Who is an atheist and what does it differ from the agnostic? Who are atheists and agnostics? Agnostic atheist believer

Children's 29.03.2021

What is the difference between the agnostic and an atheist? And got the best answer

Answer from Vladimir Pavlek [Guru]
Agnostic believes that it is impossible to answer the question "Is God?" Is impossible, and even more so, it is impossible to appreciate what is more likely - the existence of God or his absence. The trainer - denies the existence of God or, at least, considers the likelihood of the existence of God Too little to take it into account. In general, the atheist and agnostic usually both understand that it is impossible to prove that God is impossible - but if you ask both the same question: "Is God?" Is there any Agnostic will answer: - I don't know, on the one hand there are no reason to be convinced that it is, on the other hand, no one can prove that it is not. And atheist will say: - I also can not be sure of 100% that God is not, but all my own experience and the whole experience of previous generation shows that all physical laws are unchanged, no manifestations of the supernatural in the entire history have never been reliably recorded, all questions sooner or later find their answers without attracting God, the poet I think God is not. At least, for faith in it, no more grounds than for faith in the forest fairies, Santa Claus, etc. P.Sili is very short, then the agnostic probability of the existence of God is estimated at 50%, and the atheist is very close to zero.

Answer from Kind fairy[guru]
the agnostic believes that it is impossible to prove the presence or absence of God. And the atheist denies what God is just as a believer argues that God exists.

Answer from Magura[guru]
The atheist is never doubted, and the agnostic is questionable. Atheist has guarantees that God is not. The believer has a guarantee that God is. The agnostic has no guarantees except his own experience. He admits everything, he can tend to the fact that he is more like it, but he perfectly understands what can be wrong.

Answer from EOMAN Shevchenko[guru]
Agnostic thinks that God is and so pleased.

Answer from ЍL Chupacabra[guru]
Agnostic: There is God, there is no god - science is not known. Theater: But I know - no

Answer from Kaktus.[guru]
Agnosticism (from Dr. -Grech. Ἄγνωστος - "unrecognizable, unknown") - direction in philosophy, which considers it impossible objective knowledge of the surrounding reality through his own experience. Thus, agnosticism is questioned by the truth or possibility of evidence or refuting statements in some region, especially in metaphysics and theology. History was introduced by Professor Thomas Henry Huxley at the meeting of the metaphysical society in 1876. According to him, the agnostic is a person who has refused from the belief-related faith and convinced that the primary start of things is unknown, as it cannot be good. In other words, agnostic is a person who believes that it is impossible to prove the existence or non-existence of God. The term applies to the teachings of Herbert Spencer, Hamilton, George Berkeley, David Yuma and Dr.Agnosticism can be found already in antique philosophy, in particular in the prostagor, sophists, in antique skepticism. Attitude towards religiousism considers it impossible to know the truth in matters of the existence of God, eternal life, and other supernatural creatures, concepts and phenomena. This does not exclude the identity of the agnostic to religions or philosophical trends that give an unambiguous answer to these questions, since agnosticism does not fundamentally exclude the existence of divine entities and allows faith in them. Only the possibility of proof of the truth or the falsity of such entities is rational way. In a modern sense, the term "agnostic" can also be used to describe those who believe that the issue of the existence of God can be resolved, but considers the leading arguments in favor of the existence or non-existence of God Unconvincing and not sufficient to come on their base to an unambiguous conclusion. To reduce the ambiguity associated with the use of the term "agnosticism," sometimes use the concepts of "strict agnosticism" for the initial understanding of the word, and "empirical agnosticism" for a modern definition. Relationships with other philosophical flowsmiagnosticism develops in positivism, non-vectors and postposimalism as conventionalism. Agnosticism in theory of knowledgeAgnosticism can also be determined as a teaching based on the following statement: since the entire process of knowledge is based on experience, and the experience is subjective, then the subject will not be able to comprehend the essence of the object under study, the "thing in itself". Thus, the role of science is reduced to the knowledge of the experience, and not the essence of things and phenomena. In this sense, agnosticism is any philosophical teaching, denying the ability to achieve absolute truth, for example, cantianism. Famous Adherents Agnosticism Waters Matt Stone Egor Gaidar Zack Efron Artemy Troitsky Anna Vorontsova Bertrand Russell Huxley, Thomas Henry Herbert Spencer Hamilton Berkeley, George Um, David Robert Anton Wilson Mark Twain Thomas Edison Sigmund Freud Charles Chaplin Stephen Weinberg Carl Saglin Jack Nicholson Paul Verkhovlen Stephen Jay Gould Daniel Dennet Richard Liki John Carpenter Stephen Wozniak Douglas Adams Matt Grounding Stephen Pinker Bill Gates Carrie Fisher Graham Green

Answer from Ѓzhenok[guru]
The agnostic sometimes represents the dusing between two lights: theisms and atheism. But more here is the expression "suspended state". Agnostic talks about Suspense - suspension, suspension of judgment on the existence of God. Upon all, the defenders consider the agnostics by a masking atheist, and atheists are a cautious or shy testic. Who is such an agnostic, the third or one of the two? Obviously, the agnostic is not a theist, unless we change the meaning of the concept of "agnosticism" or not reject it by philosophical meaning. But it seems that the agnostic can not be considered an atheist, because it does not make any negative judgment on the existence of God. However, the atheistic position is not reduced only to the denial of the existence of God, as represents its everyday consciousness. Atheism is not only, and not so much theoretical position as a practical doctrine. Atheist rejects faith in God as incompatible with a consciousness of a free man and negatively refers to a religious cult. Atheist criticizes religion, relying on a wide arsenal of methods and data of science, taking the same anti-firmical installation as agnostic. And if the agnostic is effective, almost opposed religion and church, he is an atheist. And in this case, the disagreement between the agnostic and an atheist is internal theoretical. The difference between them is only that those arguments that an atheist considers it is quite likely in order to be taken as reliable, the agnostic is not sufficient for complete confidence (in the un-existence of God).

There are about 200 species of various religions in the world. Adherents of every faith are confident that it is their worldview and their God that is the only true option to create peace. It is not surprising that thanks to a huge number of different religions, inside the ancient times there were insolent times, who doubted the truth of one or another faith, as well as to the existence of God as the creator of our world. Among unbelievers people, the leading positions occupy agnostics and atheists, but their worldview differs from each other, having a single foundation.


Atheist - a man who does not believe in the existence of God, as well as - in supernatural forces, paranormal phenomena and otherworldly worlds. Atheists do not recognize the church, religion and faith. It can be said that an atheist believes only in what can be touched by hands. For atheists, a complete confidence in self-sufficiency of man and nature is characteristic. For them, there is nothing that it is impossible to explain with the help of logic and common sense.

Common sense, consciousness and intelligence play for atheist a decisive role in life. Atheists are convinced that believers are blind fools who are on the system built by society. Over the last century, the number of atheists has increased significantly. In some countries, the number of unbeliever people reaches 50 percent of the population of the planet.


Agnostic is a man who is convinced that it is impossible to prove the existence of God, as well as it is impossible to prove its no existence. Agnostic - a person freely thinking, but at the same time a person is intellectually gifted. The agnostic can be inclined to partially recognize one or another faith, but never recognizes a single explanatory appearance of the worldview. For agnostics, it is characterized by a change of worldview and adaptation to different points of view, even contradictory to each other. The number of agnity increases every year. People believe that there is a certain highest strength, but do not give it a single meaning.

Common between agnostic and atheist

The first thing is that the general and main feature for agnostics and atheists is the lack of faith in a specific religion. For many centuries, scientists found inconsistencies in religions. Believers close their eyes to the fact that it is dispersed with common sense, mating on the faith in the one of their God. For agnostics and atheists, the impossibility of serving not one of the well-known religions is the basis of their worldview.

The second, which connects these two worldview is the inability to prove the existence of God and other supernatural phenomena. If for the agnostic this fact, as truthful, as well as the inability to prove the opposite, then for an atheist is enough of the fact that it is not refused.

The third overall feature is refusal of generally accepted thinking and worldview. And agnostic, and atheist - a man thinking.

The irrefutable fact that all people are born without faith in God. Subsequently, they instill with one or another faith, or they continue not to believe in the existence of a single God. Roughly speaking, all people on the planet are born with agnostic or atheists. The absence of faith, as a born phenomenon, is the fourth common feature between the agnostic and an atheist.

Distinction between agnostic and atheist

The first significant difference between the agnostic and an atheist is that the consciousness of the agnostic is open, and atheist is closed. The agnostic can constantly change his point of view, adhere to this or that fact, believing in the highest strength, without relying any of the famous religions. Atheist, in turn, firmly convinced that God does not exist, as well as nothing higher than a person. Agnostic, like a child, is open to all new and unknown, an atheist is a mature formed personality that does not require adjustment, according to his own conviction.

The second difference is emotional sensitivity. Atheists in nature, as a rule, egoists, agnostics - opposite humanists, sometimes altruists. Among the agnostics it is difficult to find a person who will firm everything and everyone that the blind faith is nonsense. Atheists react more aggressively on believers.

It is also impossible to prove the existence of a human soul. The atheist reverses his own soul, does not believe in the afterlife. Agnostic is convinced that the human soul exists, because he feels her presence within himself. The difference between attitude to the soul is the third difference between the agnostic and an atheist.

Attitude towards traditions is another feature that significantly distinguishes the agnostic from atheist. Atheist refuses to recognize traditional religious holidays, as they impose a certain faith. Agnostic if he loves, let's say - Christmas, never refuses the Christmas tree and gifts. Miscellaneous attitude to traditional church holidays is the fourth difference between the agnostic and an atheist.


In conclusion, I would like to say that how much society, system, system and religion exists, so many people who do not want to adhere to the generally accepted rules. The aggressive struggle with the system generates a new system, which is not particularly different from the one against which the confrontation is. Atheism is a system, since atheists are opposite to believers. The agnostic is located somewhere between, somewhere near, but at the same time anywhere. Whatever it was, people need to listen not only to their mind, but also their heart, because when these two are in harmony - truth is born.

In the times of the Soviet Union, the citizens of the country were forbidden to attend churches, believe in the existence of God. The USSR broke up, the churches began to restore, the number of parishioners increase. Believers are a religious category. Persons who believe that God is not - refer to the category of an unbeliever, having a number of separation.

Concept of agnostic

Agnostic - what is it? Word ancient Greek origin. Translation - " unknowable" The concept of reality, impossible without studying subjective experience. Simple words - it is impossible to refute, Prove until you have hand.

Philosophy interprets - live being will not know the world. Cause - restrictions of mind, knowledge.

Primary appearance belongs to the ancient period. Pythagores adhered to views.

Full theory appeared by the end of the XVIII century. The ideas were developed by counterweight metaphysical philosophy. Exploring the world with the help of subjective understanding. Theory was engaged Spencer, D. Berkeley.

Agnosticism has a direct connection with skepticism. Answers arising in mind will not give answers to questions, a person will not be able to get, having even knowledge, ability.

In relation to religion agnostic denies the presence of high strength. It approves only what can be believed, but only if it is possible to touch. To his extent - Teaching or theory of knowledge.

Who are such atheists

What does an atheist mean? Atheist rejects The presence of any God, intangible creatures, souls. Natural world - self-sufficient, Religion has human origin. Initially, the term was applied towards any person who does not perceive the official religion.

Modern science perceives him as philosophical position. They can be a person not accepting an idea about the existence of gods, creators.


  • strong - defended the statement about the existence of the Divine;
  • weak - It may assume that all the highest forces exist.

There is a division by spontaneous and scientific. More atheists live in the territory west countries. It is here that the economy is well developed and people have no opportunity to believe that it is impossible to touch. If people want something to do something, they should do it alone, hope for higher forces can notbecause anyway anyway does not help.

What is the difference between an atheist and agnost

Both concepts reject the existence of the highest strength, there are their differences in which it is worth paying attention to:

A large number of differences does not mean that there are no similar moments in both concepts:

  • sensible people who are placed at the head of the corner. The action must have a logical conclusion;
  • clear view of the world;
  • it is impossible to prove the presence of God. Even if there is a confirmation in the Bible;
  • vera - There is no specific process.

Believe or not in the existence of the highest, the right of everyone. To know exactly, the version that the person adheres to is to decide on the presence of the presence of denying.

Watch the video about the differences in concepts - atheist and agnostic:

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Recently watched TV and heard a part of such a dialogue: "... no, you are not agnostic, you are a mystic." The term "mystic" is understandable. But who is such a agnostic?

In our country, the traditional religion is considered to be Orthodoxy, one of the branches of Christianity. Most recently, the church was not yet separated from the state and had a great influence on the life of any citizen of our country. He took part in managing the state and was practically answered for social development in the Russian Empire.

What now?

In the spring of 2008, a number of sociological studies were conducted in order to figure out the role of religion in Russian society. Such studies are carried out by the analytical center of Yuri Levada regularly since 1999. Recent studies have shown that the role of religion in our society is growing steadily, the positions of the Orthodox Church are strengthened. Thus, this year the number of people who took themselves to believers increased by 19%, and people visiting the church from time to time increased by 27%. According to the survey, the number of agnity in our country increased by 20%, compared with the results of 2002. Who are they?

The term "agnostic" introduced Professor Thomas Henry Huxley, the British naturalist, follower of Ch. Didrvin and a foreign corresponding correspondent of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. This happened at the meeting of the metaphysical society in 1876. At that time, the term "agnostic" was used in a negative context and indicated a person, essentially close to atheism, who refused the faith associated with God and the Church, and was convinced that the primary start of things is unknown, since it cannot be good.

Today the value of this word has changed somewhat. I am expressed in modern language, the agnostic is a person in relation to religion doubting. Explaining the essence of God with modern religious teachings, from its point of view, unconvincing. It does not deny the existence of a certain divine start, but not ready to recognize it as an unconditional specific reality, since the existing evidence is not enough for this. For agnostics, the question is, what exactly is the divine beginning, remains open, they believe that someday we will find everything.

It is worth emphasizing the principal difference between the agnostic and an atheist. Atheist is a believer. Do not be surprised, the atheist believes that God is not, in the materiality of the world around us. According to sociological surveys in many countries, the share of atheists is about 7-10%, but the number of agnostics around the world increases.

In Germany, only 14% of young people consider themselves believers. In the UK, the influence of the church in society is steadily decreasing. Agnosticism is that the agnosticists are confirmed - as an ideology applies to the whole world. The most loud example of the spread of this position can serve as a replica of Veronika Michel Bachelets - the first in Chile's history (a country where the positions of the Catholic Church are very strong) of the President of the President. She admitted that not only socialist, but also agnostic.

According to various polls, the top five of the world's largest religions includes: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism and Buddhism. Today there are about 2.1 billion Christians in the world (including 1.15 billion Catholics). Then Islam follows (1.3 billion), Hinduism (900 million), Confucianism and Taoism (394 million), Buddhism (376 million). At the same time, 5.5 billion residents of the Earth, professing any religion, account for 1.1 billion non-religious people. And atheists among them are three times less than the agnostics - those who believe that the question of the form of the existence of God is open. And the number of agnostics is growing every year.

The main causes of this state of affairs, specialists consider distrust of the Church as an organization, the development of political correctness, the level of education and well-being, the globalization of the world, the appearance of each person the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all religious theories. Sociologists came to the conclusion that societies where the living conditions are worse, more religious. In the same place, where the material benefits of civilization are in good luck, hope for God is less.

In our country, the traditional religion is considered to be Orthodoxy, one of the branches of Christianity. Most recently, the church was not yet separated from the state and had a great influence on the life of any citizen of our country. He took part in managing the state and was practically answered for social development in the Russian Empire. What now? In the spring of 2008, a number of sociological studies were conducted in order to figure out the role of religion in Russian society. Such studies are carried out by the analytical center of Yuri Levada regularly since 1999.
Recent studies have shown that the role of religion in our society is growing steadily, the positions of the Orthodox Church are strengthened. Thus, this year the number of people who took themselves to believers increased by 19%, and people visiting the church from time to time increased by 27%. According to the survey, the number of agnity in our country increased by 20%, compared with the results of 2002. Who are they? The term "agnostic" introduced Professor Thomas Henry Huxley, the British naturalist, follower of Ch. Didrvin and a foreign corresponding correspondent of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. This happened at the meeting of the metaphysical society in 1876. At that time, the term "agnostic" was used in a negative context and indicated a person, essentially close to atheism, who refused the faith associated with God and the Church, and was convinced that the primary start of things is unknown, since it cannot be good.
Today the value of this word has changed somewhat. I am expressed in modern language, the agnostic is a person in relation to religion doubting. Explaining the essence of God with modern religious teachings, from its point of view, unconvincing. It does not deny the existence of a certain divine start, but not ready to recognize it as an unconditional specific reality, since the existing evidence is not enough for this. For agnostics, the question is, what exactly is the divine beginning, remains open, they believe that someday we will find everything. It is worth emphasizing the principal difference between the agnostic and an atheist. Atheist is a believer. Do not be surprised, the atheist believes that God is not, in the materiality of the world around us.

According to sociological surveys in many countries, the share of atheists is about 7-10%, but the number of agnostics around the world increases. In Germany, only 14% of young people consider themselves believers. In the UK, the influence of the church in society is steadily decreasing. Agnosticism is that the agnosticists are confirmed - as an ideology applies to the whole world. The most loud example of the spread of this position can serve as a replica of Veronika Michel Bachelets - the first in Chile's history (a country where the positions of the Catholic Church are very strong) of the President of the President. She admitted that not only socialist, but also agnostic.
According to various polls, the top five of the world's largest religions includes: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism and Buddhism. Today there are about 2.1 billion Christians in the world (including 1.15 billion Catholics). Then Islam follows (1.3 billion), Hinduism (900 million), Confucianism and Taoism (394 million), Buddhism (376 million).
At the same time, 5.5 billion residents of the Earth, professing any religion, account for 1.1 billion non-religious people. And atheists among them are three times less than the agnostics - those who believe that the question of the form of the existence of God is open. And the number of agnostics is growing every year. The main causes of this state of affairs, specialists consider distrust of the Church as an organization, the development of political correctness, the level of education and well-being, the globalization of the world, the appearance of each person the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all religious theories. Sociologists came to the conclusion that societies where the living conditions are worse, more religious. In the same place, where the material benefits of civilization are available in wealth, hope for God less ...

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