Recalculate m3 in Gkal. How to translate gigaklora to cubic meters. Why it is necessary

Fighting pests 20.05.2021
Fighting pests

Each, at least indirectly, is familiar with such a concept as "calorie". What is it and what is it needed for? What exactly does it mean? Such questions arise, especially if it is necessary to increase it to kilocalories, megaclorian or gigaklorius, or translate to other values, such as Gkal in kW.

What is calorie

Calodie is not included in the international measurement system of metric values, however, this concept is widely used to designate the amount of dedicated energy. It indicates how much energy should be spent on heating 1 g of water so that this volume increases the temperature by 1 ° C under standard conditions.

There are 3 generally accepted designations, each of which is used depending on the area:

  • The international importance of calories, which is 4.1868 J (Joule), and is indicated as "Cal" in the Russian Federation and CAL - in the world;
  • In thermochemistry - relative value, approximately equal to 4,1840 J with the Russian designation of Cal TX and the World - Cal Th;
  • The 15-degree calorie indicator is approximately 4.1855 J, which is known in Russia as "Cal 15", and in the world - Cal 15.

Initially, calories were used to find the amount of heat allocated in the production of fuel energy. Subsequently, this magnitude began to use to calculate the amount of energy spent by the athlete when performing any physical activity, since the same physical laws are applicable in these actions.

Since fuel is needed to release heat, then, by analogy with heat efficient in plain life, "refueling" is also needed to generate energy to produce energy, which people are taking regularly.

A person receives a certain amount of calories, depending on which product used.

The more calories in the form of food a person got, the more he gets energy for sports. However, people do not always consume the amount of calories, which is necessary to maintain the life processes of the organism in the norm and performing physical exertion. As a result, some losing weight (with a deficiency of calories), while others are gaining weight.

Calorie is the amount of energy obtained by a person as a result of absorption of a product

Based on this theory, many principles of diets and healthy nutrition rules are built. The optimal amount of energy and macronutrients, which are necessary for a person per day, can be calculated in accordance with the formulas of famous nutritionists (Harris-Benedict, Miffline-San Schore) using standard parameters:

  • Age;
  • Height;
  • An example of daily activity;
  • Lifestyle.

These data can be used by changing them for itself - for painless weight loss, it is enough to create a deficiency of 15-20% of the daily calorie content, and for a healthy set of mass - a similar surplus.

What is gigaklorine, and how much calories in it

The concept of gigaklorine is most often found in the documents of the heat efficiency. This magnitude can be found in receipts, notifications, payments for heating and hot water.

It denotes the same as calorie, but in more volume, as evidenced by the gig's prefix. Gkal determines that the initial value was multiplied by 10 9. In simple language: in 1 gigakloria - 1 billion calories.

Like calorie, gigaklorine does not apply to the metric system of physical quantities.

The table below shows the comparison of values:

The need to use GKAL is due to the fact that when the volume of the water, which is necessary for heating and domestic needs of the population, even 1 residential building is highlighted with a graded amount of energy. Writing numbers denoting it in documents in the calorie format for too long and inconvenient.

Such a magnitude as gigacalria can be found in the deployment of heating documents

It can be represented how much energy is spent during the heating season on an industrial scale: when heating 1 quarter, district, cities, countries.

Gkal and Gkal / H: What is the difference

If it is necessary to calculate the payment by the consumer of the services of state heat energy (home heating, hot water), this value is used as Gkal / h. It refers to the binding to time - how many gigacalories are spent when heated during this period of time. Sometimes it is also replaced with gkal / m 3 (how much energy is needed to transfer heat to the cubic meter of water).

Q \u003d V * (T1 - T2) / 1000, where

  • V - the volume of fluid consumption in cubic meters / tons;
  • T1 - the temperature of the accommodated hot liquid, which is measured in degrees Celsius;
  • T2 - the temperature of the received cold liquid by analogy with the previous indicator;
  • 1000 is an auxiliary coefficient that simplifies calculations, eliminating numbers in the tenth discharge (automatically translates the kcal in Gcal).

This formula is often used to build the principle of operation of heat meters on private apartments, houses or enterprises. This measure is necessary with a sharp increase in the cost of this communal service, especially when the calculations are summarized from the calculation on the area / volume of the room, which is heated.

In the event that an indoor system is installed in the room (the hot liquid is poured into it a one-time without additional water intake), the formula is modified:

Q \u003d ((V1 * (T1 - T2)) - (V2 * (T2 - T))) / 1000, where

  • Q - the number of thermal energy;
  • V1 - the volume of the consumable heat substance (water / gas) in the pipeline through which it enters the system;
  • V2 - the volume of thermal substance in the pipeline by which it returns back;
  • T1 - temperature in degrees Celsius in the pipeline at the entrance;
  • T2 - temperature in degrees Goal in the exit pipeline;
  • T - cold water temperature;
  • 1000 - auxiliary coefficient.

This formula is based on the difference in the input and outlet of the coolant indoor.

Depending on the use of a source of energy, as well as the type of heat substance (water, gas), alternative formulas are also used:

  1. Q \u003d ((V1 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T2 - T)) / 1000
  2. Q \u003d ((V2 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T1 - T)) / 1000

In addition, the formula changes if electrical devices are included in the system (for example, heated floors).

How gkal for hot water and heating are calculated

Heating is calculated by formulas similar to the formulas of finding the value of GKAL / h.

Exemplary payment calculation formula for warm water in residential areas:

P i gv \u003d V i gv * t x gv + (v V cr * v i gv / σ v i gv * t v kr)

Values \u200b\u200bused:

  • P I GW - the desired value;
  • V i gv - the amount of hot water consumption for a certain time interval;
  • T x gv - installed tariff fee for hot water supply;
  • V V gv - the volume of energy spent by the company that deals with its heating and supply to residential / non-residential premises;
  • Σ v i gv - the sum of the consumption of warm water in all rooms of the house, which calculates;
  • T V GV - a tariff fee for thermal energy.

This formula does not take into account atmospheric pressure, since it does not significantly affect the final desired value.

The formula is approximate and not suitable for self-calculation without prior consultation. Before using it, you need to contact local utilities to clarify and adjust - maybe they use other parameters and formulas for calculating.

Calculation of the size of the heating fee is very important, since often impressive amounts are not justified

The result of calculations depends not only on the relative temperature values \u200b\u200b- it is directly affected by the tariffs established by the Government for the consumption of hot water supply and heating of premises.

The computing process is greatly simplified if you install a heating meter on an apartment, an entrance or a residential building.

It should be borne in mind that even the most accurate counters may allow error when calculating. It can also be determined by the formula:

E \u003d 100 * ((V1 - V2) / (V1 + v2))

The following indicators are used in the presented formula:

  • E - error;
  • V1 - the volume of hot water consumed during admission;
  • V2 - consumed hot water at the exit;
  • 100 - auxiliary coefficient that transforms the result in interest.

In accordance with the requirements, the average value of the estimation of the calculated device is about 1%, and the maximum allowable - 2%.

Video: An example of calculating heating fees

How to translate Gkal to kW / h and gkal / h to kW

Various metric values \u200b\u200bindicate various metric values \u200b\u200bon various thermal power industry. Thus, kilowatt and kilowatt per hour are specified on heating boilers and heaters. At countable devices (meters), Gkal is more common. The difference in values \u200b\u200bprevents the correct calculation of the desired value by the formula.

To facilitate the calculated process, you must learn to translate one value to another and vice versa. Since values \u200b\u200bare constant, it is simple - 1 Gcal / h is equal to 1162,7907 kW.

If the value is presented in megawatts, it can be translated back to Gcal / h, multiplying for a constant value of 0.85984.

Below are auxiliary tables that allow you to quickly translate the values \u200b\u200bfrom one to another:

GkalkW / ch
1 1163
2 2326
3 3489
4 4652
5 5815
10 11630
15 85,984
500 000 429,9226
1 000 000 859,8452

Using Table data will greatly simplify the process of calculating the cost of thermal energy. In addition, to simplify actions, you can use one of the online converters proposed on the Internet, transforming physical quantities one to another.

Independent calculation of energy consumed in gigaculariums will allow the owner of a residential / non-residential premises to control the cost of utilities, as well as the work of utilities. Through simple calculations, it is possible to verify the results with similar in the received payment receipts and contact the relevant authorities in the case of the difference difference.

Since July 1, 2014, according to the order of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region No. 8-p dated 07.02.2014, "On the establishment of tariffs for drinking water, hot water and water disposal for organizations of water supply and sewage and organizations engaged in hot water supply" Communal service Hot water supply is calculated based on 2 components:

- component for cold water (m3);

- component for thermal energy (Gcal.)

DHW \u003d Q / VB) * VKV. + VKV. * RF tariff;

Q is the total volume of thermal energy;

Vost. - total amount of DHW;

VKV. - Apartment volume of DHW;


For June 2014, the house has consumed 176.94 cubic meters. M GWS

The volume of thermal energy required for heating the above volume of 15.8 Gcal.

Cost 1 Gcal: 2033,90 rubles.

The standing is calculated on the heated 1 cubic meters. Mp: 15.8 / 176.94 \u003d 0.089295 Gcal / m3

Apartment x Consis for June 3 cubic meters. m. GVS.

0.267885 Gcal. * 2033.90 rubles / Gcal. \u003d 544.85 rubles - the amount translated from heating 3 cu. m. GVS.

Cost HPV: 3 * 33,46 \u003d 100.39 rubles.

We find a total amount for 3 cubic meters. M: 100,39 rub. + 544.85 rub \u003d 645.24 rub

Cost 1 cubic. DHW will be equal: 645.24 rubles. / 3 \u003d 215.08 rubles. Cost 1 cubic shopping

Taking thermal conductivity when combustion of gas according to the Directory: 9080 kcal / cube. m, we calculate that the production of one gigaklorine goes smooth 110.13 cubic meters.

Wholesale prices for natural gas in 2012

Explaining the calculation of the size of the cost of hot water using the two-line tariff.

in the Leningrad region 3406 rubles. For 1000 m3:
110.13 m3 - x rubles. x \u003d 110,13 * 3406/1000
1000 m3 - 3406 rub. x \u003d 375 rub.

That is, the production of 1 Gcal need to spend gas for 375 rubles.

And in the calculations of the MUE "BTS" gas should be spent on 758.25 rub.
In the calculations of the Bugrovsky administration - on 801,81 rub.

Question: Why does the local administration and resource-supplying organization have such different calculations of the same tariff for heating? (1781.80 rubles. For 1 Gcal)?

More task in physics Grade 8

On heating 1m3 cold water from 15 to 65 degrees by C, residents of p. Bougra turns out that it is necessary to spend 9.41 m3 Natural gas, and in the analysis of MUP "BTS" 15 m3..

W \u003d C * V (T1-T2), where

C is the specific water heat capacity equal to 4.19 kJ. This indicator means that for heating 1 kg of water for 1 degree, it is necessary to spend the amount of heat energy equal to 4,19k.

V is the amount of water heated. 1 m3 contains 1000 kg of water.

T1 - the temperature to which water is heated. In this case, 65 degrees Celsius.

T2 temperature with water heats up. In the case under consideration, 15 degrees Celsius.

W \u003d 4.19 * 1000 * (65-15) \u003d 209500 kJ \u003d 209.5 MJ

Thus, for heating 1 m3 of water from 15 degrees to 65 degrees Celsius, 209.5 MJ of thermal energy will be spent.

For a gas heater, the maximum efficiency may be 85% (taking into account the high combustion temperature and the heat loss accompanying). The real efficiency of the gas columns is 70%. That is, in ideal conditions for heating a cubic meter of water, natural gas should be spent:

209.5 MJ: 0.85 \u003d 246.5 MJ

Practical consumption will be

209.5 MJ: 0.7 \u003d 299.3 MJ

The specific heat combustion of gas according to GOST 5542-87 is 31.8 MJ / m3.
Therefore, for heating a cubic meter of water in ideal conditions it is necessary to spend:

246.5 MJ: 31.8 MJ / M3 \u003d 8.32 m3 of natural gas

Practical consumption will be:
299.3 MJ: 31.8 MJ / M3 \u003d 9.41 m3 of natural gas

In comparative analysis of the MUE "BTS" consumption amounted to about 15 m3 of Natural Gas * (52,13 rubles.)
* The calculation is made on the basis of wholesale prices for natural gas in Lo in 2012: 3406 rubles. For 1000 m3.

But my calculations are true if the water is warm from 15 degrees of heat to 65 degrees (water temperature in hot crane).

And from what temperature will our MUE "BTS" warm water? "S -15!"

Minus 15 degrees is the average annual temperature on the Taimyr Peninsula.

We "live in the conditions of permafrost, on the pole of cold! That is, we have all year round temperatures of cold water (ice) in the pipes underground minus 15 degrees! " And if under Earth -15, what kind of air temperature?

Water turns into ice already at 0 degrees, and when freezing, the ice expands and the pipes are bursting. Now it is clear why in the fights all the time the land is digging and the pipes change.
Officials Physics, in general, did not study at school! Just apocalypse!

Calculation of utility tariffs MUP "BTS" - Economist Chulkov

Studently different calculation of the same tariffs of the LCA local administration

⇐ Previous12

Calculation of the cost of heating and DHW services

2017 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2017:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rub. / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 14,6095 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d $ 39,0048. / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 44,3347 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d 256.80 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply in the DHW Council in 2017:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. m.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 56,5691rub. / Cube. M.

2016 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2016:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. m:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 14,2810 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 38,5595 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2016:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,16 руб. / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2016:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. M.

2015 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2015:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. m:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. M * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 12,0841 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 37,6924 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2015:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,1608 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2015:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic.

m of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2014:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. m:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 11,4000 rubles / sq.m

october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,8941 rubles / sq. M.

november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2014:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gcal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2014:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2013:

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq.m
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 10,3826 rubles / sq.m
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 30,0886 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2013:

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180,4184 rub. / person.
  • july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gcal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHS meter in 2013:

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube.

    How to calculate the normative consumption of GKAL to heated cubic meters. Hot water (DHW)?

    m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.

  • july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2012:

Heating Consumption Number * Tariff for thermal energy (Supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M.

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 27,3578 rubles / sq. M.
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 9,1193 rubles / sq. M.
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 27,4032 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq. M.

Calculation of the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person in 2012:

DHW consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january - June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 158.47 rubles / person.
  • july - August 0,2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 792,47 rub. / Gcal \u003d 168.00 rubles / person.
  • september - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180.42 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the cost of hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2012:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d The cost of the heated service is 1 cu. M.

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 34,9073 rubles / cubic meter. M.
  • july - August 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 792,47 rub. / Gkal \u003d 37,0083 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • september-Pectery 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.

How much is it necessary to heighten the water cube in the boiler of indirect heating?

Fuel consumption for heating

Consumers heating their greenhouses, shops, houses and other premises are interested in fuel consumption.

To accurately calculate the flow of firewood, it is necessary to take into account the wood breed, humidity and other components.

Table.1.Heat combustion of various fuels (average values).

Comparative fuel consumption for heating

For the heating of the room 100 m² (more precisely 300 m³), \u200b\u200bthere are 20 gigakallaries of thermal energy for the heating season, regardless of the type of fuel (firewood, gas, coal, pellets and other fuels).

Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers produce 1 gkal burning - 312 kg of firewood.
Pellet boilers for obtaining 1 Gcal of pellets burned - 222 kg.
In the coal boiler for obtaining 1 Gcal of anthracite, it is necessary to download - 143 kg.
Gas boiler for obtaining 1 Gcal will burn - 119 m3 of natural gas.

Table.2.Table of the required amount of fuel per season

Calculations are made for a normal warmed room in the climatic zone of Moscow.

According to Resolution No. 1149 of the Government of the Russian Federation (from November 8, 2012), the calculation of the cost of hot water is carried out according to a two-component rate with closed and with open heat supply systems:

  • in open - using components for heat carrier and for thermal energy (according to Art.

    How much gkal in 1 cubic meter hot water.

    9 p. 5 of FZ No. 190);

  • in closed - using components for cold water and for thermal energy (according to Art. 32 p. 9 of FZ No. 416).

The format of accounts with the division of the service for two lines was changed: the cost of DHW (in tons) and thermal energy - Q. To this, the DHW tariff (hot water supply) was calculated for 1 m 3, including the value of this volume of cold water and thermal energy, spent on its heating.

Dependence of the order of calculation

Depending on the price of components, the calculated value of 1 m 3 of hot water supply is determined. For calculation, consumption standards operating in the territory of the municipality are used.

The procedure for calculating the cost of hot water on the meter depends on:

  • type of heat supply system at home,
  • the presence (absence) of a general-friendly device, its technical characteristics defining whether it can distribute q to the needs of water supply and heating,
  • availability (lack) of individual devices,
  • suppliers of thermal energy and coolant.

Separation on the price per cubic meter and heating costs, among other things, should stimulate the management companies serving the hillophund, fight straight heat lines - to warm the risers. For owners, two-component charges means that the fee for 1 m 3 of hot water can vary relative to the normative in case of exceeding the flow Q in fact.

Apartment houses without household flow meters

The amount Q for heating 1 m 3 of hot water is determined according to the recommendations of the State Committee on Tariffs, according to which the volume of thermal energy is calculated by the formula: Q \u003d C * p * (T1- T2) * (1 + K).

In this formula for cubic meters consumed, the coefficient of heat loss on the pipelines of the centralized DHW is taken into account.

Based on this, in the following example, the volume of thermal energy will be:

Q \u003d 1 * 10-6 Gcal / kg * 1ºC * 983.18 kgf / m3 * 53,5 ° C * (0.35 + 1) \u003d 0.07 Gcal / m³

Its cost for 1 m 3:

1150 rub. / Gcal (Tariff DHW) * 0.07 Gcal / m³ \u003d 81,66 rub. / M³

Tariff for DHW:

16,89 руб. / M³ (Component Hall) + 81,66 руб. / M³ \u003d 98,55 руб. / M³

Example number 2 of calculation without taking into account the heat loss coefficient on centralized pipelines for one person (without an individual water meter):

0.199 (Gcal - DHW consumption rate per person) * 1540 (rub.

- Cost 1 Gcal) + 3.6 (m 3 - Consumption ratio of DHW consumption per person) * 24 (rub.

- Cost M 3) \u003d 392.86 rubles.

Apartment houses with house flow meters

The actual payment of hot water in house-equipped houses will change monthly, depending on the volumetric indicators of thermal energy (1 m 3), which, in turn, depend on:

  • quality of operation of the instrument of accounting,
  • heat loss in hot water networks,
  • excess of the supply of heat carrier
  • degree of setting optimal flow Q and others.

In the presence of individual and communication devices, the payment of the DHW is calculated according to the following algorithm:

  1. The readings of the house flow meter are removed by two indicators: a - the amount of thermal energy and in the amount of water.
  2. The amount of thermal energy spent on 1 m 3 of the coolant is calculated, by dividing A on B \u003d C.
  3. The readings of the apartment waters in M \u200b\u200b3 are removed, which is multiplied by the result with to obtain the size Q for the apartment (value D).
  4. The value D is multiplied by the tariff.
  5. The component is added to heating the coolant.

An example when consuming 3 m 3 in the apartment meter:

At the same time, if it is difficult to influence the results of general awareness with the forces of one apartment, then the readings of individual water meters can be influenced by legal methods, for example, using the installation of water economists:

How to translate gkal in cube m

With the accrual of monthly payments for heating and burning water, confusion appears often. Let's say if there is a general-friendly heat meter in an apartment building, then the calculation with the Contractor of the Heat Energy is carried out for consumed gigaclorai (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for burning water for tenants is traditionally established in rubles per cubic meter (M3). In order to deal with payments, a beneficial to be able to translate Gcal to the cubic meters.


1. It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in the gigacularities, and the volume of water, the one that is measured in cubic meters is ideally different physical quantities. This is a testimo from the course of high school physics. Incidentally, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigaclores in cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the number of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of the obtained burning water.

2. By definition, calorie is the number of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water for 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities, is a billion calories. 1 meter 100 centimeters, in effect, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, in order to heat the water cube by 1 degree, it will take a million calorie or 0.001 Gcal.

3. The temperature of the beaky water, current from the crane, should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will need 0.05 Gcal. However, when the water flows, the heat loss, and the number of energy spent on the provision of DHW, will appear in reality in reality, are inevitably appeared. The average standard of thermal energy consumption for acquiring a cube of burning water is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

4. Let's see an easy example.

Since January 1, the procedure for calculating the heat and hot water has been changed

Let them go to the inter-drinking period when everything is warm only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal for the month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, were consumed by 30 cubic metering water. They are brought to them 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person is brought 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Transferring Gkal to M3, we obtain the consumption of the beak water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person.

Returning to the topic, where the debt comes from.

From the site printed a report on your home for 2010-2011.

I saw oddities: for 2010 there are no house debts, although I counted about 80 thousand rubles not by payment documents, but on behalf of the dispensary of the District of Yakimanka.

This report indicates general testimony only on cold water. So, hot water is heated in the basement through a cumulative water heating device, which I used to be mentioned before, but I did not attach importance to your naivety. At the same time, this report does not specify the rate for the reporting period, indications of the water metering counters are not indicated. And as I think it is a serious violation.

But already in the report for 2011, arrears of common property appears. And the deviation is 94.62%. What does all of this mean?.

And the deso district of Yakimanka Moscow has something to hide. After all, they are fined at 295 thousand rubles, of which only 70 thousand paid. What source will they cover the remaining 225 thousand rubles a fine? Of course, from the pockets of residents who will be subject to contrived debt of dubious origin.

I will give regulatory and legal acts that regulate the relationship between heat supply (heating) organizations and consumers in the field of heat supply:

- "Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two)" of January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ;

Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 188-FZ;

Federal Law "On Heat supply" of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ;

- "Rules for taking into account thermal energy and coolant" (approved. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 12.09.1995 No. VK-4936) (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 25.09.1995 No. 954);

- "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power installations" (approved. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation 24.03.2003 No. 115);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2000 No. 294 "On approval of the procedure for calculations for thermal energy and natural gas" (as amended from 10/17/2009);

- "Rules of establishing and changing (revision) of heat loads" (approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation 28.12.2009 No. 610);

Federal Law "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" No. 261-FZ No. 261-FZ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2004 No. 109 "On the pricing for electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation";

Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1995 No. 147- FZ "On Natural Monopolies";

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 21.11.1996 No. 129-FZ "On Accounting";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.02.2004. No. 109 "On pricing for electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.07.1998 No. 700 "On the introduction of separate accounting of costs for regulated activities in the energy sector";

Order of the Federal Service for Tariffs from 06.08.2004. № 20-Э / 2 "On approval of methodological instructions on the calculation of regulated tariffs and prices for electrical (thermal) energy on a retail (consumer) market";

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 06.10.2008 No. 106 "On Approval of Accounting Regulations";

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 31.10.2000 No. 94n "On approval of an accounting account plan for financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use";

Order of the FST of Russia of December 26, 2011. N 824-E "On the introduction of changes and additions to the Regulations for the Consideration of Effects for Tariffs and (or) their limit levels on electric (thermal) energy (power) and services provided on the wholesale and retail markets of electrical (thermal) energy (power ) ".

These are not all given regulations. The deputies of their duplicate laws are trying to drive crazy.

I propose to see together in these wisdom formulas and reports. Common efforts will be able to convince our thoughtless government to stop increasing tariffs for housing and communal services, savings on the new rules will once again go into the pockets of management companies.

In this case, there is a simpler formula for calculating the transfer from GKAL. In the cubic meters, which we will analyze on the simplest example, which we can insert into formulas of the new rules 354.

How to translate Gkal in cubic meters.

When accrued monthly payments for heating and hot water, confusion often arises. For example, if an apartment building is a common heat meter, then the calculation with the heat energy supplier is carried out for consumed gigakloria (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for hot water for tenants is usually installed in rubles per cubic meter (M3). To deal with payments, it is useful to be able to translate Gkal to cubic meters.


It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigacalories to cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained.

By definition, calorie is the amount of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water to 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities is a billion calories. In 1 meter, 100 centimeters, therefore, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from the crane should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal. However, when water flows, heat loss, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW will inevitably occur in the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on 20% more. The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

Consider a simple example. Let it be in the interwoofer when all heat goes only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal per month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, spent 30 cubic meters of hot water. They account for 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person accounts for 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Translating Gkal in m3, we obtain consumption of hot water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person.

But for this calculation, we need to know the testimony of languid heat meters, the testimony of individual water metering devices, as well as the number of prescribed persons who have no IPU.

But this data is not able to get this, because they are closed from tenants for seven seals.

By the way, in printed reports, I did not see square meters per legal entities in our house. It suggests that the report is unreliable, which must be subjected to prosecutor's check.

The procedure procedure with examples in the regulatory documents of Moscow is very well outlined:

The procedure for payment by residents of accounts for cold and hot water according to the readings of apartment depreciation devices available on weekends in the consultant's database;

The procedure for organizing the consumption of consumption of cold and hot water on general and apartment metering devices.

And I have no doubt that the majority does not know about the decree of the Moscow Government dated May 29, 2007 No. 406-PP (as amended on 12/28/2010) "On measures to further stimulate water consumption saving in the housing stock of Moscow. According to this regulatory act, management companies from the budget receive premium cash. Here's how the management companies are fought, accumulating through the courts of debt, which economically can not substantiate, except for bribing the judge.

Most of all in the frosty winter months, all people are waiting for the New Year, and the least - receipts for heating. Especially they do not like their inhabitants of apartment buildings, which themselves do not have the ability to control the amount of incoming heat, and often the bills for it are simply fantastic. In most cases, in such documents, a GKAL is standing as a measurement unit that is decoded as "gigakloria". Let's find out what it is, how to calculate gigakloria and translate to other units.

What is called Caloria

Supporters of a healthy nutrition or those who are stiguously watching their weight, is familiar to such a thing as calorie. This word means the amount of energy obtained as a result of processing the organism of eaten food, which must be used, otherwise the person will start recovering.

Nor paradoxically, but the same value is used to measure the amount of thermal energy used for heating rooms.

As a reduction, this value is indicated as "Cal", or in English CAL.

In the metric measurement system, the equivalent of calorie is the Joule. So, 1 cal \u003d 4.2 J.

Calorie value for man life

In addition to the development of various diets for weight loss, this unit is used to measure energy, work and heat. In this regard, such concepts as "calorieness" is common - that is, the heat of the combustable fuel.

In most developed states, when calculating heating, people have been paying no longer due to the amount of gas cubic meters (if it is gas), namely for its caloric content. In other words, the consumer pays for the quality of the fuel used: the higher it is, the smaller the gas will have to be consumed for heating. This practice reduces the ability to dilute the substance used by other, cheaper and less calorie compounds.

Gigakloria is what is and how much calories in it?

As it is clear from the definition, the size of 1 calorie is small. For this reason, it is not used for the calculation of large quantities, especially in energy, it is not used. Instead, it consists of such a concept as gigaklorine. This is a value of 10 9 calories, and it is written in the form of a reduction of "GKAL". It turns out that in one gigaklorine one billion calories.

In addition to this size, a slightly smaller - kcal (kilocaloria) is sometimes used. It places 1000 feces. Thus, we can assume that one gigaklorine is a million kilocalorium.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes kilocaloria is recorded simply as "cal". Because of this, confusion arises, and in separate sources it is indicated that in 1 Gcal - 1,000,000 kal, although in reality it is about 1,000,000 kcal.

Gecalora and Gigakloria

In most cases, the energy sector is used as a unit of measuring GKAL, but it is often confused with such a concept as "hekaclorine" (it is hectocaloria).

In this regard, the reduction of "GKAL" some people decipher as "hekaklorine" or "hectocaloria". However, it is incorrect. In fact, the above-mentioned units of measurement does not exist, and the use of them in speech is the result of illiteracy, and nothing more.

Gigakloria and gigakloria / hour: what's the difference

In addition to the fictional value under consideration, in receipts, it is sometimes encountered such a reduction as "Gcal / Hour". What does it mean and what is different from ordinary gigakloria?

This unit of measure shows how much energy was used in one hour.

While just gigaklorine is the value of measuring the consumed heat for an indefinite period of time. Only from the consumer depends on which time frames will be indicated in this category.

Significantly less often is the reduction of Gkal / M 3. It means how much gigacalories should be used to heat one cubic meter of the substance.

Gigaclorian formula

Having considered the definition of the learned value, it is necessary to finally find out how to calculate how many gigacalories are used to heat the room in the heating season.

For particularly lazy people, there is a mass of online resources on the Internet, where specially programmed calculators are presented. It is enough to introduce their numeric data in them - and they themselves calculate the number of consumed gigacloe.

However, it would be nice to be able to do it yourself. For this there are several options for formula. The most simple and understandable among them is as follows:

Thermal energy (gkal / hour) \u003d (M 1 x (t 1 -T, KH)) - (m 2 x (t 2 -T KH)) / 1000, where:

  • M 1 is the mass of the heat transfer substance, which is served on the pipeline. Measured in tons.
  • M 2 is the mass of the heat transfer substance returning through the pipeline.
  • T 1 - The temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline is measured in Celsiys.
  • T 2 - The temperature of the coolant in the returning back.
  • T H-temperature of a cold source (water). It is usually equal to five because it is precisely such a minimum water temperature in the pipeline.

Why housing and utilities in calculations for heating are overestimated by the amount of energy spent

Conducting its own calculations, it is worth paying attention to the fact that housing and communal services are slightly overestimated by thermal energy consumption standards. The opinion that they are trying to additionally at this in addition, erroneously. After all, the cost of 1 Gcal includes maintenance, salaries, and taxes, and additional profits. Such a "allowance" is connected with the fact that during the transport of hot liquid in the pipeline during the cold season, it tends to cool, that is, there are inevitable heat loss.

In numbers it looks like this. According to regulations, the water temperature in pipes for heating should be at least +55 ° C. And if you consider that the minimum T water in power systems is +5 ° C, then it is necessary to heat it by 50 degrees. It turns out that 0.05 Gcal is used for each cubic meter. However, to compensate for the heat loss, this coefficient is overestimated to 0.059 Gcal.

Gkal translation to kW / hour

Thermal energy can be measured in various units, but in the official documentation from housing and communal services, it is calculated in GKAL. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to translate other units in the gigakloria.

The easiest way to do this when the ratio of these values \u200b\u200bis known. For example, it is worth considering watts (W), in which the energy power of most boilers or heaters is measured.

Before considering the translation into this amount of Gkal, it is worth remembering that, like Caloriya, Watt is small. Therefore, it is more common to use kW (1 kilowatt, equal to 1000 watts) or MW (1 megawatt equals 1000,000 watts).

In addition, it is important to remember that the power is measured in WT (kW, MW), but for calculating the number of consumed / manufactured electricity, it is used in connection with this not the transfer of gigacalories into kilowatts, but the translation of GKAL to kW / h.

How to do it? In order not to suffer with formulas, it is worth remembering the "magical" number 1163. It is so much kilowatt of energy needs to be spent in an hour to get one gigacalria. In practice, when translating from one unit of measurement to another, you simply need to multiply the amount of Gcal at 1163.

For example, let's transfer 0.05 Gcal to kW / hour, which is necessary for heating one cubic meter of water by 50 ° C. It turns out: 0.05 x 1163 \u003d 58.15 kW / hour. These calculations will especially help those who reflect on changing gas heating to a more environmentally friendly and economical electric.

If we are talking about huge volumes, you can not translate into kilowatts, but in megawatts. In this case, multiply needed not at 1163, but by 1,163, since 1 MW \u003d 1000 kW. Or just split the result received in kilowatts per thousand.

Translation to Gkal

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the reverse process, that is, to calculate how much Gcal is contained in one kW / hour.

When transferring in gigaculory, the number of kilowatt-hours must be multiplied by another "magic" number - 0.00086.

The correctness of this can be checked if you take data from the previous example.

So, it was calculated that 0.05 Gcal \u003d 58.15 kW / hour. Now it is necessary to take this result and multiply it by 0.00086: 58.15 x 0.00086 \u003d 0.050009. Despite the slight difference, it almost completely coincides with the source data.

As in previous calculations, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when working with particularly large volumes it will be necessary to translate not kilowatts, but megawatts in gigakloria.

How is it done? In this case, again it is necessary to take into account that 1 MW \u003d 1000 kW. Based on this, the comma on three scratch moves in the "magic" number, and voila, it turns out 0.86. It is on it that needs to be multiplied to carry out the translation.

By the way, a small inconsistency in the responses is related to the fact that the coefficient of 0.86 is a rounded version of the number of 0.859845. Of course, for more accurate calculations it is worth using them. However, if we are talking only about the number of energy used for the heating of an apartment or a house - it is better to simplify.

When accrued monthly payments for heating and hot water, confusion often arises. For example, if an apartment building is a common heat meter, then the calculation with the heat energy supplier is carried out for consumed gigakloria (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for hot water for tenants is usually installed in rubles per cubic meter (M3). To deal with payments, it is useful to be able to translate Gkal to cubic meters.


It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, it is not about the gigacalories in the cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained.

By definition, calorie is the amount of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water to 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities is a billion calories. In 1 meter, 100 centimeters, therefore, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from the crane should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal. However, when water flows, heat loss, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW will inevitably occur in the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on 20% more. The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

Consider a simple example. Let it be in the interwoofer when all heat goes only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal per month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, spent 30 cubic meters of hot water. They account for 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person accounts for 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Gkal in m3, we obtain the consumption of hot water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person.

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