Blagoveshchenskaya CHP 2. Blagoveshchenskaya CHP. Photo report. Basic industry enterprise

Blocks 20.05.2021

Found 120 results

The energy generation of the Amur generation (a branch of the Far Eastern Generating Company JSC is included in the RusHydro group) proceed to the training of equipment of the Annunciation CHP and Raichikhin GRES for the next heating season. This year, 506 million rubles were allocated to the implementation of the repair campaign. Currently, the current repair of the boiler unit No. 3 Raichikhinskaya GRES began. It will be the first event in the annual schedule for preparing for the autumn-winter period 2020-2021 ...

"Amur generation", a branch of the Far Eastern Generating Company (enters into the RusHydro group) annually adopts students of universities and custody of the Amur region for the passage of production practices. In 2019, 122 student received the initial professional experience at the Blagoveshchensk CHP and Raichikhinskaya GRES. The stations of the Amber Generation branch open their doors for AMGU students, Dalygau, the Amur College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Blagoveshchensk ...

The Amber Generation branch station (Far Eastern Generating Company JSC, is included in the RusHydro group) carry increased loads under sustainable frosty weather in the Amur region. For the energy generation of the Amur generation, a particularly responsible period started. So, all main equipment is involved in the Blagoveshchensk CHP: 4 out of 5 boobagners and 3 of the turbo units are used in the work. The reserve is another 2 water boiler. The station goes to ...

Within the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Energy Saving and Ecology #, the Amur Power Engines held a citywide event in the family holiday format. Interactive sites of the power companies belonging to the RusHydro group - JSC "DRSK", PJSC "DK" and JSC "DGK", worked the whole day at the Mukhinka hub in the suburbs of Blagoveshchensk. All those wishing could learn how to save a family budget where energy is born and what to do when the damaged electrical wire is detected or sparkling ...

Power engineers responsiblely lead the specified modes of working with an increased electrical and heat load at the Amur Generation branch of the branch of the branch of the "Far Eastern Generation Company") in the conditions of sustainable frosty weather faced in the Amur region. For thermal power plants, a particularly responsible period started. So, all main equipment is involved in the Blagoveshchensk CHP: all 5 boilers and 4 turbo units are in the work. The reserve is located ...

Blagoveshchensk, on May 24, 2018 - Energy of the Blagoveshchensk CHPP conduct a major overhaul of one of the four turbines of a 110 MW station. For three months, the station specialists will conduct diagnostics and repair of cylinders, rotors and a turbine machine tool, as well as the regulatory and steam distribution system, will perform an examination of the industrial safety of steps leading to the heaters of the regeneration system. In parallel, the overhaul of the turbogenerator will pass, ...

The Far Eastern Generating Company JSC (enters the RusHydro group) to allocate more than 4.4 billion rubles (including VAT) to finance the 2017 investment program. Funds will be directed both to the construction of new facilities and for technical re-equipment and reconstruction (TPIR) of existing ones. Of these, more than 3.6 billion rubles (82%) will go to TPIR, 743 million rubles (17%) - for new construction, the balance of funds will be sent to research and development and design ...

Blagoveshchensk, - Energy of the Blagoveshchensk CHP branch "Amur Generation" JSC "Far Eastern Generating Company" (enters the RusHydro group) brought into a planned average repair of one of the four turbines of the station. Work will last until the end of June of the current year. During this time, a large amount of planned and superdipated work will be performed on improving the reliability of the turbine unit, the capacity of which is 60 MW. During the repair of energy will be conducted anti-corrosion ...

On December 20, a solemn ceremony took place at the end of the construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP, which was carried out within the framework of the RusHydro program to develop the energy of the Far East. The new energy facility will save Blagoveshchensk from the deficit of heat and will allow you to implement applications for connecting new residential neighborhoods to the heat supply system. The first deputy general director RusHydro Vladimir Marquin and the deputy were attended by the solemn ceremony of construction.

... "On the further development of the Open Joint-Stock Company" Federal Hydrogenerating Company - RusHydro "in accordance with the contract on the provision of budget investments of 12/18/2012 No. 01-08 / 827, aimed earlier in the payment of the authorized capital of JSC" Blagoveshchenskaya CHP"And returned to reduce the authorized capital of JSC" Blagoveshchenskaya CHP"By reducing the nominal value of shares worth not more than 2,016,480,000 (two billion sixteen million four hundred eighty thousand) rubles. Results ...

  • 1

Today I will tell you the right about the CHP, as it works, for which such enormous structures are building and what kind of them are. As an example, the Annunciation CHP will be presented, it was there that I visited the blog tour of the RusHydro company organized by the company. Currently, the installed electrical power of the Annunciation CHP is 280 MW, the installed thermal power of 817 Gcal / hour. The heat-power plant provides 85% of the needs of industry and housing and communal services of the capital of the Amur region and produces the seventh of all electricity consumed in the Amur region. BTEC is equipped with three turbines, four energy boilers, two water boilers. The main fuel for the station is the brown coals of Raichikhinsky, Yerkovetsky (Amur Region) and the Kharanorsky (Chita region) of deposits, water-heating boilers work on fuel oil.

If you are not interested in the construction of the station, then boldly leaf down, then there will be a story about CHP and photos! The history of the construction of an Blagoveshchensk CHP begins with the sixties of the 20th century. In 1961, a regional meeting was held on the prospects for the development of the heat supply of the city of Blagoveshchensk until 1965. Then first sounded the thought of construction in the city of CHP. At that time, in Blagoveshchensk, the sources of heat for enterprises were an Annunciation urban power plant and 40 industrial boilers, and for the housing and communal sector - 198 boilers.
On September 2, 1966, the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR approved the scheme for the development of the heat supply of Blagoveshchensk. It envisaged the construction of a capacity of 210 MW (as a result, the power increased to 260 MW), which was intended for centralized heat supply of municipal and industrial consumers of the city of Blagoveshchensk, as well as coatings of electricity deficiency in the Amur Energy System.
On April 19, 1967, the Amur regional council of the working people created a commission to select the site for the construction of an Annunciation CHP. On May 15, 1967, the general plan of the city was determined by a place in the western industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe city along the row of the extravagange of Amur Zeysky watershed.
In 1968, the Leningrad branch of the Promenergoproject developed a project assignment on the Annunciation CHP, which was approved by the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR on July 16, 1969. To reduce the cost of construction of the USSR, the USSR was proposed for covering the peak load instead of the energy boiler to install water heating. For water heating boilers, a fuel oil was determined as an additional fuel to Raichikhinsky bromot.
In the spring of 1974, the Directorate of the CHP under construction is organized. In April 1974, an agreement was signed for the construction of the CHP with a trust "Dalenergostroy". For the supply of heat-energy construction, 4 boilers were installed with a capacity of 8.5 tons each working as part of energy trains No. 209 and 361. At the end of 1976, water-heating boilers were put into operation. Barnaul and expensive boiler factories, and the Directorate of the CHP under construction under December 31, 1976 was renamed the Blagoveshchensk thermal electrothelectric center and enrolled in the list of existing stations.
The construction of the first stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP ended in December 1985 by the launch of the third boiler and the third turbine. The installed capacity reached the design capacity and amounted to 280 MW electrical and 689 Gcal / hour of thermal power.

The development of industry industry, housing construction in Blagoveshchensk has steadily relieved to increase the number of consumers of thermal and electrical energy. The issue of expansion of the Annunciation CHP - construction of the second stage was relevant. In 1988, construction and installation work began on this project. According to the project, the second stage of construction envisaged the commissioning of two boilers and one turbine unit. However, only one boiler unit was introduced in fact, the fourth on the CHP account was introduced, he was commissioned in December 1994. On December 20, 1999, a cooling towers No. 3 was commissioned. In January 2000, 2 network pump was mounted and commissioned.
The 2nd turn of the Blagoveshchensk CHP is actually the expansion of the capacity of the current station. After the construction of the 2nd stage, the installed electric power of the CHP will grow by 120 MW and will be 400 MW, the thermal power will grow by 188 Gcal / h, namely up to 1005 Gcal / h. Annual development will reach 464 million kWh, and the annual electricity leave is 427.0 million kWh. As a fuel for the production of electricity and heat, it is planned to use the coal of the Yerkovetsky deposits. Completion of the construction of the 2nd stage of the station is scheduled for December 2015.

02. Our trip was timed to the start of the construction of the second stage, this is what the Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region are waiting for.

03. Most people CHP are associated with these structures:

This is cooling towers, on the Annunciation CHP three, let's figure out how they work. So, these towers serve to cool the water, here the paradox - CHP produces heat, heats water for batteries in homes and produces electricity and at the same time water is cooled at the CHP, for which it is necessary, will tell below.

04. In short, the CHP works like this:

05. General view of the turbine shop.



Coal burned in the boiler. The boiler is a huge design, the height of which can reach 10-12 floors. The water in the boiler runs through the pipes and at the same time heats up from burning fuel in the boiler firebox, steam is formed in the same pipes. By the way, the water is heated as from the flame and from the gases that are allocated when fuel combustion. As a result, at the outlet of the boiler, we get couples that enters the thermal turbine. Under the pressure of the couple, the turbine blades and mechanical energy turns into electric. A very important point, steam is obtained from purified water, which is processed in the chemical workshop, the analysis of the water purified is regularly carried out. The rest after the turbine falls into the condenser (there are turbines with a built-in capacitor) and there it is converted into water, which is sent back to the boiler, to the next round. Here the cooling towers come into business, the water in the capacitor cools the steam, there the water takes the excess heat, heats up and goes into the cooling towers, thereby cooled by the condenser itself. Water from the cooling towers enters the atmosphere in reservoirs. The water is used both for the heating of batteries in consumers and to transform it into par. As you understand, the boiler is one of the key units of any CHP. It remains to answer another question - what exactly is the smoke from the pipe? These are exhaust gases that go up and warm the pipes in which water flows, the gas residues most of which is spent on promoting the conversion of water into the pairs goes out through the chimneys and rushed into the pipe. One pipe can work for several boilers.

08. This is how the turbine looks like a CHP.


10. It is here that the new turbine of the Blagoveshchensk CHP will soon be built.


12. The boiler is a top view.

13. Each boiler on the CHP is a height of several tens of meters ... For example, the new boiler of the second stage of the CHP has a height of 46 meters.

14. Central CHP control panel, heart of the entire station!


16. As it was clearly written by the earlier, the main fuel for the Annunciation CHP is coal, it is brought into a special, car pipeline workshop.

17. General appearance, while the workshop is empty, we are waiting for the railway composition loaded by coal.

18 wagons go one for one.

19. A special device turns every rumped car.

20. Workers personnel watching the process from the side, at this moment in the workshop it becomes very dusty and dirty, but this is a natural process, so people work in masks.


22. Pay attention to the chassis of the Wagon when the wagon turns over, the coal falls into the crushing mine, it is delivered from there by conveyors to boilers.


Well, in conclusion, I recommend watching a video dedicated to the construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP and not only. The state allocates finances for the development of the energy sector of the Far East, so the most important projects are still ahead!

As part of that trip, I visited two more HPP, I suggest you to look into these posts, it will be interesting!

The Blagoveshchensk CHP was put into operation in 1976, part of OJSC "Far Eastern Generating Company", a branch "Amur generation".
This is the only CHP in the city of Blagoveshchensk, it is intended for centralized heat supply and electrical loading. Currently, the installed electrical capacity of the Annunciation CHP is 280 MW. Installed thermal capacity of BTEC - 817 Gcal / hour (taking into account peak water boilers). The disposable thermal power is 777 sides / hour. The CHP produces the seventh of the entire electricity of the region, 84% provides the needs of industrial enterprises and housing and public utilities in the heat.

2. General view of the station: the main building, 2 flue pipes, three cooling towers, tubes of heat mains carrying heat in the city.

3. Starting from 2007, the deficit of thermal power began to be formed in Blagoveshchensk. Taking into account the contractual load, the shortage of thermal power in Blagoveshchensk is already 90 Gcal / hour. By 2015, further deficit will increase by another 78 Gcal / hour and will be about 170 Gcal / hour. To solve this problem, a project for the construction of the second stage of the CHP is initiated.

4. Equipment of open distribution device ORA-110 kV.

5. Fountain in the chemical workshop.

6. Flowers grown by employees of the chemical workshop. Women always try to create comfort.


8. Control shield in the chemical workshop.


10. The chemical station station has its own logo emblem)


12. Compositions with fuel oil come here.

13. Pumping.

14. Car pipeline. Turns over the car with coal.

15. Transporters for serving coal to boilers.

16. Coal field of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. The station for the station is the brown corners of Raychikhinsky, Yerkovetsky (Amur Region) and the Kharanorsky (Chita region) of deposits.

17. Kotloyagat.

18. Turbine shop of the Blagoveshchensk CHP.

19. Fundam for a new turbine for the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. Started in the 90s. Today it does not meet modern requirements. It is dismantled.

20. Three turbo units are installed on the Blagoveshchensk CHP:
- PT-60-130 / 13-1.2 Art. №1;
- T-110 / 120-130-4 Art. №2;
- T-110 / 120-130-4 Art. Number 3.


22. Lunch.

23. At the lower levels of CHP, work boils.


25. Technical hole of the boiler.



28. Ceremonies. In the cooling towers, the water reducing heat from heat exchangers is cooled, the capacitor is such, the appointment of which in the closed turbine circuit, as a heat machine, create conditions for maximum efficiency.

29. The height of the chimney number 2 is 210 meters, chimney No. 1 - 120 meters.

30. Vitaly Andriov - Deputy Chief Engineer of the Blagoveshchensk CHP

31. Director of the Blagoveshchensk CHP Andrei Sazanov.
Thank you very much press service "

Blagoveshchenskaya CHP - the basic enterprise of the energy industry of the Amur region. CHP 85% ensures the needs of industrial enterprises and housing and communal services in heat and produces a seventh of all electricity consumed in the area.
Basic Station Equipment: Three Turboaggings Art. No. 1 of the type PT-60-130 / 13 and Art. No. 2.3 type T-110 / 120-130; Four energy boilers type BKZ-420-140-7; Two water heating boilers type KVGM-100. The main fuel is the brown coal of Raichikhinsky, Erkovetsky and the Kharanorsk deposits.
The installed electric power of the station is 280 MW, the installed thermal power of the Blagoveshchensk CHP - 817 Gcal / hour.

The Blagoveshchenskaya CHP was built only in 1976 - then two water boilers produced by the Barnaul and Doroscale Boiler Plants were beaten, and the Directorate of the CHP under construction under December 31, 1976 was renamed the Blagoveshchensk thermal power plane and enrolled in the list of existing stations. At the same time, the construction of the first stage of the Blagoveshchenskaya CHP completely ended in December 1985 by the start of boiler No. 3. With the end of construction, the established power of the station reached the design capacity and amounted to 280 MW electrical and 689 Gcal / h thermal power.

The start of installation and construction work on the construction of the second stage of the CHP was found in 1988. In December 1994, the boiler number 4 was commissioned, later - in 1999 - the third cooling time began to work.
For the construction of the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP, 8 billion rubles will be spent. On a quarter, this project will be financed by RAO ES EAST OJSC. The rest of the money will come from the federal budget in 2014. After the construction is completed, the heat capacity of the station will increase by 175 Gcal / hour, and electric - by 110 megawatt.

The contractual load in hot water and a paire as of January 1, 2008 amounted to 660 Gcal / hour. Issued technical conditions for the accession of consumers by 95 Gcal / hour. The shortage of power, taking into account the issued technical conditions amounted to 60 Gcal / hour (without taking into account the thermal power of peak water boilers). Currently, the Annunciation CHP has suspended the issuance of technical conditions for connecting to the CHP networks. The supply of thermal power on boiler houses heating housing fund is also missing.

Since the Blagoveshchensk CHP is the main supplier of thermal energy for heating and hot water supply of the city objects, it was decided to build the second stage of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. To do this, it is planned to establish the Energy unit N 5 of the BKZ-420-140 type and the T-110 / 120-130 turbine unit. To commission the Cote unit N 5 and the turbine unit N 4, it is necessary to perform the installation of the main and auxiliary equipment: fuel feeds, chimberries, wrench-110 kV, hydrozol system, construction of cooling tower N 4, technical water supply systems. The implementation of this project will increase the release of thermal energy from the BTEC to 767 Gcal / hour.

To ensure the growth of heat loads, the creation of thermal power to close small non-economic boilers working without treatment plants, the Irkutsk branch of Siberian Energy Scientific and Technical Center OJSC has developed the heat supply scheme of Blagoveshchensk. Of the six proposed heat supply schemes adopted the most economical: the development of the Blagoveshchensk CHP to the installed electric power of 390 MW, thermal - 1180 Gcal / hour.

The increase in the power of the BTEC will allow you to close 51 inefficient boiler room. Boiler rooms are preserved, the most remote from the central heat supply zone of BTEC, on which it is expected to replace the boilers that have worked out their resources on the boilers of the same productivity.

The company is the energy center of the city. This is a big single organism, mini-state. From his healthy work, the well-being of citizens and guests of the city, comfort and comfort in apartments, offices, in enterprises, in institutions ... [photo]

Polina Krylova


Amend text size: A A.

Basic industry enterprise

Branch of the Amur Generation "Blagoveshchensk I CHP" without a small 40 years - the basic enterprise of energy of the Amur region and the city of Blagoveshchensk, the main source of thermal and power supply of the regional center.


Provides 85% of the needs of industrial enterprises and housing and communal services.

Generates the seventh of the entire electricity of the region.

On the balance of the company

More than 46 km of trunk heat

8 km of steps.

At the station function

Three turbo units

Four energy and two water boilers.

Installed power

By electricity - 280 MW

Heat and energy - 817 Gcal / h.

Positively affect the improvement of production efficiency Complex automation and automatic control of technological processes.

Meanwhile, the years take their own, the station has developed many of its resources. Part of the equipment is outdated and requires modernization. Now the construction of the second stage of the BTEC, which will increase the reliability of the work of thermal power center, will increase the release of heat to consumers.

The rhythm of the energy heart depends on all participants in the process, whether employees of the turbine, boiler shops, the chemical laboratories, the main management board or subsidiary services.

In this we were convinced of themselves, having visited excursions here. Our guide - Vitaly Andriov, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Blagoveshchensk CHP.

Coal field shop

It all starts with fuel. Therefore, in the technological chain of heat and electricity production, one of the first is the fuel and transport shop. Coal is brought from the railway with the Yarkovsky section of Raichikhinsky deposit. Also, tanks with fuel oil come to the station. Work workers take wagons with coal. With the help of car pipelines, electric holders, and in winter time - and a defrosting device, carry out mechanized unloading of fuel wagons, feed it to burning into a boiler shop or to a huge coal storage field. But for starting the fuel weigh, measure it, clean and crushed.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe coal field is 6.95 hectares, it is approximately like nine football fields. It is a business card not only the fuel and transport workshop, but also the entire enterprise. The work of the workshop staff is truly complex. Regardless of weather conditions, both in Stuzh, and in a heat, and in the afternoon, and at night, in the open air they produce the fuel unloading so that the station worked smoothly.

First energy - superheated steam

In the boiler shop, the first energy is obtained - overheated pairs, which is supplied to the turbine shop on steam pipelines and moves powerful turbines.

Our main task is the production of a couple of necessary parameters for steam turbines - tells us Ilya Kolotov, deputy head of the boiler shop. - We have six boilers: four energy steam and two water heating. Water heating use only at certain periods of peak loads, when there is not enough thermal power of the main boilers.

Cottoaggers are huge tall designs with a nine-story house. The incredible number of pipelines - steam, hot water, condensate, many different types of heaters, pumps, shut-off and regulating reinforcement. In the firebox of the boiler, the chopped to dust coal burns. The walls of the furnace consist of metal tubes for which water flows. From the flame and heat in the furnace, the temperature of which, by the way, reaches 1100 degrees, the water turns into steam. He, in turn, leaves the boiler and goes on steam trucks to the steam turbine. The flue gases from the boilers are discharged into two smoke tubes, which rise over Blagoveshchensky at 210 and 120 meters.

And all this bulk equipment is controlled by automatic and people. Machinist of the heat shield of control of the boiler shop Konstantin Spot Removes the performance of the main and auxiliary equipment, leads the operation of the boilers. Due to modesty, he did not particularly communicate with us, although the work experience of Konstantin Sergeyevich at the enterprise solid and he has something to tell. Competent, has high qualifications. Deserves good words and his brother Dmitry, who works in the heat automation workshop and the master measurements.

Symphony of the turbine shop

Vitaly Andriov invites us to the noisy turbine shop of the Blagoveshchensk CHP, where the robination of numerous equipment forms "technical symphony". This is another link in the technological chain of the enterprise. It is here that heat and electricity are produced, so necessary to consumers. Therefore, the main production facilities of the station.

Here is the transformation of thermal energy into electric. Couples of the boiler coming to the turbine makes it rotating its multiple rotor at a speed of 3000 revolutions per minute and warms the water that enters the city for heating. He also fits the condensate from the spent steam. It returns to the boiler in the form of water to the next circle. At the same time, the turbine rotor rotates the generator rotor, which in turn and produces electricity.

Looking at the station, the Annunciations can see part of the equipment of the turbine workshop, namely, three large structures - CHP cooling towers. These huge tower volcanoes, from the thaw of which pure white pairs are poured, cool water that serves to cool the equipment and steam in the condenser.

Head of the turbine workshop Dmitry Romanov The main task of its collective determines how the performance of heat and electricity workloads:

Our specialists maintain equipment in a state of constant readiness for loading loads, provide reliable, trouble-free and cost-effective operation of the equipment. The repair team is engaged in the maintenance of the heat center of the workshop. This year, a major overhaul of one of the steam turbines was carried out. Under the reconstruction of the cooling of the cooling process No. 1. A unique work on the restoration of equipment was performed. Purchased and is in the installation stage of the modern complex of the stationary technological control system.

The service begins with the "bottoms"

The turbine workshop - a binder of the work of the entire station, the workshop equipment works for the final development and vacation of the main products of the CHP, - continues the conversation machinist of the central heat shield of control of the turbine shop Alexander Kulik. - After graduation, I have been working here for ten years. He started the side of the auxiliary equipment. I like the team, there are possibilities of self-realization, career growth.

Yes, it is very good that we have something to strive for, - seconds a colleague machinist of the central heat shield of the control of the boiler shop Alexander Commissionarenko. - Each overcomes a certain service step, starting with the "lower beds". And independently of the initial education. I have behind the technical school behind me, I study in absentia in AMGU. I came here in the example of the Father, Leonid Alekseevich, who has been working at the station for 30 years.

Young people perfectly understand that experts are moving to the next step, passing all the stages, starting from the lowest posts. And only as experience accumulates, the prospect of promotion opens. The entire management team started with junior posts. Special knowledge and skills are required from personnel, any work is very responsible. We need high technical erudition, the ability to properly and quickly make decisions, well orient in any extreme situation. You need to know the rules of operation, safety and technology technology, owning workshops on complex equipment.

In fact, at the station we will grow to yourself frames, work closely with educational institutions, "says Vitaly Andriyanov, who himself began his work path from the post of an electric surveyor. - Student practice guys pass in the enterprise, they have the opportunity to assess the labor of energy, the desire and potential of the profession. Often, after the end of Alma -Mater, they come to us for production.

Electricity is distributed here

The electric workshop also refers to the leading units of the Blagoveshchensk CHP. Here electricity, in the development of which the many units of various equipment are involved, is distributed between consumers.

For the quality of the released energy we answer, workers of the workshop, supporting the normalized voltage and frequency parameters, commented Andrei Klimkin, Head of Shift Electricity. - Ensuring the maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production is also included in the main tasks of the workshop.

At our station there is no such unit where there was no electrical equipment. In total electrical equipment, which is carried out by electric workshop, and not count: transformers, distribution devices of all stresses and destinations, cable channels and tunnels, control circuit and much more. All this, from the service of lighting stationery to the repair of generators and power transformers, are carried out by my colleagues working in electrode.

Andrei Anatolyevich at the station for 26 years, he served in the army, he worked in the central power grids, and still returned here. Once his father, Anatoly Pavlovich worked here.

In the same office with Andrey Anatolyevich, Woman Energetic Natalia Zakharevich works. For a long time ago, Her Father, Stanislav Nikolayevich Otradnaya, but, the love of the profession, departed to the enterprise of his daughter. Its experience at the CHP - more than three decades, came here a 19-year-old girl, graduated from the Novosibirsk Energy Institute in absentia. It removes control and measuring readings of various devices. This is part of its work to control the regime of electrical equipment. He considers his work very important and interesting.

Modernization of devices and electrical equipment - a constant phenomenon. Various technologies are being introduced, including energy saving. On two transformers replaced previous arresters to modern. This will protect work during a thunderstorm. Repair personnel has experience in replacing oil switches to Elegazovy, which are successfully functioning.

"Night Director"

Infinitely gives commands by phone, responds to endless calls head of changing station Alexander Runner. Vitaly Andriyanov Metko calls him the "night director" - because the day and at night, at the jurisdiction of Alexander Alekseevich and his colleagues, an all mini-state, which is the Annunciation CHP. Rather, the modes of operation of equipment on specified graphics:

It is necessary to constantly comply with the graphs of the electrical and thermal load per day through the management of energy equipment and operational personnel. If the emergency will suddenly happen, it is necessary to immediately decide on changing the mode of operation of the equipment and the station as a whole, notify all interested parties. Actions occur in minutes.

In order for everything about Alexander Alekseevich, it happened instantly, at the station constantly raise the level of staff training, they conduct anti-emergency and fireary training in the situation approximate to real. According to authoritative commissions, assessing the actions of the station staff, BTEC looks worthy.

Days of labor protection

Absolutely all enterprise specialists are obliged to own knowledge of safety and labor protection. Therefore, a special division was created at the station.

The main activity of the service of industrial safety and labor protection is aimed at preventing accidents and fires at the enterprise, the exclusion of injuries and occupational diseases of employees - explains leading service engineer Sergey Filonov. - We take part in training and inspection of the knowledge of the staff of the CHP, every month we spend the days of labor protection, during the year - various contests, promotions on professional development.

24 hours a day 365 days a year

Vitaly Viktorovich Andriyanov with enthusiasm talks about the work of each electric power service, and if they allowed newspaper squares, we would follow it.

The chemical workshop annually producing about 250 thousand tons of desalted water and carving various samples and analyzes.

The shop of thermal networks responsible for the condition of the thermal "arteries" of Blagoveshchensk.

Motor vehicle, providing all units of the passenger and specialized vehicles for the delivery of workers and various goods.

The workshop of heavy equipment, whose employees behind the helmsmen of their bulldozers, loaders, excavators carry out uninterrupted fuel supply.

Workshop of thermal automation and measurements, round-the-clock monitoring for the technical condition of a set of control and measuring instruments, sensors and means of thermal automation.

The Department of Dispatch and Technological Controls Division provides a station with various quality bonds.

Production and technical department - a cerebral center, which oversees the technical direction of the station.

The bulk of the workshop is empty, people here appear once every two hours during bypass. At the same time, the equipment does not remain unattended - control and management of its work is carried out with control panels.

All the work of the CHP is controlled from the main control panel. The duty jobs circled with hundreds of buttons, dozens of sensors - mechanical, electronic. As the entire production process of the station on the palm. We are told how the quantity is controlled, the quality of the released energy is controlled by the generators and power lines in all objects where the energy of the CHP is supplied.

Information about all events is entered into a special magazine.

CHP - a strategic object, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Andrei Sazanov, Director of the Branch of the SP "Blagoveshchenskaya CHP:

What allows our station with dignity to withstand all challenges of time and testing? I answer without thinking: "Of course people." We experience more than 600 people. The team is strong, efficient, talented. The backbone formed him for a long time. Moreover, in some cases, the thrust for the profession becomes hereditary, the real labor dynasties develop. I thank each of your employees from the soul for conscientious work, dedication, patience, a sense of duty and love for your work. This is the basis of reliability of our energy. I am proud of my team that has been providing uninterrupted operation of the main and auxiliary equipment around the clock. These people dedicate themselves difficult work, where the constant conditions are heat, dust, noise. From the station's team, allocate someone personally very difficult. Everyone work on conscience, before each you can put any tasks. We annually meet graduates. Now many of those who have accepted several years ago work in the posts of the middle level of the governing staff. By the way, many specialists who worked with us occupy higher positions on sectoral enterprises not only the Amur region, but also the whole country.

We have a production process and the reconstruction of the station equipment for almost 60 years have not stopped for almost a minute - commented director of the branch of the JV Raichikhinskaya GRES Igor Usov. - This year, the reconstruction of the hyperalization was performed and replaced the clarifier No. 1. The following year the generator switch on the turbogenerator No. 6 will be installed. There is a lot of work on the implementation of an automated control system on boilers, turbo units, heat installation and pumping pumping stations. Having spent a solid period, in fact, in non-stop mode, the station "became stuck" by experimental personnel potential, the production base. Once GRES provided electricity all industrial and socio-housing facilities of the southern regions of the region, was the only source of electricity for the regional center. Today RGRES

I congratulate all the "Amur Generation" staff and all the energy of the Amur region with a vocational holiday. We highly appreciate strong partnerships that have developed with the teams of other Amur energy enterprises. Each of us is always ready to understand colleagues and come to the rescue. We have one goal - to make the life of the Amurmen comfortable.

I wish all the energy and their families of health, happiness and success. I wish to solve any tasks at a high professional level, with love for your work.

Sergey Rudenko, Director of the Branch "Amur Generation" of OJSC DGK.

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