Lake Lucerne Switzerland. Lake Lucerne. Tours to Lucerne

Kitchen 06.12.2020

»Lake of the four forest cantons


“When God created the world, he sent one of the angels to pour water into the lakes. The angel flew over the Alps with a vessel of moisture in his hands. On the way, he accidentally touched a mountain peak, and water from
the vessel spilled into the valley. At this place, a lake of enchanting beauty was formed, shaped like a cross "- this is how the ancient legend describes the appearance lake Firwaldstättersee in the heart of Switzerland.

One of the most important lakes in the history of Switzerland, around which the territories of this free country gradually began to form, is located in its central part. It covers the Swiss plateau and the foothills of the Alps.

Lake Luerwaldstätt is located in a plateau hollow left over from the glacial period (about 700 thousand years ago) and creates a shape resembling a cross. With its sharp southeastern end, this water cross abuts the northern slopes of the Alps, located in the German-speaking canton of Uri. Further, the lake unites lowland (400-600 m above sea level) cantons, also German-speaking: Nidwalden stretches along the southern coast of the central part, part of the coast belongs to Obwalden, and the northern slopes are divided by Schwyz and Lucerne, the latter got the north-western part of the lake (or upper end of the cross).
It is here, on the picturesque shore of Lake Lucerne, that the inhabitants of the cantons Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden (now Nidwalden and Obwalden) On August 1, 1291, they entered into an alliance, according to which they promised to support each other in the struggle against numerous enemies who repeatedly tried to appropriate such picturesque places for themselves.

At that time, in comparison with the more politically active lands in the regions of the Jura and Upper Rhine mountains, the so-called "forest cantons" on the shore of the lake seemed almost "abandoned" territory. Yet these lands did not leave the sphere of interests of the royal house of the Habsburgs. Union of "forest cantons" was concluded at lugu Rütli... Soon the canton of Lucerne joined them - this is how the lake united four provinces around it. This place is marked with the national flag. A national holiday is held here every year. Schwyz gave a name to all
Switzerland, and in the name of the lake you can still hear the number four (vier - with German "four": the name of the lake can be literally translated as "Lake of the four forest cantons").
The lake consists of four basins, which are connected by rather narrow (up to 1 km) straits. The glacial origin determined a rather significant depth (about 200 m) and an elongated shape not only of this, but also of other Swiss lakes. Water reserves are replenished by melt runoff from alpine glaciers, so in summer the lake level rises (on average up to 1 m). The water has a blue hue and is highly transparent, complementing the picturesque mountainous shores. The southern part is called Alpnach, and the most extreme point from the east is Urner.
The first settlements around the lake appeared over 2000 years ago. In their place, cities grew: for example, Lucerne, which gave the lake its second name - Lake Lucerne.
Since 1230, the lands of the present cantons of Schwyz, Nidwalden, Obwalden and Uri became transit: through them and the most important alpine pass of Saint Gotthard, the transport flows of Europe passed. The struggle for control of the alpine trails caused constant conflicts. With a growing role
pass, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, they began to engage in cattle breeding and service those who passed. There were professional guides through the mountains, "zoimers". The lake itself was used for transportation - shipowners' associations arose. The labor force that was not involved in agriculture turned into a military force: the number of hired soldiers grew. Local residents are accustomed to providing themselves with everything independently and living independently.

Today, the rocky hills and numerous routes around Firwaldstätter are filled with streams of Swiss tourists who love this region much more than many other places and the most fashionable resorts. And rightfully so. In addition to the places rich in history - Lucerne, Altdorf, Schwyz - the lake region is rich in natural attractions. Guests make an unforgettable boat trip, climb the peaks of the Pilatus and Riga mountains, or take cycling or hiking along the Wanderweg around the lake.


About Swiss cuisine

"Dinner is served!" Does Switzerland have a cuisine?

About Swiss traditions

Switzerland has a wonderful corner - Lucerne. This place name is given to the German-speaking canton of the state, a beautiful medieval city and a wonderful lake. The ancient city is the capital of a canton of nearly 60,000 German speakers and the heart of Switzerland. Lucerne is considered the essence of this northern country and its soul.

Switzerland, or rather, its central part, where the old town is located, is incredibly popular with tourists. There are many impressive entertainments here: boat cruises on the lake, excursions to historical and natural monuments, romantic walks, panoramic views, evening shows in clubs, restaurants and other entertainment venues.

City location

In the center of the country, along the coast of Lake Lucerne, at the source of the Royce River, there are numerous streets of Lucerne. A city in Switzerland, surrounded by picturesque hills and mountain ranges with snow-white hats on top, is filled with amazing trappings of the country. Some of them are full of greatness, others - charm, still others - joy and fun.

City symbols

Here ancient relics are perfectly preserved, harmoniously merged with the rich infrastructure of our time. Old houses are lined with winding cobbled streets, painted with intricate patterns, pictures and genealogical trees of the families living in them. This is the ideal place where travelers come to take a break from working days.

Lucerne (Switzerland) is dotted with parks and wooden bridges built in ancient times. It has preserved an ancient fortress, from the walls of which you can see amazing views of the mountain ranges of Riga and Pilates. Here, buildings with unusual ultra-fashionable designs look great against the background of ancient buildings erected several centuries ago.

In Lucerne, the narrow streets of the old quarter, free of cars, smoothly flow into modern squares with shops and boutiques, the windows of which are filled with exquisite goods: Swiss souvenirs, exclusive watches, jewelry, stylish accessories and other branded products.

Tours to Lucerne

Switzerland (Lucerne) has a good reputation as an attractive travel destination. A tour to the capital of the Swiss canton leaves a lasting impression. The embankment of the old town is ideal for all kinds of pleasant entertainment. Vacationers ride a sailboat or boat, windsurf boards, water skis.

They leisurely stroll along the coast, arrange picnics in special zones, have a snack in restaurants and cafes, admire the picturesque views from the windows and terraces of cozy establishments, and join carnival processions. Tourists love to have fun at the first-class golf center and winter skating rinks. Travelers are delighted with the Center for Fishing Lovers. It offers equipment rental and fishing trips.

Lucerne is famous for its rich nightlife. Switzerland, all of its resort towns (including the capital of the canton) are replete with grandiose entertainment venues. The colossal casino is the center of tourist attraction in the ancient city. Here guests indulge in excitement, enjoy enchanting concerts and shows. In clubs run by famous DJs, vacationers blow up the dance floor during mind-blowing discos.

Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne is a legendary reservoir in Switzerland with other names. It is often referred to as Lake Lucerne. The first name was given in honor of the area over which it was spread - the canton of Lucerne. Switzerland is a country of majestic northern mountains. A picturesque reservoir with clear blue waters is surrounded by famous mountain ranges - Rigi and Pilat.

The incredible blue of the crystal clear waters makes it fabulous and incredibly beautiful. The lake, framed by emerald forests, is formed by four basins connected through narrow straits. Its hollow has arisen as a result of the descent of ancient gigantic glaciers that slid from the majestic mountain peaks. The Royce River, the Aare branch, flows into it. Thanks to the river, the waters in the lake are flowing.

Fun on Lake Lucerne

The shipping company carries out constant transportation of passengers and organizes interesting cruises on the reservoir for tourists. The wonderful lake Lucerne (Switzerland) is the most picturesque reservoir of the state, its visiting card. Old steamers and new handsome boats cruise along it and the Royce River.

The lake offers views of the stunning mountains and embankments of cities with unforgettable Swiss buildings. Travelers enjoy the stunning architecture of the luxurious villas, the Habsburg residence, the statue of Jesus and the city's coastal landscapes that leave a rapturous feeling in their souls. Water bike races and steamboat parades are held on the lake. In a word, here every traveler will find entertainment to his liking.

Lake Lucerne, otherwise known as "Lake Lucerne" or "Lake of the Four Cantons", is an important landmark of Switzerland's water potential, which attracts tourists from all over the world.

The lake is conveniently located on a plateau since the Ice Age, and also captures the territory of the foothills of the Alps. Interestingly, the lake resembles a cross in its geometric shape, which makes this place mysterious and religious. Thanks to the union of the four provinces, the lake is a state property, on the territory of which a national holiday is celebrated every year.

Tourism and recreation on the lake

Lake Lucerne has always attracted tourists with its four pools, straits and water of a magical blue hue, which, thanks to its transparency, perfectly reflects the mountainous terrain of the shores. If you want to plunge into the blue expanses, then the most suitable time to visit the lake is summer, when the water can warm up to 20 ° C, and modern and comfortable beaches begin to function.

While on the lake, you can always book an excursion to the mountain ranges, visiting the famous Alps, or visit the local zoo, which has collected the flora and fauna of the natural reserve. Those wishing to relax in peace and improve their health are advised to settle in the climatic resort of Bürgenstock.

For active tourist recreation and entertainment, there are rope parks and a toboggan along the perimeter of the lake. You can also order a scenic boat trip on the lake on a motor ship or explore it yourself by bike.

The local population, who have chosen the coastal places to live and work, are mainly engaged in agriculture and mining. When visiting the Four Canton Lake, you may be casually involved in local carnivals, jazz or blues music festivals, and elite concerts.

Attractions and resorts by the lake

First of all, we will mention the lovely small town of Weggis, located on the shores of Lake Lucerne. The mild climate of the place, protection from the piercing winds and the richness of the green nature make the resort truly desirable for a relaxing family holiday. The girls will surely be enchanted by the magnolias growing here and there, outlandish palms and chestnuts that are familiar to everyone. Men will be interested in the history of the area in the same way that they once fascinated Sergei Rachmaninoff and Mark Twain.

The calm and harmonious city of Vitznau is located at the very foot of the Riga Mountain, which opens up opportunities for sports recreation and family picnics in the bosom of wildlife. The city has prepared its zest for romantic couples - an express train will take you along the first European mountain railway. You can also visit the top of Riga by cable cars or book an excursion to the artillery fortress, which has long kept the secrets of the Swiss army.

The most convenient geographical location is the charming town of Brunnen, which has attracted wealthy romantics, adventurers and people of art since the early Middle Ages. There are many tourist excursions from Brunnen, of which the following are the most interesting:

  • visit to the historic city of Andermatt;
  • a boat trip, exploring the landscapes of the Four Kant Lake;
  • departure to the "Italian" cities of the country - and;
  • tour to Rapperswil - the city of rose bushes on the central bank;
  • trains to the Goldau National Park;
  • visiting the entertainment complex of pools and water sports in Morshakh, as well as a local water park.

The most famous lake resort of Bürgenstock is definitely recommended for visiting: dense forest, calm surface of the lake and mountain ranges have healing properties, renewing and revitalizing the body of tourists. Doctors have noted that the slightly discharged and light air in the city is excellent for chronic insomnia and protracted depression, and also relieves fatigue and stress.

Mount Hammetschwand is the highest point of the peninsula - there is a famous gourmet restaurant where chefs will carefully prepare national snacks for you.

There is also a lot of entertainment in the city - lovers of extreme sports will appreciate mountain biking, romantics can order excursions on horseback, and the valley of the alpine meadows cordially invites those wishing to play golf.

Lake Luerwaldstät is home to beautiful wilderness areas and comfortable resorts for a relaxing holiday. The most convenient way to get to the lake from the airport

Lake Luerwaldstättersee (Lac des Quatre-Cantons) is one of the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland with the purest water and picturesque winding shores. It formed as a glacial lake about 12,000 years ago. The lake is located at an altitude of 434 meters above sea level.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 114 km², the maximum depth is 214 meters, and the length of the coastline is 161.9 km. Its name, which translates as "Lake of the Four Forest Cantons", it received because of its location. Lake Lucerne is indeed surrounded by four cantons: Uri (German Uri), Schwyz (German Schwyz), Unterwalden (German Unterwalden) and Lucerne (German Luzern). Later Unterwalden was divided into two cantons - Nidwalden (German Nidwalden) and Obwalden (German Obwalden). However, this did not change the name of the lake. And until the 16th century, the name "Lake Lucerne" was used.

Cradle of Switzerland

Here is the cradle of the Swiss Confederation. In August 1291, the three "original cantons" (German "Urkantone") Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden made a sacred oath, promising to come to each other to help in the fight against enemies. Thus, a military and political alliance was created, which became the basis of the Swiss Confederation in its original form. The very name "Switzerland" comes from the name of one of the founding cantons Schwyz. It is believed that this alliance was concluded in the mountain meadow Rütli (German Rütli), which is located on the western shore of Lake Urn (also Urnersee, German Urnersee). This lake is part of the common lake system of Lake Lucerne in its southern part and is located in the cantons of Uri and Schwyz.

Surrounded by mountains

Lake Luerwaldstät is surrounded by the medium-high mountain ranges of the Swiss Alps. The most famous and popular both among the Swiss and among tourists are the Pilatus (German Pilatus) and Riga (German Riga) mountain ranges. Pilatus is located on the border of the cantons Obwalden, Nidwalden and Lucerne. The height of its main peak Tomlishorn (German Tomlishorn) is 2,128.5 meters. The mountain range of Riga is located between the Lake Lucerne and Lake Zug, on the border of the cantons of Lucerne and Schwyz. Its highest peak is Mount Kulm (German: Kulm) with a height of 1,797.5 meters.

Pure water

Lake Luerwaldstät is a flow-through - the Reuss River, a tributary of the Aare River, flows through it. A covered wooden bridge, known as the Kapellbrücke (German Kapellbrücke, chapel bridge), was built in the place where the Reuss fell from the lake in 1365. Kapellbrücke is the oldest surviving wooden bridge in Europe and the second longest in Europe at 202 meters. The water in Lake Lucerne is very clean; the lake is used as a natural reservoir of drinking water. On the shores of the lake there are 6 water intakes and 3 pumping stations for drinking water, which supplies water to more than 80,000 people in the city of Lucerne and in the surrounding settlements. The water quality in the lake is regularly monitored by the State Research Institute of Limnology (Research Institute of Lake Science of Switzerland), which is part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG). At the same time, the water in the lake is quite cool, the maximum temperature in summer is 22 ° C.

Due to its clear water, Lake Luerwaldstät is very popular with diving enthusiasts. Of course, you can also go sailing, water skiing or just swim on the many beaches. There are about 30 species of fish in Lake Lucerne. Pike, perch, whitefish, dace, bream, rainbow trout, silver bream, char, podust, carp, pike perch, barbel eel and other fish are found here. Anyone can fish from the shore and from bridges. The condition is to use only one rod and not to use fish as live bait. At the same time, fishing in Lake Luerwaldstät can be quite successful from the shore. In September 2016, the Swiss Knut Wittwer caught a pike 1.3 meters long and weighing 13 kg from the lake.

Lake excursions

This lake is navigable. Regular passenger services are provided by the Shipping Company of Lake Lucerne (Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees, SVG), founded in 1870. The company's fleet includes 5 paddle steamers, built at the beginning of the 20th century, and 14 modern motor ships. In addition to regular flights, SVG offers a wide variety of sightseeing tours lasting from 1 to 5 hours, as well as culinary boat trips.

Lake Luerwaldstät is located in a significant basin of the plateau, left from the ice age of the Pleistocene epoch (about 700 thousand years ago) and creating a shape resembling a cross. With its sharp southeastern end, this water cross abuts the northern slopes of the Alps, located in the German-speaking canton of Uri. Further, the lake unites the lowland (400-600 m above sea level) cantons, also German-speaking:
Nidwalden stretches along the southern coast of the central part, part of the coast belongs to Obwalden, and the northern slopes are divided by Schwyz and Lucerne, the latter got the north-western part of the lake (or the upper end of the cross). It is here, on the picturesque shore of Lake Lucerne, that the inhabitants of the cantons Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden (later divided into Nidwalden and Obwalden)

On August 1, 1291, they concluded an alliance, according to which they promised to support each other in the struggle against numerous enemies who repeatedly tried to appropriate such picturesque places for themselves. At that time, in comparison with the more politically active lands in the regions of the Jura and Upper Rhine mountains, the so-called "forest cantons" on the shore of the lake seemed almost "abandoned" territory. Yet these lands did not leave the sphere of interests of the royal house of the Habsburgs. The union of "forest cantons" was concluded in the Rütli meadow. Soon the canton of Lucerne joined them - this is how the lake united four provinces around it. This place is marked with the national flag.

A national holiday is held here every year. Schwyz gave the name to the whole of Switzerland, and the name of the lake still contains the number four (vier - with German "four": the name of the lake can literally be translated as "Four forest cantons by the lake"), although Unterwalden was divided into two parts.

The lake consists of four basins, which are connected by rather narrow (up to 1 km) straits. The glacial origin has determined a rather significant depth (about 200 m) and an elongated shape not only of this, but also of other Swiss lakes. Water reserves are replenished by melt runoff from alpine glaciers, so in summer the lake level rises (on average up to 1 m). The water has a blue hue and is highly transparent, complementing the picturesque mountainous shores. The southern part is called Alpnach, and the most extreme point from the east is Urner.

The first settlements around the lake appeared over 2000 years ago. In their place, cities grew: for example, Lucerne, which gave the lake its second name - Lucerne. Despite the legendary Swiss neutrality, the lake still went down in military history.

Since 1230, the lands of the present cantons of Schwyz, Nidwalden, Obwalden and Uri became transit: through them and the most important alpine pass of Saint Gotthard, the transport flows of Europe passed. In that year, the Devil's Bridge was built on the pass, a wooden crossing over the Royce River, which flows into Lake Lucerne. The struggle for control of the alpine trails caused constant conflicts. With the growing role of the pass, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake of steel
to engage in cattle breeding and servicing of those passing by. There were professional guides through the mountains, "zoimers". The lake itself was used for transportation - “partnerships” of ship owners arose. The labor force that was not employed in agriculture turned into a military one: the number of hired soldiers grew. Local residents are used to providing themselves with everything on their own and to live independently.

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