Alignment for unclear situations. The layout of the tarot cards "Analysis of relations". "Help in love" layout

Interior elements 19.11.2020
Interior elements


When our soul sings from a new romantic feeling, we so want to know if it is mutual. In such circumstances, the Tarot reading "Will we be together?" Will come to the rescue, which will show the possible prospects for starting a relationship with a loved one. However, this is not the only situation when you can do a similar alignment. Sometimes it also happens that a couple breaks up, and people's feelings do not disappear, and one of the partners wants to know if it is possible to reunite again.

Rules for conducting layouts for the future of relations

Like any other layouts on the topic of personal relationships, divination of the Tarot "Will we be with our beloved?" do not repeat too often. It is enough to do it once, and repeat it only when circumstances change. If you are aflame with feelings, but do not know whether your chosen one wants to be with you, it is enough to spend one alignment to understand if there is such a chance. Many people make the mistake of re-laying the cards after they receive a disagreeable answer. This is not worth doing, because when you repeat fortune-telling, the deck may lie, or even refuse to work with you on such issues.

Working with Tarot requires a lot of patience - this must not be forgotten. If the Tarot forecast "Will we be together?" did not suit you, wait at least a couple of weeks. During this time, something may change in the life of your chosen one, and therefore, his attitude towards you may also change. Before this period, the repetition of fortune-telling is allowed only on the condition that the circumstances have changed. For example, you met and talked to your loved one in private, or you met a new man for whom sympathy appeared - then, indeed, you can repeat the fortune-telling to understand what to do: wait until the old gentleman flames with feelings and takes the first step, or try starting a relationship with a nice new acquaintance who shows signs of attention to you.

Tarot layout "Will we be together?"

The easiest way to find out from Tarot whether we will be together with a loved one is to just think about our chosen one, shuffle the cards and draw six cards at random from the deck, placing them in a horizontal row. This fortune-telling does not have a special scheme, so the alignment can be carried out in any conditions.

What will the dropped cards mean?

  1. The first card will describe what connects the questioner with a loved one at a given time
  2. The second will tell about his true feelings.
  3. The third will describe the image of a fortuneteller, which has developed in the head of a conceived man
  4. In the fourth position, you will find out what can connect these people in the near future.
  5. What the questioner should expect from this relationship
  6. What not to expect

Tarot layout "Will we be together?" - option 2

The Tarot layout "Will we be together", the diagram of which you see in the picture, will allow you to find out in as much detail everything about the feelings of your beloved person as possible, as well as understand what the chances of becoming a couple are. We guess using the traditional method: we ask a question, shuffle the deck, take out seven cards and lay them out in a pattern resembling a heart.

Position value

  1. Signifier of the relationship between two people now
  2. The foundation, the basis of the relationship, on which they are held
  3. Secret, hidden nuances
  4. What brings people together
  5. What separates them from each other
  6. The possibility of becoming a couple, the likelihood of starting a romance
  7. Guessing advice on how to strengthen a relationship with a person of interest

Divination by Tarot "Break and connect"

Very often people break up, but then one of the couple begins to regret the breakup and thinks about whether it is possible to reunite with the ex-partner again. It will help to find out from the Tarot if we will be together, a layout for seven cards "Break and connect". Fortune-telling is relevant for all quarreling couples, when some kind of conflict served as the reason for the separation. The technique is similar to the previous fortune telling.

What do the positions of the dropped Arcana mean?

  1. Latent, implicit reasons for the conflict that occurred, which the fortuneteller might not suspect
  2. The obvious reason for the separation, so to speak, is the "official version" by which the couple broke up
  3. Relationship between ex-lovers here and now
  4. The situation is in the near future. This map can be used to assess whether something will change dramatically
  5. A tip for asking about what you can do to re-establish a relationship, how to get closer to an ex-loved one
  6. A word of caution, what not to do
  7. The possibility of a joint future for the couple

Alignment for clarifying relations

If confusion reigns in the relationship, we suggest that you try another informative and simple fortune-telling. What will this Tarot alignment tell about: will we be together, what prevents reunification, what will most likely be a joint future. The layout technique is classic.

The meaning of the positions of the dropped cards

  1. The true attitude of the fortuneteller to the object of sympathy
  2. The attitude of the person of interest to the questioner
  3. Factors that prevent a fortuneteller from being together with a loved one: what stops you, embarrasses, dislikes
  4. Factors that prevent the object of sympathy from reuniting with the fortuneteller
  5. Probable joint future
  6. Advice or explanation, addition to the previous card

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to find out about the prospects of reuniting with a loved one. It is enough to have a magic deck of cards at hand.

Any layout on the tarot cards in relation to fortune-telling on the feelings and thoughts of a man, shows the man's attitude towards you, his thoughts and feelings, you can also view what a man feels on a subconscious level and, based on this data, think over your plan of action.

This is necessary to mend relationships or to start new ones. It should also be borne in mind that in some layouts both your position and characteristics in relation to your partner will be encountered, which helps to analyze the general state of the relationship.

There are several layouts for a relationship with a man, and each of them can reveal different aspects of the relationship. It is believed that dealings for relationships are best done only on the Major Arcana, but you can also use a full deck of 78 cards. Below we will take a closer look at some of the layouts.

Preparatory layout

  • 1 - How do I feel about love (What my heart says about relationships).
  • 2 - What thoughts about love (What my mind says about relationships).
  • 3 - What expectations do I have.
  • 4 - What kind of people I repulse.
  • 5 - What kind of person I attract.
  • 6 - How can I learn to accept healthy, loving relationships into my life.
  • 7 - What can I do to create happiness in the love area.
  • 8 - What kind of relationship advice do I need to get right now.

Are you really looking forward to love? Will you be ready when she arrives at your door?

This fortune-telling will help you explore your perceptions, feelings and expectations regarding the sphere of relationships. You will be able to understand how these factors affect your choices and life, and the answers will provide you with the tools to prepare you for a healthy, loving relationship.

1 - Who is he or she.

2 - His / her work.

3 - His / her quality.

4 - His / her flaw.

5 - His / her external data.

Look at the map to see if there is any feature that could give you a clue.

6 - Her / his thoughts about you on the first date.

7 - Your thoughts about a person when you first met.

8 - The meaning of his feelings for you.

9 - What do your feelings mean to your partner.

10 - The strong point of your connection.

11 - Weak side.

12 - Is there a potential for a long-term union.

This alignment will allow you to see the nearest possible love relationship, you will find out whether they will be serious or not.

X-shaped layout

1 - Geoecological characteristics that are considered attractive to you.

2 - Emotional and personality traits that please you.

3 - Why you are considered sexy.

4 - What you need to do to become more attractive.

5 How attractive you are in general.

6 - How attractive is he (she) to you.

7 - What they should continue to work on to please you even more.

8 - What is there that you think is sexy.

9 - Emotional and personality traits that you find attractive in him.

10 - Geoecological characteristics that you find attractive elsewhere.

Romantic fortune telling

1 - Why he / she likes you.

2 - How the other person views the fortuneteller.

3 - The area in which you are compatible.

4 - The area in which you are incompatible.

5 - What can you do to increase the chance of a relationship with this person.

6 - What can he / she do to get closer to you.

7 - Something you don't know about her / him.

8 - External support.

9 - External obstacles.

10 - The likelihood of a novel.

"Relationship" layout

It consists of 7 cards. Here's a diagram:

1 - your thoughts about the object of fortune-telling.

2 - your feelings and emotions about the object of fortune-telling.

3 - how you act in relation to the object.

4 - thoughts of the object of fortune-telling about you.

5 - feelings and emotions of the object of fortune-telling to you.

6 - what actions the object of fortune-telling takes about you.

7 - the relationship between you and the object of fortune-telling.

Consider the layout in the horizontal plane.

1 and 4 - this is a characteristic of subconscious thoughts and emotions that is, but is not realized. Here you can see plans for the future, general thoughts, beliefs and preferences. These two positions define the rest of the layout.

2 and 5 - this is the sphere of feelings and emotions, as well as the nature of the expression and manifestation of your feelings relative to each other. The relationship between these two cards can be traced in the position of card 7.

3 and 6 is a niche of the alignment. This is what happens every day, your real feelings and the real state of affairs. This is all that you hear, see and it is expressed in actions, behavior and actions.

7 - this is your relationship with the object of fortune-telling, is there harmony and understanding, comfort from relationships, or vice versa discord and quarrels.

Let's pay attention to the layout in the vertical plane.

1, 2, 3 - this is the interconnection of your thoughts, emotional and sensory spheres with each other, how they affect each other, where they come from and in what direction they move.

4, 5, 6 - this is the connection between the feelings and thoughts of the partner.

By looking at these two verticals, you can understand what feelings shape behavior, what thoughts give impetus for action, how thoughts affect the sensory and emotional spheres.

Relationship with a man

In this case, only the Major Arcana cards are used. The layout consists of only 3 cards. Concentrate on the question and lay out the cards as follows:

1 - characterizes the past that led to the present situation. It is the influence and relationship of past experiences and events.

2 - the current situation, what is happening in real life at the moment.

3 - what should happen in the near future (approximately 3 months), development of events and a preliminary result.

This layout consists of 4 cards:

1 is your personality characteristic in the space of your relationship with a man. The card can characterize your strengths and weaknesses, complexities of character, as well as attitude towards your partner. With the help of this card, you draw attention to yourself, analyze the current situation and can make an overall picture of your relationship with your partner.

2 is a characteristic of a partner in the space of relations with you. The map helps to understand his actions and behavior, reveals his personality traits.

3 is a description of your connection and what is happening between you in a given period of time. Also, the card shows the current situation between you and describes all the problems and nuances of your relationship. From here, one should begin to analyze the relationship and the possibility of their further development.

4 is a characteristic of the prospects for the development of relations. This is a probable future if the situation remains at the level at which it is at the moment, and if one of the partners does not decide to take any action.

This alignment helps to understand the relationship and gives clues about what has entailed and brought the relationship to this point, as well as how to fix the current situation and what is worth working on. The main help from the alignment is a hint to you how you can influence the relationship and correct the situation, make an advantageous position for yourself.

The layout consists of 5 cards. You only need the Major Arcana.

1 - the card conveys the mood of the fortuneteller and characterizes the current situation as a whole at the present moment in time. There is no disclosure of character and personality as a whole, only individual traits that matter in the context of the current situation.

2 - a characteristic of the past of the fortuneteller, his feelings and emotions, experiences, an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the relationship should be and what love is for him. All these characteristics made the fortuneteller the kind of person he is at the moment. This map helps to understand the reasons for the current situation.

3 - a description of the fortuneteller's partner, his relationship to the fortuneteller. If the fortuneteller has no one at the moment, then the card characterizes the current situation and shows the reasons for loneliness. Gives advice on how to get out of this situation, what actions should be taken.

The card in position 4 is the result of the fortuneteller's path, if everything remains in place. The map can show directions for movement and or a course of action.

5 - reserve forces of a fortuneteller, his subconscious part. This card helps to consciously understand the situation, its beginning and possible outcome.

This method of fortune telling can help to understand the existing relationships between partners. The layout consists of five cards plus a signifier card. The cards are laid out in the following order: first the significator card is laid out.

1 - your characteristic in a relationship, as a fortuneteller sees himself in relation to his partner. What feelings and emotions the fortuneteller experiences from the current union. What he lacks.

2 - characteristics of a partner - how the fortuneteller sees his partner, how he perceives him, feelings and emotions in relation to the partner.

1 and 2 characterize only your feelings and emotions, on the basis of this, you can draw conclusions about your attitude to your partner and to the relationship in general, analyze your place in these relationships, see the shortcomings and understand what is worth working on.

3 - a description of what the fortuneteller and his partner have connected. What events took place and how the feelings are justified.

4 - the relationship between the fortuneteller and the partner, which unites and holds them together. The grounds for the union, what it is at present, and what it carries

5 - poor union, what to expect from these relations, what further development can be. All this is considered in the context of maintaining the situation at the current level. If there are any changes or actions on the part of one of the partners, then the result and the result may change. In order to view the new result of the relationship, you can repeat the alignment and compare the results and characteristics with the results of the previous version.

The cards in positions 3, 4, 5 are a characteristic of relationships from different sides, you can tell the story of your relationship and love, these cards make it possible to remember how everything began and developed, also give an answer and give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly led you to the current situation situation. Here you can find advice on how to solve the problem and fix the situation. The main thing is to know the partner's attitude and his desire, and readiness for something new.

Significator - this card is the key of the whole alignment, it shows and combines all aspects of the relationship, both between partners and the fortuneteller separately.

Relationship "Reciprocity"

This fortune-telling helps to find out the feelings of a partner and his attitude towards you.

The layout consists of only three cards related to the relationship on the part of the partner, plus the signifier card, which symbolizes you and your position. First, the significator is laid out.

1 - a characteristic of hidden feelings and emotions, what the partner feels, but does not reveal. These can be feelings and desires that he cannot decide on, but prepare for them.

2 - a characteristic of the feelings and emotions of a partner in relation to you. These are real feelings and actions that he shows, and that you can see and feel.

3 - a characteristic of the emotional and sensual spheres, which are hidden in the subconscious of the partner and about which he may not yet guess.

S (significator) is your characteristic in relation to everything that has developed.

For layouts for a relationship with a man, you can use the following decks of tarot cards:



The mirror of relationships.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards for relationships helps to find out the prospects for their development, understand the situation, and choose directions for further actions. Below we will tell you about the most popular layouts, fortune telling rules.

In the article:

Fortune telling rules on Tarot cards for relationships

If you are a beginner, the next few paragraphs are especially for you. The first thing you need is the right attitude. With experience, there will be no need for special attunement as long as you use aromatherapy, relaxing music, clothing or jewelry that you feel more confident wearing. A special fortune-telling tablecloth and other attributes help.

Do not take cards if you feel unwell. With a headache or a fever, you may not be able to concentrate. You cannot work with a deck while in an altered state of consciousness, for example, in alcoholic intoxication.

Take Tarot only with clean hands, the same applies to the surfaces on which they are laid.

It is not necessary to guess several times with the same question, hoping that the Tarot will be told new, more pleasant. As you look to the future, be prepared to hear more than just good news.

Don't lay your cards to someone you don't like!

Remember: the meaning of the cards is voiced, not your own opinion. Be emotionally neutral about what is happening. The more emotions you have, the less credibility your interpretations.

Tarot divination on the attitude of a loved one

An important aspect of the Tarot is the right question. Often the questioner formulates it incorrectly. Below we provide a list of options that reflect the essence of the desired, help to get a reliable answer.

  1. How does the person who interests me relate to me?
  2. What does he think about ..?
  3. What are the intentions (plans) of the person of interest to me?
  4. How should I deal with this person?
  5. What should I pay attention to in this situation?
  6. What are the prospects for a relationship?

In layouts for the future of relationships maps show the most likely course of events, but this does not mean that this will happen. By your actions, you can change the future, avoiding unwanted events.

Tarot is a tool for awakening our intuitive abilities, a bridge to our inner world. This is a metaphorical system that guides us along the road of adventure and self-knowledge.
Anthony Lewis Tarot. Simple and clear "

Tarot layouts for relationships and love

A variant of fortune telling using one card, when you need an unambiguous answer without details.

  • Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
  • I, We, He.
  • Situation, Action, Result.

Another convenient way is the "Compatibility" of a tarot reader known in Runet Het monster.

Six cards are laid out in two columns of three. The right column is a man, the left is a woman. Interpretation: the bottom row (1, 4 cards) speaks about the physical correspondence of partners, the second (2, 5) about emotional coincidence, feelings, and the third (3, 6) about the mental or mental relationship of the couple.

Version "He's at gunpoint"outlines the whole picture .

It looks like this: eight cards are laid face down in a row. Interpretation:

  1. What does he think of me.
  2. What he says.
  3. His feelings.
  4. What he wants.
  5. What will it do.
  6. What will it do.
  7. Its purpose.
  8. Its purpose.

The next method can be used on the eve of a date. Six cards are laid out for him, which are interpreted:

  1. What querent waiting for the upcoming meeting.
  2. How the date goes.
  3. The meeting itself.
  4. How comfortable the querent will be.
  5. What the querent can count on at best.
  6. Rendezvous result.

Tarot is an excellent assistant in understanding the world and others. Use it wisely.

In contact with

The worst thing is when unanswered questions remain in life - questions to which we have not received an intelligible answer. Uncertainty of the situation, at times, weighs more heavily than the situation itself. The unexplained lies with a heavy burden, threatening one day to fall on his head. So that nothing bad happens, such situations in which there are unresolved moments must be stopped, it is important to put dots on and on in a timely manner. This should be done even in the case when everything that should have happened has already happened. It remains only to find out what caused its occurrence, and what conclusions must be drawn from this. Alternatively, you can always:

  • Seek advice from an outsider who is willing to give his or her perspective. But do you need the advice of such a well-wisher?
  • Make a Tarot alignment for an unclear situation. In the process of fortune telling, a lot will become clear. The main thing is to correctly interpret the designations of the cards. The situation that you need to find out will act as the main card (significator).

So, it is possible and necessary to find out the unexplained, even if it is a matter of clarifying the relationship. You should always know how the people around you treat you. And if you have doubts about the sincerity of the person standing next to you, be sure to refer to the wisdom of the Tarot cards. They won't let you down.

Features of the layout of cards for an unclear situation

The power of any deck of Tarot cards lies in its ability to see the hidden capabilities or reserves of a person. The first map of the alignment will reveal all the possible causes of the problem, which quite often lie on the surface, and which we simply do not want to notice. In addition, the interpretation of fortune-telling will not only clarify, but also indicate what exactly should be paid the most attention. If there are such things that can be ignored and not taken into account, then in the Tarot layout they will definitely be pointed out so that you do not waste your strength in vain. The final card summarizes the experience gained, which may come in handy later.

The situation is different from each layout of the Tarot. It describes in detail what conclusion should be drawn, a lesson learned.

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