What is better: Firefox or Chrome. What browser is the fastest? Chrome VS. Firefox vs. Edge what better mozilla

Tile 20.05.2021

A statistical survey conducted among Runet users shows that Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are the most sought-after. What this is explained, and the two web browser differ from each other will be described below.


It is difficult to evaluate and compare the appearance and methods of navigating two browsers, since these are very individual indicators that cannot be generalized. We will try to hold as much as possible overview.
Both of the programs under consideration allow you to navigate among a set of tabs, create your own bookmarks, change the browser design, and extensions and adjustments to adjust.

However, the menu and the chrome interface looks more simplified and not stuffed with extra function keys that would distract the user from working with the application. The menu is ordered in one column.

As for the Mozilla browser, its menu contains more subparagraphs, is divided into two columns, and has a more scattered ordering, which makes it difficult for the user perception.

Browser speed

Regarding the browser speed, all experts are completely confident in what exceeds all of their competitors. However, its main rival - Mozilla, does not stop at all on the achieved, and with the development of new updates increases its performance. A test was carried out on a modified browser version, the result of which showed that even after the opening of 75 tabs, each subsequent Mozilla opens the speed from the very beginning.

But Google Chrome showed lower results here, and its page loading speed after opening a large number of tabs, fell noticeably. In everyday life, this experiment is not useful, but the effect will continue and when opening a smaller number of tabs, a large size. There is also an opinion that after some time of use, the initial launch begins to take more time than initially.

Protection of information and personal data

Not once, Mozilla developers came user feedback to the fact that sites that track their activity do not quietly use the browser, save the email address and some other data. These complaints made the developers enter some changes to the application, which stopped similar actions from websites. This has improved the confidentiality of working with the browser, and the protection of user data.

The creators of Google Chrome also seriously reacted to the security problem, and besides introducing into an integrated protection system, they created such an option as Sandbox. It allows the user to run the plugins you need in online mode, without keeping them on the hard disk of the computer. From here we can conclude that both browser have the same good level of protection, and it makes sense to compete in this matter.

Personalization and convenience

And Google Chrome and Mozilla, perfectly copble with the task of synchronizing data in other web browser applications. They are able to transfer passwords, bookmarks, saved tabs and many other personal user settings. In addition, they both support a convenient download manager for social networks - Vkopt. In addition, the Mozilla browser has over 200 thousand a variety of additions that can turn a standard browser into an exclusive version.

Chrome in this regard does not lag behind, and its online store has at their disposal no less than various additions and plugins.

Plus, his in this sense is that loaded addons begin to function in an application without performing it to reboot. This optimizes the time of working with the browser, and improves the convenience of its use.

Load on computer

Opening simultaneously the same tabs in the two above browsers, it can be noted that Mozilla takes on most of the processor's workload. Differences are also the method of operation with RAM. A separate process is given to each new chrome tab, each of which can be traced in the list of processes manager. This increases the stability of the application and simplifies the restoration of its work in cases of failures. The Firefox browser has all tabs in one process. A distinctive feature can be called that this browser gives the user the ability to independently regulate resource consumption. This process can be launched by clicking in the Browser window, the SHIFT + EScape keys. Most of the memory takes the initial processing of the open page, after which the activity of this process is minimized.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight the main distinguishing features of each of the two browsers. Google Chrome has a more developed omnibox address string. It helps the user to find the desired options, thereby reducing the time for entering the search query. The same option is supported and Mozilla, but it has not been noticed more than once that more reasonable prompts have just Google. This gives him a comparative plus.

In addition, Google Chrome has the ability to transfer whole pages to the language whose regionality is specified in the settings. This allows the user with no special problems to view foreign sites.

However, the quality of the translation itself still leaves much to be desired, but the general meaning of articles is nevertheless, will be understood. In the second browser, such an option is possible only after installing an additional plug-in.

As an output, it can be said that the chrome on some criteria is significantly better than Mozilla, but do not build preliminary judgments, and try to work with both one browser and with another.

The degree of comfort of use is strictly individual, so to determine what better, you need to try both options.

Today, installing programs on a computer of one client asked "What browser to install Firefox or Chrome?" And got a wonderful answer forced to write this article "What is better?".

From the moment of the birth of this site, I already went to visit about 8,000 people and Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome turned out to be the most popular from browsers. They occupied 33.5% and 27.5%, respectively.

First, let's figure it out with the advantages of each browser.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox

Classic design. This is certainly a controversial question, since the compact regime, which first introduced Google in his browser was so successful that now it is trying to steal everything and not all this is obtained.

Extensibility. Just a huge amount of extensions for this browser make it possible to use it not only for surfing, but also help in the development of sites, entertainment and even in work.

Especially it is worth mentioning security. As an open - this browser takes careful testing by many major corporations and even rare vulnerabilities are quite quickly closed and cease to be dangerous to users.

Benefits Google Chrome.

Very high browser speed. A very simple interface allows you to easily join the network even an old grandmother (modern babies and Firefox are mastered quickly). Integration with Google services and extension systems that continues to gain momentum allow the Google Chrome browser not only to take a small market percentage, but also gradually turn into a market leader.

It is especially worth noting the extension store for this browser. T. K. Unlike competitors, not only "small superstructures" can be installed in it, but also quite solid applications, such as calculators and office programs and entertaining, such as games.

So what to choose?

It is to try and make your choice. For example, I use the browser Mozilla Firefox, but with great pleasure would move on Google Chrome if it were all the extensions you need.

What did you choose?

And what browser do you use? Please write in the comments and at least briefly answer why this is this browser.

Many say that Chrome works faster than Firefox, and in something they are right. But Chrome lays the processor more than Firefox, which is why there is a faster processing and more smooth performance. The main minus of this is the leakage of the battery. And, frankly, Firefox is not so slow.

According to Microsoft, which were collected by millions of Windows 10 users, the Firefox browser uses a 31% power than Chrome. If you use a laptop, you can significantly increase the time between recharging.

2. Firefox is better suitable for high load.

How to compare Firefox and Chrome from the point of view of using RAM? To check this, I launched both browser (each separately, without any other applications) under four test examples: one tab, five tabs, 10 tabs and 15 tabs. Each of these tabs pointed to the Glixel website.
  • The use of RAM in the latest version of Chrome:

    1 Tab - 49.2 MB
    5 tabs - 265.3 MB
    10 tabs - 533.2 MB
    15 tabs - 748.3 MB

  • The use of RAM in the latest version of Firefox:

    1 Tab - 116.3 MB
    5 tabs - 376.6 MB
    10 tabs - 437.0 MB
    15 tabs - 518.4 MB

    Two things are immediately obvious. First, Chrome uses less RAM than Firefox when you have little open tabs. Secondly, Firefox is scaled much better than Chrome when you reach about eight tabs or so. If you regularly open 20 and more tabs, Firefox clearly wins.

    3. Firefox does not try to seem something big than just browser

    A few months ago, I read an interesting post from the long-standing Chrome enthusiast, which finished the fact that I switched to Firefox. And in his article there was an interesting thought:

    "Today Chrome is not a rapid and simple browser, which he was in 2011. Today, Chrome is, rather, a bulky platform, which is also able to go online."

    This brings to why I personally lost love for Chrome. What used to be easy, fast and incredibly minimalistic web browser, now turned into a complex beast, which does not remember what made it so attractive. Most of the guilt can be imposed on Google's desire to turn chrome in Chrome OS.

    On the other hand, Firefox is still just a browser. Yes, this is not a clean and simple tool that was chrome at the beginning, and some can even say that Firefox swollen too much, but at least he is not trying to be what is not.

    4. Firefox really open source code

    Technically, it can be said that Chrome also provides an open source code, since it is based on the Chromium browser, which he himself spawned a variety of browsers (for example, Opera, Vivaldi, Slimjet, Brave). But the true mentality "open source" implies more than just allow others to use your code.

    Google considers Chrome more as a closed competitive product than an open tool. Yes, the code in it is open to everyone, but it is protected by a large organization, where most of the solutions and discussions of the future direction are carried out within this organization itself. He has no open source culture to which everyone is accustomed.

    On the other hand, Firefox has full access to the source, which is influenced by participants and community members. Such cooperation is what the real real development of open source should be.

    5. Firefox takes care of user privacy

    In 2014, Mozilla issued a call for arms for users in an attempt to protect confidentiality on the Internet, stating that "the struggle for the confidentiality of data is part of the Mozilla DNA."

    In 2015, the company's report confirmed her beliefs: "There are billions of people on the Internet, but not enough transparency and control in security and confidentiality protection for users from companies, application developers and governments. Mozilla is concentrated on solving key Internet security problems, such as confidentiality and safety..."

    But even if Mozilla would not be so fascinated by privacy, the real victory here is that Mozilla is not Google. We know that Google is a gigantic data collection company. He already knows too much. It sounds like paranoia, but do you really want Google to know every habit?

    6. Firefox gives space for configuration

    Customization degree is the biggest difference between Firefox and Chrome. Each Chrome browser looks almost the same, even in different operating systems and devices. In addition to hiding certain toolbars or remove multiple icons next to the address bar, you can only change the title and tabs.

    Firefox may be more. In addition to moving things and reduce the overall appearance, you can set full-fledged topics that will completely change the appearance of the browser. You can even emulate the appearance of other browsers using Fxchrome, FXOpera and MX4.

    7. Firefox supports Chrome extensions

    Starting with Firefox 48, Mozilla announced stable support for WebExtensions. This cross-browser API, which allows developers to create expansion once and work with them in several browsers. Using WebExtensions Firefox can install chromium expansion.

    All you need to do is install Chrome Store Foxified. After that, you can go to any Chrome extension in the Chrome online store, and the "Add to Chrome" button in the upper right corner will be the "Add to Firefox" button.

    Please note that at the moment there are not all chrome extensions, although there are many. Full support is expected with the release of Firefox 57 in November.

    8. Firefox has unique extensions

    In Chrome there is a big collection of extensions, but Firefox has several unique that is not available to Chrome users.

    The best example that comes to mind is the "tree-shaped tab of the tabs." This extension turns the tab panel into the sidebar and allows you to organize tabs to a tree-based hierarchy that can be moved. It is amazing and really shows how ashable should be all the other browsers, as no one else knows how. (Vivaldi supports the side panel tabs, but they cannot be organized on the hierarchy.)

    9. Firefox can do the same as Chrome (mainly)

    In the end, the differences between Firefox and Chrome. One can be a little faster or use less battery, but in terms of convenience, they are both excellent. In other words, everything you can do in Chrome may be able to do in Firefox.

    Want to synchronize bookmarks, profiles and more on different devices? Do you need to create websites using inspector elements and console? How about safe sandbox to prevent viruses infection? Or password manager to make your accounts safer? Or Task Manager to define productivity problems? (Tip: Go to About: Performance in Firefox.)

    Chrome can all this, and Firefox can. If you do not want to throw chrome, just remember that two browsers are more common than it seems.

    When is Chrome better Firefox?

    Finally, it is worth saying that I still have chrome as a backup, because there are certain situations when Chrome is really better.
  • CHROMECAST streaming only works with Chrome.
  • In Chrome is actively developing advanced web development.
  • If you have deep integration with Google services (the same Gmail Mail), and you do not care about the consequences of privacy, you can use your Google accounts to configure various chrome profiles.
  • Chrome has more share in the market than Firefox, and Google seems to have a significant impact on the direction of web technologies, therefore websites and web applications usually work better in Chrome.
  • Automated solutions for testing desktop browsers do not exist. As a result, researchers had to run by manually 9 different synthetic tests (benchmarks) to get the most complete picture of product performance. As a test platform, Windows operating system is used as the most popular desktop platform.

    Test conditions

    Unlike past tests, this time the Surface Laptop laptop was performed as a test device (Intel Core i5-7200U, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD). Most modern users use the laptops instead of stationary computers. In addition, the machine used earlier is seriously outdated.

    The 100 gigabyte SSD section was highlighted for clean installation of Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. Then browsers were installed, the Windows Updates Center was launched several times until all the available patches were downloaded. Then all 9 tests were launched in each browser, and in the process of their execution, the screenshots of the results were made. At the time of testing, the latest browser versions available for Windows 10 were used, namely: Chrome 67, Firefox 61 and EDGE 42.

    Please note that if you try to repeat this testing, the indicators may differ depending on the configuration of the computer used. You will not get exactly the same result, but see similar values \u200b\u200bon separate browsers.

    Test results

    The results obtained in separate synthetic tests are available at the corresponding links:


    According to test results, Google Chrome turned out to be the leader. Browser's performance from Google was consistently high against the background of other test participants, but this criterion should not be the only one when choosing your web browser.

    If you are using one of the browsers "Big Three", then you can be sure that you will get good performance. Of course, there are still opportunities to improve, but in general, Chrome, Firefox and EDGE demonstrate a very good speed.

    Note: In this round of testing, the Benchmark Oort Online and Peacekeeper were not used, because their support was discontinued, and they are no longer available. However, new tests added to the test program this time: Motionmark, Speedometer and Basemark.


    SUNSPIDER - JavaScript Benchmark (result: less - better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    This is an outdated test, but all three browser show unsatisfactory results. However, places were distributed as follows: Edge wins with a large margin, followed by Firefox, and then Chrome.


    Octane - JavaScript Benchmark developed by Google (Result: More - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    Given that Octane was developed by Google, it is not surprising that Chrome won this test. However, in the past EDGE showed the best results. Not this time.


    Kraken - JavaScript Benchmark developed by Mozilla (Result: Less - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    Kraken is a Test Mozilla, and Firefox won here. But in fact, all three browser were pretty close by results.


    JetStream - JavaScript Benchmark, designed by Apple (Result: More - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    Microsoft Edge shows the best result in the Apple Benchmark.


    Motionmark - Graphic benchmark developed by the WebKit command (Result: More - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    This benchmark took the most time to perform testing, and EDGE here became an explicit winner.


    Speedometer - performance testing using the DOM API to perform repeated tasks (result: more - better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    This test measures the time the browser needs to perform repeating tasks, and it showed that Chrome here is a clear winner.


    Basemark - includes various tests that use the latest web standards and functions (result: more - better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge. (The test was not completed due to WebGL 2.0 limitations)

    Comparison of results

    Another test, where Chrome is a clear winner.


    WebXPRT - HTML5 and JavaScript Test developed by Principled Technologies (Result: More - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    In recent years, this benchmark has changed a little, and this time Firefox came out first.


    HTML5TEST - HTML5 Opportunity Testing (Result: More - Better)

    Google Chrome.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    Microsoft Edge.

    Comparison of results

    None of the browsers showed the perfect result, although Chrome has become closest to this. Recently, EDGE has achieved the greatest progress, but because he has always been far behind.

    Asking the question of what is better, Chrome or Firefox, we involuntarily encounter a number of benefits and disadvantages of both browsers. The famous saying says: "Each frog is praised by his swamp."

    In case of confrontation of such two giants, like our rivals, there are no exceptions. All webmasters will persistently prove the correctness and (certainly!) Objectivity, it is its preference.

    Naturally, for the unequivocal statement of one or another point of view, we do not have 100% of the foundations, but to carry out a general comparison and make the appropriate conclusions, it is still possible.

    So, guided by not blind rehydrate but personal, many years of experience, I will tell you my story. Since 2007, I used only Mozilla Firefox as the main browser, rejoicing it with simplicity, the richness of the functionality and plugins.

    However, last years, actively began to gain the popularity of Chrome. The first stable version came out in 2008 (the fact is interesting that the start Firefox has already occurred in 2004).

    But initially, this browser had a commercial basis, and this in the absence of such a wide range of possibilities, like Mozilla. Therefore, questions about what is better - Chrome or Firefox has never even arose.

    Nevertheless, the guys from Google had large ambitions, and each update has improved their product. Ultimately, already in 2012-2013, Chrome has become one of the most popular browsers from Internet users.

    Google Chrome browser screenshot

    I will immediately say that with all my love for the fox, I was forced to go to chrome because of the higher speed of the latter. So, we give the brief characteristics of both, and give a subjective assessment of each. But first a small screenshot of the "Rydy"!

    Browser Screenshot Mozilla Firefox


    Some pedantic minds require scientific research, graphs and tables as evidence to determine the speed of the compared platforms. However, all this, in my opinion, nonsense, and anyone of milliseconds, bits and other units of measurement will not prove anything until the person himself will be convinced of the reality of a statement.

    To understand the difference in the speed of downloading pages and the one who has sharply revives - Chrome or Firefox, just go to the opposite option, and use it for several days. I have enough two days (I work with a large number of tabs) to make sure the indisputable advantage of chromium.


    If you think you can't refuse these "wonderful buttons" on the panel of the Mazi, then be sure it is only an illusion.

    Literally after a short period of time, you will understand that you get used to the interface instantly, and its main task is minimalism + functionality. Chrome in this regard is simply flawless!

    Load on the system

    One of the most important moments when finding out what is better, Chrome or Firefox is the load on the computer. Here, just, the outcome of the battle is pre-preceded!

    The fact is that the chrome is designed in such a way that each tab, window or plug-in, started in the computer system as a separate process.

    That is, they are not superimposed on each other, and do not create a kind of "systemic com", which is often unpredictable and extremely heavy.

    In the Mazil, the opposite is everything - everything is completely combined in one process! In the event of a single page failure, everything can be "covered" at the same time. The same with the plugins: hung on the player on one tab - it means the Flash "covered" everywhere, and you need to completely restart the entire window.

    It is very uncomfortable, so the question of who has more advantages in this comparison, Chrome or Firefox may be only one answer! In addition, Chrome has its own personal task manager, which is called by pressing SHIFT + ES.

    Additional properties

    As for the management of bookmarks, magazine, passwords, protection and security, then both browser in this regard are superbly arranged. To date, the number of plug-ins, additions and extensions for both platforms is infinitely large, so it is difficult to determine the priority of anyone.

    Naturally, each webmaster and just a computer user can argue their position relative to the choice of the first or second option.

    My conclusion is: it is better to use the Mazilla browser for programmers (you need to describe the details in a separate article), but for bloggers and simple Internet users, it is hardly invented by Chrome!

    Write comments and share your experience. I also advise you to view the article - the best plugins for Chrome.

    So, on the question of what is better, Chrome or Firefox, we will confidently answer that in the difficult confrontation for the championship, the advantage was on the side of Chromium. Experiment, try, explore and develop - all this is only good. Good luck!

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