The main activities that increase the reliability of organizational and technological solutions in the construction (reconstruction) in the conditions of dense urban development. Construction of construction objects in the conditions of dense urban development depending on the prevailing

Drainage 20.05.2021

General provisions

When building buildings and structures in the conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also the surrounding structures:

The need to ensure maintaining the operational properties of objects located in close proximity to the building stain;
the impossibility of location at the construction site of a full range of household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms;
development of special constructive and technological measures aimed at optimizing the construction processes;
Development of technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

The feature of the factors listed above is that for many of them today there is no regulatory framework, comprehensively considering them in binding to the construction of buildings.

Arriving in the first months of construction problems associated with the formation of cracks on walls, floors and ceilings of existing buildings may entail not only financial losses, but also lead to the closure of construction. The same consequences may arise from the impossibility of ensuring engineering and sanitary requirements for the arrangement of the construction site. To work out solutions to carry out not only the quality construction of a building, but also providing a steady equilibrium of both nearby buildings and the urban environment as a whole, consider the problems arising in the construction of buildings in more detail in a dense urban building.

Specific features of the buildingplane

The boundedness of the areas allocated to the building site prevents the full deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which construction will be immediately suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire fighting events and safety measures. Mandatory is the presence of evacuation passages (exits) at the construction site prepared for the use of fire hydrants, aggravated fires; The restrictive pickup or fencing around the pita, pointers of the areas of work on the construction site, canopies over pedestrian zones located along the construction site.

In cases of limited area of \u200b\u200bthe construction site outside the construction site can be located:

Administrative and household premises;
Cutlery and sanitary premises;
reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops;
open and closed warehouses;
Cranes, concrete pumps and other construction vehicles.

Administrative, household, warehouse, production workshops and workshops(Fig. 26.1). The location within the construction site of certain premises is difficult due to the absence of areas required by standards, and attempts to find technical solutions to place temporary structures, such as an increase in their floors, complicating configurations in accordance with the configuration of the building stains, lead to significant technical difficulties and appreciation of the project.

Fig. 26.1. Accommodation of a domestic town outside the construction site:
1 - construction site; 2 - open and closed warehouses; 3 - Administrative and household premises

In some cases, the platform has so limited dimensions that no technical solutions allow to place auxiliary premises in its borders. At the same time, there are organizational and technological solutions that allow you to place these premises outside the building stain without significant damage to the building of the building. In this case, the economic and organizational and technological feasibility of placing certain premises on the territory of the construction site and outside it is considered.

Administrative and domestic premises endowed beyond the construction site can be located in existing buildings or in newly erected household towns. Prior to the construction of buildings, it is possible to place household premises for the period of construction, or the land plot on which the household town can be erected. Requirements for search objects are as follows:

Location in maximum proximity to the construction site;
Availability at the facility the possibility of accession to network infrastructure - heat supply, power supply, water supply and sewerage;
Minimum cost of renting premises or land plot.

By choosing the room or plot of land, there are an administrative and domestic town, if possible, approached by its dimensions to the requirements of sanitary standards. If the town is placed in close proximity to the construction site, the staff independently gets to their jobs and back. In some cases, if it is impossible to accommodate the town in close proximity to the site, the staff is delivered to the object and from the buses object.

The removal from the platform from the canteens and sanitary premises is connected not only with the absence of the necessary areas, but also with difficulties in the first stages of construction with accession to urban networks. Nevertheless, the presence of toilets is necessary from the first day of construction, therefore, from the very beginning of the deployment of the construction site, biological toilet cabins should be installed there. The premises of canteens, shower and toilet rooms should be provided for deployed near the object of leased territories and in buildings.

Delivery of products and equipment at specified time.The lack of reinforcing, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops make it difficult to manufacture products and elements of building structures, such as fittings prepared by size, reinforcement frames, elements of bearing metal structures, carpentry and plumbing elements. To solve this problem, all elements listed above are brought to the construction site in the form prepared for use. They are made on their own production facilities located outside the construction site, or specialized enterprises on special orders. They are delivered to the site in accordance with the charts of delivery, in accurate days and hours. At the construction site, they are unloaded and served to the place of production of work, i.e., their installation is carried out directly "from the wheels". Failure to fulfill the delivery of any product can lead to a breakdown of the construction schedule of the entire structure. Therefore, when working "from wheels", the role of dispatching services for construction and installation organizations, carrying out control over the development of delivery schedules and their subsequent implementation.

The inability to accommodate open and closed warehouses in the construction site leads to necessity, first, to carry out a large amount of installation work "from wheels", and secondly, especially for expensive imported equipment, create intermediate warehouses. These rooms located on the territory of their own production bases or rented in close proximity to the construction site are delivered, as a rule, directly from the supplier plumbing, electrical and elevator equipment, sometimes window blocks, doors, various finishing materials. As they demand, the construction site and materials are delivered from the warehouse and mounted directly from vehicles.
In some cases, the supplier assumes the obligations to supply the requested equipment directly to the construction site within the agreed period as well as the suppliers of products and structures make. Some problems in the supply of imported equipment are associated with the fact that delivery from abroad and the implementation of customs procedures is quite difficult to normalize in time and almost impossible to accurately indicate the day and hour when the equipment will be delivered to the site. In this case, the equipment is ordered in advance, 2 ... 3 weeks before the desired period and before installation it is stored in the supplier's warehouse. In the presence of a large number of such suppliers, there is no need for intermediate warehouses, however, all the participants in the building process are in very rigid temporary boundaries established by the charts of the work and supply of equipment.

The location of the cranes and large-sized construction machines.A large problem in the conditions of dense urban development is accommodation directly on the site of large-sized construction machines and cranes. Cranes and concrete pumps must be located on a construction site or in close proximity to it. This is due to the technical capabilities of the equipment - the maximum departure of the arrow of the crane or the feeding organ of the concrete pump. However, in most cases, there are previously built buildings and structures around the construction site and accommodation nearby large tower cranes, the installation of the crane routes is impossible. In this case, easy-mounted tower cranes are used without crane paths, for which the subsecuting area is required to 9 m2, heavy self-propelled cranes or self-lifting cranes, installed directly in the building stain.

The foundation plate is mounted using a mobile crane, then a tower crane is installed on it. As the designs arranged above the foundation slab, the crane can rise and mounted on mounted overlaps. Sometimes a faucet remains on the foundation plate until the end of the building is completed, so unfinished areas with reinforcement releases remain in the ceractions around the crane. The dimensions of these areas are determined on the basis of the dimensions of the most extended horizontal parts of the crane. After completion of the work, the crane is dismantled, removing by sections. Unplanded overlap zones reaching 10 ... 20 m2 each, concrete, starting from the bottom. Concrete is placed with self-propelled heavy cranes.

During construction in conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also to the surrounding structures. These factors belong:

the need to operate objects located in close proximity to the building stain;

the impossibility of location at the construction site of the entire complex of construction infrastructure, provided for by the production technology (household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms);

the need to develop technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

The boundedness of the area isolated under construction prevents the full-fledged deployment of the construction site.

At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which construction will be suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire-fighting events and ensuring labor protection and engineering safety management:

the presence of evacuation trading at the construction site;

prepared for the use of fire hydrants and aggravated fires;

fencing of the construction site and hazardous zones (pita, assembly stationary crane, structural warehouses);

sheds over pedestrian zones adjacent to the construction site.

In cases of limited area, the construction site outside the construction site can be located: administrative and household premises; Cutlery and sanitary premises; reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops; Open and closed warehouses. When organizing construction, it is advisable to provide for these purposes restitutors, In coordination with their owners. To limit warehouse space, you can organize:

installation of building structures with wheels,

apply the most enlarged elements,

apply advanced construction technologies tested under similar conditions.

Sometimes there are intermediate storage areas in the maximum proximity to the object under construction. In this case, the required materials and products are delivered to the object as needed and placed in the use zone. The use of intermediate warehouses impose on participants in the construction production (including suppliers and customers) strict requirements for the implementation of work schedules and delivery of techno-logical equipment.

Administrative and domestic premises, endowed beyond the construction site, can be located in existing buildings or in newly built towns, as close as possible to the construction site. Squares used should meet the regulatory requirements for minimal sanitary and hygienic standards per working. Delivery of working on an object is carried out by the customer service.

A serious problem in the conditions of dense urban development is accommodating directly on the site of large-sized construction machines and cranes. Cranes and concrete pumps should be located on a construction site or in close proximity to it. However, in the immediate vicinity of them there are previously built buildings and structures that prevent the movement of the arrow of the crane or concrete pump, or there is no possibility to pave the crane paths. In this case, easily mounted stationary type cranes (self-lifted) on a relatively small foundation or (for concrete work) are used by concrete-laying complexes associated with the vertical supply of the concrete mix inside the building and its subsequent distribution on the tier by manipulators of various types. In technological design, you need to strive to maximize the construction experience in similar conditions and modern mechanization.

Maintaining the operational properties of the existing building.

The buildings located in close proximity to the construction site may be subject to a number of influences arising during the construction of a new building. These impacts include: the junction of the pit in close proximity to the building and vibration from the direct proximity of the construction machines and mechanisms.

The first group of defects occurs from changing the static characteristics of the base. Removing the soil near the foundations of buildings leads to a change in the power field around them. Therefore, the creation of a structural balance allows you to compensate for the emerging effects.

The second group of defects is a consequence of the dynamic effects of working construction machines and mechanisms. Their decline to permissible levels achieve the implementation of special engineering activities.

Specific activities aimed at maintaining the operational properties of the existing development are developed in the projects of work. These include:

strengthening grounds and foundations, which should ensure a static equilibrium of the building for the period of open pit to the construction of the supporting structures of the basement of the new building and the filling of the sinuses of the kittle. The most often apply the following constructive solutions: "Wall in the ground", punching fences, strengthening the foundations and walls of basements of existing buildings, strengthening the grounds of the bases by the inexpection methods;

development of catalovans and the foundations of queues - this reduces the consumption of temporary retaining structures;

selection of machines and mechanisms with minimal dynamic hara-kateristiki;

vibration isolation of the ground massif adjacent to existing buildings and facilities.

In construction, conditions leading to a decrease in labor productivity and work, causing unproductive actions and maneuvers of used machines and mechanisms that create any inconvenience of transportation, storing and supplying construction structures and materials are called cramped construction conditions.

These conditions are created in the implementation of works near land buildings, electric power lines, underground communications, trees, etc. During the reconstruction and major repairs of buildings and structures, additional difficulties arise at the operating industrial enterprises. Various territorial constraints not only reduce the performance of building machines and mechanisms, but also often make their use. As a result, all this leads to a sharp increase in manual labor, the growth of labor costs and, as a result, to an increase in the duration of construction and its rise in prices.

Manufacture of works next to existing buildings and structures is carried out taking into account:

Special events ensuring the safety of existing buildings;

Measures to monitor existing and building buildings and underground space adjacent to them;

Performing measures for engineering protection of the environment, including, if necessary, fixing the grounds of grounds and strengthening existing buildings and structures;

Prevent damage to existing communications;

Compliance with traffic safety.

Given all the difficulties of construction or reconstruction in the conditions of dense urban development, special events are being developed that increase the reliability of organizational and technological solutions that prevent deformations ensuring the strength and sustainability of existing buildings, buildings and structures. Also during the construction (reconstruction), continuous monitoring of structures is underway (installation of beacons, reference shooting, strengthening existing structures, etc.).

The project of the construction organization is developed by organizational and technological schemes for the construction of (reconstruction) of urban development facilities, providing for the priority of building buildings and structures and activities that ensure the safety of the construction of new structures and the safety of existing facilities. Also try to reduce the number of temporary buildings under construction and structures by using permanent objects for the needs of the construction site.

During the construction in the immediate vicinity of the underground structures of the metro and other underground structures, the use of the immersion immersion of the piles is determined in accordance with the current standards. When using vibration-loaded piles, the need for their trial immersion is taken into account in order to eliminate invalid oscillations of the designs of those around the construction site of buildings and structures.

When working on the device of the kittlers, it is not allowed to decompose the soils under the foundations of the existing development and ensures the preservation of the properties of the grounds of the bases in the pitchers, excavations and other workings intended for the device of foundations and other structures. The fastening of the walls of the excavation depends on their size and depth, the physicomechanical characteristics of the soils and others. Earth and construction work can be carried out in the following ways:

Ballets from piles, steel pipes and beams and borrowers in the intervals between them;

In the form of walls, built with a metal sheet, screwed, burbilic piles, flat "walls in the ground" both prefab and monolithic.

As a rule, without a special rationale, it is not recommended to use the attachments of the kittlers with soil anchors. More preferable is the use of the "wall in the ground" constructions and the choice of technology on the device underground parts of buildings and structures by the "top down" method.

For the safe implementation of construction and installation work with cranes on the territory of the construction site, hazardous working areas associated with the work of the crane are limited. Ways to limit the working area of \u200b\u200bthe crane:

Restriction of arrows departure;

Restriction of the movement of the crane;

Limit of lifting height of cargo.

To increase safety when working as crane, a series of systems has been developed that automatically limit the test area of \u200b\u200bthe crane. These system limit the movement of the crane, its arrows and cargo at the specified limits horizontally and vertical. With a dangerous approximation of the mechanism to the existing border of the prohibition, these systems provide warning signals. If the crane operator does not take the necessary measures, they automatically block the appropriate crane mechanisms, stopping their movement.

In the conditions of a dense urban building, temporary access roads on construction sites are performed on dead-end or through circuits. The volume of platforms for storage and warehouse premises is calculated on short-term storage of the reserve of the necessary materials, semi-finished products, parts and products supplied to the construction site in a special container. During the construction, such methods are used as the installation of building structures from vehicles, the use of maximum enlarged elements, the use of advanced construction technologies approved under similar conditions.

In case of the impossibility of location at the construction site of the necessary equipment, engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms outside the construction site, administrative and domestic rooms, cutlery and sanitary facilities, reinforcement, joinery and plumbing workshops and workshops, open and closed warehouses can be located.

Storage is not allowed at the construction site of materials shipped by bulk, as well as long-term products (designs, metal rolling, timber).

In order to maximize the possible reduction of the territory occupied, temporary engineering communications raise on the height supports, providing unhindered travel under them of construction equipment, or pave them in trenches. Also when working as a crane in the security zone of the power line, it is necessary to de-energize it. If it is impossible to remove the voltage, it is allowed to work under the condition of the following requirements set forth in.

These activities make it possible to increase the reliability and safety of organizational and technological solutions used in the construction (reconstruction) in the conditions of dense urban development. It is relevant and one of the most important areas in modern construction.


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V.A. Shumanov, CEO;
A.L. Floodin, chief engineer;
R.M. Yunusov, Ex-Director,
OJSC "Lyuberetskaya Heaugeret", Lyubertsy


The "Lyubertsy Heat" was formed on October 1, 1969. At that time, there were 20 boilers with a set capacity of 121.6 Gcal / h, which served only 152 people. To date, OJSC Lyubertsy Heaugerene is an organization in which more than 500 people work. There are 28 boilers with a set capacity of 325 Gcal / h, 64 CTP, 6 ITP and about 170 km of networks in 2-pipe calculus. Thermal networks operate on temperature graphs: 150-70 o C, with a cut of 130 o C, and 95-70 o C. The annual volume of heat sales is more than one million Gcal.

Lyubertsy, being the fifth in terms of population and the first population density in the Moscow region, is located so close to Moscow, which is sometimes difficult to understand where one city ends and the other begins. Such a neighborhood with a multimillion capital imposes a number of features in terms of the work and interaction of all engineering services, and not to avoid difficulties. There are several large terrestrial transport hubs of the long-distance communication (including the railway separated by the city into two parts), and local engineering communications coexist in the metropolitan, which, being laid in almost the center of Lyuberets, provide heat, water and power supply of remote areas of Moscow ( An example of whether the main thermal pipeline of Du 400, belonging to the Moscow Heating Room Company). Naturally, the manufacturing strategy of the enterprise of OJSC Luberetskaya Heaugerene needs to be arranged taking into account these factors.

Even in the middle of the eighties, when the need for thermal energy has increased in the city, the possibility of reconstructing the heat supply system of some areas with the accession of them to the ICC of Moscow was considered. In 1986, an agreement was concluded with OJSC Mosenergo, OJSC MOEK, etc. On the allocation of thermal capacity for the enterprise, and for almost 20 years we have been working as part of a mutual cooperation agreement with the prefecture of the South-Eastern District of the capital. It turned out to be the economically the most rational solution compared to the construction of new sources. The possibility of obtaining thermal energy from the Moscow energy-generating enterprises helped eliminate a number of small, unprofitable boilers: during this period, 26 moral and physically obsolete objects were derived from operation, which worked for 40-50 years. Since 2009, 15 more CTPs and ITP were switched to the SCP of Moscow, such events are planned to be carried out in the future.

This does not mean that its own sources are closed together. On the basis of the city, the share of purchased thermal energy is only 25%, so the systematic reconstruction of boiler rooms and CTP is an integral part of the enterprise development programs.

Organizational events

In any case, before developing enterprise development programs, you need to see where this development will go. In the late 1990s, the wear of thermal networks was more than 60%, the equipment - more than 40%, the wear of the fleet of the special equipment is 100%. In addition, it was necessary to work in severe financial conditions, when due to the accumulated debt, the gas was disconnected for the entire summer period, and the salaries had to wait for several months.

As a preventive action, in 2006, the first investment program was adopted, which was supported by the Lyubertsy district administration, a plan for energy saving was developed and leasing schemes were used for the supply of equipment for which the equipment was first acquired, and then mutual settlements were made. The plan included the installation of metering devices, the replacement of gas meters to new with the electronic corrector, the diagnostic service was organized for express analysis of gas burning modes in boilers; In 2009, heating aerial photography of thermal networks was carried out.

At about the same time, as part of the implementation of the FZ "On Energy Saving", a coolant accounting system was organized both on its facilities - boiler rooms, CTP and solved the problem of ensuring the instruments of budgetary organizations - about 70 social facilities. To equip the instruments of accounting for their facilities, their own capabilities used, and the social bodies were equipped with the help of budget funds. This allowed to track: performing temperature graphs, hydraulic network mode, check the quantity and quality of heat energy. The introduction of accounting devices gives a very good economic effect, and the dispatch accounting system allows you to conduct not only the collection, storage and processing of data from accounting devices, but also monitor their states in real time.

The installation of cold water metering devices, going to the needs of DHW (about 100 objects), and an accounting system was organized jointly with Lyubertsy Vodokanal OJSC to maintain the regulatory requirements of the temperature regime of the DHW.

Installation of meters made it possible to solve problems with the hydraulic regime in secondary networks, because if the hydraulics is complied with the installed pump groups, then the management companies (CC) thought: why in typical houses it turns out to be different heat consumption, and the inhabitants are pushing the Criminal Code to perform the repair Adjusting events in homes.

Again, the meters played a two-way role: on the one hand, it's good that the consumer himself saw that he had the system wrong and forced to move the Criminal Code, and on the other hand, the parables in the panels - the notorious waters of the water and an increase in the cost of the enterprise.

The fact is that at one time a number of houses and networks were designed taking into account the overheated water with the work of the elevator. When new sanitary standards came into force, then a problem with heat supply of buildings, where elevator nodes were installed, because In order to maintain the temperature of the hot water at the water-based point of the 60 o C, had to raise the lower temperature of the produced coolant above 70 o C, and, therefore, reconsider all the graphs, but there were colossal overhears in the off-season. I wanted to get away from such a scheme where the technical capabilities allowed, "closing" the network contour.

To switch to an independent system and a single hydraulic mode, taking into account heat networks, risers in homes that were laid with a reduced diameter under overheated water, a precise hydraulic calculation of the bandwidth of buildings heating systems was required. As it was carried out by the forces of our specialists, after which the elevator nodes were dismantled and carried out the transition to an independent heat supply scheme of buildings through the CTP. Thus, the work of thermal networks of the entire northern part of the city was optimized.

In 2010, an internal energy audit system was introduced at the enterprise. The beginning was the energy survey conducted by a third-party organization, which made it possible to identify problem areas and disadvantages of work. Of course, this examination was not a panacea to solve all accumulated technical and organizational problems, but was the starting platform to start precisely the effective management of the production and distribution of thermal energy.

The first thing was identified unprofitable objects, ineffective heat engineering equipment, which does not allow to use incoming resources. Again, it was necessary to have a clear understanding of the depth of this unprofitability: which boilers are completely unpromising, and in what else you can do something in order for it to make a profit: to increase the power, to carry out some reconstruction, teach competent personnel (paradox, but sometimes It turned out enough). Here, promising and profitable directions were determined.

If we generalize as a whole, such an integrated approach allowed us only for 2010 to reduce gas consumption by 4.7% and to 7% reduce electricity consumption.

The results of the energy survey at the first stage did not offer the finished solutions, and they gave the opportunity to really look at those things that were made wrong at one time.

First of all, we paid attention to the main sources of thermal energy, such as the large quarterly boiler room No. 201 on the northern side of the city, operating since 1978 in 2000, its reconstruction was carried out with an increase in capacity, in connection with the upcoming construction Sport Complex with a swimming pool and a huge shopping and entertainment center. In the boiler room installed with a capacity of 62 Gcal / h, the three Water-heating boilers of the CFGM-20 were originally stood (for coating the heating load and DHW) and two steam boilers E 1.0 / 0.9 on their own needs (deaeration and reserve fuel oil).

The municipal contract for reconstruction, concluded with a certain military organization, provided for the complete dismantling of the steam group and the installation of two DE-16/24 boilers with their deaerator and steam pipeline. In addition, the project was assumed to install three pair-turbine generators with a capacity of 600 kW each to generate electricity.

This project, despite a number of our comments, passed all approval, was obtained for construction. In technical terms, this was implemented as follows: according to the draft pairs with a pressure of 11 kgf / cm 2 at the outlet of the boiler comes to the turbine, expanding, performs work and with residual pressure is sent to the heat exchanger to the heat exchanger on the production of network water.

It was also implied synchronization with urban power grids, because the risi of the boilers was envisaged on the electricity of the city, and then, when leaving the boiler room to the generation mode, it should have completely changed to self-sufficiency. The generator synchronization with the network was provided by a specialized automation system, the control unit was located in a separate shield.

At the same time, the power consumption of the boiler room is an average of about 400 kW. The power supply was laid taking into account the maximum power consumption, for example, short-term operation of two parallel fans turned on during the transition from one to another, or similar to the transition from one pump to another. Unfortunately, at full load, these steam generators could not exit even 360 kW, perhaps due to technical flaws - the factory numbers were stood on them 001, 002, 003.

In addition, the deficiencies of the project was the installation of LDP on the network pumps in front of the boiler. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe designers was to use the device for a smooth start and frequency converter of the network pump to configure the hydraulic mode. But when designing, it was not taken into account that the process of adjusting the operating mode of the boiler depends not only on its working pressure, but also on the water consumption, and the security automation is configured to a critical reduction of the specified parameters. Therefore, when the declared scheme, as soon as the frequency converter begins to lower the output frequency (voltage), AB boiler is triggered. Subsequently, we abandoned the use of the frequency converter according to the project, but left a smooth start on all four pumps.

The exit from the current situation was understood, but this implied the next change in the technological scheme of the boiler room, for which the documentary confirmation is necessary. When the energy audit officially showed the direction of the development of technological re-equipment of the boiler room, we began to prepare for new reconstruction and the possibility of getting rid of unnecessary steam generators.

As a result of disassembling the turbogenerators and the reconstruction of the ACS of the steam boilers, the possibility of their simultaneous work was implemented and the heat efficiency was increased.

In 2006, it was decided to statenly change the water-field group for budget funds allocated at the time. The replacement of KVGM-20 boilers was justified by the fact that, since the normative term of their operation ended, it is necessary to annually receive an expert opinion and permission for further operation, because Experts, reinsurance, establish the minimum term - 1 year. Given the annual costs of repairs and expertise, such a decision was justified. At the same time, no reconstruction of the building was required: the equipment was chosen similar to installation on the same sites. The first two boilers were brought in the analysis, so there were no problems when installing: the pipe part, the replacement of the collectors was carried out right on the spot, after which the irrigation was made. All work was carried out only in the summer, the boiler room remained at work.

But in a year with the third boiler I had to tinker. He was brought in the collected form. It was not decided to cut, because then during the assembly, dimensions could be broken. It was necessary to extort all the distances of the construction structures of the boiler shop to a millimeter literally. It turned out that the boiler can go into the window opening, if the gear is a little disassembled brickwork, but "ourselves". They made a flooring of the type of railway rink and early in the morning, as soon as it was dawn (so that the boiler did not swear), tighten it carefully and ringed the winch inside. The rest was the case of technology.

The next step was made by the reconstruction of the backup fuel economy (RTX) with the substitute for the fuel oil fuel to diesel. The fact is that in the boiler room was originally designed by a dead-end scheme of the masutoprod, in which the condensate collection and return system was not provided, which was formed by steaming, was absent on the territory of the boiler and storm sewer, and the condensate cleaning system from fuel oil impurities. Therefore, an extremely time-consuming and dirty process of transition to liquid fuel, coupled with the following shortcomings of the fuel supply scheme, led to significant maintenance costs of RTH and high losses of thermal energy and coolant. A few more important points in favor of diesel fuel influenced the choice - this is its longer shelf life and the problem of disposal of viscous residues of fuel oil. As a result, after receiving all relevant permits for re-equipment of RTX, a new capacity of 400 m 3 was put on the territory of the boiler room under diesel fuel (Fig. 1), where heated water is used as a heat carrier if necessary. Accordingly, the modernization of boiler equipment was carried out for this, replacing burner devices.

Fig. 1. Reserve fuel economy Boiler room 201.

As soon as the steam began to be used only on deaerators, we approached the main one - the transfer of steam boilers to the hot water regime. This was done to simplify the thermal scheme of the boiler room and the disposal from steaming heat exchangers, which made it possible to increase the disposable pressure on the far center of the heat grid from 0.4 to 12 m while maintaining the existing pump group.

Fig. 2. Tank battery (former atmospheric deaerator).

Due to the fact that the old atmospheric deaerator due to the absence of the pair ceased to function, a new, vacuum, accumulative type was established, with a volume of 25 m 3, but at the same time the atmospheric deaerator was saved as a battery tank (Fig. 2). In the event of a leakage, the above regulatory value is the possibility of replenishing the loss of network water until the location of damage is detected. While the vacuum deaerator is on warranty service, therefore, with violations in or failures, the service teams that are made by debugging are caused. So there are no problems with the operation of equipment at the moment. The HPP system remains the same - 2-speed Na-cation.

Of course, all these events were not fulfilled in a one year, but based on financial opportunities and quite planned.

After reconstruction, the disposable capacity of the boiler room increased to 84 Gcal / h. The changes in this boiler house are legitimate, all necessary permits of Rostekhnadzor was obtained.

I would like to note that the replacement of the equipment, the modernization of the sources is almost always carried out without the withdrawal of boiler houses from production - the reconstruction passes on the current object.

Fig. 3. Boiler room number 203 after reconstruction.

So it was on a small boiler room No. 203, in the area of \u200b\u200baction, the point construction of a residential complex was planned. Presented by the developer, the estimated load showed that the capacity of the boiler was not enough (9 ZIO-60 boilers, with a capacity of 0.8 gkal / h). The new boiler room in the area of \u200b\u200bthe building was not allowed the planning of the area, to attach an additional room for new boilers in the old one was also impossible, because The object is located on a plot of federal significance. Then it was decided to reconstruct, which began from dismantling part of boilers and auxiliary equipment, leaving for a possible minimum - for the needs of DHW in the inter-drinking period. At the same time, the disassembly of the old equipment, the demolition of the boilers, the installation of a new multi-dimensional chimney was carried out when the boiler room in the regular mode was carried out. As a result, I still had to make a small extension, where they placed CTP with lamellar heaters, as well as room facilities. And in the main building next to the four remaining old boilers, which have retained in the reserve, three winter-tube boilers are installed (Fig. 3), with import burners, with a capacity of 4.3 Gcal each; Network pumps with an optimized running part, with LDP; Installation of the HPP continuous action with a capacity of 7 m 3 / h. All equipment works automatically depending on the specified parameters. Results:

■ Increased power from 7.2 to 12.9 Gcal / h - without increasing the gas limit (+3.2 Gcal / h - reserve);

■ implemented an independent heat supply scheme;

■ increased efficiency from 82 to 92%;

■ Fuel consumption optimized: The proportion of gas decreased from 176.97 to 155.28 kg / Gcal;

■ Reduced power consumption by 5%;

■ Crop costs reduced;

■ reduced operating costs by 20%;

■ Improved working conditions of service personnel.

The project is implemented on the conditions of co-financing with the developer.

And although at this stage, the capacity of the boiler room is designed with a good stock, the plans and the remaining boilers, and the old pipe also change the old tube - the city continues to expand.

Circuit solutions

In addition to the repair work, in 2013, with the help of the electron model of the heat supply system, a project was developed for such a promising direction as the boiler houses. The difficulty is that the Lyubertsy is a very scattered and scattered city, and most importantly - it is divided by railway web, therefore large quarterly boilers, in which the installed capacity is about 80-90 Gcal / h, there is no possibility to shine among themselves, although it would be The ideal option. But to scam small boiler rooms (with a set of 6-9 gkal / h) with these large sources for the summer period possible. As a result of our experts made by our experts, it turned out that some boilers can be left in the CTP operation mode year-round. On these boilers, heat exchange equipment was installed on heating load, separately - on the DHW, all the necessary pipelines were laid, and some already valid earlier.

The purpose of the activities carried out:

■ stabilization of heat supply regime;

■ elimination of emergency situations;

■ Saving the load of the DHW at a 2-week stopper boiler houses for a period of repair;

■ significant fuel savings with good loading of large sources;

■ Economic effect on reducing the number of service personnel (if we consider that the operator's change lasts 12 hours, in a small boiler room, in a summer period of 1 person / day and 2 people / night. In the case when gas equipment is disabled, and the boiler room works In the CTP mode, then two options are considered: either 1 person works. A day through three (as a rule, these are seasonal workers who are convenient to work in that

a chart), or a boiler room, as an object, includes a CTP circuit system and then the operation of the equipment is controlled in accordance with the schedule of bypass);

■ Reducing electricity consumption;

■ Optimization of the boiler room: during reconstruction, old shell-cutting heaters are replaced with lamellar, other pumping groups are put, mostly vertical type, more compact HPV equipment.

Of course, when implementing these projects, there is a very large amount of work, but the effect is worth it!

Over the past 1.5 years, 5 objects flake out. In the future, all small boilers are planned to translate into the CTP mode, and their load can be transferred to a large boiler room, having previously unloading them again, for example, by transferring a number of objects to the SCC of Moscow.

Regarding new sources, the construction of which is necessary at remote areas, is now most often carried out by the developer. Since the Lyubertsy Heaugerene is this, then on the basis of issued technical conditions for the connection, built for new areas of boiler rooms are transferred to municipal property. In this, by the way, representatives of construction organizations that understand what difficulties they will have to face with the ownership and exploitation of unprofitable objects. Especially relevant, it became recently, when, first, the collection of payments fell sharply, secondly, the release of thermal energy due to warm winters, thirdly, experience shows that only a small part of the inhabitants in the first few years It means that we will have to pay for all the energy of 5-6 years, and after this period is the depreciation and, therefore, it is necessary to produce some financial investments. We, of course, do not mind at all, so the construction of new objects is carried out only under our control. For this, the company has created a technical supervision group that leads an object before commissioning.

Based on the accumulated experience, we try to issue technical specifications for accession to thermal networks with a perspective on the source: taking into account some stock of the designed power so that there is a variability. This is also laying down the reconstruction of thermal networks (if necessary) and also taking into account the possible future load.

Attention - CTP

In addition to sources, do not forget about thermal points, which is extremely important to maintain in proper technical condition.

Funding of such works is carried out mainly within the framework of investment programs. For example, the implementation of such a program 2011-2014. allowed repaired a number of objects in different parts of the city.

Mandatory and the dispatching of the CTP according to the scheme: the operation of the equipment - the technological mode - the operation parameters - emergency situations. Everything is reduced to a single emergency-dispatching point that monitors and management, which currently covers the central and southern part of the city. Unfortunately, the creation of a unified city dispatch service is problematic due to the railway, which separated the north side. The solution is still looking for a solution, as this stage is implemented in the complex.

But still the presence of a control system does not replace visual observation, because it fixes not the cause of the problem, but only the end result, therefore it is impossible to completely refuse bypass system. For example, with a small leak, when there is no sharp drop in the pressure on the network, the control device remains in operation and continues to take testimony, but after a day the pump will turn out to be in water. Of course, the work is heavy, especially for the elderly workers - on average a day "runs" about 6 km, but now young people are attracted, which is fully coping with the task with the help of a bicycle.

In addition to standard solutions for the replacement of equipment, investors interested in our CTP from a commercial point of view appeared not so long ago. This concerns those objects, the land under which the property is issued in the property, and the size of the site allows there to build some not a very large object of socio-domestic purposes: a store, a laundry room or workshop (1-2 floors and attic - not to go out on Minstroy). When drawing up a contract, it is specified that the investor dismantles this CTP (under the control of the heating network, of course) together with the building. A new building is built on the released place, which hosts an updated CTP. But the most important thing is that all this is done without shutting down: sometimes there is still no building, and the equipment is already installed, almost under the open sky (Fig. 4). Last year, two CTP were reconstructed according to the described scheme, now the third is completed (finishing work go).

Fig. 4. CTP "Open Sky".

As for pumps, according to the ratio of "price-quality", of course, preference is given to the famous brands, the production of which has already been established in Russia. Although today there is an alternative to this equipment - Chinese pumps similar to their characteristics and are much cheaper. From German, for example, they differ only in the interflant distance (the Chinese have less). For testing, such pumps were installed on several objects, where they have proven themselves well. A good layout solution is vertical type pumps - they are optimally fitted in dimensions, especially in old walls, where the place is limited.

We are carried out and who have already become classic, such energy-saving activities as the installation of frequency-pulsed transducers. But here again, it is necessary to understand that the intercommunication with the operation of the security automation is necessary, as mentioned above. In large quarterly boiler rooms, LDS are installed on all equipment: smoke, fans, network groups. In smaller LDPs installed: cold water is 100% (this is due to the need for guaranteed pressure support, especially during periods of MAX and MIN water-based), also on smoke and fans - very well triggered and allow you to get out of mechanical control of chirates and dampers; On network pumps - as needed. In CTP - on pumping groups (depending on the power), because It stabilizes the pressure and hot water, avoids unnecessary hydraulic loads and shocks.

Heat Networks: Modeling and Reality

Replacing dilapidated thermal networks is a priority direction: the organization annually shifts 10-12 km of pipelines with the involvement of contractors. At the moment, the share of dura heat networks has declined to 30-32% at OJSC Lubertetskaya Heating Network. Only over the past five years, there is a replacement of about 70 km of pipelines on pipes with PPU insulation and the ADC system, the secondary networks are now being reconstructed.

When preparing for repairs, it is analyzed annually analysis in the winter, based on the results of which the plans of capital and current repairs are drawn up, the equipment replacement.

When planning the reconstruction of thermal networking pipelines, an approach based on system analysis is also used. The overhaul plan includes not only those thermal networks, whose termination is due to their unsatisfactory state. Sometimes there is a need to shift any plot taking into account the prospective steps required to solve the urgent task, for example, in the case of source networks.

Huge help in this has an electronic model of heat supply system, which allows you to solve many specific questions. Not only thermal networks belonging to OJSC Lyubertsy Heaugeon are applied to the card, but also other engineering communications with all sizes, so it is possible to track all intersections with third-party services, road fabric and so on.

The remaining characteristics and dates of I / O can be found in PTO, where a specially trained group for technical support and database support has been created. Access to the program opens from any enterprise PC for each employee. By an electronic map, it is possible to determine the action zone when emerging emergency situations of various nature, localize emergency sites, switch and work further to eliminate the accident. In addition, the program allows you to simulate the creation of networks of various configurations, for example, a loop or translation to a closed circuit. And although each site has a passport, where all changes are made, the electronic map is an ideal tool for modeling the heat distribution, hydraulic regime, carrying out all sorts of calculations and repair planning.

If the electronic model shows that the capacity of the settlement area is insufficient or impaired hydraulics, then the replacement of pipes is included in the repair plan. If the software modeling is not enough, with a lack of data, a portable dashboard-flow meter is used, with which experts go to place, install sensors in the heat chamber or on the heating sector (with pre-shurtry) and measure the speed, water costs, and so on. The parameters required to clarify the calculations.

When the pipelines are inevitable, controls at all stages of work production with the management of all necessary documentation. At the time of the auction, when choosing a contractor, a strict selection policy is held. Despite the information provided by them or recommendatory letters, an additional check is carried out - it is impossible to trust in one papers. Responsibility for it carries an engineer for technical supervision, it monitors all actions of a contract organization. Current control at the placement of work is carried out by the head of the operational plot - it signs all the acts of hidden work, with it and all demand. Members of the Commission for Acceptance of Work under the Agreement are also: a specialist of the exploitation department, engineer of the Teplovor, chief engineer and deputy general director. Much attention is paid to the journal of the work of work.

As for the technical part, here, firstly, the input control is obligatory: if not satisfied, for example, the quality of the pipeline, the supply is simply annulled. Secondly, until recently, the enterprise never purchased ready-made pre-insulated pipes. Instead, a solid steel tube was acquired with an increased wall thickness, which, after passing the input control, was taken to apply an insulating layer to one of the suburban plants. Thus, the service life increases, because even 1 mm of excess pipe thickness plays a significant role. Even taking into account the increased value of such pipes, the solution is costly justified, because significantly increases the service life (up to 5 years).

Welded pipes we stopped using from the time of the perestroika period, when faced with poor-quality products, and the steel pipe during operation began to break into sharp fragments as cast iron. Since then, despite a single such case, a thorough input metal control is carried out and 100% flaw detection of welds.

As soon as the enterprise began to use pre-insulated pipes, the organization of the CSTO system began immediately, which made it possible to reduce the number of communistrators and optimize the operation of heat networks. If all the advantages are clear with the dispatching and automation of boiler rooms and the CTP, then the installation of the SCC system on pipelines is considered a little more luxury. Although it is not only here in determining the place of leakage. In our case, in the presence of Sodew, Moscow heat supply companies do not require hydraulic tests, it is enough to remove the system readings. However, with all our desires, a single dispatch service, we cannot do a single control system: first, not all networks are still being transferred, secondly, as it was indicated earlier, the railway prevents. Therefore, the coverage area is still the area.

If the maintenance of trunk pipelines is maintained using contractors, then on secondary networks (intra-quarted wiring) has its own major overhaul team. For obvious reasons, in winter the brigade does not stand up, its employees are involved in the repairs of the CTP, in boiler rooms, at the shocks of pipelines of the HPV, etc.

Unfortunately, this year it was necessary to cut the amount of financing due to the strong increase in the cost of materials. In 2014, overhaul was carried out by 160 million rubles. Of course, I would like to do even more, but, based on tariff opportunities, only the most basic thing is taken.

Organization of water-chemical

Due to the poor quality of the initial water, Himvodokontrol is very seriously organized at the enterprise: except that each boiler house has its own chimlaboretory and responsible workers who carry out all the necessary measures to maintain the relevant water regime, there is a control service for technological and water-chemical modes where there is a laboratory. Once a week, the specialists of this service circle all the objects, take tests and check the compliance of entries in the operational journal for HPV maintenance. The need for this is confirmed by the fact that the stationerying stations in the city are not installed everywhere and the water contains a large amount of iron, so the convective surfaces of the boilers "boost" is decent, it means that these surfaces have to periodically or wash the "chemistry" or change.

As water treatment in boiler rooms, the Na-cation system is mainly used. All filters are translated from plastic caps in stainless steel. Plastic, with all its advantages of work in the aggressive environment, it turned out to be extremely uncomfortable: on plastic caps, after all, the thread is also plastic, - during operation it is often breaking even with small pressure drops, after which the cation is in boiler water, then you have to stop Filter, open it and clean. Naturally, these are additional costs, and the reagent consumption increases significantly.

On new facilities for stabilization treatment of water (as measures preventing the formation of defects of production of production and corrosion products), complexes are used. Equipment of antonyk and anticorrosive water treatment is installed on the CTP.

Fig. 5. The result of purification of DHW plate heaters.

But, unfortunately, in some areas there are still problems with equipment and DHW pipelines due to improper quality of raw water: literally 2-3 months after the start of operation of the new heater, and its surface, and the polyethylene pipes of the DHW are completely clogged with sediments ( Fig. 5). Examination showed that the main pollution is iron and or miserable inclusions. Moreover, before the introduction of new requirements for the temperature of the DHW, when heated to 55 o C, there were fewer contaminants. When the temperature rises to 60 o with these fractions, they are immediately sealed. Therefore, if earlier, according to the PPR schedule, the cleaning was made once a year, now it has to open it once a quarter. Moreover, checking the cold tap water in the water disposal of such inclusions did not reveal.

The estimated reason is that not all suppliers have an antihaft station, and therefore the cold water coming on the 2-pipe system, for the needs of the HPW passes cleaned, and for DHW - no. And the second problem is dead-end cold water networks, when the scheme provides a dropsy, the equipment clogs less frequently.

Now, since according to Sanpin, hot water is equal to the standards for drinking, a real chance appeared to fight with water-supplying organizations for quality. Therefore, the company is preparing a preparatory-accumulative documentation base (with all analyzes conducted, deposits and expertise) for the possibility of nomination of reasonable requirements for the water supply organization.


In the conditions of the new economic crisis, when many enterprises turn their activities, carefully, having occupied the expectant position, we do not have such an opportunity - the whole city depends on our actions, its inhabitants. We must work for the future, i.e. Prevent the occurrence of incidents, maintain the correct hydraulic and temperature mode. Therefore, a new investment program for 2015-2018 is now approved, there are certain plans in terms of current repairs and modernization of equipment and networks that are waiting for their incarnation in the coming years.

Construction of buildings and structures in complicated construction conditions

The main advantages of Ethernet technology

1. The main advantage of Ethernet networks, thanks to which they became such popular, is their economy. To build a network, it is enough to have one network adapter for each computer plus one physical segment of the coaxial cable of the desired length.

2. In addition, in Ethernet networks, sufficiently simple access algorithms are implemented, addressing and data transmission algorithms. The simplicity of the logic of the network leads to simplification and, accordingly, to reduce the cost of network adapters and their drivers. For the same reason, the Ethernet network adapters have high reliability.

3. And finally, another wonderful property of Ethernet networks is their good extensibility, that is, the ability to connect new nodes.

Other basic network technologies, such as Token Ring and FDDI, although they have individual features, at the same time have a lot in common with Ethernet. First of all, this is the use of regular fixed topologies ("Hierarchical Star" and "Ring"), as well as divided data media. The significant differences between the same technology from another are associated with the features of the access method used to the shared medium. Thus, the differences between the Ethernet technology from TKEN Ring technology are largely determined by the specifics of the environmental separation methods of the Random access algorithm in Ethernet and the access method by transferring the marker to TECKEN Ring.

The construction of buildings and structures has to be carried out in various conditions of construction: in large cities and in non-heated locality; in winter and in a hot climate; In complex geological and hydrological conditions and in permafrost. These so-called, extreme conditions of construction impose certain restrictions on standard work technologies or require the development of new technologies.

Consider some specific construction conditions.

During construction in conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also to the surrounding countries. These factors belong:

§ the need to operate objects located in direct proximity to the building stain;

§ the impossibility of location at the construction site of the entire complex of construction infrastructure, provided for by the technological logistics of the work of work (household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms);

§ the need to develop technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

The boundedness of the area isolated under construction prevents the full-fledged deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which the builder will be suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire fighting and ensuring labor protection and maintenance techniques of construction and installation work:

§ the presence of evacuation passage at the construction site;

§ prepared for the use of fire hydrants and emergency aging means;

§ the fencing of the construction site and hazardous zones (pitched, assembly stationary crane, structural warehouses);

§ Sheds over pedestrian zones adjacent to the construction site.

In cases of limited area, the construction site outside the construction site can be located: administrative and household premises; Cutlery and sanitary premises; reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops; Open and closed warehouses. When organizing construction, it is advisable to provide for these purposes restitutors, In coordination with their owners. To limit warehouse space, you can organize the installation of building structures with wheels, apply the most enlarged elements, apply advanced construction technologies applied in similar conditions. Sometimes organ-navigation intermediate storage areas in the maximum proximity to the object under construction. In this case, the required materials and products are hung to the object as needed and placed in the use zone. The use of intermediate warehouses impose on participants in the construction production (including suppliers and customers) strict requirements for the implementation of work schedules and delivery of techno-logical equipment.

Administrative and household premises endowed beyond the construction site can be located in existing buildings or in newly erected towns, as close as possible to the construction site. Squares used should meet the regulatory requirements for minimal sanitary and hygienic standards per working. Delivery of working on an object is carried out by the customer service.

A serious problem in the conditions of dense urban development is accommodating directly on the site of large-sized construction machines and cranes. Cranes and concrete pumps must be located on a construction site or in close proximity to it. However, there are previously built buildings and stories from them in indemnity, which prevent the movement of the arrow of the crane or concrete pump, or there is no possibility to pave the crane paths. In this case, low-incurred inpatient type (self-lifted) cranes are used (for concrete work) to compact and (for concrete work), beto-naewklogging complexes associated with vertical supply of concrete mixes inside the building and its subsequent distribution on the tier manipulators of various types . In technological design, you need to strive to maximize the construction experience in similar conditions and modern mechanization.

Maintaining the operational properties of the existing building.

The buildings located in close proximity to the stitching of the bundle may be subject to a number of influences arising during the construction of a new building. These impacts include: Cotele's reversal in close proximity to the building and vibration from the direct proximity of construction machines and mechanisms.

The first group of defects arises from changing the static nature-ristyik. Removing the soil near the foundations of buildings leads to a change in the power field around them. Therefore, the creation of a structural balance allows you to compensate for the emerging effects.

The second group of defects is a consequence of the dynamic effects of working construction machines and mechanisms. Their decline to permissible levels achieve the implementation of special engineering activities.

Specific activities aimed at maintaining the exploitation properties of the existing development are developed in the work projects. These include:

§ Strengthening grounds and foundations, which should ensure a static equilibrium of the building for the period of open pit to the construction of the supporting structures of the basement of the new building and backfill the sinuses of the kittle. The most often apply the following constructive solutions: "Wall in the ground", punching fences, strengthening the foundations and walls of basements of existing buildings, strengthening the grounds of the bases by the inexpection methods;

§ Development of kittlers and a device of foundations queues - this reduces the consumption of temporary retaining structures;

§ Selection of machines and mechanisms with minimal dynamic hara-kateristiki;

§ Vibration isolation of the ground massif adjacent to existing buildings and structures.

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