Why is a guy jealous of a girl for everyone. Why are men jealous. He freaks out when others find you attractive.

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Jealousy is part of a relationship. Moderate jealousy on the part of the guy flatters the girl, since she is an extension of his love for her. However, what if your boyfriend's jealousy, who knows no boundaries, more and more poisons your relationship every day?

Why is he jealous

It is commonly believed that "jealous means loves". In fact, everything is a little more complicated than it seems at first glance. Jealousy, which is the fear of losing a loved one, is based not only and even not so much on feelings for a loved one as on self-doubt.

The basis of almost every male jealousy is the feeling that the girl is too good, that the guy does not match her. In this case, the man experiences a constant fear of being abandoned. A jealous person constantly seeks confirmation of his own fears. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that jealousy can have latent forms when a guy clearly does not show his feelings, but it still interferes with building normal trusting relationships.

It also happens that a girl herself provokes outbursts of jealousy of her young man. She can be a quite expected reaction to defiant behavior, too revealing outfits, encouragement of fans from the girl. If you are dating a guy and intend to build a serious relationship with him, try to moderate your ostentatious sexuality. This does not mean that from now on you have to turn into a nun, but it would be wiser to demonstrate your own relaxedness only to your young man. Keep in mind that cheeky behavior and friendship are not the same thing.

How to deal with a jealous person

What if your boyfriend's jealousy is getting in the way of your relationship, but you love him and want to keep your connection?

It all depends on how his jealousy manifests itself.

  1. Make the jealous be in your shoes. Become a mirror image of him for a while: be jealous of everyone, even colleagues who work after retirement, stage scenes of jealousy in public, control the correspondence, follow the text messages on the phone, in general, do everything in relation to him that and he is in relation to you. This behavior of yours, on the one hand, will help him gain self-confidence, because if a girl like you is jealous of him, then he deserves it. On the other hand, having felt in his own skin all the "delights" of life with a jealous woman, he will reconsider his own behavior.
  2. Talk to your loved one frankly. Find out the reasons for his excessive jealousy. If he is unable to overcome his fears of losing you on his own, offer to seek the help of a psychologist together.
  3. Try to react as little as possible emotionally to his attacks of jealousy. With angry outbursts, a jealous person tries to make you make excuses for what you did not do, and assure him of his boundless love. If he does not get what he wants, gradually outbursts of jealousy will come to naught. However, at a time when your relationship is not overshadowed by such scenes, in every possible way assure the guy that he is the best in the world for you.
  4. If the guy is very jealous for the reason that he is a pathological owner, be careful, as this relationship can be dangerous for you. Never forgive a guy for assault and jealousy. Keep in mind that these situations will only happen more often over time. As soon as you notice that your boyfriend is having a hard time controlling his anger, walk away from him. When parting, try not to hurt his self-esteem, otherwise you risk getting yourself a worst enemy. At the same time, it will not be superfluous for him to know what is for you, whom to stand up to: brother, father or good friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times and protect you from the annoying jealous person.

What if my boyfriend is too jealous?

The guy is jealous of me very much!

Hwhat to do if you got an overly jealous guy:

  1. Throw a guy like that! Why do you need him with his aggressive feelings? Can't quit - hint that you will if he pesters you.
  2. Think: maybe you give a reason, that's why your young man is jealous of you? Don't be afraid of self-criticism when it's helpful.
  3. For a couple of minutes, for the sake of experimenting, put yourself in the shoes of your MCH. What do you feel? Are you jealous or not?
  4. Say: “You will be jealous of me for every pillar in the city - all people risk being left without light! Have pity on the innocent people! "
  5. Tell the jealous person to read something clever. Some literature that will show and prove that jealousy is harmful. Jealousy is a killer of nerve cells.
  6. Try not to pay even the slightest attention to the manifestation of jealousy. Jealousy is a kind of "awakening" of neurosis.
  7. Do something that will lead your jealous man to convert to religion. Religion teaches that jealousy is a sin.
  8. He is jealous - you are jealous too! Moreover, it is as strong and unbearable as he does it. See how such a weapon will make him lose his temper.
  9. Reproach him for cheating on you! If he is jealous of you so diligently, he has something to hide.
  10. Jealous - loves. Get out of this stereotype with your head, and treat jealousy as an attribute of everyday life.

TOcommentary on the first point:

Hello! I am Oksana. My boyfriend is the worst jealous person. But I cannot leave him. I love. It will be bad without him. I am ready to endure his "troubles". I do not know how long it will last me, but for now I can stand it. I would not advise you to leave your loved ones, girls! Love is not a potato: it cannot be thrown out of the window. Oksana, Nizhny Novgorod region.

TOcommentary on the second point:

Yes! We are the culprit of everything! There is nothing to blame us for what we are not to blame. Men are like that. They don't know how not to be jealous, that's all. And the poor and unfortunate, you see, they pretend to be themselves! My boyfriend is jealous of me for no reason. He probably has nothing to do. I do not see and find no other explanation. Daria, Kazakhstan.

TOcommentary on the third point:

I'm jealous! And I understand my boyfriend. But I, unlike him, understand what a "measure" is. He just ignores her. He's so comfortable, I guess. Egoist! Everyone is selfish ... He is especially, as I understand it. There is nowhere to run from the feeling of his jealousy. It would be where - she ran away. Friends advise to leave, but I have been with him for more than seven years. Perhaps this is already unrealistic. Let's see how things go further. Maybe we'll scatter. Hope, Banyunin.

TOcommentary on the fourth point:

I appreciate humor! Our boys would be able to appreciate him. They and ordinary jokes do not always get it right. Of those that contain hints, I'm generally afraid to talk. You say that you are going to a disco with another - war! Is there no such humor, or is it purely male?

TOcommentary on the fifth point:

My boyfriend won't read anything, because he doesn't like to read. I don't like this "dislike" in him, but I can't do anything about it. He loves to dig more in technology, to assemble and disassemble machines. Books are not his hobby. Cyrus, Luxembourg.

TOcommentary on the sixth point:

Do not mention it? Interesting…. How? Cover your ears, close your eyes? Hardly. And how then? I do not know how others are able to operate with this "technology". I would suggest generally freezing jealousy in any of its manifestations, until it destroys all feelings in the world of humanity. Zoryana, Ternopil.

TOcommentary on the seventh point:

I like this idea. I am thinking about how to "graft" my husband to everything religious. He’s too fixated on me. It doesn't just annoy me, it makes me depressed. I’m going to be hysterical soon if this doesn’t stop. Polina, Moscow.

TOcommentary on the eighth point:

We complement each other: both he and I are unbridled jealous people. It is bad that we are having a row on this basis. But we can’t change anything, no matter how hard we try. He has already sent me to a psychiatric hospital millions and thousands of times. I was joking, and that he would be taken after me. Jealousy is black humor. Because I've heard a lot about her. Good is too little. Jealousy is the enemy of all love and its power. Miroslava, Simferopol.

TOcommentary on the ninth point:

And she herself is not an angel. Capable of treason. But only when I don't like it. I love my little man and will not give it to anyone. And I will never betray. I am able to remain faithful to those whom I love and value. Julia, Pleschenitsy.

TOcommentary on the tenth point:

I have never lived by stereotypes. If a person loves, he should trust his half, and not be jealous of her for an infinite number of seconds. Even though it is not easy at times. I know how to trust my man. And I'm not afraid to let him go to play billiards, knowing that he goes with friends and girls. I see that he loves me. Why be nervous? It is necessary not to lose self-control in order not to lose love. And then, with this jealousy, only solid troubles. Too I studied it perfectly! Violetta, Moscow.

Eif your boyfriend (man) hits you when he is jealous, sound the alarm. The fact that he hit once also suggests that it will not be problematic for him to repeat. Bruises and abrasions, scratches and swelling. This is all that may be traces of foolishness - jealousy. Should I go to the police? Worth it if everything is very serious! No man has the right to raise any hand to a woman! Whatever she is, whatever she does.

Does the man portray scenes of jealousy while walking "to the left"? Talk to him seriously. Hard and serious, not soft and tender! You should not give concessions to someone who does not deserve them in the least. Give the man a “masculine” conversation. It will be more useful.

He is a very scandalous thing - pack your bags and go to your relatives or friends. He needs to be given time to think. He will think - maybe he will understand a lot. Not everyone understands, but you need to hope for the best. And rest will not hurt you either. Scandal is not heaven on earth. You deserve the best. So get this "best".

Destroy jealousy with suitcases!

The guy is very jealous. -

A young girl turned to psychologists for help and advice with the following request:

"I'm on the edge! I need psychologist's advice.
I am a very active young girl, 22 years old, I have achieved everything myself in life (my parents are alcoholics and could not give anything).
I have a lot of hobbies and acquaintances, I am professionally engaged in diving, hiking, mountains, much.
But this winter I met a 23-year-old boy, he is good, generous, but!
He believes that everything should be around him and mine the guy is jealous to my hobbies.
Everything is hardened by the fact that he is on business trips and I drive to trips or festivals!
I'll make a reservation right away, I tell everyone that I have a boyfriend, and I'm not free!
With their eternal nagging and jealousy he brings to tears, because I'm worried.
So I ask council of psychologists: what to do?"

And this is what psychologists and just ordinary people answer to the girl. Personally, we noted that most of the advice is sound and valuable, without trying to "save the relationship", "keep the relationship".

And without the usual bad advice of female psychologists, such as "how to influence a guy and get him to do what I want."

So, what are the opinions expressed by psychologists on this request. What if a guy is jealous?

What, the last guy on earth, or what? The prospect is to completely lose yourself. Jealous guy - not good. And the tyrant within him will only progress.

- Jealousy destroys both. Go away.

22! There is so much more to come! Do not dwell on empty guy jealousy!

It's time for you to get married, he is afraid for you that some hell will seduce you at the festival, but he will not be able to protect you. Marry officially and have children, there will be common interests and activities. Your hobbies are children's games. Or find yourself a different guy and this one will get away from you.

The choice is yours here. "Love" (in quotes, because I don't know if you have it) and donate your hobbies, or enjoy your activities, but with another person.

With these jealousies, your jealous guy You are only "strangled". Everyone should have some kind of a drop of freedom, their own personal space.

- "He believes that everything should be around him and is completely jealous of my hobbies. Everything is hardened by the fact that he is on business trips and I drive to trips or festivals!" - What do you think he will yield in the future? And will you be happy with such a person? Ask yourself these questions.

Is the prospect of fulfilling other people's desires, whims and following other people's complexes really better than living your life to the fullest and being yourself what you like. Many people lose this "being themselves" after such a relationship, when the guy is jealous and does it too emotionally. I join the first comment.

And everyone knows that the more immature the relationship and the people in it, the greater the desire to suppress and change. Moreover, if already "on the brink and brings to tears." You have to love yourself like that.

It's time to tighten it up in your interests, you need to be together everywhere. Then the guy is jealouswill cease.

Find a boy in your interest groups!

Thank you, boys in my interests are sometimes a little irresponsible! I needed confirmation of my fears! Thanks again.

- "He is good, generous, but ...".Your "but" has already said everything. "But" is always "NO". The rest are just ways to justify this "but".

Catherine, the guy is jealousbecause he feels threatened. Therefore, it is necessary to relieve his anxiety. The best way is to appear with him in the circle of your friends, if you cannot captivate, then at least to acquaint you with your interests. The unknown scares and disturbs your friend. Hence and guy jealousy.

And besides jealousyDo you have other interests with the guy?

Probably not. We sometimes live with me, soon we must go to his friend's wedding.

What for jealous guy You?

He has the qualities of a wonderful husband, he can support his family.

And love?

Now I'm not sure under emotions!

In general, you know, Katya, I had a similar story. I was 19, he was 23. We met two and a half years, when in an instant I made a decision that this could not be so. He was my first love and there was nothing to compare these feelings with.

He loved me too, but he was extremely jealous to all. My the guy was jealous to my friends, to how I spend my free time. Jealous to friends in social networks (by the way, he even had access to my page, God forbid someone writes something "wrong" to me - a scandal). Jealous to fellow students at the university, to the desire to learn and develop, I'm not even talking about the fact that just talking to a male person was a reason for a showdown.

I am tired of such a relationship, tired of the fact that I am always guilty of something without guilt, that my life is boring next to him. And he did not share my hobbies. I left, it was hard and easy at the same time. But after breaking up, I finally felt happy.

It's very hard to leave! And a little scary, what if I can't find a better one?

Now we do not communicate with him for 3 days and it is easy for me, since I can be myself, but I am not attracted to other men!

I know it's hard. And scary, but what next? But here it is important to decide whether you want to continue to be with this person. And in old age?

Why should you immediately be drawn to other men? Everyone is in a hurry somewhere. It's okay to be alone and even right. As for the complex of eternal guilt, the girl correctly wrote above. In fact, it's all about you, are you ready for this, and not about him. Read who the abuser are, when such a person loses, he seems to be ready to make concessions, and then on the same tracks. Get away from this jealous guy difficult, but crawling out of such a marriage is even more difficult.

Control is the first sign of a tyrant.

Perhaps you `re right! Thanks for the advice, I'm not ready to lose my interests, company and hobbies at the moment! There will be children further, and we don't know what's next! Maybe I won't have friends either.

But now at 22 to be a recluse, I think it's awful!

The truth is, it's okay to be alone and think. You know better, you know the situation and him better. I was in such a marriage. At 20 I listened to very few people, all with experience. And unfortunately, and fortunately.

I understand that I am a little whining, but everything is aggravated by the fact that I do not have parents who can protect and give support, and I don’t want to tell my friends!

There is no one to defend you from, and you cannot assign responsibility to someone "responsible and serious", and then wonder why I do not live the way I want. You are your best friend. And if he is your friend too, he will respect your interests. Imagine your best friend next to you, who will say to you: "Don't go there, that's not true, I feel bad when you are not around, but why couldn't you go with me, but went with Tanya?" etc. So why is a partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife allowed?

You're right! If we still talk or there will be some kind of relationship, I will set boundaries and ultimatums, if you don't like it, he will leave immediately! And it won't be in my life again!

Do not write "you are right", I do not give advice. Just think and talk calmly. Marriage does not burn, there is always time. And you have wonderful hobbies. And if a girl decides for herself: I want to be a wife and devote myself to family and children, this is also normal if this is her choice. Everyone decides for himself.

Well, well, the girl was given a lot of good and practical advice. It can be seen that she and herself have more clarity about this relationship. I would only like to draw attention to her words "I will set boundaries and ultimatums, I will not like it, he will immediately leave! And he will not be in my life again!"

This is already excessive harshness and decisiveness. The girl swung to the other extreme - to tear, throw and issue ultimatums jealous guy... The spring, which was compressed, is sharply straightened and can hit painfully. There is nothing good about that either. Ultimatums are generally a bad decision.
Yes, talk to a guy, explain your position. But no ultimatums and harshness are needed. When you are sure of something, there is no need to shout about it and be hysterical. You just need to calmly talk about your needs. And then politely but firmly defend them.

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Many people in a love relationship have come across such a concept as jealousy. Sometimes, this feeling can give some "zest" to the relationship, if it happens in moderation, but what if the guy is jealous for no reason?

Male jealousy does not manifest itself as easily and quickly as female jealousy. But if she appeared, then the consequences, as a rule, are more severe and deplorable, she incinerates him from the inside, and sometimes brings him to paronoia. Jealousy manifests itself due to self-doubt, fear of being rejected, deceived. The young man imagines how pitiful and funny he will look in the form of a "cuckold" and cannot come to terms with this thought.

If a guy is very jealous, you can try to "get to the bottom" of the reasons for this behavior. Maybe the girl herself gave such a reason. For example, she accepts the courtship of another young man and although she herself does not see anything reprehensible in this, then, naturally, her boyfriend will not like it. As, however, she herself, if the situation was the opposite. But, sometimes, jealousy happens from scratch. He may not like friendly relations with the opposite sex, even the fact that the girl just looked at another man. Then the matter takes a completely different turn and here it is better to leave.

Do not make excuses in front of a jealous person. Oddly enough, but he is just waiting for this, and confidence in loyalty will not increase. You should behave calmly and try to show how absurd his assumptions are. A guy's insecurities can be overcome by telling him how wonderful and loved he is.

It happens that a girl does not want to break off a relationship, despite the fact that the guy is jealous enough. I must admit that the relationship will not develop easily. In some cases, for a complete solution to the problem, you should contact a psychologist, because it is quite difficult to fight this disease alone (and this is exactly the case).

The jealous person himself suffers no less severely than their other side. He lives in eternal anxiety, fear that he will be betrayed. With constant suspicions, he incinerates both himself and his partner. Such couples often quarrel, distrust each other. All this clearly does not contribute to good relationships either with each other or with the people around them.

If jealousy cannot be overcome with love and loyalty, then in this case it would be better to part. The more a girl tolerates such an attitude towards herself, the more the jealous person will feel his power, and if he is also aggressive, then this may end with an applause or even murder. In love, there should always be trust in each other, but if there is none, then such a relationship will not bring joy.

Often, a young man's jealousy is a consequence of betrayal committed by him. Therefore, you should take a closer look at him, maybe he just shifts his guilt on the girl, taking away all unnecessary suspicions from himself. You can ask him a compromising question and see his reaction.

Now that a girl knows what it means if a guy is jealous and what can be expected of him, she will be able to make the right choice - to leave or to fight his problem. In any case, only love, trust and mutual understanding can defeat any trouble.

Love and jealousy, although they often go through life together, are still not faithful neighbors. Love is love, and jealousy is jealousy. If a guy really loves, he understands everything and tries not to poison her life with his suspicion. How to understand that a guy is jealous and learn not to give a reason to a jealous person? Let's try to figure it out together. Psychologists have identified the most common causes of jealousy:

"Don't touch mine." Almost any guy, due to his genetic nature, is an owner and seeks to become the center of attention of his chosen one, other representatives of the stronger sex in this union are the third ones. Therefore, as soon as in the company your boyfriend frowned his eyebrows and began to look askance at your interlocutors, finish the conversation and fully focus on your companion.

Even brave and successful guys sometimes have an overwhelming sense of fear that they will be abandoned for the sake of others. Each representative of this type has a set of "fad", among which there is always another expectation of "bad" news from the love front. If the "gloomy" news has not yet arrived, the jealous, driven by complexes, begins to scrupulously seek them out and sooner or later finds.

Even the most successful guys are sometimes pathologically afraid of rumors, gossip and scandals. Such jealous people are frightened not so much by the fact of betrayal as by its publicity. Connoisseurs of a good reputation are often inclined to violently sort things out themselves. If your boyfriend is from this timid dozen, be prepared mentally for family scenes.

There are two distinct types of jealousy. The first one begins with regular reproaches to you. The chosen one does not like delays at work, meeting with friends, going to the gym to the coach. As a rule, such jealous people violently express their discontent. The second type is “quiet jealousy”. The beloved is offended, does not speak, is capricious, like a child, refuses to eat and even leaves the house from time to time. It is difficult to figure out what was the reason in this case. But it is necessary to discuss the problem with your beloved until the relationship goes into a dead end.

How do you know if a guy is jealous? As soon as you notice that your phone, social media profiles, and email are being checked regularly, you will know this. Your jealous person is persistently looking for evidence, you need to do everything possible to deflect offensive suspicions from yourself.

Signs that a guy is jealous

¨ After your walk, he's angry again. Doesn't want to talk to you. Guys from the very birth were "hammered" into their heads that any manifestation of sentimentality and, in general, emotions is not proper to show to others. Therefore, they experience everything within themselves. If a woman can cry, throw a tantrum and just break loose and break all the dishes, then the guy simply cannot do it. He feeds a terrible animal within himself with his jealousy and doubts, and after a while it will eat him;

¨ He responds with indignation to your desire to go somewhere without him. You can quarrel a lot, not talk. But with your refusal to leave the house, he behaves as if nothing had happened. Can answer you with the phrase "Go where you want and do what you want." After such a scene, there will not always be a mood to appear somewhere and even more to have fun. You are under attack again;

¨ Uses deception to keep you at home. A very common phrase "And I thought that we would be together today ... Heh", after which you stay at home, and he begins to go about his business. It’s as if you’re not there, and he didn’t get bored, and in general it was not he who uttered this phrase;

¨ Checks and checks are the reason the guy is jealous of you. Constant phone checks. Reads incoming SMS before you can pick up your phone. Removes some contacts. She takes offense at you all the time when you didn't tell her whereabouts. If his friend walks nearby, he will definitely "look after" you;

¨ Constant inquiries. "Do you have a lover?" - Sounds from his lips in a joking manner. But you understand that such a question is not asked as a joke and is not a joke at all. Questions and answers content "Has anyone pestered you?" and “everyone was staring at you today”, “everyone needs you” also suspect the usual behavior of a loved one. He is jealous of you for everyone.

What methods should be used to make the guy less jealous:

¨ Tell him that he is the only one, the best and the sexiest. Guys like compliments as much as women;

¨ Be in touch with him. If he requires full reporting of your location by the minute, then ask for the same in return. He will soon get tired of it;

¨ Try to speak in advance and “neatly” about upcoming meetings at which you will be alone. Remind him of these meetings, but just by the way. Quite directly and fleeting.

Reasons why a guy is jealous

But what if we are faced with the problem of jealousy? Why did the guy become jealous? Let's deal with the issues of concern to us in order.

Guys can have a wide variety of reasons for jealousy.

Let's highlight the most common ones.

Reason 1

There have been bad relationships in the past. If the guy didn't work out with his ex, she didn't want a relationship with him, cheated on him, etc. - then the guy will feel hurt. Constant worries will accompany your relationship.

To solve such a problem, first of all, time and your sensitivity are needed. For a guy, like oxygen, your affection and care is necessary. But don't make yourself a nanny! You should have time for yourself and your friends.

Reason 2

The girl has a large number of friends. Especially if these are male friends and your boyfriend doesn't know them much. He begins to come up with a rather vivid scenario for the development of a walk, if you just said that you met a friend by chance and went to a cafe for tea.

Treat the scenes of jealousy that occur as a natural experience. Tell more about what you think about this or that friend, how you met, what you talk about most often. The best solution would, of course, be introducing your boyfriend and friends in a free space.

Reason 3

If a guy is jealous, then he is the owner. He tries to own you, even at a very long distance. You are already tired of constant calls and sms, but he still says that he is jealous. This is one of the reasons why owner guys are jealous: the idea that you can be with someone other than him (and it doesn't matter who is next to you, boy or girl).

If there is no love, run from this person as far as possible. After all, very soon you will get tired of being a girl "with a bell" and such a relationship will only be a burden for you. In such cases, very often girls become hostages of their own relationships, from which it becomes more and more difficult to extricate themselves by the hour.

Reason 4

Mistrust. We deserve trust in every person by our actions, but there are people who do not trust anyone. Even your loved ones. The guy is very emotional about your trips to the club or walks with friends without him, even if he does not tell you about it.

Dedicate him to your plans as often as possible, walk with your friends and be open to a frank conversation. Trust him. Trust him with all your innermost secrets and he will "open" his soul over time to you.

Be honest with your boyfriend, let him know that he is dear to you. Girls, hang out with your guys. Let them know what you expect from them, tell them more often how wonderful they are, and then there will never be jealousy in your relationship.

Almost all girls accept the jealousy of a young man as a pleasant addition to the expression of his emotions - if jealousy manifests itself, then it means strongly, he loves. There is some truth in this statement, but only too insignificant, since jealousy is considered a destructive and destroying feeling.

The origins of jealousy are present in personal notoriousness - the guy begins to get jealous, because fears that he is not very good for the girl, feels constant fear and waits for how soon she will throw him. Such impressions sometimes manifest themselves clearly, often these beliefs are formed at the subconscious level, preventing a person from building their relationships. Deciding how to deal with jealousy can only be done by trying to understand the young person's motives.

Jealousy is considered a completely appropriate and adequate response to a girl's unworthy behavior - she has the opportunity to behave defiantly, flirt with other young people, and spend a lot of time in the company of other admirers. As a result, once your relationship has already reached the level of a serious relationship, and understand the fact that now all your sexuality and relaxedness you are obliged to show only to him. Don't confuse friendly feelings with cheeky behavior.

What if a guy is jealous? You have to fight with jealous people with their own weapons - try to behave in the same way, just be his mirror image. It is even possible that, having been in the form of a “victim of a jealous woman,” he will change his behavior and correct himself. You can hint to him that this relationship is not what you planned for when you started dating him.

Since he is powerless to cope with his problems, then offer support - a heart-to-heart conversation, role-playing games, a psychologist's consultation. During the period of jealousy attacks, behave indifferently and calmly, since your response in the form of apologetic speeches is exactly what he expects. Help your beloved to overcome the complexities within yourself, prove to him that for you he is the long-awaited and the best of the best.

It is a completely different matter when a guy is jealous without an excuse - he is just a pathological owner who cannot afford to lose a loved one. These people can be dangerous, especially if jealousy is mixed with an explosive disposition - and close to assault. Once you find at least minuscule signs that the guy has become jealous of you and finds it difficult to control himself, or there have been incidents, then immediately leave him.

And this must be done carefully, without striking the pride with deafening tantrums and scandals. It is preferable to enlist the support of your best friends, brother or dad, who, if anything, will be able to help you and scare the jealous person. We hope that our tips have helped you answer the question: "What to do if a guy is jealous."

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