The cities of the mineral waters of the Caucasus. Our resort is Caucasian mineral waters. Sights of Mineralnye Vody

Frame houses 06.12.2020
Frame houses

In the south of the Stavropol Territory, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range, there is an amazing place - the Caucasian Mineral Waters. This resort area is located at the junction of the Mineralovodskaya sloping plain and the northern slopes of the Caucasian Range, exactly in the middle between the Caspian and Black seas. On the one hand, the region is surrounded by snowy peaks, and on the other hand, by the arid Caspian steppes. All this creates a very valuable healing climate, appreciated at its true worth by balneologists and vacationers. It is interesting that the French Cote d'Azur and the Spanish Adriatic lie almost at the same latitude as the Caucasus Mineral Resources.

Usually Kavminvody is considered the agglomeration of the cities of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody. Although geographically, KMV is much larger. Starting from the foot of Elbrus in the south and ending in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Mineralnye Vody, the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than five hundred thousand hectares.

Given this, the KMV region can be attributed to the middle mountains, because the maximum height above sea level reaches 2592 meters (Bermamyt plateau).

Conventionally, the KMV can be divided into two climatic zones: southern and northern. The first will include Kislovodsk - there are more sunny days and there are almost no strong winds. This is a climate with pronounced features of the continental low mountains. Kislovodsk is located in a natural basin, surrounded on all sides by mountains, which delay cloudiness. Thanks to this, the sun shines in Kislovodsk 300 days a year. It is one of the sunniest cities in the world.

Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk can be attributed to the northern part of the KMV, it is also very sunny and warm, but humidity and precipitation are higher. Although, quite often you can observe how it is raining in one of the resort towns, while in other cities it is clear and sunny. The weather can change several times a day. This happens very quickly. There is even a popular saying: "North Caucasus - keep your gloves in reserve."

Winters in the Caucasian Mineral Waters are warm; snow rarely lasts longer than ten days. Snow is less frequent in winter than rain. In autumn, the weather is often warm until the end of November. The proximity of the Greater Caucasus Range and a large number of green spaces soften the summer heat. Spring is usually early: in April-May, many residents and vacationers already begin to swim in rivers and lakes.

The history of the resort

The first relatively accurate information about the mineral waters of the Caucasus appears in 1717, when Peter I gave the task of the physician-in-chief, Dr. Schober, to find and study the hot waters near the first Russian fortress Terki, later called Bragunsky. In his report, Schober described the sources in the lands of the Pyatigorsk Circassians, as the Kabardians were called earlier in Russia. From that moment on, the study of the medicinal properties of the Kavminvody mineral springs began. Unfortunately, after the death of Peter I, all undertakings for the development of KMV resorts were stopped.

In 1780, the Fortress of Constantinogorsk was founded at the foot of Mount Mashuk. The soldiers were the first to notice the healing properties of the hot springs of the future Pyatigorsk. The Academy of Sciences sends Doctor of Medicine Piotr Simon Pallas to research the mineral springs. He studied the medicinal properties of waters for a year. In addition to the Pyatigorsk springs, Pallas also explored the Kislovodsk Narzan. He noted that water bursts out of the ground with great force and is capable of lifting a person bathing in it.

After the report of PS Pallas, the CMS region becomes famous. People come here for treatment from the most remote corners of Russia.

In 1803, Alexander I, with his rescript, assigned the resort status to the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Allocated funds for the arrangement and development of the resort. Despite government support, the resort is developing poorly. The hospitals are in disrepair. The aristocracy prefers to travel to foreign resorts. So, according to data for 1860, Russians spent about 160 million rubles in foreign resorts.

In order to rectify the situation, in 1861, the Caucasian Mineral Waters were leased to the entrepreneur Novoselsky, and then to A.M. Baykov. This did not give the desired results, and after two years, the resort again returned to state control.

Resort development

In the sixties of the XIX century, research scientists Smirnov and Batalin carried out serious work to study the balneological features of the Caucasian resorts and mineral springs. A Geological Committee is being created to conduct a comprehensive study of the subsoil. The year 1893 was marked by the opening of a railway line connecting all the resort towns with the Vladikavkaz line. As a result, the resort is rapidly gaining popularity. By 1914, the number of tourists increased more than 45 times. This year, Caucasian Mineral Waters was visited by more than 100,000 people.

In 1919, the Kavminvodsky resorts received a certificate of protection and the status of "socially significant". The decree signed by V.I. Lenin saves the infrastructure from looting.

In 1920, the Balneological Institute was created in Pyatigorsk, which exists to this day. The institute is engaged in the study of balneological factors in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

During the Second World War, all sanatoriums and boarding houses of the resort received the wounded.

Resort today

Today there are about a hundred sanatoriums in the region, which are visited by more than seven hundred thousand people a year.

You can come to rest at any time of the year, but if you plan to come in the summer, it is better to think about purchasing tickets in advance. They say that in Soviet times in the summer in the cities of Kavminvod the number of people in the cities tripled at the expense of vacationers. Of course, this popularity is not only due to therapeutic factors. You won't be full of narzan alone. The region has a large number of cafes for every taste and color. Probably, only here you can taste dishes of a wide variety of peoples: Russian, Kabardian, Jewish, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Ossetian, Karachai, Armenian, Chinese, Japanese, and even Vietnamese cuisine - choose, compare, evaluate. I am sure you will find something to your taste in each. And yet, try not to get confused in the various ways to cook barbecue and remember the main differences. After all, if you forget, you will have to repeat the whole course again, and the time of one ticket may not be enough.

If you are tired of culinary delights, then you should know: there is a place to get spiritual food in Kavminvody. Every city has a theater. In Pyatigorsk, this is the Stavropol State Regional Operetta (previously it was called the Theater of Musical Comedy). In Essentuki, this is the F.I. Shalyapin Concert Hall. In Kislovodsk, I recommend visiting the Philharmonic. This is one of the oldest concert institutions in Russia. In the Pyatigorsk park. Kirov, in addition to attractions, there is also a concert venue "Kamerton". And there are so many 3D cinemas that it makes no sense to list them here.

In any of the resort cities of the KMV, there are numerous bowling and billiard rooms, as well as nightclubs with discos until the morning.

In addition to attractions on the KMV, tourists are offered more than a hundred different excursions, both one-day and several days. The excursion routes are very diverse: here you can find Honey Falls, Arkhyz, the ancient city of Magas (where the most ancient Christian churches in Russia are located), a trout farm and mountain skiing, a permafrost cave or the Second Athos Monastery. You can't count everything. It is very difficult to choose excursions on the go. Therefore, it is best to first read about them in advance, see reviews, photos and make a choice.

Each self-respecting resort town in Kavminvod has its own park, at least one lake and picturesque therapeutic terrenkurs.

Terrencourt: from the French terrain - the area and the German Kur - treatment, a method of spa treatment, involving dosed loads in the form of walking.

These places are saturated not only with real history, but also with literary history. The bronze Kisa Vorobyaninov still begs for alms near Gukasov's coffee shop, which is opposite the Lermontov Gallery, and his partner Ostap-Suleiman-Berta-Maria-Bender Bay is still selling tickets near that very Proval.

Photos KMV

There are 17 unique laccolithic mountains on Kavminvody 1, each mountain has its own legend and special charm. You should definitely visit at least one of them. If you cannot climb on foot, then a cable car is laid to the Temple of Air (Kislovodsk) and to the top of Mashuk (Pyatigorsk). The Pyatigorsk lift is considered the fastest in Europe. In clear weather, panoramas of the Greater Caucasus Range open up from there, which you will never forget. They say that it is worth coming to the Caucasian Mineral Waters only for the sake of the views from there. Or you can take off from the ground on a paraglider and enjoy the panorama and the feeling of free flight.

You will definitely like it here. Arriving in the summer, you will definitely want to return: admire the mountains in autumn colors or wander through the snow-covered parks. Here, at any time of the year, you can improve your health and find something to do.

1 Mountain laccolith - can be considered as a "failed volcano", since the magma could not escape outward and only raised the upper layer of sedimentary rocks, solidified under it in the form of a dome or hemisphere, often mushroom-like outlines. (Geographical encyclopedia).

Beautiful video about the Caucasian Mineral Waters

In the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation, there is a group of resorts united by the common name Caucasian Mineral Waters (abbr. KMV, Kavminvody). Today it is a state-protected resort region, where hundreds of thousands of people come annually for rest and treatment, not only from Russia, but also from countries of near and far abroad. This region includes cities such as Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Georgievsk - here you will find many attractions.

The Family Suitcase company organizes trips on comfortable buses.

Geographical features of the region and the history of the development of settlements

Places in the KMV region were very fond of Russian poets and writers, the most famous of whom is M. Yu. Lermontov, whose heroes often live in these places. In addition to mineral waters, there are many sources of curative mud, so it is not surprising why today KMV is well known precisely as a balneological resort. The climate of this area is very favorable, and all tourists who come here in the spring-summer period of time celebrate bright and warm salty days.

Features of the cities that make up the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Surely many tourists and travelers wishing to visit these places would like to know about the peculiarities of these cities. Despite the fact that they are all united into one region, each of the resort cities has its own characteristics, due to the location. Since the end of the 90s of the last century, this region has been actively financed, thanks to which the quality of roads has improved, new resort and sanatorium complexes have been built, and the territory of cities has been largely ennobled. So today, arriving for treatment and rest in KMV, you can count on an excellent pastime, and at quite reasonable prices.

To appreciate all the sights of the region, as well as to find out where and how you can relax, you should make an overview of the most interesting and attractive cities that are part of the general resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

This is the most famous city of the Stavropol Territory, from which the history of the region as a balneological resort begins. It was in Pyatigorsk in 1863 that the first balneological society was founded, which included famous scientists and doctors of that time. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city, there are about 40 healing springs with mineral water, which differs in chemical composition and richness of mineral components. Most of them are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bMashuk Mountain. Thanks to this, the city of Pyatigorsk received the status of a natural museum of mineral waters.

How to get to Pyatigorsk?

The city does not have its own airport, and the nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody, which is 25 km away. For this reason, everyone who travels by air takes a ticket to Mineralnye Vody, after which they travel to Pyatigorsk by route taxi No. 11, the ticket price of which is only 15 rubles. It should be noted that an electric train runs between both cities, which can take you only 45-50 minutes to reach your destination.

Bus number 223 also runs from the station square of Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk, the price of which is 45 rubles. The most expensive way to get there is by taxi, the price of which is 700 rubles or more. You can get from Moscow to Pyatigorsk by train "Moscow-Kislovodsk", which departs daily from the Kazan railway station. The price of a compartment ticket is about 4 thousand rubles. You can also go by bus, which will be cheaper (2 thousand rubles), but the travel time will be 25 hours.

The main attractions of Pyatigorsk

The city is very green as trees, shrubs and flower gardens are abundant. The most important place for festivities of the townspeople is the Central Park "Flower Garden", which is over 200 years old.

You should definitely visit the Lermontov Gallery, where the State Philharmonic is currently located. A very striking architectural monument is the open-air museum - Pyatigorsk necropolis, where many prominent figures who lived and worked in this city are buried.

To enjoy the delightful panorama of the Caucasus Range, you should definitely climb Mount Mushuk, and this can be done by cable car. During the trip, tourists have an excellent opportunity to admire the beautiful landscapes.

Cafes, restaurants, hotels

There are a large number of catering points - restaurants and cafes where you can taste local delicacies and dishes of Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and Russian cuisine. Tourists are especially pleased with the polite staff and cleanliness in restaurants, not to mention loyal prices, since the average check is about 300 rubles.

A quieter city in terms of the lack of pretentiousness, which is the closest neighbor - Pyatigorsk, the distance to which is only 3 km. Apparently, after only 15-20 years, both resorts will merge into a single one and create a single conglomerate. There are far fewer tourists here than in other KMV cities, so it is more suitable for a calm and measured holiday. It should be noted that it is in this city that most of the mineral waters are located, which differ in composition and taste, and therefore Essentuki is called the "Pearl of the Caucasus".

How to get to Essentuki?

The nearest airport is located in Mineralnye Vody, which is 35 km away, but both cities are connected by bus service and a route taxi, so there are no problems getting to your hotel. Every day from Moscow from Kurskiy and Kazanskiy stations there are trains to Kislovodsk, which pass by Essentuki. The cost of tickets is from 2.2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, and depending on the type (reserved seat, compartment, SV).

For those who prefer to travel by bus, you should know that the Moscow-Essentuki bus leaves from the Yuzhnye Vorota bus station daily to Essentuki, and the ticket price is 2 thousand rubles. If you go by private car, then you choose the Don or Elista track, the length of which is approximately the same.

How can you rest in Essentuki?

Considering the presence of numerous springs with mineral water, many balneological resort sanatoriums have been built in Yessentuki, where people come for rest and treatment from all over Russia. Everyone can buy and taste mineral water, and this can be done at special tapping points. By the way, in Essentuki there is a Big Lake, where it is allowed to swim, so everyone can sunbathe and take water procedures in the summer. Essentuki water treats a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system and skin rashes.

Of the sights of Essentuki are distinguished:

  • Nikolaev baths
  • Shopping gallery
  • Oreanda viewing gazebo
  • Weeping grottoes - mineral water springs
  • Drinking gallery "Five thousandth"

Many tourists who have visited and drunk water in Essentuki, after resting, can already unmistakably distinguish the water "Essentuki-4" from "Essentuki-17", and "Essentuki-2" from "Essentuki-20".

Cafes, restaurants and hotels

Prices in Essentuki restaurants are moderate, so you can dine and eat well for only 250-300 rubles. Lovers of sweets can be advised to visit the famous confectionery-cafe "Nefertiti", where they will offer not only delicious coffee, but also a variety of pastries. If we talk about hotels and inns, then there are not too many of them, but those that exist are quite enough to accommodate arriving guests.

The city differs in that it is the smallest of all that are part of the CMS, however, it is often mentioned in the works of Russian writers and poets. The city is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, therefore it is surrounded by interesting relict forests, many types of trees of which are listed in the Red Book. The unique mountain-forest microclimate, beautiful scenic views of the surrounding area, the presence of mineral water springs - this is what attracts tourists to this city.

Zheleznovodsk is one of the most famous and popular cities of the Stavropol Territory, where people come not only for recreation, but also for balneological treatment. This place is also called “tiny Switzerland, because in terms of climatic and natural conditions, Zheleznogorsk is really very close to the alpine resort area. The air in the vicinity of the city is saturated with useful ions and oxygen, therefore it is recommended to come here for those who suffer from respiratory diseases.

How to get to Zheleznogorsk?

There are no direct bus routes to the city, but this does not interfere with getting to your destination with a change in Mineralnye Vody, from which you can take minibus No. 107 to Zheleznogorsk. Ticket price - 50 rubles. If you go from Pyatigorsk, you should take minibus number 134, where the price is 40 rubles. If you go by car from the direction of Moscow, then first you choose the Don highway. When you reach the Pavlovskaya village, turn onto the Kavkaz highway.

Hotels and sanatoriums

Considering that Zheleznogorsk is a small town, there are only about 10 hotels that offer their services to tourists and guests. The most famous is the German House hotel, where you can rent apartments in the range from 2.5 to 8 thousand rubles per day. However, in addition to this, there is a private market where you can rent an apartment for just 1.2 thousand rubles a day. But there are much more sanatoriums here, but you can get to them only by a voucher. If a person does not have chronic or other serious diseases, it will be problematic to get to the sanatorium.

The main advantage of the resort town of Kislovodsk is, of course, narzan - water with a specific taste, containing a large amount of sulfate-hydrocarbonate elements. The city was founded in the early 19th century by soldiers under the command of General A.P. Ermolov, who ordered the construction of a spa park here. For several decades, the park remained the largest in all of Europe. Today Kislovok is a well-maintained resort town that delights guests with its beautiful streets and small, neat and well-groomed houses.

You can not only drink narzans, but also take baths from them, since water has a positive effect on the human body, heals numerous skin diseases, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system, and the nervous system. Some of the most famous places worth visiting in Kislovodsk include the following:

  • Spa park
  • Theater and concert hall. V. Safonova
  • Literary and Music Museum
  • Chaliapin's dacha

Very often vacationers come here to take part in health walking - terrenkurs. The purest mountain air and an abundance of greenery allows you to easily overcome many kilometers.

The largest city that is part of the KMV, therefore, it is from here that a sightseeing tour of the entire region usually begins. There is the Central Railway Station, where trains arrive daily from major cities in Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. There is also an airport that receives dozens of planes every day, so the city of Mineralnye Vody can be called the main transport artery of the KMV.

Today it is one of the most visited resort towns in the entire Stavropol Territory, although it should be noted that there is not a single natural source with mineral water in the city. At the station square, tourists are greeted by a large sculpture of an eagle, cast from real bronze. This is a symbol of victory over disease, since the city has many sanatoriums and clinical centers that accept people for spa treatment. Against the background of the eagle, you should definitely take a picture, since the pictures are very effective.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody

While walking along Mineralnye Vody, it is worth visiting the memorial complex dedicated to the defenders of the fatherland, which looks very impressive. It will be interesting to see the Tersk stud farm, founded in 1880 by Count S.A.Stroganov, where you can not only admire the noble animals, but also ride horses.

Unusual is the monument "Old steam locomotive", against which you can also take a photo for anyone who wants to capture himself in the most interesting places of the city. Other attractions include the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Musical College. V. I. Safonov and St. Nicholas Church.

Hotels and restaurants

Taking into account the fact that Mineralnye Vody is a large city, there are several dozen hotels and guest houses here. The largest hotels include Imperial, ArtHall, Hermes, Olympus and Europe. Despite the fact that the cost of rooms here starts at 3 thousand rubles, the level and quality of service is always on top. The same hotels have their own restaurants where you can taste delicious dishes not only of Russian, but also of Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani cuisine.

Excursion tours on KMV

In 2018, it will be possible to sign up for a trip to these places. The route is being developed.


Concluding the overview of the region Caucasian Mineral Waters, it should be noted that, if desired, each tourist can easily make a sightseeing tour with a visit to all of the above cities. The only thing for this is best to book a sightseeing bus, especially since the places here are very beautiful and passengers will enjoy admiring the beautiful panoramic views.

The Caucasus attracted the attention of representatives of various strata of society: the creative intelligentsia, nobility, travelers, merchants, as well as romantic adventurers of all stripes, and of course those who were promised hope for a miraculous healing by the amazing waters.

The picturesque nature of these places has inspired more than one generation of writers and poets: the majestic foothills of Elbrus, the winding beds of mountain rivers that carry their waters among fragrant valleys, azure waterfalls, vast expanses of steppe, generously endowed with the sun ... All this has created an amazingly mild healthy climate, and many healing mineral waters and high-quality medicinal mud glorified the Caucasus, both in our country and abroad.

The official history of one of the oldest balneological centers in Russia began in 1803. In the place of the first settlements and tent camps, organized near the healing springs, the first settlements and then cities began to grow very quickly. People of different professions and estates began to come here to improve their health "on the waters" and relax in a pleasant company. Gradually, the news about the miraculous properties of these places spread throughout Russia and Europe - the resort has become a favorite place for rest and treatment. Nevertheless, the peak of the popularity of this region falls on the Soviet era, when travel for health became not as difficult and tedious as it was at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

After the revolution, nationalized hotels and private houses were converted into hospitals. At the same time, the construction of sanatoriums, hydrotherapy centers and resort complexes was organized. During the war, immediately after the liberation of the resorts in the spring of 1943, hospitals began to receive thousands of wounded Soviet soldiers. Thanks to the healing waters and mud, the selfless work of doctors and all personnel, hundreds of human lives have been saved. In the post-war period, dozens of new deposits of mineral waters were discovered, the construction of hotels, sanatoriums, pioneer camps and resort complexes proceeded at a rapid pace, the range of medical and health services was expanded. As a result, Kavminvody becomes a resort of all-Union importance, receiving up to one and a half million tourists a year.

Today the famous resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters is located on the territory of three subjects of the Federation: Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Here are some of the best companies in the spa complex, with a wide range of medical and health services offered.

A lover of foreign health resorts will be interested to know that the Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique region, in which almost all types of mineral waters are represented - more than 130 springs! You will not find such a variety in its composition, quality and healing properties anywhere in the world!

In addition, the famous lake Tambukan is located just 12 kilometers from Pyatigorsk, at the bottom of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of healing silt. Annually, for the needs of sanatoriums and health resorts, about 10 thousand tons of medicinal mud is mined here, which is also recognized as one of the best in the world.

But even those who have not heard of the Kavminvod resorts are well aware of another area of \u200b\u200bthe region's activity - the production of bottled mineral water. The legendary "Essentuki" and "Narzan" are familiar to everyone from childhood. These and other types of water are supplied today throughout Russia and the near abroad.

Another interesting area that continues to actively develop every year is educational and sports tourism. In a land rich in history and culture, many interesting natural sites, there is no shortage of attractions. Therefore, many tourists come here not so much for health improvement, but for vivid sightseeing impressions, the pacifying atmosphere of long walks and active sports recreation in the mountains.

Based: 1803 year
Square: 5.3 thousand km 2
Population: 1 194 859 people (2018)
Currency: Russian ruble
Tongue: Russian /

Flight time:
from Moscow - from 2 hours 15 minutes.
from St. Petersburg - from 3 hours
from Kazan - from 4 hours 50 minutes. (1-2 transfers)
from Yekaterinburg - from 3 hours 5 minutes.
from Novosibirsk - from 4 hours 35 minutes.

The most popular resorts in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. Each resort town has its own therapeutic specialization.

Kislovodsk - is considered the sunniest and greenest resort. On the territory of the city, in addition to the famous medicinal narzans, there is a huge park for walking, which goes far into the mountains. Favorable climatic conditions and crystal clear air, saturated with tart odors of resin and pine needles, create an excellent healing effect. Recommended for the treatment of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Essentuki - a small cozy resort specializing in the treatment of endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile ducts. Perhaps, this is the main medicinal "source" of mineral waters in the Caucasus.

Zheleznovodsk - the smallest and quietest resort among its brothers, but no less famous! This is the only resort in Russia and Europe with hot calcium mineral waters. Therefore, the main specialization of the resort is the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and metabolic disorders. This resort can also be considered for respiratory treatment.

Pyatigorsk - the most versatile resort of KMV. It is renowned for its mud treatments, but overall it is a one-stop resort for holistic wellness.

How to get there

Getting to the famous resorts is quite easy and relatively inexpensive. If the trip is not planned during the high season, then train tickets can cost you more than a plane ticket. The cost of trips by electric trains running in Kavminvody is comparable in price to similar trips in big cities. Minibuses and taxis are cheaper than in metropolitan areas. When planning a trip, remember that most of the routes, wherever you come / arrive from, will lead you to Mineralnye Vody, the main transfer point.


The largest international airport in the south of the country is located in Mineralnye Vody, which daily receives flights from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Plane is the most convenient and fastest way to get to Kavminvod. The flight time from Moscow will be about two hours, from St. Petersburg - about three. When looking for air tickets, pay attention to the airlines "S7 Airlines" and "NordStar", which have interesting budget offers. The airport "Mineralnye Vody" itself is small, but modern, located at a distance of 4 km from the city.

If your further route runs through the railway station of Mineralnye Vody, from which trains leave for popular resort cities, we recommend using route taxi No. 10, No. 11. Minibuses leave the airport every 30-40 minutes. from 6.00 am to 7.30 pm. Choosing route number 11, you will reach the city bus station, which is also connected by routes with many resort cities: Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Yessentuki, Dombay and others (travel time to the bus station, about 10 minutes). Do not trust taxi drivers who talk about the cancellation of these routes or long breaks between flights. Taxi services can be used if you want to get to other cities of Kavminvod directly. For example, a taxi ride to Kislovodsk, on average, will cost you 900 rubles (January 2016).

A train

Before choosing this method of travel, we recommend that you look at how many days you need to travel. Even fast trains in this direction make a lot of stops and do not go fast, so the trip can be quite tiring, especially in the hot season. Like the airport, the Mineralnye Vody railway station is one of the most important transport points in this region. To it, and the terminal station of the North Caucasian railway - Kislovodsk, you can get directly from many cities of Russia.

The station in Mineralnye Vody corresponds to the status of the station - a majestic building, with massive columns, a dome, stained glass windows and frescoes, spacious enough and comfortable for waiting. In front of the entrance you will be greeted by the famous sculpture "The Eagle conquering the Serpent" - the symbol of Kavminvod. From the station, trains depart on long-distance and suburban routes.

Separately, it should be noted the excellent transport links within the territory of Kavminvod! Suitable trains on the Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk branch (its length is 64 km) are the main public transport between the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Beshtau, Mineralnye Vody. Electric trains also run to Georgievsk, Nevinnomyssk, Budennovsk and other cities of the Stavropol Territory, with the exception of Zheleznovodsk. To get to Zheleznovodsk, you need to get off at the Beshtau station (located 6 km from Zheleznovodsk) and continue your journey by minibus or bus number 10 (about 5-7 minutes). If the long-distance train does not stop at the Beshtau station (for example, No. 004C Kavkaz from Moscow), then from the Mineralnye Vody railway station (from the station square), as well as from the bus station, you can get to Zheleznovodsk by bus or minibus No. 107.

Electric trains run very often, at intervals of 40 minutes - 1 hour 20 minutes (depending on the time of day), from 5 am to 11 pm. And, which is important for the convenience of tourists, in every city, even the smallest, the train makes 2-3 stops! The train schedule changes periodically. The fare, for example: Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk - 154 rubles. 20 K., Kislovodsk - Essentuki - 64 rubles. 10 K., Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk - 115 rubles. 90 k. (2016)

Distance between cities KMV










You can get to the resorts of Kavminvod by direct bus from many major cities of Russia. Comfortable buses run from Moscow to Kislovodsk, through the resort towns, mainly from the Yuzhnye Vorota bus station. The travel time will be a little more than a day, the ticket price is about 2,000 rubles (2016). The main carrier in the North Caucasus region "Kavminvodyavto", which also operates regular flights on the route "Moscow-Kislovodsk" and flights to nearby regions.

Bus stations and bus stations of the KMV hub

Kislovodsk: the bus station is located outside the city - st. Promyshlennaya, no. 4, it is not very convenient to get there. Opening hours from 6:00 to 19:00. Serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Grateful, Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Gelendzhik, Georgievsk, Grozny, Derbent, Krasnodar, Labinsk, Maikop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nazran, Neftekumsk, Nalchik, Oktyabrsky, Pro Stavropol, Sochi, Cherkessk.

Mineral water:there are two bus stations in the city: the old one - on the street. Gagarina, 98 (working hours from 06:30 to 18:00) and the New Bus Station "Ruslan", located on the street. Sovetskaya, 97 (working hours from 5.00 to 23.00 without breaks and days off). Buses depart from the new bus station in all directions of the "Kavminvodyavto" carrier.

Essentuki: the bus station is located on the street. Gagarina, 93 behind the Central Market complex. Finding it is also not easy because of the proximity to the market and a large congestion of transport. The building is old, in poor condition, you should not count on a comfortable waiting for your flight. Opening hours from 5:00 to 19:30. Serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Blagodarny, Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Gelendzhik, Derbent, Maikop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nalchik, Novoselitskoe, Prokhladny, Stavropol, Stepnoe, Uchkeken.

Pyatigorsk: the main bus station is located in the city center at the intersection of Kalinin ave. and ul. Bunimovich. Opening hours from 5:45 to 21:00. Serves flights to the northern direction: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow. Minibuses to Nalchik, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, Makhachkala and Grozny also go from this station.

There are several more bus stations in Pyatigorsk. From the bus station "Verkhniy Rynok" minibuses go to the suburbs and neighboring settlements, including Kabardino-Balkaria. The most popular routes: No. 108: "Pyatigorsk - Georgievsk", No. 130: "Pyatigorsk - Vin-Sady" and No. 112: "Pyatigorsk - Lermontov". From the bus station at the railway station shuttle buses run to Lermontov - No. 112, Zheleznovodsk - No. 213, Mineralnye Vody - No. 223. City bus No. 1 goes to the resort area and Lake Proval, and you can catch a bus at the gate.

Zheleznovodsk:a small bus station is located at the Railway Station Pryvokzalnaya Square. Opening hours from 06:00 to 17:00. Public transport routes and several intercity flights stop here.

Bus schedule for the Mineralnye Vody bus station


The nearest federal highways to Kavminvody are M29 ("Caucasus", passes through Mineralnye Vody and Inozemtsevo) and A157 (section of the Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk road). The Lermontov - Cherkessk highway (A156) is located ten kilometers south of the city. You can get from Moscow to Kislovodsk along the M4 Don Federal Highway (E115), through Rostov-on-Don to the village of Pavlovskaya in the Krasnodar Territory, and then along the M29 (E50) highway through Mineralnye Vody.

Climate and weather in the Caucasian Mineral Waters

The climate in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters depends on the specific city, because the mountains are able to create unique weather in a relatively small area.

For example, due to the fact thatKislovodsk located higher than other resort towns of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, sunny weather is observed here about 150 days a year. The climate in Kislovodsk is temperate continental, the city is surrounded by the Caucasian ridge, which protects it from cold winds and creates a special mountain climate.

Tatiana Solomatina

What attracts tourists to the Caucasian Mineral Waters region?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today I am starting a series of articles about a wonderful place for rest and treatment - the Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

In the first post, we will take a closer look at this unique resort. I will tell you about the location and climate, about the cities of this region and natural mineral springs. After reading to the end, you will find out why a large number of people come here for rest and treatment on a regular basis, and perhaps you will also want to go to this wonderful place.

The resort is very interesting, I visit it regularly, so a lot of information has accumulated, I am planning a number of articles, the first one is already in front of you, read and share your impressions in the comments, I will be glad to hear from you.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is an excellent choice for rest and treatment, due to its unique location, mild climate, beautiful surrounding nature and developed infrastructure.

But the most important thing that attracts numerous guests to the region is the healing springs, the water from which is widely and successfully used to treat many diseases. Having been here, you will not only relax, but also significantly strengthen your body.

This region is located in the Stavropol Territory on the northern slope of the Caucasus Mountains. The resort towns are located close to each other, which allows you to go around them all and make a general impression of this place.

The natural landscape is very diverse, small hills, densely covered with unique deciduous forests, alternate with the steppe part, which in summer pleases the eye with luscious grass and bright wildflowers.

Due to the lack of serious industrial production, the air here is crystal clear and quiet.


This region has a favorable climate that is well suited for climatotherapy. Spa therapists use it as a healing factor.

Here the winter is mild, the average temperature is –4 degrees, the summer is comfortable - +22 degrees.

Due to the diversity of the terrain, the climate of all cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is slightly different. It depends on the height above sea level, the protection of the mountains, the proximity of the steppes.

The southern resort is Kislovodsk, the sunniest city of KMV, so the air temperature here is usually several degrees higher than in other cities of the region.

Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki are located slightly lower than Kislovodsk, but it is also warm and very little rainfall. And small mountains - Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, often become an obstacle from strong steppe winds.

The main resorts of KMV

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a fairly large region, I will introduce you to the main resorts, which can be safely attributed to - Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. In more detail about each of them, you can read in separate materials, links to which will be at the end of each description.

A very cozy small town located at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya. The resort is simply buried in greenery, and the magnificent park with century-old trees and winding paths simply disposes to leisurely walks and contemplation of the beautiful nature around.

The city is well planned and the resort infrastructure is located separately from the residential area. Almost all the sanatoriums are built within walking distance to natural springs, which is important for the guests of the resort. This is the smallest town in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, however, it is also rich in mineral waters.

The resort specializes in the treatment of the genitourinary system, digestive system, metabolic disorders and other related diseases.

The main component of the treatment is drinking the Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya mineral water, the pump rooms of which are located in the Kurortny Park. Silt mud of the Tambukan and Lysogorsk lakes, which is rich in iron, iodine, zinc and silver, is also widely used in treatment.

You can learn more about the resort.

Pyatigorsk is a large resort town located just 10 minutes from Zheleznovodsk at the foot of Mashuk Mountain. The resort is picturesquely blended into the mountain landscape, from the Mashuk mountain, which can be climbed both by cable car and on foot, it is clearly visible.

There are many health resorts that successfully treat the musculoskeletal system, joints, and help with gynecological diseases. As in the whole region, the main factor of recovery is drinking cure, climatotherapy, mud cure.

I wrote even more information about the resort.

The city is located 30 minutes from the airport Mineralnye Vody. The resort is quite small, located on the flat part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, but also very green.

Here are the well-known sources - "Essentuki". This mineral water is good for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this is the main direction of treatment in local sanatoriums.

Read more about the resort.


The most popular resort in the region is Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level in a green valley surrounded by the Caucasus Range.

A very warm, sunny and cozy city, despite the constant abundance of guests, there is no feeling of being crowded and massive.

A gorgeous park, almost 1000 hectares, which was completely created by people only 200 years ago, now occupies a dominant role in the architecture of the city.

About a third of the KMV sanatoriums are located in Kislovodsk. Mineral water "Narzan" helps in the treatment of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Patients who have suffered a heart attack are successfully rehabilitated here. The spa specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It is interesting

The bulk of the guests of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region come here for rehabilitation and treatment. However, these places are rich not only in their healing factors. Of course, there is no sea, but clean air and magnificent mountain landscapes that can brighten up any person's vacation.

No wonder, many years ago, famous great people loved to come here. A. Pushkin visited KMV twice, M. Yu. Lermontov lived here for a long time and many of his works are dedicated to these places. The list of great people is quite large, they all admired the amazing nature and hospitality of the local population.

Now the Caucasian Mineral Waters is a well-developed resort, which is interesting not only in terms of treatment, there is something to see, many significant historical sights and amazingly beautiful natural places.

I wrote full tourist information on the region in the article. See also the review of the sanatorium.

Perhaps you are at a loss with the choice of a resort, write to me by mail, I will try to help. Read more about cooperation. If you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, always glad to new readers. Until then I say goodbye to you for a while.

Tatiana Solomatina

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