Myth about "Leningradsky business. Leningrad business. Secret materials

Engineering systems 29.03.2021
Engineering systems

On October 15, 1947, a meeting of the Central Committee of the Central Committee was held, dedicated to the fulfillment of the decision on the courts of honor. "I think, - spoke at the meeting of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) Alexey Kuznetsov, - what in the implementation of the CLC closed letter we meet resistance. I want to recognize this or do not want, but this is a fact: we meet resistance and on the part of party leaders in the field, and from economic leaders. The fact that comrades do not want to organize a court of honor means that they resist that new form of education of the intelligentsia, which was established by the Central Committee».

Such a wonder of one of the main promoters Zhdanov was not random. From the height of the Central Committee, the questions of the courts were supervised by Kuznetsov and Suslov, but the main thing is to group Zhdanov the courts of honor were not only a tool for mobilizing society in the conditions of the Cold War, but also a means of strengthening their own influence on the entire state apparatus. Therefore, the new secretary of the Central Committee, Alexey Kuznetsov, will show unprecedented activity in organizing such vessels. But the situation also had the opposite direction - the deliberate increase in the influence and active intervention of the Leningrad residents of Zhdanov everywhere formed a silent consensus against them, the conspiracy of all other groups in the power oriented on other leaders is primarily Malenkov and Beria. This consolidation of the official interests against the "Leningrad Group" is very soon, almost immediately after the death of the Stalinist Favorita Zhdanov, gives the "Leningrad business" ... But while comrade Zhdanov was still alive and the campaign of "courts of honor" developed contrary to the silent silence of the bureaucracy.

To submit an example to the ministries, and at the same time and move the supporters of Malenkov, Zhdanov initiated the court of honor in the CC apparatus. "The defendants" were responsible employees of personnel management and propaganda and campaign management workers who managed the departments of these departments before coming there by Zhdanov. However, they influenced them real estrangements in the form of too obvious traction to the "sweet life", restaurants and women, in post-war Moscow.

In November 1947, a court was held at the Department of Higher Education of the USSR over the professor of the Agricultural Academy Zavebrak for the fact that he criticized his opponent Lysenko is not in Soviet editions, but on the pages of the American magazine "Science".

Until the end of 1947, the courts of honor were held in the Ministry of Geology and the Ministry of State Control, in early 1948 - in the Ministry of Electrical Industry and the Ministry of Standulating (at that time there were a large number of narrow-profile ministers). In December, he was sanctioned and in January 1948 a court was held in the Ministry of the Armed Forces. The trial of the recent top leaders of the Navy - Admirals Kuznetsov, Galler, Alafuz, Stepanov. This "court of honor" was held on the basis of an appropriate decision on the military courts of honor from 1939, but, explicitly, Zhdanov started as part of the campaign. Marshal Leonid Govorov, another associate and promoter Zhdanov spoke by the public prosecutor Admirals.

The real reasons for the court were the differences of Stalin with Kuznetsov about the paths of development of the fleet and, most importantly, a low assessment by the top leadership of the country of the activities of the Navy in 1941-45. And his post-war combat readiness. The official accusation "Court of honor" was that at the end of the war, the admirals were transferred to Great Britain and the United States drawings and descriptions of some weapons systems of our fleet, as well as a large number of secret marine cards. The court of honor recognized the admirals guilty and decided to apply to the Council of Ministers of the USSR to led them already a criminal court. This court will take place very quickly and in early February 1948 will result in its verdict - we note that for Stalin's laundry, there is a sufficiently soft for this kind of business.

Leningrad enthusiasts of "Courts of honor" and such an important body of the Stalinist state as the Ministry of Gosbea, such as the most important body of the Stalinist state as the ministry of state security. At the election of the court of honor, MGB in November 1947 spoke Alexey Kuznetsov: "State security authorities must strengthen the Chekist work among our Soviet intelligentsia ... We will educate the intelligentsia in the spirit of eradicating I have low-ablosions before abroad, we will judge the court of honor ... Apparently, in relation to some of the representatives of the intelligentsia, we will have to accept Other measures - Chekist measures. "

The court of honor in the MGB took place in early March 1948 and unexpectedly caused the displeasure of Stalin, who considered that the secretary of the Czc Kuznetsov began, organizing such an event in such a responsible ministry without a sanction of the Politburo. This, however, did not stop Zhdanov in the desire to expand and strengthen the role of courts of honor. On March 19, 1948, he sent Stalin the draft resolution on the creation of the Allied Court of Honor. This body was to already disassemble the moral presets of the most senior representatives of the Stalinist bureaucracy at the level of ministers and deputy chairmen of the government. The first "defendant" was even scheduled for the Allied Court of Chely - Minister of Communications Ivan Kovalev, accused of spending too large funds for reorganization of his giving.

But the project of such an omnipotent "court of honor" has already directly taught the interests and security of all other members of the Politburo who were not in the Zhdanov grouping. Malenkov, Beria, Molotov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Bulganin or managed ministries, or were deputy chairmen of the light of ministers - i.e. Directly fell under the jurisdiction of the Union Court of Honor. In contrast, by the way, from Zhdanov himself, who did not occupy any posts of government and ministries.

Beria, Voznesensky and Malenkov. Ultimately, the struggle for power will lose all three ...

Therefore, the Zhdanovsky project of the Union Court of Honor at the collection of the "narrow group" Politburo in April 1948. The rest of the highest leaders of the USSR are simply drowned in amendments and discussions, as a result, postponing the approval of such a court before the Plenum of the Party Central Committee. Probably, Zhdanov did not doubt that he will "sell" his project in the plenum - remember that Andrei Zhdanov planned much more often holding a plenums and congresses of the party, he did not know that he had to live a little more than three months, and the next plenum of the Central Committee after his death It will take place only in 1952.

Nevertheless, the campaign of courts of honor did not stop - at the same time, the top management authorized only those "courts of honor", the materials of which could be used with the educational effect. So in June 1948 the court took place even in the Committee of Information - the authority, which since 1947 united two intelligence, political and military, security officers and GRU. At this court, the case was considered the case of Major General Leonid Malinin, a resident in Berlin and the Soviet representative in the control board in Germany. General Malinin was charged with unworthy behavior when communicating with former allies and, according to the end of the court, the expenses were transferred from foreign intelligence in small heads of railway protection.

It should be noted that today the Cold War Courts "Cold Western historians feed are estimated at a purely one-sided and negatively - as another example of" Zhdanovshchina "and" Splitting of nuts "in the post-war USSR. At the same time, it is usually missed that similar and even similar to the form of the processes at the same time went on the other side of the globe - in the United States. The hostility was mutual, and the internal political tightening of American "democracy" was not lagging behind the same in the Soviet "totalitarianism".

So, in October 1947, the "Investigation Commission of Anti-American" will conduct, in fact, similar to the Zhdanovsky "Court of honor", the process over a group of Hollywood workers, which are shown in sympathies to "red". At the same time, "black lists" of cultural workers will be introduced in the States, prohibiting the topics of the "rich and poor" and other restrictions. In this regard, the internal policy of the United States of McCarthity and the "Commission on Anti-American Activities" will not differ fundamentally from "Zhdanovshchina" - both sides in the conditions of the cold war began to conduct ideological mobilization, by "tightening nuts".

But we are now interested in the courts of honor as a means of strengthening the influence and control over the entire party-binary apparatus of the USSR from the Leningrad residents of Zhdanov. At the same time, we recall that Leningraders, in parallel with the courts of honor, crossed the rest of the rest of the partburocracy and ideological checks. Even at the first meeting of the Organization of the Central Committee, held by Zhdanov on May 18, 1946, it was decided to establish a commission led by Alexei Kuznetsov and Zhdanov in order to "develop the question of theoretical training and retraining of governing party and Soviet workers." These externally smooth formulations on the preparation and verification of the "theoretical" level of party and Soviet workers were given in the hands of Zhdanov and his teams the most powerful levers of hardware influence in the selection and alignment of management personnel. Permanent accounts checks throughout the USSR by Zhdanov and his teams were flowing in 1946-48.

However, at the peak of the influence of his team, in July 1948 Zhdanov goes on vacation for treatment and dies on the last day of the summer of that year. The death of him and now causes questions - but we note that Zhdanov had been a very sick person before the war, in the years of the blockade there were two heart attacks on the years, so from a medical point of view, his death is not something extraordinarily.

But all the inner situation in the ruling machine of the USSR, this death changed radically and quickly. By the way, the last party document, signed in his life Zhdanov, is an analytical note "On the situation in Soviet biological science. On July 10, 1948, as part of preparation for scientific discussion on biology, it will fall on Stalin's desktop. This document will be signed not only by Zhdanov, but also Malenkov. The beginning of the text is designer, but rightly read: "In science, as in politics, contradictions are allowed not by reconciliation, but by open struggle."

Stalin at the funeral of Zhdanov

The deceased Zhdanov was very solemnly buried on September 2, 1948. His funeral was almost the most significant on the scope and duration of mourning events for the entire Soviet history, yielding only Lenin's funeral, Stalin and Brezhnev. Stalin stood in Mourning Karaul and with other members of the Politburo wore a coffin with the body of the late friend.

Malenkov, Voroshilov and Stalin in the Honorary Karaul in the coffin of Zhdanov

On September 28, 1948, Malenkov will show special participation in the employment of the two closest assistants Zhdanov, his personal secretaries of Alexander Kuznetsov and Vladimir Tereshkina. Malenkov will hurry to report to Stalin that the first becomes deputy head of the propaganda and agitation department of the Central Committee of the CPS (b), and the second - Deputy Head of the Department of External Relations of the Central Committee.

However, the main and most influential participants of the "Leningrad Group" Zhdanov will fall into opal in February next 1949, in just six months after the death of his "chief". It is Malenkov and the grouping group in power will become the main initiators and performers here. The Beria grouping will assist them in this. If Stalin was associated with Zhdanov, albeit complicated by the monstrous power, but human feelings of the partnership and friendship, then the defendants of the "Leningrad business" for the aging Kremlin's celestially, in decades accustomed to deaths were only functions. Incidentally aging celever, probably, already with some fatigue observed this struggle, from the foot of his throne.

The "Leningrad business" is too big and difficult story to describe it in one even a big article, it still requires a detailed and scientific study. Historians and publicists, digging in the details of this case, usually pay attention to the reasons, leaving the shadow of the reasons. But the notorious "Wholesale Fair", several surrounding votes in the protocol of the Regional Committee or several unsuid documents in the monstrous document flow of the State Document - it is the reasons. They had to be found for the accusation, and found people Malenkov. If desired, something similar could be found in relation to all other party-batch groups.

So this article is primarily devoted to not reasons, but describing the reasons for the hardware consensus of all bureaucratic clans in the power of the Lovinsky USSR, which has developed against the "Leningrad residents". We note that in our eyes it is similar in essence, it happened in modern China around the grouping of the former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CCP Bo Sola. And, probably, for the same reasons, it does not stop the impressive development of this country ...

The death of Andrei Zhdanov immediately broke the balance of strength in the Politburo. In addition, it was in 1949 Malenkov and Beria and those who stand behind him the groups in the eyes of Stalin will achieve obvious and extremely important success - remember that in those years Beria was headed by the Special Committee No. 1 on the creation of nuclear weapons, and Malenkov was the head of Special Committee No. 2 and No. 3, developed by reactive and rocket techniques and radar means. In the conditions of an increasing cold war, successes in this area will give them even greater weight in the Stalinist Olympus.

When, in 1937, solving the fate of the party leaders of Bashkiria, Comrade Zhdanov spoke like this: "Pillars are brought, fences are shattered ..." Now, on August 31, 1948, the fate saddled the main pillar of "Leningradsev" and fence fell - by August 1949, all their main leaders were arrested: Nikolai Voznesensky, Alexey Kuznetsov, Peter Popkov, Yakov Kapustin and many others. Kuznetsova is arrested right in the cabin Malenkov - so Georgy Maximilianovich is silent in the future arrest of his privilege of Lavrentia Pavlovich.

As a result, the "Leningradians" will hang and real mistakes that they were really (however, they were also in all other groups), and those "anti-Soviet" crimes to which they were not involved. In more travered times, it would be limited to dismissal or movements to lower positions. At the same time, in October 1950, the top of the "Leningrad Group", after formally open, but not covered in the press of the trial, shot. Kuznetsov, Voznesensky, ass, Kapustin, only 23 people from the Central Committee and the highest leadership of the RSFSR and Leningrad were executed. Over two hundred high-ranking officials of the Leningrad Group received various prison sentences. About two thousand managers of lower rank from this group were dismissed or transferred to "less responsible work".

Alexey Kuznetsov in prison

It should be noted that with other sobs, "Leningraders" would deteriorate "Malenkovsky" no more humane - Alexey Kuznetsov was not softer George Malenkov.

During the investigation under the "Leningrad case", Malenkov and Beria will disperse so that they will try to drown another number of competitors and even the deceased Zhdanov. Back in October 1949, they will prepare a draft closed letter of the Central Committee: "The Politburo of the Central Committee considers it necessary to note that political responsibility, which lies in Zhdanov A. A. For hostile activities of the Leningrad Tips ... It is now difficult to explain how I could Zhdanov A. A. Do not see the enemy face Kuznetsova, Popkov, Kapustina, Solovyov, and others ., Which he persistently advanced ... Politburo also considers it necessary to say that the most influential of individuals involved in hostile work are people close to that. Molotov. It is known that Voznesensky enjoyed many years of special support and great confidence t. Molotova, that T. Molotov patronized Kuznetsov, Popkov and Rodionov ... being close to these people, t. Molotov cannot but be responsible for their actions ... Point to the wrong behavior of Koshina A. N., which turned out to be a member of the Politburo not at the height of his duties ... He did not see the anti-party, the enemy nature of the Kuznetsov group, did not show the necessary political vigilance and did not report on the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on non-party conversations Kuznetsova et al. "

Kosygin and Stalin ...

Stalin will cross this project too divided into his celebration of comrades Malenkov and Beria. Moreover, it took care that the name of Zhdanov never sounded in connection with the Leningrad business. The former deputy officer of the investigative part on particularly important cases of MGB Colonel Vladimir Komarov, who oversaw "Leningrad", later, already before his own execution in 1954, gave testimony as Abakumov instructed him, Minister of State Security: "I went to Leningrad and ten more investigators ... Before leaving to Leningrad Abakumov, I strictly warned me strictly so that the name of Zhdanan was mentioned in court. "Help answer," he said. "

In the Stalinist times, the scope of "cleaning" during the "Leningrad business" was not the biggest and ferocious. But this "case" literally boldly the upper echelons of the authorities not only Leningrad and the region, but also the republican leadership of the RSFSR and a number of areas that after the war led the Leningraders - from the Gorky region and Estonia to the Crimea. In Crimea, the head of the executive committee of the Leningrad Regional Council, the head of the executive committee of the Leningrad Regional Council, will come to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Executive Committee of the Leningrad Region, which will soon be largely predetermined by the state fate of this peninsula.

After the execution of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Mikhail Rodionova and dismissal from the heads of the capital, Georgy Popova, Nikita Khrushchev will be promoted to Moscow. The "Leningrad Group" in the struggle for power destroyed the grouping Malenkov and Beria. But in the shadow of this subcovery struggle, a group of supporters of Khrushchev, which for several years, immediately after the death of Stalin, will destroy the Beria clan in Union, and after another four years (using, by the way, the accusation of the falsification of the "Leningrad business" ) Skint from the vertices and Malenkov himself to in turn, after another seven years to be moved down the people of "dear Leonid Ilyich" ... However, this is a completely different story.

New wave repressions

After the death of A. Zhdanov, which followed in August 1948, the situation of people close to him became especially vulnerable. Malenkov, using pathological suspicion for any manifestations of independence and initiative, made one of the main organizers of the "Leningrad Cause". He sought to prove that in Leningrad there is an organized group of managers, staging on the path of backstage combinations against the central leadership. Already on February 15, 1949, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided to remove A. A. Kuznetsov, M. I. Rodionov (Chairman of the Summina of the RSFSR) and P. S. Popkov (first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the GOCD ( b)). In 1949-1951 In Leningrad and the region, over 2000 responsible workers were subjected to repression.

The ass and other Leningrad leaders were charged with the desire to establish the Communist Party of Russia with the headquarters in Leningrad, as well as to translate the Government of the RSFSR to the city. One of the features of the "Leningrad Cause" was the fact that not only party functionaries, as well as Soviet, Komsomol, trade union leaders and members of their families underwent persecutions.

Cleaning in universities of the city, during which many famous scientists have lost their work. Hundreds of books and brochures were prohibited and seized from libraries.

From September 29 to October 1, 1950, a trial of the first group of accused on this "case" took place in the building of the Leningrad District House of Officers. On October 1, the sentence was announced, and on the same day A. A. Kuznetsov, M. I. Rodionov, N. A. Voznesensky, P. S. P. A. F. Kapustin and P. G. Lazutin were shot dead.

The list of victims of "Leningrad business" continued to increase. At the end of October 1950, A. A. Voznesensky was shot by A. A. Voznesensky - Minister of Education of the RSFSR, the former Rector of the War Years; M. A. Voznesenskaya - First Secretary of the Kuibyshev Raythom of WCP (b) Leningrad; N. V. Soloviev - the first secretary of the Crimean Regional Committee of the WCP (b), previously the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad Regional Council; G. F. Badaev - Second Secretary of the Leningrad Committee of the WCP (b); A. A. Bubnov - Secretary of the Lengor Executive Committee and other managers. Arrests and legal processes continued in 1951-1952. The total number of those killed in the "Leningrad case" amounted to about 30 people. Rehabilitation of convicts began after the death of Stalin.

The "Leningrad business" became a kind of rehearsal before the planned series of new processes. In early July 1951, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) received a statement of the senior investigator on particularly important cases of the USSR of the USSR of Lieutenant Colonel M. D. Ryumin, in which he "signalized" about the unfavorable state of affairs in the ministry and accused of this direct superior of the State Security Minister in this . S. Abakumova. This circumstance suited Beria and Malenkov, who in the summer of 1951 were led by the Special Commission of the Central Committee to investigate Abakumov's activities and did everything possible to eliminate it from the post occupied. The former head of the MGB was excluded from the party and taken into custody. A new campaign has unfolded to identify "enemies".

In the late 1951 - early 1952, the "exposure" in Georgia was inspired by the so-called Mingrelian nationalist organization. Even Beria under these conditions could not help but feel the threat to its position, having reason to believe that he himself could be the next victim of the dictator.

I.S. Ratkovsky, M.V. Walking. History of Soviet Russia

List of arrested

Top secret

Central Committee WCP (b) Comrade Stalin I. V.

At the same time I present a list on other arrested on the Leningrad case.

The MGB of the USSR considers it necessary to condemn the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court in the usual basis, without the participation of the Parties, in the Lefortovo prison, with consideration of cases for each accused separately:

First. - accused listed in the accompanying list from 1 to 19 number inclusive: Solovyov, Verbicky, Levin, Badaeva, Voznesensky, Kubatkina, Voznesenskaya, Bondarenko, Kharitonov, Burina, Basova, Nikitina, Talyuch, Safontova, Galkina, Ivanova, Bubnova, Petrovsky, Chursina, - to the death penalty - shooting, without the right to appeal, pardon, and with bringing a sentence of the court to execution immediately.

Second. - from 20 to 32 list number inclusive: Grigorieva, Colobaskina, Sintsova, Vizhnumen, Boyar, Clemenchuk, Kuzmenko, Tairova, Shumilova, Nikanorov, Khovanova, Rakov and Belopolsky, - by 25 years of imprisonment.

Third. - from 33 to 38 number of the list: Tikhonova, Pavlova, Lizunova, Podgoreskiy, Vedernikova and Skripchenko, - for 15 years of imprisonment in a special camp of everyone.

Please be your permission.

V. Abakumov Abakumov.

Struggle for power surrounded by Stalin

After the death of Zhdanov, the influence of the group led by N.A. Vomensky was preserved. At the same time, the struggle between them and the group of Malenkov-Beria increase. As noted in the official materials of the Commission of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee on the additional study of materials related to repression, which took place in the period 30-40 and early 50s. "Stalin in private conversations suggested that he saw the Secretary of the Central Committee, a member of the OrgBüro A. Kuznetsov, as his successor to the party line. And according to the state line - Politburo, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N.A. V. U. .

The conflict between Kuznetsov and Malenkovo \u200b\u200bbroke out in 1946. Kuznetsov was one of the performers "Aviator's Cause" and, as the staff of the CPSU Central Committee of the Central Committee (b), "T.kuznetsov opened a number of disadvantages made by Malenkov in managing the personnel management and the Ministry of Aviation Industry, and subjected them well-deserved criticism at the collections of the CPP Central Committee of the Central Committee (b).

In July 1948, Malenkov again elected secretary of the Central Committee. The struggle between the old and new heads of management of the Central Committee is entering a new phase. An external and clearly contrived reason for the persecution of the so-called "Leningrad Anti-Partisian Group" was the accusation of A.A. Kuznetsov, Chairman of the Summina RSFSR M.I.Rodionova and the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the town of P.Popkov in holding the All-Russian Wholesale Fair in Leningrad. The accusation was unreasonable, since the Bureau of the USSR Council, chaired by G.M. Malenkova, decide on the holding of wholesale fairs for the sales of commodity surplus twice - October 14 and November 11, 1948, a more serious reason, in our opinion, was the accusation of fractionality, Forbidden in the party for another 10 sezide and fiercely persecuted Stalin.

In February 1949, Malenkov was sent to Leningrad. A ideological basis was supplied to the power of groupings for power, the continuity with the political processes of the ten-year limitations was established. The rest remained the work of the steam technology. As a result of the arrests managed to knock out the testimony that the second secretary of the Leningrad City Council Ya.F. Kapustin, an active participant in the city defense during the war years is the "English spy". He was remembered that in 1935 he passed a long-term internship in England, in Manchester, at the Metropolitan-Vicker plants, that he enjoyed the factory with respect and confidence that he had a novel with his teacher of English, who offered him to stay in England, And all these facts "deserve special attention as the signal is possible (italics our. aut.) Capustin processing English intelligence."

Another accused - the former chairman of the Leningrad Regional Executive Committee, appointed by the first secretary of the Crimean Committee of the WCP (b) N.V.Soloviev, declared the "terry Greater-container chauvinist" for the proposal to create a Bureau of the Central Committee on the RSFSR, to form the Communist Party of the RSFSR. He was also accused of being that, "while at work in the Crimea, there was a sharp enemy attack against the head of the Soviet state."

On August 13, 1949, when leaving the Cabinet G.M. Malenkova, A.A. Kuznetsov, PS Popkov, M.I. Rodionov, Chairman of the Leningrad Council of the City Council PG Lazutin and the former chairman of Leningrad Regional executive committees N.V.Solovyev.

In parallel, this was the search for a compromise against N.A. Urzneshensky.

Direct work on the discredit of N.A. V. U. Vessensky was carried out by the Chairman of the Commission of Party Control under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) M.F. Skiryatov99. N.A. Vorostensky was preparing charges in the deliberate decline of state plans, in the distortion and falsification of statistical reporting, finally - in the loss of secret documents in the apparatus of Mamurn. Given that almost all the documentation was considered secret, then this charge was, in fact, win-win. On September 9, 1949, Shkiryatov passed the G.M. Malenkov's decision of the CCP with a proposal to exclude Voznesensky from the party and to bring to the court for the loss of documents of the USSR100. This proposal was approved by the survey of the members of the Plenum of the Central Committee and on October 27, 1949, Voznesensky was arrested. The investigation was conducted by the Ministry of State Security and Special Investigators from among the staff of the Central Committee.

Arrested Kuznetsov, Kapustina, Voznesensky brothers, Rodionova, Vice-Chairman of Lensovet Galkina brutally tortured. Direct participation in the procedure of interrogations along with MGB investigators took Malenkov, Beria and Bulganin.

Investigation (if this term here can be used in general) went with exceptional, some medieval cruelty. Pregnant women were beaten by families (so, except for N.A. Vavernsinsky, his brother was arrested - the Minister of Enlightenment of the RSFSR A.A. Voroshensky, his sister, M.A. Voroshenskaya, secretary of one of the Leningrad district and 14 (!) Women and Relatives of other accused.

The main point of the accusation against N.A. U.V. Durable was that he lost. Secret documents. According to this article, according to the law "On the responsibility for the disclosure of state secrets and for the loss of documents containing the state secret", adopted in 1947, was assumed as a maximum punishment of the conclusion in the correctional labor camp for a period of ten to fifteen years. The death penalty in the USSR after the war was officially canceled. In the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it was announced that "the use of the death penalty is no longer caused by the need for peacetime", ... "Going towards the wishes of professional unions of workers and employees and other authoritative organizations expressing the opinion of wide public circles" - Presidium of the Supreme Council The USSR canceled the death penalty.

However, the norm of the law was changed over the accused, the norm of the law was changed .. On January 12, 1950, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the USSR was adopted "On the use of the death penalty to the Motherland, Spies and Diversanta,", again, ", in view of the foul language from the National Republics , from trade unions, peasant organizations, as well as from cultural figures. "

The court followed, his future decisions, in accordance with the usual practice, were approved in advance to Stalin and Politburo. On October 1, 1950, a sentence was announced at the night of the night, according to which Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, Rodionov, ass, Kapustin and Lazutin were sentenced to shooting. An hour later, the sentence was performed. Arrests and legal processes continued over the next 1950-1952. In the Archive of the KGB, a draft resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), dated August 1949, which was supposed to oblige a ministry of state security "to evict 1500 people living in the mountains. Leningrad and Leningrad region with families, from among those who compromised themselves to some extent Communication with Trotskyists, Zinovievists, Right, Mensheviks, Esrami, Germans and Finns for the Eternal Settlement in the Altai Territory, under the supervision of the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior. " In the summer of 1957, F.R. Kozlov, the then secretary of the Leningrad Region, said at the plenum of the Central Committee: "Tens of thousands of any inconspicuous people were sent out of Leningrad in references, in prisons, and many of them went to the shooting, many of them died . Dozens of thousands of no inconspicuous people sent by echelons. "

With the elimination of the politician and from the life of the Voznesensky, Kuznetsov and their supporters, the struggle for power in the Kremlin and on the old square did not weaken and did not become clearer. Externally, it was the complete victory of Beria and Malenkov. However, contradictions were preserved between the participants of this group (it is enough to recall that in 1946 Malenkov almost became a competitive Beria), and Stalin himself, with suspicion he looked after them, introducing into the political game "his people."

R. Pichoy. Socio-political development and struggle for power in the post-war Soviet Union (1945-1953)


The investigation of the USSR Prosecutor's Office on the instructions of the CPSU Central Committee, it was established that the case on the charges of Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky and others in the treason, counter-revolutionary hydration and participation in the Anti-Soviet group was fabricated in the enemy counter-revolutionary purposes former Minister of State Security, now arrested by Abakumov And his accomplices. Using the facts of violation of state disciplines and individual misconducts by Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky and others for which they were removed from the posts occupied with the imposition of party recovers, Abakumov and his accomplices artificially represented these actions as the actions of an organized anti-Soviet change group and beatings and threats Provides fictional testimony of arrested about creating allegedly conspiracy ...

From the decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the case of Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky and others" dated May 3, 1954 (V.A.. "Leningradsky case": rehabilitation // University St. Petersburg Readings: 300 Years Northern Capital. Sat. Articles. SPb ., 2003).

photo from a personal archive A.A.zhdanova (in the country of Stalin under Sochi in the mid-30s)

By the 60th anniversary of the death of Stalin, some of its own materials about one still causing questions ... So:

Leningrad business: "Promoters" ... Part I

A lot of "Leningradsky case" is written. Even a lot. From a variety of positions and points of view. But usually limited only by the "Delom" themselves, less often preceding post-war years.

I will take the courage to say that the "Leningrad case" formally started in Moscow from the decision of the Politburo on February 15, 1949, it began to almost a quarter of a century earlier and very far from the city on the Neva, when in the fall of 1926 on the banks of the Volga arrived With the inspection 25-year-old instructor of the organizational and distribution department of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) Georgy Malenkov, check the work of the 30-year-old secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Spongy Andrei Zhdanov ...

In the midst of the NEP, the ever-merchant lower shock workers' strikes, a clearly understood officially non-officially proletarian power. The 25-year-old Inspector of the Central Committee of Ryano took up the case - despite the fact that he had to recognize the work of Nizhny Novgorod PARTORGANIZATION "In general satisfactory", he revealed a number of significant flaws. So, for example, the reason for the discontent of the workers of the Malenkov wage saw in the fact that party cells "Weakly attract the working masses to discuss the concerns of their issues". In general, the situation with the sentiments of the proletariat in Lighting Malenkov looked depressingly. In his opinion, local Bolsheviks did not take any measures to attract the lower asset to promote party policies, the bulk of the party members did not even visit the party meetings, did not participate in public life and did not pay membership fees. Malenkov also noted a large amount of waste, theft and especially drunkenness.

According to the results of the inspection in September 1926, Zhdanov was summoned to the meeting of the Central Committee of the Central Committee. He headed the organizational bureau then reputable comrade Stalin. Judging by the questions that the technical leader of the party, he had not yet become the leader, was not particularly interested in alcohol hobbies of the Nizhny Novgorod Communists, but with anxiety he took the strikes and strikes. 30-year-old "Governor" Zhdanov Tolkovo answered all the questions of the future "Father of Peoples". The Nizhny Novgorod province and its partorganization experienced the same difficulties as the majority of industrial areas of the country and local CPS organizations (b) in the 20s. Zhdanov also showed himself to the competent head of a large and complex region, and its political reliability in the fight against "Trotskyism" at Stalin's issues did not cause.

It is from this meeting that Zhdanov and Stalin and Stalin are becoming regular, in a few years they, batch and a fractional fight against Trotsky and Zinovievists, will become buddies and drinking companions.

Zhdanov, 1928
the photo is published for the first time

But you need to recognize the other - in the same autumn days of 1926, it seems that the dislike of Zhdanov and Malenkov and Malenkov, who became the instigator of this proceedings in the Central Committee, was born in the future. In the team of Stalin, both will work side by side of a quarter of a century, they will drive out of all their might in one bundle, but they will never have a friendly relationship. Without a doubt, this hostility will become one of the reasons for a subcovery struggle of Zhdanov and Malenkov's groupings in the post-war future. One of…

Both opponent's associates will be almost simultaneously and in parallel to climb the career ladder to the top of the top, gradually becoming the key Stalinist "promoters". In 1934, both will become the heads of the CPP Central Committee (b). Malenkov will be appointed head of the department of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, and Zhdanov will at the same time will become the third secretary of the Central Committee. Nowadays, this is the level of key figures in the presidential administration or government apparatus. It is clear that the officials of this level are no longer only politicians and people by themselves - for each of them, the team in dozens of dozens have already formed, if not hundreds of people. The same Zhdanov led to work in the Central Committee from the Nizhny Novgorod Territory of several trusted persons.

Malenkov, 1934

Until now, the mysterious murder of Kirov already at the end of 1934 will transfer Zhdanov to Leningrad. The city on the Neva at the time is the second, and for a number of scientific and industrial indicators and the first megalopolis of the USSR. The Leningrad region included in those years, in fact, the entire Northwest of Russia, from Pskov to Murmansk. At the same time, Zhdanov will be for those years a unique official - heading one of the most important regions, he will retain the post of secretary of the Central Committee. Politburo until the war will take special decrees - how many days a month comrade Zhdanov will work in Leningrad in Smolny, and how many in Moscow in the Kremlin.

At the same time, Zhdanov will retain the influence and on the partnerganization of the huge Nizhny Novgorod (then Gorky) region, and the simultaneous leadership in the two first megalopolises of the country will allow him for several years to form one of the largest and most influential "clans" in the Stalinist "vertical of power." Already in 1935, the new chapter of Leningrad and the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee said at the Plenum of the Hospital in Smolny: "We, Leningraders, must give party frames for export." And this export of Leningrad staff went to the capital, to Moscow, often directly to the Kremlin.

Especially such nomination of new personnel intensified in 1937-38, when many senior posts were released for obvious reasons and in Moscow and in Leningrad and - not the Council - in all major cities of the Soviet Union. The old careers collapsed into oblivion and often from the lowests in their place were erected by the grand new ... In March 1939, Zhdanov himself at the XVIII Congress of the Bolsheviks Party, in fact, spoke about it directly from the Tribune: "If a few years ago were afraid to put forward the leadership work of people educated and young people, the leaders stirred up young frames, not letting them rise up, then the largest victory of the party is that the parties managed to get rid of pests, clean the road to nominate grew up For the last period of frames and put them on management work. "

It was at that time that Comrade Zhdanov and "put on the leadership" thousands of people, including all future defendants of the Leningrad Cause. But it is these young frames that advanced by the end of the 30s, which have grown and on the basis of personal abilities and at the expense of the dispersed repressions to the utmost speeds of the "social elevator", ensured survival and victory in the Great Patriotic War, then ensured the restoration of our country in the shortest possible time and its Transformation into world superpower. Abundant blood on the hands of Zhdanov and other leadership comrades in the results of "repression" has among other things and this important result for us.

So, created precisely in 1936-39. The "Leningrad Team" Zhdanov will take all 872 blocks on its shoulders during the war, and many people from her during the war will work on the most key posts across the USSR.

Immediately after the appearance in Leningrad, Zhdanov, in addition to the "People of Kirov", will lead to the city on the Neva and a number of old familiar to work in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Thus, Alexander Shcherbakov, who worked with him in Lower, and then, when creating the Union of Soviet writers, in 1936 replaced the arrested Mikhail Miracle as the 2nd Secretary of the Leningrad Region. Already in 1937-38. This "Zhdanov Man" will lead a number of decapitated repressions of the Commands in Siberia and Ukraine. On the eve of the War, Shcherbakov will be headed by the Moscow party organization, and then the main political office of the Red Army.

journalist Alexander Shcherbakov. Not yet "Governor" Moscow ...
the photo is published for the first time

But the main frames of the Leningrad team Zhdanov will be grown by him directly in the city on the Neve of the youth, which replaced the top of the old Kirov team. So, former in 1935-37. Nikolai Voznesensky's chairman of the Leningrad City Planning Commission and the Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee, Nikolai Voznesensky, already in 1937, nominated to work in Gamin USSR and headed this key to the Soviet economy, after the Great Patriotic War, foreign media will not accidentally call him a "economic dictator of Russia". Like Zhdanov, Voznesensky on the paternal line was the grandson of a rural priest.

According to Anastas Mikoyana, when in December 1937, Stalin was looking for a replacement for the arrested Valery Interwork as Chairman of the State District, it was Zhdanov who proposed the candidacy of Voznesensky. "Zhdanov his praised" - recalled Mikoyan.

Nikolai Voznesensky

Sister of Voznesensky, Maria, who worked as a teacher at the Leningrad Communist University (now the North-West Academy of Public Service), was arrested in 1937 as "Participant of the Trotskyist-Zinoviev Organization, who knew about the Trotskyists, did not expose them and appointed a teacher's job with knowingly alien Elements. " As a result, Maria Voznesenskaya did not recognize himself in anything guilty, nevertheless, together with little sons and her husband, was sent to the link to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Nikolai Voznesensky appealed to Zhdanov - the link was canceled and the "case" was terminated. Maria Voznesenskaya was restored in the party and in teaching in Leningrad.

In the same 1937, there are still few people who are the famous Son of the Worker from St. Petersburg, the former 15-year-old Red Armyman and the Cooperator of the NEP era, a graduate of the Textile Institute Alexey Kosygin approved by Zhdanov to the post of Director of Weavka Factory "Oktyabrskaya" (one of the oldest manuffs of St. Petersburg, to Revolutions belonging to a foreign concern). After a year, Zhdanov appointed an intelligent 33-year-old specialist in the head of the industrial and transport department of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the WCP (b), and then the head of the Leningrad City Executive Committee. Aven a year later, in 1939 at the XVIII Congress of the WCP (b), Kosygin on the proposal of Zhdanov was elected to the Central Committee, it becomes a commark and heads the entire textile industry of the country. And a year later, in 1940 Alexey Kosygin is appointed by the Deputy Chairman of the Government (Sovnarkom) of the USSR.

Young Kosygin, 1939

As a result, such a rapid career, in this post, and then at the head of the government of the world power of the USSR, Kosygin will work 40 years before 1980. All economic and scientific achievements of our country in the 2nd half of the twentieth century will be associated with his name. As for the forty years of managing the second economy of the world with the identity of Kosygin, no corruption story will not be connected, which could allow to doubt in the absolute selflessness of the "eternal" chairman of the Sovmina of the USSR. So this Zhdanov personnel heritage has influenced our life for a very long time.

In addition to managers, rapidly went to the central bodies of the country, Zhdanov in a short time has formed a team of managers, for a long time "delayed" with him in Leningrad. Here, from the whole set of guiding in the city and the region of Figures, it is necessary to allocate, perhaps the Leningrad Trinity, Alexei Kuznetsova, Peter Popkov and Yakov Kapustin, close to Zhdanov, and Jacob.

All three, when they were noticed by his friend Zhdanov, were a little older than 30. All three had workers' and peasant origins and began their life path with young chernobykh, combining proletarian work with socio-political activity and greedy studies.

Alexey Alexandrovich Kuznetsov was born in 1905 in the town of Borovichi in two hundred versts from Novgorod Third, the youngest child in the family of a working sawmill factory. At this factory after the church-parish school and the city school at the age of 15, he began his labor biography by a sorter of defective bush. Before the revolution, he probably would have stayed among sawdust and boards, but the beginning of the 20s has already gave the work guy the possibility of a different biography. The best student of the city school, assertive and active, he creates the first Komsomol cell in the factory. Soon he is elected to the RKSM County Committee, and the Communist Union of Youth sends him to one of the villages to work "Razbach" - the head of Hispani-reading (they, these "huts" were then the first cultural centers on the village created by the Bolsheviks before collectivization). In the late 20s. Alexey Kuznetsov works in the county committees of Komsomol in Novgorodchin. Here he passed all the peripetics of the internal political struggle of those years - in 1925, he was actively "exposed the subversive work of his fouls" in the Borovichsky district, being secretary of the Malvisherskaya Ukom, "I revealed and defeated the worshipers in the county of Zinoviev's youth," in 1929 struggled with a "dubious public "In the Luzhsky chaßCKI WCP (b) ... But it is not necessary to think that all this fight against the fool and supporters of the once mighty Zinoviev was then a solid effectary or a pleasant syncore.

Active and irreconcilable young Komsomolets was noticed surrounded by Kirov and in 1932 nominated for party work in the Leningrad Parthaption. At the time of appearance in the city of Zhdanov, Kuznetsov 1st secretary of the Dzerzhinsky district committee. As Later, "Leningrad Pravda" wrote: "With a special force of Tov. Kuznetsov launched its organizational abilities at the post of first secretary of the Dzerzhinsky district office of WCP (b). In the Dzerzhinsky district, many Soviet, economic and cultural institutions with great state importance are concentrated. The district committee made a lot to clean these institutions from the Trotsky-Zinovievsky and Bukharian-Rykovsky scum ... "

By 1937, Kuznetsov works as the head of the organizational and party department of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the WCP (b). In September 1937, 32-year-old Alexey is appointed by the second secretary of the regional committee, from now on he will be the main in Leningrad assistant Zhdanov in the party and politics in general. In the midst of repression, it was his cautious Zhdanov who delegates to the "special trip" and generally puts himself on a grasp and non-oscillating Kuznetsov basic functions in this terrible region. As later recalled about the time of the employees of the Leningrad Department of the NKVD: "We have not seen it in UNKVD. Kuznetsov had often ... " Zhdanov will even have to be able to restrain the unnecessary zeal of his young damage.

So, at the very end of September 1937, the head of the Leningrad UNCVD Zakovsky filed a proposal to exclude from the party of the arrested employee of the Commission of Party Control on the Leningrad region Mikhail Bogdanov. The Arrestanta himself was already beaten in the "big house" on the casting prospectus in the office of the Deputy Head of Oblunkvd.
In response to the proposal of "Chekists" just appointed by the 2nd Secretary of Kuznetsov quickly prepared a non-doubt draft decision to exclude: "Bogdanov M.V. It was politically connected with the Strip group, Kodatsky, Lowovyev, ... Restore in the party knowingly trotsky-Bukharinsky, elements, contributing to the preservation of fascism agents in the ranks of the partorganization ... ". The document was approved by the 1st secretary. Zhdanov This text of Kuznetsova did not sign and, as he loved to be expressed, "subressed" - changed the deadly lines of his zada on much softer conclusions with a proposal not to exclude the arrested from the party, but only to bring out the town of "Making the last warning." Bogdanov's freedom did not return, but the immediate death sentence saved.

In addition to Alexei Kuznetsov, among the party "promoters" of the Leningrad team Zhdanov, it is worth mentioning Tyukov's Terentia. Born in 1907, the son of the Belarusian peasant from the Grodno province, he will finish a vocational school in Leningrad in Leningrad, will enter the party. Since 1931, it will work in the regional committees of the Leningrad Komsomol, and since 1938 it will become the closest assistant Zhdanov and Kuznetsov in the Commander of the Party. Already after the Great Patriotic War, in 1945, fate will throw Fomich Tyukov's Terentia very far from Leningrad, to the north of the Korean Peninsula. There, the former worker of the Leningrad Region in Zhdanovsky Pekal will build the Communist Party and the state of North Korea. It is not by chance that the draft charter of the new Labor Party of Korea and the Constitution of North Korea will be discussed in the Kremlin Cabinet Zhdanov. But we will return to this oriental history, we will also note that Zhdanovsky party-state recipes thrown into the Korean soil and today show amazing vitality in the toughest conditions ...

Shtykov, Zhdanov, Kuznetsov (second row) and Meretskov in the stands, November 7, 1939, the Finnish war left for three weeks ...

The party was the main rod of the entire state and economic apparatus of the Epoch of Stalin. But in addition to professional earmakers, such as Alexey Kuznetsov or Terente, bayonets, other people needed to lead urban economy. Such "strong business studies" for Zhdanov was Pyatr Popkov and Yakov Kapustin.

Peter Sergeevich Popkov was born in 1903 in the village under Vladimir. His father was a joiner, apart from Peter in the family there were still three brothers and three sisters. Therefore, from 9 years, barely studied in two classes of church-parish school, the boy was given to the Batrakach. Up to 12 years old, he passes someone else's cattle. In 1915, his father took him to Vladimir, giving his student to private bakery. After a few years, the teenager, like his father, became a joiner. Until 1925, Petr worked in the joiner's workshops Vladimir. The work combined with studies in the evening school for a little. Entered the Komsomol, and in 1925 in the party. I wanted to go to the party trip to the university, but because of the father's illness was forced to return to carpentry work to maintain a family. Only in the late 20s. Stolar Peter Popkov comes to a slafak at the Pedagogical University of Leningrad. Work facilities in the 20-30s. They prepared for study in universities of proletarian youth, which did not receive timely secondary education.

Successfully tightening literacy at the work faculty, Popkov in 1931 enters the Leningrad Institute of Municipal Construction Engineers to the Engineering and Economics Faculty. Higher education, he completes in that very 1937 and after the end of the Institute, it remains to work in him by the secretary of the partycom and the head of the research sector. So the midband batter, the Baker's teen and young joiner becomes an authoritative member of the primary organization of the ruling party and a respected engineer, a man with higher education that is still very rare in that semi-armaled country.

Recall that at the end of 1937 in the USSR, the new Constitution hosts elections to the tips of all levels. And in Leningrad, besides, a new zoning is just conducted by Zhdanov in connection with the plans of the reconstruction of the city. And in November 1937, Petr Popkov was elected to the Council of one of such new urban areas. At the same time, the repression goes in the country open a mass of vacancies, launching a grandiose "social elevator". So, by the aggregate of various reasons, technically competent and active member of the Bolsheviks party with a flawless proletarian biography becomes chairman of the Leninsky district council of deputies of the working people of Leningrad.

Risoset then solves all the issues of local importance, from cultural construction to urgent issues of municipal economy and life. And the engineer of communal systems is in its place - the ass personally "builds" and controls everything in the New Leninsky district: from the veterinary inspection to the regional department of education, from the registry office to tracked and accounting. For example, he personally assigns and checks every day of all the governors on the territory of the territory. According to the results of the first year of his work, all numerous and tough then checks do not find the embezzlement and theft in the New District.

Zhdanov quickly notices a promising "businessman". Leningrad, party leader clearly impresses young and intelligent practices with brilliant characteristics for those years. And the ass in this period at work meetings with the same administrations constantly mentions their contacts with the most important Leningrad bosphele: "It's not by chance, Comrade Zhdanov calls us and requires every ten-day summary ..."

Under the patronage of Zhdanov, the economic career of Peter Popkov develops rapidly. Since 1938, he becomes Deputy Chairman, and in 1939 the chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

Petr ass with son, Leningrad, 1940

Another key representative of the Leningrad team of Zhdanov becomes Jacob Kapustin. Yakov Fedorovich was born in 1904 in the peasant family of the Allbonesk district of Tver province. Since 19 years old, black-workers on Volkhovstroy, built by Bolsheviks on the personal director of Lenin in 1918-26. The first large hydroelectric power station in Russia. After Volkhovstroy Kapustin works as an assistant to a locksmith and a rivebrich at the famous Putilovsky plant in Leningrad. In 1926-28, while at the urgent service in the Red Army, the Bolsheviks party enters. After the army, it works on the same Putilovsky, already the Kirov plant. At the beginning of the 30th proletarium Kapustin goes to the Industrial Institute (before the Revolution of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, now the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University). In the mid-30s, this is the largest technical university in the country, in which under the leadership of almost thousands of professors and teachers, over 10 thousand students and graduate students study. Since 1935, the Industrial Institute will be headed by the "Zhdanov team", the former head of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Department of People's Education Peter Turkin (at the end of 1937 he will be the People's Commissar of the Education of the RSFSR, and in 1949 it will also be one of the defendants of Leningrad. ")

In the same 1935, a graduate student of the largest technical university Yakov Kapustin in the direction of the Kirov plant, the largest engineering in the country, is sent to internship to England, where he studies the production of steam turbines. After overseas study, Kapustin engineer in 1936 becomes an assistant to the head of the shop of the Kirov plant. The head of the workshop was Isaac Salzman, the future main tank-building in the Stalin's USSR, whom also belong to the "people of Zhdanov". Later, Western researchers and journalists will open the Saltzman "King Tanks". In 1937, a rigid production conflict arises between the Salzman and Kapustin, typical at the time of the forced industrialization and accelerated scientific and technical development. The spore of the Salzman and Kapustina almost ended with the exception of the last of the party.

However, thanks to the intervention of Zhdanov, Kapustin not only remained at the factory and in the party, but in 1938 he was already headed by the party'sganization of this giant of the Leningrad Industry. Aven a year later, in 1939, Yakov Kapustin engineer becomes the secretary of the Kirov district of the party, and in 1940 the 2nd secretaries of the Leningrad Public City Council (b) are appointed.

Yakov Kapustin

The 1st secretaries and the regional community were Zhdanov. 2-Secretary of the Regional Committee - Alexey Kuznetsov. 2-Secretary of the City Committee - Kapustin. Those. Kuznetsov replaced our hero in the region, and kapustin in the city. But in the Stalinie hierarchy, the Obda stood above the city. In fact, by 1940, when the Leningrad team of Zhdanov was finally developed, her top looked like this: in the first place, on a very exclusive top, somewhere there on the right hand from the "great leader of all nations" it costs a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of Comrade Zhdanov, The chief after him in Leningrad and the region is a friend of Kuznetsov, kapustin and ass are coming, after them the rest of the party, Soviet and economic leaders of the city and the region.

Anastas Mikoyan in his memoirs writes about Zhdanov and his Leningrad deputies: "They sincerely treated each other well, loved each other like real friends." The authors of the Leningrad Case Collection (1990), relying on the memories of the staff of the Leningrad City Council staff, argue that Alexey Kuznetsov was truly devoted to his cartridge, he literally "did not leave the Cabinet Zhdanov." The same can be said about other team leaders - ass, cabbage and others. It was even manifested in small details: so, in a purely personal notebook, the secretary of the regional committee Shtykova appear on the names: "Kuznetsov", "Mikoyan", "Kosygin" ... But necessarily: "Tov. Stalin "and" Tov. Zhdanov. " Even in personal communication for her eyes, none of them said simply "Zhdanov" - exclusively "Andrei Aleksandrovich" or "Comrade Zhdanov".

Already after the war, when Zhdanov finally managed to work in the Kremlin, who, who did not work with him, the Leningrad bosses will call him "the main chef", simply "the chief" will be already Alexey Kuznetsov.

But Zhdanov clan, as we remember, is by no means limited to Leningrad. The capital of the country, Moscow, heads his "man" - Alexander Shcherbakov. In the government of the country, Zhdanovsky Promoters play a key role, two deputy chairmen of the Sovnarkom - Voznesensky and Kosygin. And all this is only the top of a large official Iceberg ...

From left to right: Petr ass, Andrey Zhdanov, Alexey Kuznetsov, Yakov Kapustin

continuation in the journal

Leningradsky case

"Leningrad business" - a series of trials in the late 1940s in the early 1950s against the party and state leaders of the RSFSR in the USSR. The victims of repression became all the leaders of the Leningrad Regional, Urban and District CPS (b) organizations, almost all Soviet and state figures, who, after the Great Patriotic War, were nominated from Leningrad to leadership to Moscow and other regional party organizations. The arrests were made both in Leningrad and throughout the country - in Moscow, Gorky, Murmansk, Simferopol, Novgorod, Ryazan, Pskov, Petrozavodsk, Tallinn.

According to the first of these processes, the chairman of the USSR N. A. Voznesensky, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR M.I. Rodionov, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) A. A. Kuznetsov, the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the city of P. S. Popkov, Second Secretary of the Leningrad City Council of WCP (b) J. F. Kapustin, Chairman of the Lengorispol Committee P. G. Lazutin. All accused September 30, 1950 were sentenced to shooting. Sentences were carried out on the same day.


The reason for the Leningrad business was held in Leningrad from 10 to 20 January 1949 of the All-Russian wholesale fair. The message about the fair has become an addition to the compromising already existed. The leaders of the Leningrad Party Organization were accused of travelers during the elections of the new leadership at the conference in December 1948.

G. M. Malenkov nominated A. A. Kuznetsov and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR M. I. Rodionova, the secretaries of the Leningrad Region and the City Council P. S. Popkov and Ya. F. Kapustina accusations that they held a fair without knowledge and bypassing the Central Committee and Government. Meanwhile, it was documented that the fair was carried out in pursuance of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. On November 11, 1948, the Bureau of the Council of Ministers of the USSR chaired by Malenkov adopted a resolution "On Trade Improvement Events". The ruling said: "To organize interregional wholesale fairs in November 1948, on which to sell unnecessary goods, resolve free export from one area to another purchased industrial goods." In pursuance of this resolution, the USSR Ministry of Commerce and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to hold the All-Russian wholesale fair in Leningrad from 10 to 20 January and obliged the Leningrad City Executive Committee to provide practical assistance in its organization and conducting January 13, 1949. During the work of the Fair, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR M. I. Rodionov sent written information on the name of the secretary of the Central Committee of the WCP (b) G. M. Malenkov on the All-Russian Wholesale Fair opened in Leningrad with the participation of commercial organizations of the Union republics.

On February 15, 1949, a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was adopted "On anti-party actions of a member of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) t. Kuznetsova A. A. and candidates for the members of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) TT. Rodionova M. I. and Popkov P. S. ". All three were removed from the posts occupied. At the same time, the preparation of falsifications in relation to N. A. Voznesensky launched. To this end, the report of the USSR Deputy Chairman of the USSR M. T. Pomaznev was used about the decline in state of the USSR of the USSR Industrial Plan for the first quarter of 1949. This document was the beginning for the construction of the accusations against N. A. Voznesensky.

On February 21, 1949, Malenkov with a group of employees of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) went to Leningrad. At the united meeting of the regional committee and the city committee on February 21, 1949, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Malenkov, with the help of threats, sought from the secretaries of the regional committee and the city of recognition in the fact that a hostile anti-party group existed in Leningrad. On February 22, 1949, the United Plenum of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the Goront of the Party was held, at which G. M. Malenkov made a message about the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of February 15, 1949. Nikto from the speakers did not lead any facts about the existence of an anti-party group, only P. S. Popkov and Ya. F. Kapustin recognized that their activities were anti-party character. Following them and other speakers began to repent of their mistakes. In the Decree of the United Plenum of the Regional Committee and the town of A. A. Kuznetsov, M. I. Rodionov, P.S. Popkov, Ya. F. Kapustin was accused of belonging to the anti-party group.

In the summer of 1949, a new stage began in the development of the so-called "Leningrad case". Abakumov and employees of the MGB led by them fabricated materials, accusing A. A. Kuznetsov, M. I. Rodionova and leaders of the Leningrad Regional Organization of WCP (b) in counter-revolutionary activities. An indication of the arrests that began from July 1949 were given.

Information on the removal from work, attracting to party and criminal liability, not published on the court proceedings.

More than a year of the arrested were subjected to interrogations and torture. All convicts were charged that by creating an anti-party group, they conducted a pesting and subversive work aimed at the gap and opposition to the Leningrad Party Organization to the Central Committee of the Party, turning it into support to fight the party and the Central Committee of the WCP (b). The question of physical destruction was predetermined long before the process held on September 29-30, 1950 in Leningrad in the House of Officers on the Foundry Prospect. It was for the sake of "Leningrads" in the USSR, the death penalty is reinstated. Before that, in 1947, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the death penalty was canceled. Already during the investigation under the Leningrad case, on January 12, 1950, there is a restoration of the death penalty towards traitors of the Motherland, spies and demolitions-saboteurs. Despite the fact that the rule "the law of the inverse force does not have" does not act in this case, the introduction of the death penalty occurs three days before the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On Anti-Party Action ...", and therefore the connection between the two facts is viewed. October 1, 1950, at 2.00, an hour after the announcement of the sentence, N. A. Voznesensky, A. A. Kuznetsov, M. I. Rodionov, P. S. Popkov, Ya. F. Kapustin, P. G. Lazutin were shot . The dust of their secretly burned on the levashovskaya empty under Leningrad. I. M. Turko, T. V. Zakrzhevskaya and F. E. Mikheev convicted on a long prison sentence.

After the violence over the Central Group, lawsuits were held, which were sentenced to other persons held in the "Leningrad case". 20 people were shot in Moscow. Body G. F. Badaeva, M. V. Basova, V. O. Belopolsky, A. A. Bubnova, A. I. Burina, A. D. Verbitsky, M. A. Voznesenskaya, A. A. Voznesensky, in . P. Galkina, V. N. Ivanova, P. N. Kubatkina, P. I. Levina, M. N. Nikitina, M. I. Petrovsky, M. I. Safonova, N. V. Solovyova, P. T . Talyusha, I. S. Kharitonova, P. A. Chursin was taken out to the cemetery of the Don Monastery, cremated and dropped the remains in the pit.

Entrance to the museum (summer 2007)

Repressions were also subjected to economic, trade union, Komsomol and military workers, scientists, representatives of the creative intelligentsia (Leningrad scientists and cultural workers were condemned by individual cases, not related to the Leningrad business).

Arrests continued and later. In August 1952, for long term prison sentences were convicted of falsified "cases" of Smolninsky, Dzerzhinsky and other areas of the city, over 50 people who worked during the blockade by the Secretaries of the Party and Chairmen of the District Executives.

Grave tests fell to the share of relatives. From October 1950, the arrests of family members began, which were waiting for torture of investigations, prisons, stages, camp, references.

From the report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Kruglov and his deputy Serov: "A total of 214 people were convicted, of which 69 people are the main accused and 145 people from among loved ones and distant relatives. In addition, 2 people died in prison before the court. 23 people are convicted of military College to the highest punishment (shooting). "


Top secret

Central Committee WCP (b)

At the same time, I present a list of arrested on the Leningrad. Apparently, it is advisable, according to the experience of the past, condemn the USSR Supreme Court in Leningrad in Leningrad in the closed session of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court, that is, accusations and protection, a group of a person 9-10 of the main accused. The rest of the accused to condemn in the general order of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR. To compile the indictment and preparation of the case for consideration in court, we need to know those who should be condemned among the Group's main accused. I ask your instructions. With regard to the composition of the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, we report to you additionally.

V. Abakumov

Top secret

Central Committee WCP (b)

comrade Stalin I. V.

At the same time I present a list on other arrested on the Leningrad case. The MGB of the USSR considers it necessary to condemn the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court in the usual basis, without the participation of the parties, in the Lefortovo prison, with consideration of cases for each accused separately: first. - accused listed in the accompanying list from 1 to 19 number inclusive: Solovyov, Verbicky, Levin, Badaeva, Voznesensky, Kubatkina, Voznesenskaya, Bondarenko, Kharitonov, Burina, Basova, Nikitina, Talyuch, Safontova, Galkina, Ivanova, Bubnova, Petrovsky, Chursina, - to the death penalty - shooting, without the right to appeal, pardon, and with bringing a sentence of the court to execution immediately. Second. - from 20 to 32 list number inclusive: Grigorieva, Colobaskina, Sintsova, Vizhnumen, Boyar, Clemenchuk, Kuzmenko, Tairova, Shumilova, Nikanorov, Khovanova, Rakov and Belopolsky, - by 25 years of imprisonment. Third. - from 33 to 38 number of the list: Tikhonova, Pavlova, Lizunova, Podgoreskiy, Vedernikova and Skripchenko, - for 15 years of imprisonment in a special camp of everyone. Please be your permission.

V. Abakumov 7220 / A 1950

Owls. Secret

Central Committee WCP (b)

comrade Stalin I. V.

At the same time, we present the indictment in the case of Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky, Kapustina, Lazutin, Rodionova, Turko, Zakrzhevskaya and Mikheev, in total in the number of nine people. We consider it necessary to condemn all their military collegium of the Supreme Court of the SSR Union, and the main accused Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky, Kapustina, Lazutin and Rodionova, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 12, 1950, to the death penalty - shooting, without pardon , with the immediate leading court sentence. Turko - by 15 years in prison, Zakrzhevskaya and Mikheev - by 10 years of imprisonment of each. The composition of the court to determine: Chairman - Deputy Chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Union of SSR Major General of Justice Matulevich I. O., members of the court - Major General Justice Zaryatov I. M. and Major General Justice Babies I. V. It is a matter to hear in Leningrad Without the participation of the parties (prosecutor and lawyers) in a closed meeting, without publishing in the press, but in the presence of 100-150 people. From among the party asset of the Leningrad organization. The hearing of the case, taking into account the need for careful preparation of the trial, could, in our opinion, began on September 25, 1950. We ask your instructions. Abakum Vavilov "" September 1950

From October 1950, arrests began and interrogations of family members of the accused. When revising the case, a proposal was received on the rehabilitation of relatives of persons convicted in the "Leningrad case". In a memorandum of December 10, 1953, the leaders of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR S. N. Kruglova and I. A. Serov claimed that "on the absolute majority of them did not have serious grounds for bringing to criminal liability or expulsion to the long districts of Siberia." The note showed the most flagrant facts in this regard. Thus, the Special Meeting of the MGB of the USSR condemned for 5 years of reference to the mother of secretary of the Leningrad Region, G. F. Badayev at the age of 67 and his two sisters living on their own. Father's Father secretary of the Leningrad City Executive Committee A. A. Bubnova aged 72 years old, mother of 66 years old, two brothers and two sisters.

Arrests continued and later. In August 1952, over 50 people who worked for falsified cases of prison sentence were convicted for long-graced cases, who worked during the blockade by the Secretaries of the Party and Chairmen of the District Executives of Smolninsky, Dzerzhinsky and other areas of the city.

In 1949-1952 Only in Leningrad and the region were freed from work, excluded from the party over 2 thousand people.

Revision of the case in 1954

The investigation of the USSR Prosecutor's Office on the instructions of the CPSU Central Committee, it was established that the case on the charges of Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky and others in the treason, counter-revolutionary hydration and participation in the Anti-Soviet group was fabricated in the enemy counter-revolutionary purposes former Minister of State Security, now arrested by Abakumov And his accomplices. Using the facts of violation of state disciplines and individual misconducts by Kuznetsov, Popkov, Voznesensky and others for which they were removed from the posts occupied with the imposition of party recovers, Abakumov and his accomplices artificially represented these actions as the actions of an organized anti-Soviet change group and beatings and threats Provides fictional testimony of arrested about creating allegedly conspiracy ...


The fate of Kuznetsov, Voznesensky, and the entire so-called "Leningrad business" solved the Commission of the Central Committee, which is quite understandable, given the position of the accused. It contained Malenkov, Khrushchev and Shkiryatov. The death of Leningrad leaders first of all on their conscience. Only one detail for which domestic historians prefer to close the eyes for many years: all interrogations of the accused, held on this "case," were not the investigators of the MGB, but members of the Party Commission.

Abakumov and his subordinates [...] created the so-called Leningrad case. In 1950, Abakumov dealt with 150 members of the families of condemned under the "Leningrad case", repressing them.

M. E. Worms, repressed for the "Leningrad Case":

Yes, we were filmed with malicious fabricated ridiculous accusations, freed from prisons, returned from links and camps, restored in the ranks of the CPSU ... I never remembered the mergery-Andrianovsky samples of honor, the advantages of the repressed. When we were filmed, excluded, sat down, all these goats, Nosenkov, Raspberries, Galyushki, Safronov, and they were attended by time, desire, words to clarify the "justice" people of their intrigued criminal acts, to blame us in the eyes of numerous labor collectives. The fact that in these persons after our rehabilitation is (and they have "accepted") did not speak conscience, I was never surprised - only what really exists. But after all, from the beginning of the "Leningrad business", forty years and no one went to any level: party, state-did not bring us official apologies and regrets, even the word did not condemn everyone who took part in the fabrication of this dirty "case" ...

G.M. Malenkov, speaking at the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in June 1957:

see also




  • Stalin and The Betrayal of Leningrad - Documentary BBC
  • Olga Petrov - "Leningrad business" on the site of the socio-political magazine "Breakthrough"
  • Levashovskaya Waste Memorials Repressions

Kumanship in government. Today and Stalin. Feel the difference.

"Leningrad business."

After the war, Stalin had a new war - with corruption. So it's not just not because of the fear of losing power, as some historians suggest, Stalin began to "tighten the nuts" after the Great Patriotic. Yes, this is not news for world history - that after the devastating wars everywhere and at all times the restoration of the country begins with strengthening power (up to the introduction of emergency and even dictatorship), in order to stop the discharge and disintegration of the management system and society during the war years.

By the way, due to the use of a service provision for personal purposes, even the main commander - Marshal Zhukov was brought to justice. And only the "Trofy from Maraudor's activities in Germany" passed by him saved him from severe criminal punishment, although they did not get rid of a serious decrease in the party and state line.

However, the most serious was the "Leningrad business" - the case of arms in the governing bodies of the party and the state, which was directly to the emergence and pleeling of corruption. Its vertex is the abuse of a service position in personal interests, which began to be privileges and benefits, and ending with bribes and turning the state pocket to their own ...

The "Leningrad case" in reality - the case of corruption primarily in the leading environment from the top of the bottom ... At first, as everyone, I did not know this and did not understand. But now, having familiarized with a number of party documents, I come to the conclusion that pure political accusations, perhaps, and are fabricated, but the corrupt side of the case accurately took place! In any case, the accused the accused clearly created the conditions for corruption. (I say it on the basis of party documents, and not on the basis of the materials of the investigation, which never used properly in the world. The party documents appeared in the atmosphere of free clarification of relations, and long before the establishment of the investigative case.)

But ... At first, it would seem, a completely harmless example.

Agree, one thing when we are talking about the allocation of money, let's say, to improve the conditions in kindergarten and quite another, when money is required to restore the burnt orphanage, whose pupils are unlike children having a roof over their heads. It seems to say, go away, first of all it is necessary to help the homeless guys.

However, thanks to the relationship of the courtyard, the head is often distinguished by the head of the non-kindergarten, but to the kindergarten, because the favorite grandson goes there ... it seems nothing special, but it is from such innocuous facts that corruption begins, corroding, like rust, all state.

Catch Deltsov on such crimes is difficult, but you can. To eliminate the possibility of couch or bribery among those inspectors, several independent commissions were appointed in Stalin's times to check the same case. They applied inspection materials not to some one to the main person, but, let's say, to each member of the Politburo. It almost excluded the possibility of concealing the results of inspections and in many directions (at the expense of publicity) guaranteed the use of deserved measures.

If someone managed to neutralize all these commissions, then in this case (after establishing a conspiracy), no one could wait for mercy, because the organized crime was punished so much and ... unconditionally! It was a kind of party court who did not know the terms of the prescription, as is the place in our day.

"Leningrad business" began with Politburo Resolution February 15, 1949 In connection with the attendant ammunition undertaken for the All-Union Wholesale Fair in Leningrad (from 10 to 20 January 1949).

Really nothing was calculated, and instead of the sale of goods there were damage and ... loss on 4 billion rubles.
And this is in the face of a terrible post-war industrial and food hunger. Plus, the location of significant travel funds to the northern capital of managers from all over the country has emerged. Simply put, many let's just "break away from deeds" and go nuts on a wide leg ... That is, even the corruption was viewed. Further more!

The Politburo resolution was noted:

"Based on the inspection, it was established that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Tov. Rodionov M.I. Together with Leningrad senior comrades, with the assistance of a member of the Central Committee of CPSU (b) TOV. Kuznetsova A.A. Selfless and illegally organized the All-Union Wholesale Fair with an invitation to the participation of trade organizations of the Kralims and regions of the RSFSR, including the most remote, up to the Sakhalin Region, as well as representatives of trade organizations of all the Union republics.

At the fair were brought to sell goods worth about 9 billion rubles, including goods, which are distributed by the Union Government on the General Plan, which led to the diluting of state commodity funds and to infringe the interests of a number of edges, regions and republics (and this is corruption ... And what else!) In addition, the fair has damaged to the state due to the large and unjustified costs of public funds on the organization of the Fair and Moving participants from remote areas in Leningrad and back. (And this is also corruption!)

Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) considers the main perpetrators of the specified anti-state action of candidates for the members of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) T.T. Rodionova and Popkov and a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) t. Kuznetsova A.A., who violated the elementary foundations of the state and party discipline ...

Politburo believes that the above-mentioned anti-state acts were due to the fact that T.t. Kuznetsova A.A., Rodionova, Popkov there is an unhealthy bias expressed in flirting with the Leningrad Organization, in attempts to imagine himself as special defenders of Leningrad's interests, in trying to create a mediastinum (that is, an obstacle that prevents direct relationships) between the Central Committee and the Leningrad Organization ...

In this regard, it should be noted that t. The ass, being the first secretaries of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the Hospital, does not try to ensure the connection of the Leningrad Party Organization with the Central Committee, does not inform the Central Committee of the Party on the state of affairs in Leningrad and, instead of making questions and suggestions directly in The Central Committee, falls on the path of bypassing the Central Committee of the Party, on the path of doubtful backstage, and sometimes ripped combinations conducted through various self-priced "chefs" of Leningrad, like T.T. Kuznetsova, Rodionova and others.

In this light, it should be considered only now the well-known Central Committee from T. Voznesensky, the proposal to "charm" over Leningrad, with whom he turned in 1948 t. Pops to t. Voznesensky N.A., as well as the wrong behavior of T. Popkov, when he communicates The Leningrad Party Organization with the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) is trying to replace personal connections with the so-called chief t. Kuznetsov A.A. ..

Politburo believes that such methods are an expression of group sex ... "(the decision is given in abbreviated form.)

The more attentively reread this ruling, the final conclusion suggests that the conditions for the emergence and development of relations on the principle "you - I am, I am inevitably created in such a situation of affairs." Well, how don't you like a native little man? " However, this is corruption !!!

By the way, Kuznetsov, using the post of chief of the Central Committee by personnel, put "his people" - "Leningradsev" for high posts throughout the country. This explains the fact that repression in connection with the "Leningrad business" was not limited to Leningrad, and rolled throughout the Union. Corruption was cut down then under the root, in order to avoid metastases, grabbing often and unreleased places, that is, beside him. True, it was already a rehearse of local figures according to the principle of "how it would not happen", and even the usual summary of accounts. However, for all this later, I also had to answer!

Attention should also be paid to such an extremely important fact, namely:

February 21, 1949 At the plenum of the Leningrad Region, a solid conversation took place in connection with this decision. And, it should be noted, when clarifying relations at the plenum of P.S. The ass did not become justified, but repeatedly said, "that the absolute number of issues that went from the regional and city committees of the party went to the Central Committee through Kuznetsov. I considered this setting properly. I saw the desire of Kuznetsov to lead the Leningrad Organization ...

Here are some facts. I had a friend of Kuznetsov once called me and screamed at me with indignation (I had to inform the Central Committee for one cry): "What do you build a road in Teroki? In order to make you easier to ride a cottage? " I said: "The resort area is handed over, you need a road. There is a decision of the session of the Lensovet and the Gorky Party. " "You're all invented that. Such questions need to be coordinated with the Central Committee ... "Now I understand that, demanding the coordination of such issues from the Central Committee, he intended himself under the Central Committee.

Verbicksky arrives and says: "I was at Alexey Alexandrovich Kuznetsova, who asked me, on what basis do you want to remove the tram movement from Engels Avenue?" Verbicksky then stated: such questions Kuznetsov demands to coordinate with him ... "

Note! All this would be tolerate, if the Central Committee Kuznetsov was instructed to respond for the state of affairs in Leningrad, but after all he did it in an arbitrary, being the head of the department of personnel of the Central Committee. Moreover, put pressure, using its influence when selecting, replacing and nominating people.

And not only did not do his own business, but also sought to solve all the questions alone alone, hiding it from the Central Committee and acting as it was advantageous first of all to him: at first in terms of a common cause, and then from the point of view of a personal career and personal well-being ... And this also led to comprehensive corruption, because if something can be the boss, then it is possible and subordinate!
Of course, with respect to its subordinates.

This conclusion is well traced by the example of the Second Secretary of the Leningrad Gorm Ya.F. KapustinaWho did not happen in anything:

"Our system was like this: as a trip - so be sure to go in Moscow to Kuznetsov.
The last time I arrived with the delegation to welcome the Moscow party conference, again I did not fail to go to him. What did you go? What for?"

What Malenkov responded quite rightly: "It's not that you went or did not go to a friend Kuznetsov - he was the secretary of the Central Committee: why not go? And the fact is that the Central Committee did not know what you spoke with Kuznetsov, what instructions gave Kuznetsov. All this was closed in the group ...

The Central Committee has a secretariat, there is a bureau, there is a Politburo, and, depending on the importance of the issue, the Secretariat, Bureau or Politburo decides. You support another order - the sole solution to the issue, sole instructions. That's what we are talking. "

Malenkov is right, because it is from such tacit conversations that corruption begins. And who does not understand this, he will never win corruption.

Historical fact

Suites from Leningrad (for example, in the face of N.A. Voznesensky) and in the state of the USSR, the rules did not really adhered to: friendship friendship, and the service of the service!
As a result, "it turned out that the Chairman of the State Mosnozhesky systematically underestimated the plan with one ministries and overestimated others. Accordingly, those whom he loved was good performance, premiums and other charms. " But the rest - it is better not to remember ...

How heavy for the country are similar "Leningrad traditions", the people are experiencing to this day!

What was it

All proceedings under the "Leningrad case" took place in a purely social order and did not concern that part of the "case", which was brought in six months by starting a criminal investigation for political proliferation, who had the goal of creating a new party (RCP) and registration on this basis of the RSFSR in ... so to speak, a full-fledged republic.

That is, "Leningrad residents" were judged for those political plans that were supposed to ultimately what Yeltsin did in 1980-1990., Namely: declaring Russia independent as part of the USSR, this very much destroyed the Soviet Union and began to be committed The act that was to be prosecuted under the article "Treason Motherland" by the destruction of the Constitutional Fundamentals of the USSR, expressed in the change or overthrow of the social system.

In other words, they were judged and sentenced "Lentels" for an attempt to create the fact that 40 years later, Yeltsin and its allies were created in the form of the Communist Party of Polozkova - Zyuganov and the notorious Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), from which the peoples of the former Union republics cannot come So far. However, it was a completely different and more terrible story that even the corruption issues considered by us above.

In addition to the corruption component of the "Leningrad business", identified at the highest party and state level, the whole series of "cases" was revealed in the same years. economic order In the field of ministries, masterpieces and enterprises directly producing products of increased and daily demand.

"Bread business"

No matter how secretly "the tops" did something - "the bottom" immediately (!) Begin to repeat it. Because while the "tops" are still preparing, the rich imagination of the supervisory "bottoms" already draws what "tops", they say, have been done for a long time ... Indeed: if you can "Vercham" in relation to your subordinates, then why it is impossible to this subordinate to To his "nizam"?!

Corruption - as electricity - VMIG spreads through all power channels! And if someone becomes on her way, she immediately turns it into "his" or throws out (!) From his system - especially recall simply destroys. Therefore, I call corruption of a cancer's tumor ...

Here is such a heavy misfortune after the Great Patriotic War and fell to the winning, but the Hungry Soviet Union. And the first of the cases for which corruption took, naturally became the "bread case." Because hungry people for bread were ready to give their last savings!

Incubator and peddler of corruption in the food industry of Russia became the distribution system Rosglavchleb led by the head of the supply department Mikhail Isaev.

In an extensive network of his criminal group (except for the head of the head of the Schulkina born department, the chubby department of Rosenbauma D.A. and the director of the Moscow interobolesale base of the head of Bukhmani E.M.) included officials from poorly controlled trusts of Altai and Tatarstan, as well as Arkhangelsk , Bryansk, Ivanovo, Moscow, Orenburg and Rostov regions. There were no less than 20 people ...

The attention of Nevzorov and his companions for the special services attracted pretty young women, whom Izayev's handsome hands were changed like gloves. It would be necessary: \u200b\u200bwhen some smoked from hunger, these in restaurants and dachas were broken from dishes and drinking, which made it possible to arrange almost competitive selection among the weak gender. It came to the point that Isaeva's wife found out about the country's "choral orgy" her husband and ... hanged himself. Isaev and his companions on a lot of life to hide the true causes of death, buried her as a sudden heart attack ...

I asked: what kind of money and where did it all take?

The answer was the limit simple: with the world on a thread - a shirt to the body. Indeed, for the fact that the specified trusts all deficits were released without delay, and even beyond the above, their bosses "killed" the Moscow authorities according to the following scheme.

For example, for example, a bakery or a confectionery factory, a thousand kg of flour or sugar, but they were released, say, sugar only 950 kg, leaving Isaev in the form of "rollback" 50 kilos. To cover this shortage (and even progress on the resulting shortage), in the manufacture, let's say, the cookies were displaced by sugar: instead of 1000 in production, 900 kg went to the production ... in the calculation of the fact that it was not to determine how much sugar in a kilogram of cookies - 90 g or 100! This could be done only in the laboratory.

Or take the baking of 100 thousand buns, for each of which instead of 10 pcs. The raisins went 8 and instead of 30 grams of sugar - 25, etc., etc.

Directly embarrassment at the expense of incomplete recovery of the applicant food, which was easily explained in the post-war conditions, both non-declared disappeared of wagons and explicit robbery during the unloading of "commodities" by members of numerous bandforms, which were hired as decent people, but then suddenly disappeared in an unknown direction and, of course, not with empty hands. As a result, material and responsible persons were forced to compile acts to the damage caused. Of course, in the established setting, many of them stole themselves, and they wrote off everything on bandits.

"Saved" thus products quickly came true in the markets and through a commercial chain of stores.

Whatever it was, but the detective Fedor Nevzorov and his comrades on the special services managed to bring to clean water not only the already named metropolitan food-criminal center M.I. Isaev, but also associated with Isaev high-ranking provincial lovers to arrange a "sweet life" due to bitter tears of ordinary citizens.

According to agent data.
I list the criminals-corruption and their "cases" on documents of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Leiderman L.G., Representative of the Rostov Trust, for a criminal conspiracy with Isaev and other employees of the central base and the Russian Rosglavhleb department, received the area of \u200b\u200bvarious products in the amount of 123.7 thousand rubles, but in the mountains. Rostov did not deliver them. Part of the money for these abducted products, it (by agreement with the challenge of the accountant of the head of the head of Rosenbaum) listed through the Moscow guestsberkass in cash. Part of the goods were written off on separate bakelifiers for production as allegedly spent on the manufacture of bakery products.

Frolov A.E., working as a manager of the Arkhangelsk trust of the bakery industry, in 1945-46. I received food products from the base Rosglavhleb in the amount of 86,928 rubles, of which 66,569 rubles did not deliver them to the trust and abducted.

Similarly, they received and cleared the products:

representatives of the Tatar Trust of Bakery Forwarder of Kurochkin-Savrolezers F.N. and Tsanann Ya.T. - in the amount of 183 thousand rubles (of them of Kurochkin-Savrogery - by 136 thousand rubles);

chief Engineer of Altai, and then the manager of the Bryansky trust "Rosglavchleb" Dashkovsky M.I. - in the amount of 10,600 rubles;

forwarder of the Buzuluk Bakery Plant of the Orenburg region Special Vak S.M. - in the amount of 94 thousand rubles, etc.

In addition, the investigation of the case found that Isaev M.I. By order of the Martpishproome of the USSR No. 104 of 18.03.46, he received 30 cars from the Moscow trust "Cube" for sending to a number of trusts of the Russian Federation. According to the criminal agreement with the management of the transport office of the Moscow Trest Melam Kn. For shipment by car trusts, they received a bribe from their representatives from the settlement of 7 thousand rubles per car. About 200 thousand rubles were obtained by them.

For example, the same Leiderman for 10 cars handed over Melamed a bribe of 70 thousand rubles. Lididerman reported that it was allegedly the specified amount for the repair of cars, which he produced in the enterprises of Moscow in private. Fictive documents for the relevant fee amounted to him by the expeditionant of the Central Base "Rosglavchleb" Rabinovich I.Z.

For vacation cars, Buzuluk bakery, from his representative, Nataka Isaev received 60 kg of Sakharin, which he had to deliver to his bakery. As a result, to hide the shortage, the saccharin stolen in this way was written off ...

Part of the illegally received money went on a rampant lifestyle, in particular, on boys in restaurants and on the couches with women of easy behavior. The other part was spent on the purchase of jewels and household items. Isaev had a presenter's saving book in the amount of 100 thousand rubles and was described in the suburbs expensive cottage, on which a whole warehouse warehouse was found and seized, and among them - bags with sugar and flour, a large number of meat and milk canned food, hundreds Bottles of expensive wines, vodka and sausage products for tens of thousand rubles and so on.

The criminal group of Isaev for the period from April 14, 1945 to 1946 was inclusively stolen: sugar - 1670 kg, flour - 8,500 kg, saccharine - 670 kg, raisins - 310 kg, butter - 414 kg, condensed milk - 1553 banks , jam and jumped - 2605 kg, etc. - Total at retail prices (according to the order of the USSR Ministry of Commerce No. 550 dated December 14, 1947) in the amount of 1,139,230 rubles. 18 cop

Isaev and Rosenbauma by 25 years of imprisonment of everyone with the subsequent defeat in electoral rights for five years;

their partners: Kurochina-Savrojerova - By 15 years of imprisonment;
Melameda, Spawak and Tanin - by 10 years of imprisonment;
Buchman, Leiderman, Frolova and others - also to the long periods of imprisonment;

all - with complete confiscation of property their relatives».

Thus, the damage caused by the criminal state was completely refunded. There are no even dream about such results today ... (Zanuda2: It is noteworthy that most of the participants and the main organizers of these embezzlements are ethnic Jews - Buchman, Leiderman, Melamed, Dashkovsky, Network, Tsannan, and others. As well as among the current "Olinarors" - all of these Berezovsky, Gusinskiy, Abramovich, Prokhorovy, Vaxelberg, Israelich, Koganov, Levitov, and others. True. The Jews themselves say that it is just a casual coincidence ...)

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