The value of the card is a star towards. Star combination with tarot bowls. Star and Minor Arcana cards

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Tarot Star - the meaning of this card is positive, since it is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, the appearance of hope for salvation. Often, the lasso prophesies the appearance of new friends, a surge of creative strength.

In the article:

Tarot Star - meaning

The Star Tarot card has a very positive meaning in an upright position. She says that at the moment a person can completely trust the higher forces that will lead him forward. You will be able to achieve any goals and fulfill any desire if you trust your magical patrons and follow them, since very few people get such luck.

The Guiding Star will illuminate the right path for you. The individual should remain calm, self-confident. Often, the 17th lasso speaks of hope, happiness, it is believed that this is one of the most positive senior lasso, as it portends the beginning of a white strip that will last a very long time.

The card can really be called a symbol of optimism and faith, as it will be a wonderful omen in any scenario. If you are calm and believe in yourself, you will be able to achieve any goal, but it is very important to understand what it should be. Now is truly your finest hour, when it's time to show all your abilities and present yourself from your best side.

Often, the appearance of the lasso Star may indicate that the business in which you are currently involved can play a larger role in your life than you might even imagine. The stars say that at this stage you can start new projects, communicate with new people, and make plans for the future.

If we turn to the ancient interpretations of this organ, then one can find a not entirely favorable interpretation. In some situations, the Star can talk about losses (in most cases, we are talking about physical).

An individual who is identified with this lasso loves to engage in various arts that allow him to develop not only physical endurance, but also fortitude. This includes meditation, yoga, aikido.

If the lasso appears in the alignment, the Tarot Star prophesies the successful conduct of business, receiving joy from communicating with other people and working. The meaning of the lasso may vary slightly. For example, the Star is a symbol of arrogance, coldness, platonic relationships, alienation. Often it can symbolize same-sex relationship.

Inverted position

The inverted star of the Tarot does not have a very favorable meaning. At the moment, the individual has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity, he wants this. Unfortunately, this is not feasible in the near future. Perhaps the reason lies in the stubbornness of the person and his inability to change his life.

The individual misses too many chances, practically does not believe in his own strength, and is passive about life. In an inverted position, the card sometimes indicates disappointment not only in life or in oneself, but also in a dream, to which a person walked for a certain time. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by apathy and loneliness.

Sometimes the card speaks of a person who in the past reached some heights, but stopped in development. She has nothing to brag about but her old achievements. At the moment, the individual is making fruitless attempts to regain his former glory again, or simply enjoying his imaginary status, won earlier.

In any case, this state of affairs is not in the hands of man. The lasso Tarot Star in an inverted position can also be interpreted as a harbinger of various natural disasters that will provoke the death of many people.

Tarot star - meaning in relationships

The Star Tarot card in the layout for love relationships can be both positive and negative. If a person just wants everything to work out well, but does nothing for this, then the union will be doomed.

Otherwise, the card indicates a long-term, strong, durable connection. Pay attention to which of the partners the Star falls out. She will say that this partner will always dream of something more. The appearance of the Hanged Man in the scenario indicates that a man or woman will constantly want a partner to begin to correspond to their ideals.

Positioning next to the Priestess Star will indicate that the partner may be a creative person with a fantasy, but, unfortunately, he is not adapted for life. It can be quite difficult with such a person, since he is impractical and is constantly in his own world, he is an idealist and a dreamer.

Work and finance

Appearing in the layout for work, the 17th lasso says that fortune is on your side and you can implement many ideas. Use previously unapplied strategies, be innovative, reorganize. Today you can count on success, obstacles and difficulties will be easily removed.

When it comes to choosing a profession, then it is worth stopping your attention on poetry, design, and theatrical skill. It is important for a person to understand that he should follow the calling. If you are doing a business that does not bring you pleasure, and you cannot open up in it in any way, then you should give up everything and start over.

Only if you belong to the sphere that is destined for you, you can achieve what you want. The card indicates that a person will succeed in becoming a professional in his field and get a promotion. Whatever you plan now will be feasible. Probably not in the near future, but nevertheless the implementation of such projects is guaranteed.

If we talk about material profit, then at the moment the individual really hopes that his financial situation will improve. If there are no lassos in the scenario that can symbolize poverty or large financial losses, then profit is indeed possible.

Health status

The meaning of the Star Tarot card in the hands of health is renewal and rebirth. The lasso symbolizes inner peace, the absence of mental illness, harmony. Recovery after some kind of injury or long-term illness is possible. The card can symbolize rejuvenation, cosmetic procedures.

In many situations, the appearance of a Star can indicate the birth of a child. Almost all modern tarologists adhere to this interpretation.

It is worth noting that in ancient interpretations it was often said that the card could testify to the salvation of a person. The likelihood of lung disease or the prospect of drowning was also mentioned.

Due to the fact that the lasso has such a dual meaning, before interpreting it, pay attention to the surrounding cards. If they are positive, the value will of course be optimistic. If the alignment is made for the designation of the indicator of the disease, then the Star indicates allergic reactions.

Tarot Star in combination with other cards

For the correct interpretation of the alignment, it is necessary to focus not only on each individual card, but also on their paired value. This will allow you to see the full picture of what is happening. Star in combination with major arcana:

  • Jester - follow the stars;
  • The magician is a great time for new projects;
  • High Priestess - confidence in her future;
  • Empress - getting the result;
  • Emperor - do not stop there;
  • Hierophant - gaining experience;
  • Lovers - a strong union;
  • Chariot - change of residence, fulfillment of a dream;
  • The hermit is an expert in astrology;
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a joyous event;
  • Justice is the achievement of a goal;
  • The Hanged Man - plans that are difficult to implement;
  • Death - start life from scratch;
  • Moderation - the situation will improve;
  • The devil is a ruin of plans;
  • The tower is an illusion;
  • Moon - uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life;
  • The sun is a dream come true;
  • Judgment is a belief in the best;
  • The world is hidden talents.

Arcanum paired with wands:

  • Ace - receiving a reward;
  • Deuce - finding yourself;
  • Three - you can do everything to achieve what you want;
  • Four - recovery;
  • Five - you can find a way out;
  • Six - believe in yourself;
  • Seven - you can destroy barriers;
  • Eight - the situation will soon change for the better;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Ten - development prospects;
  • Page - fortune is on your side;
  • Knight - fortitude;
  • Queen - self-confidence;
  • The king is hope.

Star combination with tarot bowls:

  • Ace - purchase of movable and immovable property;
  • Deuce is an unpleasant journey;
  • Three is a long-running romance;
  • Four - addiction to love;
  • Five - disappointment;
  • Six is \u200b\u200ba strong union based on love;
  • Seven - disappointment, loss;
  • Eight - sexual experience;
  • Nine - quarrels, conflicts with society;
  • Ten - receiving a large amount of money;
  • Page - a man is fond of music;
  • Knight - professionalism;
  • The Queen is a corrupt woman;
  • The king is a lucky man.

The meaning of the lasso, if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - bad habits;
  • Deuce - the sudden appearance of relatives;
  • Three is a failure;
  • Four - rest after the battle;
  • Five is a mistress;
  • Six - to be with a loved one at a great distance;
  • Seven - censure of the public;
  • Eight - betrayal;
  • Nine - meeting with relatives;
  • Ten - suicidal tendencies;
  • Page - a fatal meeting;
  • Knight - Leadership;
  • Queen - an affair with an acquaintance of her husband;
  • The king is bad luck.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - lack of talent;
  • Deuce - search for the truth;
  • Three - refusal to help;
  • Four - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Five - uncertainty;
  • Six is \u200b\u200ba hopeless situation;
  • Seven - empty hopes;
  • Eight - loss of innocence;
  • Nine - theatrical performance;
  • Ten - confidence in their financial independence;
  • Page - advanced training;
  • Knight - progress;
  • The queen is wealth;
  • The king is hungry for more.

The "Star" card promises you a period of serenity and complete calmness. The meaning of the Tarot for this symbol is often positive. The Oracle convinces that the difficulties are already behind you, new promising prospects are opening up in front of you. The card speaks of the upcoming renewal of the soul and body, so if a person has suffered a serious illness or stress, it is especially desirable for him in the layout.


The card represents the 17th Arcanum. "Star" (Tarot) value changes depending on the position in the layout. As for the image, it remains unchanged: a woman kneeling near a reservoir. One of the young lady's feet is on the bank, the other is lowered into the stream. The girl has a jug in her hands, from which she pours water. Some of it spills over the ground, the other returns to the stream. The allegorical meaning of the card is patience. A person needs not only to be able to wait, but also to demonstrate correct behavior in such a situation so that his inaction is not in vain.

The woman has seven stars over her head. In some decks, they are chaotically scattered across the sky, in others, they form a halo around the girl's hair. There are other options: one large star is drawn at the head of the young lady, sometimes small cosmic bodies are located near it in two columns, forming a kind of portal. The background of the map is a rural landscape. Sometimes in the background you can see a tree, in the branches of which there is

Direct position

It is a map of prospects and new hopes. If you got a "Star" - the meaning of the Tarot in an upright position is promising. It speaks of the speedy implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires, the successful completion of the plans. Now you need to rely on the blessing of higher powers, to believe that you will be shown the right direction. symbolizes balance and harmony. You perfectly interact not only with the outside world, but also with yourself. The main thing is not to forget: new roads will not open instantly, on the contrary, they are still quite far away and are not yet available.

A "star" in a direct position speaks of a burst of creativity and creativity. You are now ready to generate new ideas. Your thoughts seethe and suggest new solutions to problems, unexpected and ingenious. Your well-being improves: your body is in excellent physical shape, your soul is calm and peaceful. The card can be interpreted as unexpected help, the appearance of new love in life, the finding of a faithful companion. This is a happy sign, foreshadowing the discovery of unknown and distant horizons.

Inverted "Star" (Tarot): meaning

In this position, the card is interpreted differently. The interpretation takes on a negative connotation, indicating a sudden collapse of plans, unfulfilled hopes, vain expectations. For girls, she can predict temporary infertility, the inability to conceive and bear a baby. For guys, the card says that a new relationship may not work out. An inverted "Star" is always a symbol of frustration and powerlessness. Man, being self-confident, did not gain, but lost. He took on a lot, forgetting about the popular wisdom: "One is not a warrior in the field."

Now we need to forget about desires and dreams - they are not destined to be realized yet. The problem may lie not only in self-confidence, but in excessive doubts. The fortuneteller thinks that he will not cope and refuses the given chance. In addition, the card speaks of spiritual blindness, wandering in darkness. A person is held captive by his own illusions, he is entangled in the threads of self-deception. All this prevents him from acting, winning and creating.

Fortune telling on a person

The value of the Star Tarot card in the case of a particular personality also depends on the position of the picture. If she is in a straight position, then it indicates a talented person. Perhaps he is in love and is happy that he has such feelings. When the card is turned over, it characterizes the individual as a lazy person with potential, but lacking the strength and desire to realize it. Most likely, he is a chatterbox who spends his energy on trifles, forgetting about the main mission.

The "star" in such fortune telling warns of the need for self-knowledge. Only in this case can you use your talents for good. Deeper into himself, a person will discover such a strong energy that he did not even know about. Ideas will simply overwhelm, pushing the individual to conquer new heights. Now he is ready to work hard, help other people, create a useful product for society. Do not be afraid that your strength will run out. The oracle says: the flow of energy will not only not end, but will return a hundredfold.

"Star" (Tarot): meaning in relationships

When laid out for love, the card indicates high feelings, a promising union and joint plans. The value is increased if the card "Lovers" falls nearby. In addition, the symbol in the upright position is interpreted as a new acquaintance that promises to be long-term and lasting. When the card is interpreted as a date, which can develop into a long-term relationship. The "Ace of Cups" located next to the card speaks of great happiness, and the "Four of Cups" - about the successful outcome of the planned love adventure. The latter combination also indicates that the search for the second half will be completed successfully.

An inverted "Star" is a sign of disappointment, powerlessness, disappointed hopes. There is nothing you can do: fate takes your loved one away from you. In most cases, the fortuneteller needs to think about his behavior, since the card warns of his wrong actions, which deliberately destroy the relationship. The person is likely to tune in to negativity by thinking, "Everything is too good to be true."


Zvezda promises new prospects. The meaning of the Tarot in this case is enhanced with the help of other cards. So, the "Emperor" dropped out next to it means professional development in the current activity. Perhaps you will be appreciated and promoted. But in the case of the nearby "Death" we are talking about a completely new job. Your current career will be forgotten or destroyed, but this event will change your life in a positive way.

A card in an inverted position predicts a person that he will miss all the opportunities that fate presents him. He will not take the chance, and there may be several reasons for this: disbelief in the reliability of a new business, doubts about his own strength, or banal stubbornness. Located next to "Justice" confirms the value of the card: it indicates excessive and excessive prudence and unnecessary caution. In combination with the "Devil", the card says that the fortuneteller himself ruins plans, acting in spite of himself.

“Believe in yourself, appreciate the possibilities” - what the “Star” (Tarot) card tells us when divining. Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways, but the advice of the symbol remains unchanged: put your hopes on the future - the stars are in favor of you. What to do and what exactly to do, intuition will tell. Don't think about how fantastic your goals are, your intentions are realistic, your plans are reasonable. Don't stop halfway and you'll be pleasantly surprised in the not too distant future.

"Star" is a sign that life is always in our hands. It shows that only we ourselves determine our own destiny. Nothing can interfere with those plans, for the construction of which we have undertaken thoroughly and seriously. A person opens up broad prospects that go beyond the framework of specific agreements. He as if ascended into the heavens and from a height of flight notices all existing obstacles and at the same time the means to overcome them. The ultimate goal is clearly visible. She's real.

Combination with other cards

Depending on which card is located nearby, the "Star" interpretation changes: the Tarot value is transformed - it increases or, conversely, decreases. We have already considered many combinations. There are still a few cards that can interact with her. For example, "Jester", which dropped out next to the "Star", is a symbol of unbreakable faith in fate, "High Priestess" - hope for a happy future and peace. The "Magician" located nearby indicates that the time has come for active action. "Hierophant" indicates the enlightenment of consciousness, "Emperor" - the consolidation of a positive result, "Empress" - getting what you want. Remember that "Star" speaks of strength and energy, latent potential and creativity. The card claims that it is not difficult to reach heights, it is much more difficult to keep the result obtained at the level.

Star + Jester (XVII + 0)
Faith in your star.
Only a Fool could believe.
Star fool.
The child has not decided where to go.
I do not want to do anything.
Reluctance to go forward.
The diagnosis is incomprehensible.

Star + Magician (XVII + I)
A bright idea.
A good time to start.
News that will please.
You will be reciprocated.

Star + High Priestess (XVII + II)
The situation will be resolved as your intuition tells you.
Higher intelligence, calmness and confidence in the future.
Taking back what was lost.

Star + Empress (XVII + III)
Your goal is close.
Efforts in the right direction. The results will not be long in coming.
Happy events.
Decent results.

Star + Emperor (XVII + IV)
The leader will be lucky.
Hope for a new meeting. New acquaintance.
Help from an influential person.
The star is a search in the distance, abroad.
Work abroad.
There is hope for the fulfillment of desire.
Material wealth should not be an end in itself.
A high position, an easy one, an easy career.
Ability to always maintain self-esteem.
Mastering spaces, expanding horizons, spheres of influence.

Star + Hierophant (XVII + V)
An important mission.
Spiritual enlightenment.
Spiritual responsibility.
Good mentor.
Discovery of abilities.
Creative intuition. Inspiration.
Great opportunities for self-realization.
New contacts with people.
Hope for patronage, mentoring.
Teaching about the future.
Belief in a bright future.
Learn astrology, astronomy, divination.

Star + Lovers (XVII + VI)
A promising relationship.
A love union promises to be successful.
Platonic love.
Traveling abroad.
A person should do what he loves.

Star + Chariot (XVII + VII)
Follow the guiding star.
You are finally on the right track.
Time to go, move. Moving.
The star of hope will light your way.
Good luck in collaboration with others.

Star + Strength (XVII + VIII)
Make a wish.
Convincing victory.
You should have enough strength.
You are alive with hope. There are chances.
The hope of healing from addiction.
High craftsmanship and professionalism.

Star + Hermit (XVII + IX)
Hope for wisdom, experience.
Study of astrology.
Mission Complete.
The wait has been long and now your reward awaits.
Hope to shed light on your destiny.
Man is a loner.
It is unlikely that there will be a marriage.

Star + Wheel of Fortune (XVII + X)
Hope for a happy change.
The star of happiness will open to you when you find your calling.
Passion for magic, astronomy.
Man was born under a lucky star.
Trip abroad.

Star + Justice (XVII + XI)
The situation must be resolved reasonably and fairly. Everything is according to the rules, according to the law.
Hope to find justice and win a lawsuit.
Favorable outcome of affairs.
Hope to get something.

Star + Hanged Man (XVII + XII)
A sacrifice in the name of something.
The sacrifice will be accepted.
Unreasonable plans.
Crazy idea.
The star will show you the way until all is lost.
Hope to get out of the predicament.
There is hope for pregnancy.
The relationship is cool.

Star + Death (XVII + XIII)
It's hard to believe, but this will be the best way to resolve the situation.
Hope that whatever is done is for the best.
If you give up one, you will acquire another.
Turn the page.
Change in profession.

Star + Temperance (XVII + XIV)
Slow but sure change of the situation for the better. Healing from a serious illness is possible.
Improving the situation.
All is not lost yet.

Star + Devil (XVII + XV)
The goal is achievable, but the movement towards it may stop. Be careful with temptations.
Send all plans to hell.
Updates are irreversible.
Faint hope of breaking old ties and getting rid of addiction.

Star + Tower (XVII + XVI)
Star Wars.
Plane crash.
The situation can save you from something.
Start all over again. Look for options.
Negative health card.

Star + Moon (XVII + XVIII)
Uncertainty about your plans.
A volatile situation.
Creative plans and ideas.
Striving for the occult.
Favorable resolution of financial problems.
Star fever.
Parental inheritance.
Connection with a woman.

Star + Sun (XVII + XIX)
Implementation of the plan.
Receiving an award.
Good luck for the player.
Meeting with a man.

Star + Judgment (XVII + XX)
Fate's verdict.
Don't worry, you will not be judged.
Return of faith in life.
Hope for a change, but if you do nothing, fate will decide for you.

Star + World (XVII + XXI)
Disclosure of talent.
Your works can be abroad.
Receiving a prize, awards.
Success in all endeavors.
Fate's favor.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - light your own star.
With the card "Two of Wands" - look for yourself, your destination.
With the Three of Wands card - focus on your dream.
With the card "Four of Wands" - recovery in the house.
With the "Five of Wands" card - hope to find the best way out of this situation.
With the "Six of Wands" card - believe in your star and follow it.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - the hope that difficulties will be overcome.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a speedy recovery of the situation.
With the "Nine of Wands" card - allow doubts.
With the "Ten of Wands" card - hope to see the future.
With the “Page of Wands” card - “grab yourself by the tail”; find something worthwhile.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - perk up.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - believe in yourself.
With the King of Wands card - to give hope to others.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Star in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician - Feeling of "statement" from above
Magician (per) - "Magnetism"
Priestess - Infusion of Creativity
Priestess (lane) - Irrationality of thinking
Empress - Access to the higher realms. Meditation
Empress (lane) - Uncertainty of success
Emperor - Unexpected help from above
Emperor (per) - Ability to keep on top (any)
Priest - Homosexuality
Priest (per) - Impotence as a disease
Lovers - Entering the Righteous Path
Lovers (lane) - Change of position in the hope of success
Chariot - Get rich quick
Chariot (lane) - Buying a new car
Justice - Winning Litigation
Justice (lane) - Rejection by the inner circle
The Hermit - Deeper into the inner world
Hermit (lane) - The need for wise advice, which is worth a lot
Wheel of Fortune - Success to the fullest. Enrichment soon
Wheel of Fortune (lane) - Inability to save "Status Quo"
Strength - Getting the Right Shape
Strength (per) - Animal properties of nature
Hanged Man - Spiritual Sacrifice
The Hanged Man (lane) - One on the World Tree. Nailed to circumstances
Death is Lungs. Air. Oxygen balloon
Death (lane) - Release from the burden of past mistakes
Moderation - Hope will come true over time
Moderation (per) - Mental disharmony
Devil - Dentistry. Withdrawal. Flux
Devil (lane) - Gas attack, asthma
Tower - Hopelessness
Tower (lane) - Irradiation. Radiation sickness. Chernobyl
Moon - Chaos, mistakes, darkness
Moon (lane) - Castles in the air, negative emotions
Sun - Overcoming everything on the path of life
Sun (lane) - Lack of opportunity to win. Losing
Judgment - Promises a long century
Judgment (lane) - Loss of courage. Cowardice
Peace - Better Times
World (lane) - Not its place under the Sun
Jester - Unconscious desire
Jester (lane) - Disgust for the fan

Star in an upright position with Minor lasso

2 of Wands - Deceiving Hope
2 of Wands (per) - Beginner's success
2 Cups - Trouble on the Road
2 Cups (lane) - Trade Deal
2 of Swords - The appearance of a "poor relative"
2 of Swords (lane) - Settlement of relations
2 of Pentacles - Finding a fulcrum
2 of Pentacles (lane) - Wrong landmarks, not finding

3 of Wands - Assault on the Road
3 of Wands (lane) - Improvement of well-being
3 Cups - Don Juan
3 Cups (lane) - Difficult romance, bad consequences
3 of Swords - Vain attempts to explain with the subject of past hobbies
3 of Swords (lane) - Awareness of failure, vision of mistakes
3 of Pentacles - "Star of Captivating Happiness"
3 of Pentacles (lane) - Refusing the help of an influential relative

4 of Wands - Beautiful, but very alien, society
4 of Wands (per) - Career in Art
4 Cups - Reluctant Veselchak
4 Cups (lane) - Painful love addiction
4 of Swords - Rest from fighting. Travel by sea
4 of Swords (lane) - Threat, pothole, wound
4 of Pentacles - Delightful Evenings
4 of Pentacles (lane) - Gifts, but not those expected

5 of Wands - Poetic Party, Brilliance, Social Pleasure
5 of Wands (lane) - Unused connections, tips
5 Cups - Fairy Tale, Disappointment
5 Cups (lane) - Annoying mistress. Telephone communications
5 of Swords - Losses, misses, damages
5 of Swords (lane) - Decline, suffering
5 of Pentacles - Between "yes" - "no"
5 of Pentacles (per) - Dissatisfaction in love, tears, despair

6 of Wands - Brilliant Prospects
6 of Wands (per) - Conservatism in relationships
6 Cups - The Road to Light. Love
6 Cups (lane) - Experience of sensual love
6 of Swords - Sea distance, overcoming
6 of Swords (lane) - Mournful farewell to the past
6 of Pentacles - Path to nowhere, hopelessness of the situation
6 Pentacles (lane) - The Road Back

7 of Wands - Delusions
7 of Wands (lane) - Lost chances through their own fault
7 Cups - Quiet Madness
7 Cups (lane) - Irreparable losses, disappointments
7 of Swords - Starless sky, darkness
7 of Swords (lane) - Reprimand, censure
7 Pentacles - Enrichment. Empty waiting
7 of Pentacles (lane) - Fair fear, impatience

8 of Wands - Teaching / Printing
8 of Wands (per) - Inappropriate Actions
8 Cups - Promise of Eternal Love
8 Cups (lane) - A girl becomes a woman, the experience of relationships with men
8 of Swords - Failure of endeavors, crisis situation
8 of Swords (lane) - Betrayal of friends and loved ones
8 of Pentacles - Innocence and purity, but alas, not for long
8 of Pentacles (lane) - Plans are unreal, nothing will happen

9 of Wands - It is necessary to turn to the soothsayer
9 of Wands (lane) - Delay in business, waiting for "manna from heaven"
9 Cups - Social strife, participation in showdowns. Social cataclysms
9 Cups (lane) - Trafficking in Girls Abroad
9 of Swords - Renunciation of family ties. Detachment from reality
9 of Swords (lane) - Death, drowned woman
9 Pentacles - Success in Dramatic Art
9 of Pentacles (lane) - Swindle

10 of Wands - New Landmarks
10 of Wands (lane) - Taking the Frontiers
10 Cups - Success, material wealth
10 Cups - Quarrel with a loved one
10 of Swords - Trial of Popularity, Unbreakable
10 of Swords (lane) - Opening of veins
10 of Pentacles - Confidence in material happiness
10 of Pentacles (per) - Cheating

Ace of Wands - Long Century
Ace of Wands (lane) - Long unsolvable problems
Ace of Cups - Boat trips, buying real estate, large
Ace of Cups (lane) - Trade Mafia
Ace of Swords - Incarnation in Matter. Triumph
Ace of Swords (lane) - Bad habits, self-destruction
Ace of Pentacles - Imaginary talents
Ace of Pentacles (lane) - Talents buried in the ground

King of Wands - Friendliness, support
King of Wands (lane) - Improving working conditions (miners, for example)
The King of Cups is Personality! / Lucky person
King of Cups (lane) - Rejection of their fate, half; hatred, depression
King of Swords - The right to happiness is doomed to fail. Failure, failure
The King of Swords (lane) - A person who does not give an account of the evil he has done. Zombie
King of Pentacles - Suicidal tendencies
King of Pentacles (lane) - Mid-level Scientist

Queen of Wands - Subtle, spiritualized mother, wife, sister
Queen of Wands (lane) - Reliable companion
Queen of Cups - Blond "around the corner". Trade worker
Queen of Cups (lane) - Feeling of closeness, constant connection
Queen of Swords - Hope for a second marriage, candidate - Friend of the deceased husband
Queen of Swords (lane) - Disability, sabotage of the lady
Queen of Pentacles - A rich lover, pretty fed up
Queen of Pentacles (per) - "Dead Souls", unnecessary shopping

Knight of Wands - Starry sky, observatory
Knight of Wands (lane) - Change of weather (literally and figuratively)
Knight of Cups - Chef, Master Culinary
Knight of Cups (lane) - Subtle personality
Knight of Swords - Leadership, strong partner addiction, mafia
Knight of Swords (lane) - Misunderstanding, underestimation of danger
Knight of Pentacles - Movement towards progress
Knight of Pentacles (lane) - Inept organizing activity

Page of Wands - Literature, Art, Travel
Page of Wands (lane) - The Son of Great Hope
Page of Cups - Excellence in combat and political training, cadet
Page of Cups (per) - Rocker. Jazz player, Metalist
Page of Swords - An unexpected fateful acquaintance, with the executioner
Page of Swords (lane) - Fall into slavery, addiction, misfortune
Page of Pentacles - Pleasured Discipleship
Page of Pentacles (per) - Illusionist, magician, Kyo

Inverted Star with Major Arcana

Magician - Professional Success
Magician (lane) - The intentions fail
Priestess - Wife Resolution
Priestess (lane) - Lack of leniency
Empress - Self-doubt
Empress (lane) - Abundance of innovation
Emperor - Getting a high position under the pressure of circumstances
Emperor (lane) - Concern for your own safety
Priest - Fulfillment of Desire
Priest (per) - Subjective Thinking
Lovers - Fear of choice
Lovers (lane) - Lingering inaction
Chariot - Late everywhere and everywhere
Chariot (lane) - Collisions, quagmires
Justice - Denial of one's own merits. False modesty
Justice (lane) - Drama, Performing Arts
Hermit - Internal throwing, fighting
Hermit (lane) - Lack of inner conviction
Wheel of Fortune - Difficulties
Wheel of Fortune (lane) - Lack of a sense of proportion
Strength - Stubbornness. Laziness. Deadly sin
Strength (lane) - Loss of a vigilant friend
The Hanged Man - Trials of the Flesh
The Hanged Man (lane) - Captivity of feelings, emotions. Lady Chatterley
Death - Departure of a close-minded person
Death (lane) - The end of the next life stage of development
Moderation - Failure to Fulfill Hopes
Moderation (lane) - Deprivation of peace
Devil - Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Devil (lane) - Witches. Macbeth
Tower - Diseases of the central nervous system. Neurology
Tower (lane) - Blood. Death. Disassembly
Moon - Robbery
Moon (lane) - Delusions. "Gone With the Wind"
Sun - Tosca
Sun (lane) - Cowardice. Painful condition
Court - Misinterpretation by the client of events, failure to fulfill predictions in connection with this
Court (lane) - Success in world poetry. Nobel. Prize. Brodsky
Peace - Ambiguous situation. Horns of Lucifer
Peace (lane) - Mediocrity
Jester - New affection
Jester (lane) - Getting "bumps" and "pokes"

Inverted Star with Minor Arcana

5 of Wands (Per) - Unused Hints and Help
5 of Swords - Losses, damages, misses, etc.
6 Pentacles (lane) - Impossibility to return to the old
10 of Pentacles (lane) - Deception, trick, simulation

Auspicious Star Tarot card corresponds to the XVII highest lasso in the deck. She personifies divine natural forces, fertility, prosperity, the embodiment of hope. In general, a positive card changes its meaning in an inverted position, it is deciphered in different ways depending on the position in the layout, combinations with other cards.

XVII lasso Tarot "Star": description of the card, meaning

The map of the XVII lasso depicts a moonless starry night, which is already drawing to a close. This symbolizes the end of the period of difficulties, adversity and the successful completion of affairs. Among the eight stars shining in the firmament, the eighth is the central, largest. We can say that this is a guiding star illuminating a person's life path. A beautiful young naked girl is standing on the picturesque bank of the stream, one of her legs is submerged in the stream. The girl's long blonde hair runs down her shoulders, reaching down to the ground.

According to Greek mythology, the girl represents the goddess of love, Aphrodite, in Roman mythology, the goddess of fertility, Juno. Her youth symbolizes rebirth, regeneration of vitality, renewal; nakedness is openness, truth. The girl has a jug in her left and right hands, from which she pours water. With one hand, she waters the earth, with the other, she returns the water to its source - the stream. This symbolizes the creative, creative forces that do not become scarce, replenished thanks to the ability to live in the flow, in harmony with the surrounding world.

"Star": inner meaning

Since ancient times, people believed that the stars in the sky are closely related to human destiny, capable of influencing life events, predicting the future, and giving answers to questions. The stars depicted on the map symbolize outer space, the unknown Universe, which has a direct impact on the life of the questioner. The central, the largest star on the map, resembles the Polar one, along which travelers made their way in the past. This means that a new goal appears in a person's life, the main idea, in accordance with which plans will be built, life events will take shape.

The tarot star indicates to the fortuneteller about his inner potential, hidden abilities for comprehending wisdom, the secrets of being. Perhaps the time has come for the development of intuitive or mystical abilities, the beginning of a spiritual path that opens the door to immortality.

A young girl watering the stream and the ground at the same time indicates that the questioner seeks to find harmony in life, to find balance in the world around him. Another interpretation is the need to return to the roots, to express gratitude for the strengths and opportunities received. Returning part of the water to the stream, the young goddess is reborn, transformed, her generosity bears even greater fruits, the source does not dry out. Watering the earth by a girl speaks of the expectation of abundant shoots, the anticipation of receiving the long-awaited fruits from her activities. The picturesque landscape in the background indicates bright prospects, gives hope for a favorable outcome of the situation.

The general meaning of the XVII arcana of the Tarot "Star", the combination of the card with other arcana

The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot corresponds to the astrological sign Aquarius, which symbolizes intuition, creativity and serenity. Aquarius is always looking into the future, therefore the seventeenth lasso speaks of hope, inspiration. The number 17 also indicates a new hope, the intervention of Divine forces in a person's life. They will bring auspicious events and opportunities to the fate of a spiritual person and disappointments, troubles in the life of a materialist. The Tarot Star calls for "surrendering to the waters of life", trusting your own fate, illuminated by the light of knowledge. Intuitive and spiritual knowledge will help to overcome all obstacles, to use previously unrealized opportunities.

Combination of the Star with the Major Arcana

In general, this card in an upright position is considered one of the happiest of the entire Tarot deck. It enhances the positive value of any auspicious card. The seventeenth lasso is able to neutralize the negative impact of a bad alignment, the Star, in combination with most unfavorable cards, softens their negative meaning.

  • The Wheel of Fortune, Moderation, Justice, the Sun in combination with the Star indicate happy changes, the fulfillment of a dream, the achievement of a desired goal. Moderation speaks of some improvement in affairs, a situation. The sun predicts the realization of the main cherished desire, the best outcome of events, happiness. Justice foreshadows a victory in a lawsuit, a successful conclusion of a deal, a contract. The Wheel of Fortune promises changes for the better.
  • Magician, Lovers, who fell out together with the seventeenth lasso, talk about the possibility of a fateful acquaintance, the birth of a new love. The magician indicates that now is the time to start new or strengthen existing relationships, move them to a deeper level. Lovers foreshadow a strong union, marriage.
  • The High Priestess, Empress, Hierophant, Mir - speak of the disclosure of creativity, intuition, and the strengthening of the influence of the subconscious. The high priestess opens access to higher knowledge, brings confidence in the future to the questioner. The Empress indicates the achievement of spiritual goals, the receipt of an intangible result. The appearance of the Hierophant in the alignment next to the Star indicates discipleship, initiation into secret knowledge. The world predicts creative upsurge, inspiration, and a surge of creative energy.
  • The Jester, the Hanged Man, the Tower, the Moon talk about the collapse of hopes, unrealizable plans. The jester foreshadows excessive carelessness, due to which the goals will not be achieved. The moon indicates a rich imagination, due to which the questioner distortedly perceives reality. The Hanged Man in combination with the Star symbolizes a person who has set himself an impossible task and is now experiencing difficulties in its implementation. The tower is interpreted as disappointment, false hopes, lost opportunities, may portend a plane crash.
  • The Emperor, the Court give hope for help from above, gaining strength to achieve the plan. The emperor points to the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller of a strong and influential man, who will become his patron, benefactor. The court affirms hope for the best, a positive outlook for the near future.
  • The hermit in combination with the Star speaks of a passive expectation of happiness, a reluctance to exert strength to change the situation for the better. Excessive detachment from what is happening, indifference to one's own life, will lead to the fact that the questioner will lose favorable opportunities, does not use the chance given by fate.
  • The chariot predicts future changes in destiny, rapid development of events. In the upright position, it portends imminent enrichment, in the inverted position - moving to a new place of residence.
  • In combination with the inverted Devil, the Star warns of the likelihood of death by suffocation. She convinces the questioner to be careful, prudent.
  • Death indicates a new stage in life, whether it will be favorable or not, can be judged by the surrounding cards in the layout.

Star and minor arcana cards

In combination with the suit of wands, the Star Tarot card portends healing, restoration of strength, gives hope to the questioner, makes him perk up. The four and eight of wands indicate a speedy recovery. The Ace of Wands calls on the fortuneteller to take decisive actions that will lead him to success. Five, six, seven and ten of wands speak of hope for an improvement in the situation and health. The knight of wands predicts favorable changes in the fortuneteller's fate: in personal life, health or business relationships. The king and queen of wands speak of valuable friendly help, the participation of friends in the life of the questioner.

A star surrounded by a suit of swords indicates small troubles associated with close relatives, a life crisis, and disappointment in people. The sudden appearance of relatives is predicted by the nine and two of swords. Five, eight and the queen of swords warn of betrayal of loved ones, adultery, lies and hypocrisy. Six of swords speaks of separation, a dozen of melancholy, falling into depression. In combination with cups, the Star symbolizes a change in love relationships. They will be favorable if a three, four, six, or eight of cups fell. Disappointment, quarrels and conflicts are indicated by two, five, seven and nine of cups, as well as the queen of the same suit.

The pentacles surrounding the seventeenth lasso of the Tarot portend an improvement in the financial situation, career growth, and advanced training. In general, all cards of this suit will be favorable except for four, six, seven, and eight of pentacles. Four, six and seven of coins speak of unrealizable hopes, an uncertain financial situation. The eight warns of the likelihood of theft, want and hardship.

Tarot "Star" meaning in a straight position

Fallen out in the layout, the XVII lasso in an upright position carries the following meaning:

  • hope for favorable prospects;
  • self-confidence;
  • inspiration;
  • intuitive insight, insight;
  • inflow of creative forces, the emergence of new ideas;
  • progress towards the goal;
  • improvement of physical and mental well-being;
  • achieving harmony with the surrounding world;
  • pleasant events, good news;
  • the appearance of unexpected help from friends, patrons;
  • the birth of a new love;
  • a positive outlook on life;
  • plans destined to come true;
  • intellectual achievements;
  • fidelity in love.

If the card symbolizes the questioner in the layout, it indicates the following traits of his character:

  • wisdom;
  • serenity;
  • serenity;
  • optimism;
  • self-confidence.

In general, in an upright position, this card personifies a creative person, gifted with talent and extraordinary abilities.

XVII lasso in an inverted position

The Inverted Star takes on a different prophetic meaning:

  • unfulfilled hopes, unrealizable plans, broken dreams;
  • disappointment in life;
  • recklessness;
  • coldness in a relationship;
  • ferocity and impatience;
  • lack of inspiration in creative activity;
  • passive attitude to life, apathy, loneliness;
  • lack of confidence in their abilities;
  • the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • lost opportunities as a result of laziness, slowness.

If a Star in an inverted position fell on the personality of the questioner, she speaks of the following character traits:

  • arrogance;
  • cold;
  • excessive self-confidence, or vice versa, self-doubt;
  • impatience;
  • arrogance;
  • dismissive attitude towards others;
  • excessive daydreaming.

In addition, if this card fell in the layout on the personality of the fortuneteller in an inverted position, it may speak of excessive daydreaming, naivety of the questioner.

Tarot star - meaning in relationships

In the layout of a love relationship, the Star can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the wording of the question, the personality of the questioner, the direct or inverted position of the card. The overall value of the card in a relationship:

  • casual acquaintances;
  • sincere pure love;
  • loyalty to a partner;
  • sublime feelings;
  • attachment;
  • relationships with great prospects;
  • idealized feelings;
  • daydreams.

The positive value of the card in the layout for love and relationships is enhanced if Lovers, Magician, World fall nearby. Disappointments and loss of past feelings portend the Tower, the Hanged Man, Death.

In an upright position

For those wishing to marry, the XVII lasso gives hope for a lasting union, mutual love, the preservation of sincere warm feelings between spouses throughout their lives. The card says that happiness in personal life is possible only with the application of effort, finding a compromise, and working on oneself.

If a Star falls out to an inquirer who has recently parted with his partner, this indicates getting rid of unnecessary relationships, cleansing from hopeless connections with the hope of new, true love. If the fortuneteller is lonely, the XVII lasso foreshadows chance meetings, acquaintances that can become fateful for the questioner.

In an inverted position

The seventeenth lasso of the Tarot in this case indicates an excessive exactingness in relation to a partner, the idealization of relations. Because of this, the questioner may remain alone, or his life partner will constantly feel unworthy of the fortuneteller. In addition, the card warns a person against excessive arrogance, coldness, arrogance.

In the layout of the relationship, an inverted Star can also speak of a crisis, emotional detachment of partners, the desire of one of them to be alone. This does not mean a breakup or parting, it is just time to think about the relationship, to put everything in its place, to provide an opportunity for your soulmate to be alone with yourself.

The meaning of the Star of the Tarot in the old days was not always considered pleasant, however, modern tarologists almost unanimously recognize this Arkan as a symbol of bright hopes, a favorable resolution of the situation and the path towards the realization of a cherished dream. This is a very light, thin, airy card, the appearance of which in the layout always pleases both the Master himself and his clients. After all, it's always easier to talk about good omens, isn't it?

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

The illustration of the seventeenth Arcana in the Ryder-Waite deck exudes calm and harmony. We see a naked girl who, in the light of the stars, stands on the shore of a pond and pours water from two jugs. The evening sky does not seem gloomy at all, and the brightest star in the sky illuminates a beautiful natural landscape - a green flowering meadow, a tree with a bird nestled on its crown, and the tops of mountains somewhere in the distance. The plot of the Arcana directly hints at its main meaning - the light of the guiding star.

Key words and ideas of the Star card in the layout

Actually, you can't say a lot about this card. The meaning and interpretation of the Tarot Star fits well into several basic ideas:

  • Following your dream
  • Favorable resolution of the situation
  • Hope lighting the way
  • Inspiration, light
  • The guiding force of the Universe, leading man on the path to his true goal
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Implementation of the plan
  • Self-realization, recognition in society

Card value in an upright position

The meaning of the Arcana Tarot Star will always be associated with the fulfillment of what a person dreamed of. The appearance of this card in the layout is a sign that he is on the right track and he just needs to trust his feelings. This is the fulfillment of hopes, plans, the achievement of the desired, the discovery of wonderful opportunities. This is optimism and belief that everything will definitely work out. Also, Arkan is often associated with the opportunity to realize their talents, to achieve recognition in a certain circle. The star urges us not to be afraid to dream, since all expectations can be fulfilled - even if not right now, but in the not so distant future. The stars remain in the sky even when we do not see them, which means that our goals, plans must remain in force, even if at the moment we do not see the ways to achieve them. The universe itself will lead you on the right path, the main thing is to trust it.

The meaning of the Arcana Star in an inverted position

The Inverted Star of the Tarot has different meanings. Most often this is one of the following options:

  • Unrealized desire of a person to build a career in the field of art, creativity (what is called "does not shine")
  • Disappointment in your own dream, the collapse of ideals, loss of inspiration
  • Plans that are not destined to come true
  • End of career or futile attempts to regain its former popularity
  • Low self-esteem, complexes
  • Self-doubt, doubts
  • Boasting, flaunting talent or recognition, arrogance
  • With unfavorable surrounding cards, it can indicate mental clouding, suicide, rape and other crimes, dangers

The meaning of the Star Tarot card - video

The value of the card in matters of love and relationships

Of course, the seventeenth Arkan, full of inspiration and hope, in matters of personal life can only carry a positive meaning. However, it is worth considering all its possible manifestations.

Direct position

The traditional meaning of the Tarot Star in relationships is an ideal union with great prospects, this is a partnership in which each of the lovers can fully reveal and fulfill their needs, this is healing love, complete trust, an amazing sex life, complemented by beauty, tenderness, harmony, joint inspiration ... Also, the card may indicate a union of creative people or a relationship in which partners cannot be disappointed in each other - this happens when lovers live at a distance and joint meetings are very rare, or when there is still only a platonic connection between people ... Situationally, Arkan can symbolize the fulfillment of desires and joint plans.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in love, if it turned out to be inverted, is disappointment in a partner or a relationship on which high hopes were pinned, these are attempts to resurrect a union that was once very happy, but will never become so, sometimes bragging about your other half (“Let everyone know what I have the most beautiful, intelligent, sexy - let all the girlfriends be jealous!”). Situationally - collapsed joint plans.

The value of the Arcana in matters of well-being and health

Let's talk about how the meaning of the Tarot Star manifests itself in health. It turns out that this map is fraught with many mysteries and will not always indicate the absence of problems.

Direct position

A great card for health issues. She speaks of wonderful health, healing and rejuvenation of the body, as well as complete deliverance from the existing disease.

Inverted position

Under the reverse Arcana, such serious problems as depletion of vitality, imbalance in water balance, lung diseases, and in some cases even drowning (in the presence of confirming cards) can occur. Sometimes the Star reports on rare types of allergies and diseases caused by causes, which for many are actually myths or abstractions, for example, dust mites.

The value of the card in the analysis of personality and assessment of the psychological state

Now let's analyze the meaning of the 17th Tarot card in such an area as describing a person and the state of his soul.

Direct position

He is a very talented person with good creativity. A person who confidently moves towards his goal, even if the goal seems unrealizable to others. Such people usually have good intuition, they have what is called "inner wisdom." They are altruists, ready to help others. Also, under the Star card, people who are engaged in spiritual practices, meditation, yoga, sometimes are adherents of a certain religion, but not rabid fanatics. The state of mind is a tremendous inspiration that helps a person to go through life.

Inverted position

Back Star describes a person who has lost his guiding thread. Often this is a person who is either completely detached from the real world and living in a fantasy land, or one who has lost faith in life and himself. Sometimes upstarts can pass along the map, who consider themselves the most talented, although in reality they have no real creative abilities. The state of mind is a deep disappointment, pain from the inability to realize your dream.

The meaning of the Star in matters of finance and work

We will not bypass the sphere of professional activity, because very often people turn to tarot readers precisely for career issues.

Direct position

The meaning of the Tarot Star in work is the discovery of promising opportunities, far-reaching plans, favorable prospects. Often the card indicates that a person is "in his place", ie does exactly what he should. This is an activity that brings spiritual satisfaction and the opportunity to fully realize oneself. Professions Stars are always associated with creativity - this is a map of poets, musicians, artists, theatergoers, show business. If the question is asked about finances, the reward will certainly be received, but a little later.

Inverted position

The reverse 17th Arkan symbolizes uninteresting work, the absence of any prospects, the hopelessness of plans or the loss of inspiration from the work in which a person is busy. In financial matters - making a profit "does not shine".

The value of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Undoubtedly, a very important point in the interpretation of the layout is the combination of the Star card with other Tarot cards, and especially with the Trumps. We will start with them.

  • : Hope "at random"
  • : The profession of an astrologer, the right time to implement plans
  • : Higher intelligence
  • : Excellent result
  • : Fastening achieved
  • : Spiritual development
  • : Relationships with good prospects
  • : Moving
  • : Make a wish
  • : Hermit Star Tarot Combination - Learn something alone
  • : Change for the better
  • : Decent goals
  • : Doubtful plans
  • : Lose hope
  • : Shifting the situation for the better
  • : Send all plans to hell
  • : Broken expectations, plane crash
  • Moon: Foggy future, pipe dreams
  • Sun: Happy realization of the plan
  • Judgment: Rediscover the Joy of Life
  • World: Combination Star and World Tarot - Recognition of talent

Interpretation of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's move on to considering possible interpretations of the neighborhood of the Star with the numerical and figured Arcana of the deck. Let's analyze all the suits one by one.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Light up "your star"
  • : Search for your destiny
  • : Strive for your goal
  • : Recovery of a sick family member
  • : Hope to find a better way out
  • : Belief in your own ideals
  • : Hope to overcome difficulties
  • : Encouraging news
  • : Doubt
  • : Hope for good prospects
  • : Find something worthwhile
  • : Mental lift
  • : Believe in yourself
  • King: To give someone hope

With suit of Cups

  • : Purely platonic relationship
  • : Love confession, reconciliation with a partner
  • : Experience relief
  • : Doubt yourself
  • : Dreams That Didn't Come True
  • : Old dreams
  • : Visualize what you want
  • : Rejection of the set goal
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • : A house where everyone is honest with each other
  • : Conception
  • : Sincerity
  • : Soul Healing
  • : Heal someone

With the suit of Swords

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