Repressions in the USSR: socio-political meaning. Post-war repressions of the USSR Post-war years 1945 1953 Political repression

Sealants 29.03.2021

The Great Patriotic War ended the victory, which Soviet people sought four years. Men fought on the fronts, women worked in collective farms, at military factories - a word, provided rear. However, the euphoria caused by the long-awaited victory changed the feeling of hopelessness. Continuous hard work, hunger, Stalinist repressions, resumed with a new force - these phenomena overshadowed the post-war years.

In the history of the USSR, the term "Cold War" is found. It is used in relation to the period of the military, ideological and economic confrontation of the Soviet Union and the United States. It begins in 1946, that is, in the postwar years. The USSR came out of World War II winner, but, unlike the United States, he had a long way to restore.


According to the fourth-year plan plan, the implementation of which began in the USSR in the post-war years, it was necessary to first restore the cities destroyed by the fascist troops. Four years suffered more than 1.5 thousand settlements. Young people rapidly received various building specialties. However, the workforce was not enough - the war claimed the lives of more than 25 million Soviet citizens.

For the restoration of normal labor mode, overtime works were canceled. Annual paid vacation was introduced. The working day went on eight hours now. Peace construction in the USSR in the postwar years was headed by the Council of Ministers.


Plants, factories destroyed during the Second World War, were actively restored in the post-war years. In the USSR, by the end of the forties earned old enterprises. New ones were built. The post-war period in the USSR - 1945-1953, that is, it begins after the end of the Second World War. Ends the death of Stalin.

The restoration of the industry after the war occurred rapidly in part thanks to the high working capacity of Soviet people. Citizens of the USSR were in the conviction that they live perfectly, much better than the Americans existing in the conditions of driving capitalism. This was facilitated by an iron curtain, isolated a country in a cultural and ideological plan from around the world for forty years.

They worked a lot, but their lives did not become easier. In the USSR in 1945-1953, there was a rapid development of three industries: rocket, radar, atomic. Most of the resources went to the construction of enterprises that treated these areas.


The first postwar years for the inhabitants were terrible. In 1946, the country covered hunger caused by destruction and drought. Especially serious position was observed in Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Right-Bank Areas of the Lower Volga region and in the North Caucasus. New collumous farms were created throughout the country.

In order to strengthen the spirit of Soviet citizens, the directors on the order of officials filmed a huge number of films telling about the happy life of the collective farmers. These film guards were widely popular, even those who knew with admiration with admiration that in reality is a collective economy.

In the villages, people worked from dawn to dawn, lived in the poverty. That is why later, in the fifties, young people left the village, went to the cities where life was at least a little easier.

Standard of living

In the postwar years, people suffered from hunger. In 1947 there was a large part of the goods remained deficient. Hunger resumed. Prices for soldering goods were raised. Yet for five years, starting from 1948, the products are gradually cheaper. This somewhat improved the standard of living of Soviet citizens. In 1952, the price of bread became 39% lower than in 1947, for milk - by 70%.

The availability of the essentials of the essential facilitated the life of ordinary people, but, staying under the iron curtain, most of them easily believed in the illusory idea of \u200b\u200bthe best country in the world.

Until 1955, Soviet citizens were convinced: in the victory in the Great Patriotic War, they are obliged to Stalin. But this situation was not observed on the entire regions that were joined by the Soviet Union after the war, lived much less conscious citizens, for example, in the Baltic States and in Western Ukraine, where anti-Soviet organizations appeared in the 40s.

Friendly states

After the end of the war in countries such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, GDR, the Communists came to power. With these states, the USSR has developed diplomatic relations. At the same time, the conflict with the West aggravated.

According to the 1945 Agreement, the USSR was transferred to Transcarpathia. The Soviet-Polish border has changed. After the end of the war, a lot of former citizens of other states lived, for example, Poland. With this country, the Soviet Union concluded an agreement on the exchange of the population. Poles living in the USSR now had the opportunity to return to their homeland. Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians could leave Poland. It is noteworthy that at the end of the forties in the USSR, only about 500 thousand people returned. In Poland - twice as much.

Criminal situation

In the post-war years, law enforcement agencies launched a serious struggle in the USSR with banditry. In 1946, the peak of crime came. During this year, about 30 thousand armed robbery was recorded.

For the fight against enveloped crime in the ranks of the police, new employees took, as a rule, former front-line. It was not so easy to return to the peace of Soviet citizens, especially in Ukraine and the Baltic States, where the criminal situation was the most depressing. In Stalin's years, the violent struggle was carried out not only with the "enemies of the people", but also with ordinary robbers. From January 1945 to December 1946, more than three and a half thousand gangster organizations were liquidated.


Even at the beginning of the twenties, many representatives of the intelligentsia left the country. They knew about how the fate of those who did not have time to flee from Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, at the end of the forties, the proposal to return home some accepted. Russian noblemen returned home. But already to another country. Many were sent immediately on returning to Stalin Camps.

In the postwar years reached its apogee. Pests, dissent and other "enemies of the people" were placed in the camps. The fate of soldiers and officers who were surrounded by the fate of soldiers and officers. At best, they spent several years in the camps, until which the cult of Stalinus was bred. But many were shot. In addition, conditions in the camps were such that only young and healthy could take them.

In the postwar years, Marshal Georgy Zhukov became one of the most respected people in the country. Its popularity annoyed Stalin. However, it was not decided to plant a native hero behind the bars. Zhukov knew not only in the USSR, but also beyond. The leader was able to create uncomfortable conditions in other ways. In 1946, the "Aviator's Case" was fabricated. Zhukov was removed from the post of Commander of the Ground Forces and sent to Odessa. Several generals, approximate Marshal, arrested.


In 1946, the struggle with Western influence began. It was expressed in popularizing domestic culture and ban on all foreign. Soviet writers, artists, directors were subjected to persecution.

For forties, as already mentioned, a huge number of military films was shot. These paintings took place tough censorship. Heroes were created on the template, the plot was built on a clear scheme. Under strict control there were music. They sound exclusively compositions, praising Stalin and happy Soviet life. It did not better effect on the development of domestic culture.

The science

The development of genetics began in the thirties. In the post-war time, this science was in exile. Trofim Lysenko, the Soviet biologist and Agronom, became the chief participant in the attack on genetics. In August 1948, academics who have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science have lost the opportunity to study research activities.

The victory over the fascist Germany gave the Soviet Union to the hope of a better life, the weakening of the press of the totalitarian state, which had an impact on the personality, as well as the liberalization of the country's economic, political and cultural life of the country. This was facilitated by the revision of the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the horrors of war and acquaintance with the Western way of life.

However, the Stalinist system was only strengthened during the years of Liphethety, for the people are two concepts - "Stalin" and "Victory" - they were associated together.

Period 1945-1953 He entered the story called late Stalinism, when in political life there was an increase in the repressive role of the state in the formal democratization of the political system.

In front of Stalin and the state, in general, the main task was the translation of the country to peaceful rails.

Demobilization, movement

Already on June 23, 1945, in accordance with the law on demobilization, the soldiers of the older age group began to return to the country. In the USSR Armed Forces, 11, 3 million people served at the end of the war. But abroad also found themselves:

  • 4.5 million military in the armies of other countries;
  • 5.6 million citizens hung on forced work in Germany and other European states.

At the same time, 4 million prisoners of war were located on the territory of the USSR, which needed repatriation. 2, .5 million military and 1, 9 million civilians were in concentration camps, where they did not stand the severity of their stay and died. The exchange of citizens continued until 1953 according to its results, 5, 4 million people returned to the country, however, 451 thousand were non-returns because of the fear of persecution by the authorities.

Restoration of the national economy

During the discussions 1945-1946. Two restoration periods presented in the table were discussed:

The view of Stalin won. A country that has lost a third of national wealth restored the economy over the years of the 4th five-year plan (1945-1950), although Western experts believed: it will take at least 20 years. By 1950, the following tasks were performed:

    Demilitarization of the economy was carried out, including some military drug addicts (1946-1947) were abolished.

    Enterprises were restored in the occupied territory, first of all, the coal and metallurgical industries, the power plant. Dneproges gave the first current in 1947

    Built new enterprises in the field of defense. In 1954, the first NPP (Obninsk, 1954) appeared. The invention of atomic weapons in 1949 brought the Soviet Union to the position of the 2nd superpower.

    Restoration of the pre-war level was achieved in 1947

Restoration of agriculture

If the heavy industry has developed rapidly and by 1950 exceeded the level of 1940 by 20%, the light industry and agriculture did not cope with the tasks. This breakdown in development was burdened by hunger 1946-1947, which was covered with 1 million people in Ukraine, in Moldova and part of the territories of the RSFSR. Over the years five years:

  • Such an extraconomic coercion of peasants intensified, the number of which decreased by 9.2 million people.
  • Procurement prices for agricultural products are reduced, which delivered the village to unequal conditions.
  • The collapses of collective farms occurred.
  • The process of delegation in Belarus, Baltic States, Western Ukraine, Moldova ended.

Monetary reform

Among the measures to normalize the life - the abolition of the rigid discipline of labor, the card system, etc. - a special place is occupied by the monetary reform of 1947. The population has accumulated financial resources that were not provided with goods. In December 1947, they were exchanged in proportion of 10: 1, which in essence led to the confiscation of savings. The winnings were those who kept deposits in the savingskassy. The amounts of up to 3 thousand exchanged at the rate: 1: 1. The money mass was reduced by 3.5 times.

Strengthening the regime and reform of the political system

Purpose: Strengthening Stalin's regime in the formal democratization of society.

Democratic trends

Strengthening totalitarianism

A new wave of repressions: a blow to repatriates, cultural workers, party elite ("cleaning" of the command composition of the army, fleet, ministries security, "Leningrad case", "Case doctors")

Resumption of congresses of public and political organizations (1949-1952)

The flourishing system of the GULGULA

Mass deportation and arrests. 12 million people were resettled from the Baltic States, Ukraine and Belarus.

Elections on tips of all levels, as well as folk judges (1946)

Resettlement of "small" peoples, pressure on their traditions and culture, return to the idea of \u200b\u200bautonomization

Work on the projects of the Constitution of the USSR and the WCP Program (b)

Convening the XIX Congress of WCP (b), renaming the party in the CPSU (1952)

Creation of special regime camps (1948).

Strengthening repressions

In 46-48 The "screwing of nuts" occurred against the creative intelligentsia. The real injury began M. Zoshchenko and A. Akhmatova. The CCP Central Committee (b) adopted a number of resolutions in the field of theater, music and cinema, which provided for administrative interference in culture. The most popular Stalin's reign of Stalin became repression in recent years in relation to the party elite of Leningrad and doctors.

"Leningrad business"

It began in January 1949 after an anonymous report on the passing of votes during the election of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the Gorky Party. Several trials were fabricated. Not only local party leaders were persecuted, but also promoters from Leningrad to Moscow and other territories. As a result:

  • More than 2 thousand people were removed from posts.
  • Condemned - 214.
  • Sentenced to shooting - 23.

Among the subjected to repressions were: N. Voznesensky, headed by Glavnets, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), M. Rodionov, who headed the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and others. Subsequently, they will all be rehabilitated.

"Case doctors"

The start of the campaign against the prominent figures of medicine was laid in 1948, after the death of A. Zhdanov, allegedly died due to an erroneous diagnosis. The massive nature of the repression was accepted in 1953 and carried a clearly expressed anti-Semitic character. In the 50s. The arrests of doctors were launched, who were responsible for assisting the highest leaders of the USSR. The case was fabricated because of the exacerbation of the struggle for power in a single campaign against "cosmopolitanism" - contempt for Russian culture from the Jews.On January 13, 1953, "Pravda" reported on the "states", but after the death of the leader, all the arrested were justified and issued to freedom.

Problems in the country


Since mid-1946, an offensive began on the influence of the "West" on the domestic culture. The country returned to the party-political control and restoration of the "iron curtain", being in isolation from the rest of the world. Especially this was facilitated by the unfolded struggle with "cosmopolitanism" since 1948.

In the center of the Communist ideology - Stalin, whose cult reached its apogee in 1949, during the celebration of the 70-year-old anniversary of the leader. The term "parties", which was applied to science. In research works, Stalin's works were quoted, he and party leadership took part in scientific discussions, which led to the appearance of Lzhenauki and fluid - T. Lysenko, O. Lepeshinskaya, N. Marra and others.

Internartian struggle

In the postwar years, the Politburo changed the placement of forces: the positions of the "Leningrad Group" - A. Zhdanova, A. Kuznetsova, N. Voznesensky, M. Rodionova were strengthened. In parallel, the city of Malenkov, V. Molotov, K. Voroshilov, L. Kaganovich and A. Mikoyan became becoming in parallel. However, the position of "Leningrad residents" was not stable due to their proposals to strengthen the positions of the RSFSR, to translate his government to Leningrad, etc. After appointing G. Malenkov, the secretary of the Central Committee and the death of A. Zhdanov loss Leningrad residents became predetermined that the Leningrad business ended . According to a number of questions, A. Mikoyan and V. Molotov supported them, which practically led to the leveling of their influence on political life.

But again they became convincing positions of G. Malenkov, N. Bulganin, L. Beria. In December 1949, N. Khrushchev was elected secretary of the Central Committee, and L. Beria is related to the group accused of creating a Mingrelsk organization, the purpose of which was the separation from the USSR of Georgia. On the night of March 1, 1953, Stalin suffered a stroke. Shortly before his death was elected head of government, to Voroshilov - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. In the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU - L. Beria, V. Molotov, N. Bulganin, L. Kaganovich and others.

Stalin's foreign policy in 1945-1953.

After the victory of the Allies of the USSR, became one of the leaders of world civilization, which was expressed in obtaining a permanent member of the Security Council in the UN. However, the new position of the country strengthened its territorial claims and revived the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world revolution. This led to the bipolar world. The scheme shows that by 1947, Europe was divided into the Allies of the USSR and the US Allies, between which the "Cold War" began. Its culmination of the 1949 -1950 years. And the most serious collision is a military conflict in Korea.

Results of Stalin's Board

On blood and enthusiasm of tens of millions, a person was created the second in the relic of the world power. But Soviet collided with two problems put forward by the capitalist West, with whom he failed to cope:

  • In the field of economics, there was a technological gap with leading European countries, where the next stage of the scientific and technical revolution began.
  • There was a lag in socio-political life. The USSR could not be sophisticated for raising the standard of living in the West, accompanied by the expansion of democratic rights and freedoms.

If the system is not able to respond to a time call, it will necessarily enter the strip of crisis and decomposition.

Consequences for the country of late Stalinism

  • The absence of legislatively fixed mechanisms for transferring the supreme power caused its protracted crisis.
  • The termination of repression did not mean the destruction of a political and economic system based on the leadership of the country's country's country and superconduring power. It exists to the 80s. XX century
  • The term "Stalinism" will appear in 1989 in one of the legislative acts and will continue in historical literature to characterize the period of the Board. I. Stalin.

Used Books:

  1. Ostrovsky V.P., Utkin A.I. HISTORY OF RUSSIA.XX V.11 CL. M, "Drop", 1995
  2. We go to communism - in Sat. Children's encyclopedia, t. 9. m, "Enlightenment", 1969, p. 163-166.

Herald of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2012. No. 7 (261). History. Vol. 49. P. 80-83.

A. B. Thasman

Post-war repressions of Stalinism in the USSR and "Cleaning." In GDR (1949-1953)

The article discusses the effect of repressive stalinism campaigns in the USSR in the first post-war years for repressive policies and personnel "cleaning" in the GDR in the period up to 1953: the persecution of the so-called "bourgeois" parties, adherents of social democratic politics, as well as genuine and imaginary Oppositionists in the sepgpod flag of the struggle against "TitoSma", "Agents of Imperialism" and "International Zionism". There are similar and special features of this policy in both countries.

Keywords: Stalinism, repression, "cleaning", the struggle against "cosmopolitanism" and "Zionism", Soviet military administration in Germany (SWG), SEPG, USSR, GDR.

Immediately after the end of the second world

howl Wars The repressive policy of Stalinism in the USSR joined a new stage. The mechanism of repression that did not know the respite and during the years of the anti-fascist war, continued to gain momentum. Expanded aggressive ideological campaigns and new waves of "Overlauding", repression and "cleaning" took a total character. We restrict ourselves to the reminder only about the most important of them.

The persecution of prisoners of war, cruel treatment of migrating nations (Germans, Chechens, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, etc.), mass deportations of "Classovo alien elements" from the territories attached to the USSR on the eve and after the war.

A sharp tightening of monitoring the intellectual life of the country, including fiction, music, theater, cinema, social and accurate science, biology, etc.

New "cleaning" of the party-state apparatus, accompanied by the physical elimination of the functionaries of various levels, including the highest (N. Voznesensky, A. Kuznetsova, M. Rodionova et al.).

Measures to destroy Jewish culture, accompanied by the murder of an outstanding actor S. Mikhoels (1948), arrest, and then executed in 1952 by the leadership of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, the liquidation of Jewish theaters, publishing houses, persecution and executions of Jewish culture figures in the center and in places, persecution on Judaism, etc.

The campaign of the struggle against the "rooted cosmopolitans", which began in January 1949 and had the goal of displacement of the people of Jewish

origin from various spheres of culture and science. The echo of this campaign was almost ubiquitous removal of people of Jewish origin from leadership by large industrial production.

"Doctors Case" (January - March 1953), who became an apogee of the Anti-Jewish policy of Stalinism, threatened by unpredictable and most dangerous consequences. Their approximation suspended the death of Stalin on March 5, 19531

The repressive policy of Stalinism was distributed in the USSR dependent on the countries of Eastern Europe, where the system of state power was established, similar to Soviet. This also applied to East Germany, and then to the GDR.

In the period when East Germany was under direct control of the Soviet military administration in Germany (SWG) (in 1945-1949), representatives of Soviet higher political bodies were operating in its territory in the face of Polytnotes of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and punitive bodies in the form of divisions State Security - NKVD. The control of the Soviet political and punitive organs was carried out in the first years of the "sovereign" existence of the GDR (from October 1949) 2.

Already in the first postwar years, the Soviet occupation authorities were able to soak the formated bodies of justice and law enforcement devotees to their communists and transfer the Soviet legal system to the German soil. This deprived the judicial branch of independence from political power and made it the obedient weapon of the latter3.

East Germany in the first postwar years (1945-1949) and in the early years of the GDR (1949-1953) also passed through a number of campaigns and "cleaning". Already in the framework of denazification activities that took place before August

1948, and under her cover was "cleaning" of German society not only from active Nazis, but also from those who were or could become critical in relation to the USSR, Svag or the new authorities (in places and in the lands )four. Many leaders and ordinary followers of the so-called "petty-bourgeois" parties - the Christian-Democratic Union (XDS), the Liberal Delocratic Party of Germany (LDPG), the National-Democratic Party of Germany (NDPG), as well as some public and religious organizations5, were included.

The next campaign of "cleansing" was associated with the struggle of the Communists for the predominance of the Social Democrats of the Socialist Unified Party of Germany (segg) in April 1946 on a parity basis. Internartian "cleaning" tools were not only ideological and political "exposures", but also created in the Bolshevik model in September 1948, the Central Party Control Commission - the CPCC, which was headed by the loyal Stalinist Hermann Mantn. This campaign included: displacement from the battery of so-called "Ti-Tystists", that is, actual adherents declared a previously special path of Germany to socialism; "Trotskyists", that is, former members of the left -mmunist groups (the Communist Party of Germany - the opposition, the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany), with pre-war years critical to Stalinese-MU6. But the main edge of "cleaning" at this stage was directed against those former Social Democrats, which resisted the Stalinization of the SEPG. They were designated like Schumacherleute (people committed to the leader of the West German Social Democracy Kurt Schumacher), as "Capitalist West Agents", etc.) were expelled from their posts, they were forced to run to the West, arrested or deported in the USSR 2,600 of the functionaries and active members of the SEPG , not counting many thousands of ordinary members who left the "Worker Party" 7. The result of "cleaning" data was the transformation

Segg to the "New Type Party", i.e., in the Bolshevik Party, Stalinsky Sample8.

The process of Stalinization SEPG continued and then when she after the creation of the GDR (October 1949) became the state party. The III Congress of SEPG (July 1950) closer its organizational structure to the WCP (b): instead of the board (VORSTAND "A), the Central Committee and Politburo were formed, the permanent secretariat was introduced headed by the Secretary General. Former Parity principle was devoted to oblivion: In all the leadership structures, the former communists were absolutely dominated, and the most important post of the Secretary-General took the "faithful Staline" Walter Ulbricht9.

The new stage of "cleaning" was accompanied by the displacement from the leading structures of the SEPG of those communists, which during the years of Nazism were in emigration in the West. It was determined by two circumstances. First, the desire of the "Moscow" group led by Ulbricht to push his "Western" competitors from power. Secondly, the initiatives of the Soviet "competent authorities", which sought to extend to the European countries of the "People's Democracy" to the struggle against the "cosmopolitans" and "Agents of Zionism" to the USSR.

In September 1949, Colonel-General I. A. Serov, who was at that time the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and in 1945-1947. - Authorized by the NKVD - MGB in Germany and the Deputy Chief Svag, sent two directives to Ulbricht. In one of them, he proposed to create a special committee in the framework of the CPCC, which was to investigate the communications of the German Communists who were in the years of Nazism in the West, with Noel Film, a Jew on the origin, which was the leader of one of the charitable organizations to provide material assistance to German Refugees in southern France and Switzerland. In 1949, the head of a large spy conspiracy was prepared in Prague in Prague. The other director of Serov offered to remove from all important party and state posts of persons who were in the years of Nazi dictatorship in the West or in Yugoslavia and therefore that can be recruited as agents

"Imperialists", "Zionists" and "Titoi Stami". Serov handed over to Ulbricht a list of suspected spying former "Western emigrants" 10.

1949 The head of the TSPKK MATERN sent the party control commissions to the landmarks to test all responsible workers, paying particular attention to the former Western emigrants of Jewish origin on the subject of their links with the "Zionist movement", with American secret services and with Trootski-Jewish Movement 11 .

The campaign "Search of enemies" began.

The wave of total checks that covered thousands of Functioners of the SEPG has led to numerous dismissal from work, exceptions from the party and arrests. Particularly affected by the faces of Jewish origin, despite the fact that they have long lost their connection with Jewry. Among them were high-ranking functionaries: Leopold Bauer and Bruno Goldhamer, sentenced to the Soviet Military Court of death, replaced by 25 years of camps in Siberia (released in 1955-1956); Lex End and Rudolph Faist-Man, who did not survive "cleaning", and many other functionaries lower levels12. The victims of persecution were the persons of non-Jewish origin. It was excluded from the Politburo and from the party specified in the list of Serov Paul Merker, whom some of the highest functionaries were considered as an alternative to Ulbrichtu13.

The repressive car was gaining momentum. Moscow "Directors" prepared an indicative trial in Budapest, known as the "Rake Process". It was envisaged to involve Prague and Warsaw. Eastern Berlin is preparing to participate in it. Alexander Abush, a prominent ACC and SEPG (member of the Central Committee), a Jew on origin, was supposed to be introduced as the main accused of him from him, and Mexico in France and Mexico. His Peru belonged to the well-known book "false path of one nation" (1945).

However, soon the management of the SEPG was able to realize the inappropriateness of the incitement of anti-Semitic passions in the country, only recently surviving Hitler's anti-Semitism. The process of the Rake, which ended in December 1951, cost without East Berlin

guide. And Abush was soon returned to socio-political activities.

In the next lawsuit in Prague - "Shalana's business" (1951-1952) - Eastern Berlin's participation was also envisaged. As part of the cleansing from the "Zionists" there were new dismissals: for example, Gerhard Aisler was released from the duties of the head of the department of information under the Government of the GDR (brother of the well-known communication of the 1920s. Ruth Fisher and Composer Hans Eisler) - as "West Emigrant"; The famous writer Arnold Tsweig was lost its post of President of the German Academy of Arts, who was in the years of Nazism in Palestine14.

But the main part of the participation was provided in the other - in introducing a large political figure as the head of the "Zionist conspiracy", but that this figure would this time would be non-Jewish origin. And the choice fell on the already defeated Merker.

Paul Merker (r. 1894) - a veteran of the Communist Movement (member of the CPG since 1920), which was part of another Telman's leading core (member of the Central Committee and Politburo). During the Nazi dictatorship, at first was in Germany in underground (until 1937), then in emigration in France and (from 1942) in Mexico. Here he headed the Latin American Committee of the "Free Germany" movement and edited the magazine of the same name, released the book "Germany to be or not to be" (1944/45). Upon returning in 1946, Germany became part of the Board of the SEPG, and then to the Central Committee and Politburo. Shot from all posts and excluded from the party in 1950, he was arrested at the end of November 1952. During the investigation (it is noteworthy that the interrogation was led by the Soviet and German investigators) was accused of commitment to Zionism on the grounds that they communicated with the "Zionists" in the emigrant years (they meant the Jews) that in emigration and on return to Germany, he spoke of wine The German people in front of the Jews, demanded the return of the property at their Nazis and considered Zionism as a "National Jewish Movement" 15.

However, the "Slanky Case" ended (3.12.1952) without a Merker. I broke out in the USSR at the beginning of 1953. The "Doctors Case" was fed with the death of Stalin. The accusation in Zionism from Merker was removed. But Ulbricht has a position

which of which as a result of the events of June 17, 1953 were shaken, but after the fall of Beria in the USSR and the politburo spent, the Ulbricht, the "cleaning" stabilized16, were their calculations. Merker met the liberation only in 1956

But it was another era.

And in conclusion - short comparable conclusions.

The most important impulses for the wave of post-war repression in the USSR were a new forced ideology of the regime in the spirit of the Greater Chauvinism and Anti-Paddy, reinforced by the beginning of the Cold War. Under the slogans of the struggle against "cosmopolitanism" and "Zionism" as "Agents of Imperialism", aggressive ideological campaigns and new repressive shares and "cleaning" were deployed. They were due to the nature of the Stalinist totalitarian regime, in need, in the name of the preservation of the dictator's unifiedness, in periodic "swips" of society and the "weeding" of the nomenclature bureaucracy. The nature and scope of post-war ideological and repressive campaigns reflected the stagnation of the regime and the very personality of the leader.

In East Germany, repressive campaigns and personnel "cleaning" were determined mainly by the needs of the formation of totalitarian-communist

the regime, which at the same time was within a certain dependence on Stalinsky. "Cleansing", carried out under the cover of denazification, were aimed at the weakening of class-political opponents. The first "cleaning" inside the Brewerizer-session seggy was to get rid of the social-democratic and other ideological and political baggage. The subsequent party "cleaning" was determined by the struggle of the Moscow Group of Communists, supported by the Kremlin, for the predominance of the SEPG. During this struggle, the accusations of communists who were in emigration in the West were widely used in relations with Zionism. However, anti-invesionism in the SEPG, firstly, was a consequence of Soviet imposition; secondly, he did not acquire a frankly anti-Semitic nature; Unlike the USSR and some other Eastern European countries, the state anti-Semitism in the GDR did not merge with "People".

Thus, the campaigns of "cleaning" in East Germany, with all its dependence on Moscow, did not always constitute a mirror image of what happened in the USSR.


1 See: Kostrchenko, G. V. The Secret Policy of Stalin. M., 2001. P. 276-281.

2 See: Semirega, M. I. How we managed Germany. M., 1995; Deutschland Unter Allier-Ter Besatzung 1945-1949 / 1955. Berlin, 1999; Naimark, N. Die Russen in Deutschland: Die SO-Wjetische Besatzungszone 1945 BIS 1949. Berlin, 1999.

3 Wentker, H. Justitz in der SBZ / DDR 19451953. Munchen, 2001.

4 See: History of Germany. T. 2. Kemerovo, 2005. P. 315-316; Sowejetische Spezialler in Deutschland 1945 BIS 1950 / HG. Von Sergej Mi-Ronenko U. a. Berlin, 1998.

5 Burgerliche Parteien in Der SBZ / DDR. 1945 BIS 1953 / HG. VON JURGEN FROHLICH. KOLN, 1995.

6 Bergmann, Theodor. "Gegen Den Strom". Die Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei - Opposition. Hamburg, 1987. S. 337.

7 AusgeschalTet! Sozialdemokraten in der Sowje-Tischen Besatzungszone und in der DDR. Bonn, 1996.

8 Der Stalinismus in der KPD Und SEP. Berlin, 1991. S. 116; Malyicha, Andreas. Partei Von Stalins Gnaden? Die Entwicklung Der Sed Zur Partei Neues Typs In Der Jaren 1946 BIS 1950. Berlin, 1996.

9 Podewin, Norbert. Walter ulbricht. Eine Neue Biographie. Berlin, 1995. S. 201-202.

10 kebler, mario. Die Sed Und Die Juden - ZWI-Schen Repression Und Toleranz. Berlin, 1995. S. 67-68.

11 Ebenda. S. 68.

12 On the anti-Semitic component of party "cleaning" is described in the book: Keb-Ler, Mario (HG). ArbeiterBewegung und Antise-Mitismus. Bonn, 1993. S. 111, 126 U. a.

13 Podewin, Norbert. Walter ulbricht. S. 241.

14 Kebler, Mario. Die Sed Und Die Juden ... S. 92-93; 180, 196.

15 For details, see: Paul Merker in Den Fangen Der Sicherheitsorgane Stalins und Ulbrichts. Berlin, 1995.

16 Podewin, Norbert. Walter ulbricht. S. 263266.

Yalta-Potsdam system. Export of the Stalinist model. West countries. The main provisions of speech U. Churchill. Separate actions. Cutting socialism. Foreign policy of the USSR in 1945-1953 The main lesson of the Korean War. Germany during the first Berlin crisis. Territorial changes in Europe. The beginning of the Cold War. The consequences of the Cold War. Economic assistance in the Marshall Plan.

"The USSR after the death of Stalin" is the program of Beria. Name three alternative courses. Khrushchev course. Causes of the victory of Khrushchev. Molotov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. Alternatives. Malenkov's program. Reasons for the rejection of Beria's proposals. Voroshilov Clement Efremovich. Objectives lesson. Kaganovich Lazar Moiseevich. The reasons for the rejection of Malenkov. Bulganin Nikolai Aleksandrovich. Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich. Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich. The evolution of the political system in the 50s - 60 Gg. XX century.

"The post-war development of the country" is the post-war development of the country. Repression. The largest achievements of post-war years. Creating an atomic industry. Case doctors. Negative consequences. Restored enterprises. I.V. Kurchatov. The largest industrial facilities. Restoration and development of the national economy. Tightening in culture. The first Soviet hydrogen bomb. Leningrad business. The turn of political repression. Fighting cosmopolitans.

"Case of doctors in the USSR" was discontinued and "doctors". The case started by state security bodies in 1952 1953. Repressions: "Case of Doctors" 50s. The persecution of the Jews in the USSR continued to an even greater degree. At the end of March 1953, all the arrested were released and restored at work. Termination. After the death of Stalin, the new leadership of the country of the campaign of the fight against "faded cosmopolitanism" was cooler.

"The post-war development of the USSR" is the elimination of special vessels of wartime. Germans of the Volga region. Revenues of Soviet citizens. Win in the war. Preservation and strengthening of the command economy. Terms of development of totalitarianism. Problems of agriculture. Democratic rights of citizens. Council of People's Commissar. Post-war recovery of the national economy of the USSR. Advanced development. Anna Akhmatova. Salekhard. New repression campaign.

"Foreign policy of the USSR 1945-1953" - Edition. USSR in the post-war world. United Nations. Korean war. Concepts on the topic. Economy. Caricature on I. Tito. After the war. The main lesson of relationships. The results of such a policy in culture. Apogee "Cold War". At the sources of the "Cold War". US goals. Post-war repression. Separation of Germany on the GDR and FRG. Marshall Plan. Changes in power structures. Ideology and culture. Great Britain.

Mass repressions in the USSR were carried out in the period 1927-1953. These repressions are directly associated with the name of Joseph Stalin, which during these years carried out the leadership of the country. Social and political persecution in the USSR began after the completion of the last stage of the Civil War. These phenomena began to gain momentum in the second half of the 30s and did not slow down during World War II, as well as after its end. Today we will talk about what the social and political repression of the Soviet Union was represented, consider which phenomena underlie the events, as well as to which consequences it led.

They say: the whole people can not be suppressed without end. False! Can! We see how our people devastated, wildly, and descended on him indifference no longer only to the destinies of the country, not only for the fate of the neighbor, but even to their own destiny and the fate of children. Equid, the last saving response of the body, became our defining feature . Therefore, the popularity of vodka is unprecedented even on Russian scale. This is a terrible indifference when a person sees his life is not a forever, not with a broken corner, but so hopelessly fragmented, so along and across the leaned, that only for the sake of alcohol oblivion is still worth living. Now, if vodka was banned - they would immediately have a revolution flashed.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Reasons for repression:

  • Forcing the population to work on an uneconomical basis. The work in the country had to do a lot, and there was not enough money for everything. The ideology formed new thinking and perception, and also had to motivate people to work almost free.
  • Strengthening personal power. For the new ideology, the idol was needed, a person who is unquestioned trusted. After the murder of Lenin, this post was vacant. Stalin was supposed to take this place.
  • Strengthening the depletion of totalitarian society.

If you try to find the beginning of repression in the Union, then the starting point is definitely the 1927 year. This year was marked by the fact that mass reprisals began to pass in the country, with so-called pests, as well as sabota. The motive of these events should be sought in the relationship between the USSR and the UK. So, in early 1927, the Soviet Union was involved in a major international scandal when the country was openly accused of trying to transfer the hearth of the Soviet revolution to London. In response to these events, the United Kingdom ruined all the relationships with the USSR, both political and economic. Inside the country, this step was presented as preparation from London a new wave of intervention. At one of the party meetings, Stalin stated that the country "It is necessary to destroy all the remnants of imperialism and all supporters of the White Guard Movement." An excellent reason for this, Stalin appeared on June 7, 1927. On this day, the Political Representative of the USSR was killed in Poland - Zhobov.

As a result, terror began. For example, at night, 20 people were shot by 20 people who contacted the empire. These were representatives of the ancient noble families. In total, in June of the 27th year, more than 9 thousand people were arrested, who were accused of state treason, the implementation of imperialism and other things that are terrible, but very hard proved. Most of the arrested was sent to prison.

Fighting pests

After that, a number of large cases began in the USSR, which were aimed at combating hydration and sabotage. The wave of these repression was based on the fact that in most major companies that worked within the Soviet Union, senior positions occupied immigrants from Imperial Russia. Of course, these people for the most part have not experienced sympathy for the new government. Therefore, the Soviet regime was looking for the prepositions for which this intelligentsia could be removed from the leadership posts and, if possible, to destroy. The problem was that this was needed by weighty and legal grounds. Such grounds were found in a number of trials, which rolled under the Soviet Union in the 20s.

Among the most striking examples of such cases, the following can be distinguished:

  • Shakhty business. In 1928, repression in the USSR touched the miners from the Donbass. From this case staged an indicative process. All the leadership of the Donbass, as well as 53 engineers were accused of spyware with a permit attempt to a new state. As a result of the proceedings, 3 people were shot, 4 justified, the rest received a prison sentence from 1 to 10 years. It was a precedent - society with delight perceived repression against the enemies of the people ... In 2000, the Russian Prosecutor's Office rehabilitates all participants in the Shakhtinsky case, due to the lack of a crime.
  • Pulkovo case. In June 1936, a large solar eclipse could be seen in the USSR. Pulkovo Observatory appealed to the world community to attract personnel to study this phenomenon, as well as get the necessary foreign equipment. As a result, the organization was accused of spyware. The number of victims is classified.
  • Business company. The accused of this case was attracted by those whom the Soviet government called bourgeois. This process was held in 1930. The defendants were accused of an attempt to break the industrialization in the country.
  • Case of the peasant party. The ECEROVA organization, called the group of Cheyanov and Kondratyev, is widely known. In 1930, representatives of this organization were accused of an attempts to disrupt industrialization and in interference in the affairs of agriculture.
  • Union Bureau. The business of the Union Bureau was open in 1931. Representatives of Mensheviks were accused. They were accused of undermining the creation and implementation of economic activity within the country, as well as in relations with foreign intelligence.

At that moment, a mass ideological struggle took place in the USSR. The new regime was trying by all the forces to explain its position, as well as to justify its actions. But Stalin understood that one ideology could not bring order in the country and could not allow him to keep power. Therefore, along with ideology, repression began in the USSR. Above, we have already led some examples of cases from which the repressions began. These cases at all times caused big questions, and today, when, in many of them, the documents are declassified, it becomes absolutely clear that most accusations were unreasonable. It is not by chance that the prosecutor's office of Russia, having considered the documents of Shakhtinsko, rehabilitated all the participants in the process. And this is despite the fact that in 1928, no one from the party leadership of the country has arisen about the innocence of these people. Why did it happen? This was due to the fact that under the guise of repression, as a rule, everyone who was not agreed with the new regime was destroyed.

The events of the 20th anniversary were just the beginning, the main events were ahead.

Socio-political meaning of mass repression

A new massive wave of repression inside the country has unfolded in early 1930. At that moment, the struggle began not only with political competitors, but also with, so-called, fists. In fact, a new blow to Soviet power began on rich, and this blow hooked not only wealthy people, but also middling and even poor people. One of the stages of applying this impact fell apart. Within the framework of this material, we will not dwell in detail on matters, since this issue has been studied in detail in the relevant article on the site.

Party Composition and Controls in Repressions

The new wave of political repression in the USSR began at the end of 1934. At that time, there was a significant change in the structure of the country's control apparatus. In particular, on July 10, 1934, the special services were reorganized. On this day, the People's Commissariat of the Interior of the USSR was created. This department is known for the NKVD abbreviation. The part of this unit included such services as:

  • Main Department of State Security. It was one of the main bodies that practically all the affairs.
  • The main management of the workers' and peasant militia. This is an analogue of the modern militia, with all the functions and responsibilities.
  • General Directorate of the Border Service. Management was engaged in border and customs deeds.
  • Main camp management. This control today is widely known under the abbreviation of the Gulag.
  • The main control of fire protection.

In addition, in November 1934, a special department was created, which was called "Special Meeting". This department received extensive powers to combat the enemies of the people. In fact, this department could without the presence of the accused, the prosecutor and the lawyer to send people to the link or in the Gulag for up to 5 years. Of course, it was only applied to the enemies of the people, but the problem is that no one has religiously knew how to determine this enemy. That is why a special meeting had unique functions, since the enemy of the people could be announced by the actual any person. Any person could be sent one simple suspicion to the link for 5 years.

Mass repressions in the USSR

The occasion for mass repression has become events of December 1, 1934. Then Sergey Mironovich Kirov was killed in Leningrad. As a result of these events, a special procedure for litigation was approved in the country. In fact, we are talking about accelerated legal proceedings. Under the simplified system of proceedings, all the cases were transferred, where people were accused of terrorism in terrorism and complicity. Again, the problem was that almost all the people who came under repression were under this category. Above, we have already talked about a number of high-profile cases that characterize repression in the USSR, where it is clearly seen that all people, one way or another, were accused of contracting terrorism. The specificity of the simplified system of the proceedings was that the sentence should have been submitted up to 10 days. The accused received the agenda for the day before the proceedings. The trial itself took place without the participation of prosecutors and lawyers. Upon completion of the proceedings, any requests for pardon were prohibited. If, during the proceedings, he sentenced to shooting, this is a measure of punishment performed immediately.

Political repressions, cleaning party

Stalin arranged active repressions within the party of the Bolsheviks. One of the indicative examples of repression that the Bolsheviks touched upon was happened on January 14, 1936. On this day, the replacement of party documents was announced. This step has long been discussed and was not surprising. But when replacing documents, new certificates were awarded not to all Party participants, but only those who "deserved confidence." So began cleaning the party. If you believe official data, then when issuing new party documents, 18% of the Bolsheviks were expelled from the party. These were the people to which the repressions were used primarily. And we are talking only about one of the waves of these cleaning. In total, the batch cleaning was carried out in several stages:

  • In 1933. 250 people were excluded from the top leadership of the party.
  • In 1934 - 1935, 20 thousand people were excluded from the Bolsheviks party.

Stalin actively destroyed people who could claim the power that had strength. To demonstrate this fact, it is only necessary to say that from all members of the Politburo of 1917, after cleaning alive, only Stalin remained (4 members were shot, and Trotsky was excluded from the party and expelled from the country). The total members of the Politburo then were 6 people. In the interval between the revolution and the death of Lenin, a new politburo of 7 people was collected. By the end of cleaning, only Molotov and Kalinin remained alive. In 1934, a regular congress of the WCP (b) party took place. 1934 people participated in the congress. 1108 Of them were arrested. Most are shot.

Kirov's murder exacerbated the wave of repression, and Stalin himself filed a statement to party members about the need for the final extermination of all the enemies of the people. As a result, the Criminal Code of the USSR were amended. These changes were determined that all cases on political prisoners were considered at an accelerated manner without attorneys of prosecutors within 10 days. Executives were performed by immediately. In 1936, a political process took place over the opposition. In fact, the nearest comrades of Lenin - Zinoviev and Kamenev turned out to be on the bench of the defendants. They were accused of killing Kirov, as well as in the attempt on Stalin. A new stage of political repression above the Lenin Guard began. This time, Bukharin was subjected to repression, as well as the head of the Government of Rykov. The socio-political meaning of repression in this sense was associated with the strengthening of the cult of personality.

Repressions in the army

Since June 1937, the repression in the USSR touched the army. In June, the first lawsuit was happening to the top command of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKA), including the commander-in-chief of Marshal Tukhachevsky. The leadership of the army was accused of an attempt by the state coup. According to prosecutors, the coup was to take place on May 15, 1937. The defendants were recognized as guilty and most of them were shot. Shot was also Tukhachevsky.

An interesting fact is that out of 8 members of the trial that Tukhachevsky sentenced to execution, in the future five themselves were repressed and shot. However, sinceimes, repression began in the army, which touched the entire leading composition. As a result of such events, 3 Marshals of the Soviet Union were repressed, 3 commander of 1 rank, 10 commander of 2 rank, 50 corpus commander, 154 commissions of the division, 16 Army Commissars, 25 Corresponding Commissioners, 58 Division Commissioners, 401 regiments. In total, 40 thousand people underwent repression in the Red Army. It was 40 thousand army executives. As a result, more than 90% of the command staff was destroyed.

Strengthening repressions

Starting from 1937, the wave of repression in the USSR began to strengthen. The reason was the order No. 00447 of the NKVD of the USSR of July 30, 1937. This document stated and immediately repressing all the anti-Soviet elements, namely:

  • Former fists. All those whom the Soviet government called the fists, but who avoided the punishment, or were in labor settlements or in referees, were subject to repress.
  • All representatives of religion. Repressing was subject to all who have at least some attitude to religion.
  • Participants of anti-Soviet actions. Under such participants, everyone who ever acted was actively or passively against Soviet power. In fact, there were those who did not support the new power to this category.
  • Anti-Soviet political figures. Inside the country, anti-Soviet politicians were called all who were not part of the Bolsheviks party.
  • White Guards.
  • People with conviction. People who had a criminal record were automatically considered enemies of Soviet power.
  • Hostile elements. Anyone who was called a hostile element, sentenced to shooting.
  • Inactive elements. The rest who were not sentenced to shooting were sent to camps or prisons for a period of 8 to 10 years.

All things are now considered in even more accelerated regime, where most cases were considered massively. According to the same order, the NKVD repression was not only convicted, but also to their families. In particular, the following punishment measures were applied to families:

  • Families repressed for active anti-Soviet actions. All members of such families went to camps and labor settlements.
  • Families are repressed, who lived in the border strip, were subject to resettlement of the country. Often, special villages were formed for them.
  • The family of repressed living in the major cities of the USSR. Such people also moved down the country.

In 1940, the Secretary Department of the NKVD was created. This department was engaged in the destruction of political opponents of the Soviet government, which are abroad. The first victim of this department was Trotsky, who in August 1940 was killed in Mexico. In the future, this secret department was engaged in the destruction of participants in the White Guard Movement, as well as representatives of the imperialist emigration of Russia.

In the future, the repression continued, although their basic events have already passed. In fact, repression in the USSR continued until 1953.

Results of repression

From 1930 to 1953, 3 mil 800 thousand people were repressed on the accusation of the counter-revolution. Of these, 749,421 people were shot ... And this is only official information ... And how many more people died without trial, whose names and surnames are not listed?

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