Inverted Hermit Map. The value of the Tarot card: Hermit. IX Arkan Hermit combined with other maps

Landscape design 29.11.2020
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On Arcana is depicted desertwhich shows the absence of any form of life. Scorching sun There is no source of light here, but a source of death that kills everything alive with its unbearable heat. In the desert is coming an old man - It symbolizes the care of peace and loneliness. He is oneand can only count on yourself. His Old, Simple Clothing and Bare Feetshow us that it is not tied to the material side of life. Head of Stranger covers hoodHow to protect against someone else's influence. Staff, which relies the hermit, his only support is faith, wisdom, knowledge and experience.

On the staff seven bitch - The symbol of seven chakras, seven planets, it shows the support of the highest strength. Over your head old man holds lamp, with bright fire. This light illuminates its path, and this shine - This is his wisdom. Fire The symbol of knowledge that needs to be used to illuminate the way of quest. It's hard steaderFor the path of knowledge is difficult, but he does not need any help. I intentionally chose this fate or forced it circumstances, it does not matter. It is important that he is in finding his true path, and with him he has the most needed - this is his wisdom, faith, knowledge and experience. Simply came the period of privacy (hermitting) to focus on the most important thing or sorting out.

Value 9 Arkan Tarot Hermittime:

Key values \u200b\u200bof Arkana Tarot Hermittime in the literal position:wisdom, searching for its path, detachment, privacy period. Ascetic lifestyle. Search for spiritual values, immersion in your inner world. In prudence, the ability to take yourself in hand in time, the ability to manage your emotions.

Arkan Tarot Hermitting on the relationship in the literal position: Loneliness, cutoff from life. Bachelor. Immersion in yourself. It often means the transition to more mature forms of love, refusal to their egoistic beliefs. Loneliness together.

Arkan Taro Hermit to work in the literal position:prudence, caution. Revision of previous ideas about the sphere of interest, prestige, money. Work requiring seriousness and influence, with a possible restriction in finance. Calm, suspension of actions and support for their own strength. Search for new work.

Arkan Tarot Hermit on health in the literal position: If you feel ailment, now, how will you ever be useful to the abstinence period of physical and spiritual (fast, engage in meditations, observe the vow of silence).

Council Arkana Herf Light: Pull yourself off at the time of pressing problems, conflicts and fuss. Close from external influences so that the opinions and requirements of others do not prevent you from making a decision. Show wisdom and patience, deal with yourself. Go your way and listen to the inner voice.

Value 9 Arkan Tarot Hermittime in the turned position:

Key values \u200b\u200bof Arkana Tarot Hermittime in the turned position: misunderstanding situation. Invalid path, error. Unnatural, egocentric loneliness due to dishonesty, egoism, unceremonia, etc. No patience. Excessive caution, or on the contrary, no prudent caution.

Arkan Taro Hermit on the relationship in the turned out: suspicion, stubbornness. Capriciousness, high self-conceit. Reduced sexuality. Disagreements with a partner, rashness. The closure, loneliness in his own fault.

Arkan Tarot Hermit to work in the turned out: Reducing activity in affairs, the desire to get away from responsibility, to be restrained. Lack of erudition, wisdom, knowledge. Mistake. Boring and monotonous work, work "without soul."

Arkan Taro Hermitting on health in an overwhelmed position: Reduced vital energy. Little physical exertion, sitting work badly affects health. Age or stress reduction of sexual energy. Stress. Aging. It is possible, senile insanity.

Council Arkana Taro Hermittime in the turned out: Most likely, you yourself have become the cause of present troubles. You expect from the outside world that it will be as it seems to you from the inside. You are too closed in our own Mirka, so that you are almost impossible to reach you. Perhaps it is necessary for you now for internal searches, but beware of strengthening in your behavior: after all, when you decide to get out of your sink, you really risk being alone. Getting rid of erroneous installations and egoism, you can resolve your problems.


Astrological meaning:

Saturn in Aquarius as a desire for wisdom and independence.

Direct position:

The hermit symbolizes Prudence, the control of the will, the diligence of the head of actions; Development deep into, alienation, loneliness, bitterness, search for spiritual values. The map advises to be prudent and internally assembled. In the world, everything is interconnected, and a small push can lead to a large collapse.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: means an independent achievement of a goal and an emotional connection with a wise and inspired person - a teacher. At a low level can mean stubbornness, suspicion, unjustified caution.

9. Hermit. (Direct position)

General value:

A person suffering from his loneliness, but not letting it over to himself during the pride (pride).

The specified assumption is motivated by the root of "walked", which is derived from the English "Shell" - sink, shell.

Department of peace. Secret plans. The person you will no longer see.


1. Purpose (man in its place). Money beyond the minimum necessary does not succe. Sustainable small enterprise. Rarely underground business.

An unfavorable card for partnership and negotiations: everyone remains with its opinion.

2. Iron rod inside. Mode. Maintain physical condition exercises. Often means an elderly person.

3. An unfavorable position. Not a desire to compromise.

4. Smart, knowledgeable, dock in his business. Carefully hiding your drawbacks and vices. With difficulty goes on rapprochement (does not mean an unlike man, but not in the soul). Failures in love and friendship. Often compete verification on the truth of feelings and complain.

5. Hide your thoughts. Search for your destination, your "shell". Hold your status and do not look around on other people's advice and opinions. Sometimes a manifestation card of God's Will (do not even ask what it is). The person will have to show his "I".

6. In fact, the question is: "No" - marriage, close relationship, money (maybe a little bit). Health - to the state of performance. "Yes" - purpose, privacy, knowledge.

9. Hermit. (Inverted position)

General value:

The situation when a person is forced to communicate, to business.


1. Expansion of business, connections (by need, and not at will). Forced negotiations. Work is not for interest, not by calling. Job search.

2. Bad. Man is not healthy. Problems in the urinary sphere, drip infections, diseases of the spine (reflection of the moon).

3. Do not want, but are forced to contact (concerns not only spouses, but also other relatives and just people)

5. To come to contact, even if it causes negative emotions, get out of the shell. Try to go where you will appreciate.

6. The answer in meaning: the meeting is "yes"; get a job - "Yes, but"; Whether - "thin world" Health does not improve; Housing will not receive.

General value:

Hermitage is a map of the deprivation of the world, the path to himself. This is the period of introversion when we are "closed" from external influences in order to go away from the bustle and people to find peace and, most importantly, find yourself. Thus, the hermit symbolizes important events showing us who we are, what we strive and how to achieve it. It combines two poles in himself: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge. Many are afraid of this card, but completely in vain. Only where these worship qualities are not understood, the fear of loneliness and abandonment arises. However, the one who is willing to follow the call of hermit, does not lose herself, but finds, gaining clarity, strength and ability to get along with himself.


The time of thinking when we should finally find out what we want in terms of work. These reflections can lead to the revision of all previous ideas about the success, recognition, prestige, demand, about money and the sphere of interest. And in any case, they lead us to a better understanding of our true needs and our true vocation. This, we are not only strengthening with the Spirit, but also acquire deep inner confidence, thanks to which we can now slowly, but it's right to approach the implementation of your new goal. It happens that the hermit personifies the work itself, then he reminds us that the seriousness, peace of mind, the balance of actions and a support for its own strength within limited finances give greater satisfaction than participation in group events of the notorious consumption society.


This card shows that we are moving away from the world to get rid of other people's opinions and return to your original "I". Therefore, the hermit often means some period, from a few days before the whole vacation, when we run away from others to focus on some kind of problem, work fruitfully or just give yourself a breather and think that understanding has come true. Often, at such periods of peace is recommended to fast, refrain from everything, to observe the vows of silence, to engage in meditations or other spiritual practices. As a result of such a work, a person becomes wiser, he is added to forces, courage and determination.

Personal relationships:

The map has a dual value, as it may indicate loneliness, including "loneliness together." However, its main meaning and here is a deep awareness, an understanding of our true needs and our true vocation in partnerships. Often it marks the transition to more mature forms of love, to a voluntary abandonment of certain purely selfish requirements for the sake of preserving and strengthening the pair, union, marriage. Or - an understanding of the fact that the ability to do with each other is one of the most important strength conditions and durability of the Union.

In love relationship

The stage of alienation, in which a chill arises between the spouses and the absence of mutual understanding, and the hermit may well symbolize such a stage of relations at which there are enough problems and mutual claims making mutual convergence.

The hermit in the relationship will symbolize a large difference in age, tolerance, maturity, rich experience and the availability of life philosophy, which can diverge with traditional views and worldview. In negative scenaries, it can symbolize the absence of feelings, cooling relationships, rejection of affection and just care, and care can quite mean both departure from the family and care to any classes, hobbies and work. For care of work and scientific activity, which leave very little space and energy with personal and love relationships, most likely, will indicate the next magazine, abstinence and the star. If the hermit fell along with the jester or devil, he may well be approached by the saying: Sedna in the beard - the demon in the rib. In general, this card is not too rainbow in terms of relationship, as they can attack boredom and mutual alienation. With good defolds, the card can symbolize the pronounced need for solitude, which can be useful in those relations when partners most of the time are busy with their affairs and do not require each other entertainment and excessive care. Of course, in the center of the Sabo, the Hermit will indicate the absence of feelings and spiritual heat, and each of the partners may be interested in relations to avoid any problem. For example, loneliness. However, the neighboring death will also indicate that the relationship itself is irrevocable. It is possible that this figure, when it appears in the scenario, will symbolize any fastest elderly relative from the second half, however, in the case of the presence of the Wheel of Fortune, the court and the world can assume the receipt of inheritance in the future.

IX. Hermit combined with other tarot cards

With the map "Jester" - lose yourself.

With the map "Mag" - find the hidden talent.

With the map "Supreme Priestess" - comprehend itself, self-smuggling; Defend himself to studying secret knowledge.

With the "Empress" map - fruitful search.

With the emperor card - the acquisition of power over himself.

With the map "Ierofant" - to gain a spiritual teacher.

With the "Lovers" card - the emergence of connections and relationships.

With the chariot map - disturbed loneliness.

With the "power" card - compliance with the post or vow.

With the "Fortune Wheel" - an end to imprisonment.

With the "Justice" card - find justice; Take on the role of the arbitrator.

With the "Hanging" card - forced loneliness or imprisonment.

With the "Death" card - the state of mourning.

With a "moderation" card - wound healing after loss.

With the "Devil" map - not God to pray; obsession.

With the "Tower" card - enlightenment.

With the "Star" card - hope to shed light to your destination.

With the Moon map - a hidden illness; self-test.

With the "Sun" card - find what was looking for so long.

With the Court Card - spiritual experience.

With the "World" map - the integration of the personality; The idea and its embodiment.


With the "TUZ Wands" card - find light in yourself.

With the "Two Wands" card - indecision.

With the map "Troika Wands" - find something valuable in yourself.

With the "Four Wands" card - find the gaze.

With the "Five Wands" card - conflicting feelings.

With the map "Six Wands" - take responsibility.

With a "Seven-Boats" map - "Collect stones".

With the "Eight Wands" card - internal illumination.

With the map "Nine Wands" - to learn lesson.

With the map "Tens of Wands" - carry your cross.

With the "Page Wands" card - to wear out.

With the Knight Wands card - to release steam.

With the map "Queen of the Wands" - to overturn, bloom; Get out of your shell.

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Arkan IX.

The talisman of the 9th Arkana in the form of a lantern is a symbol of a teacher-mentor. The mascot in the form of a staff with 3 bits gives support in three plans of being.

Description of the values \u200b\u200bof Arkana
The energy of this Arkana is associated with the consciousness of the ascended masters. The third-level magicians conducted by the energy of 9 Arcana are outside the physical world. These creatures whose consciousness reflect the whole world is at another energy level. This energy allows a person's consciousness to accommodate the whole world and all the processes occurring in it. By changing the picture of the world in his mind, the magician can change the real processes occurring in the world. This energy allows you to manage the events occurring in the world.

Description of Angela Arkana
The Angel of the Ninth Arcana is a wanderer. This is a hermit and ascetic, traveling alone. Angel's attributes are a wanderer's staff and a wizard lamp. Angel's face is hidden by a cloak of namelessness.

Action Arcana on the body
This arcan sets up a magician for energy that increases the frequency of the body and translates into a special functioning mode. Most microorganisms are dying. The body's immunity increases many times. The body in this mode does not need material food, but strongly depends on the information environment. For the healing of the body in this mode, a sufficiently correct verbal formula.

Action Arcana on the situation
To change any situation with the help of energies of 9 Arkana, it suffices to imagine the necessary version of the development of future events. Magic consciousness is able to change the life trajectory of any objects whose frequency is lower than 9 Arcana. Here we are faced with the principle of the hierarchy: the consciousness of the highest causes the existence of the lower.

Ritual Arkana
Angel Arkana meets the applicant on the road and is fond of. The key to this ritual is the path. Angel carries the adept behind him and gives him a staff of the traveler, a master lamp and an unknown cloak.

Siddha Arkana
The magician conducted by this energy has self-sufficiency and power over the world. Being out of any events, he can manage them. A magician who has this Siddha is outside the events of this world, but possesses the authority over them.

Energy of this Arkana
The energy of this arcana is used to change the level of consciousness. This is ascension energy.

Number 9 - "" Great Void "

Arkan IX is the doctrine of approval and knowledge of the person on the path of its existence of his individuality, the independence and isolation of its manifested being.

The divine world is absolute wisdom.
Mental plan. Higher patronage. Mental dedication as joining the universal man. The patronage and help of the Savior. The idea and image of the geniuses of patrons. Over-me. Mental self-determination. Wisdom. Caution, prudency (dedication to the world of facts).
Astral plan. Astral dedication. World Astral Man (Personality) as a dedicator. Dedication as the process of evolutionary work. Self-unimaging - finding a patron woman in itself. Astral self-knowledge. Superstition. Prejudice. Conventions. Soul harmony.
Physical plan. Dedication in physical body. Nature as dedicator.

Arkan IX is depicted by an old man, relying on the staff, and bearing a burning lantern, up to half the hidden under the cloak. This old man personifies the experience gained by labor life. The light lamp expresses the light of the mind, which should spread to the past, present and future. Cloak, observing the lamp, mean caution, and staff symbolizes the support delivered by prudence and caution to a person who does not want to disclose his thoughts.
"Remember, the Son of the Earth, that prudence is wearing the sage. Carefulness gives him the opportunity to avoid pitfalls and the abuse and premonish treason. Let in all your acts, even in the most insignificant, your guide will be prudency. Not indifferent nothing should be in the world: pebbles can lead the chariot of the lord of the world. Remember that if the word is silver, then silence gold. "

"When snow and flowers falling out of the sky and flowers (flying snowflakes and dancing flowers) and it's time to leave the physical body, then let's make thoughts about leaving and directing it on the Great Void."
In this "emptiness" man turns out one and nothing around him. Here he will understand that he has his own light, his own energy and the fact that he relies on his experience, for a huge number of knowledge. A man feels that he has his own world and in it can exist - it is Self-sufficiency.

"Emptiness" is a barrier of our self-sufficiency, our loneliness, which holds others at a distance, the necessary personality for free and full-fledged life. Each of the "emptiness" is self-entertained, independent and completely unobtrusive personality. It expands to the root of the horizon, and finds out that he himself is a conspicuous thing that the entire universe is enclosed inside it. A man inside himself detects the interlocutor - his teacher who introduces it to the world of tam. The first thing that a person can see is purple with gold energy, hear the sound of melodic bells - "crimson ringing". Spectating sensations may appear: tropical twilight; the river on which the moonwalk is running; Bamboo thickets and walking carens.

Quintencils "Perfect substance, ideal space of space between the 3rd and 4th dimensions, this is the first matter that has arisen when the divine Fire of the mind breathed his life in reigning before chaos. This is a "great emptiness", Amenti - "Matter of the Earth". Amenti is at a depth of 1832 km, under the surface of the Earth.
"Everyone must enter your mother, which is Prima Materia, in order to purchase eternity." "To visit the mortgage and, trying to find, you will find a secret stone."

Principal Training Contains all possible properties and quality, it contains the potentiality of all things and phenomena. It remains unchanged under any circumstances. Primary matter is a natural substance containing sulfur, mercury and philosophical salt (symbolic elements); All substances consist of them, but in various proportions, which is why some bodies are more perfect than others. This matter potentially has all the qualities and properties of elementary things, it concludes the material principle and the end of everything, the quintessence, called the Hermes Bird. This is a germ of all things, the initial moisture. Materia Prima in a state of long matter is called raw materials of wise men. It is a rough mineral derived from the mine; Becoming the object of alchemical transformations, the object of doing, it becomes near matter.
"If nature had better enjoyed this matter in the" womb of the earth "and if I hadn't mixed it with mud, then she was the sun holy and moon"
The part of the lowest manas, which holds its purity, forms Antahkaran. After death, higher light (antscarana), which impresses the impressions and memory of all kind and noble aspirations, is assimilated by the highest ego, the bad one is separated in the space of the lower astral and returns in the form of bad karma, which awaits the person in the following embodiment. The goal of the lowest manas is to disperse the properties of the material form in the astral. The lower ego has the authority to drive sins and multiply good acts through Antahkaran.

The following feelings or quality of the mind are needed to enter the star gates:

Truth, beauty,
Trust, harmony, peace,
Reverence before God

The value of nine

Lotus Temple

As for symbols, it is based mainly on the greatest name of God. Islam says that God has many names, one of which is the greatest, and it is hidden from humanity. Baha'u'llah opened this name to us - Baha (emphasis on the second "A"). Translated from Arabic (which became the language of the last three divine revelations), this means "glory", "greatness", "magnificence", "shine", "radiance", "beauty".
In Arabic (as in many others), each letter has a numerical compliance; Consequently, a certain number also corresponds to each word. For the word "Baha", this is the number 9, so it is considered sacred at Bahai, and one of the symbols of Bahai faith is the nine-piston star (and temples therefore have a nine-infectious form in the plan). See Vera Bahai.


Nine radiation stars - Symbol of the God-Creator (Higher Civilization). Man is the fifth element of the biosphere. Here is the foundation of a five-radius star. But "God said: Certain a person in the image of our way, according to our likeness ..." (Gl.1 66). Here, the five-liter star is superimposed on the second star (twice humane), but not just superimposed by summing up, forming ten radiation star, and organically enters it, making up a single whole - nine radiation star. The number "nine" is the symbol of the Creator God. And here this number (star) is placed in the circle of the biosphere - the star (God) is alive.

Ten intersecting nine herbal stars

The number of nine in the alchemical process denotes the absolute truth (3x3), - here the Lord falls towards people (the descent - Avatrati), unites with them and shows them the path of ascent.

List of references:
9. Theories and symbols of alchemy. Great doing. Albert Poisson and others. K. "New Acropolis." 1995.
12.Danil Andreev. Rose of the world. M. 2001.
16.The Melchizedek trafficking. Ancient mystery of a flower of life. Volume 1 and Volume 2. Kiev. 2002.
25. Dao. Harmony of the world. "EXMO-PRESS". M. 2000.

Number 9.

I am a nine, incomprehensible, the most powerful of all numbers. I'm not squealing, I love to hide and prefer to avoid energies that want to give me a form in accordance with their laws. I have my own laws, and I do not allow myself to criticize.
I am stronger than the eight that she can afford everything, and the wiser of the six, about which I can remind of illegibility. I carry the premonition of chaos, but not give in to him. I prefer to act secretive, I love the privacy, where I chokely observe the fuss of others. I use their energy and manage them. Who wants to meet me, must come to me. Who wants to understand me, must learn to see the hidden from the eyes.
I often hear how the unit complains of chaos, from which herself itself is, and I know that it does this because incomprehensibleness does not allow themselves to own himself and escapes from its domineering claims. The unit does not understand anything, as it wishes to receive and hold. I know that nothing remains what it is now. The movement turns into stagnation, the domination of slavery, understanding - in amazement.
Chaos asks for countless riddles. I solve them and thus bring to get rid of thirst. I am for everyone teacher. I teach the unit of tolerance, a twice - independence, top - renunciation, four - lightness, five - discrepancies, six - modesty, seven - secrecy, and eight - love. Although I am doing a lot with a triple and six, I have to do my work alone, quite aware that at the end he will have to return there, from where it came out: in chaos.
I know perfectly well that all the numbers who are more, who are to a lesser extent are in relation to me disbelief, because they probably feel that I have to eat their energy, without knowing your own to generate your own. But in reality, I only manage this modest, often against the will transferred to me that one day, to once - when the end of the world comes, and they all exhaust their energies - paying back back, give them the opportunity to go back there, from where they come from: in Chaos. But until then, I will demand my share from everyone who approaches me, not to rob, and to ensure that the quintessence continues and memory will not be blown away.

I manage ideas and shapes.
I am nine!

Positive traits:
Exhibition and intuition, having a rich imagination, impulsive, artistic, idealistic, ready to sacrifice for others.
Negative qualities:
Distinguished, predisposed to mania, grumpy, unpredictable, hypocritical, not able to navigate.

Number of birth 9.

The gift of understanding and sympathy associated with the "nine" allows you to lead the cosmic parade of vibrations. The number "9" is the number of metaphysics and philosophy, and you, obeying our nature, in life more than once consult the occult sciences. Perhaps you will even fall over the experiences of an unusual nature, which will bring you to the level of urgent perception. Anyway, but you will find yourself in the power of mysticism. The knowledge of the experience dropped to you and the study of the subject will make you wiser, and you will be able to find an explanation by any vicinity of life. You need to travel just as breathing. But if someone sufficiently change the familiar home setting for a while, you need more. Your character shape changes, they also expand your horizons, so you gain the ability to understand the traditions of all countries and peoples, learn empathy and tolerance required for peacemaker.


Nine - Formal harmony with hidden antagonism; internal crisis, preparation for the development surge; Spiritual profanation, rite.

9 \u003d 32 - the second level of incarnation of the harmonious triple, is now no longer on the (first) ideas level, but in partly inspiring living matter. The nine is the sign of the upcoming crisis and a high-quality jump before the completion of the third level, expressing in the top ten appearance of the self-consciousness of the spirit (for example, a religious person). The nine is a cosmic harmony, which has arisen in spiritualized matter, not prepared for this, and therefore containing an unresolved antagonistic conflict inside. This conflict is permitted only in the top ten, and it is perceived by the nine as an unresolved, but carefully combed its external harmony. The nine does not appear completely self-sufficient, harmonious and passive, although in reality represents the idea of \u200b\u200btransition, crisis and leap in development. The symbol of the nine is self-sufficient, immersed pregnancy. The internal cause of hidden conflicts of the nine lies in the fact that it is the second in the level of the manifestation of the harmony of the troika, in which each of the three elements constituting the top of the top three, immediately entered the antagonism (see fig). The nine, like the eight, is deprived of a direct channel in a thin plan and represents the most attainable harmony of the world with a higher plan of indirect links, but trying to build their harmony without them. This is the ideal of formal methods (for example, materialistic science), while the eight is the reality of formal methods. Thus, the inner antagonism of the nine is due to the impossibility of adequate harmonic embodiment of the Spirit (on this, that is, the third, level of its manifestation), while at the same time an attempt to ignore this circumstance and building harmony of partially spiritual matter, so to speak in the presence of funds. However, the internal contradictions of the nine are not at all uncomfortable, it claims to be perfection as it is, and pretends that these contradictions are nothing but just prisoners in it, which can be reversed for further development and improvement. This, however, is not so. Firstly, the nine symbolizes (as if) the harmony already achieved, and she does not want to develop anywhere and, in her opinion, it is not necessary, and secondly, its internal contradictions are antagonistic, that is, it does not manage to reconcile them, and they hurt them Its from the inside. This, therefore, a pregnant woman who is completely closed on himself and fully satisfying; She absolutely does not want to give birth to a child, and she pretends to do that, at the same time, feeling the time of his position and feeling the inner forerunners inevitably the upcoming crisis, that is, childbirth: uncontrollable changes in moods, toxicosis, etc.

9 \u003d 8 + 1 - Having received perfect tools that simulate thin, but devoid of a direct spiritualizing channel into a thin plan, the nine builds harmony in the primary spiritualized world, ignoring this spirituality. Therefore, it is building a formal harmony, fraught with destruction or breakthrough up. Image: a musician, grinding my technique, ignoring the plan for spiritual love, that is, the studio of Vishudhu besides Anahata.
9 \u003d 7 + 2 - polarization of the vertical channel in a thinner plan gives large shifts horizontally, but leads to the appearance of internal contradictions, at this level is intractable.
9 \u003d 6 + 3 - Perfect forms of life, enjoying harmony on the plan of spirituality, gain strong internal contradictions, but retain the external closure.
9 \u003d 5 + 4 - the materialization of life on the primary spiritual level gives it formally harmonious, but deprived of the possibilities of direct development of the form. 9 \u003d 4 + 5 - Life turns the oblique forms into the perfect, but still only potentially spiritual.
9 \u003d 3 + 6 - Perfect life, rising on a harmonious basis, acquires contradictions and maintains only external harmony, since now she lacks a direct spiritual channel.
9 \u003d 2 + 7 - The spiritual channel materializes the idea of \u200b\u200bconfrontation, creating a perfect primary spiritual substance that retains antagonism within himself - a religious or magical rite. The nine is externally harmonious and self-sufficient, it seems to themselves and many other unattainable ideal, but absolutely passive, immersed in itself and there weaglely understand the contradictions badly. Requests for completed spirituality, at the same time strictly opposing all the real manifestations in others.

© Avasal Underwater

Figure 9 in psychomatrice

The figure 9 in the psychomatrice is responsible for the mind, memory and clairvoyance of man. Why this figure? It follows the number 8, and its characteristic must be associated with the value of this figure. Eight is responsible for duty towards loved ones, especially parents. Naturally, people are experiencing the death of parents, and it is for this case that the figure 9 is intended. After the death of the parents, the debt goes into a new quality must be remembered about them, and therefore the number 9 is responsible for memory. When we talk about any person, about his abilities, then, as a rule, appreciating his memory, we make a conclusion about the strength of his mind: "He knows everything so much (I mean: remembers), it means a clever person." It is worth it to argue about it, because our great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov said in vain: "I don't tell the mind to know."
In psychomatrice there was a lot (see) nine. This means that the memory characteristic should give way to a new quality for which nine is responsible - clairvoyance. We will try to find out the process of clairvoyance itself. You can distinguish two varieties of clairvoyance. Firstly, if a person has a strong energy (22 or more), he may be engaged in the information field. It is available for it due to severe memory, since the number of information being remembered should go to quality. Information accumulated by many generations should be ordered, but should not disappear from the information field. That is why the entrance to it is allowed only to those who have strong memory and energy.
If a person has many nine in a psychomatrice, but weak energy (no more than one twice), then we can talk about accurate clairvoyance when he chooses from his memory a similar situation and makes assumption about the completion of the present event. Such clairvoyance does not have great accuracy.
Clairvoyance disperses a person's memory, tearing it sometimes from reality. Clairvoyant, emerging in the information field, can be mistaken in their predictions, because they are able to see (or realize) the contour of the event, its blurry silhouette. Sometimes they cannot determine the completion time, but know what the situation is completed.
More consistent with clairvoyance signs "9999 or 99999". In this case, they talk about the sign of the prophet, when almost all human forecasts come true with a high degree of accuracy.
If your child has such a sign, then you know that you lace a huge responsibility for the disclosure of clairvoyant. How can this disclosure be done?
The main thing - it is necessary to allocate the range of his interests and to rush it to its own improvement in this area. As soon as its potential in the development of this field of knowledge reaches a sufficiently high level, a qualitative change in the situation will occur, a person will receive access to the information field, where the information of all people with a similar interest is accumulated. As soon as a person first receives information, in a dream or in vision, it is necessary to start making their own dictionary of characters that will appear in dreams or visions. Very often a strong clairvoyant or the prophet suffers from the fact that it cannot understand the meaning of information that manifested in a dream is the information is encoded in characters or images. You should not resort to the help of various dream interpretors, it is best to make your own dream book, more accurately reflecting the essence of possible events. The main thing is to believe and trust our own premonitions, dreams, visions, feelings. If you have these qualities in a child, then trust him, he knows a lot.

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Ninth House

The ninth house represents the third phase of the development of "I": his ideal, that is, what a person would like to be. The question of the ideal of the ninth house (conscious and subconscious) is far from simple, in particular, because it must be focused on an existing reality around man, and on the question: "How my ideal will behave in this situation" - a person often cannot To give any answer, except for bitter recognition: "He should never get into it." Thus, the ideal "I" of the ninth house is a practical ideal, that is, an image designed for existence in the very reality in which a person lives.
Nevertheless, the most unpleasant moments of his life, a person is inclined to crowd out, especially when the formation of his ideal is, so the latter often lives in a more cultural and clean setting, rather than a person himself, and it is wrong, because it is not possible to correct his behavior, turning to the ideal, And especially in those moments, when this, the least wants - in order for the lower principle, issued to freedom, not so frankly celebrated its existence.

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Hermit + Jester (IX + 0)
To lose yourself.
Care from reality threatening with an object.
Care from the world.

Hermit + Magician (IX + I)
Wise magician.
Understand themselves.
Find a hidden talent.
It's time to take the case.
Do what you get better.

Hermit + Supreme Priestess (IX + II)
Single woman.
Another woman, treason, mystery associated with her.
Candidiness or single mother.
Wisdom in solitude.
Isolation period. Refusal of pleasure.
Voluntary exile.
Closedness. Unimportant.
Comprehend yourself.
Defend himself to studying secret knowledge.
Intuitive path.
Spiritual service to people.
Spiritual purity.
Follow your health.

Hermit + Empress (IX + III)
Wise woman. I myself am a mistress.
Works alone. Hidden business.
Do not hurry the events, even if something does not suit, everything will go to your woman.
Time for thinking.
Unrequency of feelings.
Health requires a survey.

Hermit + Emperor (IX + IV)
Obtaining power over himself.
A person has experiences, knowledge and business without tips and tips.
Wise power, sole.
Elderly lonely man.

Hermit + Hierophant (IX + V)
Wise, lonely man, with great life experience capable of giving a valuable advice.
Sage, old man, experienced person, Elder of the kind. Spiritual teacher.
Pay attention to spiritual life.
The selected method of action will lead to success.
Find your own value system.
Contact doctors.

Hermit + Lovers (IX + VI)
The emergence of connections and relationships.
Acquisition of a partner.
The emergence of sexual relations, sometimes contrary to the desire of a person.

Hermit + Chariot (IX + VII)
Trip to the goal alone.
Thoughts before expensive.
Loneliness is broken.

Hermit + power (IX + VIII)
The achievement of the goal depends on your willpower. She wakes up within you.
Personality to strive for flourishing, and requires new options for its development.

Hermit + Wheel (IX + X)
The feeling of loneliness gradually passes. Exit from isolation.
Thirst for change.
It's time to see the world and expand your horizons.
Walking in doctors. Survey.

Hermit + Justice (IX + XI)
Wise and experienced judge.
Find justice.
Take on the role of the arbiter.
A fair decision in court is delayed.
Delay in the development of something.

Hermit + hanged (IX + XII)
Forced loneliness or imprisonment.
Danger lose freedom.
Betrayal. Treason. Disease.
No money. At work do not understand. No support.
You feel bad loneliness and sharply need to communicate.
Go gynecological examination.

Hermit + Death (IX + XIII)
Slow transformation of loneliness.
Painful loneliness.
But if there was one before, then the opposite.
Twilight soul.
Care from the world. From worldly affairs.
State of mourning. Loss.

Hermit + moderation (IX + XIV)
End of loneliness. Gust.
Life came into motion.
Time is the best leakage.
Wound healing after loss.

Hermit + Devil (IX + XV)
Trap loneliness.
Not God to pray.
Wrestling motives. Temptation to do in advance to yourself, to do something contrary to its nature.
Vera in evil, in vice. Temptation of material benefits.
Obsession. Extreme degree of cynicism. Attacks of pride and irritation.
Alone masochism.
Can meet with whom it fell. Not for a better side.

Hermit + Tower (IX + XVI)
Scandal. The end of the relationship.
Failed to hide.
Not reasonable actions.
You can be creatively successful, however, while destroying yourself.
You have formed an overabundance of energy and can "apply".
It is better to take yourself in hand.

Hermit + Star (IX + XVII)
Mission accomplished.
Waiting was long and now you will have a reward.
Hope to shed light to your destination.
Man is a single.
It is hardly in marriage.
Maybe marriage abroad.

Hermit + Moon (IX + XVIII)
Long loneliness. Self-test.
Belaced changes will occur in life.
Late success, if creative.
Late accumulations in life. It is not divided with anyone.
If a person drinking, long-stop.
Fear of loneliness. Not the best output for the psyche.
Hidden illness.

Hermit + Sun (IX + XIX)
Chance to change anything in life.
Find the truth for which I was looking for a long time.
The resumption of activity is expected after a sufficiently long break.
Work, and luck will smile.
Disclosure of treason, secrets.

Hermit + Court (IX + XX)
There will be events that make you think.
Changes that need to be taken. They are for the better.
It's time to put a point.
You waited for the sentence of fate.
He is rendered - and not so bad.
Take the case, the difficulties are overcome, do not lose time!
You will have to answer only to you.
The wrong trial (from the ancient interpretator).
Getting an important news.
A big event, the beginning of a new period of life.

Hermit + World (IX + XXI)
Success, forced himself long to wait.
For everything paid.
Roads are open. Your abilities finally have been realized.
Personal integration.
The idea and its embodiment.
The need to change the place, traveling to become wiser.
Wisdom led you to Olympus.
Weakening isolation, involvement in the event flow.

With the "TUZ Wands" card - find light in yourself.
With the "Two Wands" card - indecision.
With the map "Troika Wands" - find something valuable in yourself.
With the "Four Wands" card - find the gaze.
With the "Five Wands" card - conflicting feelings.
With the map "Six Wands" - take responsibility.
With a "Seven-Boats" map - "Collect stones".
With the "Eight Wands" card - internal illumination.
With the map "Nine Wands" - to learn lesson.
With the map "Tens of Wands" - carry your cross.
With the "Page Wands" card - to wear out.
With the Knight Wands card - to release steam.
With the map "Queen of the Wands" - to overturn, bloom; Get out of your shell.
With the map "King of Wands" - to increase the credibility.

For other sources:
V.Stlyarova "Great Book of Combines".

Hermit Live with senior arcans

Magician - the highest wisdom
Magician (Per) - Danger
Priestess - Woman - High Grade Scientist (S. Kovalevskaya or M. Sklodovskaya-Curie)
Priestess (trans) - errors in calculations
Empress - Scientific discovery at the level of the Nobel Prize
Empress (trans) - loss of offspring (any)
Emperor - Palace intrigues. Intrigue
Emperor (Per) - Quiet Incase
Priest - marriage, consecrated by the Church. Marriage
Priest (Per) - Plans Disorder
Lovers - despite all doubts will be made the right choice, the right step.
Lovers (Per) - Sweistance
The chariot is a wise ruler. Solomonovo solution, wisdom
Chariot (per) - defeat (any)
Justice is a righteous court. Current Court. Camera alone
Justice (Trans) - Restored Justice
Fortune wheel - hidden abilities at the subconscious level
Fortune wheel (per) - gaining lost
Strength - espionage in favor of your country (type of Stirlitz)
Power (trans) - danger from Zeus (zipper, thunder, thunderstorm, hail)
Hanging - reinsurance. Sabotage
Hanging (trans) - death from religious fans
Death - taking into custody. Evasion of danger
Death (Per) - Loss of Reality Feeling
Moderation is a teaching. Moral lessons
Moderation (trans) - Drying Danger
The devil is marijuana. Light drugs
The devil (trans) - atonement. Father Sergiy.
Tower - network. Tricks. Capps. Hunting. Flags
Tower (trans) - epilepsy. Storm in a teacup
Star - Security Successes
Star (trans) - clarification of intricate circumstances
Moon - danger evasion
Moon (trans) - secret ill-wishers. "Wolves in sheep skins"
The sun is cunning, be caught with political when performing social and dangerous actions. Deceit and love
Sun (lane) - Happiness in material plan
The court is a single conclusion in the chamber
Court (trans) - irresistible difficulties
The world is a wise politician (Yaster Arafat)
The world (per) - truce is impossible. "Ax of War"
Jester - hazard care at the last minute
Jester (per) - jokes

Hermit Live with Junior Arcans

Hermit in direct and inverted positions is identical in combination with younger arcans

2 wands - secret goats of enemies
2 Wands (Per) - Loss of Location
2 cups - "black cash" (shadow business)
2 cups (trans) - confrontation, faith protection
2 swords - care to the monastery
2 swords (per) - rowing, superficial look
2 pentacles - calmness of the soul in prayer
2 pentacles (per) - manic passion

3 wands - awareness of the negative. Awakening from hibernation
3 Wands (Per) - Termination of the Union
3 cups - hidden truth, noble deceiver
3 cups (trans) - lack of support
3 swords - escape from reality
3 swords (per) - short-sighted, error
3 Pentacles - Lododr, lifespan
3 pentacles (per) - crowd thoughts, unprofessionalism

4 wands - the formation of a new union
4 wands (per) - values \u200b\u200bin an inverted position does not change
4 cups - limitless faith
4 cups (trans) - new approaches to religion. Bible
4 Swords - Hermitication, Wheeling. Skit
4 Swords (per) - Success on the spiritual path
4 pentacles - spiritual loneliness
4 pentacles (per) - closedness, correlating yourself from the truth of life

5 wands - progress in banking
5 wands (trans) - sluggish troubles
5 cups - "Gothic" in Christian hermetic, clipping extra
5 cups (trans) - like-minded faiths, beliefs
5 Swords - overcoming the earth, cleansing from the bad. CONFESSION.
5 Swords (trans) - unanswered in religious dogmas
5 pentacles - state inequality, incl. and spiritual
5 pentacles (per) - spiritual devastation, rejection of God

6 wands - fear of change, even successful
6 wands (per) - lack of confidence
6 cups - the path to holiness, adherence to the chastity, obedience, poverty
6 cups (trans) - the revival of the former beliefs
6 Swords - Mecca, pilgrims
6 Swords (per) - Apostle
6 Pentacles - the path to God
6 pentacles (trans) - disorder, breaking relationship, unrealization

7 Wands - Standing from the ambush
7 wands (per) - unbearable severity of being
7 Cups - Contemplative Uninimal
7 Cups (per) - failed intentions, treason
7 Swords - Warmless, Secret Enemies
7 Swords (per) - inability to convince, lack of knowledge
7 Pentacles - unexpected major profit
7 Pentacles (per) - treachery of the human spirit

8 wands - innocent fun
8 wands (per) - the examination of maturity failed
8 cups - chaste young girl, innocent and clean as a dove
8 Cups (Per) - Made Thoughts, Feelings
8 Swords - Reaching Verdict
8 Swords (per) - accidents in spiritual places
8 Pentacles - Platonic Love
8 Pentacles (per) - sacrifice

9 Wands - Care underground from trouble
9 wands (per) - caution, deceleration
9 cups - wandering monk, pilgrim. Privacy
9 Cups (per) - sectarianism, zeal, spherical
9 Swords - Love Heriation
9 Swords (per) - wicked thoughts, death, funeral religious leader
9 Pentacles - Escape, Refuge
9 Pentacles (trans) - paradoxics of the situation

10 wands - a stop in the way because of fear to get into an unpleasant position.
10 wands (per) - zeal stumbled on obstacles. Equestrian
10 Cups - Test of Spirituality for Maturity
10 Cups (trans) - Loose from religious peaks, removal from a spiritual position
10 Swords are sophisticated tests. Chains. Job
10 Swords (Per) - a spiritual basis
10 Pentacles - Skupere
10 Pentacles (per) - amateur (maybe I suppose)

AU of Wands - Bankruptcy in its fault
AU of Wands (Per) - Delivery
Ace of Cups - Spirituality, Life Position
Ace of Cups (per) - impermanence in religious beliefs
TUZ Swords - Religiousness
Ace of swords (per) is an artificial fertilization. Cloning. Loneliness, hatred
Ace of pentacles - happiness in mercy and kindness. Mother Teresa.
Ace of Pentacles (per) - Successes in a spiritual career

Page sacks - a wise young man, assistant. Spiritual growth
Page sacks (trans) - warns about danger, bad news
Page Cups - a spiritual seminary student exhausted by study
Page Cups (per) - Homa Brut. Gogol, "Viy"
Page Swords - Monk Abel
Page Swords (per) - failed personality
Page Pentacles - a dear person
Page Pentacles (per) - man hovering in the clouds

Knight of the wands - elimination of business
Knight Wands (Per) - Scandalist, Brener
Knight Cups - Peacemaker Abbot. Abbey
Knight Cups (trans) - lack of energy for fighting, cowardice
Knight Swords - Mercenary Soldier
Knight Swords (per) - a man with criminal inclinations
Knight Pentacles - a man who knows the price
Knight Pentcloss (trans) - restriction in the possibilities

Queen of the Wands - Successes in the economy. Mistress-mistress
Queen of the Wands (Per) - courtesy, "good mine with a bad game"
Queen Cups - Dar of foresight, beautiful mother, wife
Queen of the Cups (per) - Pokskalkers, confession against you
Queen of Swords - the abundant of the monastery. Lonely nun. Kel
Queen of Swords (per) - evil woman. Atheism
Queen of Pentacles - Freedom of beliefs, public sermons
Queen of Pentacles (Per) - oscillatory moods, trends

King of Wands - Successes in politics, politically grounded chief
King of Wands (Per) - Spiritual Face
King Cups - man of art or science
King Cups (per) - extracting life lessons from the situation
King Swords - Spiritual San, peacemaker in general
King Swords (trans) - Equipment, religious fanaticism
King of Pentacles - Conjuncturism
The king of pentacles (per) is a premature attempt to resolve the situation

Hermit in an inverted position with senior arcans

Mag - Failure plans. Conspiracy. Bad sign of fate
Magician (trans) - mental problems, real danger is not so great
Priestess - Evasion from reality, danger
Priestess (per) - corrected business
Empress - Position Uncertainty
Empress (per) is a loss of daughters. Karma on the female line
Emperor - Ajulter. Civil marriage
The emperor (per) is the loss of sons. Male line karma
Priest is the lack of obligations of the parties. Flirt
Priest (per) - collapse of relationships in principle
Lovers - incorrect step
Lovers (per) - danger on the road
Chariot - neglect benefits
Chariot (per) - "Pierry Victory"
Justice - "with a crash" lost loud criminal case
Justice (Per) - Searches for justice
Fortune Wheel - Forgery
Wheel Fortune (trans) - Restore former status
Power - a resident error. Failure resident
Power (trans) - departure
Having isolated - an awesome idol. Idolatry
Hanging (trans) - in vain victims
Death - a turn of 180 °
Death (per) - care from retaliation
Moderation - worship for fake values
Moderation (trans) - meeting with the past
The devil is heroin. Strong synthetic drugs
Devil (trans) - Drug addicts
Tower - lifebuoy. Hazard care
Tower (trans) - gaining lost faith
Star - Loss of Financial Support
Star (trans) - Hurricane. Tornado
Moon - Water Danger
The moon (trans) - flooding of huge strength. World flood or other danger from water
Sun - crime disclosure
Sun (trans) - blinding jealousy
Court - unrighteous court
Court (trans) - "Gifts" Saturn. Sword. Sword of Damocles
World - carelessness
Peace (per) - "Saturn is almost not visible"
Jester - "Icar"
Jester (per) - contempt of a crime

Hermit in an inverted position with younger arcans

10 cups (per) - Loose from the peaks

The history and practice of Tarot's cards is now interested in many in Russia. Brought from the West, this tradition fell on the soul of the people, and its popularity increases every day. All new decks developed and the thematic literature in Russia itself and countless circulations of thematic literature as a transferable, and those who came out from under the hands of domestic specialists have not been tired of testifying to this. In this article we will touch only one aspect of this deep tradition, namely the cards that wears the intriguing and mysterious name "Hermit".

About the appearance of cards

We begin our review of the map, which in the tradition of Tarot itself are called arkans (that is, mysteries, riddles, if we translate from the Latin language), with the description of its type. Immediately I must say that today the Tarot deck there are several thousand. The designs of the parts of them are so unique and distinctive that in principle there is no possibility to choose the description of the "Hermit" card, which would suit to all. Therefore, we will limit ourselves only to the traditional, classically, which serves as the basis not only for the oldest, but also for the most popular deck today.

Description of the Map "Hermit"

So, the Arcan, known under the name of the hermit, is a map, which depicts a gray-haired elder, dressed in a balachon and a long gray cloak. A hood is thrown on his head, and he himself marchs at a difficult mountain road. His path is made at night, and therefore he illuminates the path of the lantern, who holds in his left hand. A six-pointed star is burning with bright fire in the lantern. Long wooden staff is a long wooden staff on the way. Sometimes it is accompanied by any animal. Most often it is a snake, but wolves, turtles, monkeys and other fauna representatives are also found.

Symbolism card "Hermit"

The elder, dressed in her rubbish, is a representation of the archetype of a monk, that is, hermit, in a wider value. It is separated from society and his life, from everyday life and goes its own way - difficult and thorny, it is emphasized by the mountains. However, the same mountains are the symbol of the spiritual height of the hermit, its wisdom, insight, high level of development, the sphere of heaven, the Divine, to which he is involved. Being an image of an intermediary between heaven and land, "hermit" is also an arcane depicting the prophet, whose task on behalf of and on behalf of the higher forces to tell people the truth about themselves and exercise the Supreme Guide in human evolution. "Hermit", therefore, being separated from society, is its spiritual leader, moral, religious, ethical guideline, which is symbolically expressed in the lantern, which the elder holds in the desk. Being a pioneer to the mountain world, he passes through the spiritual darkness and the darkness of ignorance to the tops of spiritual revelations, covering himself and another road with the help of this lantern itself, the light of which is the light of the Divine Guide and Revelation, which is emphasized by a six-pointed star. "Hermit" is an elder, because to achieve its level of development, conquering the peak of the mountain, it is necessary to overcome the difficult, long-term path of the daily practice of development and climbing. Experience and wisdom acquired for long years are expressed in the seeds of the elder and its shortness, fatigue. This means that the path of development, the path of ascent requires considerable effort, is associated with many dangers and difficulties. For his passage, the power of the Spirit is needed, faith in itself, as well as freedom from all human passions and weaknesses. The latter is expressed in a raincoat and thrown off the hood, which means that the "hermit" is completely separated from the world, not dependent on anyone and does not spike himself with views on the sides, does not turn back, in the longing of abandoned glory, wealth and other joys of human life.

The hermit view is directed under the feet, on the road, because he is attentive and cautious, and his attention is entirely focused on the way, for whose purity he watches, in order not to deviate or to the left. The power of his spirit, the inner rod, the hardness of the belief, as well as the Divine Help on the way symbolizes the staff to which the elder is based on. A row or hermit balachon indicate a refusal of material benefits, attachments to wealth and desire to have anything, besides truth.

The value of the post "Hermit" in antiquity

The presented image of an elder-hermit is the result of the development of Arkan for more than five hundred years - since the appearance of the first Taro deck. Initially, this card was called the "old man" and symbolized an inexorable time. It was emphasized by the fact that the old man kept the hourglass in his hands. In such an amplua "Hermit" personifies the rapidity of life and can predict ambulance or the end of something.

Interpretation of the card in the literal position

A part of the Tarot cards specialists are divided into direct and inverted position. I must say that this tradition is quite new and not all practiced. However, for those who hold it, the possible value of the cards, thanks to it, doubles. Thus, instead of the traditional seventy-two main (excluding nuances), they have one hundred forty-four values. What is the "Hermit" value in the literal position? Tarot, more precisely, his card can be described by several keywords. For the map you are interested in, they will be approximately such: renunciation, loneliness, knowledge, wisdom, internal growth, introspection, self-analysis, mentoring, spirituality, disappointment, teacher, teaching, system of values \u200b\u200band its revaluation, cultivation, crisis, exemption from extraneous influence, freedom , self-sufficiency, research spirit, revelation, divinity, old age, patience, waiting, blessing, observation.

Of course, this is just an approximate list of keys that should not be perceived as an accurate list. Basic card values, these are only instructions that serve the case of interpretation during a session. But the present, the current value of the "hermit" (Tarot in general, to speak more precisely) is established by the master itself during practice. A genuine understanding of the cards comes from the inside, and not from books, reference books or articles. All this only helps to specify a newcomer road and direction. So you need to relate to the values \u200b\u200blisted, and to those that will be given below.

Interpretation of the card in an inverted position

There are several options for what can mean "Hermit" is inverted. Tarot, whose cards in itself are quite multifaceted, has three interpretation options in the position upside down: inversion, eigenvalue, underscore.

As for the inversion, it is simply making the map exactly the opposite value of the one that it is in the literal position. Thus, it is fairly easy to establish which "Hermit" (Tarot, however, it has already been mentioned, in the traditional its system there is no inversion card values) in an inverted form. This is the end of loneliness, admission, stupidity, infantionality, pride, ultimateness, landiness, confusion, extrapection, internal regression, spiritual and cultural decay, community, loss of freedom, pressure, fussiness, immorality, materialism, recreation, end of expectations.

The second approach to the inverted cards is to give them their own values, in no way dependent on their direct meaning. Here each tarologist independently, on the basis of its own associations, comes up with and establishes what will mean one or another map. This is what can, for example, have the value of the "Hermit" (Tarot, or rather, its interpretation also depends on the characteristics of a particular deck and its cultural and symbolic code. So the proposed keys are only a few of the many possible options): Depression, Despair, failure, loss of yourself, new job, end of the financial crisis, confrontation, lie, illness, an unexpected trip.

Finally, the third image of the interpretation of the inverted arcanes is built not on attaching to them a special meaning, but on emphasizing the importance of a card that fell in an inverted form in the context of the entire scenario. Sometimes this provision is considered as underlining the most negative meanings of the card. Thus, in the first case, the interpretation will remain in general the same as with respect to the direct position of the map. As for the second, then painful loneliness, expulsion, isolation, egoism, suspicion, arrogance, breaking relationship - all this can mean an inverted "hermit". Tarot, the meaning of the cards of which is multivariate, in relation to hermit may, as can be seen, provide positive and negative meanings. Which one is relevant in each specific scenario, will help to establish the context of the scenario itself and, of course, the experience of the master.

Love meaning. "Hermit" (Tarot) in lovelines

As for the topic, then, as a rule, this Arkan is understood in the next key. It is very important to note that insulation and loneliness is the basic value of the "Hermit" card. Tarot, the value in the love of the cards of which is determined not only by its own interpretation of the card, but also the context of the defold, provides for a hermit a number of additional interpretations. First, it is an indication of the breaking relationship. Secondly, temporary separation, testing of relationships. Also, the search for the ideal and ideal relationship is one of the options for what can mean "Hermit". Tarot value in the relationship of this card matches with such quality as uncertainty in itself and in their feelings. In addition, this is a sign of alienation and coldness, as well as the resentment and cooling of passion. In rare cases, the card indicates a betrayal or, on the contrary, to the dedication and overcoming its own egoism for the sake of preserving and deepening relations. Another aspect is the rejection from the object of passion.

"Hermit" (Tarot) - value in finance

As for the sphere of material values, this Arcan postulates a refusal of the desire to possess them. In other cases - the need to neglect them for the achievement of the goal. In addition, forced poverty and also those things that can mean "hermit". Tarot value and interpretation of their arcanes establishes on therefore this card may also mean debts, business collapse, gap partnerships, contracts, work loss and career stagnation.

The value of the map in matters to "yes-no"

Now two words about the fact that in matters requiring single responses, means the Map "Hermit" (Tarot). The value "yes-no" Arkana is acquired depending on the context. Therefore, the answer depends on what question is asked. For example, in relation to questions about money, career and love, this Arcan will mean "no". But the answer "yes" he will acquire in matters of success in studies, research, internal growth and health.

Astrological attribution

Many associate tarot arkans with astrological categories, planets, zodiac signs, and so on. "Hermit" at the same time is most often correlated with Mercury and the constellation of the Virgin.

If this Arkan fell like a Tarot Council, it should be understood as the need to look inside himself, to engage in self-analysis and pay the time to its spiritual and personal growth. Also this advice to rethink the values \u200b\u200band overestimate priorities.

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