Queen of cups and tarot world combination. The value of the card is the queen of tarot cups in the layout. ✚ What does he think of me

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The value of the queen of cups can be seen in the image of the card. A charming young girl sits on the throne, her head is tilted to one side, her face expresses calm and thoughtfulness. There is a feeling of dreaminess. The throne itself is located on the shore of some kind of reservoir, waves are splashing at the queen's feet. In her hands the queen holds a fancy-shaped goblet, she examines it with interest and tries to find meaning in this image. She is subject to that which is not subject to others.

Interpretation of the direct position

Keys: intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, success in business, excessive daydreaming. Developed imagination makes it difficult to clearly perceive reality. Thinking. Justice. Education. Self-sacrifice. Have power over your emotions. Controlling spiritual forces. Kindness. Peace, tranquility. Sensuality. Emotionality. Susceptibility. Restraint, self-control. Ability to analyze what is happening and your inner state. Assistants. Wisdom. Self-realization skill. Intuition. Devotion, loyalty, passion. Honesty. Virtue. Prudence. Strength that strengthens and is able to heal.

The Queen of Cups always points to a specific woman from the environment of the questioner. There is a very close relationship between two people, warm feelings and mutual understanding. Anyone can act as this woman: mother, lover, sister, close friend, one of the female relatives.

The Queen of Cups is a person who easily falls under the influence of other people and in most cases is unable to independently get out of this influence.

Character traits by which you can recognize a woman from the environment: sensuality, dreaminess, tenderness, attentiveness to details and trifles, the ability to think intuitively, kindness of soul and responsiveness, willingness to come to the rescue in consolation or compassion. This woman has the most tender feelings for you and is ready to help you.

Harmony and a happy life, another meaning of the card. You are supported from above, you are under the protection of higher powers.

Council. Develop your best qualities in yourself, work on self-development. Learn to trust your intuition. You should be softer and more receptive to others. You should not demand more from others. Develop your creativity, grow. You can relax, now there are no pitfalls and unforeseen circumstances and traps on your way.

Inverted position value

Keys: illusion. Desired is presented as valid. Waywardness. Cruelty. You exaggerate and ascribe other people's merits to yourself. Failure to apply skills and develop talents. You do not respect the higher authorities. Dishonor. Sarcasm. Delusion. Inability to wait and endure. Complaints. Treason. Vice. Shamelessness. Lying. Debauchery. Betrayal. Cheating. Depravity. Treachery, cunning. Manipulation. Resentment. Pettiness. Prejudice, bias. Run away from problems. Failure to see the situation clearly. Loneliness. Scandal. Vices. Corruption. Insecurity. Trust has been lost. You are not using your speaking skills correctly. Retribution. Domineering or vengeful woman. Pettiness. Mercantile spirit.

This is a woman from your environment. Same meaning and description as in the upright position.

But it is worth remembering that in this case you are warned that communication with this woman will not lead to anything good. Here vanity, fickleness, willfulness and capriciousness can be interwoven into character traits. You can easily be betrayed, deceived or used for your own purposes.

Keep the situation under control, check the incoming information, be aware of what is happening.

Warning. Do not read in the clouds, return to reality, you are needed here now. Assess the situation soberly.

Health queen of cups

Direct position. Emotional instability of depression, stress. Diseases of the physical body as a result of energy and nervous exhaustion. Psychological problems. Alcoholism. Edema, poisoning, upset of the gastrointestinal tract.

Inverted position. Fainting. Poisoning. Puffiness, violation of the water-salt balance in the body. Kidney disease, disruption of their work. Problems with the urinary system. Disorder of the nervous system.

Queen of Cups in a relationship

She is dreamy and romantic, loves with all her heart, prone to monogamy. She often fantasizes about relationships. The Queen of Cups can create a whole world around herself and her beloved, which is not yet in reality. This woman can say the following phrases to her man:

  • We were supposed to be together.
  • I just know that we met in another life

The type of men who are attracted to her are those who believe that in life you need to "save". Due to its watery nature, it really needs something that is grounded and stable.

Direct position. Deep feelings in a couple, mutual respect and understanding, understanding each other without words. Common goals and views, both on life in general, and on a common future. Following family traditions and preserving values. Harmony, trust and sincerity prevail in relationships. Partners know how to value each other.

Inverted position. The pair has unresolved problems and lack of agreement. Someone may be hiding something. Fear of opening up. Manipulation for some benefit. The partners are tormented, but they do not intend to part.

Queen of Cups and feelings

If you ask how a person is feeling, the queen of cups makes it clear to you that they are slowly falling in love with you. Feelings are now in a subconscious phase, so some are not even aware of them.

Queen of Cups at work

Professions Queens of Cups: Psychologist, Social Worker, Doctor, Nurse, Healer, Medium, Psychic.

Direct position. The profession is chosen in spirit, getting pleasure from work. Desire to work and fulfill their job responsibilities. Striving for new knowledge and professional development. Desire to take a higher position. Continuous development. A person wants to get the maximum financial benefits from the profession, maximum useful contacts and new opportunities.

In work, a person is not in a hurry, and prefers to check everything once again, sets priorities and always tries to act according to his own job descriptions, or according to his own plan, which is adjusted to the harmony of inner comfort.

Inverted position. There are no growth prospects yet. Deal with existing issues and unfinished projects. You are not allowed to move on. Someone envies you, you may have a rival. Be wary of the gossip and those who will stop at nothing to stop you.

Inflated self-esteem, actions are aimed more at an ostentatious result than at achieving the assigned tasks. A person is not ready to answer for his mistakes and tries to hide behind various circumstances or fictitious situations. In the team, someone dissolves gossip and makes good money on it.

Queen of Cups on the current situation

Direct position. Go inward and think about what is causing you discomfort. Refer to your intuition and inner voice. Do not lose sight of your dreams and signs sent from above.

You are in a comfortable environment for yourself, you feel safe, cozy and calm.

In this situation, look inside yourself, feel your attitude to the situation, how you feel, how you want to act. Your intuitive abilities will lead you to the right decision and help you find accomplices and like-minded people. Pay attention to what your subconscious mind tells you, to do this, relax and meditate a little.

Council. Do not forget that your emotional state, your sensuality can benefit you, but it can play to your detriment. Paying attention to the problems of your loved ones, being interested in their affairs, do not show excessive persistence and ardent interest in terms of your benefits.

The Queen of Cups is receptivity and readiness for everything, full surrender on the one hand and healing and seduction on the other.

Inverted position. Be careful and try to see the situation as it really is. Don't hide behind illusions.

Don't wishful thinking. Do not invent feelings that do not exist, do not inflate the elephant out of a fly.

Council. Be attentive to your surroundings and do not open up to everyone in a row. Learn to feel and separate those people whom you can trust from those with whom it is better not to mess with.

Note: Be open to inspiration, insight will come from within. The answer to the question is hidden within you, you already know what to do. Open up to yourself and you will see that things are not so bad. Don't be distracted by impossible dreams. Embody only real tasks.

Ideas for understanding the Queen of Cups card:

  • Subtle flair.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Fickleness, lightness.
  • Treason, infidelity, lies.

Questions for analyzing the situation after the appearance of the Queen of Cups card in the layout:

  1. Whom do you love and why?
  2. And who loves you, why do they love you?
  3. Do you take care of your body?
  4. Can you afford too much?

Queen of Cups combined with the Major Arcana

With a jester. You are upset about someone's behavior.

With a magician. Manipulating others, achieving goals in any way.

With the high priestess. Clairvoyance, intuition.

With the Empress. The emergence of ideas. Pregnancy is possible.

With the emperor. Change in status or position in society.

With the hierophant. Repentance. New life from scratch.

With the lovers. Good deeds. Love.

With a chariot. You doubt and do not feel confident in your abilities.

With strength. Filling with positive emotions. Charged with energy.

With a hermit. You close yourself off from others, you don't want to talk.

With a wheel of fortune. You are looking for new emotions and experiences. Be careful what you wish for.

With justice. You are looking for a destination.

With the hanged man. You have been betrayed or you are ready to betray.

With death. Despair. Sadness. Sorrow.

With moderation. Become aware of what is happening. Clear thinking.

With the devil. Sophistication. The wrong choice.

With a tower of lightning. Something is broken.

With a star. New way.

With the moon. Destruction of plans. Collapse of hopes. Deception.

With the sun. Unleashing creativity.

With the court. It's time to analyze the situation.

With the world. Learn to accept yourself.

Interpretation of the Queen of Cups in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Sincerity, love.

With a deuce. Understand yourself and your feelings.

With a three. Inspiration.

With a four. You are enjoying the relationship you have.

With a five. Misunderstanding.

With a six. People start to listen to your opinion. Your credibility goes up.

With a seven. The gap.

With an eight. Frankness, openness. The origin of feelings.

With a nine. You are self-deceiving.

With a ten. You have reached your limit of tolerance.

With a page. You are considerate of others. Show of tenderness.

With a knight. Inability to control your feelings and emotions.

With the queen. Optimist. Openness.

With the king. New relationships are entering your life. Success in love.

The value of the queen of cups in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Dreams, premonitions.

With a deuce. Talk heart to heart.

With a three. You want to be successful and prosperous.

With a four. Dreaminess.

With a five. Wisdom, ability to use the accumulated experience.

With a six. Change in marital status.

With a seven. Get to the bottom of the truth. Disclosure of secrets.

With an eight. You want to learn to understand people.

With a nine. Joyful mood.

With a ten. The ability to think clearly is lost.

With a page. Heartiness, warmth.

With a knight. You can count on help.

With the king. Harmonious relationship. Love. Comfort.

Queen of Cups in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. The bad news.

With a deuce. Competition.

With a three. You got hurt.

With a four. Closedness. Reluctance to move forward.

With a five. You are at the mercy of your feelings.

With a six. Show concern.

With a seven. Confrontation, quarrel.

With an eight. You understand that you are losing your popularity and authority.

With a nine. Temptations.

With a ten. You can and can forgive.

With a page. Frivolity of intentions.

With a knight. Kindness and nobility.

With the queen. You doubt the correctness of your choice.

With the king. Assistant or advisor.

Interpretation of the queen of cups in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. You are disappointed in something.

With a deuce. Misunderstanding.

With a three. You want to do only your way, you do not take other people's advice.

With a four. The nebula of the mind and reason.

With a five. Property conflict.

With a six. Assistant. You will find compassion.

With a seven. Materiality or spirituality.

With an eight. Conflict of opinion.

With a nine. Closure, closeness, distrust.

With a ten. New deals and opportunities.

With a page. Experience.

With a knight. Competitive fight.

With the queen. Aggressiveness, anger. No support available.

With the king. Powerfulness. Ambitiousness.

Traditionally, like all curly Arcana, this card is interpreted in the layout primarily as an indication of a certain person, “encoded” as the Queen of Cups. As a rule, this woman is sensual, kind-hearted, intuitive, artistic, creative, gentle and gentle. She is kind, ready to help and can give wise advice in matters of the heart (and not only, she has good intuition in general). You can feel comfortable and safe with her. She is good. She differs from the Empress and other queens in that she is much more in the clouds and much less distinct and structured in her manifestations. She is all filled with spirituality, most of all manifests itself in spiritual (and sometimes - fantasy, serving as material for creativity) relationships, which she is usually absorbed in.

Traditionally, the Queen of Cups is the significator of a loving woman or woman for whom the questioner feels love. Arcanum can also indicate a man, but in this case the cards want to inform that this is a man of the "lunar-Venusian" type - gentle, sincere, affectionate, vulnerable, possibly overly emotional, who lives not with his mind, but with feeling, trusting his intuition. He can act as a "vest" in which it is good to cry, to confess (for a woman, this is a type of gay best friend, although this value is not at all necessary). This is a person who is ready to help. Traditional interpretation: a person who will render an invaluable service to the questioner.

Outside of personal interpretation, it is believed that the presence of this card in the layout emphasizes the significance of the neighboring Major Arcana. And if this is another "female" Arcanum, say, the Moon or Power, then its role is noticeably enhanced.

She also points out that the emotions associated with the subsequent cards have already arisen and came into action (there is a rather vivid emotional reaction, "experiences").

In the case of the situation, the Queen of Cups gives a favorable forecast for the future, but you should not count on too significant results. What has been achieved will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, but for more serious success, you will have to work hard. However, the surrounding maps can also indicate the potential for making dreams come true.

The presence of the Queen of Cups in the alignment gives reason to believe that in this situation you can feel safe and with confidence, there are no hidden traps and secret enemies in it. This card emphasizes a peaceful and harmonious environment, comfort and safety. It can also express the need for understanding and love, falling under the influence of feelings, susceptibility to outside influences.

Blissfully contemplative and non-business mood, hovering in the clouds in the power of moods (and sometimes feelings), staying in contact with your inner world, following your inner rhythm. Escapism, departure from harsh reality into the subtle world of mysticism, mysteries, creativity. In fact, this is a state of calm, expectation, thoughtfulness, listening to oneself, a readiness to meet with the unconscious, to inner discoveries. Daydreaming, a tendency to fantasize and prophecies such as prophetic dreams, shrewd guesses. A state in which feelings and intuitive perception are clearly becoming subtler. For a woman, this is more natural, for a man, this state may seem uncomfortable, and the more rational he is and inclined to tough decisions, the sooner he will define this state as weakness. This card carries the gift of clairvoyance and love, and a touch to the mystical side of life. But adapting to all these phenomena (love, clairvoyance and fine adjustments) is already a separate task. For some, they are as natural as breathing, but for someone they become a real test (although, in fact, the Queen of Cups is a card of spiritual good, and a person is ready to follow her feelings along it).

Rich imagination, meditative states, contemplation of real images of the collective unconscious in the mirror of the soul, boundless mediumistic fantasies. The desire to experience the fullness of inner feelings, a sense of immersion, peace and happiness, the opportunity to relax, feel relaxation and contemplative comfort in safety. Sabbatical for solving spiritual problems.

The Queen of Cups describes a person endowed with a vivid ability for empathy, feeling of another, subtlety of intuitive understanding. With almost mediumistic insight, he or she catches the most secret feelings, desires, fears, hidden pain of another person. His own emotional reactions serve as a guide for him in the world of undercurrents, but sometimes this guide leads into jungles and swamps, from which it is difficult to get out. The Queen of Cups easily identifies with other people's moods, catches the projections of other people, reflecting their unconscious needs and taking almost any form. If desired, she easily establishes a connection, sometimes she herself does not know why she is doing this (in the sense - why to her she needs it, it is enough for her that another person needs it). The Queen of Cups is not strong of her own personality. If it were pronounced, it would prevent her from perfectly tuning in to another. At the same time, she prefers one-on-one communication, and not with a group of people, where she loses her mediumistic power, because it is impossible to connect to everyone at the same time, and “to everyone” (that is, to a group) is not her genre ... She guesses and reads in an individual order the one who is next to her, penetrating the unconscious of another person and living it on her own experience. You can project the desired image onto her and see it for a long time and stubbornly, because her real personality is so shaky that it is not any tangible obstacle (then, of course, it may be discovered that this person still exists, but the hero will not consider her as anything, except for a woman's whim, and here the Queen will have a very difficult time). The hero willingly projects his Anima onto her and remains in the enchanted kingdom alone with his own soul, forgetting about exploits (by contrast, the Queen of Wands projects her Animus onto the hero and literally pushes him towards exploits, awakening him from sleep).

The Queen of Cups is a sweet, friendly, romantic and gentle person. This person is loved and adored, most likely by many, he has a bewitching charm. He can be shy and gullible at the same time. He is characterized by aesthetic flair, refined taste. Most likely, this is a woman (in the latter case, she is a wonderful mother and loving wife). This card can also indicate a very good friend, regardless of gender. Traditionally, it is believed that this is the significator of a woman of Libra or Aquarius, but from a modern point of view, it is more of a water sign than an air one. She is kind, warm-hearted, poetic, gentle, sympathetic. The traditional description of the Queen of Cups is simply touching: "a seductive blonde in the grip of dreams." It also emphasizes honesty, decency and virtue in every possible way.

The Queen of Cups is an image of a woman about whom it is customary to say "emotional". She usually tends to exaggerate the dignity of people around her, idealize, fantasize, get carried away. Listening to her talking about another person, it is impossible not to be amazed - where did she see all this? She does not condemn, but not out of diplomacy, but out of kindness, she may not see the shortcomings of those she cares about and for whom she creates the most harmonious environment, if not in everyday life, then at least in an emotional sense. The mood swings to which she is subject are unpredictable both for herself and for others, she is reproached with absent-mindedness and self-indulgence. She is led by feelings. It can turn out to be promiscuous in the choice of partners - it is difficult for her to push someone away, she tends to consider people better than they are, and sometimes pays for it (in extreme cases, with tears declaring that she is “a rag that they wiped their feet on”). She heals by sacrificing herself. In another case, she herself may seem windy, unreliable. In any case, she is affectionate and ready to open her heart and the door to someone who needs warmth and love, without too carefully thinking over the question of whether he is worthy of them (or rather, not at all asking the question so). It is important to understand that this very creative woman is driven primarily by the need to erase obstacles, expand the boundaries, blur the line between what is and what should befrom the point of view of a loving heart. This can be called dreams, illusions and fantasies, but it is also the wisdom of the heart, its devotion to its own intuitive knowledge of how wonderful people should be, how wonderful the love between them should be. She is motivated, perhaps, in addition to her consciousness, by this inner light, this mystical vision. Who knows the same will never throw a stone at her.

The path through the water purifies and renews the soul, makes it thinner and more sensitive. This card embodies the power of Mach, the Moon, the feminine aspect of the element of water, symbolizes healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inside oneself, immersion in the deep layers of the soul. Thus, she controls the unconscious powers of the soul. This is a fairy and a wise sorceress who lives within us, a soothsayer who interprets our dreams, a clairvoyant who helps to find a way in the fog. She is sometimes called the "dark card", because the sources of her wisdom are hidden, and it is impossible to cognize them with the help of rational thinking, this brings the Queen of Cups closer to the Moon and the Priestess. She is also called "the mother of inner secrets" (the fact that the Cup has a lid hints at innuendo, eluding, secrecy). The bowl, which the Queen holds in her hands, is an instrument of meditation and magical vision of the images of the past and future. She also well embodies the mother of our inner child. The Queen of Cups can describe a caring person who supports development in every way - she tells fairy tales, takes to theaters, teaches to draw or play music, and takes with her on trips. His perception of his pet is always somewhat idealized, but the pet really loves and accepts him as he is.

The Queen of Cups is a muse who intuitively senses what abilities, dreams, desires and talents are contained in another person who is next to her. Her sensitivity and sympathy make you open up next to her.

If the Queen of Pentacles is the earthly hypostasis of Mother Nature, then the Queen of Cups is Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World. The image of the shell often symbolizes the genitals, it is also a symbol of resurrection and is often one of the attributes of the Virgin Mary. The island inhabited by the Queen of Cups is a symbol of Avallon, a supernatural place unattainable in everyday reality. Her huge goblet is decorated with crustacean claws, hinting that it is not so easy to break out of her witchcraft kingdom and the hero always retains a tendency to return to her (Cancer symbolizes the opposite movement). At the same time, the claws resemble the astrological signs of the White and Black Moon (Selene and Lilith, respectively). The first is responsible for the devotion of the heart, sacrificial love that does not seek its own, practically on angelic vibrations, and the second - for compulsions, obsession, inability to free oneself, quirks, subservience to jealousy and similar low-frequency impulses. Well, a journey into the inner world brings more than just pleasant surprises. Subconscious motives and desires may turn out to be dark, however, interest, observation and a "motherly" attitude towards them can come to the rescue (after all, they are also "children" of the psyche, symbolized by Water).

The Queen of Cups embodies the mystery of spirituality and sensuality at the same time, the willingness to receive and surrender, to seduce and heal. This is a person whose expectations and hopes come true. He has not yet realized this, he is not sure of success, but feelings outrun consciousness, and he feels harmony with the world around him, the fullness of being. The true meaning of the concepts "love" and "happiness" is revealed to him.

It can mean ingenious intuition, hence the success of the planned business. Self-moralization in creative professions, activities related to the imagination, with aesthetics - music, poetry, writing, theater, cinema, recreation and entertainment industry. It can be work that helps people find peace and restore physical and mental balance - psychology, social assistance, healing, meditation, SPA, as well as “spa for the soul” - all sorts of creative circles, hobby activities, mainly related to creativity or eoterics. Sometimes it is literally working with women, in a women's medical or psychological consultation, in a department store that sells specifically women's goods, etc.

Creative leave.

For the Queen of Cups, undoubtedly, it is not easy to “stand your ground” in protecting business interests, but at the same time, she promotes negotiations, compromises and peaceful resolution of problems. Disturbing business and professional situations on this card are usually resolved with a little blood. As a minus, it can mean formlessness of plans, uncertainty of practical actions and a tendency to follow the path of least resistance.

Advice:develop in oneself all the best feminine qualities (regardless of their own gender) - receptivity to the needs of the surrounding world, intuition and gentleness, trust and compassion. Time to surrender to love, sensuality, creativity, poetic foresight, to be sincere in your feelings and enjoy the situation without the thought that something is threatening. No hidden traps, no unexpected enemies. You can trust and feel at home.

Warning:do not hang in the clouds.

The environment in which the questioner feels safe, comfortable, calm, protected. Flexible and rather intuitive than rational and practical solution of financial issues (and with what success other cards will prompt). The Queen of Cups can be a little naive, out of this world, and in financial matters she usually needs an assistant.

The Queen of Cups is considered a card of unlimited love, unconditional acceptance. She describes the state of a loving person who is very attentive to another. She is in charge of subtle feelings, eroticism, trust, as well as mercy, compassion.

Wise choice in personal life, prompted by the heart.

A gentle and attractive woman (usually), a very good friend. A loving virtuous wife, a wonderful devoted friend (for a man, a promise of true love), a good mother. How a relative can give wise advice in matters of the heart. For a woman, this is either a friend or (rarely) an honest rival.

In the books, you can find an indication that the Queen of Cups speaks of a nascent feeling of affection, when everything is still rather vague and vague, but according to our observations, we are talking about much more formed and deep feelings. This is an understanding at a glance and a strong desire to be together, sincerity and eroticism, an irresistible thirst for merging and unity with another person.

Since the very essence of the Queen of Cups is directly related to love, additional information can be found in the "Personal State" section.

Violations of water metabolism, edema, sometimes - poisoning, intoxication. The card may indicate psychosomatic disorders, the causes of which lie in the field of emotions, and energy infections ("overwhelmed" diseases of others). Occasionally - sexually transmitted diseases.

It is also a significator of unconsciousness, fainting.

If in her natural state the Queen of Cups is a devoted woman, a heartfelt wife and a wonderful mother, then in an inverted state she becomes closer to the mode of revelers, hysterics and brawlers. This woman is vicious, dishonest, spoiled, depraved, shameless, as the old interpreters say. Guggenheim puts it more mildly: "a lady with an unstable psyche, fleeing from her problems into an illusory world." She has her own reality. If she usually gravitates towards harmony, understanding and family hearth, then alcohol, drugs and promiscuous relationships as artificial searches for inspiration and harmony can manifest themselves (a woman may well belong to a bohemian, be an actress, sing, dance ... "scribble, smear, strum "). Sometimes it is calibrated with psychological trainings and books "how to be happy" to a state of permanent psychosis.

As Mary Greer writes, in Victorian literature, this is a woman seduced and abandoned by a demonic lover, who commits suicide by throwing herself into the sea. There she turns into a mermaid, an insidious siren, which, in turn, seduces and lures into disastrous depths. An important motive here is self-pity and a vampiric approach to reality: at first she gave more than she should, now she is ready to take much more than needed. Perhaps, the image of Anna Karenina in all its dynamics is very consistent with the inverted Queen of Cups (one of the ancient definitions of this card is “a married woman of high social rank, offering her love to the questioner”).

The inversion of the Queen of Cups does not automatically turn her into the Queen of Swords, and one should not attribute qualities such as harshness and harshness, composure and denial of emotions, overcoming illusions and suppressing manipulation. Here, a deeply emotionally determined combination of alienation and stickiness, blurring of boundaries, resentment, blaming others, throwing, in a word, other vibrations that have little in common with the Queen of Swords, is triggered.

The following remark is also interesting: "The habit of spiritually merging with the object of one's desires can lead to the body being" empty ", and completely extraneous entities will quickly inhabit the free space." From a magical point of view, this card can speak of astral marriage with a more or less benevolent spirit, a daimon. In the highest sense, it is a deep faith, requiring the sacrifice of personal feelings.

The inverted Queen of Cups may indicate that the feelings indicated by the content of the subsequent cards have not yet manifested themselves, have not been realized, or they are simply not adequate to what is happening (this is how sometimes great love begins with a scandal, and future close friends meet after quarreling).

Among the traditional situational meanings is a scandal, a dubious case. Dishonesty, unreliability. Illusions, wishful thinking. Made up feelings, unfounded fears. A person who should not be trusted and certainly not worth confessing and pouring out his soul, since his moral principles leave much to be desired. The desire to interfere in other people's affairs. Inclination to forbidden methods, vile methods, blackmail, deep dishonesty. Begging.

With the Ace of Cups - a friend, met at a feast, at a party.

Inverted with the Two of Cups (for a man) - marriage, (for a girl) jealousy.

Anima Mundi, Soul of the World

Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels as the archetype of the Middle Ages

Erda (wife of Odin, able to foresee future events, although her name corresponds to "earth")

Venus in a chariot drawn by swans

Fortuneteller Archetype - Cassandra, Sibyl

Moira, norn (goddess of Fate).


Description of the Queen of Cups tarot card

The Queen of Cups Tarot card is illustrated by the image of a friendly and attractive middle-aged woman seated on a throne. She is richly dressed with a crown on her head. In her hands, a woman holds a cup, which is closed with a spherical lid. She looks at the goblet, as if examining something inside it. The Queen's face lights up with a kind smile.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Queen of Cups in fortune telling and spreads

Direct card position

The Queen of Cups, appearing in fortune telling or in a straight position, is a symbol of safety and security. She says that there are no hidden traps or unexpected enemies around the fortuneteller, the person is among people who can be trusted. However, you should be extremely careful about what is happening around, paying attention to even minor details and acting, fully relying on your intuition - only then you can count on success. However, do not expect too significant results. What you eventually achieve will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure, but for more serious success you will have to work extra. Arcanum can also indicate help from friends or relatives.

Inverted card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Cups card loses its attractiveness and speaks of frivolity, inconstancy, laziness, stupidity. There is a high probability that the decisions made will lead to a dead end or lead to fatal results, since they were based on excessive emotionality or were poorly thought out. The situation can turn into shame and deception for the fortuneteller. You will need to make every effort to get out of it with honor.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The direct card Lady of Cups means a period of rest, waiting, when a person listens to himself in order to grasp the further direction of professional development. Arkan also means the impossibility to see only material benefit in work, as well as the inadmissibility of fuss and haste in the performance of their work duties. Sometimes the map indicates a period of stagnation and unclear development prospects, minor losses.

Inverted card position

The Inverted Lady of Cups reports a lack of career prospects or ostentatious intelligence and overestimated self-esteem. It may indicate intolerance of the mistakes of others, the ability not to reckon with others or the law for the sake of their own mercantile interests.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

Direct card position

A tendency to edema, puffiness, excess weight, sluggish chronic diseases. The transition of an acute illness into a chronic form.

Inverted card position

Possible drug poisoning, substance abuse, suspiciousness, mental disorders and disorders, mood swings.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In fortune-telling and layouts for love and relationships, the card of the court of the Queen of Cups in a direct position indicates that partners in a union are guided by the heart, and not by benefit or common sense, love is the main priority that determines the essence of their relationship. Sometimes Arkan indicates the need for a romantic relationship, a period of waiting for a new acquaintance.

Inverted card position

The inverted Queen of Cups in divination for love and relationships is the most insidious tarot card. She points not only to the fact that in the existing union a person feels lonely and useless, but also to manipulation, cunning and vindictiveness, gossip and slander. Often, Arkan points to an angry, angry woman who is capable of any decisions and actions due to the fact that she was neglected, or rejected or deceived. In a fit of rage, she can commit an act that will cause a fortuneteller or his entourage a lot of trouble.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card, as a rule, indicates a woman, not a young blonde (40–45 years old and older), who was most likely born under the Zodiac Sign Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, and certainly endowed with numerous talents. She has developed intuition, artistic, sensitive to shades of emotions and feelings, vulnerable and sensitive. This woman is practical, very direct in her statements; at the same time, she is all filled with spirituality, which manifests itself most of all in the spiritual relationships with which she is usually absorbed. The Lady of Cups often has the gift of foresight, and it makes sense to listen to her advice.

Inverted card position

Here, in the characterization of a person, the tendency to exaggeration and willfulness, imbalance and a rather high probability of unreliability and disruption of plans come to the fore. A person is capable of disregarding the law, breaking a given promise or word. His character may show a tendency to sarcasm, insincerity, unwillingness to sympathize. The inverted Queen of Cups may indicate an insidious person who will try to lure the fortuneteller into the network of his insidious intrigues. This person is deeply dishonest inwardly, capable of dishonesty, vile methods and techniques, blackmail. You cannot trust him with your experiences, thoughts and plans - your revelations will very soon be turned against you.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Cups card as a card of the day

Today, you feel especially clearly the spiritual aspirations and needs of those around you. However, it is possible that you may suffer because of other people's negative emotions. And yet go towards people: intuition will save you from severe mental wounds. Pay special attention to dreams and signs of destiny. It is also possible that you will meet today with a subtle, deeply understanding woman, with the help of whom you will be able to reveal many secrets and mysteries of life.

Board of the Queen of Cups card in fortune telling and spreads

In order not to get hurt, listen to your intuition, which is almost always able to determine what kind of person is in front of you and what are his true intentions and goals.


Queen of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - to be upset because of the child.
With the "Magician" card - play on the feelings of others.
With the card "High Priestess" - tarologist, psychologist, esotericist.
With the "Empress" card - to be "pregnant" with a project, a child.
With the card "Emperor" - create a family.
With the card "Hierophant" - to be cleansed.
With the card "Lovers" - to give love.
With the "Chariot" card - confusion in feelings.
With the Strength card - draw strength from your feelings.
With the "Hermit" card - hide feelings in yourself.
With the card "Wheel of Fortune" - renew your senses.
With the "Justice" card - seek the truth.
With the Hanged Man card - to be betrayed.
With the card "Death" - to be sad.
With the card "Moderation" - come to your senses.
With the Devil card, you can be seduced and lose yourself.
With the "Tower" card - broken feelings.
With the card "Star" - revival.
With the "Moon" card - be deceived.
With the "Sun" card - creative flowering; conception.
With the "Court" card - reflect.
With the World card - heal; come to terms with your feelings.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - love; excitement.
With the card "Two of Wands" - conflicting feelings.
With the card "Three of Wands" - an emotional uplift.
With the card "Four of Wands" - emotional delight.
With the "Five of Wands" card - lack of emotional closeness; misunderstanding.
With the card "Six of Wands" - honor; respect; love adventure.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - a conflict in matters of the heart.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - a heartfelt message; confession.
With the Nine of Wands card - disappointment.
With the card "Ten of Wands" - trampled feelings.
With the card "Page of Wands" - quivering feelings.
With the "Knight of Wands" card - emotional intensity; overwhelmed feelings; incontinence.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - optimism and faith in love.
With the King of Wands card - good luck in love; pair formation.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Lady of Cups (bowls) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - A woman too spoiled by male attention
Priestess - Abused Virtue
Empress - Pregnant Woman
Emperor - Spiritualized personality, joy of communication
Priest - Good friend (it does not depend on gender)
Lovers - Opening the "third" eye, the need for support
Chariot - Success in journalism, music
Justice - The Fortifying Power of Healing, Professional Achievement
Hermit pr and lane - Enjoy the arts, beautiful
Wheel of Fortune - The need for closeness, sympathy, tenderness
Strength - Jealous mistress
The Hanged Man - Using the Wife for Low Purposes
Death is the kindness that no one needs
Moderation - Lady in office, chief accountant or economist
Devil - Temptations
Tower - Circe that turned men into pigs
Star - Award, quite honorable ("Teffi" level)
Moon - Love for a mature lady
Sun - Help that will come immediately. Help and very fast
Judgment - Imaginative Thinking
Peace - Feeling for a mature partner
Jester - Loss of memory, amnesia, forgetfulness

Lady of Cups (bowls) in an upright position with Minor lasso

2 Cups - Fast love for a man; possibly later marriage
Ace of Cups - Meeting your loved one at a party
Ace of Swords - Early trouble, sorrow, grief.

For centuries, people have been using the Tarot to learn the unknown. Today anyone can ask a question about an old deck. To do this, it is enough to be able to interpret the Tarot symbols. But it is important not only to understand the meaning of the major arcana, but also to know the interpretation of the younger ones. For example, Queens of Cups. It is located in the group of court arcana and can mean both emotions and a specific person.

Characteristics of the suit of cups

The entire tarot deck is divided into two groups. The first contains the major arcana, and the second is called the Minor Mystery deck. It includes four suits, each of which is responsible for a specific area of \u200b\u200blife. Any of the suits, laid out in a row, symbolizes the life path of a person. It begins with small and insignificant deeds, and ends with significant events.

The suit of cups is responsible for the emotional side of life and relationships. Contacts of the inner world of a person with the outside are determined by this symbol.

Cups belong to the element of Water, therefore, in the zodiacal row, the suit is identified with water signs. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. In some interpretations, the symbols of cups are usually interpreted as representatives of these signs.

Drawing a parallel with a playing deck, cups are usually compared to worms, which also reflect the emotional side of the issue. They are responsible for love, its absence or manifestation. The color is often called bowls, glasses, hearts.

Description of the Queen of Bowls

The queen of cups is usually identified with the lady of hearts. This card is often called the lady of the tarot bowls. Its meaning is quite easy to read in the very image of the symbol. The card depicts a woman seated on a throne. Its pedestal is roughly hewn out of stone. The Lady is holding a closed cup. Her gaze is directed at him. A river flows at the foot of the throne. With the help of this symbol, a parallel is drawn with the element of Water, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. The sky above the character's head is cloudless.

The queen of cups is feminine. She personifies love at its most sincere.... The cup in hand symbolizes aspirations and hopes, which are destined to come true. It symbolizes this drawing and the harmony of the inner world with the environment. The woman is peaceful and calm.

It means a map and intuitive thinking, which is also attributed to the feminine principle. The feelings of a person who received this symbol in the layout speak louder than the voice of reason. By the interpretation of fortune-telling, one can determine whether it is beneficial or harmful.

The closed cup also symbolizes creative impulses, many of which remain unconscious. The queen tries to guess the contents of the bowl, which embodies self-knowledge and the ability to act, referring to her inner voice. But the cup also indicates an over-emphasis on intuition and an unwillingness to hear the voice of reason.

The meaning of the minor arcana

Any card of cups, including the Queen, embodies the emotional side of the issue. With the help of these cards, the Tarot describes the feelings and desires of a person. The deck indicates hidden aspects. They are immaterial, but weighty.

Correct location of the Lady

In the interpretation of a particular symbol, its orientation is of greatest importance. It is from whether the card fell out in the correct or inverted position that its interpretation depends.

The value of the Queen of Cups in the correct position:

Correctly oriented, the card symbolizes the depth of feelings and the maturity of emotions. She personifies the wisdom and harmony of the inner world. The person who received this symbol has a well-developed intuition and flair. The queen of glasses demonstrates the true meaning of love, happiness and peace of mind.

Often court lasso means a specific person in the life of the questioner. The queen of bowls indicates a middle-aged woman. She is certainly talented and enjoys success with the opposite sex. If it is difficult to determine the person of the querent, then the choice of the fortuneteller will concern the signs of the zodiac of the Aquatic triad.

When determining the personality, the value of the neighboring arcana will be important. For example, the Priestess next door indicates a woman with psychic abilities. The Hierophant is treated as a person with intense spiritual development.

Inverted symbol interpretation

In the wrong position, the symbol takes on a slightly different meaning. The interpretation is not categorically negative, but has a warning meaning. A short meaning of the inverted Queen of Cups:

The inverted Queen of Chalices is a symbol of using intuition in the wrong direction. The symbol personifies stubbornness, willfulness and falling into extremes. The unselfishness of love is lost. There is no more space and devotion. Symbolizes the card and imbalance. Disruptions of plans, as well as unexpected news are possible.

Interpretation in personality analysis

The card describes a strong character... Most likely, this is a woman. If the question concerns age, then the Tarot indicates 40-45 years, although these frames can shift depending on the spiritual state of the individual. A woman either belongs to high society, or has realized herself in life. She is successful, her condition satisfies her.

It is possible that the card indicates a creative person or endowed with multiple talents. It doesn't have to be fine art. There is also an acting talent. If the card is upside down, it might be hypocrisy and pretense.

Career and finance question

In divination for professional activity, the Queen of glasses card can have a variety of meanings. It should be interpreted by referring to the orientation of the symbol.

Correct and incorrect orientation

The Right Queen describes activities where a person feels harmony and calm. It can be a creative job or an intuitive job. This activity fully satisfies the querent, because the answer of the deck is positive. There is also inspiration that accompanies the work. The Sun next to the map enhances this value.

The queen of cups says that a person is interested in work not only financially, but also morally... Tarot advises avoiding haste and impulsive decisions. Think carefully about each step and do not forget about intuition.

In the wrong position, the Lady of Cups indicates an unpromising activity. It also symbolizes ostentatious conceit and unwillingness to reckon with other people's opinions. The law is also on the sidelines, which may have negative consequences in the future.

In the description of the personality, the card indicates a petty and quarrelsome character. Gossip and intrigue revolve around him. It personifies such a sign and an ill-wisher or competitor. A particularly negative interpretation is received by the alignment where the wrong Queen is paired with the Moon. This means early disappointment and loss of hope.

Fortune telling on relationships and love

In terms of personal relationships, the Queen of Chalices is of great importance.... The card itself personifies the ability to manage feelings, therefore, the discovery of this symbol in the question of love can be considered karmic. We should not forget about his position.

A favorable interpretation takes on a alignment if the questioner received the correct Queen of Tarot Cups in it. The meaning in the relationship of this symbol speaks of true feeling. A person does not experience the slightest selfish impulses in the union. He is guided by the heart. However, the card has a positive interpretation for women, indicating the sexuality and attractiveness of the lady. For men, it symbolizes a kind of longing for strong feelings, a thirst for sincere love.

For a couple, the Queen of Cups forecast provides for strong love and the ability to withstand difficulties. It's a crystal clear feeling. The neighborhood of the senior arcana will tell you the nature of this love. For example, Strength speaks of the inspiration found in relationships.

In the wrong position, the card can give several different answers:

  1. One of the partners tries to manipulate the other in the relationship. He does not harbor true feelings, he is driven by a thirst for profit.
  2. One of the lovers feels lonely, despite the existing half. He lacks warmth and sincerity in a pair.
  3. In some situations, the symbol speaks of outside influence, for example, gossip and slander. There is also a trick.

Sometimes Tarot, with the help of the Queen, points to a particular person. In the case of love, this is an angry woman, whose actions are radical and can cause damage. This person has harbored a grudge or wants to avenge deception.

Neighborhood maps will help clarify the interpretation. The Queen of Cups with other cards, for example, with the Hermit, indicates the inability of a person to express their thoughts and open up. The chariot speaks of a mess in relationships. One of the partners never decided what they were for.

Combination with other cards

Adjacent cards in fortune telling, which are always interconnected, can help in the interpretation of the layout. The Lady of Cups was no exception. For example, the alignment promises the questioner faith in love and indestructible optimism if the Queen of Tarot Clubs is caught next to her.

The value of the Queen of Cups in combination with other cards (major arcana):

Health prognosis

The correct Queen indicates good health and wellness... The soul of the questioner is in harmony with the body. He enjoys life, including sensual pleasures such as strong coffee or sweets. The symbol demonstrates a quick improvement in the condition, if at the time of divination the person is not in the best shape.

The card also warns about troubles. The queen of cups is identified with sex life, so its meaning in this scenario concerns STDs. Be mindful of the ways you enjoy life, the card says.

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