resorts and hotels, weather... In addition, here you will learn how and where visa and find Consulatein your country or greek Visa Application Center.

Real estate in Greece

The country is open to foreigners wishing to purchase the property ... Any foreigner has the right to do so. Only in border areas, non-EU citizens need a purchase permit. However, the search for legitimate houses, villas, townhouses, apartments, the correct execution of the transaction, the subsequent maintenance are not an easy task that our team has been solving for many years.

Russian Greece

Theme immigration remains relevant not only for ethnic Greeks living outside their historical homeland. The forum for immigrants discusses how legal issuesand the problems of adaptation in the Greek world and, at the same time, the preservation and popularization of Russian culture. Russian Greece is heterogeneous and unites all immigrants who speak Russian. At the same time, in recent years, the country has not met the economic expectations of immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, in connection with which we are witnessing a reverse migration of peoples.
17-09-2015, 10:47
  • Ambrakia
    Lake in Greece. Freshwater reservoir located in the west of Greece. The lake is triangular in shape, with steep western shores and a shallow northern part, abundantly overgrown with reeds. Its water surface area is 14.2 km². The depth of the lake can reach 40 m. The lake is 13.8 km long and 3.8 km wide. The length of the coastline is 31 km. The catchment area is 112 km².
  • Vegoritis
    Lake in Central Macedonia. Located in the northwestern part of mainland Greece. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 54 km², Vegoritis is of tectonic origin. The catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 1853 km². The lake is 14.8 km long and over 6.9 km wide. The mirror of the lake is located at an altitude of 540 m. It is the third largest natural lake in Greece and is used for irrigation of agricultural land.
  • Vistonida
    Brackish lake in the north of Greece. Vistonida is a lake with a mirror area of \u200b\u200babout 45 km², located on the border of the Xanthi and Rhodope nomes. The lake is separated from the Aegean Sea by a narrow strip of land, on which the fishing village of Lagos is located. It is believed that the ancient city of Vistonis, known from the myth of Hercules and King Diomedes, was located on this site.
  • Volvi
    Lake in Central Macedonia on the Chalkidiki peninsula east of Thessaloniki and northwest of Athos. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 70 km², Volvi is of tectonic origin. The depth of the lake can reach 23 m, on average - about 13 m. The lake reaches 21 km in length and over 6 km in width. The mirror of the lake is located at a height of 37 m.
  • Voulismeni
    A lake located in the town of Agios Nikolaos in Crete. It is one of the two freshwater lakes in Crete (the other is Kurna). According to the ancient Greek myth, the goddess Athena herself bathed in this lake. There is also an urban legend that Voulismeni has no bottom - this is due to the disproportionately large depth of the lake in comparison with the width.
  • Doiran lake
    Lake of tectonic origin with an area of \u200b\u200b43.1 km² on the border of the Republic of Macedonia (27.3 km²) (Doiran community) and Greece (15.8 km²) (Kilkis prefecture). On the northern shore of the lake is the Belasitsa mountain range. The lake has a rounded shape, the maximum depth is 10 m, the length from south to north is 8.9 km and 7.1 km wide. It is the third largest lake in Macedonia after Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa. The lake was formed in the Quaternary period and has a tectonic-volcanic origin.
  • Dracolimni
    The name of several alpine-type lakes in Greece: on the slopes of Timfi and Zmolikas. According to the stories of local residents, in ancient times, this area was inhabited by dragons who fought with each other, throwing pines and rocks; Thus, a kind of landscape was created, and the lake was named Drakolimni, which in Greek means Dragon Lake.
  • Iliki
    Lake in central Greece. Freshwater reservoir located in central Greece. The closest major cities are: Thebes, located 10 km south of the lake. Its water surface area is about 19 km². The lake is 10.8 km long and 5.6 km wide. The lake is located 78 m above sea level. It is surrounded by low mountains, the banks of the western part are steep.
  • Kaiafa
    Small freshwater lake in Elis nome, Western Greece region. Located north of the city of Zacharo. The lake stretches for about 4 km from northwest to southeast (parallel to the sea coast, separated from the lake by a 400-meter sandy strip overgrown with Aleppo pine). A narrow artificial peninsula with a length of 1.3 km with buildings of the tourist sector stretches along the southwestern shore of the lake. From the east, the Mavropotami stream flows into the lakes, which in ancient times was called Anigr.
  • Coronia
    Lake in Thessaloniki nome, east of Thessaloniki, on the way to Lake Volvi. Koronia is one of the largest lakes in Aegean Macedonia, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror is 42.823 km², the depth is up to 5 m. The lake becomes shallower and silted over time, in 2008 the lake practically dried up, when, as in the 1970s, the catchment area was about 450 km².
  • Qurna
    The largest freshwater lake in Crete. Located on the eastern slopes of the Lefka Ori ridge, 48 km southeast of the city of Chania, near the town of Georgioupoli. The circumference of the lake is about 3.5 km, the area is slightly more than 1.2 km², the maximum depth is 25 m. The bottom of the lake is 3 m below sea level. The river Armiros flows out of the lake.
  • Lysimachia
    Lake in Western Greece, the prefecture of Aetolia and Acarnania. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror is 13.1 km², the size of the lake is 17 km by 2 km, the depth reaches 9 m. To the north of Lysimachia there are mountains, to the east is Lake Trichonis, to the south - Ozeros. The Acheloos River flows through Lysimachia.
  • Mikri Prespa
    Freshwater lake in Southeast Europe, on the border of Greece and Albania. It is connected to the Prespa Lake by a two-kilometer channel. Its water surface area is about 47 km². Located at 853 m above sea level. Length up to 13.6 km, width - up to 6.5 km.
  • The lake
    Lake in Greece. A freshwater body of water located in Western Greece, west of the Achelos River. To the north is Lake Lysimachia. Its water surface area is about 10 km². It has an average depth of 8-10 m. The lake reaches 5 km in length and 3 km in width. The water temperature in the summer months is about 25 degrees Celsius and after winter mixing - 12-15 degrees Celsius.
  • Orestiada
    Lake in the nome of Kastoria (Greece), in Western Macedonia. The lake got its name from the mountain nymphs orestiad. The lake is located at an altitude of 625-630 m above sea level. In the western part of the lake there is a peninsula protruding into it, on which the city of Kastoria is located.
  • Petron
    Lake in the north of Greece. Freshwater reservoir located in the north of Greece. The lake is located south of Florina nome at the foot of Mount Vora, not far from the city of Amindeo. Its water surface area is about 12 km². Located at an altitude of 560 m above sea level. Length up to 5.2 km, width - up to 6.2 km. Has a drain to Lake Vegoritis.
  • Plastira
    Alpine lake in Greece on the Nevropolis plateau in the territory of the Karditsa region in Thessaly. The official and rarely seen name is Lake Tavropos. Located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, the lake contains 400 million cubic meters of water, maximum length 12 km, maximum width 4 km, total area 24 sq. km, and its maximum depth is about 60 meters.
  • Prespa
    The name of two freshwater lakes in Southeast Europe, on the border of Greece, Albania and the Republic of Macedonia. Of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, 190 km² belongs to the Republic of Macedonia, 84.8 km² to Greece and 38.8 km² to Albania. These lakes are the highest tectonic lakes in the Balkans, located at an altitude of 853 m.
  • Stymphaly
    A lake in Greece, located in the northeastern part of the Peloponnese, in the region of Corinthia. The lake is named after Stymphalus, a character in ancient Greek mythology, the son of Elat. During the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian, an aqueduct was built, through which water from the lake was supplied to the needs of the city of Corinth.
  • Trichonis
    It is the largest lake in Greece. Located in Aetolia and Acarnania. The surface area is 98.6 km², the maximum length is 19 km, the maximum depth is 58 m. On the shores of the lake there are forests of poplars and oleanders. The lake has a great biological diversity: more than 200 bird species, 50 of which are considered rare.
  • Ioannina
    Lake in the northwest of Greece. The area is 22.8 km². Lake Ioannina is located in the central part of the Ioannina region, Epirus region. The average depth is less than 7 meters, the maximum is 11 meters. The lake is up to 7.5 km long and up to 5 km wide. The height of the mirror is 470 meters above sea level.

It is not only the sea that is beautiful in Greece. Dozens of beautiful lakes of various shapes and sizes have adorned the landscape of Hellas since time immemorial. In this article I want to tell you about the most visited and charming lakes in Greece.

Lake Trichonida

The amazingly beautiful lake is located on the Aetolian plateau. It is one of the largest lakes in the whole of Greece with an area of \u200b\u200b96 km2 and a depth of 57 m. It is a complex of a wetland ecosystem of fishing, aesthetic and ecological importance. More than 140 bird species find refuge in dense reed beds. Of these, 30 species are listed in the Red Book and are under threat of extermination. In the lowlands near the coast are lime swamps. The beautiful landscape is complemented by olive and citrus groves, as well as willows, eucalyptus, oleanders and plane trees. In the spring you can see how white water lilies adorn the mirror surface of the lake, and how wild orchids, gladioli and cyclamens bloom. Once you breathe in their heady scent, you will certainly want to come back here again. Lake Trichonis is home to many rare species of freshwater fish and other creatures such as the eel and gurnara. Be sure to try the delicious dishes prepared from the inhabitants of this reservoir in the local kennels.
Enjoy the sunset, during which the reflection of the last rays of the setting sun on the lake is complemented by the reflections of the numerous windows of the houses of the local village. You can also get to know the lake better by taking a catamaran trip or taking an exciting paragliding flight.

Prespes lakes

This stunning water kingdom arose as a result of the melting of glaciers in ancient times. Lakes Big Prespa and Small Prespa are located in the Greek district of Florina. They fascinate any tourist at first sight, and the surrounding panorama of high mountains and dense forests does not leave any traveler indifferent. The area of \u200b\u200bMalaya Prespa is 47, 35 km2, and the depth is only 8 meters, but the area of \u200b\u200bBig Prespa is 272 km2, and the depth is as much as 55 meters. Prespes lakes are home to thousands of birds. Many of them are threatened with extinction or destruction, such as the silver pelican, heron and cormorant. At the special observation post Parathyrithirio, you can get valuable information about birds, as well as observe them through a telescope. Crossing the floating bridge on Lake Malaya Prespa, you will arrive at the island of Saint Achilles. Here are the ruins of a three-aisled Christian basilica from the 10th century AD. e. And in the Psaradon Bay you can see unique rock paintings. By renting a "floating" - a large wooden boat, you can take a quiet and unhurried walk along the lake.

Lake Plastira

The people call this lake "Greek Switzerland" or "Little Switzerland". The lake has an area of \u200b\u200b25.2 km2 and a depth of 60 m. It was created on the site of the ancient Tavropos River in the 20th century. Lake Plastira serves as a reservoir and water supply for the neighboring Thessalian Valley and Agrafa region. Many small streams flow from the green mountain peaks into a large reservoir. Here, every season is unique and tempting in its own way. A romantic spring with green grass, birdsong and flowering trees, hot summer, golden autumn and beautiful, velvet winter. You can experience complete unity with nature by strolling through the picturesque surroundings of the lake, as well as by canoeing, kayaking, pirogue or pedal boats.

Lake Pamvotida

From the ancient Greek language, the word "pamvotis" is translated as "nourishing everything." Today the Greeks mainly call this lake "Ioannina". It adorns the plateau of the same name with its beauty. Thanks to many legends and myths, this lake became known far beyond the borders of Greece. The reservoir, 23 km2 in area and only 5 meters deep, is fed by the springs of the Krias, Drambadovas, Mitsikeli and Senteniku mountains. In winter, the water here often freezes, which causes an almost mystical delight among locals and many foreign tourists. The coastal thickets are home to many birds and small animals. The most beautiful peninsula, which is located in the middle of the lake and a small island nearby, give the reservoir an even more beautiful view. In local taverns and restaurants, you can even order frog legs, as well as the entire fish range of this region. The lake itself has no visible source, but many streams flow into it.

Lake Orestiada

The Greeks also call Lake Orestiada "Kastoria". Its area is 28 km2, and its maximum depth is 9 meters. The reservoir appeared about 10 million years ago. Initially, its area was up to 164 km2. Its mirror surface reflects the center of "fur pilgrimage" - the city of Kastoria. Wild ducks, cormorants, herons, silver pelicans and swans live here. Many of these birds are listed in the Red Book. The fish caught in this lake by local fishermen is famous for its excellent taste throughout Greece. Here you can practice a wide variety of sports, from water skiing to sailing.

Lake Amvrakia

The reservoir is located in the western part of Hellas. The lake has a triangular shape and is rather shallow in its northern part. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 14.2 km2, and the depth reaches up to 40 m. In summer, the water heats up here to 25 degrees Celsius.


This beautiful lake is located in Macedonia. Its area is 54 km2. The mirror of the reservoir is located at an altitude of 540 meters above sea level. Lake Vegoritis is the third largest natural lake in Greece. More than 20 species of fish live in the waters of the lake, and up to 200 species of birds live on the shores.


Lake Vistonida is located on the border of the Rhodope and Xanthi regions. It is separated by a narrow strip of land from the Aegean Sea, on which the fishing village of Lagos is located. Since the 1920s, Lake Vistonida has been the subject of a dispute between the Greek state and the Athos monastery of Vatopedi, which has owned the lake since 890. Since 1996, the lake has been recognized as a nature reserve. Around the reservoir there are salt marshes and reed thickets, which have become home to many birds and animals.


This wonderful lake is located in Macedonia on the peninsula Halkidiki, east of the city of Thessaloniki. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 70 km2, and the depth is 13 meters on average - in some places up to 23 meters. The lake is rich in fish. Up to 200 species of birds live here.


The lake is located in the town of Agios Nikolaos (Saint Nicholas) in Crete. This is the second freshwater lake on the island. It has an almost perfect circle shape with a diameter of 137 meters and a depth of 64 meters. In the 19th century, a canal was dug that connected the lake to the sea. After that, the upper layer of the lake (about 30 meters) became salty. Ancient Greek myths say that the goddess Athena herself was washed in this lake. At the end of World War II, local residents flooded German armored vehicles in the waters of the lake. An expedition led by Jacques-Yves Cousteau was even equipped to explore the lake.

Doiran lake

This reservoir of tectonic origin is located in Macedonia. Its area is 43.1 km2, and its depth is 10 m. The Belasitsa mountain range rises on the northern coast of the island. Several rivers flow into the lake. The unusual water forest "Muria" belongs to the list of natural monuments. On the Greek territory near the lake is the village of Doirani. A decrease in the water level by 2000 led to the disappearance of about 140 species of living creatures living in the ecosystem of the reservoir.


This word (translated into Russian as "dragon lake") is the name of two alpine-type lakes located in the mountains of Timfi and Zmolikas at an altitude of about 2000 meters. According to the legends of the locals, terrible dragons once lived here. They fought each other with huge boulders. Thus, a unique landscape was created, which we can observe today. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is one hectare, and the depth is almost 5 meters. The second Lake Drakolimni is located on the western slope of Mount Zmolikas. Both reservoirs are part of the Vikos-Aoos National Natural Park.


This freshwater lake is located in central Hellas. The city of Thebes is located 10 kilometers south of it. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake's water surface is 19 km2. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 78 meters above sea level. In 1959, a water intake complex was built here to provide Athens with clean water.

Lake Kaiafa

A small freshwater lake is located in Elis in the west of Hellas. It is located in the north of the city of Zakharoi and stretches for 4 km from the south-east to the north-west. A 400-meter long sandy spit, overgrown with Aleppo pine, separates the reservoir from the sea. An artificial island with tourist buildings is located near the southwest coast. According to ancient historians, the lake was not formed until the 2nd century AD. e. on the site of the lagoon of the Ionian Sea. The reservoir is named after the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, at whom Jesus Christ was crucified.


The lake is located in Thessaloniki near Volvi Lake. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is almost 43 km2, and the depth reaches only 5 meters. Over time, the lake almost dried up and filled with silt. Once, more than a million years ago, this reservoir, together with Lake Volvi, formed one huge lake.


It is the largest freshwater lake in Crete, located 48 kilometers from the city of Chania. It is located on the eastern slope of the Lefka Ori (White Mountains) mountain range. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 1.2 km2, and the depth is 25 meters. During the Byzantine rule, the lake was called Koresia, and with the arrival of the Arab conquerors it was renamed.
The territory of the reservoir is protected by the European program for the protection of natural beauty and ecology Natura 2000. Turtles and various species of fish are found in the waters of the lake. To the south of the lake is the Kurna Cave, discovered in 1961.


This body of water is located in the west of Greece. Its area is 34 km2, and the depth is 9 m. The lake is located far from villages and towns, but after the construction of the Rio-Antirio bridge, a high-speed highway passes next to the reservoir - part of the European route E55.

The lake

This freshwater lake is located in the west of Greece. Its area is 10 km2, and its average depth ranges from 8 to 10 meters. In summer, the water temperature in the reservoir reaches 25 degrees Celsius.


The reservoir is located in the north of the country at the foot of Mount Vora near the town of Amindeo. The lake has a surface area of \u200b\u200b12 km2. It is located at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level and has a flow into Lake Vegoritis.


The lake is located in the region of Corinthia in the northeast of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was named after the hero of ancient legends and myths Stymphalus, the son of Elat. During the Roman rule, an aqueduct was built here, through which water from the lake, located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, entered the city of Corinth. In winter, the area of \u200b\u200bthis reservoir reaches 3.5 km2.

It is not only the sea that is beautiful in Greece. Dozens of beautiful lakes of various shapes and sizes have adorned the landscape of Hellas since time immemorial. In this article I want to tell you about the most visited and charming lakes in Greece.

Lake Trichonida

The amazingly beautiful lake is located on the Aetolian plateau. It is one of the largest lakes in all of Greece with an area of \u200b\u200b96 km2 and a depth of 57 m. It is a complex of a wetland ecosystem of fishing, aesthetic and ecological importance. More than 140 bird species find refuge in dense reed beds. Of these, 30 species are listed in the Red Book and are under threat of extermination. In the lowlands near the coast are lime swamps. The beautiful landscape is complemented by olive and citrus groves, as well as willows, eucalyptus, oleanders and plane trees. In spring you can see how white water lilies adorn the mirror surface of the lake, and how wild orchids, gladioli and cyclamens bloom. Once you breathe in their heady scent, you will certainly want to come back here again. Lake Trichonis is home to many rare species of freshwater fish and other creatures such as eel and gurnara. Be sure to try the delicious dishes prepared from the inhabitants of this reservoir in the local kennels.
Enjoy the sunset, during which the reflection of the last rays of the setting sun on the lake is complemented by the reflections of the numerous windows of the houses of the local village. You can also get to know the lake better by taking a catamaran trip or taking an exciting paragliding flight.
Prespes lakes

Prespes lakes

This stunning water kingdom arose as a result of the melting of glaciers in ancient times. Lakes Big Prespa and Small Prespa are located in the Greek region of Florina. They fascinate any tourist at first sight, and the surrounding panorama of high mountains and deep forests does not leave indifferent any of the travelers. The area of \u200b\u200bMalaya Prespa is 47, 35 km2, and the depth is only 8 meters, but the area of \u200b\u200bBig Prespa is 272 km2, and the depth is as much as 55 meters. Prespes lakes are home to thousands of birds. Many of them are threatened with extinction or destruction, such as the silver pelican, heron and cormorant. At the special observation post Parathyrithirio you can get valuable information about birds, as well as observe them through a telescope. After crossing the floating bridge on Lake Malaya Prespa, you will fall out on the island of Saint Achilles. Here are the ruins of a three-aisled Christian basilica from the 10th century AD. e. And in the Psaradon Bay you can see unique rock paintings. By renting a "floating" - a large wooden boat, you can take a quiet and unhurried walk along the lake.
Lake Plastira

Lake Plastira

The people call this lake "Greek Switzerland" or "Little Switzerland". The lake has an area of \u200b\u200b25.2 km2 and a depth of 60 m. It was created on the site of the ancient Tavropos River in the 20th century. Lake Plastira serves as a reservoir and water supply for the neighboring Thessalian Valley and Agrafa region. Many small streams flow from the green mountain peaks into a large reservoir. Here, every season is unique and tempting in its own way. A romantic spring with green grass, birdsong and flowering trees, hot summer, golden autumn and beautiful, velvet winter. You can experience complete unity with nature by strolling through the picturesque surroundings of the lake, as well as by canoeing, kayaking, pirogue or pedal boats.
Lake Pamvotida

Lake Pamvotida

From the ancient Greek language, the word "pamvotis" is translated as "nourishing everything." Today the Greeks mainly call this lake "Ioannina". It adorns the plateau of the same name with its beauty. Thanks to many legends and myths, this lake became known far beyond the borders of Greece. The reservoir, 23 km2 in area and only 5 meters deep, is fed by the springs of the Krias, Drambadovas, Mitsikeli and Senteniku mountains. In winter, the water here often freezes, which causes an almost mystical delight among locals and many foreign tourists. The coastal thickets are home to many birds and small animals. The most beautiful peninsula, which is located in the middle of the lake and a small island nearby, give the reservoir an even more beautiful view. In local taverns and restaurants, you can even order frog legs, as well as the entire fish range of this region. The lake itself has no visible source, but many streams flow into it.
Lake Orestiada

Lake Orestiada

The Greeks also call Lake Orestiada "Kastoria". Its area is 28 km2, and its maximum depth is 9 meters. The reservoir appeared about 10 million years ago. Initially, its area was up to 164 km2. Its mirror surface reflects the center of "fur pilgrimage" - the city of Kastoria. Wild ducks, cormorants, herons, silver pelicans and swans live here. Many of these birds are listed in the Red Book. The fish caught in this lake by local fishermen is famous for its excellent taste throughout Greece. Here you can practice a wide variety of sports, from water skiing to sailing.
Lake Amvrakia

Lake Amvrakia

The reservoir is located in the western part of Hellas. The lake has a triangular shape and is rather shallow in its northern part. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 14.2 km2, and the depth reaches up to 40 m. In summer, the water heats up here to 25 degrees Celsius.
Lake Vegoritis

Lake Vegoritis

This beautiful lake is located in Macedonia. Its area is 54 km2. The mirror of the reservoir is located at an altitude of 540 meters above sea level. Lake Vegoritis is the third largest natural lake in Greece. More than 20 species of fish live in the waters of the lake, and up to 200 species of birds live on the shores.
Lake Vistonida

Lake Vistonida

Lake Vistonida is located on the border of the Rhodope and Xanthi regions. It is separated by a narrow strip of land from the Aegean Sea, on which the fishing village of Lagos is located. Since the 1920s, Lake Vistonida has been the subject of a dispute between the Greek state and the Athos monastery of Vatopedi, which has owned the lake since 890. Since 1996, the lake has been recognized as a nature reserve. Around the reservoir there are salt marshes and reed thickets, which have become home to many birds and animals.
Lake Volvi

Lake Volvi

This wonderful lake is located in Macedonia on the Chalkidiki peninsula, east of Thessaloniki. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 70 km2, and the depth is 13 meters on average - in some places up to 23 meters. The lake is rich in fish. It is home to up to 200 species of birds.
Lake Voulismeni

Lake Voulismeni

The lake is located in the town of Agios Nikolaos (Saint Nicholas) in Crete. This is the second freshwater lake on the island. It has an almost perfect circle shape with a diameter of 137 meters and a depth of 64 meters. In the 19th century, a canal was dug that connected the lake to the sea. After that, the upper layer of the lake (about 30 meters) became salty. Ancient Greek myths say that the goddess Athena herself was washed in this lake. At the end of World War II, local residents dumped German armored vehicles in the waters of the lake. An expedition led by Jacques-Yves Cousteau was even equipped to explore the lake.
Doiran lake

Doiran lake

This reservoir of tectonic origin is located in Macedonia. Its area is 43.1 km2, and the depth is 10 m. The Belasitsa mountain range rises on the northern coast of the island. Several rivers flow into the lake. The unusual water forest "Muria" belongs to the list of natural monuments. On the Greek territory near the lake is the village of Doirani. A decrease in the water level by 2000 led to the disappearance of about 140 species of living creatures inhabiting the ecosystem of the reservoir.
Lake Dracolimni

Lake Drakolimni

This word (translated into Russian as "dragon lake") is the name of two alpine-type lakes located in the mountains of Timfi and Zmolikas at an altitude of about 2000 meters. According to the legends of the locals, terrible dragons once lived here. They fought each other with huge boulders. Thus, a unique landscape was created, which we can observe today. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is one hectare, and the depth is almost 5 meters. The second Lake Drakolimni is located on the western slope of Mount Zmolikas. Both reservoirs are part of the Vikos-Aoos National Natural Park.
Lake Iliki

Iliki lake

This freshwater lake is located in central Hellas. The city of Thebes is located 10 kilometers south of it. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake's water surface is 19 km2. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 78 meters above sea level. In 1959, a water intake complex was built here to provide Athens with clean water.
Lake Kaiafa

Lake Kaiafa

A small freshwater lake is located in Elis in the west of Hellas. It is located in the north of the city of Zakharoi and stretches for 4 km from the south-east to the north-west. A 400-meter long sandy spit, overgrown with Aleppo pine, separates the reservoir from the sea. An artificial island with tourist buildings is located near the southwest coast. According to ancient historians, the lake was not formed until the 2nd century AD. e. on the site of the lagoon of the Ionian Sea. The reservoir is named after the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, at whom Jesus Christ was crucified.
Lake Coronia

Lake Koronia

The lake is located in Thessaloniki near Volvi Lake. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is almost 43 km2, and the depth reaches only 5 meters. Over time, the lake almost dried up and filled with silt. Once, more than a million years ago, this reservoir, together with Lake Volvi, formed one huge lake.
Lake Qurna

Lake Kurna

It is the largest freshwater lake in Crete, located 48 kilometers from the city of Chania. It is located on the eastern slope of the Lefka Ori (White Mountains) mountain range. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 1.2 km2, and the depth is 25 meters. During the Byzantine rule, the lake was called Koresia, and with the arrival of the Arab conquerors it was renamed.
The territory of the reservoir is protected by the European program for the protection of natural beauty and ecology Natura 2000. Turtles and various species of fish are found in the waters of the lake. To the south of the lake is the Kurna Cave, discovered in 1961.
Lake Lysimachia

Lake Lysimachia

This body of water is located in the west of Greece. Its area is 34 km2, and the depth is 9 m. The lake is located far from villages and towns, but after the construction of the Rio-Antirio bridge, a high-speed highway passes next to the reservoir - part of the European route E55.
Lake The lake

Lake lakes

This freshwater lake is located in the west of Greece. Its area is 10 km2, and its average depth ranges from 8 to 10 meters. In summer, the water temperature in the reservoir reaches 25 degrees Celsius.
Lake Petron

Lake Petron

The reservoir is located in the north of the country at the foot of Mount Vora near the town of Amindeo. The lake has a surface area of \u200b\u200b12 km2. It is located at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level and has a flow into Lake Vegoritis.
Lake Stymphalia


The lake is located in the region of Corinthia in the northeast of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was named after the hero of ancient legends and myths Stymphalus, the son of Elat. During the Roman rule, an aqueduct was built here, through which water from the lake, located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, entered the city of Corinth. In winter, the area of \u200b\u200bthis reservoir reaches 3.5 km2.

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    Mini Hotel

    Mini-hotel, ILIAHTIADA Apartments - a small modern hotel, built in 1991, located in Halkidiki, on the Kassandra peninsula, in the village of Kriopigi, 90 km from the Macedonia airport of Thessaloniki. The hotel offers spacious rooms and a welcoming atmosphere. This is a great place for an economical family vacation. The hotel is located on an area of \u200b\u200b4500 sq. m.


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