Strong frost. How to survive low temperature? Memo. How to behave in the frost - recommendations of specialists what to do with a strong frost

Plasterboard 20.05.2021

Specialists of the Minsk City Executive Committee prepared a number of rules, how to behave during strong frosts, reports Minsk-Novosti agency.

- A sharp increase in frosts is expected on weekends. On Saturday, January 6 - up to - 27 degrees (the minimum temperature at night - 15 - 22 degrees, in places - 23 - 27 degrees). Therefore, we strongly recommend citizens to comply with the necessary rules of safe behavior in severe frosts, "the press service of the Minsk City Executive Committee told.

Preparation for the release of frost

The conditions dangerous for the body creates not only a minus temperature, but also factors such as air humidity and wind power. The higher the humidity, the stronger the wind, the greater the chance to shield the frostbite. Therefore, it is not necessary to relax if the window is 0 ° C or -5 ° C. Even this is relatively warm, the weather does not guarantee security.


A simple rule: the air holds heat. So the more air becks - the better. However, note that you should be dressed as cabbage, too bad - it's shy movement (you move less - more freeze). Contrary to common myth, thick woolen things - not the best clothing in case of cold weather, choose any not too thick shaggy fabrics - they hold the air well, and therefore warm.


Should not be close. If the boots are pumped, the blood circulation slows down in the legs, and this is the right way to frostbite. Fingers should move free. Before going out of the house, expand the footwear with a bold cream - it will not give shoes. Put woolen socks, insert thick insoles - if you can get wet, they absorb moisture.


Do not forget to take gloves with you - through bare hands you can lose up to 17% of the heat! By the way, mittens will be a more winning option - in them the fingers together, they are warmer.


Logsam you choose to your discretion. Guide the following principle: The hat should not be close, should close the ears. The neck and even face to protect against frost scarf loose knats.


Those areas of the skin, which remained hidden or can bargain in the process, such as active recreation, be sure to treat with bold cream - it supports the skin's ability to keep moisture. Lips exhaust hygienic lipstick. Having lost moisture in the cold, the skin will become less elastic, while microcracks are formed on it, it will begin to peel.

If you are alone in the cold, then ask the comrade to periodically examine your face and ears: if they are unnaturally white - bad deal!


Remember that if you are hungry, you will freeze much faster than after a dense lunch. Proper nutrition is one of the best ways to prevent frostbite and restore the body after cold.

Food should be warm - it will provide an additional tide of strength at once, as well as calorie - it will add energy later. Use only warm warming drinks, such as tea. It is impossible to warm up alcohol to the cold, and also during the influence of the cold, contrary to the opinion of many. Wearing here is false, alcohol only worsens sensitivity and does not allow you to objectively assess how much you have frozen. It is also forbidden to smoke on the cold - this will cause capillar spasms for a long time and worsen blood circulation.

First Help when frostbite

What to do exactly not worth

There is a generally accepted set of actions that will actually only aggravate the negative consequences of the obtained frostbite.

  1. Do not rub the frozen areas - it traums the frozen skin. Microcracks are formed, which will cause infection, which can lead to gangrene.
  2. Rubbing oils, alcohol, fat, etc. When frostbite is also contraindicated.
  3. A sharp heating of highly frozen fabrics from open fire or other powerful thermal sources is prohibited! The upper fabrics will quickly "move away" and will begin to "work", but will not receive food from not yet warmed vessels that are deeper. Due to lack of food, the fabric is dying.

Correct actions

  1. Eliminate the factors that contribute to the cooling of the body. Once in a warm room, get undress - cold clothes will not give the body to warm up until herself is heated. After carefully wash and dry the injured plot, cover it with several layers of warm dry clothes.
  2. Use hot (but not burning) food and drinks. You can take a tablet aspirin / analgin / papaverine / but-shops. All this dilutes blood and improves its inflow to damaged tissues.
  3. If after a few hours the condition does not improve or worsen - immediately turn to the doctor! Without timely assistance, you can lose limb!

Let's summarize

Gathering on the frost, remember that frostbite contributes:

  • strong wind and air humidity;
  • wet and close clothes and shoes;
  • tired and / or hungry state;
  • problems with blood supply;
  • alcoholic intoxication

If you frozen:

  • find a warm room;
  • do not break;
  • releaving dry and warm;
  • tea and warm food - best friends;
  • if very bad - call an ambulance.

Due to the sharp cooling and sophisticated weather conditions, special attention should be paid to the rules of behavior in frost.

Terms of behavior during strong frosts:

  • On the street in the cold, it is necessary to breathe correctly - slowly, shallow and, preferably, the nose (so that the cold air he warmed in the nasal cavity).
  • During cooling, the body gives all the forces on insulation. And where to take it, if a person eats little or sits on a diet? In severe frost, food should be reinforced: meat, fish, fat, butter and other calories. In the diet, it is necessary to include more than various soups on meat broth, dairy pounds. Try to drink more liquid - hot tea, coffee, adding cream, milk, honey, herbal decoctions, with the addition of mint and hawthorn.
  • It is impossible to take hot food and drinks at least 40 minutes before going out. The heated organism is harder to get used to the frost, when entering the street, he does not feel cold.
  • You can not drink alcohol, it causes the illusion of heat and does not allow to concentrate on signs of frostbite.
  • Alcoholic beverages and cold weather - poorly compatible things. Alcohol relaxes your ability to control and expands the vessels on the body surface, which leads to the loss of heat. Only vessels clenched to prevent the cooling of the internal organs, alcohol immediately reduces these protective measures.
  • In cold weather, it is impossible to smoke - it reduces blood circulation and makes limbs more vulnerable.
  • In the cold, you need to wear loose clothes from natural fabrics - it contributes to normal blood circulation, it is necessary to dress on the principle of "cabbage", when there is a layer of air between the layers of clothing, which hold heat.
  • Do not go frost without verges, hats and scarf (frost gloves do not save). Most of all in the frost suffer the smallest parts of the body - fingers, ears and nose.
  • Do not wear metallic (gold, silver) decorations - metal cools faster than body.
  • Do not go frost with wet leather or hair. In the cold - nothing wet and even raw! The colder on the street, the land should be all the clothes and shoes.
  • As soon as angicity appears, tingling, numbness to loss of sensitivity, pale, cool skin - you need to go back to any warm place.
  • You can not shoot on the frost shoes with frostbitten limbs - they will be swollen, and it will be impossible to shore shoes again. It is necessary to get to the warm room soon.
  • In children, the thermal regulation of the body is not yet formed, and in the elderly and in some diseases this function is violated. Therefore, every 15-20 minutes and children, and the elderly, and those who sick, you need to go back to heat and warm.
  • The simplest exercises when begin to freeze: without bending hands, make 25-30 rotational movements from the shoulder; Quickly warm up the frozen hands will help the exercise: Low leaning forward, strong, sharp waving hands forward and backward you, thanks to centrifugal strength, cause blood flow to the hands of hands. Meful legs will help to warm up quick walking, intense movements of the whole body, moving to the legs.
  • Leaving the house, you need to take a mobile phone with you, checking the presence of money on the account and charging.
  • Having come home with frost, you can't immediately drink hot tea and take a hot shower, or a bath. With a sharp change of temperature (from -20 to +20), there may be a significant load on the cardiovascular system, with unpredictable consequences. The body should be smoothly adapted to room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

If you could not find a warm shelter, decide where you are, call the help (urgent, rescue service, relatives, friends) and begin to warm your own body with warmth: turn back into the tangle back to the wind and shove your hands under the mouse. Just do not fall asleep!

In the modern world, more and more people began to notice that the climate is changing on our planet. Every day the number of abnormal weather events in the world is growing more and more, which are uncharacteristic for a certain area climate. This memo will consider unusual natural phenomena associated with cooling and how to survive their joint efforts.

Already, we can observe unusual weather phenomena, for example, in mid-October, in some regions of Ukraine, the first snow has fallen, which is quite unknown for this month in this area. And in early 2016, in Japan, on the island of Osim, for the first time in 115 years - snow fell in 10 cm, and the temperature was -5 c °. In February, snow and ice rains were held on the northeast coast of the United States; The temperature difference was up to 15 C °, and in January, a snowstorm was held in the strongest in 110 years, 85 million people were experiencing its effect in 11 states. Also this year in the Arab Emirates fell a hail of the sizes with the cherry, and the desert was covered with snow. Earlier in 2011, snow fell on the Canary Islands, the thickness of the snow cover reached 10 cm. For this region, this event caused serious concern for both local residents and scientists of the whole world. Based on the fact that these phenomena were completely atypical for these areas, people were absolutely not ready for such weather changes.

How can the supercooling can harm?

When the question rises about the survival of a person in conditions of harsh climate, it becomes clear that he needs to own knowledge about how to act in these situations. For example, not everyone realizes that a person may die not from the cold itself, but from the effects of cold to the temperature of his body. That is, even if the air temperature is above zero and a person will stay on the street long enough without warm clothes and movements, then the temperature of his body can fall to a critical level of 30 degrees. And, on the contrary, in 20 degrees of Claus, a person can feel great even in strong strules, because a person will not freeze and will not cool if he is warm enough and properly behaves.

What to do with a strong frost?

If you still fell into conditions of a strong frost, it is worth considering some of the necessary rules for survival in extreme situations of a sharp cooling.

  • Food. One of the main rules of survival into severe frosts is to provide the body with fuel to generate internal energy, which warms the entire body. Naturally, this is food. It is best to include a large amount of fats in food, for example, fat and proteins that, splitting, warm your body. In a frosty day, it is necessary to increase the number of seeded portions. Also, doctors advise not to go frost hungry - the body should be stocking source of its own energy, so you will definitely eat tightly before going out.
  • Clothing. We need woolen clothing for at least three layers, insulated shoes and socks, as well as a warm headdress and a scarf. Not excess will be stocking a set of thermal power. Shoes are desirable to wear on a thick sole to avoid freezing. Shoes should be dry and free. You can use thermites or salt applicators that will save dry heat. Gloves are better replaced by warm two-layer mittens from natural materials.
  • Move. Staying in the cold, you can not stand in one place, you need to move all the time, it is also dangerous to sit on the snow or on cold items, for example, metal and concrete. In this case, the heat transfer increases, and the person will rapidly lose heat. Also, do not allow rapid breathing, it should be carried out through the nose. It is necessary to ensure that when with exhalation, warm air does not fall on the scarf in those places where it comes into contact with the skin and did not cause its moisturizing.
  • No alcohol. In no case can not drink alcohol "for warming up". When extending vessels there will be a deceptive short-term sensation of heat. You can easily get strong frostbite for yourself. And in general, this poisonous toxic product is better to exclude from its diet, since when it is used, the primacy in man firmly occupies not the best part of it - the animal began and is blocked by any possibility of manifestation from the spiritual principle. "At the level of neurophysiology, there is an imbalance, many neurons of the brain are blocked. A person already takes information badly. But it's actively dominated by an animal beginning, it seems to him that he is" hero "that he is allowed in this world. Such a soap bubble (illusion ) It does not happen in principle due to the fact that there is such a person really, but simply because there is a failure in the brain's work system, the state of the personality consciousness switches to another regime where the animal is coming to the spiritual beginning in man. "It's collapse, it's like figuratively speaking, put a soul into a deadly medium. Her force is so partly blocked by" light filters "-Subs, and such a total domination of the animal began in a new person just deprives her last chance and hope. Alcohol And drugs make an obedient slave of the animal of the mind from a person and even in small doses kill spiritual sprouts in it.

    Over time, a person develops an alcoholic or drug addiction, which he denies in every way. At the same time, a person persistently continues to use this poison, referring to any causes (traditions, holidays, birthdays, funeral, personal stress and so on). As a result, he does not notice how his spiritual foundation is lost, as this dependence develops to reduce its human nature to the level of animal instincts, as the identity degrades. I have already mentioned that people who are inxicated are inadequate in the perception of information. In most cases, everything that at the time of alcohol intoxication (consider poisoning) dominates them - these are thoughts out of the animal of the animal about themselves, about the subjects of their pride, about their unfulfilled selfish desires, unrealized, exorbitant ambitions. This is really a real tragedy and first of all for the person.

    People who are seriously engaged in their spiritual development, the body simply physically does not tolerate these poisons (alcohol, drugs). Why? Yes, because when using these toxic substances, a thin connection with another, spiritual world is broken, losing, in modern language, extrasensory capabilities. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a person is not able to read the information coming from the invisible world, its supernatural abilities are simply extinguished. Everything he perceives in this state is the manifestation of the will of the animal reason, which a person considers his thoughts and desires.

    This was known in ancient times. They know about it well now. For example, in the Soviet Union there was a strong system of special services, including, including departments involved in the study of paranormal phenomena and the development of psychic in some of their employees, such as plumbers. So, from their diet, even kefir excluded, not to mention the existing strict ban on alcohol and drugs. Smoking in principle was allowed, nicotine and resin, although they give intoxication of the body, but do not block mirror neurons, and therefore, allow you to work freely with an invisible world, read the necessary information.

    So a person who eats even small amounts of alcohol, no matter what period, spiritually degrading as a person. If there is a desire to use alcohol or drugs - these are the first symptoms that you are under the authority of your animal start. It means you need to take measures to switch dominant consciousness, emphasize more attention on some positive moments, sports, physical labor. It should be noted that if a person completely throws drinks or use drugs, the body is restored over time, and the person acquires the chance of spiritual development of his personality "(from the book" Allara ").

  • Do not rub frostbite areas of the body with snow (blood vessels of tassels and stops are very fragile and therefore they are damaged, and the arms of the skin on the skin contribute to the infection).
  • Remove piercing (metal). Release the open areas of the body from various types of metal jewelry (pierrsing, tunnels, earrings). People who cannot do without glasses are better to wear plastic rims on such days. Another alternative is the contact lenses.
  • Instead of cream - fat. So that there is no frostbite of the skin of the face, you should not use the cream, as water evaporates in the first 30-40 minutes, which leads to cooling of the skin, and it is better to replace them with natural fats, such as: goose, pork, badger, mink.
  • Sensitivity. Periodically check the skin sensitivity, especially the chin, the nose, ears. The sensitivity violation indicates frostbite. At the beginning of tingling or burning, it is killed by these sections before warming.
  • Harves. If possible, carry with you pocketing heels, which are refilled by ordinary gasoline for lighters. They are convenient to use and are able to maintain heat for 4-5 hours.
  • Check yourself. Returning to the warm room, remove the freezing clothes and shoes with yourself, rejoice in warm dry lingerie. Carefully inspect yourself. Redness of the skin, peeling, rash can be signs of allergies to the cold. At the first manifestations, it is necessary to take one tablet of any antihistamine preparation. Frozen hands and legs can not be attempting in hot water. In addition to unpleasant sensations, it will cause a sharp narrowing of the vessels. Mildly squeeze the frozen areas of the skin.

It is very important to remember that at the very first signs of frostbite - such as the formation of skin sites or the appearance of blisters, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Precooling stages

There are several stages of hypothermia:

  1. If the body temperature drops below 35, the first symptoms of supercooling will appear, such as: goose leather, pallor, weakness, drowsiness, slow and vague speech.
  2. If the body temperature dropped to 33 degrees, the skin pale, blue and the touch is cold, breathing slows down and the pulse slows down, the blood pressure is reduced, vomiting and involuntary urination can begin. Violates speech and coordination of movements.
  3. If the temperature is below 31 degrees, the unconscious state, the muscles are shrouded with spasms, the jaws are firmly compressed, the breath is barely noticeable, the pupils are expanded, the pulse on the critical mark in 32-36 shots, the blood pressure is very low - in such a state and the heart stops.

If you encountered the first two symptoms above or saw these symptoms from others, you should know how to provide first medical care. For the third stage, it is necessary to immediately cause emergency assistance, and until it moves to transfer a person to a warm room.

First aid with light and medium frostbite

  • It is necessary to get into any warm room or help a person there to be ( in the cold, rub and warm the body is useless and dangerous);
  • On the affected surface, impose a heat insulating bandage, for example, such: a layer of gauze, a thick layer of wool, again a layer of gauze, and on top of a glue or rubberized cloth, wrap a wool cloth;
  • Use abundant warm and sweet drink ( wear from the inside);
  • Start warming frostate hand or foot in the bath with barely warm water, gradually increasing the temperature of the water from 20 to 40 degrees and for 40 minutes, gently massaging limbs;
  • With the average and heavy degree of general cooling with a disruption of respiration and blood circulation - the victim must be delivered to the hospital as soon as possible.

Unified Society - a single concern for each other

The most important thing is in any difficult situations can never fall in spirit. A person who knows how to preserve the vigor of the Spirit will always find a way out of any attack!

Now that you are aware of how to provide first medical care, you should not forget that it may need not only to you, but also neighbor. Therefore, pay attention to simple passers-by, especially children and people of the retirement age, which you may need your help.

If you see a lying person on the street, in addition to the thought that he may not be sober, remember that this may be, just the case of the consequences of a certain phase of frostbite. Therefore, be extremely attentive, providing all sorts of help to yourself and neighbor! After all, today's problem number one is the consumer attitude of people in society, neglecting someone else's life, the concern of people is only about themselves. And it fractally repeats in society as a whole ...

"In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values \u200b\u200bof society from a consumer format to spiritual and moral, creative format, where good, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would be in the first place in the relationship between people, independently from their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of the world society "(from).

K.T.N. V.F. Gershkovich, Head, Center for Energy Saving KievNIEP, Kiev

Problems are sewn the heating system from freezing in the temporary absence of electrical energy after instead of water jet pumps (elevators) in thermal points began to use circulating pumps with an electric drive. The sharpness of the problem became apparent after the accident in Moscow in May 2005, when a significant part of the city was disabled from the power supply system for several hours. It is only possible to approximately imagine the scale of the catastrophe, this accident happens in the midst of winter.

In heating systems with dependent addition to the thermal network (Fig. 1), the danger of freezing will arise when stopping the circulation pump 8.

Heat network heat carrier 1 will continue to enter the heating system 2 through regulating valves 3 and 4, but the consumption of network water will be insufficient, and the heating devices of the most extended circulation rings will not warm up,

that with severe frosts will lead to their defrost. At the same time, the temperature of the coolant in short circulation rings will be excessively high, and this can cause the destruction of pipelines made of polymer pipes.

The situation will be exacerbated if the heat flux regulator 5 will be configured, as most often happens, to maintain the temperature of the water in the supply pipe of the heating system at the level corresponding to the temperature schedule. As soon as the circulation pump 8 Stay and stop mixing, water temperature entered into the heating system will increase, and the temperature sensor of the coolant 6 I will give the command to closing the valve 4. In this case, the flow consumption in the system will decrease, which will speed up the process of freezing the system.

The probability of freezing will decrease if the heat flux control will be configured to maintain the desired water temperature not in the feed, but in the return pipe. In this case, after stopping the circulation pump, the valve 4 will remain in the open position, and the coolant will continue to enter the heating system.

To fully eliminate the risk of freezing, it is recommended to perform a coolant preparation node according to the diagram shown in Fig. 2.

In the diagram, a normally open solenoid valve 9 is applied. With reference to the solenoid valves, the term "normally open" means that in a de-energized state it is in the open position, and when the voltage is applied, the valve is closed. Thus, with normal power supply, when the heating system operates in normal mode, the valve 9 will always be closed, and through the heat exchanger 10 Water will leak only from the return pipeline without any heat exchange in it.

When the electricity is disconnected simultaneously with the circulation pump stop 8 Normally open solenoid valve 9 will automatically open, and the coolant from the supply pipeline of the heat network will rush into the heating system after cooling in the heat exchanger 10 Water from the return pipeline of the heating system. Cooling is necessary in order to eliminate entering the water heating system with a temperature above 95 OS and thereby prevent damage to polymer pipelines that lose their strength at high water temperature in them.

In order to reliably protect the heating system from freezing, the auto-water consumption must be roughly twice as the calculated (for normal working conditions) value. At the same time, the actual consumption may be excessively large, since the pressure drop controller 3 performing the role of the throttling device, in emergency mode it will be outside the circulation circuit. To avoid unnecessary network water costs, a throttle washer is envisaged 11, which is calculated for skipping a double amount of network water taking into account the disposable

pressure differences in feed and return pipelines.

After the power supply is restored, a normally open solenoid valve will close, and the heating system will return to the normal operational mode without any intervention of the service personnel.

The operation of the heating system in the emergency mode will be conjugate with increasing network water consumption and with an increase in temperature in the reverse pipeline of the thermal network relative to the usual value. But these unfavorable thermal networks are short-term factors can only be considered as a weak immune response of a new protective system capable of protecting the thermal network and the heating system from much more serious trouble.

So it's warmer and do not complain.

Winter 1708/09 and the defeat of the Swedish Army

Winter in 1708/09 turned out to be the coldest in Europe in Europe over the past 500 years: Frost was so strong that even the birds were frozen on the fly. Just for this winter and the long-term northern war came. Arctic cold over a few months destroyed almost half of the Swedish army, while she chased Peter I, trying to impose him a general battle.

When the frosts were packed with the Army of Swedes, the 75-thousand king of the king Peter triumphantly completed the defeat of the 30-thousand Army of Charles XII on June 27 in the battle of Poltava. The bold Swedes were still managed in this battle to step on the Russian shelves tightly diluted in the Reduts and even broke through the strengthening line. It is terribly even to imagine that it would be if all the Swedes's army took part in Poltava Batalia, and not eluded from General Frost half.

Not in vain Peter I, not yet knowing about the upcoming ferocious winter, several times he offered Karla XII world several times, agreeing to give everything conquered by unbearable difficulty and asking only to leave St. Petersburg. As it turned out, I gave birth early: the winter helped.

Winter 1812 and Napoleon's retreat

For example, it should be said that in 1812, General Moroz began to exterminate the French on the way back. Prior to this, General Space was helped by the Russian army - for some reason, for some reason he surprised that from the 600-thousand Napoleonic troops, which turned the border, 130 thousand took part in the Borodino battle, while there were no bloody battles, as well as a wide partisan movement (all It will wait for Napoleon on the way back). The fact is that most of the troops were left in garrisons on all endlessly long, on European standards, ways from the border to Moscow.

The cold came in 1812, really before ordinary - in October. But the fate of the Napoleonic army by that time was solved. Unusually strong frosts hit during the crossing through Berezin. Moreover, the cold was strong enough to destroy many enemies, but not strong enough to have a strong ice, as a result of which there were still a lot of foreign sacrament and drowned.

It should be noted that the Russian troops were also strongly injured from the "friendly fire" of General Claus: Russian coinels were not much better than French. However, finding shelter and warm clothes on their land is still easier, and the Russian losses from the cold were though large, but less than the enemy.

Winter 1941, 1942 and 1943 and the defeat of the fascist army

During the Great Patriotic War, Goebbels propaganda tried to shove the responsibility for all failures on the Eastern Front, the Russian propaganda did not notice the frost. Perhaps the truth somewhere in the middle: without a doubt, the distinguished and heroic resistance of the Soviet Army and the people helped and the exclusive cold winters of 1941/42 and 1942/43, and extensive spaces of the USSR.

By winter, the German army was completely not ready, and, that is characteristic, it was in winter that all the first offensive operations of the Soviet troops were held - Moscow and Stalingrad battles (the first successful strategic offensive occurred only in 1943, after the Kursk battle).

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