How is the calculation of fee for heating on a standard? In fact, but with one. Is it profitable to pay for heat in the apartment meter? & Nbsp how to calculate the volume of utility services for heating

Mechanized tools 20.05.2021
Mechanized tools

Install the heating counter to the apartment is an optimal solution for saving a family budget. Installation of the device is carried out in accordance with a specific technology, so work should be performed by specialized organizations.

To obtain benefits, it is necessary to focus on the adopted regulations, on the basis of which the flow meter is recognized as commissioned, and the instrument readings are accepted to calculate the monthly payment.

Counters for heating in the apartment: profitable or not

In accordance with Federal Law No. 261, in apartment buildings that are connected to the central communications must be installed in OPA. The presence of a general device allows the owners of apartments and non-residential premises to equip the objects belonging to them with individual reading devices.

To go to account on IUP, the owners must perform the installation of heat meters. The installation is provided by the procedure for calculating payment, which is enshrined in the Government Decision No. 354.

Based on the reviews of consumers who, according to the rules, equipped apartments with flow meters, there are a number of positive and negative points inherent in thermal energy accounting devices.


  1. Obtaining substantial savings. Household counters are profitable, but provided that the house corresponds to the high class of energy efficiency (deprived of the places of loss of carrier and heat leakage).
  2. Control temperature in the room. The owner can lower the heating of the object: enough to block the shut-off valve. The action is reflected in reducing the resource consumption, which affects payment.
  3. Exception of unfair accruals. If you install OPA and IPU heat, you can protect the house from payments that are formed taking into account the losses incurred by the resource-supplying organization.
  4. The presence of an individual counter meets the current legislation, which is developed as part of the supply of energy saving. Equipping multi-storey houses with apartment and common thermal measuring devices eliminates the calculations on the standard.


  1. Price. The household appliance and its installation can cost much more than the estimated savings, especially if the device needs to be mounted on each battery.
  2. The need to comply with the intermediate interval. - Paid service that involves removing the IPU. The result can be a significant amount - half and more from the cost of the flow meter.
  3. The impossibility of calculating payment on the meter, if the generalical device is not mounted or not all the owners of the premises decided to put individual meters.
  4. Failure. The thermal energy meter does not apply to extremely reliable units, because many factors affect performance. Among the main causes of breakdowns are outdated heating systems, in which there are many pollutants and mechanical particles.

Deciding on the installation of heat meter, it is necessary to assess the technical opportunity and take into account the compliance with regulatory and legislation.

On a note! It is important to choose the right mechanism. The device must undergo mandatory certification in the Russian Federation and comply with the requirements that are presented depending on the type of system of the house.

How to put an individual heat metering device

The installation order of IPU does not differ in difficulty if the steps perform according to step-by-step instructions:

  1. The installation of heat meters begins with the general meeting of the owners of the MKD. Owners of apartments and non-residential premises must come to the decision that the equipment of the house flowmeters will be 100%.
  2. Coordination with a resource-channel organization is carried out. The procedure will allow you to choose a suitable model of the mechanism, to determine the list of processes that must be made in advance. The smallest number of problems occurs in homes in which the wiring is arranged horizontally.
  3. It is recommended to evaluate the state of the system in advance, on the basis of which it is easier to obtain technical installation conditions.
  4. Additionally, each owner it is advisable to take care of improving the energy efficiency of the residential premises: insulation is carried out, the places of possible heat leakage are eliminated.
  5. The project is drawn up. An official commercial organization is involved, which is entitled to provide specific services. It is more profitable to carry out general quarter work, which will significantly save.
  6. Technical documentation is consistent with the heat supply organization. Depending on the form of management, an apartment building may require attraction of the Criminal Code.
  7. A firm is selected that will install the meter, and the contract is concluded. So that everything is legal, the selected company must have permission to carry out work. In some cases, it is more efficient to invite the supply organization.
  8. After installation, the executor of utility services is submitted to the commissioning of the device, which is accompanied by sealing and issuing the appropriate act.

Coordination and installation of heat meters in apartment buildings - the process is long, besides, savings from such devices does not always justify the costs of them

If all the work is carried out by the resource supplier or the Criminal Code, it is possible to avoid difficulties, because the performer most often provides a full range of paid and free services.

With a horizontal layout of the heating system, an individual counter is most often installed outside the apartment in a special box. If you wish to transfer the mechanism to the room, it is necessary to obtain a separate resolution.

Nuances setting heat meters in an apartment with vertical wiring

The scheme is implemented in many old multi-storey houses and causes certain difficulties in placing accounting devices. There are several risers to the room, which are attached separate radiators.

At the moment, most domestic apartment buildings have a vertical system of sprinkling the heating network, which will significantly make it difficult to obtain permission and installation of individual heat metering devices.

Installing heat meters on batteries in central heating and vertical layout is prohibited. The taboo was recorded in order No. 627, officially approved by the Ministry of Regional Development.

The current regulatory act does not limit consumers in their right to supply devices that will take into account the consumption of the utility resource. There are rules:

  • The exception to the Order No. 627 is made for apartment buildings, which come under the additions to FZ No. 261-FZ.
  • If, according to the design characteristics of the heating system, there is no possibility to place the meter, the heat consumption indicators are used for accounting, which are called flow meters.

The second option provides that a special apparatus will be installed separately for each battery, whose work is to analyze heat in the room and temperature of the radiator. The procedure for calculating a monthly payment in 2019 is carried out on the basis of PP of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Do not confuse the counter, embedded in the heating system, with a registrar or regulator, because the counter takes into account the temperature in the entire system, the regimeter removes the data only on one radiator, and the regulator does not consider anything at all, it sets the temperature at all


Accounting for thermal energy with the help of individual counters or flow meters is a great opportunity for savings, but only subject to existing legislative and regulatory acts.

The installation process should be carried out by specialized organizations, and for the transition to a new form of calculation, re-equipment should affect the house completely, each apartment.

It is planned to make sending to the current rules, which will facilitate the process of transition to heat meters, but the final amendment period is not yet defined.

The heating payment is one of the largest amounts in the receipts of Russians, so any innovations in this area can significantly affect family budgets. Now residents will be able to use the consumer counters on the batteries and pay only the actual heat consumption without regard to neighbors. Today it is possible to pay for individual counters only in homes, completely equipped with them. As a result, one broken counter can deprive the opportunity to pay only the whole house for the energy consumed. Minstroy decided to fix this injustice and prepared amendments to the Housing Code. Now the owners of apartments are paid for heat in the counters, where all apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with metering devices, as well as the amount of heat measured at the entrance to the house. There are not so few such buildings in the country. "According to the government, their number is about 20 percent. And almost all 20 percent are new buildings. Since 2012, all new buildings are equipped with individual accounting devices in obligatory, but in old houses there are practically no of them," says Igor Kokin, the expert scientifically -Education center of federal and regional programs of the Higher School of the Government Office of Ranjigs.

When you need to enter a new home, all residents pay on the counters. But the year is held, and there is no consent in neighbors. One device of the account was broken, the second was missed the period of calibration. And as a result, the right to pay on the meter is deprived of everything and go to pay for a dignity heat meter.

In July, the Constitutional Court issued a resolution on the complaint of Sergey Dements, in the house of which there was such a situation. Because of this Criminal Code, he made recalculation and forced all the tenants to pay according to the general meter, even those who have individual.

"The rules for the provision of utilities in a certain part do not comply with the Constitution. They limit the possibilities of a person who has a legally an individual device for heat metering, to use it if someone one or more owners brought their counters or did not verify. Suffers. A man, he cannot use to pay for the testimony of his accounting device, "says the leading legal adviser of the destination" urban economy "of the Institute of Economics of the city of Dmitry Gordeyev.

As a result, the court ordered the laws. In pursuance of this decision Minstroy and developed a package of the LCD.

To understand how heating is considered, it's not so easy. If only because the rules of payments are often changed. They contributed changes in 2012, 2013 and 2017. At the same time, there are several types of calculation formulas, depending on whether there is a central heating system in the house, whether the counters are and what the owners pay for heat in the heating period or payments are distributed for the whole year. So, in the house without counters the payment depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the standard of consumption of thermal energy and the tariff for heat. If there is a common meter, the calculation of the board depends on the volume consumed by the energy home. For each apartment, the same payment is calculated taking into account its area. In homes, fully equipped with counters, the payment consists of two parts: for the heat consumed inside the apartment, and the heat that has gone to the heating of the notive rooms: Halls, stairs and playgrounds.

The size of the heating fee in an apartment building should be calculated on the basis of the testimony primarily of the individual counter, and then - the general

If the law changes, then two types of owners may appear in the house - which pay on an intravartic counter without it. According to the meter, you will need to pay for your heat and part of the general one. And without a counter for each owner will also be calculated part of the total cost of heat, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and part of the cost of heating the general premises of the house. Specific formulas for calculating heat for houses in which there are different types of payers for heat until the miners are prepared. Payment on the standard for houses with the meters is not provided.

The amendments of the Ministry of Pressure are primarily to new buildings. They do not stimulate to go to the individual counters of owners of old houses

The amendments of the Ministry of Pressure are primarily to new buildings, says Igor Kokin. They do not stimulate to go to the individual counters of heat owners of houses in the old fund. For them, it can be expensive and disadvantageous pleasure. Since in such houses, the wiring most often does not allow you to install one meter on the apartment, it can only be done on each battery. As a result, the costs are above several times than new apartments. In addition, you can use the personal meter in the apartment only if there is a general one that also the problem of the houses of the Old Fund. A major repairs could be a possible way out. "It does not install meters in apartments, as this is the territory of tenants," says Cinin. "It is sometimes difficult to achieve even the replacement of the batteries themselves." So where there are still meters to warm old good cast iron batteries, changes, most likely not notice.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Zhandarova

Igor Kokin notes that it is not always a counter for heat gives savings. In homes where the standard is low, it is more profitable to pay on it. Unprofitable counters are rendered for owners of small houses - low-rise buildings. But the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings almost always reduce the amount of payments when moving to counters.

Counters are benefited by residents of those houses that are located far from the boiler room. Delivery of heat carrier in pipes is accompanied by losses in the network, but these heat loss pays the end user. With the owners of the meters it does not happen. In addition, owners without counters pay for neighbors, such as those who attached a balcony to their living space and did not agree. After all, payments are accrued depending on the apartment area in the documents.

The cost of the most simple and affordable mechanical heat meters begins from 3.5 thousand rubles, but this is not a complete cost, since this type of counters requires more installation of the filter for water. Therefore, sometimes it is more profitable to put a more expensive metering device. For example, ultrasonic. By the way, he is considered more accurate. The cost of such meters begins from 6 thousand rubles and can reach 30 thousand. Other types of counters, such as vortex, are spread with us less.

It is better if the counter will consider heat in gigacularities, as it is in this form of indications that the management company receives. Otherwise, every month will have to recalculate kilowatts per hour, megawatts per hour and gigajouli by the formula.

In addition to directly meters in Russia, distributors are common. This is not exactly counters, they take into account no gigaklora, but the volume of heat pasted into the room. In distributors, it is also possible to count warmly individually for each apartment, if more than 50 percent of the premises are equipped with such devices, an expert explains.

The regulatory act has changed the rules for the provision of utilities (Government Decision No. 354-PP) in terms of calculating the cost of heating.

New rules provide for four options for calculating hot batteries - depending on the availability of individual accounting devices and radiator distributors. And also divided heating to the general and individual ( S OI, S ind).

Most of the Criminal Code prefer to ignore the settlement on the new rules - they say, the time of adjustment will come there and will understand.

Of course, collecting money on a standard from square meters is much more profitable for the management organization. After all, with heat suppliers, it is calculated on the basis of the actual consumption of heat. And the difference puts in his pocket.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The refusal of the artist to take into account the testimony of the IPU in different reasons, they say, "this calculation is not provided for by the software", "the new procedure for calculating is not studied" or "we are not aware of the change in the procedure for calculating", illegal. Law is law!

With our instructions, "New Rules for Calculation For Heating in 2019" we offer to owners independently understand how to pay for heating. This will help save the budget to those who have a house with radiator distributors who have an individual heat metering device, and those who dismantled the batteries and use autonomous sources for heating the apartment. For those who continue to be considered according to the standard, we recall how to require the adjustment of the heating fee.

Why formulas for calculating heating decided to revise

In July 2018, the Constitutional Court of Russia ruled in favor of a resident of an apartment building from the city of Pushkino, which challenged the heating fee on the standard, as an individual accounting device was installed in his apartment. The house was completely equipped with individual heat meters. But someone broke, someone dismantled, and someone did not pass the testimony. As a result, the owner was denied the calculations for the heat on the basis of the actual testimony of its IPU.

The man had to circumvent all courts. And everything, right up to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, refused to refer to the existing resolution No. 354-PP. The resolution was: if at least one of the premises are not equipped with a good thermal energy, then in the rest of the premises, the calculation of the heating fees can also be carried out on the basis of the readings of individual accounting devices.

However, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation did not accept such arguments. The court decided that such an approach violates the principle of justice. On July 10, 2018, the COP recognized the approach to the calculation of fees for the heat of the Russian Federation. The court gave the Government of the Russian Federation. An indication of amendments to PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, which was done by the Government Decree of December 28, 2018 No. 1988.

From January 1, 2019 calculation of heating fees with a good IPU Must be done on the basis of the testimony of such an instrument, regardless of the availability of meters in other rooms. MKD (Abs. 4 p. 42 (1) of PP of the Russian Federation No. 354).

The decision of the COP of the Russian Federation applies only to the houses commissioned after January 1, 2012, including after the overhaul, and in which all the premises were equipped with IPU heat, but their safety in some apartments was not provided.

A brief list of basic changes in the fee for heating in 2019

This is what has changed in the calculation of heating in 2019:

Heating was divided into individual and generalic.

Formulas appeared to calculate unheated premises and indoor rooms with autonomous heating (which dismantled batteries).

An individual calculation for heat became possible to carry out in the MKD, only partially equipped with individual heat meters (IPU).

In the formulas for calculating the board for heat supply, new quantities appeared: the area of \u200b\u200bcommon areas and the amount of heat consumption by summing up the data taken from individual heat metering devices (IPU) or installed on the batteries of the owners of radiator distributors (PP).

Features of charges for heating, if the house and apartments are equipped with heat metering devices

1. For what period is the calculation of the board for your home: during the heating period or during a calendar year, that is, all 12 months.

2. Installed or not in your house a network of thermal energy accounting (OTP).

3. Is your apartment equipped with an individual heat metering device (heat meter with horizontal wiring of heating systems) or radiator distributors (with vertical wiring are attached directly on radiators).

4. The method of supplying thermal energy into an apartment building. The house is connected to the central heating networks or it prepares hot water using equipment that is part of the common property of an apartment building (individual heat-plug - ITP is either a roof boiler room, etc.).

For convenience, we broke information on the subsections. Search for information on the formulas used to calculate the fees in the subsection corresponding to your type of house and equipment:

I. The house is not equipped with OPE, the heating fee is charged during the heating period.

II. The house is not equipped with OPE, the heating fee is distributed equal to shares throughout the calendar year (12 months).

III. The house is equipped with OPE, but individual accounting devices are absent in all residential / non-residential premises.

IV. The house is equipped with OPA, some apartments are equipped with individual heat metering devices.

I. The house is not equipped with ONPA, the charge for heating is charged during the heating period.

In homes that are not equipped with a dormitory heat metering device, the calculation for heating is carried out according to standards.

Regulatory - This is the calculated amount of thermal energy, which is necessary for heating 1 kV. meter housing for a month. Since the temperature regime in different regions of the country is different, the regulations establish regional authorities. The value of the standard may depend on the type of housing: wooden barak, panel five-story or brick tight of the 80s construction.

Formula for calculating for houses that are not equipped with OTP and IPU:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment must be multiplied by the established standard of consumption of thermal energy and multiplied to the tariff set on thermal energy.

Pi \u003d s i (Apartment Area) x N (Consumption standard) x Tt.

II. The house is not equipped with ONPA, the heating fee is distributed in equal shares throughout the calendar year (12 months)

The feature of this calculation formula is related to the application the frequency of consumers of consumers for a utility service for heating. The frequency coefficient is determined by dividing the number of months of the heating period per year by the number of calendar months per year.

The formula of the monthly calculation of heat during the calendar year:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is multiplied by the standard of consumption of thermal energy, multiplying the frequency coefficient and multiply to the tariff.

Pi \u003d Si. (Apartment Area)x Nt. (Consumption standard)x K. (frequency coefficient)x Tt. (tariff for thermal energy).

III. The house is equipped with OPA, but individual accounting devices are missing in all residential / non-residential premises.

The heat meter is installed on the so-called entrance to the apartment building. His testimony makes it possible to understand how much heat entered the house. The distribution in this case occurs in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bapartments. For calculations, according to the rules, formulas No. 3 and No. 3 (6) will be needed.

Despite the awesome type of formula, it is possible to calculate the heating fee as follows:


P I.

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

S Ob. - The total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building. Its size can be found on the GIS website of the Housing Hospital, clarify in the Criminal Code or view in the payment receipt;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of the general-purpose metering, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or based on the monthly average volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering of accounting for the previous year. This information management organization is obliged to provide the owner on the first request;

T T. - tariff for thermal energy. Its value is indicated in the receipt;

V I. - Volume (number) of thermal energy, which falls on the apartment. But this amount is to calculate By Formula No. 3 (6). We give this formula below;

ΣV I. - the sum of the volume of thermal energy consumed in all residential and non-residential premises defined by Formula No. 3 (6). See just below.


S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200byour apartment;

S Ob.

S OI - the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises belonging to the general property (MOS);

S ind - the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building, in which there are no heating devices (radiators, batteries) or which use individual sources of thermal energy;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of the general-purpose metering, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or based on the monthly average volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering of accounting for the previous year.

To calculate component ΣV I.It is necessary to subtract the amount of thermal energy consumed in all apartments. For this necessary The volume of thermal energy defined according to the testimony (V D.), divide by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe whole housewhich includes the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises and the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises that are part of the common property ( S Ob.+ S OI), and then multiply on the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises (apartments) ( S Ob.).

Now that all data is known, apply them to Formula No. 3:

IV. The house is equipped with one. Part of the apartments are equipped with individual heat metering devices (IPU)

If the apartment building is equipped with a general-friendly heat metering device (OTP) and at least one room in this MKD is equipped with an individual accounting device (IPU) of heating, then the testimony of such an IPU should be taken into account in the calculations of the owner for heating. Even if it is just one apartment for the entire residential building.

The calculation will be completed on the basis of the actual consumption of the heat of the apartment and the calculation for the generalic heating, which goes to heating the entrances. So, consider the calculation for heating for an apartment with IPU.

For calculations in a house equipped with ONE, but at the same time, where some apartments have an IPU, formula No. 3 (1) is applied:


P I. - the size of the boards for heating around the apartment;

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device (ODA), if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering device for the previous year;

T T. - tariff for thermal energy;

V I. - The volume of thermal energy for rooms equipped with IPU. Below is the formula for calculating it;

ΣV I. - The sum of the volumes of thermal energy consumed in all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building.

For premises that are not equipped with individual accounting devices, the heat fee is calculated by Formula No. 3 (7):


S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

ΣV IPU - The sum of the volume of thermal energy, consumed according to the indications of individual accounting devices, if the size of the heating fee is carried out in the heating period. Or on the basis of the average monthly thermal energy of such accounting devices, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the calendar year;

Σs Iip - The amount of the area of \u200b\u200bpremises equipped with individual thermal energy metering devices that are involved in the calculation.

Features of charges for heating, if the house has an individual heat-plug (ITP)

Today, most new buildings are equipped with autonomous heat supply systems.

In such houses there is no centralized heat supply and hot water supply, and utilities "Heating" and "hot water supply" are manufactured using common equipment, which is included in the general property of the owners of the premises of such an apartment building.

Calculation of fees for utilities for heating and hot water supply in such houses is otherwise produced than in houses powered from CHP.

In the manufacture of utility services for heating or hot water supply, various utility resources can be used, such as electrical energy, cold water supply, gas or other fuel.

The fee is calculated according to formulas No. 18 - for heating and No. 20 - for hot water supply (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules).

The volume of the communal resource used in the production of a communal heating service is distributed in proportion to the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential or non-residential premises. The fee is calculated as a product of a specific amount of volume and tariff for a suitable communal resource.

The cost of hot water consists of two components: a product of the volume of hot water consumed in a residential or non-residential room, the tariff for cold water supply and the volume of the communal resource consumed for heating the cold water supply, which is distributed proportional to the consumed hot water volume.

In Appendix No. 2, formula No. 18 looks like this:


V. V. kr - volume (number) of the municipal resource (gas or other fuel, electrical energy, cold water) used for the estimated period in the production of a communal heating service;

S I - The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (apartments) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;

S. about - the total area of \u200b\u200ball apartments and non-residential premises in an apartment building;

T V. kr - Tariff (price) on utility resource (gas, electrical energy, cold water) used for the estimated period in the production of a communal heating service established in accordance with the legislation.

Thus, the fee for the communal heating service in the absence of a centralized heat supply system in the house is calculated according to the usual principle, which is based on the distribution of the volume of consumed communal resource according to the total area of \u200b\u200beach room. residential or non-residential.

Non-residential premises include various premises, you can say, commercial type - shops, offices, cafes and so on.

With the calculation of hot water, things are a bit more complicated than with the calculation of heating, but also here, if you figure it out, you can understand the method of charging.

Formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules looks like this:


V. V. gv - the volume of hot water defined for the estimated period in a residential / non-residential room in an apartment building based on the value of consumption, readings of individual accounting devices or calculated volume;

T. kh - Tariff for cold water used in the estimated period during the independent production by the Contractor of the Communal Services in Hot Water Supply;

V V. kr - the volume of municipal resources (thermal energy, gas or other fuel, electrical energy) used for the estimated period for heating of cold water with independent production by the executor of a communal service for hot water supply;

T V. kr - Tariff (price) on a communal resource used for the estimated period in the production of a communal service for hot water supply.

Summing up the procedure for calculating the size of the fee for the hot water supply in the absence of a centralized DHW system, we note: payment is made for the volume of hot water consumed in the room, at the price of a rh3, plus the charge is additionally charged for heating this cold water to the DHW temperature.

The costs of maintenance and repair of equipment, which is used for the production of utility services for heating and hot water supply, are not included in the fee for these services. They are paid at the expense of the line in the receipt for the maintenance and the current renovation of housing.

How to adjust the heating fee for 2018

According to the adopted changes in housing legislation, public utilities gave the right to adjust at any time of the year.

Previously, the adjustment was carried out in the first quarter of this year last year. Now the managing organization itself determines the period when to recalculate. But this should take place at least once a year.

The decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation took place on July 10 last year. Therefore, to adjust the size of the heating fee in 2018 will have to use two formulas at once: oldand new.

To correctly adjust the charge for heating for 2018 in homes, where individual carbon taking into account, the KU must be preserved in all rooms.

For the period up to July 10, 2018 to use old formula number 3 (2) from Appendix No. 2 to PP of the Russian Federation №354;

For the period from July 10 to December 31, 2018 to use formula number 3 (3) from Appendix No. 2 PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, substituting in it or indications of the IUP, or the calculated value derived from the standard, and not the norm itself.

You can calculate such a value for the room without a working counter: multiplying the cost of consumption on the area of \u200b\u200bthe owners; Sharing the result in the amount of the areas of all rooms in the house, including the common property of the Ministry of Measures; Multipling the resulting specific amount on the area of \u200b\u200ba particular room, where the IPU was not preserved.

How to adjust the apartments equipped with radiator distributors

If the house is equipped with OPE, and at least 51% of apartments in the house are equipped with radiator distributors, the calculation for heating such apartments can be adjusted. However, the calculation of the size of the board in the presence of distributors is somewhat different from the calculation according to individual accounting devices.

In distributors, as a rule, no monthly calculation of the size of the heating fee is not made. Their testimony is taken into account once a year (or more often, if such a decision is made at the general meeting with owners, members of the partnership or cooperative) - when adjusting the size of the heating fee.

Correction of the board size is made only within the amount accrued by the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device for all apartments in which distributors are installed.

That is, the use of heat distributors does not mean at all for the consumer for payment only for heating provided in its premises. The amount accrued on the general gauge will still include thermal energy consumed in common areas of the apartment building, and the distribution of the board is made only between consumers in the premises in which distributors are installed. In the volume of thermal energy that came to them according to the testimony of OTP.

For calculation is usedformula number 6. Applications number 2 Rules:


P I. - fee for the provided utility service for heating in i-M. equipped with dispensers residential room (apartment) or non-residential room in an apartment building for the period for which adjustment is carried out;

k. - the number of residential premises (apartments) equipped with dispensers (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building;

p. - the number of distributors installed in i-M. apartment or non-residential room in an apartment building;

m Q.I.- the proportion of the consumption of the communal heating service coming to q-J. distributor installed in i-M. apartment or non-residential premises, in the amount of consumption of the communal heating service in all equipped apartments and non-residential premises equipped with dispensers in an apartment building;

Σ - The sum of certain indicators.

Answers to "Hot" Questions

1. I decided to equip an apartment IPU. Technical characteristics of the house allow. The management company does not want to apply for commissioning. Is such a position right?

The municipal service performer has no right to refuse to put into operation individual heating counters or radiator distributors. Introduce an IPU into operation, the management organization should be no later than a month starting from the date of application.

If we are talking about individual accounting devices (IPU), the accrual of heating fees is carried out taking into account the testimony from the first day of the month following the commissioning date.

2. The apartment is too hot. We want to dismantle the batteries. Does this mean that it will disappear to pay for heating?

First of all, it is worth considering that, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 25 and art. 26 LCD RF, installation, replacement, transferring or dismantling engineering networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of legislation in coordination with the local government authority.

With a positive coordination, the owner is obliged to notify the management organization conducted by the reorganization of intra-quarter communications. Since this will depend on the calculation of your heating bills.

In connection with the new rules for calculating heating with autonomous heating of housing or dismantling radiators, you will pay 0 rubles for the volume of heat consumed from the centralized system for heating directly your apartment.

But you will keep the duty to pay for the volume of thermal energy spent on public needs - entrances, strollery, elevator halls, staircases and other places inside the house where heating radiators are installed.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW!The COP of the Russian Federation in paragraph 1.1 (No. 46-P) of its decision noted that the disconnection of individual premises of the house from the centralized heating system does not stop consumption by the owner of such a thermal energy option for generalic needs. The consumer who has disabled centralized heating in the apartment may not pay indoors for him, but must pay for heating spent on the mainstream of owners.

3. Communal payments exhibits a single settlement center. Came overestimated for heating. Called in the Criminal Code. We were sent to understand EERC. It is legal?

No, illegal. The executor of the communal services can attract organizations to accrual the fee for utilities and delivery of utility receipts (EPC, RCC, etc.).

However, the responsibility for the correctness of the calculations continues to carry performers of services. Whether it is the Criminal Code, the HOA, the RCS or directly the resource-channel organization.

It is the executor of the Service is obliged to carry out an inspection of accrual, debt or overpayment upon request of the consumer. And immediately according to the results of the verification, to issue documents to the consumer containing correctly accrued payments. Documents issued by the consumer should be certified by the signature of the head and print of the Contractor. So reads p. "D" paragraph 31 of the rules No. 354-PP.

To offer the consumer to apply for the verification of the correctness of the accrual into the settlement center, the Contractor does not have the right. In addition, it is the executor of the service (and not his payment agent at all!) In violation of the procedure for calculating the fee for utilities, it is obliged to pay a fine in favor of the consumer (part 6 of Art. 157 LCD RF, paragraph 155.2 of Rules 354).

4. In our house the roof boiler room. How do we change the order of payment for heating?

Houses in which thermal energy is made with the help of domestic equipment, as in 2018, calculate the heating fee according to Formula No. 18. Appendices number 2. PP of the Russian Federation №354 (if not all rooms are equipped with IPU) or according to Formula No. 18 (1) of Appendix No. 2PP of the Russian Federation №354 (if all rooms are equipped with IPUs).

On February 22, 2019, a letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was issued on this score, in which the Office explained to which MKD does not apply to PP of the Russian Federation No. 1988. Repeat: it is at home with a decentralized heating system and hot water supply, in which there is no centralized heat supply.

5. If I do not pass the data from thermal energy, can I subsequently require recalculation for heating?

The recalculation is possible for the entire period of lack of periodic readings, if your IPU has no longer expired and is not disturbed by an intermediate interval. To transfer the testimony of IPU is the right, not the duty of the consumer.

At the same time, remember: management company or resourceman (depending on who sets the fee) have the right to test the health of your heat metering device. If IPU is working, the seals are not damaged, the period of calibration is not expired, the fee will be recalculated.

In the management company, we were informed that this year they are going to put a new house heat meter in our high-rise building. In the meantime, it will be changed, we will have to pay for heating on higher tariffs. Explain whether you can take overestimated amounts with us and how do they calculate the heat fee?

Denis Potapov. Southwest District.

As explained in the metropolitan mayor's office, if the general means of heat is working better work all year, the heating fee is charged on the average degree readings of the house meter last year. It is necessary to evenly distribute the amount during the year. That is, every month we pay for heat 1/12 part of the total warmth of the house meter last year. The management company divides the amount of heat, which, according to the meter's testimony, heated the house last year, for 12 months. The resulting digit is divided into the total area of \u200b\u200bthe whole house and multiplies to the total area of \u200b\u200ba particular apartment and the current tariff (see "Specifically").

At the end of the year, the management company checks the resulting digit with the actually used amount of heat and changes the amount depending on whether the house has spent the heat this year more or less than in the past. Correction of payment is indicated in the receipt in the column "recalculation".

According to standards or by fact

If there was a break in the work of the house heat meter for at least a month (for example, the device broke or the management company did not transfer the meter's testimony to the heat supplier), then for heating this year, tenants will pay according to the meter last year. And next year - already according to the standard. For a fee for heat in a residential building, the number of floors, the material of the walls, the year of construction, the work of the management company for energy saving in the building is influenced. On average, the price for heating one square meter in homes where the house heat meter is installed, ranges from 23.11 rubles. up to 29.42 rubles. And in homes where the heat is paid according to the standard - more than 33 rubles, that is, in receipts, the amount may be more.

Where to complain

If the tenants of the house doubt the correctness of the amounts in the payment, they can contact the Moszhilpospect the inspection of utility payments. The complaint can be sent:

The heating is growing every year, and many consumers are interested in what they pay, and why the numbers in the payment are becoming more and more. The cost of heating is calculated according to the standard of heat consumption, and in apartment buildings it depends on the heated area and from general expenses.

Each consumer should know how to calculate the charge for heating according to the standard to be able to control the fairness of accruals in the management company.

The size of the heating fees depends on different factors

In Russia, there are two main documents for which the fee for heating is calculated. The first of these is the Government Decision No. 354th 06.05.11. It regulates the rules for providing utilities to residents of apartment buildings. This document became an alternative to the Government Decision No. 307 of 05/23/06, however, in practice, the old ruling still continues to operate.

The decision on which rules payments are accrued, are accepted at the local level, the region itself chooses for itself the optimal option. There is a very important difference between them: according to the rules established in Resolution No. 354, the heating fee is charged only in continuation of the heating season, and not distributed for the whole year. On the one hand, it simplified the calculation technique, on the other, it led to an increase in the financial load on the consumer.

According to the new rules, in the period from October to May grows sharply, as it is starting to include the cost of heating. Many consumers are difficult to pay for enlarged accounts, which leads to an increase in debt. According to the traditional method, installed in the rules. Resolutions No. 307, consumers throughout the year pay for an apartment for approximately the same amount, and it is adjusted taking into account the overall growth of tariffs.

The size of the heat charge depends on the established common counter, the presence of heat meters in the apartments, as well as the presence of distributors sensors in residential and non-residential premises.

Calculation of fees with an unidentified general class counter

The general counter allows you to save

If the apartment building is not equipped with a general homework, heating fee is calculated based on three main factors:

  • Regulatory for heating. This is the amount of gigacalry that is required to heat up to the required temperatures of one kV. meter square. In each region, its standard is established depending on climatic conditions.
  • Tariff for heating. This is the cost of one heat gigaclorine installed for the region.
  • The magnitude of the heated area. The apartment building does not turn on the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony.

Thus, the calculation of the heating card in this case is carried out on a relatively simple formula:
Board size \u003d standard * Tariff *, standard and tariff establish regional authorities.

The total cost of heat does not depend on the number of calories of thermal energy actually consumed, so this method of calculation is applied more and less. Now all over Russia is a campaign to improve the energy efficiency of heat supply, therefore counters are actively installed on heat.

Calculation of fees with a general aware meter

The situation is more common today - in an apartment building set by a general one, while there are no individual heat consumption counters in the apartments, the design of engineering communications in many homes are such that individual counters are simply impossible to include in the heating system, and each consumer does not have the ability to independently increase or decrease the heating . In the case there is a calculation based on four main parameters:

  • The total amount was consumed by the house of thermal energy, it is determined by the testimony of a general-friendly meter. Its installation allows you not to pay for the heat lost on the road due to uninsulated heat mains and other problems of thermal networks.
  • Heated area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment of the consumer or non-residential premises.
  • The overall heated area of \u200b\u200bthe building. All residential premises are taken into account, as well as entrances, attached stores connected to the total thermal system, etc.
  • Established by law tariff for thermal energy. Tariffs defines local authorities.

The calculation formula is as follows: Heat Feep \u003d Total volume * Apartment area / House area * Set rate. Thus, the distribution of the board becomes more fair, as each house actually pays for itself for itself.

However, in this case, the calculation system is non-ideal: since consumers do not have the ability to control heat consumption, often it is necessary to simply "fuck the street", the release of heat outwards because of its excess. At the same time, pay for it will still have to be fully. Because of this, a more modern option for calculating with individual counters becomes more and more popular.

Calculation of fees when installed individual counters

An individual counter allows you to pay for actually spent heat

If individual means of heat consumption are installed in all apartments, the calculation will become more complex, but as a result, the consumer pays for actually used energy, and this option is most advantageous. The calculation takes into account the following parameters:

  • The amount of heat consumed by one residential or non-residential premises is determined by the testimony of an individual counter. Accounting devices should be equipped with at least 95% of the premises in the building.
  • The amount of heat consumed to the whole house, it is taken into account on the basis of the testimony of a common counter.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment for which the charge fee is calculated.
  • Common heated area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Residential and non-residential premises are taken into account.
  • Established by the government tariff for thermal energy.

All these parameters are taken into account when calculating according to the following formula: board size \u003d (individual heat + total heat * Apartment area / total area) * Tariff.

The sum of the testimony of individual counters is subtracted from the readings of the general counter, and the residue is divided between all consumers. Thus, residents at home independently pay for heating the entrance and other general premises, but the main calculation is based on individual counters.

This allows you to significantly reduce the heating, as it does not have to pay for worn-out networks and endless utility accidents. Nevertheless, the option with individual counters can be implemented not always: most often the general counter is mounted in the house, and as a result, tenants still have to partially pay each other. It also causes difficulties in the fight against debtors: they cannot be disconnected from a single heating system, and in the end they continue to use heat paid by other people.

The procedure for calculating the fee for the heat according to the rules of 2006

According to the rules, every year it must recalculate

If the payment for the heat is charged by the old rules, and the house has a public counter, the final figures in the consumer receipts will depend on how much the heat building has consumed by lasting the past year.

This value is divided into the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, while taken into account both residential apartments and non-residential premises, such as offices and shops. As a result, it turns out the amount of heat per 1 square meter. Meter square, it is divided by 12 months.

After that, the resulting average monthly energy consumption is multiplied by the tariff approved by the local government. The value obtained must be multiplied to the apartment area. An example of calculation based on the 2011 tariffs for Izhevsk. According to a general aware meter, the total amount of thermal energy consumed in one year was 990 gigacalories.

The total area of \u200b\u200ball apartments at home and public premises is 5,500 meters. After the calculation, it turns out that during the year per 1 kV. The meter is spent 0.015 gigacalories per month. The resulting average monthly volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 heat gigacloralia at the set tariff. 943.60 (tariff) * 0,015 * 1,18 (VAT) \u003d 16.70 rubles per 1 kV. Meter heated area.

The value of each specific apartment should be multiplied to the area. If, for example, it is 45 square meters. meters, then the final monthly cost of heating will be 751.5 rubles per month. It is this number that the tenants will see in the payments throughout the year, as not the amount of heat spent per month, but the average monthly consumption obtained by the results of last year is taken into account.

How is the heating fee for these rules, if the house does not set a general counter? In this case, the standard is used - the amount of thermal energy required for heating. For each house, it is determined separately, this information must be in public access. When contacting the manager of the apartment building, the apartment building should receive all the information on how the heat charge is charged.

According to the rules of Resolution No. 307, every year in the house should be recalculated. It takes into account the amount of heat consumed last year, and on its basis the new board is calculated.

If the numbers in the payment are called in doubt and seem overestimated, it has the right to demand recalculation again. This is written a statement and sent to the management company, it is necessary to specify the time for which it is necessary to recalculate. The public utilities do not have the right to refuse to appeal, the answer is provided within 4 days. If after a re-calculation, the overpayment will be detected, it should be deducted from the amount of debt for the next month.

Knowledge of laws allows you to fight for your rights and seek justice. Regular increase in tariffs creates a serious load on, so it is necessary to achieve equitable metering heat loss.

How to calculate the charge for heating, you can learn from the video footage:

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