Through how many years there will be 3 World War. Third World War can start very soon. Schirchimandrit Christopher

Lobziki and disk saws 29.03.2021
Lobziki and disk saws
Every day the probability of the beginning of the third World War is increasing. Such problems as international terrorism and voltage in international relations, pushing the world to this terrible process. Someone believes that the Third World War will not be, someone - that she has already begun, and others - that she has already passed. Let's deal with and analyze together.

Experts of the same arguments refer to the geopolitical war. Despite the fact that local wars took place in the territory of other states, direct military clashes between a large number of countries - was not.

Was the world war?

Frequently often the third world war "began" the media and some politicians. They stated the beginning of the third on the Russian war in 1999, after NATO's operation in Yugoslavia, when the country has undergone massive bombardments. Then after the start of the US military operation in Afghanistan in 2001 and after the military invasion of the United States and allies to Iran in 2003 - in both cases, allegedly to combat terrorism. Also two more military conflicts: the intervention in Libya since 2011 by NATO countries, as well as conflict in Syria - was often ranked at the beginning of World War. A new reason to talk about the beginning of the next World War in 2014 was given events in Ukraine, when the civil war began after the state coup in this country, against the background of attempts to separate two regions from the state.

Does the Third World War? Unambiguously we can say that - no. World War is a global conflict in which a large number of countries participate, and they must be direct members of this military conflict. The above wars are local, even though it is indirectly involved in them a number of countries.

Will or not?

Probably, in modern realities, many of us are asked: Will New World War Will there be or not?

Despite the fact that the prerequisites for the beginning of the World War today will be enough, it will not be.

To start the war, you need a real and weighty prerequisite, but, despite all the disagreements of countries, it is not. Local wars, such as in the Middle East, will not turn into world. As for the situation in Ukraine, it will also not lead to world war: in fact, this conflict is domestic and only in this plane lies its interchange.

What will this war be?

In order to finally answer the question of the likelihood of the Third World War, it suffices to imagine the scale of a possible global conflict. This war will not be partisan, and there will be a rocket, in fact, the soldiers of the army will not even leave the places of their permanent deployment.

The blows of ordinary missiles will lead to thousands of victims, and if nuclear missiles go to work, the number of victims will be calculated by millions. Which of the countries can win in such a war when it will carry the catastrophic consequences for yourself? All this is perfectly understood, so no one will decide on such a crazy step, which can lead to the death of most of humanity.

According to astrologers, until 2018, there will be such a tense atmosphere on our planet: local wars, geopolitical battles and international terrorism. Nevertheless, whatever the situation would not be, the world war will not.

Who will be parties?

Relying on the story, in the past two world military conflicts, Russia took part in them. Is third world war in Russia face?

Russia is a peaceful country that comes over for the termination of all military conflicts and advocates the diplomatic solution to all issues. Russia is submitted first to military conflict will not go, no matter how it would have been provoked to it. Unleague the war against Russia is also illogical, as it possesses not only a nuclear weapon, as well as a strong and staffed army.

Who can act with other parties in modern world war? The United States and the European Union will not unleash world war. Even being in Tandem, they will not begin the war with Russia for the reasons listed above.

As for China, another weighty player on the political arena, the ideals of Russia are close to this country, they also advocate peace and resolutely against the war.

Without participation in the military conflict, these key players will not be.

Let's hope that in our forecasts we will be right. Peace to you!

According to the participants of the discussion, the third world can begin with a nuclear strike of North Korea. For clarity, the interlocutors use the mark "4/26", bearing in mind April 26, 2017. The observational forum users noticed several landmark events that encourage the idea that the world is in a step from the apocalypse.


In the largest American cities - New York and New Jersey - the other day there were large-scale teachings in case of a nuclear attack. True, the representative of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said that the guesses of network conspiraologists should not be taken seriously, and the exercise plan was approved last year.

In mid-April, it became known that the number of google search queries about the Third World War had reached a record high. The reasons for increased attention to this topic were a missile blow of the US air base in Syria, growing tension in relations between Washington and Pyongyan, flying by Russian strategic bombers of Alaska, frequent flights of the so-called aircraft of the Day in the United States and the active movement of Chinese and Russian troops at the border With the DPRK.

A few days ago, Portuguese clairvoyant Horatio Wielgas called the date of the beginning of the Third World War. He told the British media that he saw a prophetic dream. In it, "the balls from the fire fell from the sky to the ground, and people ran and tried to hide from destruction." According to psychic, these balls symbolized nuclear rockets that attack cities around the world.

Clairvoyant Sure: The Third World War will begin on May 13, 2017, in the 100th anniversary of the last phenomenon of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. And the fighting will end on October 13, but "for many it will be too late." Wilgas warned that the destruction threatens to the whole nations.

According to psychic, all its forecasts are true. In 2015, he stated that Donald Trump would become president of the United States, which will bring war to the world. Wielegas predicted and the fact that the American leader will attack Syria, and eventually spoil relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Other forecasts were also sounded earlier about the third world war. Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang said that the war would start after Syria fell. Matrona Moscow also left its prophecy of a possible world war, but, according to her, the catastrophe will not happen - Russia will speak a peacemaker, which will not give to unleash a great war.

Can a third world war break out in 2018?

If so, then here are five foci of risk, where it can happen that the AftonBladet newspaper defined.

"There is an increased risk," says Isak Svenson (Isak Svensson), a professor of research in peace and conflict in the Uppsa University.

The Republican Senator Bob Korker (Bob Corker) warned that Donald Trump would lead the United States to the "path to the Third World War".
There is a risk that it is not entirely mistaken.

According to Isak of Svensson, professors of research of peace and conflict, three factors more than others impede the war.

All of them are now destroyed, in many respects due to the Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

"One of the objectives of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and the like organizations to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But due to the fact that Trump is trying to dismantle international cooperation all the time, these organizations can weaken. It will affect the risk of war, "says Isak Svensson.

2. International Trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China that he "rapes" the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he will introduce customs fees to Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trading war.

"So far, it has not happened, but, in any case, he called for the fact that it is not particularly interested in encouraging free trade," said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

Two democratic states never fought with each other. But the wave of nationalism, which overwhelmed the world, can rock democracy.

"Populist nationalism aimed at democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral authorities, and so on. This is noticeable in the United States under the rule of Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example, "says Isak Svensson.

Nationalism threat

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens with all three prevent war factors.

"Nationalism is available not only in the peripheral countries, now it applies to both the main players in the international arena: in the United States, in the United Kingdom in the form of Brexit, in the EU with its Poland and Hungary, who can weaken European cooperation. India and China are very susceptible to the influence of nationalist ideologies, as well as Turkey with Russia. All this together with the Trump negatively affects these three factors. There is a considerable risk of interstate conflict, "says Isak Svensson.

However, he does not believe that a big global war is likely.

"The probability of this is small. In general, interstate conflicts are very unusual, and over time they happen more and less. But if it happens, the events unfold very intensively, "says Isak Svensson.

Here are the hottest foci of tension.

North Korea

States: North Korea, USA, Japan, China.

North Korea conducts test explosions of nuclear weapons and is constantly developing new rockets. One of the newest missiles that was tested by this summer can hit the United States, but it is unclear whether North Korea can equip it with a nuclear warhead.

The North Korean dictator Kim Jong Yun and the US President Donald Trump exchanged full hatred of verbal provocations, and the Trump including promised to meet the North Korea "Fire and Rage".

The United States consists in Union with South Korea and Japan, who also felt the threat from North Korea. And this closed dictatorship in turn gains support from China.

"In the short term, the most problematic zone is the Korean Peninsula," says Niklas Swanström, head of the Institute for Security and Development Policy.

"At the same time, the likelihood that China will defend North Korea, very small. It will only happen if there is a threat to the direct interests of China, that is, if the United States will behave troops to the Chinese borders or something like that. "

Isak Svensson agrees that Korea causes the most concern, since the situation is unpredictable there.

"It is not very likely, but it is possible that something happens there. All in suspense, various teachings are held and demonstration of the strength of each other, there is a big risk that something will go wrong. It can start the process, even if in fact no one wants it. Nobody is interested in bringing the case to a full-scale war, but there is still a risk of this, "says Isak Svensson.

The biggest problem is a bad communication, says Niklas Svan.

"In Northeast Asia, there are no security structures. Military confrontation can grow very sharply. "

South China Sea

States: USA, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei.

Here is one of the most serious foci of tension, according to Isak Svensson.

"There is an incredibly large military potential. The probability that something will happen is small, but if this happens, the consequences will be catastrophic. There is a nuclear weapon, and alliances are concluded between different countries, so they can draw each other in all sorts of complications of relationships. "

At first glance, the conflict unfolds around hundreds of small islands and reefs near China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Approximately half of the islands are under the control of some of the four countries.

Both China and Taiwan and Vietnam claim the entire Archipelago of Sprati, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei also have their own claims.

In early 2014, China began to clear the seven reefs controlled against him between the islands and lay the bases on them.

The situation is marked by an ever-growing tension between China and the United States, as the growing Chinese power is increasingly challenging the United States as the only superpower of the world.

"At this century, the relationship between the United States and China will be put on this," says Niklas Granholm, Scientific Director at the Institute of Total Defense, FOI.

"In the international system, the power and means of influence occur. In relative sizes, China's power grows, and the US authorities decrease. It is conflicts that may arise around this division of power, and become the most important. It may be about China's position relative to Taiwan, China regarding Japan, relations with North Korea. There may be a lot of meaningful there, "adds Niklas Granhalm.

Niklas Svantell also believes that relations between China and the United States are most dangerous in the long run.

"The only version of the Third World War, which can be imagined, obviously includes China and the United States. I can not say that it worries me, in my opinion, indirect conflicts may arise, that is, the war will be conducted in the third country, "says Niklas Svanstro.

India - Pakistan

States: India, Pakistan, USA, China, Russia.

The controversial northern province of Kashmir in practice is divided between India and Pakistan. There were several wars for the right to this area between the countries, and all new conflicts are constantly flashing.

After 18 Indian soldiers were killed as a result of the terrorist attack on the military base in September 2016, the Minister of Internal Affairs of India wrote in Twitter:

"Pakistan is a terrorist state that should be called and isolate."

Pakistan fiercely denied its involvement in the incident.

"Relations between India and Pakistan are always restless. It doesn't seem right now that there will be a strong escalation, but nothing indicates some great moves towards their convergence in the future, "says Isak Svensson.

Both countries are nuclear powers, and each, presumably, has more than 100 nuclear warheads.

"It's easy to imagine an unintended escalation until a full-fledged nuclear war, which is not needed to anyone, but may be provoked by terrorism," said Matthew Bunn, an analyst, a specialist in nuclear weapons in the Harvard Center of Belfer, a Huffington Post newspaper.

India adheres to policies not to use nuclear weapons first. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations, quickly sending armored columns deep inside Pakistani territory.

Pakistan replied a weaker from the military point of view by the fact that he introduced the Middle Radius Rockets of the Action "Nar", which can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts are afraid that such a development of events, when Pakistan feels forced to apply tactical nuclear weapons to defend, can quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanstroes, however, believes that the likelihood of world war is Mala.

"In other countries there are no interests related to security policies. Pakistan has a close relationship with China, and in India - with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk and start a large-scale military confrontation. It is also difficult for me to imagine that the United States will intervene in such a conflict. "

India - China

The Army General of India Bipin Rawat (Bipin Rawat) stated in early September that the country should prepare for the war on two fronts against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before that, the Himalayas ended the ten-week confrontation of China and India in connection with the definition of the border. Chinese road builders, accompanied by the military, stopped Indian troops. The Chinese argued that they were in China, Indians - that in Bhutan, the Allied Indian country.

According to Bipina Ravat, such a situation could easily grow into a conflict, and Pakistan then could take advantage of this situation in their own interests.

"We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, the war is quite real, "said Rawat, as Press Trust of India wrote.

The border between China and India has long been the subject of disagreement, however the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But, despite the fact that China and Pakistan got together economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that it may change.

"It is difficult to see some hints on why the conflict could be broken there, but there is an increased risk of this. The economy of both countries is growing intensively, and both countries spur rather aggressive nationalism. A unresolved territorial question, of course, is a clear risk factor, "says Isak Svensson.

Niklas does not think Svanstrocery that China will win much from this conflict, and India win the war against China simply will not be able to. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

"The only situation that can lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet by an independent country and starts to support Tibetan military movement that fights against China. I regard it as something extremely unlikely, "says Niklas Svanstrole.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO Military Alliance.

One of the greatest risks that can now lead to conflict are the growing ambitions of Russia against Europe, it believes Niklas Granghalm, head of scientific work at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

"Russia has dropped the set of rules operating since the early 1990s and the decisive measures of European security, says Niklas Granhalm. "The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 the invasion of this country happened and was annexed Crimea, which marked the beginning of the conflict in the east of Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated a great faith in military means of exposure. The Baltic region was again on the confrontation line between the East and the West, which many seemed completely implausible several years ago. "

The cause of the conflict can be ethnically Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, Isac Svensson believes.

"In Ukraine, Russia showed that it is ready to use military power to, from its point of view, to protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of the Russian intervention in the Baltic States, if the internal crisis will begin in some countries. Such a scenario can be imagined. It is pretty unlikely to date, but in the future it is possible. "

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In the light of the exacerbation of military conflict in Syria, in which there are already participating with a dozen countries and each of its own interests, sinister prophecies about the beginning Third World War are becoming increasingly relevant.

Some of these revelations are rather old, some modern, but every one tells about the coming terrible cataclysms and shocks caused by human weapons and thirst for blood.

"I don't know which weapon will be the third world war, but in the fourth, stones and sticks will be used!", "Albert Einstein, in a letter to the President of the USA, Harry Trumanu in 1945, and now, these words are scared the whole world, but alas , do not stop politicians from wars.

The third world will begin Donald Trump

This was reported in 2017. Portuguese mystic and Prophet Orassio Wielegas. Wielegas said that the Nuclear War with the participation of the United States, Russia, North Korea and China may begin on May 13, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. And "it will last" until October 13.

Many were sure that the Portuguese speaks about 2017, since last year the United States also bombed Syria fiercely. But since in 2017 the nuclear cataclysm did not happen, and this year, Syria was bombed with the US two more countries: France and the United Kingdom, then many people now think that maybe it was about 2018?

Oracio Wielegas is famous for the fact that in 2015 he predicted the victory of Donald Trump in the elections of the President of the US President, although all the media supported Hilary Clinton and assured that her victory was already in his pocket. Also, Wilgas called Trump "King of Illuminati."

Alarm Prophecy Mother Shipton

He lived in a small English village at the beginning of the 16th century. Her mother Agata Southail was engaged in a burning and whispering about her that the devil himself cares to her house. After one of these visits, Agata had a daughter of Ursula, who was very ugly in appearance, but already childhood had unusual abilities, and from 16 years began to predicts.

Many of her prophecies came down. She predicted the Great Plague of 1665, the invasion of the Spanish Armada ("Wooden Horses, that from the West will come, the forces of Drake in sins will be separated"), the attack of Henry's troops VIII to Normandia and much more.

According to her prediction of a terrible war, it will begin in the east and apparently the United States will be the main devastating force.

"Alas, the war will come from there, where the Turks and pagans live, who in a cruel quarrel will be buried themselves. When the north will separate from the south, and the eagle will be with the lion's jaws, the burden, blood and war will come to every house. Yellow people will get the great strength of the mighty The bear to which they will help. Tirana will not be able to divide the world into two parts and these actions will be of a greater danger. And the intermittent fever will leave behind the many deaths. "

There is a couple of lines to this prophecy.

"The kingdoms will become envious and frightening and the trap will turn against them when the dear black worm will leave after himself only a few life."

Prophecies about the third world from Nostradamus

Nostradamus has at least 12 katrenins that can be interpreted as the predictions of the Third World War.

"Spit connects with a pond in Sagittarius,
In its highest point.
Plague, hunger and death from armed hands,
The century is approaching its update. "

"After a big misfortune, humanity threatens even more
When a large centenary cycle is updated,
The rain is shedding blood and milk, hunger, war and illness.
In heaven, the fire will be visible, followed by the tail of the sparks.

"Mabus will soon die, then accomplish
Terrible extermination of people and animals:
Suddenly comes retribution,
One hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when will fly a comet. "

Baba Wang.

Bulgarian Vanga, also known as Baba Wang (1911-1996) is considered one of the greatest predictors of the twentieth century. She is credited with many prophecies about the beginning of the third world, but in reality most of them did not express.

So for example, Vanga did not say anything about the "empty Europe" and "poisoning of chemistry." And its famous expression "Syria has not fallen in recent years" is rather escaped from the context and is more related to crises than with the Global War:

"Humanity has been prepared many more cataclysms and stormy events ... Grave times are coming, people will share their faith ... The oldest teaching will come to the world ... I am asked when it happens, will it soon? No, not soon. More Syria did not fall ... "

But such statements took place in reality: "Apocalypse will come," "Evil will break out from under the ground and destroy everything", "Only Russia will be saved, not everything", "in Russia there will be water, and the world." Perhaps this is due to the coming big war.

However, in an interview that Vanga gave the Russian journalist Sergey Korsna in 1995, Sergey asked Wangu "Will humanity and natural cataclysms wait in the near future?". And Wang answered "individual foci will be, but everyone will not touch everyone."

The words of Pope Rimsky

In 2014, Pope Francis said that the Third World War "has already begun, partly." Prior to that, in recent months, Dad has repeatedly called on to complete armed conflicts in different parts of the world: in Ukraine, in Iraq, Syria, in the Gaza Strip and African countries.

And in 2017, Francis said that the lack of fresh water could lead to a new world conflict.

"The right to water is determining to survive a person and the future of mankind. And I ask myself, whether we are moving towards a big world war because of the water," said Pontiff.

According to the UN, at present, water deficit affects more than 40% of people in the world, access to clean water is deprived of 783 million inhabitants of the planet. By the middle of the XXI century, the number of water-living during constant lack of water will exceed 4 billion people.

When will we be 3 world war and with whom? Vanian's predictions The prophecy of the coming third world war leads to reflections what they wrote and talked about the beginning of the Third World War Oracles and Persecutors, in our time is a very important topic.

The prophecy of the coming third world war leads to reflections what they wrote and spoke about the beginning of the third world war Oracles and predictors, in our time is a very important topic. The situation that was currently created in the world is to put it mildly anxious.

Unleashed by Ukraine Civil War, gives a rendress of the EU and the United States to accuse Russia, and at the same time to introduce sanctions under this pretext, accusing in all sins. In addition, it is not calm in the Middle East. Nostradamus about the Third World War in the works of the great predictor, there is a reminder of the Third World War. They say that three antichrist will appear on Earth, and each of them will bring world war. This should happen before entering the power of the Era Aquarius, and the second coming of Christ will occur. The first antichrist should revive the epoch of Babylon, and to make sinfulness into humanity, will put a high-level and pride in the norm. The antichrist that will come to the following, in the descriptions of Nostradamus look like a Hitler, as he comes from the Rhine from the land of Attila. Waiting for the Third Antichrist, the world creates from his cruelty, because he will exceed his mercilessness of the Emperor Nero. Without parsing, his deceit and cruelty, torture and torture will be applied to everyone. Perhaps he will be the instigator of the Third World War.

What did Vang say about the third world?
An important thing in the prophecy of Vangi about the beginning of the third world is that it is stated on the fall of Syria, as the harbinger of the unleashing of a terrible war. Put the beginning of the dissemination of the conflict attempt on the leaders of the four countries, and this will happen in a small country. War will bring destroy almost in Europe. People will have to starve and beten. The terrible trouble will come almost every European House. In our time, we see how Syria has been experiencing a large amount of time a civilian military conflict, which means we live in an alarming period of time. Astrologer Paul Globa Pavlo Globa Globa Globa Fortunately is not connected with the beginning of the third world in the near future. The Russian provider, put an important condition that the war should not begin in Iran, since if it occurs, then the third world is not avoided. The participants of the "Battle of Psychics" also talked about the third world participant of the Alipian project predicted the beginning of the third world in Russia. The first marker of the beginning of the war will serve the removal of a dead person who died a long time ago. The war overwhelms the whole of Europe and immerses in chaos, ruin and poverty. At the end of the war, Europeans will suffer from the consequences of the war. In Russia, thanks to the rigid laws, people will be able to get out of the crisis, but at the same time in order to have material benefits, the population will pass the chip procedure. Some participants predicted the beginning of the war in 2014. So Alexey Poyhabov, predicted the beginning of the war in Russia, and the consequence will be the third world that will cover all humanity, and will bring a terrible result for the whole land. But it is not always worth believing all predictions, because a person is typical mistakes. It is always necessary to believe in the best, and with the help of your will incarnate the best.

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