The best beaches in Taiwan: description, how to get there, beautiful photos. The best beaches in Taiwan: a description of how to get there, beautiful photos Kitchen and restaurants

Floors 06.12.2020

Every real traveler and tourist has at least once traveled to the world famous beaches of Taiwan. Taiwan alone has retained the hearth of its indigenous people and culture for many years, despite the fact that China itself has undergone tremendous changes during this time. Taiwan's resort beaches are in great demand in travel agencies around the world for their service and excellent service, and this is not counting how diverse the choice of vacation for the most demanding client. If you want to relax on the warm and soft sand and feel the unity with nature, how the gentle sun caresses your body with its rays, and a light breeze blows its coolness over your body, then you will undoubtedly make the right choice by going to the beaches of Taiwan. Here the water is so transparent and pure that sometimes it seems that it is not there at all, and if you enter it, you will feel only the gentle and gentle touch of this sometimes fickle, but such delightful element.

In Taiwan, any tourist has something to stop his eyes on, many cultural attractions for which thousands of people come throughout the year. One of them is the famous National Museum of Taipei, in this monumental building, which already amazes the layman with its appearance, 700,000 exhibits have been collected representing unique creations of masters of traditional Chinese art. In the same city, there are many religious buildings, which involuntarily linger on, and which attract your attention with their beauty and majesty, such as the Longshan Temple or as it is called - "Dragon Mountain", built in 1738, it is dedicated to the goddess of mercy Kuanin, famous Temple of Confucius and the oldest of the temples - Paoan. And of course, you will not remain indifferent to the Memorial Hall, which is located in Chiang Kai-shek, though not so ancient, but one of the best examples of Chinese art. A huge amount of white marble was used to construct this magnificent building, and its roof follows the smooth curves of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.

If you came to Taiwan to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity and feel like you are a time traveler and have fallen into the distant past, then you should definitely go to the town of Lugan. This city is one of the oldest settlements on the island and really deserves this title. Once this city was a very beautiful and flourishing port city of the west coast, but now it is one of the most common places in Taiwan, where tourists and guests of the island like to come, because it is one of the few who over the years has retained its identity and historical traditions.

The famous Miaoli County, comfortably located between Taipei and Taichung, attracts tourists not only for its only representatives of the Hakka Chinese people, but also for the fact that they are the only ones who have preserved their ancestral traditions, customs and rituals, and even their native dialect. There are many cultural attractions in the county, but the main place of pilgrimage for all visitors is the well-known village of Sanya, where famous wood craftsmen live, and real masterpieces and antiques of famous craftsmen can be purchased all year round in shops, shops or workshops for a very small fee.

Well, if you decide to get to a seaside resort, then at your service are two wonderful resort areas: Fulong and Hengchun. Fulong is located near the capital, just south of Taipei, while Henchung is located on the southwestern end of the island and is famous for its superb white sand beaches.

Taiwan is a restless island, its inhabitants are always in motion and the first time you get here, it seems that you are plunging into an anthill of people, but you get used to it very quickly and you yourself are drawn into this whirlpool of human movements and its chaos no longer seems so. First of all, you get used to it and accept everything thanks to the sincere benevolence and hospitality of the local population, they will always help you in your applications and treat you like a distant relative, show you the most picturesque places and tell amazing stories related to their origin.

Taiwan abounds in scenic spots, and some of them are truly breathtaking. A beautiful lake surrounded by majestic pagodas or a tropical forest will not leave anyone indifferent, and given the wonderful climate, a walk along the shore of such a lake turns into a great pleasure, the memories of which will warm your soul for a long time and cheer you up.

Taiwan is an island in the Pacific Ocean, located just 150 kilometers from the east coast of China. This island is separated from China by the Taiwan Strait. The capital of Taiwan is Taipei City. The coastline of the island is 1,566 kilometers long.

The weather on the island is variable. The rainy season is observed from June to August, typhoons and other similar pranks of nature often occur. For the northern part of the city, high clouds are a constant event that occurs throughout the year.

Taiwan is a province of China. At the same time, the island remains completely independent and has its own government apparatus.

Tourist Taiwan offers a well-developed leisure and entertainment industry. Taiwan's hotels are of a high standard and have excellent staff who serve their visitors at the highest level. In addition, the island of Taiwan has a beautiful nature and has many ancient monuments, which are interesting to see and learn more about. Basically, people come to Taiwan to visit exhibitions, which are held quite often. Only 1% of the guests of this province are real tourists who come for relaxation and new experiences. Many tourists are interested in the tea theme, which is the pride of this island.

The best time to visit the island is from September to April-May. It is very hot on the island in summer. If you want to visit the island during the New Year period, be prepared for the fact that the vouchers are overpriced and very crowded. Due to the large number of people, there are often problems with vacant rooms in hotels.

Holidays on the island are absolutely varied: the island offers surfing, mountaineering, diving, golf, etc. Do not forget about the traditional beach holiday, which is the most favorite for many tourists. You can sunbathe and get a tan on this island near the capital of Taiwan. The place is located just 25 km from Taipei. Sunny Taiwan is famous for the place called Cooling, which provides excellent numerous beaches that attract a huge number of tourists. Most famous taiwan beach is called Chinashan. The taiwan beach famous for its excellent infrastructure and a wide range of services. Apart from this beach, Taiwan has many other wonderful beaches. Among them are such as Kenting, Kaohsiung and Hualien.

Taiwan beaches famous for diving. Visibility in the waters of the island is about twenty meters, which is a strong enough argument to plunge into the island's underwater world. Taiwan is one of the most attractive diving destinations.

Surfers also love to visit taiwan beaches... This is due to the fact that you can surf here almost all year round.

Most of the tourist area of \u200b\u200bTaiwan is a conservation area, which cannot be entered without special permission.

Taiwan's national parks are teeming with amazing flora and fauna. There are currently six national parks on the island.

Cheap hotels in Taiwan are difficult. The hotels of the island are all top notch and the payment for a room in such a hotel is correspondingly high. If you still expect to find cheap temporary housing, you can only find a rented room in an apartment with poor living conditions. However, if you are planning to spend active holidays, and you are not embarrassed by the lack of comfort, this is a completely normal proposal. Of course, the lack of comfort is said loudly. A place for cooking, sleeping and a washing machine will be provided. But in such a rented room you will not see the luxurious interior that is in hotels.

The food on the island is delicious, and you can buy something to refresh yourself at McDonald's, cafes and supermarkets. In addition, the hotels also prepare food for visitors. The water on the island is expensive. Two liters of drinking water costs about a dollar. At the same time, alcohol is quite cheap and is sold in all supermarkets. A can of beer costs about a dollar.

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Rest in Taiwan

Rest in Taiwan

Rest in Taiwan

Taiwan is a Chinese province, but the island has long been trying to gain independence, and it has already been recognized by 22 states. Rest in Taiwan is mainly on the beach, but there are interesting sights, including natural ones, and there is also delicious tea on the island.

Pros and cons



  • Excellent beaches and outdoor activities
  • Very beautiful nature
  • Interesting architectural sights, especially temples
  • Truly delicious tea
  • Holidays can be very exotic and unusual
  • The friendliness of the locals
  • Pleasant climate
  • You should not expect a Chinese atmosphere, although this is hardly a minus
  • Need a visa
  • Long enough to fly from the European part of Russia
  • Sometimes a typhoon or other natural disaster can be encountered, but they are rarely serious and do not cause problems
  • Almost no one knows English
  • Some food is very exotic and even unpleasant for Europeans
  • Some are bored, little nightlife
  • It's hard to breathe in big cities, the air is polluted


The climate in the country is subtropical in the north and tropical in the south. Winters are mild, short, without snow. Summers are very hot and humid, with very heavy rains in May and June. In mountainous areas, most precipitation falls in winter.


Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, very popular with tourists, densely populated and extremely interesting city.


The main advantage of the capital is its numerous attractions. There is little evidence of the Qing dynasty, only the northern city gates, and in general the city is not ancient, but modern and dynamically developing.

Most tourists come to see the Taipei 101 skyscraper - it has exactly one hundred and one floors, and together with the spire the building is almost half a kilometer high. The building has elevators running at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. On the 89th floor, there is an observation deck with excellent views of the city.

Another important attraction is the memorial to Chiang Kai-shek, the former president, built in the shape of a pagoda. Another memorial, Sun Yat-sen, is also popular with tourists.

You should definitely visit the Imperial Palace Museum, or the Gugong Museum (not the one in Beijing). It contains artifacts that reflect Chinese history from ancient times to the present day. You will be able to see works of art, garments, ancient books, etc. Another remarkable museum is an art museum, beautiful both from the outside and from the inside.

You can enjoy the atmosphere of the capital in the Ximending area - this is the most youthful and fashionable place, as well as the center of Japanese culture.

But much more interesting are city temples, for example, the Longshan Temple of the 18th century or the Baosan of the 19th century.

If you are looking for where to relax in Taiwan with children, then be sure to visit the Taipei Zoo - its official territory is 90 hectares, but in fact it is larger and is divided into several zones with rare animals.


Most of the shopping is concentrated in the night markets. The largest of these is the Shilin Market, which sells clothing and food. Xinyi shopping area is also popular with tourists. The Snake Ellie Night Market sells unusual items such as folk cosmetics or snake blood. Tonghua sells very beautiful souvenirs and clothes. But it is best to buy small change as a souvenir at the Ninghia night market - prices are slightly lower here, and the atmosphere is especially cozy.


A city in the southwest of the island, a major seaport popular with tourists, with beaches, modern attractions and shopping opportunities.


Kaohsiung offers tourists several swimming spots. Interesting is the Qijin beach with black sand, as well as the coast in Xizu Bay near the Mountain of Longevity. The beaches are equipped, with sun loungers, but they can be very crowded, especially on weekends.


There are not many ancient monuments left here, but the architecture of the city still attracts attention. The Temple of the Three Phoenixes is very beautiful with gilded cones (Mount Buddha) and images of Buddhas in a lotus flower. Tourists also love to visit the Kaohsiung Temple, dedicated to the god of war Guan Gong, Confucius and the Jade Emperor. The church has a very beautiful ceiling painting. In the center of the city stands the Temple of the Kings of the Three Mountains, with statues of brothers-kings.

Of the fairly ancient monuments, Fengshan can be noted - the city wall, which began to be built in 1772.

The building of the British Consulate in the classic British style, open to visitors, has been preserved since the colonial era.

Natural attractions are also very beautiful, both in Kaohsiung itself and in its surroundings. You can walk through the large Central Park with forest areas, playrooms for children, a swimming pool, a library and an environmental exhibition. The River of Love, Ai-he, flows through the whole city, along which excursion ships sail.

One of the most notable places is Longevity Mountain, from which you can see the Taiwan Bay and the entire city. The slopes of the mountain are built up with temples and terraces, and they are also home to Taiwanese macaques, who are not at all afraid of people.

A little to the north of the city is the Lotus Lake - a very beautiful place, in the vicinity of which there are pavilions and magnificent temples and pagodas.

There is also active entertainment in the city, for example, the Blue Lagoon water park in the Caribbean. With children, you can go to the zoo on Shoushan Mountain or another, on Foguangshan Mountain, in which animals calmly roam the territory (except for bears and tigers, of course). Locals and tourists also love to relax in the park on Lake Chengqing, where you can go fishing, boating or playing golf.


Most of the shopping is concentrated in the Liu-ho night market, which sells mainly drinks and snacks, although interesting souvenirs can also be bought. For a more classic shopping experience, head to the Chang Gu World Trade Center, a high-rise building with numerous shops. Also from the classic shopping centers, Dream Mall, Taroko Park and others can be noted - they sell everything from food and household appliances to clothing of world brands.


Where to relax in Taiwan to see the most beautiful and ancient sights? Of course in Tainan, one of the most ancient cities.


The main pride of the city is the numerous temples of almost all religions in the world. Of course, most of them are Buddhist, but you can also find religious institutions of other confessions. The Temple of Confucius, built in 1665, with a school, parks and gardens, deserves special attention.

Very popular is the Heavenly Altar, the Tien Tang Temple, in honor of the Jade Emperor. Here in the sanctuary they predict the future and help people attract good luck. The 1718 Mito Temple, built in the classical Chinese style in honor of the goddess Guanin, is also worth a visit. The temple complex is very beautiful and vibrant, with bizarre ornaments and a golden statue in the center. The locals are very fond of the Temple of the Great Heavenly Queen of 1684, in honor of the Goddess of the sea Mazu.

The largest temple complex in the city is the Chaskhi temple, with a monastery, pagodas, parks and rivers. It is made in a traditional oriental style with bright ornaments. And if you are attracted by the paranormal, then visit the temple "Eastern Mountain" - in it the spirits predict the future for guests. And the building is decorated in a very unusual way.

You can see in the city not only the temples. An interesting architectural structure is the Big Gate in the shape of a crescent, which contains a huge collection of clay tablets - a real "library". You can also visit the Chikan Tower, built by the Dutch to control the city.

There are museums for cultural recreation in the city, of which the Museum of Taiwan Hero Zheng Chenggong is the most notable.


There are many shopping opportunities in the city, mainly in the markets, although there are many large shopping centers, for example, Hayashi Department Store, Shinkong Mitsukoshi Mall, T.S.Dream Mall and others.

If you are attracted by Asian shopping, then be sure to visit the night markets: Garden Night Market, Wusheng Night Market and others, where food, souvenirs and other interesting, including very unusual goods are sold.



Fulong is one large beach of golden sand and calm sea. There is a train to the beach every day, so it will be possible to get to it without much expense. The place is well suited for family holidays - the sea is shallow, the entrance to the water is shallow. The infrastructure on the beach is very developed, there are sun loungers and umbrellas, there are supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and clubs around. For lovers of activity there are opportunities to go sailing, windsurfing and other water activities. There are also water attractions for children and adults.


There are not many attractions here, but you can see the old seaside town of Dunshuei, the Spanish fort of San Domingo from the 17th century and the hospital of the 19th century.


Where to relax in Taiwan if you enjoy wildlife and tropical beaches? The ideal place for this would be Henchung, a resort near Kenting National Park with chic hotels and white sand beaches.


The resort has many "wild" beaches without infrastructure. But tourists much more like the amazing corals, visible even from the shore. This opens up great opportunities for diving.


The attractions in the resort are mostly natural. The main place is Kenting National Park - an amazing rainforest with rare animals and plants. It is better to walk on it with a guide, as it is very easy to get lost in the park. The park also hosts entertainment and music festivals at any time of the year.

Another eco-friendly attraction is the "Vacation Farm" where tourists can get acquainted with agriculture.

Hengchun has several interesting architectural structures - the city walls and the 19th century Temple of the Queen of Heaven.

We have briefly discussed the most popular resorts. Some interesting moments of visiting Taiwan are highlighted in his program "Man of the World" Andrey Pankratov - we invite you to watch his report on this amazing country:


You can bring quite interesting souvenirs from Taiwan:

Green tea

The best option would be green tea - many say that it is almost the tastiest in the world. This is a handy souvenir that is easy to take with you


You can bring unusual alcohol - liqueurs or an unusual snake liqueur with a real snake in a bottle

Ceramic dishes and figurines

In Yingge and Taipei, you can buy beautiful ceramic dishes and figurines

Wooden figurines and icons

The markets sell souvenirs made of expensive wood species - figurines, icons, etc.

Silk products

The culture in Taiwan is Chinese, so traditional Chinese souvenirs such as clothing or silk are also sold


A real treasure of the island, jewelry in pink aragonite coral or cat's eye stone

Traditional souvenirs

There are also more traditional souvenirs - masks, fans, tea sets and dolls in traditional clothes


You can bring traditional medicine or cosmetics, but it is better to buy them in official stores, with all the certificates

Visa and customs

You will need an entry visa to travel to Taiwan, but it is quite easy to get it. This is usually a visitor visa for one, two or three months.

Customs rules are quite standard - you can import and export foreign currency without restrictions, national currency can be imported and exported within 40 thousand Taiwan dollars. You can import and export a limited amount of alcohol, cigarettes and perfume.


Taiwan has airports in 15 cities, and they fly by air as often as by train. Flights are very popular, so it is worth taking tickets in advance. Railways are also at a very high level - there are four classes by train, the first three are expensive, and the fourth is cheaper than buses, but very slow. There are also buses between cities, both private and public, usually inexpensive, flights are made both day and night.

In cities, too, there are mostly buses - in Taipei they run between certain zones, and you have to pay extra for each zone. Also in the capital there is a metro, also zonal, with overhead and underground branches. There are taxis almost everywhere, but often taxi drivers do not speak English, and it is better to ask the hotel to write the name of the desired place in Chinese.

In Taiwan, in contrast to China, they give cars for rent - it is enough to have an international license and leave a deposit. Highways are paid.


The main currency is the new Taiwan dollar, which is one hundred cents. Bills up to a thousand dollars are in use. You can pay for purchases only in local currency, euros and dollars are not in use. Traveler's checks, preferably in dollars, and bank cards are popular - they are accepted in shops, restaurants and hotels.

Cuisine and restaurants

Taiwanese cuisine is an example of authentic traditional Chinese cuisine. Rice, vegetables and soy are often used, rice porridge is eaten instead of bread. Tofu is popular, including its unusual fermented (fermented) version with a very pungent smell. They eat a lot of noodles, pastries. Vegetables are pickled, dried and fermented, served with various dishes.

Meat is also popular, mainly pork and poultry, the rest is not cheap. Tourists love Taiwanese noodle steak, Peking duck, sweet and sour pork, and ji-si-tang-myan - chicken noodle soup. Sometimes the bird is replaced with frogs or insects - unusual, but very tasty.

Fish and seafood still play an important role - Taiwanese love oysters and make fish soups. Xian-yu is a very tasty and unusual dish - a small fish fried in peanut sauce. Gradually, elements of Japanese cuisine penetrate into Taiwan - sushi, sashimi and other fish dishes are sold almost everywhere.

There are a lot of exotics here - they cook dishes from the meat of snakes and dogs, insects, and algae. They are all safe, but they can be offensive due to the spice and strange taste.

They drink, as elsewhere in China, mainly green tea, without sugar. Herbal and flower teas are very popular, as well as local pearl teas with milk, sugar and cassava.

Alcohol is used to drink vodka liqueurs, rice wine and imported drinks.

There are a lot of cafes and restaurants, and expensive ones are not always good - many tourists like the famous Din Tai Fung dumplings, and some note that they are very tasty and inexpensive food in Taichung, in a regular noodle house. So there is no point in visiting pretentious establishments.

Taipei, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung, Kenting National Park

Arrival in Taipei. Private transfer (no guide) to Taoyuan railway station. Transfer by high speed train to Zuoying station.
Upon arrival, private transfer to Kenting National Park.
Accommodation at the selected hotel: or.

Kenting National Park, located in the southern part of the island, is one of the oldest national parks in Taiwan. The park is known for its coral reefs, waterfalls, sandy beaches and a lighthouse. The southernmost point of Taiwan is also located on its territory.
The village of Kenting, after which the park is named, consists of just one street with shops, bars and hotels, as well as a night market.

Day 2 - 5

Kenting National Park

Breakfast in the hotel. Rest on the picturesque coast.

Day 6

Kenting National Park, Kaohsiung, Taipei

Breakfast in the hotel. Extract.
Private transfer (no guide) to Zuoying train station. Transfer by high-speed train to Taipei.
Upon arrival, private transfer to the hotel. Accommodation in the room Superior... Recreation.

Day 7


Breakfast in the hotel. Individual sightseeing tour of Taipei with a Russian-speaking guide (8 hours).
Excursion objects according to the program:
* Museum of the Imperial Palace;
* Chiang-Kai-Shek memorial;
* Longshan temple (on the way to the temple you will pass the presidential residence);
* stop for a photo at the Taipei 101 skyscraper;
* visit to the night market.

There is as yet no reputation as the best beach destination, and yet this beautiful island has many stunning beaches and amazing seaside towns. Taiwan's beaches, as you can see in the photo, are rich and varied, from beautiful coasts of white and gold sand to black ones, strewn with polished pebbles and sparkling white coral. Some of the amazingly beautiful beaches in Taiwan can be found on its remote islands, which have not yet developed a tourist destination. If you're lucky, you might even stumble upon a delightful secluded area.

When to go to Taiwan for a beach holiday?

The best time to visit the beaches of Taiwan is during summer and early fall. Taiwan's hot and humid subtropical climate can make the summer months of July and August extremely unpleasant.

During high season, you will find that most of the beaches in Taiwan offer a variety of water activities: diving, surfing, rafting, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, and fishing. It should be noted, however, that during this period, the beaches on the main island of Taiwan tend to be quite crowded.

Top 10 beaches in Taiwan

Taiwan has many beaches. We invite you to briefly get acquainted with the best of them:

  1. Fulong (Fulong). It is a gorgeous beach of golden sands on the northeast coast of Fulong Village, Gongliao Village, County. The Shuangxi River, quite deep, runs parallel to the sea coast here, and the two beaches are connected by a bridge. It is a great place for windsurfing, canoeing and sailing. The beach, covering 3 km along the coastline, has always been a popular summer beach in northern Taiwan.

  2. (Kenting Baisha). The popular beach is surrounded by a national park in southern Taiwan. Its golden sands are washed by the Taiwan Strait from the west, and the Pacific Ocean to the east. Coral reefs are rich in marine life and are considered a haven for scuba divers and snorkelers. Here you can enjoy tropical weather all year round, and the beach has all the water sports facilities for children and adults. The long bike trail gives you the opportunity to hike through the rainforest.

  3. Baishavan (Baishawan Beach). This beautiful beach is located on the northern coast of Taiwan between Linshanbi and Fugeijiao (Cape Fugei), with white sands and crystal clear waters. The beach is not equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. It is more suitable for outdoor enthusiasts who, in addition to water sports and boating, can enjoy hang gliding from the hill at the foot of which the beach is located. At the western end of the bay, there is Lingshanbi pebble beach. It is famous for its volcanic rock formations and hiking trails.

  4. Chinshan (Jinshan Beach). Another popular beach resort is located in the northeastern region of Taiwan, north of. Its golden sands are perfect for sand sculptures and sunbathing. Behind it is a large seating area that can be used for barbecues and camping. The highlight of the beach is the indoor pool.

  5. Sizikhvan (Sizihwan.) Located in the west of the city in Taiwan, the beach is known for its sparkling blue water and natural coral reefs. Sunset in Sizihwan Bay is recognized as one of the 8 in Kaohsiung. Sizih Bay, located on the first line between Wanzhou Shan and Chichin Island in Taiwan, offers a magnificent view of the sandy beach and beautiful coral formations along the coast.

  6. Tongsiao Marine Park (Tongxiao Marine Life Park). Located on the west coast of Miaoli County, this beach is the largest in Taiwan. Tongxiao Marine Recreation Park is not only a large beach, but also a mangrove reserve, an artificial lake and picturesque forests. It is also popular with surfers.

  7. Feykueyvan (Feicueiwan Beach). A huge white sandy beach with a length of over 1500 m, also known as Green Bay, is located on the north coast. This place is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Water skiing, sailing, windsurfing, surfing, jet skis, scuba diving, as well as paragliding and hang gliding are not even a complete list of local activities.

  8. Honey bay (Honey moon Bay). A true honeymoon paradise in Ilan County, it is 90 minutes from Taipei City by train. For surfers, Honey Moon Bay is one of the best spots in northern Taiwan. The bay offers an amazing panorama of Guishan (Turtle Mountain).

  9. (Green Island Lyudao). You can go around this small island in an hour on a scooter. Green Island is famous for its green mountains and plains, sandy white beaches and shining blue tropical waters, rich in marine life, natural hot spring pools. The tourist season here lasts from March to June.

  10. (Orchid Island Lanyu). Zeds has wonderful beaches surrounded by high mountains and lush rainforest. A wide variety of water sports are offered along the coast. Dongling Bay is located on the east bank of Lanew. This beautiful white sandy beach is the perfect place to watch the sunrise.

Taiwan is an amazing country that has retained its unique identity in contrast to mainland China. Tourists to the island are attracted by delightful nature, beautiful beaches, comfortable hotels. Here you can actively relax, touch the unique historical heritage, get acquainted with the unusual customs and traditions that have been formed among the local population for millennia.

Taiwanese are very hospitable people. They are very friendly and respectful to their guests.

Ancient heritage and modern achievements of science and technology are closely intertwined in this country. Every traveler will find something unusual and interesting here for himself, even if he is not visiting Taiwan for the first time.


Taiwan is a safe province. Serious crimes are rarely conferred here. With a large crowd of people, you should carefully monitor your wallet, but tourists rarely become the object of increased interest of petty thieves.

Do not visit the outskirts of industrial cities and establishments with a dubious reputation. Here police control is limited, so you can get into a bad story.

Trip features

Not all curious tourists like to move as part of an excursion group. Therefore, in order not to get lost, you need to have a card with you on which the name of the hotel is written in the local dialect. Having shown it to local taxi drivers, it will be possible to return to the hotel without any problems.


If a tourist has an international driver's license, he can easily move around the country in a rented car after receiving a permit.

Bus transport is well developed here. To stop at the right place, just press a button.

There is a subway in the capital Taipe. It is open from six in the morning until midnight. You can order a taxi, this service will cost about 150 rubles per 1.5 kilometers in translation into Russian currency. The greater the distance, the lower the price per kilometer. The drivers do not speak a foreign language, so the final destination should be written in Chinese.

How to get to the wonderful island

Taiwan is small in size but large in scope. The island is aimed not only at the comfortable service of tourists, but also businessmen arriving here for various international exhibitions.

The main international airport is located in the capital of the province - Taipei. In addition, there are a dozen more modern air berths, the largest of them:

  • Kaohsiung. Has domestic and international terminals;
  • Taichung only accepts domestic flights from mainland China.

There is no direct flight connection between any of the Taiwanese airports and Russia. Domestic companies offer flights through Istanbul or Beijing, Tokyo, Hanoi and other cities.

Many Asian airlines offer “low cost” connecting flights in Singapore.

The most advantageous offers combining price, safety and comfort can be obtained from the following air carriers:

  • Korean Air via Singapore;
  • Singapore Airlines via Singapore;
  • Thai Airways via Bangkok;
  • Cathay Pacific via Hong Kong.

After landing at one of the international airports in China, you can fly to Taiwan using domestic airlines. Travelers also have train and bus connections. The method of travel should be planned in advance, as tickets are always sold out in advance.

Visa application

For a long time, in order to get to this unique province, Russian citizens had to apply for a visa, which cost a tourist $ 50 and allowed them to arrive in the country within two weeks.

However, in 2019, the Taiwan authorities changed the visa policy for Russian citizens wishing to visit the country on a short-term visit.

Visa-free right to visit Taiwan can be used not only by tourists, but also by those who go to the province on family or business affairs, participants in various international congresses. That is, any Russian whose visit duration does not exceed 14 days.

Documents required to visit Taiwan without a visa:

  • a passport valid for six months or more from the date of leaving Taiwan;
  • an air ticket, its electronic version or an itinerary receipt showing the date of return to the Homeland;
  • confirmation of hotel or apartment reservation in Taiwan;
  • financial guarantees.

The visa-free regime has been launched in test mode and will be valid for less than a year, until July 31, 2019.

What to try

You should definitely try the local cuisine and participate in the tea ceremony. It is here that a ceremony has been preserved, which the Chinese have been practicing for over 2 thousand years.

Many restaurants will offer guests not only traditional Chinese dishes. Taiwanese love to eat, culinary delights from Peking, Catone, Huan and an abundance of other cuisines can be found here.

Traditional dishes are made with rice, soy and vegetables. Young bamboo shoots are very popular and can be used as a side dish or as an independent dish.

For meat products, you should definitely try Taiwanese pork steak. It is served straight from the fire or traditional Peking duck.

Exotic lovers can try food made from snake and dog meat. In Taiwan, a variety of insect dishes are prepared. The food is completely safe. But overuse of spices isn't always to your liking.

Cafes and restaurants prepare "home-style". Many local residents have a tradition of having a meal in a cafe during a break or after work. Therefore, the local cuisine is tasty, healthy, and most importantly not expensive.

The most visited tourist places on the island

Taiwan is open to tourists all year round. Travelers tend to come here for a variety of reasons. Someone is attracted by local beaches, someone is attracted by national cuisine or health centers. And many people tend to visit unique national reserves and cultural monuments.

The people of Taiwan are very careful about preserving the ecosystem of the islands. There are six large national parks and reserves in the country. A foreign tourist needs a special permit to visit any of them.

Taiwan is interesting for its extinct volcanoes, located mainly in the north. In the craters of volcanoes, there are beautiful lakes that cascade down into magnificent waterfalls.

A few dozen kilometers southeast of Taiwan, there is a beautiful Green Island, where you can admire the majestic cliffs, and in the south of the state there are hot springs.

It is difficult to cover all the sights and unique places of the province in one visit. This will take several months. Here is a description of several of the places most loved by foreigners.

Taipei skyscraper

It took six years to build this unique building in the center of the capital. The height of the skyscraper is 510 meters. This building is one of a kind, as it was built in an area of \u200b\u200bseismic activity and strong winds. Ranked sixth among high-rise buildings in the world.

The high-rise building consists of 101 floors. At the same time, the 92nd floor is crowned with an eight hundred ton ball. This miracle of engineering technology is considered the safest high-rise in the world.

The building is equipped with a high-speed elevator. From the first to the last floor, the journey will take less than a minute. On the 89th floor, there is an observation deck from which visitors can observe the beauty of the Taiwanese capital.

National Palace Museum

The museum building and its surroundings amazes with incredible beauty. More than 700 thousand exhibits reflect the thousand-year history of the island. Amazing porcelain figurines, jewelry, books belonged to ancient Chinese dynasties.

The museum does not offer tours in Russian. Many of the exhibits are described in English. Therefore, before visiting the establishment, it is worth purchasing a guide.

E-Liu Geopark

The sculptors of this amazing natural masterpiece are wind and water. Here you can see the famous "Queen's Head", bizarre figurines of mushrooms, plants and animals. All of them have been shaped by nature over the millennia.

A special observation deck offers an amazing view of the East China Sea.

Yangmingshan National Park

Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature by walking along the park's narrow paths. In order to attract as many tourists as possible, a cozy hotel is located on its territory, where dishes of national cuisine are offered.

The reserve owns 13 hot springs confirming that the volcanoes have fallen asleep, but they can wake up at any moment. Tourists are allowed to collect a bouquet of callas growing in the meadow. Special employees will immediately decorate it with beautiful packaging.

Yushan Nature Reserve

Yushan Nature Reserve is mainly mountainous. Among the hills belonging to the reserve, the highest in Taiwan is Jasper Mountain. The reserve has a vast area, untouched by man, pristine corners of wildlife. The flora and fauna are extremely diverse here. Among the inhabitants of the park are macaques, bears and many other animals.

Kenting National Park

The park is located in the eastern part of the island on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than three hundred square kilometers. This is the oldest national park. Incredibly beautiful coral reefs, a cozy sandy beach make it a popular destination for travelers.

There are especially many visitors in April, when the rock music festival is held in Kenting.

Taipei Zoo

This zoo is over a hundred years old. It covers a huge area of \u200b\u200b160 hectares, of which only half is available to guests. The menagerie contains animals from all continents around the globe. According to the most conservative estimates, at least 4 million people visit the zoo every year.

Chengqing lake

Local residents dubbed the reservoir Lake Lotosov. Every year, thousands of lotuses bloom on its mirror surface.

Guests can visit the temples located in the park around the lake, go boating and even go fishing.

Where to stay

Taiwan is a popular tourist destination, so the hotel service is set at a very high level with a corresponding cost.

Local residents are happy to rent out apartments. In this case, you should not count on good living conditions.

It is not difficult to find housing in any large cities or villages. Tour operators book accommodation in the following classes:

  1. International tourist;
  2. Tourist;
  3. General;
  4. Homestay accommodation.

An economical option is accommodation in youth centers and hostels. Hotels in major cities offer spa treatments, massages, pool visits and more. Therefore, the room here cannot be cheap.

Service gratuities are usually included in the bill. Therefore, it is not accepted officially to leave them.

Depending on the "star rating" of the hotel, a double room can cost from 2 to 5 thousand rubles per day or more. Breakfast is usually included in the price.

Taiwan beaches

The resort beaches of the island are a favorite place for tourists. Even the most demanding traveler will be satisfied with the local service, beauty and purity of the water. Gentle, warm waves, incredible transparency of the sea, closeness of nature make Taiwan's beaches a famous tourist destination.

The island is washed by three seas and one ocean:

  • East Chinese;
  • Filipino;
  • Chinese;
  • The Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, you can find a huge number of beaches here. They are famous for diving. The water is so clean and transparent that you can see the underwater world at a distance of more than 20 meters.

You can surf here all year round. The most popular beaches of the island are:

  • Fulong. Located in the north. It stretches for 3 kilometers. The width of the beach area is 60 meters. Behind the beach is a huge number of hotels, entertainment venues and attractions. This is a great place especially for families with children;
  • Cating. The warm Philippine sea allows tourists to swim all year round. The beach is located in the south of the island. A large number of entertainment establishments will not let tourists get bored during the day or night;
  • Baisha. This beach is one of the ten best beaches in the world. This is the highlight of the island. There are no hotels, hotels or cafes on the beach itself, as it is located in a national park. You can get to the place by taxi or bus.

tour cost

Tour operators offer many leisure options in Taiwan. The tour price primarily depends on:

  • Departure points;
  • Hotel class;
  • Length of stay.

Usually the price includes:

  1. Air flight;
  2. Transfer. Tourists must be met at the airport and taken to the place of rest;
  3. Accommodation in a hotel room;
  4. Meals, if the tourist decided to include this item in the price of the tour;
  5. Medical insurance.

You can save a little on the purchase of last minute tours. The average cost of a ten-day tour with a departure from will be 160 thousand rubles and more per person.

Russian tourists have recently begun to choose Taiwan for their visits. Interesting activities suitable for adults and children, local hospitality, beautiful nature, sandy beaches and exciting excursions make the island a favorite holiday destination for travelers from all over the world.

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