Increased energy efficiency. Improving the efficiency of energy saving across the MCD. Why it is necessary to improve the energy efficiency of the MKD

Heating 20.05.2021

IN AND. Livchak, Vice President NP "Avok"

In the near future, in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Enhance Energy Efficiency ...", instruments of accounting for the consumed thermal energy on each building should be established. Who and how in the system of municipal power engineering and housing will take into account this heat consumption, accrual payments? A clear and reasoned response is given to - control the consumption of warmth and calculations for it should be an independent operator of commercial accounting. In our opinion, in addition, he must analyze the efficiency of energy consumption. How to implement it?

I fully support the opinion of the author that only the independent operator will be excluded possible abuse of both the heat supply organization that is trying to shift their costs for consumers and from the heat pipe consumer, in the person of the management companies and the HOA, which are inclined to pay for utility resources for their testimony only In the event that their payments are becoming less. And the late or incorrect solution of these issues is fraught, among other things, social consequences and political instability.

Undoubtedly, there must be a certain third party, controlled both by government agencies and the parties to settlements, and guaranteeing the reliability of energy metering and the justice of accrual of payments by their testimony. Moreover, as the author of the article, "there is a technical ability to manipulate the instruments of accounting, both at the level of the accounting instruments themselves and at the ASKUE level, i.e., program processing of their data, and numerous regulations of different legislative systems allow To admit arbitrariness both when paying payments and when they are paid. "

The history of relations between resource suppliers and consumers in Russia did not contribute to the emergence of confidence in the parties. It went from the Soviet times, when there were no metering devices in mom. I remember in the thermal points of the buildings and in the CTP on the wall hung the table with temperature schedules of heat from the source and the required in the consumer: the left column with the temperature of the outer air, the following - the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline of thermal networks, then the temperature after the elevator of the heating system and temperature Water in the return pipeline of the heating system, it also, if there was no water heaters of hot water supply, and the temperature of the coolant returned to the thermal network.

And often this table was an apple of discord - employees of the Department House complained that the temperature schedule does not comply with the temperature: at low outdoor temperatures, the temperature of the coolant entering the thermal item from heat networks was below the graph, and in the warm period, on the contrary, above ( Dragbed to put in the limit in general for the year). Representatives of the heat supply organization rightly scolded the consumer for exceeding the temperature of the water in the return pipeline of the heating system compared to the graph required according to the current outdoor temperature. It ended the fact that the representatives of the heating network cut off the column with the temperature of the outer air and began to demand from the consumer so that the temperature of the returned coolant corresponded to the line of the table the temperature of the coolant supplied by them, regardless of the current outdoor temperature.

Of course, this is complete uncontrolcity for the actions of the resource supplier and the scinting injustice in relation to the consumer and the public, since all violations in heat supply lie on their shoulders, and they cannot be responsible for these violations of the supplier of thermal energy. This lasted for several years and after the collapse of the planned economy, and even developed the instruments of automation, realizing the dependence of the inverse temperature from the heating system on the temperature in the supply pipe without communication with the outer temperature. Of course, this did not contribute to the consumer confidence in the heat supplier.

For the possibility of analyzing the energy efficiency of the resource used, the temporal statements of the daily, over the course of each month, taking into account the release of heat energy, measured in an individual thermal paragraph (ITP) and the central (CTP) (Table 1), it is necessary to supplement information about the outdoor temperature, excluded as It was said in Soviet times. This will allow, comparing the actual (measured heat meter) consumption of heat for heating with the required (for the current outdoor temperature), judge the correctness of the heating of each house, and to overestimate the temperature in the return pipe against the graph - about the overheating of the building.

Required depending on the outdoor temperature, the heating heat supply schedule, designed to provide comfortable conditions for staying in heated premises, is determined by the project's energy passport, mandatory in accordance with the requirements for all undergoing and capital repaired residential and public buildings. For buildings built until 2003, the energy passport is calculated based on the results of the energy survey. But comparing the actual and required heat consumption, we identify possible inconsistencies, to influence the elimination of which is possible only by using automatic control of the heat supply to heating to the ITP of the building or in the automated control unit of the heating system (AUU) when the group of buildings is connected via the CTP.

Therefore, it is advisable to install house components to combine with the implementation of the automatic heat control system for heating to enter the system into the house through the optimal temperature schedule, implementing the feed mode, depending on the temperature of the outer air, taking into account the revealed stock of the heating system and increase the share of household waste in thermal Balance of apartments with an increase in outdoor temperature. Only by taking into account the constancy of household heat dissipation during the heating period, it is possible to reduce the heat consumption of the heating system for this period by 10-15%, while providing air temperature in the premises at a comfortable level of 20-22 o C and heating the external air for ventilation in the volume of regulatory air exchange .

Heat supply of buildings with AUU from CTP

Due to individual for each house, the values \u200b\u200bof this stock and a share, depending on the degree of population of the house and the quality of his insulation, would seem the most simple solution - automation of heat transfer control to the heating to the CTP, where, by installing a single automation system, the group can be carried out. Buildings do not lead to due energy effect. Therefore, in the presence of CTP in the heating systems of houses connected to it, automated control units are installed. Figures 1 and 2 are the diagrams of AUU and ITP, equipped with the instruments of accounting and automatic control of thermal energy.

Combining the organization of the accounting assembly in apartment buildings with the control system of heat cutting heat for heating will not cause significant investments. Invested funds will pay off in the first year of operation, if you put the goal not to "master" them, but to use it wisely. Reasonability lies in the fact that in the ITP or AUU, the placement of water and fire pumps is not provided, based on the separation of the scope of activity and increased noise from these pumps (invalidated circulation pumps of heating and hot water supply do not require the implementation of anti-free activities). When connecting to the water supply to supply water directed to hot water, it is necessary to ensure the same pressure in the DHW network, as in the cold water supply system of the house, so in Fig. 2 shows the installation of a circulation pump of the hot water supply system along a circulation-rising scheme - on the feed pipe, after the mixing assembly to compensate for the pressure loss in water heaters.

AUU or ITP, as a rule, should be built into the buildings serviced by them and placed in a technical underground or basement, they do not require the device of individual inputs and outputs. There is also no particular ventilation, the construction of a special fence in the form of walls or deaf partitions. The maintenance room is recommended to enjoy a grid or grid with a door to eliminate access to unauthorized persons. On the perimeter of the fence, it is advisable to perform waterproofing with a height of 20 cm from the floor. With an insufficient height of technical subcasions, the ITP premises deepen with the drainage apparatus. To pump water from a drainage pit, a sufficiently automatic pumping pump of the "GNOM" type (worth about 2,000 rubles) without a reserve, and two high-temperature imported drainage pumps are not needed (worth more than 50 thousand rubles each), as suggested in typical Project of overhaul of Moscow residential buildings.

In order to reduce costs in accordance with clause 4.15, invaluable circulation pumps of heating systems and DHW is allowed to be installed without a reserve (the second pump is stored in stock). This not only saves funds to the strapping of pumps, but also the cost of electrical equipment and cables to carry out the automatic switching of their operation. Pumps consume energy less than home furnace microwave, and their connection should be as simple.

In the event of a pump malfunction when it is installed without a reserve or turning off the electricity, in order to avoid the receipt of the superheated coolant from the heat network into the heating system without mixing, the control valve (Fig. 1) is mechanically closed under the influence of the spring. The frequency converter of the pump electric motor supports the specified circulation of the coolant in the heating system. Pressure drop control between the feed and return pipelines on entering the house is not required, because The disposable pressure on the input always does not exceed 200 kPa, because it is limited to the CTP automation. For the same reason, there is no need to transfer the corrective mixing pump from the jumper to the feed or return pipelines.

To prevent the hydraulic inclusion of intra-quarters of heating networks when the temperature range of heat leave from the CTP, when the heating control automation nearest to CTP will strive to compensate for the rise of the coolant temperature with an increase in its flow rate over the calculated value and then it is not enough for more remote AUU, an automatic limitation is entered Flow of the coolant on AUU (marked in Figure G OGR). According to the signal from the water flow sensor, which is part of the heat meter, and connected to the controller of the heating controller, when the calculated flow is reached, the opening of the control valve stops, the command closing the command in the regular mode.

In ITP, the signal "Restriction of the coolant consumption" performs the role of preventing the influence of the uneven heat consumption by hot water supply to an increase in the calculated coolant coolant from the heat network when the water heater is turned on by the 2nd stage of the DHW parallel to the heating system (mixed DHW switching circuit). If the coolant flow rate is exceeded above the calculated value of the calculated heating load and the mid-hour load of hot water supply, the signal blocks the heating control commands to open the valve, and the flow is saved within the specified, but the control schedule will not be maintained, and the heating system will not be reduced by a certain amount of heat. .

When the intensive water treatment is stopped, the coolant consumption is reduced and the limit signal is removed, the controller continues to maintain the specified temperature schedule. A small "cluster" during non-compliance with the heating control schedule is compensated by some increase of 2-3 degrees of the temperature graph of the controller given (2 ° C with the calculated parameters of the coolant 95-70 ° C and 3 ° C with parameters 105-70 ° C). Then, during the periods of water, under the average, the undercurring valve obtained when the temperature range is stopped by excess of the temperature schedule will be compensated, and in general, the heating system will receive the required amount of heat. Practice shows that due to thermal inertia at home and increasing the intensity of household heat generations with an increased water treatment fluctuation of the internal air temperature will not exceed 0.5 ° C, which is not noticeable for residents.

Supporters of the heat supply system from the CTP exaggerate the amount of savings from the elimination of autumn-spring "overflows". Theoretically, using the standing schedule of outer temperatures from 2 to 8 o C, saving thermal energy for the heating period, for example, in Moscow, will be about 4% of the annual heat consumption for heating. And the automatic control system for the ITP or in AUu in addition to weather regulation allows the heat to take into account the heat coming from solar radiation in the solar radiation, which gives another 5-10% saving of thermal energy on each building. The experience of implementing such a system in the 1980s on a number of buildings in Moscow showed that with an outdoor temperature minus 5 - 7 o With the heating system lit by the sun, the facade turns off entirely not only for the period of illumination of this facade of the Sun, but at least at least Time and after - due to the recoil of heat, accumulated furniture and internal fences.

Therefore, during the reconstruction of buildings, it is possible to limit ourselves to only the recovery authorization of the heating system, without establishing thermostats on heating devices. In section systems with lower and upper filling coolant, the phased separation is implemented by jumpers in the basement and in the attic, the main riser of one section feeds one phased system, and the riser of another section is used for the opposite facade system.

It is even easier to organize a repandal authorization of repandal buildings. Vertical-single-tube heating systems are performed with lower wiring of feed and return highways and P-shaped risers. All shifts required to combine phasaded branches of sectional systems are made only in the basement (Fig. 3). Also, in pokatasad author, the installation of thermostats on heating devices is optional, and therefore welding and other installation works in the apartments are excluded. It is only necessary in several rooms in the internal air temperature sensors to control the heating regulator.

In the houses with a warm attack that performs the function of the exhaust air collector, which is removed later into the street through a single mine (it was how such houses began to be constructed in Russia for typical projects after underacted buildings), it is facilitated by setting the internal air temperature sensors. The analogue of this temperature may be the air temperature in the precast channels of exhaust ventilation from the kitchens of apartments focused on this facade. Considering the additional heat dissipation in the kitchens when cooking, it is experimentally established that the temperature specified in the regulator in the regulator increases by about 1 ° C against the desired air temperature in the working area. In this case, for buildings above 12 floors there are enough temperature sensors on each facade, and if there is a warm attic, these sensors are installed without any special difficulties, not disturbed tenants (when installing internal air temperature sensors in apartments, to obtain reliable data on each facade of them Set at least four).

A schematic diagram of connecting an automated Pathasad heating system to thermal networks from CTP is shown in Fig. 4. It shows the connection of a Pathasad heating system through mixing circulation pumps. It is possible to connect via elevators with an adjustable nozzle (shown in Fig. 3), and possibly through water heaters for the independent attachment scheme, but it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to install an independent water heater for each phased branch.

Heat supply from ITP

The transition of existing buildings on heat supply from the ITP instead of CTP, despite the greater value of the equipment of the ITP of several buildings compared to the equipment of one CTP, reduces the total cost of the heat supply system, because it is not necessary to pay for the sewage of intravartial networks of DHW - they are not needed when the water heaters are transferred to the ITP. Moreover, it reduces the operating costs associated with the loss of heat energy from these pipelines and with the cost of electrical energy to pump hot water along them, as well as due to a sharp reduction in circulation flow in hot water systems caused by difficulties in the distribution of CTP circulation. The approach of the hot water preparation center to the consumer not only eliminates the flaws listed above, but also improves the quality of hot water supply.

(P.P. 14.3 and 14.4) confirms the obligation of the construction of an automated individual thermal point under new construction, with reconstruction or instead of the overhaul of CTP, intravartial networks from it, as well as with the overhaul of individual buildings connected to the CTP operated.

It is also erroneously the opinion that it is inappropriate to invest in the automation of the system of heating of existing buildings until their insulation is performed and the windows are not replaced by more sealed. On the contrary, in this case, the implementation of automatic regulation of heat supply to heating such houses is even more efficient, because:

firstlyIf the house is blown away, no vest will put up with low air temperatures in residential premises and take measures to increase heating devices based on extreme weather conditions. But with a decrease in the strength of the wind or with an increase in the outer temperature, the wind and thermal pressure, acting on the permeability of the outer air through the fences, and the volume of infiltration is reduced, as a result, the building is beginning to overheat in these periods. Eliminate this overheating can only automate the heating system.

secondly, The main savings of heat for heating is achieved due to the inconsistency of the heat supply schedule required for residential buildings, taking into account the increasing share of household heat generations in the heat balance of the house of the central regulation schedule, calculated on consumers who have no householdings or are not taken into account. Due to the possibility of reducing the temperature graph of the heat of heat to heating due to the growing share of household waste, with an increase in the outdoor temperature, saving thermal energy to heating is achieved. And since household heat dissipation in houses with the same degree of population is the same and do not depend on the outdoor temperature, nor from the insulation of the house, the saving of heat from the automation of the heating system in absolute value will also be the same, only in the warmed house its relative component to the general heat consumption will be higher .

Adding to the statement of the discharge of thermal energy of the control parameters for the heat consumption

The method of calculating the temperature of the coolant in the feed and return pipelines of the heating system, which must be specified by the controller to maintain depending on the change in the outdoor temperature and taking into account the revealed reserves of the heating system and increase the share of household heat generations in the heat balance of apartments with an increase in outdoor temperature, is given in.

These two parameters are advisable to enter into the statement of the discharge of heat energy to possibly control the correct operation of the control of heating control. Accordingly, the temperature of the coolant in the feed and return pipelines of the heating system along with the outer air temperature, which will also start in the heating controller controller, should be recorded by the thermal energy accounting device and are displayed that there is no difficulty.

The statement of the discharge of heat energy in AUU is compiled separately on heating and DHW, because from the CTP, the coolant for these systems is received by individual pipelines and the building is set to the building of heat for heating and hot water.

We note that instead of columns 5 and 6 (Table 1), the testimony is reduced relative to the maximum value (Table 2, column 8), which allows you to immediately compare the real deviation with the instrument measurement permitted measurement error. True, duplication of measuring the flow of coolant on the return pipe in AUU and the ITP is performed in exceptional cases. This is relevant for the CTP, when pipelines are deposited from it in underground channels, and possibly beless. In AUU and ITP, after a metering unit, pipelines are laid in the premises openly with the possibility of visual inspection, and to account for heat consumption, it is enough to measure the flow of the coolant only by one feed pipeline. Then columns 7 and 8 (Table 2) and 4 and 5 (Table 4) will be free.

Column "Pipeline fuel" (Table 1) is excluded because after CTP in homes, as a rule, independent attachment does not apply. In the column "The temperature of the coolant" The calculated values \u200b\u200bin the feed T 1p and the reverse pipeline T 2p, (Table 2, columns 10 and 14), received from the calculated temperature graph, depending on the average for the day of the day of the outdoor air temperature, are added.

If earlier the heating system was connected to intra-quartered networks through an elevator, then the temperature of the temperature in the supply pipe was added to the temperature of the coolant temperature after the T 1 OI assembly unit, i.e. The temperature of the coolant entering the heating system, and the calculated values \u200b\u200bafter the mixing node T 1 OR (Table 2, columns 11 and 12).

By the way, when installing metering nodes on the introduction of heat networks into a house based on the consumed thermal energy in the account statement, it is necessary to eliminate the thermal losses of the QTP pipelines from the wall of the house (the boundaries of operational responsibility) to the accounting node, which make up an insignificant share of the percentage of the amount measured by the heat flow, whose own measurements They are carried out with an error of ± 4%, and accordingly covered by this error. This is, just one of the ways to shift the costs of the heat supply organization on the consumer.

In tab. 3 is given a statement of taking into account heat energy in AUU with a phasadane authoring, where columns 7 - the mass of the coolant for the 2nd pipeline and 8 is the deviation in the mass measurement along both pipelines, and columns with the measured temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system of another facade , air temperatures in the premises of both facades, the dimensions of which are entered into the controller.

The statement of the discharge of heat energy in the automated ITP (Table 4) compared with the standard statement (Table 1) changes due to the fact that the heat meter at the IPP measures the total consumption of thermal energy to heating and DHW. Therefore, to compare the thermal energy that is actually consumed to be heated with the estimated day depending on T M, it is necessary to determine the flow rate of heating from the total measured consumption. These measurements and calculations should be brought on a separate statement (Table 5), which is accompanied by a statement in Table 4.

For the implementation of the separation of heat energy costs, additional signals from the water meter, measuring the consumption of cold water on the GWS G of GVS) begins before the heat heater of the DHW, and the temperature of the cold T in the inlet and hot water T DHW at the outlet of the WATS water heater (average per day). This will be three additional columns in the annex to the accounting statement (Table 5). The fourth extra column "Thermal Energy for Hot Water Supply, Q GVS, Gcal" is calculated by the formula:

Q gvs \u003d g gvs * (t gvs - t x) * (1 + to TP),

where g of the GVS is measured during the day the consumption of cold water going on DHW, T; TP is a coefficient that takes into account the loss of heat pipelines of the hot water system. It is accepted depending on the isolation of GVS stands: with isolated risers 0.2, with uninsulated - 0.3.

Then, the measured heat consumption for heating Q OI is located on the difference of the total heat metered by the heat meter of the thermal energy Q and, per day and the calculated flow rate - on the CHW of the Q GVS, and is applied as the 3rd column of Table. 5 "Measurely-computed heat energy consumption for heating, Q OI Gcal". The previous 1, 2 and subsequent 4 and 5 columns are the same as in the accounting statement (Table 2, columns 1, 2 and 4, 5).

Additionally, they are introduced to analyze the operation of the heating regulator and the operating mode of the heating of the column, in which the results of the average daily measurement of the water temperature in the supply and return pipelines of the heating system T 1O and T 2 O "as well as by analogy with the accountability of the table. 2.

- "Calculated in the supply pipe, T 1Or" and "Calculated in the return pipe, T 2OR", received from the calculated temperature graph, depending on the average for the day of day the outdoor temperature.

The main statement (Table 4) repeats the table. 1, with the exception of changes associated with the introduction of monitoring the temperature of the coolant coming from the heat network, the central control graph, depending on the average daily temperature of the outer air - the values \u200b\u200bof these temperatures from the graph in the temperature of the coolant temperature, in the column next to the "feed pipeline" , T 1 "-" Calculated in the supply pipe, T 1R, ". Instead of columns + Δm, - Δm one column is given - deviation of the indications relative to the maximum value, (M 1 - m 2) x100 / (24xg MAX),%; Speaker "Pipeline feeding" is saved.

I hope that the creation of a specialized organization is an independent operator of commercial accounting, performing calculations for consumed thermal energy between its supplier and the user, and putting this operator with the functions of an analysis of energy efficiency to use the transmitted resource, will actually improve energy efficiency in the housing and utilities industry. This follows:

■ combine the steps to install accounting devices in buildings with the implementation of automatic control of heat feeding for heating;

■ Include in the statement of metering thermal energy indicators with which it is possible at the operator level to check the compliance of the heat supply mode for heating with optimal solutions;

■ Observe participants in the transfer and use of the energy carrier to fulfill the instructions of the commercial accounting operator.


2. Livchak V.I. The actual heat consumption of buildings as an indicator of quality quality and reliability // Avok. 2009. No. 2.

3. Livchak V.I. Automatic restriction of the maximum consumption of network water on thermal item // Water supply and plumbing. № 7. 1987

4. Livchak V.I., Chugunkin A.A., Olenev V.A. Energy efficiency of the phasadic automatic control of heating systems. // Water supply and plumbing. № 5, 1986

5. Livchak V.I. The sequence is performed by the requirements of improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. // Energy Saving. 2010. № 6.

6. Livchak V.I. Ensuring the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. Improving the heat shields of buildings and the automation of heating. // Avok. 2012. number 8.

Taking part in various meetings and conferences with the participation of OSMD managers and simply at meetings with them, it is very often to hear the question: where to start work on improving the energy efficiency of our house?

It would seem that the answer to this question today in excess can be found in the media, and on the Internet. At the same time, the fact that such a question is asked, indicates that many OSMD managers cannot form a clear and consistent program of action towards reducing the power consumption of the residential house managed by them. Yes, it is understandable, as each building is unique - both in constructive features, and on the applied engineering equipment, and in terms of operation. Given this, to create a universal program of thermometerization of buildings that fit for all existing buildings is simply not real. Such a program for each particular building should be developed individually, but approaches to developing may be general. Let's try to figure it out.

The realities of our time are such that no one no longer doubts the need to save energy resources. Moreover, the permanent growth of energy tariffs and utilities makes every resident of the country actually engage in their savings. In fact, the tariff policy conducted by the state has become a powerful incentive to increase the energy efficiency of the existing residential fund. At the same time, she gave rise to the activation of the amateur "creativity" of the population on the thermometerization of their apartments. It is massively conducted by outdoor insulation of individual apartments, many refuse to centralized heating and go to autonomous, someone increases the number of sections in heating devices in their apartment, some refuse hot water supply and go to autonomous boilers ... The list of such events can continue and continue. However, to create an oasis for its apartment in an Energy Effective House - an excessive occupation. In addition to the deterioration of the technical condition of the building, the unbalance of the work of its engineering systems it will not bring anything! Only joint efforts all residents of the house can solve the problem of improving the energy efficiency of the building, to ensure comfortable living conditions for all apartment owners and at the same time significantly reduce the cost of payment for energy consumption. Today, perhaps the most important task of the OSMD leadership is to unite the efforts of all co-owners of each house around the idea of \u200b\u200bimproving the energy efficiency of their joint ownership, creating a team of like-minded people who are ready to take responsibility and costs for its implementation.


The very work of improving the energy efficiency of the building should be started with careful and comprehensive verification of the technical condition of the building and its engineering systems. It is necessary to fulfill it with the involvement of qualified energy audit companies. At this stage, the main task is to identify all factors negatively affecting the sustainability of the building and the uninterrupted work of its engineering systems, as well as the determination of specific causes of excessive energy consumption. Such an analysis should be the basis of the future program of improving the energy efficiency of the building, including a list of repair work related to increasing the sustainability of the building and thermal-containing activities with the estimated periods of their implementation and the cost of implementation.

The program must be considered and approved at the General Assembly of the OSMD, after which it becomes practical guidance to the action to improve the energy efficiency of the building. At the same time, if the building has problems associated with its stability (for example, an uneven sediment of foundations, roof leaks, the collapse of the facade cladding, etc.), then work to eliminate such violations should be priorities. If there are no such problems, or they are eliminated - you can proceed to the implementation of thermo-containing events.

Modern practice has a significant number of energy-efficient technologies, the use of which allows to significantly reduce the power consumption of any building. Let's try to reflate them in cost and efficiency.

Accounting for consumption

As a rule, it is necessary to begin thermal-containing activities with improving the work of engineering systems of the building. And first of all it is necessary to organize accounting for the consumption of all energy resources. It is mainly due to the consumed thermal energy, since the consumption of cold and hot water consumption, electricity and even gas is almost solved by each apartment owned. With thermal energy, the situation is much more complicated. Technically, it is possible to organize the consumers of thermal energy, but this is a very expensive event and not afford the majority of the population. It is much easier to organize a subsidiary of heat consumption. Moreover, the installation of subdominous meters of thermal energy today is included in the duty of heat supply organizations. As practice shows, the transition from payment for the heating of square meters to payment for the calories consumed by thermal energy allows residents of 20-30% to reduce payment for the heating of their apartments, while not investing additional funds. It is clear that the installation of a bottomhole meter of thermal energy absolutely does not affect the improvement of the energy efficiency of the building, but only allows you to bring order in terms of payment for real-consumable thermal energy.

Replacing outdated thermal points

The first in effectiveness, allowing to really improve the energy efficiency of the building is replacing outdated thermal points Elevator type, which are equipped with most existing residential buildings, on modern individual thermal items (ITP) with weather regulation. It is a compact and not very complex equipment consisting of several pumps, various valves, shocks with electric drives, sensors and measuring instruments, a plate heat exchanger, a heat meter and a system of automation with a programmer. The main advantage of this equipment is that the circulation of the coolant in the domestic networks is carried out forced, while automatically regulated pressure in the system, which avoids emergency situations in networks due to pressure drops and quickly respond to changes in the hydraulic network resistance associated with the consumption of the consignment .

Thanks to the ITP, the work of the hot water system is significantly improved. The main device providing this feature is a plate heat exchanger, where the primary heat carrier is used to heal ordinary tap water to the required parameters. Circulation of hot water in the system is carried out by a special circulating pump. Automation tools support the hot water supply system in working condition depending on the parsing of hot water and the time of day. It is also very important that the presence of such a function in modern ITP as regulation of the heat consumption of the building, depending on weather conditions. Thanks to the corresponding control automated system, which, based on the testimony of the outdoor air sensor, reduces either increases the flow of the coolant into the domestic heating network, it is possible to optimize the power consumption of the building and significantly save energy resources. In addition to the number noted, the ITP includes a metering node of consumed thermal energy, and the availability of automation and the corresponding programmer allows residents not only to control the consumption of thermal energy, but also to manage it. It is possible to adjust the temperature of the coolant in the domestic heating networks and hot water in the hot water system, increase or decrease the heat consumption by the hour of day, set the necessary parameters for pressure in the system, excluding the possibility of emergency situations. As practice shows, the replacement of obsolete ITP on more modern allows to save 30% and more heat energy, and the means embedded in such a replacement pay off for one or two heating periods.

Balancing valves

Very often in existing residential buildings there is such a phenomenon as a problem in one apartments and a closer in others. Today's technical means allow you to get rid of it, but only if the building is equipped with modern ITP. For this, special balancing valves are applied, installed on risers of heating networks. They provide automatic balancing of the heating system and supply the coolant with the same parameters to all heating devices at home. In itself, the implementation of this event does not provide a tangible energy economy. However, thanks to it, it creates the same comfortable living conditions for all residents at home.

Radiator thermostators

The next energy efficient measure could be the equipment of heating devices in all apartments of the house with radiator thermostators. Due to its structural features, this device reacts to the slightest changes in the room temperature and increases or reduces the flow of the coolant to the heating device. Using the radiator thermostat, you can set the desired room temperature in the range from 5 to 26 degrees. In other words, the consumer has the ability to regulate thermal comfort in its apartment, set the desired temperature in each room, lower it at night or to the minimum allowable during the lack of tenants in the apartment. Again, the installation of radiator thermostators is possible only if the building is equipped with modern ITP. At the same time, in order for this event, except for the comfort of living, it also brought an economic effect, a number of conditions must be performed. The first - as already noted, this is the presence of a modern ITP with a general aware of thermal energy. Second - radiator thermostat must be installed on all heating devices in the building. And the third - all residents of the house are actively using thermostators to save heat. The last condition is perhaps the most difficult. A lot of explanatory work will be required by the OSMD leadership so that all co-owners understand the importance and beneficiality of heat saving with radiator thermostators. And when it all succeeds to do, the real savings of thermal energy will be about 20% at relatively low costs for the installation of radiator thermostators.

After the implementation of the above thermo-containing events, you can be sure that the heating and hot water supply systems in our house meet modern energy efficiency requirements and can be processed by the following steps related to the insulation of enclosing building structures. It should be emphasized that compliance with just such a order - first upgrade engineering networks, and then insulated the building - it is of great importance. If you just insulate the building, then this expensive event will not lead to the desired decline in its heating costs, since the amount of thermal energy supplied to the building heating will be the same as before insulation. In the apartments, will definitely become warmer, and the lack of modern means of automation and heat consumption control will lead only the need to get rid of excess heat by the so-called "guide" ventilation. Conversely, the insulation of buildings, where the modernization of the heating system was previously carried out, brings a significant economic effect and allows for half a reduction of power consumption.


The insulation of the enclosing building structures provides for the need to perform a whole complex of measures related to the replacement of outdated windows and entrance doors to energy-efficient, insulation of outer walls, roofs, overlap over basements and domesticates. At the same time, the replacement of windows, as a rule, is performed by each owner of the apartment independently. It is important here that new windows meet the regulatory requirements for heat transfer resistance for the climatic zone in which your building is located. The process of insulation of the remaining enclosing structures is clear. It is only important to comply with the requirements for the quality of the used insulating materials and the choice of a qualified contracting organization that will be engaged in insulation.

After performing all the above thermo-containing activities, one can be sure that our building is energy efficient from the point of view of today's requirements. Only one problem remains unresolved - ensuring fair payment for thermal energy by each specific consumer, depending on its actual consumption. Provide this is possible only at the expense of the organization of consumed thermal energy.

Install in the apartment, the accounting devices is technically not difficult. So if the apartment has a single heat input, which in existing housing is quite rare, then the accounting device is put on this input. If there is no such input, you can set the counter to each heating device. This option is quite expensive for the consumer, as each heat meter has a significant cost. It is not by chance that in most countries where they have long been engaged in heat saving, another accounting system is used using low-cost appliances, so-called heating cost distributors installed on each heating device (radiator). Distributor devices are inherently no thermal energy meters. However, with their help, knowing the overall consumption of thermal energy at home, determined by a dormitory meter, one can calculate the share of consumption of thermal energy by each heating device of the apartment and the house as a whole. Reading the testimony of distributors is remotely or monthly directly by the owners of the apartments. Special software complexes have been developed, allowing on the basis of common heat consumption and testimony of distributors to determine the amount of heat consumption of each apartment and, accordingly, the size of the board for its use. It would seem that everything is very difficult, but as the practice of our neighbors-Poles shows, where such systems are widespread, they work quite simply and efficiently.

In this article, we focus on reducing power consumption in heating and hot water systems. And this is not by chance, since today the tariffs in this area are the most significant and the trend towards their future increase. With the rest of the resources the situation is somewhat easier. Almost every apartment owner has a means of accounting (or can establish) and means of regulating consumption in the form of cranes and switches. Although there are great opportunities for energy efficiency. But this is the topic of another article.

Private panel four-stroke (48 apartments), which on the Kuilyuk-2 massif in Tashkent, became a testing ground for working and implementing advanced technical ideas and solutions for energy saving. Suddenly, it was obliged to the project "Initiative for energy saving in the construction sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" (ESIB), which is carried out in Uzbekistan. It is funded by the European Union, aims to promote energy efficiency and is part of the INOGATE program, which is implemented in 11 countries.

According to international consultant, key expert project ESIB brand BellanerThe focus of the INOGATE program is the problems of energy flow, including in the construction sector. It puts two main tasks: ensuring uninterrupted energy supply and diversification of energy resources to reduce energy losses, attracting new investments for this. The long-term goal of the program is to assist in creating a full-fledged regional energy market. Given the processes of globalization, issues related to the energy, are considered not in the context of the country and even the region, but on a global scale. Countries exchange each other not only by goods, but also energy. However, its huge amount is lost on a number of reasons: for example, due to poor thermal insulation, during transportation, and so on. If you save these losses, they can be used to export, and the country received from this can reinvest in improving energy efficiency, which in turn is able to give impetus to creating a new industry.

ESIB is an initiative to save energy in buildings and also covers a multi-apartment residential fund. The project executor is the Uzbek Agency "Uzkommunhizmat". ESIB consists of 4 components. This is an analysis of the current legislation on energy saving and recommendations for its improvement; promoting the creation of favorable conditions for financing energy efficiency activities, including pilot projects; Improving technical norms and rules stimulating the use of energy-efficient technical solutions based on local conditions; Raising awareness of the population about energy saving.

For ordinary consumers, it is not always clear what energy efficiency is. In a nutshell, this is the effective use of energy resources. Energy efficient is the house that consumes less energy, but ensures more comfortable conditions for residents, rather than a similar building, where consumption is greater, and recoils are less. It is possible to achieve maximum effect with the help of modern energy-efficient technologies, as well as changes in the ratio of ordinary consumers to this problem.

To this end, within the framework of the project, a training seminar "Energyual audit in buildings" was conducted, the object of which was the Kulyukskaya four-installment. According to its organizers, the problems of this house associated with energy supply are characteristic of most of the similar houses that make up the main part of the apartmentmatic capital of the capital and other regions of Uzbekistan. Pre-local specialists monitors the energy efficiency of this house, proposed technical solutions to increase it, which were voiced during the seminar. But his goal was much wider: to work out from the participants of the seminar - representatives of the housing and communal sphere of our country, as well as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan - the overall understanding of the approaches and methods used in the analysis of energy efficiency. This was done so that they could apply the experience gained in professional activities. Therefore, participants have provided the opportunity to go to place, explore the situation associated with energy consumption, assess the energy efficiency of the house, the options for its increase and, divided into groups, to propose their scenarios of the energy reconstruction of the high-rise building. Stressed medical terminology - the participants of the seminar conducted a "patient" survey, made a diagnosis, prescribed treatment.

According to experts, today the house consumes thermal energy 2.4 times more than at the time of its construction in 1970. The seminar participants determined where the main causes of increasing thermal losses are taken. This is seismic seams, balconies, staircases, etc. It turned out that with the thermal insulation of seismic seam, heat loss can be reduced to zero. Large losses (from 36 to 40%) occur through the rebuilt by residents of the balconies. Heat leakage is also through balcony walls and windows. As a result of energy efficiency measures, these losses can be reduced by 80%. From 16 to 20% of all heat loss occurs through the staircases. Walls here are very thin (12 cm), there is no thermal insulation. Resource-saving events can reduce heat leakage by 80%.

During the presentation of the energy audit of the house, various technical solutions for energy efficiency were enhanced. In particular, one of them concerned the roof: it was proposed to use pressed straw (reed), which is placed in the attic. Since the concrete roof of the house is in very poor condition, one of the proposals was about its coating corrugated sheet steel, which prevents water from entering the heat insulation material.

The situation with the external system of central heating, the seminar participants called Critical. The pipes of the heat plane passing over the surface are not insufficiently insulated, resulting in 46% of thermal energy produced by the boiler room, which is located 3.5 km from the house. There were various solutions to minimize these losses, their pros and cons were discussed. Among the options - repair and thermal insulation of the central heating system; Installation of gas boiler room service; Installing a gas boiler for each house.

Among other suggestions that can increase the energy efficiency of the house are the thermal insulation of the outer walls with a 10-centimeter polystyrene layer, the installation of a plastic grid, application of 2 layers of plaster, primer, painting, which will ensure about 60% of heat saving. New windows, PVC frames, double double glazed windows - about 38% savings. The thermal insulation of brick and concrete walls of balconies is 90% savings, and the installation of new windows on the balconies is 58% of savings and so on.

Energy Efficiency Events will help improve the technical condition of the house, will increase its market value. In this regard, the possibility of the possibility of the equity participation of residents in the energy reconstruction of the house was discussed. After all, the means embedded with them will be able to return to reduction of heating costs. The proposed activities to improve the energy efficiency of the house can serve as a good benefit for high-rise buildings in a similar position.

The second stage of project implementation involves the reconstruction of the house using the proposed solutions. As for financing, according to project specialists, ESIB does not contain an investment budget, but can work with international financial institutions, other structures to attract funds to the implementation of energy saving activities.

Irina Grebenyuk

The technology of arrangement of walls and the choice of insulation system is perhaps the most discussion questions in low-rise construction. The super deska addressed the authoritative recommendation for increasing the energy efficiency of the walls to the head of the Technical Department "TEPROVER" LLC NPP Ukrvermikulit Vladimir Dubrov.

Vladimir Dubrov
Head of Technical Department
Specialist "TEPROVER" LLC NPP Ukrvermiculitis

Wall insulation requirements

In Ukraine, the heat engineering characteristics of the enclosing structures are determined by the construction norms of DBN B-2.7-31: 2016. The standard establishes the minimum requirements for the meaning of the heat transfer resistance of walls, overlap, doors, windows, etc. Recently, these norms are increasingly revising, and it is obvious that in the future they will approach the European level. For example, in Europe, where the course has long been proclaimed for improving the energy efficiency of buildings, the minimum heat transfer resistance (R, M2K / W coefficient) of the walls is: in Latvia - 4, in Lithuania - 5, in Switzerland - 5, in Norway - 5.5.

Choosing the thickness and device of the walls, you need to try to reduce energy costs during the entire period of operation of the house. It is this factor for European consumers often becomes decisive when choosing housing or an object of investment. It is possible to achieve the minimum level of energy consumption using innovative materials and quality control of work at all stages of construction.

The warm house is better to build from energy-efficient blocks of sufficient thickness so that the main role in the maintenance of heat playing the carrier wall is played, and the insulation system was a supplement. It is not worth eating the walls of heavy materials, and then insulating them with an infinite layer of thermal insulation. For energy-efficient construction on the market there are wall ceramic and aerated concrete blocks that comply with the current construction standards.

Why it is important to warm the walls of the house

People who want to invest in the future should take care that their home has received a higher class of energy efficiency. Therefore, the facade is still better to supplement the insulation system, which will increase the heat resistance of the walls, reduce the cost of heating and protect the walls themselves. Can be used:

  • wet insulation systems based on polystyrene foam and basalt wool;
  • systems of hinged ventilated facades;
  • insulation systems with thermal insulation mixtures.

For energy-efficient blocks, materials with high vapor permeability will be suitable. When using them, the wall will be able to "breathe" and remain dry over the entire period of operation. As a heater, it is worth choosing safe, non-combustible and eco-friendly materials, such as basalt wool and thermal insulation mixtures. Another major factor in the choice of insulation system is the term of efficient operation and durability of the system. By the way, the manufacturer gives 25 years warranty to the Word.

Controlling the correct installation of the insulation system is equally important, because even the best material with an illiterate approach will not be effective. A reliable result can provide a certified brigade from the manufacturer's plant and a weighted approach when choosing other performers.

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