Interpretation of the tarot 7 pentacles. Interpretation and meaning of the Tarot: "Seven of Pentacles". Seven of Cups: Dreams

Sealants 29.11.2020

"Patience and work will grind everything."

Most often, this card means a modest reward for great work. Junior Arkan Tarot card Seven of Pentacles (Coins, Denarii) means that you are wasting yourself where formality could have been enough. In this article, we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

The Seven of Pentacles means work and the expectation of success, and whether it is justified or not, the neighboring cards will show.

The general meaning of the Seven of Pentacles card

Crowley's meaning differs from the traditional one. Decay, failure of a case on which too much energy was spent. The failure of dreams and plans, which is pointless to cling to.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of the card is close to tradition: unfinished business will require too much effort from you, more than you expected. It is a reward for work in any area. You worked very hard, and the process itself was satisfying. Now that the field has been plowed and sown, it remains to wait for the harvest to ripen.

Both meanings are related. And there, and there they talk about patience and work. What will seem like a gift and a reward to a patient and self-controlled person, then for a fussy runner it is sheer torment and disappointment, a waste of time. But the Seven of Pentacles of the Tarot does not indicate a stop, but a slow, very gradual growth. These are long-term projects where you shouldn't expect quick results.

This is a respite when you can evaluate the path traveled and the situation as a whole. It depends on you whether it will be devastation or a quiet sifting of unnecessary and hope. If you wanted to get everything at once, you will be disappointed. Here Time manifests itself very clearly, and the process itself will continue until the moment of Truth and Retribution comes. The main thing is not to stop, not to give up and not listen to the whining hurry. Too much has already been done to back down.

The Seven of Coins does not promise a global and solemn completion, the process will peacefully and naturally come to its end, and maybe it will “die”, if it is the will of Heaven. But in fact, there will still be some kind of reward for any outcome. You just need to have enough patience.

In the layout of the situation, the Seven of Denarius predicts a good result, but reminds of the considerable work that will have to be invested in this matter. There is absolutely no need to resort to tricks, everything will happen by itself, but there is no need to rush - save your nerves and learn patience, everything should go naturally. Yes, a lot of effort has been invested, but the result is not yet visible. But the card teaches belief in future success.

Personality description

This Arkan speaks of possible doubts about one's abilities. Dissatisfaction and hope for profit and prosperity. But a person is interested not in just making money, but in his own self-realization. People on this card see the potential of others and the possible application of their talents to business. They can offer mutually beneficial cooperation. True, the opinion of the benefactor himself is not high. It seems to him that he does not possess any talents and is generally not worthy of high results.

On a deeper level

The main meaning of the Arcana in this area is “Process” - “Road”, as opposed to the final result (the end of the path, when the result has already been achieved). The map is not in vain associated with agriculture - perseverance and patient work in it are laid down by the sign of Taurus, but Saturn gives notes of a decadent mood, fuss. This is a test of strength.

For magicians, the card symbolizes the moment when the ritual or other magical action is performed and left to unfold on its own until the result. Equivalence of physical and mental effort: to achieve enlightenment, a young monk sometimes has to cross the threshold of fatigue while doing physical work.

In the third decade of Taurus, an attitude to work and a desire to achieve goals, the ability to plan are formed. And also creativity, patience, curbing emotions, justice. The ruler - Saturn, gives not only a creative streak, but also excessive fussiness and depression.

Seven Denarii speaks of the fact that sometimes you need to lose in small in order to achieve a lot. This is the Path for the sake of the Path, and not for the sake of the Goal. And the result is moved away from you only so that you can comprehend more and eventually achieve more. Need breeds talents, and a true artist is always hungry, literally and figuratively. And the habits of the usurer and the desire to get everything immediately only ruin everything achieved.

In the Arcana, the action of Chiron is also traced, causing confusion. And the step leading to self-discipline will be important. Occasionally, Crowley's formulation works, relating Arcanum to the World of Shadows and the slow dying of life.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The value of the card in different hands

For a career and work

There are almost no dynamics, although things seem to be going on. The profit is small, but in the long term everything is possible. The map indicates the very moment when we ask ourselves if we will continue or look for another field of activity. These are reflections during a break, a slow career growth. There will be results, but which ones will be suggested by the cards nearby. It is possible that the result will still be, but the reward will not be very great.

Because of essentially small successes, you can get bogged down in illusions and miss the real chances that will appear after a while. In any case, people who are more vain and who want to quickly increase their income will not like the Seven of Pentacles. It is good to see her in the scenario, perhaps, only if it concerns the court. Everything will pass slowly, calmly, as usual, and you only need to calmly and hard work.

Crowley thickens the colors - speaks of despair and bad times, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with the results. But everything is relative. Perhaps a bad mood diminishes what you have done in your eyes.

Maybe you are trying in vain to "reach out to the minds" of others? But you know, people tend to resist onslaught. Maybe you just need to relieve the pressure and everything will go much better. Often, the card speaks of the lack of recognition of talent, when contemporaries are simply unable to appreciate the genius of a person.

For finance and property

Impatience, the desire to quickly achieve what you want. The questioner is not satisfied with what he has. But in the old sources, Arkan is listed as a harbinger of wealth, good deals and profit, it is the result of hard work and good planning. Good savings and a built state brick by brick.

Sometimes the map was interpreted as an unexpected find - a treasure, hidden treasures. This is an accident that can reward you for the long patience you have shown before. Perhaps this is just a good moment, the most favorable for carrying out some kind of financial transactions or transactions. Or a very good and interesting deal, which you will be able to pull off only thanks to the accumulated experience, and you will acquire it only in the previous long and hard work.

Often the Seven of Coins warns of the need to create a cash reserve that will provide you until stable results are achieved, if you do not get the expected profit, it will be slightly less.

Crowley, as always, is full of tragedy and extremes, he sees in this lasso a wide range of troubles from small losses to bankruptcy and betrayal by partners. The inverted value of the card in the classical interpretation speaks of debt and monetary difficulties. These are losses, financial holes, expenses not foreseen by the budget. Unclean sources of income or money laundering.

For love and relationships

The Seven of Pentacles has a double interpretation, so you need to carefully look at the surrounding cards.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot, meaning in relationships speaks of their slowness. There are no sharp turns and madness, but you are constantly working to build an alliance. There are no ups, but no downs, no extravagance, but everything is not so easy, you live your days, take gradual steps.

It is very likely that one of the partners is delaying some of the issues. For example, one wants an official marriage, and the second is afraid of financial instability or property troubles. Whereas the first partner is much less worried about such things and is very interested in the further development of this marriage.

Crowley says that people do not hear each other and disagreements, most likely, cannot be overcome. Often, the lasso indicates disharmony in marriage or partnership and the consequences of this imbalance. It is useless to force events. Natural processes must go through all phases until the situation is resolved.

If the object of your desires is not ready for changes in your life, then remember that people generally tend to resist any pressure from the outside. Most likely, a resigned mumbler and an eternal victim who agrees with everything, you would not be interested as an object of love. So show understanding and tact - give the person the opportunity to get to know you better and draw conclusions.

In any case, the process is underway. Let it be very slow. The first of the meanings of the card is that everything is gradually formed, the result will be achieved in due time. Wait, look for approaches, be consistent, do not fuss in vain.

In the second version - less optimistic, it is said about the hopelessness of the case. Everything goes on and on, the years go by. And instead of looking for better and more worthy options, you sit by the same mouse hole and watch your mouse. The trouble is that the paths of the mouse hole are winding, and the cunning animal could have long gone in a completely different direction. The card speaks of a painful desire to get the location of the object of your passion. The situation is strange - you seem to be stuck between heaven and earth, and most likely there will be no improvements.

Analyze everything that concerns your feelings and those signs that your partner gave you, perhaps even unconscious ones. Perhaps the time has come to end this torment? Or do you need to give your partner time to "mature" and morally grow to the desired decision?

Sometimes the card speaks of innocence, as a state when an untouched and never flowering bush can not bear fruit. Traditionally, the map is associated with the constellation Libra, the VII House (he is responsible for creating a family), the presence of Venus and Mercury is felt here.

The card does not conceal complete hopelessness. It is possible that you have set yourself the wrong goal or are on the wrong path to it? Or maybe public opinion obscures the partner's eyes and he demands from this union not at all what his soul wants? Then this imbalance will hinder the achievement of mutual understanding between the parties. Crowley focuses on the insoluble crisis, stall and breakdown of the relationship.

For health

Health problems. Perhaps a chronic illness, the course of which you are not aware of. Lethargy and overwork. Often this condition is typical for 35-50-year-old people. You may have been overcome by apathy and depression. Sometimes the map can indicate a pandemic.

Patience and perseverance are rewarded many times over, while in petty vanity you will lose everything you have already collected. Records are useless here, everything has its time and place. You can get too bogged down in the little things of unnecessary vanity that you will not have the strength for something great. Business, like a seed, needs to germinate, but pulling it by the top towards the sun is useless. And the gardener will still have time for reflection.

Reverse card meaning

Here the influences of Saturn unfold in all their glory: vanity, nervousness, impatience. In a hurry, money is not invested profitably, wasted, losses and difficult times. There are many mistakes in work, erroneous calculations. Procrastination and stagnation. The low position of Libra promises scandals in the family or work collective, hopes are disappointed and the contribution to the common cause is unequal.

The Seven of Pentacles inverted means that efforts are not rewarded. Perhaps you cheated? In society - a violation of norms and rules, a person is either a victim of lawlessness, or a bully himself. One vanity and suspicion. And everything is useless.

Combined with other cards

How the Seven of Pentacles is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester - vanity is in vain;
  • With the Empress - a good combination, which speaks of prosperity and warm relations. Remuneration for work.
  • With Justice - evaluate everything soberly and choose the right direction of movement;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - the direction of action will change;
  • With Death - the matter will soon get off the ground;
  • With the Devil - greed, unwillingness to part with property, money in your life is very important. With the cards of the initial row of Pentacles, not counting the Ace, this is from the experienced poverty and hardship.

Waiting for the harvest. Everything develops and grows independently. Patience. Long procces. Slow growth. Hard work. Fatigue. Small financial income. Uncertainty. Break. Reflecting on your efforts. Attention to detail. Change of world view. Discipleship stage. Unsatisfactory relationship. One is invested, and the other only receives. Pregnancy.

Be patient and trust that things will turn out for the better.

Don't get carried away with raw ideas and the promise of a quick profit.

Card of the day
Your motto today is "Good deeds are not done in a hurry." Even if you belong to people whose blood just boils from this motto, still keep in mind that on this day you are not allowed to rush or impatience. Consider that you are going to have a patience test today, so any haste can only harm the implementation of your own far-reaching plans. Remember the Chinese wisdom: "if you want to quickly cope with something, take some time." If you have no problems with patience, then take today and just rest, remembering that time is working for you.

Inverted card
Failure of the project. Hard, unpaid work. Wasted effort. Disappointment. Financial difficulties. Impatience. Problems with conceiving a child.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners".

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This card depicts a man who briefly stopped to rest and gazed at the seven pentacles, which symbolize material wealth.
It looks like in the beginning man worked hard in the garden, but now is the time for the magic of nature itself.

In other words, there are things in the world that are beyond our control.
All we can do is do what we are capable of, and then we just have to wait and watch.

Questions to ask yourself if you've drawn the Seven of Pentacles
  • Are you spending what you could invest in a profitable business?
  • Are you waiting for the opportunity to hear someone or learn about something?
  • Are you ready to reap what you have sown?
  • What should you set free?
  • What is built by hard work?
Key ideas
Whatever you are working on (including relationships between people), a point has been reached from which everything can develop independently.

Step aside for a while and congratulate yourself.
Remain calm, promise yourself a good rest.
Everything will be fine, but only after you recuperate.

Direct Map: You begin to realize that friendship involves commitment, that there is a lot to give and take, but any personal sacrifice you make is really worth it.

Friendship is not something that just happens.
We need to work on it.
Reversed card: The card hints at gossip and the fact that some friends are not worthy of your trust.

Direct Map: You are worried about the results of the verification tests.

If you know that you have done everything you are capable of, rest in peace - the results will be excellent.
Reversed card: You reap what you sow.
If you haven't prepared for exams, don't expect a triumphant victory.

Direct Map: You could be a little more active.
If you want to meet someone new, you need to be where not only old acquaintances come.
Reversed card: Don't sacrifice your cleanliness to date someone.

The game is not worth the candle.

A family
Direct Map: Your family is about to change.
Some of them will be tricky, but in the end everything will turn out for the best.
Reversed card: Some members of your family need to think carefully about the situation before taking action.
Direct Map: This is a map of steady, calm progress rather than a quick ascent to the top.
Perhaps you are attracted to a lifelong discipleship, or the path of a teacher.
Reversed card: Mediocre planning and messy actions can rob you of your chances of success.
Health / Appearance
Direct Map: You are happy with yourself.
Perhaps you've recently lost weight, or improved your fitness, or got an amazing haircut.
Reversed card: You feel a little uneasy and uneasy about your appearance.
Direct Map: You will soon see the monetary equivalent of your efforts.
Reversed card: A good time for money-related decisions.
Fortune telling in half a minute
Monica would like to help her mother, who at the moment was struggling to make ends meet.

The map suggests that there is a lot of work in the house that Monica could apply herself to.
Helping around the house will make life much easier for her mother.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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A young man taking a break from work symbolizes time for reflection.
A bush with pentacles can represent a project or relationship.
Difficult decision.
This card predicts the need to make any choice and make certain decisions.

You are at a crossroads and it takes time to think before you take the next step.
In White's Universal Tarot, this card is a portrait of a young man leaning on his club and calmly watching the pentacles growing like fruit.

He seems to be now trying to assess what he has been able to accomplish so far and what now needs to be done to make further progress.
Ultimately, he will need to act in order to reap the fruits of his labors.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a situation when it is necessary to make a decision whether to stay on the trail one hundred times or try to go in a new direction.
If we choose the latter, we can jeopardize everything we have achieved so far, but this card warns us against complacency.

We may be justifiably satisfied with the success we have achieved so far, but at the same time, we have new ideas that can lead us to even greater achievements.

It may be wise to pause and reflect on all the implications of realizing our potential abilities.
We will have to make constant efforts and use all our practical skills to implement our plans.

Still vague and hanging by a thread.

The choice of the Seven of Pentacles indicates that the time has come to take stock.
You have doubts about whether you should leave the usual business and do something completely new.

The current circumstances may seem daunting, but you shouldn't back down because of temporary setbacks.
The message conveyed by this card reads: "Do not give up!", As your persistence will be rewarded and bring a well-deserved reward.

The Seven of Pentacles often portends a period of dissatisfaction with yourself, when you are not exactly sure where you should direct your energy.
But if you stick to your principles and keep your commitments, then you will see a clear goal in front of you.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Divination value
Hard work.
Successful deals.
Inverted value

Unreasonable behavior.
Loss of money.
Unreasonable investment.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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Seven of Coins is a profit card, especially received as a reward for labor.

Inner meaning
This is a profit card, especially one received as a reward for labor.
The profit is usually monetary (a sign of the suit!), But it is possible in any area where the Questioner worked for a long time and fruitfully.

Seven of Coins also predicts continuous gradual growth, both personal and in business, and you will receive satisfaction from both work and its fruits.
Numerologically, this card also suggests that your success is, at least in part, due to past decent work; the result will be generously rewarded.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: success, usually financial.
Growth in business or other endeavors.
Benefit, profit, money.
Reward and satisfaction from the work performed.
Gradual growth of the enterprise.

Good will on the part of the Questioner and in relation to him.
Inverted, or negative: financial difficulties, especially concerning unreasonable expenses or a loan that the questioner gave not being sure of its return.

Your anxiety is justified; be careful.
Bad debtors, heavy losses, failure are possible.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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The Seven of Pentacles is a map of labor, patience and appreciation.
You harvest and analyze whether it is worth the effort.
This is a map of difficulties and challenges that require skill, courage and determination - only with the help of these qualities can you prove that you are worthy of success.

She foreshadows the quick results of hard and hard work.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, a farmer contemplates a bountiful harvest, perhaps waiting until it is fully ripe before starting to harvest it.
You may be watching your money work, taking stock or making an inventory.

Your risky projects have begun to bear fruit, but you still need faith and patience, because it is useless to rush the natural cycles and nature in general.
The Golden Dawn had a darker view of things.

In their interpretation, the card meant a decrease in profits and a violation of promises.
You may not get what you hoped for.
Psychologically, this is the fear of success: you yourself sabotage your potential achievements, because you do not believe that you deserve a high result.

Old interpretations emphasize the aspect of cleansing, eliminating unnecessary things - for example, getting rid of broken things, throwing out trash, discarding low-quality objects, etc. If you are cultivating, growing, cultivating something - do it with care.

Sometimes this card simply means taking a break or waiting to see what happens next.
Perfectionism, various delays and delays are possible.
The value of the card largely depends on those adjacent to it.

Traditional meanings: money, wealth, finance, cash, profit.
Cleansing, getting rid of the old.
Slow progress.
Profit from hard work and hard work.
Lack of success in agriculture.

Obstacles to project implementation.
Ingenuity, skill.

Inverted Seven of Pentacles
An inverted Seven of Pentacles increases anxiety and loss.
You may feel vaguely uncomfortable and anxious, or sink into melancholy.

The delays become total, and impatience only makes you worse.
It seems to you that everyone is hunting for your ideas or are ready to steal crops in the bud, which forces you to be on your guard all the time.

If other cards confirm this interpretation, your suspicions will soon come true.
The difficulties are growing.
More and more new things are discovered, and fatigue only increases.
Whatever the circumstances, you cannot pause and rest.

Problems at work often correspond to this map.
The profits do not cover the time and effort spent.
One client saw a dull and hopeless job in this map.
“This is not my crop,” she said.

Despite my best efforts, after the deed is done, I receive neither money, nor recognition, nor any benefit. "
Possible losses due to the full development of resources.
Weeds or waste may exceed the expected amount.

Or it turns out that nothing will grow at all.
Investments and processes are not working as planned.
The volume of work to be done or financial costs are beyond your capabilities.
When projecting this map onto other people, you will feel like they are lazy, make the wrong investment, or are too afraid of potential losses.

In terms of health, these are constant thoughts about their own weakness and illness.
From a psychological point of view, this card speaks of investing the same amount of strength and energy in everything you do.

As the old aphorism says: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, bring water; and after it chop wood, bring water."
On the shamanic and magical plane, this is the erection of an altar, which serves as a focal point for changing consciousness.

After carefully saturating the altar (or spell) with the power of intention, as well as invoking and feeding the spirits, the practitioner forgets about what he has done, leaving the magic to do its thing.
Traditional inverted meanings: anxiety, restlessness, melancholy.

Mental anguish.
Misfortunes, difficulties, regression.
Distrust, suspicion.
Caring, attention, diligence.
Shortsighted investments.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
"This is called the Favorable Beginning," the old man's words recalled to him.
- Beginners are lucky.
For life wants a person to follow His Path. "
(Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist")
Description of the card and its inner meaning
The meaning of this card is that a person will receive a worthy reward for their work.

And all this only because he went his own way.
Everyone should mind their own business.
Then satisfaction, both from the work and from its fruits, will not be long in coming.
The Seven of Pentacles points to one more point: since the work of the Questioner will not be very easy (albeit beloved), and the growth of profits will be gradual, some psychological, moral or physical fatigue may occur, which will lead the Questioner to melancholy and melancholy.

This is probably why this card is illustrated by the image of a young man who wearily leans on his staff and sadly looks at a huge mountain of coins.
Yes, the job is done, but how much is still ahead!

Man is waiting for the fruits of the sown harvest.
We'll have to work more, perhaps a small mistake was made at the beginning of the journey.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - Ж, number - 7, Ruled by the planet - Neptune, zodiac sign - Virgo, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 39th hexagram ("Obstacle"), Weather conditions - clear, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to Sephira Netzach.
Card value
Direct position
The Seven of Coins indicates that the Questioner will receive satisfaction both from the work itself and from its results.
But this will be a gradual increase in profits.

Such an expectation can lead to psychological fatigue of the Questioner.
This Arcanum also indicates that the Questioner will be surrounded by reliable people.
In addition, the Seven of Pentacles can have the following interpretations; ingenuity, moral purification, innocence, sincerity, redemption, contemplation.

Inverted position
In this case, the value of the card can be regarded as a warning that the Questioner is not wasteful, does not lend money, since it will be very difficult to repay debts.

Seven of Coins in an inverted position also indicates that now is not the time to start any important business, since there is a chance of getting less than one could expect.
It is necessary to replenish the stock of knowledge, since for the current period of time they are sorely lacking.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Seven of Pentacles - a sense of failure and dissatisfaction.
You worked without sparing your strength, and it bore fruit, but the results achieved do not please you at all, interest in the goal has completely disappeared.

The card, both in the forward and reverse position, indicates health problems.
Inverted - indicates monetary difficulties, debts.
All your efforts almost went to waste.
Ahead - emptiness and loss.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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Vii. Seven - a young man, leaning on his hoe, carefully looks at the seven pentacles attached to a pile of greenery to his right.
He could say that it was there that his treasures were and that his heart is still there.

Direct position: they are very controversial.
As a rule, this card means money, business, barter.
Another interpretation means a quarrel, a quarrel.
Another reading means simplicity, ingenuity, purification.

Reverse position: anxiety about money.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Jupiter / Saturn as a symbol of patience, slow but steady growth.
SEVEN DENARIEV This card represents patience and slow growth.

She recommends not rushing, finding a promising chance for yourself, but thinking it over thoroughly, giving yourself time before making a decision: let the seed sprout, show its leaves and flowers.
If we do not rush things and pick the fruits while still green, we can achieve success.

Together with the Hanged Man and the Four of Swords, the Seven of Denarii constitutes a triad indicating the need for waiting.
However, unlike these two cards, it does not mean a stop, but continuous growth.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Failure, failure.
The third decade of Taurus is from May 10 to 20.
Astrological equivalents: Libra, Venus, Chiron, Saturn.
The third decade of Taurus symbolizes a responsible attitude to work and the planned fulfillment of one's desires, love for the earth and a person's full dedication to creativity and creation.

It is ruled by the patient and strict Saturn, who helps to organize feelings and endows her representatives with qualities such as perseverance, justice and loyalty.
True, Saturn also gives concern and anxiety about his financial situation, stinginess and a desire for immediate success.

The Tarot card depicts a man who came to the vineyard he cultivated and found no fruit there.
Life deprives a person of the result for him to move on.
Achievement of a goal never brings complete satisfaction: a person always wants and expects something big from life.

It is the loss of the finite for the sake of the infinite.
The young man in the picture is forced to admit that the result that he would like to achieve, in fact, does not fit into the framework of the needs of the surrounding life defined by him.

The true goal of labor remains unknown to him, since it goes beyond the limits of his personality and belongs to the eternal process of the transformative activity of man in the world.
Getting bogged down in meaningless work, unable to stop.

Seven is a perfect number, so Seven of Pentacles means achieving some physical goal, establishing a relationship.
The Seven of Pentacles corresponds to Libra, the Seventh House.
The influence of Mercury is also noticeable in it.

Direct position: In the upright position, the Seven of Pentacles symbolizes talent, insight, growth, hard work, progress, money, good deals, income, health.
The card can symbolize the moment suitable for concluding a contract, marriage (if there are, of course, additional indicators).

This card means contact with harmony, poise, grace.
It can symbolize a platonic romance or a beautifully executed financial transaction.
At the same time, in the Seven of Pentacles, Chiron acts through Libra, sometimes carrying with him confusion, confusion, ambiguity.

Here it is necessary to check the horoscope before making a "verdict" about how a person will deal with this ambiguity: either he will dissolve in it and enjoy it, or he will try to put everything in order.

The Seven of Pentacles can mean not only harmony, but also issues related to the preservation of harmony, and certain difficulties arising from this.
Inverted position: In an inverted position, the Seven of Pentacles: anxiety, impatience, lack of lightness, carelessness, loss of money, unsuccessful investments.

Low Libra struck by the Seventh House.
May indicate a quarrel, scandals with spouses or partners, treachery on the part of a partner.
A partner who does not meet expectations, does not make an equal contribution to the common cause is another motive associated with the Seven of Pentacles, straight or inverted.

Disharmonious social behavior, violation of public order, where you are the initiator of an outrage or its victim - this can also manifest the Seven of Pentacles.
The work needs to be done, but its fruits have not appeared.

We can talk about a situation in which no work brings success and cannot bring it.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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The young man is leaning on a hoe.
He is often portrayed in a costume consisting of two halves, light and dark.
He cultivates a vineyard, among the vines of which are scattered seven coins decorated with five-pointed stars.

In the "Tarot of Aquarius" this is a girl returning from her field with a sickle and ears in her hands.
This is the image of the Sower planting a garden and waiting for the harvest.
But the harvest is still far away, and he is overwhelmed by doubts: will the seeds sprout?

Will the fruits grow?
The suit of two halves symbolizes the duality of consciousness, hope and uncertainty.
Have patience, this card says.
Any business takes time to mature.
If you have sown good, then the seedlings will also be good.

Your work will not go to waste.
Well, and since the harvest is usually expected next year, the card can mean the year of time.
Inverted: It retains approximately the same value, only it will take longer - not one year, but two or several years.

Values \u200b\u200bof the card in an upright position:

  1. labor will not be wasted;
  2. have patience!
  3. time interval - a year;
  4. evaluating the results of hard work;
  5. feeling of uncertainty;
  6. more work needs to be done to achieve the desired results;
  7. slow growth;
  8. pregnancy;
  9. you should not rush to start something new;
  10. unpaid work;
  11. problems with conception;
  12. incorrigibility;
  13. wealth.

Inverted Card Values:

  1. labor will not be wasted (time interval 2 years or several years);
  2. impatience, anxiety, depression:
  3. investments will not bring profit;
  4. fast movement to nowhere;
  5. premature termination of attempts;
  6. self-pity;
  7. loss in gambling;
  8. infection.

The young man is leaning on a hoe. He is often portrayed in a costume consisting of two halves, light and dark. He cultivates a vineyard, among the vines of which are scattered seven coins decorated with five-pointed stars. In the "Tarot of Aquarius" this is a girl returning from her field with a sickle and ears in her hands.

This is the image of the Sower planting a garden and waiting for the harvest. But the harvest is still far away, and he is overwhelmed by doubts: will the seeds sprout? Will the fruits grow? A suit of two halves symbolizes the duality of consciousness, hope and uncertainty.

Have patience, this card says. Any business takes time to mature. If you have sown good, then the seedlings will be good too. Your work will not go to waste. Well, and since the harvest is usually expected next year, the card can mean the year of time.

In the inverted form, it retains approximately the same value, only it will take longer - not one year, but two or several years.

(E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot")

DESCRIPTION: The young man leaned thoughtfully on his hoe, contemplating what was growing in his field. Element: Earth.

EXPLANATION: This card, called "The Lord of Unfulfilled Success," indicates that things are not going as they could. Much hard work has already been invested in sowing and caring for the grain, and part of the significance of this card is in evaluating the results of that hard work. However, a sense of uncertainty prevails here. If you draw this card, be prepared for the fact that your expectations may not be realized, at least in the short term. Patience is another explanation for this card. If you are involved in difficult trades, take some time to think about the possible outcomes - no hasty decisions are needed now. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that more work needs to be done if you want to achieve satisfactory results.

THE VALUE OF THE INVERTED CARD: Impatience, anxiety and depression. Your investment will not be profitable.

LESSON FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Stop and study the situation, but then be ready to continue driving. If you are patient, you are more likely to succeed.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning")

This card represents patience and slow growth. She recommends not rushing, finding a promising chance for yourself, but thinking it over thoroughly, giving yourself time before making a decision: let the seed sprout, show its leaves and flowers. If we do not rush things and pick the fruits while still green, we can achieve success. Together with the Hanged Man and the Four of Swords, the Seven of Denarii constitutes a triad indicating the need for waiting. However, unlike these two cards, it does not mean a stop, but continuous growth.

JOB: Here, the Seven Denarii means the need to prepare for a long but grateful wait until the next phase of development ends. If we were expecting a quick result, then, most likely, we will be disappointed; if we tried to speed things up, we might end up in front of a broken trough. The best thing is to show maximum patience now in order to wait with full confidence for a positive result.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The period of maturation of new ideas, concepts and ideas. It is a slow but steady process. We are required not to rush into decisions, but to give ourselves time to assimilate new ideas and thoughts, to get comfortable with them.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: A slow but steady increase in the quality of relationships, promising a rich harvest. May also mean pregnancy. The Seven Denarii is a call to contemplation and patience, to the "wu-wei" of the Chinese ("do not do too much"), to what is said in the book of Daodejing: acting, inactive, sage. If we enter into a new union, then this card also advises not to rush, not to interfere with our impatience with natural ripening.

Sevens in Tarot

The number seven is associated with the Chariot, the planet Uranus and the lunar sign of Cancer. Uranus is the planet of abstract thinking, theory, intelligence, analysis, astrology, technical progress, independence and an impassive search for truth. Cancer is a sign of Water. It is directly related to our feelings. The planet Neptune, the patron of Cancer, is associated with meditation and respite.

The presence of sevens in the layout speaks of an original analytical approach to the study of various issues. Any trip now will be auspicious and enjoyable. Success is guaranteed by work in the field of science, engineering or computer technology. You may have the opportunity to write something, do research or study occult sciences. The main focus now should be on independent self-knowledge and inner spiritual growth. Relationships with others and affairs at work recede into the background, in the first place is self-knowledge.

The number seven represents Yang energy. On the seventh day, the Lord rested, and the sevens in the alignment often indicate the need for rest, solitude, detachment, meditation and reflection. Otherwise, you can expect overwork, anxiety, a feeling of limitedness, physical and nervous tension. Now all attention should be paid to spiritual growth, not material desires. This is a period suitable for analysis, reflection and meditation rather than for direct action.

Seven of Pentacles in an upright position

Key words and phrases:(Positive Values) Reevaluation of a project that you have been working on for a while. Waiting for results. Reflections on what you managed to acquire, what you managed to achieve over the past period. Hard work will be paid. Patience. Persistent attempts. Practical skills. Thorough work. Waiting period. Plateau. Patience. Slow but steady progress. Attentive parenting. A respite, giving the opportunity to think over everything and make a decision. Time for a change. Long term projects. A period of lull in the development of a project. Time of creation and approval of plans for the future. Choice between risk and safety. Favorable changes in finance. Waiting for results. Slowly but surely. You've come a long way.

(Negative values) Depression. Feeling of failure. Feeling that all attempts were in vain. Failure of the project. Speculation leads to losses. Unpaid work. Premature termination of attempts to act. Something is missing. Unsuccessful attempt to seize an advantageous opportunity. Problems with conceiving a child. Dissatisfaction. Imbalance. Incorrigibility. The Seven of Pentacles has a sense of failure.

Situation and advice:The positive aspect of the Seven of Pentacles is in the right position: you may feel like your efforts are in vain, but in fact it is not. You have reached the point where it would be logical to pause and consolidate the results. Your patient work helps you make slow but steady progress. You have reached the intermediate stage, but you still have a lot to do, and only then will your persistence be rewarded as it deserves. Although the results are not yet visible, now is not the time to stop trying. The Seven of Pentacles advises you to reflect and reassess what you have achieved so as to decide what you need most to achieve your goal, and then continue to persevere in achieving success.

Your financial situation will change for the better. At the finish of the tough race, a reward awaits you. Light is already visible at the end of the tunnel. Consider the words from Genesis: "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for in that day he rested from all His works that God did and created."

If the whole alignment is generally negative, the Seven of Pentacles has a less favorable meaning. You feel like the project you have worked on for so long and hard will have to be abandoned. You may be realizing that despite all the work you've done, you still can't reach your goal. You may have health problems, possibly due to injury, metabolic disorders, or infection.

People:Farmers. Investors. People who are planning. Patient workers.

Seven of Pentacles Inverted

Key words and phrases:Anxiety. Disappointment. Depression. Losses. Demoralization. Despair. A waste of energy. Unsuccessful investments. Work that will not give any result. Fatigue. Fast movement to nowhere. Lethargy. Hopelessness. Denial of success. Premature termination of attempts. Lack of finance. Anxiety about money. Bankruptcy. Loss in gambling. Difficult choice. Fear of poverty. Refusal of the project. Missed opportunities. Self-pity. Impatience. Hasty decisions. Unwillingness to see the whole situation In general. Exhaustion. Emptiness. Sterility. Disease. Damage. Infection. Imbalance. Patience is the main virtue.

Situation and advice:Perhaps you are moving too actively towards nowhere. You are in a situation that forces you to give up positions too resignedly, perhaps out of hopelessness or despair. There is no doubt that you are worried about money right now. You may have to abandon a project because of the financial problems that have arisen. Or maybe you borrowed too much or took out a large loan? Are you worried about unpaid bills? Are you doing work that doesn't work? Are you complaining about failed investments? It is very important to learn from your mistakes, then another time you can avoid them. You feel discouraged, but, nevertheless, you should take care of your health and take preventive measures.

People:Those who lose heart. Those who give up what they started halfway through. Impatient people.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Seven of Pentacles lasso

The meaning of the seven of pentacles in an upright position:

  • Money, Wealth, Amount, Coin.
  • Silver products.
  • Whiteness, Equality (similarity), Sincerity, Innocence, (Integrity), Naivety, Moon.
  • Purification, Excretion.

Other meanings of the seven of pentacles of the tarot in an upright position:

  • material progress
  • perseverance, success over time
  • dissatisfaction with the results of financial transactions
  • ailments affecting internal organs

The normally oriented Seven of Pentacles Tarot means limited success. Hard work and sustained effort can accidentally bring back deficits, but that will take a long time to come. The client faces project delays and speculation due to over-caution. It is this cautious approach that causes and intensifies anxiety and fear of failure. If the Client shows persistence, his work will be rewarded after a long time.

The seven pentacle tarot card means success, usually financial. Growth in business or other endeavors. Benefit, profit, money. Reward and satisfaction from the work performed. Gradual growth of the enterprise. Luck. Good will on the part of the Questioner and in relation to him.

Inverted interpretation:

Anxiety, Mental anguish, Impatience, Chagrin, Sadness, Concerns, Caring, Caring, Attention, Diligence, Diligence. Fear, Fear, Mistrust, Doubt, Suspicion.

Other meanings of the inverted seven of pentacles of the tarot:

  • unprofitable investment
  • rejection of opportunities, hasty decisions
  • financial difficulties, debts, health problems

The inverted seven pentacle tarot card foretells lost opportunities and depression. The client loses courage or cannot stand the pressure of problems and gives up. Enterprises are closing, which undoubtedly leads to financial losses. The card warns the Client against making such hasty business decisions.

An inverted seven of pentacles means monetary difficulties, especially concerning unreasonable expenses or a loan that the Questioner gave not being sure of its return. Your anxiety is justified; be careful. Bad debtors, heavy losses, failure are possible.

Inner meaning

The seven of pentacles is a card of profits, especially earned per hail for labor. The profit is usually monetary (a sign of the suit!), But it is possible in any area where the Questioner worked for a long time and fruitfully.

The seven pentacle tarot card also predicts continuous gradual growth, both personal and in business, and you will receive satisfaction from both work and its fruits. Numerically, the seven of pentacles also suggests that your success is, at least in part, due to past decent work; the result will be generously rewarded.


  1. N. Dryury “Tarot. A step-by-step guide to learning "
  2. E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot"
  3. Unknown Author "Getting Started for Reading Tarot Cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Self-study guide on tarot"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

Tarot cards are an ancient system of symbols that helps to awaken intuitive abilities and look behind the veil of the inner world. For centuries, tarologists have studied the human essence using images captured on cards. This is an alternative option that allows you to activate the hidden capabilities of the subconscious and get in touch with the secret.

The article describes the card "Seven of Pentacles", its meaning and interpretation in various life situations, and also gives advice and reveals the main meaning of the arcana.

Brief description and essence

In classic decks, the card depicts the following: a person is tilling the land, but at the moment he is resting, leaning on a garden tool. The bush ahead has already borne fruit. Here they are depicted as pentacles.

The symbol of a fruit-bearing shrub or tree was not chosen by chance. This suggests that one cannot stay idle. By analogy with plants that need constant care, it can be assumed that in this situation it is very important to make an effort. However, a person cannot speed up the process. All he can do is do what is needed and wait. Doubt and uncertainty about the future can make you quit what you started, but you should be patient. In the future, the effort spent will surely pay off.

The meaning of the Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" in a straight position

The card symbolizes work, a long process, waiting. This minor lasso foreshadows material well-being, achieved through hard work, constancy and perseverance. You need to show restraint. However, it is important to remember that in this case it is not an inert wait-and-see attitude that is meant, but the ability to be patient and make efforts. It may seem at first glance that this does not work. This stage is quite difficult, since sometimes you have to work only on enthusiasm and faith in the future.

This lasso carries a negative meaning only when a quick result is required for a successful outcome of the case. In this case, the card foreshadows that over time everything will be decided, but at the current stage of life, a person is not able to do anything.

Another meaning that "7 Pentacles" conceals in itself is excessive enthusiasm for everyday affairs and limitation. A person is focused on his worries, refusing to see what surrounds him. The advice given in this case is not to dwell on what is happening, especially on those events that cannot be influenced.

The interpretation of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" in the reverse position implies impatience, haste, recklessness. The appearance of such a card in the layout does not bode well. The reason lies not in external circumstances, but in the actions of the person himself. Irrational use of forces, time and funds, as well as rash risk, laziness, unreasonable delay - all this led to failure. The neighboring arcana will tell you whether it is possible to change anything else and return at least a part of what was spent.

Professional activity

The main meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot in career matters implies long-term projects, hard work over a long period of time, perseverance and inflexibility.

The appearance of the aforementioned card in the layout does not bode well for quick results. It may take a long time to work hard for a future perspective. At this stage, it is very important not to give up, but to continue to follow the plan. Persistence is the main advantage.

If a period of calm has come in the development of a project, then you should not take it as a stop or a defeat. Perhaps life gives a chance to rest, replenish resources, and also think well and reconsider your plans. Sometimes there is not enough knowledge to successfully implement a plan. Then this period of time is best spent on acquiring practical skills or finding missing information. In any event, this forced waiting period should not be spent in complete inactivity. Sometimes the "Seven of Pentacles" warns against rash actions. In this case, it is better to choose safety and reliability, rather than risk, since what was conceived will not be crowned with success and will entail unpleasant consequences.

In the reverse position, the meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot (inverted) is as follows: a person devoted a lot of time, effort and means to the development of the project, but was defeated. The reasons for failure can be hidden both in external obstacles and in human actions. Perhaps he used the available resources unwisely, made rash decisions, risking losing what he had. Sometimes the aforementioned lasso indicates laziness and procrastination (the habit of putting off important things for later). The questioner does not feel joy from the work to which he devotes most of his life. Excessive loading takes a lot of energy.

Love and relationships

The meaning of the Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" in the layout of relationships symbolizes slow development and a happy outcome. Perhaps, at first, vivid emotions and passionate attraction did not arise between the partners. But this relationship is built on mutual trust, respect and patience. To achieve harmony, both make a lot of effort.

The inverted "Seven of Pentacles" (Tarot) has a very unfavorable meaning in relationships. The card indicates discord and misunderstanding in the family. This is caused primarily by the inability to listen to the opinion of another person and to condescend to each other's weaknesses.

Health and mental health

The card may mean a slowly progressing disease, the symptoms of which have not yet been identified. At this stage, it is advisable to conduct an examination in order not to waste time on treatment. If the question concerned the psycho-emotional state, then the "Seven of Pentacles" indicates a melancholic mood and depression. This is most likely caused by excessive workload, fatigue and stress.

The inverted position of the card indicates that the patient's condition is getting worse rather quickly.

Personality portrait

The 7 Pentacles card characterizes a hardworking and purposeful person. He has many good qualities necessary to achieve a high level of material well-being: prudence, patience, perseverance, loyalty to his ideals and principles. But he does not have enough faith in his own strengths and abilities to set high goals. Low self-esteem and persistent doubts hinder the path of self-improvement. A person does not appreciate the result of his work, it seems to him that his achievements are insignificant, and he is not worthy to dream of something more. He has every chance to achieve lofty goals, but lack of faith in himself does not allow him to develop. Another disadvantage that is a hindrance is the inability to rationally calculate resources. Excessive workload and improper time allocation can lead to negative consequences. Sooner or later, this will lead to health or psychological problems.

If the question was about a profession and type of activity, then this lasso implies farmers, investors, people doing hard physical work.

The meaning of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card in an inverted position implies a fussy and frivolous person. He often acts rashly. The main problem is the inability to wait. The desire for lightning fast results forces him to take risks. In addition, he often performs poorly. He does not complete many cases, giving up halfway.

"Seven" in this case advises to draw up a plan and follow it, without wasting energy in vain. The systematic achievement of success is much more effective.

Self-improvement and spiritual growth

The most important lesson that the above card teaches is the ability to wait and be patient. Moreover, the meaning of the Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" teaches you to correctly distribute time and effort. Don't go to extremes. Overwork is fraught with negative health consequences, and laziness and procrastination prevent success.

The inverted position of the lasso can tell about several reasons for stagnation in development, such as laziness, fear of failure, lack of motivation, misunderstanding of one's goals.

Divination by the situation

Similar to the above-described interpretations, in the presentation of the situation, the meaning of the Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" invariably calls for patience, perseverance and loyalty to your path. Reckless and imprudent actions in this case can lead to negative consequences. Perhaps the questioner is forced to spend a lot of time waiting, having lost all hope of a successful outcome. However, now it is important to show willpower and not give up. The money and time spent will surely pay off in the future. But don't try to speed up the process by artificially bringing the moment of triumph closer. It is still too early to assess the result, since this is just an intermediate stage.

The inverted position suggests that impatience and haste have led to devastating consequences. About what awaits in the future, neighboring arcana in the layout can tell. It is important to pay attention to which cards the "Seven of Pentacles" is combined with. Arcana Tarot, the meaning of which implies a negative outcome, there may be several. Among them are the "Devil", "Tower", "Ten of Swords". More favorable cards such as Cups, as well as Empress, Lovers, and Peace indicate that there is a chance to correct mistakes.

Combination with other arcana

Tarology is a complex science. It's not just a collection of symbols. In order to get a complete picture of what is happening, it is important to be able to read the combinations of cards, see the relationships, feel the subtlest shades of various combinations and understand the mutual influence of the cards.

Interpretation of the card "Seven of Pentacles" in combination with the major arcana:

  • 0 - Jester, Fool, Fool. Manifestation of impatience, inability to bring what has been started to the end.
  • 1 - Mage, Wizard. Everything has its time. You should be patient and continue what you started.
  • 2 - High Priestess, Papess. Not enough information about what is happening. A person is forced to remain in the dark, unable to clarify the situation.
  • 3 - Empress. The efforts spent bring good results.
  • 4 - Emperor. It takes a lot of effort to be successful in the future.
  • 5 - The Hierophant, in combination with the 7 Pentacles, advises to be patient, show compassion to others.
  • 6 - Lovers. Most likely, one of the partners gives more than the other. This is somewhat detrimental to the harmonious development of relations.
  • 7 - Chariot. The man found himself in a crisis situation. But it is important to be patient, calmly develop a plan to get out of the crisis and start implementing it. The main thing is not to stay in one place, but to carry out our plans step by step.
  • 8 - Strength. In this situation, you need to show persistence, perseverance and inflexibility.
  • 9 - Hermit. The questioner will fail. But under any circumstances, it is important to maintain composure and steadfastly endure all adversity.
  • 10 - Wheel of Fortune. The state of affairs is rather shaky, there is no stability and confidence in the future. The implementation of the plan remains in question, as unforeseen circumstances may arise.
  • 11 - Justice. In this situation, the questioner will have to show persistence and prove his own innocence.
  • 12 - The Hanged Man. The efforts were in vain. The previous actions led the person to a dead end. At the current stage of his life, he is in limbo, not knowing what to do next. It is now important to rethink your own goals and gain confidence.
  • 13 - Death. Unforeseen circumstances disrupt the usual course of events. You need to learn to be flexible and adapt to the situation.
  • 14 - Moderation. The efforts expended will sooner or later pay off and bear fruit, but you need to be patient and persist. The questioner will definitely receive a decent reward for his work.
  • 15 - Devil. Time and effort were wasted, as the plan did not bring any results.
  • 16 - Tower. The man took a risk and put too much on the line, which resulted in defeat.
  • 17 - Star. This combination of cards suggests that in no case should you lose hope for the best and give up your own dreams.
  • 18 - Moon. A waste of time and effort. What was conceived will not bring the desired results.
  • 19 - the sun. Good reward for showing patience and endurance.
  • 20 - Judgment. It's time to reap the rewards of your own actions in the past. Sooner or later, everyone gets what he gave before.
  • 21 - Peace. The wait and work will be rewarded.

Card of the day

On this day, haste should be avoided, as there is a risk of committing a rash act. It is best to be patient and get started, carefully weighing each step. In this situation, you should not expect a quick result. The effort expended will certainly lead to success, but a little later.

The inverted position of the card foreshadows that time on this day will be wasted. Laziness and the habit of putting off important things can lead to defeat, since a person will not be able to realize his plan.

Card of the year

If you have doubts about what the coming year is preparing, you can try to find an answer. To do this, you need to concentrate, draw one card from the deck and read the meaning in the Tarot. The Seven of Pentacles portends success. But you need to start implementing your plans immediately. Next, it is important to systematically follow your goal.

The minor lasso Tarot "Seven of Pentacles" advises you to learn to wait patiently. Careless actions can lead to failure. However, this does not mean passive waiting, but hard work, loyalty to one's goals and the ability to withstand external and internal obstacles. Perhaps, on the way to success, a person will be overcome by fears, uncertainty, a desire to give up everything. But remember that everything goes on as usual, and patience will ultimately be rewarded.

The seven of pentacles are found in the minor arcana deck of tarot cards. She is the card ruler of unreached success... In its astrological meaning, Jupiter and Saturn play a significant role, which indicate a slow but stable growth in the spiritual and material well-being of a person.

Definition of the 7 pentacles

One of the most common meanings of this arcana tells us that the person will receive the minimum reward for the efforts made. It can be interpreted in such a way that we spend too much energy and vitality on situations that in their essence have no meaning.

But there is another designation for the seven of pentacles in the tarot layout - it encourages us to be rational in any situation and be more guided by personal experience and knowledge than intuition.

The seven of pentacles is sign of insolvency and unsuccessful human investments, both material and intellectual. It can symbolize the fading of a certain life situation, for example, a relationship with a loved one or a work project.

However, all these losses in the future will bring only good things into our lives. This lasso is a symbol of the fact that everything in life is not accidental, and the sooner we realize this, the faster we will recover from the feeling of loss and disappointment.

Another definition of the seven of pentacles will be the slow and tedious process of developing any situation in our life. The card suggests that in this matter one should enjoy its very course more, since the results will not be too obvious and satisfactory.

Arkan calls for patience, saying that your efforts will be rewarded, but you will have to wait a little longer.

Meaning in relationships

The seven of pentacles in relationships with people and, in particular, with a loved one, shows that over time you will learn to be more tolerant of someone else's point of view, which will make conflicts in life much less.

Lasso also recommends that you carefully weigh your own decisions. You should not take any steps to develop any situation if you are not ready to accept the consequences... Take your time, let events unfold naturally.

For a woman, the seven of pentacles can symbolize early pregnancy... If you are not ready to become a parent, you should be more careful in your sex life. For a man, the lasso promises success in relationships with the opposite sex, if they learn to hear their partner and reckon with other people's opinions.

Seven of Pentacles - networking signthat will play an important role in your life in the future. It expresses questions related to maintaining balance in relationships with people around.

You should not rush to make important decisions, let your ideas mature, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Let the process be long, but you will not get into trouble.

In work

Profitability can unexpectedly arise in your career and professional life. Try to overestimate the results already achieved. Perhaps what previously seemed perfect requires additional work. Ask yourself if you really need what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps you should turn your attention to more pressing issues.

The arcane of the seven of pentacles in the tarot deck expresses your talent and progress in hard work, which are currently underestimated. If you are seriously thinking about career growth, then you have to work hard.

Don't expect mountains of gold, your work will pay off, but not in the way you want it. The most important advice this tarot card can give you is to be patient in any situation and don't stop halfway.

Do not think that the seven of pentacles has only a negative meaning. Rather, it can be called a "map of silence." There is a pause in your life relax and have fun.

If at the moment you are looking for a job, you should not rush to make a decision. Perhaps a better offer awaits you, you just have to wait a little. Try not to borrow money and carefully calculate your income and expenses.

In love

In the layout of personal life, most often this card falls out to women who are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bmarrying their current partner. The seven of pentacles suggests that you shouldn't dream about it, because your companion is simply not ready to such changes in life, or he does not want this at all.

Give him time to come to this decision on his own, and observe yourself and draw conclusions. Perhaps it's time to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

The seven of pentacles in love is a card of differences and disputes. You should consider your future. There is a possibility that you will have to completely reconsider the relationship with your loved one and change your model of behavior. The lasso may indicate to you disunity of interests and a subconscious unwillingness to look for a way out of this situation.

Don't put pressure on your significant other. Let him make his own decisions. You should take a broader view of things, do not get hung up on your own ideas and do not withdraw into yourself... Talk to your partner more, but don't try to influence the course of events.

Be less critical of the actions of your loved ones. It is likely that at this point in time you are experiencing nervous exhaustion, which may cause problems with peace of mind. Arkan recommends that you try to look at your life from a different angle, and, perhaps, completely change the approach to business.

Well no

If the seven of pentacles falls to you in a simple fortune-telling, the answer to which is "yes" or "no", the card can have the following meanings:

  • Direct position - the answer is "yes"... Everything will turn out exactly as you wish it only if you show patience and prudence in this situation. It is very important to stay away from conflicts with others. Try to switch to something else, as events will not progress as quickly as you would like. Try not to make plans and learn to enjoy every day of your life.
  • Inverted position - the answer is "no"... You are most likely not taking this issue as seriously as it deserves. This position of the seven of pentacles does not give a definitively negative answer, rather it means that in the near future you should let go of the situation, since you are simply not ready to accept it yet.

Card of the day

On this day, you should be patient. You should not rush to make any decisions. The ideal option for you is to take yourself a day off. Stay at home, watch TV, and devote yourself to minor household chores. In this case, your day will pass easily and naturally.

But if you have an important event planned or you cannot shirk your work responsibilities, then stay low-key and do not take new projects and additional responsibilities.

The seven of pentacles in the tarot symbolizes that time is now working for you, so it is worth letting the situation develop without your participation. Do not burden yourself with other people's problems. Be discreet when dealing with loved ones.

Today it is very important to stay in harmony with your own thoughts, and therefore don't cheat yourself for nothing. It is likely that it is on this day that you will have to show a little more patience and understanding towards your loved one. If you feel that you can't contain your own emotions, move the topic of conversation to a calmer channel.

Arkan recommends that you be more careful about your own health. On this day, the risk of becoming a victim of a mild ailment increases, which can develop into a serious illness. Leaving the house, be careful on the roads.

Try not to make new acquaintances. The seven of pentacles indicates that you should leave everything in life in its place, since any changes may lead to not the best consequences in the future.

This is the moment when you have a great opportunity to relax and put all worries out of your head. Listen to the advice of your card and soon you will have a chance to understand that everything in this life is no coincidence.


Description of the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card

On the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card, you can often see an image of a young man who wearily leans on a hoe and sadly looks at a large pile of coins. The work is done, but how much is still ahead ... A person is waiting for the results of his labor. Have patience, this card says. Any business takes time to mature.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Seven of Pentacles in divination and layouts

Direct card position

The Seven of Pentacles Tarot card dropped in a straight position denotes patience and slow growth. She recommends not rushing, finding a promising chance for yourself, but thinking it over thoroughly, giving yourself time before making a decision. If you don't rush things, you can be successful. This is the Arcana of difficulties and trials that require skill, courage and determination - only with the help of these qualities you can prove that you are worthy of success. The Seven of Pentacles foreshadows the imminent results of hard and hard work.

Inverted card position

The Seven of Pentacles, which fell upside down in the layout or fortune-telling, increases anxiety and the likelihood of loss. The person may feel uncomfortable and anxious or sink into melancholy. Problems become total, and impatience only makes it worse. The difficulties are growing. More and more new things appear, and fatigue only increases. Whatever the circumstances, a person is not able to pause and rest.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here, the direct position of the Seven Denarii means the need to prepare for a long but grateful wait until the next phase of development ends. If you were expecting a quick result, then most likely you will be disappointed; if you tried to speed things up, you might end up in front of a broken trough. Now the best thing is to show maximum patience in order to wait with full confidence for a positive result.

Inverted card position

Often the inverted card of the Seven of Coins corresponds to problems at work - income does not cover the time and effort spent, losses are possible due to the full development of resources, the volume of work to be done or financial costs turn out to be higher than the possibilities. Sometimes the inverted Seven of Disks says that a person simply does not have a business acumen, and it is generally undesirable for him to do business.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

Direct card position

Negative prognosis of the course of the disease. Nervous and physical exhaustion, vitamin deficiency. Reception of strengthening agents is required. Diseases of the throat, teeth and gums of the lower jaw are likely.

Inverted card position

Health is undermined, the body needs rest.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Seven Denarii in an upright position symbolizes a slow but sure increase in the quality of relations. If you are entering into a new alliance, then this card advises not to rush, not to interfere with the natural course of events with your impatience. Sometimes the card speaks of a breakdown in relations, a strong quarrel or scandal.

Inverted card position

The inverted Seven of Pentacles, which fell out in fortune-telling, is an indication of disagreements and the impossibility of achieving not only harmony in relationships, but even a compromise. The partner clearly disappoints, does not live up to expectations, performs actions that carry a negative connotation. At the event level, the card is interpreted as suspicion of infidelity or dishonesty, as an awkward situation in which the fortuneteller finds himself (or will find himself) through the fault of his partner.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles card in layouts and divinations for personality assessment

Direct card position

A man dissatisfied with his life, constantly busy and wrapped up.

Inverted card position

Inert towards everyone, careless and indifferent.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Pentacles card as a card of the day

On this day, you are not allowed to rush or impatience. Consider that today you have a patience test, so any haste can only damage the implementation of far-reaching plans. If you have no problems with patience, then take it today and just relax, remembering that time is working for you.

Council card Seven of Pentacles in fortune telling and spreads

Beware of making important decisions spontaneously. The best thing now is to show maximum patience in order to wait with full confidence for a positive result.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Pentacles

Online tarot divination

Waiting for the harvest. Everything develops and grows independently. Patience. Long procces. Slow growth. Hard work. Fatigue. Small financial income. Uncertainty. Break. Reflecting on your efforts. Attention to detail. Change of world view. Discipleship stage. Unsatisfactory relationship. One is invested, and the other only receives. Pregnancy.

Be patient and trust that things will turn out for the better.

Don't get carried away with raw ideas and the promise of a quick profit.

Card of the day
Your motto today is "Good deeds are not done in a hurry." Even if you belong to people whose blood just boils from this motto, still keep in mind that on this day you are not allowed to rush or impatience. Consider that you are going to have a patience test today, so any haste can only harm the implementation of your own far-reaching plans. Remember the Chinese wisdom: "if you want to quickly cope with something, take some time." If you have no problems with patience, then take today and just rest, remembering that time is working for you.

Inverted card
Failure of the project. Hard, unpaid work. Wasted effort. Disappointment. Financial difficulties. Impatience. Problems with conceiving a child.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners".

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This card depicts a man who briefly stopped to rest and gazed at the seven pentacles, which symbolize material wealth.
It looks like in the beginning man worked hard in the garden, but now is the time for the magic of nature itself.

In other words, there are things in the world that are beyond our control.
All we can do is do what we are capable of, and then we just have to wait and watch.

Questions to ask yourself if you've drawn the Seven of Pentacles
  • Are you spending what you could invest in a profitable business?
  • Are you waiting for the opportunity to hear someone or learn about something?
  • Are you ready to reap what you have sown?
  • What should you set free?
  • What is built by hard work?
Key ideas
Whatever you are working on (including relationships between people), a point has been reached from which everything can develop independently.

Step aside for a while and congratulate yourself.
Remain calm, promise yourself a good rest.
Everything will be fine, but only after you recuperate.

Direct Map: You begin to realize that friendship involves commitment, that there is a lot to give and take, but any personal sacrifice you make is really worth it.

Friendship is not something that just happens.
We need to work on it.
Reversed card: The card hints at gossip and the fact that some friends are not worthy of your trust.

Direct Map: You are worried about the results of the verification tests.

If you know that you have done everything you are capable of, rest in peace - the results will be excellent.
Reversed card: You reap what you sow.
If you haven't prepared for exams, don't expect a triumphant victory.

Direct Map: You could be a little more active.
If you want to meet someone new, you need to be where not only old acquaintances come.
Reversed card: Don't sacrifice your cleanliness to date someone.

The game is not worth the candle.

A family
Direct Map: Your family is about to change.
Some of them will be tricky, but in the end everything will turn out for the best.
Reversed card: Some members of your family need to think carefully about the situation before taking action.
Direct Map: This is a map of steady, calm progress rather than a quick ascent to the top.
Perhaps you are attracted to a lifelong discipleship, or the path of a teacher.
Reversed card: Mediocre planning and messy actions can rob you of your chances of success.
Health / Appearance
Direct Map: You are happy with yourself.
Perhaps you've recently lost weight, or improved your fitness, or got an amazing haircut.
Reversed card: You feel a little uneasy and uneasy about your appearance.
Direct Map: You will soon see the monetary equivalent of your efforts.
Reversed card: A good time for money-related decisions.
Fortune telling in half a minute
Monica would like to help her mother, who at the moment was struggling to make ends meet.

The map suggests that there is a lot of work in the house that Monica could apply herself to.
Helping around the house will make life much easier for her mother.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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A young man taking a break from work symbolizes time for reflection.
A bush with pentacles can represent a project or relationship.
Difficult decision.
This card predicts the need to make any choice and make certain decisions.

You are at a crossroads and it takes time to think before you take the next step.
In White's Universal Tarot, this card is a portrait of a young man leaning on his club and calmly watching the pentacles growing like fruit.

He seems to be now trying to assess what he has been able to accomplish so far and what now needs to be done to make further progress.
Ultimately, he will need to act in order to reap the fruits of his labors.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a situation when it is necessary to make a decision whether to stay on the trail one hundred times or try to go in a new direction.
If we choose the latter, we can jeopardize everything we have achieved so far, but this card warns us against complacency.

We may be justifiably satisfied with the success we have achieved so far, but at the same time, we have new ideas that can lead us to even greater achievements.

It may be wise to pause and reflect on all the implications of realizing our potential abilities.
We will have to make constant efforts and use all our practical skills to implement our plans.

Still vague and hanging by a thread.

The choice of the Seven of Pentacles indicates that the time has come to take stock.
You have doubts about whether you should leave the usual business and do something completely new.

The current circumstances may seem daunting, but you shouldn't back down because of temporary setbacks.
The message conveyed by this card reads: "Do not give up!", As your persistence will be rewarded and bring a well-deserved reward.

The Seven of Pentacles often portends a period of dissatisfaction with yourself, when you are not exactly sure where you should direct your energy.
But if you stick to your principles and keep your commitments, then you will see a clear goal in front of you.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Divination value
Hard work.
Successful deals.
Inverted value

Unreasonable behavior.
Loss of money.
Unreasonable investment.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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Seven of Coins is a profit card, especially received as a reward for labor.

Inner meaning
This is a profit card, especially one received as a reward for labor.
The profit is usually monetary (a sign of the suit!), But it is possible in any area where the Questioner worked for a long time and fruitfully.

Seven of Coins also predicts continuous gradual growth, both personal and in business, and you will receive satisfaction from both work and its fruits.
Numerologically, this card also suggests that your success is, at least in part, due to past decent work; the result will be generously rewarded.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: success, usually financial.
Growth in business or other endeavors.
Benefit, profit, money.
Reward and satisfaction from the work performed.
Gradual growth of the enterprise.

Good will on the part of the Questioner and in relation to him.
Inverted, or negative: financial difficulties, especially concerning unreasonable expenses or a loan that the questioner gave not being sure of its return.

Your anxiety is justified; be careful.
Bad debtors, heavy losses, failure are possible.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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The Seven of Pentacles is a map of labor, patience and appreciation.
You harvest and analyze whether it is worth the effort.
This is a map of difficulties and challenges that require skill, courage and determination - only with the help of these qualities can you prove that you are worthy of success.

She foreshadows the quick results of hard and hard work.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, a farmer contemplates a bountiful harvest, perhaps waiting until it is fully ripe before starting to harvest it.
You may be watching your money work, taking stock or making an inventory.

Your risky projects have begun to bear fruit, but you still need faith and patience, because it is useless to rush the natural cycles and nature in general.
The Golden Dawn had a darker view of things.

In their interpretation, the card meant a decrease in profits and a violation of promises.
You may not get what you hoped for.
Psychologically, this is the fear of success: you yourself sabotage your potential achievements, because you do not believe that you deserve a high result.

Old interpretations emphasize the aspect of cleansing, eliminating unnecessary things - for example, getting rid of broken things, throwing out trash, discarding low-quality objects, etc. If you are cultivating, growing, cultivating something - do it with care.

Sometimes this card simply means taking a break or waiting to see what happens next.
Perfectionism, various delays and delays are possible.
The value of the card largely depends on those adjacent to it.

Traditional meanings: money, wealth, finance, cash, profit.
Cleansing, getting rid of the old.
Slow progress.
Profit from hard work and hard work.
Lack of success in agriculture.

Obstacles to project implementation.
Ingenuity, skill.

Inverted Seven of Pentacles
An inverted Seven of Pentacles increases anxiety and loss.
You may feel vaguely uncomfortable and anxious, or sink into melancholy.

The delays become total, and impatience only makes you worse.
It seems to you that everyone is hunting for your ideas or are ready to steal crops in the bud, which forces you to be on your guard all the time.

If other cards confirm this interpretation, your suspicions will soon come true.
The difficulties are growing.
More and more new things are discovered, and fatigue only increases.
Whatever the circumstances, you cannot pause and rest.

Problems at work often correspond to this map.
The profits do not cover the time and effort spent.
One client saw a dull and hopeless job in this map.
“This is not my crop,” she said.

Despite my best efforts, after the deed is done, I receive neither money, nor recognition, nor any benefit. "
Possible losses due to the full development of resources.
Weeds or waste may exceed the expected amount.

Or it turns out that nothing will grow at all.
Investments and processes are not working as planned.
The volume of work to be done or financial costs are beyond your capabilities.
When projecting this map onto other people, you will feel like they are lazy, make the wrong investment, or are too afraid of potential losses.

In terms of health, these are constant thoughts about their own weakness and illness.
From a psychological point of view, this card speaks of investing the same amount of strength and energy in everything you do.

As the old aphorism says: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, bring water; and after it chop wood, bring water."
On the shamanic and magical plane, this is the erection of an altar, which serves as a focal point for changing consciousness.

After carefully saturating the altar (or spell) with the power of intention, as well as invoking and feeding the spirits, the practitioner forgets about what he has done, leaving the magic to do its thing.
Traditional inverted meanings: anxiety, restlessness, melancholy.

Mental anguish.
Misfortunes, difficulties, regression.
Distrust, suspicion.
Caring, attention, diligence.
Shortsighted investments.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
"This is called the Favorable Beginning," the old man's words recalled to him.
- Beginners are lucky.
For life wants a person to follow His Path. "
(Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist")
Description of the card and its inner meaning
The meaning of this card is that a person will receive a worthy reward for their work.

And all this only because he went his own way.
Everyone should mind their own business.
Then satisfaction, both from the work and from its fruits, will not be long in coming.
The Seven of Pentacles points to one more point: since the work of the Questioner will not be very easy (albeit beloved), and the growth of profits will be gradual, some psychological, moral or physical fatigue may occur, which will lead the Questioner to melancholy and melancholy.

This is probably why this card is illustrated by the image of a young man who wearily leans on his staff and sadly looks at a huge mountain of coins.
Yes, the job is done, but how much is still ahead!

Man is waiting for the fruits of the sown harvest.
We'll have to work more, perhaps a small mistake was made at the beginning of the journey.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - Ж, number - 7, Ruled by the planet - Neptune, zodiac sign - Virgo, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 39th hexagram ("Obstacle"), Weather conditions - clear, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to Sephira Netzach.
Card value
Direct position
The Seven of Coins indicates that the Questioner will receive satisfaction both from the work itself and from its results.
But this will be a gradual increase in profits.

Such an expectation can lead to psychological fatigue of the Questioner.
This Arcanum also indicates that the Questioner will be surrounded by reliable people.
In addition, the Seven of Pentacles can have the following interpretations; ingenuity, moral purification, innocence, sincerity, redemption, contemplation.

Inverted position
In this case, the value of the card can be regarded as a warning that the Questioner is not wasteful, does not lend money, since it will be very difficult to repay debts.

Seven of Coins in an inverted position also indicates that now is not the time to start any important business, since there is a chance of getting less than one could expect.
It is necessary to replenish the stock of knowledge, since for the current period of time they are sorely lacking.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Seven of Pentacles - a sense of failure and dissatisfaction.
You worked without sparing your strength, and it bore fruit, but the results achieved do not please you at all, interest in the goal has completely disappeared.

The card, both in the forward and reverse position, indicates health problems.
Inverted - indicates monetary difficulties, debts.
All your efforts almost went to waste.
Ahead - emptiness and loss.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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Vii. Seven - a young man, leaning on his hoe, carefully looks at the seven pentacles attached to a pile of greenery to his right.
He could say that it was there that his treasures were and that his heart is still there.

Direct position: they are very controversial.
As a rule, this card means money, business, barter.
Another interpretation means a quarrel, a quarrel.
Another reading means simplicity, ingenuity, purification.

Reverse position: anxiety about money.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Jupiter / Saturn as a symbol of patience, slow but steady growth.
SEVEN DENARIEV This card represents patience and slow growth.

She recommends not rushing, finding a promising chance for yourself, but thinking it over thoroughly, giving yourself time before making a decision: let the seed sprout, show its leaves and flowers.
If we do not rush things and pick the fruits while still green, we can achieve success.

Together with the Hanged Man and the Four of Swords, the Seven of Denarii constitutes a triad indicating the need for waiting.
However, unlike these two cards, it does not mean a stop, but continuous growth.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Failure, failure.
The third decade of Taurus is from May 10 to 20.
Astrological equivalents: Libra, Venus, Chiron, Saturn.
The third decade of Taurus symbolizes a responsible attitude to work and the planned fulfillment of one's desires, love for the earth and a person's full dedication to creativity and creation.

It is ruled by the patient and strict Saturn, who helps to organize feelings and endows her representatives with qualities such as perseverance, justice and loyalty.
True, Saturn also gives concern and anxiety about his financial situation, stinginess and a desire for immediate success.

The Tarot card depicts a man who came to the vineyard he cultivated and found no fruit there.
Life deprives a person of the result for him to move on.
Achievement of a goal never brings complete satisfaction: a person always wants and expects something big from life.

It is the loss of the finite for the sake of the infinite.
The young man in the picture is forced to admit that the result that he would like to achieve, in fact, does not fit into the framework of the needs of the surrounding life defined by him.

The true goal of labor remains unknown to him, since it goes beyond the limits of his personality and belongs to the eternal process of the transformative activity of man in the world.
Getting bogged down in meaningless work, unable to stop.

Seven is a perfect number, so Seven of Pentacles means achieving some physical goal, establishing a relationship.
The Seven of Pentacles corresponds to Libra, the Seventh House.
The influence of Mercury is also noticeable in it.

Direct position: In the upright position, the Seven of Pentacles symbolizes talent, insight, growth, hard work, progress, money, good deals, income, health.
The card can symbolize the moment suitable for concluding a contract, marriage (if there are, of course, additional indicators).

This card means contact with harmony, poise, grace.
It can symbolize a platonic romance or a beautifully executed financial transaction.
At the same time, in the Seven of Pentacles, Chiron acts through Libra, sometimes carrying with him confusion, confusion, ambiguity.

Here it is necessary to check the horoscope before making a "verdict" about how a person will deal with this ambiguity: either he will dissolve in it and enjoy it, or he will try to put everything in order.

The Seven of Pentacles can mean not only harmony, but also issues related to the preservation of harmony, and certain difficulties arising from this.
Inverted position: In an inverted position, the Seven of Pentacles: anxiety, impatience, lack of lightness, carelessness, loss of money, unsuccessful investments.

Low Libra struck by the Seventh House.
May indicate a quarrel, scandals with spouses or partners, treachery on the part of a partner.
A partner who does not meet expectations, does not make an equal contribution to the common cause is another motive associated with the Seven of Pentacles, straight or inverted.

Disharmonious social behavior, violation of public order, where you are the initiator of an outrage or its victim - this can also manifest the Seven of Pentacles.
The work needs to be done, but its fruits have not appeared.

We can talk about a situation in which no work brings success and cannot bring it.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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The young man is leaning on a hoe.
He is often portrayed in a costume consisting of two halves, light and dark.
He cultivates a vineyard, among the vines of which are scattered seven coins decorated with five-pointed stars.

In the "Tarot of Aquarius" this is a girl returning from her field with a sickle and ears in her hands.
This is the image of the Sower planting a garden and waiting for the harvest.
But the harvest is still far away, and he is overwhelmed by doubts: will the seeds sprout?

Will the fruits grow?
The suit of two halves symbolizes the duality of consciousness, hope and uncertainty.
Have patience, this card says.
Any business takes time to mature.
If you have sown good, then the seedlings will also be good.

Your work will not go to waste.
Well, and since the harvest is usually expected next year, the card can mean the year of time.
Inverted: It retains approximately the same value, only it will take longer - not one year, but two or several years.

The seven of pentacles are found in the minor arcana deck of tarot cards. She is the card ruler of unreached success... In its astrological meaning, Jupiter and Saturn play a significant role, which indicate a slow but stable growth in the spiritual and material well-being of a person.

Definition of the 7 pentacles

One of the most common meanings of this arcana tells us that the person will receive the minimum reward for the efforts made. It can be interpreted in such a way that we spend too much energy and vitality on situations that in their essence have no meaning.

But there is another designation for the seven of pentacles in the tarot layout - it encourages us to be rational in any situation and be more guided by personal experience and knowledge than intuition.

The seven of pentacles is sign of insolvency and unsuccessful human investments, both material and intellectual. It can symbolize the fading of a certain life situation, for example, a relationship with a loved one or a work project.

However, all these losses in the future will bring only good things into our lives. This lasso is a symbol of the fact that everything in life is not accidental, and the sooner we realize this, the faster we will recover from the feeling of loss and disappointment.

Another definition of the seven of pentacles will be the slow and tedious process of developing any situation in our life. The card suggests that in this matter one should enjoy its very course more, since the results will not be too obvious and satisfactory.

Arkan calls for patience, saying that your efforts will be rewarded, but you will have to wait a little longer.

Meaning in relationships

The seven of pentacles in relationships with people and, in particular, with a loved one, shows that over time you will learn to be more tolerant of someone else's point of view, which will make conflicts in life much less.

Lasso also recommends that you carefully weigh your own decisions. You should not take any steps to develop any situation if you are not ready to accept the consequences... Take your time, let events unfold naturally.

For a woman, the seven of pentacles can symbolize early pregnancy... If you are not ready to become a parent, you should be more careful in your sex life. For a man, the lasso promises success in relationships with the opposite sex, if they learn to hear their partner and reckon with other people's opinions.

Seven of Pentacles - networking signthat will play an important role in your life in the future. It expresses questions related to maintaining balance in relationships with people around.

You should not rush to make important decisions, let your ideas mature, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Let the process be long, but you will not get into trouble.

In work

Profitability can unexpectedly arise in your career and professional life. Try to overestimate the results already achieved. Perhaps what previously seemed perfect requires additional work. Ask yourself if you really need what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps you should turn your attention to more pressing issues.

The arcane of the seven of pentacles in the tarot deck expresses your talent and progress in hard work, which are currently underestimated. If you are seriously thinking about career growth, then you have to work hard.

Don't expect mountains of gold, your work will pay off, but not in the way you want it. The most important advice this tarot card can give you is to be patient in any situation and don't stop halfway.

Do not think that the seven of pentacles has only a negative meaning. Rather, it can be called a "map of silence." There is a pause in your life relax and have fun.

If at the moment you are looking for a job, you should not rush to make a decision. Perhaps a better offer awaits you, you just have to wait a little. Try not to borrow money and carefully calculate your income and expenses.

In love

In the layout of personal life, most often this card falls out to women who are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bmarrying their current partner. The seven of pentacles suggests that you shouldn't dream about it, because your companion is simply not ready to such changes in life, or he does not want this at all.

Give him time to come to this decision on his own, and observe yourself and draw conclusions. Perhaps it's time to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

The seven of pentacles in love is a card of differences and disputes. You should consider your future. There is a possibility that you will have to completely reconsider the relationship with your loved one and change your model of behavior. The lasso may indicate to you disunity of interests and a subconscious unwillingness to look for a way out of this situation.

Don't put pressure on your significant other. Let him make his own decisions. You should take a broader view of things, do not get hung up on your own ideas and do not withdraw into yourself... Talk to your partner more, but don't try to influence the course of events.

Be less critical of the actions of your loved ones. It is likely that at this point in time you are experiencing nervous exhaustion, which may cause problems with peace of mind. Arkan recommends that you try to look at your life from a different angle, and, perhaps, completely change the approach to business.

Well no

If the seven of pentacles falls to you in a simple fortune-telling, the answer to which is "yes" or "no", the card can have the following meanings:

  • Direct position - the answer is "yes"... Everything will turn out exactly as you wish it only if you show patience and prudence in this situation. It is very important to stay away from conflicts with others. Try to switch to something else, as events will not progress as quickly as you would like. Try not to make plans and learn to enjoy every day of your life.
  • Inverted position - the answer is "no"... You are most likely not taking this issue as seriously as it deserves. This position of the seven of pentacles does not give a definitively negative answer, rather it means that in the near future you should let go of the situation, since you are simply not ready to accept it yet.

Card of the day

On this day, you should be patient. You should not rush to make any decisions. The ideal option for you is to take yourself a day off. Stay at home, watch TV, and devote yourself to minor household chores. In this case, your day will pass easily and naturally.

But if you have an important event planned or you cannot shirk your work responsibilities, then stay low-key and do not take new projects and additional responsibilities.

The seven of pentacles in the tarot symbolizes that time is now working for you, so it is worth letting the situation develop without your participation. Do not burden yourself with other people's problems. Be discreet when dealing with loved ones.

Today it is very important to stay in harmony with your own thoughts, and therefore don't cheat yourself for nothing. It is likely that it is on this day that you will have to show a little more patience and understanding towards your loved one. If you feel that you can't contain your own emotions, move the topic of conversation to a calmer channel.

Arkan recommends that you be more careful about your own health. On this day, the risk of becoming a victim of a mild ailment increases, which can develop into a serious illness. Leaving the house, be careful on the roads.

Try not to make new acquaintances. The seven of pentacles indicates that you should leave everything in life in its place, since any changes may lead to not the best consequences in the future.

This is the moment when you have a great opportunity to relax and put all worries out of your head. Listen to the advice of your card and soon you will have a chance to understand that everything in this life is no coincidence.

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